4 Mohan
4 Mohan
4 Mohan
57 | P a g e
There are two general approaches for risk management of bank or
any other type of firm. First one is risk aggregation which will be
covering through simply diversification and second one is Risk
disintegration which consist of finding risk covering process and
dealing with each one by one.
Early researches on the determinants of credit risk had mainly
focused on conventional banking credit hazard control in particular
in developed nations (Berger & DeYoung, 1997; Berger & Udell,
1990). As an instance, (Febianto ,2012) carried out a library-primarily
based studies analysis, and Abedifar, Molyneux, and (Tarazi ,2012)
did an empirical analysis on 24 agency of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
nations. This paper goals to look at the key components of credit risk of
Islamic banks in Malaysia by presenting Islamic financing sorts and
ownership frame factors. Malaysia has been chosen on the
grounds that the example us of an in light of its job inside the
worldwide Islamic managing an account venture. Given that at that
point, the scope of Islamic Banking products has extended with the
execution of interest free Banking Scheme in 1993. This scheme
allowed commercial banks to provide Shariah-accredited products
through Islamic home windows. Islamic banking structure in
Malaysia procured hearty help from the specialists, and as on the
end of 2014 there were 8 totally fledged Islamic banks and 5
worldwide Islamic banks working inside the nation.
1.2 Overview of Target Population
Malaysia Banking industry consist of both conventional and Islamic
banking system. This study is solely on Islamic banks so our target
population is 13 Islamic banks of Malaysia which providing Islamic
banking services in Malaysia. We collect data from year 2005 to 2017.
1.3 Research Objectives
Malaysia is an Islamic country and there is a lot of customers which
reluctant to use conventional banking system. There are following
research objectives which given below:
1. Contribute for growing Islamic banking system in Malaysia
2. Provide helping to those customers to use Islamic banking
services which are not agree to use conventional banking
58 | P a g e
3. Through this research study conventional banking system
will get motivation to moving Islamic banking system
through managing their credit risk.
1.4 Significance of the Study
As we know that Malaysia Banking industry consist of both Islamic
and conventional Banking system. They have to serve same
customer with both services. It’s important for banking industry to
know how they have managed credit risk in conventional as well as
Islamic Banking system. This research will indicate how they have
to manage credit risk in Islamic banking industry of Malaysia. If
Islamic banking industry management not fully aware of credit risk
management, it can be result insolvency of Banks.
59 | P a g e
Mostly studies suggest that there are strands of writing on the
components that drive chances of credit. The most extreme
mainstream strand demonstrates that financial assessment risk is
pushed by methods for a few bank exact factors and the second one
strand contends that macroeconomic components significantly
influence the FICO assessment shot of banks. A study of the writing
educates us that previous examinations generally tried the
determinants of credit risk either utilizing BSV or macroeconomic
components as logical factors. On the other side few studies used
each macroeconomics and BSV variables to explain the non-
performing loans of banks. The precedents comprise of (Louzis,
Vouldis, and Metaxas ,2012) who take a gander at the determinants
of credit risk in Greece's managing an account district by method for
the utilization of macroeconomic and BSV as illustrative factors.
They utilized the non-performing loans of different advance classes
as the needy factors and find that NPL of Greek banks are
specifically clarified by means of macroeconomic factors which
incorporates joblessness, GDP and leisure activity charges.
Greatest exact investigations that investigate the impact of the BSV
on NPL, makes utilization of home loan increment, advance lovely,
control excellent, estimate, contract focuses, and capital on the
grounds that the factors. (Demirguc-Kunt, 1989) has reviewed
experimental literature on deposit institution disasters. They infer
that capital adequacy ratio, assets fine, administration fitness and
income are a considerable lot of the huge logical factors for bank
disappointment. (Berger and DeYoung, 1997) perception on the BSV as
a pointer for problem credits and execution of the banks. The useof
a US business banks dataset for the term 1985 to 1994, they triedthe
between transient seeking among inconvenience advances and
esteem productivity. There are four hypotheses in this study like
horrific control express as low-price efficiency sign for negative
management, horrific luck referring to external events, ethical
danger and Skimming difficulty. They find verification that expense
effectiveness and capital are contrarily connected with issues of
credit. (Angbazo ,1997) makes utilization of US money related
establishment name record records for 1989 to 1993 to view the
60 | P a g e
association between web premium edges and premium charges
danger, default hazard and shaky sheet exercises. The researcher
entitlements that there is a strong and positive relationship among
default hazard, length and net interest margin. Most recent
researches emphasis at the BSV as the core components of credit
score risk include (Jiménez, Lopez, and Saurina ,2007), (Konishi and
Yasuda ,2004) and (Godlewski ,2005)
(Hassan Al-Tamimi & Al-Mazrooei, 2007) Investigated Bank’s risk
management and compare UAE state banks and external banks.
Authors used questionnaire technique for the purpose of collecting
data which were consisting on close ended interval scale as well as
close ended ordinal scale questions. Researchers find that Credit risk
effect UAE commercial banks.
61 | P a g e
structures, on account that their activities and items are significantly
The contrary investigation by utilizing (Ahmad and Ahmad ,2004)
check out the key components impacting the credit peril of Islamic
banking system of Malaysia . They utilized a dataset involving one
completely fledged Islamic bank, 6 Islamic windows and 6
Commercial banks for the duration 1996 to 2002. This take a gander
at reports that administration proficiency, risk weighted effects and
size impact of Malaysia i Islamic bank credit risk measurement. They
additionally presumed that there are similitudes and varieties
between credit assessment risk determinants for Commercial banks
and Islamic banks. (Aisyah Abdul, Rahman and Shahimi ,2010)
dissect the impact of financing structure and Bank specific variables
on layaway score chance the use of board records investigation for
Malaysian Islamic banks from 1994 to 2008. They likewise joined
macroeconomic factors into their system. The outcomes show that
sort of financing responds in another approach to credit risk while
the model ended up controlled for macroeconomic factors. The
credit sources and unfurl of long-term premium charge and money
commercial center charge finy affect financial assessment hazard.
These infer that the Islamic banking system ought to be fit for control
credit supply through now not unreasonably loaning to
unpredictable divisions, on the off chance that you need to handiest
increment the credit peril exposures.
2.3 Gap Statement
Finding the effect of financing quality on credit risk of Islamic
banking industry of Malaysia.
3. Data and Methodology
3.1 Nature and Source
The records are accumulated from monetary statements and annual
reports of 13 Malaysia n Islamic banks; those files are positioned at
the State Bank Scope database and each financial institution’s
website.169 observations have been collected from these 13 banks.
3.2 Variables
The present study of credit risk measurement for the Islamic banking
sector of Malaysia uses financial data of various variables which are
62 | P a g e
explained in detail under their respective headings.
3.2.1 Dependent Variables
The following variables indicating a credit risk which is used as a
dependent variable
Credit Risk = calculated on the basis of the overall ability
of the buyer to repay the loan
3.2.2 Independent Variables
The following seven independent variables were used as the
measure of credit risk for the research study;
Financial Exp: General financing/General property
FL: Provision for loan losses/ General Assets
C. Buffer: Total Equity/ General belonging
C. Ratio: (Tier I+ TierII)/ Total assets
NM: Net hobby margin
MGT: General Income/Total Assets
Size: Natural log of assets
3.2.3 Dummy Variables
In addition to the independent variables stated above, the following
two dummy variables were used in the research study;
EF = 1 use for equity financing otherwise in case of total
financing use 0
SF = Use 1 for base financing other .
63 | P a g e
H0: There is significant relationship of credit risk with financial quality and
bank capital of Islamic banking industry of Malaysia .
H1: There is insignificant relationship of credit risk with financial quality
and bank capital of Islamic banking industry of Malaysia .
4. Data Analysis
4.1 Panel Descriptive Statistics
Table I
Panel Descriptive statistics for study
Variable Unit Mean Median S.Dev Minimum Maximum
64 | P a g e
MGT 0.223** 0.472*** 0.142 -0.261*** -0.493*** -0.344*** 1.000
65 | P a g e
R-squared 0.523 0.598
0.418 0.567
Notes: Columns first and 2nd run panel fixed effects regression while on the other hand column 3r
used Ordinary least square regression and in last column researchers used random effects GLS
66 | P a g e
shaped in preference to an inverted U-form for the RE-GLS model.
Financing reports have significant associations with credit
assessment chance for fixed effect and general least square model
detail in column one, two and three, individually. This variable
distinctly across the board in making sense of the acknowledge peril
as the majority of the coefficients are enormous at 1% significant
level. Those outcomes are of course because of the reality additional
provisioning demonstrates that a bank may likewise have an issue
with financing facilities. The downgrade in financing exceptional
will potentially boom the danger of financing being defaulted. The
coefficient declines inside the constant-consequences specification
version. Its miles worth citing that the fixed effect version explores
the variations between every character bank. This indicates each
bank within the sample well-known shows one of kind traits over
time; as an example, the risk management policy and its influence at
the pleasant of the financing portfolio.
The opposite proxy for the bank capital in this have a look at is the ratio
of general equity to total property, C. Buffer. Past research document
mixed consequences regarding the relationship of capital buffer and
credit threat. As an instance, (Godlewski, 2005) finds a tremendous
tremendous relationship between fairness and danger, even as
(Cebenoyan and Strahan, 2004) report negative relationships among
capital buffer and credit risk. This analysis unearths capital buffer does
have a positive coefficient and is statistically great for columns one and
a pair of whilst the fashions have been now not managed by using the
IFT dummy. An advantageous signal explains that IBs with greater
equity capital tend to have better credit hazard than banks with less
equity. This implies that banks with better fairness capital have a
tendency to engage in greater risky financing sports because they
consider they have got sufficient capital to buffer any ability losses.
NM is most effective significant inside the base version the usage of
the FE estimation technique. When the estimation model consists of
the IFT and standing dummy, NIM is insignificant no matter the
estimation models. The MGT best shows negative great
consequences within the column two estimation, whereas the
67 | P a g e
version becomes controlled for IFT. The incomes belongings of IBs
include differently structured IF contracts. Therefore, IBs have to
carefully decide the percentage of every type of financing settlement
because exclusive contracts reveal IBs to extraordinary tiers of threat.
IBs’ inability to control this MGT will lead to an excessive credit score
danger stage. With reference to the relationships among size and credit
score chance, we did not find any huge relationships between these
variables in all estimations.
The account dummies are crucial when inspecting whether or not
different styles of IFT have many effects on credit risk of Islamic
banking in Malaysia . We introduced dummies like EF and SF in
columns two and four. The EF dummy takes a cost of one for Islamic
banking that offers financing primarily based on Profit and loss
saving contracts, even as the SF dummy takes value of 1 if the Islamic
banking offer financing using aside from PLS and buying and selling
contracts. Distinctly, we discover that each IFT dummies do not
show any huge results on credit score risk stage of IBs. This implies
that MIBs have green risk control frameworks in vicinity and
modern-day rules that help IBs to mitigate threat from both varieties
of financing systems.
5. A conclusion of the Research
The impacts support that some basic banking variables do radically
affect financial assessment threats of Islamic banking in Malaysia .
The outcomes prescribe that any disintegration in financing top
notch powers the banks to apportion higher misfortune
arrangements, and subsequently increment the inferred credit risk.
There might be furthermore evidence that capital ratio is awful and
factually huge in making sense of the financial assessment risk level
of Islamic banking sector in Malaysia. Few illustrative factors exhibit
particular results all through the estimation models. For instance,
C.buffer just appears to have a superb full-measure impact using a
credit card score risk in the ordinary least square and fixed effect
estimation models. NM handiest recommends enormous outcomes
inside the base form of the fixed effect model specification. NM is
not an enormous When IFT and possession variables are being taken
inside the estimations.
68 | P a g e
There are a few impediments of this examine must be attention to
take a shot at in future examinations like sample of Islamic banks. For
future take a gander at, an appraisal among commercial banksand
Islamic banks will likewise increase the value of the investigate.
Predetermination investigates my furthermore incorporate
distinctive interior factors and macroeconomics factors in examining
the purposes behind FICO assessment peril in Islamic banks. Through
doing as such, it will cover each miniaturized scale and
macroeconomics factors and the estimation are foreseen to exhibit
additional knowledge on the credit peril administration of Islamic
banks. Management of Islamic Banks in Malaysia should consider that BSV
do significantly effect on credit risk for management in Islamic Banks. They
should keep in mind that any worsening in financing will be result in higher
loss provisions.
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