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The Application of Inorganic (14-14-14) and Organic (Vermicast) Fertilizer to the

Growth and Yield Performance of Pechay (Brassica rapa) under Gemelina


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Practical Research 2


Kimbert Carpo

Janice Limpahan

Jarred Mesiona

Mark Joguilon

Cynder Dainne Matusalem


Fegy Buhisan
Chapter I


Background of the Study

The pervasive changes in Agricultural field that is caused by industrialization

bought detrimental impacts in the lives of our local farmers. Forested areas are
cutted down to supply the demands of rapid construction of varied
infrastructures; purposely used as an Agricultural field were changed into
subdivision and to its extent, mountainous areas are turned and flattened to be
constructed with different complex. These resulted to changes in local weather
patterns- sudden change in weather conditions, strong typhoons and flash floods;
declined to the good production of Agricultural crops and it minimized the over-
all Agricultural field in our country.

In addition, it tends to caused job-shifting to our local farmers because it

cannot no longer support the families necessities. And, so as to optimized the
situation, they've been practicing the production of perennial plants like
Mahogany; Gemelina and Banana plant. However, the production of these plants
does not cover the over-all area since it tends to grows largely and vigorously and
there is a need for ample spacing- leaving an unproductive land area.

Pechay production under shaded areas has only limited existing research since
it needs a 4 hours exposure to direct sunlight. Braganza (2022), pointed out that
Pechay could thrived and grows in partial shade, however they need to get at
least 4 hours of direct sunlight in order to grow faster and healthier.

However, one must understand what Pechay is. Pechay, scientifically known as
Brassica rapa, is an erect, biennial herb, cultivated as annual about 15-30 cm tall
in vegetative stage. Ovate leaves are arranged spirally and spreading. The petioles
are enlarged and grow upright forming a subcylindrical bundle. Pechay has many
soft, thin, light green, broad to oblong ovate leaves. Pechay are favorites by most
orriental people for it is always available in the market any time of the year. It is
also an important constituents of Filipino food such as "puchero" and "nilaga". It
is green leafy vegetable rich in calcium and other essential nutrients. (Jimenez,

The use of inorganic fertilizer in vegetative production has made a significant

impacts, provided that it is the most easy to use, quickly absorbed and practical
way in short-term vegetables production including Pechay crop.
Growth and Yield Performance of
A study of Adorada
Pechayet.al. (2023),
in terms "Enersol
of Plant's Height, No. Promotes Growth and Yield
Performance of Pechayof (Brassica
Leaves and Fresh
L. var.Weight
chinenses (L.) Hanelt)" concludes
that one of the distinct advantages of inorganic fertilizers they are rich equally in
all three essential nutrients: nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They are also
fast acting as they dissolve quickly and are immediately available to plants. In
cases when plants shows signs of nutrient deficiency, inorganic fertilizers have
distinct advantage over organic fertilizers, which are dependent on soil
microorganisms to first break down the organic matter before nutrients can be

On the other hand, though its biological process may take some time, organic
fertilizer is favorably good in a small-scale to average-scale farming practices. It
has a long term effects and improves soil structures, water retention property and
improves soil moisture.

While previous study focuses on the application of inorganic fertilizer to the

growth performance of Pechay in an open-field area, this study aims to evaluate
and compare the possible effects of inorganic fertilizer application to the growth
performance of Pechay under Gemelina and Banana plants canopies, examine the
possible factors that may affect to its growth e.g. temperature, insect infestation
and soil moisture.

Conceptual Framework
Fertilizer (14- Organic Fertilizer
Figure 1. The Conceptual Framework of the study. The
Gemelina canopy,
Inorganic (14-14-14) fertilizer and the Organic (Vermicast) Fertilizer are the
independent variables while the Gemelina
Growth and Yield Performance of Pechay are the
Canopy variables.

Statement of the Problem

This study mainly focuses on evaluating and examining the effects of the
application of Inorganic (14-14-14) and Organic ( Vermicast) fertilizer to the
growth and yield performance of Pechay (Brassica rapa) under Gemelina canopy.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following research questions,

1. What are the effects of inorganic fertilizer to the growth and yield
performance of Pechay under Gemelina and Banana plants canopy in terms of its
height (cm) at weekly interval ; and average numbers of leaves at weekly
2. What is the difference between the Pechay applied with inorganic fertilizer
(14-14-14) and organic fertilizer (vermicast) planted under Gemelina and in
Banana plant canopy in terms of its mortality rate?

3. What are the possible influences of the Gemelina canopy (e.g temperature;
insect infestation and soil moisture) to the growth performance of Pechay
(Brassica rapa) applied with inorganic fertilizer?

4. What is the average weight of Pechay applied with Inorganic (14-14-14) and
Organic (Vermicast) fertilizer at harvest time.

5. Is there a significant differences between the Pechay applied with inorganic

(14-14-14) and organic (vermicast) fertilizer planted under Gemelina canopy in
terms of its growth and yield performance?

Significance of the Study

Understanding the possible impacts of Gemelina plant's canopy to the growth

and yield performance of Pechay (Brassica rapa) applied with inorganic (14-14-
14) and organic (vermicast) fertilizer is indispensable towards the attainment of
successful harvest and efficient production of Pechay under shaded area.
However, proper procedures are necessary to ensure good produce.

This study may be significant to local farmers, Agricultural educators,

Department of Agriculture and for future researchers:
Local Farmers- Local farmers, Pechay's producers, having the complete
awareness of the proper production of Pechay planted under the Gemelina and
Banana plant canopies, will be able to produce Pechay in an easy task, carrying-
out the precise methods and yielding a very good harvest and produce. Further,
this study will develop a positive outlook in producing Pechay under tree's canopy
for double-income generation.

Agricultural Educators- Teachers, Agricultural educators will be aware of

planting Pechay properly in shaded areas, thereby, promoting the production of
Pechay for academic purposes (e.g. Gulayan sa Paaralan) and in the field of
Agriculture. This will enhances the skill of the youth to relate theirselves in
Agriculture-related activities. Furthermore, Teachers and Agricultural educators
will have a better understanding on Pechay production under trees canopy, how
to accomplish it in better way and will be aware of its environmental limitations.

Department of Agriculture- Knowing the possibilities of cultivating Pechay

under Gemelina and Banana plant canopies, Department of Agriculture can
incorporate this new knowledge in their field and can create different activities to
disseminate the added information. This study will also promote the possibilities
of creating various steps to produce Pechay in a large scale provided by the
support of local government.

Future Researchers- This study is significant to future researchers who will

conduct a study relevant to this paper.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study mainly focuses on the application of inorganic fertilizer to growth

and yield performance of Pechay (Brassica rapa) under Gemelina and Banana
plant canopies. The researchers chooses Gemelina and Banana plant among
others, because of its availability and it is the most common perennial plant
inputs. The aspects to be studied are the possible effects of Gemelina and Banana
plant canopies (e.g. temperature, insect infestation and soil moisture); the effects
of inorganic fertilizer to growth and yield performance of Pechay (Brassica rapa)
in terms of its vegetative height; weight; number of leaves and mortality rate.

Operational Definition of Terms

Canopy- refers to tree's shade that cover within an area.

Inorganic fertilizer- are a fast-dose of nutrients, feeding your plants how you
want and when you want. They are fully artificial and manufactured in exact
doses. Their nutrient ratios are clearly printed on the bag, and there is an
inorganic fertilizer to meet your plants specific needs.

Gmelina- Gmelina is a fast-growing, unarmed, moderately sized to large

deciduous tree with a wide spreading canopy with numerous branches forming a
large shady crown. It can grow from 3-30 meters tall, sometimes even taller. The
straight, cylindrical bole is commonly around 50 cm in diameter, but specimens
up to 140cm have been recorded.

Banana- Banana (Musa paradisiaca) is alarge, perennial plant growing around 8

metres tall. Looking somewhat like a tree, it is a herbaceous plant whose top
growth dies after flowering to be replaced by new growth from the rootstock.

Perennial- Perennial crop are crops that- unlike annual crops- don't need to be
replanted each year. After harvest, they automatically grow back.
Chapter II

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Related Local Studies

Arancon and Edwards (2005) studied the effects of vermicompost on plant

growth and found that when used at lower substitution rates, vermicompost can
increase growth, flowering and yields of vegetable and ornamental crops.
Similarly, vermicompost applied at very low rates e.g 2.5 t/ha or 5 t/ha can
significantly increase growth and yields of highly valuable vegetable and fruit
crops in the field. The effects of vermicompost on plantsare not solely attributed
to the quality of soils by increasing microbial activity and microbial biomass which
are key components in nutrient cycling, production of plant growth regularors and
protecting plants soil-borne and arthropod pest attacks.

Vermicompost is worm castings or digested excretions, and is largely used by

gardeners and landscapers as a soil amendment. These castings originate from
organic materials, which the worms feed on (Tejada et al.,2010). Once ingested
the organic material undergoes enzymatic digestion along with several other
processes to ultimately create a casting. Vermicompost contains many plant
available nutrients, and research indicates castings improve soil structure by
enhancing soil porosity, aeration, and moisture holding capacity resulting in
enhanced plant growth (Tejada et. al., 2010)

Another study of Gonzales, et. al. (2015) results that the combination of 75%
garden soil and 25% pure compost provided the best growth and yield
performance of Pechay in terms of leaf area and fresh weight. None among the
other treatments [ (e.g. T1 =Pure Garden Soil ( Control); T2= Pure Compost; T3=
50% Pure Garden Soil : 50 % Pure Compost (Of) ; T4=75% Pure Garden Soil: 35%
Pure Compost (OF); T5= 85% Pure Garden Soil : 15% Pure Compost (OF)] used
gave the better growth in terms of producing more leaves and height of the plant.
The result of the study showed that application of organic Fertilizer greatly
enhance growth and yield performance of Pechay. Thereby, the application of
organic fertilizer specifically, compost
Chapter 3


This chapter presents and discusses the methodology of the research that
includes the Research Design, Experimental Lay-out, Cultural Management and
Materials used in the study.

Research Design

This study utilizes Quantitative Comparative research design. A comparative

study is a kind of method that analyzes phenomena and then put them together
to find the points of differentiation and similarity (MokhtarianPour, 2016). A
comparative perspective exposes weakness in research design and helps a
researcher improve the quality of research. The focus of comparative research is
on similarities and differences between units (Holy & Turner, 1970)

Experimental Layout

This experiment will be laid out using Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD) with 1 treatment replicated 5 times. A total area 2m x 0.5 m was divided
into 2 blocks was treated with the same treatment replicated 5 times.

The following materials were needed in this experiment

Pechay. Black Behi variety of Pechay was used in this research.

Fertilizer. Fertilizer to be used will 40-0-0

Ruler. This was used to measure the Pechay height during ita vegetative stage.

Dull Bolo. It was used to remove weeda in the experimental area.

Sprinkler. This was used to water Pechay plants.

Population and Sampling Design

A total of 40 Pechay were planted two separate block and serve as the over-all
population. Sampling design for fresh harvest weight was simple random

Research Instrument

To obtain the following data a ruler was used to measure the plants height, a
record notebook to record the no. of leaves at weekly interval. And a weighing
scale to determine the fresh harvest weight.

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