Sat Rpms For T I III Sy 2022 2023
Sat Rpms For T I III Sy 2022 2023
Sat Rpms For T I III Sy 2022 2023
The passage of the K to 12 Law (R.A. 10533) in May 2013 as a response to the changes and
challenges of the modern world has changed the landscape of teacher quality requirements in
the Philippines. The current reform calls for teachers to critically reflect on their roles and the
expectations of them in the context of K to 12 Education.
This tool is designed for you to reflect on the different objectives related to your professional
work. It consists of 19 items that you will analyze and rate according to your level of
capability and level of priority for development. The items meet teacher quality requirements
congruent with the Philippine K to 12 Reform and reflective of international teacher standards.
You should accomplish this tool prior to the beginning of the school year and use to reflect on
your performance throughout the RPMS cycle. The result of your self-assessment will guide
you on which RPMS objectives to improve and on what areas you need coaching and
Other school personnel, including the School Head, are not allowed to see the results of this
tool. However, you can discuss with them your IPCRF-Development Plan (IPCRF-DP) based on
your self-assessment.
This tool has three parts: Part I: Demographic Profile; Part II: Objectives; and Part III: Core
Behavioral Competencies.
For Part I: Demographic Profile, please shade the circle of the demographic information
applicable to you.
For Part II: Objectives, please shade the circle that corresponds to how you rate the
objectives based on: (1) level of capability and (2) level of priority for development. At the
bottom of each page, there is the opportunity to write about any aspects that you feel are
relevant to the objectives on that page.
For Part III: Core Behavioral Competencies, please shade the circle of the behavioral
indicators that you demonstrated during the performance cycle.
1. Age
O Under 25 O 41-45
O 25-30 O 46-50
O 31-35 O 51-55
O 36-40 O Over 55
2. Sex
O Male O Female
3. Employment Status
O Regular Permanent O Substitute
O Provisional O
4. Position
O Teacher I O SPED Teacher I
O Teacher II O SPED Teacher II
O Teacher III O SPED Teacher III
O Special Science O SPED Teacher IV
Teacher I
8. Subject(s) Taught
O Mother Tongue O MAPEH
O Filipino O Technology
O English and Livelihood
O Mathematics O Edukasyong
O Science Pantahanan at
O Araling Panlipunan Pangkabuhayan
O Edukasyon sa O Others
There are two columns for every objective. Please shade one circle in each column corresponding to
how you rate your (1) level of capability and (2) priority for development for each objective.
Very High
Very High
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
1. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy (PPST Domain 1)
1.1 Applied knowledge of content within and across
curriculum teaching areas. (PPST Indicator 1.1.2)
1.2 Used a range of teaching strategies that enhance
learner achievement with literacy and numeracy skills.
(PPST Indicator 1.4.2)
1.3 Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop
critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-order
thinking skills. (PPST Indicator 1.5.2)
2. Learning Environment and Diversity of Learners (PPST Domains 2 and 3)
2.1 Managed classroom structure to engage learners,
individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration,
discovery and hands-on activities within a range of
physical learning environments. (PPST Indicator 2.3.2)
2.2 Managed learner behavior constructively by
applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environments. (PPST Indicator 2.6.2)
Optional: In the space provided, you may want to make some personal comments about your practice and the objectives on
this page.
Very High
Very High
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
2. Learning Environment and Diversity of Learner (PPST Domains 2 and 3) - continuation
2.3 Used differentiated, developmentally appropriate
learning experiences to address learners’ gender, needs,
strengths, interests and experiences.
(PPST Indicator 3.1.2)
3. Curriculum and Planning (PPST Domain 4)
3.1 Planned, managed and implemented developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet
curriculum requirements and varied teaching contexts.
(PPST Indicator 4.1.2)
3.2. Participated in collegial discussions that use teacher and
learner feedback to enrich teaching practice.
(PPST Indicator 4.4.2)
3.3 Selected, developed, organized and used appropriate
teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address
learning goals. (PPST Indicator 4.5.2)
Optional: In the space provided, you may want to make some personal comments about your
practice and the objectives on this page.
Very High
Very High
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
4. Assessment and Reporting (PPST Domain 5)
Optional: In the space provided, you may want to make some personal comments about your
practice and the objectives on this page.
1. Self-Management
5. Sets high quality, challenging, realistic goals for self and others.
2. Professionalism and Ethics
1. Demonstrates the values and behavior enshrined in the Norms
and Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and employees
(RA 6713).
2. Practices ethical and professional behavior and conduct taking into
account the impact of his/her actions and decisions.
3. Maintains a professional image: being trustworthy, regularity of
attendance and punctuality, good grooming and communication.