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Chap-5 - Development of Surfaces 16.12.2023

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Development of Surfaces


5.1 Developments of lateral surfaces of cube, prisms (Triangular, Square), cylinder, pyramids
(Triangular, Square), cone.
5.2 Applications of development of surfaces such as tray, funnel.


 When the surfaces of a solid are laid out on plane, the figure obtained is called as its development.
 The development of solid, thus represents the actual shape of all its surfaces which, when bent or folded at
the edges would form the solid.
 Thus, it is important to note that, the every line on the development must be the true length of the
corresponding edge on the surface.
 The surfaces are also true shapes and points are at their true positions.
 The prisms, pyramids, cones and cylinders can be accurately developed.
 The spheres are double curved surfaces and hence these are undevelopable. But these spheres can be
approximately developed by dividing them into a number of parts.
 Generally only the lateral surfaces of the solids are developed. The bases can be easily incorporated if
 Fig. 5.1 shows surfaces of solid square prism are opened out on a plane.
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-2)

Fig. 5.1

 Fig.5.2 shows the development of the lateral surface of square prism. It consists of four equal rectangles for
the vertical faces and two similar squares for the base and top face. Each figure shows the true size and shape
of corresponding surface of the prism.

Fig. 5.2

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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-3)


 The study of development of surfaces is essential in sheet metal work in different industries such as
automobile, aircraft, ship building etc.
 To make any part out of sheet metal, first prepare its development and then fold it into the required shape of
the part.
 The articles likes boilers, funnels, ducts , containers, hoppers, bins , chimneys etc. are constructed by the
sheet metal plates which are marked and cut according to the developments which, when folded, form the
desired objects .
 Hence in fabrication of above articles knowledge of development of surfaces are necessary.


There are two principal methods to draw developments of various solids as mention below:
1. Method I - Parallel line development (Rectangle method)
2. Method II - Radial line development

 5.3.1 Method I - Parallel Line Development (Rectangle Method)

 This method is used in case of Prism, cube and cylinders, in which edges on the top base and bottom base are
considered parallel to each other.
 During development of the lateral surface two parallel lines are drawn representing the development of the
top surface and bottom surface.
(a) Development of Prisms
 Development of lateral surface of a prism is obtained by placing number of rectangular faces one
adjacent to the other, equal to the number of edges of base.
 Thus the development of lateral surface of prism is shown as,
Size of rectangle= height as Axis length(H)and length as perimeter of base (P)
H = axis length of prism
P = perimeter of base = (B  n)
B = base length
n = Number of base edge
 Fig. 5.3 (a, b, c, d, e) shows the development of triangular prism ,square prism, pentagonal prism,
hexagonal prism and cube respectively.

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(a) (b)

(c) (d)


Fig. 5.3*don’t change sequence of fig.**

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(b) Development of Cylinder

 Development of lateral surface of a
cylinder is obtained by rolling a
cylinder for one complete revolution
on a plane surface then it covers the
distance equal to circumference of
its base circle.
 The area covered by it will be
rectangle of sides equal to the
circumference (C) of the base circle
and height (H) of the cylinder.
 During development of lateral
surface of cylinder the various
generators are also represented in the
development by faint lines
 Thus the development of lateral surface of cylinder is shown as,
Size of rectangle= height as Axis length(H) and length as circumference (C) of the base circle
Where, H = Axis length of cylinder
C = Circumference of base circle.
Fig. 5.4 shows the development of lateral surface of cylinder.

Fig. 5.4 (b)

(In fig . 5.4 (a) use notation C instead of P to show circumference.)

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 5.3.2 Method II - Radial Line Development

This method is used in case of cones and pyramids, in which the true length of generator or slant edge is used
as radius.
(a) Development of Pyramid
 Development of lateral surface of a pyramid is obtained by rolling pyramid for one complete revolution
on a plane surface with apex of pyramid hinged at a point.
 The development of pyramid consists of ‘n’ number of equal isosceles triangles in contact with their
vertices common.
 Here n is equal to number of base edges of the pyramid.
 The base of isosceles triangle is equal to the base of pyramid and other two sides of triangle are equal to
the length of slant edges of pyramid.
 Fig. 5.5 (a, b, c, d ) shows development of a triangular pyramid, square pyramid , pentagonal pyramid
and hexagonal pyramid respectively.

(a) triangular pyramid (b) square pyramid (c) Pentagonal pyramid (d) hexagonal pyramid

Fig. 5.5

*** draw fig separately for each solid ***

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(b) Development of cone

 Development of lateral surface of a cone is
obtained by rolling cone for one complete
revolution on a plane surface with apex of cone
hinged at a point then area covered by cone will be
a sector of circle.
 The radius of the sector ( R ) will be equal to the
true length of the generator of the cone and length
of arc will be equal to the circumference of the
base circle of the cone.
 The angle  subtended by the arc of length equal to
the circumference of the base circle can be
calculated follows
 = 
 = 360
 = 360
Where r = radius of base circle
R = the true length of generator
Fig. 5.6 :Shows the development of lateral surface of cone.


 Problem 5.4.1 :Draw the development of the lateral surface of a square prism with edge of base of 30 mm &
axis length 50 mm resting on its base on the H.P with two of its base edges perpendicular to V.P

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 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw the Top view with side of square prism perpendicular to XY line & name the point.a,b,c,d& project
this point in Front view having name a,b,c,d respectively.
3. Draw the development of square prism by calculating perimeter 4  30 =120 mm & height 50 mm.
4. Divide the length A-A in four equals parts & draw four equal rectangular in contact, each represent ting the
rectangular face of the prism.
5. The name of DLS of square prism as A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D & completing the development of square by thick
Perimeter = No of side Length of side =4  30
= 120 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.1

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 Problem 5.4.2 :Draw the development of lateral surface of a pentagonal prism with edge of base 40 mm &
height 90 mm,kept on H.P on its base with an edge of base parallel to V.P,when it is cut by A/P inclined at 30
to H.P & bisecting the axis of the prism.
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line.
2. Draw a pentagon in top
view & name the corners
a,b,c,d,e& project this
point in front view give the
name a,b,c,d,e.
3. Draw the development of
pentagonal prism taking
perimeter 5 40 =120 mm
& height 90 mm &divide
into in 05 equal parts.
4. Draw the cutting plane S-S
which is passing the axis of
the prism & it bisect the
axis of prism inclined at
30 to H.P Fig. P. 5.4.2
5. Mark the point notation where the cutting plane S-S cuts the front view prism ,,, ,.
6. Transfer this point horizontally to DLS of parallel to base & it intersect of line A-A we get point P a.
7. Similarly we get the point Pb,Pc,Pd,Pe joint this point by continuous thick line & also draw
A –Pa, B – Pb, -------- A – Pa by thick line we get development of prism.
Perimeter = No of side  Length of side
5  40 = 200 mm
 Problem 5.4.3 :A pentagonal prism side of base 30 mm, axis height 60 mm,has its one side of base parallel
to V.P & nearer to observer. Draw development of lateral surface.
 Soln. : Perimeter = No of side  Length of side = 5  30
= 150 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.3

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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-10)
 Problem 5.4.4 :A square prism side of base 45 mm & axis length 90 mm has its axis vertical & rectangular
faces equally inclined to V.P .A square hole of sides 30 mm is drilled through the prism completely such that
the axis of hole is perpendicular to V.P & bisect the axis of vertical square prism.The sides of square hole are
equally inclined to H.P .Draw the development of lateral surface with effect of hole.
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY Line
2. Draw the top view of the prism & name the point corner of square prism a,b,c,d with all side of square prism
equally inclined to V.P.Project this point in front view give the name a ,b,c,d.
3. Draw the DLS of prism by calculating perimeter4  45 =180 mm & height 90 mm & divide into 04 equal
parts & mark as point A-A, B-B,C-C, D-D which represent all face of prism
4. Draw a square hole with side 30 mm in front view such that the axis of square hole is bisect the axis of
vertical prism & all sides are equally incline to H.P
5. Vertical edge b-b& d-d are cut at two distinct point in the front view .The point for upper &for lower
point.Project this point horizontally in the DLS & name as Pb, Pd, Qb,Qd respectively.
6. Take a-P1, a-P4, c-P3, c-P2& mark from A,C & locate A-1, C-2,C-3,A-4 in development of square prism for
getting P1, P2, P3,P4 .
7. Complete the DLS with square hole by using thick line.
Perimeter = No of side  Length of side
= 4 X 45
Perimeter = 180 mm


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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-11)
 Problem 5.4.5 :A square prism side of base 40 mm & axis length 80 mm is kept on the H.P With its sides of
base equally inclined with V.P.A circular hole of diameter 40 mm is drilled through the prism such that axis of
hole is perpendicular to V.P & parallel to H.P & bisect the axis of square prism .Draw the development of
lateral surface of the prism.
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw the top view square prism & the point of corner of square prism a,b,c,d with all sides are equally
inclined to V.P .Project this point in front view give the name a,b,c,d.
3. Draw the DLS of prism by calculating perimeter 4  40 =160 mm & height 80 mm & divide into 04 equal
parts name it A-A ,B-B,C-C,D-D.
4. Draw the circle having diameter 40 mm in such a way that it bisect the axis of prism.
5. Divide a circle having diameter 40 mm in such a way that it bisect the axis of prism.
6. Divide this circle into 12 equal parts & mark the point on upper circle ,,,--------& lower side , ,------&
transfer these point on development surface.
7. Joint all point in proper sequence & complete development of square prism by thick line.
Perimeter = No of side  Length of side = 4  40
= 160 mm


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 Problem 5.4.6 :Figure shows a square prism of 50 mm sides & 100 mm axis length with its base on H.P
having its rectangular faces equally inclined with V.P.A Composite shape hole is drilled (Semi circle- semi
square) as shown in figure.Draw its development.

Fig. 5.4.6(a)

 Soln. :

Perimeter = No of side  Length of side = 4 50

= 200 mm


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 Problem 5.4.7 :Draw the development of the lateral surface of a cylinder of base diameter 45 mm & axis
length 65 mm resting on its base on the H.P
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw the circle of diameter 45 mm in top view& divide into 12 equal parts & name this point 1,2,3,-----
12.Project this point in front view & give the name 1,2,3,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=  D = 3.14  45
=141.37mm &height 65 mm.
4. Divide this rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1-1, 2-2, 3-3,------12-12.
5. Draw all generators in the DLS by thin construction line.
6. Draw the thick object lines for the rectangle.
Circumference C = D = 3.14  45 =141.37mm

Fig. 5.4.7(a)

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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-14)

 Problem 5.4.8 :Draw the development of lateral surface of a cylinder of base diameter 40 mm & height
60 mm kept on H.P on its base & it is cut by an A/P inclined 45 to H.P & bisecting the axis of the cylinder.
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw a circle of diameter 40 mm in the top view & divide this circle 12 equal parts & give the name
1,2,3,-----12 respectively .Project this point in front view & give the name 1 ,2,3----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C= D = 3.14  40
=125.7mm &height60 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1-1,2- 2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw the cutting plane S-S in front view in such away that which bisect the axis of cylinder & inclined at an
angle of 45 with H.P
6. Cutting plane S-S cuts the generator 1-1, 2-2------12-12 in the front view at points ,-----
7. Transfer this point from front view to DLS of generator 1-1,2-2,----- 12-12.
8. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C =  D = 3.14  40 =125.7mm

Fig. 5.4.8 *** show circumference dimension in development**

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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-15)
 Problem 5.4.9 :Draw the development of lateral surfaces of the cylinder as shown in Fig. P. 5.4.9.
(Q. 3(B)(ii), Summer 2019, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.9(a)

 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a circle of diam. 60 mm in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & the point 1,2,3----
12.Project this point in the front view & give the name 1,2,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=  D = 3.14  60 =188 mm & height 80 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1-1,2-2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw the various cutting planes & arc at given position in front view
6. Cutting plane cuts the generator at different points in front view .
7. Transfer this point from front view to DLS of generator 1-1, 2-2, 3-3----12-12.
8. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C =  D = 3.14  60 =188 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.9(b)*** show circumference dimension in development**

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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-16)

 Problem 5.4.10 :A cylinder having base cylinder diameter 50 mm & axis length 70 mm has its base in H.P A
square hole of side 25 mm is drilled centrally having its sides equally with H.P & its axis being perpendicular
to V.P & bisecting that axis of the cylinder. Draw the DLS of the cylinder with the hole.
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a circle of diam. 50 mm in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & the point 1,2,3----
12.Project this point in the front view & give the name 1,2,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=  D = 3.14  50
=157 mm & height 70 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1-1,2-2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw a square hole having size 25 mm in front view cylinder in such a way that the axis of square hole
bisect the axis of the cylinder & faces of square hole are equally inclined with H.P.
6. Mark the point where square hole intersect the front view of cylinder like ,,,& transfer this point projections
of development of surface.
7. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C = D = 3.14  50 =157 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.10(a)*** show circumference dimension in development**

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 Problem 5.4.11 :A right circular cylinder of 65 mm diameter of base & 90 mm height is standing on its base.
A hole of 45 mm diameter is drilled through it in such a way that the axis of the hole is parallel to H.P
perpendicular to V.P & bisecting the axis of the cylinder.Draw the front view, top view & DLS of cylinder.
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a circle of diam. 65 mm in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & the point 1,2,3----
12.Project this point in the front view & give the name 1,2,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=D = 3.14  65
=204 mm & height 90 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1- 1,2- 2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw a hole having size 45 mm dia. in front view cylinder in such a way that the axis of hole bisect theaxis
of the cylinder &hole are parallel with H.P.
6. Mark the point where hole intersect the front view of cylinder like , , , & transfer this point projections of
development of surface.
7. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C = D = 3.14  65 =204 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.11(a)*** show circumference dimension in development**

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 Problem 5.4.12 :A cylinder with base diameter 66 mm & axis height 84 mm, has its base in H.P A square
hole of side 36 mm is punched centrally having its sides equally inclined with H.P .Draw the development of
lateral surface with hole.
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a circle of diam. 66 mm in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & the point 1,2,3----
12.Project this point in the front view & give the name 1,2,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C= D = 3.14  66
=207 mm & height 84 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1- 1,2- 2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw a square hole having size 36 mm in front view cylinder in such a way that the axis of square hole
bisect the axis of the cylinder & faces of square hole are equally inclined with H.P.
6. Mark the point where square hole intersect the front view of cylinder like , , , & transfer this point
projections of development of surface.
7. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C = D = 3.14  66 =207 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.12(a)*** show circumference dimension in development**

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 Problem 5.4.13 :Draw the development of the lateral surfaces of the cylinder having a square hole in it as
shown in Fig. 5.4.13(a). (Q. 3(B)(a), Winter 2018, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.13(a)
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a circle of diam. 80 mm in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & the point 1,2,3----
12.Project this point in the front view & give the name 1,2,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=  D = 3.14  80
=251 mm & height 100 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1- 1,2- 2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw a square hole having size 35 mm in front view cylinder in such a way that the axis of square hole s
bisect the axis of the cylinder & faces of square hole are equally inclined with H.P.
6. Mark the point where square hole intersect the front view of cylinder like , , , & transfer this point
projections of development of surface.
7. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C =  D = 3.14  80 =251 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.13(b)*** show circumference dimension in development**

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 Problem 5.4.14
A square pyramid with side of base 40 mm & axis length
60 mm is kept on the H.P on its base with all sides of base
equally inclined to V.P .Draw the DLS of pyramid.
Summer 2023, 6 Marks)
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a square pyramid of 40 mm side in the top view
at equally inclined position & give the name
a,b,c,d.Project this point in the Front view& give the
name a,b,c,d& apex o.
3. Draw a parallel line from point 0 & c in the front
view give the name of line OA it is parallel to oc.
4. Draw an arc by keeping point O as canter& distance is
OA by thin line.
5. Take 40 mm distance in compass & from point A
mark B, C,D,A on the arc.
6. Joint A, B, C,D,A& O with thick straight line &
complete the development of surface of square
Fig. P. 5.4.14(a)

 Problem 5.4.15
A square pyramid side of the base 30 mm & axis
length 50 mm is kept on the H.P on ita base with all
sides of base equally inclined to V.P .it is cut by
auxiliary plane inclined 45to H.P & bisecting the
axis.Draw the DLS of the pyramid.
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a square pyramid of 30 mm side in the top view
at equally inclined position & give the name
a,b,c,d.Project this point in the Front view& give the
name a,b,c,d& apex o.
3. Now mark the cutting plane in F.V which bisect the
axis of pyramid & inclined at 450 to H.P.
4. Cutting plane cuts the pyramid at point
pa,pb,pc,pd .Transfer this point on true length of slant
edge o’-c’ & further on O-A in DLS.
5. With O as centre & corresponding true length as
radius transfer these point as pa,pb,pc,pd on respective
slant edge of DLS with the help of compass.

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Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-21)

6. Joint all point sequencely by straight line & complete

the development of square pyramid thick line.

Fig. P. 5.4.15(a)

 Problem 5.4.16 :Figure shows the F.V of a square pyramid. Draw the development of lateral surface & add
top view.(MSBTE - Q. 3(a)(iii), Winter 2019, Q. 3(c), Summer 2022, 3 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.16(a)

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Fig. P. 5.4.16(b)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-23)
 Problem 5.4.17 :A square pyramid 50 mm edge of
base axis 60 mm axis length is resting on its base
in the H.P with edges of base equally inclined to
V.P .A square hole with Side 25 mm is cut through
the square pyramid such that its axis intersect the
axis of the pyramid 22 mm above the base. The
axis of hole is perpendicular to V.P.All the faces
square hole are equally inclined with H.P. Draw
the DLS of pyramid.
 Soln. :
1. Draw the XY line
2. Draw a square pyramid of 50 mm side in the top
view at equally inclined position & give the name
a,b,c,d.Project this point in front view & give the
name a,b,c,d& apex o
3. Draw the development of surface of square
pyramid having base side 50 mm & height 70 mm
which is rest on the H.P such that its all sides are
equally inclined to V.P
4. Draw a square hole in front view having side 25
mm & its side equally inclined to the H.P such
that the axis of intersect at 22 mm above the base
of pyramid.
5. Name point , &, &,,,.
6. Transfer these points & collect all required point
in DLS & complete the development of surface of
square hole drilled pyramid by using thick line. Fig. P. 5.4.17(a)
 Problem 5.4.18 :
A square pyramid side of base 30 mm & axis length 40
mm is resting on its base on the H.P with sides of base
equally inclined to V.P.A circular hole of diameter 20 mm
is drilled through the pyramid so that the axis of the hole
is perpendicular to V.P, parallel to H.P & intersecting the
axis of the pyramid at 12.5 mm above the base. Develop
the remaining portion of the pyramid.

1. Draw the XY line

2. Draw a square pyramid of 30 mm side in the top
view at equally inclined position & give the name
a,b,c,d.Project this point in front view & give the
name a,b,c,d& apex o
3. Draw the development of surface of square
pyramid having base side 30 mm & height 40 mm
which is rest on the H.P such that its all sides are
equally inclined to V.P
4. Draw a circular hole of diameter 20 mm is drilled
through the pyramid so that the axis of the hole is
perpendicular to V.P parallel to H.P& intersecting
the axis of the pyramid at 12.5 mm above the
5. Name point , &, & p2’,p7’.p3’,p6,q2',q7’,q3’,q6’

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-24)
6. Transfer these points & collect all required point in DLS & complete the development of circular hole drilled pyramid
by using thick line

Fig. P. 5.4.18(a)

 Problem 5.4.19 :A right circular cone of base diameter 50 mm & axis length 60 mm has it is base in
H.P.Draw the development of lateral surfaces of cone.
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw a circle of 50 mm dia. in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & give the name 1,2,3----12
&canter O. Project this point in front view having name 1,2,3,-----12& apex O
3. Draw the parallel to O-7& name is O-1.
4. Draw the arc from point O by keeping O is center& O-1 is radius.
5. To find the angle = r/R 360 = 25/603600 = 150
6. Divide the development of surface in equal 12 parts & complete the development of surface of a cone.
 = r/R 360 = 25/60 360
r - radius of base circle
R - True length of generator
 = 150

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-25)

Fig. P. 5.4.19(a)

 Problem 5.4.20 :A right circular cone having diameter of base 40 mm, axis length 60 mm resting on its base
on H.P .It is cut by an A/P inclined 45 To H.P & bisecting the axis. Draw the DLS of the cone retaining the
portion containing base.
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw a circle of 40 mm dia. in top
view & divide this circle into 12 equal
parts & give the name 1,2,3----12 &
center O. Project this point in front
view having name 1,2,3,-----12&
apex O
3. Draw the parallel to O-7& name is
4. Draw the arc from point O by keeping
O is center & O-1 is radius.
5. To find the angle  = r/R 3600
= 20/60 3600
= 120
(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-26)

6. Mark the point where the cutting plane

S-S cuts the cone at
point ,p2,-----.Transfer this point
horizontally on the true length of
generator O-7& further generator O-
1 on DLS .
7. Take O as center& radius O-1 to draw
one arc.So transfer this point ,----- to
respective generator with help of
compass & name these point
8. Joint this point proper sequence to
complete development of surface of a
cone which is cut by a cutting plane.
 = r/R 360 = 20/60 360
r - radius of base circle
R - True length of generator
 = 120 Fig. P. 5.4.20(a)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-27)

 Problem 5.4.21 :A cone of diameter of base 70 mm & height 85 mm rests vertically with its base on the
H.P.A square hole of sides 25 mm is cut through the cone. The axis of hole is 23 mm above the base
perpendicular to the V.P & parallel to H.P.The faces of the square hole are equally inclined to H.P.Draw DLS
of the cone with Hole.
 Soln. :
1. Draw XY line
2. Draw a circle of 70 mm dia. in top view &
divide this circle into 12 equal parts & give
the name 1,2,3----12 & center O. Project this
point in front view having name 1,2,3,-----
12& apex O
3. Draw the parallel to O-7& name is O-1.
4. Draw the arc from point O by keeping O is
center & O-1 is radius.
5. To find the angle  = r/R 360 = 35/85
3600 = 148
6. Divide the development of surface of a cone
into 12equal parts .
7. Mark square hole of side 25 mm in the front
view of the cone such that side of square are
equally inclined to H.P & the axis of a cone
& square hole intersect of 25 mm above the
base of cone .
8. Mark the point in the front view of a cone
where the square hole intersects & transfer
the projection in development of surface &
complete the development of surface of the
cone which drilled by a square hole.
 = r/R 360 = 35/85360
r - radius of base circle
R - True length of generator
 = 148
Fig. P. 5.4.21(a)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-28)
 Problem 5.4.22 :A vertical cone of base diameter 60 mm & axis length 70 mm is kept on the H.P on its
base.It is drilled by a horizontal cylinder of diameter 27 mm.The axis of the cylinder is perpendicular to V.P &
bisect the axis of the cone 20 mm above the base. Draw the DLS of the cone with hole.
 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.22(a)

1. Draw XY line
2. Draw a circle of 60 mm dia. in top view &
divide this circle into 12 equal parts & give
the name 1,2,3----12 & center O. Project this
point in front view having name 1,2,3,-----
12& apex O
3. Draw the parallel to O-7& name is O-1.
4. Draw the arc from point O by keeping O is
center & O-1 is radius.

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-29)

5. To find the angle  = r/R 360 = 30/70

3600 = 154
6. Divide the development of surface of a cone
into 12equal parts .
7. Mark cylinder hole of dia. 27 mm in the
front view of the cone such that the axis of
cylinder is perpendicular to V.P & cylinder
hole intersect of 20 mm above the base of
cone .
8. Mark the point in the front view of a cone
where the cylinder hole intersects & transfer
the projection in development of surface &
complete the development of surface of the
cone which drilled by a horizontal cylinder.
 = r/R 360 = 30/70360
r - radius of base circle
R - True length of generator
 = 154

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-30)
 Problem 5.4.23 :Figure shows the front view & top view of a tray .Draw the development of lateral surface on
a flat sheet such that it can be folded in the form of tray.

Fig. P. 5.4.23(a)

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.23(b)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-31)

 Problem 5.4.24 : Draw the development of funnel which shown in Fig. P. 5.4.24(a).

Fig. P. 5.4.24(a)

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.24(b)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-32)
 Problem 5.4.25 :Fig. P. 5.4.25(a) shows the elbow joint at two pipes. Draw the development of the lateral
surface (Summer 2023, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.25(a)

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.25(b)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-33)

 Problem 5.4.26 :Fig. P. 5.4.26(a) shows the F.V of triangular prism. Draw the development of lateral surface
& add top view.

Fig. P. 5.4.26(a)

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.26(b)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-34)
 Problem 5.4.27 :Figure shows the F.V of triangular pyramid. Draw the development of lateral surface & add
top view.

Fig. P. 5.4.27(a)

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.27(b)

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-35)
 Problem 5.4.28 :Draw the development of lateral surface of Part ‘A’ and Part ‘B’ of a right angle elbow shown
in Fig. p. 5.4.28(A). (Q. 3(B)(a), Winter 2018, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.28(a)(Fig. 5.35 (a))

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.28(b) (Fig. 5.35 (b))

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-36)
 Problem 5.4.28:A right circular cone diameter of base 60 mm and axis 60 mm long is resting on its base on
H.P. It is cut by a section plane perpendicular to V.P. and inclined at 45 to H.P. and bisecting the axis of
cone. Draw the front view, top view and development of lateral surface of the cone.
(Q. 3(B)(c), Winter 2018, 6 Marks)
 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.28(a)(Fig. 5.36 (a))

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-37)
 Problem 5.4.29 :A cone with base diameter 60 mm and axis length 70 mm rests on its base on H.P. A
circular hole of 30 mm diameter is drilled through the cone such that its axis is perpendicular to V.P., parallel
to H.P. and 20 mm above the base of cone. Draw the development of the surface showing the effect of the
hole if axis of hole is 10 mm to the right of axis of the cone. (Q. 3(A)(i), Summer 2019, 6 Marks)
 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.29(a)(Fig. 5.37 (a))

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-38)

 Problem 5.4.30 :A cylinder of base diameter 50 mm and height 75 mm is kept on H.P. A square hole of side
30 mm is drilled through it, the axis of which is perpendicular to V.P., parallel the H.P. and 10 mm to the right
of the axis of the cylinder. Axis of the hole is at centre height and all the faces of the hole are equally inclined
to H.P. Draw the development of lateral surface of the cylinder in such a way that square hole appears
centrally in the development. (Q. 3(B)(iii), Summer 2019, 6 Marks)
 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.30(a)(Fig. 5.39 (a)) ** Change dimension in FV take 10mm instead of 6mm

1. Draw the XY line

2. Draw a circle of diam. 50 mm in top view & divide this circle into 12 equal parts & the point 1,2,3----
12.Project this point in the front view & give the name 1,2,-----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=D=3.1450
= 157 mm & height 75 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1- 1,2- 2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw a square hole having size 30 mm is drilled through it, the axis of which is perpendicular to V.P.,
parallel the H.P. and 10 mm to the right of the axis of the cylinder. Axis of the hole is at centre height and all
the faces of the hole are equally inclined to H.P
6. Mark the point where square hole intersect the front view of cylinder like , , , & transfer this point
projections of development of surface.
7. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.
Circumference C =  D = 3.14  50 =157 mm

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-39)

 Problem 5.4.31 :Draw development of surface of a cylinder having base diameter 50 mm and axis height
80 mm kept of HP. It is cut by a cutting plane which is inclined at 450with HP and bisecting axis of cylinder.
(MSBTE - Q. 3(a)(i), W-19, 3 Marks)
 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.31(a)(Fig. 5.40 (a))

1. Draw XY line
2. Draw a circle of diameter 50 mm in the top view & divide this circle 12 equal parts & give the name
1,2,3,-----12 respectively .Project this point in front view & give the name 1 ,2,3----12.
3. Draw the development of surface by facing circumference C=D=3.1450
=157 mm & height 80 mm.
4. Divide the rectangle in 12 equal parts & mark 1-1,2- 2, 12-12 by using thin line
5. Draw the cutting plane S-S in front view in such away that which bisect the axis of cylinder & inclined at an
angle of 45 with H.P
6. Cutting plane S-S cuts the generator 1-1, 2-2------12-12 in the front view at points ,-----
7. Transfer this point from front view to DLS of generator 1-1,2-2,----- 12-12.
8. All points Joint in proper sequence by thick line to get complete development of the cylinder.

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-40)

Circumference C =  D = 3.14  50 =157 mm

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-41)

 Problem 5.4.32 : A square prism of base side 40 mm and axis height 90 mm is rest on HP such that its side
of base equally inclined with VP. A circular hole of diameter 85 mm is drilled through prism such that axis of
hole is perpendicular to VP and parallel to HP and bisect axis of square prism. Draw development of surface
of prism. MSBTE - Q. 3(a)(ii), W-19, 3 Marks)
(Note: Hole diameter is given as 85mm which is not feasible. Assumed as 40 mm.)
 Soln. :
Perimeter = No of side  Length of side = 4  40
= 160 mm

Fig. P. 5.4.32(a)(Fig. 5.41 (a))

1. Draw XY line
2. Draw the top view square prism & the point of corner of square prism a,b,c,d with all sides are equally
inclined to V.P .Project this point in front view give the name a,b,c,d.
3. Draw the DLS of prism by calculating perimeter 4  40 =160 mm & height 80 mm & divide into 04 equal
parts name it A-A ,B-B, C-C, D-D.
4. Draw the circle having diameter 40 mm in such a way that it bisect the axis of prism.
5. Divide a circle having diameter 40 mm in such a way that it bisect the axis of prism.

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-42)

6. Divide this circle into 12 equal parts & mark the point on upper circle ,,,--------& lower side , ,------&
transfer these point on development surface.
7. Joint all point in proper sequence & complete development of square prism by thick line.

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-43)
 Problem 5.4.33 :Draw the development of the lateral surface of the cylinder having a diameter of 50 mm.
(MSBTE - Q. 3(B)(a), Winter 2022, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.33(a)(Fig. 5.43 (a))

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.33(b) (Fig. 5.43 (b))

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-44)
 Problem 5.4.34 :Fig. P. 5.4.34 shows the front view of Funnel. Draw the developments of the lateral surface
of each. (MSBTE - Q. 3(B)(a), Winter 2022, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.34(a) (Fig. 5.44 (a))

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.34(b) (Fig. 5.44 (b))

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-45)
 Problem 5.4.35 :Fig. P. 5.4.35 shows the front view and top view of a tray. Draw the development of it.
(MSBTE - Q. 3(B)(c), Winter 2022, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.35(a) (Fig. 5.45 (a))

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.35(b) (Fig. 5.45 (b))

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)
Engineering Drawing (MSBTE- K Scheme) (Development of Surfaces) …Pg. No. (5-46)
 Problem 5.4.36 :Draw the development of Part ‘P’ of a truncated right circular cylinder shown in
Fig. P. 5.4.36(a). (Summer 2023, 6 Marks)

Fig. P. 5.4.36(a) (Fig. 5.46 (a))

 Soln. :

Fig. P. 5.4.36(b) (Fig. 5.46 (b))

Chapter Ends…

(MSBTE-K-Scheme-Semester 2: 2023-2024)

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