E3sconf Gcee2023 01004
E3sconf Gcee2023 01004
E3sconf Gcee2023 01004
GCEE 2023
1 Introduction
Cities in developing countries like Indonesia have experienced continuous growth in private
vehicle ownership which becomes one of the main concerns of the government. Based on the
study in Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia, it was identified that there are a lot of elements
(safety, ability to accommodate more family members, and social standing) that affect the
choice between a motorcycle and a car, including monthly family income, monthly
transportation costs, the number of family members and students living in the home [1]. As
the traffic volume continues to increase, many cities in Indonesia (including Denpasar City)
have experienced increase in traffic congestion, especially at the signalized intersection. This
condition will be followed by the increase in the environmental impact. One of the ways to
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
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E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
reduce the environmental impact of the road traffic congestion at the signalized intersection
is by implementing traffic signal coordination.
Traffic signal coordination is an important aspect of transportation engineering aimed at
improving the efficiency of urban traffic flow. There are many studies applying a micro-
simulation method to optimize signalized intersection performances. A study in Alexandria,
Egypt focused on applying optimization to simulate traffic signal timings under oversaturated
conditions, in order to find various solutions to the problem at hand [2]. The ExtendSim
simulation environment has been used to create a number of computer simulation models to
depict the actual system and suggested solutions. While the average wait time for a vehicle
has decreased by 32%, the average line length has decreased overall by 36%. Vissim is one
of the powerful simulation software [3]. VISSIM software can be used to simulate traffic
flow and evaluate the performance of traffic signal coordination systems. [4] investigated
''self-organizing signals,'' a novel traffic signal control paradigm based on local actuated
control but with certain extra principles that generate cooperation mechanisms. When
compared to an optimum coordinated-actuated scheme without transit priority, simulation
experiments in VISSIM on arterial corridors in Massachusetts and Arizona demonstrate
overall delay savings of up to 14%, and more than 30% in scenarios with transient
An adaptive signal control plan along the Huangshan Road in Hefei, China has been
designed [5]. They used Transyt software to find the optimal fixed-time signal plan and
evaluating the plan using Vissim software. It was found that delay in the adaptive signal
control was reduced noticeably than that in the fixed time control. The VISSIM software is
used to simulate the traffic system before and after the improvement to overcome traffic delay
in the main riad in Beijing, China [6]. They discovered that while the average number of cars
per vehicle, the per capita delay, and the parking time have all dramatically decreased, the
number of vehicles and the number of passengers have clearly increased. The Vissim
software was applied to analyze the installation of a traffic signal at the skewed T-Intersection
in the Emakulam district of Kerala, India [7]. It was found that the vehicle delay has
decreased after the installation of the signal. The Vissim software was applied to design and
evaluate an isolated traffic light controlled intersection in Spisska Nova Ves, Slovakia [8].
From the two models developed have led to a 75% reduction of the queue length. The Vissim
software was used to analyze installation of traffic signal at unsignalized intersection in
Bekasi, Indonesia [9]. The study found that replenishing the intersection's two-phased signals
with a 106-second cycle time, as an alternative counter condition, was successful in reducing
24% of traffic conflict. Vissim has also been used to simulate traffic signal coordination. An
investigation on the benefits of signal coordination by means of traffic microsimulation
software, PTV Vissim in Bangalore (the capital city of Karnataka), India has been conducted
[10]. From Mother Theresa intersection to Sarvanton intersection, travel time and delay were
reduced after signal synchronization by 102.4 seconds and 110.32 seconds, respectively. The
traffic signal controllers have been optimized for a congested corridor in Malabe town, Sri
Lanka using Vissim software [11]. They found that emissions and fuel consumption were
reduced by 14.89%.
The applications of microsimulation modelling for assessing traffic safety that have been
subjected to critical analysis in terms of the application of various simulation tools [3]. They
stated that there is still a significant void in the development and application of simulation
model to evaluate traffic safety of non-lane based heterogeneous traffic environments that
predominate in many developing countries. Road traffic compositions in developed and
developing countries such as Indonesia are different. The road traffic in Indonesia is
dominated by motor cycle. Traffic signal coordination in Denpasar City is usually evaluated
manually. The application of the microsimulation model will be required to evaluate several
alternatives to obtain suitable traffic management solutions. The main objective of this study
E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
was to minimize traffic congestion and fuel consumption by coordinating two signalized
intersections in Denpasar City as a case study, based on vissim simulation.
3 Research Methods
Figure 1 shows the study location at two intersections along Sudirman Street in Denpasar
City, Bali, Indonesia. Denpasar City has an area of 127.78 km2 with a total population of
726,599 people [15].The majority of the road network's traffic volume occasionally
increases. Particularly at peak times in the morning and afternoon, there has been traffic
congestion. This condition has led to an increase in energy consumption and air pollution.
E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
Fig. 1. Study Location at Two Intersection Along Sudirman Street in Denpasar city.
Data collected include the intersection geometry, traffic signal (timing, phasing, and cycle
time), traffic volume, distance between the two intersections, and average travel time. Traffic
volume data were collected for 12 hours from 07:00 a.m. to 07:00 p.m. during the weekdays.
Using a measuring wheel, field measurements were used to gather geometric data. Using a
test vehicle, data on typical journey times was gathered. By making observations at the
signalized junctions, the signal timings, phasing, and cycle times were gathered.
The model of the chosen corridor was created with the help of the microsimulation
program VISSIM. In the early stages of the investigation, the queue length was taken into
consideration as the performance measure for calibrating and testing the program at the
junction level. The line length, average stop delay, average vehicle delay, CO emissions,
NOx emissions, and fuel consumption were taken into account to assess the effectiveness of
the traffic signal modification. Using the calibration parameters, the base model was adjusted
to the local circumstances.
By comparing the observed and anticipated values, the validation process was carried out
based on the t-test. Data for the vehicle volume, vehicle composition, turning movement, and
signal timing were entered into the VISSIM program while the model was being created. The
gathered and examined data, along with the preset calibration parameter values, were used to
create the corridor's base model. The VISSIM software was used to optimize the traffic
signals. Priority rules and a new signal program were developed as a stage-based signal
controller. The best traffic signal controller timings were then discovered by doing the signal
timing optimization.
E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
Based on Table 2, it is known that during peak hour conditions, the largest percentage
difference in volume occurs in the southern approach of the FE Unud intersection, namely
27.13%; the largest percentage difference in queue length occurs in the southern approach of
the FE Unud intersection, at 12.44%; and the largest percentage difference in the average
delay occurs in the northern approach of the Waturenggong intersection, at 18.96%.
E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
Fig. 2. Vissim Software Program Signals at the Waturenggong Intersection Before and After the
Intersection Coordination Settings at Afternoon Peak Hours.
From Table 3 it can be seen that at peak hours in the afternoon there was a decrease in
performance parameters after an alternative application of signal coordination was carried
out, namely at the FE Unud intersection there was a decrease in queue length of -2.17%,
delay of -3.97%, stop delay of -4.45% and fuel use of -0.95%, while at the Waturenggong
E3S Web of Conferences 445, 01004 (2023) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202344501004
GCEE 2023
intersection, there was a decrease in queue length of -18.52%, -20.41% delay, -21.61% stop
delay, and -5.15% fuel usage.
5 Conclusion
Based on the results of the validation using statistical analysis of the t-test, it can be concluded
that there is no significant difference between observed and predicted traffic volume. Based
on the intersection coordination analysis, alternative results of signal coordination between
the two intersections are obtained, which are inputted and re-analyzed with the Vissim
software using the node results to obtain a new intersection performance. After carrying out
the application of signal coordination, it is known that there is a decrease in the performance
parameters of queue length, delays, stop delays, and fuel usage, respectively, during morning
peak hours, afternoon peak hours, and evening peak hours. The most significant decrease
occurred at the Waturenggong intersection arm during the afternoon peak hours, namely a
decrease in the queue length parameter of -18.52%, a delay of -20.41%, stop delay of -
21.61%, and a fuel consumption savings of -5.15%.
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