Green Revolution

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Green Revolution
In this video, scholar Eman M. Elshaikh introduces the Green Revolution, which
refers to agricultural technology transfers aimed at reducing world hunger, mainly
in the 1950s and 1960s. The set of policies and aid initiatives also had a political
element within the context of the Cold War. Aid from the US was linked to the
belief that extreme poverty and hunger might turn populations to communist
political movements. Debate continues over the benefits and costs of the programs,
based on disagreements about sustainability, US corporate benefits, and whether
the Green Revolution actually made things measurably better in the long run.
Green Revolution

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00:01 The need to eat is shared across humanity. But the resources needed to produce
food are not always shared so evenly. It may seem simple, innocent, and universal,
What was the Green but food has a very interesting political history. So how can food be political?
Eman M. Elshaikh, PhD, In the post-World War II period, as birth rates started to skyrocket in many parts
University of Chicago of the world, countries struggled with how to feed their exploding populations.
Starting in the 1940s—and partly funded by the Rockefeller Foundation—scientists
A man holds up harvested tried a new way to produce more food. In Mexico, they used specially engineered
grasses seeds to maximize the yield of corn plants. These seeds responded well to
artificial fertilizers and pesticides. With the help of irrigation, farmers were able to
produce much more food than ever before. These techniques were later put to use
Farmers in Asia dig up the on a massive scale. In the 1960s and ‘70s, this experiment was extended to Asia,
ground to plant crops with new wheat and rice varieties. The result was what is known as the Green

01:15 Now, a revolution definitely sounds political, but it’s not political in the way you
may be thinking. In fact, the guy who coined the term, a U.S. Department of State
official, made a point to distinguish it from other revolutions. In a 1968 speech,
‘Green Revolution’ was he said, “These and other developments in the field of agriculture “contain the
coined by William Gaud makings of a new revolution. “It is not a violent Red Revolution like that of the
Soviets, nor is it a White Revolution like that of the Shah of Iran. I call it the Green
Revolution.” So, as he said, the Green Revolution was not a military coup or an
uprising, or even a set of reforms. It was a transfer of technologies that resulted in
increased crop yields, and it revolutionized the production, distribution, kinds, and
availability of food all over the world. In fact, the foods we eat today are directly
the result of Green Revolution technologies. What are other impacts, and what was
the reasoning behind it?

02:15 The Green Revolution had numerous impacts, which we’ll look at in a bit. But first,
where did it come from? Was it political? It sure was. And as we saw, the Green
Why did it start and what Revolution was part of a U.S. State Department program, and it was funded in part
was it’s impact? by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations. In fact, some historians argue that the
Anti-communist Green Revolution was engineered as a way to fight communism during the Cold
propaganda shows a man War. And you might be wondering: what does food have to do with communism?
with a sword inscribed
with ‘Democracy’; the ad
reads “Stop Communism!
It’s everybody’s job.”

02:48 Well, apparently, a common saying among U.S. government officials at the time
was, “Where hunger goes, communism follows.” And at a time when the American
Photo of an anti-war public was against U.S. aggression in Vietnam, the Green Revolution was imagined
protest against the war in as a peaceful, scientific solution to red revolutions abroad. If people weren’t
Vietnam hungry, they reasoned, they wouldn’t find communism appealing. So even though
it was a development and aid program, it was also deeply political, as all such
programs are.

03:19 So how did it happen? It started with this new technology moving across networks
of scientists and farmers.

Green Revolution

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A huge tractor drives But it’s important to see that such transfers are not always organic movements.
along a farm In other words, it often takes political work to make them happen. You could say
political work is the “fertilizer.” In this case, scientists and farmers from countries
like Mexico, India, the Philippines, and Indonesia were trained to use these
methods and sold the equipment needed to implement these new techniques. But
they then adapted them to their own local circumstances. And even though the
Photos of irrigation technologies were first developed in the United States, how they worked was very
techniques, including a local. It took a great deal of local infrastructure, like dams and other irrigation
dam, and an irrigation techniques, to generate the massive amount of water needed to supersize the
canal amount of food being grown. Scientists and farmers had to experiment with their
local soil conditions, climates, and food needs to get it to work.

04:18 And it worked in some places more than others. India was one place where the
Green Revolution really took off. In the 1960s, better living conditions and high
birth rates helped the Indian population grow rapidly. Indian scientists adapted
new varieties of rice and wheat to help feed this population. When grown with
fertilizers and plenty of water, they grew many more grains per plant. The result?
Photo of people working India is now one of the world’s biggest producers of rice. But at the same time,
on a rice farm far fewer Indians now work in agriculture, and the population is quickly catching
up to the supply of rice. And while we’re focusing on an anti-communist Green
Revolution for the most part, it’s also important to note that China had its own
successful Green Revolution, but with a communist character.

05:08 In the 1970s, under the leadership of Mao Zedong, the Chinese used similar
technologies to increase farming output on communes. But labor was organized
China: The Green very differently. The government decided how and when people would work, and
Revolution in a state- organized multiple households into teams of farmers. Military brigades enforced
planned economy; image this organization.
shows Mao Zedong in
front of a crowd of people So the Green Revolution certainly had a local character in each location. But
we really can’t overstate the broader effects of these green revolutions. In Asia,
between 1960 and 1990, rice production more than doubled and wheat production
more than quadrupled. On a global scale, the Green Revolution dramatically
changed the way food was produced, consumed, and distributed. Countries that
Photo of large industrial had once been importers became exporters. Large industrial farms replaced small
farms; chickens in an organic farms. And the owners of big farms could afford new equipment and
extremely crowded coop costly seeds. Seeds usually needed to be purchased every season, because these
specially engineered seeds had unpredictable results in the second generation.
But regardless of these results, farmers often had legal agreements to rebuy
seeds every season from the corporations that engineer them, as the seeds were
considered their intellectual property.

06:22 And there were other important global effects. For one, people started to think
about hunger and poverty differently. Instead of seeing them as unavoidable
realities, people started to think of them as solvable problems, and they enlisted
Photo of a helicopter scientific tools, believing that science could provide the ultimate solutions. And if
dropping off ‘USAID’, the goal was to feed more people, science worked. Millions if not billions of people
international American- avoided starvation. And populations soared as a result. But did it actually make
government provided aid things better? This is a very big debate.

Green Revolution

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07:01 There are many criticisms of the Green Revolution, but we’re going to cover just
a few. One big criticism is that it is simply not sustainable. Though it fed millions,
Critiques of the Green the population is now even bigger, while the resources needed to feed that
Revolution population are dwindling. Growing a ton of food requires a ton of water, which is a
Photo of an overcrowded scarce resource in many places. And soil quality has suffered, too.
modern city
Criticisms: Which leads us to another criticism: environmental degradation. Pesticides and
1. It’s not sustainable. artificial fertilizers are often blamed for destroying local plant and animal habitats,
2. It has harmed the and they’re also toxic to humans if not used correctly. And ironically, even with
environment. things like pesticides, these new plants are more susceptible to pests and disease.
3. It lowered biodiversity. That’s because the Green Revolution encouraged monoculture. Monoculture is
4. It didn’t fix the food growing only one species in a large area. As a result, there’s less diversity, which
problem. means that one pest or disease can wipe out an entire crop. In India, for example,
there used to be over 30,000 kinds of rice grown. Now there are fewer than a
dozen. And the new crops have wiped out local plants, which were often more

08:15 And that brings us to the last criticism we’ll talk about: Was the Green Revolution
a trade-off between quality and quantity? It certainly made it possible to grow
more food. But did it result in better health and nutrition? Food security is a major
global problem, but does more food mean lower rates of poverty, malnutrition,
and starvation? It’s unclear. Food is still distributed in uneven ways, and there
are many people still at risk of starvation and malnutrition, even where the Green
Revolution succeeded.

08:46 So, was the Green Revolution political? Definitely! It was supported for political
reasons, whether in America or China, with private or public funds. And did the
Green Revolution make things better? The jury is out on that.

Decades later, people are still thinking about the same issues. Some scientists
and policy-makers have been talking about a new Green Revolution, which now
extends out of Asia and into Africa. But Africa has its own challenges, as its
environmental conditions make it difficult to sustain the kind of growth India

And the challenge is also global. Scientists predict that the global population will
reach nine billion by 2050. With the temperature rising, the challenge is even
greater than before, especially in countries where climates and soil quality are
not ideal. Can our current technological and scientific tools help provide healthy
food for all? Will new innovations help us? And will existing political arrangements
make it possible to address these problems on a large scale? Only time will tell.

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