Feasibility Study of Distributed Wind Energy Generation in Jumla Nepal
Feasibility Study of Distributed Wind Energy Generation in Jumla Nepal
Feasibility Study of Distributed Wind Energy Generation in Jumla Nepal
*Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas Tech University, 2500 Broadway, Lubbock, TX 79409, USA
**Department of Mech. Engineering, Purwanchal Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University, Dharan, Nepal
‡ Corresponding Author; Postal address: Lubbock, TX, USA. 79409, Ph# +1-806-632-8141, Email: hanna.moussa@ttu.edu
Abstract- Renewable energy production needs serious attention in highly traditional, inefficient, and energy-dependent countries
like Nepal. Moreover, the option of an effective renewable energy technology that is economically feasible and environmentally
acceptable is a topic of interest due to the availability of various types of renewable energy sources in Nepal. Among other
renewable energy sources like micro hydro, solar, biogas etc, very few studies had been conducted on wind energy sources in
Nepal and those few studies also focuses mostly on large scale wind farming. So, this study analyzes the suitability of distributed
wind energy production in Tila village of Jumla district in the western part of Nepal. Five-year (2015-2019) wind speed data
were examined to obtain wind power density and energy density. Two-parameter Weibull probability density function was used
to evaluate these two quantities. The annual Weibull parameters k and c of 1.73 and 4.21 m/s were obtained to calculate 43.79
W/m2 power density and 378.37 kWh/m2 energy density. This study also provides the economic evaluation of a 100 kW
distributed wind energy system, and the technical and economic aspects of the proposed system are compared with the
corresponding characteristics of the existing renewable energy systems, i.e., micro hydropower and solar power. The study shows
that when there is not enough sunlight for the solar PV system and not enough water flow coupled with maintenance problems
in the micro hydropower system, the distributed wind energy system may function as a substitute system.
Keywords- distributed wind energy; site suitability; off-grid energy generation; electrification.
1. Introduction Renewable energy is the third largest contributor
to the global electricity supply. Renewable energy satisfies
The number of people around the world still lacking 18 percent of the energy demand in the world [4, 5]. Clean
electricity has dropped to 860 million in this decade [1, 2]. energy sources such as wind, hydro, solar, biomass, and
Although almost every country in the world continued to geothermal have gained attention worldwide because they
make unprecedented progress toward the goal of universal are almost non-pollutant [6]. Out of these technologies, the
access to electricity, this objective is difficult to attain energy from wind is one of the major sources of electricity
because nearly 85% of such people live in remote rural generation and is being actively pursued in many countries.
areas [2]. The recent history has showcased economic Although deployment of wind energy started in the decade
growth and improvement of living standards of people who of 1970s [7], partially in response to the oil crisis and
use electrical energy. This is especially observed in the case environmental and climate change problems, over the past
of rural communities. For the economic advancement of the decade more and more wind turbines are producing power.
people in this region, the exploitation of renewable energy Wind turbine electricity generation has increased by more
resources needs serious attention. This increasing demand than 25% per year [8]. Furthermore, being third among
for electrical energy coupled with the need to reduce carbon other renewable energy sources, wind power produces
emissions is one of the key factors that drive the pursuit of approximately 13,500 MW of energy [5]. Theoretically, the
renewable resources such as solar photovoltaic, wind, and potential supply of the Earth's wind energy substantially
hydro power. Implementing steps to introduce renewable exceeds global energy demand. However, the irregular
resources in rural areas will help local communities to be nature of wind resources is a major hurdle to exploit wind
self-sustainable in terms of production they make and power [9].
capital they own for their betterment [3]. The wind is the movement of air from a high-
pressure region to a low-pressure area. Wind occurs since
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
the Earth's surface is heated unevenly by the sun. With the researchers working in this field because of the availability
rise of hot air, cooler air comes in to fill the vacuum. The of different kinds of renewable energy sources in the region.
wind will blow as the sun shines [8]. The first step to using Researchers have argued that renewable energy
wind energy in an area is to evaluate the capacity and technologies such as micro and mini hydropower, solar,
feasibility[10], to know where, when and how much wind wind, and biomass are not only technically feasible and
energy is available, as the wind energy has intermittent and financially viable solutions but also suitable energy sources
variable structure[11], with the analysis of the for rural and remote areas in developing countries like
meteorological parameter affecting wind turbine power Nepal [17]. Out of these technologies, Nepal has not yet
generation such as wind speed, wind direction, pressure and achieved a significant progress in wind energy project
air temperature[12]. Moreover, the maximum utilization of development despite its theoretical potential being around
wind energy depends on the proper analysis of the wind data 3000 MW [14]. However, Nepal’s government is collecting
measured hourly, daily, weekly and monthly[13]. The wind data for detailed feasibility studies and also a subsidy
energy capacity of wind turbines can be measured by policy has already addressed the need to develop wind
averaging the energy of potential wind speeds over a period; energy technology [18, 19]. These policies put a high
therefore, the probability distribution of different wind priority on collecting data, preparing wind maps, offering
speeds in the area is the main factor in computation. The financial support to attract investors, and creating Wind
Different distribution functions are available to evaluate the Energy Master Plan for effective deployment of potential
wind energy capacity and output of energy of any site, wind energy resources [7]. Given the policy support, wind
including Weibull distribution, Rayleigh distribution, resource endowment in Nepal is not being explored.
Johnson distribution, Pearson distribution, and Chi-square
distribution. Most of the published articles use Weibull 3. Methodology
distribution [5, 10] due to its good accuracy and simplicity.
Various studies have been carried out focusing on 3.1. Study location
determining the viability of wind energy projects through
the analysis of wind data in different locations in Nepal. It
has been suggested that Jumla has the highest wind resource
potential and is most economically viable compared to other
potential sites studied [14]. Jumla is in Karnali state, which
is in the mountainous region of Nepal. One research study
has suggested that there is a potential for distributed wind
energy generation in Jumla, but the site accessibility issues
currently make it unfeasible for large-scale wind farming
[15]. Hence, there are no site-specific detailed case studies
has been done so far for distribute energy generation. It has
been proposed that wind power projects are technically
viable in this region but the compatibility evaluation of this
Fig. 1. Location of the study on google earth map
technology with other possible technologies and detailed
indicated by a yellow pin (yellow line is the boarder of
economic analysis have not been done so far. Therefore, the
Nepal with China and India)
aim of this research is to assess the wind energy capacity for
a village in Jumla district in the western part of Nepal. In For the site location, we have chosen Tila village of Jumla
this research, five years (from 2015 to 2019) of daily which is at elevation of 2718 meters, at 29.275 deg latitude
averaged wind speed data from the Department of and 82.184 deg longitude in Nepal as shown in Fig.1. The
Meteorology and Hydrology under the Government of topography of Tila village is extremely varied, with a
Nepal is collected. The data is further processed to obtain maximum change of elevation of 1000 meters. Moreover,
wind power and energy density. Next, we analyze the within a range of 16 km, the elevation varies about 2464
suitability of small-scale 100 kW wind power projects for meters, and within a range of 80 km, the difference is about
off-grid energy generation to complement the existing 6302 meters. The village is covered mostly by cropland,
renewable energy projects. trees, and grassland. Tila village has a total of 2626
households with 13,607 inhabitants who are mostly poor
2. Nepal and its Energy Outlook
[20]. The electricity they currently receive from a micro
hydro system is subsidized by the government but the
The percentage of the population remaining to get
villagers face load shedding of several hours every day. To
connected to electricity has decreased from 35 % to 4.5 %
alleviate this problem, they have rooftop solar power
in this decade. However, 1.3 million out of 29 million
installed, but during the winter season when there is less
Nepalis still need to be connected to an electricity supply
daylight solar power is unreliable. Similarly, the micro
[16]. As most of this population lives in Karnali State,
hydro system is dependent on the snowy and rainy seasons.
exploitation of renewable energy needs serious attention in
During those seasons, the canal experiences blockages and
this region as other energy sources are expensive and
piping systems need significant maintenance. This is an
beyond reach. Choosing a suitable renewable energy
opportunity for the government to invest in other renewable
technology that is economically feasible and
resources. For this to happen, we must study the availability
environmentally acceptable is a topic of interest among
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
of wind energy sources and their suitability for the village. moderate seasonal variability. February 15 to August 24
We also need to find a suitable location for installing wind (about 6.3 months) is the windier part of the year. The less
turbines based on topography, wind resources, road access, windy time of year lasts for 5.7 months from August 24 to
and security. February 15. As the average annual wind speed is low for
the energy generation, it is necessary to view the hourly
3.2. Data collection wind speed in the locality. Figure 3 represents the hourly
average wind speed extrapolated to a hub height of 30 m
To perform wind resource assessment, we need a lot of (the data were originally taken at a hub height of 10 m). The
information related to the site. This information includes average hourly wind speed in Jumla in January varies
climate data such as wind speed, wind direction, throughout the day. The windiest time of the day is around
temperature, pressure, humidity, and precipitation, and 1:00 pm, with an average hourly wind speed of 5.1 m/s,
topographic data including elevation and roughness. The mostly staying between 4.4 m/s and 6.9 m/s. The wind
five-year wind data (from 2015 to 2019) have been obtained speed starts to increase at around 8 am with value 1.8 m/s
from the meteorological stations set up by the Department and keeps increasing till 1:30 pm to value 5.1 m/s. It
of Hydrology and Meteorology of the Government of decreases subsequently, and at 7 pm has almost the same
Nepal. Nowadays, most of these data are also readily value as at 8 am. Thus, the maximum energy will be
available from satellite sources [21]. Since the data are extracted from 8 am to 7 pm. Night-time wind speed is not
taken at a hub height of 10 m, we used Equation 12 to sufficient to produce wind energy.
extrapolate the results for a hub height of 30 m. Fig.2 shows
that there is a large variation of mean wind speed in the year Temperature also affects wind energy production
2017. Otherwise, there is less variation in wind speed because the density of air varies with the temperature.
throughout the year and less variation of the mean monthly Moreover, the altitude also affects the density of air in
wind speed between the years. Jumla. The average temperature is taken on the first day of
4 each month for this research. The temperature varies from
3,5 2015 50°F to 70°F throughout the year (see Fig. 4). The warmest
Wind Speed (m/s)
15,0 Minimum
Fig. 2. Mean monthly wind speed in the period of 10,0
2015-2019 in Jumla 5,0
8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Jan -5,0
7 Months (Jan to Dec 1-12)
Wind Speed (m/s)
5 Apr Fig. 4. Monthly average high and low temperature in
4 Jumla
3 Jun Rainfall also impacts wind power generation. Extreme
Jul seasonal rainfall variability occurs in Jumla. The rainy
season lasts 8.2 months from 26th February to 23rd October,
1 with at least 12.7 mm of monthly rainfall (see Fig. 5). The
Sep dry season lasts from 23rd October until 16th February for 3.8
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 Oct months.
Hour of a day (1:00 to 24:00) Nov
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
The Weibull probability density function is a two-parameter
100 distribution with a dimensionless shape parameter k and a
75 velocity scale parameter c in m/s [22].
50 & ) &+, ) &
25 𝑓(𝑢) = ' ( ' * exp 0− ( ' * 2 (1)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 where f(u) denotes the probability distribution of wind
speed u. The quality of wind resources can be evaluated
Months from Jan to dec (1-12)
from the parameters c and k. The parameter c is proportional
to the wind speed and k characterizes the shape of the
Fig. 5. Average monthly rainfall in Jumla Weibull distribution. A smaller value of k describes variable
wind whereas a larger value corresponds to constant wind.
Wind power generation is also affected by the Typical values of k are between 1 and 3 [23]. Weibull
snowfall. Figure 6 shows the liquid-equivalent snowfall, parameters can be obtained using various methods such as
which is between 5 to 10 times smaller than the actual graphical method, method of moments, maximum
snowfall amount assuming the frozen ground. Monthly likelihood method, standard deviation method, modified
liquid-equivalent snowfall is experiencing seasonal maximum likelihood method, power density method,
variability. The snowy period runs from 10th December equivalent energy method, etc. In this research, Weibull
until 9th March for 3 months. parameters are obtained by the standard deviation method
using the following relations [6] :
Liquid Equivalent Snow-
8 𝑘=5
? (2)
fall in mm
6 𝑐=
C (,D )
where 𝑢B is the mean wind speed and 𝜎 is the variance of
2 the data. The mean wind speed and variance are calculated
0 from the expressions below [6] [22].
1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ,
Months from Jan to dec (1-12) 𝑢′ = I ∑IK 𝑢K (4)
Fig. 6. Average monthly liquid-equivalent snowfall in ,
𝜎 = LMI+, ∑IKO,(𝑢K − 𝑢B )N P (5)
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
where P is the wind power per unit area (A). Equation 9 Assuming the energy produced will be fully consumed in
can also be expressed as follows [10]: the locality, the revenue generated is calculated as follows:
^ , T , @
= N 𝜌 ∫6 𝑢@ 𝑓(𝑢)𝑑(𝑢) = N 𝜌 𝑐 @ 𝛤 (1 + & * (10)
R = AEP *TR (14)
where 𝜌 is the density of air at 15 C and pressure of 1 atm.
The cost of the project is estimated based on the
Air density decreases as elevation and temperature rise [24]. cost of turbines available on the international market and on
Literature shows that there is no significant difference other costs such as installation, maintenance, etc. described
between the standard air density and the air density at the in literature on international practice. After the economic
elevation where the wind turbine is to be installed [6]. evaluation of the project is performed, we calculate the
Therefore, the standard air density is used in this study subsidy that the government must provide to run the project.
(ρ=1.225 kg/m3). After obtaining the wind power density, First, we determine the net present value (NPV), which is
we evaluate the wind energy density E for a specific period the contrast between the present value of cash inflows over
T using the following relation [22]: time and the present value of cash outflows; NPV is used to
𝐸 = 𝑃𝑇 (11) assess the viability of a planned expenditure or project in
capital budgeting and investment planning [26].
3.5. Wind Energy Extrapolation 𝑁𝑃𝑉 = ∑IKO, –I (15)
Where ℎ, and ℎN are height above ground level for the wind 6.8:∗q
𝑆 = ∑IKO, −𝐶 (16)
speed of 𝑢, and 𝑢N respectively, and n is the roughness (,Dr)s
length in the current wind direction; in our study, we take n
= 0.03 suitable for Tila village with open agricultural area The percentage of Total Capital Investment (TCI)
without fences and hedgerows, very scattered buildings and can be calculated as:
only softly rounded hills [25].
TCI = z 100 % (17)
3.6. Economic Analysis
The statistical analysis of the proposed system is
After the evaluation of the wind energy density and energy presented in the next section. Then we provide the economic
potential, annual energy production will be calculated using evaluation of the system and compare it with the existing
the Weibull wind speed probability distribution f and power renewable energy systems, i.e., micro hydro and solar
curve of a 100 kW turbine selected based on the wind power. The comparison is based on different technical and
energy distribution [10]: economic parameters such as efficiency, capacity factor,
electrical components, cost, other components, and
𝐴𝐸𝑃 = ∑I)O, 𝑃) ∗ 𝑓(𝑢) ∗ 8760 𝑘𝑊ℎ 𝑠 (13) maintenance.
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
To determine power density and energy density, Equations (10) and (11) were used. Table 2 presents yearly Weibull parameters
and average Weibull parameters for five years.
Table 2. Yearly Weibull Parameters, Wind Power Density (WPD), and Wind Energy Density (WED)
Year (m/s) 𝜎 k (m/s) (W/m2) (kWh/m2)
2015 2.77 1.59 1.81 4.30 36.62 316.40
2016 2.72 1.60 1.77 4.26 35.09 303.21
2017 2.31 1.92 1.21 4.22 79.40 686.02
2018 2.68 1.38 2.04 3.99 31.56 272.66
2019 2.76 1.59 1.81 4.29 36.29 313.54
Average 2.65 1.62 1.73 4.21 43.79 378.37
While the shape factor varies between 1.21 and 2.04, wind power, 79.40 W/m2 and 31.56 W/m2, occur in the year
the scale factor ranges from 3.99 to 4.29 m/s. The 5-year 2017 and 2018, respectively. The wind energy density value
mean values of the scale factor and shape factor are 1.73 and ranges from 272.66 kWh/m2 in the year 2018 to 686.02
4.21 m/s, respectively. The greatest and smallest values of kWh/m2 in the year 2017.
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
The monthly average wind speed is based on the smallest values of wind power density equal to 178.28
hourly average for each day. Table 3 presents that the shape W/m2 in May and 16.98 W/m2 in December. The wind
and scale parameters are in the range of 1.45–2.31 and 3.17- energy density value ranges from 12.63 kWh/m2 in
5.29 m/s, respectively. Moreover, the largest and the December to 132.64 kWh/m2 in May.
Table 3. Monthly Weibull Parameters, Wind Power Density (WPD), and Wind Energy Density (WED).
Year (m/s) 𝜎 k (m/s) (W/m2) (kWh/m2)
Jan 2.36 1.11 2.25 3.40 20.70 15.40
Feb 2.64 1.48 1.85 4.06 31.25 23.25
Mar 2.37 1.15 2.18 3.45 21.28 15.84
Apr 3.09 2.06 1.54 5.10 55.24 41.10
May 3.15 2.18 1.47 5.28 178.28 132.64
Jun 3.13 2.20 1.45 5.29 177.55 132.09
Jul 3.03 1.97 1.59 4.94 51.27 38.14
Aug 2.79 1.87 1.53 4.61 40.62 30.22
Sep 2.45 1.65 1.52 4.06 27.59 20.53
Oct 2.37 1.50 1.63 3.83 24.14 17.96
Nov 2.29 1.22 1.97 3.45 19.87 14.78
Dec 2.21 1.02 2.31 3.17 16.98 12.63
Average 2.66 1.62 1.78 4.22 34.25 25.48
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
Table 4. Wind Turbines and their specifications energy market saw turbine costs increase from 2002 through
Maker Rated Rotor Cut in Weight
Power Diameter Speed
First a comparison is made between four different Hummer 100 kW 25 m 2.5 m/s 2200 kg
turbines that are most suitable for our site. Hummer H25.0- Aeolos 100 kW 24.5 m 3 m/s 8350 kg
100KW is selected because our site requires a low cut-in Danish 100 kW 20.6 m 3 m/s ungiven
wind speed with reasonable power production. The weight Polaris 100 kW 25 m 2.7 m/s ungiven
and size of the turbine is another factor in selection as 2008 and then decline as a result of domestic and global
roadways by which the turbine should be transported are changes in labor costs, warranty provisions, manufacturer
steep and have many turns. The direct drive makes the cost profitability, turbine scaling, raw material prices, energy
of the turbine reasonable, and the turbine will be easy to prices, and foreign exchange rates.
maintain and install. Moreover, the Hummer brand is one of
the leading low-speed manufacturers in the world so it can
After getting information about the total project
provide lifelong service. The power curve of Hummer
cost, the next step is to calculate the total subsidy the
H25.0-100KW is presented in Fig. 8; the data was taken
government must provide to implement and run the project
from the manufacturer’s website. A turbine can only smoothly. The operation and maintenance costs are
generate power when it reaches the cut-in speed and stops
supposed to be 3% based on guidelines for the
generating electricity when it reaches the cut-out speed. The
implementation of renewable energy technologies of the
power curve shows energy generation at different wind
Alternative Energy Promotion Center. Thus, according to
the economic evaluation of the 100-kW project in Tila
village, based on the capital investment range from
120 $3500/kW to $7200/kW, the subsidy the government has to
100 provide to run the project without loss is calculated using
Power Output (kW)
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
light [38]. Nepal’s success in micro hydropower has been The efficiency of a wind turbine is about 50% and the
taken as an example by the neighbouring countries and overall distributed wind energy system has an efficiency
some African countries [39]. In later years, the development range from 32% to 50% [49]. The efficiency of a distributed
of micro hydropower has decreased, due to the development wind source is between the solar and micro hydro systems.
of mega projects in Nepal and the extension of the national The most efficient solar panels on the market today have
grid to many remote places. efficiency ratings as high as 22.8%, whereas most panels
The cost of installation of micro hydropower range from 15% to 17% efficiency rating [49]. The battery
systems in Nepal depends on the site location. Several of the solar system has the efficiency of about 70-90 % [50]
factors affect the installation cost including civil works and the overall solar PV system has the efficiency of 15 %
required at the intake and for the canal, the length and type [51]. With 50-60% efficiency, the micro hydro system has
of penstock, the complexity of the turbine design, the a higher efficiency than wind and solar systems.
distance to the distribution area, and the number of
connected households [40]. Dhakal et al. and Acharya et al.
provide the cost per kilowatt of micro hydro installations 6.3.2. Capacity Factor
with different capacities at different site locations within The capacity factor is the amount of energy produced by a
Nepal. The cost varies from $2000/kW to $5000/kW with system divided by what it could produce if it functioned at
an average of $3500/kW [41, 42]. The research peak capacity all the time. Wind, hydro, and solar capacity
demonstrates that there is very little change in the cost per factors tend to vary with location and seasons since they
kilowatt with the change in the system capacity, indicating depend on the speed of the wind, flow of water, and
that as the size increases, the fixed costs also increase. The sunlight. According to the U.S. Energy Information
cost breakdown for the Nepalese micro hydro sector shows Administration data provided in 2016, the wind energy
electrical components 40%, civil components 30%, system has a capacity factor of 34.7% whereas the
mechanical components 23%, and transportation 7% [43]. hydropower system has 38%. The solar PV system has a
capacity factor of 10-20 %.
6.2. Solar Power
6.3.3. Electrical System
Nepal, with mean solar radiation of 4.7 kWh/m2 per day and The modern wind power generation system uses a three-
a surface area of 147,516 km2, is the region in South East bladed horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) in
Asia with a tremendous amount of solar energy potential combination with various types of generators with or
[44, 45]. The country is mainly divided into three without gear drive. The most popular generators are squirrel
geographical regions: Himalayan, Hilly, and Terai. With a cage induction generator (SCIG), doubly fed induction
total width of 193 km from south to north, Nepal consists of generator (DFIG), electrically excited synchronous
areas with altitude varying from 70 meters to 8848 meters generator (EESG), and permanent magnet synchronous
[46]. Tila village of Jumla, located in the western generator (PMSG). The squirrel cage induction generator is
mountainous region of Nepal, is in state number 6. As the mainly used for fixed speed wind power generation in the
Himalayan region has a lower potential for solar energy due small-scale power range, whereas the other three types of
to climate and the Terai region is connected almost entirely generators are used with variable speed wind power
to the national grid, it is the western mountainous region generation with maximum power point tracking (MPPT)
where connection to the grid is difficult due to topography technology. The small-scale wind power generation system
and the potential for the production seems fair. A major also uses a conventional synchronous generator (SG). The
portion (about 55%) of the capital cost of the solar power power generated is fed to the load via a power electronic
plant consists of the cost of the Photovoltaic (PV) module converter stage or sent to the micro-grid or power grid by a
and inverters [47], and the cost of the PV module decreased step-up power transformer for transmission and distribution
from 90$/Wp in 1968 to 0.49$/Wp in 2014 (Here, Wp is the purposes [52].
solar installation power expressed in watt peak, it is the The wind power is a highly intermittent kind of
maximum electrical energy that the solar cell can generate energy source. Its reliability can be increased using either
in an ideal environment , i.e. solar collector in a cloudless the battery energy storage system or the micro hydropower
sky)[48]. The capital cost has fallen from 2.4 million Dollar generation system. Because the micro hydropower (MHP)
in 2009-10 to 0.9 million Dollar in 2015-16 per MW of the generation is not as intermittent as the wind power
solar power plant. generation, the two renewable resources can be combined
to increase the reliability of the energy system. In MHP
6.3. Comparison of Technical Aspects generation, the constant flow of water is discharged through
the water turbine-generator system. The same types of
The distributed wind energy source and the micro
generators are used in the MHP system; the most common
hydropower energy source are quite similar in terms of their
ones are the self-excited induction generator and traditional
operation as both use turbines for the generation of
synchronous generator because of a lower cost and simpler
electricity. Along with the micro hydropower system
maintenance. The generated power is connected to an
comparison is also made with solar PV system.
isolated load, keeping the voltage and frequency constant.
The voltage and frequency are made constant with the help
6.3.1. Efficiency of a simple to advanced electronic load converter [53]. Such
R. Dhakal et al., Vol.10, No.3, September, 2020
a simple technique cannot be applied in wind power microscale projects to electrify communities [38]. Looking
generation control system; complex power electronic at the capital investment in the wind, micro hydro, and solar
converter stages such as a rectifier, DC-DC converter, and power, we find that distributed wind energy systems need
inverters for the power balance and frequency management more investment than the other two. The micro hydro
are needed in this case. system requires about $2500/kW to $5500/kW whereas a
Another type of renewable energy for supplying distributed wind energy system requires about $3000/kW to
the off-grid demand is the solar PV power. The PV systems $7200/kW. The community usually participates in the
are used with or without a battery energy storage system. In construction of a micro hydro system, and the capital cost
PV power generation, the solar irradiance is incident on the of the project is reduced, but for the distributed wind energy
solar panel or module, which converts the photons of energy system, there is not much cost that can be reduced by
into the electricity, and solar panels are connected in series community participation. Thus, the distributed wind energy
and in parallel to make a solar array so that the required system is less economical than the micro hydropower
demand can be met at a suitable voltage and necessary system. The cost of installation of the solar PV system is
current. The produced electricity is then fed to the DC-DC around $2000 to $4000 per kW, but its battery needs to be
boost converter, mostly implementing MPPT technology, replaced every 2-5 years, so the actual cost may vary. Most
as in the case of wind power generation, and the boosted DC of the solar PV systems are installed in single households in
voltage is sent to the pulse width modulated (PWM) inverter Tila so the cost associated with individual small systems
to convert the DC power into AC power required by the may be greater than that of a bigger system. Since the solar
consumer load. Also, the DC-link voltage between the DC- system does not work at night and during the days with less
DC boost converter and the PWM rectifier can be connected sunshine in the winter season, this system is not much more
to the battery energy storage system via a bidirectional DC- effective for Tila village of Jumla. A distributed wind
DC converter [54]. Although the battery storage system in energy system, on the other hand, does not produce
PV power generation increases the overall cost of the solar electricity when the wind speed is below the cut-in speed
plant, it also improves the power supply reliability for stand- but, overall, it has a longer generation time than a solar PV
alone consumer loads. Therefore, this is the best technology system.
for areas like Jumla. Because of the rapid reduction in the
cost of solar panels, the solar PV system has become an easy 7. Conclusions
and fast power installation solution to supply isolated loads
in comparison with the micro hydropower generation. In Tila village of Jumla the average hourly wind speed
varies from 1.5 m/s to 4.6 m/s at a hub height of 30 m.
Yearly Weibull parameters k and c are 1.73 and 4.21 m/s.
6.3.4. Components and Maintenance
The wind power density of 43.79 W/m2 and energy density
Many components of a distributed wind energy system are of 378.37 kWhr/m2 were obtained based on the Weibull
less robust than those of a hydropower system. Moreover, distribution. Using the energy density, the total power
hilly and winding roads make transportation of large wind generation of 170.268 MWhr/year is calculated from a
turbine blades challenging, but the distributed wind energy 100kW distributed wind energy system. The proposed
system usually has smaller blades. On the other hand, the system can be run smoothly without loss if the government
hydropower system consists of more civil components than provides a subsidy of about 59% to 80% of the total
the wind power system. The only civil components in the investment of the project. Although the distributed wind
wind power system are the foundation and the tower while energy system is not economical compared to micro hydro
in the micro hydropower system, there are many civil and solar power, this system can be introduced in Tila
components such as a weir structure, reservoir, canal, village through Nepal’s subsidy policy as another
desilting basin, intake, machine foundation for the turbine renewable energy system because solar and micro hydro
and generator, etc. Therefore, there are fewer maintenance power do not satisfy the energy demand in the village. This
problems in the distributed wind energy system than in the system may act as a substitute system when there is not
micro hydropower system. Due to maintenance problems, enough sunlight for the solar PV system and not enough
people in Jumla face power cuts in the rainy season, and water flow coupled with maintenance problems in a micro
there are also other power outages arising from failure of hydropower system. Moreover, the study of energy scenario
different civil components of the system. The third type of after integration of wind and solar or wind and micro hydro
the alternative energy sources has its disadvantages as well. systems can be done in future for proper utilization of
Although the solar panel does not need much maintenance, available renewable energy sources in Jumla.
in the solar PV system there is a huge cost associated with
frequent battery replacement.
6.4. Comparison of Economic Aspects The authors would like to acknowledge professors of
National Wind Institute, Texas Tech University, Dr. Andy
Although micro-scale energy generation is not economical,
Swift and Dr. Suhas Pol for providing technical support for
the government of Nepal is promoting such projects because
conducting site suitability analysis. The authors would also
4.5 % of people still lack electricity and no national grid has
like to acknowledge the Alternative Energy Promotion
reached them. Therefore, the Ministry of Energy with
Center in Nepal for providing data and resources on
Alternative Energy Promotion Center in Nepal subsidizes
renewable energy technologies available in Jumla.
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