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Keywords: There is a pressing need to process the solid waste by using pyrolysis technology due to its uniqueness to produce
Biomass various solid, liquid and gaseous products. However, further understanding of pyrolysis process is needed. Most
CFD importantly, the role of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in pyrolysis is to be thoroughly investigated. In
Heat transfer
recent times, there has been significant progress in the research works aligned with evaluating the role of CFD in
Pyrolysis, Microwave
biomass pyrolysis. Hence, the current review manuscript focusses the current state of the art in the application of
CFD tools to multi-scale biomass pyrolysis systems. Modeling of fluid and heat transport in conventional py
rolysis reactors, microwave-assisted pyrolysis reactors, and solar-assisted pyrolysis reactors for the conversion of
biomass have been critically analyzed. The theoretical basis and the practical applicability of the CFD models to
efficiently emulate and predict the overall complexity of pyrolysis process for the multi-scale and multi-phase
nature of biomass have been discussed. However, the validity and accuracy of the CFD models needs to be
enhanced. In the future directions, the steps for expanding the applicability of these theoretical and computa
tional models have been outlined. This review would provide detailed understanding of CFD role in pyrolysis
process conducted in various reactor systems.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: tanmay@iitm.ac.in (T. Basak).
Received 31 May 2023; Received in revised form 9 August 2023; Accepted 4 September 2023
Available online 12 September 2023
0165-2370/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
economic feasibility of extracting energy, largely because of techno CFD is an advanced tool for understanding the heat, mass, and fluid
logical constraints [6,7]. Among these alternatives, biomass emerges as flow behaviour in the pyrolysis process. The implications of solids’
a promising resource for energy, as well as the recovery of chemicals and residence times and gaseous phases on primary reactions, as well as
materials. Biomass pyrolysis, a method to produce a valuable bio-oil subsequent tar cracking schemes, are taken into account in CFD. The
product rich in various aliphatic and aromatic compounds, is conduct reactor bed hydrodynamics can all be incorporated into single-particle
ed typically between 400 and 600 ◦ C in an inert atmosphere [8]. models of reactors. Investigating how process variables affect reactor
However, pyrolysis is endothermic, necessitating energy to break hydrodynamics and product yields, different models, such as phenom
down feedstock. Since pyrolysis is also integral to the combustion pro enological and CFD models, have been incorporated into a variety of
cess, a deeper understanding of it can help regulate combustion. Factors reactor setups [17]. In the last few years, there has been a notable
such as feedstock composition, temperature, heating rate, residence improvement in the accuracy and stability of numerical techniques and
time, pressure, reactor type, and the nature of the heating source algorithms. The use of CFD as a crucial design technique in various in
significantly influence pyrolysis [9]. The requisite energy for pyrolysis dustrial areas, and for several chemical processes, has proven that CFD
can be sourced from burning other fuels, electrical heating, approaches can produce accurate predictions.
microwave-assisted heating, or solar-assisted heating [10]. Using For reactor-scale computational modelling of biomass pyrolysis, CFD
solar-assisted heating, incident solar energy is transformed into thermal has been used as a crucial tool to comprehend the underlying physics of
energy. Yet, its limitation lies in the unavailability of solar energy during pyrolysis. Numerous research studies have been described in the liter
the night. Alternatively, in Microwave-Assisted Pyrolysis (MAP), elec ature on the straightforward kinetic schemes of biomass decomposition.
trical energy is converted into microwaves through a magnetron, of Sharma et al., (2018) investigated the pyrolysis process in a fluidized
fering a volumetric heating approach. With MAP, energy requirements bed reactor using a multi-phase kinetic methodology. They predicted the
and associated costs can be mitigated [11–14]. From our research, there effect of gas velocity and biomass particle size on product yield and
are five notable review articles on the application of CFD in biomass presented experimental validations for the same [29]. The auto-thermal
pyrolysis. Xiong et al. (2018) assessed the prospects and challenges of pyrolysis of corn stover was simulated and studied using a developed
applying CFD in biomass pyrolysis. They identified that a lack of reliable CFD-DEM model [30]. The predicted pyro yields were within 3.0 wt% of
data on biomass decomposition and an absence of microscopic struc the experimental yields, showing good agreement between simulation
tures of biomass during pyrolysis were barriers to precise CFD analysis of and experiment data [31]. Another crucial factor that affects the product
biomass decomposition [15]. Further studies by other researchers distribution for the biomass pyrolysis process is the heating rate. The
[16–18] have reviewed various models and applications related to constraints of heat and mass transport are lessened by a rapid heating
biomass pyrolysis. However, a comprehensive understanding of the role rate, which is favourable to bond-splitting reactions and increases the
of the pyrolysis reactor, type of heating source, and foundational primary release of volatiles [32]. When the final pyrolysis temperature is
knowledge of CFD hasn’t been thoroughly analyzed in existing litera below 500 ◦ C, the liquid yield dramatically increases with an increasing
ture. Thus, this review aims to elucidate the role of CFD in the pyrolysis heating rate and rapid quenching of vapours before further tar cracking
process, examining pyrolysis reactors, heating sources, and reactor reactions. Given the conflicting responses between tar cracking and char
configurations. development, char production is thus limited under this circumstance.
However, the rate of heating has no discernible impact on gas yield. For
2. Fundamentals of CFD instance, when the pyrolysis temperature was 500 ◦ C, the liquid yield
increased from 37.5 to 41.5 wt% when the heating rate was increased
CFD simulations have been used to model biomass pyrolysis reactors from 50◦ to 150◦ C/min [32].
at various scales with an unprecedented level of accuracy. They also Pyrolysis kinetics are greatly influenced by the variables in the heat
assist in the development of an understanding of the underlying physics and mass transport models and product yields [17]. The interaction of
of the highly complex conversion process [19,20]. Almost all biomass kinetic and transport processes, both at the particle and reactor scales,
pyrolysis reactor types have been studied thus far using CFD, including needs to be thoroughly described to model the production of pyro yields
risers, fixed beds, bubbling beds, auger reactors, and vortex reactors. [33]. Debiagi et al., (2016) investigated a comprehensive, predictive
Consequently, it is imperative to critically review the current approach kinetic model of biomass pyrolysis, with particular attention to the
in employing CFD for biomass pyrolysis systems in terms of the efficacy subsequent gas phase reactions of the pyrolysis product yields [34]. The
of the numerical models, the level of complexity, and the precision and kinetics model receives its temperature profiles from the input of the
accuracy of the numerical results compared to the experimental find heat transfer model, and the model of mass transit should take into ac
ings. To the best of our knowledge, this perspective is the first to provide count the residence time of pyrolysis gases, the internal structure, grain
an extensive summary of the most recent developments in heat transport orientation, and the impact of particle size and packing [16,35,36].
modelling and CFD for reactor-scale biomass pyrolysis. An effective and efficient tool for modelling biomass pyrolysis re
Most of the simulations of fluid flow and heating for the reactors actors is the multi-scale method [37]. The multi-scale and multi-phase
employ the Finite element-based solver COMSOL Multiphysics. A few CFD simulations for biomass pyrolysis utilize a combination of Euler
researchers have used alternative numerical strategy codes based on ian and Lagrangian approaches. The gas phase is treated as a continuum
ANSYS Fluent (Finite volume-based numerical scheme) [21] and media, while the solid phase is modelled as a dispersed phase. The
OpenFOAM [22–25]. The strength of numerical analysis is the ease with governing equations of mass, momentum, and heat transfer are solved
which it identifies the overall and local process characteristics. For for both the gas and solid phases. The governing equations can be rep
instance, CFD studies in the field have helped in identifying local resented using equations from 1 to 6.
hot/cold spots within the biomass pellet as well as the flow character
istics and nature during the biomass conversion process. To solve the 2.1. Gas phase
governing equations (momentum, heat, mass transfer, coupled with the
reaction rate model) and produce temperature profiles in the reactor, Continuity equation:
several numerical techniques have been employed, including the finite
∂ϵG ρG
element method [26], the finite difference time domain [27], and the + ∇.(ϵG ρG V) = MG (1)
finite volume method [28]. Although some of this research made use of
easily navigable, commercially available software, their methods of Momentum equation:
resolution and approaches to issue simplification stand out in the
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
∂ϵG ρG V ∑ construct, enhance, or scale up fluidized bed reactors for the pyrolysis
+ ∇.(ϵG ρG VV) = ∇.τG + FGn + ϵG ρG g (2)
∂t n
process due to complicated multi-phase reactive flows and unstable
functioning [49]. Table 1 offers a comprehensive summary of various
Energy equation: studies on the application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to
) biomass pyrolysis systems. This table is organized into columns detailing
ϵG ρG CpG + V.∇TG = ∇.QG + HG − ΔHRG (3) information on authors, publication year, and reactor type used,
biomass feedstock, pyrolysis temperature, CFD model type, and the
primary findings of the study. Including 22 studies conducted over the
2.2. Solid phase past two decades, the table provides a comprehensive overview of the
diverse modeling approaches for biomass pyrolysis using CFD. Covered
Continuity equation: feedstocks range from wood and straw to corn stover and municipal
∂ϵs ρs solid waste, with pyrolysis temperatures ranging from 400 ◦ C to 900 ◦ C.
+ ∇.(ϵs ρs V s ) = Ms (4) The applied CFD models in the studies include Eulerian, Lagrangian, or a
mix of both. Primary findings from these studies delve into reactor
Momentum equation:
design effects on pyrolysis, biomass particle size impact on pyrolysis
∂ϵs ρs V s ∑
yield, and the necessity for accurate modeling of heat and mass transfer
+ ∇.(ϵs ρs V s V s ) = ∇.τs + FGn − Fln + ϵs ρs g (5)
∂t within reactors. The table serves as a crucial resource for those inter
ested in CFD applications to biomass pyrolysis, highlighting model ap
Energy equation: proaches and summarizing key study findings, thus revealing the
( ) demand for further advancements in accurate and efficient CFD
ϵs ρs Cps + V s .∇Ts = ∇.Qs + HG − ΔHR (6) modeling for biomass pyrolysis.
CFD models for pyrolysis feedstock variables in reactors are pre
The density, volume fraction, velocity, gravity, phase temperature, sented in Fig. 1. This figure offers a schematic illustration of various
specific heat capacity, second order stress tensor, interphase mass reactor types used for biomass pyrolysis, alongside the corresponding
transfer are denoted by ρ, ε, V, g, T, Cp, τ , M, respectively. The subscripts computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models that simulate the pyrolysis
of G and S denote the conditions for gas and the solid phase respectively. process. The figure is segmented into three sections, each representing a
FG represents the interaction force for momentum transfer between the reactor type: fixed bed, fluidized bed, and ablative. Each segment
gas and the solid phase. QG represents the conductive heat flux in the showcases a reactor schematic along with the corresponding CFD model
solid phase. HG represents the interphase heat transfer and HR accounts employed for simulating the pyrolysis process. This illustration em
for the heat if the reaction in the solid phase[38–41]. phasizes the varied approaches for modeling biomass pyrolysis using
Besides this, the species conservation equation is written for each CFD and visually captures the complexity of pyrolysis within each
chemical species in the reaction, considering the accumulation, con reactor. For the fixed bed reactor, the diagram depicts a vertical reactor
vection, and rate of reaction for both the gas and the solid phase. The filled with biomass particles. The associated CFD model simulating the
mass transfer terms are directly related to the reaction kinetics of pyrolysis process in fixed bed reactors employs a Lagrangian approach,
biomass pyrolysis. Thus, the equations are coupled, and the transport tracking individual biomass particle motions and solving mass, mo
and source terms are computed at each time step. This set of equations mentum, and energy conservation equations for each particle. Factors
demonstrates the complex nature of the biomass pyrolysis process and like condensation, evaporation, devolatilization, and secondary volatile
the multiple physics involved in the numerical modeling of the complex cracking are considered. In the fluidized bed reactor segment, the dia
reaction. gram presents a horizontal reactor containing a fluidized bed of biomass
particles. The corresponding CFD model, simulating the pyrolysis pro
3. CFD and heat transfer in conventional pyrolysis cess in fluidized bed reactors, adopts an Eulerian approach separately
solving mass, momentum, and energy conservation equations for both
CFD modeling has recently demonstrated its effectiveness as a potent gas and solid phases. This model addresses factors such as particle-to-
tool for assessing the reaction progress, composition, and yield of py particle and gas-to-particle interactions, along with heat transfer be
rolysis products under various operating conditions [42–44]. The tween the two. The ablative reactor segment illustrates an entrained
Eulerian and Lagrangian techniques are fundamentally combined in the flow reactor where biomass is entrained in a high-velocity gas stream
multi-phase CFD simulation of pyrolysis. To date, the CFD method has and heated by a flame. The affiliated CFD model for pyrolysis in ablative
been recognized as a valuable resource for process optimization and reactors also employs an Eulerian approach, again solving mass, mo
design, as well as for predicting the yields of end products [45]. Over the mentum, and energy conservation equations for both phases, and con
last two decades, researchers have developed various reactor designs for siders aspects like condensation, evaporation, devolatilization, and
pyrolysis methods [46]. Main reactor designs include fixed bed reactors, secondary volatile cracking.
fluidized bed reactors, circulating fluidized bed reactors, entrained flow
reactors, and ablative reactors [47]. 3.1. Application of CFD in conventional pyrolysis
Fixed-bed reactors, fluidized bed reactors, and ablative reactors are
the most popular options for the pyrolysis process. However, each Utilization of fluidized bed reactors for biomass pyrolysis has been
reactor type has its own performance capabilities and significance. widely explored both numerically and experimentally. The reactor
Fluidized bed reactors provide greater fuel adjustability compared to design and subsequent scale-up challenges consume a lot of time and
fixed-bed reactors and ablative reactors. They also offer high heat and resources. Hence, mathematical models based on CFD are crucial tools
mass transport rates, as well as even temperature distribution [39]. for providing insights about the process and easing the optimization of
Moreover, the dual fluidized bed setup, comprising a bubbling fluidized the reactor setup according to the process conditions [65,66]. Addi
bed reactor and a rapid fluidized bed reactor which is the standard tionally, the available research data confirms the effects of various
configuration is used for the auto-thermal pyrolysis process [48]. In the process parameters on product yields which includes feedstock particle
rapid fluidized bed reactor with a heating source, biochar combustion size, sphericity, temperature, heating rate, and various biomass feed
provides the necessary heat for the pyrolysis process in the bubbling stocks [67]. In the CFD simulation of reactors with fluidized beds for the
fluidized bed reactor. Biomass is pyrolyzed to produce biochar in a pyrolysis process, the process parameters, which could be considered as
bubble-fluidized bed reactor. However, it is notably challenging to the initial conditions, are typically included at the reactor scale [53].
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
Table 1
Pyrolysis of various feedstocks in reactors using CFD simulation tools.
S. Model type Pyrolysis Model equations Key findings References
No variables
1. Hybrid model Product yields For the solid and liquid phases, There is significant discrepancy in the magnitude of the product yields in [50]
Pyrolysis momentum, and energy equations the hybrid model simulations. While the model’ product yield patterns
Temperature are developed. match the experimental data
Reaction rate
2. 2-D Transient Singular biomass For the solid phases, momentum, and Studies into the development of different operating conditions over time [51]
model pellet energy equations are developed. for biomass samples
3. Distributed model Pyrolysis Energy equations for heat transfer Studies are conducted with a variety of operational parameters, including [52]
Temperature models feedstock mixture, particle size, temperature, and holding period. and
Heating rate developed models
Vapor residence
Particle size
4. Multi-fluid Particle Major transport equations Biomass particles are the subject of investigations. For the performance of [53]
Model shrinkage product yields, the model is employed
Product yields
5. Mathematical Pyrolysis Equations for continuity, Unique user-defined functions that accounted for the thermal [54]
model Temperature momentum, energy, and species decomposition process of gases, tars, bio - char, and moisture from the
Heat flux movement are used. biomass were added into the modelling programme
Reactor walls.
Particle size
6. 1-D Transient Pyrolysis Energy equations for heat transfer A model was developed by integrating various heat transfer models for [55]
model Temperatures models fluidized bed conditions that were assessed in the literature
7. One-component Heat flux For the solid phases, momentum, and Investigations take place at various operational settings using feedstock [56]
models Reaction kinetics energy equations are developed.
Multi- component
8. 1-D Transient Thermal analysis. Equations for continuity, momentum, Investigations take place at various operational settings using feedstock [57]
model energy, and species movement are
9. Multi- Feedstock For the solid and liquid phases, Feedstock includes waste from bamboo and polystyrene. These feedstocks in [58]
component Product yields momentum, and energy equations are the pyrolysis process are the subject of studies
models Pyrolysis developed.
10. Multi- Pyrolysis Equations for continuity, momentum, It operated as a fluidized bed in the reactor. Studies on the drag coefficient are [59]
component Temperature and energy are used. conducted for many parameters
models Heating rate
11. Multi- Heat flux For the solid and liquid phases, The reactor is employed as a fluidized bed reactor with bubbling. There are [60]
component Heat conduction momentum, and energy equations are models created for heat penetration
models developed.
12. 2-D numerical Pyrolysis For the solid and liquid phases, To assess the impact of the heating rate, studies are carried out on different [61]
model Temperature momentum, and energy equations are operating parameter models
Heating rate developed.
Characteristics of
Heat transfer
13. One-component Pyrolysis Energy equations for heat transfer The relationship between volatility emission, retention time, and combustion [62]
models Temperature models in the pyrolysis unit can be studied using the established model
Heating rate
Heat flux
14. Multi- Feedstock For the solid and liquid phases, Using mathematical models, a fluidized bed reactor is a new structural design [63]
component Feed rate momentum, and energy equations are for rapid pyrolysis of the biomass
models Product yields developed.
15. One-component Feedstock Equations for continuity, momentum, The constructed model could be employed to study along the paths taken by [64]
models Feed rate energy, and species movement are pyrolyzing particles, and it was discovere``d that the solid-phase transition
Feedstock used. species are crucial for assessing how well biomass components are breaking
compositions down
Product yields
The fluidized-bed reactor can be effective because it can attain high perfect for continuous mode [69].
feedstock particle heating rates, high heat transport, and high mass CFD simulations help in estimating the characteristics of chemical
transport between the feedstock particles. It also produces a selective changes and transport processes in plant-scale systems by means of
product with a relatively constant rate [68]. An additional notable efficient modeling of the involved physics for fluid flow, heat transfer
characteristic of this design of the reactor is also that char doesn’t quite and mass transfer [70]. A "CFD-based" highly scalable strategy should
accumulate within the reactor bed but is instead elutriated with the lead to faster process improvement at a significantly lower cost when
exhaust stream and may then be cleaned out, providing the reactor using pilot-scale experiments [71]. The impact of fluid dynamics on the
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
Fig. 1. CFD models for the pyrolysis of feedstock in the different reactors.
performance of chemical reactors has been extensively studied using has been used to examine the impact of potassium on the feedstock
CFD. In order to study complex flow systems with high accuracy, CFD pyrolysis process in the fluidized bed reactor models [81]. The hydro
models for turbulent responsive flows in single-phase flows are now dynamics and chemical processes of the fluidized bed feedstock fast
widely used and well-recognized. It is currently capable of predicting the pyrolysis were modeled using CFD simulations based on Euler-Euler
fluid properties of a fluidized bed relatively effectively for multi-phase multi-phase flow scheme, turbulent flow settings (K-ε model) and
flows [72]. Arrhenius kinetic reaction model [82]. For quick pyrolysis of feedstock
A variety of compact models were developed to analyze the devo biomass, a multi-compartment fluidized bed reactor was developed. The
latilization of biomass in fluidized bed conditions using a combination of CFD was used to simulate the multiple flows of gas and solids in the
Eulerain and Lagrangian approaches for computing the transport reactor [83]. The heat transfer coefficients had a lesser impact on the
equations [73]. Di Felice et al., (1999) investigated the pyrolysis process temperature variation and yields of the final products in CFD models for
for the devolatilization of a single feedstock particle in a fluidized bed biomass pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactors. These results suggest that
reactor. The bulk density of the particles was found to affect whether the the impacts of sub-grid structures should be used while coarse-grid CFD
feedstock particle sink and as a response, the feedstock loading position is used to simulate feedstock fast pyrolysis in fluidized-bed reactors [84].
must be chosen accordingly [74]. Di Blasi (2000) suggested a simulation The moving grid techniques in CFD can be used efficiently to model such
for the decomposition of wood in a fluidized bed reactor that integrated systems and hence, the applications in this area should be extended for
a particle model with an additional heat transfer model equation [75]. biomass pyrolysis reactor setups.
Pecha et al., (2018) studied pine wood pyrolysis in a fluidized bed The design, improvement, and upgrading of the processes all benefit
reactor by integrated particle and reactor-scale simulations. Multi-scale from having a thorough understanding of the physiochemical mecha
modeling investigation of biomass fast pyrolysis in a reactor that inte nisms underlying biomass decomposition within the reactors [85]. Since
grated hydrodynamic predictions from a two-fluid model with pre better comprehension of both the hydrodynamic and thermodynamic
dictions from a simulation of mass and heat transfer and reactions within performance of the system is limited, the design of the method must
biomass particles [76]. depend on empirical equations and experiments carried out in lab-scale
Papadikis et al., (2009) studied the fast pyrolysis of wood in fluidized units [86]. However, with the fast development of cutting-edge CFD
beds while adopting two Eulerian stages and one Lagrange stage in a techniques, thorough mathematical models for reaction, flow, heat and
three-dimensional region [77]. In a bubbling fluidized bed, they exam mass transport for the process should enable the design and control of
ined the impact of sphericity and grain size of feedstock on biochar the processes while limiting the requirement for cost and
entrainment, mass, momentum, and heat transmission, as well as the time-consuming experiments conducted [87].
effect of the size of particles on the coefficient of heat transfer [78]. The In order to simulate the pyrolysis process fixed bed reactor, a three-
structural design of the fluidized bed bubbling has also been handled dimensional model was evolved. The simulation model has taken into
using CFD, allowing for improved reactor performance and fluidization account a variety of pyrolysis-related factors, including condensation,
quality by minimizing stagnant bubbles [79]. A good match was found evaporation, devolatilization, the secondary cracking of volatiles, and
for product yields when theoretical predictions and experimental find the change in porosity. The model considered all three modes of heat
ings were compared. CFD simulation has been used to explore the hy transfer: convection, radiation, and conduction [88]. Additionally, the
drodynamics and heat transfers of the feedstock pyrolysis process in a feedstock pyrolysis process in fixed bed reactors has been studied using
two-dimensional fluidized bed reactor [80]. A Euler-Euler CFD model CFD [89]. As well as the impact of the generated polymer film on the
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
movement of gaseous products in the coal bed is usually the focus of surface scorching and perhaps degrading (while the interior section has
research. The specified fundamental laws often used to complete the not yet been heated), making it a beneficial technique for process ap
governing equations are directly related to the accuracy of CFD simu plications [109–111].
lation [90]. Therefore, before performing consistent CFD simulations, Based on the microwave absorbing ability of the materials, the
the assessment of mathematical findings is required. Important funda classification can be done as follows (1) transparent materials such as
mental equations for the CFD modeling of coal pyrolysis in fixed bed glass, quartz and ceramics which microwaves pass through the materials
reactor include conduction of heat and radiation of heat models, and without any losses, (2) conducting materials such as bulk metals, where
moisture phase separation model determined the best thermal perfor microwaves are reflected from the surface of the materials without
mance models suitable for coal decomposition fixed bed system after penetrating into the material (3) absorbing materials, such as polar
rigorously evaluating the primary heat conduction and radiation models molecules like water, and carbonaceous materials such as activated
typically used for packed bed reactors [91]. Lacking internal compo carbon, graphite etc. where the microwaves are effectively converted to
nents, a laboratory-scale fixed bed coal pyrolyzer’s heat transfer heat [104]. The microwave absorbing ability and extent of microwave
behavior was modeled, and this allowed for a quantitative prediction of heating of any particular material is characterized by loss tangent (tan
temperature evolution of the coal load [88]. δ), as shown in Eq. 7.
The process of ablative pyrolysis depends on heat transfer taking
place when a feedstock particle collides with and moves across a stable ε′
tanδ = (7)
heat source [92]. Ablative pyrolysis differs from all other pyrolysis re ε′
actors, in which the reaction rate is controlled by the heat transfer rate where the material’s dielectric constant demonstrates the ability to store
through the feedstock particle. Particles collide with high temperature electromagnetic energy (EM), is ε’, and the dielectric loss factor is ε", the
source, as a result, the rate of heat and mass transfer is increased [93]. capacity of the materials to convert the stored EM to heat). Materials can
Shearing motion increases the surface area that can make contact with generally be categorized as having high-heating ability (tan δ > 0.5),
the source of heat, further accelerating heat transfer. The ablative py medium heating ability (0.1–0.5), or poor microwave absorption prop
rolysis reactor works on the premise of "scraping" a steady flow of erties (tan δ < 0.1) [112]. Low tan δ values don’t always preclude the use
biomass particles on a hot wall, during situations of extreme relative of materials in microwave heating systems as long as high-intensity EM
movement and great pressure gradient [94]. Furthermore studied in are given.
ablative reactors is biomass speed pyrolysis using numerical and The MAP technique offers many advantages over conventional py
experimental methods. rolysis methods [85]. Some of the advantages include rapid and ho
In order to develop new catalytic hydro treatment reactors before mogeneous heating of bulky feedstock, production of bio-oils of high
they are fabricated and installed in an established pilot plant for the quality and stability [113] and instantaneous response for rapid start-up
valorization of plastic waste, CFD analysis has been used [95]. In and shut down [114]. Some researchers have suggested that the MAP
vestigations have been made into the pyrolysis process of a thermal conversion pathway can be considered for the treatment of bulky
strong solid wood particle. A novel technique has been developed for biomass feedstock [115]. Comparative studies have shown that MAP
considering the two stages inside the particle, gases, and solids, which yields more bio-oil as compared to conventional/ electrical furnace
do not exist in thermodynamic equilibrium. To ascertain the distinct pyrolysis due to the rapid heating effect of microwave irradiation [114,
temperatures of the solid and gas borders, CFD models were developed. 116]. The MAP approach produces cleaner bio-oils as compared to
Moreover, since the single particle model is the core element of ablative conventional pyrolysis. [117], discovered that bio-oils from the MAP of
reactor simulations, the CFD model might be enhanced for fuel bed sewage sludge lacked dangerous substances such strong polycyclic ar
applications so that the efficiency of the bed can be examined in three omatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which came from the same feedstock’s
dimensions [96]. Lam et al., (2012) suggest and assess a CFD model for conventional pyrolysis and were discovered in bio-oils. Bio-oils from
combined feedstock pyrolysis in a reactor. It is revealed that the sug MAP have been shown to contain less oxygenated compounds, hence
gested CFD approach enables more even heating in the perpendicular their higher calorific value in comparison to bio-oils from conventional
direction, encourages secondary reactions to decrease undesired tar pyrolysis [118].
production from the pyrolysis process, expands the solid retention There are numerous variables that could affect the products made by
duration, and minimizes the amount of char accumulation on the reactor MAP, such as the physicochemical characteristics of biomass feedstock
shells [97]. CFD simulation of the heat transfer and hydrodynamic (moisture content, ash content, particle size, biomass type), reactor
processes is presented to solve the flooding problems associated with environment and conditions (reaction time, reaction temperature, mi
quenching columns. The immiscible Eulerian-Eulerian method is used to crowave output power, microwave absorbent, catalysis, mixing in
evaluate the reactions between gas and liquid [98]. tensity, type and flow rate of carrier gas) and design and configuration of
the reactor (microwave mode and size)[106,119–121]. At temperatures
4. CFD and heat transfer in MAP higher than optimum values the bio-oil yield is reduced, and the pro
duction of non-condensable gases is increased. Generally, heat transfer
When microwaves come into contact with polar ions or molecules in the MAP process is greatly improved with a decrease in biomass
such as water, two fundamental mechanisms i.e., ionic conduction and particle size. Small particles offer a large surface area which facilitates
dipole rotation cause fast heating [99]. Polar molecules realign with the efficient heat transfer during the pyrolysis process [122,123].
rapidly alternating electric field of the microwaves, which results in The dielectric characteristics of a substance affect its capacity to take
interactions known as dipole rotations [100]. Due to dielectric loss and in, hold, and convert microwave energy into heat energy. Most biomass
molecular friction, energy is lost in the form of heat during this event. feedstock are poor microwave absorbers and require the aid of micro
Energy is irrevocably absorbed when a microwave-absorbing substance wave absorbents to initiate the pyrolysis process. The absorbent and the
is exposed to microwaves, which causes rapid "volumetric" heating biomass feed stock must be mixed at optimized ratios to maximize bio-
[101–103]. Therefore, microwave heating is considered as energy con oil yield. The yield of bio-oil typically increases as microwave power
version process at the material surface unlike conventional heating increases because increasing microwave power causes the power density
[104]. This novel inverse heating phenomena method has numerous to grow [124,125]. Bio-oil yield from the MAP process is also affected by
advantages, including improved energy transfer effectiveness and faster the type of the parent biomass feed stock. Lignocellulosic biomass with a
heating [105–107]. The heating impact is nearly quick, in contrast to high cellulose and hemicellulose content has been reported to yield
traditional heating techniques [108]. Additionally, it makes the heating more bio-oil [126]. On the other hand, biomass with high ash content
process easier to regulate and removes the possibility of the sample
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
yields less bio-oil because the ash components cannot be converted into microwave heating the capacity to heat the feedstock at higher heating
bio-oil. Global energy consumption is rising, and concerns about climate rates. Microwaves can be easily absorbed by biomass because it typically
change increasing day by day. The renewable energies like solar, wind, contains moisture (water). However, as temperatures rise and the water
and geothermal would be more attractive. On the other side, fast py is removed, the transparency of the biomass to microwaves increases
rolysis of biomass has the distinct advantage to produce chemicals [131]. Since ordinary microwave ovens cannot achieve high tempera
[127]. tures with this equipment, researchers have used microwave susceptors.
A number of studies elucidate on energy efficiency as a benefit of Because susceptors heat biomass through conventional heat transfers
microwave heating. Interestingly, no matter whether traditional heating rather than high-intensity electric fields, there are no thermal gradients
methods or microwaves are employed to heat a particular volume of inside the biomass when susceptors are used. In this scenario, it is crucial
biomass, the energy input required will be the same [128]. The benefits to use a vigorous electric field intensity to promote additional biomass
of microwave heating are in the volumetric and selective heating phe decomposition following the initial water loss.
nomena than the energy efficiency. Selective heating is observed in a
heterogeneous material, containing various materials or material phases 4.2. CFD simulation in MAP of biomass
with varying loss tangent values. In pyrolysis of biomass, thermal gra
dients within the biomass result from components with higher loss To characterize the heat and mass transport during the microwave
tangent values reaching higher temperatures than those with lower loss processing of biomass pellets, a CFD model can be developed based on
tangent values. These inequalities in the properties may change the the finite volume method and ANSYS CFX software can be used to
decomposition route and subsequent product chemistry. evaluate the heating behaviour of biomass materials under the micro
Additionally, biomass can be heated directly in a low-temperature wave pyrolysis process. The current review outlines a modelling strategy
environment via selective heating without using hot non-reactive for including the foundations of MAP into the general transport equa
gases or hot surfaces. Another point is that microwave heating phe tions for nitrogen and volatiles in the gas phase and wood and biochar in
nomenon induces volumetric heating. The volumetric heating mecha the solid phase. These source terms include mass, momentum, heat, and
nism makes it possible to overcome the restrictions of conventional heat species. The model considers the intricate interactions between several
transfer, leading to significantly greater heating rates, minimum pro crucial process components, such as gas phase movement, phase shift,
cessing equipment, and the capacity to handle bigger particle sizes microwave heating, and pyrolysis kinetics. The developed CFD model
[129]. Volumetric heating can be advantageous for the entire process can be utilized in both the torrefaction process and the gasification
system since it can significantly simplify the flow sheet and decrease the process with very little modification. Torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasifica
need for equipment with large overall sizes, and feedstock size reduc tions are the key steps in combustion process. Understanding the
tion. While microwave heating facilitates the opportunities to lower the fundamental kinetics of these steps are very vital to control the com
capital cost of the processing equipment and the possibility to make bustion system. The basic step in gasification is pyrolysis, and the ki
products that are not possible with conventional methods, the energy netics of gasification is slightly different from that of pyrolysis.
requirements are equivalent to those of traditional processes. Torrefaction occurs at lower temperatures using the same mechanism.
This demonstrates the model’s generalizability. The heat and mass
transfer phenomena occurring in MAP is shown in Fig. 2. Microwaves
4.1. Microwave cavity design using CFD Software
falls on the susceptor particles, the plasma is created over the surface
which causes high temperature rise. The surrounding biomass particles
Most of the literature used the residential microwave ovens modified
received the heat from conduction and radiation mode from the sus
to accommodate the quartz/borosilicate flasks to hold biomass (and
ceptor particles. Heat generation happens in the susceptor particles, and
other reactants). In contrast, experiments are typically carried out in
heat transfer would happen simultaneously to the surrounding biomass
closed and commercial reactors which can handle high-pressure build-
particles. Biomass has low thermal conductivity and hence it is difficult
up and moderately low reaction temperatures. Examples of the latter are
to maintain uniform temperature within the biomass particle. Biomass
the Discover from CEM Corporation, and the Anton Paar Monowave 300
initially loses its internal moisture and subsequently volatile matter
microwave [130]. However, the relatively low-intensity electric field
liberation would occur. Most importantly, the char formation would
and lack of reflected power measurements are two of the critical
happen within the biomass particles. The released volatiles would be
drawbacks of such devices (as well as a drawback of residential micro
collected as condensable liquid and non-condensable gases. The
wave ovens). As a result, energy balances stated for such equipment
remaining char fraction would act as susceptor and further enhances the
must be read cautiously because it is impossible to know how much
heat generation. The carbon content increases with the increase of char
energy the sample absorbed. In general. the power dissipated (P) in the
yield and the char becomes more porous due to the removal of volatiles.
material during microwave heating is a function of several factors,
The uniform temperature distribution can be achieved with the char
including the frequency and intensity of the electromagnetic waves, the
particles due to volumetric heating mechanism.
dielectric properties of the material, and the geometry of the heating
A CFD simulation model considers biomass as a porous material for
system is shown in Eq. 8.
the thermo-fluid phenomena that occur during microwave processing.
P = 2πf ε0 ε" |E| (8) The model combines fluid flow, multicomponent analysis, microwave
heating, and material mixing properties. The energy from the micro
Where P = volume energy density measured in W/m3, f = operating wave source is absorbed in this study’s biomass pyrolysis process, and
frequency measured in Hertz ε0 = permittivity of free space thermal heat is transferred by conduction and convection [28]. Experi
= 8.85 × 10− 12 F/m, ε” = dielectric loss factor, and |E| is the magni mental tests in specially made microwave pyrolysis equipment serve to
tude of the applied electric field. In the biomass pyrolysis, mixture of the validate the produced CFD model. Throughout the process, the model
microwave absorbent (susceptors) and transparent materials (biomass) predicts the maximum temperature, temperature rates, and temperature
is generally subjected to microwave heating. Therefore, selective heat profiles. The results from simulations and experiments are found to be in
ing is more predominant in the above system. However, conventional excellent agreement. It was reported that the microwave absorbed
heat transmission also happens at the same time. Low or non-existent power, which is a function of the characteristics of the biomass mixture
temperature gradients inside the biomass might result from traditional and the released volatile throughout the process, affect the biomass
heat transfer, comparable to conventional heating if the power density is temperature [132,133]. The findings also showed that increase of the
low. Volumetric heating outperforms traditional heat transfer at high microwave power raises the reaction temperature attained within the
power densities, resulting in significant thermal gradients and giving feed mixture.
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
In the available literature, not many modelling studies are reported sample’s interior appropriately, and the heat produced essentially re
on microwave heated pyrolysis reactors. For instance, the Euler-Euler mains within the penetration depth. Palm oil, orange peel, and sugar
method for bed hydrodynamics was used in CFD simulations of micro cane bagasse all showed critical points at 10 s for 80 W of power [135].
wave heating of lignite in a fluidized bed [134]. Instead of figuring out CFD and heat transfer related to MAP is compiled in Table 2. It com
the solutions to Maxwell’s or Helmholtz’s equations, a straightforward prises of 9 research works to understand the heat generation, transfer,
expression for the microwave power absorbed was utilized. The and distribution. ANSYS, COMSOL, MATLAB and finite element ap
expression used to calculate the microwave power absorbed by the proaches were used to understand the system. Heating source position
biomass samples is shown in Eq. 9. and purge gas flow rates did not influence on the heat distribution and
temperature profiles. High microwave power leads to faster raise in
ωε0 ε′ |E|2 temperature and maximum temperature can be achieved in less time.
Pab = (9)
2 When temperature raises within the sample, then the microwave
Pab is the absorbed power, is the absorbed power, ω is the angular absorbing capacity is reduced significantly. Carbon based materials
frequency, ε0 is the permittivity of free space, ε’’ is the imaginary part of found to be better suscepting materials to convert the incident micro
the permittivity of the sample, and E is the electric field strength. This wave energy into thermal energy. Mostly importantly the amorphous
expression was included in the CFD simulation as a source term in the carbon materials have high microwave energy conversion efficiency
energy equation. The energy equation was solved using the finite than the crystalline materials.
element method (FEM) in the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The
absorbed power was calculated at each time step using the correct 5. CFD and heat transfer in solar-assisted pyrolysis (SAP)
expression and then added to the energy equation as a volumetric heat
source term. This allowed the absorbed microwave power to be Carbon-based feedstocks with concentrated solar energy are com
accounted for in the energy balance of the system and the temperature bined in two solar thermochemical processes that convert sunlight into
distribution of the biomass samples to be calculated. chemical fuels [143]. Solar gasification is the first process in making
A microwave oven’s cavity was simulated to explore the heating of syngas, this has undergone examination during the past 20 years [144].
wood, sugar cane bagasse, orange peel, and palm oil. The samples were Solar-assisted pyrolysis (SAP) is the second method, which is used to
spheres with three different volumes and cylinders with three different produce bio-oil, charcoal, and gas, which entered the research field in
heights. By selecting an appropriate input power, it was possible to the last 40 years and has recently attracted fresh interest [145]. Fast/
analyze the scenarios to obtain high temperatures with uniform distri flash pyrolysis occurs because of direct absorption of concentrated solar
bution and little energy use. The critical power at which heat generated heat by the biomass in a solar reactor with direct heating. Using SAP
in the penetration depth can no longer be transported to the low- (high temperatures and fast heating rates), more gas products are
temperature areas within the sample has been identified. In reality, if frequently produced by solar pyrolysis. Pyrolysis has the substantial
the input power is decreased and the sample heating time is prolonged, benefit of creating greater heating value gas products when compared to
the heat produced in the penetration depth is transferred by conduction the gasification process [146]. These gas products, which mostly consist
to the areas with lower temperatures, causing temperature homogeneity of CH4,C2H6, H2,CO2 and CO [147] can then be used as fuel gas for
in the biomass. On the other hand, if the phase transition temperature is creating electricity, heating, and transportable fuels. However, pyrolysis
reached to a threshold temperature, hot spots develop, the temperature is a globally endothermic process that needs heat, which is often
rises more quickly than is necessary to promote heat conduction to the delivered by the combustion of any fossil fuel in traditional procedures
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light used for the pyrolysis. The systems that use natural solar irradiation 5.2. Recent studies on SAP
and the systems which artificial light to produce the heat required for
pyrolysis [160]. The solar simulators are systems that utilize an artificial In a recent review, a potential feedstock for solar pyrolysis with a
source of light. Early reviews on the biomass pyrolysis have predicted focus on the production of biochar was provided. A brief on the potential
that the operating cost of the pyrolysis reactors to decrease with the benefits of biochar as a soil supplement was provided. A comparison
integration of solar energy [161]. A review on the production of biofuels between traditional and SAP systems, their advantages and disadvan
from the solar pyrolysis of the biomass was conducted [162]. Potential tages were discussed. Different solar concentrators, materials used for
feedstocks, the possible products and the desirable characteristics of the the concentrators, achievable operating temperatures and their suit
products were discussed. ability for the fast/slow pyrolysis were explained. The ways to reduce
the heat losses by appropriate insulation material, need for tracking of
the weather conditions for the optimal operation, scaling up of the solar
pyrolysis setups, need for advanced models for the SAP setups were
Table 3
Solar-assisted pyrolysis of different feedstocks and operating conditions.
S. Feed stock Type of solar Operating conditions Focus product Focus/outcome Reference
No. Concentrator/ reactor
1. Corn stalk Parabolic dish solar 5500C, 10 min NR Torrefication lead to the decrease in oil [212]
pyrolysis reactor production and increase in gaseous and
char production
2. Water hyacinth Parabolic dish solar 4400C NR Bio-oils obtained after torrefication are [213]
pyrolysis reactor less corrosive
3. Waste straw, Fixed bed reactor with 8000C, 5 ◦ C/min heating rate Char Production of biochar as an adsorbent for [214]
sewage sludge xenon lamp- Simulated zinc using solar pyrolysis
(Artificial light)
4. Waste tire Simulated (Artificial light) 8000C, heating rates: 100C Gas To reduce the sulphur content in the [215]
solar pyrolysis setup /min and 400C/ min pyrolysis gases from waste tires by
addition of CaO in the feedstock
5. Wood chips Parabolic trough collector Optimal conditions: Particle Bio-oil Optimize and maximise the biofuel [216]
diameter 8 mm and the solar production
irradiance of 918 W/m2
6. Willow wood Solar simulator with Heat flux density: Gas To propose a mechanism for the release of [217]
Xenon lamp 0.5–1.1 MW/m2 volatile matter in solar pyrolysis and the
proposal of new dimensionless number
7. LDPE Solar simulator Heat flux density: Jet fuel and hydrogen Photothermal catalysts to produce jet fuel [218]
0.2–1.5 MW/m2 and hydrogen
8 Algae Direct sunlight, parabolic Irradiation: 750 W/m2. Bio-oil Catalyst reuse in solar pyrolysis [180]
solar collector Reaction temperature 500 ◦ C
9 Waste wood, Solar simulator 1.6 kW Heating rates at 100% power, Char Chars have potential to be used as [184]
waste straw, and radiation heating rates range: ~ 5 ◦ C/ renewable solid fuels and the char from the
sewage sludge min waste wood has highest surface area
10 Algae Dish, quartz reactor 750–800 W/m2, Temperature: Bio-oil, hydrogen Integration of hydropyrolsysis and [179]
500 ◦ C hydrotalcites oxides as catalysts
11 Chicken litter, rice Flat heliostat, parabolic Max power: 1.5 KW, Highest bio-oil yield was Solar pyrolysis of chicken litter and rice [219]
husk mirror Irradiation: 12000 MW/m2 obtained for chicken husk
Particle size: 10 mm litter at 12000C (53 wt
Heating rate: %)
10–50 ◦ C/s
12 MSW Fresnel reflector, slow 200–500 ◦ C NA Solar pyrolysis of MSW in Victoria state of [220]
pyrolysis Australia
13 Miro algae Parabolic mirror Irradiation: 70–800 W/m2, Bio-oil Effect of algae composition and operating [221]
concentrator and quartz Temperature: 500 ◦ C parameters
14 Peanut shell, Soya For drying and Temperature: 500 ◦ C Biooil Less acidic contents in Bio-oil with pre- [169]
Straw, Pine wood torrefication: Parabolic treatment steps
For Pyrolysis: Parabolic
15 Plastic waste NR Temperature: 500 ◦ C NR Feasibility of grid integrated solar [192]
16 Cotton stalk NR NR Gas Molten salt mixture with feed stock [222]
enhanced gas production
17 Lignite NR NR Gas Molten salt mixture with feed stock [223]
enhanced gas production
18 Bagasse Heliostat reflector, Temperature: 500–900 ◦ C Char Char production is unaffected but [224]
Parabolic solar structure and surface area varied with
concentrator increase in temperature
19 Pinewood Solar simulator, Quartz Maximum capacity: 5 kW Biooil NR [157]
20 Rubber tires NR Solar irradiation: Gas TiO2 as photocatalyst to enhance the gas [225]
950–1050 W/m2 production
Temperature: 550—570 ◦ C
21 Algae, wheat Solar simulator Max. Flux. 7 kW Gas NR [226]
straw, sewage
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
reported as the major technological challenges that are needed to be CaO to the feedstock mixture. Heating rates of 10 and 40 ◦ C per minute
addressed. It was reported that the pilot scale techno-economic analysis were used and the pyrolysis was carried out at 800 ◦ C. It was observed
of a solar pyrolysis systems was yet to be performed. Finally, a list of that the addition of CaO has resulted in reduction of CO2 emissions in
potential feedstocks for the production of biochar from the solar py gas and the sulphur fixation has happened in the char of the pyrolysis
rolysis for the soil supplements applications was provided with their [172]. Optimization studies to enhance the biooil production via solar
characteristics. The potential feedstocks identified were segregated as pyrolysis of the wood chips was conducted in a parabolic trough col
livestock wastes and Municipal wastes. Cattle, sheep, goat, poultry and lector. The effect of biomass volumetric flowrate, particle size of
pig manures were highlighted in the feedstock based on the livestock biomass and the solar irradiation were experimented using the response
wastes. Food, paper, plastic, textile, wood and tire wastes were identi surface methodology. The biomass flowrate of (0.0053 m3/h), solar
fied as potential municipal waste-based feedstocks. Several ways to in irradiance (918 W/m2) and particle size of feedstock (8 mm) were re
crease the efficiencies of SAP systems were highlighted such as ported to be optimal conditions that maximized the bio-oil production
adjustment of flowrate of feedstock based on the quantum of solar [173]. The same group studied other biomasses such as plastics using
irradiation, incorporating real-time monitoring of the solar radiation, Hybrid wind and solar pyrolysis [174] and solar pyrolysis [175].
development of mathematical models for the identification of optimal A mechanism to explain evolution of volatile matter during solar
operating parameters, need of the establishment of pilot plant solar pyrolysis of willow wood was proposed. Willow seed of large thickness
pyrolysis systems to gain better understanding of processes were re hindered bio-oil production with an increase in gas yield at different
ported as potential future works in solar pyrolysis [154]. Table 3 consists heat fluxes. A new dimensionless number to understand the solar py
of compiled studies on SAP. rolysis behaviour of the wood pellets [176]. Low density polyethylene
In another review on the pyrolysis of plastic wastes, it was reported was solar pyrolyzed in a fixed bed solar pyrolysis reacted heated by a
that installing a solar pyrolysis setup will increase the total capital in solar simulator at 500 ◦ C. The focus was to study the effect of various
vestment by 20% and decrease the return on investment by 11% catalysts on the production of hydrogen and jet fuel. The catalysts
compared to the traditional pyrolysis reactors [163]. A techno-economic employed are photo catalysts that helps in the conversion of the biooil
analysis on the solar assisted bio refineries was conducted by the pro from the pyrolysis to high value chemicals. LDPE used a powder of 50
duction of dimethyl ether (DME) by using concentrated solar power mesh and the solar simulator that can provide up to 4 kW power was
(CSP) systems. Six studies were conducted with and without integration employed. Solar flux density is varied in the range of 0.2–1.5 MW/m2
of solar power with the normal pyrolysis reactors. It was identified that [177].
the conversions of the biomass in the SAP systems were high, however, The feasibility studies of utilizing the steam as a potential heat source
have lower efficiency compared to those without solar power assistance to pyrolyze the sewage sludge was explored. The steam generation was
[164]. Socio-economic impacts of the biochar production facilities from achieved through the solar parabolic trough concentrator. The focus was
the solar pyrolysis considering the availability of solar irradiation, to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the use of fossil
feedstock (corn stover) was reported. A framework to assess the social, fuels for wastewater treatment by using the solar assisted pyrolysis of
economic and environmental burdens of char production using solar sewage sludge with steam as a pyrolysis medium [178]. Pyrolysis and
pyrolysis was developed [165]. hydro pyrolysis of Chalamydomonas reinhardtii was performed using
Corn stalks were torrefied by solar energy, followed by catalytic solar solar pyrolysis with hydrotalcite precursor mixed with oxides as cata
pyrolysis using HZSM catalyst. The torrefaction temperatures varied lysts. A parabolic solar concentrator was used with a quartz reactor the
from 200 to 300 ◦ C and the pyrolysis was carried out at 500 ◦ C. A focal point of concentrator. Ex-situ catalytic pyrolysis setup was used to
parabolic dish solar pyrolysis reactor was used to perform the pyrolysis. upgrade the bio-oil. Solar radiation range used in the study are
The torrefaction pre-treatment has increased the production of gases and 750–800 W/m2, with a reaction temperature of 500 ◦ C. The optimal
char while decreasing the biofuel production as opposed to raw corn operating conditions yielded highest oil production in solar catalytic
stalks and non-catalytic pyrolysis. Torrefaction pre-treatment has pyrolysis. Biooil from the hydro pyrolysis experiment has shown less
removed all the volatiles that are major components for biofuel pro oxygen content as expected. Hydrotalcite and hydrogen injection aided
duction, leading to low-oil production [166]. A similar study was re in minimizing the undesirable properties of bio-oil [179].
ported using solar energy for torrefaction followed by the solar pyrolysis Optimization studies to efficiently reuse the catalyst for the pro
with water hyacinth as feed stock. Torrefaction temperature was varied duction of bio-oils from the micro-algae using solar pyrolysis were re
in between 200 and 300 ◦ C in multiples of 50. The pyrolysis temperature ported. A parabolic solar dish collector was used and the studies were
was maintained to be 440 ◦ C. A result similar to the previous study was conducted at irradiation of 750 W/m2. The reaction temperature was
observed. Char production was increased, and the torrefaction has 500 ◦ C. Central composite design method was used to find the optimal
resulted in decrease of bio oil-production. However, the bio-oils ob conditions of loafing of biomass, feedstock to catalyst ratio and reaction
tained after torrefaction pre-treatment are less corrosive than the time for the high yields of bio-oil [180]. Another study was conducted by
bio-oils that were obtained from raw feedstock which is not torrefied the same group which was aimed at comparing the bio-oil yields from
[167]. the two micro algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtti and Spirulina plantensis
The use of solar pyrolysis reactors for the development of aviation using the solar pyrolysis. The bio-oil yields at optimal operating condi
fuels were investigated in the recent review. Jatropha [168], peanut tions were 21.3 wt% and 42.5 wt% for Spirulina plantesis and Chalamy
shell, soybean straw and pinewood etc. were reported in the literature domonus reinhardtii respectively [181]. The same group have
[169]. The major components of the bio-oil produced via solar pyrolysis investigated the production of useful products from Chlamydomonas
are diesel/ mixtures of gasoline and diesel [170]. Pyrolysis of waste reinhardtii by using solar pyrolysis [182].
straw and sewage sludge using the fixed bed pyrolysis reactor equipped Algal weeds were solar pyrolyzed and the effects of operating con
with a Xenon lamp. Light intensity of the source is set in such a way that ditions on the product distribution were explored. Temperature
the average heating rate is 5 ◦ C/min, with the pyrolysis temperatures (250–600 ◦ C, heating rate (20–100 ◦ C/min), feed particle size (<
above 800 ◦ C. The focus of the work was to compare and investigate the 0.5–2.5 mm), and sweeping gas flowrates (3–15 LPM) are the parame
properties of char from the solar and conventional pyrolysis for the ters varied to understand their effect on the products of solar pyrolysis.
removal of Zn2+ ions from aqueous solutions. It was identified that solar The optimal bio-oil yield (38.1 wt%) was obtained at a heating rate of
pyrolysis has an effect in making the char production kinetics simple as 20 ◦ C/min, 400 ◦ C temperature, < 0.52 mm particle size and the
opposed to traditional pyrolysis [171]. sweeping gas flowrate of 9 LPM [183]. Solar pyrolysis reactors were
Waste tires were solar pyrolyzed in a solar pyrolysis simulator with utilized to explore the slow pyrolysis of wood waste (WW), Wheat straw
an objective to limit the sulphur content in the pyrolysis gases by adding (WS) and sewage sludge (SS). A xenon lamp of 1.6 kW power was used
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
to obtain the desired temperature for pyrolysis. The heating time is in from solar pyrolysis. The pyrolysis was conducted in a spherical solar
the range of 160–190 min was used and the feedstock temperatures pyrolysis reactor. A heliostat reflector and the parabolic concentrator as
were maintained not to exceed 800 ◦ C. The chars produced were re used to concentrate solar power. Low heating rates were employed and
ported to have high heating values (HHV) and can be used as solid fuels. pyrolysis temperatures in the range of 500–900 ◦ C were used. Results
It was also reported that the higher final solar pyrolysis temperatures indicate that the fraction of char is unaffected by the heating rates and
favour the higher gas production rates[184]. Kinetic modeling studies temperatures. However, their properties such structure, surface areas
were also conducted for the system developed in their previous study and electrochemical response were affected. The char that is produced
[160]. Kinetic modeling for the pyrolysis of wood in solar pyrolysis was reported to have properties such that they can be used as catalyst
reactor was performed in another study [185]. The reaction parameters support materials for the fuel cells and electrolyzers [195]. The same
of 10 independent reactions of the solar pyrolysis model were estimated group has investigated the production of biofuel from solar pyrolysis of
using the experimental data by posing a least squares optimization biomass. A quartz glass was used as a reactor. A peak solar intensity of
problem for the sewage sludge [186]. 700 suns in a 10 mm diameter area was achieved using a 5 kW solar
A directly irradiated auto-thermal fluidized bed reactor for solar simulator. A temperature up to 900 ◦ C have been reported to be ach
thermal applications was proposed. The proposed fluidized bed reactor ieved. Pinewood was used as feedstock [157].
can be a good reactor system for the pyrolysis applications. The Rubber tires solar pyrolysis studies were performed. Solar irradiation
uniqueness was its operability is close to an auto-thermal reactor and the in the range of 950–1050 W/m2 and temperatures int the range of
thermal efficiency of 70% was reported [187]. Solar driven pyrolysis 550–570 ◦ C were used. The use of TiO2 catalyst has enhanced the gas
technologies for the conversion of waste to fuel in the perspective of the production compared to non-catalytic case. The use of noble metal ox
Victoria state of Australia was reviewed. This review also analyzed and ides to dope the TiO2 has enhanced the catalytic activity of the TiO2
provided information on different types of solar concentrators, feeding [196]. Similar studies on the solar thermal pyrolysis of waste tires were
mechanisms, reactors that are useful for the solar pyrolysis of biomass conducted by the same group. Liner Fresnel reactors were used to
[188]. concentrate solar irradiation. A heating liquid is heated to the temper
Three different biomasses-Soyabean straw (SS), peanut shell (PS), atures that are needed to supply the heat required to operate the reactor
and pine wood (PW) were pretreated with aqueous phase bio-oil, dried at 550 ◦ C. It was reported that the usage of solar energy for pyrolysis
and torrified using the solar energy before they were solar pyrolyzed. A resulted in energy savings in summer increases by 60.8% whereas the
parabolic trough solar collector was used for the drying and torrefication same has increased during winter by 26.6% on an average [197]. Wheat
whereas parabolic dish solar receiver was used for pyrolysis. Quartz tube straw and Scenedesmus algae and the sewage sludge were pyrolyzed
was used as a reactor. Pyrolysis temperatures of 550 ◦ C were main using solar pyrolysis. A solar simulator with a capacity of 7 kW was used
tained. It was observed that the bio-oil obtained has a lower relative for pyrolysis. The study has reported the production of high quality syn
content of acids compared to raw biomasses [169]. Solar assisted py gas from the three feed stocks [198].
rolysis of chicken litter and rice husk was performed to generate useful
products from the animal waste and agricultural residues. Two particle 5.3. Modeling of SAP
sizes (280 and 500 µm) of each feed stock were solar pyrolyzed to pro
duce high calorific value gases. Heating rates are varied in the range of Modeling of pyrolysis process needs the models that capture heat,
10–50 ◦ C/s and temperatures in the range of 800–1600 ◦ C were used. mass transfer effects, and kinetic models for the reactions occurring
With the increase in temperature, the gas yield was increased, and the during are needed. Since the heat transfer in the pyrolysis reactors are
bio-oil and char yields were decreased [189]. In a similar study, the complex, generally simplifications were made to build useful models. A
same group has reported the solar pyrolysis of chicken litter to produce nice introduction to the models for accounting the solar irradiation was
bio-oil. The obtained bio-oil was treated with CaO and char to deoxy pyrolysis of biomass was provided in the recent review [154]. A brief
genate the bio-oil. The changes in the deoxygenation levels of the review on the approaches for mathematical modeling of biomass py
bio-oils were examined by varying the CaO loading. With increase in the rolysis systems, their types, the phenomenon modelled by them, and the
CaO loading, the CO2 composition in the gaseous products decreased. reactors used was available in the literature [41]. Kinetic models
The maximum CO2 decomposition was obtained at 800 ◦ C. The use of consider only the reactions during the process, whereas system wide
char did not deoxygenate the biooil [190]. models consider transport phenomena (mass, heat and flow patterns).
Economic analysis was conducted for a solar pyrolysis system and System wide models are closer to real-life scenario and are difficult to
compared with the traditional electrically heated pyrolysis system. The formulate and solve manually while the kinetic models are easy to
SAP system was reported to have the best economic viability of the two. formulate and solve comparatively. The role of modelling and simula
The carbon emissions from a solar pyrolysis plant were only 38% tion in understanding the phenomenon happening in the pyrolysis
compared to the traditional pyrolysis setup. [191]. The feasibility of process were recently reviewed [199]. The governing equations that are
production of bio-oil from a grid tied solar assisted pyrolysis of Plastic useful to explain the heat and mass transfer phenomenon, and the types
waste was investigated. Plastic particles of 3–4 mm diameter were used. of kinetic models that are currently in the literature were presented. The
A small-scale laboratory reactor operating at 500 ◦ C was used. It was directions for the end-to-end design of the pyrolysis processes for the
reported that the grid tied solar pyrolysis setup was economically selected product and the ways to optimally choose the best feedstock
feasible and generates low greenhouse gases [192]. and catalysts to achieve them were reported [200].
Cotton stalk in molten salt was pyrolyzed for biochar production A CFD model combined with discrete elements method (DEM) are
using solar energy. Molten salt was used as a mixture in the feedstock at proposed to explain the motion of fluid and solid particle movement in
different ratios and its effect on the product distribution of solar pyrol the bubbling fluidized bed (BFB) reactor for pyrolysis of solar panel
ysis was studied. With the increase in molten salt to feedstock ratio in the waste particles of non-spherical shape. Particles of different aspect ratios
feedstock, the gas component has increased with a decrease in both oil were simulated using CFD-DEM method to understand the influence of
and char components in the product. The aromatics contents in the bio- the particle size and shape on their flow patterns in BFB. The study has
oil were increased while there was a significant decrease in the acids and also indicated the need for incorporation of heat and mass transfer ef
phenols energy [193]. The same group has also investigated the effect of fects into their modelling framework [201]. The feasibility studies of
molten salts and the temperature on the solar pyrolysis of lignite. Like utilizing the steam as a potential heat source to pyrolyze the sewage
the results of the previous study, the increase in the ratio of molten salt sludge was explored. The steam generation was achieved through the
to feedstock has increased the gas component yield in the products of solar parabolic trough concentrator. The focus was to reduce the carbon
solar pyrolysis [194]. Bagasse feedstock was used to produce biochar dioxide emissions resulting from the use of fossil fuels for wastewater
V.S. Dadi et al. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 175 (2023) 106163
treatment by using the solar assisted pyrolysis of sewage sludge with The interactions between the three basic components of biomass
steam as a pyrolysis medium. A 1-dimensional model was proposed to during the pyrolysis process have been largely ignored.
understand the heat and mass transfer phenomenon in the reactor [24]. 4. Development of elementary reaction mechanisms for obtaining
The model developed was based on the analytical model to describe the valuable kinetic insights into the biomass conversion process has
heat transfer in the parabolic trough collector by Bellows and Tzivanidis been a puzzle for two decades with limited research [228,229]. The
(2018) [202] and kinetic model proposed by Font et. al., (2005) [203]. actual reaction mechanism is very complex, and its fundamental
A CFD based model to understand the heat and mass transfer in the understanding is still far from reach. Hence, accurate CFD modeling
pyrolysis reactors for the production of char was studied. User defined of the biomass conversion process/reactors/systems without the in
C++ functions were used along with the 3-dimensional CFD simulations formation on the kinetics of the process is very difficult.
to incorporate the phenomena that were not inherently included in the 5. Integrating the various reaction, heat transport and mass transport
CFD software. In the modelling of pyrolysis, generally the pyrolysis will models (existing particle models) to predict the kinetic parameters,
be divided into 2 zones, the zone where the biomass was packed and the transport properties and hence the de-volatilization rate for biomass
other zone that is above the bed, which is considered as the gas phase samples is crucial in extending the capability of CFD application to
respectively [87]. System advisory model developed by NREL, ASPEN such systems. The experiment validity of the results from the CFD
PLUS and MATLAB were used to simulate the solar assisted pyrolysis of analysis to predict the yield of the products (volatile gases, bio-oil,
coal in the parabolic trough collector (PTC) and solar tower. Along with and char) is primitive. The coupling of the different models is also
the type of solar concentrator, studies were conducted using different crucial and needs significant reforming to get closer to experimental
pyrolysis temperatures and heat transfer fluids. The solar tower was response.
reported to be economically infeasible whereas PTC was found to be 6. The widespread source of the available biomass (agricultural
feasible for drying of coal [204]. biomass, forest biomass, algal biomass, municipal solid waste) pre
CFD model to predict biooil production via conventional and other sents a huge challenge as the composition and hence the conversion
pyrolysis was developed. The study was not explicitly focused on solar mechanism differs for each type of biomass depending on its source.
pyrolysis; however, it can provide an insight into the development of Thus, the CFD model developed from one type of biomass should be
rigorous CFD based models for solar pyrolysis setups [205]. A model to able to adapt to the change of composition of the feedstock. This will
evaluate the annual performance of solar pyrolysis system with Linear ensure larger applicability of the CFD model. Such generalized
Fresnel Reflector (LFR) was developed. The developed model was used models are essential to the progress of the research in this field.
to obtain the optimal reactor temperature, time and the dimensions of 7. The influence of inorganic catalysts in influencing the progress of the
the reactor for a selected biomass feed rate. The proposed model was reaction has not been fairly understood. The catalytic effects on the
developed for the char prediction, and it was validated with the existing pyrolysis reaction rate and product yields should be included with
literature [206]. CFD modeling of the solar pyrolysis of beech wood the reaction, heat and mass transport models in the future CFD
pellet was reported. A single particle, unsteady 2-D CFD model was simulations.
developed in the Ansys. The model was developed for the beechwood 8. The practicability and reach of the single particle models and the
pellets of 5 mm height and 10 mm diameter. The model is validated with pellet scale modeling is limited [230,231], and the predictions are far
the experiments performed them in their previous studies [32,143, from the realistic experimental findings. The underlying physics of
207–209] with the temperatures in the range of 600–2000 ◦ C and the process is highly simplified by ignoring the interlinked chemical
heating rates in the range of 10–50 ◦ C/s [145,210]. Radiative pyrolysis reactions and the influence of structural changes. Hence, significant
modeling of the biomass was reported. A 2-D unsteady state model was improvement needs to be made in improving these models or
developed to model the biomass degradation with Briodo-Shafizadeh developing more competent models to predict the actual physics of
reaction scheme. The model built was validated with the pyrolysis the pyrolysis process.
behaviour of beech wood pellets of different diameters, different heat 9. The particle shrinkage during the conversion process adds an addi
fluxes and the different initial moisture content of the wood [211]. tional level of complexity in the mathematical modeling of biomass
conversion process. The particle shrinkage changes the physical
6. Future directions structure, porous media characteristics and also the transport length
scales (heat and mass transport) involved in the mathematical
The article presents a critical review of the application of CFD to model. Hence, predicting the particle shrinkage, estimating its effect
model biomass pyrolysis systems. Some critical research directions for and reforming the mathematical modeling approach based on the
the future are outlined below. gauged information is crucial.
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