Draft Preview: Both Science and Other Than Science Subjects 01/2025
Draft Preview: Both Science and Other Than Science Subjects 01/2025
Draft Preview: Both Science and Other Than Science Subjects 01/2025
Candidate's Full Name Anjali Dipak Landge Father's Name Dipak Kisan Landge
Is Qualification with
Qualification 12th Yes
Aggregate % 84 English % 86
Physics % 82 Mathematics % 82
Biology % 88
Higher Education
Qualification Status
Engineering / Non-
Non-Engineering Non-Engineering Stream Science
1 English 86 100
2 Maths 82 100
3 Physics 82 100
Subject Obtained Marks Total Marks
4 Biology 88 100
Areas of Information
Typing Skills (>35 WPM)
Technology Known
Accounting Known No
Any Representation /
Achievement in any Sports No
event or discipline
Discharged from
Forces/Govt. Organization
I have read and understood all the instructions for filling this application form. Further, I declare that statements made in this
application are correct. I understand that I am liable to be disqualified at any stage, if the information given is found to be
incorrect/incomplete/false. I will produce all original certificates and statement of marks and three photocopies of each,
duly attested by me, at the time of appearing in the Phase-II. I am willing to undergo physical and medical test, at my own
risk and will not be entitled for compensation for injuries if any, sustained during such test.I am aware that the decision by
President, CASB will be final and binding on me.
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