06a - Seismic Design of Bridges - by Kolias

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Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 1


|Basil Kolias
Background and Applications Basic Requirements
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 2

| Non-Collapse
z Retain structural strength + residual
resistance for emergency traffic.
z Limit damage to areas of energy dissipation.

| Damage Minimization
z Under probable seismic effects.
Background and Applications Analysis Methods
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 3

| Equivalent Linear Analysis:

z Elastic force analysis (response spectrum)
forces from unlimited elastic response
divided by global behaviour factor = q.

design spectrum = elastic spectrum / q

Background and Applications Analysis Methods
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 4

| Stiffness of Ductile Elements:

z secant stiffness at the theoretical yield

Yield of first bar

Secant stiffness
Background and Applications Analysis Methods
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 5

| Non-linear Dynamic Time-History

z In combination with response spectrum
analysis without relaxation of demands.
z For irregular bridges.
z For bridges with seismic isolation.

| Non-linear Static Analysis (Push-Over):

z For irregular bridges.
Background and Applications
Seismic behaviour of bridges
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 6

Ductility Classes

| Limited Ductile Behaviour:

q ≤ 1.50

| Ductile Behaviour:
1.50 < q ≤ 3.50
Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Elastic Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 7

| Limited Ductile Behaviour:

z Section verification with seismic design
effects AEd
z Verification of non-ductile failure modes
(shear and soil) with elastic effects qAEd and
reduction of resistance by γBd = 1.25
Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Elastic Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 8

| Ductile Behaviour:
z Flexural resistance of plastic hinge regions
with design seismic effects AEd.
z All other regions and non-ductile failure
modes (shear of elements & joints and soil)
with capacity design effects AC.
z Local ductility ensured by special detailing
rules (mainly confinement).
Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Elastic Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 9

| Control of Displacements:
z Assessment of seismic displacement dE
dE = ημddEe.
dEe = result of elastic analysis.
η = damping correction factor.
μd = displacement ductility as follows:
when T≥T0=1.25TC : μd = q
when T<T0 : μd = (q-1)T0 / T + 1 ≤ 5q - 4
Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Elastic Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 10

| Provision of adequate clearances for the

total seismic design displacement:
dEd = dE + dG + 0.5dT
dG due to permanent and quasi-permanent
dT due to thermal actions.

| For roadway joints: 40% dE and 50% dT

Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Non-linear Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 11

Chord rotation: θ = θy + θp

L θ

Lp Plastic
M hinge
Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Non-linear Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 12

| Ductile Members:
Deformation verification

| Plastic chord rotations of plastic hinges:

demand ≤ design capacity

θp,E≤ θp,d , θp,d = θp,u / γR,p , γR,p = 1.40

θp,u = probable (mean) capacity from tests

or derived from ultimate curvatures
Background and Applications Compliance Criteria for Non-linear Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 13

| Non-ductile members:
z Force verification as in elastic analysis for
regions outside plastic hinges and non-
ductile failure modes, with capacity design
effects replaced by:
γR,Bd1 AEd with γR,Bd1 = 1.25

z Design resistances:
Rd = Rk / γM
Background and Applications
Seismic Action
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 14

| Two types of elastic response spectra:

z Type 1 and 2.
| 5 types of soil:
z A, B, C, D, E.
| 4 period ranges:
z short, constant acceleration, velocity and
| Design spectrum = elastic spectrum / q.
| 3 importance classes:
z γI = 1.3, 1.0, 0.85.
Background and Applications
Seismic Action
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 15

Elastic Spectrum Type 1 (ξ = 0.05)

4 E D

2 A

0 TB TC 1 TD 3 (s)
Background and Applications Seismic Action: Spatial Variability
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 16

Spatial variability model should

account for:
z Propagation of seismic waves
z Loss of correlation due to
z Modification of frequency content due to diff
mechanical properties of foundation soil
Background and Applications Seismic Action: Spatial Variability
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 17

| Rigorous model in Inf. Annex D:

| Simplified method:
⇒ Uniform support excitation + pseudostatic
effects of two sets of displacement (A and
B) imposed at supports.
⇒ Sets A and B applied in the two principal
horizontal directions but considered
Background and Applications Seismic Action: Spatial Variability
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 18

Displacement sets defined from:

z dg = 0.025 agSTCTD : max particle displ.

corresponding to the ground type (EC8-1)

zLg is the distance beyond which seismic
motion is completely uncorrelated

Recommended Values of Lg(m)

Lg(m) 600 500 400 300 500
Background and Applications Seismic Action: Spatial Variability
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 19

Displacement set A
uniform expansion/contraction
z displacement of support i relative to support 0

d ri = ε r Li ≤ d g 2

dg 2
εr =
Background and Applications Seismic Action: Spatial Variability
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 20

Displacement set B
with opposite directions at adjacent piers
Δdi = ± β rε r Lav,i
⎧0.5 same ⎫
d i = ± Δd i / 2 βr = ⎨ ⎬ ground type
⎩1.0 different ⎭
Background and Applications Regular / Irregular Bridges
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 21

| Criterion based on local required force

reduction factors ri of the ductile members i :
ri = qMEd,i /MRd,I =
q x Seismic moment / Section resistance

| A bridge is considered regular when the

“irregularity” index:
ρir = max(ri) / min( ri) ≤ ρ0 = 2

| Piers contributing less than 20% of the

average force are not considered
Background and Applications Regular / Irregular Bridges
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 22

| For regular bridges: equivalent elastic

analysis is allowed with the q-values specified,
without checking of local ductility demands

| Irregular bridges are:

z either designed with reduced behaviour
qr = q ρo / ρir ≥ 1.0
z or verified by non-linear static (pushover) or
dynamic analysis
Background and Applications Capacity Design Effects
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 23

| Correspond to the section forces under

permanent loads and a seismic action
creating the assumed pattern of plastic
hinges, where the flexural overstrength:
Mo = γoMRd
has developed with: γo = 1.35

| Simplifications satisfying the equilibrium

conditions are allowed.
Background and Applications Detailing Rules
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 24

Confinement reinforcement

| Increasing with:
z Normalised axial force: ηk = NEd / (Acfck).
z Axial reinforcement ratio ρ (for ρ > 0.01).

| Not required for hollow sections with:

z ηk ≤ 0.20 and restrained reinforcement.

| Rectangular hoops and crossties or Circular

hoops or spirals or overlapping spirals
Background and Applications Detailing Rules
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 25

Restraining of axial reinforcement

against buckling

| max support spacing:

sL ≤ δØL
5 ≤ δ = 2,5 (ft / fy) + 2,25 ≤ 6

| minimum amount of transverse ties:

At /sT = Σ Asfys /1,6fyt (mm2/m)
Background and Applications Detailing Rules
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 26

| Hollow piers
z In the region of the plastic hinges
Limitation of wall slenderness ratio:
b / t or D / t ≤ 8

| Pile foundations
z Rules for the location and required
confinement of probable plastic hinges
Background and Applications Detailing Rules
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 27

| Bearings and seismic links.

| Holding down devices.
| Shock transmission units (STU).
| Min. overlap lengths at movable supports.
| Abutments and retaining walls.
| Culverts with large overburden.

γs = vg/vs
Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 28

| The isolating system arranged over the

isolation interface reduces the seismic
response by:
z either lengthening of the fundamental period.
z or increasing of the damping.
z or (preferably) by combination of both effects.
Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 29

Design properties of the isolating system

| Nominal design properties (NDP) assessed
by prototype tests, confirming the range
accepted by the Designer.
| Design is required for:
z Upper Bound design properties (UBDP).
z Lower Bound design properties (LBDP).
| Bounds of Design Properties result either
from tests or from modification factors.
Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 30

Analysis methods

| Fundamental or multi mode spectrum

analysis (subject to specific conditions).
| Non-linear time-history analysis.
Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 31


| Design for limited ductile behaviour: q ≤ 1.50

Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 32

Compliance criteria
| Isolating system
z Displacements increased by factor:
γIS = 1.50
z Sufficient lateral rigidity under service
conditions is required.
Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 33

Lateral restoring capability (revision)

z Governing parameter: dcd/dr F0
ƒ dcd = design displacement
ƒ dr=F0/Kp = maximum residual displ. Displ.
dr dr

d cd
z Condition (1): insignificant residual displ.: ≤δ
Or δ = 0.5
z Condition (2): adequate capacity for
accumulated residual displ.:
1 − (d y / d cd )

d mi ≥ d o, i + γ du d bi, d ρ d ρd = 1 + 1.35 γ du = 1.20

1 + 80(d cd / d r )
Background and Applications Bridges with Seismic Isolation
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 34

Lateral restoring capability

Background and Applications Seismic Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 35

Ultimate Displacement

Monotonic Loading
FRd <-0.2FRd
5th cycle

dy du
Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 36

Chord rotation θu = θy + θp

Plastic chord rotation θp derived:

z Directly from appropriate tests
z From the curvature, by integration
Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 37

εsu − εcu
| Ultimate curvature: Φ =
u d

z Reinforcement: εsu = 0.075 (EN1992-1-1)

z Unconfined concrete: εcu= -0.0035 (EN1992-1-1)
z Confined concrete:
1.4ρs f ym εsu
εcu,c = −0.004 −
f cm,c
Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 38

| Mean material properties

z Reinforcement
z fym/fyk = 1.15, fsm / fsk = 1.20, εsu = εuk

z Concrete
z fcm = fck + 8 (MPa), Ecm = 22(fcm/10)0.3

z Stress-strain diagram of concrete

z Unconfined concrete: εc1 = -0.0007fcm0.31
Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 39

Confined concrete - Mander model

Confined concrete
fcm concrete
Ecm Esec

εc1 εcu1 εc1,c εcu,c c

Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 40

Chord rotation: θu = θy + θp,u

θ p,u = (Φu − Φ y )L p (1 − )


L θ
Lp Lp
Plastic hinge
Φu Φy M
Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 41

First yield of confined concrete
Confined concrete reaches peak stress
Confined concrete fails
First yield of longitudinal steel
80000 ρ=4% Longitudinal steel fails

M u
Moment X (kNm)


ε sy
40000 ρ=2% Φ y = 2.1

20000 ρ=1%

Φy 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.050
Curvature (1/m)
Background and Applications Deformation Capacity of Piers
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 42

Calibration with test results

| Database:
z 64 tests on R/C pier elements.
ƒ 31 circular, 25 rectangular, 8 box sections

| Curvature analysis for each test specimen

| Non-linear regression for the coefficients of:

Lp = 0.10L + 0.015fykds
θ p,exp /θ p,prd
No of exp. : 64

Average : 1.09
St. Dev. : 0.18
θp,exp=1.09 θp,prd
5% fract. (S.F.=1.25)
Predicted θp


0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Experimental θp (%)
Background and Applications Non-linear Static Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 44

| Based on the equal displacements rule

| Analysis directions:

x: Longitudinal

y: Transverse
Background and Applications Non-linear Static Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 45

| Horizontal load increased until the

displacement at the reference point reaches
the design seismic displacement of elastic
response spectrum analysis (q = 1), for
Ex + 0.3Ey and Ey + 0.3Ex

| Reference point is the centre of mass of the

deformed deck
Background and Applications Non-linear Static Analysis
Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 46

| Load distribution
Load increment at point i at step j
ΔFi,j = ΔαjGiζi
¾ distribution constant along the deck: ζi = 1
¾ distribution proportional to first mode shape
Background and Applications

Brussels, 18-20 February 2008 – Dissemination of information workshop 47

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