Nonmandatory Appendix H Asme BPVC Sec Ix 2023

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H-100 BACKGROUND waveform controls may not be active for all of the
welding processes or equipment settings for a particular
Advances in microprocessor controls and welding power source. When the waveform control features of the
power source technology have resulted in the ability to equipment are not used, the heat input determination
develop waveforms for welding that improve the methods of either QW-409.1(a), QW-409.1(b), or
control of droplet shape, penetration, bead shape and QW-409.1(c) are used.
wetting. Some welding characteristics that were When the welding equipment does not display instan-
previously controlled by the welder or welding operator taneous energy or power, an external meter with high
are controlled by software or firmware internal to the frequency sampling capable of displaying instantaneous
power source. It is recognized that the use of controlled energy or power is typically used, or the welding equip-
waveforms in welding can result in improvements in ment is upgraded or modified to display instantaneous
productivity and quality. The intention of this Code is energy or power.
to enable their use with both new and existing procedure Welding power sources or external meters typically
qualifications. display instantaneous energy as cumulative measure-
The ASME Section IX heat input measurement methods ments of instantaneous energy, i.e., the sum of instanta-
in QW-409.1(a) and QW-409.1(b), were developed at a neous energy measurements made during a time period
time when welding power source output was relatively such as trigger-on to trigger-off. The units of measurement
constant. The heat input of welds made using waveform may be joules (J). Other conveniently obtained units of
controlled power sources is not accurately represented by energy, such as calories or British thermal units (Btu),
QW-409.1(a) due to the rapidly-changing outputs, phase may be used with the appropriate conversion factors.
shifts, and synergic changes, but is correctly represented The other measurement that is needed to use the calcula-
by QW-409.1(b) or QW-409.1(c). During waveform tions given in QW-409.1(c)(1) is weld length.
controlled welding, current and voltage and values Welding power sources or external meters typically
observed on the equipment meters no longer are valid display instantaneous power as average measurements,
for heat input determination, and must be replaced by i.e., the average value of instantaneous power measure-
instantaneous energy (joules) or power (joules/second ments made during a time period such as trigger-on to
or watts) to correctly calculate heat input. trigger-off. The unit of measurement may be watts
QW-409.1(c) more accurately reflects heat input (W). One watt is equal to 1 joule/second (J/s). Other
changes when performing waveform controlled conveniently obtained units of power such as horsepower
welding, but is also suitable for nonwaveform controlled (hp) or kilowatts (kW) may be used with the appropriate
(conventional) welding. conversion factors. Because power must be multiplied by
time to obtain energy, the arc-on time needs to be
H-200 WAVEFORM CONTROLLED WELDING recorded, and the distance traveled during that time
AND HEAT INPUT DETERMINATION needs to be measured; with these data, the calculation
in QW-409.1(c)(2) can be made. Either of the equations
Power sources that support rapidly pulsing processes in QW-409.1(c)(1) and QW-409.1(c)(2) may be used,
(e.g., GMAW-P) are the most common waveform depending on whether total instantaneous energy (IE)
controlled power sources. Power sources that are or average instantaneous power (IP) is displayed.
marketed as synergic, programmable, or microprocessor
controlled are generally capable of waveform controlled
welding. In these cases, heat input is calculated by the H-300 NEW PROCEDURES QUALIFICATIONS
methods outlined in either QW-409.1(b) or When qualifying a new procedure using waveform
QW-409.1(c) when performing procedure qualification controlled welding, the instantaneous energy or power
or to determine compliance with a qualified procedure. range is used in lieu of the current (amperage) and
If any doubt exists on whether waveform controlled voltage ranges to determine the heat input per
welding is being performed, the welding equipment QW-409.1(c).
manufacturer should be consulted. It is recognized that


When qualifying a new procedure using nonwaveform (b) to determine if the heat input of a nonwaveform
controlled welding, either the current and voltage is controlled production weld meets the heat input range
recorded and heat input determined using the methods of a welding procedure qualified with waveform
of QW-409.1(a) or QW-409.1(b), as previously required, controlled welding with heat input determined using
or the instantaneous energy or power is recorded and the QW-409.1(c)
heat input determined by the method in QW-409.1(c). (1) the heat input of the production weld is deter-
mined using QW-409.1(a) or QW-409.1(c)
H-400 EXISTING QUALIFIED PROCEDURES (2) the heat input of the production weld is
compared to the heat input range of the welding proce-
Welding procedures previously qualified using nonwa- dure specification
veform controlled welding and heat input determined by
QW-409.1(a) may continue to be used for waveform
controlled welding, provided they are amended to
require heat input determination for production welds Separate performance qualifications are not required
using the methods of QW-409.1(c). Welding procedures for waveform controlled welding. However, it is recog-
previously qualified using nonwaveform controlled nized that a welder or welding operator may require
welding and heat input determined by QW-409.1(b) instruction on proper use of the equipment. The extent
continue to be applicable for waveform controlled of such instruction is best determined by the organization,
welding without changes to the heat input determination as needed to understand how to properly set up and adjust
method. the equipment for welding and conformance to the WPS
(a) To determine if the heat input of a waveform requirements.
controlled production weld meets the heat input range Power sources capable of waveform controlled welding
of a welding procedure qualified with nonwaveform often have additional operator settings that are typically
controlled welding with heat input determined using not used during nonwaveform controlled welding. It is
QW-409.1(a) important for a welder to be familiar with other equip-
(1) the heat input of the production weld is deter- ment parameters that can influence the overall
mined using instantaneous power or energy per the welding performance. These can include the mode, arc
method of QW-409.1(c) control, program, cable length, wire feed speed, trim,
(2) the heat input of the production weld is and other machine and software settings.
compared to the heat input range of the welding proce-
dure specification


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