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Manual KLIC-LG1 EN

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for LG A/C Units


Application program version: [1.1]

User manual edition: [1.1] _b



Contents ........................................................................................................................................ 2

Document Updates ....................................................................................................................... 3

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 KLIC-LG1 ........................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 Start-Up and Power Loss .................................................................................................. 5

2 Configuration......................................................................................................................... 6

2.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 6

2.2 Inputs ............................................................................................................................... 8

2.2.1 Binary Input .............................................................................................................. 8

2.2.2 Temperature Probe.................................................................................................. 8

2.2.3 Motion Detector ...................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Logic Functions ................................................................................................................. 9

2.4 A/C Gateway .................................................................................................................. 10

2.4.1 Configuration ......................................................................................................... 10

2.4.2 Fan.......................................................................................................................... 18

2.4.3 Flaps ....................................................................................................................... 20

2.4.4 Initial Configuration ............................................................................................... 22

2.4.5 Scenes .................................................................................................................... 23

2.4.6 Error Handling ........................................................................................................ 24

ANNEX I. Communication Objects............................................................................................... 26

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Version Changes Page(s)

[1.1]_b Minor corrections -

Changes in the application program:

[1.1]_a -
- Improved unit connection process.

[1.0]_c Clarification about the meaning of the LED green lighting. 27

[1.0]_b Minor corrections -

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1.1 KLIC-LG1

KLIC-LG1 from Zennio is a gateway that provides full-duplex communication between

the KNX home automation system and LG air-conditioning systems through the 3-wire
gateway provided.

Because of this bidirectional communication, the air conditioning system can be

controlled from the home automation system in the same manner as it is through its own
controls. Moreover, the actual status of the unit can be monitored and periodically sent
to the KNX bus to inform other devices.

The most outstanding features of KLIC-LG1 are:

Bidirectional control of LG A/C units through the connection wires provided

by LG: R (supply voltage, 12V), Y (communication), B (GND).

Control of the main functions of the A/C unit: On/Off, temperature, mode of
operation, fan speed, position of the flaps, etc.

Error management to handle specific error codes from the A/C unit itself as
well as any communication issues that may arise.

Up to five scenes.

Three analogue-digital inputs, for the connection of temperature probes,

motion detectors or binary pushbuttons or switches.

10 customisable, multi-operation logic functions.

Heartbeat or periodical “still-alive” notification.

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Depending on the configuration, some specific actions will be performed during the
device start-up. The integrator may set up an initial status to be sent to the A/C unit after
the bus power recovery, and whether certain objects should be sent to the bus after the
power recovery, as described in later sections.

On the other hand, when a bus power failure takes place, the device will interrupt any
pending actions, and will save its state so it can be recovered once the power supply is


After a bus power failure, it can take up to a minute to establish the connection
between KLIC-LG1 and the A/C unit.

The configuration of the remote wired control will be sent if this control is
plugged after KLIC-LG1.

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The general configuration of the device consists in enabling the specific functionalities
that will be required during normal operation:

Heartbeat or periodical “still-alive” notification.

Inputs: see section 2.2.

Logic functions: see section 2.3.

AC gateway: see section 2.4.

The latter entails all functions specific to KLIC-LG1, i.e., all the functions related to
interfacing with the A/C unit and to the management of the climate control system.


After importing the corresponding database in ETS and adding the device into the
topology of the desired project, the configuration process begins by entering the
Parameters tab of the device.

The General screen is shown in the first place, containing the following parameters:

Figure 1. General.

Enabling Inputs, Logic Functions and AC Gateway brings additional tabs into
the menu on the left. These functions and their parameters will be explained in
later sections of this document. Please, note that AC Gateway is permanently

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Heartbeat (Periodical Alive Notification): this parameter lets the integrator

incorporate a 1-Bit object to the project (“[Heartbeat] Object to Send ‘1’”) that
will be sent periodically with value “1” to notify that the device is still working
(still alive).

Figure 2. Heartbeat.

Note: The first sending after download or bus failure takes place with a delay
of up to 255 seconds, to prevent bus overload. The following sendings match
the period set.

Regardless of the above parameters, the following objects are available by default:

“[AC] On/Off” and “[AC] On/Off (Status)”: allow switching on (value “1”) and
off (value “0”) the A/C unit or reading the current status, respectively.

“[AC] Temperature Setpoint” and “[AC] Temperature Setpoint (Status)”:

allow setting the desired temperature setpoint or reading the current value,
respectively. See section 2.4.1 for further options.

“[AC] Mode” and “[AC] Mode (Status)”: allow setting the desired operation
mode (either Automatic, Heating, Cooling, Fan or Dry) or reading the current
mode, respectively. See section 2.4.1 for further options.

“[AC] Speed: Percentage Control” and “[AC] Speed Percentage control

(Status)”: allow setting the desired speed or reading the current speed,
respectively. See section 2.4.1 for further options.

“[AC] Operating Time”: shows the time in hours that the A/C unit has been
working. See section 2.4.1 for further options.

“[AC] Reference Temperature (Status)”: shows the temperature that is being

used by the A/C unit as reference. See section 2.4.1 for further options.

Several error objects. See section 2.4.6.

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KLIC-LG1 incorporates 3 analogue/digital inputs. Each one has three possible

configurations, which are explained below.


Configuration for the connection of a pushbutton or a switch/sensor. Please refer to the

“Binary Inputs” user manual, available under the product section at www.zennio.com.


Configuration for the connection of a temperature sensor from Zennio. Please refer to
the “Temperature Probe” user manual, available under the product section at


Configuration for the connection of a motion detector. It is possible to connect motion

detectors from Zennio to the input ports of KLIC-LG1.

Please refer to the “Motion Detector” user manual, available under the product section
at www.zennio.com, for detailed information about the functionality and the configuration
of the related parameters.

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This module makes it possible to perform numeric and binary operations with incoming
values received from the KNX bus, and to send the results through other communication
objects specifically enabled for this purpose.

KLIC-LG1 can implement up to 10 different and independent functions, each of them

entirely customisable and consisting of up to 4 consecutive operations each.

The execution of each function can depend on a configurable condition, which will be
evaluated every time the function is triggered through specific, parameterizable
communication objects. The result after executing the operations of the function can also
be evaluated according to certain conditions and afterwards sent (or not) to the KNX
bus, which can be done every time the function is executed, periodically or only when
the result differs from the last one.

Please refer to the “Logic Functions” user manual (available in the KLIC-LG1 product
section at the Zennio homepage, www.zennio.com) for detailed information about the
functionality and the configuration of the related parameters.

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KLIC-LG1 allows controlling and monitoring an air-conditioning unit in the same way it
would be through the wired remote control it is provided with.

Through the KNX bus, KLIC-LG1 can be sent orders to control the following basic
functions of the air conditioning unit:

Control configuration, which allows establishing the type of master-slave

control desired to KLIC-LG1.

Note: each time the control setting is changed, the A/C unit must be reset by
leaving it without power for more than one minute.

On/Off switch of the air-conditioning unit.

Note: if the A/C unit is off, the received orders will be ignored.

Operation mode: automatic, heating, cooling, fan and dry.

Note: due to intrinsic LG restrictions, in “Fan” and “Dry” modes, it is not

possible to change the setpoint.

Temperature setpoint, which can be modified within a specific range of

values, depending on the capabilities of the specific A/C unit being controlled.

External reference temperature which purpose is to receive temperature

values provided by an external temperature probe to perform the temperature

Fan speed: 3 or 4, depending on the model of the A/C unit.

Control of flaps (or vanes) positioning: step control, direct positioning, swing
and swirl movement of horizontal and vertical flaps, depending on the A/C unit.

Moreover, KLIC-LG1 allows configuring several advanced functions:

Initial configuration, which allows establishing the desired initial parameters

for the state of the A/C unit after programming or restarting the device.

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Setpoint limits, to restrict the range for the temperature setpoint.

Operating time: provides in hours the A/C unit operating time.

Automatic off, which allows an automatic and temporary switch-off of the unit
(after a pre-established delay, if desired) when the communication object
associated to this function is triggered due to a certain event.

Scenes, which allows defining specific climate control presets, to be sent to

the machine on the reception of scene orders from the KNX bus.

These functionalities imply changes in the state of the A/C unit, which therefore notifies
KLIC-LG1 periodically about the current state. When KLIC-LG1 is notified about a
change, it updates the status objects and sends them to the KNX bus. In addition, KLIC-
LG1 provides an error management function (see section 2.4.6), which allows sending
messages to the KNX bus in case the A/C unit reports any errors.

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The Configuration window under AC Gateway provides the following parameters:

Figure 3. A/C Gateway. Configuration.


Figure 4. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Control Configuration.

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Configuration Master/Slave: allows configuring KLIC-LG1 as master or as

slave. The objects “[AC] External Reference Temperature” and “[AC]
Reference Temperature (Status)” are available when KLIC has been
parameterized as master.

Important: there can only be one master device in the installation, and it must
be connected before connecting the slave.


Figure 5. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Operation Modes.

KLIC-LG1 allows controlling the A/C unit operating mode through the following objects,
available by default:

“[AC] Mode”: 1-Byte object which allows selecting the A/C unit operation
mode. There will be only taken in account values that are appropriated with
some of available modes in LG units, which are represented in Table 1.

“[AA] Mode (status)”: 1-Byte object which allows knowing the A/C unit
operating mode status.

Object Value A/C unit mode

0 Auto
1 Heating
3 Cooling
9 Fan only
14 Dry
Table 1. A/C unit operating modes.

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In addition, it can be enabled by parameter:

Heat Mode Available: if this checkbox is unchecked, the options relative to

heat mode, automatic mode, maximum setpoint limit and simplified mode will

Simplified Mode: in addition to the “Mode” and “Mode (Status)” 1-Byte

objects, available by default, it is possible to commute and to verify the current
operation mode through the following 1-Bit objects, which get enabled after
activating this parameter:

➢ “Simplified Mode”, which allows switching to the Cooling mode when

receiving a “0” and to the Heating mode when receiving a “1”.

➢ “Simplified Mode (Status)”, which will send the value “0” when the
mode switches to Cooling or to Dry, or the value “1” when it switches to
Heating. The Fan mode is not reflected in the value of this object.


Figure 6. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Fan.

Fan: enables the Fan function. See section 2.4.2.

Flaps: enables the fan Flaps function. See section 2.4.3.


Figure 7. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Reference Temperature.

External Reference Temperature Object: enables the “[AC] External

Reference Temperature” 2-Byte object, which provides the value of an

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external temperature sensor, which is used by the AC machine as the

reference to execute the control loop.

Note: this option is only available if the KLIC is configured as master.


Figure 8. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Temperature Setpoint.

Setpoint Limits: allows restricting the range of the temperature setpoint (from
below in Cooling, Dry and Auto modes and from above in Heating and Auto
modes), provided that the limits are still within the predefined limits of the A/C
unit. When KLIC-LG1 receives an order to send the A/C unit a setpoint which
is greater or lower than the configured limits, it will actually send the limit value.

➢ Minimum (Cooling / Dry / Auto Mode): sets the upper limit.

➢ Maximum (Heating / Auto Mode): sets the lower limit.

Once these limits are enabled, several objects to modify them at run time will be
available. The values of this objects will be restricted to an interval which is defined by
the absolute limits established by the A/C unit (10ºC to 32ºC).

“[AC] Temperature Setpoint: Lower Limit”: 2-Byte object that allows

changing the lower limit at run time.

“[AC] Temperature Setpoint: Lower Limit (Status)”: 2-Byte object with the
lower limit current value.

“[AC] Temperature Setpoint: Upper Limit”: 2-Byte object that allows

changing the upper limit at run time.

“[AC] Temperature Setpoint: Upper Limit (Status)”: 2-Byte object with the
upper limit current value.

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If [Minimum] ≥ [Maximum], limits will not be taken in account in Auto mode due
to the incongruity. In this case, default values will be used.

These parameters only can be set as integer values in ETS. However, at run
time the associated objects allow decimal values.


The hours that A/C unit has been operating can be known through the 2-byte object
“[AC] Operating time”. This object can be read and overwritten during run time.

Figure 9. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Operating time.

Furthermore, the available parameters in ETS are:

Initial Operation Time:

➢ “Keep current value”: option enabled by default, which keep the previous

➢ “Set value”: allows establishing an initial operating time value.

Periodic Sending: resending period (in hours) of operating time If set to 0 the
periodic send is disabled.

When operating time object reaches its maximum value (65535 hours), it will be send
through KNX bus (in spite of the fact that the periodical sending has not been configured)
and it will keep this value until the user reset it.

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Figure 10. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Automatic Off.

Automatic Off: enables the “[AC] Automatic Off” and the “[AC] Automatic
Off (Status)” binary objects, which lets performing a temporary switch-off of
the A/C unit or reading the current status This object will be typically linked to
a window sensor or a similar event trigger.

➢ Automatic Off Object Polarity: sets the polarity of the above object: “0 =
Activate; 1 = Deactivate On” or “0 = Deactivate; 1 = Activate”.

➢ Automatic Off Delay: sets the time, in seconds, KLIC-LG1 waits before
switching the A/C machine off. Any switch-off order received during the
delay will abort the time count. This delay can be modified at runtime
through the object “[AC] Automatic Off Delay”. The sending of the value
“0” disables the automatic off functionality.

Note: switch-on orders sent to the A/C unit from a wired remote control have
a higher priority than the Auto Off mode.


Figure 11. Gateway. Configuration. Initial Configuration.

Initial Configuration: allows setting the desired initial state that KLIC-LG1 will
send the A/C unit after programming or restarting the device:

➢ “Default”: the initial state will be the last one KLIC-LG1 is aware of.

➢ “Custom”: see section 2.4.4.

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Figure 12. A/C Gateway. Configuration. Scenes.

Scenes: allows setting up different scenes (up to 5), consisting each of them
in a set of orders to be sent to the A/C unit upon the reception of scene trigger
values through the KNX bus. See section 2.4.5.

2.4.2 FAN

The Fan function allows sending the A/C unit orders to switch the ventilation speed along
the available levels. To that end, KLIC-LG1 provides a percentage control.

In addition, KLIC-LG1 allows activating the automatic fan speed mode, in case of being
available in the unit, and an individual object for automatic speed control.

Referring to the user manual of the A/C unit is advisable prior to setting up these options.


After enabling this function, the menu on the left will show a new tab named Speeds,
containing the following parameters:

Figure 13. A/C Gateway. Speeds.

Number of Fan Speeds: allows specifying the number of the fan levels
distinguished by the A/C unit, which may be 3 or 4 levels. This determines the
values of the "[AC] Speed: Percentage Control” and "[AC] Speed: Percentage
Control (Status)" 1-Byte objects, which allow setting and reading the fan speed,

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respectively. The following tables show the percentage values that correspond to
each of the available fan speeds:

➢ “Three levels”:

Control Values Status Value Level Sent to the Unit

1-33% 33% 1 (minimum)
34-66% 66% 2
67-100% 100% 3 (maximum)
Table 2. Fan speed (three levels).

➢ “Four levels”:

Control Values Status Values Level Sent to the Unit

1-25% 25% 1 (minimum)
26-50% 50% 2
51-75% 75% 3
76-100% 100% 4 (maximum)
Table 3. Fan speed (four levels).

Automatic Mode Available: sets whether the A/C unit incorporates an

automatic fan speed mode. If enabled, value “0%” of the "[AC] Speed:
Percentage Control” and "[AC] Speed: Percentage Control (Status)"
objects will be reserved for triggering or reporting such mode, respectively.
Moreover, two more parameters will show:

➢ Individual Object for Automatic Speed: enables the “[AC] Speed:

Automatic” and “[AC] Speed: Automatic (Status)” 1-Bit objects, which
will let activating/deactivating the automatic mode or reading the current
status, respectively.

➢ Automatic Speed Object Polarity: sets the polarity of the above objects:
“0 = Automatic Off; 1 = Automatic On” or “0 = Automatic On; 1 = Automatic

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2.4.3 FLAPS

The Flaps function allows sending the A/C unit orders to switch the position of the flaps
(or vanes) that direct the air flow outwards. To that end, KLIC-LG1 provides a
percentage control.

In addition, KLIC-LG1 allows activating the direct positioning of the flaps and the swing
and swirl functions (so the flaps oscillate continuously for better distribution of the
airflow), in case of being available in the unit.

Referring to the user manual of the A/C unit is advisable prior to setting up these options.


After enabling this function, the menu on the left will show a new tab named Flaps,
containing the following parameters:

Figure 14. A/C Gateway. Flaps.

Horizontal Flaps: enables the “[AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swing” and “[AC]
Horizontal Flaps: Swing (Status)” 1-Bit objects, which will let
activating/deactivating the swing function or reading its current status,

➢ Direct Positioning: enables the "[AC] Horizontal Flaps: Percentage

Control” 1-byte object, which allow setting the position of the flaps.

• Number of Flap Positions: either “5” or “6”. This determines the values
of the "[AC] Horizontal Flaps: Percentage Control” object. The

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following tables show the percentage values that correspond to each of

the available positions:

o “Five positions”:

Control Values Status Value Position Sent to the Unit

1-20% 20% Position 1

21-40% 40% Position 2
41-60% 60% Position 3
61-80% 80% Position 4
81-100% 100% Position 5
Table 4. Flap position (five positions).

o “Six positions”:

Control Values Status Value Position Sent to the Unit

1-16% 16% Position 1

17-33% 33% Position 2
34-50% 50% Position 3
51-66% 66% Position 4
67%-83% 83% Position 5
84%-100% 100% Position 6
Table 5. Flap position (six positions).

➢ Swing Object Polarity: sets the polarity of the enabled object: “0 = Swing
Off; 1 = Swing On” or “0 = Swing On; 1 = Swing Off”.

➢ Swirl available: sets whether the A/C unit incorporates a Swirl function. If
enabled, the "[AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swirl" and "[AC] Horizontal Flaps:
Swirl (Status)" binary objects are incorporated into the project topology to
allow activating or deactivating such mode and consulting whether it is
currently active, respectively.

Vertical Flaps: enables the “[AC] Vertical Flaps: Swing” and “[AC] Vertical
Flaps: Swing (Status)” 1-Bit objects, which will let activating/deactivating the
swing function or reading its current status, respectively.

➢ Swing Object Polarity: sets the polarity of the enabled object: “0 = Swing
Off; 1 = Swing On” or “0 = Swing On; 1 = Swing Off”.

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The custom initial configuration allows setting the desired status that KLIC-LG1 will send
the A/C unit after downloading or restarting the device. This status is defined in terms of
on/off, mode, fan speed, flaps position and temperature setpoint.

In addition, it is possible to activate an initial sending of this status to the KNX bus.


After selecting “Custom” for the Initial Configuration option under the Configuration tab
(see section 2.4.1), a new tab named Initial Configuration is displayed with the
following parameters:

Figure 15. Initial configuration.

On/Off: “Last” (the state the machine had before the power failure), “On” or “Off”.

Note: in case of choosing “Off”, it won’t be possible to change the remaining


Mode: “Last”, “Heating”, “Dry”, “Cooling”, “Fan” or “Automatic”.

Fan Speed: “Last”, “Automatic” (if the automatic fan speed control is available),
or any of the available fan speeds (1-4).

Horizontal Flaps: “Last”, “Swing”, “Swirl” or any of the available flap positions (1-
6) (depending on A/C unit functions and the established configuration).

Vertical Flaps: “Last”, “Swing On” or “Swing Off” (depending on A/C unit
functions and the established configuration).

Setpoint: “Last” or any value between 10ºC and 32ºC.

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Note: this initial setpoint may be modified by the setpoint limits during runtime.

Initial Sending of Status: If enabled, the status objects will be sent to the KNX
bus after applying the delay set.

Note: even if this option is not enabled, the status objects may be sent to the bus
if the initial configuration differs from the current status of the A/C machine.

2.4.5 SCENES

The Scenes function allows defining a set of statuses (in terms of On/Off, mode, fan
speed, etc.) that KLIC-LG1 will send to the A/C unit whenever it receives the
corresponding scene values from the KNX bus.


After enabling this function (see section 2.4.1), a new tab named Scenes will be
incorporated to the tab tree. It allows setting up different scenes (up to 5), consisting
each of them in a set of orders to be sent to the A/C unit upon the reception, through the
KNX bus and by means of the “[AC] Scene” object, of the corresponding scene value
(decreased by 1, according to the KNX standard).

For every enabled scene (Scene n), the particular parameters that should be configured

Figure 16. Scenes.

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Scene number: sets the scene number (1-64) that, upon reception through the
“[AA] Scene” object (decreased by one), will trigger the corresponding orders,
as defined next.

On/Off: “No change”, “On” or “Off”.

Note: in case of choosing “Off”, it won’t be possible to change the remaining


Mode: “No change”, “Heating”, “Dry”, “Cooling”, “Fan” or “Automatic”.

Fan Speed: “No change”, “Automatic” (if available) or any of the available fan
speeds (1-4).

Horizontal Flaps: “Last”, “Swing”, “Swirl” or any of the available flap positions
(1-6) (depending on A/C unit functions and the established configuration)..

Vertical Flaps: “Last”, “Swing On” or “Swing Off” (depending on A/C unit
functions and the established configuration).

Setpoint: “Last” or any value between 10ºC and 32ºC.

Note: this initial setpoint value may be modified by the setpoint limits during


KLIC-LG1 is capable of managing two error types:

Communication (or internal) errors: errors in the communication process

between KLIC-LG1 and the A/C unit:

➢ Control error: a wrong master/slave configuration has been made. This

error can occur if KLIC-LG1 has been configured as master and there is
already another master on the BUS or KLIC-LG1 has been configured as
slave, but there is no master on the BUS.

➢ Communication error: KLIC-LG1 is not able to establish communication

with the A/C machine.

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There is a LED notification, by which the LED on the device will light green
when this error is active.

Errors in the A/C unit: errors reported by the A/C unit itself. KLIC-LG1 can
notify the KNX bus about the reported error code, although referring to the
specific documentation of the A/C machine is advisable in order to obtain
further information.


The error handling function does not entail any parameter configuration. The following
objects are available by default:

Internal error objects:

➢ “[AC] Internal Error: Control” (1-Bit object).

➢ “[AC] Internal Error: Communication” (1-Bit object).

In case any of the above errors is detected, the corresponding object will be
sent (with a value of “1”) to the KNX bus. Once the error is over, it the object
will be sent with a value of “0”.

Errors in the AC machine:

➢ “[AC] AC Unit Error: Active Error” (1-Bit object).

➢ “[AC] AC Unit Error: Error Code” (14-Byte object).

In case the A/C unit reports an error, the former object will send a value of “1”,
while the latter will report the corresponding error code. Once the error is over,
the binary object will send a value of “0”. Please refer to the user manual of
the A/C unit for details about the error codes.

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“Functional range” shows the values that, with independence of any other values permitted by the bus according to the object size, may
be of any use or have a particular meaning because of the specifications or restrictions from both the KNX standard or the application
program itself.

Number Size I/O Flags Data type (DPT) Functional Range Name Function
1 1 Bit CT--- DPT_Trigger 0/1 [Heartbeat] Object to Send '1' Sending of '1' Periodically
2-33 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Bool 0/1 [LF] (1-Bit) Data Entry x Binary Data Entry (0/1)
34- 49 1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Value_1_Ucount 0 - 255 [LF] (1-Byte) Data Entry x 1-Byte Data Entry (0-255)
DPT_Value_2_Ucount 0 - 65535
50-65 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_Value_2_Count -32768 - 32767 [LF] (2-Byte) Data Entry x 2-Byte Data Entry
DPT_Value_Temp -273,00 - 670760,00
-2147483648 -
66- 73 4 Bytes I C--W- DPT_Value_4_Count [LF] (4-Byte) Data Entry x 4-Byte Data Entry
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Bool 0/1 [LF] Function x - Result (1-Bit) Boolean
1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Value_1_Ucount 0 - 255 [LF] Function x - Result (1-Byte) Unsigned
2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_2_Ucount 0 - 65535 [LF] Function x - Result (2-Byte) Unsigned
74- 83 4 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_4_Count [LF] Function x - Result (4-Byte) Signed
1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [LF] Function x - Result (1-Byte) Percentage
2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_2_Count -32768 - 32767 [LF] Function x - Result (2-Byte) Signed
2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [LF] Function x - Result (2-Byte) Float
84, 90, 96 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Enable 0/1 [Ix] Input Lock 0 = Unlock; 1 = Lock
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] 0 Sending of 0
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] 1 Sending of 1
1 Bit I CT-W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] 0/1 Switching Switching 0/1
1 Bit CT--- DPT_UpDown 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Move Up Shutter Sending of 0 (Up)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_UpDown 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Move Down Shutter Sending of 1 (Down)
85, 91, 97 1 Bit CT--- DPT_UpDown 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Move Up/Down Shutter Switching 0/1 (Up/Down)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Step 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Stop/Step Up Shutter Sending of 0 (Stop/Step Up)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Step 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Stop/Step Down Shutter Sending of 1 (Stop/Step Down)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Step 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Stop/Step Shutter (Switched) Switching of 0/1 (Stop/Step Up/Down)
0x0 (Stop)
4 Bit CT--- DPT_Control_Dimming [Ix] [Short Press] Brighter Increase Brightness
0x1 (Dec. by 100%)

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0x2 (Dec. by 50%)

0x3 (Dec. by 25%)
0x4 (Dec. by 12%)
0x5 (Dec. by 6%)
0x6 (Dec. by 3%)
0x7 (Dec. by 1%)
0x8 (Stop)
0x9 (Inc. by 100%)
0xA (Inc. by 50%)
0xB (Inc. by 25%)
0xC (Inc. by 12%)
0xD (Inc. by 6%)
0xE (Inc. by 3%)
0xF (Inc. by 1%)
0x0 (Stop)
0x1 (Dec. by 100%)

4 Bit CT--- DPT_Control_Dimming 0x8 (Stop) [Ix] [Short Press] Darker Decrease Brightness
0x9 (Inc. by 100%)

0xF (Inc. by 1%)
0x0 (Stop)
0x1 (Dec. by 100%)

4 Bit CT--- DPT_Control_Dimming 0x8 (Stop) [Ix] [Short Press] Brighter/Darker Switch Bright/Dark
0x9 (Inc. by 100%)

0xF (Inc. by 1%)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Light On Sending of 1 (On)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Light Off Sending of 0 (Off)
1 Bit I CT-W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Short Press] Light On/Off Switching 0/1
1 Byte CT--- DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [Ix] [Short Press] Run Scene Sending of 0 - 63
1 Byte CT--- DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [Ix] [Short Press] Save Scene Sending of 128 - 191
1 Bit I/O C T R W - DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Switch/Sensor] Edge Sending of 0 or 1
1 Byte C T - - - DPT_Value_1_Ucount 0 - 255 [Ix] [Short Press] Constant Value (Integer) 0 - 255
1 Byte CT--- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Short Press] Constant Value (Percentage) 0% - 100%
2 Bytes C T - - - DPT_Value_2_Ucount 0 - 65535 [Ix] [Short Press] Constant Value (Integer) 0 - 65535
-671088.64 -
2 Bytes CT--- 9.xxx [Ix] [Short Press] Constant Value (Float) Float Value
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Short Press] Shutter Status (Input) 0% = Top; 100% = Bottom
86, 92, 98
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Short Press] Dimming Status (Input) 0% - 100%
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] 0 Sending of 0
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] 1 Sending of 1
87, 93, 99
1 Bit I CT-W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] 0/1 Switching Switching 0/1
1 Bit CT--- DPT_UpDown 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Move Up Shutter Sending of 0 (Up)

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1 Bit C T - - - DPT_UpDown 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Move Down Shutter Sending of 1 (Down)
1 Bit C T - - - DPT_UpDown 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Move Up/Down Shutter Switching 0/1 (Up/Down)
1 Bit C T - - - DPT_Step 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Stop/Step Up Shutter Sending of 0 (Stop/Step Up)
1 Bit C T - - - DPT_Step 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Stop/Step Down Shutter Sending of 1 (Stop/Step Down)
1 Bit C T - - - DPT_Step 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Stop/Step Shutter (Switched) Switching of 0/1 (Stop/Step Up/Down)
0x0 (Stop)
0x1 (Dec. by 100%)
0x2 (Dec. by 50%)

4 Bit CT--- DPT_Control_Dimming [Ix] [Long Press] Brighter Long Pr. -> Brighter; Release -> Stop
0x8 (Stop)
0x9 (Inc. by 100%)

0xF (Inc. by 1%)
0x0 (Stop)
0x1 (Dec. by 100%)

4 Bit CT--- DPT_Control_Dimming 0x8 (Stop) [Ix] [Long Press] Darker Long Pr. -> Darker; Release -> Stop
0x9 (Inc. by 100%)

0xF (Inc. by 1%)
0x0 (Stop)
0x1 (Dec. by 100%)

Long Pr. -> Brighter/Darker; Release ->
4 Bit CT--- DPT_Control_Dimming 0x8 (Stop) [Ix] [Long Press] Brighter/Darker
0x9 (Inc. by 100%)

0xF (Inc. by 1%)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Light On Sending of 1 (On)
1 Bit CT--- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Light Off Sending of 0 (Off)
1 Bit I CT-W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press] Light On/Off Switching 0/1
1 Byte CT--- DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [Ix] [Long Press] Run Scene Sending of 0 - 63
1 Byte CT--- DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [Ix] [Long Press] Save Scene Sending of 128 - 191
[Ix] [Switch/Sensor] Alarm: Breakdown or
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Alarm 0/1 1 = Alarm; 0 = No Alarm
-671088.64 -
2 Bytes CT--- 9.xxx [Ix] [Long Press] Constant Value (Float) Float Value
2 Bytes CT--- DPT_Value_2_Ucount 0 - 65535 [Ix] [Long Press] Constant Value (Integer) 0 - 65535
1 Byte CT--- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Long Press] Constant Value (Percentage) 0% - 100%
1 Byte CT--- DPT_Value_1_Ucount 0 - 255 [Ix] [Long Press] Constant Value (Integer) 0 - 255
88, 94, 100 1 Bit CT--- DPT_Trigger 0/1 [Ix] [Long Press/Release] Stop Shutter Release -> Stop Shutter
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Long Press] Dimming Status (Input) 0% - 100%
89, 95, 101
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Long Press] Shutter Status (Input) 0% = Top; 100% = Bottom
102 1 Byte I C--W- DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [Motion Detector] Scene Input Scene Value
103 1 Byte CT--- DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [Motion Detector] Scene Output Scene Value

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104, 133, 162 1 Byte O C T R - - DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] Luminosity 0-100%

105, 134, 163 1 Bit O C T R - - DPT_Alarm 0/1 [Ix] Open Circuit Error 0 = No Error; 1 = Open Circuit Error
106, 135, 164 1 Bit O C T R - - DPT_Alarm 0/1 [Ix] Short Circuit Error 0 = No Error; 1 = Short Circuit Error
107, 136, 165 1 Byte O C T R - - DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] Presence State (Scaling) 0-100%
2=Standby Auto, Comfort, Standby, Economy,
108, 137, 166 1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_HVACMode [Ix] Presence State (HVAC)
3=Economy Building Protection
4=Building Protection
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Occupancy 0/1 [Ix] Presence State (Binary) Binary Value
109, 138, 167
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Ack 0/1 [Ix] Presence: Slave Output 1 = Motion Detected
Binary Value to Trigger the Presence
110, 139, 168 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Window_Door 0/1 [Ix] Presence Trigger
0 = Nothing; 1 = Detection from slave
111, 140, 169 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Ack 0/1 [Ix] Presence: Slave Input
112, 141, 170 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_TimePeriodSec 0 - 65535 [Ix] Presence: Waiting Time 0-65535 s.
113, 142, 171 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_TimePeriodSec 0 - 65535 [Ix] Presence: Listening Time 1-65535 s.
114, 143, 172 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Enable 0/1 [Ix] Presence: Enable According to parameters
115, 144, 173 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] Presence: Day/Night According to parameters
116, 145, 174 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Occupancy 0/1 [Ix] Presence: Occupancy State 0 = Not Occupied; 1 = Occupied
0 = Nothing; 1 = Motion detected by an
117, 146, 175 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Ack 0/1 [Ix] External Motion Detection
external sensor
118, 123, 128,
147, 152, 157, 1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [Ix] [Cx] Detection State (Scaling) 0-100%
176, 181, 186
119, 124, 129,
2=Standby Auto, Comfort, Standby, Economy,
148, 153, 158, 1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_HVACMode [Ix] [Cx] Detection State (HVAC)
3=Economy Building Protection
177, 182, 187
4=Building Protection
120, 125, 130,
149, 154, 159, 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Cx] Detection State (Binary) Binary Value
178, 183, 188
121, 126, 131,
150, 155, 160, 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Enable 0/1 [Ix] [Cx] Enable Channel According to parameters
179, 184, 189
122, 127, 132,
151, 156, 161, 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [Ix] [Cx] Force State 0 = No Detection; 1 = Detection
180, 185, 190
191, 195, 199 2 Bytes O C T R - - DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [Ix] Current Temperature Temperature sensor value
192, 196, 200 1 Bit O C T R - - DPT_Alarm 0/1 [Ix] Overcooling 0 = No Alarm;1 = Alarm
193, 197, 201 1 Bit O C T R - - DPT_Alarm 0/1 [Ix] Overheating 0 = No Alarm;1 = Alarm
194, 198, 202 1 Bit O C T R - - DPT_Alarm 0/1 [Ix] Probe Error 0 = No Alarm;1 = Alarm
0 - 63 (Execute 1 - 64); 128 - 129
203 1 Byte I/O C T R W U DPT_SceneControl 0-63; 128-191 [AC] Scene
(Save 1 - 64)

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0 = Auto
1 = Heat
0 = Automatic; 1 = Heating; 3 =
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_HVACContrMode 3 = Cool [AC] Mode
Cooling; 9 = Fan; 14 = Dry
9 = Fan
14 = Dry
0 = Auto
1 = Heat
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_HVACContrMode 3 = Cool [AC] Mode 3 = Cooling; 9 = Fan; 14 = Dry
9 = Fan
14 = Dry
0 = Auto
1 = Heat
0 = Automatic; 1 = Heating; 3 =
1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_HVACContrMode 3 = Cool [AC] Mode (Status)
Cooling; 9 = Fan; 14 = Dry
9 = Fan
14 = Dry
0 = Auto
1 = Heat
1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_HVACContrMode 3 = Cool [AC] Mode (Status) 3 = Cooling; 9 = Fan; 14 = Dry
9 = Fan
14 = Dry
206 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Heat_Cool 0/1 [AC] Simplified Mode 0 = Cooling; 1 = Heating
207 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Heat_Cool 0/1 [AC] Simplified Mode (Status) 0 = Cooling; 1 = Heating
208 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] On/Off 0 = Off; 1 = On
209 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] On/Off (Status) 0 = Off; 1 = On
210 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Bool 0/1 [AC] Internal Error: Control Unable to Control the AC
211 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Bool 0/1 [AC] Internal Error: Communication Unable to Set AC Communication
212 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Bool 0/1 [AC] AC Unit Error: Active Error AC Unit Error
213 14 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_String_ASCII 0/1 [AC] AC Unit Error: Error Code See AC Unit Manual
0 % = Automatic; [0.4...25.1] % = S1;
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control [25.5...50.2] % = S2; [50.6...75.3] %
= S3; [75.7...100] % = S4
0 % = Automatic; [0.4...33.3] % = S1;
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control [33.7...66.7] % = S2; [67.0...100] % =
214 S3
[0.4...25.1] % = S1; [25.5...50.2] % =
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control S2; [50.6...75.3] % = S3; [75.7...100]
% = S4
[0.4...33.3] % = S1; [33.7...66.7] % =
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control
S2; [67.0...100] % = S3
Automatic = 0 %; S1 = 25 %; S2 = 50
1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control (Status)
%; S3 = 75 %; S4 = 100 %
Automatic = 0 %; S1 = 33.3 %; S2 =
215 1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control (Status)
66.7 %; S3 = 100 %
S1 = 25 %; S2 = 50 %; S3 = 75 %; S4
1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control (Status)
= 100 %

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S1 = 33.3 %; S2 = 66.7 %; S3 = 100

1 Byte O CTR-- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Speed: Percentage Control (Status)
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swing 0 = Swing On; 1 = Swing Off
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swing 0 = Swing Off; 1 = Swing On
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swing (Status) 0 = Swing On; 1 = Swing Off
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swing (Status) 0 = Swing Off; 1 = Swing On
218 1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swirl 0 = Swirl Off; 1 = Swirl On
219 1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Swirl (Status) 0 = Swirl Off; 1 = Swirl On
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Vertical Flaps: Swing 0 = Swing On; 1 = Swing Off
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Vertical Flaps: Swing 0 = Swing Off; 1 = Swing On
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Vertical Flaps: Swing (Status) 0 = Swing On; 1 = Swing Off
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Vertical Flaps: Swing (Status) 0 = Swing Off; 1 = Swing On
0 % = Swing; [0.4...20] % = P1;
[20.4...40] % = P2; [40.4...60] % =
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Percentage Control
P3; [60.4...80] %= P4; [80.4...100] %
= P5
222 0 % = Swing; [0.4...16.7] % = P1;
[17.0...33.3] % = P2; [33.7...50.2] %
1 Byte I C--W- DPT_Scaling 0% - 100% [AC] Horizontal Flaps: Percentage Control = P3; [50.6...66.7] % = P4;
[67.0...83.3] % = P5; [83.7...100] % =
0 = Automatic Off (Speed 1); 1 =
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Speed: Automatic
Automatic On
0 = Automatic On; 1 = Automatic Off
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Speed: Automatic
(Speed 1)
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Speed: Automatic (Status) 0 = Automatic On; 1 = Automatic Off
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Speed: Automatic (Status) 0 = Automatic Off; 1 = Automatic On
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Automatic Off 0 = Deactivate; 1 = Activate
1 Bit I C--W- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Automatic Off 0 = Activate; 1 = Deactivate
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Automatic Off (Status) 0 = Deactivated; 1 = Activated
1 Bit O CTR-- DPT_Switch 0/1 [AC] Automatic Off (Status) 0 = Activate; 1 = Deactivate
227 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_TimePeriodSec [AC] Automatic Off Delay [0...3600] s (0 = Disabled)
228 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Temperature Setpoint [10...32] ºC
229 2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Temperature Setpoint (Status) [10...32] ºC
230 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Temperature Setpoint: Lower Limit [10...32] ºC
231 2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Temperature Setpoint: Lower Limit (Status) [10...32] ºC
232 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Temperature Setpoint: Upper Limit [10...32] ºC
233 2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Temperature Setpoint: Upper Limit (Status) [10...32] ºC
234 2 Bytes I/O C T R W - DPT_TimePeriodHrs 0/1 [AC] Operating Time Time in Hours
235 2 Bytes I C--W- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] External Reference Temperature [10...41.5] ºC
236 2 Bytes O CTR-- DPT_Value_Temp -273.00 - 670760.00 [AC] Reference Temperature (Status) Effective Control Temperature (ºC)

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Join and send us your inquiries
about Zennio devices:

Zennio Avance y Tecnología S.L.

C/ Río Jarama, 132. Nave P-8.11
45007 Toledo, Spain.

Tel. +34 925 232 002.


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