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Medal Log 20231210

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[Info | 7:13:42 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.768.0.

0 - 12/10/2023 7:13:42 PM

[Info | 7:13:43 PM] Honeycomb init successfully

[Info | 7:13:43 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 7:13:43 PM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 7:13:43 PM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 7:13:43 PM] Server running at
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE. result=0
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Remote config saved
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] User saved as -1 - undefined
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Selecting drive E:\ for backup clips folder with 175.3 GB
available space
[Warning | 7:13:45 PM] ICYMI settings don't exist
[Warning | 7:13:45 PM] ICYMI settings don't exist
[Debug | 7:13:45 PM] Executing Request: set.sdkmode - {
"enabled": false
[Warning | 7:13:45 PM] No command for set.sdkmode
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] job.respond c386b7e2-c481-4548-82ac-dc60f2625fb2
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Initial app settings - Hotkeys are: [clip: shortpress of
keyboard F8] - FPS setting is 30 - Resolution setting is 1280x720 - Clip length is
15 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding setting is GPU - Overlay setting
is True - Sound setting is True - Full Session Sound Alerts setting is False - Mic
input setting is False - Mic gain is 0 - Game sound gain is 0 - Auto upload setting
is True - Auto upload state setting is 1 - environment setting is production -
WindowsGameMode setting is False - Clip Folder is C:\Medal - Bitrate setting is 10
- Selected audio device is Auto - Selected mic device is Auto - Full Session Mode
Enabled setting is False - DevelopmentModeEnabled setting is False - Mono audio
setting is False - Selected webcam device is <None> - WebcamEnabled setting is
False - Show Cursor setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False - Discord
Audio setting is False - In Memory Buffer setting is False - Mic noise gate enabled
setting is False - Mic noise gate open threshold is -30 - Mic noise suppression
enabled setting is False - Audio Notifications setting is False -
IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True - Aspect Ratio is Custom - Advanced Window
Capture setting is False - Recording Enabled setting is True - Voice Clipping
Enabled setting is False - Voice Clipping Phrases setting is - ICYMI setting is
False - ICYMI setting: { enabled: [], disabled: [] } - ICYMI Clip length is 0 -
ICYMI Sound setting is True - ICYMI use Overwolf setting is False - Output Format
setting is mp4, Extension .mp4 - Multiple Audio Streams setting is False - BFrames
Enabled setting is False - UseStringID is False - External File Sources setting is
- Quality Preset setting is Performance - Selected GPU device is Auto - Controller
key logging enabled setting is True - Monitor Device Name setting is - Broadcast
Target is hidden - Broadcast setting is Disabled - Progressive uploads setting is
False - Overlay Injected Mode setting is False
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] request user
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] request environment
[Info | 7:13:45 PM] Checking hardware encoders
[Debug | 7:13:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:13:46 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 7:13:46 PM] job.respond 9d99f8b6-9a0a-4e23-9276-665b1c718eab
[Debug | 7:13:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:13:46 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"c386b7e2-c481-4548-82ac-
[Debug | 7:13:46 PM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 7:13:46 PM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 7:13:46 PM] job.respond 6dc73d9f-6da1-4153-a6cc-1f3e08895586
[Debug | 7:13:46 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"6dc73d9f-6da1-4153-a6cc-
[Debug | 7:13:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.allSettings-{"settings":
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Received settings
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.fullSessionModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.webcam.overlay - {
"enabled": false,
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Debug | 7:13:47 PM] Executing Request: set.webcam.device - {
"selected": {
"id": "N/A",
"label": "Default",
"value": "Default"
[Info | 7:13:47 PM] Selected Webcam device Default
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] Found encoder: NVIDIA NVEnc H.264 Encoder
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] Found available electron port 10603
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] User updated 0 -
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] Saving environment production
[Debug | 7:13:49 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] Default webcam does not exist, resetting to <None>
[Info | 7:13:49 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 7:13:49 PM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Warning | 7:13:50 PM] ICYMI Clip length settings invalid, resetting to Clip
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 15
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {}
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "15"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving clip length 15
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 15
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Set process priority to High
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "60"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Hook data extracted
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.sdkmode - {
"enabled": false
[Warning | 7:13:50 PM] No command for set.sdkmode
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Mic Input False
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Full Session Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Process watcher started
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "GPU"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Medal%path.sep%",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcTWVkYWxc"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Medal\
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] C:\Medal\ - folder verified
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {}
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] SDK feature flags--
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] correct_start_ts is false - mdelay_store_video is false -
dx_pipeline_reusable is false - audio_mixing is false -
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] [Global Keyhook] Started
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Auto Upload State
[Warning | 7:13:50 PM] Auto upload state settings invalid -- resetting to 1
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Setting initial encoder to GPU
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Sending Encoder Setting: GPU
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.discordAudio - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Discord Audio 0
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.setVoiceClipping - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] SendEncoderSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Voice Clipping Enabled 0
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.multipleAudioTracks - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:50 PM] Saving Multiple Audio Streams 0
[Debug | 7:13:50 PM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedNoRestart
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[{"id":"Logi C310 HD WebCam","label":"Logi C310 HD WebCam","value":"Logi C310 HD
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Sending available GPU devices NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving Advanced Window Capture 0
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayCurrentInjectedMode - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving OverlayCurrentInjectedMode 0
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] [ESM Event] - EnableRecordingSet
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] NVAPIManager: Medal.exe - profile not found
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.advancedOverlayEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Warning | 7:13:51 PM] No command for set.advancedOverlayEnabled
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.monitorDeviceName - {
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Monitor Device Name:{
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving mic gain 50
[Debug | 7:13:51 PM] Executing Request: set.hotkeys - {
"hotkeys": [
"action": "clip;length=15",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Saving hotkey settings [
"action": "clip;length=15",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\adyad\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.768.0\MedalEncoder.exe - profile not found
[Info | 7:13:51 PM] Updated GPU Scheduling registry entry successfully. Prioritize
discrete GPU - True
[Info | 7:13:52 PM] RecorderRestart: Restarting MedalEncoder at: 12/10/2023 7:13:52
[Info | 7:13:59 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.768.0.0 - 12/10/2023 7:13:59 PM

[Info | 7:13:59 PM] Honeycomb init successfully

[Info | 7:13:59 PM] Available electron port not found, set port to default 10603
[Info | 7:13:59 PM] Server: RESTService/
[Info | 7:13:59 PM] CLR: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info | 7:13:59 PM] Server running at
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Current DPI awareness: 0
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Change DPI awareness to PROCESS_PER_MONITOR_DPI_AWARE. result=0
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Remote config saved
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] User saved as 0 -
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Saving Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Clip folder: C:\Medal
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Backup clips folder is E:\Medal
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Initial app settings - Hotkeys are: [clip: shortpress of
keyboard F8] - FPS setting is 60 - Resolution setting is 1280x720 - Clip length is
15 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding setting is GPU - Overlay setting
is True - Sound setting is True - Full Session Sound Alerts setting is True - Mic
input setting is False - Mic gain is 0.5 - Game sound gain is 0.5 - Auto upload
setting is False - Auto upload state setting is 1 - environment setting is
production - WindowsGameMode setting is False - Clip Folder is C:\Medal - Bitrate
setting is 10 - Selected audio device is Auto - Selected mic device is Auto - Full
Session Mode Enabled setting is False - DevelopmentModeEnabled setting is False -
Mono audio setting is False - Selected webcam device is <None> - WebcamEnabled
setting is False - Show Cursor setting is False - Game Audio Only setting is False
- Discord Audio setting is False - In Memory Buffer setting is True - Mic noise
gate enabled setting is False - Mic noise gate open threshold is -100 - Mic noise
suppression enabled setting is False - Audio Notifications setting is False -
IncreaseMaxFrameLatencySetting is True - Aspect Ratio is Custom - Advanced Window
Capture setting is False - Recording Enabled setting is True - Voice Clipping
Enabled setting is False - Voice Clipping Phrases setting is - ICYMI setting is
False - ICYMI setting: { enabled: [Rocket League, League of Legends, Fortnite, War
Thunder, Apex Legends, Splitgate: Arena Warfare, Valorant, Counter-Strike 2],
disabled: [] } - ICYMI Clip length is 15 - ICYMI Sound setting is True - ICYMI use
Overwolf setting is False - Output Format setting is mp4, Extension .mp4 - Multiple
Audio Streams setting is False - BFrames Enabled setting is False - UseStringID is
False - External File Sources setting is {"nativeOptions":
{"label":"OBS","value":"obs","enabled":false,"freeUpSpace":false}],"folders":[]} -
Quality Preset setting is Performance - Selected GPU device is Auto - Controller
key logging enabled setting is True - Monitor Device Name setting is {
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
} - Broadcast Target is hidden - Broadcast setting is Disabled - Progressive
uploads setting is False - Overlay Injected Mode setting is False
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] request user
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] request environment
[Info | 7:14:00 PM] Checking hardware encoders
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] job.respond 86927a1b-22ec-4d3d-b4da-40e431d294bf
[Debug | 7:14:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:01 PM] Executing Request: set.useStringId - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] Saving UseStringID True
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] job.respond 4e554926-57c3-4aeb-96de-0bc663806501
[Debug | 7:14:01 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:01 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"4e554926-57c3-4aeb-96de-
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] Found encoder: NVIDIA NVEnc H.264 Encoder
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] Hardware encoder detected
[Info | 7:14:01 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] C:\Medal - folder verified
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Set process priority to High
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Attempting to start process watcher
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] [System.RuntimeMethodHandle] Set security permissions for C:\
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] codecName- n264, fcc type- eMFCC_NV12
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Output Mode: Clip Output
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] No other MedalEncoder instances running
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] SDK feature flags--
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] correct_start_ts is false - mdelay_store_video is false -
dx_pipeline_reusable is false - audio_mixing is false -
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] [Global Keyhook] Started
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Process watcher started
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 7:14:02 PM] Executing Request: set.allSettings-{"settings":
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Received settings
[Debug | 7:14:02 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundAudioDevice - {
"audioDevices": [
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Saving unplugged audio devices -
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Selected audio output devices Auto
[Debug | 7:14:02 PM] Executing Request: set.micAudioDevice - {
"audioDevice": "Auto"
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Found available electron port 10603
[Info | 7:14:02 PM] Selected mic device Auto
[Debug | 7:14:02 PM] Executing Request: set.devmode - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving DevelopmentModeEnabled False
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] User updated 0 -
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.fullSessionModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.webcam.overlay - {
"enabled": false,
"position": {
"index": 1,
"value": "Top Right"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving environment production
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving WebcamEnabled False
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving WebcamPositionIndex: 1
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.webcam.device - {
"selected": {
"id": "<None>",
"label": "<None>",
"value": "<None>"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Selected Webcam device <None>
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.gpu.device - {
"selected": "Auto"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Selected GPU device Auto
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.setPushToTalkEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTrigger - {}
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.mouseTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.controllerTriggerEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "15"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving clip length 15
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.icymicliplength - {
"cliplength": "0"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving ICYMI clip length 15
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.resolution - {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Debug | 7:14:03 PM] Executing Request: set.fps - {
"fps": "60"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 7:14:03 PM] Saving FPS 60
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Hook data extracted
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.bitrate - {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Sending available web cam devices {"availableDevices":
[{"id":"Logi C310 HD WebCam","label":"Logi C310 HD WebCam","value":"Logi C310 HD
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Sending available GPU devices NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.sdkmode - {
"enabled": false
[Warning | 7:14:04 PM] No command for set.sdkmode
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.micinput - {
"micinput": 0
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Mic Input False
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.monoAudio - {
"monoaudio": false
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Mono Audio False
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayalerts - {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts True
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.soundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarksoundalerts - {
"bookmarksoundalerts": 1
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Full Session Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.aspectRatio - {
"aspectRatio": 2
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] NVAPIManager: Medal.exe - profile not found
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Aspect Ratio Custom
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.detectallgames - {
"detectallgames": 0
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Detect All Games False
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.encoder - {
"type": "GPU"
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Video codec set: n264 - hardware encoding
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.clipFolder - {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Medal%path.sep%",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcTWVkYWxc"
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcTWVkYWxc
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Medal\
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] C:\Medal\ - folder verified
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUploadState - {}
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Auto Upload State
[Warning | 7:14:04 PM] Auto upload state settings invalid -- resetting to 1
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.autoUpload - {
"autoUpload": false
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Auto Upload False
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.gameAudioOnly - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:04 PM] Saving Game Audio Only 0
[Debug | 7:14:04 PM] Executing Request: set.discordAudio - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] NVAPIManager: C:\Users\adyad\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-
3.768.0\MedalEncoder.exe - profile not found
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Saving Discord Audio 0
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] GPU Scheduling registry exists
[Debug | 7:14:05 PM] Executing Request: set.setVoiceClipping - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Saving Voice Clipping Enabled 0
[Debug | 7:14:05 PM] Executing Request: set.multipleAudioTracks - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Saving Multiple Audio Streams 0
[Debug | 7:14:05 PM] Executing Request: set.showCursor - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Initializing DirectX overlay
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Initializing Electron overlay
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Updated vulkan registry info [C:\Users\adyad\AppData\Local\
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Saving Show Cursor False
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedNoRestart
[Debug | 7:14:05 PM] Executing Request: set.holdToRecordEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Debug | 7:14:05 PM] Executing Request: ICYMIEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 7:14:05 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Saving ICYMI False
[Debug | 7:14:06 PM] Executing Request: set.icymisoundalerts - {
"soundalerts": 1
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Recorder Initilization Complete
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] CPU supports ICYMI.
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Saving ICYMI Sound Alerts True
[Debug | 7:14:06 PM] Executing Request: set.windowsGraphicsCapture - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Saving Output Format mkv
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Saving Advanced Window Capture 0
[Debug | 7:14:06 PM] Executing Request: set.overlayCurrentInjectedMode - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Retrieved nvconfig
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Saving OverlayCurrentInjectedMode 0
[Debug | 7:14:06 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 1
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Checking for new version from https://cdn.medal.tv/asset/games-
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Update available. Downloading new game database from
https://cdn.medal.tv/asset/games-db/production/MedalGameInfo-2.675.db with force
update False
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] NvNodeClient POST ShadowPlay/v.1.0/OSC/MainView Data:
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 7:14:06 PM] job.respond 71bf8eb3-20f8-40cd-87a5-861088c07437
[Debug | 7:14:06 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply []
[Debug | 7:14:06 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 1
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] [ESM Event] - EnableRecordingSet
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGate - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving mic noise gate enabled 0
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseSuppress - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Game database updated. Version:
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Processing command: none
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\adyad\AppData\Local\Medal\recorder-3.768.0\
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving mic noise suppression enabled 0
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.micNoiseGateThreshold - {
"open_threshold": -100
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving mic noise gate threshold -100
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Custom database location is C:\Users\adyad\AppData\Roaming\
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.externalFileSources-{"nativeOptions":
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Setting up external recorders
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] External recorder shadowplay is disabled
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] External recorder relive is disabled
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] External recorder obs is disabled
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] External recorder setup complete
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving External File Sources {
"nativeOptions": [
"label": "NVIDIA ShadowPlay",
"value": "shadowplay",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "AMD ReLive",
"value": "relive",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"label": "OBS",
"value": "obs",
"enabled": false,
"freeUpSpace": false
"folders": []
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.advancedOverlayEnabled - {
"enabled": true
[Warning | 7:14:07 PM] No command for set.advancedOverlayEnabled
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.monitorDeviceName - {
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Monitor Device Name:{
"monitorDeviceName": "",
"monitorDeviceName.base64": ""
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.gameSoundGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving game sound gain 50
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.micGain - {
"gain": 50
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving mic gain 50
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: set.hotkeys - {
"hotkeys": [
"action": "clip;length=15",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving hotkey settings [
"action": "clip;length=15",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Warning | 7:14:07 PM] Shadowplay is active and capturing!
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving ICYMI Events
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] job.respond 46dfb7a5-b77a-4025-a8bb-6da083c01563
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply []
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 7:14:07 PM] job.respond 3e257ce0-b6c9-43fb-ad50-703c06524110
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:07 PM] Executing Request: get.availableMicDevices -
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Sending available mic devices Microphone (USB Audio Device),
Microphone (Logi C310 HD WebCam), Microphone (LCS USB Audio)
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond 98282c3e-f3ed-4966-9a93-63139a5c5b7f
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] Executing Request: get.availableAudioDevices -
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendAvailableMicDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Sending available audio devices Speakers (High Definition Audio
Device), 24G2W1G4 (NVIDIA High Definition Audio), Speakers (USB Audio Device)
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond bdb914ac-0fd5-4ee1-8be3-5b3ce07ec787
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] Executing Request: get.micAudioDevice -
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Sending selected mic device Auto
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond 9c173641-d65f-4653-b5bc-1f5c23fb9bc7
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] Executing Request: get.gameSoundAudioDevice -
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendAvailableAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendSelectedMicDevice reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Sending selected audio output devices Auto
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond 18f7a13c-0bbd-4d1f-a299-6bbf1551fbba
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] Executing Request: get.GAODisabledList -
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendSelectedAudioDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Sending games with not supported GAO
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] [Game Status]: game/stopped - [2LBr6_ltG]
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond f9bfa863-d438-4469-9bef-6e356303faf0
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"3e257ce0-b6c9-43fb-ad50-
{"index":1,"value":"Top Right"}},"set.webcam.device":{"selected":
{"action":"callback;event=dismiss","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=answerVoice","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=declineVoice","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=acceptMessageRequest","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=viewScreenshot","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendAvailableWebCamDevices reply {"device":{"options":
[{"id":"Logi C310 HD WebCam","label":"Logi C310 HD WebCam","value":"Logi C310 HD
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendAvailableGPUDevices reply {"success":true}
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] SendGAODisabledList reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Initilization complete reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] game/stopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] Executing Request: set.toggleBroadcast - {
"enabled": false
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Clear override settings
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] Toggle Broadcast - Enabled:False, Resolution:, Fps:0
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Info | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond dee862f2-e914-415b-88aa-9f9259fde35a
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"dee862f2-e914-415b-88aa-
[Debug | 7:14:08 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:14:09 PM] {"GPU":[{"Name":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
Ti","Status":"OK","Caption":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660
nvldumdx.dll","DriverVersion":"","VideoProcessor":"NVIDIA GeForce GTX
1660 Ti","VideoArchitecture":"5","VideoMemoryType":"2","AdapterRAM":"6.0
GB"}],"HardDrives":[{"Name":"Drive C:\\","Drive type":"Fixed","Volume label":"Win
SSD","File system":"NTFS","Available space to current user":"18.8 GB","Total
available space":"18.8 GB","Total size of drive":"111.1 GB","Root
directory":"C:\\","MediaType":"SSD"},{"Name":"Drive E:\\","Drive
type":"Fixed","Volume label":"De Toate","File system":"NTFS","Available space to
current user":"175.3 GB","Total available space":"175.3 GB","Total size of
drive":"931.5 GB","Root directory":"E:\\","MediaType":"SSD"},{"Name":"Drive
F:\\","Drive type":"CDRom","MediaType":"HDD"},{"Name":"Drive S:\\","Drive
type":"Fixed","Volume label":"Games","File system":"NTFS","Available space to
current user":"156.3 GB","Total available space":"156.3 GB","Total size of
drive":"447.1 GB","Root directory":"S:\\"}],"CPU":[{"Name":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-
7700K CPU @
,"Caption":"Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping
","Speed":"2667","MemoryType":"Unknown"}],"OS":[{"Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10
"Primary":"True","AspectRatio":"16:9","Diagonal":"24"}],"Sound":[{"Name":"USB Audio
Device","ProductName":"USB Audio Device","DeviceID":"USB\\
us":"OK","StatusInfo":"3"},{"Name":"NVIDIA High Definition
Audio","ProductName":"NVIDIA High Definition Audio","DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
mentSupported":"False","Status":"OK","StatusInfo":"3"},{"Name":"NVIDIA Virtual
Audio Device (Wave Extensible) (WDM)","ProductName":"NVIDIA Virtual Audio Device
(Wave Extensible) (WDM)","DeviceID":"ROOT\\UNNAMED_DEVICE\\
{"Name":"USB Audio Device","ProductName":"USB Audio Device","DeviceID":"USB\\
tus":"OK","StatusInfo":"3"},{"Name":"High Definition Audio
Device","ProductName":"High Definition Audio Device","DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
GAMING M3 (MS-7A62)"}],"Keyboard":[{"Name":"USB Input Device"},{"Name":"HID
Keyboard Device"},{"Name":"USB Input Device"}],"Mouse":[{"Name":"HID-compliant
[Info | 7:14:09 PM] Sending hardware info
[Debug | 7:14:09 PM] SendHardwareInfo reply {"success":true}
[Info | 7:15:53 PM] Username is base64 translated to Ada_64368
[Info | 7:15:53 PM] User updated 208820096 - Ada_64368
[Info | 7:15:53 PM] job.respond 5838b11d-0a1c-4c43-bc28-3f7f2b711e15
[Debug | 7:15:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"5838b11d-0a1c-4c43-bc28-
[Debug | 7:15:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] Executing Request: set.recordingEnabled - {
"enabled": 0
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving Recording Enabled 0
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - Queued - DisableRecording
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond 625f01b6-0509-44c2-b96f-f56efb7264d4
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] Executing Request: set.hotkeys - {
"hotkeys": [
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving hotkey settings [
"action": "segment_toggle",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "long_press",
"inputs": "F8"
"action": "callback;event=dismiss",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + d",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=answerVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + z",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=declineVoice",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + x",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=acceptMessageRequest",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + c",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
"action": "callback;event=viewScreenshot",
"inputs": "ALT + SHIFT + v",
"device": "keyboard",
"type": "short_press"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving Push to talk enabled False
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - PushToTalkEnable
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond 6280c9c1-2f44-45c4-adf4-9a26793e26a1
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] Executing Request: set.bookmarkModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond efd10e9a-a77d-4ab0-b4ca-ca7fabda2708
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] Executing Request: set.fullSessionModeEnabled - {
"enabled": false
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving Full Session Mode Enabled False
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond 2a95e138-d58a-4d7f-8160-2b92b39c0f3c
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] Executing Request: set.inMemoryBuffer - {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving In Memory Buffer True
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond 33a8b70f-05d3-4241-a05f-c3a2f9d1dd8c
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] Executing Request: set.cliplength - {
"cliplength": "15"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] Saving clip length 15
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond e3eae8bb-c1b5-4518-87e1-7a0aa7de8116
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 7:16:53 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChangedRestart
[Debug | 7:16:53 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{"uuid":"625f01b6-0509-44c2-b96f-
{"action":"callback;event=dismiss","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=answerVoice","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=declineVoice","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=acceptMessageRequest","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
{"action":"callback;event=viewScreenshot","inputs":"ALT + SHIFT +
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [ESM Event] - Delayed fire - DisableRecording
[Info | 7:16:56 PM] [ESM Event] - DisableRecording

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