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Edition 2.1 2016-09


IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use

in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System)

Guidance and Instructions for Applicants to obtain a Certificate of Personnel

Competence (CoPC)
IECEx 05A:2016(E)
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Edition 2.1 2016-09


IEC System for Certification to Standards relating to Equipment for use

in Explosive Atmospheres (IECEx System)

Guidance and Instructions for Applicants to obtain a Certificate of Personnel

Competence (CoPC)

–2– IECEx 05A © IEC:2016(E)

1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 The need for certification .................................................................................................. 5
3 Competence ..................................................................................................................... 5
4 Scope of certification ........................................................................................................ 6
Units of Competence ............................................................................................... 6
Units of Competence description ............................................................................. 6
Language of CoPC .................................................................................................. 6
Limitation of scope .................................................................................................. 6
Types of protection ...................................................................................... 7
Product types .............................................................................................. 7
Groups ........................................................................................................ 7
Voltages ...................................................................................................... 7
Other limitations .......................................................................................... 8
5 Initial Considerations for potential Applicants ................................................................... 8
6 Evidence of qualification/experience ................................................................................. 8
General qualifications not specific to explosive atmospheres ................................... 8
Qualifications specific to explosive atmospheres ..................................................... 8
Work experience both hazardous and non-hazardous area ...................................... 9
Not involved with explosive atmospheres ..................................................... 9
Directly involved with explosive atmospheres .............................................. 9
Validation ................................................................................................................ 9
7 Application form ............................................................................................................. 10
Application form template ...................................................................................... 10
Personal details of the applicant ............................................................................ 10
Name ........................................................................................................ 10
Address ..................................................................................................... 10
Date of birth .............................................................................................. 10
Telephone and email contact ..................................................................... 10
Photograph ................................................................................................ 10
Number issued by government department ................................................ 10
Company address ...................................................................................... 10
Declaration ................................................................................................ 10
To whom shall the application be made? ................................................... 11
8 Re-certification ............................................................................................................... 11
9 Competence assessment ................................................................................................ 11
10 Issue of the Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC) .............................................. 11
11 Suspension or cancellation ............................................................................................. 12
12 Re-certification ............................................................................................................... 12
13 Appeals .......................................................................................................................... 13
14 Typical examples of Units of Competence to be gained .................................................. 14
Annex A Example of a CoPC ................................................................................................ 15
Annex B Example of a wallet card ID .................................................................................... 16
Annex C Example of an EFOC .............................................................................................. 17
IECEx 05A © IEC:2016(E) –3–



Guidance and Instructions for Applicants to obtain

a Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC)


This Guide sets out the information regarding the operation of the IECEx Certification of
Personnel Competence Scheme for an individual person making application for certification of
their competence.

Use of this Guide is advisable for any person needing to understand the basic operation of the
IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence Scheme and the rules and requirements for an
individual or organization to participate.

The details in this guide are intended to guide the applicant in the preparation of an

Document History

Date Summary
July 2011 Original Issue (Version 1)
August 2016 Edition 2.0 prepared to include
treatment of Ex 000 and EFOCs as
approved at 2016 ExPCC Meeting
September 2016 Edition 2.1 issued to reflect ExMC
Decisions 2016/34, 2016/35, 2016/36
and 2016/37

IECEx Secretariat
Level 33, Australia Square
264 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Contact Details:
Tel: +61 2 4628 4690
Fax: +61 2 4627 5285
–4– IECEx 05A © IEC:2016(E)

Guidance and Instructions for Applicants to obtain

a Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC)

1 Overview

The IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence Scheme provides the means for personnel
to obtain an IECEx Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC) or an Ex Facility Orientation
Certificate (EFOC) that is intended to provide the international Ex community with confidence
that such personnel maintain the ability to undertake work or provide services in accordance
with the technical and quality system requirements of the IECEx Certification of Personnel
Competence Scheme. Certificates of Personnel Competence are intended to be accepted in
all the IECEx participating countries as equivalent to their national certification.

This guide describes the information required for an application by an individual person to an
IECEx Certification Body (ExCB) in a participating country for an IECEx Certificate of
Personnel Competence (CoPC) or an Ex Facility Orientation Certificate (EFOC) and includes
an outline of the procedures for personnel to gain and maintain certification.

Also included are the requirements for evidence of experience and training, the assessment
of competence and the conditions for issue of the CoPC or an EFOC.

In the context of this document, “explosive atmospheres” are areas in which an explosive
atmosphere may be present. Unless electrical equipment situated in such areas is
constructed, installed and maintained in a special way, it may provide the energy and
temperature necessary to ignite the atmosphere, usually with devastating results. The special
design features of electrical equipment and systems used for these “explosive atmospheres”
are known as explosion-protection. They form part of the risk management strategies to
ensure a safe and healthy working environment.

The IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence Scheme operates as a voluntary scheme

and may need to be used within the framework of national regulations.

Countries, industries, trade unions, and employers may have specific regulations/rules and
training requirements that preclude the use of this Scheme. However, certification of
personnel to the Scheme is encouraged, as is the addition of regulation for specific training of
personnel involved with explosive atmospheres.

Although various international and national standards and the relevant statutory/regulatory
requirements lay down standard criteria for the manufacture, installation, use and
maintenance of explosion-protected electrical equipment in explosive atmospheres, no such
reference exists for the competence needed for work associated with such equipment for
explosive atmospheres.

It is necessary that personnel working in explosive atmospheres are competent. The potential
for accidents in explosive atmospheres is increased if personnel are not competent. The need
for competence is included in many legal documents (legislation), but is often not clearly
defined. Competence includes the ability to carry out specific tasks versus prescribed general
requirements specified in regulations, standards and installation procedures.

Competence depends on knowledge, skill, experience and training. Measurement of

competence is a difficult task and requires specific assessment methods which have been
developed by the IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence Scheme. Competence
evolves with years and may deteriorate, so continued training and assessment is necessary.
IECEx 05A © IEC:2016(E) –5–

2 The need for certification

The world is ever increasing in its technical requirements and none more so than the Ex
industries. As the search for oil and gas spreads around the world and the costs escalate, the
methods used to extract it are becoming ever more complex. The plants that are built to
extract and process the products must be built to exacting standards and must operate safely
to prevent the people working in plant from harm, the site from damage and the surrounding
areas from the fallout of an Ex incident. In addition the plants that are currently working are
operating longer than originally designed for and hence the maintenance of these plants is
critical for their continued safe operation.

The IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence Scheme is the first international scheme
aimed at providing personnel with a worldwide recognized certificate. The Certificate of
Personnel Competence (CoPC) may cover areas of design, selection, installation,
maintenance, inspection, audit, overhaul and repair of Ex equipment based on the applicant’s

This shall show that the certificate holder is capable:

• of working in the Ex industry safely,
• of conducting work on Ex equipment,
• of ensuring that the Ex equipment is operating safely in accordance with its protection

3 Competence

The CoPC or EFOC is issued to the individual person whether self-employed or an employee
and requires the full assessment of the persons capabilities. This shall include an assessment
of the persons academic and work history, together with relevant training records including
training on Ex competence.

When the application is acceptable, the ExCB shall inform the applicant where and when he
will be assessed. On successful completion of the assessment the applicant will receive a
CoPC or an EFOC. Once gained the competence of the individual shall be subject to re-
assessment after 5 years in the case of a CoPC.

Plant owners may require personnel to maintain skills that are required by laws, which may
vary around the world, to ensure that the plants are operated safely and also have the
responsibility to protect their operatives. The use of personnel who maintain IECEx
Certificates of Personnel Competence (CoPCs) will provide the user with the necessary
confidence that he acts responsibly in this area with persons having sufficient theoretical and
practical technical skill.

The employer or plant owner must be aware that competence is restricted to the specific Units
of Competence (and any limitations) and does not imply the person has an extended
knowledge of all requirements for explosive atmospheres.

The employer of a person holding the IECEx CoPC can demonstrate to a potential user that
his employee has the required competence to work safely in the Ex industry. Such an
employer can be considered as a responsible employer and by adopting this stance the user
can be confident in the competence of personnel used.

The CoPC is truly an international passport for the holder to allow him to take their skills
either individually or as an employee to all parts of the world and to improve safety in the Ex
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4 Scope of certification

Units of Competence

The applicant is to determine the Units of Competence for which he wishes to be assessed. It
is important to note that a CoPC or an EFOC is awarded according to ISO/IEC Standards
although applicants may in addition be assessed to other relevant standards.

Units of Competence are currently as follows:

Unit Ex 000 Basic knowledge and awareness to enter a site that includes a classified
hazardous area.
Unit Ex 001 Apply basic principles of protection in explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 002 Perform classification of hazardous areas
Unit Ex 003 Install explosion-protected equipment and wiring systems
Unit Ex 004 Maintain equipment in explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 005 Overhaul and repair of explosion-protected equipment
Unit Ex 006 Test electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 007 Perform visual and close inspection of electrical installations in or
associated with explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 008 Perform detailed inspection of electrical installations in or associated with
explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 009 Design electrical installations in or associated with explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 010 Perform audit inspection of electrical installations in or associated with
explosive atmospheres

At present the above Units of Competence are focused on electrical equipment for hazardous
areas however as ISO/IEC Standards are available for non-electrical equipment it is likely that
additional Units of Competence will be added to include these requirements.

It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine which unit(s) of competence is (are)

relevant (with any limitations) in accordance with their present or future job/position. The
selection may be made with the assistance of the employer.

Units of Competence description

Full details of the requirements for each IECEx Unit of Competence can be found in the latest
edition of IECEx OD 504.

Language of CoPC

The CoPC, EFOC and documentation for a CoPC or EFOC is provided in English and the
applicant is to advise if the CoPC or EFOC is to be supplied in an additional language. Any
translation requirements will need to be discussed with the ExCB.

Limitation of scope

The applicant may, in conjunction with the ExCB, request a limitation of the scope of the
CoPC according to the requirements following. Unless otherwise stated, the scope of the
CoPC shall include all aspects of the standards with no limitations and the applicant shall be
assessed according to all the requirements of the Unit of Competence specified in the
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Types of protection

If the nature of the work is limited to specific types of protection then they are to be nominated
and shall be listed on the CoPC. The assessment shall then be limited only to the required
outcomes of the Unit of Competence for these types of protection.

The types of protection permitted to be nominated are:

• “d”: flameproof enclosure

• “e”: increased safety
• “i”: intrinsic safety
• “m”: encapsulation
• “n”: type of protection “n”
• “o”: oil immersion
• “p”: pressurization
• “q”: powder filling
• “t”: protection by enclosure

Product types

If the nature of the work is limited to specific product types then they are to be nominated and
shall be listed on the CoPC. The assessment shall then be limited only to the required
outcomes of the Unit of Competence for these product types.

The product types permitted to be nominated are:

• Rotating machines
• Switchgear
• Instrumentation
• Communication equipment
• Heating equipment
• Trace heating
• Power transformers
• Gas detection


Where the application is not intended to extend to all Groups it may be limited to one or more
of the following:

• Group I: Mines subject to firedamp

• Group II: Explosive gas atmospheres
• Group III: Explosive dust atmospheres


Where the applicant does not have the appropriate qualifications and experience to work with
all voltages then a limited range of voltages permitted shall be shown on the CoPC.
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Other limitations

During the assessment process the ExCB may determine that there are other limitations that
should apply to the application. In this case the ExCB shall discuss with the applicant the
limitation to be applied and ensure it is clearly shown on the CoPC.

5 Initial Considerations for potential Applicants

The basic and initial investigation process for persons considering applying for certification
under the IECEx CoPC Scheme is outlined in the figure below:

Basic Steps to be undertaken by a Person considering to apply

for an IECEx Certificate of Personal Competence (IECEx CoPC)

Person Considers that they wish to apply for an

Step 1 IECEx Certificate of Personal Competence and
considers which Units of Competence are relevant

Person Reviews their own knowledge, experience

and capability to see if they meet the outcomes of
Step 2
the Competency Unit(s) specified in IECEx
Operational Document OD 504 freely available
from for
the specifc Units they are interested in

Person considers seeking

training/refresher training NO Result of the Person’s Review. If Yes they feel
possibly from an IECEx Registered Step 3a Step 3 they meet OD 504 then proceed to step 4. In
Training Provider (RTP) see not then consider re-fresher training, step 3a YES

Contact one or more of the IECEx

Step 4 Certification Bodies, ExCBs located at http://
ExCB_persons.asp?id=5 to determine cost
estimate and timeframe

6 Evidence of qualification/experience

General qualifications not specific to explosive atmospheres

The applicant shall have a technical education relevant to the application. The applicant shall
provide to the ExCB the documents demonstrating the level of technical education attained
which normally consists of Engineering Diplomas, Degree Certificates, College Certificates,
Trade Tests and Professional Institute Recognition. These documents may be certificates
issued by an independent organization or trade association or may be a formal internal
programme of training set and endorsed/countersigned by an employer. Copies of documents
shall be provided in the original language with translations in the language required by the
ExCB where necessary and shall include contact details of the organization that issued the
document. These documents shall be reviewed by the ExCB and confirmation of their validity

Qualifications specific to explosive atmospheres

The applicant shall provide documents demonstrating formal training undertaken on subjects
and topics relevant to explosive atmospheres. These documents may be certificates issued by
an independent organization or trade association or may be a formal internal programme of
IECEx 05A © IEC:2016(E) –9–

training set by and endorsed/countersigned by an employer. Documentation relevant to the

Unit of Competence shall be provided. Copies of these documents shall be provided in
original language with translations in the language required by the ExCB where necessary
and shall include contact details of the organization that issued the document. These
documents shall be reviewed and confirmation of their validity sought.

Work experience both hazardous and non-hazardous area

Not involved with explosive atmospheres

A brief resume shall be provided in a chronological order with latest experience first. The
resume shall provide details of the employer, type of industry, position and responsibility.
Sufficient information shall be provided to enable an evaluation of the basic underlying
concepts expected of an electrical/instrument engineer, e.g. electrical safety, circuit design,
motor control, circuit protection, installation techniques, etc.

Work experience may require a restriction relating to product types. In this case the resume
will need to specifically identify these aspects.

Directly involved with explosive atmospheres

A resume shall be provided with the information in a chronological order with latest
experience first.

It is important that sufficient information is provided at least identifying:

• Employer and type of industry

• Position and responsibility within these organisations
• Protection techniques used
• Standards and codes of practice used
• Working safely in hazardous areas
• Duties undertaken:
o Hazardous area classification
o Installation and circuit design
o Equipment selection
o Equipment installation
o Equipment inspection and maintenance
o Equipment testing and commissioning
o Equipment repair

The work experience may require a restriction relating to product types or other aspects. In
this case the resume shall specifically identify these aspects.


Validation of the work experience may be provided by proposers/supporters who have worked
in the industry and are able to verify sections of the experience stated. These would probably
be employers. It is essential that verification can be provided for those areas for which the
applicant wishes to be assessed. For this purpose contact details of the proposers/supporters
will be needed for validation. The ExCB determines the validation methods used based on the
review of the information provided.
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7 Application form

Application form template

The applicant shall obtain a copy of an application form from the ExCB. The application form
may be available on the internet website of the ExCB.

Personal details of the applicant

The applicant shall provide sufficient personal details to ensure that he can be correctly

There shall be sufficient evidence to show that the person conducting the work is the same as
identified on the CoPC.

Details to be provided are as follows:


The family name and all given names in full are to be provided.


This address is the address at which the person may be contacted. The applicant is to advise,
if this address is to be used for correspondence.

Date of birth

Evidence in the form of a birth certificate or affidavit.

Telephone and email contact

This shall be used for all contact during the processing of the application (until the CoPC or
EFOC is issued). The information is used only by the ExCB, and anyone acting on behalf of
the ExCB processing the application, and shall not be made available to any other party.


Passport size portrait photograph which is current and at least passport quality and is to be
supplied with the application form or in electronic JPG format of size not more than 150x180
pixels. This is updated at each ongoing assessment.

Number issued by government department

For example, a passport or driving licence with photo.

Company address

This is normal place of work at the date of application. The applicant is to advise if this
address is to be used for correspondence.


The following declarations are made by all applicants for a Certificate of Personnel

• I am aware of and familiar with the requirements for the IECEx Certification of Personnel
Competence Scheme. Should my application for certification be accepted, I understand
that these requirements shall be fulfilled
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• I declare that I will comply with existing requirements for the IECEx Certification of
Personnel Competence Scheme, will not misrepresent the scope of certification and agree
to pay the expenses in connection with my application
• I have no current application pending with any other ExCB
• I declare that all information provided with this application is true and correct

To whom shall the application be made?

Application shall be made to the ExCB of the applicant’s choice but would be expected to be
made with an ExCB in the country of residence. A full list of ExCBs participating in the CoPC
Scheme can be found on the IECEx website at

8 Re-certification

Updated personal information is required by the ExCB at the time of each re-certification and
as a minimum a new photograph is to be provided. Refer to IECEx OD 503 for details of the
re-certification process and requirements.

9 Competence assessment

The information provided with the application i.e. curriculum vitae, work history and
educational certificates are assessed for compliance with the IECEx requirements specifically
in relation to electrical knowledge, training and education. This may include contacting the
university or college where the applicant obtained their qualification(s), or the employers, to
check the authenticity of the documents. Following this review the ExCB shall advise if any
additional evidence or information is required prior to the final assessment.

The assessment shall be carried out in the language agreed between the applicant and the

The method of the assessment will depend on the Unit of Competence for which the applicant
has applied. This may involve both a knowledge test (examination) and a skills test
(practical). Full details of the assessment requirements can be discussed with the selected

Some Units of Competence identify differing assessment requirements for a “responsible

person” and an “operative”. An applicant should understand these differences and ensure that
the correct level is requested in the application.

10 Issue of the Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC)

For personnel who meet the IECEx Certification of Personnel Competence Scheme
requirements, the ExCB shall issue a Certificate of Personnel Competence (CoPC) (CoPC) or
an Ex Facility Orientation Certificate (EFOC), with clear indication of any limitations. The
ExCB shall maintain ownership of the CoPC or EFOC.

The CoPC is issued by the ExCB via the IECEx website, on-line certificate system, together
with a wallet card ID. A printed and signed copy of the CoPC or EFOC is available from the
issuing ExCB. The CoPC or EFOC shall be approved and authorized by a responsible person
in the ExCB.

Ex Competent Persons who have attained and maintain an CoPC for the services they
provide are required to affix the IECEx CoPC reference adjacent to their signature on reports
and stationery ensuring that there is no misrepresentation of the scope of certification.
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Misuse of IECEx Certificates and IECEx Marks or Logos in publications, catalogues etc., shall
be subject to corrective actions, such as suspension or withdrawal of certificates. Details of
the misuse will be published and, if necessary, legal action will be taken.

The ExCB issuing the CoPC shall have additional requirements for the use of the CoPC and
logo. The CoPC holder shall agree with these conditions.

The CoPC is only valid for the scope of work indicated and for a period of three years after
which re-certification shall take place.

11 Suspension or cancellation

A CoPC or EFOC may be suspended or cancelled by the issuing ExCB for the following:

• non-payment of outstanding fees,

• failure to comply with the surveillance requirements,
• the CoPC or the Personnel Competence Assessment Report (PCAR) has been issued in
• the holder requests cancellation,
• it is used in a misleading way, or
• the Ex Competent Person no longer complies with the IECEx requirements.

The ExCB is required to give due notice to the Ex Competent Person of any such suspension
or cancellation and to give the reason(s).

When a CoPC or EOFC is suspended or cancelled, the Ex Competent Person shall no longer
describe themselves as "IECEx certified", or use the CoPC or EFOC. Work or services
provided prior to the suspension or cancellation of the CoPC or EFOC is not affected, except
that the Ex Competent Person is responsible for determining the necessary action, if any, for
previous work or services provided as a result of the suspension or cancellation of the CoPC
or EFOC.

12 Re-certification

A CoPC is valid for five years and it is the responsibility of the EX competent person to
ensure their CoPC remains valid. An application shall be made to the ExCB who issued the
original CoPC at least 3 months prior to the expiry date so that re-assessment can be
undertaken in time. At this time the applicant should consider whether they wish to be
assessed against any additional units of competence.

For re-certification the applicant is to provide evidence of any additional qualifications

attained but also records of the work and duties undertaken since the last assessment in a
similar way to the information provided in 5.2. The evidence provided must be validated by the
employer or somebody who contracted him for this kind of work.

The ExCB shall assess the information together with data collected during any interim
surveillance visit/review that was undertaken to consider whether the original areas and levels
of competence have been maintained and therefore warrants re-validation of the CoPC.

If the ExCB considers that insufficient information is available it shall inform the applicant and
request additional information to support the application. If this additional information is not
forthcoming or is not adequate the ExCB decides if the validation of individual competence
modules is to be revoked and it shall inform the applicant of the decision. In this case no re-
assessment is made.
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13 Appeals

Appeals can be initiated by the applicant or Ex Competent Person where the ExCB has
considered that the application, review or re-assessment has not demonstrated an acceptable
level of competence or retaining the competence in one or more modules.

In the first instance any complaint or appeal should be directed to the ExCB and if it cannot
be resolved then it may be referred to the IECEx 05 complaints and appeals process.
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14 Typical examples of Units of Competence to be gained

Depending on the position/job/function of the applicant different Units of Competence will be

most appropriate or relevant.

The following is an example of a typical list of positions found in the Ex industry associated
with the recommended Units of Competence, but it shall remain the responsibility of the
applicant to determine the required Units of Competence in accordance with his actual

Position/job/function Suggested Unit of Competence

Site service providers, Unit Ex 000 Basic knowledge and awareness to enter a site that
senior management, includes a classified hazardous area.
sales personnel
Plant Manager Unit Ex 001 Apply basic principles of protection in explosive
Safety Manager Unit Ex 001 Apply basic principles of protection in explosive
Unit Ex 002 Perform classification of hazardous areas
Site Supervisor Unit Ex 001 Apply basic principles of protection in explosive
(Elec. or Inst.) atmospheres
Unit Ex 003 Install explosion-protected equipment and wiring
Unit Ex 004 Maintain equipment in explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 008 Perform detailed inspection of electrical
installations in or associated with explosive
Technician Unit Ex 001 Apply basic principles of protection in explosive
(Elec. or Inst.) atmospheres
Unit Ex 003 Install explosion-protected equipment and wiring
Unit Ex 004 Maintain equipment in explosive atmospheres
Unit Ex 007 Perform visual and close inspection of electrical
installations in or associated with explosive
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Annex A

Example of a CoPC
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Annex B

Example of a wallet card ID

The following is an example of the wallet size ID Card showing a front and back view.

IECEx Certified Person For full details of

IECEx CP SIR10.0001 • Certificate (IECEx CP SIR10.0001)
• PCAR (AU/SAI/PCAR09.0001/00)
Name here • Units of Competencies
Photograph • Any Limitations
here Visit
Units of competencies
(As per OD 504) Issuing ExCB details:
Ex 001, Ex 002, Ex 004, Ex 006, Rockhead Business Park
Ex008 If lost please notify: Staden Lane,Buxton
IECEx Secretariat Derbyshire,SK17 9RZ
Sydney NSW, Australia Ph: +44 1298 766600
Ph +61 2 8206 6940 Fx: +44 1298 766601 E-mail: To be inserted
Expiry: April-2011
Original issue: April-2009
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Annex C

Example of an EFOC

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