Kinetics Refresher - Questions
Kinetics Refresher - Questions
Kinetics Refresher - Questions
Concentration terms
REFRESHER QUESTIONS D. Number of reactants
OCTOBER 2022 10. For the reaction of the type A+ B ⟶ P, it is observed
that doubling the concentration of A causes the
1. The rate of reaction 2H2O2⟶2H2O + O2, rate = k[H2O2] reaction rate to be four times as great, but doubling
A. Elementary Zero order reaction the amount of B does not affect the rate. The rate
B. Non- elementary 1st order reaction equation is
C. Elementary 2nd order reaction A. Rate = k[A][B]
D. Non- elementary 3rd order reaction B. Rate = k/4[A]2
2. It is the study of the rate and mechanism by which C. Rate = k[A]2[B]0
one chemical specie is converted to another. D. Rate = k[A]2[B]2
A. Chemical Engineering 11. The rates of certain reactions at different times are as
B. Chemical Reaction Engineering follows. What is the order of reaction?
C. Chemical Reaction t, sec 0 10 20 30
D. Chemical kinetics Rate, 2.8x10-2 2.78x10-2 2.81x10-2 2.79x10-2
3. A zero order reaction is one whose rate is mol/L.s
independent of A. 0
A. Temperature of the reaction B. 1st
B. Concentration of the products C. 2nd
C. Concentration of the reactants D. 3rd
D. Material vessel in which the reaction is carried 12. The correct expression for the rate of reaction of
out elementary process A + B ⟶ C is
4. Half-life period of second order reaction is A. d[C]/dt = k[A]
A. Proportional to initial concentration of reactants B. d[C]/dt = k[B]
B. Independent of initial concentration of reactants C. -d[A]/dt = K[A][B]
C. Inversely proportional to the initial D. -d[A]/dt = K[A]
concentration of reactants 13. The individual reactions which constitute the
D. Inversely proportional to square of initial reaction mechanism are
concentration of reactants A. Multiple reactions
5. The law which states that the rate of reaction is B. Elementary Reactions
directly proportional to active masses or C. Chain Reactions
concentration of the reactant is the law of D. Unimolecular Reactions
A. Constant compostition 14. Which of the following statements is correct for the
B. Chemical equilibrium reaction X +2Y ⟶ Products
C. Temperature A. The rate of disappearance of X =two times the
D. Mass action disappearance of Y
6. The rate of reaction between A and B increases by a B. The rate of disappearance of X = 1/3 times the
factor of 100, when the concentration with respect to disappearance of Y
A is increased by 10 fold. The order of the reaction C. The rate of appearance of products = 1/2 times
with respect to A is the rate of disappearance of Y
A. 1 D. The rate of appearance of products = 1/2 times
B. 2 the rate of disappearance of X
C. 4 15. For the reaction 4A + B ⟶2C +D, which of the following
D. 10 statement is not correct
7. The elementary hydrolysis of ethyl acetate is _____ I. The rate of disappearance of B is one
order. fourth of disappearance of A
CH3COOC2H5 + H2O ⟶ CH3COOH +C2H5OH II. The rate of appearance of C is one half of
A. 0 disappearance of B
B. 1st III. The rate of formation of D is one half of
C. 2nd disappearance of B
D. 3rd IV. The rate of formation of C and D are
8. Which of the following is not always a valid equal
assumption for an ideal PFR
A. There is no axial mixing of the fluid inside the A. II only
vessel B. III and IV
B. The density of the flowing system is constant C. II and IV
C. There is complete radial mixing of fluid D. All of the statements are correct
D. The flow through the vessel both input and 16. The rate of the reaction 2NO +O2 ⟶ 2NO2, when the
output stream is continous volume of the reaction vessel is doubled, the initial
9. The unit of rate constant depends on rate ______________.
A. Order of reaction A. Will increase 8 times of its initial rate
B. Molecularity B. Reduce to one-eigth of its initial rate
Prepared by: Engr. Jeraldine S. Pasco
C. Will increase 4 times of its initial rate D. Is not a characteristics of the reaction
D. Reduce to one-fourth of its initial rate 25. The rate of reaction is not influenced by
17. The rate constant for a reaction is 1.08x10-5 mol/L.s. A. Concentration of the reactants
The order of the reaction is B. Molecularity of the reaction
A. 0 C. Nature of reactants
B. 1st D. temperature
C. 2nd 26. The rate of formation of B in terms of rA ( where rA = -
D. 3rd kCACB2) is
18. The unit of rate constant and that of rate of reaction A. 1/2 rA
are same for________ order reaction B. rA
A. 0 C. 2rA
B. 1st D. -1/2 rA
C. 2nd 27. The collision theory of chemical reactions maintains that
D. 3rd A. A chemical reaction occurs with every molecular
19. The rate of reaction is decreased by: collision
I. Increasing the activation energy B. Reactions in the gas phase are always first order
II. Increasing reactant concentration C. Reaction rates are of the order of molecular speed
III. Using a catalyst D. Rate is directly proportional to the number of
IV. decreasing temperature collisions per second
28. A reaction is known to be first order in A. A straight line
A. III only will be obtained by plotting
B. I and II A. CA2 vs. time
C. I and IV B. CA vs. time
D. IV only C. ln CA vs. time
D. 1/CA vs. time
20. It is an ideal flow reactor that is generally modeled as 29. If the reaction, 2A ⟶ B +C is second order, which of the
having no spatial variation in concentration and following plots will give a straight line?
temperature or reaction rate throughout the vessel. A. CA2 vs. time
Thus, the concentration and the temperature are the B. CA vs. time
same as the exit points as they are elsewhere in the C. ln CA vs. time
tank D. 1/CA vs. time
A. CSTR 30. The activation energy of a reaction can be obtained
B. Batch reactor from the slope of a plot of
C. Semicontinous reactor A. ln k vs. 1/T
D. Plug flow reactor B. k vs. ln T
C. ln k vs. T
21. The unit of k for the first order elementary reaction D. k vs. ln 1/T
A. 1/time 31. The formation of nitroanalyine (an important
B. Concentration/time intermediate in dyes called fast orange) is formed from
C. 1/concentration the reaction of orthonitrochlorobenzene or ONCB and
D. (concentration)-1(time)-1 aqeuous ammonia.The liquid-phase reations is first
22. In which of the following would result to a reduced order in both ONCB and ammonia with k= 0.0017
rated of reaction? ( note that kc is the equilibrium m3/kmol.min at 188 0C with E=11.273 cal/mol.The initial
rate of reaction) entering concentration of ONCB and ammonia are as
A. kc=102 follows: 1.8 kmol/m3 and 6.6 kmol/m3 respectively.
B. Kc=10-2 What is the initial rate of reaction at 188oC, 25oC and
C. Kc=10 288oC at X = 0 and at X = .90?
D. Kc=1
23. If the temperature of a chemical reaction is raised by
100C, the rate of reaction is increased by a factor of
A. 2.5 32. What would be the corresponding CSTR Volume at 250C
B. 4 and 2880C to achieve a 90% conversion for a molar
C. 1.5 feedrate of 2 mol/min for problem # 31?
D. 3 33. A certain reaction is second order in A. When CA is 0.03
24. The equilibrium constant in a reversible chemical mol/L, the rate is 3x10-3 L/mol.s. Find the rate of
reaction at a given temperature
reaction when CA is 0.015 mol/L.s.
A. Depends on the initial concentration of the
34. A certain reaction is first order in A. The specific rate
constan is 3x10-3/s. What is the half life.
B. Depends on the concentration of one of the
35. A certain reaction is first order in A. In 30 minutes, A
products in equilibrium
decreases from 0.55 to 0.15 mol/L. What will be the
C. Does not depend on the initial concentrations
Prepared by: Engr. Jeraldine S. Pasco
time it will take for A to decrease from 0.35 to 0.15
36. A certain reaction has an activation energy of
125KJ/mol. The rate constant is 0.033/s at 550C. What is
the value of the specific rate constant at 100oC.
37. A certain reaction has a specific rate constant of
4.27x10-3/s at 250C and 7.35x10-2/s at 80oC. What is the
energy of activation in KJ per mol.
38. The third order gas phase reaction 2NO +O2 ⟶ 2 NO2
has specific reaction rate of Kc=2.65x104L2/gmol2/s
@30OC and 1 atm. Find the rate constant at equilibrium
at atmospheric condition,Kp in gmol/L.atm.
39. Calculate the equilibrium conversion and concentrations
for the below liquid phase reaction: A + B ↔ C, with
CAO = CB0 = 2 mol/dm3 and Kc = 10 dm3/mol.
40. What is the equilibrium conversion and concentrations
of a gas phase reaction A ↔ C carried out in a flow
reactor with no pressure drop. Pure A enters at a
temperature of 400K and 10 atm. At this temperature,
Kc = 0.25 (dm3/mol)2.
41. The isothermal irreversible aqueous phase reaction A +B
⟶ E at 100oF obeys dCE/dt = rE = kCACB where k= 15
ft3/lbmol.h. Using a 1000 ft3 stirred tank reactor with an
aqueos feed of 2000 ft3/h, Find the outlet concentration
of E if the inlet concentration of A and B are both 0.25
42. A second order reaction initially present at 10 moles/L
found to be 20% complete in 40 minutes when the
reaction temperature is 25oC, and 40% complete in 35
minutes when the reaction temperature is 50oC. Find
the activation energy for this reaction.
43. A gas phase reaction : 1/2 N2 +3/2 H2 ⟶NH3 is to be
carried out isothermally. The molar feed is 50% H2 and
50%N2 at a pressure of 16.4 atm and 227oC.Calculate the
concentration of ammonia and Hydrogen when the
conversion of H2 is 60%.
44. A liquid-phase isomerization A ⟶ B is carried out in a
1000 gal CSTR that has as single impleller located
halfway down the reactor. The liquid enters at the top
of the reactor and exits at the bottom. The reaction is
second order. Experimental data taken in a batch
reactor predicted that the conversion should be 50%.
However, the conversion measured in the actual CSTR
was 57%. Suggest reasons for the discrepancy and
suggest something that could give closer agreement
between the predicted and measured conversions. Back
up your answer with computation ( Problem 4-8, HS.