Phrasal Verbs 3
Phrasal Verbs 3
Phrasal Verbs 3
Meaning Example
Argue Beat someone in a debate, The teacher tried to ARGUE the girl
down discussion or argument. DOWN, but she couldn’t.
Enquire about someone’s health, Jenny rang earlier and ASKED AFTER
Ask after
how life is going. you, so I told her you were fine.
Ask Ask a number of people for I have no idea, but I’ll ASK AROUND at
around information of help. work and see if anyone can help.
Invite someone. We ASKED John ROUND for diner.
Back Retract or withdraw your position or She refused to BACK DOWN and was
down proposal in an argument. fired.
Enter a parking area in reverse He prefers to BACK his car INTO the
Back into
gear. garage.
The police told the protesters to BACK
Back off Retreat.
Back out Fail to keep an agreement, She BACKED OUT OF the agreement
of arrangement. at the last minute.
Bargain Persuade someone to drop the I BARGAINED her DOWN to half what
down price of something they’re selling. she originally wanted.
Write something quickly without I BASHED the essay OUT the night
Bash out
much preparation. before I had to hand it in.
Belong Be in the correct or appropriate Does this disc BELONG WITH those on
with location with other items. the shelf?
Lower the top half of your body. I BENT DOWN to pick it up off the floor.
Obstruct an exit to prevent people The police BLOCKED OFF the road
Block off
from leaving. after the murder.
Impress greatly. Her first novel BLEW me AWAY.
Blow When the wind forces something to A tree was BLOWN DOWN in the
down fall. storm.
Calm Stop being angry or emotionally When I lose my temper, it takes ages
down excited. for me to CALM DOWN again.
Finish or complete, often with some She CAPPED OFF the meeting with a
Cap off
decisive action. radical proposal.
Feed on Give someone a particular food. He FEEDS his cat ON dry food.
Leave. It’s late; we must be GETTING ALONG.
Stop doing something that has I GAVE UP taking sugar in tea and
Give up
been a habit. coffee to lose weight.
Make something more interesting The show was getting stale so they
Jazz up
or attractive. JAZZED it UP with some new scenes.
Keep I KEEP a dictionary AROUND when I’m
Keep something near you.
around doing my homework.
Key up Make someone excited or nervous. The noise got us KEYED UP.
The thieves MADE AWAY WITH the
away Steal.
Make it Try to compensate for doing He tried to MAKE IT UP TO her, but she
up to something wrong. wouldn’t speak to him.
Make of Understand or have an opinion. What do you MAKE OF your new boss?
Mix sources of audio, video or other She MASHED UP the songs into a
Mash up
computer sources.. single track.
Melt Heat something solid, especially They MELTED the gold statue DOWN
down metal, until it becomes liquid. and turned it into gold bars.
Mess Not be serious, not use something The children were MESSING ABOUT
about properly. with the TV remote control and broke it.
Pine Suffer physically because of grief, He’s been PINING AWAY since his wife
away stress, worry, etc. died and is a shadow of his former self.
Plump Put something in a place without He PLUMPED his bag DOWN and
down taking care. kicked his shoes off.
Choose. I PLUMPED FOR the steak frites.
Pull Overtake, move in front. The lorry was going slowly but we
ahead managed to PULL AHEAD.