5 QAnsB
5 QAnsB
5 QAnsB
Whenever a question is being attempted, all its parts/ sub-parts must be attempted contiguously. This means that before moving on to the next
question to be attempted, candidates must finish attempting all parts/ sub-parts of the previous question attempted. This is to be strictly followed.
Pages left blank in the answer-book are to be clearly struck out in ink. Any answers that follow pages left blank may not be given credit.
2 of 50
3 of 50
1 (a)
2 (a)
3 (a)
4 (a)
5 (a)
6 (a)
7 (a)
8 (a)
Total Marks
4 of 50
5 of 50
1. (a) Let W1 = �2 0 3 1 1� , �1 0 2 1 1� , � 2 0 3 1 3�
t t t
and W2 = �2 1 1 0 1� , �3 2 3 2 3� , �1 1 1 1 1�
t t t
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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6 of 50
�1 0 0 �
� �1 i 0 0 ��
� 1 �
�2 �i 0 �
� 2 �
�1 �
�� 3 �i � �1�
Diagonalise this matrix, if possible. [10]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
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7 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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8 of 50
1. (c) Find the values of a and b in order that
x(1 � a cos x) � bsin x
lim may be equal to 1. [10]
x �0 x3
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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9 of 50
1. (d) Find the volume of the region lying below the paraboloid with equation z = 4 –
x2 – y2 and above the xy-plane. [10]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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10 of 50
1. (e) Find the volume of a tetrahedron in terms of the lengths of the three edges
which meet in point and of the angles which these edges make with each
other in pairs. [10]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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11 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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12 of 50
2. (a) Investigate for what values of �, µ the simultaneous equations.
x + y + z = 6, x + 2y + 3z = 10, x + 2y + �z = µ
have (i) no solution, (ii) a unique solution, (iii) an infinite number of solutions.
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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13 of 50
2. (b) If � is a characteristic root of a non-singular matrix. A, then prove that is a
characteristic root of Adj A. [06]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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14 of 50
2. (c) Show that the function f, where
� x 3 � y3
� , (x, y) � (0, 0)
f (x, y) � � x 2 � y 2
� 0, (x, y) � (0, 0)
is continous possesses partial derivations but is not differentiable at the
origin. [14]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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15 of 50
2. (d) Show that the projections of the generators of a hyperboloid on any principal
plane are tangents to the section of the hyperboloid by the principal plane.
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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16 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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17 of 50
3. (a) Let W = {[x1 x2 x3 x4]t � �4 |2x1 + 3x2 = 4x3 + x4}. Show that W is a subspace of
�4 . Find a basis of W and extend it to form a basis of �4 . Do the same if
W = {[x1 x2 x3 x4]t � �4 |x1 + x2 = 0, x3 – x4 = 0}. [15]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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18 of 50
3. (b) (i) The temperature at a point (x,y) on a metal plate is T(x,y)=4x 2–4xy+y2. An
ant on the plate walks around the circle of radius 5 centered at the
origin. What are the highest and lowest temperatures encountered by
the Ant?
�x 2 / y
(ii) Evaluate the integral � � xe dx dy by changing the order of integration.
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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19 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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20 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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21 of 50
3. (c) A sphere of constant radius 2k passes through the origin and meets the axes
in A, B, C. Find the locus of the centroid of the tetrahedron OABC. [15]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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22 of 50
4. (a) Let V be a 4-dimensional vector space over � and let T � L(V) whose matrix
with respect to an ordered basis {u1, u2, u3, u4} is
�1 0 1 1 �
�1 1 �1 0 ��
�0 1 0 1 �
� �
�1 1 1 �1�
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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23 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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24 of 50
�1 x�y
4. (b) (i) If u � cos , show that
x� y
�u �u 1
x �y � cot u � 0 .
�x �y 2
(ii) Show that �0 log �1 � cos x � dx � �� log 2. [15]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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25 of 50
4. (c) Lines are drawn through the origin with direction cosines proportional to
(1,2,2), (2,3,6), (3,4,12). Show that the axis of the right circular cone through
1 1 1
them has direction consines � , , and that the semi-vertical angle of
3 3 3
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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26 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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27 of 50
5. (a) Find the orthogonal trajectories of r = a (1 + cos n�). [10]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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28 of 50
5. (b) Use the variation of parameters method to show that the solution of equation
d2 y/dx2 + k 2y = �(x) satisfying the initial conditions y(0) = 0, y�(0) = 0 is
1 x
k �0
y(x) � �(t)sin k(x � t) dt . [10]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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29 of 50
5. (c) A frame work ABCD consists of four equal, light rods smoothly jointed together
to form a square, it is suspended from a peg at A, and a weight W is attached
to C, the framework being kept in shape by a light rod connecting B and D.
Determine the thrust in this rod. [10]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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30 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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31 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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32 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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33 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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34 of 50
6. (b) A uniform beam of length 5a, rests in equilibrium against a smooth vertical
wall and upon a smooth peg at a distance b from the wall. Show that in the
position of equilibrium the beam is inclined to the wall at an angle sin–1 (b/
a) 1/3. [10]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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35 of 50
6. (c) The end links of a uniform chain slide along a fixed rough horizontal rod.
Prove that the ratio of the maximum span to the length of the chain is
��1 � 1 � � 2 ��
� log � �. [10]
� � �
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
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36 of 50
6. (d) Verif y Stok es theorem for A = (y – z + 2) i + (yz + 4)
j – xz k, where S is the surface of the cube x = 0. y = 0, z = 0, x = 2, y = 2, z =
2 above the xy plane. [17]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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37 of 50
7. (a) Find the general and singular solution of y2 (y – xp) = x4p2. [12]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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38 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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39 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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40 of 50
7. (c) A shot fired at an elevation � is observed to stike the foot of a tower which
rises above a horizontal plane through the point of projection. If � be the
angle subtended by the tower at this point, show that the elevation required
to make the shot strike the top of the tower is �� � sin �1 � sin � � sin 2� cos � � �� .
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
41 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
42 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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43 of 50
8. (a) By using Laplace transform method solve the (D3 � 2D 2 � 5D)y � 0 if y(0) = 0,
y�(0) = 1, y(�/8) = 1 [15]
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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44 of 50
8. (b) A heavy particle hanging vertically from a fixed point by a light inextensible
cord of length l is struck by a horizontal blow which imparts it a velocity
2�(gl), prove that the cord becomes slack when the particle has risen to a
height l above the fixed point. [15]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
45 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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46 of 50
8. (c) Show that A = (2x 2 + 8xy2 z) i + (3x 3 y – 3xy) j – (4y 2 z2 + 2x3 z) k is not
solenoidal but B = xyz2 A is solenoidal. [08]
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
47 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
48 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
49 of 50
HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
TM Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
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50 of 50
TM HEAD OFFIC E:25/8, Ol d Raji nder N agar Marke t, D el hi -6 0. Ph.99 991976 25, 011- 45 629987 . BR ANCH OFFIC E: 10 5-10 6, Top Floor,
Mu kh erjee Tower, Mukherj ee Nagar, De lh i-9. REGION AL OFFIC E : 1-10- 237, IIn d Fl oor, R oom N o. 202 R .K ’S Kan ch am’s B lu e
Sapph ire Ashok Naga r Hyderaba d- 20. Mobi le N o : 0965 2351152
ww w.ims4ma th s.com || w ww .i ms 4mat hs el earn in g.com || Email : ims4 ims201 0@gmai l.com
HEAD OFFICE:25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar Market, Delhi-60. Ph.9999197625, 011-45629987. BRANCH OFFICE: 105-106,
Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. REGIONAL OFFICE : 1-10-237, IInd Floor, Room No. 202
R.K’S Kancham’s Blue Sapphire Ashok Nagar Hyderabad-20. Mobile No : 09652351152
www.ims4maths.com || www.ims4mathselearning.com || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com
HEAD OFFICE:25/8, Old Rajinder Nagar Market, Delhi-60. Ph.9999197625, 011-45629987. BRANCH OFFICE: 105-106,
Top Floor, Mukherjee Tower, Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi-9. REGIONAL OFFICE : 1-10-237, IInd Floor, Room No. 202
R.K’S Kancham’s Blue Sapphire Ashok Nagar Hyderabad-20. Mobile No : 09652351152
www.ims4maths.com || www.ims4mathselearning.com || Email: ims4ims2010@gmail.com