Lab Reviewer
Lab Reviewer
Lab Reviewer
Applications of Networks
Resource Sharing
- Hardware (computing resources,
disks, printers)
- Software (application software)
Information Sharing Ring Topology
- Easy accessibility from anywhere o A frame travels around the ring,
(files, databases) stopping at each node. If a node wants
- Search capability (WWW) to transmit data, it adds the data as
Communication well as the destination address to the
- Email frame.
- Message broadcast o The frame then continues around the
Remote computing ring until it finds the destination node,
Distributed processing (GRID Computing) which takes the data out of the frame.
- Single ring – all the devices on
Network Topology the network shares a single
The network topology defines the way in which cable.
computers, printers, and other devices are - Dual ring – allow data to be sent
connected. A network topology describes the in both directions.
layout of the wire and devices as well as the paths
used by data transmissions.
Bus Topology
o Commonly referred to as a linear bus, all
devices in a bus topology are connected
by a single cable.
Mesh Topography
o The mesh topography connects all
devices (nodes) to each other for
redundancy and fault tolerance.
o It is used in WANs to interconnect LANs E-Commerce
and for mission critical networks like News Groups
those used by banks and financial Internet Telephony (VoIP)
institutions. Video Conferencing
o Implementing the mesh topology is Chat Groups
expensive and difficult. Instant Messengers
Internet Radio
Data rate measured in bits (not bytes) per
Kbps (kilobits per seconds)
o 125 characters/sec
Mbps (megabits per seconds)
o 1,250 characters/sec
Network Components Gbps (Gigabits per seconds)
o 12,500 characters/sec
Networking Media – can be defined as simply as
the means by which signals (data) are sent from Connecting to the Internet
one computer to another (either by cable or Requirement:
wireless means). A computer or PDA or cell phone
An account with an ISP (Internet Service
A modem (modulator/demodulator) for
dial-up services or a NIC (Network Interface
Card) for DSL/Cable services
Searchable Data (Web sites)
o Standard
- 802.11b – 11Mbps (2.4G)
- 802.11g – 54Mbps (2.4G)
- 802.11a – 54Mbps (5G)
o Security
- WEP (Wired Equivalen Privacy)
- WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
- To prevent wardriving
Home Wireless Network
Dial-up Services
o Modem
- Modulator/demodulator
- A device that converts analog
signal to digital (modulation) and
vice versa (demodulation).
- Speed
1200/2400/9600 bpd
14.4./28.8/33.6 Kbps
56 Kbps
Connection Types o ISDN
LAN (Local Area Network) - Integrated Services Digital
o A network of computers that are in the Network
- 2 data channels (56K each)
same physical location, such as home or
- 1 voice channel
o Usually connected using Ethernet Broadband Services
o xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- A standard on how computers
communicate over a shared - A technology that provides
media (cable). digital data transmission over
o Ethernet Standard unused frequencies on
traditional telephone lines.
- 10BaseT
- For example, ADSL (Asymmetric
10 Mbps
- 100BaseT
- Speed
100 Mbps
- 1000BaseT
128Kbps – 4Mbps
1000 Mbps
WLAN (Wireless LAN)
64Kbps – 800Kbps
o Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
- Need a DSL modem
- A wireless technology that
- Splitters are needed to separate
connects computer without
the voice and data signal.
o Cable
o Access Point
- A technology that provides
- A device (base station) that
digital transmission over cable
connects wireless devices
TV infrastructure.
- Speed
o ESSID (Extended Service Set ID)
- A “name” for the AP
128 Kbps –
o Hotspot
- The are covered by wireless
access point.
64Kbps – Internet
128Kbps~1Mbps o A public network of networks.
- Need a cable modem Both are using TCP/IP
- Types: o A family of protocols that makes the
Straight-through Internet works.
Crossover o The Robustness Principle
o Satellite - “Be liberal in what you accept,
- A technology that provides and conservative in what you
digital data transmission over send” – Jon Postel
- Speed Packets – a small chunk of data transmitted over
Downlink the Internet.
500Kbps – 1Mbps VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Uplink A secure tunnel to a private network
50Kbps – through a public network.
100Kbps Once established, local node appears to be
- Need a satellite dish. a node in the private network in a secure
WAN (Wide Area Network) manner.
o A LAN spans a large geographic area, VPN does not mean using telephone line
such as connections between cities. connection.
o Usually connected using leased line
- T1 (1.5Mbps) (Telecom lines) Host and IP Address
- T3 (45Mbps) (Telecom lines) Each host needs an IP address
- OC3 (155Mbps) (Fiber optic o A 32-bit number arranged in 4
lines) numbers separated by “.”
- OC12 (622Mbps) (Fiber optic o E.g.
- OC48 (2.4Gbps) (Fiber optic DNS (Domain Name System)
lines) Domain name or IP address lookup
Hub / Switch / Router
To connect multiple segments of networks Top-level Domains
into a larger one. gTLDs (generic TLDs)
Hub o .com, .edu, .net, .org, .gov, .mil
o A multiport repeater to enhance o .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum
signal within the same LAN. ccTLDs (country code TLDs)
Switch o .au, .ca, .br, .ph, .us, .de, .fi, .fr
o Like hub but with intelligent
o Better performance Second-level Domains
Router Domains that are directly below a TLD
o Forward packets from one LAN to Must apply to a registrar for the
another. appropriate TLD
Intranet vs. Internet
Intranet Domain Names and Registrars
o A private network that is contained Profitable domain names
within an enterprise. o - $2.75M
o Could be LANs and WANs o - $3M
o - $7.5M
Network Solutions, Inc used to monopolize
the name registration.
AUP (Acceptable Use Policies)
o A legal document, written to protect
the ISP from unlawful use of its
service, and outlines prohibited uses
of the service and possible
consequences of misuse.
Privacy Policies
o A document describes an ISP’s policy
for protecting users’ information.