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CHAPTER 01: Computer Hardware o Input: parts of the computer

Components: CPU, Memory, and receiving information to programs.

o Output: parts of the computer that
provide the result of computation
to the person using the computer.
Computer – a programmable electronic machine
that performs high-speed mathematical or logical
Sources of Data for the Computer
operations or that assembles, stores, correlates, or
Two types of data stored withing a computer:
otherwise processes information.
1. Original data or information: data being
introduced to a computing system for the
Basic Structure of a Computer System Consists of
first time.
Three Parts
- Computers can deal directly with
1. CPU (Central Processing Unit) – performs
printed text, pictures, sound,
arithmetic and logic operations.
and other common types of
2. Input-Output Devices (Peripherals) –
Keyboard (I), Monitor (O), Modem (I),
2. Previously stored data or information: data
Mouse (I), Joystick (I), Speaker (O), Printers
that has already been processed by a
(O), Scanner (I).
computer and is being stored for later use.
3. Memory – store files.
- These are forms of binary data
a. Primary – directly accessible by the
useful only to the computer.
- Ex. Floppy disks, DVD disks, and
b. Secondary – external memory for
music CDs.
storing data.
Two categories of input hardware:
Computer Hardware – the physical components of
1. Those that deal with original data.
a computer system, such as the circuit boards,
2. Those that handle previously stored data.
chassis, enclosures, peripherals, cables, etc.
Input Devices
Basic Concepts of Computer Hardware
 Input hardware: deals with original data.
o Keyboard
o Mouse
o Voice recognition hardware
o Scanner
o Digital camera
 Communicate via ports and device drivers.
 Common basic Technologies for Storing
This model if the typical digital computer is often Binary Information.
called the von Neumann computer. o Electronic
 Programs and data are stored in the same - Most expensive of the three.
memory: primary memory. - A flip-flop circuit has either one
 The computer can only perform one electronic status or the other. It
instruction at a time. is said to flip-flop from one
Basic Concepts of Computer Hardware - Comes in two forms:
 Input/Output: refers to the process of  Permanent (ROM – Read
getting information into and out of the Only Memory)
computer.  Non-permanent (RAM)
Random Access Memory)
o Magnetic  A byte consists of 8
- Two parts to most of the binary digits (bits). The
magnetic forms of information byte is a standard unit.
storage:  The four most important characteristics of
 The medium that stores storage devices:
the magnetic o Speed (Access Time)
information. Ex. Floppy - How fast information can be
disk. Tiny spots on the taken from or stored onto the
disk are magnetized to computer memory device’s
represent 0s and 1s. medium.
 The device that can  Electronic circuits:
“read” that information Fastest to access (40
from the medium. billionths of a seconds)
 The drive spins  Floppy disks: Very slow in
the disk. comparison (takes up to
 It has magnetic ½ second to reach full
sensing arm that speed before access is
moves over the even possible)
disk. - We could further break access
 Performs time down into:
nondestructive  Seek time
reading.  Rotational delay time
o Optical  Data transfer time
- Uses lasers to “read” the binary o Capacity
information from the medium, - The amount of information that
usually a disc. can be stored on the medium.
 Million of tiny holes
called “pits” are “burned” o
into the surface of the
 The holes are interpreted
as 1s. The absence of
holes is interpreted 0s. Cost
- Megabyte: a million bytes.
 Secondary Memory Input Devices - Gigabyte: a billion bytes.
o Disks (floppy, hard drive, or CD- - Two parts to a removable
ROM) are considered secondary secondary storage device:
memory devices.  The cost of the medium
o These input devices are used by a (cheaper if bought in
computer to store information and quantity).
then to retrieve that information as  The cost of the drive.
o External to the computer.
o Secondary memory uses binary.
- The usual measurement is the
byte. o Type of access
- Sequential – obtained by
proceeding through the storage
medium from the beginning until USB Flash Drives – are compact and easy-to-use
the designated area is reached devices that are similar in use to your computer
(as in magnetic tape). hard drive. USB flash drives slip into your pocket,
 Good for something like conveniently around your neck, or on a keychain
backup tasks. for ultimate portable storage.
- Random Access – direct assess
(as in floppy and hard disks). USB flash drives are also called thumb drives, jump
drives, pen drives, key drives, tokens, or simply USB
Primary Memory – is where the data and program drives.
that are currently in operation or being accessed
are stored during use. Output Devices
 Consists of electronic circuits: extremely Output units stores and display information
fast and expensive. (calculated results and other messages) for us to
 Two types: see and use.
- RAM (non-permanent)  Floppy disk drives and hard disk drives.
 Programs and data can  Display monitors: hi-resolution monitors
be stored here for the come in two types:
computer’s use. - Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) –
 Volatile: all information streams of electrons make
will be lost once the phosphors glow on a large
computer shuts down. vacuum tube.
- ROM (permanent) - Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) – a
 Contents do not change. flat panel display that uses
crystals to let varying amounts of
The Central Processing Unit different colored light to pass
 Often referred to as the “brain” of the through it.
computer.  Developed primarily for
 Responsible for controlling all activities of portable computers.
the computer system.  Audio output
 The three major components are:  Disk output (CD-R, CD-RW)
o Arithmetic Logic Unit (Computation
performed) Storage Requirements: How much storage is
Accumulator (Results of needed for…
computations kept here)  One keystroke on a keyboard [1 byte (8
o Control Unit (Has two locations bits)]
where numbers are kept)  One page single-paced document (4.0 K)
Instruction Register (Instruction  Nineteen pages formatted text (75 K)
placed here for analysis)  One second of high-fidelity sound (95-110
Program Counter (Which instruction K)
will be performed next?)  Complete word processing program (8.4
o Instruction Decoding Unit (Decodes MG)
the instruction)
 Motherboard: where most of the Storage Capacity: How much data can be stored
electronics, including the CPU are mounted. on…
 One inch of ½ in. wide magnetic tape (4 K)
The CPU is usually protected from heat by a  One 3 ½” floppy disk, high density (1.4 MG)
Heatsink and Fan combination.  One compact disk (650 MG)
 One DVD (up to 17 GB)
The many physical forms of the general-purpose
Moving Information Within the Computer computer:
How do binary numerals move into, out of, and  All follow general organization:
within the computer? - Primary memory
 Information is moved about in bytes, or - Input units
multiple bytes called words. - Output units
- Words are fundamental units of - Central processing unit
information.  Grouped according to speed, cost, size, and
- The number of bits per word complexity.
may vary per computer.
- A word length for most large
IBM computers is 32 bits:

Bits that compose a word are passed in parallel

from place to place.
 Ribbon Cables:
- Consist of several wires, molded
- One wire for each bit of the
word byte.
- Additional wires coordinate the
activity of moving information.
- Each wire sends information in
the form of a voltage pulse.

Example of sending the word WOW over the

ribbon cable. Static Electricity can destroy computer
 Voltage pulses corresponding to the ASCII components.
codes would pass through the cable.

Packaging the Computer

CHAPTER 02: Peripheral Devices  A joystick looks like a car’s stick shift.
o Controls objects on screen
Peripheral device – is any input or output o Can be adapted for physical
component that connects to a computer. challenges that make it difficult to
use keyboard
Standard components include:  A digital camera used to capture still
 Keyboard images.
 Mouse o Easily transferred to computer
 Display unit o Produce images that can be stored,
 Printer manipulated, posted in the Web,
and transmitted as email
Specialized peripheral devices include: attachments
 Playing games  A digital video camera captures moving
 Monitoring home security images.
 Capturing video games o Easily transferred to computer
o Easily edited on computer
Specialized peripheral devices are key components  A graphic tablet features pressure-sensitive
of large-scale computers. surface and pen for free-hand drawing.
 High-speed printers for mass mailings  A digitizing tablet provides flat surface for
 High-speed optical character readers in vector drawing such as blueprints and
banks technical drawings.
 Computer-controlled robots for:  A touch-sensitive screen can detect the
o Arc welding location of a fingertip or stylus within the
o Circuit board assembly screen area.
o Painting  A scanner converts images into bitmap
o Handheld scanning devices keep graphics that can be viewed and edited with
track of package deliveries graphic software.
o UPC scanners in check-out lanes o Can capture old photographs
o Scanned text can be manipulated if
What are the options for standard input devices? scanner has optical character
The keyboard is the most important input device recognition
on desktop and notebook computers.  Standard microphone is used to collect
 Design of keyboard is based on typewriter’s audio input and is part of sound card.
QWERTY layout o Some software has speech
 Additional keypad for editing recognition to allow for voice
 Function keys for computer-specific tasks commands instead of keyboard and
 Numeric keypad mouse
o Handy for narrations on Web sites
Pointing devices manipulate on-screen pointer and videos
 Mice o Require lots of storage space
 Trackballs
 Pointing sticks What are the most popular display technologies?
 Trackpads  LCD display produces images by
 Joysticks manipulating light withing layer of liquid
crystal cells.
 CRT display device, such as glass tube on
What are the options for specialized PC input standard TV.
 Plasma screen creates image by
illuminating miniature colored fluorescent How do I connect peripheral devices to my
light in panel-like screen. computer?
 Installation is a pathway to transmit data
Performance of display device is factor of: between device and computer.
1. Screen size o Wired connection may require only
2. Dot pitch connecting wire to computer or may
3. Response time require adding expansion card to
4. Color depth system unit
5. Contrast ratio o Most computers include a variety of
6. Screen resolution built-in ports for connecting devices
o Today, USB (universal serial bus) is
Today’s printers typically use ink jet or laser the preferred way to connect
technology. devices
1. An ink jet printer has nozzle-like print head o Wireless connection typically
that sprays ink to form characters and requires transceiver on both devices
graphics.  Infrared light
o Inexpensive choice of most home  Bluetooth
and small business applications  Wi-Fi
o Print high quality images produced  If peripheral device requires a port not on
by digital cameras and scanners your computer, you install an expansion
2. A laser printer uses same technology as card.
photocopier  Some devices require software, called
o More expensive device driver, to set up communications.
o Choice for business printers that
produce high volumes How do I select components for my computer
When selecting printer, consider: Guidelines for purchasing peripheral devices:
1. Print resolution  Consider the tasks for which you’ll use the
2. Print speed computer
3. Duty cycle  Determine your budget
4. Operating costs  Select a computer platform
5. Memory  Choose a desktop, notebook, or tablet
6. Duplex printing configuration
7. Networkability  Select processor type and speed
 Select an operating system
What are the options for specialized output  Consider your storage needs
devices?  Consider RAM and video memory capacity
 Upgrade computer’s speaker system for  Evaluate the computer’s upgradeability
better sound quality.  Select software
 A plotter is a special printer for line drawing  Select peripheral devices and accessories
such as blueprints.  Evaluate manufacturer and vendor support
 A voice synthesizer converts digital text and warranty
into audio output.
 A computer projection device displays
computer-generated images on large
CHAPTER 03: Types of Computer Software
Operating System
Computer Software An OS is a program (some may say a set of
 Computer hardware is useless without programs) that coordinates all activities of a
software. computer.
 Software is the set of instructions and  Collection of computer programs that
associated data that direct the computer to control the interaction of the user and the
do a task. computer hardware.
 Software can be divided into two  Responsible for directing all computer
categories: operations and managing all computer
o System software – helps the resources.
computer to carry out its basic  Control basic input and output, allocates
operating tasks. system resources, manages storage space,
o Application software – helps the maintains security, and detects equipment
user carry out a variety of tasks.
 A part of the operating system code is
Major Types of Software stored in a ROM and the rest of it resides on
a disk.
 Application Software  Loading the operating system into memory
- Programming language is called booting the computer.
- Assembly language
- FORTRAN, BASIC, PL/1 Responsibilities of an Operating System
- PASCAL, C  Communicate with user, receive and
- “4th generation” languages execute commands, show error messages.
 System Software  Manages allocation of memory, processor
o Operating System time and other resources.
- Schedules computer events  Collect input from keyboard, mouse, and
- Allocates computer resources provide data to running programs.
- Monitor events  Convey program output to screen, printer,
o Language Translators or other output device.
- Interpreters  Access data from secondary storage.
- Compilers  Write data to secondary storage.
o Utility Programs  Maintains security (checks user-name,
- Routine operations (e.g. sort list) password, virus infection).
- Manage data (e.g. create file)
Starting a Computer
System Software 1. Turn on power
Manages the fundamental operations of the 2. The processor finds the ROM chip that
computer such as contains the BIOS
 loading programs and data into memory, 3. The BIOS performs POST
executing programs, saving data to disks, 4. The results of the POST are compared with
displaying information on the monitor, and data in the CMOS chip
transmitting data through a port to a 5. The BIOS looks for the system files in one of
peripheral device. the booting drives
System software: operating system, utilities, device 6. The system files and the kernel of the OS
drivers. load into RAM from hard disk/booting drive
7. The OS loads configuration information and
displays the interface on the screen
Functions of OS Multiprogramming environment
 User interface
 Job scheduling
 Program
o Single user/single tasking
o Multitasking
o Multi-user
o Multiprocessing
 Data management
 Device management
 Security of access
 Resources management
 Error detection and response Operating System: Multitasking
 Multitasking = the multiprogramming
Operating System: Multiprogramming capability of primarily single-user operating
 The most important operating system systems (PC).
capability for sharing computer resources is  One person can run two or more programs
multiprogramming. concurrently on a single computer.
 Multiprogramming permits multiple  When you are writing a report using MS
programs to share a computer system’s Word, you can also search on the Internet.
resources at any time through concurrent  Multitasking allows you to display both
use of CPU. programs on the computer screen and work
 By concurrent use, we mean that only one with them at the same time.
program is actually using the CPU at any
given moment. Types of OS
 However, at the same time other programs  Standalone
can collect inputs and display outputs. o MS-DOS, Windows 9X, Windows NT
 Two or more programs are active at the Workstation, Windows 2000 Prof.,
sane time, but they do not use the same Windows ME, Windows XP Home &
computer resources simultaneously. Prof. Ed., MacOS
 With multiprogramming, a group of  Network
programs takes turns using the processor. o Netware, Windows NT and 2000
Server, Windows .NET Server, UNIX,
Traditional system with no multiprogramming Linux
 Embedded
o Windows CE, Pocket PC 2002, Palm
CHAPTER 04: Basic Computer Network  Star and Tree Topology
o The star topology is the most commonly
Computer Network – connects two or more used architecture in Ethernet LANs.
autonomous computers. The computer can be o When installed, the star topology
geographically located anywhere. resembles spokes in a bicycle wheel.
o Larger networks use the extended star
LAN, MAN, and WAN topology also called tree topology.
 Network in a small geographical area (room, When used with network devices that
building, or a campus) is called LAN (Local filter frames or packets, like bridges,
Area Network). switches, and routers, this topology
 Network in a City is called MAN significantly reduces the traffic on the
(Metropolitan Area Network). wires by sending packets only to the
 Network spread geographically (country or wires of the destination host.
across globe) is called WAN (Wide Area

Applications of Networks
 Resource Sharing
- Hardware (computing resources,
disks, printers)
- Software (application software)
 Information Sharing  Ring Topology
- Easy accessibility from anywhere o A frame travels around the ring,
(files, databases) stopping at each node. If a node wants
- Search capability (WWW) to transmit data, it adds the data as
 Communication well as the destination address to the
- Email frame.
- Message broadcast o The frame then continues around the
 Remote computing ring until it finds the destination node,
 Distributed processing (GRID Computing) which takes the data out of the frame.
- Single ring – all the devices on
Network Topology the network shares a single
The network topology defines the way in which cable.
computers, printers, and other devices are - Dual ring – allow data to be sent
connected. A network topology describes the in both directions.
layout of the wire and devices as well as the paths
used by data transmissions.
 Bus Topology
o Commonly referred to as a linear bus, all
devices in a bus topology are connected
by a single cable.

 Mesh Topography
o The mesh topography connects all
devices (nodes) to each other for
redundancy and fault tolerance.
o It is used in WANs to interconnect LANs  E-Commerce
and for mission critical networks like  News Groups
those used by banks and financial  Internet Telephony (VoIP)
institutions.  Video Conferencing
o Implementing the mesh topology is  Chat Groups
expensive and difficult.  Instant Messengers
 Internet Radio

 Data rate measured in bits (not bytes) per
 Kbps (kilobits per seconds)
o 125 characters/sec
 Mbps (megabits per seconds)
o 1,250 characters/sec
Network Components  Gbps (Gigabits per seconds)
o 12,500 characters/sec
Networking Media – can be defined as simply as
the means by which signals (data) are sent from Connecting to the Internet
one computer to another (either by cable or Requirement:
wireless means).  A computer or PDA or cell phone
 An account with an ISP (Internet Service
 A modem (modulator/demodulator) for
dial-up services or a NIC (Network Interface
Card) for DSL/Cable services

Home Network (single machine)

Networking Devices – HUB, switches, routers,

wireless access points, modems, etc.

Computer Clients and Servers

 In a client/server network arrangement,
network services are located in a dedicated
computer whose only function is to respond
to the requests of the clients.
 The server contains the file, print
application, security, and other services in a Home Network (multiple machines)
central computer that is continuously
available to respond to client requests.

 E-mail
 Searchable Data (Web sites)
o Standard
- 802.11b – 11Mbps (2.4G)
- 802.11g – 54Mbps (2.4G)
- 802.11a – 54Mbps (5G)
o Security
- WEP (Wired Equivalen Privacy)
- WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access)
- To prevent wardriving
Home Wireless Network
 Dial-up Services
o Modem
- Modulator/demodulator
- A device that converts analog
signal to digital (modulation) and
vice versa (demodulation).
- Speed
 1200/2400/9600 bpd
 14.4./28.8/33.6 Kbps
 56 Kbps
Connection Types o ISDN
 LAN (Local Area Network) - Integrated Services Digital
o A network of computers that are in the Network
- 2 data channels (56K each)
same physical location, such as home or
- 1 voice channel
o Usually connected using Ethernet  Broadband Services
o xDSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
- A standard on how computers
communicate over a shared - A technology that provides
media (cable). digital data transmission over
o Ethernet Standard unused frequencies on
traditional telephone lines.
- 10BaseT
- For example, ADSL (Asymmetric
 10 Mbps
- 100BaseT
- Speed
 100 Mbps
 Downlink
- 1000BaseT
 128Kbps – 4Mbps
 1000 Mbps
 Uplink
 WLAN (Wireless LAN)
 64Kbps – 800Kbps
o Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity)
- Need a DSL modem
- A wireless technology that
- Splitters are needed to separate
connects computer without
the voice and data signal.
o Cable
o Access Point
- A technology that provides
- A device (base station) that
digital transmission over cable
connects wireless devices
TV infrastructure.
- Speed
o ESSID (Extended Service Set ID)
 Downlink
- A “name” for the AP
 128 Kbps –
o Hotspot
- The are covered by wireless
 Uplink
access point.
 64Kbps –  Internet
128Kbps~1Mbps o A public network of networks.
- Need a cable modem  Both are using TCP/IP
- Types: o A family of protocols that makes the
 Straight-through Internet works.
 Crossover o The Robustness Principle
o Satellite - “Be liberal in what you accept,
- A technology that provides and conservative in what you
digital data transmission over send” – Jon Postel
- Speed Packets – a small chunk of data transmitted over
 Downlink the Internet.
 500Kbps – 1Mbps VPN (Virtual Private Network)
 Uplink  A secure tunnel to a private network
 50Kbps – through a public network.
100Kbps  Once established, local node appears to be
- Need a satellite dish. a node in the private network in a secure
 WAN (Wide Area Network) manner.
o A LAN spans a large geographic area,  VPN does not mean using telephone line
such as connections between cities. connection.
o Usually connected using leased line
- T1 (1.5Mbps) (Telecom lines) Host and IP Address
- T3 (45Mbps) (Telecom lines)  Each host needs an IP address
- OC3 (155Mbps) (Fiber optic o A 32-bit number arranged in 4
lines) numbers separated by “.”
- OC12 (622Mbps) (Fiber optic o E.g.
- OC48 (2.4Gbps) (Fiber optic DNS (Domain Name System)
lines)  Domain name or IP address lookup
Hub / Switch / Router
 To connect multiple segments of networks Top-level Domains
into a larger one.  gTLDs (generic TLDs)
 Hub o .com, .edu, .net, .org, .gov, .mil
o A multiport repeater to enhance o .aero, .biz, .coop, .info, .museum
signal within the same LAN.  ccTLDs (country code TLDs)
 Switch o .au, .ca, .br, .ph, .us, .de, .fi, .fr
o Like hub but with intelligent
o Better performance Second-level Domains
 Router  Domains that are directly below a TLD
o Forward packets from one LAN to  Must apply to a registrar for the
another. appropriate TLD
Intranet vs. Internet
 Intranet Domain Names and Registrars
o A private network that is contained  Profitable domain names
within an enterprise. o - $2.75M
o Could be LANs and WANs o - $3M
o - $7.5M
 Network Solutions, Inc used to monopolize
the name registration.

 AUP (Acceptable Use Policies)
o A legal document, written to protect
the ISP from unlawful use of its
service, and outlines prohibited uses
of the service and possible
consequences of misuse.
 Privacy Policies
o A document describes an ISP’s policy
for protecting users’ information.

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