PCR115 Introduction To Conflict Resolution Processes 1

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PCR 115

Course Developer Dr. Osita Agbu

Nigerian Institute of International Affairs,

Course Writer Dr.Oche Ogaba

Nigerian Institute of International Affairs,

Course Editor Dr. E. Remi Aiyede, Ph.D

University of Ibadan

Head of Department Iroye Samuel Opeyemi PhD

Department of Peace Studies,
National Open University of Nigeria,

Course Reviewer Mrs. Babatunde Abosede Rashidat

University of Iloin,
Ilorin, Kwara State


National Open University of Nigeria Headquarters

91 Cadastral Zone, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway,
Jabi, Abuja

Lagos Liaison Office

National Open University of Nigeria
14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way
Victoria Island

e-mail: centralinfo@nou.edu.ng
URL: www.nou.edu.ng

National Open University of Nigeria 2006

First Printed 2006

ISBN: 978-058-805-1

All Rights Reserved

Published by National
Open University of

Reviewed: January, 2022



Introduction ……………………………………………….. 1
What you will learn in this course ………………………… 1
Course Aims ………………………………………………. 1
Course Objectives …………………………………………. 1-2
Working Through This Course ……………………………. 2
Course Materials …………………………………………… 2
Study Units …………………………………………………. 3-4
Textbooks and References ………………………………….. 4
Assignment File …………………………………………….. 4
Assessment ………………………………………………….. 4
Tutor Marked Assignments(TMA) …………………………. 4-5
Final Examination and Grading ……………………………. 5
Course Marking Scheme ……………………………………. 5
Presentation Schedule ………………………………………. 6
Fundamentals of this course ………………………. 7-8
Tutors and Tutorials ………………………………………… 8-9


PCR 115: Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes 1 is a one

Semester course. It is one of the courses available for you to take as part
of the core module of the Peace and Conflict Resolution Programme. This
course is suitable for any foundation student seeking to understand
conflict and conflict resolution issues in the field of P e a c e a n d
C o n f l i c t S t u d i e s , Political Science and International relations. This
course consists of 20 Units, encompassing the following key areas,
namely, definition of conflict, concepts related to conflict resolution and
conflict transformation, conflict handling styles, strategies of conflict
resolution such as Negotiation and Mediation which are also aspects of
Alternative Dispute Resolution. There are no compulsory prerequisites
for this course. The course guide pro vi d es t he ou tl in e o f t he
cou rs e, a nd t he st ep an d st ep ex pl an at ion o n h ow t o u se a nd
und er st an d e ac h o f t he un it in th e c o urs e m at er ia ls . T h e r e
a r e tutor–marked assignments that accompanied each unit. There are
also periodic tutorial classes f o r t h i s course.

What you will learn in this course

PCR 115 Introduction to Conflict Resolution Processes 1 is to

introduce you to the concepts and s t r a te g ies o f conflict resolution as
a fundamental a s p e c t o f g u a r a n t e e i n g s o c i e t a l p e a c e a n d
h a r m o n y . Some of these concepts as earlier mentioned include:
conflict, conflict resolution, conflict
transformation, Alternative Dispute
R e s o l u t i o n , n e g o t i a t i o n , a n d mediation, These
are c o n c e p t s t h a t a r e g e r m a n e t o y o u r
everyday practices that you should be knowledgeable of.
Your understanding of this course will serve as a foundation for
gaining deeper understanding of other related issues in the study of
politics and International Relations.

Course Competencies

The competencies of this course is to introduce you to the intricacies

of conflict resolution, given that conflict is an inherent aspect of human
interaction and we must develop our skills of constructive approaches
to managing and resolving conflict to foster a peaceful society. This
will deepen our understanding of the importance of developing skills
to constructively resolve conflict for the attainment of peace at all
levels. Peace is an essential prerequisite for the attainment of
meaningful development.
Course Objectives

This course has several objectives. In addition, each unit has specific
objectives. The unit objectives a r e s t a t e d a t t h e beginning of
each unit. You are expected to understand these objectives in
the course of studying and comp letin g each of the unit to be
able to assess your progress.

This will help you to ascertain that you have covered what is
required of you in that unit.

On successful completion of the course, you should be able to:

1. D e f i n e a n d explain the concept of conflict;

2. Understand the concept of conflict resolution and conflict transformation;
3. Explain the various conflict handling styles
4. Be familiar with the major strategies of conflict resolution;
5. Understand the importance of communication in conflict resolution;
6. Differentiate between the formal and alternative dispute resolution
7. Outline the advantages and disadvantages of Alternate Dispute
8. Distinguish between n e g o t i a t i o n ,
m e d i a t i o n a n d o t h e r f o r m s o f
A l t e r n a t i v e D i s p u t e R e s o l u t i o n ;
9. Discuss the interlinkage between Bargaining and Negotiation;
10. U n d e r s t a n d t h e t y p e s o f N e g o t i a t i o n
11. Discuss the skills of a mediator and types of mediation;.

Working Through This Course

To complete this course you are required to read the study units, and
the recommended r e f e r e n c e books. Each study unit contains a self-
assessment exercise, and at some points in the course, you are required
to submit assignments for assessment purposes. At the end of this course
is a final examination. Stated below are the components of the course
and what you are expected to do.

Course Materials

Course Guide
Study Units
Textbooks and other Reference Sources
Assignment File

In addition, you must obtain the text materials. They are provided by the
NOUN. You may also be able to purchase the materials from the
bookshops. Please, contact your tutor if you have problems in obtaining
the text materials.


Unit Structure

There are twenty units structure in this course, as follows:

Module 1

Unit 1: Understanding Conflict and Process

ofConflict Resolution
Unit 2: Conflict Handling Styles
Unit 3: Strategies of Conflict Resolution
Unit 4: Communication in Conflict

Module 2

Unit 1: What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Unit 2: Negotiation
Unit 3: Types of Negotiation
Unit 4: Strategies of Negotiation

Module 3

Unit 1: What is Mediation?

Unit 2: Skills of Mediation
Unit 3: Types and Strategy
of Mediation
Unit 4: Conditions for Successful Mediation

Module 4

Unit 1: Understanding Peace

Unit 2: Peace Support Operation
Unit 3: Basic Standards in International Law and Humanitarian
Unit 4: Early Warning and Preventive Measures and Deployment

Module 5

Unit 1: Peace Building

Unit 2: Multi-track Diplomacy in Peacebuilding
Unit 3: Gender-inclusive Peacebuilding
Unit 4: International Humanitarian Law on the Protection
of Civilians and Vulnerable Group

Each unit contains a number of self Assessment exercise. In general,

these self Assessment exercise enables you to determine your
understanding of the materials you have just s t u d i e d or e n a b l e you
to apply it in y o u r e v e r y d a y p r a c t i c e and, thereby, assist you
gauge your progress as well as reinforcing your understanding of the
material. Together with


tutor-marked assignments, these exercises will assist you in achieving

the stated learning objectives of the individual units and of the entire

References and Further Readings

Below are some books you can consult. You can also refer to other
books related to the course.

John Paul Lederach, 1996, Preparing for Peace: Conflict

Transformation Across. Cultures, Syracuse, NY: Syracuse
University Press,

John W. Burton, 1990, Conflict: Resolution and Prevention, New York,

NY: St. Martins Press Inc.
Schmid, A.P. (2000). Thesaurus and Glossary of Early Warning and
Conflict Prevention terms. Synthesis Foundation, Eramus
Conflict Management Training Manual (2001). Conflict Resolution
Stakeholders’ Network (CRESNET) with support of
Diamond, L. and John W. McDonald, J.W. (1996). Multi-Track
Diplomacy: A Systems Approach to Peace. Kumarian Press, April

Presentation Schedule

Unit Title of Work Week Assessment

Activity (End of Unit)
Course Understanding Conflict and Process of 1 Assignment 1
Guide Conflict Resolution
Unit 1
Unit 2 Conflict Handling Styles 1 Assignment 2
Unit 3 Strategies of Conflict Resolution 1 Assignment 3
Unit 4 Communication in Conflict Resolution 1 Assignment 4
Unit 5 What is Alternative Dispute Resolution 1 Assignment 5
Unit 6 Negotiation 1 Assignment 6
Unit 7 Types of Negotiation 1 Assignment 7
Unit 8 Strategies of Negotiation 1 Assignment 8
Unit 9 What is Mediation 1 Assignment 9
Unit 10 Skills of Mediation 1 Assignment 10
Unit 11 Types and Strategy of Mediation 1 Assignment 11
Unit 12 Condition for Successful Mediation 1 Assignment 12
Unit 13 Understanding Peace 1 Assignment 13
Unit 14 Peace Support Operation 1 Assignment 14
Unit 15 Basic Standard in International Law and 1 Assignment 15
Humanitarian Principles
Unit 16 Early Warning and Preventive 1 Assignment 16
Measures and Deployment
Unit 17 Peacebuilding 1 Assignment 17
Unit 18 Multi-track Diplomacy in 1 Assignment 18
Unit 19 Gender-inclusive Peacebuilding 1 Assignment 19
Unit 20 International Humanitarian Law on the 1 Assignment 20
Protection of Civilians and Vulnerable
Revision 1
Examination 1
Total 22


There are two aspects to the assessment of this course. In this file, you
will find all the details of the work you must submit to your tutor for
marking. The marks you obtain for these assignments will count towards
the final mark you obtain for this course. Further information on
assignment will be found in the Assignment File itself, and later in this
Course Guide in the section on assessment.

There are many assignments for this course, with each unit having at
least one assignment. These assignments are basically meant to assist
you to understand the course.


An assessment file and a marking scheme will be made available to you.

In the assessment file, you will find details of the works you must
submit to your tutor for marking. There are two aspects of the
assessment of this course; the tutor marked and the written examination.
The marks you obtain in these two areas will make up your final marks.
The assignment must be submitted to your tutor for formal assessment
in accordance with the deadline stated in the presentation schedule and
the Assignment file. The work you submit to your tutor for assessment
will make up 30% of your total score

Tutor Marked Assignments (TMAS)

There are 20 tutor-marked assignments in this course. You do not need

to submit all the assignments. The best three of what you have submitted
will be recorded. Each assignment c a r r i e s 20 marks but on the


average when the assignments are put together, the assignments will
count 30 % towards your total course mark. The Assignments for the
units in this course are contained in the Assignment File. You will be
able to complete your assignments from the information and materials
contained in your reference books, reading and study units. However, it
is always desirable at this level of your education to research more
widely, and demonstrate that you have a very broad and in-depth
knowledge of the subject matter.

When each assignment is completed, send it together with a TMA

(tutor-marked assignment) form to your tutor. Ensure that each
assignment reaches your tutor on or before the deadline given in the
Assignment File. If, for any reason you cannot complete your work on
time, contact your tutor before the assignment is due to discuss the
possibility of an extension. Extensions will not be granted after the due
date unless there are exceptional circumstances warranting such.

Final Examination and Grading

The final examination for PCR 105: Introduction to Conflict Resolution

Processes I will be of three hours’ duration and have a value of 70% of
the total course grade. The examination will consist of questions which
reflect the practice exercises and tutor-marked assignments you have
previously encountered. All areas of the course will be assessed. Use the
time between the completion of the last unit and sitting for the
examination, to revise the entire course. You may find it useful to
review your tutor-marked assignments and comment on them before the
examination. The final examination covers information from all aspects
of the course.

Course Marking Scheme

The following table lays out how the actual course mark allocation is
broken down.

Table 1: Course marking Scheme

Assessment Marks
Assignments 1-4 (the best four of Four submitted, best three
all the assignments submitted) assignments, marked out of 10%
totaling 30%
Final Examination 70% of overall course score
Total 100% of course score


How to get the most from this Course

You will be required to study the units on your own. But arrangements
have been made for you to meet with your tutor for tutorials on regular
basis in the study
centre. Also, you can organize interactive sessions with your course

In distance learning, the study units replace the university lecturer. This
is one of the great advantages of distance learning; you can read and
work through specially designed study materials at your own pace, and
at a time and place that suits you best. Think of it as reading the lecture
instead of listening to the lecturer. In the same way a lecturer might give
you some reading to do, the study units tell you when to read, and which
are your text materials or set books. You are provided exercises to do at
appropriate points, just as a lecturer might give you an in-class exercise.
Each of the study units follows a common format. The first item is an
introduction to the subject matter of the unit, and how a particular unit is
integrated with the other units and the course as a whole. Next to this is
a set of learning objectives. These objectives let you know what you
should be able to do by the time you have completed the unit. These
learning objectives are meant to guide your study. The moment a unit is
finished, you must go back and check whether you have achieved the
objectives. If this is made a habit, then you will significantly improve
your chances of passing the course.

The main body of the unit guides you through the required reading from
other sources. This will usually be either from your textbooks books or
from a Reading section. The following is a practical strategy for
working through the course. If you run into any trouble, telephone your
tutor or visit the study center. Remember that your tutor’s job is to help
you. When you need assistance, do not hesitate to call and ask your tutor
to provide it.

1. Read this Course Guide thoroughly, it is your first assignment.

2. Organise a Study Schedule. Design a ‘Course Overview’ to guide
you through the Course. Note the time you are expected to spend on
each unit and how the assignments relate to the units. Important
information, e.g. details of your tutorials, and the date of the first day
of the Semester is available from the study centre. You need to

gather all the information into one place, such as your diary or a wall
calendar. Whatever method you choose to use, you should decide on
and write in your own dates and schedule of work for each unit.
3. Once you have created your own study schedule, do everything to
stay faithful to it. The major reason that students fail is that they get
behind with their course work. If you get into difficulties with your
schedule, please, let your tutor know before it is too late for help.
4. Turn to Unit 1, and read the introduction and the objectives for the
5. Assemble the study materials. You will need your set books and the
unit you are studying at any point in time.
6. Work through the unit. As you work through the unit, you will know
what sources to consult for further information.
7. Well before the relevant due dates (about 4 weeks before due dates),
check the Assignment File for your next required assignment. Keep
in mind that you will learn a lot by doing the assignment carefully.
They have been designed to help you meet the objectives of the
course and, therefore, will help you pass the examination. Submit all
assignments not later than the due date.
8. Review the objectives for each study unit to confirm that you have
achieved them. If you feel unsure about any of the objectives, review
the study materials or consult your tutor.
9. When you are confident that you have achieved a unit’s objectives,
you can start on the next unit. Proceed unit by unit through the
course and try to pace your study so that you keep yourself on
10. When you have submitted an assignment to your tutor for marking,
do not wait for its return before starting on the next unit. Keep to
your schedule. When the Assignment is returned, pay particular
attention to your tutor’s comments, both on the tutor-marked
assignment form and also the written comments on the ordinary
11. After completing the last unit, review the course and prepare yourself
for the final examination. Check that you have achieved the unit
objectives (listed at the beginning of each unit) and the course
objectives (listed in the Course Guide).

Online Facilitation

There are 8 weeks online facilitation p r o v i d e d in support of

this course Information relating to the facilitation will be provided at
the appropriate time.

Your online facilitation will b e t h r o u g h m y l e a r n i n g

s p a c e . n o u e d u 2 . n t comment on your facilitation, keep a close
watch on progress and on any difficulties, you might encounter and
provide assistance to you during the course. You must participate on

Do not hesitate to contact your facilitator if you need help. Contact your
facilitator if: you do not understand any part of the study units or the
assigned readings; you have difficulty with the exercises; you have a
question or problem with and assignment, with your facilitator’s
c o m m en t s on an assignment or with the grading of an
assignment. You should try your best to attend the facilitation. This is
the only chance to have face-to-face contact with your facilitator and
ask questions which are answered instantly. You can raise any problem
encountered in the course of your study. To gain the maximum benefit
from course facilitation, prepare a question list before attending them.
You will learn a lot from participating in discussion actively.

We wish you success with the course and hope that you will find it both
interesting and useful.


Course Code PCR 115

Course Title Introduction to Conflict Resolution I

Course Developer Dr. Osita Agbu

Nigerian Institute of International Affairs

Course Writer Dr. Ogaba Oche

Nigerian Institute of International Affairs

Course Editor Dr. E. Remi Aiyede

University of Ibadan

Head of Department Iroye Samuel Opeyemi PhD

National Open University of Nigeria

Course Reviewer Babatunde Abosede Rashidat PhD

University of Ilorin
Kwara State


National Open University of Nigeria Headquarters

91 Cadastral Zone, Nnamdi Azikiwe Expressway,
Jabi, Abuja

Lagos Liaison Office

National Open University of Nigeria
14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way
Victoria Island

e-mail: centralinfo@nou.edu.ng
URL: www.nou.edu.ng

National Open University of Nigeria 2006

First Printed 2006

ISBN: 978-058-805-1

All Rights Reserved

Published by National
Open University of

Reviewed: January, 2022



Module 1

Unit 1: Understanding Conflict and Process of Conflict Resolution… 1-3

Unit 2: Conflict Handling Styles ………………….. 4-6
Unit 3: Strategies of Conflict Resolution …………………………… 7-9
Unit 4: Communication in Conflict Resolution ………….. 10-13

Module 2

Unit 1: What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?...................................................

Unit 2: Negotiation ……………………………..… 18-20
Unit 3: Types of Negotiation……………………………. 21-23
Unit 4: Strategies of Negotiation ……………… 24-27

Module 3

Unit 1: What is Mediation?................................................. 28-31

Unit 2: Skills of Mediation……. ……………………... 32-35
Unit 3: Types and Strategies of Mediation …………………...……… 36-39
Unit 4: Condition for Successful Mediation ……………………… 40-42

Module 4
Unit 1: Understanding Peace ……………… 43-46
Unit 2: Peace Support Operation ……………………………… 47-53
Unit 3: Basic Standards in Humanitarian Lawand Humanitarian Principles
…………...... 54-60
Unit 4: Early Warning and Preventive Measures and Deployment …………… 61-64
Module 5

Unit 1: P e a c e b u i l d i n g …………65-72
Unit 2: Multitrack Diplomacy in Peacebuilding ……… 73-77
Unit 3: Gender-Inclusive Peacebuilding ………………… 78-86
Unit 4: International Humanitarian Law on the Protection of Civilians and
Vulnerable Group………………………………… 87-91



Unit 1: Understanding Conflict and Process of Conflict Resolution

Unit 2: Conflict Handling Styles
Unit 3: Strategies of Conflict Resolution
Unit 4: Communication in Conflict Resolution



Unit Structure

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Learning
1.3 Process of Conflict Resolution
1.4 Summary
Self Assignment Exercise
1.5 References/Further
1.6 Possible Answer to Self-
Assessment Exercises


Conflict is an inevitable and integral aspect of human interaction. It is a

universal phenomenon that permeates every stratum of the human society.
It is inherent in human experience. Human
beings have difference background, ideals
and worldviews. This leads to difference in
perception, which is the way that we view,
understand and interprete situations
around us. Perception depends on our
v a l u e s , e x p e r i e n c e a n d a s p i r a t i o n s . Conflict
arises as a result of difference in perception which can
result into disagreement. Conflict, simply defined is a
disagreement between two or more parties over
incompatible goals (Dillier, 1997). Conflict is a goal-
directed activity that can improve the position of one
party at the expense of the other ( Boulding, 1977: 26).
The parties to a conflict perceive that their interests are
incompatible, and express hostile attitudes to one
anothers, or they pursue t heir interests through actions
that damage the other parties (Lund, 1997)

It is important to understand that c onflict is not

necessarily bad or dysfunctional. It should be
understood in both its positive and negative
connotations. Conflict can be a channe l or mechanism
for the articulation human goals, aspirations and desire
for social change ( Ross, 2001). In its positive
connotation, conflict is productive, creative, and
constructive. This implies that conflict can lead to
mutually satisfactorily outcomes and settlement for the
conflict parties when it is constructively discussed and
resolved (Albert, 2001). On the other hand, conflict can b e
negative and destructive when it degenerates into
violence. A destructive conflict can manifest as a
struggle over values or claim to status, power, and
scarce resources, in which the conflict partie s aim is
not only to obtain the desired values, but to neutralize,
injure or eliminate their opponents (Coser, 1956). A
destructive conflict is always characterized by violence
leading to injury, loss of lives, and damage to
p r o p e r t i e s . It is important to devise constructive ways to handle and
resolve conflict in a way that will be mutually satisfactory to the conflicting
parties. The manifestation of destructive conflict in the society has far-
reaching consequences that can undermine society development. Nigeria
has been battling with many destructive conflicts among individuals and
groups over competition for resources, and ethno-religious cleavages.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Define conflict and understand the process of conflict resolution;

ii. Explain the styles of handling conflict;
iii. Understand the strategies of Conflict Resolution; and
iv. Explain the relevance of communication in conflict resolution.

1.3 Process of Conflict Resolution

To manage and resolve conflict, it is important to identify, understand and

address the underlying causes and sources of conflict. The sources or
causes of conflict are broadly categorized into four, namely competition
for inadequate or perceived to be inadequate resources; contradictory
value system; psychological needs of individuals and groups;
manipulation of information (Lund, 1997; Albert, 2001). The struggle to
access resources which are perceived to be scarce, because of the manner
of distribution and appropriation can lead to conflict. The difference in
belief, ideology, worldview, ethnic and religious identities can lead to
disagreement, misconception and conflict. The threat to individual and
groups basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, and the needs for
belonging, security, and self-actualization can cause disagreement and
conflict. The dissemination of information can be a source of conflict
when it is wrongly interpreted or there is spread of misinformation that
lead to misconception and disagreement. When conflict escalate to
violence, it becomes more complex and difficult to resolve because of its
destructive consequences.

There are some interrelated concepts that are critical to the understanding
of the process of conflict resolution. It is better to prevent the outbreak of
destructive conflict in the society. This is because of the destructive
consequences of violent conflict on people and the society. Also, after the
resolution of a conflict, it is important to put in place measures to prevent
a relapse or re-escalation of the conflict. The concept of conflict
prevention refers to measures which contribute to the prevention of
undesirable conflict behavior once some situation involving goals
incompatibility have arisen (Lund, 1997). It also relates to efforts to
intervene in a conflict before threat to use force or coercion are made by
the conflict parties. In the event of an outbreak of conflict and its escalation
to violence, efforts must be geared towards its resolution. It may be in the
form of conflict containment, which refers to measures adopted to
suppress a conflict, by the military as a way to manage rather than resolve
a conflict. Conflict mitigation is a measure put in place to address the
causes of conflict and change the ways that conflict parties act and
perceive the issues at stake. Conflict settlement aims to end violent
behavior in conflict parties through efforts to achieve a peace agreement
(Evans and Newsman, 1992). Conflict management is a process of
reducing the destructive capacity of conflict through a number of measures
and by working with and through the conflict parties (Lund, 1997).
Conflict resolution refers to measures to address the underlying causes of
conflict in a way that led to mutually satisfactory outcomes that lead to a
new positive relationship between the conflict parties (Galtung, 1996).
Conflict resolution connotes that the all the causes of conflict have been
satisfactorily resolved. It can only be achievable when all parties to a
conflict perceive that the measures to address the conflict address their
needs. The process of conflict resolution may initially entail effort to
contain, manage, mitigate or settle the conflict as a short term measures
towards resolving the conflict. Conflict transformation goes beyond
conflict resolution to build longer lasting relationship through a process of
change in perception and attitude of the conflict parties. To transform
conflict will require the transformation of five critical components of
conflict transformation; actor, issue, rule, structural and goal
transformation. Actor transformation has to do with the internal changes
in conflict parties to be able to develop constructive skills of handling
conflict. Issue transformation refers to a change in conflict issues in ways
that allow for creative solution. Rule transformation is about the
redefinition of the norms guiding relations between the conflict parties.
Structural transformation has to do with the changes in the structures of
the social relations between conflict parties and the society as a measure
to sustain peaceful relations. Goal transformation relates to the
understanding of the goals of the conflict parties which can pave way for
mutual cooperation towards achieving the goals (Vayrynen, 1991)).
Achieving complete resolution of a conflict can require making
significant socioeconomic or political changes that restructure society
in a more just or inclusive way. Changing societal structures, such
as the distribution of wealth in society, is a difficult thing to do and
can take decades to accomplish. Thus, fully resolving conflict can be
a long, laborious process. I n t h e s h o r t r u n , c o n f l i c t
containment, mitigation or management may
only be achievable.

Identify and address the underlying causes and sources of conflict?

The sources or causes of conflict are broadly categorized into four, namely competition for
inadequate or perceived to be inadequate resources; contradictory value system;
psychological needs of individuals and groups; manipulation of information

Class Activity

1. What a r e t h e s o u r c e s o f c o n f l i c t a n d w h y i s
it difficult to resolve conflict over
contradictory values?

2. What are the interrelated concepts that are critical to the process of conflict

Self-Assessment Exercise

i) Define Conflict and discuss the s o u r c e s o f

ii) What a r e t h e r e l a t e d c o n c e p t s t h a t a r e
critical to understanding of the
process of conflict resolution?

Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises

Conflict, simply defined is a disagreement between two
or more parties over incompatible goals.

Causes of conflict are broadly categorized into four namely competition

for inadequate or perceived to be inadequate resources;
contradictory value system; psychological needs of individuals
and groups; manipulation of information

In this unit, we have dealt with the meanings of Conflict,
sources of conflict and the concepts
relevant to the understanding of the process
of conflict resolution.


Albert, I.O. (2001). Introduction to Third-Party Intervention in

Community Conflicts. John Archers Publishers.
Boulding, K.E. (1977). The Power of Non-Conflict. Journal of Social
Issues. Vol. 33. No. 1.

Coser, L. (1956). The functions of Social Conflict. New York Free

Dillier, J.M. (1997). Handbook on Human Rights in Situations of
Conflict. Minneapolis, Minnesota Advocates for Human Rights.
Evans, G., and Newnham, J. (1992). The Dictionary of World Politics.
A Reference Guide to Concepts, Ideas and Institutions. London:
Harvester Wheatsheaf.
Galtung, J. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means. Peace and Conflict,
Development and Civilization. London, Sage.
Burton, J.W. (1990) Conflict: Resolution and Prevention, New York,
NY: St. Martins Press Inc.
Lund, M.S. (1997). Preventing and Mitigating Violent Conflicts: A
Revised Guide for Practitioners (Washington, D.C. Creative
Associates International.
Deutsch, M. 1973). The Resolution of Conflict: Constructive and
Destructive Processes, New Haven, CT, Yale University Press.
Ross, M.H. (2001). ‘Evaluation in Conflict Resolution, Training and
Practice. In. Robert M. Schopenahaus (Ed.). Conflict
Management Training: Advancing Best Practices. Washington
DC: US Institute of Peace.
Vayrynen, R. (1991). To Settle or to Transform? Perspectives on the
Resolution of National and International Conflicts. In New
Directions in Conflict Theory. London. Sage.



Unit Structure

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Learning

2.3Types of Conflict Handling Styles

2.4 Summary
Self Assessment Exercise
2.5 References/Further Readings
2.6 Possible Answer to Self-Assessment


In this unit, we will discuss t y p e s o f c o n f l i c t h a n d l i n g s t y l e s .

People respond to conflict in diverse ways. The various
ways of responding to conflict is term the conflict
handling styles. The styles of handling conflict can be
constructive or destructive. The constructive approach to
handling or responding to conflict can engender positive
outcomes that can lead to the realization of human
aspirations and development. On the other hand, a
destructive approach to handling conflict is usually
characterized by violence which can lead to loss of lives
and damage to properties. It also undermines societal
development. The consequences of destructive approach
to conflict is profound and requires long term efforts to
tackle the consequences on the affected people and the
infrastructure. The destructive approach to conflict also
makes conflict resolution difficult because of the
emotional despair that accompanied the negative
consequences of violence. The conflict resolution
process must address both the causes and consequences
of the conflict. This will requi re finding creative
solution to the conflict using all forms of conflict
resolution mechanism.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

i. Explain the constructive and creative approaches to

handling conflict; ii. Discuss the various conflict
handling styles;
iii. Understand the best style of handling conflict
2.3 Types of Conflict Handling Styles

There are five main conflict handling styles. People can respond to conflict
in diverse ways which may be constructive or destructive. The five basic
ways that people handle conflict are; avoidance or denial; confrontation;
collaboration; compromise; and joint problem solving (Albert, 2001;
Conflict Resolution Training Manual, 2001). Avoidance or denial style of
handling conflict as the name implies suggest that the conflict parties are
pretending that a conflict exist or not responding to the conflict. It implies
the denial of the existence of disagreement or conflict. This style of handling
conflict tends to sweep the issues at stake under the carpet and allows the
conflict to build up and result in frustration in the conflict parties. Overtime
the conflict will eventually manifest in confrontation. Avoidance or denial
of a conflict situation cannot address the issues in the conflict and can
worsen the conflict issues in the long run. Confrontation as a style of
handling conflict entails dealing with the conflict situation by confronting
the other party in the conflict. The confrontation can result in violence.
Collaboration style of handling conflict involves working with the other
party to deal with the issues at stake. It involves cooperation between the
conflict parties to address the issues that caused the conflict. The extent of
cooperation or collaboration between the conflict parties tend to differs. One
party may be cooperating more than the other. The difference in the level of
cooperation will affect the effort to resolve the conflict. The party that is
cooperating will make more concession than the less cooperative parties.
This will result in a resolution that will not be mutually satisfactory to both
parties. Compromise is a conflict handling style which involves give and
take by the parties to the conflict. The conflict parties make concessions in
the course of finding solution to the conflict. The extent of compromise will
determine the outcome of the conflict. When both parties make equal
concessions, it will lead to mutually satisfactory solution to the conflict.
Joint problem solving involve a high level of collaboration and compromise
between the parties. It is an effort to find solution to the conflict in a way
that is mutually satisfactory to the conflict parties. The conflict parties are
both willing to jointly find solution to their disagreement or they are assisted
by a third party who work with both parties to find lasting solution that will
lead to a solution that is mutually acceptable. This style is considered the
best approach to handling conflict. Avoidance or denial and confrontation
are destructive ways of responding to conflict. The destructive approaches
to conflict can lead to a win lose outcome. Cooperation, compromise and
joint problem solving are constructive ways of handling conflict. These
constructive approaches to conflict can engender a win-win outcome when
conflict parties jointly cooperate and compromise to find solution to the
issues at stake that is acceptable to them.

Disputants that work cooperatively to negotiate a solution are more

likely to develop a relationship of trust and come up with mutually
beneficial options for settlement.

What are the five main styles of handling conflict?

The five basic ways that people handle conflict are; avoidance or denial; confrontation;
collaboration; compromise; and joint problem solving.

Class Activities

I. What do you understand by constructive and destructive approaches

to handling conflict?

Self Assessment Exercise

i. Explain t h e v a r i o u s o u t c o m e s o f
u s i n g e a c h o f t h e c o n f l i c t
h a n d l i n g s t y l e s
ii. Which of the conflict handling styles is considered the best way
of dealing with conflict?

Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises

The five basic ways that people handle conflict are; avoidance or denial;
confrontation; collaboration; compromise; and joint problem solving

Collaboration is considered as the way best conflict style of handling

involves working with the other party to deal with the issues at stake. It
involves cooperation between the conflict parties to address the issues that
caused the conflict


In this unit, we have examined t h e m a i n s t y l e s o f h a n d l i n g

conflicts and the various outcomes of using these
approaches. The constructive approaches that lead
to win-win solution is the best way to deal with
conflict situation.


Albert, I.O. (2001). Introduction to Third-Party Intervention in

Community Conflicts. John Archers Publishers.

Conflict Management Training Manual (2001). Conflict Resolution

Stakeholders’ Network (CRESNET) with support of
Jeong, Ho-Won (ed.). (1999). Conflict Resolution: Dynamics, Process
and Structures, Brookfield,VT, Ashgate Pub. Co. Ltd.

Burton, J . W . ( 1990) Conflict Resolution and Prevention, New York,

NY, St Martins Press Inc.



Unit Structure

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Learning Outcomes
3.3 Approaches to Conflict Resolution
3.4 Summary
Self Assessment
3.5 References/Further
3.6Possible Answer to Self-
Assessment Exercises


This unit focuses on the v a r i o u s s t r a t e g i e s o f

c o n f l i c t R e s o l u t i o n . The approaches to
resolve conflict requires the understanding
of the issues in contention between the
parties and creating avenue for dialogue
towards addressing the issues at stake. To
analyses the conflict issues, it is important
to first identify the various parties
involved in the conflict, the issues at
stakes, the needs and goals of conflict
parties. The understanding of these issues
is critical to effort to adopt the best
approach to addressing the conflict and
the best approach to resolving the conflict.
This approach to conflict resolution is
considered the best when it leads to
mutually satisfactory outcomes or win-win

3.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

i. Understand the relevance of conflict analysis to the conflict resolution
process ;
ii. Explain the various strategies of conflict resolution.

3.3 Approaches to Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution has to do with peaceful means of
terminating conflict through the constructive solving of
problem (Galtung, 1996). The resolution of conflict
requires that deep-rooted sources of conflict are addressed
and resolved. To find lasting solution to conflict, it is
essential to understand the issues and parties involved in the
conflict. Conflict analysis helps to understand the issues at
the root of a conflict. It is a detailed study and
understanding of the conflict actors, causes and context of
a conflict (International Alert, 1996). It will be difficult to
resolve a conflict, without the understanding of the conflict.
Conflict analysis entails an x-ray of the conflict context,
issues and actors. The conflict context is the background or
history of the conflict, from the distant past, to the current
events. It helps to understand the environment or
circumstances that triggers the conflict. The issues in the
conflict or causes must be understood. The analysis of the
issues must capture the interest, goals and needs of the
parties. To resolve the conflict, it is important to identify
and address the needs of the conflict parties. Interest is the
underlying motivations of the parties, their concerns and
fears. Need is what the conflict parties must have. The
conflict can only be satisfactorily resolved at the point in
which the conflict parties needs are met. The stakeholders
or parties to the conflict must be identified. The three main
parties to a conflict include the primary or main actors
directly involved in the conflict; the secondary actors who
are directly or indirectly implicated in the conflict and the
shadow actors who are not directly identified or seen but
play major roles in the conflict. The comprehensive
analysis of the conflict provides a lens to view the conflict
situation and understand the best approach to resolving the

The strategies of conflict resolution can be formal or

informal. The formal conflict resolution strategy involves the
government judicial process within the ambit of the legal
system. It entails the use of the law court to settle dispute
between conflict parties. The formal approach can be
adversarial because it tends to lead to a win-lose solution in
which one party wins and the other party loses the case. This
kind of win-lose outcome tends to breed enmity in which the
party that lost out will seek all available means to seek
redress. The formal legal system is also considered to be
slow, time-consuming and expensive in comparison to the
informal system of conflict resolution.

The informal conflict resolution strategies encompass the

Alternative dispute resolution process which provides
alternative to the legal system of conflict resolution in the
court of law. It has to do with strategies of conflict resolution
such as negotiation, mediation, conciliation, facilitation and
arbitration (Burgess and Burgess, 1997). These strategies are
considered as non-adversarial because of the potential to lead
to win-win solution. These various conflict resolution
strategies are regarded as alternative to the litigation process
of the law court. The Alternative resolution process will be
discussed in details in subsequent modules. It is important to
explain that not all these conflict resolution strategies leave
to win-win outcomes. The ways that these conflict resolution
strategies are applied by the conflict parties and interveners
will determine the outcome. When parties maximally
cooperative, collaborate and compromise to jointly identify
their interest and needs and seek mutually satisfactory
outcome, this will result in win-win solution. In the case of
negotiation, the conflict parties directly dialogue with one
another to find solution to their conflict. All the other conflict
resolution strategies require the intervention of a third party
who helps the conflict parties to seek solution to their
conflict. The willingness of the parties to jointly resolve their
conflict through a give and take approach and the skills and
expertise of the interveners can help in the resolution process.
The intervener must also fully understand the issues at stake
and parties to the conflict. The intervener must be able to
analyses the conflict issues to be able to help the parties to
proffer lasting solution to the conflict. The conflict parties
and interveners must be able to communicate effectively to
foster understanding of the problem that underlie the conflict,
and seek solution that will address the needs of the conflict
The best strategies of conflict resolution is the one that is
mutually satisfactory to the conflict parties. The parties to the
conflict must consider the advantage and disadvantages of
adopting any particular strategy and choose the specific
approach that they consider the most suitable for finding
lasting solution to the conflict.

Explain formal and informal Conflict Resolution Strategies?

The formal conflict resolution strategy involves the government judicial process within the
ambit of the legal system. It entails the use of the law court to settle dispute between conflict
parties. While the informal conflict resolution strategies encompass the Alternative dispute
resolution process which provides alternative to the legal system of conflict resolution in the
court of law
Class Activity

Define and explain what you understand by conflict analysis.

Self Assessment Exercise

i. Explain why conflict analysis is important to the process of
conflict resolution.
ii. Discuss the formal and informal conflict resolution strategies.

Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises

i.Conflict analysis helps to understand the issues at the root of a conflict. It is a detailed
study and understanding of the conflict actors, causes and context of a conflict
ii.a. The formal conflict resolution strategy involves the government judicial process within
the ambit of the legal system. It entails the use of the law court to settle dispute between
conflict parties
b. The informal conflict resolution strategies encompass the Alternative dispute resolution
process which provides alternative to the legal system of conflict resolution in the court of


We have examined the r e l e v a n c e o f c o n f l i c t

analysis to efforts to resolve a conflict.
We have also discussed the formal and
informal strategies of conflict resolution
and the prospects of these strategies in
finding lasting solution to conflict. The
conflict resolution strategies that can
lead to win-win outcome for conflict
parties offers the best option for conflict
parties to resolve their conflict issues.


Burgess, H. and Burgess, G.H. (1997). Encyclopedia of Conflict

Resolution. Santa Barbara. ABC-CLIO.

Burton, J.W. and Dukes, E. F (1990). Conflict: Practices in

Management, Settlement and Resolution, New York, St. Martins

Galtung, J. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means. Peace and Conflict,

Development and Civilization. London, Sage.

International Alert (1996). Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation.

London. I.A.
Roger Fisher et.al,. (1994). Beyond Machiavelli: Tools for coping with
conflict, Cambridge, MIT: Harvard University Press.



Unit Structure

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Learning
4.3 Effective Communication in Conflict
4.4 Summary
Self Assessment Exercise
4.5 References/Further Readings
4.6 Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises


In this segment, we examin e t h e s i g n i f i c a n t o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n

in conflict resolution. The style of communication can
lead to disagreement that may degenerate into cause
conflict. To resolve conflict, it is important that parties
communicate effectively so as to be able to understand
themselves and how to find lasting solution to their
incompatible interest or goals. To be able to communicate
effectively, it is also important to iden tify and avoid
factors that can lead to poor communication. There are
also several road blocks to effective communication
which must be avoided to ensure effective communication
in the process of conflict resolution. These issues will be
the focus of this unit.

4.2 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit you should be able to:
i. Understand the importance of communication in conflict resolution;
ii. Identify the factors that can affect communication;
iii. Explain the major roadblock to effective
communication in conflict resolution.

4.3 Effective Communication in Conflict Resolution

Communication connotes the process of sending and receiving

information and giving feedback (Conflict Resolution Training Manuel,
2001). The person who send information is the encoder, while the person
who receives the information is the decoder. The process of
communication is complete at the point in which feedback is received
from the decoder. A number of strategies exist for the purposes of conflict
resolution. The process of encoding and decoding information
must be done correctly to avoid misunderstanding that may lead
to conflict. To resolve conflict, the communication between the
conflict parties must be carried out effectively to ensure that
they mutually understand one another in the process of dialogue
to find solution to the issues in the conflict. Conflict resolution
entails that parties understand each other concerns, fears,
interest and needs which must be addressed in a mutually
satisfactory manner. To achieve mutually satisfactory outcome
will require that the communication process in carried out
effectively. Both parties have to actively listen to one another to
understand each other point of view towards sol ving the issues
in the conflict.

There are factors that can affect communication. These factors are
considered as barriers to communication. They include values, perception,
assumption, and communication style (Conflict Resolution Training
Manual, 2001). Values are our ideals, belief and worldview. It is ingrained
in use and constitute part of what cherish. Some people tend to hold
tenaciously to their values and find it difficult to consider the point of view
of those with different values. This can lead to poor communication
between people with differing values. Perception refers to the way we see,
and understand situation around us. Our perceptions depend on our values,
exposure and environment. The way we decode information is influence
by our perception of the person giving the information. When we allow
our perception to influence the way we decode information, there is a
tendency to wrongly interpret or decode the information. Assumption
refers to the preconceived notion we have about certain people. Such
assumptions will influence how we encode or decode information from
the people we have preconceived assumption of them. People from diverse
ethnic groups tend to have preconceived notion, assumption or stereotype
about other ethnic groups which usually influence the way we decode
information from those from these ethnic groups. Communication styles
can be verbal or non-verbal cues. The non-verbal cues include bodily
gestures, facial expression, mode of dressing and so on. The way we
interpret the non-verbal clues is influenced by our values, and perceptions.
Poor interpretation of non-verbal clues can affect the way we decode
information. To ensure that we communicate effectively, we must avoid
these barriers to communication. There must be willingness to listen to the
other parties, with open mindset devoid of preconceived assumption,
misperceptions and stereotypes. It is also important to recognize that other
people point of view will differs from ours. So we must endeavor to
respect other people’s point of view.


Effective communication is very crucial to efforts to address the

contending issues in conflict and find lasting solution. For parties to arrive
at solution that will be mutually satisfactory, they must be able to encode
and decode information back and forth in a way to help them to identify
the concerns, fears, interest and need of one another, and develop a
problem solving approach that can lead to win-win solution. In the process
of conflict resolution, conflict parties must avoid what can constitute road
block to effective communication between them.

The roadblocks to communication refers to the actions or verbal styles of

communication that can lead to misunderstanding during communication.
The manner in which information is disseminated or encoded can be a
roadblock to communication. A verbal style of communication that is
characterized by threat, order, judging another person, prying on issues
that does not concern an individual, always finding excuses for
wrongdoing, ready to provide answers to issues even when there is no
clear understanding of the matter. These road blocks to communication
can hinder effective communication between conflict parties, thereby
preventing them from adopting a problem solving approach to jointly find
solution to their disagreement.

In the process of communication, conflict parties must practice active

listening to enable them to clearly understand both their verbal and non-
verbal styles of communication. To practice active listening, it is
important that conflict parties show empathy to one another, in ways that
encourage them to freely express their concerns, fears, interest and needs
that are at the root of the conflict issues. In the communication process,
parties have to encourage each other to express their views. It is also
important to clarify if the information is not well decoded. To further
demonstrate that the information is well understand, conflict parties need
to restate, summarise and validate the information received. The process
of clarifying, restating, summarizing and validation the information
received are active listening techniques that aid effective communicate
between parties to a conflict that are seeking means of resolving their

What do you understand by communication?

Communication connotes the process of sending and receiving information and giving
feedback. The person who send information is the encoder, while the person who receives
the information is the decoder

Class Activity

i. What are the barriers to effective communications ?

ii. Explain road blocks to communication .
Self Assessment Exercise

i. What are the active listening techniques?

ii. Explain the importance of active listening in aiding
problem solving approach to conflict resolution.

Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises

i To practice active listening, it is important that conflict parties show

empathy to one another, in ways that encourage them to freely express
their concerns, fears, interest and needs that are at the root of the conflict
issues. In the communication process, parties have to encourage each other
to express their views. It is also important to clarify if the information is
not well decoded. To further demonstrate that the information is well
understand, conflict parties need to restate, summarise and validate the
information received.

ii. The process of clarifying, restating, summarizing and validation the

information received are active listening techniques that aid effectively
communicate between parties to a conflict that are seeking means of
resolving their disagreement.


This unit aid the understanding of the significant of

communication in conflict resolution. It explained the
barriers to effective communication a nd how it can lead to
conflict and also hinder effort to resolve conflict. It is
important to develop active listening t echniques that can aid
problem solving approach to conflict resolution.


Conflict Management Training Manual 2001. Conflict Resolution

Stakeholders’ Network (CRESNET) with support of
Ho-Won Jeong (ed.), 1999 ConflictResolution:Dynamics,Processand
Structures, Brookfield, VT: Ashgate Publishing Co.

John Paul Lederach, 1996 PreparingforPeace:ConflictTransformation

AcrossCultures Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press.

John W. Burton, 1990 Conflict:ResolutionandPrevention. New York,

NY: St. Martin's, Press,Inc,.
John W. Burton, E. Frank Dukes, 1990 Conflict:Practicesin
Management,Settlement,andResolution. New York: St. Martin's

Morton Deutsch, 1973 TheResolutionofConflict:Constructiveand

Destructive Processes New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,

R.A Akindele and B. E Ate (eds.), 2002 BeyondConflictResolution,

Lagos, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs.

Roger Fisher, Elizabeth Kopelman, Andrea Kupfer Schneider, 1994

BeyondMachiavelli:ToolsforCopingwithConflict. Cambridge,
MA: Harvard University Press.

Sung Hee Kim, Dean G. Pruitt, Jeffrey Z. Rubin, 1994 Social Conflict:
Escalation, Stalemate, and Settlement, 2nd Edition, New York:
McGraw Hill College Division.



Unit 1: What is Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Unit 2: Negotiation
Unit 3: Types of Negotiation
Unit 4: Strategies of Negotiation


Unit Structure

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Learning
1.3 The Process
of Alternative
Dispute Resolution
1.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages
of ADR
1.6 Summary
Self Assessment Exercise
1.7 References/Further Readings
1.8 Possible Answer to Self-
Assessment Exercises

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) is a term generally used to refer to

informal dispute resolution processes in which the parties meet with a
professional third party who helps them resolve their dispute in a way
that is less formal and often more consensual than is done in the courts
(Burgess, and Burgess, 1997). While the most common forms of ADR
are mediation and arbitration, there are many other forms: judicial
settlement conferences, fact-finding, ombudsmen, special masters, etc.
Though often voluntary, ADR is sometimes mandated by the courts,
which require that disputants try mediation before they take their case to

1.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Define Alternative Dispute Resolution;
ii. U n d e r s t a n d i n g
N e g o t i a t i o n a s a
f o r m o f ADR Processes;
iii. E x p l a i n t h e t y p e s a n d s t r a t e g y o f

1.3 Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes

Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR e m e r g e d in the

United States of Am erican as an
alternative means of dispute
resolution outside the formal legal
system of the judicial process. ADR
encompasses all f orm s of dispute
resolution other than court -based
litigation or adjudication (Burgess
a n d B u r g e s s , 1 9 9 7 ) . I t is used to settle a variety
of disputes in American institutions, including the family, churches,
schools, the workplace, and government agencies. ADR as a dispute
resolution mechanism has spread across the world. In Nigeria, ADR as
an alternative to the formal legal system of the court has
increasingly gained acceptance.

ADR is considered an alternative to litigation which is regarded as

an adversarial system of conflict resolution that lead to a win -lose
outcome. Litigation is also perceived to be time and cost
consuming while ADR is seen as more cost and time effective. It
also has the potential to lead to mutually acceptable or win-win
outcome for the conflict parties. ADR as an alternative to litigation
is preferable given the delay in the court process, congestion of the
court as a result of increasing caseloads in the court of law, the
confidential nature of ADR and the ability of the conflict parties
to select the third party that will intervene their case. Other factors
that make disputant to prefer ADR include the high cost of
litigation, unsatisfactory outcome of the court judgement which is
usually a win-lose outcome that can damage relationship between
disputants. ADR is of two main types. It is a method of conflict
resolution outside the official judicial process. It can also be an
informal method of conflict resolution attached to or pendant to
the official judicial mechanism. ADR promotes openness,
dialogue, effective communication, understanding and trust -
building among the conflict parties in a problem -solving manner
that has the potential to lead to consensus to resolve their conflict.
As a conflict resolution method, ADR has many of the
characteristics that is applicable to the African traditional method
of conflict resolution which foster truth, compromise, reciprocity,
fairness and other attributes that can lead to consensus or mutually
acceptable solution to the conflict. ADR is flexible, adaptable and

The ADR spectrum are diverse and encompasses various methods

of conflict resolution including Arbitration, Mediation,
Negotiation, Conciliation, and Facilitation. These ADR processes
are the most common types. Other variants of the ADR include
Ombudsman, Executive tribunal, Expert determination, Neutral
find-finder, Early Neutral Evaluation, Med-Arb, and Arb-Med.
The major ADR methods such as Negotiation and Mediation will
be extensively discussed in this course. The two methods are
regarded as non-binding or non-adversarial conflict resolution
methods with high potential to lead to win -win outcome for the

Conflict parties are more willing to adopt ADR processes when the
conflict become ripe or at a stage in which the parties realise the
need for intervention to resolve their differences. The stage at
which parties perceived the need for intervention is at the point of
hurting stalemate -- a situation where it becomes clear that neither side
can win; yet, they are being substantially hurt by continuing the struggle.

The willingness of the parties to use ADR methods to resolve their conflict
is very crucial for the ADR processes to work effectively. The ADR
methods have been used in diverse cases. For example:
Arbitration and negotiation have become common ways
to resolve difficult international business disputes.
Mediation and arbitration are now commonly used to
settle labor-management disputes that often used to be
protracted; International mediation has been used to
resolve difficult international conflicts, with varying
degrees of success.

1.4 The Advantages and Disadvantages of ADR

For many reasons, advocates of ADR believe that it is superior to

lawsuits and litigation. First, ADR is generally faster and less expensive.
It is based on more direct participation by the disputants, rather than
being run by lawyers, judges, and the state. In most ADR processes, the
disputants outline the process they will use and define the substance of
the agreements. This type of involvement is believed to increase
people's satisfaction with the outcomes, as well as their compliance with
the agreements reached.

ADR facilitates timely resolution of conflict. It is also considered to be

less expensive than litigation. It promotes confidentiality and trust given
that the conflict parties and the third parties that intervene in the conflict
are expected to ensure and guarantee secrecy of the issues in the conflict.
ADR is also perceived to promote the restoration of pre-conflict
relationship between the disputants. It is considered to lead to outcome
that can address disputants needs and thus lead to mutually satisfactory

Most ADR processes are based on an integrative approach. They are

more cooperative and less competitive than adversarial court-based
methods like litigation. A D R p r o m o t e s a c c e s s t o
justice for all because it is more timely and
l e s s e x p e n s i v e t h a n l i t i g a t i o n . For this reason, ADR
tends to generate less escalation and ill will between parties. In fact,
participating in an ADR process will often ultimately improve,
rather than worsen, the relationship between the disputing parties.
This is a key advantage in situations where the parties must continue
to interact after settlement is reached, such as in child custody or labor
management cases.

ADR does have many potential advantages, but there are also some
possible drawbacks and criticisms of pursuing alternatives to court-
based adjudication. Some critics have concerns about the legitimacy of
ADR outcomes, given that the outcome of ADR processes like
Negotiation and Mediation are considered non-binding on the
disputants. This leads to the perception that ADR provides "second-
class justice." It is argued that people who cannot afford to go to court are
those most likely to use ADR procedures. As a result, these people are
less likely to truly "win" a case because of the non-binding nature of these
ADR processes.

Similarly, critics believe that ADR encourages compromise.

Compromise can be a good way to settle some disputes, but it is not
appropriate for others (Rann, 1997). In t h e case of
conflict over values such as belief
s y s t e m , e t h n i c i t y a n d r e l i g i o n , compromise
is simply not an option because the issues borders of what
represent the identity of the disputants. Another concern is that
ADR settlements are private and are not in the public record or
exposed to public scrutiny. This could be cause for concern in some
cases. For example, using ADR to settle out of court could allow a
company to resolve many instances of a defective product harming consumers,
without the issue getting any public exposure. On the other hand, a court ruling
could force the company to fix all problems associated with the bad product or
even to remove it from the market.

What are the ADR spectrum and the advantages and disadvantages of ADR?

For many reasons, advocates of ADR believe that it is superior to lawsuits and
litigation. First, ADR is generally faster and less expensive. It is based on more direct
participation by the disputants, rather than being run by lawyers, judges, and the state. In
most ADR processes, the disputants outline the process they will use and define the
substance of the agreements.

Class Activity

i. Explain the Process of Alternative Dispute Resolution?

ii. Define Alternative Dispute Resolution?

Self-Assessment Exercise
Discuss the ADR processes and its relevance as a mechanism of
conflict resolution

Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises

Alternative Dispute Resolution, ADR e m e r g e d i n t h e
United States of Americ an as an
alternative means of dis pute resolution
outside the formal legal system of the
judicial process. ADR encompasses all
forms of dispute resolut ion other than
court-based litigatio n or adjudication .

I t is used to settle a variety of disputes in American institutions,

including the family, churches, schools, the workplace, and government
agencies. ADR as a dispute resolution mechanism has spread across the
world. In Nigeria, ADR as an alternative to the formal legal system
of the court has increasingly gained acceptance


In this unit we have examined what Alternate Dispute Resolution means

and h o w i t h a s b e c o m e a m a j o r m e c h a n i s m o f
c o n f l i c t r e s o l u t i o n . We have also examined ADR processes
and critically reviewed the advantages and disadvantages of using
ADR in settling disputes.


Burgess, H. and Burgess, G.H. 1997. Encyclopedia of Conflict Resolution.

Santa Barbara. ABC-CLIO.
Sung Hee Kim et.al, 1994. Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate and
Settlement, 2nd Edition, New York, McGraw Hill College

Rann, C. 1997. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Queen‟s University

IRC Archive Document, Kingston: IRC Press



Unit Structure

2.1 Introduction
2.3The Process of Negotiation
2.4Types and Strategies of Negotiation
Self Assessment Exercise

2.5 Summary

2.6 References and Further Readings

2.7 Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises


Negotiation is a form of decision-making in which two or more conflict parties

communicate with one another in an effort to resolve their opposing interest (Anstey,
1991). It is also defined as a process of communication back and forth for the purpose
of reaching a joint decision (Fisher and Ury, 1983). Negotiation can be considered as
a method of conflict resolution when the conflict has not generated to violence. In a
violent conflict, it will be difficult for the conflict parties to come together to
communicate with one another in the efforts to resolve their differences. Negotiation
is part of our everyday realities. People tend to negotiate in the course of making
purchase, personal or interpersonal decision making process, resolving conflict, and
contractual agreement. During the negotiation process, the conflict parties talk with
one another in their effort to resolve their differences. This process can occur at a
personal level, as well as at a corporate or international (diplomatic) level.
Negotiation involves persuasive communication or bargaining between the conflict
parties. In negation, the method of conducting dialogue or discussion should be based
on the merit of the case. This entails four principles namely, People, Interests, Options
and Criteria. People has to do with the need to separate the people from the problem
by jointly working together to find solution to the problem. The negotiation process
must focus on conflict parties’ interests, not position. The parties to the conflict must
strive to identify and address their underlying interest, which is about their concerns
and fears. Conflict parties position is about what they say they want but underlying
such position is their interests. Conflict parties must think outside the box or creatively
generate variety of options or alternative solutions in the effort to find the best possible
way to resolve their difference in a mutually satisfactory manner. The criteria for the
negotiated agreement must be based on some objective standard (Fisher and Ury,

2.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

i. Define negotiation
ii. Explain the processes of negotiation
iii. E n u m e r a t e o n t h e
m e t h o d s a n d types of
iv. D i s c u s s t h e s t r a t e g y o f n e g o t i a t i o n
v. U n d e r s t a n d t h e
i n t e r l i n k a g e b e t w e e n
n e g o t i a t i o n a n d b a r g a i n i n g
vi. Describe the “negotiator’s dilemma”.

2.3 The Process of Negotiation

The process of negotiation passes through phases or stages. The three phases
of negotiation are the pre-negotiation, negotiation and the post negotiation
or implementation (Berridge, 1995). The process of communication
between conflict parties to find solution to their problem usually pass
through these three stages. The conflict parties could have met to jointly
agree on the need for negotiation, decide on the time and place for the
negotiation. Negotiation should usually take place at a neutral place where
the conflict parties consider conducive for the negotiation process. After the
negotiation, the parties meet again to facilitate the implementation of the
negotiated agreement. There may be a re-negotiation phase if the parties are
unable to reach agreement during the initiation negotiation. The negotiation
process usually involves making concession or compromise in order to find
a solution to the conflict. The conflict parties cooperate, collaborate and
compromise with one another towards resolving their differences. The
ability of the conflict parties to adopt a problem-solving approach during the
negotiation process will determine the outcome. When both parties
maximally collaborate and compromise, there is a high possibility of
achieving a mutually satisfactory outcome. The outcome of the negotiation
process can be win-win, win-lose or lose-lose. To be able to achieve a win-
win outcome, the conflict parties must be willing to make concessions
through a give and take approach in which they compromise on the issues
in the conflict. The conflict parties must identify their interests and needs
and the best possible ways to meet The conflict parties may be willing or
unwilling to make concessions on the basis of their level of influence or
resources at their disposal. The party with the more influence or resources
may be unwilling to compromise or make concession. Rather the stronger
or more influential parties will want to impose or make the weaker parties
to comply with their demands. This situation tends to result in a win-lose
outcome. While the stronger parties win, the weaker parties will lose. The
prospect of a win-win outcome is high when both parties downplay their
level of influence or access to resources that can utilize to crush the
opposing parties, such that they jointly work together to address both
parties interest and needs, make concessions and compromise and invent
creative solution towards mutually acceptable or win-win outcome.
Conflict parties desirous of restoring their strained relationship and
building longer lasting relation at the post conflict stage will be more
willing to achieve a win-win outcome.

In the negotiation process, parties to the conflict have the capacity to

influence one another. The level of influence usually differs, and the way
that they use their influence can determine the outcome of the negotiation.
The conflict parties tend to prioritize the various issues in the conflict such
that they are able to compromise or make concession on the basis of the
level of importance they attached to these conflict issues. The conflict
parties will be willing to make concessions on those issues that they attach
less importance to and will be unwillingly to concede those issues of
importance to them. The priority that conflict parties attached to the
conflict issues are not entirely the same. The difference in the value
attached to the conflict issues make it possible for the parties to make
compromise and concession by inventing creative solution that can lead to
win-win outcome. Conflict parties are expected to aim high in the
beginning of the negotiation process and gradually make concessions until
they are able to mutually resolve their differences in a satisfactory manner.
The conflict parties must be able to communicate effectively, listen
actively to one another, differentiate between position and interest and
work towards understanding each other interests and needs and invent
workable solution to their differences. The effective negotiator m u s t b e
able to understand the other parties, the approach to
negotiation and how to tailor their own negotiation to
be attune with the other parties. Both parties should not
use the same approach simultaneously. If both parties
insist on their position at the same time, by adopting
competitive approach, it will be difficult to resolve
their difference. This may lead to a negotiation
impasse. Conflict parties must adjust their approach on
the basis of the approach been utilized by the other
p a r t i e s . If one party makes several proposals that are rejected, and
the other party makes no alternate proposal, the first party may break
off negotiations. Parties typically will not want to concede too much
if they do not sense that those with whom they are negotiating are willing
to compromise.

The parties must work toward a solution that takes into account each
person's i n t e r e s t a n d n e e d s and hopefully optimizes the
outcomes for both. As they try to find their way toward agreement,
the parties move from position to identify their interest and needs and
jointly work cooperatively towards t o r e a c h a m u t u a l l y
acceptable negotiated agreement.

2.4 Types and Strategy of Negotiation

The is overlap between the style and strategy of Negotiation. The strategy
of negotiation refers to bargaining. Bargaining is a process of give and
take during negotiation. It is thus the strategy adopted by conflict parties
during the negotiation process. The approach or strategy of negotiation can
be competitive, collaborative, cooperative or compromise. In the
bargaining process, conflict parties reached agreement by compromising
on each single issue or by trading concessions. Conflict parties do not
attach the same value of each of the conflict issues. As such they will be
willing to make concessions on what they value less and unwilling to trade
what they value most. The bargaining process can be aborted when if one
or both parties perceive that they have a better alternative than a negotiated
agreement. This is known as BATNA, a situation in which walking away
from the negotiation process is considered to be less damaging for the
either of the conflict parties than settling for the proposed agreement.
BATNA is the standard against which any negotiated agreement is
measured (Fisher and Ury, 1983). The three strategies of negotiation or
Bargaining are competitive, interest-based and integrative. A competitive
bargaining is interchangeably referred to as distributive bargaining in
which conflict parties adopt a competitive approach to negotiation by
seeking to achieve a better outcome than the opponent. This strategy of
bargaining leads to a win-lose outcome. Integrative bargaining is a
cooperative approach to negotiation in which conflict parties strive for
mutual gains and mutually satisfactory solution. Bargaining can be
interest-based when conflict parties focus on their underlying interest
rather than on their position, which can be hard to concede.

The negotiation strategies overlap with the types of negotiation because

the strategy adopted by conflict parties will determine the negotiation
outcomes. The type of negotiation are: hard negotiation, soft negotiation
and principled negotiation (International Alert, 1996). Hard negotiation
entails that the conflict parties use of coercive strategies to influence one
another to accede to demands towards reaching agreement that will favor
the hard negotiator. The hard negotiation is competitive and characterized
by antagonistic and adversarial relationship between conflict parties who
adopt extreme position and unwillingness to shift ground or make
concessions. The negotiation outcome can be lose-lose if both parties are
hard negotiator or win-lose if one of the conflict parties is a hard negotiator
and the other is influenced to compromise and make concessions.

Soft negotiation involves making concessions easily and trading off on

issues without consideration to the values attached to those issues. In this
type of negotiation, conflict parties is concerned about reaching agreement
without generating conflict by avoiding issues that can provoke
disagreement. The tendency to easily make concession by one party can
make the other parties to increase rather than moderate their demands. The
soft negotiator may be more concerned about preserving relationship with
the other parties in anticipation of some future benefits. As such, the party
may be willing to trade off important issues and lose out by giving in to
the demand of the other parties.

Principled negotiation is consensual and merit-based which is geared

towards achieving mutual gains. It focuses on identifying conflict parties
interest and needs and promotion of mutual gains. It is highly collaborative
and based on the good will of conflict parties who communicate
effectively with one another in their efforts to achieve a mutually
acceptable negotiated agreement. This type of negotiation strengthens and
long-term working relationship because of the focus of joint problem
solving approach that invent creative solution that is agreeable to the
conflict parties.

The styles of negotiation adopted by conflict parties is a determinant of the negotiation

outcome. If both sides maximally cooperate, they will both have win-win outcomes.
If one cooperates and the other competes, the cooperator will o s e and the
competitor will gain leading to a win-lose outcome. If both compete, the conflict
parties will both have a lose-lose outcomes. In the face of uncertainty about what
strategy the other side will adopt, each parties strive to adjust their strategy on the
basis of the strategy adopted by the other parties.
What is the process of negotiation passes?
The three phases of negotiation are the pre-negotiation, negotiation and the post negotiation
or implementation

Class Activity

Define negotiation and explain why t h e a p p r o a c h

t o n e g o t i a t i o n i s a d e t e r m i n a n t o f
t h e n e g o t i a t i o n o u t c o m e .

Self Assessment Exercise

i.Describe how the types and strategies of negotiation overlap?

ii.Discuss the types of negotiation?

Possible Answer to Self-Assessment Exercises

The is overlap between the style and strategy of Negotiation. The strategy
of negotiation refers to bargaining. Bargaining is a process of give and
take during negotiation. It is thus the strategy adopted by conflict parties
during the negotiation process. The approach or strategy of negotiation
can be competitive, collaborative, cooperative or compromise.

ii. Distributive bargaining in which conflict parties adopt a competitive approach to

negotiation by seeking to achieve a better outcome than the opponent. This strategy of
bargaining leads to a win-lose outcome.
Integrative bargaining is a cooperative approach to negotiation in which conflict parties
strive for mutual gains and mutually satisfactory solution

Negotiation is one of the methods of conflict resolution which can help

conflict parties to resolve their disagreement. It is also one of the ADR
methods which has the potential to help conflict parties find mutually
acceptable solution. Negotiation are of different types and does not
necessarily lead to win-win outcome. The strategy adopted by the parties
during the negotiation process will determine the outcome of the
negotiation. The negotiation outcome can be win-win, win-lose and lose-
lose. The best strategy is integrative or interest based which focuses on the
identifying and addressing the interest or need of both parties in a problem
solving manner. The use of this strategy will result in a win-win outcome
that can help conflict parties to strengthen their long-term working
relationship. The type of negotiation is concensual or principled because it
promotes merit, fairness and mutual gains.


Anstey, M. (1991). Negotiating Conflict: Insights andskills for Negotiators and
Peacemakers, Creda Press, Solan Road, Cape Town, 1991.

Anderson, M. B. and Olson, L. (2003). ConfrontingWar: Critical

Lessons for Peace Practitioners © 2003 The Collaborative for
Development Action, Inc. MA 02139, USA.

Burgess, H. and Burgess, G.H. (1997). Encyclopedia of Conflict

Resolution. Santa Barbara. ABC-CLIO.

Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (1983). Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement

Without Giving In. Harmoundsworth. Penguin.

Berridge, G.R. (1995). Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. London.

Prentice Hall.

International Alert. (1996). Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation.

London, IA (Parts, I-V).
Unit Structure

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Learning

3.3 Integrative Bargaining

3.4 Identifying Interest
3.5 Creating Options
3.6 Summary

3.7 References and Further Readings

3.8 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


Integrative bargaining which is interchangeable called "interest-

based bargaining," or "win-win bargaining" is a negotiation strategy in
which parties maximally collaborate to find a "win-win" solution to
their dispute (Berridge, 1994). This strategy focuses on developing
mutually beneficial agreements that factored the interests of the
conflict parties into the negotiated agreement. Interests i s t h e
underlying motivations, concerns,
hopes, goals and fear of the conflict
p a r t i e s . The interests are the underlying reasons why people
become involved in a conflict. We will examine this in more detail later.

3.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

i. Define integrative or interest-based bargaining;
ii. D i s c u s s t h e
i m p o r t a n c e o f
i n t e r e s t s o f c o n f l i c t
p a r t i e s t o t h e
n e g o t i a t e d a g r e e m e n t .
iii. Explain the process of creating new options.

3.3 Integrative Bargaining

Integrative refers to the potential for the c o n f l i c t parties'

interests to be [combined] in ways that create joint value or “enlarge
the pie” (the stakes of negotiation). T h e i d e n t i f i c a t i o n a n d
integration of conflict parties interests into the
negotiated agreement is essential to achieving a win-
win outcome. D u r i n g t h e n e g o t i a t i o n p r o c e s s ,
the conflict parties must be able to make
trade-offs across t h e issues in the conflict, by giving what they value less
in order to obtain what they value most in a way that result in mutual gains
and agreeable outcome.

Integrative bargaining is the best strategy of

negotiation because it not only focused on the
i n t e r e s t o f c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s , i t a l s o produces more
satisfactory outcomes (Fisher and Ury, 1983; ). It leads to a win-win
outcome for both conflict parties. Other strategies of negotiation or
bargaining which is competitive focused on position, adopting a hard
line stance, insisting on demands and unwilling to make compromise,
concessions or trade off. Such approach tends to lead to win-lose if
the competitive bargainer is able to influence the other parties to make
concession or lose-lose if the other party is also unwilling to make
any concessions. This situation tends to result in negotiation impasses
in which there is no opportunity for a negotiated agree ment to be

The conflict parties have to equally make compromise to be able to

achieve mutual gains. The mere fact that conflict parties make
compromise does not necessarily lead to mutual gains. To be able to
satisfy the interests of both parties and achieve mutual, both parties’
interests must be met. The conflict parties prioritize the issues at stake and
make concessions on the basis of the value attached to the each of these
issues. The values that conflict parties attached to the issues in conflict are
not the same. They will compromise on what they value less to be able to
retain what they value more. Creative and workable solution must be
invented to be able to meet the interest of all parties to the conflict.

There are often many interests behind conflict parties’s position. If

parties focus on identifying those interests, they will increase their ability
to develop win-win solutions. Conflict parties must be able to
differentiate position from interest of the opposing parties. They
must move from insisting on position towards identifying their
interest and inventing workable and creative solution towards
achieving their interests.

Integrative b a r g a i n i n g i s generally gratifying for all involved in

negotiation, as the interests, and needs of both conflict parties will
be met by inventing creative solution. It is a collaborative and joint
problem solving approach and therefore the parties actually end up
helping each other to achieve mutual gains. The mutually satisfactory
outcome of the integrative bargaining help to strengthen long-term
working relationship between previous adversaries. It leads to positive
change in attitude, behavior and perception towards one another.

3.4 Identifying Interest

The first step in integrative bargaining is identifying each side's
interests. This will r e q u i r e t h a t c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s
communicate effectively and have the
good will and commitment to shift from
emphasizing their position to
e x p r e s s i n g t h e i r i n t e r e s t s . I nterests are often
less tangible than positions and are often what makes people vulnerable.
A key approach to determining interests is t o s h o w c o n c e r n
and empathy for the other parties and
communicate in a way that demonstrate that
you want to work jointly to find solution to
the issues at stake in the conflict. Conflict
parties must be able to ask such questions as
"Why?" Why do you want that? Why do you need that? What are your
concerns? Fears? Hopes? H o w c a n w e j o i n t l y w o r k
towards addressing our concerns,
fears and hope? In sum, conflict
parties must be able t o communicate
effectively with one another and
engage in active listening in the
efforts to find lasting solution to
their conflict.

This approach helps conflict parties to understand the point of view of the
other parties and why they are making specific demands. It is
important to demonstrate that the questions posed are to enable you
to understand t h e o t h e r p a r t i e s ’ interests (concerms, hopes, fears,
and goals), not because you are challenging them or trying to figure out
how to beat them.

The conflict parties must be able to understand how the other side perceives their
demands. It is also important to identify obstacles and opportunities for reconciliation.
It is important to identify what is standing in the way of finding common grounds
and mutually acceptable agreement. Both parties must identify and
understand what are their underlying interests. T h e c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s ’
a b i l i t y t o i d e n t i f y b o t h o f t h e i r underlying interests will help them
to move towards inventing workable solution that can benefits both parties. Conflict
parties must be able to analyze the potential consequences of an agreement they are
proposing from the perspective of the other parties. This is essentially the
process of weighing t h e f e a s i b i l i t y o f t h e p r o p o s e d a g r e e m e n t a n d t h e
capacity of both conflict parties to abide by the negotiated
a g r e e m e n t . T h i s w i l l h e l p t o w a r d s negotiating an agreement that will be
acceptable to both o f t h e c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s .

3.5 Creating Options

After interests are identified, the c o n f l i c t parties need

to work together cooperatively to invent lasting and workable solutions
that can meet those interests. They have to "brainstorm" -- listing all the
a v a i l a b l e options at their disposal and choosing the best possible one.
Conflict parties must be able to think outside the box, to be able to invent
diverse creative ideas for meeting their interests and needs. The goal is
to achive a win-win outcome, that meet the interests and needs of both
parties in a mutually agreeable way.

What is Creating options in integrative bargaining?

After interests are identified, the c o n f l i c t parties need

to work together cooperatively to invent lasting and workable solutions
that can meet those interests. They have to "brainstorm" -- listing all the
a v a i l a b l e options at their disposal and choosing the best possible one.

Class activity
Discuss how conflict parties can identify their interest and invent creative solution
to reach a negotiated agreement.

Self Assessment Exercise

i.What do you understand by integrative or interest – based

ii. Why is integrative bargaining the best strategy differ from
positional bargaining?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

i.Integrative refers to the potential for the c o n f l i c t parties' interests to
be [combined] in ways that create joint value or “enlarge the pie” (the stakes of

ii.Integrative b a r g a i n i n g i s generally gratifying for all involved in negotiation, as

the interests, and needs of both conflict parties will be met by inventing creative
solution. It is a collaborative and joint problem solving approach and therefore the
parties actually end up helping each other to achieve mutual gains.


In this unit, we have examined integrative or interest-based bargaining

as a strategy of negotiation. W e a l s o h i g h l i g h t t h e
importance of interest and needs of conflict
parties during the negotiation process and
to the efforts to achieve mutual gains for
all parties in the conflict.


Berridge, G.R. (1995). Diplomacy: Theory and Practice. London.
Prentice Hall.

Burton, J.W. and Dukes, F.E. ( 1990) Conflict: Practices in

Management, Settlement and Resolution, New York, St.
Martins Press.

Rann, C. (1997) Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Queen‟s University

IRC Archive Document, Kingston: IRC Press.



Unit Structure

4.1 Introduction

4.2Learning Outcomes
4.3Understanding the Frames of
4.6References and Further
4.7 Possible Answer to Self
Assessment Exercise


Effective planning o f t h e n e g o t i a t i o n p r o c e s s is crucial to

achieving a mutually agreeable negotiated
agreement. To ensure a well-planned negotiation
process, the three phases of negotiation should
be carried out. The pre-negotiation phase will
help to prepare the conflict parties for the
n e g o t i a t i o n a n d t h e p o s t n e g o t i a t i o n p h a s e s . If
the conflict parties are to reach a s u c c e s s f u l n e g o t i a t e d agreement,
a p r e - n e g o t i a t i o n p h a s e i n v o l v i n g specific e v e n t s must take
place before the n e g o t i a t i o n p h a s e i n w h i c h t h e
parties come together for dialogue at the negotiation table. D u r i n g
the n e g o t i a t i o n , parties must b e able to
separate their opponents from the
p r o b l e m a n d frame the conflict issues in an analytical problem
solving way. Conflict parties must be able to recognize that they have a
common problem that they both share similar concerns in finding a
solution. Frames are the conceptions that parties have of the conflict
situation and its risks. They allow the parties to begin to develop a shared
definition of the issues involved, and the process needed to resolve

When the frames of both parties match, they are more disposed to
identifying their common and diverse interest, issues of priority,
needs, fears, concerns and goals and how to invent creative
solution that will be mutually satisfying to both of the conflict
parties. However, when the frames do not match, communication
between the parties is likely to be more difficult. Unless the conflict
parties different views on the problem begin to overlap, it is unlikely
that negotiations will be successful.

4.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Explain the relevance of negotiation phrases in a negotiation process;

ii. D i s c u s s w h y a w e l l - p l a n n e d
n e g o t i a t i o n p r o c e s s i s v i t a l t o
a c h i e v i n g a m u t u a l l y a g r e e a b l e
n e g o t i a t e d o u t c o m e

4.3 Understanding the Frames of Negotiations

If negotiators are ab le t o fr am e t he i ss ue s in a pr ob le m s ol vin g

way, i t wi ll he lp t he m to m ov e f r om fo cu si ng o n th eir
pos it io n, to ex pr es si ng th ei r i nt er es t a nd ne ed s a nd o pe nin g
up op po rt un it y fo r i nv en ti ng c re at iv e s ol ut io n. The way in
which parties define the problem can shape the rest of the
n e g o t i a t i o n p r o c e s s . In the pre-negotiation phase, conflict parties
must be able to frame the issues to determine their i n t e r e s t s ,
n e e d s a n d p r i o r i t i z e t h e i r goals in preparation for the
negotiation process. D u r i n g t h e n e g o t i a t i o n p r o c e s s , t h e y
must be able to shift their position, to identify their
i n t e r e s t s . They must define the issues to be discussed and analyze
the conflict situation. T h e p r e - n e g o t i a t i o n p h a s e a l l o w s t h e
conflict parties to engage in conflict analysis, to be able
to better understand their opponents, the diverse
stakeholders in the conflict, the interest, needs and
goals of the other parties and the potential to resolve
the conflict through negotiation. The conflict parties
can consult with experts or professional conflict
resolution practitioners to help them to analyze the
conflict situation.

Negotiators need to understand the other party's

objectives. It is also important to assess the other party
negotiation style other party's negotiation style, and
tailor their negotiation to complement that of the other
party. A professional negotiator will do preliminary
investigation or fact finding about the behavior,
reputation, strategy and tactics that the other party
commonly use. They should also find out about the other
party areas of influence, capacities and organizational
position, and connections with powerful stakeholders.
An assessment of the strength of the other party, style
and strategy of negotiation and level of influence and
access of resources can help to better understand the
likely strategy of negotiation that the opponent will
adopt and the potential to reach a mutually agreeable
negotiated outcome and th e alternative available to the
other parties in the event of a negotiation impasse. If
the other negotiator has strong alternatives, he or she
will probably be willing to set high objectives and be
willing to push hard for these objectives during
The conflict parties should assemble conflict issues to make a
comprehensive list. The combined list of issues and priorities from
each side determines the negotiation agenda. During the pre-negotiation
phase, the negotiators can exchange the list of issues to be discussed
in advance. Consultation between negotiators prior to actual negotiation
allows them to agree on the agenda of issues to be discussed, as well as
the location of the negotiations, the time and duration of the sessions,
the parties to be involved in the negotiations, and techniques to pursue if
negotiation fails. Negotiators should also agree on principles that will
guide the drafting of a settlement, the procedures to be used in
negotiations, and the formula by which a general agreement is to be

Discussions about these procedural issues are often crucial for the
success of substantive negotiations. If parties cannot agree on
the negotiation procedures and proposed items for the agenda, they
may very well decide to abandon the negotiations altogether. If
negotiation take place without addressing the disagreement over the
procedures, this can lead to a negotiation impasse.

After assembling issues on t h e n e g o t i a t i o n agenda, the

negotiators must prioritize the issues and evaluate the possible tradeoffs
among them. Negotiators must be aware of e a c h o t h e r
interests, concerns, fears, and goals
t h a t u n d e r l i e their p o s i t i o n . T h e goals of the
negotiators can only be achievable when they are able to jointly work
towards addressing their interests, and needs. They must determine which
issues are most important, as well as whether the various issues are linked
or separate.

The negotiators should be aware of the underlying interests and needs of

the other side. The value that each party attach to each of the conflict
issues are not entirely the same. Thus, conflict parties are able to
trade off what they value less, so as to preserve what they value
more. Conflict parties are able to make concessions or trade off
because of the difference in their priorities or values attached to the
conflict issues. It will be impossible for the conflict parties to make
concessions if they both attach the same value to each of the conflict
issues. At the start of the negotiation, conflict parties tend to aim high and
then gradually make concessions.

Once the conflict parties have determined the relative importance of

the issues, parties need to decide the order in which issues should be
discussed. E a c h o f t h e c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s n e e d t o
establish their objectives. They also need to
identify areas of agreement and disagreement.
They must establish rapport and be able to break
down walls of disagreement. Conflict parties
can start by working through complex issues and
move to simple issues.

In the case of inter-group conflicts, in which representative of both sides

are the negotiators, they should consult with their g r o u p as well as with
the other side to ensure that the group’s interests, needs and priorities
are included in the negotiations.

The conflict parties should clearly identify their goals and the possibility
of meeting these goals during negotiation. Parties should try to figure out
the best resolution they can expect, what counts as a fair and reasonable
deal, and what is a minimally acceptable deal. They should also be aware
of the i s s ue s o f p r i o r it y t o t h e m a n d th os e o f th e o t he r p a rt i e s
a n d t h e p o s s ib i l i t y o f m e e t i n g t h e ir go a l s o r t h e a l t er n a t i v e
s t r a t e g y t o p u rs u e . This enables parties to become aware of the range
of possible outcomes and to be flexible in what they will accept. It also
improves the likelihood that they will arrive at a mutually
satisfactory outcome.

Because negotiations typically involve more than one issue, it is helpful

for negotiators to anticipate different ways of packaging issues. They
h a v e t o p r i o r i t i z e the issues they regard as most important by
being more flexible about th os e is sue s they deem less important. They
should also decide which i s s u e s they can abandon and use as
leverage to get what they really need with respect to the most important

The negotiation must be based on some objective standards. This entails

that negotiators have facts or evidence to back up their claims or
arguments. Negotiators must be able to present supporting facts and
arguments, anticipate how the other side will respond to these
arguments, and respond to the other party's claims with counter-
arguments. This h a s t o d o w i t h e v i d e n c e o r facts to support
one's point of view, in the most convincing way possible. In the course
of the negotiation, each of the conflict parties must be able to assess the
other party's priorities and interests and i n v e n t c r e a t i v e w a y s
of achieving both their interests and needs leading
to a win-win outcome.

W h a t a r e t h e agenda for n e g o t i a t i o n ?

The negotiators must prioritize the issues and evaluate the possible
tradeoffs among them. Negotiators must be aware of e a c h
other interests, concerns, fears, and
g o a l s t h a t u n d e r l i e their p o s i t i o n .

Class Activity
Explain how the pre-negotiation phase is crucial to the framing of the conflict issues during
the negotiation process and to the efforts to achieve a positive-sum negotiated outcome

Self Assessment Exercise 1

Wh y i s i t i m p o r t a n t f o r t h e n e g o t i a t o r
to be able to analyze the interests,
needs and issues of priority of the
other parties?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

If negotiators ar e a ble to fr am e t he i ss u es i n a pr ob le m
sol vi ng wa y, i t w il l he lp th em to mo v e fr om fo cu si ng on
the ir po si ti on, to e xp re ss in g t he ir i nt ere st an d n ee ds a nd
ope ni ng up op po rt un it y f or i nv en ti ng cre at iv e s ol ut io n. The
way in which parties define the problem can shape the rest of the
negotiation process.


We have extensively examined t h e r e l e v a n c e o f

t h e p r e - n e g o t i a t i o n p h a s e o f
n e g o t i a t i o n t o e f f o r t s t o a c h i e v e a
p o s i t i v e - s u m o r w i n - w i n
n e g o t i a t i o n o u t c o m e . This w i l l h e l p
c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s t o f r a m e t h e
i s s u e s i n t h e c o n f l i c t ,
c o m m u n i c a t e e f f e c t i v e l y a n d
w o r k t o w a r d s i n v e n t i n g
m u t u a l l y s a t i s f a c t o r y
n e g o t i a t e d o u t c o m e s . I t w i l l
a l s o h e l p t o e n s u r e a s m o o t h
p o s t - n e g o t i a t i o n p h a s e
w h e r e b o t h p a r t i e s m o n i t o r
t h e i m p l e m e n t a t i o n o f t h e
n e g o t i a t e d a g r e e m e n t .


Fisher, R. and Ury, W. (1983). Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement

Without Giving In. Harmoundsworth. Penguin.

Roger Fisher et. al., ( 1994) Beyond Machiavelli:Tools for coping

with conflicts, Cambridge. MA, Harvard University Press,




Unit Structure

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Learning
1.3 Mediation Process
1.4 Types of Mediators
1.5 Summary
1.6 References and Further Readings
1.7 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


Mediation is an extension or elaboration of the negotiation process in

which an impartial, and neutral third party works with the conflict parties
to help them to arrive at a mutually agreeable negotiated agreement (Fisher
and Ury, 1983; Kressel, 2007). It is the third party that facilitates
communication between the conflict parties, by assisting them to improve
their communication and analysis of the conflict situation. With the
support of the third party, the disputants are better able to jointly work
towards inventing creative solution to the issues at stake in the conflict. In
the event that there is a negotiation impasse, the conflict parties may
consider mediation as an alternative method of resolving their
disagreement. Mediation is voluntary conflict resolution process in which
an impartial third party facilitates and coordinates the negotiation process.
As such it is also refer to as facilitated negotiation. The mediator a s
the facilitator of the negotiation process
b e t w e e n t h e c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s help them to define
agenda, identify and reframe the issues, communicate more
effectively, find areas of common ground, negotiate fairly, and
hopefully, reach an agreement.

Mediation is widely used in all sorts of disputes, ranging from

commercial disputes, workplace conflict, divorces to civil lawsuits
to very complex intergroup to international conflicts. Some of the most
intractable and complex conflicts can be resolved through mediation.
Mediation is considered a viable conflict resolution method for resolving
protracted, and deep-rooted conflicts, which is most unlikely to be
amenable to resolution without the intervention of a neutral third party
(Wall, et al., 2001). It is also considered the best strategy for resolving
violent conflict given that it would be virtually impossible for conflict
parties who have attacked one another to come together by themselves to
find solution to their problem. The destructive nature of the conflict would
breed further ill will that would widen the misperception between the
parties to the conflict. Mediation may not be able to deal with all the issues
in the conflict, but it will provide a good prospect for addressing some of
the conflict issues.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit you should be able to:

i. Define and explain what mediation is;

ii. Explain the process of mediation;
iii. List and explain the three categories of mediators.

1.3 The Process of Mediation

The mediation process typically proceeds through four stages (Kressel,

2014). The first stage is for the mediator to create a forum for the
negotiation or bargaining between the conflict parties. This is followed by
information gathering and sharing between the parties to the conflict. The
next stage involves an analytical problem solving bargaining in which the
conflict parties search for options for dealing with the issues at stake in a
mutually satisfactory way. The last stage is the decision making in which
parties choose the most acceptable solution out of the various options
invented to resolve the conflict. To move through these four stages, the
mediator must first initiate the mediation process by setting the agenda,
facilitate good communication between the parties towards identifying the
issues in the conflicts, in a joint problem solving manner in which both
parties demonstrate concern for one another and work towards identifying
and addressing their interests and needs and inventing ideas or options that
can lead to mutually agreeable negotiated outcome. Mediators m u s t b e
i m p a r t i a l , t r u s t w o r t h y a n d c a p a b l e o f exercising diplomatic
skills. The mediation must be able to use persuasion to get people to
soften hardline positions. The mediator must also be knowledgeable
about the conflict issues and the various stakeholders involved in the
conflict. It is also important that a mediator possesses patience,
integrity, empathy, be attentive, tolerance, and imaginative (Kressel,
2014). Though many mediators are highly trained and experienced,
not all are professionals, and they come from many different walks of

1.4 Types of Mediators

Mediators typically falls into one of the following three categories.

1.4.1 Social Network Mediators

This type of mediator refers to those individuals who are invited to

intervene in a conflict basically because of their close relationship with the
disputant. The mediator is usually within the same social group or network
with the conflict parties. They can be friends, neighbor, member of the
same ethnic, religious or political group with the conflict parties who are
respected and considered trustworthy to intervene in the conflict. The
social network mediator may not possess the relevant attributes such as
impartially, credibility, patience, tolerance and resourcefulness. The lack
of the attributes essential is not unconnected with the fact that the social
network mediation is not a professional. He or she only take up the role of
a mediator because of the close relations with the conflict parties.

The mediator failure to demonstrate these critical attribute can affect the
mediation process, obstruct effective communication, dialogue and
rapport between the conflict parties and the ability to analyze the problem
towards creating new ideas to resolve the problem. In some cases, the
social network mediator may be a skilled or professional which could have
been acquired through years of experience as a mediator or through
professional training.

1.4.2 A u t h o r i t a t i v e M e d i a t o r

The mediator is in an authoritative relationship with the conflict parties in

the sense that the mediator occupies a position of authority that is
recognized and well respected by the disputants. The mediator authority
may be based on the resources which he or she possesses which is valuable
to the conflict parties. In spite of the mediator position of authority, he or
she is not expected to serve as a judge or impose decision on the conflict
parties. The authoritative mediator is expected to persuasively influence
the conflict parties to reach an agreement.
The main challenge with this type of mediator is that the authoritative
mediator may act in a domineering way that portrayed him more or less as
a judge rather than an impartial third party facilitating communication
between the parties to help them to arrive at a satisfactory solution to their
problem. Such stance can impede the mediation process, preventing the
conflict parties from building rapport with one another to identify their
interest and generate ideas to resolve their differences.

An authoritative mediator may use his position of authority to influence the

conflict parties to take a decision that hardly reflect their interest or meet
their needs. This type of mediator may also impose a decision on the parties
by virtue of his or her authority in a way that does not reflect what a
mediation process should be. If an authoritative mediator is skilled, he or
she will demonstrate all the critical attributes that can facilitate a well-
organized mediation process that will help the conflict parties to achieve an
agreeable negotiated solution. Thus, it is very vital that mediators have the
skills, qualities and capacity to facilitate an efficient and successful
mediation process

1.4.3 Independent Mediator

The mediator is an impartial and neutral third party who has no vested
interest in the conflict and is expected to work with the conflict
parties to analyze the issues in the conflict and develop creative
ideas to resolve their conflict. The mediator is a pro fessional who is
well trained in the skills and strategies of mediation and possesses
all the attributes of a mediator. The mediation helps to build rapports
between the conflict parties and facilitate effective dialogue and
analytical problem solving approach to dealing with the conflict.

This type of mediator is well skilled and capable of facilitating

rapport and effective communication between the conflict parties.
The effective communication between the parties will help them to
work towards analytical problem-solving approach that will aid the
identification of their interest, concerns, fears and needs and how
they can jointly create ideas or options to resolve the issues in the
conflict in a mutually satisfactory manner.

The mediator capacity to guide the conflict parties towards a

mutually agreeable negotiated settlement is also acquired through
years of experience as a mediator. The capacity of a mediator gets
better with experience because he or she will become more adept to
mediate in diverse kinds of cases over time. An independent
mediator provides the best mediation process because of the capacity
to demonstrate professionalism that is requires of a mediator.

What is Independent Mediator?

The mediator is an impartial and neutral third party who has no vested interest in the conflict
and is expected to work with the conflict parties to analyze the issues in the conflict
and develop creative ideas to resolve their conflict. The mediator is a professional
who is well trained in the skills and strategies of mediation an d possesses all the
attributes of a mediator.
Class Activity

What is Mediation? W h a t a r e t h e f a c t o r s t h a t c a n m a k e
conflict parties to choose mediation as a method
of resolving their disagreement?

Self Assessment Exercise

i. Describe the types of mediators.
ii. Explain the distinction between the three types of mediators and
how each can determine the outcome of the mediator process.

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

i. Social Network Mediators: This type of mediator refers to
those individuals who are invited to intervene in a conflict
basically because of their close relationship with the disputant.
The mediator is usually within the same social group or network
with the conflict parties.
ii. A u t h o r i t a t i v e M e d i a t o r : The mediator is
in an authoritative relationship with the conflict parties in the
sense that the mediator occupies a position of authority that is
recognized and well respected by the disputants
iii. Independent Mediator: The mediator is an impartial and
neutral third party who has no vested interest in the conflict
and is expected to work with the conflict parties to analyze
the issues in the conflict and develop creative ideas to
resolve their conflict.


This unit has described the mediation process. It has also elaborated the
types of medi ator s an d th e pr osp ects of eac h of the se t ype s
to help t he con flic t part ies to r each a mutual ly sat isfa ctor y
negot iate d agree ment . Mediation is used in a variety of conflict
situations, which are not confined to national settings only. In the
next unit, we will examine the specific skills required to be an effective


Kressel, K. (2007). The strategic style in mediation. Conflict Resolution Quarterly,

24, 251–283.

Kressel, K. (2014). The mediation of conflict: Context, cognition, and practice. In M.

Deutsch. Lazarus, R. S. (1991). Progress on a cognitive –motivational relational
theory of emotion. American Psychologist 46(8), 819- 834
Wall, J. A., Stark, J. B., &Standifer, R. L. (2001). Mediation: A current review and
theory development. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45, 370–391



Unit Structure

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Learning
2.3 Basic skills in Mediation
2.4 Qualities of a Mediato
2.5 Summary
2.6 References/Further Readings
2.7 Possible Answer to Self
Assessment Exercise


The mediator must possess relevant skills and qualities that can ensure a
quality mediation process. These skills and qualities are essential to the
success of the mediation process. Conflict parties are willing to accept a
mediator when they are confident that the mediator possess the basic skills
and qualities that can facilitate a smooth dialogue and assist them to arrive
at a mutually satisfactory outcome. The mediator must be able to gain the
trust, acceptance and cooperation of the conflict parties. This is possible
when the mediator can demonstrate those critical skills and qualities that
will enable the conflict parties to trust and be confident in the mediator
capacity to assist them to search for solution to their conflict.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Explain the various skills of mediation; and
ii. Identify the diverse qualities that a mediator
iii. Qualities must possess to be able to guide the
conflict parties to achieve a mutually satisfactory

2.3 Basic skills in Mediation

There are several skills that is very vital for a mediator to acquire to ensure a
smooth mediation process for the conflict parties. Without these basic skills,
the mediation possess will be unsuccessful. The conflict parties may not be
willing to accept mediation when they are uncertain that the mediator possesses
these basic skills of mediation. The possession of these skills is essential to the
capacity of the mediator to build good rapport among the disputants that will
enable them to develop a problem solving approach towards resolving their

The basic mediation skills require that a mediator is able to actively listen
to the conflict parties. He or she must have good communication skills to
be able to listen carefully, facilitate a smooth back and forth communication
between the parties, help them to clarity, reframe and summarize their
dialogue. The mediator must have the ability to decipher and separate
simple from complex issues, analyses the conflict issues and help the parties
to discover their interest and how to jointly work towards developing
satisfactory solution to the issues at stake. The mediator has to be patience
and empathetic. It is also important that a mediator demonstrate neutrality,
irrespective of his or her worldview and belief.

The mediator must be tactful and has the power to persuasively nudge the
conflict parties towards a practical and mutually acceptable solution to their
disagreement. This requires that the mediator possess the power of oratory
and diplomacy to stir the parties to develop an analytical problem solving
approach to resolving their conflict.

Another essential skill is the ability to help the conflict parties to invent
creative options towards resolving their conflict to achieve win-win
solution. To be able to attain a mutually agreeable solution, the mediator
must adopt an analytical approach that will help the conflict parties to
identify the issues in the conflict, understand their interest and needs and
make informed decision that will be implementable.

2.4 Qualities of a Mediator

The qualities that the conflict parties seek in a mediator and are necessary for
an good mediation process and outcome are diverse and overlapping. An
effective mediator must be intelligent and knowledgeable about the conflict
situation. He or she has to be credible and demonstrate integrity. The mediator
has to be resourceful and imaginative to be able to build the capacity of the
conflict parties to invent creative options to resolve their disagreement. A
trustworthy and neutral mediator will be favored by the conflict parties because
they will be able to openly and freely express their innermost concerns and fears
that can make them vulnerable.

The mediator must be tolerance of the conflict parties emotional outburst and
act as a sponge can absorb the conflict parties frustration, and direct them
towards a positive approach to the problem. This will entail that they are able
to focus on the problem and deal with these issues in the conflict in a positive
way. The mediator must be a catalyst that can help the conflict parties to change
their misperception and be open-minded in dealing with the issues at stake. The
mediator should be able to serve as a scribe who take down all the key point
during the dialogue, double check the information provided by both parties to
ensure that all the diverse issues in the conflict have been dealt with and
practical solution developed.
The qualities of a mediator are inexhaustible. The essential
ones have been discussed. In addition, a mediator should be
able to treat the conflict parties equally, showing them respect
and dignity at all times. He or she should create an
environment that makes the parties feel comfortable and safe.
The mediator must be sensitive to power imbalances between
the parties in a way that help them to see one another as equal
partners in search of solution to their disagreement. The
mediator is also non-judgmental and be able to convince the
parties that he or she has no stake in the outcome of the
dispute that will prevent the parties from reaching an
agreement that serves each of their interests.

What are the basic qualities skills of mediator?

The basic mediation skills require that a mediator is able to
actively listen to the conflict parties. He or she must have good
communication skills to be able to listen carefully, facilitate a
smooth back and forth communication between the parties,
help them to clarity, reframe and summarize their dialogue.

Class Activity
Discuss the basic skills and qualities of a mediator that can facilitate a good and effective
mediation process?

Self Assessment Exercise

i.What are the qualities poses to be able to guide the conflict

ii.Parties to achieve a mutually satisfactory outcome?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

i.The qualities that the conflict parties seek in a mediator and are
necessary for an good mediation process and outcome are diverse
and overlapping. An effective mediator must be intelligent and
knowledgeable about the conflict situation. He or she has to be
credible and demonstrate integrity. The mediator has to be
resourceful and imaginative to be able to build the capacity of the
conflict parties to invent creative options to resolve their

ii. The mediator must be tolerance of the conflict parties

emotional outburst and act as a sponge can absorb the conflict
parties frustration, and direct them towards a positive approach to
the problem. This will entail that they are able to focus on the
problem and deal with these issues in the conflict in a positive
way. The mediator must be a catalyst that can help the conflict
parties to change their misperception and be open-minded in
dealing with the issues at stake.

We have examined the skills and qualities of a mediator. This unit

has shown that the mediator must possess some basic and
essential skills and qualities that can facilitate a good mediation
process and outcome.


Kressel, K. (2007). The strategic style in mediation. Conflict Resolution

Quarterly, 24, 251–283.

Kressel, K. (2014). The mediation of conflict: Context, cognition, and

practice. In M. Deutsch. Lazarus, R. S. (1991). Progress on a cognitive –
motivational relational theory of emotion. American Psychologist 46(8),
819- 834

Wall, J. A., Stark, J. B., &Standifer, R. L. (2001). Mediation: A current

review and theory development. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45, 370–


Unit Structure

3.1 Introduction

3.3Mediator Strategies
3.3.1 Communication-Facilitation Strategies
3.3.2 Procedural Strategies
3.3.3 Directive Strategies
3.4 Summary
3.5 References/Further Readings
3.6 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

Mediators have t h r e e m a i n s t r a t e g i e s t h a t t h e y a p p l i e d
i n i n t e r v e n i n g i n a conflict situation. Specifically, mediators may
use one of the following three strategies during the mediation
process. They c a n a p p l y communication-facilitation strategies,
procedural strategies, or directive strategies.

Irrespective of the strategies of mediation adopted by a mediator, as an

intermediary between the conflict parties, the mediator must not make
assumption based on the positions of the disputants (Wall, et al,
2001). It is important to probe deeply to identify their interest
and help them to work together to find ways to achieve these
interest in a mutually satisfactory way. For instance, in a case
involving a dispute between two little girls over an orange. Both girls
take the position that they want the whole orange. Their mother serves
as the moderator of the dispute and based on their positions, cuts the
orange in half and gives each girl one half. This outcome represents
a compromise. However, if the mother had asked each of the girls why
she wanted the orange -- what her interests were --there could have been
a different, win-win outcome. This is because one girl wanted to eat the
meat of the orange, but the other just wanted the peel to use in baking
some biscuits. If their mother had known their interests, they could
have both gotten all of what they wanted, rather than just half.

3.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Identity the three main strategies a mediation;
ii. Explain communication – facilitation strategies;
iii. Explain procedural strategies; and
iv. Explain the use of directive strategies


3.3.1 Communication-Facilitation Strategies

This describes mediator behavior at the low end of the intervention

spectrum. Here a mediator typically adopts a fairly passive role,
channeling information to the parties, facilitating cooperation, but
exhibiting little control over the more formal process or substance of
mediation. T h i s s t r a t e g y i s v e r y r e l e v a n t i n
context in which the conflict partie do not
h a v e direct channels of communication, have different conceptions
of the conf lict issues, and/or do not even have the opportunity to
explore any options that might benefit both. In such situations, a
mediator who can facilitate dialogue and communication, and just carry
out information from one to the other, is a prerequisite for an effective
process of peacemaking. Norway's intervention in bringing about the
Oslo Accords in 1993 (in which in fact) is a good example of what we
mean by communication-facilitation strategies.

3.3.2 Procedural Strategies

Enables a mediator to bring both parties together, in some neutral

environment, where they (i.e., the mediator) exert some control over the
conflict management process. Here a mediator may exercise control
over timing, issues on the agenda, meeting place and arrangements,
media publicity, the distribution of information, and the formality or
flexibility of the meetings. Procedural strategies give a mediator the
opportunity to control aspects of interaction. This is very significant for
parties in a conflict that may not have had an opportunity to interact
together in any other place besides the battlefield. Procedural strategies
help to minimize stress and disruption that arise when two or more
conflictual parties who have little history of peacemaking get together to
deal with their conflict.

3.3.3 Directive Strategies

This is the most powerful form of intervention. Here a mediator works

hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome. This is done
by offering each party in conflict incentives, promises of support, or
threats of diplomatic sanctions. When a mediator engages in such
behavior, the parties are confronted with new resources or the
prospect of losing resources. This may change the value they attach
to their conflict and produce behavior that is more consonant with
the requirements of conflict resolution.

Directive strategies are crucial in any conflict. They allow a mediator to

break through a cycle of violence by changing the factors influencing
the parties' decision making. By making financial or diplomatic support
contingent on co-operation, people who are otherwise opposed to
settlement might be persuaded to agree to one. Directive strategies take
the form of promises of rewards or threats of withdrawals, if certain
agreements are not made or actions are not taken. In either case they are
significant in getting parties in a conflict to change their values and

What are directive strategies?

This is the most powerful form of intervention. Here a mediator works

hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome. This is done
by offering each party in conflict incentives, promises of support, or
threats of diplomatic sanctions.

Class Activity
Identify and describe the three main strategies used in the course of
settling disputes by mediators?
Self Assessment Exercise

Define and Explain Mediator Strategies?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

Mediators have t h r e e m a i n s t r a t e g i e s t h a t t h e y a p p l i e d
i n i n t e r v e n i n g i n a conflict situation. Specifically, mediators may
use one of the following three strategies during the mediation
process. They c a n a p p l y communication-facilitation strategies,
procedural strategies, or directive strategies.

Communication-Facilitation Strategies: This describes mediator behavior at the

low end of the intervention spectrum. Here a mediator typically adopts a fairly
passive role, channeling information to the parties, facilitating cooperation, but
exhibiting little control over the more formal process or substance of mediation.

Procedural Strategies; Enables a mediator to bring both parties together, in some

neutral environment, where they (i.e., the mediator) exert some control over the conflict
management process. Here a mediator may exercise control over timing, issues on
the agenda, meeting place and arrangements, media publicity, the distribution of
information, and the formality or flexibility of the meetings. Procedural strategies
give a mediator the opportunity to control aspects of interaction.

Directive Strategies; This is the most powerful form of intervention. Here a mediator
works hard to shape the content and nature of a final outcome. This is done by
offering each party in conflict incentives, promises of support, or threats of diplomatic
sanctions. When a mediator engages in such behavior, the parties are confronted with
new resources or the prospect of losing resources.

We have three strategies of mediation, namely, procedural
examined the strategies and directive
strategies. We have
discussed how the
three strategies are
applied and the ways
they can influence
the conflict parties
and the outcome of
the mediation.


Sung Hee Kim et.al, 1994 Social Conflict: Escalation, Stalemate and
Settlement, 2nd Edition, New York, McGraw Hill College

Wall, J. A., Stark, J. B. and Standifer, R. L. (2001). Mediation: A current

review and theory development. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 45,



Unit Structure

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Learning
4.3Timing and Knowledge in the
of Mediation Process
4.4 Summary
4.5 References/Further Readings
4.6 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


Mediation is an effective and useful way of dealing with conflicts. This

is not to suggest that every conflict can be mediated. Many conflicts are
just too intense, a n d c o m p l e x , the parties too entrenched in their
world view and the behavior just too violent for any mediator to
achieve very much. Some conflicts go on and on with little signs of
abatement. They cease to become intractable only when t h e
conflict parties are war-fatigue, could no longer
mobilize resources to continue to attack one
a n o t h e r , o r w h e n t h e r e is a major systemic change (e.g.
change of leaders, collapse of country, etc.).

4.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Explain the importance of timing in the mediation process;
ii. Describe the enabling factors for mediation;
iii. Identify instances in which mediation will be extremely difficult.

4.3 Timing and Knowledge in the Mediation Process

Mediators can engage in a conflict only after a thorough and complete

analysis of the conflict, issues at stake, context and dynamics,
s t a k e h o l d e r s i n t h e c o n f l i c t , , etc. Conflicts are complex and
multi-layered. A mediation initiative is more likely to be successful if it
is predicated on knowledge and understanding rather than on good
intentions only. A good analysis and a thorough understanding of all
aspects of the conflict are important prerequisites for successful mediation
in conflicts.


Mediation must take place at an optimal or ripe moment. Early
mediation may be premature and late mediation may face too many
obstacles. A ripe moment describes a phase in the life cycle of the
conflict where the parties feel exhausted and hurt, or where they may
not wish to countenance any further losses and are prepared to commit
to a settlement, or at least believe one to be possible. In destructive and
escalating conflicts, mediation can have any chance of
success only if it can capture a particular moment when
the adversaries, for a variety of reasons, appear most
amenable to change. Timing of intervention in a conflict
is an issue of crucial importance, and one that must be
properly assessed by any would be mediator.

Given the nature and complexity of conflicts, successful mediation

requires a coordinated approach between different aspects of
intervention. Mediation here requires leverage and resources to nudge
the parties toward a settlement, but also acute psychological
understanding of the parties' feelings and grievances. The kind of
mediation we are talking about here is mediation that is embedded in
various disciplinary frameworks, ranging from problem-solving
workshops to more traditional diplomatic methods. No one aspect or
form of behavior will suffice to turn a conflict around. Diverse and
complementary methods, an interdisciplinary focus, and a full range of
intervention methods responding to the many concerns and fears of the
adversaries, are required to achieve some accommodation between
parties in a conflict.

Mediating conflicts require commitment, resources, persistence, and

experience. Mediators of high rank or prestige are more likely to possess
these attributes and thus are more likely to be successful in
i n t e r v e n i n g i n conflicts. Such mediators have the capacity to
appeal directly to the c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s a n d t h e i r
s u p p o r t e r s and build up support for some peace agreement.
Influential, high ranking or prestigious mediators can marshal more
resources, have better information, and can devote more time to a
conflict. Such mediators can work toward achieving some visible signs
of progress in the short term, and identify steps that need to be taken to
deal with the conflict issues in a way that can facilitates a long term
peace objectives. Influential mediators can work better within the
constraints of conflicts, and more likely to elicit accommodative responses
from the adversaries.

Mediation in conflicts is more likely to be successful when there are

recognizable leaders within each party, where the leaders are accepted as
legitimate by all concerned, and where they have considerable control
over their territory. A conflict between parties with competing leaders
and constituents can prove very difficult to deal with. Where there are
recognizable leaders, each from the mainstream of their respective
community, and where each embodies the aspirations and expectations
of their respective community, the mediation is likely to succeed when
the mediator has the capacity to influence the conflict parties and their

stakeholders to adopt a problem solving approach to finding solution to

their conflict. Where there are competing leadership factions, state
institutions, and governance capacity are all too uncertain, the
chances of successful mediation decline sharply.

Mediation in conflicts is more likely to be effective if there are no

sections in each community committed to the continuation of violence.
Such parties are usually described as spoilers. Spoilers in such a context
have much to lose from a peaceful outcome and much to gain from the
continuation of violence. Their presence and activities constitute a major
obstacle to any mediation effort.

Where a conflict involves a major power, or major powers have

interests (vital or otherwise) at stake, it is very unlikely that mediation
will be attempted, and if attempted, very unlikely that it will succeed.
The involvement of major powers in any capacity in a conflict poses too
serious a constraint on any mediation effort. A major power
involvement in a conflict provides a clear indication of the difficulty of
initiating any form of mediation.

Discuss and explain Timing and Knowledge in the Mediation


Mediators can engage in a conflict only after a thorough and complete

analysis of the conflict, issues at stake, context and dynamics,
stakeholders in the conflict.

Mediation must take place at an optimal or ripe moment. Early

mediation may be premature and late mediation may face too many

Given the nature and complexity of conflicts, successful mediation

requires a coordinated approach between different aspects of

Class Activity
How does the timing of mediation affect the outcome? What are those
factors that are essential to the success of a mediator process?

Self Assessment Exercise

How can you distinguish between conflicts that can be mediated and
those that cannot?
Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise
Mediation is an effective and useful way of dealing with
conflicts. This is not to suggest that every conflict can be
mediated. Many conflicts are just too intense, a n d c o m p l e x ,
the parties too entrenched in their world view and the behavior
just too violent for any mediator to achieve very much. Some
conflicts go on and on with little signs of abatement. They cease
to become intractable only when t h e c o n f l i c t p a r t i e s
are war-fatigue, could no longer mobilize
resources to continue to attack one
a n o t h e r , o r w h e n t h e r e is a major systemic change
(e.g. change of leaders, collapse of country.

While in the other hand conflict that can be mediated, mediators can engage in a
conflict only after a thorough and complete analysis of the conflict, issues at stake,
context and dynamics, s t a k e h o l d e r s i n t h e c o n f l i c t , , etc. Conflicts are
complex and multi-layered. A mediation initiative is more likely to be successful if
it is predicated on knowledge and understanding rather than on good intentions only.


In this unit, we have examined and explained different factors that

can influence the success of a mediation. The situations or
circumstances in which mediation may not be possible have also been
explored. It is important to understand that the success in a mediation
process is not only determined by the professionalism and experience of a
mediator, it also depends of these interlocking factors that have been
examined here.



Burton, J.W and E. Frank Dukes, E.F. 1990 Conflict Practices in
Management, Settlement and Resolution, New York, St. Martins

Fisher, R. and Ury, W. 1983. Getting to Yes, Negotiating Agreement

Without Giving In. Harmoundsworth. Penguin.


Unit 1: Understanding Peace

Unit 2: Peace Support Operation
Unit 3: Basic Standards in International Law and
Humanitarian Principles
Unit 4: Early Warning and Preventive Measures and Deployment


Unit Structure

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Learning
1.3 Positive Peace
1.4 Summary
1.5 References and Further Readings
1.6 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


Peace is a latin word that means ‘pax. It connotes the human condition that
engenders inner peace. Peace is thus a state of mind that signify harmony,
order, and social justice (Burgess and Burgess, 1997). Peace can be
conceived both in its positive and negative connotations. Peace refers to
the mere absence of war or organized armed conflict (Evans and
Newnham, 1992). War and peace are seen as two sides of the same coin.
However, peace connotes more than the mere absence of war because
absence of war may not necessarily mean that there is no conflict. Although
the conflict may not be destructive in nature, there may be the existence of
injustice that undermine human wellbeing. In such a condition, the
prevailing state of peace cannot be seen as positive. It is thus a negative
peace. Peace is negative when there is the absence of war, organized
military hostility or direct interpersonal or intergroup violence while the
causes of the conflict remains unresolved. This situation creates condition
for the resurgence of violence. Thus, peace is negative. In its positive
sense, peace is the absence of war and direct violence and the presence of
social justice. There can be absence of war but the presence of indirect or
concealed violence which John Galtung refers to as structural violence.
This has to do with social condition of poverty, exclusion, deprivation,
oppression, intimidation and other forms of injustices. Such a state cannot
be considered as peaceful, even though there is absence of war. Positive
peace is achieved when there is absence of war and direct violence and the
presence of social justice.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Explain the meaning of peace;
ii. Discuss the nature of peace;
iii. D i s t i n g u i s h b e t w e e n p o s i t i v e a n d
n e g a t i v e p e a c e ; and
iv. Discuss the importance of p o s i t i v e p e a c e t o h u m a n w e l l

1.3 Positive Peace

Peace is defined as the political condition that engenders justice and social
stability through formal and informal institution, practice and norms. Peace
is positive when there is a social and political condition that safeguard
human wellbeing (Galtung, 1996). These social conditions must ensure
fairness, fair play, and social justice and gender equality between boys and
girls, men and women. The political conditions that are vital to promoting
positive peace requires that there is legitimacy of policy makers and
implementers in the eyes of their social groups and other groups. There
must be transparency and accountability by the governance system and
state institutions. There must be balance of political power among the
social groups in the society. There must be reliable and trusted conflict
management institution. The state institution must promote good
governance, equality, human rights and security.
Positive peace is essential to the prevention of outbreak of destructive
conflict in the society. Structural condition of poverty, inequalities and
injustice are at the root of conflict that manifest in destructive ways.
Destructive conflict is characterized by violence that lead to loss of lives,
properties, maiming and internal displacement of persons. Such
consequences of destructive conflict retards development and the worsens
the structural conditions that breeds conflicts. A society must always put
in place preventive measures that promotes fairness, equity and justice so
as to prevent the manifestation of structural violence. This connotes that
any society where there is structural violence, cannot be in a state of
positive peace. In such a society there is conflict is latent because there is
injustice which will provoke grievance that will latter explode into
physical violence.

Peace create a conducive environment for socio-economic growth and

development. A peaceful environment will allow business to thrives, and also
allows people to have a good mental state that will enable them to contribute to
societal development. This is only possible in a environment where positive
peace thrives. In such environmental, people are able to realise their full human
potential because of the fulfilment of their basic needs that are essential to their
social wellbeing. The important of positive peace to the attainment of societal
development cannot be overemphasized. It helps to prevent conflict and also to
develop the capacity to manage conflict constructively. Since conflict is an

inevitable aspect of human society, there is always be occurrence of conflict in

the society. What is to be prevented is the outbreak of destructive conflict. Such
conflict feeds on structural violence which provoke deep-seated grievance that
drives violent conflict.

Peace is an essential prerequisite for the attainment of human and society

development. When positive peace is attained, it must be sustained. This
implies that it is not enough to attain positive peace, it is important to put in
place sustained efforts to make the peace durable. Thus, durable peace is
achievable when there is sustained efforts to prevent the manifestation of
structural violence and other forms of violence that provides the conditions for
the outbreak of violent conflict. Positive peace must therefore be durable and

What is the meaning of Peace?

Peace is defined as the political condition that engenders justice and social stability through
formal and informal institution, practice and norms. Peace is positive when there is a social
and political condition that safeguard human wellbeing.
Class Activity
Why is it important to put in place measures to ensure durable peace?

Self Assessment Exercise 1

Discuss the nature of peace in both its negative and positive connotation.

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

Peace is defined as the political condition that engenders justice and social stability through
formal and informal institution, practice and norms. Peace is positive when there is a social
and political condition that safeguard human wellbeing. These social conditions must ensure
fairness, fair play, and social justice and gender equality between boys and girls, men and
Negative peace; absence of war because absence of war may not necessarily mean that
there is no conflict. Although the conflict may not be destructive in nature, there may be the
existence of injustice that undermine human wellbeing, stopping violent or preventing
dissociative separating conflict parties create a walls putting army in between as refry


This unit has examined the nature of peace in its possible and negative connotation. It
emphasized the importance of peace in its positive sense to the attainment of human and
societal development. It also discussed the conditions that can lead to the attainment of
positive peace and the need to put in place sustained efforts to maintain the peace. It is not
enough to attain positive peace; the peace must be durable through sustained measures to
prevent the manifestation of structural violence.



Burgess, H. and Burgess, G.H. (1997). Encyclopedia of Conflict

Resolution. Santa Barbara. ABC-CLIO.

Galtung, J. (1996). Peace by Peaceful Means. Peace and Conflict,

Development and Civilization. London, Sage.


Unit Structure

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Learning
2.3 Peace Keeping
2.4 Peace Enforcement
2.5 Summary
2.6 References and Further Readings
2.7 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise
2.1 Introduction

Peace support operation involves an arrays of activities

by regional and international organisations conducted
during period of ongoing internal or interstate conflicts
to minimize civilian casualties, restore normalcy, and
create an environment for the peace agreement and
implementation. It is defined as a multifunctional
operations carried out by military forces and
diplomatic and humanitarian agencies. Peace support
operations are geared towards achieving humanitarian
goals or a long-term political settlement. It is usually
conducted by an impartial military and civilian forces
under the mandate of the United Nations. The arrays
of activities under peace support operation include
peacekeeping, peace enforcement, conflict prevention,
peacemaking and humanitarian operations (British
Army, 1997). In the case of high intensity internal or
inter-state conflict conflicts, efforts to halt the rising
civilian casualties usually necessitate that the
interventions of international community through the
UN mandated peace support missions. The peace
mission is part of the efforts of the international
community to promote global peace and security.

2.2 Learning

At the end of this

unit, you should be
able to


i. Explain the
importance of
peace support
operations to the
efforts to global
peace and security.
ii. Understand
Peacekeeping and
Peace enforcement
as important aspect
of peace support
2.3 Peace Keeping

Peacekeeping has to do with efforts to maintain

public security, services and ceasefire agreements
in war and conflict zones by the UN or regional
military and civilian forces with the consent of the
nation-state where these forces are deployed
(Demurenko and Nikitin, 1997). It involves
coordinated efforts to ensure stability and relative
normalcy in the aftermath of an intensely volatile
conflict. The peacekeeping mission is mandated
under the UN charter which outlines the objectives
of peacekeeping and serves as the international
mandate. The goal is to create a conducive
environment towards establishing lasting political

The scope of peacekeeping operations is broad and

encompasses both civilian and activities such as
food distribution, transportations, other basic
services and establishing safe havens.
Peacekeeping activities conducted by troops from
countries that are impartial and neutral to the
conflict. The peacekeeping mission requires the
consents of the actors in the conflict. Chapter VI of
the UN charter stipulates the objectives of the
peacekeeping mission and also serves as the
international mandates.

Peacekeeping missions have expanded over the

years from the first generation to the third
generation peacekeeping. The first generation

peacekeeping is the traditional peacekeeping

involving observer mission where ceasefire has
been brokered so as to act as a deterrence against
renewed violence. The troop are usually lightly
armed military contingent engaged in the
monitoring, supervision and verification of
ceasefire, withdrawal and buffer zone.

The second generation peacekeeping is a more

comprehensive form of peacemaking in which the
peace keepers support the implementation of a
recently achieved comprehensive settlement. For
the third generation peacekeeping, involving a
humanitarian mandate that is carried out during an
ongoing hostility, the mission lead to the
establishment of safe haven. Examples include the
case of the conflict in Northern Iraq where a UN
mandated peacekeeping force under chapter V1 of
the UN charter was deployed to the conflict zone.
There have been various UN mandated
peacekeeping missions in African including
Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of
Congo, Sudan, Cote D’Ivoire among others.
Regional organisations like the African Union also
engaged in peacekeeping mission in several
African countries including Burundi, Somalia,
Danfo and Sudan. These operations have facilitated
the signing and implementation of peace
agreement. Peacekeeping requires huge resource
usually provided by the member states of the UN.
Given the high number of violent conflicts,
particularly in Africa that requires intervention,
funding is one of the main constraint to effective
peacekeeping mission in Africa.

2.4 Peace Enforcement

Peace enforcement involves multinational military

intervention to impose peace or restore ceasefire by
forces during a situation of high intensity conflict
that have led to high civilian casualties. It can also
be carried out in a situation in which peacekeeping
mission are in danger. The peace enforcement
mandate is under chapter VII of the UN charter
which specify the range of activities under the
mission. It is more of a coercive operation to
enforce compliance with international law, security

council resolution or decision of regional

organisations (Evans, 1993).

Peace enforcement as the name implies is carried

out with or without the consent of the conflict
parties. It is thus less impartial than peacekeeping
mission. The range of activities under peace
enforcement can include the deployment of armed
forces to compel compliance. It also involves the
forcible separation of belligerent in order to restore
order or limit fatalities. It also entails the
establishment of protected zones and the protection
of humanitarian workers.

There are other activities that are activities that fall

under peace enforcement. Such activities involving
the imposition of international arm embargo,
control, and disarmament. It can also involve the
threat or actual use of force which is aimed at
restoring peace by military means such as the case
of Korea (1950-1952) and Iraq (1991).

The imposition of international sanctions against

any of the conflict parties who is not willing to
cease fire is part of the peace enforcement mission.
It can also involve measures to isolate the conflict
and prevent arm deliveries to the areas as well as
preventing its penetration by armed formations. It
also involves the use of air or missile strikes on the
parties that refused to halt its military actions or
cease fighting. The success of the peace
enforcement mission leading to the cessation of
hostility can pave way for the establishment of a
peacekeeping force.

What is Peace Enforcement?

Peace enforcement involves multinational military intervention to impose

peace or restore ceasefire by forces during a situation of high intensity
conflict that have led to high civilian casualties

Class Activity
Discuss the importance of peace support operation to the global peace and
Self Assessment Exercise
Explain peace support operation?
Differentiate between peace keeping and peace enforcement?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

i. Peaec support operation involve peacekeeping which is more
comprehensive form of peacemaking in which the peace keepers
support the implementation of a recently achieved comprehensive
settlement, involving a humanitarian mandate that is carried out
during an ongoing hostility, the mission lead to the establishment
of safe haven. Examples include the case of the conflict in Northern
Iraq where a UN mandated peacekeeping force under chapter V1 of
the UN charter was deployed to the conflict zone. There have been
various UN mandated peacekeeping missions in African including
Somalia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sudan,
Cote D’Ivoire among others. Regional organisations like the
African Union also engaged in peacekeeping mission in several
African countries including Burundi, Somalia, Danfo and Sudan.
These operations have facilitated the signing and implementation of
peace agreement. Peacekeeping requires huge resource usually
provided by the member states of the UN. Given the high number
of violent conflicts, particularly in Africa that requires intervention,
funding is one of the main constraint to effective peacekeeping
mission in Africa.

Ii Peacekeeping has to do with efforts to maintain public security, services

and ceasefire agreements in war and conflict zones by the UN or regional
military and civilian forces with the consent of the nation-state where these
forces are deployed. In the other hand, Peace enforcement involves
multinational military intervention to impose peace or restore ceasefire by
forces during a situation of high intensity conflict that have led to high civilian
casualties. On the other hand, Peace enforcement as the name implies is
carried out with or without the consent of the conflict parties.

2.5 Summary

In this unit, we have discussed the importance of

peace support operation to the quest to achieve
global peace and security. The key aspects of peace
support operation involving peacekeeping and
peace enforcement are discussed. The arrays of
activities under each of these mission and how they
are conducted have been examined. While
peacekeeping requires the involvement of neutral
forces, in the case of peace enforcement, the forces
are not entirely impartial given that the mandate
requires some degree of coercion to enforce

2.6 References and Further Readings

British Army (1997). Peace Support Operation. London: John

Warfare Publication
Demurenko, A. and Nikitin, A. (1997). Basic Terminology and
Concepts in International Peacekeeping
Operations: An Analytical Review: Low Intensity
Conflict and Law Enforcement. Vol. 6, No. 1:
Evans, G. (1993). Cooperating for Peace. The Global Agenda
for the 1990s and Beyond. London. Allen and




Unit Structure

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Learning

3.3 The Meaning of International Law

3.3 Types of International Law
3.4 The Basic standards of International Law and
3.5 Summary
3.6References and Further Readings
3.7 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


This unit will explore the meaning of international law. It will seek to
understand the various dimensions of international law, and types of
international law. It will distinguish public international law from
private international law. It will also examine the basic standards of
international law and humanitarianism as they relate to the treatment of
refugees, prisoners of war, the under-aged, women and vulnerable
groups like minorities. The knowledge of the basics of international
l a w is important for effort at conflict resolution at the international
level, that is conflicts involving states or sub-state actors across
international boundaries.

3.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Define international law;

ii. Discuss the types of international law;
iii. Distinguish between Public and Private international law;
iv. Explain the basic standards of international law and humanitarian

3.3 The Meaning of International Law

Different writers have defined international law in various ways:

Oppenheim, a Standard authority spoke of it in 1905 as “the name for
the body of customary and conventional rules which are considered

legally binding by civilized states in their interaction with each other”.

He added that, “it is a law for the interrelation of states with one another
not a law for individuals” and that it is a law between, not above, the
single states”. Also Ellery C. Stowell in his writing in 1931 defined
“International Law” as embodying certain rules relating to human
relations throughout the world, which are generally observed by
mankind and enforced primacy through the agency of the government of
the independent community into which humanity is divided.

In 1948 Philip C. Jessup wrote that International Law is “generally

defined as law applicable to relations between states” but he declared
that “there has welled up through the years a growing opposition to this
traditional concept”. He was so confident that individuals are becoming
more and more subject to international law that he outlined a “modern
law of nations”.

International law is common to all states, it is spoken of as the moral

code of state by which people have lived side by side and done business
with each other; for it is a body of rules upon which they have agreed so
that they survive in peace.

3.4 Types of International Law

They are different types of international law:

(1) These are the Public and Private international law. Here the
international law we have defined is at times spoken of as
“public international law”. This is to distinguish it from what is
known as “private international law”, a branch of the law which
deals entirely with relations of persons living under different
legal systems.
(2) There is also Admiralty Law, which is the law of maritime
commerce. It somehow resembles private international law in
that in large part it is concerned with differences between
separate national jurisdictions.
(3) The other is the Administrative Law, which consists of the body
of rules growing out of the regulations adopted by international
administrative agencies, for example, the Universal Post

There are three sources of international law, treaties, custom and

general principles of law. Thus the statute of International Court
of Justice (Article 38) stipulates that the Court shall apply:

(a) International conventions, whether general or particular,

establishing rules expressly recognized by the courtesy


(b) International custom, as evidence of a general practice

accepted as law.
(c) The general principles of law recognized by civilized
(d) Judicial decisions and the teachings of the most highly
qualified publicist of the various nations, as subsidiary
means for the determination of rules of law.

3.5 The basic standard of international law and

humanitarian principles

There are ten basic standards of international law:

(1) Everyone is entitled to equal protection of the law, without

discrimination on any grounds, and especially against violence or
threat, especially to potentially vulnerable groups such as
children, elderly, women, refugees, displaced persons and
members of minority groups.

(2) Treat all victims of crime with compassion and respect, and in
particular protect their safety and privacy.

(3) Do not use force except when strictly necessary and to the
minimum extent required under the circumstances.

(4) Avoid using force when policing unlawful but non-violent

assemblies. When dispersing violent assemblies, use force only to
the minimum extent necessary.

(5) Lethal force should not be used except when strictly unavoidable
in order to protect your life or the lives of others.
(6) Arrest no person unless there are legal grounds to do so and the
arrest is carried out in accordance with lawful arrest procedures.

(7) Ensure all detainees have access, promptly after arrest to their
families and legal representative and to any necessary medical


(8) All detainees must be treated humanly. Do not inflict, instigate or

tolerate any act of torture or ill-treatment, in any circumstances,
and refuse to obey any order to do so.

(9) Do not carry out, order or cover up extrajudicial executions or

“disappearances” and refuse to obey any order to do so.

(10) Report all breaches of these basic standards to your senior officer
and to the office of the public prosecutor. Do everything within your
power to ensure steps are taken to investigate these breaches.

Having seen the basic standards, we shall now look at the Humanitarian
Principles which are three in number:

(1) First we have the humanitarian imperative which prevent and

alleviate the suffering of the human being. It protects life and
health (improve human condition) and ensures respect for the
human being. It also include the right to receive humanitarian
assistance and the right to offer it as fundamental to humanitarian
principles. It also implies an overall protection approach i.e. the
respect of international humanitarian law and human rights.

(2) Neutrality implies that you are not to take sides in the hostilities
or in controversies based on political, racial, religious or
ideological identity (non-partisanship/independence).
Transparency and openness are key issues to keep neutrality.

(3) Impartiality has t o do wi th ne utra lity an d non -

discr imin atio n in deal ing wit h all. For insta nce, aid
sho ul d b e delivered to all those who are suffering, on the
basis of the guiding principle o f m e e t i n g their need and
the corresponding rights. Human rights are the basis and the
framework for an assessment of needs. The aid o r d o n o r
community should respond with equal and appropriate
assistance, advocacy and action. There should be no

Everyone is entitled to equal protection of the law, without

discrimination on any grounds and especially against violence or threat.
Be especially vigilant to protect persons and members of minority,
potentially vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, women,
refugees and displaced persons.

In principle, all members of the international community must promote

and protect human dignity and maintain and uphold the human rights of
all persons, among which are the following:

Everyone has the right to liberty and security of the person

No one should be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile


All persons deprived of their liberty have the right not to suffer
torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment
Everyone is entitled without any discrimination to equal
protection of the law
Everyone has the right to a fair trial
Everyone has the right to freedom of movement
Everyone has the right to peaceful assembly
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression

No person or state may inflict, instigate or tolerate any act of torture or

other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, nor may
they invoke superior orders or exceptional circumstances such as a state
of war or threat of war, or political instability or other public emergency
as a justification for such acts. Special attention should be given to the
protection of human rights of members of potentially vulnerable groups,
such as children, the elderly, women, refugees, displaced persons and
members of minority groups.

Generally, from the perspective of Standard International Law, the rape

of women is considered an act of torture that is not tolerated. Any other
forms of sexual abuse may constitute torture or cruel, inhuman or
degrading treatment and offenders will usually be brought to justice.
The term “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment” should
be interpreted so as to extend the widest possible protection against
abuses, whether physical or mental, including holding a detainee in
conditions which deprive him or her, even temporarily, of the use of any
of his or her natural senses, such as sight or hearing, of his or her
awareness of place or passing of time. Compliance with the other basic
standards for law enforcement is also essential safeguards against
torture and ill-treat.

A detainee may not be compelled to confess, to otherwise incriminate

himself or herself or to testify against any other person. While being
interrogated, no detainee may be subjected to violent threats or
methods, which impair his or her capacity of decision making or
judgment. Female guards should be present during the interrogation
of female detainees and should be solely responsible for carrying
out any body searches of female detainees.

Children should be detained only as a last resort and for the shortest possible time. They
should be given immediate access to relatives, legal counsel and medical assistance and
relatives or guardians should be informed immediately of their whereabouts. Juvenile
detainees should be kept separate from adults and detained in separate institutions. They

should be protected from torture and ill-treatment, including rape and

sexual abuse, whether by officials or other detainees.

Refugees and asylum seekers detained for non-criminal reasons should

never be detained together with common law prisoners. Conditions and
treatment should be humane and appropriate to their status as refugees.

Define International Law?

International Law can be defined a s embodying certain rules relating

to human relations throughout the world, which are generally
observed by mankind and enforced primacy through the agency of the
government of the independent community into which humanity is

Class Activity

What do you consider to be the sources of international law?

Self Assessment Exercise

I . Discuss the various types of International Law?

ii. What do you consider to be the sources of international law?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

iThese are the Public and Private international law. Here the international law we
have defined is at times spoken of as “public international law”. This is to
distinguish it from what is known as “private international law”, a branch of the law
which deals entirely with relations of persons living under different legal systems.
Ii the source of international law includes treaties, international custom, and general widely
accepted principles of law.


In this unit, we have examined the meaning of international law and the
types of international law. We also distinguished between public and
private international law and perused the issues surrounding the basic
standards of international law and humanitarian principles.


Amnesty International, Basic Human Rights Standards for law

Enforcement officials, Amnesty International.

Corbett, P.E 1955 The Study of International Law. Garden City, NY:
Doubleday and Company.

Fenwick Charles G., 1965 International Law, 4th Ed. New York,



Unit Structure

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Learning
4.3 Early Warning and Preventive Measures
3.2 4.4Early Warning Process
4.5Multilateral Preventive Actions
4.6 Summary
4.7 References and Further Readings
4.8 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


In this unit, we shall examine the Early Warning and Preventive

Measures for addressing conflicts. This includes the Early Warning
Early Response Mechanism and the various components of this. Further,
we will examine Early Warning as a system in terms of its elements and
the Multilateral Preventive Actions by the UN with emphasis on the
efforts of the Design and Development Team on Early Warning Early

Early warning generally refers to the set of activities that aim to collect,
collate and analyse data in order to detect and identify the signs of an
emerging crises before it explodes into uncontrollable violence. Early
warning systems are mechanism or set of procedures designed to detect,
process and communicate signals of a potential or impending threat to
allow early counter-measures to prevent or mitigate negative impacts
(Peck, 1996; Lund, 1997). Early warning system has various indications
including the political, social, economic, security and environmental. The
political indicators include signals of electoral conflict and violence.
Examples of economic indicators are rising cost of living, inflation rate,
unemployment, food insecurity and lack of access to critical resources.
Security indicators involves law and order, civil-military relations,
proliferation of small arms and light weapons, military build-up and
expenditure, proliferations of militias and paramilitary forces leading to
illegal stockpiling of weapons. The social indications are explosion in
population growth and movement, population density, which shows some
trends that can lead to outbreak of violent conflict. In terms of
environmental indicators, there are issues of water scarcity, natural
disasters, epidemic and pandemic. These indications have been monitored


and measures put in place to mitigate their occurrence or manage them so

prevent their adverse consequences.

4.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Explain the five essential elements of early warning and

Preventive Measures;
ii. Describe the elements of the Early Warning process;
iii. Discuss Multilateral Preventive Actions by the UN; and
iv. Explain the problems inherent in the implementation of the Early
Warning Mechanism.

4.3 Early Warning and Preventive Measures

This is the basis for any operational intelligence system designed to

support military operations and the resolution of conflicts. Though with
the advent of a post-cold war security system that features mainly


multinational forces, national early warning systems have proved


Michael Lund has written extensively on early warning, response and

prevention of violent conflict and has argued cogently for more
emphasis on and investment in efforts to understand the impacts of
preventive/response measures. He outlines the five essential elements to
be found in a complete conflict prevention planning and decision cycle.
The following is a direct quote:

Conflict diagnosis: What are the distinctive factors that are increasing
the possibility of violent conflict in the particular situation, and what
capacities already exist there that might manage these factors without

Response identification: What are the various appropriate methods and

actions that can reduce these particular sources of conflict and/or
improve the functioning of the existing conflict management capacities

Prior appraisal (prospective evaluation): Which of these responses is

likely to actually be effective and implementable?
Implementation: What tasks and actors are required to implement


Monitoring and evaluation (retrospective evaluation): What have

been the effects of the actions that have been taken?
Element (a) begins with a thorough understanding of existing local
capacities as well as deep historical understanding of the roots of the
conflict. This means that local civic organizations and their capacities
for non-violent conflict resolution need to be central to the process of
conflict analysis. Elements (c) and (e) prior appraisal and monitoring
and evaluation (PCIAs) build on this and are intended to provide the
effectiveness and implementability of preventive responses, either prior
to, during, or following a preventive intervention. If preventive action is
going to be taken more often in the future, it is imperative that reliable
advice be provided to decision-makers as to what is likely to happen if
they adopt a certain course of action in given situations. So far, very few
existing analyses of specific conflict situations try to, or are able to, back
up what they recommend to policy-makers with a sound or at least
plausible analysis of whether the recommended actions are likely to
work and why. Such advice will never become an exact science and
that policy prescription always rely heavily on informed judgment.
Nevertheless, policy advocacy that is based on evaluating past actions
and their results in given contexts would be an improvement.

4.4 Early Warning Process

There are five elements of the early warning process. Information tools
are the basic building blocks. They include human rights watch
organizations, humanitarian NGOs, International NGOs, the UN,
international economic organization, the media, state and academics
among others and include the mode of collection, the categories for
naming and classifying, the standards for evaluation of reliability, the
elements of confidentiality that can reconcile the issue of security for the
gatherers and finally the mode for transmitting the information.

The second element entails sharing the gathered information. This may
involve considerations of security since, typically, NGOs and
international agencies are reluctant to share information lest it get back
to the states and threaten their workers in those states. There are also the
consequences of protracted conflict and wars that affect all institutions
to be navigated.

The third element of early warning as a process entails the analysis and
interpretation of the information gathered. This is well influenced by
institutional cultures and preconceptions that in turn affect if and how
the information will be shared.
The fourth element is the sending phase of the early warning process.
This is when it must be decided whether the information warrants
sending a signal of increased danger as well as the degree of that danger.

The final step entails the ability to receive the signal, attend to it when it
is received, determine the appropriate response and then respond.


4.5 Multilateral Preventive Actions

As the Secretary General’s report to the General Assembly entitled:

"Renewing the United Nations: A Programme for Reform" (A/51/950 of
14 July 1997) indicates, there is an urgent need for a better
understanding of the root causes of prevailing multifaceted crises. As
such, it is recognized that greater emphasis should be placed on timely
and adequate preventive action. As the Secretary-General stated in his
report, "the United Nations of the twenty-first century must become
increasingly a focus of preventive measures". The United Nations is
already maintaining a global watch to detect potential threats to

international peace and security with the objective of supporting the

efforts of the Security Council and the Secretary General to deter
conflict. Toward this end, it is important to strengthen the professional
capabilities of UN staff to support and implement this objective in the
areas of early warning and preventive measures.

With the support of funds provided by the British and Italian

Governments, a Design and Development Team comprised of
representatives of the Department of Political Affairs, the Conflict
Analysis and Development Unit of the London School of Economics
and the United Nations Staff College was formed (Sep. 1998) to develop
a series of pilot courses dealing with Early Warning and Preventive
Measures. Following an extensive interview process (Sep. - Oct. 1998)
conducted with agencies, departments and programmes that deal with
complex emergencies, both in New York and Geneva, design meetings
(Oct. & Dec. 1998) were held to prepare the workshop sessions and
related materials.

The primary aim of the first and second pilot workshop was to begin the
process of building institutional capacity by significantly improving
professional and analytical skills and awareness of participants in the
area of early warning and preventive action and, as a corollary, by
promoting greater mutual exchange and coordination within and
between departments and offices dealing with policy and practical
aspects of early warning and preventive measures. Since it was a pilot
workshop, it also served as an opportunity to test both content and
methodological approaches.
The specific objectives of this workshop were to enhance the skills of
participants and their capacity at preventing conflicts, which are as

To identify conflict causes and stages of conflict;

To structure systematically early warning analysis;


To identify and integrate a range of preventive measures;

To use existing mechanisms for early warning analysis;
To improve quality and effectiveness of policy recommendations;

The core of participants to the workshop included about twenty-two

representatives from various UN Agencies such as DPA, OCHA, DDA,
UNDP, UNHCHR, UNHCR, UNICEF, WFP, and FAO. You are urged
to find out the full meanings of these UN Agencies.

The focus of the workshop could be divided into four main knowledge
and skill development areas. The first of these is in the area of analytical
processes, related to early warning. Participants began by developing a

joint analysis of the country situation and then assessed root causes and
evolving developments that could lead to crisis and perhaps violent
conflict. A list of illustrative early warning indicators by category was
generated. An analytical step in this process was the development of risk
scenarios, which, through the combined impact of several factors, could
lead to a range of possible outcomes.

The second knowledge area is reflected in the emphasis on and support

of cooperation and coordination among participants from different
sections of the UN family that characterized all the working sessions.

The third area of focus was on joint planning and decision-making.

Building on the outputs generated in the analytical sessions, the
participants identified and discussed a range of possible preventive
measures that might be employed to address the changing circumstances
outlined in a risk scenario. A unique feature of this workshop was that it
brought together UN staff from their respective headquarters and the
field, dealing with humanitarian, political and practical issues. The
sharing of different approaches to conflict prevention and the
discussions that led to the identification of potential options for
preventive measures was a highlight of the workshop. The mechanisms
and overall process of decision-making in the UN were also explored.

A fourth area of focus was the drafting of recommendations for

preventive actions that could, if implemented, positively address the
events in evolving scenarios. Each of the three groups outlined one of
several possible scenarios and presented a policy brief containing the
results of their analysis and a set of recommendations identifying actions
that might be taken by the UN system. Each team had the opportunity to
play the role of the ECPS providing feedback on the policy options
outlined by another team.

As a pilot, the workshop also focused on obtaining feedback from

participants on content and methodologies. In addition to written
feedback on daily sessions and a written evaluation of the overall
workshop, the Design and Development Team met each day with
representatives of the three country groups and conducted sessions at the
conclusion of the workshop to obtain suggestions for improvements in

subsequent workshops. The daily feedback meetings were invaluable to

the learning process. Based on the response of participants to the content
being covered and methodologies being used, adjustments were made to
the programme content and schedule to ensure that workshop sessions
addressed more effectively participants’ needs and interests. The above
case study was meant for your understanding as to the necessary steps
needed to take in order to avert conflicts in our society.

Mention and Explain the Five Element of Early Warning Process?

There are five elements of the early warning process. Information tools
are the basic building blocks. They include human rights watch
organizations, humanitarian NGOs, International NGOs, the UN,
international economic organization, the media, state and academics
among others and include the mode of collection, the categories for
naming and classifying, the standards for evaluation of reliability, the
elements of confidentiality that can reconcile the issue of security for the
gatherers and finally the mode for transmitting the information.

Class Activity
Discuss Early Warning as a process?

Self Assessment Exercise

What are the essential elements of the Early Warning Process?

Discuss the Multilateral Preventive efforts by the United Nations on

Early Warning and Early Response?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

i There are five elements of the early warning process. Information tools are the
basic building blocks. They include human rights watch organizations,
humanitarian NGOs, International NGOs, the UN, international economic
organization, the media, state and academics among others and include the mode
of collection, the categories for naming and classifying, the standards for evaluation
of reliability, the elements of confidentiality that can reconcile the issue of security for
the gatherers and finally the mode for transmitting the information.
iiAs the Secretary General’s report to the General Assembly entitled: "Renewing
the United Nations: A Programme for Reform" (A/51/950 of 14 July 1997)
indicates, there is an urgent need for a better understanding of the root
causes of prevailing multifaceted crises. As such, it is recognized that greater
emphasis should be placed on timely and adequate preventive action. As the
Secretary-General stated in his report, "the United Nations of the twenty-first
century must become increasingly a focus of preventive measures". The United
Nations is already maintaining a global watch to detect potential threats to

international peace and security with the objective of supporting the efforts of the
Security Council and the Secretary General to deter conflict.


In this unit, we have examined Early Warning and Preventive Measures

and the essential elements of the Early Warning process. We also
discussed the Multilateral Preventive Actions being taken by the United
Nations to implement the Early Warning Early Response Mechanism.



“Humanitarian Intervention and Early Warning”, 2005. The
Journal of Conflict Resolution”, Journal of Peace Science
Society (International), Vol.49, No.1, February
R.A Akindele, and Bassey Ate, 2001. Beyond Conflict Resolution,
Lagos, Nigerian Institute of International Affairs.
Lund, M.S. (1997). Preventing and Mitigating Violent Conflicts: A
revised Guide for Practitioners. Washington, D.C. Creative
Associate International
Peck. C. (1996). The United Nations as a Dispute Settlement
System. Improving Mechanisms for the Prevention and
Resolution of Conflict. The Hague, Kluwer Law


Unit 1: Peace Building

Unit 2: Multi-track Diplomacy in Peacebuilding
Unit 3: Gender-inclusive Peacebuilding
Unit 3: International Humanitarian Law on the Protection of Civilians and
Vulnerable Groups


Unit Structure

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Learning
1.3 Pre-conflict Peacebuilding
1.4 Post Conflict Peacebuilding
1.5 Summary
1.6 References and Further Readings

Peacebuilding encompasses a broad range of issues such as security, law social

justice, development, human rights, restorative justice and humanitarian action.
It is defined as the efforts to consolidate peaceful relations and create an
environment that prevents the outbreak of conflict or its escalation to violence
(International Alert, 1995). According to the former UN Secretary General,
Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who popularized the concept of peacebuilding in 1992,
it refers to "action to identify and support structures which can strengthen and
solidify peace in order to avoid a relapse into conflict.

Peacebuilding can occur at the pre-conflict and post-conflict stages. At the pre-
conflict stage, peacebuilding involves efforts that relates to conflict preventions,
which tends to deter the emergence of destructive conflict. Since conflict is
inevitable in the society, it is important to put in place measures to prevent
structural violence that breeds social injustice and manifest in grievance that
spur violent conflict.

At the post-conflict stage, peacebuilding strives to address the causes and

consequences of the conflict. This will require a long term process of rebuilding
the structure of the society that has been affected by the violent manifestation of
the conflict. It will involve dealing with the psychosocial trauma, the wounds of
the conflict, the damages to social and private facilities, mopping up arms in

circulation, disbanding the armed groups and their reintegration back into the
society. Peacebuilding at the post-conflict stage is extensive and expensive to
carry out without the support of regional and international community.

1.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Define Peacebuilding;
ii. Distinguish between pre and post conflict
iii. Explain the importance of local-led peacebuilding

1.3 Pre-conflict Peacebuilding

The efforts to prevent the emergence of violent conflict requires putting in place
measures to prevent social injustice, inequity, marginalization, deprivation and
human rights violation. These efforts involve the promotion of good
governance that can deliver public goods and services, basic needs of the people
and security in an equitable manner. The measures to achieve social justice will
also help to deter violent conflict. The roots of grievance that provoked the
manifestation of violent conflicts are linked to these structural issues of
injustice. Pre-conflict peacebuilding is thus the strategy to prevent the outbreak
of violent conflict through measures to reduce socio-economic deprivation, and
build a strong political institution that promote good governance. This is
achieved through promotion of human rights of individuals and minorities,
political democratization and socio-economic development (Reychler, 1994).

Pre-conflict peacebuilding encompasses actions which support political,

economic, social and military measures and structures that can prevent the
emergence of violent conflict or address the roots of conflict (British Army,
1997). The strategies to prevent conflict is very essential to efforts to promote
positive and durable peace. Without such measures, the society will be rife with
social injustices that provoke grievance and agitations by individual and groups
for fairness, equity and justice.

Peacebuilding at the pre-conflict stage is an indispensable aspects of measures

to build strong social and political institutions. It is vital to efforts to sustain
positive peace in the society. It is a continuous effort to promote good
governance, social justice, equity and fair play.

1.4 Post Conflict Peacebuilding

The presence of social injustice will inevitably lead to the outbreak of

violent conflict because of the inability to deal with conflict in a constructive
manner. This is usually attributed to systemic issues of marginalization,
deprivation, injustice, inequity and human rights violation that drive structural
violence and its manifestation in physical outbreak of violence. Post-conflict

peacebuilding will require measures to tackle the root of conflict and its
consequences such as loss of lives, bodily injury, emotional trauma and damages
to properties. It will also require efforts to rebuild the political institutions
because violent conflict constitute a threat to the capacity of the government to
protect the citizen and the state.

Peacebuilding at the post-conflict stage encompasses the arrays of actions and

measures undertaken in the immediate aftermath of a conflict, or at the end of
the military phase of a conflict to deter the resurgence of violence or hostilities,
to restore social and political structures and institution capable of preventing the
renewal of the conflict. It also involves restoring trust between the previousl
warring parties, addressing refugee phenomenon, restoration of security and
protection of civilians, rebuilding the society and reforming the security
institution (Demurenko and Nikitin, 1997; Heathershaw, 2013).

Post-conflict peacebuilding is aimed at addressing the root and consequences of

the conflict so as to prevent future resurgence of the conflict. The peacebuilding
measures are broad, extensive and long term. It is much cheaper to build peace
at the pre-conflict stage, than at the post-conflict level. This is because at the
post-conflict stage, the peacebuilding efforts entails dealing with both the root
causes, the civilian casualties, reforming the security institution and rebuilding
and strengthening the political institutions to be able to prevent a relapse into

Peacebuilding has to be ‘local-led’ in the sense that it must involve consultation

and engagement with local communities, and designed based on the concerns,
perspectives and capacities of the people affected by the conflict (Campbell, et
al., 2011). Post-conflict peacebuilding requires a lot of material resources and
long term commitment which may not be achievable given the limited resources
of many African states confronting protracted violent conflict and the adverse
consequences of the conflict that reverse the development gains in the affected

Define Peacebuilding?

Peacebuilding encompasses a broad range of issues such as security, law social

justice, development, human rights, restorative justice and humanitarian action.
It is defined as the efforts to consolidate peaceful relations and create an
environment that prevents the outbreak of conflict or its escalation to violence.

Class Activity

Discuss the i m p o r t a n c e o f p r e - c o n f l i c t p e a c e b u i l d i n g i n t h e
efforts to achieve lasting peace in the society .

Self Assessment Exercise

i Distinguish between pre and post conflict
ii Discuss why peacebuilding has to be
local-led and consultative.

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

iPost-conflict peacebuilding is aimed at addressing the

root and consequences of the conflict so as
to prevent future resurgence of the conflict.
While, pre peacebuilding is the efforts to
prevent the emergence of violent conflict
requires putting in place measures to prevent
social injustice, inequity, marginalization,
deprivation and human rights violation.

ii. Peacebuilding has to be ‘local-led’ in the sense

that it must involve consultation and
engagement with local communities, and
designed based on the concerns, perspectives
and capacities of the people affected by the

1.5 Summary

In this unit, we have discussed

peacebuilding and the two main types; pre
and post conflict peacebuilding. While pre-
conflict peacebuilding entails efforts to
prevent the outbreak of violent conflict,
post-conflict peacebuilding requires efforts
to deal with the root of violent conflict and
its destructive consequences. It entails long
term commitment and efforts to achieve
peace settlement among the warring
parties, tackle the negative outcomes of the
conflict and rebuild the state institutions.
Efforts to build peace, both at the pre and
post conflict stage must be local-led and
carried out through consultation with the
people to identify and address their
concerns, fears, interest and needs.


1.6 References and Further Readings

British Army (1997). Peace Support Operation. London: John

Warfare Publication

Demurkenko, A. and Nikitin, A. (1997). Basic Terminology and Concepts

in International Peacekeeping Operations: An Analytical Review in
Low Intensity Conflict and Law Enforcement. Vol. 6, 1: 111-126.

Heathershaw, J. (2013). Towards Better Theories of Peacebuilding:

Beyond the Liberal Peace Debate. Journal of Peacebuilding. Vol.
1, 2: 275-282

International Alert (1996). Resource Pack for Conflict Transformation.

London. I.A.

Reychler, L. (1994). The Act of Conflict Prevention: Theory and Practice.

In Werner Bauwens and Luc Reychler (eds). The Art of Conflict
Prevention. London: Brassey.

Unit 2: Multi-track Diplomacy in


Unit Structure

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Learning
2.3Multi-track Diplomacy
2.4 A System approach to Peacebuilding

2.5 Summary
2.6 References and Further Readings
2.7 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise
2.1 Introduction

Multitrack diplomacy is a concept

developed by Louise Diamond and John
McDonald as an interconnected set of
tracks that function separately and
interdependently to achieve peace. The
tracks comprise of arrays of actors, both
state and non-state and institutions that
play vital roles in conflict resolution and
peacebuilding. Although each of the tracks
has its own "resources, values, and
approaches", they also function together in
the pursuit of a positive and sustainble
peace. The synergy among the tracks in the
system is critical to efforts to manage and
resolve conflict and build peace.
Multitrack diplomacy is thus defined as a
"systems approach to peace (Notter and
Diamond, 1996)." All the tracks in the
system are essential to efforts to promote
peace and sustain the peace in the long run.

The Multitrack was developed as an

expansion of the distinction made by
Joseph Montville in 1982, between two

tracks, comprising a state institution and

civil society institution. The state refers to
track one (official, governmental action)
and the non-state civil society institution is
known as track two (unofficial,
nongovernmental action). The two tracks
are seen as vital to conflict resolution and

The two tracks were later expanded to five tracks in 1989 to encompasses
three other tracks; business, private citizens, and the media. In 1991, the
tracks were further expanded to nine tracks to include research, training
and education, activism, religious institution, and funding. The nine
tracks constitute the multitrack diplomacy as coined by Louise Diamond
and John McDonald who founded the Institute for Multi-Track
Diplomacy (IMTD) in 1992.

2.2 Learning Outcomes

At the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Explain the evolution of Multitrack Diplomacy;
ii. Discuss the importance of Multitrack Diplomacy
as a system approach to peacebuilding;
iii. Understand the synergy between the nine tracks in
the Multitrack Diplomacy.

2.3 Multi-track Diplomacy

Multitrack Diplomacy comprises of nine tracks of actors and institutions that

played critical roles in conflict resolution and peacebuilding. The tracks are
regarded as a system approach to peace because they function independently and
also are interconnected in carrying out their roles in the peacebuilding process.
Track I is government, also known as official diplomacy which has to do with
the roles of the state in peacebuilding. The government responsibility is to
provide public goods and services and promote the wellbeing of its citizenry.
The state institutions are to be developed to deliver good governance, based on
accountability, transparency and promotion of human rights, security and
development. When the government is unable to ensure the wellbeing of the
citizens, this will undermine the peacebuilding process in the society.
Government is also to facilitate the presence of an efficient conflict management
institution that deals constructively with conflict. The government peacebuilding
efforts must also be sustainable so as to deter the emergence of grievance that
manifest in destructive conflict.


Track II is the professional conflict resolution or Non-governmental

organization (NGO), that serves as part of the civil society institution that
complement the efforts of Track I, official diplomacy in the peacebuilding
process. The professional conflict resolution track plays vital roles in effort to
constructively manage conflict and build peace in the society. They provide
critical support to the citizens to complement the efforts of the government. They
also work towards addressing the deficiency in government peacebuilding
efforts. Most of the government in African states, usually tend to adopt a hard
power approach to conflict resolution, while demonstrating low commitment to
tackling the root causes of the conflict. The track II, as professional conflict
resolution provides an alternative approach that involves efforts to address the
causes of the conflict by identifying the concerns, needs, fears and interest of the
conflict parties and devise creative ways of resolving the conflict in a mutually
satisfactory manner. NGOs plays critical roles in peacebuilding particularly at
the local levels. They provide relief materials and other basic needs and services
for the people, especially in areas that government has been lacking in the
provision of adequate public goods and services. NGOs are also involved in
advocacy, providing various forms of public awareness and enlightenment
programmes that can promote wellbeing and security of the people/
Track II is business which has to do with peacemaking through commerce. It
refers to efforts of business organizations to build peace in the society where
they are operating. Business thrives in a peaceful operating environment. Many
business organisations provide infrastructural assistance and other forms of
material support as part of their corporate social responsibilities in their
operating environment. They are also employment generating organization that
assist to address the employment gaps confronting underdeveloped African
states. The business is a wealth generating organization that is vital to effort to
promote the wellbeing of the citizen in a particular state.

Track IV, is private citizens who by virtue of their status, position and power
play critical roles in the peacebuilding process. The private citizens are
prominent individuals who are recognized and well respected because of their
capacity to contribute to societal development. Such individuals may include
eminent public figures, elder statesmen, business mogul and other distinguished
personalities who have the capacities, charisma and resources to support the
effort to promote peace in the society.

Track V, refers to as research, training and education as a vital component of

peacemaking through educational and research institutions. The research
institutes are involved in various project to improve agricultural services,
technical know-how and knowledge as well as science and technology which
are critical to societal development. The educational institutions are vital to
knowledge production and human development. The research and educational
institutions are the think-tank community that provide an analytical framework
for understanding conflict and how best to resolve it. The track is also vital to
peacebuilding efforts because of the roles played in man power and human

capacity development, technical knowhow, skills and capacity building for the
realization of human aspiration and development.

Track VI which is activism is an important component of civil society

organization that serves as the watch dog of the people. The activist serves as
critics of government anti-people policies. It also serves as the mouth piece of
the people and human rights defender. It plays critical roles as a public analyst
that scrutinize government policies to assess its capacity to promote the rights
and security of the citizens.

Track VII is the religious institutions that perform important roles in peace
promotion through sermons to promote peaceful coexistence. The track play
roles of peace advocate through sermons that promote pacifism and non-
violence approach to conflict. The religious leaders in preaching tolerance, good
neighborliness and social cohesion to their congregation are regarded as vital
agent of peacebuilding. The religious organizations also provide relief and
humanitarian supports to various conflict-affected areas as part of their
peacebuilding efforts.

Track VII is funding which is a vital resource that is essential to the functions of
all the other tracks. The availability and access to funding and its judicious
utilization is critical to the attainment of the goals of the other tracks.

Track IX is the Media or peacemaking through public opinion or communication

serves as the voice of the people. The track is also the channel in which the
government communicate with the citizens. The media is the information
dissemination institutions which facilitate communication between the citizen
and the government. The media which comprises of mass, electronic and social
media are vital to peacebuilding through provision of information. It allows the
government to communicate their activities and polices to the people and also
provide opportunity for the citizen to express their opinion on government
policies and programme. The manner of information dissemination can prevent,
provoke or manage conflict depending on if the right or wrong information is
disseminated. The media should be a peace building institution which provides
timely, and factual information that can facilitate and promote cordial relations
among individual, social groups and the government in the society.

2.4 A System approach to


The multitrack diplomacy is a system approach to peacebuilding given the

interconnectedness between each of the tracks. Although each track has specific
functions, capacity and goal, they are also interdependent on each other to ensure
the effectiveness of their peacebuilding efforts. Track I as official diplomacy
provide support for the other tracks and also depend on them to enhance its
peacebuilding efforts. The non-governmental organization or professional
conflict resolution requires the support of the official diplomacy track in

conducting its activities. The business requires favorable government policy to

facilitate a conducive operating environment. The private citizen provides
support to enhance the efforts of government in the promotion of peace and
development. Each of the tracks offers resources and capacities that can enhance
the functions of other tracks. Since each tracks play key roles in the
peacebuilding process, all the tracks must work effectively to promote their
capacities to ensure effective peacebuilding.

There are three dimension of peacebuilding that are essential to the functioning
of the multitrack diplomacy. The first is political peace building, which pertains
to the efforts of track I as the official diplomacy in building and sustain a strong
political institution that can ensure good governance for the citizens. The
peacebuilding activities of track I must be geared towards promoting human
rights, and security. The second peacebuilding activities is economic and
institutional peace building, which is also regarded as part of the efforts of track
I in facilitating socio-economic development, towards building strong and viable
state institution. In the aftermath of a conflict, the peacebuilding efforts will
focus on rebuilding of infrastructure and state institutions. The economic and
institutional peacebuilding can also be considered as part of the activities of
other tracks whose efforts complemented that of track I. The last aspect of
peacebuilding refers to as social peace building, which is considered as the most
people-centred approach to peacebuilding that focused on promotion of human
wellbeing. It is central to the activities of other tracks in conflict resolution and
peacebuilding. It focused on identifying the concerns, fears, and needs of the
conflict parties and providing a means to arrive at satisfactory outcomes. It
enhances the skills and capacities of the people to deal constructively with
conflict. It equipped the communities with the resources and capacities to handle
conflict through non-violence means. It is about winning the heart and minds of
the people, building the trust and confidence in their capacity to cope with and
bounce back from challenges.

Class Activity
iExplain the roles of each of the nine tracks in the peacebuilding process?
iiDiscuss how synergy between the tracks is critical to efforts to achieve effective

Self Assessment Exercise

i. Define Multitrack Diplomacy

ii. Discuss the roles of each of the nine tracks in the multitrack diplomacy.

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

i. Multitrack diplomacy is a concept developed by Louise Diamond and John

McDonald as an interconnected set of tracks that function separately and
interdependently to achieve peace. The tracks comprise of arrays of actors,
both state and non-state and institutions that play vital roles in conflict
resolution and peacebuilding.
ii. Track I is government, also known as official diplomacy which has to do with
the roles of the state in peacebuilding.
Track II is the professional conflict resolution or Non-governmental
organization (NGO), that serves as part of the civil society institution that
complement the efforts of Track I, official diplomacy in the peacebuilding
Track III is business which has to do with peacemaking through commerce. It
refers to efforts of business organizations to build peace in the society where
they are operating.
Track IV, is private citizens who by virtue of their status, position and power
play critical roles in the peacebuilding process.
Track V, refers to as research, training and education as a vital component of
peacemaking through educational and research institutions.
Track VI which is activism is an important component of civil society
organization that serves as the watch dog of the people.
Track VII is funding which is a vital resource that is essential to the functions
of all the other tracks.
Track IX is the Media or peacemaking through public opinion or
communication serves as the voice of the people.

2.5 Summary

In this unit, we have discussed the role of each of the tracks in the multitrack diplomacy
to the peacebuilding efforts. We explained how the efforts of track I as the official
diplomacy is complemented by the peacebuilding efforts of the eight other tracks. The
collaborative efforts of all the tracks are critical to promote effective peacebuilding.
The gaps in the capacity of one of the track can affect other tracks. While each track
has its function, capacity and structure, they also depend on the support of other tracks
in carrying out their peacebuilding activities.

2.6 References and Further Readings/Web

Diamond, L. and John W. McDonald, J.W.

(1996). Multi-Track Diplomacy: A Systems
Approach to Peace. Kumarian Press, April
Diamond, L. (2003) "Multi-Track
Diplomacy in the 21st Century." ,
Available at:

Notter, J. and Louise Diamond, L. (1996).

Building Peace and Transforming Conflict:
Multi-Track Diplomacy in Practice
Occasional Paper Number 7 October.
Institute for Multitrack Diplomacy

Unit Structure

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Learning
3.3 Gender and Peacebuilding

3.4 Women roles in Peacebuilding

3.5 Translating Words into Action
3.6 Summary

3.7 References and Further Readings

3.8 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise


Gender studies focuses on the socially constructed ways in which women,

as well as men are located and differentiated in a given context. Both
women and men have the capacities to play prominent roles in
peacebuilding. Feminist discourse have essentially positioned women as
peacemakers, nurturers and caregivers and men as warlike (Matfess, 2020;
Ripero-Muñiz, 2020)). This notion of women innately peaceful nature
attests to their capacities to act as peacemakers. Yet, women roles in
peacebuilding have largely remained unrecognized and unacknowledged.
Women play prominent roles as caregivers for their families and
communities during peacetime and wartimes (Parkinson, 2013; Henshaw,
2017). Women are also the disproportionate victim of armed conflict.
They faced all forms of gender and sexual based violence, injury,
maiming, loss of children and husband during violence and ultimately
threat to lives (Al-Kadi and Vale, 2020). Despite the disproportionate
impacts of violence on women, they have played formidable roles as
caregivers, nurturers and peacemakers in their communities. Nevertheless,
the adverse consequences of armed conflict on women have led them to
seeking diverse coping strategies. These coping strategies may involve
active participation in conflict, in which women acts as domestic servants,
spies, emissaries, and combatants. While women’s motives for
participation in conflict may be linked to ideology, economic and political
reasons, their active roles in conflict has significant security implications.
In African predominantly patriarchal settings in which men dominates,
women are perceived as subordinate, and marginalized within the socio-
political structure. Women’s invisibility has provided opportunities for
armed actors to increasing use women as strategies in wagging their armed

The nature of armed struggles at this period makes it imperatives that the
differing experience of women and men in wartimes are well analysed,
understood and factored into the peacebuilding process. It is also
important to understand that women have differing characteristics. While
some women are innately peaceful, some have the capacities to act as
bearers of violence, especially when they faced circumstances that
requires that they seek any means to survive, either fair or foul. The post-
conflict peacebuilding process must take cognizance of both men and
women experience, capacities, concerns, fears and tailored the
intervention process to meet their peculiar needs.

3.2 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

i. Discuss gender and peacebuilding;

ii. Explain the challenges women are facing as victims of conflict.
iii. Explain the critical roles of women in peacebuilding
and post conflict reconstruction

3.3 Gender and Peacebuilding

Women characterization as peacemakers, nurturer and caregiver place them in a

vantage position as peacebuilder. Yet, women subordination within the
patriarchal structure undermine their contribution to peacebuilding at the local
and national levels. Men are perceived to be war-oriented and women as peace-
oriented. Women are also regarded as vulnerable victims of armed conflict, who
faced all forms of gender and sexual based violence during period of conflict
and peace. Peacebuilding requires the contribution of both men and women
because both are affected by conflict and have differing wartime experiences.
Women as well as men are also involved not just as victim but also actors in
conflict. Women can and have played mirage roles in conflicts that extended
beyond their victimization. Studies have shown that women have capacities for
violence just as men (Henshaw, 2017; Matfess, 2020). At the same time, women
innately peaceful nature, and their roles as mothers, wives, and caregivers placed
them in a position to act as peacemakers.

At the local level, women critical roles in peacebuilding have been vital to the
development of their societies. They play critical roles in the sustenance of their
family through their contribution to food production and sustenance of their
families and communities. They also play major roles in providing care services
for those injured during war time. Despite their important contribution to
peacebuilding, their roles are largely unacknowledged because of their position
of subordination. Women are also marginalized in access to socio-economic
resources in the male-dominated patriarchal structure of their societies. limiting
their empowerment and capacities to contribute to peacebuilding. It is important
that women and men are both recognized as critical agents of peacebuilding,
Gender inequality promotes women marginalization, and unequal access to
socio-economic resources in a way that limit their capacities to contribute
meaningfully to their communities and the larger society.

3.4 Women roles in Peacebuilding

The experience has been that whereas women and children suffer most during wars,
they are usually relegated to the background during peace negotiations and post-
conflict reconstruction. This should not be so, because without the input of women in
this process arising from their experiences during wars it is impossible to have an
effective post conflict reconstruction.

The bitter experiences of women in times of war often make them strong
agents of peace building and i n t e r v e n e r s i n conflict
resolution. Women will be in a better position to understand the situation of
their fellow women, their plight, needs, concerns and fears. They will be able to
show empathy and concerns for their fellow women. Their status as mothers
make them to be natural caregivers, nurturers, and peacemakers. However,
women’s roles in and contributions to conflict resolution are
underutilized or wholly ignored in mainstream peace building and
constitution making processes. Nevertheless, women all over the world
are devising creative and effective strategies to building peace,
particularly at the local level where the consequences of war continue to
create space for women’s participation in conflicts and necessitate their
involvement in peacebuilding.

Women often face severe obstacles and critical neglect to their needs in
the rehabilitation and reconstruction process, as they struggle against
discrimination at every level in trying to feed and house their families.
Moreover, international donor reconstruction programmes and the
distribution of humanitarian aid often fail to take into account the new
economic and social roles women must fulfill in the aftermath of war.
Their essential needs are thereby inadequately factored in.

We therefore, need to be able to explore the practical needs and strategic

interests that are fundamental to women in post-conflict peacebuilding
reconstruction. Special attention will also be paid to the new economic
roles women carve out for themselves, most often as heads of households.

Conversely, we should note the new challenges faced by women in the

aftermath of conflict, and the prevailing constraint they continue
to face in terms of land and property rights, the needs of ex-combatant
women, etc. Striking examples in this area is reflected in the post-
conflict experiences of personal accounts of female combatants during
conflicts. Liberia and Sierra Leone are cases in point.

Although rape and other gender-based forms of violence continue to be

among the highest committed war crimes during times of armed
conflict, they still remain the least condemned. This struggle against
impunity must begin with the strengthening of the legal system and its
responsibility in bringing perpetrators to justice. Furthermore,
addressing the victims’ needs and providing proper medical treatment,
psychological care and financial compensation is crucial and must be
guaranteed. Fundamentally, these crimes must be recognized for what
they are – crimes against humanity.

We need therefore to be conversant with the various roles of women in

the institutions and strategies for post-conflict truth and reconciliation.
The specific needs of women in the aftermath of violent conflict,
especially their need for accountability and justice must be addressed.
The case of Japanese government’s legal responsibility for crimes
committed over fifty years ago, and the more recent tragedies such as
Rwanda’s genocide that is now answering to an established war crimes
tribunal are relevant.

There is a recent report on “Women, War, and Peace,” an independent experts’

assessment by two remarkable women, Elisabeth Rehn and Ellen John Sir leaf. This
report provided a wealth of information on the impact of conflict on women and t h e
need for their inclusion in the peacebuilding process.
Equally important, it not only provided “ground truth” from Sudan and
Liberia to Afghanistan and East Timor on the impact of violence,
displacement, trafficking, and other social ills, but also practical
suggestions for avoiding the stigma of victimization.

Indeed, what comes through most clearly from this report is the need to
view women as much more than victims, and to empower them to make
their full contributions t o t h e peace process and in post-
conflict reconstruction.

This is not just a question of equity or fairness. We know that bringing

women to the peace table improves the quality of agreements reached
and increases the chance of success in implementing, just as involving
women in post-conflict governance reduces the likelihood of returning
to war. Reconstruction works best when it involves women as planners,
implementers, and beneficiaries. The single most productive investment
in revitalizing agriculture, restoring health systems, reducing infant
mortality, and improving other social indicators after conflict is in
women’s and girls’ education. Further, insisting on full accountability
for actions against women during conflict is essential for the re-
establishment of rule of law.

From 1995 to 1998, Angola was the site of the world’s largest UN
peacekeeping operation. The UN Special Representative of the
Secretary General was sensitive to gender issues, and there was an
active UN human rights program that forced attention to these issues as

Still, when conflict re-emerged in Angola in 1998 and millions of

displaced persons were in need of emergency relief programs, the
priority was the urgency of getting food to displaced people. This
outweighed the focus on women’s participation in the peace process. It
was later realized during a meeting of the Joint Peace Commission that
brought together the Angolan Government, UNITA, the United Nations,
and the troika nations of Russia, Portugal, and the United States, that
there was not a single woman at the peace table.

It was therefore recognized that a key component for post-conflict

negotiation and reconstruction was missing by not bringing women to
the table to plan for the emergency assistance. Using women’s NGOs to
distribute relief; assigning gender advisors to prevent domestic violence
as ex-combatants returned to their homes; and ensuring women a seat at
the table in the peace talks themselves were realized to be important.
These lessons were particularly useful during the political, economic
and security reconstruction of Afghanistan. Well-meaning experts –
both Afghan and international – told us that the benefits of involving
women in this process were outweighed by the risk of alienating anti-
Taliban forces and traditional Afghan leaders whose help was needed in
the fight against terrorism.

Under President Bush of the United States, women’s issues were given a
place at the top of the agenda in the efforts in Afghanistan as the full
participation of women at the political conference in Bonn, the
reconstruction conferences in Washington and Tokyo, and the Loya
Jirga in Afghanistan was realized.

One area where we need to do better is insisting on full accountability

for actions against women during conflict. Whilst the spirit of
reconciliation and forgiveness after c o n f l i c t r e s o l u t i o n is
welcome, but too often, amnesty means that men forgive men for
atrocities committed against women. In Angola, for example, the
Government and the UNITA rebels provided 13 separate amnesties for
each other.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to transitional justice: whether it is

the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in South Africa, the gacaca
community court system in Rwanda, a human rights commission in
Afghanistan under the Bonn agreement, or international tribunals where
local courts are inadequate, ensuring accountability is essential to
convince men with guns that there is impunity in acting against women.
But words alone cannot l e a d t o w o m e n i n v o l v e m e n t a n d
engagement in the peace process, it is important
to provide the needed financial resources for
w o m e n e m p o w e r m e n t , a n d adequate protection for
women in refugee and displaced situations.

3.5 Translating Words into Action

For example, the Offices of International Women’s Issues, Women in

Development and Transition Initiatives, and the Bureau of Democracy,
Human Rights and International Labor are assisting women’s
organizations and ministries of women’s affairs, promoting women’s
rights, and involving women in peace-building and post-conflict
political structures.
The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and the Office of
Foreign Disaster Assistance are addressing women's and girls’
education, psychosocial trauma, special feeding programs, mother-child
health care, and protection services for refugees and internally displaced.
In the United States, the Office of Trafficking in Persons is a catalyst
within the Government and beyond for new efforts to address this
pernicious problem. Within the State Department itself, attention is
being paid to issues related to women in conflict in training programs
for junior, mid-level and senior officers at our Foreign Service Institute.
At USAID, women’s issues have taken center stage. USAID recently
unveiled the African Education Initiative, which will help train 160,000
new teachers, mostly women, and provide scholarships for 250,000
girls. The Clean Energy Initiative will help address the problem of
indoor air pollution from cooking with wood and dung that causes 2
million premature deaths a year globally, especially among women. The
Global Food for Education initiative will provide school-feeding
programme for 7 million school children, with particular emphasis on
girls. Other programmes announced at the World Summit for
Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2001 for clean water,
sanitation, hygiene, small-scale agriculture, and housing also have a
direct and immediate impact on women.

And clearly, the United States’ announcement of a $15 billion program

over the next five years to fight HIV/AIDS in the most highly affected
countries of Africa and the Caribbean will have a dramatic impact on the
status of women, especially through programs designed to attach
mother-to-child transmission of this deadly virus.

There are dozens of countries around the world where women are
systematically excluded from peace processes and post-conflict
governance, and where girls’ access to education, health, and other
social services is minimal. Within many countries, programmes to
address these issues are too often adopted on an ad hoc basis. They
may be poorly coordinated; they often overlap; and each new effort tends
to start from scratch. We can do better in expanding and coordinating
these efforts to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Class Activity
Peace building is incomplete without the participation of women.

Self Assessment Exercise

Explain Women roles in Peacebuilding?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

The experience has been that whereas women and children suffer most during
wars, they are usually relegated to the background during peace negotiations
and post-conflict reconstruction. This should not be so, because without the
input of women in this process arising from their experiences during wars it is
impossible to have an effective post conflict reconstruction.

In this unit, we have extensively discussed women in peace building and

reconstruction. In doing this, we examined t h e c r i t i c a l r o l e s o f
women a n d m e n i n p e a c e b u i l d i n g g i v e n t h a t t h e y a r e b o t h
v i c t i m a n d a c t o r s i n c o n f l i c t . We also explained that women are
not all generally peacemakers, because some have the capacities to act as
bearers of violence. We discussed how the predominantly patriarchal
structure of most African societies have promoted women’s
marginalization and undermined their socio-economic empowerment and
critical contribution to peacebuilding.


Al-Kadi, A., and Vale, G. (2020). Local Voices against Violence:

Women Challenging Extremism in Iraq and Syria. Conflict,
Security & Development. Vol. 20, 2: 247-271.

Henshaw, A. (2017). Why Women Rebel: Understanding Women’s

Participation in Armed Rebel Groups. New York: Routledge.

Okwudiba Nnoli, (1998) Ethnic Conflicts in Africa, Ibadan, Ibadan

University Press Amani Journal of African Peace, 2005 Volume
1, No.1, February.

Matfess, H. (2020). Brokers of Legitimacy: Women in Community-

Based Armed Groups. RESOLVE Network. Community Based
Armed Groups Series. June.

Ripero-Muñiz, N. (2020). Agency of Somali Migrant Women in Nairobi

and Johannesburg: Negotiating Religious and Cultural
Identifications in Diasporic Spaces. African Studies Review. Vol.
63, 1: 65–92

Parkinson, S.E. (2013). Organizing Rebellion: Rethinking High-Risk

Mobilization and Social Networks in War. American Political
Science Review. Vol. 107, 3: 418–32.


Unit Structure

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Learning
4.3 The International Humanitarian Law
4.4 Protection of Children in Conflict
4.4.1 Geneva Convention and Protocols
4.4.2 Protection of Older Person in Armed
4.5 The Steps taken to redress issue

4.6 Summary
4.7 References and Further Readings
4.8 Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

The reality of millions of civilians caught up in conflict is alarming and
civilians are u s u a l l y the main casualties of wars in the world. They
are often specifically targeted by warring parties rather than merely
being caught up in the fighting. The toll of dead and wounded,
particularly among innocent civilians has risen to a level that can be
described without any exaggeration as appalling. A good example is
the plight of civilians t h a t a r e t h e c a s u a l t i e s o f t h e wave
of terrorism around the world and the war being prosecuted against

In this unit, we shall examine in particular, International Humanitarian

Law on the protection of civilians and vulnerable groups. The plight of
children and older persons will be examined in relation to the
international instruments for their protection.

4.2 Learning Outcomes

By the end of this unit, you should be able to:

Discuss International Humanitarian Law on the protection of Children

and vulnerable groups;

i Discus International Instruments for the protection of children;


ii Describe the existing instruments for the protection of older

iii. Discuss the Geneva Conventions and Protocols.

4.3 The International Humanitarian Law

IHL lays down the minimum protection and standards applicable to

situations where people are most vulnerable in armed conflict. It aims to
prevent situations that might exacerbate vulnerabilities, such as
displacement and destruction of civilian lives and property.
The IHL also demands of belligerents that they respect the distinction
between combatants and noncombatants, attack only military targets and
use only the degree of violence proportionate to their military
requirement while still taking due care to protect civilians and civilian
infrastructures. The steps to protecting civilians are:
The IHL which as earlier mentioned lays down the minimum
protection and standards applicable to situations where people are
most vulnerable in armed conflict. T h i s i s a l s o c o n t a i n e d i n
t h e the Geneva conventions and their additional protocols.
This requires combatants to distinguish between those actively
engaged in hostilities on one hand and civilians on the others
(including the sick, wounded and prisoners of war) on the other. The
Geneva protocol demands that civilians distinguish between civilian
objects and military objectives.

4.4 Protection of Children in Conflict

Both in international and non-international armed conflicts today there

is tendency towards disregard for the most fundamental humanitarian
rules which many times result in discriminating and horrifying attack on
the civilian population, especially children.

As one of the most vulnerable in armed conflicts children are therefore

more than ever in great need of protection.

Under IHL children are entitled to the general protection for civilians in
armed conflicts, but owing to their particular vulnerability they are also
entitled to special protection.

International legal instruments are important tools to protect children in

armed conflicts and there are several provisions in international
conventions that grant children special protection adapted to their needs.
Some of the most important instruments are from the Geneva


Convention of 1949 to the optional protocol to the Convention on the

Right of the Child of 2000.

4.4.1 Geneva Conventions and Protocols

There are several principles as the protection of a child in armed

conflict; already the four Geneva Convention of 1949 and their
Additional protocols of 1977 contain many children – specific provision.
Two general principles are laid down in Article 77 in Protocol 1 and in
Article 4 Protocol 4. They state that:
(1) Children shall be the object of special respect and be protected
against any form of indecent assault;
(2) Children shall be provided with care and aid they require;
(3) Children must be evacuated from besieged or encircled areas;
(4) Children have a right to receive care and aid by the dispatch of
(5) They have a right to the maintenance of their cultural
environment to education and the preservation of family unity;
(6) It is prohibited to impose the death penalty on children under 18
years of age;
(7) If detained or internal, they must be held in quarters separate
from the quarters of adults; and (8) it is prohibited to recruit
children less than 15 years into the armed forces, etc.

4.4.2 Protection of Older Persons in Armed Conflict

Older persons are weak persons who can hardly help themselves. In
armed conflict they need the help of others in order to survive. In armed
conflict they are exposed to great danger like other civilians but in
addition, they have vulnerabilities and needs associated with ageing that
place them at greater risk. However, their special situation has been
insufficiently recognized and addressed by humanitarian intervention
targeted to vulnerable groups generally.
Moreover, lack of understanding, even prejudice towards older
women and old men often results in devaluation of their unique
capacities and contributions and of the role they can and do play in the
care of dependants, the mitigation of emergencies and the recovery of
war-torn societies.

4.5 The Steps taken to redress issues

In 2001, the UN High Commission for Refugees adopted a policy on

older-persons. In 2002, the Second World Assembly on Ageing
adopted specific policy commitments concerning older persons in
emerging situation although much still needs to be done both in
terms of making

older persons visible and in ensuring that their specific needs for
protection and assistance are met. The Security Council can play an
important role in mainstreaming concern for older persons.
These people are entitled to equal protection under international human
rights and humanitarian law as members of the general population.

Class Activity
Discuss International Humanitarian Law with respect to the protection of
children and older persons in armed conflicts.

Self Assessment Exercise 1

What are the general provisions of the Geneva Conventions and Protocols as
they relate to the protection of children and older persons?

Possible Answer to Self Assessment Exercise

There are several principles as the protection of a child in armed conflict;

already the four Geneva Convention of 1949 and their Additional protocols
of 1977 contain many children – specific provision. Two general principles are laid
down in Article 77 in Protocol 1 and in Article 4 Protocol 4. They state that:

(1) Children shall be the object of special respect and be protected against
any form of indecent assault;
(2) Children shall be provided with care and aid they require;


We have examined the issue of the protection of civilians and vulnerable

groups during conflicts. In doing this, we examined International
Humanitarian Law on this matter and the instruments in existence for
the protection of children and the aged during conflicts.



Fenwick Charles G., (1965) International Law, 4th ed., New York,
Appleton Century-Croft.

Freidrich Ebert Stiftung, (2002) Introduction to Conflict Reporting in

Nigeria, Lagos, Frankad Publishers

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