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Teacher’s Guide


B1 Intermediate
Peggy Anderson . Thomas Hong
Module Goals and CEFR Level Unit and Summary Lessons Vocabulary*

A2+ Have short conversations p. 8 1 What are you up Group activities

 Unit 1 
with friends, and ask and I’m staying in tonight. to tonight?
Dinner plans
answer simple questions about
familiar topics (for example, In this first unit,
2 Dinner with Game words
hobbies, sports, and music) students talk about Friends
TV genres and watching TV
A2+ Describe plans, what they do for fun 3 Game Night
arrangements, and alternatives when they are at Books and movies
home. This includes 4 TV Choices
A2+ Understand discussions
hosting friends and
Module 1: When the Day Is Done

about daily life and be able 5 The Book or the

family, having dinner Movie
to request assistance when
parties, game nights,
and staying in to
A2+ Discuss different things to watch TV or a movie.
Pages 6 to 33

do, places to go, etc.

B1 Start, maintain, and
close simple face-to-face
conversations on topics that p. 20
are familiar or of personal  Unit 2  1 Visiting Relatives Relationships and family
interest get-togethers
I’ll go out tonight. 2 Blind Date
B1 Know enough vocabulary Going on a (blind) date
This unit helps 3 Going to the
to talk about hobbies and students talk about Types of movies and going
interests, work, travel, news, Movies
what they do outside to the movies
and current events of the home for fun. 4 Nightlife
B1 Give descriptions on a Going to concerts, cafés,
Students will talk 5 Day Trips
variety of familiar subjects about making short bars, and night clubs
related to your interests vacation plans with Weekend plans
B1 Understand the main friends and family,
meeting someone Modals, adverbs, verb
points in short newspaper
for a date, and going phrases, and adjective
and magazine articles about
out with friends for a phrases used to make
current and familiar topics
night on the town. predictions

A2+ Understand enough of p. 36 1 Sports and watching

 Unit 3  Watching Sports
what people say to be able to Sports and Fitness on TV sports
meet immediate needs
2 We’d better show Fitness and exercise
A2+ Complete a simple Students will talk
questionnaire or standardized about sports, fitness, up early. Joining a gym
report form using short and health. This unit 3 I want to get in
sentences Body parts
teaches learners shape.
A2+ Describe past activities, to talk about their Sports-related injuries
4 Fitness Tips
events, and personal exercise habits and
Module 2: Fitness and Health

experiences (for example, what their favorite physical 5 It’s very painful.
you did over the weekend) activities. It also
B1 Make another person includes discussing
Pages 34 to 61

understand the points that are spectator sports and

most important to you when sports-related injuries.
you explain something
B1 Express yourself reasonably
accurately in familiar,
predictable situations p. 48 1 Making a Doctor’s Making an appointment
Unit 4 
B1 Help solve practical Appointment and a visit to the doctor
Take care of yourself.
problems by saying what you 2 At the Doctor’s Symptoms and illnesses
think and asking others what This unit teaches
learners to navigate Office A visit to the dentist
they think
B1 Make arrangements on the visits with health 3 How often do
care professionals. Mental health words
telephone or in person (for you floss?
example, setting up a medical Students will learn Getting a prescription at
how to interact with 4 A Therapist’s the pharmacy
professionals such Advice
B1 Manage unexpected things
that could happen on vacation as doctors, dentists, 5 Are there any
(for example, needing a therapists, and side effects?
dentist) pharmacists.

Grammar and Structures L istening / R eading W riting / S peaking

Lesson 1 Present continuous R& L : Discussing weekend plans S : Future plans

with present and future with a friend W: An event planner for a get-together
reference R& L : Preparing for a dinner party S : Eating preferences
Lesson 2 Simple present vs. L : Self-introductions W& S : Self-introductions, hobbies, and
present continuous R& L : Explaining a game’s rules future plans
Lesson 3 Action verbs and stative R& L : Deciding what to watch on S : Favorite TV shows, movies, and books
verbs TV W& S : Personal preferences
L : TV genres W& S : Opinions on living alone
Lesson 4 Expressing preferences
with would rather R& L : Comparing books and media
L : Problems living together
Lesson 5 Expressing preferences
and making comparisons R: A magazine article about living
with prefer and as... as on your own

Lesson 1 Future tense R & L : Visiting family S : Your family

R : An email about a family get- W: A family trip
Lesson 2 Making predictions and
expressing probability together W: Ideas for a blind date
with will and be going R : Online advice column S : Dating advice
to R : Dating advice S : Movie preferences
Lesson 3 Modals of possibility R & L : Going to the movie theater W& S : Predictions about the future
that clauses
R & L : A night out W& S
Lesson 4 : Fun things to do in your city or
R & L : A day trip hometown
Lesson 5 Suggesting activities
R : A magazine article about the W& S : An advertisement for a new business
districts of Berlin S : Plans for a weekend trip, including daily
R & L : Plans for next year schedules

Lesson 1 Gerunds and infinitives R & L : Olympic sports S : Athletic dreams

Lesson 2 Suggestions and advice

R & L : Planning to watch a sporting W& S : Favorite athletes and favorite sports
with gerunds, infinitives, event to watch
modals, and that clauses R & L : Fitness goals S : Being punctual

Lesson 3 Future continuous tense

R & L : Fitness tips S : Watching a sports event together
R & L : Sports injuries W& S : A fitness plan
Lesson 4 Empty it and that
R : A friend’s email about S : Eating habits
extracurricular activities W& S : Health and fitness questionnaire
Lesson 5 Intensifiers
S : Sports and other types of injuries
W: An email to a friend
W& S : Fitness routines and plans for reaching
fitness goals

Lesson 1 Present perfect tense R & L : Making a doctor’s S : A time when you were sick
appointment S : “I have never told a lie” game
Lesson 2 Present perfect vs.
simple past
R & L : Talking about your illness W& S : Role-play: A visit to the doctor
and symptoms
W& S : How to treat an illness
Lesson 3 too and enough ; want R & L : At the dentist’s
/ would like + object + W: Pet allergies
R & L : Discussing problems with a
therapist S : Role-play: A visit to the therapist
Lesson 4 Past continuous tense; R : Analyzing your dreams S : “I have never ever” game
when clauses W& S : Describing pictures
R & L : Getting a prescription
Lesson 5 Modals of obligation L : A doctor’s call

* Also, see the glossary in the back of the Workbook.

Module Goals and CEFR Level Unit and Summary Lessons Vocabulary*

A2+ Handle everyday situations p. 64 1 The doctor said... Taking care of

 Unit 5 
such as shopping, making yourself
Eat Right 2 If you want to eat
appointments, or checking
appointment times healthily… Eating healthily or
Students will discuss unhealthily
A2+ Understand the nutrition and hygiene 3 I’m a vegetarian.
most important pieces of in this unit. They will Nutrition and dietary
information in a consumer- 4 What does it say on options
talk about eating the label?
related text (for example, habits, proper nutrition,
price, amount, or nutritional Shopping for food
and how to find and 5 If you cook them too
information) long... Recipes and cooking
prepare healthy meals.
Module 3: Healthy Habits

B1 Understand the main points

of clear, standard speech on
familiar, everyday subjects
Pages 62 to 89

B1 Help solve practical

problems, saying what you
think and asking others what p. 76
Unit 6 
 1 Getting Ready in the Everyday hygiene
they think
Look Good, Feel Good Morning Skin care products
B1 Understand the main points
in recorded material about 2 Choosing the Best
This unit teaches Salon and spa visits
familiar topics Products for You
B1 Write short, comprehensible students to talk Hairstyles
about their style and 3 Choosing Your Own
connected texts on familiar
grooming habits. Style Nail care
They will learn how 4 Basic Nail Care Spa visits
B1+ Give practical instructions
to communicate their
on how to do something (for Pamper Yourself
beauty needs at home, 5
example, cooking)
at school, the store, as
well as at a salon or spa.

A2+ Understand instructions p. 92 1 I’ll take the non-stop Booking a flight

 Unit 7 
expressed in simple language Planning Ahead flight.
(for example, how to use Booking
public telephones or ticket 2 Hotel or Motel? accommodations
Students learn to talk
machines, safety information, 3 Renting vs. Sharing Reserving a rental car
about travel plans and
or directions) a Car
social events. They will Deciding on a
B1 Understand the main points learn how to book
of discussion on familiar topics 4 Table for Two restaurant
a flight and arrange
in everyday situations accommodations or 5 A Night at the Reserving a movie
B1 Give a short, prepared other types of bookings Movies ticket (by phone,
presentation on a country, a necessary for a short online, etc.)
sports team, a band, etc., and vacation with family
answer questions clearly or a night out with
Module 4: Out of Town

B1 Write a short, formal email friends.

asking for or giving simple
Pages 90 to 117

B1 Write simple texts about
experiences or events (for
example, describing your p. 104 1 The Best Shopping in Shopping in the city
Unit 8 
feelings and reactions about a Town
Shopping Trips Taking public
2 Let’s take the transportation
B1+ Understand information in Students are let loose subway.
announcements to explore the finest Shopping and trade
B1+ Make routine phone shopping locales. 3 At the Mall
Buying a game
calls (for example, making or Students will learn to 4 A New Game
canceling an order, booking, or traverse the city and Safety information
appointment) hit busy commercial 5 Stay Safe and emergency
locations. They will procedures
also learn to barter
and give safety tips for
exploring a new city.

Grammar Reference: pages 118 to 125

iv Vocabulary List: pages 126 to 128
Grammar and Structures L istening / R eading W riting / S peaking

Lesson 1 Reported speech with R & L : A doctor’s advice W& S : Dietary restrictions
infinitives; about for L : Expert advice on nutrition W: Good nutrition
R & L : A health blog S : Healthy and unhealthy foods
Lesson 2 Zero conditional R & L : Diets and eating habits W& S : Advice about eating in your country
Lesson 3 Reported speech with R & L : Nutritional information W& S : Healthy foods
that clauses R : Superfoods: kale and acai W& S : Suggesting a nearby restaurant
Lesson 4 Reported speech with R : A dinner recipe S : Special foods
simple present tense R & L : Grocery shopping W& S : How to cook a dish
Lesson 5 First conditional R : A nutritionist on cutting W& S : An advertisement for a food or drink
down on unhealthy snacks S : Role-play: Making a shopping list

Lesson 1 Tag questions R & L : Getting ready S : Morning routine

Lesson 2 Negative questions

R & L : Recommending and W& S : A company survey
choosing the best W& S : Toiletries for a one-week trip
Lesson 3 Content clauses with if products
W& S : Create a skin care product
and whether R & L : Creativity and style
S : Hair styles
Lesson 4 Content clauses with
R & L : A magazine article on
basic nail care W& S : Beauty businesses
wh- questions
R & L : A brochure advertising a W& S : The perfect spa experience
Lesson 5 Passive voice spa treatment S : Make an appointment at a beauty salon
R & L : Making a salon W: A response to a blog post
R : A fashion and style blog

Lesson 1 Second conditional R & L : Booking a flight W& S : Flight arrangements

R & L : Deciding between a W& S : Travel accommodations
Lesson 2 would and used to
hotel and a motel S : Role-play: Book a hotel or a motel
Lesson 3 be used to and get used R : The history of motels W: Travel to-do list
R & L : Car rental and car W: Tips for international visitors
Lesson 4 Reported speech with sharing
W& S : Restaurant reviews
I heard R : Advice to international
students S : Movie recommendations
Lesson 5 Past perfect tense
R & L : Making dinner plans W: Text to cancel plans
R & L : Going to the movies W& S : Trip to London
L : A movie theater
R : Flight confirmation details

Lesson 1 Phrasal verbs R : San Francisco shopping S : A shopping experience

guide W:
Ways to express An advertisement for a local business
Lesson 2
conditions R & L : Taking public W& S : Directions on the subway
Lesson 3 Present perfect
S : Propose improvements to public
R & L : Shopping at the mall transportation
continuous tense
R & L : Buying and pre-ordering S : Everyday technology
Lesson 4 Causative verbs video games
S : Video games
R : A safety poster
Lesson 5 Leaving out articles for W: A formal email asking for a refund
brevity R : Tips for tourists in New York
W& S : Safety tips, an emergency poster, and
a tourist information poster
W& S : Role-play: A trip to the mall
W& S : Planning a trip

When the Day Is Done

Module 1 Goals
Have short conversations with friends, and ask and answer simple questions about familiar
topics (for example, hobbies, sports, and music)

Describe plans, arrangements, and alternatives

Understand discussions about daily life and be able to request assistance when needed

Discuss different things to do, places to go, etc.

Start, maintain, and close simple face-to-face conversations on topics that are familiar or of
personal interest

Know enough vocabulary to talk about hobbies and interests, work, travel, news, and
current events

Understand the main points in short newspaper and magazine articles about current and
familiar topics

Module 1 Overview:
When the Day is Done
Module 1 Goals
- Have short conversations with friends and ask and answer simple
questions about familiar topics (for example, hobbies, sports, and
- Describe plans, arrangements, and alternatives
- Understand discussions about daily life and be able to request
assistance when needed
- Discuss different things to do, places to go, etc.
- Start, maintain, and close simple face-to-face conversations on
topics that are familiar or of personal interest
- Know enough vocabulary to talk about hobbies and interests,
work, travel, news, and current events
- Understand the main points in short newspaper and magazine
articles about current and familiar topics

Warm Up

is Done. Ask students what they think this means.

students what their friends like to do in their free time. Write

student’s responses on the board. Continue this until you have
10-15 answers on the board. Ask students if they see common
themes among the answers (reading, watching TV, playing
games, etc.).

what they like to do in their free time. The goal is to activate

previous vocabulary and prepare the students to receive new

throughout the module.

activities that are not listed on the board.

Extension Picture Talk

Ask students questions or have them make statements about
the picture if they can. Set a goal—for example, draw ten
blanks on the board and ask students to fill them up with
words for things in the picture.
1. My friend Marcia is a good cook.
2. A hobby I can do alone is reading.
Preview 3. A hobby I can only do with other people is playing board games.

4. Some fun places to go in my city are the park, the beach, and
the movie theater.
find the page that has a picture of a band playing live p. 8. 5. On rainy days, I like to watch TV.

three items. Monitor to ensure students are looking together.


1. p. 8 2. p.14 about one of the questions they just answered with a partner.

3. p. 24 4. p. 25
answers aloud to the class.
Teacher’s Note Starting a New Module
question 1. Ask another student to answer the question. Write
the answers on the board, using the sentence structure (My
particularly helpful when new subject matter is introduced.
friend… is a good cook.)

books, games, etc.). Keep this in mind as you make small

talk with students so that students get more opportunities
and help when needed. to practice and perhaps see how this information is useful in
real life.
question and read their answer when they are asked.

their partner’s answers.

Unit 1 Overview:
I’m staying in tonight.
Lesson 1: What are you up to tonight?
Aims: - Use vocabulary to make plans
- Understand and use the present continuous
Vocabulary: Group activities
Grammar: Present continuous with present and future reference
Lesson 2: Dinner with Friends
Aims: - Use common dinner vocabulary
- Understand how to use the present continuous and
simple present
Vocabulary: Dinner Plans
Grammar: Simple present vs. present continuous
Lesson 3: Game Night
Aims: - Use game-related vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about games and sports
- Understand the difference between action and
stative verbs and when to use them
Vocabulary: Game words
Grammar: Action verbs and stative verbs
Lesson 4: TV Choices
Aims: - Discuss TV show types
- Express preference using would rather
Vocabulary: TV genres and watching TV
Grammar: Expressing preferences with would rather
Lesson 5: The Book or the Movie
Aims: - Use common vocabulary to discuss books and movies
- Understand how to use prefer with nouns and
Vocabulary: Books and movies
Grammar: Expressing preferences and making comparisons with
prefer and as… as
attention to the title of the unit and ask them what they think
Some Module 1 Goals in Unit 1
it means. Ask students why someone would ask this question.
- Have short conversations with friends, and ask and answer simple Explain that What are you up to tonight? is a common way to
questions about familiar topics (for example, hobbies, sports, and ask about future plans.
- Give descriptions on a variety of subjects related to your interests
- Understand discussions about daily life and be able to request Teacher’s Note Other ways to ask about future plans
assistance when needed Another way to say What are you up to tonight? is What are
you doing tonight? Be ready to explain that there are many
ways to ask about future plans and some are more formal,
Lesson 1 What are you up to tonight? but the ones here are casual. If students are interested, offer
more ways to ask: Do you have anything going on tonight?
What are you planning to do tonight? Any special plans for
Aims the evening?
- Use vocabulary to make plans
- Understand and use the present continuous
A Model Conversation Track 02

football grilled salmon jazz club

talking about their plans for the evening.
band plan staying in get-together
join in invite
to who is talking and what questions they ask. Play the audio
Present continuous with present and future reference and listen to the conversation as a class.

the people in the conversation? Where are Nancy and Ted?

Warm Up
What are they doing? What does Nancy ask Ted? What is Ted
doing tonight? What is Nancy doing tonight?
dinner with my friends. Ask students to think of their own
answers. Assign students to pairs. Tell them to share their B Vocabulary
plans with each other. After they’ve shared, ask students to tell
the class what their partner’s plans were. Write some of the
repeat. Ask students to explain, in their own words, what each
vocabulary word means.
Extension Survey

classmate one of the three In Your World questions and

record their answers.

D Grammar

the sentence using the negative. Then ask students to rephrase

the sentence as a question.

asking the students to make a statement, negative sentence, or

question using the verb.
Dance Sing Play

E Grammar Practice

make sentences.

sentence. Write the word on the board. Ask the students what
they think the second, third, etc. Write these words on the

everything looks correct. If the answer is incorrect, help them

change the sentence to make it correct.

sentences in pairs.

offering advice as needed. Question number 3 might be difficult

for students. Note that the sentence ends with a period, not a
question mark.

1. What are you doing on Saturday?

don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their 2. Are you planning to watch the football game tonight?

understanding. Stay in can mean stay inside or stay home. Get 3. The band is playing a jazz song right now.
together is usually a small, informal party. A band is a music 4. Who is cooking dinner tomorrow?
group. Another way to say join in is join us. 5. My roommate and I are planning a get-together this weekend.

Check the Workbook

(a) plans (b) staying in (c) football (d) get-together For further practice with the present continuous, use Exercise 4

(e) grilled salmon (f) jazz (g) band (h) club (i) join in (j) invite in Unit 1, Lesson 1 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Event Planner

Teacher’s Note Football vs. Soccer
In most parts of the world, football has the same meaning as
the word soccer. In the USA, football is a completely different (dinner party, sports event, or some other get-together). Write
game. examples on the board. Tell the students that they will plan a
special event.

C In Your World they can choose something else.

Setup / Demo their partner; including, place, date, time, activities, etc.
Write these phrases on the board: What are you up to tonight?
What are you up to this weekend? What are you up to this special event.
summer? Have students repeat each phrase after you and model
an example response.
to their conversations. Make sure they are using the present
Activity continuous properly.
Ask students to complete the activity with a partner.
their special event with the class. Have the class interact with
Feedback the presenters by asking them follow-up questions.

should ask and answer one question.

fluently saying their answers.

Lesson 2 Dinner with Friends

- Use common dinner vocabulary
- Understand how to use the present continuous and simple present
set the table take out wait starving
delicious favorite vegetable tasty
prepare turkey
simple present vs. present continuous

Warm Up

Do you like to have dinner with friends? Which one of your

friends is the best cook? What does he/she make?

conversations and learn to ask and answer common questions.

A Model Conversation Track 03

questions: What do you see? What are they doing? What do

you think they are cooking? What do you think they are saying?

party? Who was late? Who cooked? What did Ian cook?

Teacher’s Note Dig in!

start of a meal. Dig in is informal, while Help yourself is more


C In Your World
Setup / Demo
Write the In Your World questions on the board. Have students
B Vocabulary repeat each question after you. Ask for a volunteer. Have the
volunteer ask you the questions; provide a simple, clear answer.
explain, in their own words, what each vocabulary word means. What’s your favorite food? My favorite food is tacos.
Can you prepare it? Yes, I can.
don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their
How often do you eat it? I eat tacos every week.
understanding. In casual conversation, starving is often used
Why do you like it? I like the cheese and the vegetables the most.
to suggest that someone is very hungry. When describing
food, tasty and delicious are often used to say that something Activity
tastes very good. In this scenario, cook can be used in place of Assign the students to pairs. One student will ask the question,
prepare. while one student will answer. Once they are finished, ask the
students to switch roles. Tell the students they will present the
dialogue to the class.
from the box. Tell them they can change the form of the word if
Once they are finished, ask each pair to stand up and share one
dialogue with the class.
sentences that students may have trouble with. Go over these
words after checking the answers.

1. favorite 2. turkey, prepared 3. vegetable


4. set the table 5. starving, wait

6. delicious, tasty (answers can be swapped) 7. take out

Teacher’s Note Temporary
Temporary means for a certain period of time; not forever.

E Grammar Practice

sentence? Have the students repeat the sentence after you.

now, temporary fact, or future plan?

the verbs and to circle the correct answers.

sentences that are difficult. Remind the students to refer to the

chart as necessary.

each question, ask What is the correct form of . . . ? and Is this

a routine action, general fact, action now, temporary fact, or
future plan?

to repeat each sentence after you.

1. am staying in (future plan)

2. eat (general fact)

3. are coming (future plan)
4. sleep (routine action)
5. is watching (action now)
6. is working (temporary fact)

Check the Workbook

For further practice with the present continuous, use Exercise 3
in Unit 1, Lesson 2 of the workbook. If students are still having
trouble, use Exercise 4 in Unit 1, Lesson 2 of the workbook.
You may assign the students to pairs and then check the
answers as a class.

Extension Speed Dating

F Listen to Speak Track 04

across from them.
the phrases that are true. If necessary, play the audio more than
World questions with their partner.

describe themselves to a partner.

to the right (the person at the end will move to the front).

questions again.
provided prompts. Tell students that they can provide additional
information about themselves and encourage their partner to
ask follow-up questions.
D Grammar

1. true 2. false 3. true 4. false

general facts.
Extension Daily Routines
happening now, temporary facts, and future plans.

now: what time they wake up / go to bed, what time they eat
He sings every day in the shower. meals, etc.
I’m cooking breakfast.
We play soccer every Saturday.

drive, swim. Make sure the students provide examples of routine

actions, general facts, actions now, temporary facts, and future
plans with these verbs.
Lesson 3 Game Night

- Use game-related vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about games and sports
- Understand the difference between action and stative verbs and
when to use them
guess explain complicated simple
teammate minutes points remember
think understand
Action verbs and stative verbs

Warm Up

toe, charades, poker, etc.

these on the board.

phrases, and conversations related to games.

A Model Conversation Track 05

the picture (woman, paper, pen). Ask students what game they
think she is playing.

Olivia and Ted. Play the audio and listen to the conversation as a

game are they playing? Is the game complicated? How do you

play the game? Can you talk? Can you write words? Listen to
the audio again if necessary. Feedback
Once the students are finished, assign the students to groups and
B Vocabulary ask them to share their findings.

each word after you. Ask students to explain, in their own Extension Favorite Childhood Game
words, what each vocabulary word means.
childhood game. Give the students a few minutes to prepare
don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their
and to write notes (if needed).
understanding. Complicated is the opposite of simple/easy.
Teammate is your partner or group member. In this scenario,
guess means to provide/give. ask one or two follow-up questions using the In Your World
question starters.

the students to repeat each sentence after you.

D Grammar
1. minutes 2. remember 3. complicated, understand

4. teammate 5. points 6. guess

7. explain, simple 8. think action and stative verbs and pointing out that some verb have
both uses.
C In Your World
after you. Ask the students to come up with sample sentences
Setup / Demo for the verbs play and watch.
Write the question starters on the board. Ask the students to
name their favorite game or sport. Write it on the board. Then board. Practice more by asking the students to use these verbs
prompt students to ask you questions about the games and in a sentence.
sports. You can model the activity with a student to demonstrate.
Activity after you. Then ask students to come up with sample sentences
Put the students in pairs. Ask students to write down three games for the verbs remember and understand.
they play with their friends. Ask students to interview their partner
about the games. board. Practice more by asking students to use these verbs in a

F Use the Language: Group activities

through small group discussion.

Where are they?

What are the people doing?
What do you think of these activities?
What do you need when you do these activities?

on the board.

Extension Create a Dialogue

with the class. The dialogue should take place in one of the
activities pictured in the Use the Language.

language and grammar points in the lesson.

it as a guide if necessary.


their dialogue with the class.

sentences after you.

these on the board. Practice more by asking students to use

these verbs in a sentence.

E Grammar Practice


box. Remind students to use the correct form for simple present
or simple continuous; refer to the chart as necessary.

assign each sentence to a student and report their answer to the


1. Iike 2. remember 3. is playing


4. Do, understand 5. needs 6. are having

Check the Workbook

For further practice with active and stative verbs, use Exercise 3
in Unit 1, Lesson 3 of the workbook.

Lesson 4 TV Choices

- Discuss TV show types
- Express preference using would rather
news sitcom nature show soap opera
reality show remote
Expressing preferences with would rather

Warm Up

student mentions watch TV, ask the student what TV shows

they like to watch. Ask the class what TV shows they enjoy. Ask
the students if the TV shows they mentioned are funny, scary,
serious, etc.

When students respond, repeat back what they said, using

would rather. For example, You would rather watch the news
than a funny TV show.

think of. Write these on the board.

learn to talk about which shows they like to watch more than

A Model Conversation Track 06

(two women, a couch, a remote). Ask students what they think

the women are saying.

dialogue once, ask students to switch roles and read the B Vocabulary Track 07
dialogue again.
word after you. Ask students to explain, in their own words,
between Elena and Janice. Play the audio and listen to the what each vocabulary word means.
conversation as a class.
don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their
kind of TV show is Kitchen Race? Does Elena like nature shows understanding. Ask students to give examples of news
or the news? Does Janice like sitcoms? Listen to the audio again programs, sitcoms, nature shows, soap operas, and reality
if necessary. shows.

with the correct words from the box.

Teacher’s Note on
The word on is used in many expressions about TV shows.
What’s on? There’s a good show on at 9:00. The football (Answers numbered from left to right, top to bottom)

1. remote 2. reality show 3. news

game is on channel 12. It’s the best show on TV.
4. nature show 5. soap opera 6. sitcom

Teacher’s Note channel Teacher’s Note remote

A channel is a TV station. Remote is the shortened version of remote control.
A: Let’s watch Kitchen Race.
B: Okay. What channel is it on?
C About You

included in the vocabulary.

shows they like and don’t like.

E Grammar Practice


given expressions, to make sentences that are true for them. Tell
students they can change the order of the given expressions.
Answers will vary.

preferences, using the target expressions.

1. I would rather watch the news than a reality show.

2. I would rather buy food than clothes.

3. I’d rather play basketball than watch TV.
4. I’d rather do my homework than the laundry.

Check the Workbook

For further practice expressing preference with would rather,
use Exercise 3 in Unit 1, Lesson 4 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Would You Rather...?


or experience, and some things they would not. Tell students

that it is ok to be creative with their ideas. The more creative
they are, the more fun the exercise will be.

a snake or a spider in your house? Would you rather eat a

tarantula or a frog?

the two options.

options are different.

Extension Charades


D Grammar

express preference for one thing over another. For example, I

would rather watch a sitcom than a soap opera. This means that
I prefer sitcoms to soap operas.

statements and questions.

don’t need the than clause. We can just use would rather.

rather to talk about food.

rather to talk about movies.

Teacher’s Note would rather and prefer to

Would rather… than… has the same meaning as prefer…
I’d rather play basketball than watch it on TV. =
I prefer playing basketball to watching it on TV.

Lesson 5 The Book or the Movie

- Use common vocabulary to discuss books and movies
- Understand how to use prefer with nouns and infinitives
reviews comic book novel screen
fiction non-fiction comedies performance
Expressing preferences and making comparisons with prefer and
as… as

Warm Up

books? If they need some help, mention Romeo and Juliet, The
Hunger Games, and/or Iron Man.

movies? Are there any movies that are better than the books?
Which do you prefer, books or movies?

can think of. Write these on the board.

preference by using the word prefer.

Teacher’s Note Comic Books

Longer comic books are often called graphic novels.

A Model Conversation Track 08

and books.

the dialogue once, ask students to switch roles and read the B Vocabulary
dialogue again.
students to repeat each word after you. Ask students to explain,
Maya and Oscar. Play the audio and listen to the conversation as in their own words, what each vocabulary word means.
a class.
don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their
Maya says she would like to see? What does Oscar say about understanding. Reviews are usually written opinions of a movie.
Future World? What is the second movie Maya is suggesting? A novel is another way to say fictional book. Seeing a story on
What is Mr. Amazing about? What kind of books does Maya the screen is another way to say at the movie theater.
like to read? What movie will Maya and Oscar see? Listen to the
audio again if necessary. using the bold words from the conversation.

Teacher’s Note based on

1. screen 2. performance 3. novel

When a movie tells a story from a book, a comic book, a real 4. fiction 5. comedies 6. reviews
person’s life, etc., we say it is based on that. 7. comic book 8. non-fiction
This movie is based on a novel.
It’s based on the writer’s life. C About You

Teacher’s Note be about

answering the questions.
Use be about to state the topic of something.
A: What is this novel about? exercise if time permits.
B: It’s about a pilot.
1. I read about six books a year.
2. The Great Gatsby

3. My favorite author is Malcom Gladwell.

4. I prefer to read print books.

Teacher’s Note No preference
If you have no preference, you can use the expression, “I like
dogs as much as cats.”

E Grammar Practice

full sentences about their own preferences

preferences, using the target expressions.

baths? Compare watching sports to playing sports. Which do

you prefer? Which do you prefer, vegetables or meat? Compare
reading a book to watching a movie. Which do you prefer.

1. I prefer baths to showers.

2. I usually prefer playing sports to watching sports.

3. I like meat, but I prefer vegetables.
4. I prefer to watch a movie rather than read a book.

Check the Workbook

For further practice expressing preference with prefer, use
Exercise 3 in Unit 1, Lesson 5 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: I’d prefer to read...

learned with a partner.

Partner B.

Extension Open Discussion their partner. Ask Partner A to explain why they recommend the

make fictitious plans for the weekend. would prefer to read it, giving reasons.

if they need guidance. comic book that they like. Tell students to provide information
about the book and to give reasons for their suggestion. Ask
students to listen and respond to their partner’s suggestion.
D Grammar
board in case students have trouble thinking of one. If students
nouns and infinitives. still have difficulty, you may consider allowing them to select a
movie or TV show.

to cats? Do you prefer sleeping late to waking up early? Do you

prefer to walk rather than drive? Extension Mingle

choice we are making right now. preferences are very popular topics of conversation. Ask
students to stand up and talk to a minimum of 5 people
between two things. Ask students to repeat each sentence after about their movie, book, and TV preferences. Remind
you. students to use the vocabulary and grammar points from
the lesson.
sentences for each phrase. Write these examples on the board.

Unit 1 : Active Review

Warm Up

sister, brother, roommate, or friend. Ask them Who did you

argue with? What did you argue about? How did you resolve
the argument?

a personal story about an argument you have had or provide a

made-up example. For instance, In college, I had an argument
with my roommate. I was trying to study, and she was playing
very loud music. We argued. My other roommate suggested
that we both put headphones on. This helped solve our issue.

A Listen and Complete Track 09

to pay close attention to find out about Monica’s problems

with her sister. Tell students to use the information to fill in the
blanks. Listen to the audio multiple times if needed.

ask the students to repeat each sentence after you.

1. Monica and her sister usually get along fine, but lately she’s
complaining all the time.
2. Monica’s sister stays awake until midnight anyway. And she’s
having a party for her friends next Saturday.

3. Monica’s sister usually cooks, and Monica washes the dishes and
straightens up the apartment. But Monica really prefers to cook.
4. Monica’s sister acts like she owns the apartment, but it belongs
to both of them.

Listen Again Track 09

different things that Monica and her sister do in the apartment.

them on the board. Elicit missing answers.

B Respond
in details.
based on the conversation. Answers will vary.

will discuss the answers as a class. students did not have the opportunity to participate or there
was a specific student whose argument was very engaging.
1. She is arguing a lot with her sister whom she lives with.
2. Monica’s sister complains that Monica’s guests keep her from C Reminder: Some Module 1 Goals in Unit 1
sleeping at night.
3. Monica wants to cook, but her sister starts cooking before Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
Monica gets home. over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if

4. Ed suggests she make a specific plan and tell her sister clearly they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
what she wants. a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.
5. I think Monica’s sister is right. Her sister needs to respect her
6. I think Monica should try to be quieter at night time or go
somewhere else.

C Now Write


live with roommates?

students three minutes to complete the outline, which must

include three reasons that support their opinion.

offer assistance.

questions about their outlines.

separate piece of paper. They have eight minutes to complete

the paragraph.

offer assistance if necessary.

their paragraphs, taking note of any errors.

paragraphs to the class. Allow time for students to ask



Warm Up

someone who has lived alone.

these reasons on the board.

A Read to Write

households. Tell students that single-person household means

that a person lives alone.

percent of US houses and apartments have one person living in

them? Why do some single people prefer to live alone? Why do
others not like living alone?

B Speak to Write

would feel about living alone.

they live alone and how it would be different if they lived with

participate in a small group discussion about the items above.

Unit 2 Overview:
I’ll go out tonight.
Lesson 1: Visiting Relatives
Aims: - Name the members of an extended family
- Use will and be going to for future tense
Vocabulary: Relationships and family get-togethers
Grammar: Future tense
Lesson 2: Blind Date
Aims: - Understand and discuss dating advice
- Express probability and make predictions
Vocabulary: Going on a (blind) date
Grammar: Making predictions and expressing probability with
will and be going to
Lesson 3: Going to the Movies
Aims: - Identify movie genres
- Use modals of possibility
Vocabulary: Types of movies and going to the movies
Grammar: Modals of possibility
Lesson 4: Nightlife
Aims: - Use language related to nightlife activities and places
- Use verbs followed by that clauses
Vocabulary: Going to concerts, cafés, bars, and night clubs
Grammar: that clauses
Lesson 5: Day Trips
Aims: - Use language related to day trips
- Suggest various activities
Vocabulary: Weekend plans; modals, adverbs, verb phrases, and
adjective phrases used to make predictions
Grammar: Suggesting activities
Some Module 1 Goals in Unit 2
- Discuss different things to do, places to go, etc.
- Describe plans, arrangements, and alternatives
A Model Conversation Track 10

- Understand the main points in short newspaper and magazine

articles about current and familiar topics about a family event. Students should give special attention to
the family relationships that are described.

Lesson 1 Visiting Relatives

Aims online with? What is Craig’s relationship with Nina and John?
When will Craig arrive?
- Name the members of an extended family
- Use will and be going to for future tense
B Vocabulary
niece mother-in-law nephew grandchild mentioned in the dialog that they’ve just heard. Say the words
on your way look forward to run late miss in the word box and ask students to repeat.
Future tense sentences that describe the relationships.

phrases to their definitions.

Warm Up
1. mother-in-law 2. grandchildren
3. niece 4. nephew
vocabulary they already know about members of a family.
5. d. to be going or traveling somewhere

Prompt students to share the name of a family member, using 6. a. to think about (a future event) in a happy way
the form My sister’s name is _______. 7. c. to be late getting ready; to be behind schedule
8. b. to feel sad because someone isn’t with you
meet their extended family. You may specifically introduce the
vocabulary extended family if students are unfamiliar with it, C About You
defining it as the relatives other than parents, children, siblings, Demo
or spouse.
Share a few facts with students about your own family. Give some
emphasis to some of the target vocabulary, but also talk about
20 other members of your family.
own near-future plans.

getting the syntax right.

sounding from a native-speaker’s perspective will it be necessary

to make corrections based on usage before moving on to the
practice phase.

Teacher’s Note Give guidelines rather than rules

It’s definitely worth being aware that most distinctions between
the use of be going to and will are guidelines at best. The text
of the table and the exercises attempt to teach students the
most common, conventional use, but in many cases it makes
little or no difference which form we choose. The main thing
that helps students understand is that be going to is more
explicit in implying a plan has already been made, or there is
more certainty.
When correcting students here, the goal is not to be pedantic,
but to achieve natural sounding English.

E Grammar Practice

the sentences.

should aim for the most natural choice based on context. They
should ask themselves, when in doubt: Has a plan already been

1. we’re going to 2. I’ll 3. won’t be


4. are going to 5. I’ll

Check the Workbook

For further practice with future tense, use Exercises 2 and 3 in
Activity Unit 2, Lesson 1 of the workbook.
Ask students to do the activity in pairs. Instruct them to answer
the questions about their own families, and encourage them to
share additional details. F Read to Write
When students have finished their discussion, ask them each to
report one fact to the class about their partner’s family. instruct them to underline the future tense verbs as they go.

Extension Plan a family event underlined verbs as a class.

confirm understanding.
extended families, and that the event should be something
different from their routine. For example, they could plan an
that they are making use of full sentences, not just notes and
anniversary party, a camping trip, or barbecue party.

errors in their writing. If time allows, you may want to assign

each student will choose one of those events to plan for his students to peer-edit one another’s writing while you are giving
or her own family. corrections to other students in the class.

the event and what they would like to do there.

Extension What will you do?
Check the Workbook To make more use of future tense, students can be assigned
For further practice with family members and family trees, use to small groups and then respond to and discuss the following
Exercise 1 in Unit 2, Lesson 1 of the workbook. questions:

D Grammar

example sentences out loud to become comfortable using the

Lesson 2 Blind Date

- Understand and discuss dating advice
- Express probability and make predictions
be yourself cancel double date hobby
be stressed out worry shy perfect
get to know (someone) go on a blind date
Making predictions and expressing probability with will and be
going to

Warm Up

Have they read one? What kinds of problems are discussed?

date. Do they have any advice that could help a person feeling
nervous about a date?

A Authentic Text: Online advice column


together. One student can read the first part requesting help,
and the other student can read the response.

to the instructions. They should discuss the advice they’ve read

and give additional advice.

B Vocabulary

explain, in their own words, what each vocabulary word means.

definitions. Feedback
Ask students to report to the class what they and their partners
1. b (get to know) 2. g (go on a blind date)
3. i (worry) 4. f (be stressed out) Teacher’s Note Like versus would like

5. e (hobby) 6. c (cancel)
Give some attention to whether students are correctly
7. j (perfect) 8. a (be yourself)
distinguishing between what they like, as an expression of
9. h (shy) 10. d (double date)
routine, versus what they would like. The emphasis in the
instructions is on what the students would like, so they are
Check the Workbook not limited to discussing their own real experience, but can
For further practice with vocabulary related to dating, use use their imagination.
Exercise 1 in Unit 2, Lesson 2 of the workbook.
Extension Fantasy versus Reality
C About You Have students discuss different kinds of dates, including the
Setup / Demo kinds of fantasy dates that happen only in movies and TV, and
the kinds of things that people typically do on dates.
Read the instructions aloud to the class and ensure understanding.
Give an example or two of your own to model the correct
language, for example, On a blind date, I’d like to walk on the
beach. I wouldn’t like to talk about my family. romantic dates that happen only in movies and fantasies.
What do they think of this?
First have students work individually to list their ideas. Confirm people do on dates.
that students are including activities that they would not like
to do. Assign students to pairs to discuss their ideas and their
discussed, including how and why they’re different.
reasons. Students should make note of their partner’s ideas and
reasons as well to confirm that they are listening attentively.
Ensure that they are asking follow-up questions.

E Grammar Practice

Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary.

word only once. If not, give them a chance to make corrections.

(Finding which sentence can use the answer “maybe” is key.)

1. will 2. is 3. Maybe

4. probably 5. possibly

Teacher’s Note Some ambiguity

In this exercise, both probably and possibly are grammatically
acceptable answers to questions 4 and 5. However, in
question 4, context implies that a sick person is probably
going to cancel a dinner event. In question 5, context
suggests possibly because the speaker is explicitly not sure. If
students invert the answers, it is worth pointing out the role
of context in helping choose.

Check the Workbook

For further practice with expressions of probability and
predictions, use Exercises 2 and 3 in Unit 2, Lesson 2 of the

F Use the Language: Going on a date

unique advice before speaking about the dilemmas with other


and at least some predictions about what will happen.

D Grammar
assign them to pairs to discuss their advice and predictions.
information about grammar aloud, as well as the Brief notes,
and students should be asked to repeat the example sentences
a few good follow-up questions to keep their conversation

which of the words are most often used in casual speech.

(maybe and probably) Extension Probably Not
For homework, ask students to do some research online or
respond using some of the language presented in the table. For
in English-language publications. They should find some
example, Will it rain tonight? and Will you remember what you
predictions for the future. Have students search for predictions
learned today?
they believe will and will not come true.
Students should each bring in an article that they found,
to share with the class. Then have students present the
Teacher’s Note Misusing maybe predictions, and discuss and debate which predictions they
think probably will or probably won’t come true.
One of the most common errors, which you should be on the
lookout for, is misuse of maybe as though it were a modal
verb in sentences, as in I will maybe spend a lot of money.
Students will soon learn how to use the modal may. In the
meantime, they should be reminded to use maybe as a
sentence adverb, usually at the start of a clause, as in Maybe I
will spend a lot of money.

Lesson 3 Going to the Movies

- Identify movie genres
- Use modals of possibility
romantic comedy horror action animated
fantasy hilarious violent scary
Modals of possibility

Warm Up

they would like to do with a group of friends. What would they

like to do with only one friend? What would they like to do on a
date? If the answers are different, why are they different?

see together. Can they say what kind of movie it is?

A Model Conversation Track 11

spoken parts.


B Vocabulary


definitions to the adjectives that describe different kinds of


(From left to right)

Teacher’s Note Stating the obvious

horror movie, romantic comedy, action movie, fantasy

1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a Sometimes students resist stating the obvious. When
describing a movie such as Transformers, they don’t know
Check the Workbook how to talk about it because they assume that their partner
already knows a lot. But before they get bogged down trying
For further practice with the vocabulary, use Exercises 1 and 2 to summarize the plot, they should be able to say simple,
in Unit 2, Lesson 3 of the workbook.
obvious things, such as There are robots, or There is a lot of
action, or even It was a fun movie. If students are struggling,
ask them one or two obvious questions that are easy to
C About You answer.
Model a couple of sentences about movies that would fit the
activity. For example, I like fantasy movies. The Hobbit is a good Extension Watching a movie alone or with others
fantasy movie. Read the instructions aloud to the class and ensure
habits and preferences.
First have students work individually to list their ideas. Confirm to see if they had to watch them alone. They can talk about
that students are including several genres as well as specific titles genres as well as specific examples and titles.
within the genres. Assign students to pairs to discuss their ideas
and their reasons. While students are discussing their answers, with a group of several friends. Are these different from the
go around and prompt students to describe the movies in more ones they would see alone?
Feedback would be a bad choice for dates?
Be sure that students are asking one another questions, not just
reporting their own opinions. When finished, students can report
one difference of opinion that they had with a partner.

1. ought to 2. can’t 3. might 4. must

5. should 6. may 7. must 8. could

Check the Workbook

For further practice with modals of possibility, use Exercises 3
and 4 in Unit 2, Lesson 3 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: What does the future hold?

predictions to help get them started. Try In fifty years, most

people may eat insects, and Most movies could be 3-D in the
future, and There should be no more science fiction in the
future because space travel will be real.

them report some of their most interesting predictions to the


they think may not come true and why.

Extension Solving a Mystery

For another opportunity to do some research related to the
lesson, ask students to find some information about a mystery.
They should prepare to come back and describe a mystery to
their classmates. When they report in the next class, students
should speculate about possible and probable explanations of
the mystery. Mysteries could include legends such as U.F.O.s,
or specific real-world news events such as unsolved crimes.

D Grammar

asleep on the bus, and when he woke up, he couldn’t find his
bag. Ask students where his bag might be. Try another scenario:
Hannah got flowers from her boyfriend. Ask How must she
feel? and What special day might it be today?

Teacher’s Note Modals with many uses

Keep in mind that modal verbs such as should can be used in
different ways in English, but EFL students may be confused
by this. Be prepared to clarify that should as an expression of
possibility is completely different from should for advice and
that natives depend a lot on context to understand which
usage applies. Similarly, students need to distinguish between
must for deduction and must for obligation.

E Grammar Practice


to determine if something is possible, strongly possible, or


help select the most appropriate answer.

Lesson 4 Nightlife

- Use language related to nightlife activities and places
- Use verbs followed by that-clauses
dance bartender live music promise
feel like cover charge bar concert
that clauses

Warm Up

things to do there.

etc., and follow up with some specific examples that students

like (a particular restaurant or a good neighborhood in their own

these places.

A Model Conversation Track 12

conversation was about.

B Vocabulary

each word after you. Ask students to explain, in their own

words, what each vocabulary word means.

where more than one definition seems possible, students are to

choose the best definition.
Teacher’s Note Students with little experience
1. feel like 5. bartender
2. cover charge 6. promise Not all students will have experienced all of the activities.

3. dance 7. bar Some may have limited experience, and some activities such
4. live music 8. concert as concerts may not even be available in a place convenient
and affordable to them. If students find little to talk about
based on their own experience, they should be prompted to
Check the Workbook
talk about which of the places they would most like to go
For practice making a conversation, use Exercise 1 in Unit if they could, or which activities they would least like to do.
2, Lesson 4 of the workbook. For further practice with Otherwise, students should provide their own ideas of good
vocabulary, use Exercise 2. places to go that are not listed in the book.

C In Your World Teacher’s Note Students with common experience

On the other hand, if two partners are very familiar with the
Tell students briefly about a city where you once lived, and
same places, they may need to be prompted to add detail to
something you could do there at night, as an example of
their conversation. Prompt students to ask when their partner
something that would meet the activity’s goals.
has gone to the place and why they like it, etc.
Assign students to pairs. Read the instructions aloud and confirm
understanding. Make clear that students should talk about Extension What’s missing?
familiar places and they can be near their current home or in Extend conversation by having students talk about the kinds
another town that they have lived in. Ensure that students are of places and activities that are not easily accessed where they
asking one another good questions and not simply reading out live.
their own answers without prompting.
If time allows, students can be invited to share their ideas with the see and do. Complaining is acceptable.
whole class, and find out which are the most common ideas and
which are the most unique. these things.

E Grammar Practice

indicate where they should be writing questions.

1. Do you think she will come?

2. The doctor says I should rest.
3. I am worried you won’t like living here.

4. Promise me that you’ll come to the party.
5. I don’t care that she’ll be angry.
6. It is possible that I’ll be late.

Check the Workbook

For further practice with that clauses, use Exercises 3 and 4 in
Unit 2, Lesson 4 of the workbook.

F Listen to Write Track 13

to mark the pictures that show activities that are mentioned.

pictures that show what people can do at Sammy’s Gastro Pub.

- (All pictures are mentioned except: Karaoke)


questions that will help them brainstorm, and ensure that they
follow up by writing out an advertisement using complete

their advertisements to the whole class.

to go to.

D Grammar

craft beer; coffee; dancing; dinner

the table, and have students repeat the example sentences.

Extension Agree or not
out if they have questions about the meaning of any words.
Your response should include an example of the word used with Have students work in pairs or small groups to respond to
a that clause so they can see it in use. short statements of opinion.

using the grammar focus. A few good questions could include: them each to write their own, individual opinions on paper,
Who did you talk to, and what did they say? Do you believe that using complete sentences. They must each write a minimum
smoking is healthy? What are you worried about? If students of four opinions, expressed as I think that… or I believe
miss the point, prompt them to answer, I’m worried that ____. Is that…
it possible that ____?
aloud to their partners and prompt them for agreement.
Partners should respond I agree that… or I don’t agree
Teacher’s Note Prepositions, and Questions versus that…
discuss them in more depth.
One challenge for students is that the questions often use
prepositions, while answers may use a that clause. For
example, What are you worried about? may be answered
with I’m worried that… What are you certain of? may be
answered, I am certain that…
You may not need to explain this unless it comes up, but
you should be prepared to make necessary corrections when
students struggle with these kinds of questions. They should
not make sentences that mix prepositions with clauses like I
am worried about I will fail the test.

Lesson 5 Day Trips

- Use language related to day trips
- Suggest various activities
day trip outdoors music festival relieve
downtown coast plan forecast
Suggesting activities

Warm Up
With books closed, ask students to name some places that are
within a few hours’ driving distance of their home. Ask what
could they do in some of those places? Where have they gone,
and where have they not gone yet?

A Model Conversation Track 14

conversation was about.

B Vocabulary

the vocabulary to the definitions.


1. c 2. e 3. a 4. f 5. d 6. b

Check the Workbook

For further practice with vocabulary, use Exercise 1 in Unit 2,
Lesson 5 of the workbook.
D Quick Review
C In Your World answers in the Brief notes that are provided.
Explain that students must quickly note three ideas of places for with the rest of the class.
a daytrip, and model an example based on your own hometown
with Near my hometown, I could go to ______________. a class.
1. Please take some food.

Have each student independently write their answers to the 2. I think that they are going to arrive soon.
prompt before assigning them to pairs. Ensure they are not simply
copying and agreeing with one another’s ideas. Have students
use their lists to suggest trips to the various places. Be sure that
students ask one another follow-up questions. Prompt them Extension Disagreements
with some ideas to follow up with if they are not getting enough For more practice, have students discuss how to resolve
details. disagreements over plans, as well as, some things that happen
Feedback when plans go wrong.
When students are finished, ask them to suggest some of their
best ideas to you as real advice for where you could take a day
trip someday. their free time or to be more active.

Teacher’s Note Learning by doing friends have different things that they want to do. Have they
ever had this experience?
In this activity, students have been instructed to give
suggestions, but they haven’t been given an explicit grammar
lesson on how to make suggestions. (That’s coming next!) plans go wrong for reasons such as traffic, weather,
Students are likely to have already learned some ways to cancelations, etc. Ask students to share any experiences
make suggestions, such as using should or imperative verbs they’ve had of plans going wrong.
to indirectly imply a suggestion. For example, The beach is a
good place to go. If students need on-the-spot correction of
their grammar errors at this point, then help them out, but it’s
not necessary to teach new strategies yet.
F Grammar Practice

complete the activity.

1. meet 2. we go 3. plan

4. ought to 5. try 6. booking

Check the Workbook

For further practice making and responding to suggestions,
use Exercises 2, 3, and 4 in Unit 2, Lesson 5 of the workbook.

G Use the Language: Let’s go!

each group chooses a different place to talk about, and that

they commit to a choice before getting into discussion of the
things to do there.

tell them to decide within their group about which place they
would like to go to. They should discuss until they can come to
an agreement.

to the class and talk about some of the things they would like to
do in the place they’ve chosen.

Extension Get ready to go

Have students role-play. Each student should pretend he
or she is going on a daytrip and ask his/her partners for
suggestions about how to prepare, details about what to do,
and things to avoid. Students could use some of the following
specific suggestions:

E Grammar afternoon and evening.

- What do you suggest I wear?
- What do you suggest I shop for, and where?
and then have students repeat back the example sentences. - How do you suggest I spend my money?

few example questions could include: most of the day.

- I want to find a nice place to eat. Where do you suggest that I - What do you suggest I bring with me?
go? - How do you suggest I prepare?
- I lost my house key. What could I do? - What do you think I should not do?
- I want to go someplace fun. Do you have any good ideas?
- What do you think I should bring with me?
- Do you suggest I bring food and drinks, or should I look
Teacher’s Note Subjunctive with suggest
for a place to eat nearby?
The grammar table does not go into detail about suggest and - How do you suggest I stay safe?
recommend. Students should simply understand how to use - Do you have any other suggestions?
suggest with a that clause.
However, some students may make the mistake of saying, “I
suggest that you should…” While this is not strictly wrong, it’s
better not to combine suggest with should. Suggest already
implies should.
Understanding this will make it easier for students to
understand why we make sentences like I suggest that he
go shopping. The subjunctive go does not use subject-verb
agreement because there is an implied but unspoken should.
We do not say He should goes…, so we do not say I suggest
that he goes…

Unit 2 : Active Review

A Out on the Town

the magazine article “Districts of Berlin” aloud.

points that were covered in the article about each of the



B Plan Your Day

should openly discuss the districts, and then they should work
together to make a specific plan they all agree to. Students
could spend the entire day in one district, or they can go to
several places, but they must agree together.

partners, have them report their plans to the class.

C Reminder: Some Module 1 Goals in Unit 2

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if
they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.

B Prepare

their own future plans.

that they are including some things that they might do but are
not sure of.

C Speak

class. Each student should respond to questions from classmates

at the end of their report. Prompt other classmates to ask
questions with some questions of your own.


A Listen for Information Track 15

audio of the text. While reading, they should pay special

attention to the woman’s plans and predictions.

take notes while listening to the audio. They are to put each of
the plans in the correct column.

attention to the language clues that distinguish between

certain, likely, and possible future.

Will: Graduate high school, attend U. of Florida, study

photography, study hard
Probably Will: Live on campus with roommate, find a part-time

Might: Live alone in an apartment, have her own photo
studio, work doing wedding photography, not have
time to relax, be stressed out

Module 1 : Review

A Vocabulary
Assign students to pairs, or do these as a class, making sure that
all the students fill in the blanks. Ask students to fill in the blanks
from memory.

1. a 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. a

6. a 7. b 8. c 9. c 10. a

B Grammar
Students should be flipping through the module as they complete
these, but the answers do not need to match the exact details
from the dialogues. However, they should show understanding of
the language covered in the module.
1. will 2. are 3. is 4. having

5. rather 6. Let’s 7. to 8. going

9. to 10. have 11. that 12. do

E Interview
This activity brings together the goals of talking about roommate
preferences and talking about a possible future. Students use their
previous discussions as a model for interviewing their classmates
as if they will soon be roommates.

the interview, or you may structure it as a mingling activity in

which students are encouraged to change partners several

their discussion time to possible future events—talking about

what they will or could do together as roommates.

C Predictions
This picture-based activity focuses on possible future, including
modals of possibility such as might. It also includes discussion and
a written follow-up.

students discuss the pictures with partners.

merely describing. If necessary, repeat that they should guess at

what might happen next.

sentences on separate paper, and give corrections.

D What do you want to know?

This activity is about preferences when selecting a roommate and
includes practice writing questions.

and the things they would like to do with roommates.

Fitness and Health

Module 2 Goals
Understand enough of what people say to be able to meet immediate needs

Complete a simple questionnaire or standardized report form using short sentences

Describe past activities, events, and personal experiences (for example, what you did over
the weekend)

Make another person understand the points that are most important to you when you
explain something

Express yourself reasonably accurately in familiar, predictable situations

Help solve practical problems by saying what you think and asking others what they think

Make arrangements on the telephone or in person (for example, setting up a medical


Manage unexpected things that could happen on vacation (for example, needing a dentist)

Module 2 Overview:
Fitness and Health
Module 2 Goals
- Understand enough of what people say to be able to meet
immediate needs
- Complete a simple questionnaire or standardized report form
using short sentences
- Describe past activities, events, and personal experiences (for
example, what you did over the weekend)
- Make another person understand the points that are most
important to you when you explain something
- Express yourself reasonably accurately in familiar, predictable
- Help to solve practical problems by saying what you think and
asking others what they think
- Make arrangements on the telephone or in person (for example,
setting up a medical appointment)
- Manage unexpected things that could happen on vacation (for
example, needing a dentist)

Warm Up

Health. Ask students what they think this means.

in one minute. Time them.

list between them.


Extension Picture Talk

Ask students questions or have them make statements about
the picture, if they can. Set a goal—for example, draw ten
blanks on the board and ask students to fill them up with
words for things in the picture.


class, find the page that has pictures of different sports (p. 36).
1. The girl is a runner.
three items. Monitor to ensure students are looking together. 2. Yes, I have a routine because I want to be healthy.
3. I like to watch tennis because it’s exciting.

4. I get sick once or twice a year. I go to the doctor when I feel

1. surfing, diving, gymnastics, skiing (many answers are possible) 5. I go to the dentist every year.
2. p. 48

3. p. 42 & 44 & 61
4. headache (p. 48), vomit (p. 48), flu (p. 48), stomachache (p. 50) Write
(many answers are possible)
about one of the questions they just answered with a partner.
answers aloud to the class.
question 1. Ask another student to answer the question. Write
the answers on the board, using the sentence structure (The girl
is… a runner.) Teacher’s Note Sports and culture
The difference between games and sports may come up
during this module. Additionally, it is good to be aware of
and help when needed. students’ cultures and which sports are considered suitable for
women and men.
question and read their answer when they are asked.

their partner’s answers.

Unit 3 Overview:
Sports and Fitness
Lesson 1: Watching Sports on TV
Aims: - Words and phrases related to watching sports on TV
- Describe past activities and experiences
Vocabulary: Sports
Grammar: Gerunds and infinitives
Lesson 2: We’d better show up early.
Aims: - Words and phrases related to attending a sporting
- Say what you think and ask others what they think
Vocabulary: Watching sports
Grammar: Suggestions and advice with gerunds, infinitives,
modals, and that clauses
Lesson 3: I want to get in shape.
Aims: - Words and phrases related to fitness and exercise
- Make another person understand the points that are
most important to you when you explain something
Vocabulary: Fitness and Exercise
Grammar: Future continuous tense
Lesson 4: Fitness Tips
Aims: - Words and phrases used at the gym
- Complete a simple questionnaire or standardized
report form using short sentences
Vocabulary: Joining a gym
Grammar: Empty it and that clauses
Lesson 5: It’s very painful.
Aims: - Describe body parts and sports-related injuries
- Express yourself reasonably accurately in familiar,
predictable situations
Vocabulary: Body parts; Sports-related injuries
Grammar: Intensifiers Warm Up
Some Module 2 Goals in Unit 3 Start the class with some small talk about a recent sports game
- Understand enough of what people say to be able to meet in the country you are teaching in. Ask if anyone watched or will
immediate needs watch the game and who they wanted/want to win.
- Complete a simple questionnaire or standardized report form using
short sentences
Teacher’s Note Sports aren’t everyone’s thing...
- Express yourself reasonably accurately in familiar, predictable
situations Some students may not pay attention to sports, so it may help
- Help solve practical problems by saying what you think and asking to bring in a newspaper or video for the warm-up. You may
others what they think also need to explain the basic rules of certain sports.

A Model Conversation Track 16

Lesson 1 Watching Sports on TV

talking about the Olympics.

- Words and phrases related to watching sports on TV to who is talking and what questions they ask. Play the audio
- Describe past activities and experiences and listen to the conversation as a class.
sports do Oscar and Karen like?
the Olympics event move compete
terrible athlete graceful dream
gymnastics diving figure skating surfing B Vocabulary Track 17
Grammar students to repeat. Ask students to explain, in their own words,
what each vocabulary word means.
Gerunds and infinitives

moving on to the next word.


1. f 2. e 3. d 4. a 5. b 6. c

Extension Child’s Play
Have students interview their partner about which sports they
played as a kid. Do they still play them? If not, why?

E Grammar

the sentence using the negative. Then ask students to rephrase

the sentence as a question.

instead of can to express the ability to do something. Some

verbs can be followed by a gerund or the infinitive. Have
students refer to the Brief note below the chart for examples of
those verbs.

gerund or infinitive form and asking them to make a complete


Teacher’s Note -ing endings

Remind students that gerunds end in -ing but are not related
to continuous verb tenses. Instead, they are activities in noun

F Grammar Practice
This activity will assess students’ ability to use the surrounding
verbs and phrases to decide whether the infinitive or gerund form
is correct. In some cases, both are correct.

answers. Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary. When

they have their own answers, ask them to compare with a partner.

1. singing 2. getting 3. to find 4. to talk

C Vocabulary: Olympic Sports 5. driving 6. to cook 7. running

8. to go, going (either a gerund or infinitive can be used)

9. to watch
out. Ask students to repeat. Ask students to explain, in their 10. to laugh, laughing (either a gerund or infinitive can be used)
own words, what each vocabulary word means. Give simple
explanations and examples when students don’t seem to
understand a word or to supplement their understanding. Check the Workbook
For further practice with gerunds and infinitives, use Exercise 3
the pictures in the activity. in Unit 3, Lesson 1 of the workbook.

1. diving 2. skiing 3. surfing


4. figure skating 5. gymnastics

G Use the Language: Watching sports

Extension Sports Charades

favorite athletes are.

student volunteer. Assign the volunteer a sport. He/she must

athlete?”, etc.
describe it to her team without saying the sport’s name and
get them to guess the correct word to get a point.
questions with that partner.
everyone has taken a turn.
answer the questions again.

D About You athletes to the class.

having them answer. Extension What a Pro!

End the lesson with a short video or article about a famous
athlete. Ask students to write five sentences about the athlete
the class and give feedback. using different types of gerund and infinitives structures.

Lesson 2 We’d better show up early.

- Words and phrases related to attending a sporting event
- Say what you think and ask others what they think
score show up excellent left
second behind basketball
Suggestions and advice with gerunds, infinitives, modals, and that

Warm Up
Start the class with some small talk about an event that you
missed because you were too late to get tickets or seats. Ask
students if this has ever happened to them. Many people also
wait for movie tickets, products, etc. Ask if anyone in the class has
done this. Why do they think people do this?

Teacher’s Note Being punctual

In many cultures, being on time is very important. Most
people arrive to events early and the event starts precisely
when it was planned. Therefore, some people consider it rude
to disturb others by arriving late.

A Model Conversation Track 18

recommendations. First, they will listen to a conversation

between two students.

out when Hailey and Ben are going to watch a basketball game.

Extension Time Waits for No Man

B Vocabulary

explain, in their own words, what each vocabulary word means. reason why being punctual is important, and the other will
argue that being punctual is not so important.
are going to play the conversation one more time. This time,
they should underline each vocabulary word that they hear in
the conversation.

the definitions (1-7) and match parts to complete the sentences D Grammar
(8-13). When they are done, they can check their answers with
another pair. Brief note below the chart on the right. When using a that
clause the verb in the clause should be in the base form, no
matter the subject. Ensure that students are clear about the
1. score 2. second 3. show up 4. behind difference between the infinitive and base form of verbs when
5. excellent 6. basketball 7. left 8. f

discussing this point.

9. d 10. a 11. g 12. b
13. c
underlines the gerund or infinitive in the example sentences.

C About You should use to give a suggestion or piece of advice.

management habits. Model by asking a student the questions. Teacher’s Note Omissions
Make students aware that in spoken language, had in had
better is sometimes omitted. Sometimes the same is true
questions with the class.
about that in suggest/recommend that… Even if that is
omitted from the clause, the verb of the clause should be in
its base form.

Extension Let’s all go!
End the lesson by asking the class to share all of the upcoming
sporting events they found. Group students into teams and
have them choose one event to attend. Have teams come up
with a list of all the reasons it is the event that the class should
go to. Allow time for each team to present, then hold a vote
for the most popular event.

E Grammar Practice

verbs and phrases to decide whether the infinitive or gerund

form is correct.

Remind them to refer to the chart when necessary.

to fill in the blanks. Tell students to circle those clues as the class
goes through the answers.

1. suggest 2. sure 3. bring 4. inviting


5. idea 6. that 7. better

Check the Workbook

For further practice with giving advice and suggestions, use
Exercises 2 and 3 in Unit 3, Lesson 2 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Let’s catch a game!

Possible resources include news or local event sites.

the one they chose would be fun to see.

Lesson 3 I want to get in shape.

- Words and phrases related to fitness and exercise
- Make another person understand the points that are most
important to you when you explain something
energy strong lift weights lose weight
fitness membership work out join
get in shape
Future continuous tense

Warm Up
Start the class by asking students if they think it’s better to pay to
go to a gym or find free activities outside (like the runner on the
first page of the module) to keep in shape. Ask them to explain
their reasons.

Teacher’s Note Keeping fit

In many English-speaking cultures, keeping in shape, or being
thin and strong, is important because it means that a person
is healthy. However, what is considered healthy in each culture
is different.

A Model Conversation Track 19

between Sophia and a personal trainer.

what Sophia’s fitness goals are.

1. She worked out at the gym for the first time.
B Vocabulary Track 20
2. She will be a member (of the gym) for two months.
3. She will be studying (in the fall).

4. She wants to get in shape, become stronger, and have more

they are going to listen to definitions. While listening, they energy.
should write the letter of the definition next to the correct word 5. He recommends that she lift weights and join a yoga class.
or phrase. 6. He’ll be teaching yoga (all afternoon).

the blanks. Extension Fit as a Fiddle

many ways to get fit as they can think of.

1. d 2. c 3. a

4. b 5. membership 6. energy
7. strong 8. lift weights 9. fitness new way on the board. The team who came up with the
most that no one else thought of wins.

C Comprehension Track 19

D Grammar
students that you will play the audio again. Students should
listen and take notes when they hear the answers to the
clear that both types of future action use will and be going
to but are of different durations. Also, be sure that they
understand how the simple and continuous future are different
in complete sentences. in terms of the duration of the activity.

asking them to make two complete sentences, one describing

a future action lasting a while and the other happening at a
specific time.

F Use the Language: What will you be doing?

keep in shape and the duration that they would spend doing
them in a weekend.

you going to be doing on Saturday morning? or I am going to

be free at 5 on Sunday. Are you free to meet? etc.

them to find an activity that they both want to do during that


with the class and give feedback.

Extension Get Together

Allow students to mingle and find times to meet with two or
three other people during the weekend. Alternatively, group
students into threes and have them find a time that works for
all of them to meet.

Teacher’s Note Gerunds and continuous tense

Unlike in Lessons 1 and 2 in this unit, this grammar point does
not have gerunds in it. The -ing ending here appears because
of the continuous tense.

E Grammar Practice

and be going to.

Remind them to refer to the chart when necessary.

in the sentence they used to fill in the blanks. Ask students to

circle those clues as the class goes through the answers.

1. be working 2. to be 3. be

4. going to 5. Are 6. they be

Check the Workbook

For further practice describing future actions, use Exercises 1,
2, and 3 in Unit 2, Lesson 3 of the workbook.

Lesson 4 Fitness Tips

- Words and phrases used at the gym
- Complete a simple questionnaire or standardized report form
using short sentences
get hurt exercise equipment muscle healthy
personal trainer protein necessary
free important nutrition
empty it and clauses with that

Warm Up
Start by talking about a professional athlete who was injured
while playing and what it did to his/her career. Show a video if
possible. Ask students whether they’ve ever been injured while
playing a sport or working out. What happened to them?

A Authentic Text: Workout guide Track 21

some rules and suggestions.

are cheap or not.

B Vocabulary

are going to listen to the audio again and to highlight the

vocabulary words while listening.

to the pictures and definitions. When they are done, students

can check their answers with a partner.
Extension Diet Tips
Ask students to write 3-5 sentences suggesting or advising on
1. protein 2. personal trainer 3. muscle
ways to eat healthily using gerunds and infinitives. Allow them
4. exercise equipment 5. get hurt

6. a 7. d 8. c refer to the grammar chart in Lesson 2 (page 39) as needed.

9. e 10. b

Teacher’s Note Healthy eating

Extension Taboo In every culture, what is considered healthy eating is different,
so it is best to go by the cultural norms of the classroom.
student volunteer. Give the volunteer one of the vocabulary
words. The student must describe the word to their team
and get them to guess the correct word to get a point. D Grammar

everyone has taken a turn. chart. It sometimes does not refer to a specific noun. In the
first type of empty it and that clauses, it shows that someone
is talking about popular opinion. The second type uses more
C About You subjective adjectives and thus is used for more personal

about how to behave in class using the grammar points.

having them answer.


give feedback.

F Use the Language: Health and fitness


taking notes.

their partners recommendations for how to live a healthier life.

recommendations. Ask them to prepare 3-5 recommendations

using empty it and that clauses.

other students whether they agree with the recommendations

or not.

Have groups make posters of recommendations for a healthy
lifestyle with pictures and sentences using it and that clauses.

Teacher’s Note Adjective intensity

Make sure students are clear that recommended and
important are less intense than necessary and required. You
can make an analogy to modal verbs: recommended and
important are similar to should, while necessary and required
are similar to must.

E Grammar Practice

empty it and that clauses.

Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary. Number 4 is

a good example of how the second type of empty it and that
clause alludes to a more personal opinion.

1. It is important that you drink water on a hot day.

2. It’s necessary that you talk to your doctor.

3. It’s recommended that you take long walks.

4. It’s terrible that he never eats vegetables.

Check the Workbook

For further practice making suggestions, rules, and
recommendations with empty it and that clauses, use Exercise
3 in Unit 3, Lesson 4 of the workbook.

Lesson 5 It’s very painful.

- Describe body parts and sports-related injuries
- Express yourself reasonably accurately in familiar, predictable
shoulder serious painful put
pain reliever bandage ice injury
ankle elbow knee neck
wrist forehead stomach thigh
calf eyebrow earlobe cheek

Warm Up
Start with some small talk about a friend of yours (real or
imaginary) who has been injured. Ask students for their
suggestions about what your friend should do. Ask students if
they think it’s worth it for professional athletes to play sports even
if they may injure themselves permanently.

A Model Conversation Track 22

conversation between someone working out at a gym and their


should go to a doctor immediately or not.

B Vocabulary

Extension Simon Says

finished, they can check their answers with a partner.

Inform them that they are going to play a game.


1. f 2. c 3. b 4. h 5. e 6. d 7. a 8. g
students should do that action. If they do it incorrectly (e.g.
touch their elbow instead) or if you say a command without
C Vocabulary: Body parts saying, “Simon says…” before it and a player performs any
action, they are out of the game.
Have them close their books. Say each word aloud and have
students point to where the body part is on their body. possible. Try to go faster and faster as the game continues
until there is only one winner.
parts to the pictures.

1. neck 2. elbow 3. wrist


4. knee 5. ankle 6. forehead

D About You

Teacher’s Note Vocabulary

having them answer.
There are several vocabulary words for this unit, so starting
Activity C with what students already know will make learning
them less overwhelming. Tell students to use the process of
elimination to fill the in gaps.
give feedback.

Answers will vary.
1. Working out every day is extremely hard.
2. Cooking healthy meals every day is a bit difficult.

3. Cleaning the house is really boring.
4. Watching the Olympics is super fun.
5. Reading comic books is pretty relaxing.
6. Going on a blind date is a little stressful.

Check the Workbook

For further practice using intensifiers, use Exercise 2 in Unit 3,
Lesson 5 of the workbook.

G Use the Language: What’s the matter?

has happened to the person.

the person in the picture. They need to find out the problem
and how it happened. Students should write one conversation
per picture. The model conversation at the beginning of the
lesson can be used as an example.

they should decide which dialogue they want to perform for the
class. Give students time to practice the dialogue.


Extension Play Doctor

Tell pairs to imagine that they are doctors and to make a list of
recommendations for what the person in each picture should
do next.

E Grammar

moves from those that are the least strong to those that are
the strongest. Draw students’ attention to the Brief note below
the chart. A bit and a little cannot be used before an adjective
phrase (for example, adjective + noun). All the other intensifiers
listed in the chart can be used to emphasize an adjective phrase.

chart to write sentences.

Teacher’s Note Adjective intensifiers

Make sure students are clear that only one intensifier can be
used at a time; they cannot be made into a list.

Extension Grammar review

Assign students to circle the gerunds and underline the
adjectives in each of the sentences.

F Grammar Practice

statements true for them.

Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary.

Unit 3 : Active Review

A Email

of training did they have to do?

to underline where in the text they found the answer to each


1. Jessica joined the basketball team

2. Jessica lifts weights, takes yoga, and sometimes swims.
3. Helping her get in shape and teaching her to prepare a meal

4. Jessica hurt her knee.
5. He recommended she rest for a few days.
6. The Olympic basketball team will be visiting next week.

B Write

Jessica as Becky. Then, have students exchange emails and ask

them to correct their classmate’s email for grammar and spelling

Make sure that students do not copy the model structure or
sentence structure given in the original email. Ensure that they
answer Jessica’s question to Becky at the end of her email.

C Reminder: Some Module 2 Goals in Unit 3

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if
they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.

C Now Write

plan in the first row of the chart.

students a set time limit within which to write down meals to

match with their partner’s exercise plan.


Warm Up

reason. What are some the reasons? Write them on the board.

A Prepare

#2. Instruct them to cover up the other person’s chart. Both

charts are parts of one person’s complete schedule for the week.

the entire schedule. At the end, both charts should look the

B Speak to Write

they think about this person’s fitness routine and any changes
they would make.

Unit 4 Overview:
Take care of yourself.
Lesson 1: Making a Doctor’s Appointment
Aims: - Speak to a medical receptionist
- Use present perfect tense
- Words and phrase often used with the present
perfect, e.g. for, since
Vocabulary: Making an appointment and a visit to the doctor
Grammar: Present perfect tense
Lesson 2: At the Doctor’s Office
Aims: - Talk to a doctor
- Describe symptoms
- Correctly use present perfect and past simple
Vocabulary: Symptoms and illnesses
Grammar: Present perfect vs. past simple
Lesson 3: How often do you floss?
Aims: - Talk to a dentist
- Say what you want other people to do
- Using enough and too
Vocabulary: A visit to the dentist
Grammar: too and enough; want / would like + object +
Lesson 4: A Therapist’s Advice
Aims: - Use the past continuous to give background
- When clauses
- Talk about mental health
Vocabulary: Mental health words
Grammar: Past continuous tense; when clauses
Lesson 5: Are there any side effects?
Aims: - At the pharmacy
- Talk about obligations
- Give advice Warm Up
Vocabulary: Getting a prescription at the pharmacy Ask for a show of hands if anyone has been to the doctor in the
Grammar: Modals of obligation last week and write the number of students on the board. Repeat
for the last month, 6 months, and so on.
Some Module 2 Goals in Unit 4
- Help to solve practical problems by saying what you think and
asking others what they think Teacher’s Note Present Perfect
- Make arrangements on the telephone or in person (for example,
setting up a medical appointment) The present perfect tense presents problems for many
- Manage unexpected things that could happen on vacation (for students because they are often not sure whether to use this
example, needing a dentist) or the past simple. Remember there is always some reference
to the present, whether it is an action that is still ongoing or a
result in the present, that marks present perfect sentences as
different from the past simple.

Lesson 1 Take Care of Yourself

A Model Conversation Track 23

conversation about making a doctor’s appointment.
- Speak to a medical receptionist
- Use present perfect tense
- Words and phrase often used with the present perfect, e.g. for,
B Vocabulary Track 24
patient illness headache vomiting
medication/medicine flu breathing cancellation
students to write the words under the appropriate picture.
Present perfect tense the pronunciation of patient and headache.

D Grammar

and make sure students know where they can find the list of
irregular verbs.



example, We’ve been in this classroom for 15 minutes. We’ve

studied the present perfect before. We’ve learned a lot of
health vocabulary since we started. We’ve already finished three
activities. We’ve just looked at the structure of the present

E Grammar Practice

1. I’ve feel sick since last night

I’ve felt sick since last night.
2. He has had a headache for this morning.
He has had a headache since this morning.
3. Have you went to the hospital?
Have you gone to the hospital?
Key 4. Has you just booked an appointment with the doctor?
Have you just booked an appointment with the doctor?
5. Jake has broke his leg.
Jake has broken his leg
6. She hasn’t saw the doctor yet.
She hasn’t seen the doctor yet.

F Use the Language: Sick day

Set up

(From left to right)

illness, medication/medicine, headache, vomit, patient

help them.
1. c 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. b

Teacher’s Note medicine vs. medication listening must take notes.

Medication usually refers to drugs prescribed by a doctor. their partner’s story. This could be done for homework if you are
Medicine refers to this, plus things you buy yourself like aspirin. short of time.
The two words are often used interchangeably.

C Comprehension their partners to the rest of the class.

check the answers in pairs.

Extension Reading
When students have completed the writing task, pin their

1. true 2. false 3. false 4. true stories up around the room. Ask students to walk around and
read the different stories to find the worst one, they luckiest
one, the funniest one, etc.

Check the Workbook

For further practice with health vocabulary and listening, use
Exercises 1, 2, and 3 in Unit 4, Lesson 1 of the workbook.

Lesson 2 At the Doctor’s Ofce

- Talk to a doctor
- Describe symptoms
- Correctly use present perfect and past simple
nausea sore throat body aches cough
runny nose fever congestion allergy (to)
cure food poisoning gone pill
Present perfect vs. past simple

Warm Up
Quickly review the vocabulary to describe symptoms. This
vocabulary is included in C.

Teacher’s Note I have…

It can seem strange to some students to use the structure I
have (symptom). Don’t try to explain why we use it, just tell
students this is the phrase and encourage them to use it.

A Model Conversation Track 25

to somebody making an appointment at the doctor. This time

they are going to read about a different person talking to the

underline the symptoms, even if they are not sure what they

D Grammar

example sentences out loud to become comfortable using

B Vocabulary Track 26
present perfect and simple past tense.

to the pronunciation of each, and then match the word to a example, We’ve been in this classroom for 15 minutes. (The
definition. class has not finished.) We started at 9 a.m. (It is not 9 am
nausea and cough.

1. b 2. e 3. d 4. h 5. c 6. a 7. f 8. g E Grammar Practice

C Vocabulary in Context Track 27

answers as a class.
box. Play the audio of the words and their definitions. Tell
students to fill in the sentences with correct vocabulary word. 1. felt 2. forgot 3. have; seen 4. haven’t been

Check answers as a class. 5. has had 6. took 7. had 8. has; told


1. pill 2. prescription; gone 3. cure 4. food poisoning

Check the Workbook
For further practice with the present perfect and past simple,
use Exercise 3 in Unit 4, Lesson 2 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: I have never told a lie!

themselves, some of which should be true and some of which

should be false.

classroom and help.

read their ten statements one at a time.

true or false. They get one point for each correct guess.

Extension About me
Do the exercise yourself! Write ten things on the board.
Encourage students to ask you questions about your
statements, and then get them to decide which are true and

Lesson 3 How Often Do you Floss?

- Talk to a dentist
- Say what you want other people to do
- Use enough and too
filling hygienist staining gums
floss mouthwash rinse X-ray
Too and enough; want / would like + object + infinitive

Warm Up
On the board, Draw three columns with the following three
headings: love, don’t mind, hate. Tell students if you love, hate,
or don’t mind going to the dentist, and write your name in the
appropriate column. Give students two minutes to ask as many
other people as possible in the class how they feel about going to
the dentist.

A Model Conversation Track 28

taking place at the dentist’s office.


Fiona like flossing?

B Vocabulary Track 29

repeat. Pay attention to hygienist.

picture. Teacher’s Note Too

Students often confuse too with very. Show students that too
is used to mean in excess, while very just means a lot.
(From left to right, top to bottom)

gums, floss, hygienist, staining

X-ray, mouthwash, rinse, filling
E Grammar Practice
C Vocabulary in Context why b is correct.
Students use the words in the box to complete the summary of
the model conversation. Check in pairs and then as a class.
a. dentists b. teeth c. flossing d. bleed

e. common f. too bad g. staining h. cavity

1. b 2. a 3. a 4. a

D Grammar 5. b 6. b 7. a 8. b

first and then would like / want + object + infinitive.

Check the Workbook
For further practice with too and enough, and want / would
example, It’s too hot in here, or The teacher wants/would like us like + object + infinitive use Exercises 2 and 3 in Unit 4, Lesson
to do our homework every night. 3 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: What seems to be the


patient and who is going to be the doctor.

their questions. Encourage them to look back at the last few

lessons and to make notes on the Medical Report to help them.

good examples of language.


Extension Scripting
Ask students to write an extended version of their role-play.
This could be done as homework if you do not have enough

Lesson 4 A Therapist’s Advice

- Use the past continuous to give background information
- When clauses
- Talk about mental health
mental emotional physical therapist
social counsel regularly mediate
Past continuous; when clauses

Teacher’s Note Talking about mental health issues

Make sure you treat this subject with care. There might be
people in your class who are suffering from mental health
issues, so try to provide a supportive and caring environment.
If necessary, have contact numbers ready if students need to
talk so somebody.

Warm Up
Write on the board words that feature an unvoiced /th/. For
example, three, mouthwash, therapist, month, bath, think. Ask
students what the words have in common and then drill the

A Authentic Text: Therapist blog Track 30


read to see if they had the right ideas. Check as a class.

D Grammar
B Vocabulary Track 31

students repeat along with the audio. Pay attention to physical,
therapist, counsel and regularly. and questions.

continuous by doing some actions. Then transition to the past

continuous by talking about what you were doing two minutes
1. counsel 2. social
3. emotional 4. regularly

5. mental 6. meditate
7. physical 8. therapist Exercise A.

example, We were studying English this time last week, Were

C Vocabulary Comprehension you playing football before this class?
Tell students to use the words from Exercise B to complete the
sentences. Then check the answers as a class. of examples.

1. social 2. regularly; physical


3. counsel 4. therapist E Grammar Practice

5. emotional 6. meditate

Check the Workbook

For further practice of vocabulary associated with visiting a
therapist, use Exercises 1, 2, and 3 in Unit 4, Lesson 4 of the 1. were chatting 2. weren’t watching

3. Were you working 4. was meditating

5. was losing 6. wasn’t seeing
7. Was the professor talking 8. was the patient doing

F Read to Write

bad dream.



they had that dream.

Extension Recall
Ask students to repeat their partner’s dreams to another
student. They can use the original written story if they wish or
do it from memory.

Lesson 5 Are there any side effects?

- At the pharmacy
- Talk about obligations
- Give advice
capsule cause dose label
side effects pharmacist effective treatment
Modals of obligation

Warm Up
Quickly test students about what shops they can buy certain
things in. For example: Where can you buy bread? (In a bakery.)
Where can you buy flowers? (In a flower shop.) Make sure you
end on Where can you buy medicine? and elicit In a pharmacy.

A Model Conversation Track 32

associated with going to a pharmacy.

B Vocabulary


1. capsule 2. cause
3. dose 4. label

5. side effects 6. pharmacist

7. effective 8. chest E Grammar Practice Track 33
9. treatment 10. at a time

C Quick Review

Unit 4 to find the answers. 1. should 2. have to

3. ought to 4. must

1. on 5. Should 6. I’ve got to


2. Work out is a verb. Workout is a noun. 7. had better 8. must not

3. informal information

Teacher’s Note Speed reading Check the Workbook

For further practice of modals for obligation, use Exercise 3 in
You could add an element of competition to this by assigning
Unit 4, Lesson 5 of the workbook.
students to pairs and seeing which pair can find all of the
answers first.

F Use the Language: What should you do about

D Grammar this problem?

who are sick.

symptoms. Encourage students to look back through the last

to and have got, as well as the question forms for should and
few lessons if they need any ideas.
have to.

for different suggestions for this person using the modals in the
table. their imagination or let them ask for help from you and other

for each symptom.

Extension Medical Charades
Ask students to write symptoms on scraps of paper. Put
students into groups of four. Students take it in turn to pick a
scrap of paper and miming the symptom. The first person to
guess the symptom and give some advice gets a point.

Unit 4 : Active Review

Teacher’s Note Preparation

Exercise B asks students to go online and look for information
about pet allergies. If you don’t have access to the Internet in
class, you might like to set this as homework so that students
come to class prepared for the activity.

Warm Up
Tell students they are going to review some of the language from
this unit. As a class, find out who can remember the different
topics you have covered. Give students a moment to check for
themselves by looking through the unit.

A Call from the Doctor Track 34

between a doctor and a patient.

feedback, check the spelling.

symptoms; cough; has become; I’d like you; to do; was talking;

allergy; never; prescription; congestion; have to; Should; just


B Pet Allergies

Encourage students to use sites in English, if possible. Students

should take notes about the information they find.

that students produce.

an allergy to a pet and the other one gives some advice.

used on the board and invite the class to discuss if the language
is used correctly or not.

C Reminder: Some Module 2 Goals in Unit 4

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if
they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.


A Warm Up

to brainstorm as many different reasons for going to a therapist

as possible.

B Role-Play

be the patient and the therapist.

some of the things they want to say.

the procedure.

C Discuss

problems from the previous role-play and discuss the advice they
received. Encourage students to talk about whether they agree
or disagree with the advice and to offer some different ideas, if

short report on the problem and the different types of advice

they received in the role-play and in their follow-up discussion.

Module 2 : Review

A Vocabulary
Assign students to pairs, making sure that all the students fill in
the blanks. Ask students to fill in the blanks from memory. They
may write vocabulary words that were added to the lesson when
it was covered.
1. gymnastics; swimming; surfing; diving

2. suggest; recommend; be sure to; it’s a good idea to

3. shoulder; neck; wrist; ankle; knee

B Vocabulary
Show the example and do number 2 together as a further
example. Put students in pairs and encourage them to use
their notes and their course book to find the answers to these

1. exercise equipment: g
2. lose weight: f
3. get hurt: e
4. nasty headache: h

5. at a time: c
6. sore throat: a
7. rinse with mouthwash: b
8. mental health: d

C Grammar
Students should be flipping through the module as they complete
these, but the answers do not need to match the exact details
from the dialogues. However, they should show understanding of
the language covered in the module.

1. better 2. would; take

3. watching 4. for
5. that 6. will
7. how 8. were
9. that 10. When

11. will 12. It’s

13. since 14. so
15. went 16. to
17. yet 18. has
19. was 20. to

E Never Ever

Teacher’s Note Topics

The game is designed to get students to use the present
perfect. Consider briefly reviewing the present perfect before
playing this game.

them to think about things they have never done.

have never done. For example, I have never ever…been to New


activity all receive a point.

F Describe the Pictures

of the things they can see.

questions like: What happened before the picture? How were

they feeling? Who are they? What happened next?

help as necessary.

create new stories if possible.


D Share Ideas

Teacher’s Note Preparation

The first question in this activity is designed to get students
to review vocabulary associated with sports from Unit 3. The
second activity is based on the health vocabulary from Unit 4.
It might be helpful to look up lists of existing Olympic sports
and common cold cures.

add a new sport to the Olympics. The sport can either be a real
one or one they invent one. Students discuss their ideas in pairs.
If students need prompting, they could talk about some of the
- popularity
- skill
- athleticism
- money involved


them to discuss common cold cures.

with another pair to create groups of four. The pairs must now
compare their ideas.

Healthy Habits

Module 3 Goals
Handle everyday situations such as shopping, making appointments, or checking
appointment times

Understand the most important pieces of information in a consumer-related text (for

example, price, amount, or nutritional information)

Understand the main points of clear, standard speech on familiar, everyday subjects

Help solve practical problems, saying what you think and asking others what they think

Understand the main points in recorded material about familiar topics

Write short, comprehensible connected texts on familiar subjects

Give practical instructions on how to do something (for example, cooking)

Module 3 Overview:
Around Campus
Module 3 Goals
- Handle everyday situations such as shopping or making or
checking appointment times
- Understand the most important pieces of information in a
consumer-related text (for example price, amount, or nutritional
- Understand the main points of clear, standard speech on familiar,
everyday subjects
- Help to solve practical problems, saying what you think and asking
others what they think
- Understand the main points in recorded material about familiar
- Write short, comprehensible connected texts on familiar subjects
- Give practical instructions on how to do something (for example,

Warm Up

inside a circle on the board. Draw arrows pointing out of the

circle with question marks next to them.

Elicit the definition of the word habit. Have students discuss

with a partner what some healthy habits are.

a suggestion next to the circle.

on the front page and discuss what they see. Which photos
are listed on the front board now? Which are not? Add more
suggestions to the brainstorming circle.

habits and habits they would like to change. You may model a
short example conversation with a student. Avoid making the
conversation too structured at this point. The goal is simply to
warm up and get the students thinking about the topic. There will
be opportunities to have more structured speaking time later.

the class. Write any keywords or phrases on the front board.

Extension One Tip

and answering any questions.
who might want to improve their health.
(Answers may vary)
they feel it is the most important thing for people to do to 1. She is eating a salad. They are wearing facial masks. He is
be healthy. getting a haircut.

2. Grapes, an apple, strawberries…

whole class, encourage them to do so. 3. Some healthy habits are exercising and eating fruits and vegetables.
4. I spend $200 a month to look good.
5. I spend an hour getting ready in the morning.
that has a picture of a steak (p. 68).
more details about one of the questions above.
items. Monitor to ensure students are looking together.

1. p. 68 2. p. 72 3. p. 82 4. p. 85 Teacher’s Note Bringing the module to life

As most people seek ways to become healthier, this module
Discuss is a popular topic for many. Be sure to incorporate ways to
bring this module to life; for example, making note of nearby
the class and write an example on the board. (For example, they health-food stores and restaurants for students to try. Finding
are wearing facial masks and taking a selfie.) and sharing healthy recipes will get students excited to explore
this module as well.

Unit 5 Overview:
Eat Right
Lesson 1: The doctor said...
Aims: - Report medical advice
- Understand and discuss health-related topics
Vocabulary: Taking care of yourself
Grammar: Reported Speech with infinitives; about for topic
Lesson 2: If you want to eat healthily…
Aims: - Understand different dietary needs
- Discuss healthy vs. unhealthy food
Vocabulary: Eating healthily or unhealthily
Grammar: Zero conditional
Lesson 3: I’m a vegetarian.
Aims: - Talk about vitamins and nutrients
- Report statements that are still true
Vocabulary: Nutrition and dietary options
Grammar: Reported speech with that clauses
Lesson 4: What does it say on the label?
Aims: - Understand ingredients in food
- Discuss good nutrition
Vocabulary: Shopping for food
Grammar: Reported speech with simple present tense
Lesson 5: If you cook them too long…
Aims: - Read, understand, and create recipes
- Discuss ingredients, instructions, and effects of
certain foods on health
Vocabulary: Recipes and cooking
Grammar: First conditional
Some Module 3 Goals in Unit 5
- Understand the main points of clear, standard speech on familiar,
everyday subjects
- Handle everyday situations such as shopping or making or
A Model Conversation Track 35

checking appointment times

- Give practical instructions on how to do something, for example, between two friends, Christa and Adam, who are talking about
cooking Adam’s recent visit to the health clinic.

- That’s great!
Lesson 1 The doctor said… - That makes sense.

Aims Teacher’s Note Upwards and downwards intonation

- Report medical advice To help visual learners understand different types of
- Understand and discuss health-related topics intonation, draw an arrow going up over “that’s great!”
Vocabulary and going down over “that makes sense.” It may help to
underline great and sense to show that those words hold
clinic checkup diet lungs
the stress in those phrases. Have students repeat a few
heal cut down on sugary alcoholic
according to olive oil times. Compare the differences in upwards and downwards
Reported speech with infinitives; about for topic
or Adam. If time allows, have students read the conversation
Warm Up three times: The first time reciting it while reading it; the second
time with eye contact; and the third time with eye contact and
Draw students’ attention to the title of the unit: Eat Right. Have gestures. Encourage them to read as naturally as possible and
them cover the conversation so they are only looking at the alternate roles.
photograph. Ask students what the job of the woman in white
might be. What is she reading to the man wearing blue? Elicit that
cut down on. (sugary sweets, alcoholic drinks, bread)
she is a doctor and she is reading his health information to him.
acquaintances. Why do the students think so? (Good friends
news? Why? Give students time to discuss in pairs and write a
because they are sharing personal details about the doctor’s visit)
few responses on the board.

Extension Invitation Phone Call

their friend with a special diet to a dinner party and must ask
for and suggest food accommodations.

special food accommodations.

D Grammar

the front of the classroom. Assign each student a role as a doctor,

Samantha, Victor, and Gloria. Have each one read the quoted
text to you (left side of Grammar table), and you report it to the
class. Note: Have “Gloria” say her line to a female student.

Students should circle the words said or told me/her in the right
side of the table. Have them underline (not) infinitive + to.

with students acting out the example roles. Then go around the
class checking to make sure students are correctly completing
the exercise.

suggestions, or topics of conversation for you to report back to

the class.

E Grammar Practice

them to refer to the chart as necessary.

1. Dr. Smith said to cut down on fast food.

2. Karl told his roommate to call the clinic and make an

3. The theater employee said to not bring snacks into the theater.
4. Peter’s mom talked about the night she met her husband. (or: …
met Peter’s father).
B Vocabulary Track 35

Check the Workbook

correct pronunciation. For further practice with reported speech, use Exercise 4 in
Unit 5, Lesson 1 of the workbook.

the board and call students up to write the correct letter next to F Listen to Write Track 36

each number. Check answers as a class.

Give them a few minutes to write some notes about advice
1. d 2. a 3. e 4. i 5. b

6. j 7. c 8. f 9. g 10. h they believe they might be given. Have them include any key
vocabulary words they think they might hear.

either a yes/no or one-word answer, such as Does ‘cut down on’ their notes that they hear.
mean to do more or less of something? (Less) Is olive oil liquid or
solid? (liquid). Have students answer these questions as a class. they heard.
C In Your World
received in complete sentences.
Setup / Demo

Natalie is on a gluten free/dairy free diet. Why? It helps her Extension Food Diary
digestion. Write it on the board:
Activity they ate this week and to write them down.
Have students complete this activity in pairs.
Feedback Then ask if they feel they could have made better choices
Have students share their information with the class after and what those might have been.
discussing with their partners.
- gluten-free bread and pasta - regular bread and pasta
- almond milk - cow’s milk
Lesson 2 If you want to eat healthily…

- Understand different dietary needs
- Discuss healthy vs. unhealthy food
calories pound balanced vitamin
sex (gender) average nutrients bones
Zero conditional

Warm Up
Write the words “Smart Dieting” on the board. Ask students what
they think this means. Have them discuss with a partner and then
share their ideas with the class.

A Authentic Text: Health blog Track 37

Activity 2. Sex (Gender) 3. Age on the board. Say that these

three categories are part of a blog post called “Smart Dieting.”
Ask if they have any ideas of what “Smart Dieting” means now
that they have some clues. Read the Brief note about the word

- If you are tall and exercise a lot, you may eat more calories.
true false
- Men usually need to eat more than women. true false
- If you’re young, your body burns calories slowly. true false

- Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson eats _______ calories a day.

- If you are an active woman weighing 125 pounds, you should
eat about _______. Check the Workbook
For further practice with this vocabulary, use Exercise 1 and 2
in Unit 5, Lesson 2 of the workbook.
Teacher’s Note Receptive Skills Lessons: Gist and Detail
C Comprehension
reading), you may want to allow the students to listen/read
twice: once for gist, and another time for the details.

a particularly good exercise for students who are preparing

for language exams or academic courses.

1. a 2. b 3. c 4. b 5. c

B Vocabulary
D In Your World
gender - or you may surprise or embarrass students who are
repeating you! Read each word and have students repeat.
Check and correct pronunciation. understanding.

assignment. questions and check progress.

their answers. Check answers as a class.

Extension Fast Food Restaurants
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. b

5. g 6. e 7. f 8. h Tell students to list their favorite fast-food restaurants. How

often do they visit them? What do they order? How do they
rank them in terms of health? Discuss how fast food affects
either a yes/no or one word answer, such as Are vitamins good one’s health with the class.
or bad for health? Have students answer these questions out
loud together as a class.
G Use the Language: Travel advice

advice to a traveler about eating and drinking in their country.


Extension Locals and Travelers

share advice about eating or drinking in their country.

so on.

E Grammar

both clauses.

you read the example sentences, point to the if and then on the
board to emphasize the words.

there is no comma.

What do you do if you’re tired? (If I’m tired, I sleep.)

What do you do if you’re hungry? (If I’m hungry, I eat.)

F Grammar Practice

their answers. Check answers as a class.

1. If you eat fat, you feel full. / You feel full if you eat fat.
2. If you gain too much weight, you become unhealthy. / You
become unhealthy if you gain too much weight.

3. If I eat healthy food, I have plenty of energy. / I have plenty of

energy if I eat healthy food.
4. If they don’t eat calcium, women’s bones become weak. /
Women’s bones become week if they don’t eat calcium.

Lesson 3 I’m a vegetarian.

- Talk about vitamins and nutrients
- Report statements that are still true
steak beans risk disease
cancer bland spices recipe
Reported speech with that clauses

Warm Up
Ask if anyone is or knows a vegetarian. Elicit or explain that a
vegetarian is a person who doesn’t eat meat. Also explain that
vegetarian can be used as an adjective: vegetarian recipes.

A Model Conversation Track 38

between two friends, Mike and Julia, who are talking about
Julia’s dietary choices.

- vitamin
- vegetables

this is the American pronunciation. Say that in British English,

the long i sound becomes a short i, and the t is much more

word vegetables with three syllables rather than four. Write

/’vedʒ-tə-blz/ with the first syllable underlined for emphasis. If
they do not know phonemic symbols, write vej- tuh- bulls. Have
students repeat and count the syllables as you speak so they can
visually recognize three separate syllables in the word.

1. recipes 2. risk 3. steak 4. spices


Teacher’s Note Phonemes 5. beans 6. bland 7. cancer 8. disease

phonemes on the board might be a great way for them to

visualize the proper pronunciation of words. Ask your students correct pronunciation.
if they have been exposed to phonemes in previous classes.
that will receive either a yes/no or one word answer, such as
searches or the dictionary. What can you use to make food taste better? (Spices) Have
students answer these questions out loud together as a class.

or Julia. If time allows, have students read the conversation Check the Workbook
three times: the first time reciting it while reading it; the second For further practice with this vocabulary, use Exercise 1 and 2
time with eye contact; and the third time with eye contact and in Unit 5, Lesson 3 of the workbook.
gestures. Encourage them to read as naturally as possible and
alternate roles.
C In Your World
at first. (weight loss)

B Vocabulary Track 38

around the room and answer questions.

blanks in the Model Conversation.
answers on the board.

letter next to each number.

E Grammar Practice

them that they should look back at the table if necessary.

1. said  told
2. saying  said
3. told  said
was  is

5. tells  told
6. He said that they are great recipes online.
7. The professor said to us that eggs have important nutrients.
8. The doctor said to me that it’s not hard to eat a vegetarian diet.

F Use the Language: Where should we eat?

finding a restaurant.

restaurant that has online reviews. When they find the reviews,
students should write some notes on the restaurant using
reported speech.

decide where the class should eat tonight.

Extension Out for dinner


and bring them to their tables.

Show (Part C Extension).

them to write an “online” review, positive or negative.

Extension Welcome to the Cooking Show!
aloud for a laugh.

Exercise C to play this game. You will randomly select

two proteins from the board for each group, and two
bland foods from the board for each group. Try to pair up
ingredients that would not normally go together.

television, and they need to make something delicious

with the ingredients they were given. They may use three
additional ingredients of their choice, but no more than
three! (Tweak these “rules” however you feel is best and
most enjoyable for your class.)

they will create and how they will prepare it.

dish to the class.

D Grammar

front of the classroom. Assign each student a role as “he”, my

mom, and a doctor. Have each one read the quoted text to you
(left side of Grammar table), and you report it to the class.

in the right side of the table.

are still true.

Lesson 4 What does it say on the label?

- Understand ingredients in food
- Discuss good nutrition
ingredient frozen serving nutritious
wheat blender yogurt fridge
Reported speech with simple present tense

Warm Up
Ask students if anyone here reads nutrition labels on food. What
kind of things can be found on a nutrition label? Discuss as a

A Model Conversation Track 39

a conversation between two friends, Marta and Jill, deciding if

they want to buy a certain cereal.

group. Make note that the second syllable has the most stress,
and it is a little bit of a tongue twister! /no o ˈtri SHəs/

from the model conversation: Marta or Jill. If time allows, have

students read the conversation three times: the first time reciting
it while reading it; the second time with eye contact; and the
third time with eye contact and gestures. Encourage them to
read as naturally as possible. Then, tell students to change roles
and practice again.

as Does the cereal have strawberries or strawberry flavor?

(Strawberry flavor)

(Smoothies) Check the Workbook

For further practice with these vocabulary words, use Exercise
1 of Unit 5, Lesson 4 in the workbook.
Teacher’s Note Tongue Twisters
C In Your World
exercise A. Write on the board It’s a nutritious dish!
questions. These questions should receive yes/no or brief
practice. answers, such as: Are you supposed to make guesses about the
food’s nutrition facts? (Yes) What are you writing in the boxes?
share with their classmates. See if students can create their (Nutrition facts)
own English tongue twisters.
eggs, flour… anything else? Write responses on board.
share tongue twisters from their first language with the class
and translate them to English.
discussing with their partners.
B Vocabulary Track 39

Teacher’s Note Recipes

repeat. Check and correct pronunciation.
the top of their head if they do not cook for themselves on
a regular basis.

partner. Give students 5-7 minutes to complete the assignment. printed out for students who might have trouble thinking of
this on the spot.

1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a

5. d 6. a 7. b 8. c

Extension What does the nutrition label say?

strips. On the strips, they can write a fact from a nutrition

label, such as 0% cholesterol or 8 grams of sugar. Have
each student write 3-5 labels.

into a pile.

read from.

it to their friend. Continue this exercise until all labels have

been read, reported, and responded to.

F Read to Speak

student to read the first sentence of one of the paragraphs and

then reporting what the student said to the class.

read one text to report to their partner.

corrections when necessary.

Extension Super foods

term “super foods.”

as “super foods.”

D Grammar
front of the classroom. Assign each student a role as “she” or
Craig. Have each one read the quoted text to you (left side of
Grammar table), and you report it to the class.

explain that you can also report something that is written.

student understanding.

E Grammar Practice

check questions, such as “Are you reporting what is written?”

(Yes) and “What words should you use when reporting?” (The
words in parentheses)

1. Alan says (that) fresh fruit is too expensive.

2. Dr. Garcia often tells his patients (that) athletes need to drink
lots of water.

3. The sign says (that) we can’t park here.

4. Isabella tells me (that) many women don’t get enough vitamin D.
5. Franklin often tells his kids (that) fruit juice can have as much
sugar in it as soda.

Lesson 5 If you cook them too long...

- Describe the location of places
- Understand and use prepositional phrases describing appearance
cup broccoli pepper tablespoon
saucepan combine reduce seasoning
raw remove
More how questions and their answers

Warm Up
Tell students that they will be reading a recipe that includes
the ingredients broccoli and pepper. Ask students, Do they like
broccoli/pepper? Then, brainstorm different ideas of recipes that
include broccoli and pepper as a class.

A Authentic Text: Recipe

chicken with broccoli and red pepper.

comprehension of the text, such as If you use less than 4 cups

of water, your rice will be what? (Dryer) If you cook chicken too
long, what will happen? (It will burn.)

B Vocabulary

correct pronunciation.


assignment. D About You

correct letter next to each number. Check answers as a class. a few examples to write the on the board.

1. d 2. b 3. e 4. c 5. a

check for understanding.

C Vocabulary: Cooking
their chosen dishes as their partner reports it on paper. Have
correct pronunciation. them switch roles when complete.


correct letter next to each number. Check answers as a class.


1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b 5. d

Check the Workbook

For additional practice with the vocabulary, use Part 1 and 2 of
Unit 5, Lesson 5 in the workbook.

F Grammar Practice

clear that answers will vary.

Answers will vary. Examples:

1. …my teacher will be upset.
2. If I don’t eat breakfast…
3. …you will be sick.

4. If you eat too much unhealthy food…
5. … you will save money.
6. I would be a vegetarian…
7. …you will be unhealthy.
8. If you don’t wear a jacket…

G Use the Language: If you eat our product...

your country and write it on the board.

- ingredients
- instructions for preparing
- effect on people’s health

instructions on its preparation and health benefits.

when necessary.

product in front of the class when they are ready.

Extension Leave a Social Media Comment

E Grammar products that were advertised to them.

social media page.

clause, and future (with will) in the result clause.


class. If time allows, write them on the board or have

students write them on the board.
Teacher’s Note Activating Prior Knowledge
on, or “like” each other’s comments on the board.
clauses are in present tense.

connections between the similarities and differences of both

zero and first conditional.

zero conditional, first conditional, second conditional and

third conditional. They can fill in the rules as they learn
about each one, and utilize it again in the future when
covering second conditionals and third conditionals.

Unit 5 : Active Review

Warm Up


A These are healthy cookies! Track 40

taking place at a supermarket.

buy at the supermarket.

the activity.

olive oil, to stop, label said, calories, ingredient, in shape, we’ll,


diet, desserts, recipe, beans, delicious


the text.

1. Lucas wants to buy cookies.


2. The doctor told them to stop eating sweet snacks.

3. She said it’s delicious.

B Role-play

C Reminder: Some Module 3 Goals in Unit 5

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if
they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.

C Now Write

summary of it. Remind them what summary means. Note that

this activity will take 10 minutes.

or make note of the time.

presenting their information to a partner.

Answers will vary. Examples:

The text said that if we make small changes in our diet, it can
make a big difference. It said that a good way to start is to make
fruits and vegetables half of our meals. It also said that we should

drink one less soda each day, and eat one less snack that has a lot
of sugar or salt. If we eat too much of these, it can cause a heart
attack or a stroke. The text said that learning to eat healthy is like
learning to walk. If you take small steps first, you will be running


A Read to Write
Explain the directions of this activity. Then ask questions to ensure
the students understand the task. For example, Are you supposed
to circle the answers, or fill in the blanks? (Do both.) Have
students complete part A.

1. said, needs

2. don’t, …they will have weak bones and muscles. (or: their
bones and muscles will be weak.)

B Speak to Write

Answers will vary. Examples:

1. …he can get serious diseases.

2. …you will gain weight.

3. …I need to take care of myself.

Unit 6 Overview:
Look Good, Feel Good
Lesson 1: Getting Ready in the Morning
Aims: - Use common morning routine vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about morning routines
- Properly use tag questions
Vocabulary: Everyday hygiene
Grammar: Tag questions
Lesson 2: Choosing the Best Products for You
Aims: - Learn and use common vocabulary about skin care
- Ask and answer questions about products and
Vocabulary: Skin care
Grammar: Negative questions
Lesson 3: Choosing Your Own Style
Aims: - Use common vocabulary about hairstyles
- Ask and answer questions about common hairstyles
- Practice if/whether clauses when discussing hairstyles
Vocabulary: Hairstyles
Grammar: Content clauses with if and whether
Lesson 4: Basic Nail Care
Aims: - Use common nail care vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about nail care
- Practice using clauses with wh- questions to discuss
nail care
Vocabulary: Nail Care
Grammar: Content clauses with wh- questions
Lesson 5: Pamper Yourself
Aims: - Use common spa vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about going to the spa
- Practice using passive voice to discuss going to the spa
Vocabulary: Spa visits your house/apartment? Do you ever fight over the bathroom in
Grammar: Passive voice the morning? What do you think we will talk about today?
Some Module 3 Goals in Unit 6
- Understand the most important pieces of information in a
A Model Conversation Track 41

consumer-related text (for example, price, amount, or nutritional

information) talking about using the bathroom in the morning.
- Help to solve practical problems, saying what you think and asking
others what they think finished, ask them to switch roles and read again.
- Write short, comprehensible connected texts on familiar subjects

to who is talking and what problem they are having.

Lesson 1 The computer lab smells new.

problem? How did they resolve the problem? How can they
prevent problems like this in the future?
- Describe locations in your school B Vocabulary Track 42
- Use adjectives as complements after linking verbs
Vocabulary word after you. Ask students to explain, in their own words,
comb shave mirror cream suit what each vocabulary word means.
patient argument shampoo put on
don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their
Tag questions

Warm Up the picture (questions 1 to 5) and then match each vocabulary

word with the correct definition (questions 6 to 9).

doing? What time of day do you think it is? How long does it
(From left to right)
take you to get ready in the morning? What do you need to get

1. cream 2. suit 3. comb 4. mirror 5. shave

ready in the morning? How many bathrooms do you have in 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c
students to create positive and negative statements using tag

Teacher’s Note Right and huh

The words right and huh are often used in the same way as
tag questions: (Huh is very informal.) They can follow either
positive or negative statements.
We need to buy some shampoo, right/huh?
You haven’t shaved yet, right/huh?

E Grammar Practice

they just learned.

which answer is correct, don’t you or you don’t. Ask the

students what the correct response is.

together. Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary.

assist students if they are struggling.

1. don’t you / Yes 2. did he / No

3. won’t you / Yes 4. have you / Yes
5. shouldn’t she / No 6. right / No

Check the Workbook

For further practice with tag questions, use Exercise 5 in Unit
6, Lesson 1 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Survey on bathroom


C About You toothpaste, shaving cream, and other bathroom products.

to get ready in the morning. about their daily routines.

each thing down in the space provided. Ask them to write them on remembering they work for a company that makes bathroom
the lines in the order that they do them. products.
Tell students to walk around the classroom, ask three classmates the
their answers with their partner. questions, and write down their classmates’ responses.

and most interesting answers.

Extension Charades

activity. Write these items on the board. Continue eliciting

answers until you have 10-15 items written on the board. Extension Guess Which Room/Place/Location

should guess which activity it is. morning routines.

Write the following on the board: In the morning I...

first student completes the sentence. For instance, In the

D Grammar morning, I wake up at 7:00 a.m. The second player repeats
the first student’s sentence and adds to it. For example, In
students that tag questions are added at the end of statements the morning, I wake up at 7:00 a.m. and brush my teeth.
and are used when the speaker expects a certain answer. The third player repeats the information provided by the first
two students and adds to it. Continue the game until all
negative tag questions and negative statements are followed by students have spoken.
positive tag questions.

the auxiliary verb (+not) + subject? Also, tell students that groups to play.
contractions are almost always used.

Lesson 2 Choosing the Best Products for You

- Learn and use common vocabulary about skin care
- Ask and answer questions about products and preferences
skin oily acne gentle sweat
cleanser lotion sunscreen makeup
Negative questions

Warm Up

products that you use.

think they will learn about today.

the following questions: Who is he? Where is he? What is in the

background? When the students mention toiletries, ask them:
What products do you think he uses? What products do you use
at home? What do you think we will talk about today?

A Model Conversation Track 43

talking about face products in a store.

finished, ask them to switch roles and read again.

who is talking, what their roles are, and what they are talking

customer? What kind of skin problems does Donna have? Does

Frank show Donna any makeup?
C About You
Teacher’s Note Sunscreen
There are many English words for sunscreen: sunscreen, sun to a place with no stores nearby.
cream, sunblock, suntan lotion.
Toiletries are the things you keep in the bathroom and use to
stay clean or care for your skin.
B Vocabulary
only take two of the products.
each word and ask the students to repeat after you.

vocabulary word means.

don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their Extension Recommendations

understanding. Ask students what the opposite of oily is (dry).

items 1 to 5.
their partner.

each word with the definition on the right.

including: what it is, how to use it, where to buy it, why
they like it, and how they could improve it.

1. skin 2. sweat 3. gentle 4. acne 5. oily


6. d 7. b 8. a 9. c

E Grammar Practice

they just learned.

what the correct answer is.

practice together.

1. Doesn’t 2. Won’t 3. Don’t 4. Isn’t

5. Aren’t 6. Haven’t

Check the Workbook

For further practice with negative questions, use Exercise 3 in
Unit 6, Lesson 2 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: New skin products

brand of soap, sunscreen, or makeup.

sunscreen, or makeup.

people use it? How is it different than other (soap, sunscreen,

makeup) products? Why will people like it?

four. Tell students to ask the other pair questions about their new
product and explain their product to the group.

Extension Sell Your Product

they will now have to sell their product to the class.

D Grammar
about their product.

students that negative questions are used when speakers expect members of the audience to ask questions.
the answer to be yes. Explain that these questions are also a
way to express surprise at unexpected news and ask about it.
their favorite new product.
word not in them, they can answer them in the same way as
regular questions.

A: Do you wear makeup?

B: Yes. All the time. / No, I don’t.
A: Don’t you wear makeup?
B: Yes. All the time. / No, I don’t.

students to make negative questions out of them.

Lesson 3 Choosing Your Own Style

- Use common vocabulary about hairstyles
- Ask and answer questions about common hairstyles
- Practice if/whether clauses when discussing hairstyles
ponytail bald hairstylist/hairdresser bangs
dyed hair short, spiky hair shoulder-length hair perm
Content clauses with if and whether

Warm Up
Describe a famous person to the class and see if others can guess
who you are talking about. Next, describe a member of the class, and
ask the students to guess. Finally, ask the students to describe you.

A Model Monologue Track 44

(one person speaking) about personal style.

to what the man is talking about.

rules about hairstyles when William was in high school? What

was William’s experience in college? What does William think
about personal style rules? Does William like to stand out or
blend in?

B Vocabulary

vocabulary word means and to give examples where appropriate.

Extension Classroom Guess Who
to understand a word or to supplement their understanding. For
example, to dye your hair means to color it. Perm is a shortened
version of permanent or permanent waves/curls. play a game of Guess Who.

picture and to write the letter of the word below the picture. giving a short, descriptive statement about one of your
students. Then say, Guess who.
or phrases the man uses. Play the monologue multiple times if
necessary. statement about the same person. Continue the process
until someone correctly guesses who you are describing.
1. b 2. c 3. h 4. a 5. g 6. d 7. f 8. e

Circle: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 game.

C In Your World

the years.

short, straight hair. In middle-school I had a perm, and I dyed my

hair in college.

did your hair look like three years ago? What did it look like
when you were in elementary school?

descriptions to the class.

Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary.

1. I’ll ask her if she knows a hairstylist.

2. I wonder if the girl with the ponytail is Ginny.

3. Please check whether the salon is open or not.
4. He hasn’t decided whether he wants long or short hair.
5. She doesn’t remember if my hair was straight or curly.

Check the Workbook

For further practice with content clauses, use Exercise 1 in Unit
6, Lesson 3 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Interesting hairstyles

hairstyles. Bring some magazines (with a wide variety of hairstyles)

to class, or make sure students have access to the Internet.

hairstyle. Ask students to write down the conversation they had

with their hairstylist.

to role-play the conversation they had with their hairstylist. When

they are finished, ask them to switch roles and practice the
conversation again.

for celebrity hairstyles with their partner.

and that they both like.

(Team A and Team B).

Then, have Team A hide the images.

then describe each image to Team A. If they correctly describe the

image, they get to keep the image (one point).
D Grammar
pictures to Team A, etc.

students that yes/no questions can be made into content clauses

beginning with if or whether.
Extension Small Group Discussion
subject + verb. Leave students in the groups and ask them to discuss the
following questions: Do you like your hair? Why or why not?
in direct questions but not in content clauses If you could have any hairstyle, what would you choose?
Why? What products do you use for your hair?

and then asking students to make content clauses with if and

whether out of them.

E Grammar Practice

to make sentences.

sentence. Write the word on the board. Ask the students about
the second, third, etc. Write these words on the board.

everything looks correct. If the answer is not correct, help them

change the sentence to make it correct.

sentences in pairs.

Lesson 4 Basic Nail Care

- Use common vocabulary related to nail care
- Ask and answer questions about nail care
- Practice using clauses with wh- questions to discuss nail care
nail polish clippers nail file fingernail toenails
manicure pedicure affect infection
Content clauses with wh- questions

Warm Up

some products that you use. You can ask students what each
item is and then ask them what they think they will learn about

the following questions: What do you see in the picture? What

parts of the hands can you name? What parts of the feet can
you name? What do you think we will talk about today?

A Authentic Text: Magazine article

article about nail care and health.

to read the article again, taking turns to read each paragraph.

the following comprehension questions: What is the article

about? Why should people pay attention to the color of their
nails? Why should people keep their nails clean and clipped/
filed? Why shouldn’t people bite their nails?

Teacher’s Note Hygiene and Grooming

Teacher’s Note affect vs. effect
Some students might be hesitant to talk about their grooming
habits. Try not to force students to talk in specifics. English speakers and learners often have difficulty with affect
vs. effect. You may need to spend extra time on this and
provide lots of examples.
B Vocabulary
(from left to right)

each word and ask the students to repeat. Ask students to nail polish, fingernails, clippers, nail file, toenails
explain, what each vocabulary word means. 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c

don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their C Vocabulary Comprehension

understanding. Clippers is a shortened version of nail clippers or
fingernail/toenail clippers. words.
Ask students to fill in the blanks with the correct words from Part B.
the article.

repeat each sentence after you.

word with the definition on the right.
1. pedicure 2. fingernails 3. manicures, nail polish

a class. Ask the students to repeat each sentence after you. 4. infection 5. nail file 6. affect
7. clippers

Teacher’s Note nail polish

Nail polish can also be referred to as nail varnish.

E Grammar Practice
content clauses by changing wh- questions into content clauses.

the correct pronouns where necessary.

the answer on the board.

everything looks correct. If the answer is incorrect, help students

to change the sentence.

sentences in pairs.


1. where his nail clippers are

2. why people get pedicures

3. which color will look better on her nails
4. how much a manicure costs
5. who is working at the nail salon today

Check the Workbook

For further practice with content clauses, use Exercise 3 in Unit
6, Lesson 4 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Beauty business

about what kind of businesses, other than hair and nail salons,
people visit to improve their appearance.


that people can get at all five places of business.

Extension Role Play the following questions: Which are the most popular in your
area? Why? Which of them do you use? Are there any that you
role play with a partner. don’t and never will use? Why?

Discuss which answers students agreed with more.

Extension Build a Business
person will be the salon worker.

beauty business.
dialogue to the class.

dialogue: How much it costs to get a manicure and following questions: What services do you provide? How
pedicure? What color nail polish will they choose? What is much do your services cost? Where is your business located?
some good advice for taking care of their nails?
questions from the audience.

D Grammar

students that yes/no questions and wh- questions can become

content clauses in statements.

phrase + subject + verb.

verbs as if/whether clauses. Refer to Unit 3 if necessary.

Read each sample sentence and ask students to repeat after you.

and ask students to make wh- questions out of them.

Lesson 5 Pamper Yourself

- Use common spa vocabulary
- Ask and answer questions about going to the spa
- Practice using passive voice to discuss going to the spa
spa discount massage covered soothing
scrubbed bathed disappear luxurious accommodations
Passive voice

Warm Up
Ask students to look at the picture and ask the following
questions: What do you see in the picture? What do you think the
picture is advertising? What services do you think they offer? Have
you ever been to a spa? How was your experience?

A Authentic Text: Brochure Track 45

advertising a spa.

each sentence. Tell students to ask their partner for help with
the circled words.

students: What words did you circle? Does anyone know what
that word means? What is the brochure advertising? What
services sound good to you?

Teacher’s Note I’ve never been to a spa…

Some students might not be able to relate to the topic. In
these cases, discuss why they’ve never visited a spa. Ask
C Quick Review
students if they think it can be relaxing or beneficial.
used in this module.

B Vocabulary correct example on the right.


vocabulary word means. 1. d 2. c 3. b 4. e 5. a

don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their

understanding. This would be a good time to act out some of Extension Grammar Review
the words, like massage and scrubbed.
most difficulty.
practice these grammar points further.

1. massage 2. bathed 3. luxurious 4. scrubbed


5. spa 6. discount 7. soothing 8. disappear

9. accommodations 10. covered

Check the Workbook
For further practice with the passive voice, use Exercise 1 in
Unit 6, Lesson 5 of the workbook.

F Use the Language: Perfect spa experience


the services a spa might offer.


be and to take notes on their partner’s responses.


new ideas.

students would enjoy.

Extension Small Group Discussion

discussion about spas and pampering.

that they can ask follow-up and clarifying questions if they



D Grammar
part? What was your least favorite part?

meaning the subject is the doer of the action. why not?

or unknown, we use the passive voice.

not, how far would you travel to visit a good spa?

Ask students to change the sentences to the passive voice. themselves?

E Grammar Practice

to the chart as necessary.


1. was 2. is 3. given 4. cleaned

the passive form of the given verbs. Remind students that they
can refer to the chart as necessary.

1. is made 6. was booked 7. is not sold


8. are put 9. Was, paid

Unit 6 : Active Review

Warm Up
Ask students how they make appointments to go to the
hairdresser, nail salon, or spa. Do they call, email, book online?
Ask students how they prefer to make these appointments. Tell
students that they will practice calling a hair and nail salon to
make an appointment.

A Making an Appointment Track 46

When they are finished, ask students to listen to a woman

making an appointment at a salon.

Listen multiple times if necessary.

taking turns speaking as the receptionist and the customer.

unclear, or that they do not understand. Discuss these points.

manicure, don’t you, if, discount, how long, haven’t, are painted,

nail polish, you’ll, right, hairstylist, he starts

B Make the Call

hair salon, nail salon, or spa nearby.

include the following information: the name of the business, the

services and/or products it offers, the services and/or products
the customer wants, the day and time of the appointment.

dialogue, have them present it to the class.

to go over any mistakes you noticed and review the grammar


C Reminder: Some Module 3 Goals in Unit 6

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if
they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.

B Read for Information

word they do not understand.

these words as a class.

readers below it.

opinions on the topic are.

1. A man should never dye his hair.

2. A man can wear sunscreen to protect his skin.

3. A man can wear makeup to hide acne.
4. charles23 agrees with the writer more.

C Now Write

their responses as a class and discuss.


A Warm Up

vocabulary words they’ve learned about skin, hair, and nails.

vocabulary they can think of within five minutes.


answer and two points for a correct answer that none of the
other groups have.

elicit additional words from the class by either providing a brief

description, acting out the word, or writing each letter on the
board (slowly), until they correctly guess the word.

Module 3 : Review

A Vocabulary
Assign students to pairs, or do these individually—making sure
that all students complete the crossword. Ask students to fill in
the blanks from memory.

1. affect 2. heal 4. beans 7. down
8. sweat 9. patient 10. blender 12. sunscreen
13. checkup

3. combine 5. reduce 6. bald 8. suit
10. bones 11. cancer 12. skin 13. cup
14. according 15. risk 16. put on

B Grammar
Students should be flipping through the module as they complete
these, but the answers do not need to match the exact details
from the dialogues. However, they should show understanding of
the language covered in the module.

1. doesn’t he 2. to
3. Is 4. if
5. If, you’ll 6. that
7. covered 8. is she

9. taken 10. don’t

11. about 12. will
13. can he/she 14. is
15. us to 16. it is

D A Healthy Plan of Action

the healthy living and hygiene sections of the unit.

Jeff live a healthier life.

Person B.

Jeff. Tell students that Jeff wants to look and feel better.

a plan of action to help Jeff. Each student will have different


personal hygiene and grooming plan. Write the information in

the box.


Write the recipes in the boxes.

that they try these routines and recipes at home.

C Discuss

You may want to introduce the subject by asking students if

they prefer to eat out or cook. Use yourself as an example: I like
to eat out, though I prefer to cook at home. I also like to have
people over and cook for them.

groups: When was the last time you cooked? What did you
make? What were the ingredients? How did it taste?

talk about their favorite dishes they can make. Students can
then ask and answer the following questions: What are the
ingredients? How do you prepare it? How long does it take to
prepare it?

Out of Town

Module 4 Goals
Understand instructions expressed in simple language (for example, how to use public
telephones or ticket machines, safety information, or directions)

Understand the main points of discussion on familiar topics in everyday situations

Give a short, prepared presentation on a country, a sports team, a band, etc., and answer
questions clearly

Write a short, formal email asking for or giving simple information

Write simple texts about experiences or events (for example, describing your feelings and
reactions about a trip)

Understand information in announcements

Make routine phone calls (for example, making or canceling an order, booking, or

Module 4 Overview:
Done for the Day
Module 4 Goals
- Understand instructions expressed in simple language (for
example, how to use public telephones or ticket machines, safety
information, or directions)
- Understand the main points of discussion on familiar topics in
everyday situations
- Give a short, prepared presentation on a country, a sports team, a
band, etc., and answer clear questions
- Write a short, formal email asking for or giving simple information
- Write simple texts about experiences or events (for example,
describing your feelings and reactions about a trip)
- Understand information in announcements
- Make routine phone calls (for example, making or canceling an
order, booking, or appointment)

Warm Up

town inside of a circle on the board. Draw arrows pointing out

of the circle and write the names of different cities at the ends
of the arrows: for example, Paris, Tokyo, London, etc. Title this
mind map Out of Town.

if anyone knows what the phrase out of town means. Elicit

responses and refer to the drawing to help explain.

that they will be learning about language used for traveling.

there may be a group of three.

went out of town. You may model a short example conversation

with a student.

to warm up and get students thinking about the topic.

class. Write any keywords or phrases on the front board.

Extension Picture Talk

a trip they went on. If they have never traveled, they may
search the Internet for travel photos of a place they would their partner’s answers.
like to visit someday.
(Answers may vary.)
1. The girl has probably traveled to Japan.
photos with one another.
2. Visitors can take pictures and sightsee.

3. Yes, I love traveling. I love seeing new places, meeting new

the whole class. If so, encourage them to do so. people, and eating different food.
4. I went to Paris last year.
Preview 5. I wrote down everything I needed, and then I packed my suitcases.

page that has a picture of a red car (p. 96).

three items. Monitor to ensure students are looking together. about one of the questions they just answered with a partner.

answers aloud to the class.


1. p. 96 2. p. 98 3. p. 106 4. p. 110
Teacher’s Note Starting a New Module
the new module. Students will be excited to begin this unit
question 1. Ask another student to answer the question. if you are too.
This module will focus on different aspects of traveling, such as
flights, restaurants, and car rentals. Try to bring these subjects
and help when needed. into your conversations casually in the beginning so the students
will become more and more comfortable with the topic.

Unit 7 Overview:
Planning Ahead
Lesson 1: I’ll take the non-stop flight.
Aims: - Plan a trip and discuss flights
- Use the second conditional to discuss travel
Vocabulary: Booking a flight
Grammar: Second conditional
Lesson 2: Hotel or Motel?
Aims: - Compare the benefits or hotels vs. motels
- Use would and used to to talk about trips in the
Vocabulary: Booking accommodations
Grammar: Would and used to
Lesson 3: Renting vs. Sharing a Car
Aims: - Compare the pros and cons of car rental and car
- Plan a trip and discuss transportation options
- Give advice to international visitors
Vocabulary: Reserving a rental car
Grammar: be used to and get used to
Lesson 4: Table for Two
Aims: - Talk about restaurant options
- Understand the difference between generally
trustworthy and less reliable reported speech
- Discuss opinions about different restaurants
Vocabulary: Deciding on a restaurant
Grammar: Reported speech with I heard
Lesson 5: A Night at the Movies
Aims: - Talk about movie theater experiences
- Use past perfect tense to explain the sequence of a
Vocabulary: Reserving a movie ticket (by phone, online, etc.)
Grammar: Past perfect tense
Some Module 4 Goals in Unit 7 vacations. If necessary, prompt them by naming a few examples,
such as searching for flights, accommodation, and looking up
- Understand the main points of discussion on familiar topics in
everyday situations restaurants and tourist sites.
- Give a short, prepared presentation on a country, a sports team, a
band, etc., and answer questions clearly A Model Conversation Track 47

- Understand information in announcements

- Make routine phone calls (for example, making or canceling an is between two people, Helen and Paulo, who are planning a
order, booking, or appointment)

Lesson 1 I’ll take the non-stop ight. - So, you’re booking three round-trip tickets to New York, right?
(Draw attention to the intonation going upwards by drawing
an arrow going upwards over “right” and have students
Aims repeat saying this.)
- Plan a trip and discuss flights - I think it’s worth it. (Underline -s worth and explain that these
- Use the second conditional to discuss travel two sounds blend together to sound like one word, “sworth,”
Vocabulary and have students repeat saying this phrase.)
Put students in pairs. Give each student the role of either Paulo or
round-trip direct/non-stop layover airfare
connection economy class depart destination Helen. Have students take turns practicing the dialogue. Encourage
them to read as naturally as possible and alternate roles.
Second conditional planning to go. (New York)

Warm Up traveling with them. (Dana)

Ahead. Have them cover the conversation so they are only

B Vocabulary
looking at the photograph. Ask students to discuss in pairs how
the two people in the photograph might be planning for their pronunciation.
vacation. After a few minutes, collect two or three ideas from
receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will match
the word to its what? (Its definition.)
anyone wants to share their email work with the class.

D Grammar

condition table. Emphasize that these are past tense verbs.

the table, and explain that would goes with base verbs.

for a comma.

the class:
What would you do if you won the lottery?
If you could live anywhere, where would you live?
If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Teacher’s Note If I were / If I was

clause, it is different. I usually goes with were instead.

well. It is not wrong. It is just more common to say If I

were… in this type of grammar.

E Grammar Practice

Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary.

1. If 2. go 3. didn’t 4. were

5. had 6. arrived 7. would be

Give students 5 to 7 minutes to complete the matching assignment. Check the Workbook
For further practice with second conditional, use Exercise 4 in
correct answer next to each number. Unit 7, Lesson 1 of the workbook.

1. e 2. c 3. a 4. h

5. g 6. b 7. d 8. f F Use the Language

either a yes/no or one word answer, such as Does a direct

flight have a stop in the middle? (No.) Is economy class a cheap
conversation. Have students reference the conversation in A for
seat or expensive seat? (Cheap.) Have students answer these
questions out loud together as a class. ideas. List the ideas on the board. Explain that it is not necessary
to use this vocabulary in your conversation; they are simply ideas
C Vocabulary Comprehension that you may or may not use.

to 5 on the board and call students up to write the words in the Customer: Hello, I would like to book two tickets to London, please.
correct blanks. Clerk: Okay, when will you be traveling?
Customer: We want to leave on June 20th, if possible.
Clerk: Okay, flights are all booked for June 20th. Is the 21st okay?
1. round-trip 2. non-stop / direct

Customer: Yes, that will be fine. Oh, and we are both students.
3. layover 4. airfare 5. aisle seat
Clerk: Oh, good. We offer a 20% discount for students.
Customer: Great.
Extension Response from Dana Clerk: So, your flight leaves at 4:30 p.m. from LAX at gate 8.
Please arrive at least two hours early.
Tell them this could be a positive email or a negative email.
Maybe Dana is excited for the flight and can’t wait to go.
Maybe Dana was offended that Helen and Paolo did not
consult her before booking the flight. Maybe Dana needs to
cancel the flight all together because something better came
up. Let them use their imagination and humor to come up

Lesson 2 Hotel or Motel?

- Compare the benefits or hotels vs. motels
- Use would and used to to talk about trips in the past
vacation overnight comfortable suite
double room air conditioning amenities inexpensive
room service check out
would and used to

Warm Up

do they notice about each photo? How are they the same? How
are they different? Which would they rather stay at?

A Model Monologue Track 48

a monologue by a man named Brad, who is talking about a trip

he will be taking with his brother Jim.

- Comfortable
- We used to do this…

“comfortable” with 3 syllables rather than 4. Write kəmf tər bəl

with the first syllable underlined for emphasis. If they do not
know phonemes, write COMF-ter-bull. Have students repeat
and count the syllables on your fingers as you speak so they can
visually recognize 3 separate syllables in the word.
B Vocabulary Track 49
that the -d in used becomes silent when it is followed by the
word to, so it sounds like use to when spoken naturally.
don’t seem to understand a word or to supplement their
monologue to their partner. understanding.

go over any words that students have difficulty with after they students fill in the blanks as they listen.
have practiced and have students repeat.

Teacher’s Note Cultural sensitivity 1. double room, suite 2. overnight, check out

3. amenities, room service 4. inexpensive

Use your discretion regarding the pronunciation activity
described above. Certain students or groups may feel shame
if their mistakes are written on the board. If you feel that Check the Workbook
your students may feel embarrassed, please skip the activity. For further practice with accommodation vocabulary, use
If not, be sure to preface the activity by explaining that all the Exercise 1 and 3 in Unit 7, Lesson 2 of the workbook.
mistakes made are very common, and that you heard many
students saying the same thing.
C In Your World
of staying in a hotel? and 2. Which one would you prefer, a
These questions should receive yes/no or brief one-word
hotel or a motel?
answers, such as: Are you discussing hotels or flights? (Hotels)
Are you discussing recommendations, too? (Yes)

exercise, but if they are unsure how do so properly, not to worry

as they will be learning it in detail next.

describe their partner’s experiences to the class.

discussing with their partners.

correct answers in.

1. were 2. didn’t use to

3. would sleep 4. used to build

5. would put 6. used to be
7. used to be owned

F Listen to Speak Track 50

motel clerk and a customer.

think the motel is located. (Near a lake)

the audio.

for. (For example, motel, swimming, restaurant, lake, amenities,


with a partner. Then play the audio again for them to check their


Woman: Green Lake Motel, how can I help you?

Man: Hello, I have a few questions about amenities before I
book a room.
Woman: Certainly, sir.
Man: My family would stay there on vacation when I was a kid,
and the location was beautiful. But I remember there was no
swimming pool back then. Do you have one now?
Woman: Yes, sir, we built a swimming pool a few years ago.
Man: Great. What about food? We used to have to drive to the
nearest restaurant.
Extension Hotel Commercial Woman: Right—we didn’t use to have a restaurant here, but
now we do. And breakfast is now included with your room.
Man: Excellent. Do you have any rooms available with a view of
ones discussed with in the previous exercise.
the lake? I used to really love that.
Woman: Yes, we do. And you can rent a boat to take out on
the lake, if you’d like.
Man: Sounds like my wife and kids will love it. How much is a
double room?
Woman: A double room with a lake view is $60 per night.
Man: Sounds reasonable. I’ll take two of those for March 23rd
D Grammar and 24th, please.

1. true 2. false 3. true


examples of both and write them on the board in separate 4. true 5. true 6. false
columns. Above the stative verb examples, write used to. Above
the action verb examples, write would.
Extension Act it Out
regularly, we use used to or would, depending on if the verb is
stative or action.
students practice the conversation a few times.

didn’t use to / did __ use to…

conversation to the best of their ability. It does not have to
What did you use to do for fun when you were younger? be word-for-word. Tell them to just have fun acting it out,
and improvise whenever necessary.
E Grammar Practice

they just learned.

Lesson 3 Renting vs. Sharing a Car

- Compare the pros and cons of car rental and car sharing
- Plan a trip and discuss transportation options
- Give advice to international visitors
plus sharing convenient pros and cons
lend in advance get around unlock
keys be worth it
be used to and get used to

Warm Up
Ask if anyone has ever rented or shared a car before. Have talk to
a partner about any experiences they may have had doing this.

A Authentic Text: Car rental and car sharing

Track 51

benefits of car rental vs. car sharing.

with a partner and then discuss as a class.

B Vocabulary

the blanks bolded in the authentic text.

should receive yes/no or brief answers, such as: Where are the
vocabulary words found? (In the text)

correct letter next to each number.

D Grammar
1. plus 2. sharing 3. convenient
4. pros and cons 5. lend 6. in advance

7. get around 8. unlock 9. keys noun/gerund.

10. be worth it
circle the nouns and gerunds following be used to.
Check the Workbook
For further practice with the vocabulary, use Exercise 1 and 2
in Unit 7, Lesson 3 of the workbook. repeat.

E Grammar Practice
C In Your World
students that they can look back at the table if they can’t
understanding. remember the information.

questions or short answer questions on the instructions.

Extension Car Rental Role-Play 1. used to 2. get used to

3. is used to 4. gotten used to

5. He’s used to getting around by bus.

the role of car rental employees. 6. We are getting used to very long car trips.
7. Shelly won’t get used to staying in inexpensive motels.
and have them take turns asking the “employees” questions
about the rental service.

Extension Best Tips for Visitors

previous activity. Come up with a group list of the ten best

travel tips for visitors coming to your city.

Teacher’s Note American English vs. British English

Note that in #4, the word gotten is used as the past participle
of the word get. This is an American English word and is
incorrect in British English. In British English, the past participle
of the word get is simply got. “I haven’t got used to driving
it yet.”

F Read to Write Track 52

that students will be filling in the blanks with words and phrases
from the boxes.

do people visiting from abroad need to know in advance?

questions in pairs.


1. in advance 2. Plus

3. get around 4. be used to

5. worth it 6. get used to

Lesson 4 Table for Two

- Talk about restaurant options
- Understand the difference between generally trustworthy and less
reliable reported speech
- Discuss opinions about different restaurants
celebrate terrific server décor
rave chef patio gorgeous
Reported speech with I heard

Warm Up
Ask students to discuss their favorite restaurant in pairs. Why do
they like it so much? Ask students to share a few answers with
the class.

A Model Conversation Track 53

between Pierre and his friend Teresa, who are discussing Teresa’s
birthday plans.

- Everyone is raving about it!
- On the patio, of course!

Teacher’s Note Intonation

Emphasize that intonation is very important in English, and
people are very expressive in America.

Teresa. Tell students to act out the dialogue with their partner. C Vocabulary Comprehension
Encourage them to read as naturally as possible and to alternate

having for Teresa’s birthday. (Thai)

to 7 on the board and call students up to write the answers next
(Friday at 7 p.m.) to the numbers.

B Vocabulary
1. patio 2. chef 3. terrific 4. décor

5. celebrate 6. server 7. raves

correct pronunciation.

receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will Check the Workbook
match the word to its what? (Its definition) For further practice with the vocabulary words, use Exercise 1
of Unit 7, Lesson 4 in the workbook.

correct answer next to each number. D Grammar

trustworthy reported speech.

1. c 2. e 3. b 4. g

5. a 6. h 7. d 8. f
examples using I heard (that)…

either a yes/no or one-word answer, such as Is celebrate a

positive or negative word? (Positive) Is a patio inside or outside?
(Outside). Have students answer these questions out loud
together as a class.

F Use the Language: What have you heard
about this restaurant?

fill in the restaurant column with restaurants that are known to

their classmates, even if they have never eaten there.

classmates about the restaurants they had listed in the table.

most popular restaurants that were reviewed and fill it in.

E Grammar Practice

them that they should look back at the table if they can’t
remember the information.

1. more reliable 2. less reliable


3. less reliable 4. more reliable

5. more reliable 6. less reliable

Extension What did she say?

strips. On the strips, students should write a sentence or two

about their observations about anything. For example: The
weather is beautiful. This lesson is fun. I am tired.

into a pile.

combine their folded strips of paper into a larger pile.

- Person A will take a piece of paper from the pile, read it,
and whisper it into Person B’s ear.
- Person B will report what Person A said to Person C. For
example, She told me that the weather was beautiful.
- Person C will respond. I agree with her.

strips of paper have been read, reported, and responded to.

Lesson 5 A Night at the Movies

- Talk about movie theater experiences
- Use past perfect tense to explain the sequence of a story
smoothly showing box office mall
hurry exactly embarrassed cheer up
Past perfect tense

Warm Up
Direct students to the photograph of two people watching a
movie at the movie theater. Explain that Angela is on a date with
Rob. Now, Angela is describing her date to Chad. Judging by the
photograph, do you think Angela enjoyed her date? Why or why

A Model Conversation Track 54

- Uh, oh. (Touch on the negative intonation in this phrase)
- Didn’t he? (Write an arrow going downwards over didn’t he.
Explain that intonation goes upwards when you don’t know
the answer, but intonation goes downward when you are
assuming what you are saying is the answer.)

students practice the conversation with a partner.


was a funny movie.)

Extension Coming attractions

3, 5, movie with their partner and present it to the class.


4, 2, 1
the advertisements.
B Vocabulary
D Grammar
correct pronunciation.

receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will as gone, done, been, etc.
match the word to its what? (Its definition)
in the past before another past action. A timeline of this
assignment. concept is very helpful for visual learners.

correct answer next to each number. I was walking down the street when I realized I had forgotten
my keys!
←/had forgotten keys/----/was walking/--------- X
1. hurry 2. embarrassed 3. smoothly Note that the keys were forgotten before I was walking.

4. cheer up 5. mall 6. server

7. exactly 8. box office
the example sentences as a group.

C About You Check the Workbook

For more practice with past perfect tense, use Exercise 3 and 4
answer the questions. of Unit 7, Lesson 5 in the workbook.

with class on the board.

F Listen to Write

theater, waiting for you to join them, when suddenly they hear
an announcement over the loudspeaker.

to you, their friend, explaining what they just heard. This can
just be done in an empty text box or in their notes.

at the end.

Extension Text them back

had been cancelled!


E Grammar Practice

are different ways number 5 could be done.

or in pairs. Ask students to complete 6 and 7 in pairs. Remind

students that they should look back at the table if they can’t
remember the information.

correctly, especially 6 and 7.

1. hadn’t called
2. seen
3. had come
4. met, she’d
5. By the time we left the mall, he had spent all his money. /

He had spent all his money by the time we left the mall.
6. When the movie ended, we hadn’t eaten all our popcorn. /
We hadn’t eaten all our popcorn when the movie ended.
7. When I walked into the restaurant, you had already started
eating. / You had already started eating when I walked into the

Unit 7 : Active Review

Warm Up
Ask the students what is in the email (flight details) Ask students
where Emily Rose is going. (Atlanta)

A Confirming Your Flight Details

1. false 2. true 3. false


4. true 5. false

B Canceling Your Flight

her travel agent.


C Reminder: Some Module 4 Goals in Unit 7

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they did these things. Ask students if
they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have students put
a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.


A Read to Speak
Explain the directions of this assignment and ask questions to
check for understanding. For example, Are you looking online for
flights and accommodation? (Yes) What else are you looking up?
(Car rental or car sharing options)

B Write to Speak

when needed.

have them share responses.

C Now Speak

with a group and deciding on a final one.

information to their group.

and share each group’s decision aloud with the class.

Unit 8 Overview:
Shopping Trips
Lesson 1: The Best Shopping in Town
Aims: - Understand and discuss different areas for shopping
- Use phrasal verbs naturally in conversations
- Describe places to shop and advertisements
Vocabulary: Shopping in the city
Grammar: Phrasal verbs
Lesson 2: Let’s take the subway.
Aims: - Read, listen to, and compare options for public
- Analyze and design subway maps
- Express conditions for transportation
Vocabulary: Taking public transportation
Grammar: Ways to express conditions
Lesson 3: At the Mall
Aims: - Practice speaking casually while out shopping
- Discuss shopping preferences and technology devices
- Use present perfect continuous to express different
Vocabulary: Shopping at the mall
Grammar: Present perfect continuous tense
Lesson 4: A New Game
Aims: - Talk about buying items such as games
- Discuss video games
- Understand and use causative verbs
Vocabulary: Buying a game
Grammar: Causative verbs
Lesson 5: Stay Safe
Aims: - Understand preventative measures for safety in crowds
- Practice leaving out articles for signs and posters
Vocabulary: Safety information and emergency procedures
Grammar: Leaving out articles for brevity the board. Ask if students have heard of these areas and if not,
Some Module 4 Goals in Unit 8 have them discuss with a partner what there might be to do in
the areas.
- Understand instructions expressed in simple language (for
example, how to use public telephones or ticket machines, safety
information, or directions) we will learn about shopping in North Beach, Union Square, and
- Write a short, formal email asking for or giving simple information Chinatown in San Francisco.
- Write simple texts about experiences or events (for example,
describing your feelings and reactions about a trip) A Authentic Text: Shopping guide

of San Francisco to a partner.

Lesson 1 The Best Shopping in Town
about which of the three places they would most like to visit.
After a few minutes of students discussing this, take a class vote
and see which place is the most popular among your students.
- Understand and discuss different areas for shopping
- Use phrasal verbs naturally in conversations down any errors you might hear on vocabulary, grammar, or
- Describe places to shop and advertisements
pronunciation. Any common mistakes that you hear may be
Vocabulary written on the board later for clarification with the whole class.
accessory electronics get tired of district
genuine fashionable selection imported vendors are common in their hometown or country. Have a class
souvenir cuisine discussion on the variety of different kinds of street vendors
Grammar seen in different cities and countries across the globe.

Phrasal verbs

Warm Up (Union Square)

there. Collect information on the board about things to do and

see there. Students may search the Internet for information

C About You

shopping area. Have students describe the answers to the

questions in pairs. Go around the room to check on the pair
work and give any help if necessary.

Extension Shopping Role-Play

C. One student will play the role of the store clerk, and
their partner will be the customer. Students can take turns
pretending to shop and ask questions to the store clerk.

this role-play come to life.

D Grammar

turn, on, and so on. Be sure that each word (not phrase) has its
own card.

as the phone, art supplies, etc.

time. Give each student a card. Tell them to create phrasal verbs.

phrasal verbs by having the student carrying the “object” signs

either walk and stand between the phrasal verbs or not be
allowed in the middle.

E Grammar Practice

Remind them to refer to the chart as necessary.

1. pick up 5. looked up it - looked it up

2. throw away 6. get town around - get around town

Teacher’s Note Cross-cultural Comparisons 3. put on 7. turn off it - turn it off

4. miss out on 8. hang it out - hang out

where students are given the opportunity to compare and

contrast each other’s cultures and experiences. Check the Workbook
For further practice with phrasal verbs, use Exercise 4 in Lesson
example of a cross-cultural comparison where students 1 of the workbook.
can speak freely and enjoy hearing one another’s similar
F Use the Language: Partners in business
B Vocabulary
in pairs or small groups. Tell them to pick a business, store, or
correct pronunciation. restaurant that they are familiar with. Tell them to discuss in
detail, the various points listed in the box.
understand the task being assigned. These questions should
check questions to ensure that students understand the task being
receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will
assigned. These questions should receive yes/no or brief one-word
match the word to its what? (Its definition)
answers, such as: Are you writing a TV advertisement? (No, radio)
Should you include its location? (Yes), etc.
the board and call students up to write the correct letter next to
them on the board.
each number. Check answers.
students are clear on what it means.
either a yes/no or one word answer, such as Is something that is
genuine, fake? (No) Is cuisine food? (Yes). Have students answer
these questions out loud together as a class.
may take turns “performing” the radio advertisements and
answering questions from their classmates.

1. g 2. e 3. j 4. b 5. i 6. h 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. f

Lesson 2 Let’s take the subway.

- Read, listen to, and compare options for public transportation
- Analyze and design subway maps
- Express conditions for transportation
rush hour line transfer fare
depends on calculate stuck commute
Ways to express conditions

Warm Up
Ask students to look at the two photographs of Tori and Kevin.
What is Tori carrying? (a phone and a map). What is Kevin
wearing around his neck? (a camera). Using this information,
what do you think they might be doing? Have students discuss
the answer to this question in pairs, and then a few may share
their answers with the whole class.

A Model Conversation Track 56

their flight. Have students scan the bold words and try to predict
what their discussion will be about.

after each sentence and having students repeat the audio,

mimicking the intonation.

- Should we drive?
- How much is the fare?

in questions, the last word is the strongest as the intonation

goes upwards.

natural. 1. stuck 2. calculate

3. depends on 4. commuters

If time allows, have students read the conversation three times: 5. transfer 6. rush hour
the first time reciting it while reading it; the second time with 7. line 8. fare
eye contact; and the third time with eye contact and gestures.
Encourage them to read as naturally as possible and alternate Check the Workbook
For further practice with vocabulary, direct students to Exercise
2 in lesson 2 in the workbook.
use for transportation (the BART) and go over the Brief note.

B Vocabulary C Vocabulary Comprehension Track 57

students repeat.
and have students discuss what they see with a partner.
understand the task being assigned. These questions should
between a man and a woman who are discussing the map, and
receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: “Where will
that they will fill in the blanks with the words that they hear.
you find the words to fill in the blank?” (In the conversation)

and then share answers with a partner.

activity with a partner.

students up to write the correct answers next to their numbers.

and asking for directions from one to the other. Go around the
room to help as they do this.
either a yes/no or one word answer, such as When are many
people going to or from work? (During rush hour) What do 1. yellow 2. transfer 3. green

you call the cost of taking a bus or train? (fare). Have students 4. two 5. red 6. fare
answer these questions out loud together as a class. 7. depends on

1. As long as / So long as 2. Otherwise
3. As long as / So long as 4. Unless
5. as long as 6. unless

7. Otherwise 8. As long as / So long as
9. The bus is free as long as you have a student ID.
10. Unless I find my keys, I won’t be able to give you a ride.

F Use the Language: Subway systems

a class. Have students choose which one they would like to

complete together.

understand the details of each task being assigned.

to the whole class.

Extension Assignment #3

that has to do with subways, maps, and so on. They may do

this individually or with a partner. Go around the room to

up with another partner or group to swap questions to


Extension Subway or Train Directions

Have students use the Internet to search a subway or train
map from a large city. Have them choose a starting point and
end point in the city, and then explain how to get there to a
partner via subway or train. Then, they may switch roles with
the partner.

D Grammar

conditions. Ask if any students can think of other ways to say

the word “if.” Write down any ideas on the board.

Write “as long as” “so long as” “unless” and “otherwise”
around the word “if”, with short explanations taken from the

E Grammar Practice

as a class.

and call students up to write the correct answers in. Check


Lesson 3 At the Mall

- Practice speaking casually while out shopping
- Discuss shopping preferences and technology devices
- Use present perfect continuous to express different actions
run out of enormous purchase remind
encourage appreciate device keep an eye on
Present perfect continuous tense

Warm Up
Have students read the Brief note and look at the photograph.
Ask them to turn to a partner to make predictions about the
model conversation.

A Model Conversation Track 58

them know that you are going to play the audio and at this time
they should check if their predictions were correct or not.

after each sentence and having students repeat the audio,

mimicking the intonation.

- Twenty minutes

the ‘t’ at the end of the word is lost. Sometimes, it can sound
like “twenny minutes” and some people even pronounce it
“twunny minutes.” Have them repeat the words after you. Let
them know how you prefer to say it.

If time allows, have students read the conversation three times:

the first time reciting it while reading it; the second time with
eye contact; and the third time with eye contact and gestures.
Encourage them to read as naturally as possible and exchange assignment.
and call students up to write the correct letter next to each
comprehension. number. Check answers.

fitness tracker would help make Anna’s dad enjoy taking long that will receive either a yes/no or one word answer, such as Is
walks or not. Also have them discuss any advantages of having enormous big or little? (Big) Is remind a noun or a verb? (Verb).
a fitness tracker in general. Would Anna’s dad enjoy getting the Have students answer these questions out loud together as a
fitness tracker? Is it a good gift? Why or why not? etc. class.

1. purchase 2. device
3. run out of 4. keep an eye on

Teacher’s Note American English vs. British English

5. remind 6. appreciate
Note that British English is more formal and will often 7. enormous 8. encourage
pronounce the /t/ sound at the end of the word twenty
in comparison to the American English pronunciation as
described above. Let students know about the difference Check the Workbook
in pronunciation when it comes to English words spoken in For additional practice with vocabulary, have students do
American and British English. Exercise 3 in Lesson 3 of the workbook.

B Vocabulary Track 59
C In Your World
correct pronunciation. Setup / Demo

understand the task being assigned. These questions should shopping habits. Read the instructions and read each set of
receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will questions aloud with your class.

describe their partner’s responses to the class. Go around the

classroom to check that students are on task and assist when
E Grammar Practice

them that they should look back at the table if they can’t
remember the information.

questions or short answer questions on the instructions.

1. We’ve 2. hasn’t
3. waiting 4. you and Doug been

5. have been using 6. has been reminding
7. have (you) been working

F Use the Language: Talking about your devices

volunteer to read the instructions aloud to the class.

write the name of it down or draw it on a sheet of paper. Be

sure they do not share this with their partner yet!

questions to ensure that students understand the task being

assigned. For example: Should you write 5-10 questions about
a device your partner has chosen? (Yes) Should you tell your
partner which device you have chosen? (No)

around the room to check comprehension and answer questions

when necessary.

once their partner has asked 5-10 questions about it. Have
students share with the class whether they properly guessed the
item or not.

Extension Technology Recommendations

their partners talk. create a social media ‘recommendation’ of the product of

exchanged in part F and then give the product 0-5 stars
all the paired discussions have been completed. depending on their review.

students to walk around and read through.

Extension Write an Email

in detail.


choice to send to a partner or to the teacher via email.

and send it back.

D Grammar

between present perfect simple and present perfect continuous

is that the focus is on the process. Write the word “process” on
the board.

structure of the present perfect continuous tense. Have students

circle the word have/has/’ve/’s, underline the word been, and
put a box around the -ing form of each verb.

Lesson 4 A New Game

- Talk about buying items such as games
- Discuss video games
- Understand and use causative verbs
pre-order trade in space point of view
customize character weapon level
cash store credit
Causative verbs

Warm Up
Ask students to discuss in pairs the title of this lesson, A New
Game. Without letting students read the conversation or look at
the picture, ask them to predict what kind of game they think the
conversation will be about.

A Model Conversation Track 60

to scan the conversation to see if they can find out what kind
of game is being discussed. Have students share their responses

after each sentence and having students repeat the audio,

mimicking the intonation.

If time allows, have students read the conversation three times:

the first time reciting it while reading it; the second time with
eye contact; and the third time with eye contact and gestures.
Encourage them to read as naturally as possible and exchange

did Brent want to pre-order? (Call of Duty) What did Brent get
for trading-in his games? ($40 store credit) C In Your World
Setup / Demo
B Vocabulary Track 61

Make sure the students understand the questions they are

correct pronunciation. supposed to answer.
understand the task being assigned. These questions should
receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will describe their answers to a partner.
match the word to its what? (Its definition)
together and assist when needed.
can share their responses with the class after the conversations
the board and call students up to write the correct letter next to are completed.
each number. Check answers. Feedback

either a yes/no or one word answer, such as Do you pre-order

discussing with their partners, referring to their notes if
before or after something is available to be bought? (Before)
Can you use store credit to buy something within a store or
outside of it? (Within a store). Have students answer these
questions out loud together as a class. D Grammar
1. customize 2. trade in
along with the example sentences. Have students underline
3. point of view 4. weapon
causing someone to do something and causing something to

5. space 6. cash
7. store credit 8. character happen in the table.
9. pre-order 10. level

have + object + base verb and get + object + infinitive with

a partner. Have students share ideas aloud with the class and
write down the best examples on the board for later reference.

F Use the Language: Writing a formal email

understand that they are to write a formal email.

- Start with Dear Sir or Madam unless you know the name of
the person you are addressing. If you know the name of the
person you are addressing, use Mr./Mrs./Ms. and not the first
- Do not use conjunctions such as don’t but rather write the full
words do not.
- Avoid using slang
- Be mindful of using proper grammar and punctuation
- End with Sincerely,
- (Add on any other points that you would like to emphasize to
your students.)

them trade letters with a classmate to compare and provide


they have at least three different students providing feedback

on their work. Once three students have provided feedback,
they may re-write their letter and submit it to you for formal

Extension A Reply from the Manager

letter of complaint regarding the purchased game app.

continue practicing formal letter writing and be professional

and fair. Either way, allow the students to be creative and
respond to the letter of complaint as they wish.

E Grammar Practice

check questions to ensure that students are clear on what they

are supposed to do, such as: Are you underlining the errors in
the sentences? (Yes)

Remind them that they should look back at the table if they
can’t remember the information.

1. He made me wash my hands again.

2. I can’t get my daughter to go to sleep!
3. Can you get the car to start?
4. I’ll have the delivery guy leave it at the door.

5. Can you have her call me when she comes in?

6. My teacher makes us practice new words every day.
7. I got my brother to clean my room the other day.
8. She always makes us feel bad about not calling her.

Check the Workbook

For additional practice with the grammar, direct students to
complete Exercise 2 of Lesson 4 in the workbook.

Lesson 5 Stay Safe

- Understand preventative measures for safety in crowds
- Practice leaving out articles for signs and posters
aware cautious belongings collect
receipt valuable emergency proceed
exchange duty-free
Leaving out articles for brevity

Warm Up
Write Black Friday on the board. Ask them if they know what it is.
Have students discuss what Black Friday is and see if they have it
in their countries.

A Authentic Text: Safety poster

students can repeat after you in unison using proper intonation

and pronunciation.

to one another.

for shopping during Black Friday. Have them discuss this in pairs
and then share their responses aloud to the class.

B Vocabulary

correct pronunciation.

understand the task being assigned. These questions should

receive yes/no or brief one-word answers, such as: You will
match the word to its what? (Its definition)

assignment. Extension Safety Poster

the board and call students up to write the correct letter next to A, using the information they came up with in Part C
each number. Check answers
like a brochure and allow each student to take it home with

1. i 2. d 3. g 4. a 5. h 6. b 7. j 8. e 9. c 10. f

D Grammar
Check the Workbook
For additional practice with this vocabulary set, direct students
article is in terms of grammar and elicit examples: a, the, an.
to the word search in Exercise 1 in Lesson 5 of the workbook.
left out because signs can only have a certain amount of words
on them.
C In Your World
speaking. Read examples together with the class.
to the poster presented in part A. This list should be specific to
the city they are living in. Some examples may be to not walk E Grammar Practice
alone at night, or if they carry a purse, to use a longer strap to
wear across the shoulder and under the arm. check questions to ensure that students are clear on what they
are supposed to do, such as: Are you rewriting the sentences
without articles? (No, with them)

with class on the board if you feel it is an appropriate activity for

your group of students.

G Use the Language: Emergency poster

activity aloud to the class. Briefly pause after each sentence to

ask comprehension questions and make clarifications.

Have them create a poster or write an article based on the task

they choose. If time permits, have students work on both tasks.

their posters and articles with the rest of the class.

1. Shut down the laptop when not using it.

2. Turn off the computer before placing it into the carrying bag.
3. Do not put the computer directly on the legs. It can burn the
skin. Use a table or other hard surface.

4. Check the fan frequently to avoid overheating.

5. Clean the air vents regularly, and never put anything into the air
6. Do not try to clean the inside of the computer screen.

F Quick Review

phrases that were found in the ‘brief notes’ throughout this


the book or their notebook. Write a few words that you have
elicited on the board for reference.

and have students look through the book to answer the


volunteers to write each answer. Check together as a class.


1. coach 2. fitness tracker 3. pick it up

Unit 8 : Active Review

A Welcome to New York!

Ask students to skim through the tourist information poster. Tell
them to repeat the vocabulary words presented in the box. Assign
students to pairs. Have them fill in the blanks with the correct
words and phrases. Check answers as a class.
People come from around the world to visit New York City. As long
as you are cautious, you will have a safe and enjoyable time here.
The subway is a great way to get around. But always keep an eye
on your belongings, especially on crowded trains.

In subway and train stations, people may try to get you to give
them the fare for a ticket home. This is a common scam.
For your safety, be aware of your transportation options at all
times. Always find out where the nearest subway station is, so that

you can catch a train quickly in an emergency.

Fifth Avenue, with its fashionable department stores, is the most

famous shopping street in New York. But be sure to check out
Canal Street and Chinatown, too. Locals appreciate these areas for
their interesting smaller shops.

There are many street vendors in busy shopping districts. Some

will tell you they’re selling real brand-name clothes, shoes, and
accessories, but the items may not be genuine. If the price seems
too good to be true, you should probably purchase the item in a
store instead.

B Create a Poster
Have students complete a poster about a city they know well.
Tell them to work in small groups. They should include tips about
getting around, safety, shopping, and other important information
for visitors. Have students present their posters to the class.

C Reminder: Some Module 4 Goals in Unit 8

Read each goal with the class. For each goal, ask students to look
over the unit and find where they learned to do these things. Ask
students if they can demonstrate some of the goals. Then have
them put a check mark next to the goals they have achieved.

Answers will vary.
1. Have breakfast at the food court
2. Shop for new shoes… etc.

A: Let’s have breakfast when we get there.
B: Okay, that’s a good idea. We can eat at the food court.
A: Cool. I need new shoes, too.
B: Sure. Let’s get the shoes after we have breakfast, and then…


A Warm Up
Have students read the words and phrases in the box. With a
partner, instruct them to categorize the words and phrases from
the box into the table. Check as a class when complete.

Transportation: transfer, rush hour, commuter


Shopping: receipt, exchange, cash

Electronics/Games: turn on, character, device, log in

B Interview Classmates
Ask students to plan a day at a shopping mall with a partner and
discuss ideas. Be sure to emphasize that the students are going
to be at the mall from the morning until the evening, so they
should plan a lot of activities to fill the day. Go around the room
to monitor as they brainstorm ideas for their day at the shopping

C Role-play
Tell students that they will be creating a conversation between
two people based on the day they planned in Part B. First,
have them create a detailed plan for the day and list up the
activities they would like to do. Then have students create their
conversations with a partner. Tell them to practice 2-3 times,
before they finally perform the conversation for the class.

Module 4 : Review

A Vocabulary
Assign students to pairs, making sure that all the students fill in
the blanks. Ask students to fill in the blanks from memory. They
may write vocabulary words that were added to the lesson when
it was covered. Check answers as a class.

Answers will vary for numbers 1 and 2.

1. chef, server, patio, rave

2. depend on, get around, drop by, hang out, pick up

3. b 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. b

B Grammar
Assign students to new pairs, or continue as a whole class. Write
answers on the board and make sure that all the students fill in
the blanks. Tell students to try working on the sentences without
looking back in their books. If they have trouble solving the
sentences, then they should look back through the book to help
them. Go over the answers as a class.

1. would 2. to 3. have 4. If
5. If 6. around 7. used 8. wear, can

9. or else 10. been 11. had 12. would

13. on 14. used 15. hear 16. get, to

Teacher’s Note Additional Review through Games

If you feel your students need additional practice with the
vocabulary and grammar, provide the students with some
more activities using the words and structures they have
learned in Module 4. For example, divide the class in two and
have the students play a game of charades, competing against
the other team. The team that guesses all the words in the set
the fastest is the winning team. Make sure to prepare two sets
of vocabulary flashcards before class.

E Dream Trip

sure that students understand what it is that they are supposed

to do.

couple that they are friends with. If this concept is too hard
to relate to, tell students that they are planning a trip for their
parents as an anniversary gift.

destination for the trip. Refer to the three pictures in the book.

make the travel arrangements and plan two activities. The other
student should make the accommodation arrangements as well
the restaurant bookings.


of the trip that should be presented to the couple as a surprise.

They will present it to the class as though they were presenting
it to the couple as their anniversary gift.

trip. Ask them why they liked it the most.

C Best Way to Travel?

distance trip. Ask them to decide on their preferred mode of

transportation. Would they rather drive, take a train, or fly? Tell
them to give reasons for their preference.

a partner.

D How to Play

a board game, or an app).

how to play it.

their partner while the partner takes notes.

students share their partners’ opinions about the games with

the class.

The Teacher’s Class Kit includes interactive e-book versions of Blueprint Student
Book and Blueprint Workbook that can be used in the classroom to facilitate teaching.
The e-books are accessible through the Compass homepage. The Blueprint Teacher’s
Guide grants access to this tool through a serial number, which allows for one year of
access to the Teacher’s Class Kit.

How to Enter
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Click LOGIN if you are already a member or JOIN if you need to sign up.
2 Click the Class Booster icon.
3 Click the Enter Serial Number button.
4 Enter the serial number for the Student Book or Workbook. (See next page.)

Anytime you want to use the e-books, simply return to the

Teacher’s Class Kit by repeating steps 1 and 2, above.
Teacher’s Class Kit features
 Interactive whiteboard
 Full-color page view of student books and workbooks
 Embedded audio and video files
 Simple tool bar with page finder, zoom in and zoom out, annotation,
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