CIE08 Straight Lines
CIE08 Straight Lines
CIE08 Straight Lines
0606/12/O/N/15 Q7
1 Two variables, x and y, are such that y = A x b, where A and b are constants.
When ln y is plotted against ln x, a straight line graph is obtained which
passes through the points (1.4, 5.8) and (2.2, 6.0).
a Find the value of A and of b. [4]
b Calculate the value of y when x = 5. [2]
0606/12/O/N/15 Q12
2 The line 2x − y + 1 = 0 meets the curve x 2 + 3y = 19 at the points A and
B. The perpendicular bisector of the line AB meets the x-axis at the point C.
Find the area of the triangle ABC. [9]
0606/22/O/N/15 Q8
3 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
Two points A and B have coordinates (−3, 2) and (9, 8) respectively.
a Find the coordinates of C, the point where the line AB cuts the y-axis. [3]
b Find the coordinates of D, the mid-point of AB. [1]
c Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB. [2]
The perpendicular bisector of AB cuts the y-axis at the point E.
d Find the coordinates of E. [1]
e Show that the area of triangle ABE is four times the area of triangle ECD.
0606/13/O/N/15 Q11
4 The line x − y + 2 = 0 intersects the curve 2x 2 − y 2 + 2x + 1 = 0 at the
points A and B. The perpendicular bisector of the line AB intersects the
curve at the points C and D. Find the length of the line CD in the form
a 5 , where a is an integer. [10] Page | 1 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/23/O/N/15 Q11
5 The trees in a certain forest are dying because of an unknown virus. The
number of trees, N, surviving t years after the on set of the virus is shown in
the table below.
t 1 2 3 4 5 6
0606/22/M/J/15 Q9
6 Solutions by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
5 a ln N = ln A − t ln b c b = 1.5 A = 2950 d N = 51 e t = 14 y e a r s
1 11
6 a m =3 b yQ = 1 c R (−1, 7) d x + 3y = 32 e M( , ) f 4.5
2 2 Page | 2 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/13/M/J/15 Q5
7 The curve y = x y + x 2 − 4 intersects the line y = 3x − 1 at the points A
and B. Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of the line AB. [8]
0606/23/M/J/15 Q10
8 The relationship between experimental values of two variables, x and y, is
given by y = Ab x, where A and b are constants.
a By transforming the relationship y = Ab x, show that plotting ln y against
x should produce a straight line graph. [2]
b The diagram below shows the results of plotting ln y against x for 7
different pairs of values of variables, x and y. A line of best fit has been
By taking readings from the diagram, find the value of A and of b, giving
each value correct to 1 significant figure. [4]
c Estimate the value of y when x = 2.5. [2]
1 5 3 7
7 (− , − ) ( , ) x + 3y − 2 = 0
2 2 2 2
8 a ln y = ln A + x ln b b A = 90 000 b = 0.4 c y = e 9 or 8000 Page | 3 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/12/F/M/15 Q5
Variables x and y are such that when e y is plotted against x a straight line
graph is obtained. The diagram shows this straight line graph which passes
through the points (2, 1) and (3, 5).
a Express y in terms of x. [4]
b State the values of x for which y exists. [1]
c Find the value of x when y = ln 6. [1]
0606/22/F/M/15 Q8
10 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A and B have coordinates (2, − 1) and (6, 5) respectively.
a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB, giving your answer
in the form a x + b y = c, where a, b and c are integers. [4]
The point C has coordinates (10, − 2).
b Find the equation of the line through C which is parallel to AB. [2]
c Calculate the length of BC. [2]
d Show that triangle ABC is isosceles. [1]
0606/12/O/N/14 Q8
11 The point P lies on the line joining A(−2, 3) and B(10, 19) such that
A P : PB = 1 : 3.
a Show that the x-coordinate of P is 1 and find the y-coordinate of P. [2]
b Find the equation of the line through P which is perpendicular to AB. [3]
The line through P which is perpendicular to AB meets the y-axis at the
point Q.
c Find the area of the triangle AQB. [3]
9 a y = ln(4x − 7) b x > 7 c x =
4 4
10 a 2 x + 3y = 14 b 3x − 2y − 34 = 0 c 65
11 a yP = 7 b 3x + 4y − 31 = 0 c Q (0, ) 12.5
4 Page | 4 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/12/O/N/14 Q9
12 The table shows experimental values of variables x and y.
x 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
a By plotting a suitable straight line graph, show that x and y are related by
the equation y = a b x, where a and b are constants. [4]
b Use your graph to find the value of a and of b. [4]
0606/23/O/N/14 Q6
Variables x and y are such that, when ln y is plotted against 3x, a straight line
graph passing through (4, 19) and (9, 39) is obtained.
a Find the equation of this line in the form ln y = m3x + c, where m and c
are constants to be found. [3]
b Find y when x = 0.5. [2]
c Find x when y = 2000. [3]
0606/11/M/J/14 Q8
14 The table shows values of variables V and p.
V 10 50 100 200
a By plotting a suitable straight line graph, show that V and p are related by
the equation p = kV n, where k and n are constants. [4]
Use your graph to find
b the value of n, [2]
c the value of p when V = 35. [2] Page | 5 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/21/M/J/14 Q9
15 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A( p, 1), B(1, 6), C(4, q) and D(5, 4), where p and q are
constants, are the vertices of a kite ABCD. The diagonals of the kite, AC and
BD, intersect at the point E. The line AC is the perpendicular bisector of BD.
a the coordinates of E, [2]
b the equation of the diagonal AC, [3]
c the area of the kite ABCD. [3]
0606/22/M/J/14 Q8
16 Two variables x and y are connected by the relationship y = Ab x, where A
and b are constants.
a Transform the relationship y = Ab x into a straight line form. [2]
An experiment was carried out measuring values of y for certain values of x.
The values of ln y and x were plotted and a line of best fit was drawn. The
graph is shown on the grid below.
b Use the graph to determine the value of A and the value of b, giving each
to 1 significant figure. [4]
c Find x when y = 220. [2]
15 a E (3, 5) b 2x − y − 1 = 0 c 15
16 a ln y = ln A + x ln b b b : 3 (1 s.f.) or 4 (1 s.f.) A : 0.5 (1 s.f.) c x : 4.4 (2 s.f.) Page | 6 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/13/M/J/14 Q10
17 The table shows experimental values of x and y.
x 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25
lg y
b By plotting a suitable straight line graph, show that x and y are related by
the equation y = Ab x , where A and b are constants. [2]
c Use your graph to find the value of A and of b. [4]
d Estimate the value of y when x = 1.25. [2]
0606/23/M/J/14 Q9
18 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A(2, 11), B(−2, 3) and C(2, − 1) are the vertices of a triangle.
a Find the equation of the perpendicular bisector of AB. [4]
The line through A parallel to BC intersects the perpendicular bisector of AB
at the point D.
b Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD. [6]
0606/12/O/N/13 Q10
19 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A(−3, 2) and B(1, 4) are vertices of an isosceles triangle ABC,
where angle B = 90∘.
a Find the length of the line AB. [1]
b Find the equation of the line BC. [3]
c Find the coordinates of each of the two possible positions of C. [6] Page | 7 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/22/O/N/13 Q8
20 The table shows experimental values of two variables x and y.
x 2 4 6 8
0606/13/O/N/13 Q10
21 The variables s and t are related by the equation t = k s n, where k and n are
constants. The table below shows values of variables s and t.
s 2 4 6 8
0606/23/O/N/13 Q7
4 8
22 The line 4x + y = 16 intersects the curve − = 1 at the points A and B.
x y
The x-coordinate of A is less than the x-coordinate of B. Given that the
point C lies on the line AB such that AC : CB = 1 : 2, find the coordinates
of C. [8] Page | 8 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/22/M/J/13 Q1
Variables x and y are such that when y is plotted against x 2 a straight line
graph passing through the points (1, 3) and (4, 18) is obtained. Express y in
terms of x. [4]
0606/22/M/J/13 Q8
24 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A(−6, 2), B(2, 6) and C are the vertices of a triangle.
a Find the equation of the line AB in the form y = m x + c. [2]
b Given that angle A BC = 90 , find the equation of BC. [2]
c Given that the length of AC is 10 units, find the coordinates of each of
the two possible positions of point C. [4]
0606/13/M/J/13 Q2
Variables x and y are such that y = Ab x, where A and b are constants. The
diagram shows the graph of ln y against x, passing through the points (2, 4)
and (8, 10). Find the value of A and of b. [5]
0606/11/O/N/12 Q8
26 The points A(−3, 6), B(5, 2) and C lie on a straight line such that B is the
mid-point of AC.
a Find the coordinates of C. [2]
The point D lies on the y-axis and the line CD is perpendicular to AC.
b Find the area of the triangle ACD. [5]
23 y = [5(x 2 − 4) + 18]2
24 a y = x +5 b 2 x + y − 10 = 0 c (0, 10) (4, 2)
25 b =e A = e2
26 a C (13, − 2) b D (0, − 28) 260 Page | 9 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/11/O/N/12 Q10
27 The table shows values of variables x and y.
x 10º 30º 45º 60º 80º
a By plotting a suitable straight line graph, show that, for 10∘ ≤ x ≤ 80∘,
y = A sin x + B, where A and B are positive constants. [4]
b Use your graph to find the value of A and of B. [3]
c Estimate the value of y when x = 50. [2]
d Estimate the value of x when y = 12. [2]
0606/12/O/N/12 Q7
28 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The vertices of the trapezium ABCD are the points A(−5, 4), B(8, 4),
C(6, 8) and D. The line AB is parallel to the line DC. The lines AD and BC
are extended to meet at E and angle A EB = 90∘.
a Find the coordinates of D and of E. [6]
b Find the area of the trapezium ABCD. [2] Page | 10 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/22/O/N/12 Q8
The variables of x and y are related in such a way that when lg y is plotted
against lg x a straight line graph is obtained as shown in the diagram. The
line passes through the points (2, 4) and (8, 7).
a Express y in terms of x, giving your answer in the form y = a x b, where a
and b are constants. [5]
Another method of drawing a straight line graph for the relationship
y = a x b, found in part (a), involves plotting lg x on the horizontal axis and
lg(y 2 ) on the vertical axis. For this straight line graph what is
b the gradient, [1]
c the intercept on the vertical axis? [1]
0606/23/O/N/12 Q8
30 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A(4, 5), B(−2, 3), C(1, 9) and D are the vertices of a trapezium
in which BC is parallel to AD and angle BCD is 90∘. Find the area of the
trapezium. [8]
0606/23/O/N/12 Q9
31 The table shows experimental values of two variables x and y.
x 1 2 3 4
29 a y = 1000x 0.5 b m =1 c c =6
30 D (5, 7) 20
31 a x3 c a = 10 ± 0.5 b = − 0.6 ± 0.01 d y = − 1.48 ± 0.04 Page | 11 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/12/M/J/12 Q11
32 The point P lies on the line joining A(−1, − 5) and B(11, 13) such that
A P = A B.
a Find the equation of the line perpendicular to AB and passing through P.
The line perpendicular to AB passing through P and the line parallel to the
x-axis passing through B intersect at the point Q.
b Find the coordinates of the point Q. [2]
c Find the area of the triangle PBQ. [2]
0606/22/M/J/12 Q7
33 The table shows experimental values of variables x and y.
x 5 30 150 400
a By plotting a suitable straight line graph, show that y and x are related by
the equation y = a x b, where a and b are constants. [4]
b Use your graph to estimate the value of a and of b. [4]
c Estimate the value of y when x = 100. [2]
0606/13/M/J/12 Q7
34 The table shows values of variables x and y.
x 1 3 6 10 14
a By plotting a suitable straight line graph, show that y and x are related by
the equation y = A x + Bx 2, where A and B are constants. [4]
b Use your graph to find the value of A and of B. [4]
c Estimate the value of y when x = 100. [2] Page | 12 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/23/M/J/12 Q10
35 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The diagram shows a trapezium ABCD with vertices A(11, 4), B(7, 7),
C(−3, 2) and D. The side AD is parallel to BC and the side CD is
perpendicular to BC. Find the area of the trapezium ABCD. [9]
0606/11/O/N/11 Q3
0606/21/O/N/11 Q6
37 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The points A(1, 4), B(3, 8), C(13, 13) and D are the vertices of trapezium
in which AB is parallel to DC and angle BAD is 90∘. Find the coordinates
of D. [6]
35 D (−1, − 2) 55
36 a lg N = 4 lg t + lg 0.251 m =4 c = 0.251 b N = 0.251t 4
37 D (7, 1) Page | 13 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/21/O/N/11 Q9
38 The table shows experimental values of two variables x and y.
x 1 2 3 4 5
y x
b Draw the graph plot y x against x x and draw a straight line graph. [2]
c Use your graph to estimate the value of a and of b. [3]
d Estimate the value of y when x is 1.5. [1]
0606/12/O/N/11 Q5
Variables x and y are such that, when y 2 is plotted against 2x, a straight line
graph is obtained. This line has a gradient of 5 and passes through the point
(16, 81).
a Express y 2 in terms of 2x. [3]
b Find the value of x when y = 6. [3]
0606/12/O/N/11 Q8
40 The line CD is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining the point
A(−1, − 5) and the point B(5, 3).
a Find the equation of the line CD. [4]
b Given that M is the midpoint of AB, that 2CM = MD, and that the
x-coordinate of C is –2, find the coordinates of D. [3]
c Find the area of the triangle CAD. [2] Page | 14 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/13/O/N/11 Q7
The figure shows a right-angled triangle ABC, where the point A has
coordinates (−4, 2), the angle B is 90∘ and the point C lies on the x-axis.
The point M(1, 3) is the midpoint of AB. Find the area of the triangle ABC.
0606/23/O/N/11 Q7
The variables x and y are related in such a way that when is plotted
against x a straight line is obtained, as shown in the graph. The line passes
through the points (1, 3) and (3, − 1).
a Express y in terms of x [4]
b Find the value of x and of y such that = − 9. [2]
0606/11/M/J/11 Q7
43 The points A and B have coordinates (−2, 15) and (3, 5) respectively. The
perpendicular to the line AB at the point A(−2, 15) crosses the y-axis at the
point C. Find the area of the triangle ABC. [6]
41 20.8
42 a y = − 2 x 2 + 5x b x =7 y = − 63
43 C (0, 16) 12.5 Page | 15 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/21/M/J/11 Q7
0606/12/M/J/11 Q6
The figure shows the graph of a straight line with lg y plotted against x. The
straight line passes through the points A(5, 3) and B(15, 5).
a Express lg y in terms of x. [3]
b Show that y = a(10 bx ) where a and b are to be found. [3] Page | 16 |
0606 Additional Mathematics CIE 08 Straight Lines
0606/22/M/J/11 Q9
46 Solutions to this question by accurate drawing will not be accepted.
The diagram shows the quadrilateral ABCD in which A is the point (4, 2)
and B is the point (−2, − 10). The points C and D lie on the line x = 14.
The diagonal AC is perpendicular to AB and passes through the mid-point,
M, of the diagonal BD. Find the area of the quadrilateral ABCD. [9] Page | 17 |