White 656/565 Sewing Machine Instruction Manual

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LET’S SEW Perforating Plain Paper
Your new wonderful machine was delivered ready for ZIGZAG stitching. Certain kinds
of STRAIGHT stitching can also be done with the same NEEDLE PLATE and PRESSER
FOOT which wore on the machine when you received it. A NEEDLE was also properly
installed, along with a partially filled BOBBIN underneath.
Without threading needle “sew” on a piece of PLAIN PAPER for a few minutes while you
become well acquainted with the few easy-to-use CONTROLS pictured and briefly ex
plained on pages 2 and 3; also 4 and 5. Later on you are urged to study all the operat
ing details Indexed on page 1 which you should skip for the time being.
Time saving wonder working sewing aids such as rufflers, binders, zipper sewing foot and
many others are available at modest prices and sold by the dealer from whom you purchased
your new machine.

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Contents of This Book Indexed

Study all these instructions carefully to obtain the wonderful performance your
machine was designed and built to give. Constant reference to these instructions
will reward you with troublefree sewing satisfaction.

Subject Page Subject Page

-wing aids 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 Oiling Machine-- important 20
2 Other care and maintenance 21
Fancy stitches with cams
9 Good sewing habits 4, 9
Bobbin-- removal, threading, replace
12 Parts and functions controls 13
Button- sewing on with machine

Buttonhole making by machine 11 Prssure-bar and Feet 3, 4, 15

4, 12 Reverse stitching--sewing backward 4
Darning on machine
Embroidery- stock designs and creative
2, 5 Stitch adjustments--ZZ and straight stitch--
stitch length per inch-ZZ width 3
Guarantee--parts warranty service 25
Take-up Lever 4
Light Bulb replacement 20
Tensions--upper and lower threads 10
Monogramming on machine 4, 12
Threading machine--needle--bobbin
Needle--proper one for the job 6 case 7,9
installing in machine
• .
7 Troubles and remedies 22, 23, 24, 25
threading 7 Two simple precautions--start and finish
3, 15 make these a habit 4, 9
Needle Plates--proper for job; changing

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To Sew Fancy Stitch Patterns Use the Cams
Look over your large assortment of molded plastic cams. Their color or
colors do not affect function. A basic design such as diamond, half-moon,
triangle, as examples is embossed on top flat side of each. The cam used

guides needle to repatedly reproduce its pattern.

To Place A Replaceable Cam In Machine
Do two things before selecting a cam. 1 Look directly below
CEO needle. Be sure presser foot and needle plate are those pictured
at TOP LEFT next page. 2 turn controls BOTTOM RIGHT-next

I page until hanging lever can be moved from 0 to 5 on dial. Now

lift open small cam chamber cover on top of machine. While hold
ing ZZ Width Lever next page at extreme left 5 , drop selected
cam on spindle C. While still holding ZZ Width Lever, revolve
cam, pressing down lightly, until hole in its bottom surface slides
over pin E. Close cam chamber lid. Run machine slowly while
you adjust Stitch Length Dial at MIDDLE LEFT next page. Most
cam patterns appear best on Stitch Length Dial setting between
½ and 1-½.
Changing Path of Needle Multiplies Variety of Designs -

Lever NP can be set at Left, Center or

DEStGNED Right. Each different position alters basic

stitching line and therefore the appear

ance of most all zigzag stitch designs.
Set lever NP at LEFT for straight stitch
ing. Pull lever NP toward you and it
clicks when sliding into the three posi
tion notches. Pushed in, lever NP avoids
the notches, moving freely for hand con
trolled creative embroidery explained page 5; without a cam in machine.

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BE SURE - For Zigzag Stitching

Use This Needle Plate and Presser Foot
These two parts are slotted crosswise to
allow for needle swinging sideways while
moving up and down. Slots are about Ii
inch wide.
For Straight Stitching Some Fabrics—
Presser foot and needle plate with small
round hole instead of wide slot .best for finest STRAIGHT stitching in sheer, fine or very soft
materials. For changing this standard equipment see page 15.
Setting Stitch Length - For Zigzag or Straight Sewing
Turn this speedometer type dial CLOCKWISE to shorten, stich COU.
NTER-CLOCKWISE to lengthen for more stitches per inch. Refer to
chart just below and find your favorite settings. Note the numbers for
ouick and easy duplication any time. Remember that material must
move along or “feed” under presser foot in down position. Whenever
it does not, stitch must be lengthened slightly.

Dial Settings For Approximate Number of Stitches Per Inch

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Figures on indicator
No Feeding 60 40 20 16 12 10 8 7 6
Number of stitches per inch
Setting Width of Hand Controlled Zigzag Stitching
For Straight Stitching and Cam Controlled Zigzag Keep
Lever at 0
Adjust by turning horizontal finger rollers to numbers on
dial or in between. To make the sides of buttonholes for
example you may set left side number at 4; right side at 2.

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To Sew Backward--Zigzag or Straight Stitching -

Reverse stitch push button marked R is in base of machine
directly below Stitch Length Dial. To sew backward, push
button down and feeding teeth will move material in reverse to
normal sewing direction as long as push button is held down.
It’s foolproof. When comfortably placed R button is released
material sews forward again.
To Drop Feeding Teeth for Darning or Monogramming
Control knob is just to left of Reverse feed button. To drop

I feed teeth entirely below needle plate surface, turn knob clock
wise to extreme left position marked DN. For most normal
sewing jobs knob will be in extreme right position marked HI.
Occasionally the middle position (LO) will be ideal for very
delicate filmy fabric-providing enough grip to feed material
without tearing or scraping.

Adiusting Pressure on Feed Teeth
For normal sewing, Bar B should be pushed down-its top
about even with locking ring (A). Single finger pressure
on edge of ring will release bar causing it to pop all the
way up. That is position for most darning and monogram
work with Feed Teeth in DN position. When sewing on
delicate materials with Feed Teeth in LO position, the
presser bar should be pressed down about half way.
A Good Sewing Habit - - The Take-Up Lever
As each sewing operation is finished before starting machine
- - while - -

threading it ALWAYS when machine is not running be sure Take-Up

- -

lever is at top end of slot. Every time you stop machine turn the wheel
by hand to position lever at highest point. The only exception is to oil.
Never Run Threaded Machine Without Sewing In Fabric - - Be Kind - - Use Oil

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zag--Satin Stitches-- Creative Embroider
You Move Some Levers For Plain Zig WITHOUT ANY
h patterns you can sew
There is no limit to the variety of stitc I
with the use and effect of the four
well acgu ainte d
CAM in machine. Get

ing zigzag Width Lever from side to side

controls pictured below. Practice mov .4 I
with Needle Position Selector after pushing
while running machine. Do likewise I
it in toward machine J

ter a few stitches vary length as desir
Plain Zigzaging (A) Set Stitch LENGTH Dial at 4--af to 5. Now sew, hold ing Zigz ag
e area extends from 1
Set Zigzag WIDTH so dial whit
Width lever to the LEFT side. 0 and 1. Set Zigzag Dial
For Satin Stitching (B)Set Stitch
LENGTH Dial about halfway between lever to LEFT For varia
ed. Now sew, holding zigza g
white area for width of stitch desir
whil e sewing.
tions move Lever right, left, right e area to extend
feed knob to DN. Set ZZ Width Dial whit
Make Flower Petals (C) Turn drop T. Stop machine with
hes holding Zigzag lever to LEF
from ito 4. Sew three or four stitc turn fabric to next
petal design. Pivoting on needle,
needle down in cloth at center of right side roller on of ZZ Wid th Dial so Lever
repe at steps to com plete . Turn
petal and threads.
stitches in center of design to lock
goez right to 0. Put three or four to exten d from 2 to 5. Press Needle
Serpentine Stitching (0) Set ZZ
Width Dial white area that lever alternately
ine- then as you run machine move
Path Selector Lever in toward mach on back and forth in rhythm.

from left to right continuing the moti

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Match Needle Size and Thread To Your Fabric - - Sew Like A Professionai”

Approximate Stitches Per Inch Also Important

Machine Silk
Needle Stitches Cotton Mercerized or
Fabric No. Per Inch Thread Thread Nylon
Extremely heavy 6 10
tarpaulin, sacking, 4 to to Heavy Duty
canvas, duck, etc 8 30
Heavy upholstery 8 30
fabric, tickng, 3 to to Heavy Duty
denim, leatherette 10 40
Medinm heavy drapery 10 40
fabric, velveteen, 2 to to Heavy Duty
suiting, felt, terry, etc. 12 60
Medium broadcloth, 12
percale, gingham, linen, 60
1 to to 50 A
chintz, taffeta, sheer 14 80
wool, shantung, etc.
Sheer voile, lawn, 14
dimity, crepe, to 80
handkerchief linen, 0 16 to 50
100 A
plastic film, etc Plastic film
8 to 10
Very sheer chiffon, 16 100
batiste, lace, organdy, 00 to to 50 A
ninon, net, marquisette, etc. 20 150

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Selection of Needle
A high proportion of home sewing is done with No. 14 size
see page 6 chart.
For best results on all fabrics from sheer chiffon to canvas,

Putting Needle In Machine

Turn machine wheel until needle bar
A is at top position. Loosen needle A I
clamp B with screw driver. When
old needle drops out new one can be
inserted. Find the one flat side on
needle SHANK and hold that FLAT
SIDE TO RIGHT as you push needle
upward into clamp C as far as pos
sible. While holding needle up there
tighten screw B with screw driver.

Threading Maclime (Top Thread) and Needle

Place thread spool on spool pin closest to needle. Lead thread
through thread guides A then down BETWEEN tension discs
- -

B from RIGHT to LEFT--and around to RIGHT again until

thread enters check spring arm notch C Then pull thread left-

ward and down slightl y UNDER large bar (D) then immediately
- -

upward, and thread will enter rectangular openin g in bar D

Continue pulling thread upward and into take-up lever eye E
from RIGHT to LEFT. Now down into bar (D) rectang le open
ing again-c ontinu ing down into needle bar thread guide F and
then into needle eye from LEFT to RIGHT- pulling three to four

inches of thread through eye of needle.

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Removing Bobbin Case From Machine -

Lift hinged plate at left end of machine bed-

plate. Look down and slightly right: You
will see the assembly pictured (right). With
fingernail of left hand first finger under rear
edge of latch D,pull straight out and use
raised latch as finger grip to remove bobbin
case containing bobbin.
— To Replace Bobbin Case in Machine
Reverse above procedure. When sliding case onto shuttle center
stud C be sure that threaded finger (E) is directly upright so it
will enter shuttle race notch A) as you push case B into Sewing
position, finally releasing latch D) to hold it.
— Winding Refilling A Bobbin
Place a spool of thread on one of th€ spool
pins, lead thread through the upper thread
guides on the arm, and down through the
tension disc T at the base of the machine.
Run end of thread through a hole in the
bobbin edge and place bobbin on spindle
S of bobbin winder, fitting the notch on
bobbin over small pin on spindle. Push
bobbin winder pulley P) against hand
wheel which will declutch the sewing
mechanism. Hold thread end loosely and start machine slowly.
Bobbin will stop winding when it is filled. By moving the bobbin winder from the hand wheel
it will engage the sewing mechanism. Approximate one turn of the hand wheel may be required
to completely engage sewing mechanism.

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lnstalhng Filled Bobbin and Threading The Boddin Case
Hold bobbin case with slot in its edge up
Ueft). Hold bobbin with fingers of other hand
so that end of thread points in CLOCKWISE
direction. Insert bobbin in case and pull thread
into case edge slot (RIGHT Then continue

pulling thread under tensiOn spring and info

fork-shaped opening of spring (RIGHT), until
about three inches of thread protrudes.
Put Bobbin Case Back In Machine By Reversing Procedure Page 8 TENSON SPRNG

— The Last Step Before Sewing

Hold end of thread through needle
loosely in left hand and turn machine
needle goes down and comes back up.
i The needle thread you hold will be
looped by bobbin thread from below. Pull loop out straight and
place BOTH threads under prsser foot slot. Continue pulling
them toward back of machine for three to four inches.
Finish Every Sewing Step The Right Way
At end of each sewing operation turn machine wheel
COUNTER-CLOCKWISE by hand until Take-Up Lever and
Needle are at highest position. Raise Presser Foot and draw
fabric toward back and slightly left, keeping threads UNDER
presser foot. Clip threads with sharp scissors or by raising
them over top of Machine Thread Cutter just above the
presser foot. Then pull down to cut threads using both
hands to avoid bendind needle. Leave ends of both cut
threads under pressr foot.

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Adjusting the Tensions for Properly Balanced Stitching
The shaded portions of drawings below represent the fabric enlarged many, many times to
illustrate the lock-stitch principle--how and where both threads should entwine WITHIN fabric
Hold finished side of material upward when inspecting stitching.

To Tighten or Loosen Top Tension
First be sure that Presser Foot is DOWN resting on fabric. When
- -

raised, top thread tension is released). To TIGHTEN needle thread

tension turn numbered dial left) CLOCKWISE. To relieve tension
turn dial counter-clockwise. The higher the number at which dial is
set, the heavier the tension on needle thread. Before attempting any
tension adjustmnts be doubly sure that machine is completely and
properly threaded and that Presser Foot is DOWN. If tension adjust
ment of needle thread does not produce properly balanced stitch
ing- -only then do you consider adjusting tension on bobbin case
(lower) thread.
To Loosen or Tighten Bobbin Thread Tension
This adjustment is rarely necessary unless you have a sew
ing project calling for very unusual thread in the bobbin-
i,e. elastic. To adjust tension on bobbin thread merely turn
the small screw in outer rim of Bobbin Case (right). Turn
screw a little at a time as you pull thread to test tension
on it. Turn screw CLOCKWISE to INCREASE tension the - -

other way to ease it.

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Make Buttonholes Wtth Your Machine

First be sure ZIGZAG Needle Plate is on machine. Next replace other
Foot with the BUTTONHOLE Foot lock left . Then follow these directions
in making a test buttonhole in scrap fabric.
Start by marking fabric with tailor chalk s_ C
oi bastirg stitches, both ends of button E
S S s M
holes you want to make, exactly where T T
you want them. E 2
buttonholes in sheer or very soft fabrics place
)i blank newsprint type paper under
fabric. Tear 1”
IN. paper after buttonhole is compl eted.
TFP 1. Set Needle position Selector at LEFT STEP 3. Raise needle out of fabric and turn
H. .i. Set ZZ Width white area at 5 on left FEEDING Teeth Knob back to HI position.
ibout 2 on right. Set Stitch LENGTH Now sew second side of buttonhole until it
riot far around from its 0 marking. reaches mark on fabric at right side of ZZ
1 .r urr’ machine wheel by hand, lower needle stitching just finished.
• Iahric where you have marked the starting STEP 4. Turn Feed Teeth Knob to DN posi
of buttonhole. Now sew slowly to your tion, With Presser foot still down RAISE
ok at the other end and you will have made needle out of fabric. Move ZZ Width to left and
H sije of buttonhole. Stop machine with hold on S while you sew four or five stitches
‘lle down in fabric at right to complete bar-tacking. Leave Presser Foot
of ZZ stitching completed. down and raise needle out of fabric.
SrEP 2. Raise Presser Foot and using needle STEP 5. Spin right side ZZ Width roller to 0
tabric as a pivot turn the fabric completely on dial Then make two or three stitches
ir(nind, end for end. Now turn Feed Teeth to tie threads securely and prevent ravelling.
Kirob to DN position. Then lower Presser Cut buttonhole open with a buttonhole cutter or
i Hi and raise needle. Next turn move ZZ seam ripper, being very careful to avoid cutt
Width Lever to left and hold it at 5 on dial ing any stitching. Turn Feed Teeth Knob back
while sewing four or five stitches. to HI position ready for you next project..

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Your Machine Will Sew On Buttons
Another opration which takes longer to explain than to do)

Put Button-Sew-On Foot on machine. Turn Feed Knob to DN. Set Needle
position Lever in LEFT position. Set left of ZZ Width Control at 5. Place
fabric and button so its LEFT hole is directly under needle and gently
lower foot to hold button. Turn machine wheel slowly by hand until needle
goes down and back up through left hole. Continue turning wheel until
needle moves to right and starts down again. Now aim it at hole on RIGHT
by turning right side Roller in ZZ Width Control Panel.
Contiuue turning wheel by hand to be sure needle clears button as it moves in and out both
holes in button. Then slowly sew five or six stitches and stop machine with needle down in
LEFT hole. Turn ZZ Width (right side roller) until Lever slides back to 0. Take a few
stitches in left side hole only, to tie threads. To provide buttoning space for heavier materials
place a rounded toothpick atop button between the two holes while sewing it on.

Embroidery Monogramming Darning

- -

*--For Finest Results Use A Hoop

Remove Presser Foot from machine. Turn Feed Knob
to EMBR. Release Presser Bar pressure (page4). Stretch
fabric tautly in an embroidery hoop and angle hoop
edge under needle. Set Stitch Length Dial as desired
(usually at a low number). Lower Presser Bar Lever
(otherwise there is no tension on thread), and begin
sewing. Run machine at fairly high speed while mov
ing hoop around rather slowly, using both hands to
keep fabric flat on machine at all times. With care
you can follow a stamped or traced design, or close
a hole or tear effectively. Keep fingers away from the

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Know Your Machine - - Its Functional Controls and Components
I /

19 Needle Clamp and Screw
20 Thrad Guide to Needle
21 Rectangular Thred Guide
22 Tension Regulator
23 Light Switch
1 Presser Bar 10 Stitch Length Dial 24 Take-Up Lever
2 Thread Guides 11 Needle Position Selector 25 Pressure Bar
3 Cam Chamber 12 ZZ Stitch Width Lever 26 Bar Release Ring
4 Spool pins 13 ZZ Stitch Width Panel 27 Presser Foot Lifter
5 Wheel 14 ZZ Width Control Rollers 28 Thread Cutter
6 Bobbin Winder 15 Needle Plate 29 Feed Teeth
7 Bobbin Wind Tension 16 Hinged lift Plate 30 Cabinet or portable
8 Reverse Sewing Button 17 Presser Foot Hinge Pin Holes
9 Feed Teeth Knob 18 Foot Holding Screw 31 Handle

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I 2
• ,y’

Ii 12 13 14

Standard Equipment Accessories

1 Plastic oiler 8 Quiliting Rows Spacer

2 Needles 5) 9 Stitching Guide-assures even seams
3 Bobbins (3) 10 Thumb Screw for stiting guide
4 Felt washers (2 side over spool pins 11 Button Sew-on Foot
5 Needle Plate for Straight Stitching only 12 Buttonhole Foot
6 Small Screw Driver 13 Presser Foot for Straight Stitching only
7 Large Screw Driver 14 Narrow Hemming Foot

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To Change Needle Plate

Be sure Presser Foot is UP and needle at top position.

Raise hinged cover plate attached to needle plate) and
leave UP. Carefully remove screws holding needle plate--
and gripping the raised cover plate slide entire assembly
off machine. Set Stitch WIDTH Lever at 0.
Turn assembly over--under side upward-- holding needle
plate in one hand, hinged cover plate in the other. Notice
that two small pins one at each side of cover plate
- - fit - -

into grooves at each end of assembly. One pin is under

spring-hinge at one end--the other pin is unobstructed. Lift
that pin out of groove--then the other pin can be freed as
the tongue on cover plate is separated from the spring latch on needle plate. Just reverse
the entre procedure to attach another type of needle plate to the hinged cover plate and re -

install the changed assembly on machine.

CAUTION- After Changing A Needle Plate or Presser Foot Always Turn


Machine Wheel by Hand While Needle Goes Down and Comes Back Up.
Such a Production Avoids Breaking Needle and Damaging Machine.

— To Change Presser Foot

Be sure Presser Foot and needle are both UP. Loosen thumb screw A with
fingers or screw driver until Presser Foot slips down and off. To replace
with another foot merely reverse the procedure. After changing a foot
always hand-turn machine carefully to bo sure needle does not strike foot.

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Use The Narrow Hemmer To Sew Like A Professional
Practice first with scrap material. With fingers, crease a fine
g’ wide DOUBLE fold from starting edge for about two inches.

Take a couple hand needle fine stitches to hold fold at starting
edge, leaving at least two inches of threads dangling. Holding
both ends of the hand creased fold, slide it underneath the
Narrow Hemmer Foot. Slip the middle portion of FOLD into
the SCROLL of Hemmer. Moving it back and forth slightly you
will observe how the scroll rolls the fine narrow hem into
position. Keeping the scroll just barely FILLED with fabric, finally pull creased portion
toward you until starting edge is under needle, then lower Narrow Hemmer onto fabric. As you
slowly run machine set at fairly short stitch length gently pull on the hand needle thread

ends through a few starting inches of your entire hem. Keep on guiding fabric with SLIGHT
pressure to the RIGHT and it will continue making a double turn through the scroll.

To Make A French Seam

With finished sides of fabric face to face place edge of top piece 8 inch inside the edge of
bottom piece. Follow same steps as for plain narrow hem in a single piece of fabric.
Stitching Guide--Quilting Rows Spacer
For perfectly straight and even stitching about
inch OR MORE from any edge of fabric, use
the Guide left). Fasten it to machine bedplate,
with its thumb screw in threaded hole about 2
inches to the right of needle. Attach Quilting
Guide by placing its pronged holder between
upper portion of presser foot and its clamp thumb screw by first - -

loosening and then re-tightening screw. Adjust curved bar of guide

to barely rest on a row of stitches previously sewed. Then successive
rows will be equally spaced.

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1. Use the zigzag foot and needle plate.

2. Set needle position selector at extremely left hand position ()
3. Thread the needle as illustrated below.
and to the
Loop thread around the front of the needle by passing the thread to the right
left on the back side of the needle.
Then thread from left to right.
4. Pick up lower thread, see page 9.
S. Pull and down the lever of drop feed knob, and turn the knob unti
clockwise to BA position, then pull up the lever again.
6. Drop disc cam for basting stitch on spindle C Page 2
7. While still holding zz width lever, revolve cam, pressing down
lightly, until hole marked in red slides over pin C
8. Adjust feed regulator to number 3 or 4. The high number is the
longest stitch
9. Cotton thread is the best for basting and a tension adjustment
be required for light weight fabrics.
10. For best results sew at a slow speed approximately 600 to
stitches per minute

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Double Lift on pressen foot
Presser foot will
Double Lift will help you rack embroidery hoop under the presser foot.
the presser foot
lift 1 Inch high and if required, set needle in its highest position, then lift
up to inch high.

Circle Sitich
First hole in cover
Circle Sitiches designs are easily made by using a straight pin as a pivot.
4 inch, S inch
plate will produce a 2 inch diameter circle with the following holes 3 inch,
and 6 inch diameter circles can be made.
Select the diameter circle you want to sew and proceed as follows
1) Place pin in fabric
(2) Put pin in selected hole and material under presser foot
(3) Straight stitching, zigzag stitches or any decorative stitch design can be
(4) When sewing keep finger with slight presure
on top of pin
(5) When sewing with a decorative stitch pattern
cam try setting the drop feed knob at the
basting stitch position for a different type of
stitch disign.

(6) Decorative scallops can be made by sewing

only a part of the circle and turning [the)
material inside out.

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Many More Time-Saving Wonder Working Attachments

Available From Your Dealer At Modest Prices- Here Are Some

Order them by genuine part numbers shown

Ruffler-Pleater No. 1 403 Edgestitcher No. 76554

Just on one set of curtains for the house, you The fast, foolproof and fine-finish way to sew
will save hours and hours of time and nerve- pipings, edgings and lace insertions. Easy to
wracking tediousness by using your machine use--with a range of slots to guide the fabrics
and a Ruffler. For pleating skirts and slip and the operator.
covers; making gift aprons, children’s clothes Binding Applier No. 741 59
with ruffled finishing touches; adding fulines Another tremendous time-saver. This attach
to dress bodices, are just a few of the many ment folds plain, flat bias binding from a roll;
uses for this versatile attachment. Also while also hand-cut bias binding, and applies it to
ruffling a trimming you can sew it on the main edge of material at the same time. Also does
fabric simultaneously. Despite its wide range a fine job of applying standard sizes of folded
of practical applications it is amazingly simple and two-tone two different colors) bindings
to use. simultaneously. Almost a must for making
Zipper Sow-In and Cording Foot No. 1873 chidren’s garments fast and easily.
Needed to sew in zippers by machine. Per Hemmers for Four Popular Hem Widths
mits stitching very close to the metal fastener To go with the Narrow Hemmer which came
for smooth, secure results in a jiffy. Adjustable with your machine. Order by number accord
for stitching on either side of foot--left or right. ing to the width of hems wanted: 4 inch-No.
Also needed for Cording. 76550; % inch-No. 76551; % inch-No. 76552;
inch-No. 76553.
Darning Spring No. 4990 Attachment Holder No. 82528
Of great assistance when Darning or Mono NECESSARY FOR ATTACHMENTS ABOVE
gramming with Presser Foot removed from To use the Edgestitcher, Binding Applier, or
machine--especially when using a hoop. It wider Hemmers on your machine you must
justs slips over the needle and hooks onto first install the Attachment Holder in place
needle clamp. of any Presser Foot.

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To Oil Machine- -Take-up Lever in LOWEST Position
Use only Sewing Machine Oil available from your dealer--avoid
over-oil. ONE DROP at the points indicat ed by arrows
grades. Never
- or
above is sufficient. Oil machine when starting a sewing project

putting it away for a few

during such. NEVER oil machine before
weeks or longer. When and how often to oil is a matter of good judg
ment because nobody but you knows how much and for how long
will be oparati ng. Just remem ber your machin e is a mecha ni
cal device with many moving parts.
Oiling Point Inside Face Plate--Replacing Light Bulb
These four points normally require oiling only every third or
e is oiled elswhe re. For access to them
time the average machin
ate cover open as show-- which also gives access to
merely pull face-pl
dealer, It is
the bayonet--socket type light bulb, available from your
on hand in the
a wise precaution always to keep an extra new bulb
accessory box.

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To Clean and Oil Shuttle--Lift and Tip Machine Backward

Occasionally the shuttle assembly gets clogged with lint, loose
threads or fabric dressings. Running machine threaded without
fabric under presser foot can also clog and tightly jam the
shuttle. Cleaning this assembly is simple. Cabinet or portable
hinges will hold machine at an angle. Underneath machine at
its left end you will see the assembly pictured here.
With needle at its TOPMOST position--remove Bobbin Case
Page 8. Push top end of BOTH clamps B outward--permitt
ing removal of shuttle race covering C and shuttle ID, hold- -

ing latter by its center pin. Thoroughly clean ring C) and

shuttle ID -ALSO the shuttle race, the cavity IN THE MA

CHINE where shuttle functions. If any scraping is necessary be See page 23

sure to cloth-cover the screw driver blade.
Before re-assembly put one drop of oil on a finger-tip and run it around the outer edge of
shuttle (ID Holding shuttle (D) by its center pin and its half-moon body toward you, push

in and wiggle it slightly until you feel it fitting firmly against shuttle driver, where it will
stay put. Then replace race cover ring (C --fitting pin in its LOWER edge into notch. Push
both clamps B• inward until they snap onto their holding pins. Last insert Bobbin Case Page
8) and your machine should be ready for sewing.

Lint Cleaner
Lint and dust may cause trouble on surface of shuttle hook
or shuttle body. Lint Cleaner will make you free from this
Lint Cleaner to be set with shuttle driver and easely removed.
Take off Lint Cleaner each time when you are cleanning shuttle

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22 1 Belt
Adjusting and Changing “V’


To do this, follow these instructions; 1. Remove screws holding rear cover. 2. Remove rear
cover. 3. To adjust “V” belt loosen screws AN and move bracket ‘B: up to loosen belt
and down to tighten. 4. To move “V” belt;-
A. Place bobbin winder in off position,
B. Loosen screw A and move bracket B to its highest position.
C. Remove plastic cover C with srew driver being careful not to break it.
D. Remove spring stop C
E. Move hand wheel away from machine to form a gap through which the belt will pass.
F. Slip belt off motor pulley and then over hand wheel.
G. Replace “V” belt by sliping it over hand wheel and then over motor pulley.
H. Move hand wheel back to its original position and replace sprng D plastic cover C and

rear cover.
Fix-It-Yourself Hints To Avoid Costly Home Calls
Long experience has established the absolute fact that their users rather than sewing machines
necessitate approximately three-fourths of all service calls. To know the cause of any trouble
usually makes correction of it relatively simple.
Damaged, defective, or the wrong needle for the job--incorrect threading--faulty tension adjust
ment- -thread or lint in the shuttle and its race-way--cause more difficulties with a sewing
machine than all other sources of trouble combined.
Re-check with this manual before going to the telephone to request service. A little time
spent with this book, plus some patience might save you money time after time.

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Trouble Probable Cause Correction

Skipping Bent needle Discard and replace

Needle placed incorrectly See instruction page 7
in clamp

Too fine a needle See needle and thread chart, page 6

for thread being used

Upper thread tension Tighten upper tension

Irregular too ioose
Improper threading See threading instruction, page 7

Bobbin not wound evenly Rewind bobbin

Pulling or holding Avoid pulling or holding material, just guide

Uneven material it
Not enough tension Increase tension
on upper thread

Poor quality thread Try different thread

Needle too fine for See needle and thread chart, page 6
thread being used

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Probable Cause Correction
Refer to threading instructions page 7
Upper thread Improperly threaded and rethread machine. -

Loosen tension on upper thread by turni
Too much tension thread tension dial to lower number.
Starting with take up Always start sewing with take up lever
in incorrect position higher position.

Improper setting of Refer to needle setting instruction page 7

Bent needle or eye of Try a new needle
needle too sharp
Discard all blunt or bent needles and repla
Material Bent or blunt needle with new
Tensions too tight See tension adjustment page 10

Dull needle Change needle

Reduce stitch length-some fabrics cannot be

Stitch length too long sewn with a long stitch

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Probable Cause Correction
Understandably many users think their mach ri
Thread or lint in race.

have brok en

dow n the first time they expe
ac me Likely machine was run erice a clogged shuttle, or hook, as som easily


desc ribed . How ever , such jamm ing is

BindsorLocks without sewing fabric,
Machine not Bobbin winder near hand Move bobbin winder to off position away
wheel. hand wheel.

itself. If some scraping is necessary to get
The bobbin case- -shuttle race cover--shuttle
every bit of thread and lint removed from
(hook) must all be removed from the shuttle
edges or corners, be sure to cover screw
- -

race, which is built into the machine.

driver with soft cloth. Before reassembling all
Move needle and take-up lever to their high
est points. Next, lift and tip machine back parts into machine put one drop of oil on a
ward. It will remain at an upright angle rest finger-tip; then run the finger tip around outer
ing on its cabinet or base hinges--making the edge of shuttle (hook). Avoid excessive oil
parts underneath bedplate readily accessible. on shuttle rim. Any more than a film of oil
Lift fingernail latch on bobbin case and re may cause some to run into the bobbin case;
move from machine. Push top ends of both soaking and discoloring the bobbin thread.
race clamps outward (in opposite directions). When lowering machine into sewing position
Now the shuttle race cover can be removed grasp it with both hands ABOVE the bedplate.
usually dropping into your hands.
Hence you will not be risking scraped or

Finger-grip the center pin of shuttle (hook)

and remove from machine. Thoroughly clean bruised fingers should the machine slip and
shuttle race(in machine) race cover and shuttle drop too fast and hard.

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