Ig2 Forms Electronic Submission v2 1 1
Ig2 Forms Electronic Submission v2 1 1
Ig2 Forms Electronic Submission v2 1 1
Declaration: By submitting this assessment (Parts 1 – 4) for marking I declare that it is entirely my own work. I understand that falsely claiming that
the work is my own is malpractice and can lead to NEBOSH imposing severe penalties (see the NEBOSH Malpractice Policy for further information).
Important note: You must refer to the document ‘Unit IG2: risk assessment – Guidance and information for learners and Learning Partners’ while
completing all parts of this assessment. Your Learning Partner should provide you with a copy, but it can also be downloaded from the relevant
resources section for this qualification on the NEBOSH website.
Part 1: Background
Hazard Who might be harmed What are you already doing? What further controls/actions are Timescales for
category and and how? required? further actions Responsible
hazard to be person’s job
completed title
(within …)
Working At Peoples who working at Caution sign board is on the 1). First to examine about the scaffold One Week Safety
Height height and also the hazard that provide for workers Manager
people who near to the
Person at scaffolds including visitors Given verbal information about 2). Provide a toolbox talk before the One Week Safety
height workers who might be passing the hazard to workers. work & explain the seriousness. Manager
using scaffold near & supervisors too.
cause medium to Proper Training to the workers 3). Re-Checking the workers mental
unacceptable injuries like who do work at height. & physical fitness for work at height, One Month One Month
cuts, grazes sprains & Like Visual Fatigue, headache, etc. in
major fracture also. These Checking the workers mental & case of one got discomfort. shift
types of many accidents physical fitness for work at another person.
can happen it results sick height, Like Visual Fatigue,
leaves and absenteeism. headache, Etc. 4). Arrange the pathway properly for One Month Project
the pedestrians. Who might to cross Manager
Don’t Permit Fatigue near to the scaffold?
Health, Workers in the Give proper instruction for the 1). Examine and give proper One Week Project
Welfare and construction site who workers who work in the hot instruction to the person who worked Manager
work working in the out-side weather. at heat. Explain about the
Health, Where work requires less Good Area for work at good 1). Entrance & Exist Need to Provide One Week Safety
Welfare and physical effort, such as in nature. Proper Sanitizer. Manager
work an office, temperatures
environment should be at least 16 Give one Meters distance. 2). A guide to preventing and One Week House
degrees Celsius. For addressing social stigma associated Keeping
Physical those working on Provide Wash rooms and with COVID-19 Manager
, Chemical, activities that require Sanitizers for proper useful
Biological more effort, the minimum 3). Mental Health Department as One Week Safety
Cultural & temperature can be Give Instruction about the support for mental and psychological Manager
Social reduced to 13 degrees Pandemic situation how to well-being.
Hazards may Celsius. In this Covid 19 work at place safely
Occur. Situation 4). Take the control measures as very One Week Safety
Give Proper Mask to Workers serious in this situation take proper Manager
to wear guidelines provided by managements.
5). Keep the written records & details One Week Safety
of the persons who were entering or Manager
existing the workplace
Slips & Trips Peoples who working in Caution sign board is on the 1). Give Proper Sign Board men at Two Weeks Health &
the organization & hazard work its chance to slip Safety
Assemblage of Visitors, Pedestrians etc. Manager
wires and wet Given verbal information about
floor may due the hazard to workers 2). Contact a survey and examine Project
to the hazard similar case is happening One Week Manager
happen Give proper pathway for
workers move safely 3). Arrange to give proper pathway
properly. One Week Project
4). Write and present a note
housekeeping is everyone’s One Week House
responsibilities. Keeping
Work People who use with the User shall secure the tool in 1). Prevent contact - prevent worker’s Two Weeks Store
Equipment & power tools can be cause elevated places, so that it will body or clothing from contacting Manager
Machinery various types of hazards. not fall if the cord or hose. hazardous moving parts.
The tools should be suspended 2). Fixed Safety Guards to prevent One Week Mechanical
Portable to avoid falling on the tool access of the machines dangerous Manager
Power Tools operator, when working parts.
have inherent overhead position with heavy
Work- The risk of vehicle Provided proper Signs 1). Drive in the prescribed speed limits One Week Safety
Related collisions is higher among on the various roads. Manager
Driving teens than any other age Organising the workers to
group. In fact, per mile reduce exposure to the Hazard 2). Always put on helmets, seat belts One Week Safety
Driving driven, teen drivers are and other safety equipment’s Manager
Hazards nearly 3 times more likely Provided Welfare Facilities before driving.
Immediately to be in a fatal crash. such as First Aid & washing
after driving, According to the Centre Facilities 3). Do not drink and drive. One Week Safety
there is an for Disease Control, traffic Manager
increased collisions are the leading Involving and consulting with
chance of low cause of death for teens. workers. 4). Never use mobile phones or ear One Week Safety
back injury phones while driving. Manager
Load Injuries can have serious 1). Safe Load Indicator (SLI) 1). Routine Inception & maintenance. One Month Safety
Handling implications for the shall be calibrated and tested Manager
Equipment person who in the before the work.
workplace and
Overturn of heavy manual labour, 2). No one another than an 2). Reduce the load risk by using One Month Project
the truck may awkward postures, experienced worker can be lighter weights or more stable Manager
cause repetitive movements of assigned to the work. containers.
accident to the arms, legs and back or
people who previous/existing injury 3). Follow all manufacture 3). Utilise mechanical lifting aids or Two Weeks Mechanical
working at can increase the risk. recommendation. equipment. manager
near the load
handling 4). Care When moving or
equipment. lowering the load.
4). Reorganise the activity or
environment to further reduce the One Week Safety
impact on the individuals Manager
Noise; Workers working near a Maintain and lubricate 1). Eliminate the noise source which is One Month Safety
machine that breaks machinery and equipment. applicable. Manager
Great noise down concrete as well as
pollution can causing great noise 2). Identify the noise hazard One Month Mechanical
Enclose or isolate
suffer pollution can suffer equipment & modify the source so it is Manager
the noise source.
significant significant hearing loss. quieter
hearing loss
for the workers Choose low-noise tools and
machinery One Month Mechanical
who were 3), Fix it a Silencer to reduce the noise
work near at while use the engineering controls. Manager
the machine. Give instructions to the workers
Like Exposure of the noise will 4). Establish shift time for workers, One Week
Generator, mainly to prevent noise pollution Safety
affect the hearing diseases. Manager
Breaker etc 5). Relocate the source of noise far Two Month Mechanical
away from the people near from the
Fire; People who were working Make sure all of your fire 1). Schedule regular maintenance
in the mills, textiles and protection equipment (i.e., fire services for all of your fire protection One Month Safety
Preventing also the peoples inside extinguishers, control panels, equipment to make sure everything is Manager
Fire & Fire the buildings. etc.) are easily accessible. up to code
Fire; A person working related The fire department and area One Month Safety
with flammable liquids supervisor will be notified when 1). During refuelling operations, all Manager
Preventing such as petrol, Diesel etc. a fire is spotted. engines and motors will be turned off
Fire & Fire and allowed to cool.
Spread. In All workers will be alerted and
class B fire One Week Store
Specific legal arguments
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
the intended impact of the action;
justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment;
whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Specific legal arguments
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
the intended impact of the action;
justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment;
whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Specific legal arguments
Consideration of likelihood AND severity
How effective the action is likely to be in
controlling the risk. This should include:
the intended impact of the action;
justification for the timescale that you
indicated in your risk assessment;
whether you think the action will fully
control the risk.
Part 4: Review, communicate and check
Suggested word counts for each section: