Towards Improved Health Service Quality in
Towards Improved Health Service Quality in
Towards Improved Health Service Quality in
Background: Progress in health service quality is vital to reach the target of Universal Health Coverage.
However, in order to improve quality, it must be measured, and the assessment results must be actionable.
We analyzed an electronic tool, which was developed to assess and monitor the quality of primary healthcare
in Tanzania in the context of routine supportive supervision. The electronic assessment tool focused on areas
in which improvements are most effective in order to suit its purpose of routinely steering improvement
measures at local level.
Methods: Due to the lack of standards regarding how to best measure quality of care, we used a range of
different quantitative and qualitative methods to investigate the appropriateness of the quality assessment
tool. The quantitative methods included descriptive statistics, linear regression models, and factor analysis;
the qualitative methods in-depth interviews and observations.
Results: Quantitative and qualitative results were overlapping and consistent. Robustness checks confirmed
the tool’s ability to assign scores to health facilities and revealed the usefulness of grouping indicators into
different quality dimensions. Focusing the quality assessment on processes and structural adequacy of
healthcare was an appropriate approach for the assessment’s intended purpose, and a unique key feature of
the electronic assessment tool. The findings underpinned the accuracy of the assessment tool to measure
and monitor quality of primary healthcare for the purpose of routinely steering improvement measures at
local level. This was true for different level and owner categories of primary healthcare facilities in Tanzania.
Conclusion: The electronic assessment tool demonstrated a feasible option for routine quality measures of
primary healthcare in Tanzania. The findings, combined with the more operational results of companion
papers, created a solid foundation for an approach that could lastingly improve services for patients attending
primary healthcare. However, the results also revealed that the use of the electronic assessment tool outside
its intended purpose, for example for performance-based payment schemes, accreditation and other
systematic evaluations of healthcare quality, should be considered carefully because of the risk of bias,
adverse effects and corruption.
Keywords: Quality of care, quality assessment tool, Tanzania, electronic tool, supportive supervision, universal
health coverage
* Correspondence:
Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, Swiss Tropical and Public
Health Institute, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel, Switzerland
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 2 of 16
Fig. 1 Design options of healthcare quality assessment tools. Shaded in grey the design of the e-TIQH assessment tool; asterisk indicates the
uniqueness of the e-TIQH assessment tool
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 3 of 16
area to assess primary healthcare more generally in a will further investigate if the e-TIQH approach contrib-
harmonized holistic way [13]. uted to improvements in quality of care and how the ap-
Apart from assessment tools developed for specific proach was able to strengthen routine CHMT supportive
services, there is, to the best of our knowledge, hardly supervision [35, 36].
any documentation about quality assessment tools in
LMICs that focus on processes and structural adequacy
of healthcare with the purpose of routinely steering im- Methods
provement measures. To fill this gap, we systematically Measurement of quality of care
evaluated an approach developed in Tanzania as part of Quality of primary healthcare was measured between
the “Initiative to Strengthen Affordability and Quality of 2008 and 2014 in out-patient departments of health fa-
Healthcare”. The aim of the approach was to improve cilities in up to eight Tanzanian district and municipal
quality of primary healthcare through strengthening rou- councils (DCs and MCs) (Fig. 3).
tine supportive supervision of healthcare providers, as The list of e-TIQH assessment indicators used to
conducted by Council Health Management Teams measure primary healthcare was developed in an itera-
(CHMTs). In a first step a systematic assessment of qual- tive process and in consultation with key stakeholders,
ity of primary care was carried out in out-patient depart- including clinical experts and government representa-
ments of all health facilities within a given council, using tives. The process strictly followed existing national
the “electronic Tool to Improve Quality of Healthcare treatment, supportive supervision, and other guidelines
(e-TIQH)” (Fig. 2). [34]. During the same development process indicators
The assessment was always concluded with an imme- were also grouped into six quality dimensions (QDs): (1)
diate constructive feedback to the healthcare providers, Physical environment and equipment; (2) Job expecta-
and joint discussions about how to address the identified tions; (3) Professional knowledge, skills and ethics; (4)
quality gaps. In a second step, the findings were dis- Management and administration; (5) Staff motivation;
cussed at council level with all relevant stakeholders, (6) Client satisfaction. QD 3 was further divided into
providing important inputs for the third step, the annual four sub-dimensions, making the total number of sec-
council health planning and budgeting process. The tions nine. Additionally, indicator weights ranging from
supportive supervision approach and in particular the 1 (least important) to 5 (most important) were assigned
e-TIQH assessment tool with its indicators have been according to their importance for quality of care relative
described by Mboya et al. [34]. This paper now aims to to the other indicators. Points were given for each indi-
examine how well the e-TIQH assessment tool measures cator met, and percentage scores of total possible points
and monitors quality of care. Given the lack of a gold were calculated per QD. The score of each QD equally
standard regarding how to best measure quality of care, contributed to the overall health facility score. More
we tried to verify the validity of the e-TIQH assessment details regarding score calculations can be found in
tool by using a range of methods. Companion papers Mboya et al. [34].
Fig. 2 Chart of the three-stage process of the e-TIQH supportive supervision approach (figure previously published in [36])
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 4 of 16
Fig. 3 Map of Tanzania with councils where the e-TIQH supportive supervision approach was implemented (status 2008). Morogoro Region: (1)
Kilosa DC (later split into Kilosa and Gairo DC), (2) Mvomero DC, (3) Morogoro DC, (4) Kilombero DC, (5) Ulanga DC; Pwani Region: (6) Bagamoyo
DC, (7) Rufiji DC; Iringa Region: (8) Iringa MC. Asterisks mark councils selected for qualitative data collection (figure previously published in [36])
Data collection between 2008 and 2010 was paper-based, developed in-line with national guidelines. Figure 5 illus-
whereas from 2011 onwards this was done electronically trates the number of indicators assessed in each QD, ac-
using the e-TIQH assessment tool [34]. Due to a phased cording to the indicator type based on Donabedian’s
introduction of the e-TIQH approach and the quality of categories (structure, process, outcome) [21].
manually entered data, the number of councils, health fa-
cilities and indicators included in the analysis varied be- Assessing the appropriateness of the e-TIQH assessment
tween years (Fig. 4). In Fig. 4a health facilities assessed tool to measure quality of care
each were categorized based on their owner category (pri- Various methods were triangulated to assess the appro-
vate-not-for-profit, private-for-profit, parastatal, public). In priateness of the e-TIQH assessment tool. First, we
the same figure health facilities were additionally differenti- explored whether quantitative data obtained from the
ated according to their level of care, with the lowest level e-TIQH assessments and qualitatively collected percep-
being dispensaries, followed by health centers and hospi- tions of quality of healthcare were consistent for differ-
tals. Health centers and hospitals may also have in-patient ent level and owner categories. To do so, we used linear
departments, but only out-patient departments were regression models and data from in-depth interviews.
assessed. Figure 4b illustrates the number of indicators in- The latter was complemented by observational data and
cluded in the analysis across years and councils. personal communication. We also analyzed whether a
The assessment methods included checklists, struc- rank qualitatively assigned to health facilities visited was
tured interviews and clinical observations in order to comparable with the rank achieved according to the
assess processes and structural key indicators primarily quantitative e-TIQH assessment. Additionally, to assess
focusing on adequacy. For example, a medical doctor the robustness of the e-TIQH assessment tool we inves-
would observe whether the healthcare provider adheres tigated the change in health facility score and rank upon
to the principles of Focused Antenatal Care during the changing the number of indicators (Fig. 4b) and erasing
assessment and management of a pregnant women. To the indicator weights. Finally, we assessed the usefulness
do so, the medical doctor used a checklist, which was of grouping the indicators into the nine QDs and
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 5 of 16
Fig. 4 Number of health facilities included in the analysis in each year across all selected councils, by health facility owner and level category
(status 2014) (a); number of indicators included in the analysis across years and councils (b). Bag = Bagamoyo DC, Iri = Iringa MC, Klb = Kilombero
DC, Kls = Kilosa DC (later split into Kilosa and Gairo DC), Mor = Morogoro DC, Mvo = Mvomero DC, Ula = Ulanga DC, Ruf = Rufiji DC (status 2008);
* Missing indicators due to data entry problems
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 6 of 16
In-depth interviews
In total 24 interviews at council and health facility level
were conducted in three councils (Fig. 3). To compare
health facility level and owner categories, only the 12 in-
terviews done at council level were included into the
present analysis. There we probed for possible differ-
ences in quality of care amongst different health facility
level and owner categories. Interview partners were sam-
pled purposefully. At council level we interviewed two
CHMT members (including co-opted members) as rep-
resentatives of the public sector. Also, two members of
the Council Health Service Board (CHSB), which is the
governance body responsible for adequate service deliv-
ery and CHMT oversight, were chosen to represent the
non-public sector [37]. Interviews were conducted in the
first quarter of 2016 by a Swahili speaking female Swiss
(SR) and a male native Tanzanian of middle age (IM).
From all respondents written informed consent was ob-
tained. Interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed
by two native Tanzanian research assistants without be-
ing translated into English. The transcripts were man-
aged and coded with MAXQDA software. Data were
analyzed using the framework method described by Gale
Fig. 5 Number of indicators assessed in each quality dimension et al. [38], which uses a structured matrix output to sys-
(QD) by indicator type for the 183 indicator set (Fig. 4b) tematically reduce and analyze qualitative data. Citations
stated in the present manuscript were translated into
English by SR and proofread by IM. Further details
sub-QDs through conducting a confirmatory factor about the collection and analysis of the in-depth inter-
analysis. This was to test whether the factors identi- view data can be found elsewhere [35].
fied by the factor analysis represent the QDs deter-
mined during the development process of the e-TIQH Qualitative ranking based on observations
assessment tool. All methods used are hereafter ex- For qualitative data collection a total of six public dis-
plained in detail. pensaries across three councils were visited (Fig. 3) [35].
Based on the information collected, the researchers (SR,
IM) individually ranked the public dispensaries accord-
Linear regression model ing to their personal subjective impression about overall
Mixed linear regression models were developed to look quality of care. To do so they took into account the six
at differences between QDs by health facility level and e-TIQH QDs, about which they had an in-depth
owner categories. For this only the electronically gath- knowledge due to extensive preparational work prior
ered data between 2011 and 2014 with 183 indicators to the onset of the qualitative data collection. After-
was used due to several inconsistencies in the manually wards, they discussed their ranking and agreed to one
entered data. Models were derived for the overall score common ranking. This purely qualitative ranking was
and the six QD scores. Year, health facility level and then compared with the rank dispensaries had
owner were categorical variables. The variable council achieved according to the quantitative e-TIQH assess-
was set as a random effect. Third and second order ment in order to investigate consistency of the quan-
interaction terms were included and then stepwise ex- titative and qualitative data.
cluded using Wald tests, whereby the variable with the
highest order and p-value was excluded first. To confirm Number and weights of indicators
model selection the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), To compare indicator sets consisting of different num-
which is an alternative to significance testing for model bers of indicators (Fig. 4b), 2014 overall health facility
comparison, was calculated as well. Additionally, a sensi- scores based on unweighted indicators were calculated
tivity analysis was done comparing the random effect for various indicator sets and ranked. For each health fa-
model with a fixed effect model using the robust vari- cility the positive difference in score and rank between
ance estimator. the biggest indicator set (292) and each of the smaller in
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 7 of 16
Fig. 4b described sets was calculated. The differences significantly better score compared to dispensaries, except
were then averaged across all health facilities to get the for QD 5 and 6. Apart from QD 6, scores varied amongst
average difference in health facility score and rank. The owners. Public health facilities had a better overall score
same calculations were done to compare 2014 overall than private-not-for-profit, and private-for-profit entities
health facility scores and ranks of the 183 indicator set performed significantly worse. For illustrative purposes,
originating once from weighted and once from un- performance of health facility levels and owners for the
weighted indicators. year 2014 is shown graphically in Fig. 6.
Models without any interaction terms performed best
Factor analysis both according to Wald tests and the AIC. This means
A factor analysis was performed with the 2014 score of trends were the same independent of health facility level
183 unweighted indicators of each health facility. The and owner category. The sensitivity analysis also showed
distribution of the indicators across the nine factors no major difference between the random effect model
explaining the biggest variance was examined, in-line and a fixed effect model using the robust variance
with the nine sections of the e-TIQH assessment tool. estimator.
Each indicator was allocated to the factor to which it
showed the strongest association (highest factor load- In-depth interviews
ing). Factor loadings range between − 1 and 1 with a Interviews generally pointed out issues with guideline
strong positive or negative association indicated by load- availability (captured in QD 2), staffing levels and medi-
ings close to 1 or − 1, and a weak association with load- cine availability (QD 4), staff benefits and rewards (QD
ings close to 0. Indicators with weak association to the 5), as well as with health financing mechanisms (not
factor to which they were assigned to (factor loadings measured by the assessment tool). The following sec-
between − 0.4 and 0.4) were marked because they are tions will explore the consistency of the qualitative
unlikely to be relevant for predicting quality of care [39]. in-depth interview data with the findings of the regres-
Additionally, indicators were defined to be cross loaded sion model described above regarding health facility level
if any of the other factor loadings was within a range of and owner categories.
0.2, meaning that these indicators had no clear associ-
ation to one specific factor [40]. Differences between health facility levels
When asking about reasons for differences in healthcare
Results quality at various levels of care, most respondents (9 out
Linear regression model of 12) were able to provide information. They pointed
There was a clear improvement in scores from 2011 out that at higher level of care, meaning at health cen-
until 2014 (Table 1). Health centers and hospitals had a ters and hospitals, more services were provided (6 of the
Table 1 Differences in average overall and quality dimension (QD) scores, expressed as percentages of maximum achievable scores,
according to year, health facility level and owner category, while the variable council was set as a random effect
Variable Overall score QD 1 QD 2 QD 3 QD 4 QD 5 QD 6
Year (Reference category = 2011)
2012 3.1 ** −2.7 * 1.2 −1.2 6.1 *** 10.5 *** 2.0
2013 6.5 *** −0.4 5.8 ** 2.7 7.0 *** 15.9 *** 5.4 ***
2014 8.4 *** 4.3 ** 4.2 * 6.5 *** 10.2 *** 14.8 *** 7.4 ***
Health facility level (Reference category = Health center)
Hospital 1.8 1.1 3.7 3.3 3.7 −0.4 −0.5
Dispensary −7.7 *** −14.8 *** −13.2 *** −6.2 *** −9.3 *** −0.5 −2.2
Health facility owner (Reference category = Private-not-for-profit)
Private-for-profit −5.5 *** −3.1* −11.8 *** −6.3 *** −1.2 −9.8 *** − 1.3
Public 1.8 * −7.5 *** 15.4 *** 1.2 −2.8 ** 6.6 *** −2.1
Parastatal −0.9 −5.7 ** 0.5 −0.4 −4.3 ** 2.0 2.5
Constant 67.3 *** 90.3 *** 54.1 *** 77.0 *** 76.1 *** 28.4 *** 80.5 ***
Asterisks refer to p-values indicating the significance of a coefficient * < 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** < 0.001
For all models a large fraction of unexplained variance was attributed to the random effect (data not shown), meaning that scores were strongly correlated
within councils
QD 1 = Physical environment and equipment; QD 2 = Job expectations; QD 3 = Professional knowledge, skills and ethics; QD 4 = Management and administration;
QD 5 = Staff motivation; QD 6 = Client satisfaction
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 8 of 16
Fig. 6 Performance of health facility levels (a) and owners (b) for the year 2014. In a the performance scores for public health facilities only and
in b for dispensaries only are shown
9 above mentioned) and there was more and better It was further mentioned that at higher level of care
qualified staff (7/9). For example, a CHMT member infrastructure (4/9), equipment (4/9) and medicines
said: (1/9) were superior in terms of quantity, quality and
type. Respondents also reported that in the light of
“Most of the skilled personnel can be found at hospital limited resources, councils tended to prioritize higher
[and] health center level, [which is] different from the level of care (5/9) and non-governmental stakeholders
dispensary level. But the district [council] medical were more likely to support higher-level health facil-
officer takes into account the different types of services ities (1/9). Some of the here raised issues could be
provided at these facilities (…) This means it’s seen as given by the health facility’s mandate, which
necessary to have nurses and doctors who can provide defines the type of care supposed to be delivered at
these services (…) Therefore at dispensary level you each level. However, the different mandates had been
cannot find a highly skilled nurse.” (Mvomero DC, accounted for when designing the e-TIQH assessment
CHMT member) tool through making certain indicators not applicable
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 9 of 16
for lower level of care. Consequently, the fact that the together, these statements can well explain the differ-
qualitative findings stated here were still in line with ences in QD 3 between owner categories in Table 1.
what was seen in Table 1 suggested that dispensaries Respondents also mentioned the topic of better medi-
executed their mandate worse than institutions of cine availability in the private sector (5/11, 3/10), which
higher level of care. influenced performance in QD 4, where about half of
the measured indicators concerned medicine availability.
Differences between health facility owners Thus, issues which were only reflected by one indicator
Most of the respondents could elaborate reasons for dif- in QD 4, like weaker data reporting by private sector
ferences in quality of care between the public and providers (4/11, 4/10) and less frequent routine support-
private-not-for-profit (11/12) or private-for-profit (10/ ive supervision in private sector health facilities (2/11, 2/
12) sector. They stated that the private sector performed 10), could not compensate for the substantial bigger
better in terms of physical environment (private-not-- problem of medicine availability in the public sector
for-profit: 5/11, private-for-profit: 2/10) and availability compared to the private sector (Table 1).
of equipment (3/11, 2/10), supporting the above findings Additionally, in the private sector staff was less likely
form QD 1 (Table 1). to receive trainings (3/11, 2/10), payment was lower and
According to the respondents, chances to receive less timely (4/11, 2/10), and staff benefits and rewards
guidelines were lower for the private sector (3/11, 3/10), were poorer (4/11, 3/10), which was relevant for the
and the private sector was less likely to provide job de- weaker score of private sector providers in QD 5 (Table
scriptions and contracts (1/11, 1/10). These perceptions 1). Respondents further reported a lack of collaboration
explained the weaker performance of the private sector between private sector providers and council authorities
for QD 2 in Table 1. but mentioned that private-not-for-profit facilities were
Respondents further pointed out that staff working in less affected (3/10). This could explain the better per-
the private sector were more welcoming and politer than formance of private-not-for-profit facilities in QD 5
in the public sector (5/11, 2/10), which was captured in compared to private-for-profit facilities (Table 1). The
QD 3. This was brought up more often for the fact that across all councils the public sector collabo-
private-not-for-profit sector, where it was frequently stated rated with the private-not-for-profit facilities through
in connection with the staff’s intrinsic motivation due to Private Public Partnerships (PPPs) (7/11), but not with
their belief in God (4/11). The issue raised the most was private-for-profit facilities (1/10), further supported this
that of unqualified, not well-trained or retired staff working observation. PPPs included the allocation of public em-
in the private sector (7/11, 7/10). This was mainly affecting ployees to the private-not-for-profit sector in exchange
scores in QD 3, counteracting the mentioned advantages for subsidization of certain services or financial support
of the private sector in the same QD. The perceived cause for bigger non-profit facilities. In this regard a member
for the problem was the lack of financial resources to em- of the CHMT said:
ploy better qualified staff and the brain drain from the pri-
vate to the public sector due to better staff benefits in the “I can say… we often work together with them [the
latter. This was illustrated by a CHSB member as follows: faith-based health facilities] […] to some of them we
have given personnel… and [in return] they… have
“They [faith-based organizations] make the staff… to been providing some of the services … for example
be tolerant, but in all matters, meaning even for mother and child [health services for] free… But for
benefits they end up getting paid little (…) this means those… fully private [private-for-profit facilities] I
that they [faith-based organizations] will be looking haven’t seen that we have worked with them. There is
for a person whose… education level is very low (…) A not something like entering into a contract with them
person like this… you cannot send to a training (…). [saying] that you provide services in this area and we
[Because] the council… will tell you what kind of give you personnel for that area or we support you
person they need [when conducting trainings]… you here [in this area]…” (Mvomero DC, CHMT member)
[then] realize you don’t have such a person, that’s why
you don’t send him/her. If you don’t send him/her you Finally, private-not-for-profit facilities also often got ex-
cannot get the guidelines because to get them you have ternal support from their home institution or faith-based
to go and study” (Mvomero DC, CHSB member) organizations in terms of training, medical products or
financial resources (4/11).
In addition, it was raised in some cases that facility in-
charges in the private-for-profit sector were not follow- Qualitative versus quantitative ranking
ing guidelines (2/10) and tended to over-prescribe medi- Table 2 shows quantitatively and qualitatively assigned
cines to make more profit (4/10). Adding all this ranks of dispensaries visited. Qualitatively assigned ranks
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 10 of 16
of both researchers were exactly the same and thus no Factor analysis
discussions on the common qualitatively assigned rank Table 3 shows that the factor to which a particular indi-
was required. However, the quantitatively and qualita- cator was allocated to by factor analysis represented for
tively assigned ranks did not completely overlap. This 132 of 183 indicators (72%) the QD to which the same
may be explained by the fact that the more services a indicator was assigned to during the development
health facility offered, the more indicators were applic- process of the e-TIQH assessment tool. Out of these 132
able and thus the more difficult it was to get the full indicators 78% had a strong association to the factor
overall score. Secondly, answering an indicator more they were assigned to (factor loading 0.4 or more) and
than once, which was possible for some QDs, made it only 24% had a similar strong association to another fac-
less likely to obtain the full score for this indicator [34]. tor (cross-loading within a range of 0.2). This suggested
These observations suggested that a high number of in- a reliable allocation of these indicators to their respective
dicators assessed and/or a high average of answers per factors. In contrast, the remaining 51 indicators were al-
indicator led to an underestimation of the health facility located differently by factor analysis and during the
score. Thus, this could explain why health facility B and e-TIQH development process. Of the 51, 73% showed a
D have a better quantitative rank than A and C. weak association to the factor they were assigned to
(only 27% with factor loading of 0.4 or more) and 88%
had a similarly strong association to another factor. In
Number and weights of indicators other words, for the e-TIQH assessment tool they
Results showed that scores of a given health facility in seemed to be less relevant for measuring quality of care
2014 were lower for bigger indicator sets, reflecting that and were allocated with uncertainty to the correspond-
it was more difficult to fulfill many indicators compared ing factor. Apart from QD 4, each QD or sub-QD was
to fewer (data not shown). Looking at Fig. 7, the average clearly represented by one factor. For QD 4 most indica-
difference in health facility score dropped at the begin- tors measuring medicine availability (69%) were captured
ning, whereas the line got flatter towards the end. This in factor 7, whereas the others were spread across sev-
means that for every additional indicator the average dif- eral factors. QD 6 had the highest proportion of indica-
ference in health facility score became smaller, indicating tors with a similar strong association to another factor
that adding an indicator to a larger number of previous (83% with cross loading) and a weak association to the
indicators had less influence on the health facility score factor they were assigned (67% with factor loading below
than adding an indicator to a smaller number of indica- 0.4) relative to the total number of indicators.
tors. For difference in rank there was almost a linear de-
crease, meaning that for each additional indicator the Discussion
difference in rank stayed the same. Appropriateness of the e-TIQH assessment tool to
Weighting led to a slightly higher average overall measure quality of care
health facility score in 2014 (69.1% vs. 68.4%). This Regression models versus in-depth interviews
means, indicators with high weights were a little more Results from the regression models confirm previously
likely to be answered with “yes” than those with low reported preliminary findings [34]. Based on triangula-
weights (although the respondents did not know the tion of data from regression models and in-depth
scores). With an average difference in health facility interviews it could be concluded that quantitative and
score of 0.87 and health facility rank of 8.13, the impact qualitative findings were overlapping and consistent.
of weighting on the overall score and rank was however The only inconsistencies observed were the perceived
small compared to the impact of changing the number gaps in health financing mechanisms, and a lack of med-
of indicators. icines found in the qualitative but not quantitative
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 11 of 16
Fig. 7 Average difference in 2014 health facility score and rank as a function of the total number of indicators assessed (the score with the
largest number of indicators serving as reference). Approximating trend line for average difference in health facility score as a function of total
number of indicators assessed is 2nd order polynomial, while for average difference in health facility rank it is linear
results. The first concern was not captured by the to better overall performance compared to the
e-TIQH assessment, since health financing was an private-for-profit sector. For the public and the
issue beyond individual health facilities. The latter private-not-for-profit sector the overall difference was
stood in contrast with the rather high scores in medi- small, and performance strongly varied between QDs.
cine availability in QD 4. This could partly be ex- This was in-line with findings from other studies,
plained by the fact that only 16 essential medicines which pointed out strengths and weaknesses of each
were tracked, and that medicine availability indicators sector [46–49]. Additionally, it has to be acknowl-
were assessed using a more differentiated answer edged that the assessments were mainly done by pub-
scale compared to all other indicators, where simple lic employees and only by some representatives from
“yes/no/not applicable” answers were applied. Findings the non-public sector [34]. Thus, there was a poten-
regarding differences in health facility level and owner tial measurement bias, whereby public employees
categories were consistent between quantitative and might have given better scores to health facilities of
qualitative findings. They were also in-line with what their own sector.
had been reported by other service assessments done
in Tanzania [41, 42]. The fact that dispensaries were
more likely to have insufficient and underqualified Quantitatively versus qualitatively ranking
staff, and experienced more equipment and medicine Although our results showed good consistency, a com-
stock outs, explained well why they were executing parison between the quantitatively and qualitatively gen-
their mandate less well than health centers and hospi- erated health facility quality rankings revealed some
tals. The importance of provider cadre for quality of limitations of quantitative measures. The results made
care was also reported by others [43]. The problem of clear that factors not directly related to quality of care
medicine and equipment availability at dispensary (number of indicators assessed and average of answers
level was in-line with previous findings [41, 44, 45]. given per indicator) could influence the assessment re-
Importantly, the finding that dispensaries were given sults. Addressing these factors would make the assess-
less priority by the council and other stakeholders ment technically more demanding, time-consuming and
may increase inequity in health since remote popula- expensive, leading to decreased efficiency and feasibility
tions tend to be poorer and only have access to low- during routine supportive supervision exercises. All of
est level of care. For the private-not-for-profit sector, which can ultimately affect effectiveness. This therefore
politeness of staff, external support as well as collabo- illustrated the constant trade-off between implementa-
rations with the public sector was likely to have com- tion feasibility, efficiency, effectiveness, validity, precision
pensated certain deficits of the private sector and led and acceptance of quality assessment measures.
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 12 of 16
Table 3 Comparison of indicator allocation between factor analysis and e-TIQH quality dimensions (QDs) defined during the
development process of the e-TIQH assessment tool
Factor e-TIQH Number of indicators assigned to the same QDb Number of indicators not assigned to the same QD
…with cross loading c
… with factor loading above 0.4 c
…with cross loadingd … with factor loading above 0.4d
1 QD 3B (19) 19 (100%) 8
0 (0%) 19 (100%) 8 (100%) 1 (13%)
2 QD 3A (17) 17 (100%) 0
0 (0%) 17 (100%) 0 0
3 QD 3D (12) 12 (100%) 4
0 (0%) 12 (100%) 2 (50%) 2 (50%)
4 QD 1 (41) 30 (73%) 6
9 (30%) 20 (67%) 5 (83%) 2 (33%)
5 QD 2 (17) 13 (76%) 20
8 (62%) 6 (46%) 18 (90%) 8 (40%)
6 QD 3C (10) 9 (90%) 2
1 (11%) 8 (89%) 2 (100%) 0 (0%)
7 QD 4 (16) 11 (69%) 0
1 (9%) 10 (91%) 0 0
8 QD 5 (21) 16 (76%) 1
9 (56%) 9 (56%) 1 (100%) 0 (0%)
9 QD 6 (6) 5 (83%) 10
4 (80%) 2 (40%) 9 (90%) 1 (10%)
Total 132 (72%) 51
32 (24%) 103 (78%) 45 (88%) 14 (27%)
In brackets is the number of indicators within a quality dimension
QD 1 = Physical environment and equipment; QD 2 = Job expectations; QD 3A = Professional knowledge, skills and ethics (Integrated Management of Childhood
Illnesses, IMCI); QD 3B = Professional knowledge, skills and ethics (Maternal health); QD 3C = Professional knowledge, skills and ethics (Fever); QD 3D = Professional
knowledge, skills and ethics (HIV/AIDS and TB); QD 4 = Management and administration; QD 5 = Staff motivation; QD 6 = Client satisfaction
For percentage figures the denominator is the number of indicators within a quality dimension
For percentage figures the denominator is the number of indicators assigned to the same quality dimension
For percentage figures the denominator is the number of indicators not assigned to the same quality dimension
Number and weights of indicators during the e-TIQH development process reflected the
By investigating the effect of changing the number and priorities of the healthcare providers. However, results
weights of indicators, we tried to assess how robust the also revealed that weighting indicators only fine-tuned
e-TIQH assessment tool is in its ability to assign scores the scoring system and did not change scores or ranks
to health facilities and rank them accordingly. In terms drastically. Based on these findings, and considering the
of number of indicators, there is clearly a threshold additional issues of design and analysis, it seems appro-
above which neither score nor rank changes much any- priate to recommend dropping the weighting. This
more. The results showed that this number might have would be in-line with a comparative analysis of selected
already been reached in the case of the e-TIQH assess- health facility assessment tools which found that none of
ment tool if the primary interest lies in the score and them used a weighting system [13].
not the rank (e.g. if used for benchmarking purposes).
Also, given their limited resources, providers and district Grouping of indicators
authorities may find it easier to prioritize and address a Based on a factor analysis we assessed the usefulness of
smaller number of non-fulfilled indicators. Therefore, a grouping the indicators into the nine QDs and sub-QDs.
set of few indicators, which are seen as most relevant for The analysis confirmed that the factors reflected to a
quality improvement, might lead to better results than a large extent the grouping done during the e-TIQH de-
more comprehensive set of indicators. velopment process and therefore the grouping may be
The fact that indicators with high weights were a little considered justifiable. Nevertheless, factor analysis also
more likely to be answered with “yes” than those with highlighted a couple of potential areas for improvement.
low weights showed that weights given to indicators Firstly, it suggested the subdivision of QD 4, whereby
Renggli et al. BMC Health Services Research (2019) 19:55 Page 13 of 16
availability of medicines would be measured as a separ- value of an objective evaluation, with the intent of im-
ate QD, while more general management and adminis- proving the situation. Yet, there is a conflict of interest if
tration issues could be merged with other QDs. this assessment tool would be used for some kind of
Secondly, factor analysis revealed that for the case of the performance-based payments as this might lead to ad-
e-TIQH assessment tool some indicators did not seem verse effects [60]. Our results showed that health facil-
to be that relevant for predicting quality of care due to a ities offering fewer services or having less staff could
similar strong association to another factor and a weak potentially be favored. Also, there could be an incentive
association to the factor the indicators were assigned to. to foster indicator driven improvements, although this
Therefore, they could potentially be excluded. In par- would be less likely an issue due the holistic nature of
ticular client satisfaction appeared to have rather low the e-TIQH assessment tool [61–64]. Additionally, since
relevance in predicting quality of primary healthcare. the outcome of the assessment would have a financial
This finding was confirmed by the regression model, value, there are legitimate concerns that providers could
showing no significant difference in client satisfaction try to manipulate the assessment, whereas on the asses-
between health facility level and owner categories, des- sor’s side it is likely to augment corruption problems. Fi-
pite the fact that the other scores showed clear differ- nally, due to its design and purpose the e-TIQH
ences. One reason why client satisfaction as it was assessment tool in its current format is unlikely to be ac-
captured in QD 6 did not reflect well the quality of curate enough for higher level of care, licensing or ac-
health facilities, could be that the exit interview design creditation as well as providing evidence for national
had a courtesy bias (i.e. the patient not wanting to say policy, planning or management decisions.
anything negative about the facility). Courtesy bias has
often been shown to be strong when interpreting per- Limitations of the study
ceived quality [13, 50, 51]. We tried to minimize the risk It is recognized that well-trained assessors familiar with
through rather objective indicators but it was certainly the context are key for the accuracy of the assessment
still influencing the respondent’s answers. Another rea- and important to reduce measurement errors, especially
son could be that the patients simply could not judge when observing clinical consultations. For direct obser-
the quality of care. A fair conclusion would thus be that vations, it could not be excluded that there was a Haw-
client satisfaction is not a very good measure of quality thorne effect as suggested by others, although for this
of care, despite its apparent attractiveness. This is in-line study the qualitative data could not confirm that [65–
with other findings [52–55]. However, qualitative data 67]. Additionally, 21 health facilities could not be
showed that assessing client satisfaction increased pro- reached in at least one of the years due to their remote
vider accountability and acceptance of the assessment location. It has to be suspected that quality of care in
within the community, and thus is still recommended to such areas was below average. Thus, the missing data
be considered when developing quality improvement ini- from these health facilities could have led to an overesti-
tiatives [5]. mation of the average scores presented.
The paper did not elaborate on the differences be-
Application of the e-TIQH assessment tool tween the six QD scores as this was discussed previously
Overall, the results presented here together with previ- by Mboya et al. [34]. The present analysis did also not
ously reported findings [34] strongly suggested that the compare absolute values, time trends or differences be-
e-TIQH assessment tool, which focused on processes tween QDs with other quality of care measures. Further,
and structural adequacy of healthcare, is accurate the manuscript did not examine in all details time trends
enough to assess and monitor quality of primary health- of quality scores or address the issue of how much the
care for the purpose of routinely steering improvement changes in quality of care could be attributed to the
measures. In practice, its ability to measure quality of e-TIQH approach. These two points will however be in-
care over time reflected a feasible approach to be used vestigated in a subsequent paper [35]. The study did
during supportive supervision and received great sup- additionally not demonstrate how the approach was able
port from the CHMTs and health facilities staff [36]. to increase more generally the feasibility of routine sup-
However, the value of the e-TIQH assessment tool portive supervision, but this was shown elsewhere [36].
would need to be carefully reassessed if it were to be Finally, none of the studies examined the effects of the
used outside its intended purpose. Potentially, it could e-TIQH assessment tool or improvements in quality of
be utilized for balanced score cards or benchmarking care on changes in health outcomes. Hence, the proof
systems, as well as non-financial performance-based rec- that improved processes lead to improved health out-
ognition initiatives [13, 28, 56–59]. Obviously, the accur- comes is still outstanding. This could be subject of fur-
acy of the assessment is crucially dependent on both the ther research, for example through linking community
assessor and the health facility staff understanding the health data with health facility data.
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