Historical Importance of Sambalpur District

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Historical Importance of Sambalpur District

Gouri Majhi1 Dr. Ratnakar Mohapatra2
Ph.D. Research Scholar of History, Associate Professor,
School of Tribal Culture, Philosophy and Eco- Department of History, KISS, Deemed to be University,
Spiritualism,KISS, Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar,PIN- 751024, Odisha,India
PIN- 751024,Odisha,India https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3148-7662

Abstract:- Sambalpur district in Odisha, India, stands as I. INTRODUCTION

a testament to a profound historical legacy shaped by
cultural, political, and economic transformations across Located in the western region of Odisha, India,
the centuries. Its strategic location along trade routes has Sambalpur District is distinguished by having Sambalpur,
made it a vibrant melting pot of cultures, absorbing India's mediaeval city, as its headquarters. Situated in the
influences from dynasties like the Mauryas, Guptas, and Mahanadi River watershed, the district covers 6,702 km² in
Marathas, leaving an enduring imprint on the local total, of which roughly 60% is covered in dense forests. It
heritage.The engineering marvel of the mid-20th shares borders with Deogarh to the east, Bargarh and
century, the Hirakud Dam, symbolizes Sambalpur's Jharsuguda to the west, Sundergarh to the north, and
historical prowess in infrastructure development. Subarnapur and Angul to the south. Sambalpur City plays a
Beyond its role in irrigation and flood control, the dam crucial role as a connecting hub between Chhattisgarh and
has fundamentally altered the socio-economic landscape Odisha.1The Sambalpur district is positioned between
of the region.The district's cultural richness is evident in latitudes 20°43' and 22°11' north and longitudes 82°39' and
its traditional handloom industry, with the renowned 84°45' east.2Sambalpur district unfolds a rich tapestry of
Sambalpuri sarees serving as masterpieces that reflect historical significance. A crossroads of civilizations, it has
unique weaving patterns and vibrant colors. These absorbed influences from dynasties like the Mauryas and
sarees embody the artistic skills transmitted through Marathas. The mid-20th-century engineering marvel,
generations, contributing significantly to Sambalpur's Hirakud Dam, symbolizes its infrastructure prowess.
cultural identity. Sambalpur's landscape is dotted with Sambalpuri sarees, an artistic legacy, reflect the district's
ancient temples and archaeological sites, such as the cultural identity. With ancient temples and a role in India's
Samaleswari Temple, standing as witnesses to centuries freedom struggle, Sambalpur stands as a testament to a
of religious and cultural activities. These landmarks vibrant history, awaiting exploration.
offer glimpses into the historical religiosity and
architectural achievements of the region's inhabitants. II. METHODOLOGY
Sambalpur's historical significance encompasses its part
in India's struggle for independence from British The information gathered, which came from primary as
colonial authority. The district produced notable leaders well as secondary sources, is critically analysed in the paper.
who played pivotal roles in shaping the political The principal author's realistic observations and interviews
landscape during the fight for independence. In conducted throughout an experimental field survey,
summary, Sambalpur district's historical importance lies gazetteers, and unpublished theses are examples of primary
in its diverse cultural influences, strategic positioning, data sources. Using the field study questionnaire, the
engineering achievements, artistic traditions, religious researchers conducted in-person interviews. The historical
heritage, and contributions to India's struggle for significance of Odisha's Sambalpur district was the survey's
freedom. Exploring the layers of Sambalpur's history main focus. Examples of secondary data sources include
unveils a nuanced understanding of its evolution and its books, periodicals, reviews, journals, conferences,
pivotal role in shaping the broader history of the Indian documents, and reports. The article gathers information
subcontinent. The historical significance of Sambalpur from several sources in order to enhance knowledge on this
District has to be emphasised in this article. When topic.
composing this paper, the researcher/author used data
from primary as well as secondary sources. III. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY

Keywords:- Sambalpur, District, Historical, Temple,  To study the Historical events on Sambalpur district
Cultural.  To study of Architectural and religious heritage
 To understanding the role in India’s freedom Struggle

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Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
IV. ORIGIN OF THE NAME OF THE DISTRICT Four distinct districts were created out of the former
Sambalpur District on March 31, 1993. The temples
The town of Sambalpur, serving as the district constructed by the Chauhan emperors are among the
headquarters, derives its name from the ruling goddess district's noteworthy historical artefacts; they are significant
"Samlei." According to O' Malley, the goddess was cultural and architectural sites that represent the rich history
discovered under a "Simul" (silk-cotton) tree by and legacy of the area.9
BalaramDev, the first Chauhan King of Sambalpur. The
deity is commonly referred to as Samlei, Sammalai, and Sambalpur made a substantial contribution to the
Sammalei by the local people. When sanskritized, the deity liberation movement, with well-known figures like Chandra
is known as Samaleswari (samalei+iswari). 3 Shankar Behera, Nilakantha Das, and Kastaram Tanti
playing important roles in educating the local population
V. HISTORY about the movement's principles.These people, along with
others, were instrumental in reviving Sambalpur's spirit of
The Sambalpur region has a rich historical heritage independence and resistance. Through encouraging a sense
reaching back to the Paleolithic period, with archaeological of solidarity and resolve in the fight for independence from
artefacts such as a stone Celt at Lasa near Kuchinda. In a colonial control, their actions assisted in organising the local
cave in the neighbouring Jharsuguda district, proto-historic populace. Their contributions bear witness to the broad and
inscriptions was found.4. The region may have been ruled varied involvement of Indians from all parts of the country
by the Chedi following the fall of the Mauryan empire, in the struggle for independence.10
based on its historical pattern, which links it to the pre-
Maghadan dynasty of Mahapadmananda. Ptolemy mentions Odisha became its own state after Indian independence
Sambalpur as Sambalaka, which is located across the in 1947.Initially, the states of Debagarh, Bargarh
Mahanadi River and was acknowledged by the ancient and Jharsuguda comprised the Sambalpur District..
Romans for its diamond trading until the beginning of the However, these regions were split up into four distinct
17th century. Subsequent to Kharavela's reign, the Megha districts during a later administrative reorganization.
dynasty ruled the area, eventually integrating into Dakhina Although Jharsuguda and Debagarh districts were
Koshala.5 established in 1994, Bargarh constituted an independent
district in 1993. The objectives of this division were to
Samudra Gupta's presence is mentioned in the improve the effectiveness of governance, enable targeted
Allahabad inscriptions from the fourth century CE, even local development, and cater to the unique requirements of
though the region was not included in the Gupta Empire. every area. 11
The availability of Gupta coinage indicates that the area,
which corresponds to the plains of modern-day Chhattisgarh VI. HISTORICAL PLACES
and western Odisha, continued throughout Gupta fields of
dominance.6 Sambalpur District is a renowned destination with a
wealth of historical sites and natural wonders attracting
The Sarbhapuriyas were the ruling family of global visitors. Notably, the Hirakud Dam and its lake host
Sambalpur in the fifth and sixth century. By the end of the Siberian migratory birds.Major tourist destinations include
9th century, monarch Janmajaya I Mahabhavagupta had the Wildlife Sanctuary at Badrama (Ushakuthi), the
extended his dominion to encompass Sambalpur District and picturesque Gudguda Waterfall Khalasuni and Debrigadh in
Balangir District. The Panduvansi monarch Trivaradeva had the Barapahad Mountain Range (Chourasimal), the Leaning
taken control of the region in the 7th century. The Temple of Huma and the spiritually significant Ghanteswari
Somvanshi dynasty followed after his. The Kalachuris of Temple.. The district offers a diverse and captivating
Ratnapua gained control of Sambalpur after the Somvanshi experience, combining cultural heritage with the beauty of
dynasty, which sparked a 13th-century war with the Gandas. wildlife and landscapes.12
Sambalpur eventually fell into the hands of the Gandas.7
The Chauhan dynasty in western Odisha was Hirakud Dam, located in Sambalpur District of Odisha,
established by Ramai Dev in the middle of the fourteenth India, is a monumental engineering marvel completed in
century. But the Marathas' occupation of Sambalpur in April 1953. Stretching over 25.8 kilometers, it spans the Mahanadi
1800 put an end to the Chauhan dynasty. Sambalpur District River, forming one of the world's longest earthen dams. The
was subsequently seized by the British on January 2, 1804, dam serves a triple purpose: flood control, irrigation for the
and it came under their ultimate authority in 1817. In the Mahanadi Delta, and hydroelectric power generation. Its
years that followed, activities opposing British rule were reservoir, Hirakud Reservoir, is one of Asia's largest
spearheaded by the Kandhas and Binjhal Zamidars. 8 artificial lakes and attracts tourists with boating and
recreational activities. The dam's controlled water release
benefits agriculture, and its scenic surroundings, including
the presence of migratory birds, make it a popular
destination for nature enthusiasts and visitors. Hirakud Dam
stands as a testament to both engineering prowess and its
vital role in regional development. 13

IJISRT24JAN1035 www.ijisrt.com 1555

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Hirakud Dam, situated across a vast area of 743 square outside her shrine.. Legend has it that Balaram Deva, the
kilometers, holds the distinction of being the longest earthen first Chauhan Raja of Sambalpur, once had his seat in
dam globally. With a total of 64 sluice gates and 34 crest Chaurpur, a village close to Chiplima, before moving to
gates, it stands as a remarkable engineering feat. The sheer Sambalpur town.Another notable feature of Chiplima was
scale of the dam's infrastructure, coupled with its numerous the Kalyan Ashram, founded by the late Dr. Janardan Pujari
gates, underscores its importance as a key water (1944–1945). This ashram served as a major attraction in the
management and development initiative in the region.14 region for some time. Overall, Chiplima represents a blend
of religious devotion, historical legacy, and cultural heritage
B. HUMA along the banks of the Mahanadi River. 18
Situated away on the opposite bank along the
Mahanadi River, Huma is a small town in the Sambalpur F. CHARMAL
Division, 23 kilometres south of Sambalpur. Of particular The village located 16 km west of Rampur in the
note is the Leaning Temple, built in honour of Lord Shiva Redhakhol Sub-Division is known for Suani hill, where the
during the period of rule of Sambalpur's fifth Raja, Baliar goddess Suani and other images are worshipped. Local
Singh. The temple's origin is attributed to a milkman tradition tells of a belief that wedded people to the goddess
(Gauda) who initiated the worship of Shiva after witnessing faced unfortunate fates. Yudhisthira, during his banishment,
the miraculous absorption of his daily offering of milk by was asked by Suani's father to wed her, and he did so.
the underlying rock. However, due to their exile, the Pandavas did not bring
Suani to their house, leaving her there with the promise to
Huma has become a pilgrimage site, drawing devotees, bring her back. The goddess Suani is revered, and an annual
and also attracts curious visitors interested in observing the fair is held in Bhadraba from August to September,
unique fish in the river.The Kudo-fish in particular is said to attracting a large gathering. This fair serves as a significant
be so gentle that it accepts sweet foods from people taking cultural and religious event, honoring the goddess and the
baths close to the temple, resulting in an environment associated legends.19
reminiscent of an aquarium. The temple is endowed with as
lengthy as the temple remains standing and religious rites G. BUDHARAJA HILL
are observed, Huma along six additional communities will At the town's center, surrounded by lush vegetation,
not be assessed. This award is thought to have been made stands a hill featuring a Shiva shrine dedicated to the
during the reign of Sambalpur's first Raja, Balaram memory of Budharai, a Chauhan prince tragically killed.
Dev.Overall, Huma represents a blend of religious This shrine serves as a poignant and central location for
significance, cultural history, and natural allure. 15 remembrance and religious activities in the community. 20


The temple of Goddess Samaleswari in the Sambalpur It is a location of significant historical significance and
area is associated with numerous legends and stories. is located 100 km from Sambalpur. This area contains
Historical evidence suggests that King Balaram Dev of the extremely important paintings and engravings from the
Chowhan dynasty constructed the temple in the 16th prehistoric and proto-historic periods. A cave known as
Century AD.16 Bhīma Mandali or Vimadali exists. In a different cave, they
worship Gupteswar. The god has not yet been correctly
D. DEBRIGARH identified.21
The highest point in Bargarh District's Barapahar hills
stands at an elevation of 2267 feet (691 meters). This I. KUDABAGA
strategic location, once a stronghold of the Sambalpur Rajas, The Sambalpur Sub-Division's Rengali Police Station
witnessed historical events such as the capture of Raja is in charge of the settlement. In 1876, V. Ball discovered a
Jayant Singh and his son Maharaj Sai by Chandaji Bhonsla's Paleolithic stone tool near Bursapal. Kudabaga, originally a
Marathas. Additionally, during the uprising led by 75-square-kilometer Zamindari, was owned by a Gond caste
Balbhadra Dao, the Gond Zamindar of Lakhanpur, the hill family. This family played an active role in Surendera Sai's
served as a rebel stronghold, where Balbhadra Dao met his uprising. 22
end.The site is marked by the Sambalpur District entry gate,
situated nearly a kilometer away from the zero-point. With a J. KANDHARA
rich history and legends tied to regional rulers and historical Situated 80 kilometers from Sambalpur in the
events, this elevated point in the Barapahar hills holds Redhakhol Sub-Division, this location is where the saint
significance as a key historical and geographical landmark poet Bhīma Bhoi attained enlightenment. Transformed into
in the Bargarh District.17 a tourism destination, it features amenities like a small rest
shed with drinking water facilities. This site holds religious
E. GHANTESWARI /CHIPLIMA significance for the Mahimaites and is known for a
A village on the left bank of the Mahanadi River, 37 legendary well, adding to its cultural and spiritual allure.23
kilometres south of Sambalpur town, Chiplima is important
both historically and culturally. There is a great deal of
reverence for the local goddess Ghatlei, also called
Ghanteswari, and followers frequently tie chirping bells

IJISRT24JAN1035 www.ijisrt.com 1556

Volume 9, Issue 1, January 2024 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
K. KUCHINDA [7]. Ibid.
Two prehistoric polished stone clet-like objects were [8]. Ibid.
found in Lasa, a community around 3 km from Kuchinda.24 [9]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambalpur_district
[10]. Ibid.
L. KHINDA [11]. https://sambalpur.nic.in/about-district/history/
The place is renowned as the residence of Surendra [12]. https://gopabandhuacademygov.in/sites/default/files/ga
Sai.The government is constructing a beautiful structure in zetter/sambalpur_Gazetteer.pdfPp.333-334.
honor of the late Surendra Sai, serving as a picturesque [13]. ttps://kalingatv.com/features/hirakud-dam-in-odisha-
resting place for observers. The structure features a platform history-safety-challenges-plight-of-the-displaced/
pillar topped with a statue of Surendra Sai.25 [14]. https://sambalpur.nic.in/tourist-place/nandan-kanan/
[15]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samleswari_Temple
VII. CONCLUSION [16]. N. Senapati and B. Mahanti , op.cit.,p.520.
[17]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghanteswari_Temple#Re
The district of Sambalpur holds great historical value ferences
due to its cultural diversity, strategic location, and [18]. N. Senapati and B. Mahanti,op.cit., p.519.
noteworthy historical contributions that have been woven [19]. https://gopabandhuacademygov.in/sites/default/files/ga
into India's fabric. The Hirakud Dam serves as an example zetter/sambalpur_Gazetteer.pdf.
of the district's strategic location, which highlights its ability [20]. Ibid., N. Senapati and B. Mahanti, op.cit., p.529.
to create infrastructure and its revolutionary effect on the [21]. https://gopabandhuacademygov.in/sites/default/files/ga
socioeconomic environment. The district's cultural character zetter/sambalpur_Gazetteer.pdf
is greatly influenced by the traditional handloom sector, [22]. N. Senapati and B. Mahanti,op.cit., p.529.
which produces the famous Sambalpuri sarees in particular. [23]. Ibid., p. 528.
This sector displays the artistic legacy that has been passed
down through the years. The historical religious practises
and architectural accomplishments of the Sambalpur
community can be observed at ancient temples and
archaeological sites. Furthermore, the district's historical
significance in influencing the political environment is
highlighted by its involvement in India's freedom
movement. Examining Sambalpur's past highlights its
ongoing influence on the region while also enhancing our
comprehension of its development.The pride and dignity of
the Orissan people are thus reflected in Sambalpur's
outstanding importance in history.


we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the following

individuals for their invaluable recommendations and
unwavering support throughout the writing of this article:
Dr. P.K. Routray, Registrar; Dr. Priyoneel Basu, Director of
Research; and Dr. Deepak Kumar Behera, Vice Chancellor
of KISS Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
We are deeply grateful to Prof. (Dr.) Achyuta Samanta, the
esteemed founder of KIIT & KISS, Bhubaneswar, whose
remarkable journey served as our inspiration for this piece.


[1]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sambalpur_district
[2]. N.Senapati and B. Mahanti(eds),Orissa District
Gazetteers:Sambalpur, orissa Government Press,
Cuttack, 1971, p.4.
[3]. L.S.S. O’Malley, Bengal District Gazetteers,
Sambalpur (1909), P.217; Quoted in N. Senapati and
B. Mahanti , op.cit., P.2
[4]. N. Senapati and B. Mahanti,op.cit., P.48.
[5]. https://gopabandhuacademygov.in/sites/default/files/ga
zetter/sambalpur_Gazetter.pdf. Pp. 2-3.
[6]. https://sambalpur.nic.in/about-district/history/Ibid.

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