Bio sp1
Bio sp1
Bio sp1
CBSE Class – XI
General Instructions
a. The question paper comprises of five Sections A, B, C, D and E.
b. All questions are compulsory.
c. There is no overall choice. However, internal choice has been provided in one question of
2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the two questions of five marks category. Only one
option in such question is to be attempted.
d. Questions 1 to 5 in section A are very short questions of one mark each. These are to be
answered in one word or one sentence each.
e. Questions 6 to 9 in section B are short questions of two marks each. These are to be
answered in approximately 20-30 words each.
f. Questions 10 to 20 in section C are questions of three marks each. These are to be answered
in approximately 30-50 words each. Question 21 is of four marks.
g. Questions 22 to 23 in section D are questions of five marks each. These are to be answered
in approximately 80-120 words each.
h. Questions 24 to26 in section E is based on OTBA of 10 marks.
Section – A
1. Differentiate open and closed circulatory system with an example for each.
Ans. Open circulatory system is present in arthropods and molluscs in which blood pumped
by the heart passes through large vessels into open spaces or body cavities called sinuses.
Annelids and chordates have a closed circulatory system in which the blood pumped by the
heart is always circulated through a closed network of blood vessels.
5. Define ammonification.
Ans. Decomposition of organic nitrogen into ammonia is called ammonification.
Section – B
9. Where is thymus located in human body? Name the hormone and mention its
important function.
Ans. Thymus gland is located in front of the trachea in the thoracic cavity. It secretes
hormone thymosin, which has a stimulating effect on the immune system. It promotes
proliferation and maturation of T-lymphocytes.
Section – C
11. What are the events that take place in telophase of mitosis?
Ans. Chromosomes cluster at opposite spindle poles and their identity is lost as discrete
Nuclear envelope assembles around the chromosome clusters.
Nucleolus, Golgi complex and ER reform.
12. Draw the dorsal, ventral and lateral view of the body of the earthworm showing
mouth opening.
Describe the female reproductive system of a cockroach.
- The female reproductive system consists of two large ovaries, lying laterally in the 2nd - 6th
abdominal segments.
- Each ovary is formed of a group of eight ovarian tubules or ovarioles, containing a chain of
developing ova.
- Oviducts of each ovary unite into a single meridian oviduct(also called vagina) which opens
into the genital chamber.
- A pair of spermatheca is present in the 6th segment which opens into the genital chamber.
- Sperms are transferred through spermatophores.
- Their fertilised eggs are encased in capsules called oothecae.
pigment molecules which absorb light energy accessory pigments that pass on light
and pass on to P700 energy to P680
16. Differentiate parenchyma from collenchyma. Enumerate the peculiar features that
you find in phylum chordata.
Parenchyma Collenchyma
Its main function is storage of food It gives mechanical support and flexibility to
material. growing orgAns.
The cells have the power of division. The cells do not have the power of division.
19. What are respiratory substrates? Name the most common respiratory substrate.
Ans. Respiratory substrates are those organic compounds, which are oxidized to yield
energy. Glucose is the most common respiratory substrate. Beside glucose, amino acids, fats
can be also used as respiratory substrate. The maximum energy is produced by fat per unit
mass in presence of sufficient oxygen.
The reserve food materials are in the form of The reserve food materials are in the form
floridean starch. of pyrenoids and oil droplets.
They live in very deep marine waters. They live in moderate depths.
21. Radhika and Amina are good friends and study in same class. Radhika belongs to a
rich family but Amina to a poor family. Radhika was poor in study but Amina was very
intelligent. Rahika used to help him financially with her pocket money and Amina help
her in study. Radhika parents do not like Amina but Radhika convinced them.
a. What values do you find in Radhika and Amina?
b. What are the possible cause of poverty in society?
c. Why Radhika’s parents do not like the friendship of her with Amina?
Ans. a) Both Amina and Radhika are true to her friendship and help each other in what they
have with them.
b) The main reason of poverty in certain section of society is due to more number of
children, no education and absence of employment.
c) Some persons still have feeling about the high and low caste and religion and think that
their child will be adversely affected due to different culture and religion.
Section – D
Thus as a result, the protons in the stroma get decreased creating a proton gradient across
the thylakoids membrane. This gradient is important for ATP synthesis because energy is
released by the breakdown of this gradient. The gradient gets broken due to the movement
of protons across the membrane through trans membrane channel of the ATP synthase. The
other portion of ATP synthase called F1 undergoes conformational changes with the energy
provided by the breakdown of proton gradient and synthesizes ATP molecules.
Most of the water flow in the roots occurs via the apoplast since the cortical cells are loosely
packed, and hence offer no resistance to water movement. However, the inner boundary of
the cortex, the endodermis, is impervious to water because of a band of suberised matrix
called the casparian strip. Water molecules are unable to penetrate the layer, so they are
directed to wall regions that are not suberised, into the cells proper through the membranes.
The water then moves through the symplast and again crosses a membrane to reach the cells
of the xylem. The movement of water through the root layers is ultimately symplastic in the
endodermis. This is the only way water and other solutes can enter the vascular cylinder.
Once inside the xylem, water is again free to move between cells. In young roots, water
enters directly into the xylem vessels and/or tracheids. These are non-living conduits and so
are parts of the apoplast.