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Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services *28487486_0219*

Product Manual

Application Inverter

Edition 02/2019 28487486/EN

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Product description.................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Device availability ........................................................................................................... 9
1.2 MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance ................................................................................ 10
1.3 MOVIDRIVE® system product overview ....................................................................... 15
1.4 Product overview accessories ...................................................................................... 17
1.5 FCB concept ................................................................................................................. 19
1.6 Control mode ................................................................................................................ 26
1.7 Energy-saving functions................................................................................................ 33
1.8 MOVISUITE® engineering software ............................................................................. 34

2 Technical data......................................................................................................................... 37
2.1 Markings ....................................................................................................................... 37
2.2 General technical data .................................................................................................. 40
2.3 Technical data of basic device...................................................................................... 41
2.4 Technical data of accessories....................................................................................... 46
2.5 Electronics data – signal terminals ............................................................................... 47
2.6 Electronics data – drive safety functions....................................................................... 48
2.7 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................... 49
2.8 Technical data of the cards........................................................................................... 56
2.9 Technical data of encoder interfaces ............................................................................ 61
2.10 Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes ................................................ 62

3 Configuration .......................................................................................................................... 82
3.1 SEW-Workbench .......................................................................................................... 82
3.2 Schematic workflow for project planning....................................................................... 83
3.3 Drive selection .............................................................................................................. 84
3.4 Recommendations for motor and inverter selection ..................................................... 89
3.5 Motor-inverter assignments .......................................................................................... 94
3.6 Selection of an application inverter ............................................................................. 131
3.7 Braking resistor selection............................................................................................ 135
3.8 Supply system cable and motor cable ........................................................................ 143
3.9 Signal lines.................................................................................................................. 145
3.10 EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3................................................. 146
3.11 Line components......................................................................................................... 147
3.12 24 V supply voltage selection ..................................................................................... 151

4 Prefabricated cables ............................................................................................................ 154

4.1 Meaning of the symbols .............................................................................................. 154
4.2 Power cables for CMP.. motors .................................................................................. 155
4.3 Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ............................................................................... 161
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4.4 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors.................................................................. 164

4.5 Power cables for CFM.. motors .................................................................................. 166
4.6 Encoder cables for CFM.. motors ............................................................................... 171
4.7 Encoder cables for DR.. motors.................................................................................. 174
4.8 System bus and module bus cable ............................................................................. 182

5 General information.............................................................................................................. 186

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 3

Table of contents

5.1 About this documentation ........................................................................................... 186

5.2 Structure of the safety notes ....................................................................................... 186
5.3 Decimal separator in numerical values ....................................................................... 187
5.4 Rights to claim under limited warranty ........................................................................ 187
5.5 Content of the documentation..................................................................................... 188
5.6 Other applicable documentation ................................................................................. 188
5.7 Product names and trademarks.................................................................................. 188
5.8 Copyright notice .......................................................................................................... 188
5.9 Device availability ....................................................................................................... 189

6 Safety notes .......................................................................................................................... 190

6.1 Preliminary information ............................................................................................... 190
6.2 Duties of the user........................................................................................................ 190
6.3 Target group ............................................................................................................... 190
6.4 Designated use ........................................................................................................... 191
6.5 Functional safety technology ...................................................................................... 192
6.6 Transport..................................................................................................................... 192
6.7 Installation/assembly................................................................................................... 193
6.8 Electrical installation ................................................................................................... 194
6.9 Protective separation .................................................................................................. 194
6.10 Startup/operation ........................................................................................................ 195

7 Device structure ................................................................................................................... 196

7.1 Connection variants .................................................................................................... 196
7.2 MOVIDRIVE® system nameplate ............................................................................... 202
7.3 MOVIDRIVE® system type code ................................................................................ 203
7.4 Device structure of the application inverter................................................................. 204
7.5 Card slots.................................................................................................................... 210

8 Installation............................................................................................................................. 211
8.1 Permitted tightening torques ....................................................................................... 211
8.2 Special aspects when transporting the devices .......................................................... 212
8.3 Mechanical installation................................................................................................ 213
8.4 Covers......................................................................................................................... 216
8.5 Control cabinet installation.......................................................................................... 219
8.6 Electrical installation ................................................................................................... 223
8.7 Installing options and accessories .............................................................................. 237
8.8 Braking resistors ......................................................................................................... 247
8.9 Line filter ..................................................................................................................... 260
8.10 EMC-compliant installation ......................................................................................... 261
8.11 Terminal assignment................................................................................................... 266
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8.12 Wiring diagrams .......................................................................................................... 271

8.13 Information regarding UL ............................................................................................ 284

9 Startup ................................................................................................................................... 286

9.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 286
9.2 Setting the EtherCAT® ID ........................................................................................... 287
9.3 Startup requirements .................................................................................................. 288

4 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Table of contents

9.4 Startup procedure ....................................................................................................... 289

9.5 Connection to the engineering software ..................................................................... 293

10 Operation............................................................................................................................... 294
10.1 General information .................................................................................................... 294
10.2 7-segment display....................................................................................................... 295
10.3 Operating displays ...................................................................................................... 296
10.4 Fault description on basic device................................................................................ 298
10.5 Power section fault description ................................................................................... 334
10.6 Responses to fault acknowledgement ........................................................................ 339
10.7 Fault responses .......................................................................................................... 341

11 Service ................................................................................................................................... 344

11.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE................................................................. 344
11.2 Extended storage........................................................................................................ 344
11.3 Shutdown .................................................................................................................... 345
11.4 Waste disposal............................................................................................................ 345

12 Functional safety .................................................................................................................. 346

12.1 General information .................................................................................................... 346
12.2 Integrated safety technology....................................................................................... 346
12.3 Safety conditions......................................................................................................... 352
12.4 Connection designs .................................................................................................... 357
12.5 Safety characteristics.................................................................................................. 362

13 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 363

13.1 Abbreviation key ......................................................................................................... 363

Index ...................................................................................................................................... 365

14 Address list ........................................................................................................................... 370

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 5

1 Product description

1 Product description
With its brand MOVI-C®, SEW‑EURODRIVE is launching a new generation of drive
and automation technology. MOVI-C® is the modular automation system that enables
the highest level of system and machine automation.
MOVI-C® comprises drive technology, MotionControl, control technology, and visualiz-
MOVIDRIVE® system is the application inverter for direct line connection, suited for
various types of applications, ranging from open-loop speed control to servo drives
with kinematic model.
MOVIDRIVE® system consists of:
• Application inverter basic device
• Accessories for EMC-compliant installation
• Cards for functional safety in functionally different versions
• Accessories for connecting and controlling motors and brakes as well as as-
sembled motor and encoder cables
For use in harsh environments, the inverters can be supplied with painted PCBs. The
coating of the printed circuit boards increases their resistivity against environmental in-
Besides MOVIDRIVE® system, the multi-axis system MOVIDRIVE® modular is avail-
able. The drive functions of both product series are based on one standardized soft-
ware platform. The main difference between MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE®
system is the DC link connection of the individual modules with MOVIDRIVE® modu-
The key features of MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE® system are:
• Control mode:
– V/f for simple applications with asynchronous motors
– VFCPLUS: for precise control of asynchronous motors
– CFC: for asynchronous and synchronous servomotors
– ELSM®: for synchronous motors without encoders
• Multi-encoder input in the basic unit
• Speed control, torque control, position control
• Expansion slots for I/O, distance encoder, functional safety
• Very compact device size, reduced space requirements in the control cabinet
They offer a powerful clock-synchronous connection via the integrated EtherCAT®/
SBusPLUS communication interface. Other EtherCAT® clients from SEW‑EURODRIVE
or other manufacturers can be controlled and diagnosed by the MOVI-C®
The functions of the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER are:
• Freely programmable sequence control in accordance with IEC 6-1131 for auto-
mating drive and logic tasks
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• Central data storage for all MOVI-C® inverters from SEW‑EURODRIVE at the
• Plug-and-play device replacement through automatic data recovery
• Central setpoint input for clock-synchronous drives and for auxiliary drives
• Motion functions: Speed control, torque specification, position specification, phase-
synchronous operation, cams, application modules, kinematic models

6 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
• EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS master for SEW‑EURODRIVE components and for peripher- 1
als with EtherCAT® interface
• Fieldbus device interface to higher-level control systems
• Diagnostics and visualization of the automation system
3 x AC 400 V

External PLC

X30 IN
® ®



10 min


® ®


The CiA402 device profile for controlling inverters has established itself in plants with
very individual motion control functions that are calculated in the external higher-level
For control via CiA402, the MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE® system applica-
tion inverters can be directly connected to the higher-level controller using the integra-
ted EtherCAT® interface. This means integration into the higher-level controller can be
achieved particularly quickly and easily, and does not require extensive conversion
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 7

1 Product description

For applications with requirements on functional safety, the MOVISAFE® CS..A safety
cards are available. They are controlled via the integrated inputs and outputs or via
safe communication using Safety over EtherCAT® (FSoE).


MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE® system are available with device profile
The new engineering software MOVISUITE® is the central module of the MOVI-C®
modular automation system. MOVISUITE® allows for intuitive operation with modern
operating concepts.
The central functions of MOVISUITE® are:
• Network scan
• Device startup and parameterization
• Data storage and data management
• Scope and diagnostics
• Programming environment for MOVI-C® CONTROLLER
• Parameterization for functional safety
• Parameterization and diagnostics environment for application modules
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8 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Device availability 1
1.1 Device availability 1
This documentation also lists devices that are not yet available at the time of the pub-
lication of this document.
The following table lists the available application inverters. Accessories required for
the inverter operation such as braking resistors, chokes, and filters are available.
Type designation
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 9

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance

1.2 MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance

® glance
a system at

Description: (→ 2 15)
Technical data: (→ 2 41)
Dimension drawings: (→ 2 49)

• Nominal output current: 2 – 588 A

• Voltage ranges: 3 × 380 – 500 V, 3 × 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz
• Nominal DC link voltage: DC 560 V (400 V), DC 325 V (230 V)
• Overload capacity: 200% of the nominal output current for 3 s
• System bus: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:

• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" product manual
• "MOVI-C® – Automation with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER" manual
• "Parameter Description MOVIDRIVE® system" manual
• "MOVIDRIVE® modular/system with device profile CiA402" operating in-

Input/output card
CIO21A CID21A Description: (→ 2 17), (→ 2 240)
Technical data: (→ 2 56)


• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs
• 2 analog inputs
• 2 analog outputs

• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs

For further information on these cards, refer to

28487486/EN – 02/2019

the following documents:

• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter"
operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter"
product manual

10 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance 1
Cards 1
CES11A multi-encoder card Description: (→ 2 17), (→ 2 243)
Technical data: (→ 2 58)

The multi-encoder card makes it possible to evaluate additional encoders.

For information on this card, refer to the following document:

• "Multi-encoder card CES11A" manual

Safety cards CS..A Description: (→ 2 18)

Technical data: (→ 2 59)

The basic device already contains the safety function STO with activation via
0015 safe inputs. Higher-level functional safety requirements can be added by

plugging in a CS..A safety card. Different types of higher-level safety func-
tions are realized via 4 different versions.
Safety card properties:

15 8
• SIL3 in accordance with EN 61800-5-2, EN 61508
• PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1

• Connectible at any time subsequently; no additional external cables are


required. Internal connection to motor encoder, safe communication, and

1 2

• Safety card parameters are included in the device data set

13 14

• Easy replacement during servicing due to pluggable safety key on the

safety card
• Parameterization and diagnostics using the MOVISUITE® engineering
• Process data and safety data in the same Scope recording
• Safe output for activating functionally safe braking systems
28487486/EN – 02/2019

For information on this card, refer to the following document:

• "MOVISAFE® CS..A Safety Card" manual

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 11

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance

MOVI-C® CONTROLLER MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power is characterized by:
power UHX85A • Intel Core2Duo 2.2 GHz processor
• Windows® Embedded Standard 7
• Ethernet interface for engineering tasks or TCP/IP and UDP via
IEC 61131‑3
• 16 MB program memory and 64 MB data memory
• A maximum of 32 interpolating axes that can be connected
• Another 32 auxiliary axes that can be connected
• System bus EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
• Optional slave connection via PROFIBUS DPV2
• Optional device connection via PROFINET

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:

• "MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power UHX85A and power eco UHX84A"
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" product manual
• "MOVI-C® – Automation with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER" manual
MOVI-C® CONTROLLER MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power eco is characterized by:
power eco UHX84A • Intel Core2Duo 2.2 GHz processor
• Windows® Embedded Standard 7
• Ethernet interface for engineering tasks or TCP/IP and UDP via
IEC 61131‑3
• 16 MB program memory and 64 MB data memory
• A maximum of 16 interpolating axes that can be connected
• Another 16 auxiliary axes that can be connected
• System bus EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
• Optional slave connection via PROFIBUS DPV2
• Optional device connection via PROFINET

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:

• "MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power UHX85A and power eco UHX84A"
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" product manual
• "MOVI-C® – Automation with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER" manual
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12 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance 1
MOVI-C CONTROLLER advanced is characterized by:

advanced UHX45A • A maximum of 8 interpolating axes that can be connected



• Another 8 auxiliary axes that can be connected

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:


L /A


• "MOVI-C® CONTROLLER advanced UHX45A" manual (in development)



• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" operating instructions

5 US

L6 L /A


• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" product manual

L /A

• "MOVI-C® – Automation with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER" manual

MOVI-C® CONTROLLER MOVI-C® CONTROLLER standard is characterized by:
standard UHX25A • A maximum of 2 interpolating axes that can be connected
• Another 6 auxiliary axes that can be connected

L/ A 0




For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:



• Manual "MOVI-C® CONTROLLER standard UHX25A"

L/ A


• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" operating instructions

L/ A

L/ A

5A -N
• "MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter" product manual
• "MOVI-C® – Automation with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER" manual

Prefabricated motor and en- "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 154)
coder cables
Braking resistors "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 62)
TCB thermal circuit breaker "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 72)
Line filter "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 74)
Output filter "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 78)
Line choke "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 76)
Output choke "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 80)
Valid motor encoders (→ 2 88)
• MOVIRUN® smart
MOVIRUN® • MOVIRUN® flexible
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 13

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® system at a glance

The MOVIKIT® software module allows for simple, quick and fault-free startup
of all applications. The MOVIKIT® software module supports both the
MOVIRUN® smart software platform and the MOVIRUN® flexible software
For information on the software modules, refer to the following documents:
• "MOVIKIT® MultiAxisController" manual
• "MOVIKIT® MultiMotion / MultiMotion Camming" manual
• "MOVIKIT® MultiMotion AuxilliaryAxes" manual
• "MOVIKIT® Robotics" manual

28487486/EN – 02/2019

14 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Product overview MOVIDRIVE® system 1
1.3 MOVIDRIVE® system product overview 1
® system

Properties • Coverage of a wide range of power ratings with finely graded performance
• Universal use due to a wide voltage range for line connection.
• Suitable for TN/TT and IT voltage supply systems.
• The EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS system bus is available for communication.
• 4-quadrant capable due to integrated brake chopper.
• High overload capacity of 200% IN.
Device data 3 × AC 400 V

Nominal line voltage 3 × 380 – 500 V

In accordance with EN 50160
Line frequency 50 – 60 Hz ± 10%
Nominal DC link voltage DC 560 V
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s with PWM 4 kHz

Type designation Nominal out- Recommen- Nominal line Size Technical

put current at ded motor current data
PWM = 4 kHz power ASM
A kW A
MDX9_A-0020-5E3-4-S00/E00 2 0.55 1.9
MDX9_A-0025-5E3-4-S00/E00 2.5 0.75 2.3
MDX9_A-0032-5E3-4-S00/E00 3.2 1.1 2.9
MDX9_A-0040-5E3-4-S00/E00 4 1.5 3.6
MDX9_A-0055-5E3-4-S00/E00 5.5 2.2 5
MDX9_A-0070-5E3-4-S00/E00 7 3 6.3 2
MDX9_A-0950-5E3-4-S00/E00 9.5 4 8.6
(→ 2 41)
MDX9_A-0125-5E3-4-S00/E00 12.5 5.5 11.3
MDX9_A-0160-5E3-4-S00/E00 16 7.5 14.4
MDX9_A-0240-503-4-S00/E00 24 11 22
MDX9_A-0320-503-4-S00/E00 32 15 29
MDX9_A-0460-503-4-S00/E00 45 22 42
MDX9_A-0620-503-4-S00/E00 62 30 56 5
MDX9_A-0750-503-4-S00/E00 75 37 68
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 15

1 Product description
Product overview MOVIDRIVE® system

Type designation Nominal out- Recommen- Nominal line Size Technical

put current at ded motor current data
PWM = 4 kHz power ASM
A kW A
MDX91A-0910-503-4-S00/E00 91 45 82
MDX91A-1130-503-4-S00/E00 113 55 102 6
MDX91A-1490-503-4-S00/E00 149 75 135
MDX91A-1770-503-4-S00/E00 177 90 160
MDX91A-2200-503-4-S00/E00 220 110 198
7 (→ 2 41)
MDX91A-2500-503-4-S00/E00 250 132 225
MDX91A-3000-503-4-S00/E00 300 160 280
MDX91A-3800-503-4-S00/E00 380 200 340
MDX91A-4700-503-4-S00/E00 470 250 435 8
MDX91A-5880-503-4-S00/E00 588 315 545
Device data 3 × AC 230 V

Nominal line voltage 3 × 200 – 240 V

In accordance with EN 50160
Line frequency 50 – 60 Hz ± 10%
Nominal DC link voltage DC 325 V
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s with PWM 4 kHz

Type designation Nominal out- Recommen- Nominal line Size Technical

put current at ded motor current data
PWM = 4 kHz power ASM
A kW A
MDX9_A-0070-2E3-4-S00/E00 7 1.5 6.4
MDX9_A-0093-2E3-4-S00/E00 9.3 2.2 8.4
MDX9_A-0140-2E3-4-S00/E00 14 3.7 12.4 3
MDX9_A-0213-2E3-4-S00/E00 21.3 5.5 18.9
MDX9_A-0290-2E3-4-S00/E00 29 7.5 27.4 (→ 2 44)
MDX9_A-0420-203-4-S00/E00 42 11 40.8
MDX9_A-0570-203-4-S00/E00 57 15 52
MDX91A-0840-203-4-S00/E00 84 22 76
MDX91A-1080-203-4-S00/E00 108 30 86
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16 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Product overview accessories 1
1.4 Product overview accessories 1
The functionality and flexibility of MOVI-C® application inverters can be supplemented
by many different cards.

1.4.1 CID21A input/output card

This input/output card is used to increase the number of digital inputs and outputs of
the basic device.
• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs

1.4.2 CIO21A input/output card

This input/output card is used to increase the number of digital and analog inputs and
outputs of the basic device.
• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs
• 2 analog inputs (current/voltage)
• 2 analog outputs (current/voltage)

1.4.3 CES11A multi-encoder card

The CES11A multi-encoder card enables evaluation of an additional encoder. The ad-
ditional encoder can be used as distance encoder or as motor encoder.
The following encoders are supported:

HTL 12/24 V (differential)

TTL (differential)
SIN/COS 1 VSS (differential)
HIPERFACE® with SIN/COS signals 1 VSS
SEW encoder (RS485) with SIN/COS signals 1 VSS, e.g. AS7W, AG7W
EnDat 2.1 with SIN/COS signals 1 VSS
SSI encoder with/without SIN/COS signals 1 VSS
CANopen encoder
Besides the encoders listed above, further encoders that can be used are described in
the chapter "Valid motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE".
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 17

1 Product description
Product overview accessories

1.4.4 Safety cards CS..A

The MOVISAFE® CS..A safety cards provide further functional safety functions to
EN IEC 61800-5-2 in addition to STO. The MOVISAFE® CS..A safety cards and the
CES11A multi-encoder card are intended to be used in the same card slot and thus
cannot be used simultaneously. For this reason, the CS.31A safety cards are available
with an additional multi-encoder input.
For a detailed description, refer to the manual "MOVISAFE® CS..A safety card".


Safe inputs 4 4 4 4
Safe outputs — 2 2 2
Safe stop functions STO, SS1c STO, SS1c, SBC STO, SS1c, STO, SS1c, SBC
Safe movement functions — — SOS, SS1b, SOS, SS1b, SS2,
Safe positioning functions — — SLI, SDI SLI, SDI
Safe communication PROFIsafe PROFIsafe PROFIsafe PROFIsafe
Additional multi-encoder input — yes — yes

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18 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
FCB concept 1
1.5 FCB concept 1
FCB = Function Control Block
The FCB concept describes the modular firmware design of MOVI-C® inverters. This
feature ensures that a wide range of drive functions can be selected or deselected
quickly and easily using control words.
All primary functions, i.e. functions that move or control the motors, are designed as
individual FCBs that only have to be selected to perform a specific task, for example
You can switch between different FCBs any time. Switching to another FCB is per-
formed with a maximum delay of 0.5 ms.
Different priorities are assigned to the FCBs. If a FCB with a higher priority than the
currently active FCB is selected, the FCB with the higher priority is activated.
The FCBs are sorted in descending order of their priority in the following list:
• FCB 01 Output stage inhibit
• FCB 14 Emergency stop
• FCB 13 Stop at application limits
• FCB 18 Rotor position identification
• FCB 25 Motor parameter measurement
• FCB 12 Reference travel
• FCB 04 Manual mode
• FCB 20 Jog mode
• FCB 19 Position hold control
• FCB 21 Brake test
• FCB 10 Interpolated position control
• FCB 09 Position control
• FCB 06 Interpolated speed control
• FCB 05 Speed control
• FCB 08 Interpolated torque control
• FCB 07 Torque control
• FCB 26 Stop at user limits
• FCB 02 Default stop
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 19

1 Product description
FCB concept

1.5.1 Description of the FCBs

FCB 01 Output stage inhibit

Activating FCB 01 stops the connected motor via the motor brake. If no brake is in-
stalled, the motor coasts to a stop.

FCB 02 Default stop

FCB 02 stops the drive with the preset profile value "Maximum deceleration". This
value is limited by the "Application limit – deceleration".
FCB 02 is active (default), when no other FCB is selected.
FCB 02 is selected by the system, not by the operator.

FCB 04 Manual mode

With the MOVISUITE® engineering software or the CBG.. keypad, manual mode can
be selected and activated via the function "manual mode". Manual mode is used for
startup or for teach mode without higher-level controller.
FCB 04 is selected by the system, not by the operator.

FCB 05 Speed control

The application inverter can be operated as speed-controlled axis.
The user can specify profile values for acceleration, deceleration, and jerk as the basic
conditions for speed control. The actual speed setpoint for the drive controller is gen-
erated in the controller cycle by a profile generator integrated in the inverter using the
specified limit values.

FCB 06 Interpolated speed control

FCB 06 is used for cyclical speed setpoint inputs from higher-level controllers.
In multi-axis applications, a controller often calculates a path profile for several drive
axes. The axis is only assigned setpoints (speed/torque and torque limits/precontrol
values/inertia) that it has to follow. The axis limits the setpoints using the application
limits. The course of the path curve profile is controlled by the controller.
The setpoint cycle of the controller usually does not correspond to the setpoint cycle of
the axis. If the axis were to "see" the same setpoint for several cycles, a step-shaped
actual value would result. To prevent this from happening, the axis interpolates inter-
mediate values. To do so, the setpoint cycle of the controller has to be known.

FCB 07 Torque control

The application inverter can be run as a torque-controlled axis.
The user can specify profile values for deceleration and jerk as the basic conditions for
torque control. The actual torque setpoint for the drive controller is generated in the
controller cycle by a profile generator integrated in the inverter using the specified limit
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During torque control the maximum speed is restricted by the speed limits so that the
drive cannot permanently accelerate with the preset setpoint torque while the counter-
torque is too low.

FCB 08 Interpolated torque control

FCB 08 is used for cyclical torque setpoint input from a higher-level controller.

20 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
FCB concept 1
This higher-level controller usually calculates a track profile for several drive axes. The 1
axis is then assigned just one setpoint (torque, torque limits, precontrol values, inertia)
that it has to follow.
The inverter limits the setpoints using the application limits. The course of the path
curve profile is controlled by the controller.
The cycle in which the controller sends the setpoints to the axis does not usually cor-
respond to the setpoint processing cycle of the inverter. If the inverter were to "see"
the same controller setpoint for several cycles, a step-shaped actual torque value
would result.
To prevent this from happening, the axis can calculate (interpolate) intermediate val-
ues if it knows the controller cycle. The application inverter can be set to different
cycle times of higher-level controllers.

FCB 09 Position control

FCB 09 is used to allow travel to the target position by using a position profile para-
meterized by the profile generator during positioning.
In addition, the application inverter has several positioning modes that are described
in the following section:
Absolute positioning:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as an absolute target and is converted
and executed in system units.
The travel range in system units is -231 – 231 -1 (2147483647). If the travel range is ex-
ceeded after calculation, the FCB issues a fault
Relative positioning:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the offset for the last setpoint that
was transferred. After it has been converted into system units, it is added to the last
If the time calculated in system units is outside the travel range of -231 – 231 -1
(2147483647), the FCB issues a fault.
Modulo in positive direction with absolute position specification:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the absolute position. It must be
within the modulo range of the active drive:
Lower limit = "Modulo min."
Upper limit = "Modulo max."
If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued. The drive always turns in
a positive direction to reach the position.
Modulo in negative direction with absolute position specification:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the absolute position. It must be
within the modulo range of the active drive:
Lower limit = "Modulo min."
Upper limit = "Modulo max."
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If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued. The drive always turns in
a negative direction to reach the position.
Modulo with shortest distance with absolute position specification:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the absolute position. It must be
within the modulo range of the active drive:
Lower limit = "Modulo min."

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 21

1 Product description
FCB concept

Upper limit = "Modulo max."

If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued.
The direction of the drive is determined using the last setpoint position (= current ac-
tual position after activation without an "In position" message) and the current setpoint
position. This value is used to determine the shortest possible route and, therefore,
the direction of rotation for positioning.

FCB 10 Interpolated position control

FCB 10 is used for cyclic preselected position setpoints of higher-level controllers.
In multi-axis applications, a higher-level controller usually calculates a track profile for
several drive axes. The axis is only assigned setpoints (position, speed, torque, torque
limits, precontrol values, inertia) that it has to follow. The axis limits the setpoints using
the application limits. The course of the profile of the path curve is controlled by the
The setpoint cycle of the controller does usually not correspond to the setpoint cycle of
the axis. If the axis were to "see" the same setpoint for several cycles, a step-shaped
actual value would result. To prevent this from happening, the axis can interpolate in-
termediate values. To do so, the setpoint cycle of the controller has to be known.

FCB 12 Reference travel

To perform positioning operations, a drive has to be referenced to a defined start or
reference position within the permitted travel distance.
From this reference position, positions such as the machine zero can be specified and
approached. With each restart of the inverter, referencing the position encoders is al-
ways necessary if position encoders do not have an absolute position detection. When
using absolute encoders, the absolute position is immediately known upon the start of
the system. An absolute encoder still has to be referenced to match the displayed pos-
ition with the plant's reference system. Several reference travel types are available for
referencing and for finding the reference point.

FCB 13 Stop at application limits

When FCB 13 is activated, the drive stops with speed control using the preset applica-
tion limit deceleration.

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22 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
FCB concept 1
FCB 14 Emergency stop 1
When FCB 14 is activated, the drive stops with the preset emergency stop decelera-

FCB 18 Rotor position identification

For the operation of permanent magnet synchronous motors, the exact position in-
formation of the rotor is required for closed-loop control.
FCB 18 is required for the encoder calibration of rotary and linear synchronous motors
with encoder. FCB 18 requires an electrical startup of the drive.
The drive must be disconnected from the load, which means also from the gear unit.

FCB 19 Position hold control

When FCB 19 is activated, the drive stops with speed control. After the standstill of the
drive, the position is kept with position control as long as FCB 19 is active.

FCB 20 Jog mode

FCB 20 is used for setup mode when a higher-level controller is used.
FCB 20 can only be activated in operating modes with encoder feedback.
FCB 20 allows the user to move an axis in positive and negative direction.
Control is performed via control signals that are specified by means of control words,
via digital inputs of a higher-level controller or via input terminals.
For startup or for setup mode without higher-level controller, use the manual mode of
the MOVISUITE® engineering software, see "FCB 04" (→ 2 20).

FCB 21 Brake test

FCB 21 is used to check the braking capability of a brake connected to the motor. A
test torque is applied electrically via the motor when the brake is applied.
Even when the brake has passed the brake test, it does not take on any drive safety
functions as far as machine safety is concerned in combination with the application in-
The brake is only tested in accordance with the set brake test torque. The actual
breakaway torque of the brake is not measured. The actual brake breakaway torque is
not measured.
There are 4 test modes:
• A higher-level controller provides the setpoints and monitoring function for the test.
• The application inverter performs a check in both directions compared to the set
limit torques.
• The application inverter performs a check in positive direction compared to the set
limit torques.
• The application inverter performs a check in negative direction compared to the set
28487486/EN – 02/2019

limit torques.
The test torque, test time and the direction of rotation of the test can be set. If a test is
not passed, the breakaway torque is documented.
The braking torque is limited by the set "Torque" application limit.
Notice: The application torque must be considered for calculating the test torque, e.g.
hoist test "downward".

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 23

1 Product description
FCB concept

FCB 25 Motor parameter measurement

FCB 25 is used for determining the necessary parameters from the electric equivalent
wiring diagram during startup.
The nameplate data of the connected motor is required for the motor parameter meas-
After the motor parameter measurement has been completed, the motor is completely
started up electrically. Values that are not yet final at this stage, such as maximum
speed and maximum torque, are estimated. The values have to be corrected at a later
time to reach the full performance of the motor.
Calling FCB 25 is generally recommended for third-party motors. FCB 18 must be ex-
ecuted afterward for encoder calibration with synchronous motors, if required.

FCB 26 Stop at user limits

FCB 26 is used for stops at user limits. The user limits are either available as local set-
points or initiate the deceleration ramp set via the fieldbus.
You can choose between a speed-controlled ramp and a position-controlled ramp. In
contrast to other stop FCBs (FCB 13/FCB 14), the FCB 26 has a very low priority.
This allows you to select FCB 26 as standard (e.g. bit in the control word that selects
this FCB is always TRUE). If all other FCBs are deactivated, FCB 26 always becomes
active. This makes it possible to always stop with position control.
FCB 26 has lag fault monitoring in position-controlled mode.

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24 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
FCB concept 1
1.5.2 Setpoints and limits in the FCBs 1
Index FCB
02 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 19 20 26
Setpoint buffer
Position .4 x x
Rotational speed .14 x x x x
Torque .24 x x
Acceleration precontrol 8376 .341) x x
Mass moment of inertia .44 1)
x x x
Torque precontrol .54 1)
x x x
Correcting value of external .64 x
position controllers
Profile value buffer
Maximum positive velocity .4 x x x
Maximum negative velocity .14 x x x
Maximum acceleration .24 x x x
Maximum deceleration .34 x x x x x
Jerk time .44 x x x x x
Maximum torque Q1 – Q4 .54 – x x x x x x
.84 1)

Application limits
Velocity, positive/negative .10, x x x x x x x x x
Acceleration .12 x x x x x x
Deceleration .13 x x x x x x x x x
Jerk time 8357 .14 x x x x x x x x x x x
Torque .15 1)
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Apparent output current .16 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Voltage .17 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Emergency stop deceleration .20 x
Other parameters
Behavior at standstill 8563/8564 x x x
.4 x x
Lag error window 8509
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Setpoint deviation response 8622 .3 x x x
1) These variables are not relevant in the U/f control mode

x = relevant in the FCB

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 25

1 Product description
Control mode

1.6 Control mode

The following control modes are available for MOVIDRIVE® application inverters:
• U/f

1.6.1 Description of the control modes

The characteristics of the motor connected to the application inverter are influenced by
the control modes used.

U/f control is intended for easy controlled operation of asynchronous motors without
encoder feedback. The procedure operates an asynchronous machine on a paramet-
erizable voltage/frequency characteristic. To keep the magnetizing current on a con-
stant level, the voltage (U) is adjusted in proportion to the frequency (f).
The actual slip is estimated and can be compensated.
U/f control is suitable for applications with a limited speed setting range, where no dy-
namic step changes in load occur and where there are small requirements regarding
the control characteristics.
U/f control is suitable for group drives. A group drive is an electrical parallel connection
of several identical or different motors at one inverter. The motors do not have a rigid
mechanical connection.

Speed control
The U/f mode is an encoder-less mode and calculates the actual speed value. The
calculation is always based on the electrical values of the motors. Therefore, informa-
tion from a potentially existing encoder system is not used.
If an encoder is parameterized in the encoder assignment as "Actual speed source",
the speed measured by this encoder is issued as the actual speed by the inverter.
Otherwise, the model speed calculated by the U/f method based on stator frequency
and slip, is issued as the actual speed.
The U/f mode does not have a higher-level speed controller, speed controller parame-
terization is therefore not possible. An acceleration and torque precontrol is also not
28487486/EN – 02/2019

26 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Control mode 1
is a high-performance control mode that is able to operate asynchronous mo-
tors with very high torque dynamics with or without rotary encoder.
The control mode can be operated as speed or torque control.
This control mode calculates all important state variables for controlling the motor by
using a motor model. As a result, optimal magnetic conditions are always achieved for
the motor.
For applications with a large speed setting range (especially for low speeds through to
standstill) and high requirements regarding the control characteristics or for drives with
high dynamic step changes in load, a rotary encoder is absolutely necessary.
For applications with low requirements regarding the control characteristics and the
torque dynamics, an encoder is not necessary. Without a rotary encoder, the electric
rotor frequency is calculated in a model. In this case, stable stationary operation of the
mode at < 0.5 Hz is not possible.
Due to the good torque dynamics, the VFCPLUS control mode remains stable even in
the event of load changes and has a high torque accuracy. Typical applications for the
VFCPLUS control mode are speed-controlled asynchronous machines with high de-
mands on the speed and torque stability.

Speed control
A higher-level speed control loop that has to be parameterized accordingly is always
used for speed control.
If the control mode is operated without an encoder, the actual speed of the motor is
calculated by the control mode.
If an encoder is used, the angle information of this encoder is used for the control
mode. The actual speed of the motor is calculated from this encoder. The maximum
dynamics of the control loop are reached with a high-resolution encoder.

Torque control
The torque control operating mode can be selected independently of an encoder and
does not need an encoder. With an encoder, however, stable stationary operation at
stator frequency 0 Hz is also possible.

Position control
Position-controlled operation is only possible with an encoder as the actual position is
calculated from the parameterized encoder. This encoder can either be mounted on
the track or on the motor.
The accuracy of the position control can be increased with a motor encoder.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 27

1 Product description
Control mode

The CFC control mode is a current-controlled control mode. The CFC control mode al-
lows the operation of asynchronous and synchronous motors with maximum torque
dynamics. For this purpose, the current components for the magnetic flux and for the
torque generation are controlled separately.
The control mode requires information about the rotor angle and the motor speed. For
this reason, an encoder feedback (motor encoder) is always necessary.
For asynchronous motors, only the relative rotor angle is necessary. Thus, an incre-
mental encoder is sufficient.
The control mode requires the absolute position for synchronous motors. In the case
of encoder types that do not provide an absolute value, a commutation must be per-
formed before every first release after booting the system (FCB 18).
The advantage of the CFC control mode is the very high dynamics that can be
achieved, as a control reserve for reaching the dynamic maximum torque is always
available. For this reason, the CFC control mode is suitable for drives with highly dy-
namic motion control.

The ELSM® control mode allows the operation of permanent-field synchronous servo-
motors without encoder.
This procedure is exclusively intended for applications in horizontal materials handling
technology with one single motor. It is not permitted to use it in vertical drives, inclining
tracks or as a group drive.
Make sure that the inverter provides at least 150% I0 of the motor throughout the align-
ment process.
The maximum motor torque is limited to 1.5 M0 with this procedure.
Switching to a rotating motor is possible (flying start function). Continuous operation is
only permitted above a transition speed of approx. 2% of the nominal motor speed.

Rotor adjustment/rotor position measurement

When the inverter is enabled in ELSM® control mode, the rotor position of the perma-
nent-field synchronous motors is unknown. For this reason, the rotor position has to
be determined first or the rotor has to be adjusted by turning so that its angular posi-
tion is defined.
Measuring the rotor position:
The rotor position of the synchronous motor is measured with test pulses for each en-
able. This occurs at standstill. If a brake is used, this brake remains applied. The
measurement is finished after a maximum of 50 ms. After the measurement is com-
pleted, the synchronous motor accelerates to the setpoint speed. A prerequisite for the
measurement is the one-time determination of the complete motor parameters with
the FCB 25 motor parameter measurement.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends measuring the rotor position.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Adjusting the rotor:

If the complete motor data is not known, the rotor is moved to a defined position at
each enable. A small motor movement depending on the motor pole number takes
place during the adjustment. If a brake is used, this brake is released. The adjustment
is completed after 1 s.

28 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Control mode 1
Speed control 1
The speed control operating mode can be activated in the ELSM control mode. The

control mode has to be distinguished speed-dependent in two different operating

• Open-loop control
• speed-controlled operation.
Open-loop control takes place when starting from standstill and below a transition
speed. This transition speed is calculated and set depending on the inverter and motor
parameters during motor startup. It is about 2% of the nominal speed.
Above this transition speed, the speed control without encoder works.

Torque control
The ELSM® control mode enables the "Torque control" operating mode; however, only
above the transition speed.
Practical meaning: The FCB 07 "Torque control" can only be activated when the flying
start function is active and above the transition speed (example: winding drive). If the
speed is too low, the system shuts down with a fault message.

Flying start function

If it cannot be ensured that the motor is at standstill during the start, the flying start
function has to be activated. This way, the ELSM® control mode can also be enabled
for a turning motor.
If the speed can be calculated plausibly, the control mode proceeds to speed-con-
trolled operation. If this is not the case, the drive proceeds to the "rotor adjustment" or
"rotor measurement" function and then to controlled operation.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 29

1 Product description
Control mode

1.6.2 Characteristics of the control modes

Overview of the control modes


Principle Voltage controlled Field-oriented, Field-oriented, cur- Field-oriented, cur-
according to charac- voltage-controlled, rent controller rent controller
teristic curve stator flux controller,
torque controller
Encoder without without with with with without
Dynamics + +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++
Energy efficiency + +++ +++ ++ +++++ ++++++
Speed control yes1) yes yes yes
Torque control no yes yes yes
Positioning no no yes yes no
Flying start no2) yes yes yes
Typical applica- Group drive, multi- General materials Packaging techno- Horizontal materials
tions motor drives handling technology, logy, handling tech- handling technology
horizontal drives, nology, highly-dy-
vertical drives, namic positioning
pumps/fans, winding
Marking Maximum robust- Maximum precision Maximum dynamics Maximum energy ef-
ness ficiency
1) Open-loop speed control
2) DC braking

ASM Asynchronous motors

LSPM Motors with LSPM technology (Line Start Permanent Magnet)
SM Synchronous motors

Characteristic values for dynamics


Torque control time – Approx. 2 ms1) Approx. 150 µs Approx. 150 µs
Time constant speed con- – Approx. 3 – 6 ms Approx. 0.5 ms Approx. 6 ms
Speed ripple Is mainly determined by the total mass moment of inertia, the torque ripple and
the mechanical structure. It is therefore not possible to specify a general value.
1) Valid in voltage control range, in field weakening range < 5 ms.
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Characteristic values for setpoint resolution


Torque — 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits
0.001% MNMot 0.001% MNMot 0.001% MNMot

30 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Control mode 1
Rotational speed 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits
0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min
Position — 16 bits 16 bits —
Position — 32 bits 32 bits —
(absolute increment)

Characteristic values for accuracy of torque and speed

VFCPLUS without en- VFCPLUS with en- CFC ELSM®

coder coder
Speed accuracy Depending on motor Is mainly determined Is mainly determined by the total mass mo-
parameters, typic- by the encoder res- ment of inertia, the torque ripple and the
ally: 0.2 × fNominal slip olution, approx. 1% mechanical structure. It is therefore not
of n possible to specify a general value.
Torque accuracy < 10% MN < 5 % MN -
for n > 0.2 × nN

Maximum output frequency


Operation is possible up to an output frequency of:
2.5 kHz 250 Hz 250 Hz 250 Hz 250 Hz
4 kHz 400 Hz 250 Hz 400 Hz 400 Hz
≥ 8 kHz 599 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 500 Hz
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 31

1 Product description
Control mode

FCBs that can be activated for selected control mode

FCB no. Designation U/f VFCPLUS CFC ELSM®

01 Output stage inhibit + + + +
02 Default stop + + + +
04 Manual mode + + + +
05 Speed control + + + +
06 Interpolated speed control + + + +
07 Torque control - + + +
08 Interpolated torque control - + + +
12 Reference travel + + + +
13 Stop at application limits + + + +
14 Emergency stop + + + +
25 Motor parameter measurement + + + +
26 Stop at user limits + + + +
FCBs requiring a position encoder
09 Position control - + + -
10 Interpolated position control - + + -
19 Position hold control - + + -
20 Jog - + + -
21 Brake test - + + -

18 Rotor position identification - - + +

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32 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
Energy-saving functions 1
1.7 Energy-saving functions 1

1.7.1 Flux optimization

Flux optimization is a function that allows for operating an asynchronous motor in con-
trol mode VFCPLUS with minimal losses. The magnetic flux is lead depending on the
torque setpoint, so that the motor is operated with minimum current and thus with min-
imized losses. In partial load operation, as well as in case of overload, the total losses
of the motor can be significantly reduced. This function has no influence in the range
of the nominal torque or a bit below, as the motor is usually operated at almost op-
timum conditions.
For system-related reasons, the torque control times are longer with flux optimization
than without flux optimization, due to necessary changes in flux. The flux optimization
is especially suitable for applications with little dynamics, such as fans, pumps, escal-
ators, and conveyor systems with constant speed.
The flux optimization can reduce magnetization losses in the motor by up to 70%.

1.7.2 Standby mode

The standby operation is designed for times in which the operation is paused. The sig-
nificant difference between disconnection of the DC 24 V supply voltage and standby
operation is that switching from standby operation to operation only takes approx.
500 ms, and that the bus communication is maintained. This allows for reducing the
energy consumption even in short pauses.
The following functions are deactivated in standby operation:
• 7-segment display
• STO function
• Digital outputs at the basic device and cards
• Analog outputs at the card
• Power section controller
• Fan in power section
• Optional: Encoder supply and encoder evaluation in the basic device and the card.
Standby operation can be activated via a digital input or via a control word bit.
The bus communication is active without restrictions in standby operation.

Energy consumption in standby operation

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology DC 24 V power consumption in standby

MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3..
3.6 W
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3..
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3..
4.1 W
28487486/EN – 02/2019

MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3..
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3..
10.6 W
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3..
The energy-saving function "standby operation" can reduce the DC 24 V power con-
sumption by 89%.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 33

1 Product description
MOVISUITE® engineering software

1.8 MOVISUITE® engineering software


MOVISUITE® is the new engineering software from SEW‑EURODRIVE.

The engineering software excels thanks to a new design of the user interface and user
guidance. This new interface concept allows for the users to configure, parameterize,
and start up their applications intuitively.
Using the various views, the users can switch to the suitable display mode depending
on their requirements. In the circle view for example, single components can be edited
in a clear structure.
Circle view


The tree view provides an overview of the entire network.

Tree view


The view can be selected depending on application and personal preferences; the
28487486/EN – 02/2019

functionality is identical in both views.

The interface concept of MOVISUITE® makes it possible to visualize the system struc-
ture using structure nodes that can be named according to user preference. These
structure nodes are displayed with a varying level of detail in the views mentioned
The data management has clearly marked transfer directions, and thus is clearly
structured during data transmission.

34 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Product description
MOVISUITE® engineering software 1
The scan function enables the reading of available devices, and the creation of these 1
devices as projects in MOVISUITE®.
The drive train can be built from motor to gear unit using the product catalog. Further-
more, encoders, brakes, control modes, and user units can be selected and paramet-
The data required for the drive train can typically be read off the nameplates of the
motor and gear unit and entered, or selected via a catalog function in the engineering
Another variant is automatic identification of the gear unit motor data by output of the
electronic nameplate stored in the motor encoder. During startup, the engineering soft-
ware checks whether an electronic nameplate is present in the encoder and suggests
the use of this data.
The recording function Scope is available for diagnostic purposes. This enables a dia-
gnostics overview of connected devices and functions. Long-term data acquisition on
the engineering PC hard disk is also possible.
Manual operation can be intuitively used for each application via the new interface.
The startup is functionally divided into segments. The following steps illustrate in ex-
emplary fashion the startup procedure for an application inverter.

Drive train segment

Drive train Configuring drive trains.

Interfaces segment

Standard Basic settings of the installed interfaces

• Basic device
• Encoder 1
Optional Basic settings of the options
• Fieldbus
• I/O card
• Encoder 2

Functions segment

Inputs/outputs • Basic device

• I/O card

Setpoints • Process data

• PO data
28487486/EN – 02/2019

• Setpoint buffer
• Fixed setpoints
• Control word 1 – 3
Actual values • PI data
• Status word 1 – 3

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 35

1 Product description
MOVISUITE® engineering software

Drive functions • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit

• FCB 05 Speed control
• FCB 06 Interpolated speed control
• FCB 08 Interpolated torque control
• FCB 09 Positioning
• FCB 10 Interpolated position control
• FCB 12 Reference travel
• FCB 08 Rotor position identification
• FCB 20 Jog mode
• FCB 21 Brake test
• FCB 26 Stop at user limit
Monitoring functions • Reference signals 1
• Reference signals 2
• Limit values 1
• Limit values 2
• Monitoring functions 1
• Monitoring functions 2
• Output stage
Extended functions • Parameter set
• Auto reset
• Standby mode
• Touchprobe 1
• Touchprobe 2
• Cam switch

Information on the application inverter

Device data • Device identification

• Main component
• Subcomponents
• Production data
Overview of fault responses • Axis module
• Power supply monitoring
• Functions
Setup • Permissions
• Reset device parameters
• Select memory source
28487486/EN – 02/2019

For further information, refer to the "MOVISUITE® standard Engineering Software"


36 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Markings 2
2 Technical data
The following technical data applies to MOVIDRIVE® system and MOVIDRIVE® tech- 2

2.1 Markings
2.1.1 Basic device
The application inverter complies with the following directives and guidelines:

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
• Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The EAC marking states compliance with the requirements of the technical
regulations of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

The RCM marking states compliance with the technical regulations of the
Australian Communications and Media Authority ACMA.

The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T

11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The UL and cUL marking state the UL approval.1)
cUL is equivalent to CSA approval.

1) The UL and cUL marking for the following devices are still in preparation at the time of publication of this document: MDX9_A-0460 –
1490-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 37

2 Technical data

2.1.2 Accessories

Braking resistors BR..

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.

TCB thermal circuit breaker

Mark Definition
The CE mark states the compliance with the following European guidelines:
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS mark states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014
for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic
The cUR mark states the UL approval for this component.

NF.. line filter

Mark Definition
The CE mark states the compliance with the following European guidelines:
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS mark states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014
for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic
The cUR mark states the UL approval for this component.

ND.. line choke

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment

38 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Markings 2
Marking Definition
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T 2
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.

Output filter

Marking Definition
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.

Output choke

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 39

2 Technical data
General technical data

2.2 General technical data

The following table lists the technical data for all application inverters independent of
• Type
• Design
• Size
• Performance

General specifications
Interference immunity Meets EN 61800-3; 2. Environment
Interference emission Limit value class C2 to EN 61800‑3 The interference suppression level can be
improved with relevant measures.
Refer to the chapter "EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3" in
the product manual for further information.
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 °C to +40 °C without derating
40 °C to +60 °C with derating1)
For further information, refer to the chapter "Selection of an application in-
verter > Derating" in the product manual.
Type of cooling Increased air cooling due to an installed, temperature-controlled fan.
• Long-term storage (weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-1 class 1K2 temperature -25 °C to +70 °C (in contrast to the
Non-condensing, no moisture condensation
• Transport (weatherproof):
Climatic conditions EN 60721-3-2 class 2K3 temperature -25 °C to +70 °C
Non-condensing, no moisture condensation
• Operation (fixed installation, weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-3 class 3K3 temperature 0 °C to +45 °C (in contrast to the
Non-condensing, no moisture condensation
• Long-term storage (weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-1 class 1C2, no corrosive gases, no salt mist (in contrast to the
• Transport (weatherproof):
Chemically active substances
EN 60721-3-2 class 2C2, no corrosive gases, no salt mist, no sea water (in
contrast to the standard)
• Operation (fixed installation, weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-3 class 3C2, no corrosive gases, no salt mist
• Long-term storage (weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-1 class 1S1, no conductive dust
• Transport (weatherproof):
Mechanically active substances
EN 60721-3-2 class 2S1
• Operation (fixed installation, weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-3 class 3S1, no conductive dust
1) When using a CS.A card the ambient temperature is limited to a maximum of 55 °C.
Degree of protection according to EN 60529
MDX9_A-0020-... – MDX9_A-0320-5_3-...
MDX9_A-0070-... – MDX9_A-0290-2_3-...
as of MDX9_A-0460-...
IP10, optional IP20
as of MDX9_A-0420...
Pollution class 2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1
Overvoltage category III in accordance with IEC 60664-1
Up to h ≤ 1000 m without restrictions.
The following restrictions apply to altitudes > 1000 m:
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• From 1000 m to max. 3800 m: IN reduction by 1% per 100 m

Installation altitude • From 2000 m to max. 3800 m: To maintain protective separation and the air
gaps and to comply with creepage distances according to EN 61800‑5‑1, an
overvoltage protection device must be connected upstream to reduce the
overvoltages from category III to category II.

40 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of basic device 2
2.3 Technical data of basic device
2.3.1 Performance data 3 × AC 400 V 2
Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160
Size 1 2 3
Nominal output current IN
A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160)
3 × 380 – 500 V
AC Uline
Nominal line current AC Iline A 1.8 2.25 2.88 3.6 4.95 6.3 8.55 11.3 14.4
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 10%
Controlled rectifier No
Plug connector
X1 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5
Nominal output current IN
A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 1.9 2.3 2.9 3.7 5 6.5 8.8 11.6 14.9
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 560
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
X2 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 20
Power section nominal power loss W 16 20 27 34 45 58 83 112 147
Permitted number of times power may be
min-1 1
switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off s 10
EMC variant of power section EMC filter limit value category C2 to EN 61800-3
Mass kg 4.1 4.4 5.7
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value RBRmin Ω 100 47 27
Brake chopper continuous power kW 1.9 2.3 2.9 3.7 5 6.5 8.8 11.6 14.9
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Width mm 95 105 105
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Height with shield plates mm 479 479 494

Depth mm 215 215 260
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 0910 1130 1490
Size 4 5 6
Nominal output current IN
A 24 32 46 62 75 91 113 149
fPWM = 4 kHz

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 41

2 Technical data
Technical data of basic device

Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 0910 1130 1490
Nominal line voltage (to
3 × 380 – 500 V
EN 50160) AC Uline
Nominal line current AC Iline A 21.6 28.8 41.4 55.8 67.5 81.9 102 134
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 5%
Controlled rectifier Yes
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X1 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 –
6 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 11 15 22 30 37 45 55 75
Nominal output current IN
A 24 32 46 62 75 91 113 149
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
f = 0 Hz
Apparent output power SN kVA 15.3 19.8 28.8 38.7 46.8 56.7 70.2 92.7
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 560
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X2 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 –
6 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 30 15 20
Power section nominal power
W 202 282 419 600 760 931 968 1332
Permitted number of times
min-1 1
power may be switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for
s 10
Power off
EMC variant of power section Basic interference suppression integrated
Mass kg 6.6 12.1 24.1
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance 3.6 at
Ω 15 10 6 4.7
value RBRmin 149 A
Brake chopper continuous kW 15.3 19.8 28.8 38.7 46.8 56.7 70.2 92.7
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
Connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 –
6 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Width mm 135 196 240
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Height with shield plates mm 494 471 544

Depth mm 260 293 328
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve

Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 1770 2200 2500 3000 3800 4700 5880
Size 7 8

42 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of basic device 2
Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 1770 2200 2500 3000 3800 4700 5880
Nominal output current IN
A 177 220 250 300 380 470 588
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC
3 × 380 – 500 V
Nominal line current AC Iline A 159 198 225 270 342 423 529
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 5%
Controlled rectifier Yes
X1 connection contacts M12
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 90 110 132 160 200 250 315
Nominal output current IN A 250 300 380 470 588
177 220
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200% at 200% at fPWM = 2.5 kHz 150% at 150% at fPWM = 2.5 kHz
fPWM = fPWM =
4 kHz 2.5 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 2.5 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 110.7 136.8 230 277 350 434 541
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 560
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8 2.5, 4, 8 2.5, 4
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
X2 connection contacts M12
Nominal power loss 24 V
Power section nominal power loss
Permitted number of times power may
be switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off
EMC variant of power section Basic interference suppression integrated
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 1
Brake chopper continuous power kW 110.7 136.8 230 277 350 434 541
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Connection contacts M12
Width mm
Height mm
Depth mm
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 43

2 Technical data
Technical data of basic device

2.3.2 Performance data 3 × AC 230 V

Unit MDX9_A-...-2_3-4-..
Type 0070 0093 0140
Size 2 3
Nominal output current IN
A 7 9.3 14
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC Uline 3 × 200 – 240 V
Nominal line current AC Iline A 6.3 8.37 12.6
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 10%
Controlled rectifier No
Plug connector
X1 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 1.5 2.2 3.7
Nominal output current IN
A 7 9.3 14
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 3.7 4.9 7.5
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 325
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
X2 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 20
Power section nominal power loss W 51 72 105
Permitted number of times power may be min-1 1
switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off s 10
EMC variant of power section EMC filter limit value category C2 to EN 61800-3
Mass 4.4 5.7
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value RBRmin Ω 27 15
Brake chopper continuous power kW 3.7 4.9 7.5
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Width mm 105 105
Height with shield plates mm 479 494
Depth mm 215 260
28487486/EN – 02/2019

1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve

Unit MDX9_A-...-2_3-4-..
Type 0213 0290 0420 0570 0840 1080
Size 4 5 6
Nominal output current IN
A 21.3 29 42 57 84 108
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC Uline 3 × 200 – 240 V

44 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of basic device 2
Unit MDX9_A-...-2_3-4-..
Type 0213 0290 0420 0570 0840 1080
Nominal line current AC Iline A 19.2 26.1 37.8 51.3 75.6 97.2
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 10%
Controlled rectifier Yes
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X1 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 6 mm2
(twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30
Nominal output current IN A 21.3 29 42 57 84 108
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 11.3 15.4 22.2 30.2 44.6 50.4
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 325
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X2 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 6 mm2
(twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 30 15 20
Power section nominal power loss W 152 218 315 459 729 764
Permitted number of times power may be
min-1 1
switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off s 10
EMC variant of power section Basic interference suppression integrated
Mass 6.6 12.1 24.1
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value RBRmin Ω 7.5 4.7 2.3
Brake chopper continuous power kW 11.3 15.4 22.2 30.2 44.6 50.4
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
Connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 6 mm2
(twin AEH)1)
Width mm 135 196 240
Height with shield plates mm 494 471 544
Depth mm 260 293 328
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 45

2 Technical data
Technical data of accessories

2.4 Technical data of accessories

2.4.1 Installation accessories

Type designation Part number Plastic cover Number Scope of deliv- Description
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-..
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
Not included in
10 (→ 2 228)
scope of delivery
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..

Type designation Part number Lifting eye Number Scope of deliv- Description
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.. Included in the
28106229 1 (→ 2 212)
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. scope of delivery

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46 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Electronics data – signal terminals 2
2.5 Electronics data – signal terminals
Terminal designation Specification 2
Design According to IEC 61131-2
Supply voltage
Port X5 External power supply 24 V according to IEC 61131
Plug connector
Connecting contacts - 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
- 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm2 (Twin-AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Digital inputs
Cycle time input 1 ms / 500 μs
• 6 with MOVIDRIVE® system
• 8 with MOVIDRIVE® technology
Response time 100 μs plus cycle time
X20: 1 – 6 DI00: "Output stage enable" fixedly assigned.
DI01 – DI05: Selection option, see parameter menu.
All inputs are suitable for touchprobe function. Latency period <
100 µs, max. 2 simultaneously.
Assignment DI04, DI05: HTL low-resolution encoder connection.
DI05: Primary frequency input.
X20: 7 – 8 Reserved
X20: 9 GND
Plug connector
Connecting contacts - 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
- 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm2 (Twin-AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Digital outputs
Cycle time output 1 ms / 500 μs
Quantity 4
Response time 175 μs plus cycle time
Output current Imax = 50 mA
Short-circuit protection Yes
X21: 1 +24 V supply voltage
Maximum output current = 50 mA
X21: 2 – 5 DO00 – DO03: Selection option, see parameter menu.
X21: 6 GND
Plug connector
Connecting contacts - 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
- 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm2 (Twin-AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Brake control
X10:DB0 DB00:
- Brake control
Assignment - Control braking contactor DC 24 V, max. 150 mA
X10:TF1 Sensor input for temperature evaluation of the motor
Plug connector
MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3-..
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3-..:
- One core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
Connecting contacts
MDX9_A-0460-5_3-.. and newer
28487486/EN – 02/2019

MDX9_A-0420-2_3-..: and newer

- One core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
- Two cores: 0.5 – 1 mm2 (Twin-AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Encoder input
X15:13 X15:13 DC 24 V, Imax = 500 mA
X15:15 X15:15 DC 12 V, Imax = 500 mA

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 47

2 Technical data
Electronics data – drive safety functions

2.6 Electronics data – drive safety functions

The table below shows the technical data of the application inverter relating to the in-
tegrated safety technology.
The safety-related digital inputs comply with type 3 in accordance with IEC 61131‑2.
Reference potential for the F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2 is STO_M (contact at terminal
Terminal desig- General electronics data
Safety contact STO X6
Electrical data of inputs F_STO_P1, F_STO_P2 Minimum Typical Maximum
Input voltage range X6:1 and X6:3 DC -3 V DC 24 V DC 30 V
Input capacitance against STO_M – 300 pF 500 pF
Input capacitance against GND – 300 pF 500 pF
Power consumption at DC 24 V F_STO_P1 – 150 mW 200 mW
F_STO_P2 – 150 mW 200 mW
Sum1) – 300 mW 400 mW
Input voltage for ON status (STO) DC 11 V – –
Input voltage for OFF status (STO) – – DC 5 V
Permitted leakage current of the external safety controller – – 1 mA
Technical data
Time from disconnecting the safety voltage until the deactiv- – 10 ms
1.5 ms
ation of the rotating field 2 ms2)
Time from connecting the safety voltage until the activation – –
110 ms
of the rotating field
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 1.5 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 0.5 mm2 (twin AEH)3)
1) Each drive unit always requires a power consumption of 300 mW
2) Only when the STO is used and controlled via a MOVISAFE® CS.A card
3) AEH: Conductor end sleeve

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48 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7 Dimension drawings
2.7.1 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. 2

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 49

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7.2 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-.. with braking resistor









28487486/EN – 02/2019

50 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7.3 MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..







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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 51

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7.4 MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0140-2_3-..








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52 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7.5 MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..






28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 53

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7.6 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..







28487486/EN – 02/2019

54 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7.7 MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.., MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..
7 2





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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 55

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

2.8 Technical data of the cards

2.8.1 CIO21A and CID21A input/output cards

The CIO21A input/output card provides digital/analog inputs and outputs; the CID21A
cards provide digital inputs and outputs.
Terminal designation/ Specifications
Part number 28229495 28229487
Design In accordance with IEC 61131‑2 (type 3 for digital inputs)
Cycle time 1 ms
Power consumption 1.2 W 0.4 W Base load (exclusively total power at outputs)
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 0.5 mm2
Shield terminals for control lines available
Digital inputs
Number 4
Response time 160 μs plus cycle time
X52: 1 – 4 DI10 – DI13: For the selection option, see parameter menu
X52: 5 GND
Digital outputs
Number 4
Response time 175 μs plus cycle time
Output current I ≤ 50 mA
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load Not permitted
Protection device Short-circuit proof, protected against external voltage DC 0 – 30 V
X52: 6 – 9 DO10 – DO13: For the selection option, see parameter menu
X52: 10 GND
Analog inputs
Number 2
Switchable to current input
0 to +10 V, -10 V to +10 V
Range of values
0(4) – 20 mA
X50:2 Analog input AI21
X50:3 Reference of analog input AI21
Assignment GND
X50:5 Analog input AI31
X50:6 Reference of analog input AI31
Voltage input
Resolution 0 to +10 V (11 bit), -10 V to +10 V (12 bit)
Tolerance ± 0.5%
Overvoltage immunity DC -20 V to DC +20 V
Input resistance ≥ 10 kΩ
Current input
Resolution 0(4) – 20 mA (11 bit)
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Tolerance ± 2%
Load impedance (Internal) 250 Ω
Overvoltage immunity DC -10 V to DC +10 V
Analog outputs
Number 2
Short-circuit protection Yes

56 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of the cards 2
Terminal designation/ Specifications
Analog voltage output AOV2/AOV3
Assignment X51:2
Analog current output AOC2/AOC3
X51: 3, 6 GND
Voltage output
Tolerance ± 5%
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load ≤ 500 μH
Load resistance ≥ 1 kΩ
Resolution 12 bit
Reset state 0V
Output value -10 V to +10 V ≤ 10 mA
Current output
Tolerance ±3%
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load None
Load resistance ≤ 500 Ω
Resolution 11 bit
Reset state 0 mA
Measuring range 0(4) – 20 mA
Reference voltage output
Short-circuit protection Yes
Output voltage DC -10 V, DC +10 V
Tolerance ± 0.5 %
Noise ≤ 10 mA
Output current ≤ 3 mA
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load ≤ 500 μH
X50: 1 REF1 (DC +10 V)
X50: 8 REF2 (DC -10 V)

Connection of inductive loads to digital outputs
Destruction of digital outputs.
If inductive loads are connected to digital outputs, you must install an external pro-
tective element (freewheeling diode).
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 57

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

2.8.2 CES11A multi-encoder card

Voltage supply
The multi-encoder card is supplied by the basic device.

Technical data of encoder supply

Terminal designation Specifications
Part number 28229479
Power consumption
Nominal power loss 24 V 0.8 W
Maximum power consumption 24 V (card including 12.8 W
encoder supply)
Encoder supply
12 V X17:15 DC 12 V ± 10%
24 V X17:13 DC 24 V -10%, +20% in accordance with EN 611311)
Nominal output current 12 V or 24 V 500 mA
Peak current Imax for 150 μs 1000 mA
Capacitive load < 220 μF
Inductive load < 500 μH
Short-circuit protection of 12 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.
Short-circuit protection of 24 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.
Evaluable temperature sensor TF / TH / KTY84-130 / Pt1000
1) Note the restricted tolerance range

Encoder connection
Encoder connection Specification
Connection on encoder card end 15-pin socket
Maximum encoder cable length - HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C: 300 m
- Standard HTL encoder: 200 m
- Other encoders: 100 m

28487486/EN – 02/2019

58 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of the cards 2
2.8.3 Safety cards CS..A

General technical data 2

Ambient temperature for storage of the safety ≥ -25 °C – ≤ 85 °C
Ambient temperature of MOVIDRIVE® system/ • 0 °C – 40 °C without derating
technology, all sizes • 40 °C – 55 °C with derating
(For derating, see the "MOVIDRIVE® system" and
"MOVIDRIVE® technology" operating instructions)
Ambient temperature of MOVIDRIVE® modular, 0 °C – 45 °C without derating
all sizes
Installation altitude Maximum 3800 m above sea

Safe digital inputs

F-DI00 – F-DI03 Value/description

Properties DC 24 V input pursuant to EN 61131-2, type 3
Signal level • Logic "0" = LOW input:
≤ 5 V or ≤ 1.5 mA
• Logic "1" = HIGH input:
≥ 11 V and ≥ 2 mA
Reference ground GND
Power demand (typical) 0.21 W at DC 24 V
Input current ≤ 15 mA
Input resistance ≤ 4 kΩ at DC 24 V
Input filter time, parameterizable 4 ms – 250 ms
Permitted cable length 30 m
Error response time with single-pole No greater than the response time without
connection error.
Edge steepness of input signal > 120 V/s
Input capacitance < 500 pF

Sensor supply

F-SS0, F-SS1 Value/description

Properties • DC 24 V output pursuant to EN 61131-2
28487486/EN – 02/2019

• Short circuit and overload protection

• No galvanic isolation
Rated current 150 mA
Inrush current (≤ 10 ms) 300 mA
Short-circuit protection 1.2 A

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 59

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

F-SS0, F-SS1 Value/description

Internal voltage drop < DC 1.3 V
Pulsed voltage supply (if activated) • 2 ms open (LOW)
• Period duration, pulsed voltage supply:
8 ms
Permitted cable length 30 m (per sensor)
Leakage current (F-SSx blocked) < 0.1 mA

Safe digital outputs

F-DO00_P/M, F-DO01_P/M Value/description

Features • DC 24 V output in accordance with
EN 61131-2
• Short circuit and overload protection
Rated current 150 mA
Inrush current (≤ 10 ms) 300 mA
Leakage current (F-DOx blocked) < 0.1 mA
Maximum switching frequency • 10 Hz during operation < 1 minute
• 0.5 Hz during operation > 1 minute
Overload protection 210 mA
Minimum current for wire break 15 mA
Permitted cable length 30 m
Load capacitance (max. test pulse ≤ 300 nF
Load capacitance (1 ms test pulse 50 nF
Capacitance to GND/PE (sourcing ≤ 10 nF
output only)
Load capacitance with diode de- ≤ 12 µF
Load inductance ≤ 100 µH
Load inductance with freewheeling ≤ 40 H
Minimum load resistance > 130 Ω

Part numbers of the safety cards

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Safety card Part number

MOVISAFE® CSB21A 28233360
MOVISAFE® CSB31A 28233387

60 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of encoder interfaces 2
2.9 Technical data of encoder interfaces
2.9.1 Basic device
Terminal designation Specification
Supported encoders
Encoder interface X15:1 – 15
Encoders with RS422 signals
Connecting contacts 15-pin socket
Encoder supply
Nominal output voltage US24VG according to DC 24 V
IEC 61131
Nominal output voltage US12VG according to DC 12 V
IEC 61131
Imax 500 mA
Ipeak for 150 μs 1000 mA
Short-circuit protection of 12 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.
Short-circuit protection of 24 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.

2.9.2 CES11A multi-encoder card

Terminal designation Specification
Supported encoders
encoder interface X17:1 – 15
EnDat2.1 with sin/cos signals
Encoders with RS422 signals
Connecting contacts 15-pin socket
Encoder supply
Nominal output voltage US24VG according to DC 24 V
IEC 61131
Nominal output voltage US12VG according to DC 12 V
IEC 61131
Imax 500 mA
Ipeak for 150 μs 1000 mA
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 61

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10 Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10.1 Braking resistors type BR.../BR...-T

The BR.../BR...-T braking resistors are adapted to the technical characteristics of the
application inverter.
Braking resistors with different continuous and peak braking powers are available.
The braking resistors can be protected against overload and overtemperature by the
customer when a thermal overload relay is used. The tripping current is set to the
value IF; for this, see the following tables "Technical data and assignment to an in-
The braking resistors of the series BR...-T are equipped with an integrated tempera-
ture switch that monitors the temperature. If the nominal operating temperature is ex-
ceeded, the temperature switch triggers a signal contact. The temperature switch does
not switch off the braking resistor. This is why the temperature switch must be evalu-
ated to avoid thermal overload of the braking resistor.
Another possibility to protect the braking resistor is the TCB thermal circuit breaker.
The TCB thermal circuit breaker protects the braking resistor against continuous over-
load and against power peaks over short periods.
A PTC resistor protects itself (reversible) against regenerative overload by changing
abruptly to high resistance and no longer consuming any more energy. The inverter
then switches off and signals a "brake chopper" fault.
A flat-type resistor has internal thermal protection (fuse cannot be replaced) that inter-
rupts the current circuit in the event of overload. The project planning guidelines and
the documented assignments of the drive inverter and braking resistor must be ad-
hered to.

Use of protection devices
Use only the protection devices listed in the following section:
• TCB thermal circuit breaker
• Internal temperature switch T
• External bimetallic relay
→ See also the chapter "Protection of the braking resistor against thermal overload"
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62 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
UL and cUL approval
The listed braking resistors have a cRUus approval independent of the application in- 2

Parallel connection of braking resistors

Identical braking resistors must be connected in parallel for some inverter/resistor
In this case, protect each braking resistor against overload and overtemperature using
a thermal overload relay.
The temperature switches must be connected in series for braking resistors of the
BR...-T series.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 63

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Technical data and assignment to an inverter

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T
Part number 18176011 08281718 08281653 18204198
Current-carrying capacity at 100% kW 0.03 0.1 0.2 0.6
Resistance value RBR Ω 117 100 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 0.8 1 2.4
Design PTC submounting re- Flat-type resistor Wire resistor
Power connections Single conductors Ceramic terminal
2.5 mm2
Tightening torque Nm – 0.5
PE connection – M4
Tightening torque PE Nm – 1.8
Degree of protection in accord- IP20 IP65 IP20
ance with EN 60529
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
(Reduction 4% PN/10 K to +60 °C)
Mass kg 0.95 0.3 0.6 3

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T
0020 0020
0025 0025
0032 0032
0040 0040

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR047-010-T BR147-T BR247-T
Part number 17983207 18201342 18200842
Current-carrying capacity at kW 1 1.2 2
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 47 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 4.6 5.1 6.5
Design Wire resistor
Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque Nm 0.5
PE connection M4
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 4 4.9 6.7

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR47-010-T BR147-T BR247-T
28487486/EN – 02/2019

MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0070

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T
Part number 17983215 17983231 19155301
Current-carrying capacity at kW 1.6 2.4 4.2
100% cdf

64 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Braking resistor Unit BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T
Resistance value RBR Ω 27 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 7.7 9.4 12.5
Design Wire resistor Frame resistor
Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque Nm 0.5
PE connection M4 M5
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8 2.5
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 5.8 8 10

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR015-016 BR015-042-T BR015-075-T BR915-T
Part number 17983258 19155328 19155271 18204139
Current-carrying capacity at kW 1.6 4.2 7.5 16
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 15 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 10.3 16.7 22.4 32.7
Design Wire resistor Frame resistor Grid resistor mounting position 1
Power connections Ceramic terminal Ceramic terminal M8 stud
2.5 mm2 4 mm2
Tightening torque Nm 0.5 0.9 6
PE connection M4 M5 M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8 2.5 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 5.8 10 12 32

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR015-016 BR015-042-T BR015-075-T BR915-T
0620 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
0750 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 0213 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
0290 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Braking resistor Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T

Part number 17983266 17983274 19155298
Current-carrying capacity at kW 2.4 5 10.8
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 10 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 15.5 22.4 32.9
Design Wire resistor Grid resistor mounting position 1
Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm2 M8 stud

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 65

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Braking resistor Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T

Tightening torque Nm 0.5 6
PE connection M4 stud M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 8 11 17.5

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0910 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
1130 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 0290
0420 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR006-025-01 BR006-050-01 BR106-T BR206-T
Part number 18200117 18200125 18200834 18204120
Current-carrying capacity at 100% kW 2.5 5 13.5 18
Resistance value RBR Ω 6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 20.4 28.9 47.4 54.8
Design Grid resistor
Power connections M8 stud
Tightening torque Nm 6
PE connection M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -25 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 7.5 12 30 40

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR006-025-01 BR006-050-01 BR106-T BR206-T
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0750
1490 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 570 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01
Part number 17983282 17983290 18200133 17967678
Current-carrying capacity at kW 7 17 5 7
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 4.7 ± 10% 3.6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 38.6 60.1 32.6 38.6
Design Grid resistor mounting position 1
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Power connections M8 stud

Tightening torque Nm 6
PE connection M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 13 33 13

66 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01
1770 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 1490
2200 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
2500 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
0840 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. ors) 570
1080 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR003-420-T BR002-070
Part number 13302345 17983304
Current-carrying capacity at 100% kW 42 7
Resistance value RBR Ω 2.5 2.3 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 135.1 55.2
Design Grid resistor mounting position 2 Grid resistor mounting position 1
Power connections M12 stud M8 stud
Tightening torque Nm 15.5 6
PE connection M10 stud M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 10 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 93 33

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR003-420-T BR002-070
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 3000 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
3800 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
4700 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
5880 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR1.0-170
Part number 17985455
Current-carrying capacity at kW 17
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 1 ± 10%
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Tripping current Itrip A 130.4

Design Grid resistor mounting position 2
Power connections M12 stud
Tightening torque Nm 15.5
PE connection M10 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 10
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -25 °C to +40 °C

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 67

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Braking resistor Unit BR1.0-170

Mass kg 45

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR1.0-170

Technical data of BR..-T

Specifications for BR..-T Design
Signal contact connection cross section 1 × 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque signal contact 1 Nm
Switching capacity signal contact DC 2 A / DC 24 V (DC11)
AC 2 A / AC 230 V (AC11)
Switch contact (NC contact) According to EN 60730

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68 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Dimension drawings and dimensions

Wire resistor 2

b x a M../PG..

Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR100-006-T 549 92 125 430 80 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR47-010-T 749 92 125 630 80 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR147-T 549 185 125 430 150 6.5 8 PG16 + M12
BR247-T 749 185 125 630 150 6.5 8 PG16 + M12
BR027-016-T 649 185 125 530 150 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR027-024-T 649 275 125 530 240 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR015-016 649 185 125 530 150 6.5 8 M25
BR010-024 649 275 125 530 240 6.5 8 M25

Grid resistor mounting position 1


d a
b A
Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR015-075-T 415 500 270 395 380 9 — —
BR106-T 795 490 270 770 380 10.5 — —
BR206-T 995 490 270 970 380 10.5 — —
BR915-T 795 490 270 770 380 10.5 — —
BR010-050-T 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —
BR010-108-T 525 500 270 505 380 9 — —
BR004-050-01 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —
28487486/EN – 02/2019

BR005-070 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —

BR002-070 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —
BR005-170-T 490 795 270 380 770 10.5 — —
BR006-025-01 295 490 260 270 380 10.5 — —
BR006-050-01 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 69

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Grid resistor mounting position 2

d a
Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR003-420-T 995 490 710 970 380 10.5 — —
BR1.0-170 490 795 490 380 770 10.5 — —

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70 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Frame resistor
M../PG.. 2

d x a
b M../PG..
Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR027-042-T 570 390 180 380 370 6.5 55 M25 + M12
BR015-042-T 570 390 180 380 370 6.5 55 M25 + M12

Flat type resistor




Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR100-001 110 80 15 98 60 — — —
BR100-002 216 80 15 204 60 — — —

Submounting resistor BR120-001


28487486/EN – 02/2019


24 27.5 325

7 366


Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 71

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10.2 TCB thermal circuit breaker option

The TCB thermal circuit breaker protects the braking resistor from constant overload
and protects in case of a short circuit in the cable or the braking resistor.
The setting range of the thermal circuit breaker has to be selected in such a way that it
corresponds to the tripping current IF of the braking resistor.
The switch reacts to the following events:
• Thermal overload via current monitoring device.
• Short circuit.
In the event of a fault, the thermal circuit breaker switches off the braking resistor. The
present fault is signaled via isolated NO and NC contacts.
After fault elimination, the thermal circuit breaker can be reconnected like a normal
miniature circuit breaker.
The thermal circuit breaker is installed on DIN rails (TS35).

UL and cUL approval

The thermal circuit breaker has the cRUus approval, independent of the application in-

Technical data
Circuit breaker type Unit TCB0040 TCB0063 TCB0100
Part number 19170424 19170432 19170440
Setting range A 2.5 – 4 4 – 6.3 6.3 – 10
Connection cross section main contact mm2 1.5 – 16
Tightening torque Nm 2.5
Signal contact connection cross section mm2 0.5 – 1.5
Tightening torque Nm 0.8
Mechanical service life 20000 switching cycles
Circuit breaker type Unit TCB0160 TCB0200 TCB0250 TCB0320 TCB0400
Part number 19170459 19148658 19170467 19170475 19170483
Setting range A 10 – 16 16 – 20 20 – 25 25 – 32 32 – 40
Connection cross section main contact mm2 2.5 – 16 4 – 16 6 – 16 10 – 16
Tightening torque Nm 2.5
Signal contact connection cross section mm2 0.5 – 1.5
Tightening torque Nm 0.8
Mechanical service life 20000 switching cycles

Technical data of signal contact

Specifications of the signal contacts Design

Connecting contacts 0.5 – 1.5 mm2
Tightening torque 0.8 Nm
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Switching capacity DC 5 A / DC 24 V
AC 10 A / AC 230 V

72 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Dimension drawing

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 73

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10.3 Line filter

Line filters are used to suppress interference emission on the line side of inverters.
• Do not switch between the NF... line filter and inverter.

UL and cUL approval

The listed line filters have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.

Technical data
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
Part number 17984319 17984270 17984300 17983789 17987504 17987865
Nominal line voltage VN 3 × AC 230 V - 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 5.5 A 12 A 22 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal power loss 4W 6W 9W 30 W 51.5 W 89 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 to 45 °C (reduction: x% IN up to max. 60 °C)
Connecting contacts Spring-loaded terminals max. 6 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
Tightening torque — 2 – 4 Nm 6 – 8 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
PE terminal contacts M4 M5 M6 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 6 Nm 12 Nm 23
Degree of protection IP20 according to EN 60529
Mass 1 kg 1 kg 1.4 kg 3 kg 5 kg 9 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 0910 – 1490
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. — 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080

28487486/EN – 02/2019

74 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Dimension drawings and dimensions
PE 2


Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
NF0055-503 200 50 97 — 186 25 5.5 M4
NF0120-503 200 50 97 — 186 25 5.5 M4
NF0220-503 230 55 102 — 216 30 5.5 M4


PE a
Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
NF0420-513 250 88 97 255 235 60 5.5 M6
NF0910-523 270 100 152 320 255 65 6.5 M8
NF1800-523 380 132 185 465 365 102 6.5 M10
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 75

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10.4 Line choke

Using line chokes is optional:
• To support overvoltage protection
• To smoothen the line current, to reduce harmonics
• Protection in the event of distorted line voltage
• To limit the charging current when several inverters are connected together in par-
allel on the input end with shared line contactors (nominal current of line choke =
total of inverter currents).

UL and cUL approval

The listed line chokes have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.

Technical data
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
Part number 17984173 17984181 17983800 17983819 17987520 17987539
Nominal line voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 7A 16 A 30 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal inductance 0.36 mH 0.2 mH 0.1 mH 0.045 mH 0.035 mH 0.018 mH
Nominal power loss 4W 9W 11 W 13 W 53 W 116 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb -10 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts L1/L2/L3 – L1'/ 0.2 – 4 mm2 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
Tightening torque L1/L2/L3 – L1'/L2'/ 0.5 – 1 Nm 1.2 – 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 – 6 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
PE connection contact M4 M5 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 12 Nm 20 Nm
Degree of protection IPXXB in accordance with EN 60529 IPXXA in accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 0.5 kg 1.3 kg 1.95 kg 1.82 kg 4.6 kg 10 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 910 – 1400
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. - 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080

28487486/EN – 02/2019

76 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Dimension drawings and dimensions
E 2

a d b
Line choke Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
ND0070-503 78 57 105 56 65 40 4.8 M4
ND0160-503 96 70 120 65 71 54 4.8 M4
ND0300-503 121 86 145 86 105 70 4.8 M5
ND0420-503 121 86 150 90 105 70 4.8 M5


d b
a B

Line choke Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
ND0910-503 156 96 220 120 135 80 5.8 M8
ND1800-503 187 121 260 153 166 93 6.2 M10
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 77

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10.5 Output filter

Description of the output filter

HF.. type output filters are sine filters used to smooth the output voltages of inverters.
• Discharge currents in the motor cables are suppressed.
• Motor winding insulations of third-party motors that are not suitable for inverters
are protected.
• For long motor cables (> 100 m), overvoltage peaks are prevented.

UL and cUL approval

The listed output filters have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.

Technical data
Output filter HF0055-503 HF0125-503 HF0240-503 HF0460-503 HF0650-503 HF1150-503
Part number 17985110 17985129 17985137 17985145 17991277 17991269
Nominal voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 5.5 A 12.5 A 24 A 46 A 65 A 115 A
Nominal power loss 80 W 120 W 200 W 400 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN/K up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts U1/ 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 16 – 50 mm2 16 – 95 mm2
V1/W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
Tightening torque U1/V1/ 1.2 – 2 Nm 2 – 4 Nm 3 – 6 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
PE connection contacts M6 stud M8 stud M10 stud
Tightening torque PE 6 Nm 12 Nm 23 Nm
Degree of protection in IP20 IPXXA
accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 8 kg 18 kg 25 kg 40 kg 48 kg 70 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Output filter HF0055-503 HF0125-503 HF0240-503 HF0460-503 HF0650-503 HF1150-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 0620 – 0750
0910 (Parallel 1130 – 1490
connection of 2 (Parallel connec-
filters) tion of 2 filters)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. – 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 0570
28487486/EN – 02/2019

78 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Dimension drawings and dimensions



x a
Output filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Connection
A B C E a b d x PE
HF0055-503 310 105 160 – 290 75 6.5 7 M6
HF0125-503 390 120 215 – 370 90 6.5 7 M6
HF0240-503 450 135 270 – 430 100 6.5 7 M6
HF0460-503 450 160 310 – 430 120 6.5 7 M6
HF0650-503 635 210 285 637 610 174 8.5 10 M8
HF1150-503 725 260 273 751 700 224 8.5 10 M8
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 79

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.10.6 Output choke

Description of output choke

HD.. type output chokes suppress interference emitted from unshielded motor cables.

UL and cUL approval

The listed output chokes have cRUus approvals independent of the application in-

Technical data
Output choke HD0125-503 HD0240-503 HD0460-503 HD1000-503 HD2000-503
Part number 17985153 17985188 17985161 17991307 17991250
Nominal voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 12.5 A 24 A 46 A 100 A 200 A
Nominal power loss 2.9 W 6W 14 W 37 W 83 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN/K up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts U1/ 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 16 – 50 mm2 16 – 150 mm2
V1/W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
Tightening torque U1/V1/ 1.2 – 2 Nm 2 – 4 Nm 6 – 8 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
PE connection contact M6 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 6 Nm 12 Nm 23 Nm
Degree of protection in IPXXB IPXXA
accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 0.85 kg 1.46 kg 2.35 kg 3 kg 6.5 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Output choke HD0125-503 HD0240-503 HD0460-503 HD1000-503 HD2000-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 0910 – 1490
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0420 0420 – 0840 1080

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80 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Dimension drawings and dimensions
E 2


PE a
Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Connection
A B C E a b d PE
HD0125-503 153 65 73 151 138 40 5.5 M6
HD0240-503 173 95 83 178 158 65 5.5 M6
HD0460-503 185 125 113 189 170 90 5.5 M6
HD1000-503 255 116 143.5 265 240 82 6.5 M8
HD2000-503 300 152.5 160.5 330 286 120 6.5 M10
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 81

3 Configuration

3 Configuration

3.1 SEW-Workbench
The SEW-Workbench is the central configuration software for inverters from
All necessary configurations can be processed, from entering the application to gear
unit, motor and inverter calculations. Other features are optimization of the various
axis cycles including the selection of accessories and a fault check of the entire drive
system configuration.
Of course, the Workbench can also be used to select and dimension all other products
from SEW‑EURODRIVE (such as decentralized drives and gearmotors). This means
the SEW-Workbench allows for specifying drive solutions from the entire range of
products from SEW‑EURODRIVE. The straightforward operation saves a great deal of
time and minimizes complexity.
The key features of the SEW-Workbench are:
• Selection of the application
• Calculation of gear unit and motor
• Price-optimized configuration
• Comparison of different solutions
• Inverter calculation
• Multi-axis optimization
• Parameterization of cable and accessories selection
• Dimensioning error check
• Parts list generation
• Electronic catalog with all products
The planning and configuration software SEW-Workbench is available for download
from the official SEW‑EURODRIVE website.
To use SEW-Workbench, all you need to do is to register via the Online Support once
you have downloaded and installed the software or received the data DVD. An Inter-
net update service ensures that the products and functions are always up to date.

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82 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Schematic workflow for project planning 3
3.2 Schematic workflow for project planning
The following flow diagram illustrates the drive selection procedure for a positioning
drive. The drive consists of a gearmotor that is supplied by an application inverter. 3
Necessary information regarding the machine to be driven
• Technical data and ambient conditions.
• Positioning accuracy.
• Speed setting range.
• Travel cycle calculation.

Calculation of the relevant application data
• Travel diagram.
• Speeds.
• Static, dynamic torques.
• Regenerative power.

Gear unit selection
• Defining gear unit type, gear unit size, gear unit ratio, and gear unit design.
• Checking the positioning accuracy.
• Checking the gear unit load.
• Checking the input speed.

Motor selection
• Maximum torque.
• With dynamic drives: effective torque at medium speed.
• Maximum speed.
• Observe dynamic and thermal torque curves.
• Motor equipment (brake, plug connector, thermal motor protection, etc.).

Selection of application modules
• Determining the control mode.
• Motor/inverter assignment.
• Checking if the application inverters fulfill the duration and overload requirements.

Braking resistor selection
• Checking if the braking resistor fulfills the duration and overload requirements.
• Observe braking resistor assignment.

Selection of other system components
• Option cards.
• Motor and power supply cables.
• Signal and encoder cables.
• EMC measures.

24 V voltage supply selection
• Determining the current demand of the 24 V voltage supply.
• Observing the requirements for the voltage tolerance.

Make sure that all requirements have been met.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 83

3 Configuration
Drive selection

3.3 Drive selection

For drive selection, in addition to the travel diagram that describes the exact travel
cycle, a large number of additional specifications must be made about the operating
and ambient conditions.
It is first necessary to have data for the machine to be driven such as mass, setting
range, speed, information about the mechanical design and so on in order to select
the drive correctly. The appropriate drive can be determined with the calculated
torques and speeds of the drive while taking other mechanical requirements such as
environmental and operating conditions into account.
For selecting the drive, a decision is to be taken if an asynchronous motor or a syn-
chronous motor is to be used. The extensive product range of SEW‑EURODRIVE is
available for this purpose.

3.3.1 General requirements for motors

Motors that can be connected

• Asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor.
• Permanent-field synchronous motors.
When third-party motors are operated with inverters, SEW‑EURODRIVE cannot en-
sure that the specified performance data is reached.

Dielectric strength of the motor

The operation of an AC motor with a frequency inverter places a much greater load on
the motor winding than in the case of operation on the supply system. All AC motors
by SEW‑EURODRIVE have the required voltage endurance.
At a line voltage of AC 3 x 400 V, the nominal DC link voltage is DC 560 V. In regener-
ative operation, the DC link voltage can rise to 970 V.
For operation of third-party motors at SEW‑EURODRIVE's application inverters, their
suitability has to be checked.

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84 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Drive selection 3
Requirements for third-party motors
The connected third-party motor has to be designed in inverter mode for these DC link
The inverters pulse the DC voltage of the DC link UDC to the supply cables to the mo-
tor. At SEW‑EURODRIVE, the pulsed voltage supply is available with 2.5 kHz, 4 kHz,
8 kHz, or 16 kHz. As a result, the motor is loaded with voltage peaks, high amplitude
and very short rise times.
The technical data of the motors must lie within the following ranges:

Nominal motor speed 0 – 30 000 min-1

Nominal motor current 0 – 500 A
Nominal motor torque 0 – 50 000 Nm
Rated motor frequency 1)
0 – 500 Hz
Number of pole pairs asynchronous/synchronous motor 1 – 64
1) The maximum output frequency depends on the selected control mode

Thermal motor protection

Thermal motor protection avoids overheating and, therefore, prevents irreparable
damage from being caused to the motor. For this purpose, temperature sensors detect
the winding temperature. As standard, the MOVIDRIVE® application inverters can
evaluate the following temperature sensors:

Motor protection Number of SEW-EURODRIVE

sensors: designation
PTC thermistor 3 TF
Bimetallic temperature switch 3 TH
Semiconductor temperature sensor KTY84-130 1 KY/KTY
Platinum temperature sensor Pt1000 1 PK

Motor series Temperature sensor Motor protection

CM.. TF, KTY84-130, Pt1000 Comprehensive protec-
DR.. TF, TH Comprehensive protec-
DR.. KTY84-130 Limited protection1) off
Third-party motors PTC thermistor, Comprehensive protec-
Bimetallic temperature switch
Third-party motors KTY84-130, Pt1000 Limited protection1)
1) If the temperature measured by the temperature sensor exceeds the limit temperature of the set thermal
class of the motor, the application inverter issues an error message
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For additional information on the thermal motor protection, refer to the documentation
of the motors.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 85

3 Configuration
Drive selection

3.3.2 Group drive and multi-motor drive

Group drive of asynchronous motors

A group drive is a group of asynchronous motors of any power rating. The motors do
not have a rigid mechanical connection or only a connection that is subject to slip and
are connected to an electrically parallel inverter.
After a suitable startup, operation in U/f control mode is possible.
If motors with different power ratings are operated at the inverter in parallel, the motor
with the largest power rating has to be set up.
• The total of the motor currents must not exceed the nominal output current of the
• Note the permitted length of all motor leads connected in parallel:
ltot ≤ lmax/n
ltot = Maximum total length of the motor leads connected in parallel
lmax = Permitted motor lead length
n = Number of motors connected in parallel

Temperature evaluation of the motors in group drives

• It is preferable to use TH winding thermostats for group drives on one inverter.
• The series connection of the TH contacts (normally closed) is not subject to any
restriction if joint monitoring is provided.
• If TF temperature sensors are available in motors that are intended for a group
drive, the temperature sensors of a maximum of 3 motors may be connected in

Multi-motor drive of asynchronous motors

Multi-motor drive means the electrical parallel connection of several identical asyn-
chronous motors at 1 inverter, that are rigidly and mechanically coupled and drive a
Parallel operation of several identical asynchronous motors is possible provided the
strict compliance with the following conditions.
• Only use gearmotors of the same type and with the same winding data.
• The rotor position of the individual motors must not differ in more than the following
mechanical angle:
Zp × Δφmech_max < 20°
Zp = Number of motor pole pairs
Δφmech_max = Maximum torsion angle of the shaft connection in regard of the motor
This must be ensured by the mechanics even for maximally different torque loads
of the motor shafts. The motor has to be equipped with an encoder for the encoder
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86 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Drive selection 3
• Note the permitted length of all motor leads connected in parallel:
ltot ≤ lmax/n
ltot = Maximum total length of the motor leads connected in parallel 3
lmax = Permitted motor lead length
n = Number of motors connected in parallel
• Make sure the speed sensor is installed on the gearmotor which has the greatest
clearance or elasticity with respect to the load inertia.

3.3.3 Connecting explosion-proof AC motors

Observe the following instructions when connecting explosion-proof AC motors to ap-
plication inverter:
• The inverter must be installed outside of the potentially explosive atmosphere.
• Observe industry and country-specific regulations.
• Observe the regulations and information of the motor manufacturer with regard to
operation on a frequency inverter, e.g. mandatory sine filter.
• All operating resources used in potentially explosive atmospheres must adhere to
the relevant standards, such as Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) or IEC 60079.
• The sensor input of the motor's temperature monitoring must not be used in poten-
tially-explosive areas. For thermal monitoring use a monitoring device approved for
potentially explosive atmospheres.
• In case of motors with speed feedback the speed sensor must also be approved
for potentially explosive atmospheres. The speed sensor can be directly connected
to the inverter.

For more information on the operation of explosion-proof AC motors, refer to the "Ex-
plosion-Proof AC Motors, Asynchronous Servomotors" operating instructions. You
can order the operating instructions from SEW‑EURODRIVE.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 87

3 Configuration
Drive selection

3.3.4 General requirements for encoders

Valid motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE

The following overview shows the motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE that are
valid for use with MOVIDRIVE®. For information on the respective encoder cables,
refer to the chapter "Prefabricated cables" (→ 2 154).


E.7S, E.7R, E.7C




1) X17 is located on the inserted card

2) X15 is located on the basic device

3.3.5 General requirements for the brake control

Refer to the motor catalogs for extensive information and technical data regarding the

Brake control
Brakes may only be controlled via the digital output X10: (DB0; DB00) at the applica-
tion inverter. It is not permitted to control them via other electronic devices or via con-
The digital output (DB0; DB00) is designed as output for operating a relay with protec-
tion circuit with a DC 24 V control voltage, a maximum current of 150 mA and a power
rating of 3.6 W.
With this, a power contactor with DC 24 V coil voltage or a suitable brake rectifier from
SEW‑EURODRIVE can be controlled. This power contactor is used to switch the
Direct switch of the brake via (DB0; DB00) is not permitted.
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Permitted load of brake control and brake

One complete switching sequence (opening and closing) must not be repeated more
often than a maximum of every 2 seconds. SEW‑EURODRIVE brakes must remain
switched off for at least 100 ms before it can be switched on again.

88 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3
3.4 Recommendations for motor and inverter selection
The basis for motor selection are the limit characteristic curves of the motors in in-
verter operation. The limit characteristic curve states the torque characteristic of the 3
motor depending on the speed.
The dynamic and thermal limits must be observed when selecting the motor.

3.4.1 Thermal limit characteristic curve

The mean motor speed and the effective torque are calculated during drive selection
to determine the thermal utilization of the motor. The operating point of the motor must
lie below the thermal limit characteristic curve of the motor; otherwise the motor will be
thermally overloaded.

3.4.2 Dynamic limit characteristic curve

The dynamic limit characteristic curve depicts the maximum torque the motor can gen-
erate at a certain speed. Note that the inverter must supply sufficient current for the
motor to reach its maximum torque.
The base speed is especially important for configuration. The base speed is the avail-
able speed up to the maximum motor torque. In inverter operation, the base speed in-
dicates the beginning of field weakening. The motor torque is limited by the voltage
limit characteristic curve in the field-weakening range, and decreases with increasing
MN is determined by the motor. Mmax and nbase depend on the motor/inverter combina-
tion. For the values for Mmax and nbase in control modes VFCPLUS, CFC, and ELSM®,
refer to the motor selection tables in the chapter "Motor/inverter assignment"
(→ 2 94).

Typical characteristic curve of asynchronous motors



0 nbase n

[1] S1 operation with self-cooling

[2] S1 operation with external cooling
28487486/EN – 02/2019

[3] Mechanical limit for gearmotors

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 89

3 Configuration
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection

Typical characteristic curve of synchronous motors

500 %

400 %

300 %

M / Mn
200 %

100 % [1]

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

[1] Thermal limit characteristic curve S1 operation

[2] Dynamic limit torque

3.4.3 Motor selection for asynchronous motors

The mechanical resistance of the motor against the overload, which might exceed the
permitted limit values, must be strictly checked.
Mpk and nbase depend on the motor/inverter combination, as well as on the used control
Asynchronous motors are mainly operated in control mode VFCPLUS. The control mode
efficiently adjusts the motor magnetization to the respective operating point. It simul-
taneously allows for dynamic responses to load shocks at the drive train.

3.4.4 Asynchronous motors in control mode VFCPLUS

The control mode VFCPLUS without encoder allows dynamic use of the entire speed
range of the drive. Reversing and moving through the speed 0 are also possible.
However, continuous operation of asynchronous motors without encoder at low
speeds is not possible. The minimum speeds that must not be permanently undercut
during operation without encoder are:
• Motor mode: 1% of the asynchronous motor nominal speed.
• Regenerative operation: 10% of the asynchronous motor nominal speed.

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Lifting application with encoder

The control must be designed in such a way that the direction of rotation of the drive
can only be reversed when it is at a standstill (with the brake applied).
If the direction of rotation should be changed without standstill, a motor encoder must
be used.

90 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3
The described restrictions do not apply in control mode VFCPLUS with encoder. In com-
parison to operation without encoder, higher dynamic properties can be achieved with
an encoder.
When determining the maximum speed, observe that the breakdown torque MK is re- 3
duced in an quadratic relationship in the field weakening range.

3.4.5 Asynchronous motors in control mode CFC

Either standard asynchronous motors (e.g. DRN.. motors) or asynchronous servomo-
tors (e.g. DRL.. motors) can be used in control mode CFC. SEW‑EURODRIVE recom-
mends using asynchronous servomotors to achieve optimum benefit from the advant-
ages of the control mode CFC.

Standard asynchronous motors in control mode CFC

In comparison to control mode VFCPLUS, higher dynamic properties can be achieved
using CFC. The full motor magnetization is maintained in each operating state, so that
the highest requirements for dynamics are met. Due to the voltage reserves required
for this, standard asynchronous motors are operated with a lower base speed in this
operating mode than in operating mode VFCPLUS. Power yield and energy efficiency
are thus lower.
Speed/torque characteristic for VFCPLUS and CFC in comparison.

[1] CFC


0 nN 2 x nN n


[1] Torque [2] Current [3] Power rating

Asynchronous servomotors in control mode CFC

The high-quality mechanic design of the DRL.. series asynchronous AC servomotors
28487486/EN – 02/2019

allows for dynamic overload values that exceed the values of the standard asynchro-
nous motors in line or inverter operation. Due to these characteristics, the values of a
synchronous servomotor are almost reached.
SEW-EURODRIVE provides the DRL.. motors in two dynamics packages:

Package Overload capacity in relation to the nominal torque

Dynamics 1 (D1) 190% – 220%

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 91

3 Configuration
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection

Package Overload capacity in relation to the nominal torque

Dynamics 2 (D2) 300% – 350%
To obtain an optimal adjustment of the motor speed to the required controller output
limit of the application, SEW‑EURODRIVE offers DRL.. servomotors with the following
4 rated speeds:
• 1200 min-1
• 1700 min-1
• 2100 min-1
• 3000 min-1

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92 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3
3.4.6 Synchronous servomotors in control mode CFC
In general, synchronous servomotors and the corresponding inverters are designed
for a high short-time overload capacity. This allows a multiple of the nominal torque.
When using the following CMP.. motors in the higher speed ranges, it is recommen-
ded to only set the PWM frequencies 8 kHz or 16 kHz.
• CMP40 – 63 for speed class 6000 min-1,
• CMP71 – 100 for speed classes 4500 min-1 and 6000 min-1.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the use of the following temperature sensors:
• KTY84 – 130 (SEW‑EURODRIVE designation: KY/KTY)
• Pt1000 (SEW-EURODRIVE designation: PK)

3.4.7 Synchronous servomotors in control mode ELSM®

The control mode ELSM® allows dynamic use of the entire speed range of the drive.
Reversing and moving through the speed 0 are also possible. The speed must not
permanently drop below the minimum speed of approx. 2% of the nominal motor
When the control mode ELSM® is operated without encoder, the maximum motor
torque is 150% M0 of the connected motor.
The nominal output current of the inverter must not be lower than 1.5 × I0 of the con-
nected motor.
The maximum speed must not be dimensioned higher than the rated speed of the mo-
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the use of the following temperature sensors:
• KTY84 – 130 (SEW‑EURODRIVE designation: KY/KTY)
• Pt1000 (SEW-EURODRIVE designation: PK)
Using the ELSM® control mode for hoists and inclining tracks is not permitted.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 93

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5 Motor-inverter assignments

The following motor-inverter assignments apply to MOVIDRIVE® system and
MOVIDRIVE® technology.

3.5.1 Technical data DRN.. motors


PN Rated power
MN Rated torque
nN Rated speed
IN Rated current
cosφ Power factor
IE Short for "International Efficiency" (international efficiency classes IE1 –
η50% Efficiency at 50% of the rated power
η75% Efficiency at 75% of the rated power
η100% Efficiency at 100% of the rated power
IA/IN Starting current ratio
MA/MN Starting torque ratio
MH/MN Ramp-up torque ratio
MK/MN Breakdown torque ratio
m Mass of the motor
JMot Mass moment of inertia of the motor
BE.. Brake used
Z0 BG Starting frequency for operation with BG brake control
Z0 BGE Starting frequency for operation with BGE brake control
MB Braking torque
mB Mass of the brakemotor
JMOT_BE Mass moment of inertia of the brakemotor
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94 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
IE3 DRN.. motors, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole

Information on motors
Motor PN MN nN IN cosφ η50% η75% η100% IA/IN MA/MN
kW Nm min-1 A % % %
DRN63MS4 0.12 0.83 1380 0.4 0.64 58.3 63.9 64.8 3.6 2.7
DRN63M4 0.18 1.25 1375 0.57 0.65 65.1 69.4 69.9 3.7 2.6
DRN71MS4 0.25 1.7 1405 0.72 0.66 70.1 73.5 73.5 4.3 2.5
DRN71M4 0.37 2.5 1415 1.02 0.66 74.3 77.3 77.3 4.8 2.8
DRN80MK4 0.55 3.65 1435 1.29 0.75 78.6 81.0 80.8 6.1 3.1
DRN80M4 0.75 4.95 1440 1.75 0.74 80.7 82.9 82.9 6.7 3.4
DRN90S4 1.1 7.2 1455 2.55 0.73 83.5 85.0 84.5 6.9 3.3
DRN90L4 1.5 9.8 1461 3.4 0.74 84.6 86.1 85.6 7.5 3.3
DRN100LS4 2.2 14.5 1450 4.75 0.76 86.4 87.5 86.9 7.1 3.3
DRN100L4 3 19.7 1456 6.4 0.76 87.3 88.3 87.8 8.2 3.7
DRN112M4 4 26 1464 7.9 0.81 88.6 89.4 88.7 8.2 3.6
DRN132S4 5.5 36 1461 10.5 0.84 90.6 90.6 89.6 8.3 3.5
DRN132M4 7.5 49 1468 15.2 0.78 90.8 91.1 90.4 7.8 3.3
DRN132L4 9.2 60 1470 18.7 0.77 90.8 91.6 91.0 8.4 3.7
DRN160M4 11 71 1473 21 0.81 91.1 91.7 91.4 7.3 3.0
DRN160L4 15 97 1474 29 0.80 91.9 92.5 92.1 8.0 3.4
DRN180M4 18.5 120 1478 33.5 0.85 92.8 93.1 92.6 9.5 3.6
DRN180L4 22 142 1477 38.5 0.87 93.4 93.6 93.0 9.6 3.4
DRN200L4 30 194 1480 56 0.82 93.3 93.9 93.6 8.2 3.3
DRN225S4 37 240 1482 64 0.88 94.3 94.4 93.9 8.4 2.7
DRN225M4 45 290 1482 81 0.85 94.1 94.5 94.2 8.8 2.7
DRN250M4 55 355 1482 104 0.80 94.4 94.8 94.6 8.2 2.9
DRN280S4 75 485 1482 143 0.79 94.9 95.3 95.0 7.6 2.9
DRN280M4 90 580 1481 161 0.84 95.4 95.6 95.2 7.7 2.7
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DRN315S4 110 710 1488 189 0.87 95.4 95.7 95.5 6.7 3.1
DRN315M4 132 850 1487 230 0.87 95.6 95.9 95.6 6.5 2.9
DRN315L4 160 1030 1486 275 0.87 95.9 96.1 95.9 6.5 2.8
DRN315H4 200 1280 1489 355 0.84 95.4 96.0 96.0 8.1 3.8

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 95

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Further information on motors and brakemotors

Motor PN MN nN mMot JMot BE.. Z0 MB mBMot JBMot
kW Nm min-1 kg 10-4 kgm2 h-1 Nm kg 10-4 kgm2
DRN63MS4 0.12 0.83 1380 4.9 2.95 BE03 1.7 6.8 3.63
DRN63M4 0.18 1.25 1375 5.8 3.76 BE03 2.7 7.6 4.44
DRN71MS4 0.25 1.7 1405 6.8 5.42 BE03 3.4 8.6 6.11
DRN71M4 0.37 2.5 1415 8 7.14 BE05 5 10 8.44
DRN80MK4 0.55 3.65 1435 11 17.1 BE1 7 14 18.6
DRN80M4 0.75 4.95 1440 14 24.7 BE1 10 18 26.2
DRN90S4 1.1 7.2 1455 20 54 BE2 14 24 58.7
DRN90L4 1.5 9.8 1461 23 67.2 BE2 20 27 71.9

DRN100LS4 2.2 14.5 1450 27 81.4 BE5 28 33 87.4

DRN100L4 3 19.7 1456 34 112 BE5 40 40 118

DRN112M4 4 26 1464 45 178 BE5 55 52 183

DRN132S4 5.5 36 1461 56 241 BE11 80 71 251

DRN132M4 7.5 49 1468 73 381 BE11 110 91 403

DRN132L4 9.2 60 1470 81 439 BE20 150 110 490

DRN160M4 11 71 1473 115 817 BE20 150 145 877

DRN160L4 15 97 1474 130 1040 BE20 200 165 1100

DRN180M4 18.5 120 1478 155 1630 BE30 300 195 1770

DRN180L4 22 142 1477 170 1950 BE30 300 210 2090

DRN200L4 30 194 1480 280 2660 BE32 400 335 2890

DRN225S4 37 240 1482 310 4350 BE32 500 365 4580

DRN225M4 45 290 1482 310 4350 BE32 600 365 4580

DRN250M4 55 355 1482 460 7360 BE62 800 550 7960

DRN280S4 75 485 1482 520 8940 BE62 1000 600 9530

DRN280M4 90 580 1481 630 12000 BE62 1200 720 12600

DRN315S4 110 710 1488 870 23400 BE122 1600 1000 24400
28487486/EN – 02/2019


DRN315M4 132 850 1487 890 24800 BE122 2000 1020 25800

DRN315L4 160 1030 1486 1020 28600 BE122 2000 1150 29600

DRN315H4 200 1280 1489 1140 35200 BE122 2000 1270 36200

96 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.2 Motor-inverter assignments DRN.. motors, fPWM = 4 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, 50 Hz, VFCPLUS

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRN80M4 Mpk Nm 14.1 16.9
nbase min-1 1069 1009
Imax % 200 200
DRN90S4 Mpk Nm 13.5 17.6 23.3 23.8
nbase min-1 1253 1196 1117 1149
Imax % 200 200 200 171
DRN90L4 Mpk Nm 22.4 28.8 32.4
nbase min-1 1214 1150 1152
Imax % 200 200 169
DRN100LS4 Mpk Nm 27.8 39.7 47.8
nbase min-1 1233 1149 1105
Imax % 200 200 190
DRN100L4 Mpk Nm 38.8 50.8 69.3
nbase min-1 1242 1187 1101
Imax % 200 200 197
DRN112M4 Mpk Nm 50.6 70.5 81.3
nbase min-1 1261 1199 1165
Imax % 200 200 174
DRN132S4 Mpk Nm 70.6 94.5 110
nbase min-1 1252 1196 1161
Imax % 200 200 180
DRN132M4 Mpk Nm 87.1 114 120
nbase min-1 1291 1254 1245
Imax % 200 200 141
DRN132L4 Mpk Nm 110 144
nbase min-1 1295 1260
Imax % 200 171
DRN160M4 Mpk Nm 116 177 196
nbase min-1 1316 1270 1256
Imax % 200 200 166
DRN160L4 Mpk Nm 174 235 273
nbase min-1 1313 1283 1264
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 161

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 97

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, 50 Hz, VFCPLUS

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
DRN90S4 Mpk Nm 23.8
nbase min-1 1149
Imax % 170
DRN90L4 Mpk Nm 29 32.4
nbase min-1 1148 1152
Imax % 200 174
DRN100LS4 Mpk Nm 28 38.5 47.8
nbase min-1 1232 1157 1105
Imax % 200 200 165
DRN100L4 Mpk Nm 37.5 59.1 69.3
nbase min-1 1248 1149 1101
Imax % 200 200 153
DRN112M4 Mpk Nm 59 81.3
nbase min-1 1235 1165
Imax % 200 178
DRN132S4 Mpk Nm 59 92.5 110
nbase min-1 1279 1201 1161
Imax % 200 200 173
DRN132M4 Mpk Nm 85.2 119 120
nbase min-1 1293 1247 1245
Imax % 200 200 140
DRN132L4 Mpk Nm 115 144
nbase min-1 1290 1260
Imax % 200 170
DRN160M4 Mpk Nm 121 179 196
nbase min-1 1312 1270 1256
Imax % 200 200 162
DRN160L4 Mpk Nm 175 241
nbase min-1 1313 1280
Imax % 200 200
DRN180M4 Mpk Nm 180 245
nbase min-1 1326 1298
Imax % 200 200
DRN180L4 Mpk Nm 249
nbase min-1 1308
Imax % 200
28487486/EN – 02/2019

98 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.3 Technical data of DRL.. motors

Key to the technical data for asynchronous DRL.. servomotors

The following table lists the short symbols used in the "Technical data" tables. 3
nN Rated speed
MN Rated torque
IN Rated current
JMot Mass moment of inertia of the motor
Mpk D1 Maximum limit torque (dynamics package 1)
Mpk D2 Maximum limit torque (dynamics package 2)
m Mass of the motor
BE.. Brake used
mB Mass of the brake motor
JMOT_BE Mass moment of inertia of the brake motor
MB D1 Braking torque (dynamics package 1)
MB D2 Braking torque (dynamics package 2)
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 99

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Asynchronous DRL.. servomotors

4-pole DRL.. servomotors for 400 V, 50 Hz
nN Motor type MN IN Iq_n Id_n cT Mpk Mpk m Jmot
D1 D2
Nm A A A Nm/A Nm Nm kg 10-4 kgm2
1200 DRL71S4 2.7 1.18 1.02 0.62 2.66 5 8.5 8.6 4.9
DRL71M4 4 1.6 1.36 0.80 2.93 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6.5 2.15 1.95 0.88 3.33 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 9.5 2.9 2.64 1.10 3.60 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 15 4.8 4.14 2.21 3.63 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 26 8.5 8.05 2.68 3.23 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 42 12.6 11.9 4.07 3.52 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 56 17.6 15.4 7.50 3.63 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 85 25.5 24.2 8.05 3.51 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 90 28 25.1 10.9 3.58 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 120 34.5 33.2 10.8 3.62 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 135 38 36.1 11.3 3.74 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 165 47 44.9 14.8 3.67 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 175 52 46.8 17.1 3.74 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 200 58.5 56.0 17.8 3.57 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 250 72 68.1 23.4 3.67 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 290 89 78.6 29.2 3.69 770 1100 330 4330
1700 DRL71S4 2.7 1.63 1.40 0.86 1.92 5 8.5 8.6 4.9
DRL71M4 4 2.2 1.90 1.11 2.11 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6.5 2.96 2.71 1.22 2.40 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 9.5 4 3.65 1.52 2.60 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 15 6.6 5.67 3.02 2.65 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 26 11.4 11.00 3.66 2.36 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 42 17.8 16.9 5.75 2.49 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 56 24.9 21.9 10.6 2.56 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 85 35 33.5 11.1 2.54 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 90 36 32.3 14.0 2.78 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 120 47.5 45.6 14.8 2.63 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 135 52 50.1 15.7 2.70 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 165 63 61.3 20.2 2.69 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 175 72 65.7 24.1 2.66 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 200 80.6 78.4 25.0 2.55 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 245 97 92 32.2 2.66 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 280 130 114 43.9 2.45 770 1100 330 4330
28487486/EN – 02/2019

100 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
nN Motor type MN IN Iq_n Id_n cT Mpk Mpk m Jmot
D1 D2
Nm A A A Nm/A Nm Nm kg 10-4 kgm2
2100 DRL71S4 2.6 2 1.70 1.08 1.53 5 8.5 8.6 4.9 3
DRL71M4 3.8 2.7 2.25 1.39 1.69 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6.2 3.59 3.22 1.52 1.92 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 9.5 5 4.60 1.91 2.07 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 15 8.4 7.21 3.84 2.08 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 25 14 13.4 4.63 1.87 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 41 21.4 20.3 7.07 2.02 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 52 28.8 25.0 13.0 2.08 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 85 44 42.1 14.0 2.02 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 88 48 42.8 18.9 2.06 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 110 55.3 52.7 18.7 2.09 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 130 64 60.4 19.6 2.15 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 160 78 75.8 25.8 2.11 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 170 87 79.1 29.8 2.15 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 195 99 94.6 30.9 2.06 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 235 119 111 40.6 2.11 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 265 142 125 50.8 2.12 770 1100 330 4330
3000 DRL71S4 2.5 2.68 2.26 1.49 1.11 5 8.5 8.6 4.9
DRL71M4 3.6 3.55 2.96 1.93 1.21 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6 4.82 4.32 2.10 1.39 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 8.8 6.5 5.86 2.63 1.50 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 14 11 9.19 5.25 1.52 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 21 16.6 15.4 6.35 1.36 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 35 25.5 24.4 10.0 1.43 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 42 34.8 28.4 18.4 1.48 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 79 57 53.9 19.3 1.47 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 83 59 51.8 24.3 1.60 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 100 70.1 65.9 25.7 1.52 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 105 73 67.6 27.2 1.55 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 130 90 83.8 35.0 1.55 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 140 105 91 41.8 1.53 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 165 118 112 43.3 1.47 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 195 139 127 56.0 1.53 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 220 188 156 76 1.41 770 1100 330 4330
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 101

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

4-pole DRL.. servomotors/brakemotors for 400 V, 50 Hz

nN Motor type MN IN BE.. MB MB mB JMot_BE
D1 D2
Nm A Nm Nm kg1) 10-4 kgm2
1200 DRL71S4 2.7 1.18 BE05 5 5 11 6.2
DRL71M4 4 1.6 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6.5 2.15 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 9.5 2.9 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 15 4.8 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 26 8.5 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 42 12.6 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 56 17.6 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 85 25.5 BE20 150 200 120 500
DRL160MC4 90 28 BE20 150 200 122 640
DRL180S4 120 34.5 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 135 38 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 165 47 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 175 52 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 200 58.5 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 250 72 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 290 89 BE32 600 600 385 4560
1700 DRL71S4 2.7 1.63 BE05 5 5 11 6.2
DRL71M4 4 2.2 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6.5 2.96 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 9.5 4 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 15 6.6 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 26 11.4 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 42 17.8 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 56 24.9 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 85 35 BE20 150 200 120 500
DRL160MC4 90 36 BE20 150 200 122 640
DRL180S4 120 47.5 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 135 52 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 165 63 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 175 72 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 200 80.6 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 245 97 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 280 130 BE32 600 600 385 4560
2100 DRL71S4 2.6 2 BE05 5 5 11 6.2
DRL71M4 3.8 2.7 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6.2 3.59 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 9.5 5 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 15 8.4 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 25 14 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 41 21.4 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 52 28.8 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 85 44 BE20 150 200 120 500
28487486/EN – 02/2019

DRL160MC4 88 48 BE20 150 200 122 640

DRL180S4 110 55.3 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 130 64 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 160 78 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 170 87 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 195 99 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 235 119 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 265 142 BE32 600 600 385 4560

102 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
nN Motor type MN IN BE.. MB MB mB JMot_BE
D1 D2
Nm A Nm Nm kg1) 10-4 kgm2
3000 DRL71S4 2.5 2.68 BE05 5 5 11 6.2 3
DRL71M4 3.6 3.55 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6 4.82 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 8.8 6.5 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 14 11 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 21 16.6 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 35 25.5 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 42 34.8 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 79 57 BE20 150 200 120 500
DRL160MC4 83 59 BE20 150 200 122 640
DRL180S4 100 70.1 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 105 73 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 130 90 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 140 105 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 165 118 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 195 139 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 220 188 BE32 600 600 385 4560
1) Applies for foot-mounted motor with brake (DRL...BE../Fl..)
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 103

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5.4 Motor-inverter assignments DRL.. motors, fPWM = 4 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1200 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5
nbase min-1 737
Imax % 103
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 7
nbase min-1 903
Imax % 142
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10
nbase min-1 876
Imax % 171
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 13.4 14
nbase min -1
939 985
Imax % 200 198
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 1053 1168
Imax % 200 195
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 40 40
nbase min-1 1205 1371
Imax % 200 199
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 65 80
nbase min-1 1057 1065
Imax % 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 79.6 105 130 130
nbase min-1 1252 1174 1299 1443
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 165 165
nbase min-1 1090 1299
Imax % 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 159 185 185
nbase min-1 1162 1274 1467
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 171 210 210
nbase min-1 1136 1169 1294
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 195

DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 246 250
nbase min-1 1057 1336
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 234 320 320
nbase min-1 1162 1160 1334
Imax % 200 200 200

104 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 336 420
nbase min-1 1101 1135
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 339 474 475
nbase min-1 1123 1034 1211
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 469 520
nbase min-1 1103 1204
Imax % 200 200
DRL225MC4 Mpk Nm 429 539
nbase min-1 1212 1144
Imax % 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1700 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5
nbase min-1 1312
Imax % 156
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 7
nbase min-1 1515
Imax % 200
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10
nbase min -1
Imax % 200
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 14
nbase min-1 1557
Imax % 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 1583 1807
Imax % 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 40 40
nbase min-1 1793 2122
Imax % 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 59.9 79.2 80
nbase min-1 1624 1497 1884
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 112 130 130
nbase min-1 1703 1896 2259
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 118 164 165
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 1656 1515 1953

Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 119 166 185 185
nbase min-1 1656 1515 1820 2024
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 165 210 210
nbase min-1 1629 1732 1917
Imax % 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 105

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 250 250
nbase min-1 1559 1926
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 249 320 320
nbase min-1 1594 1628 1838
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 322 399
nbase min-1 1612 1523
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 324 405
nbase min-1 1623 1534
Imax % 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 402
nbase min-1 1610
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 2100 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5
nbase min-1 1874
Imax % 200
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 6.01 7
nbase min -1
2055 2063
Imax % 200 200
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 8.83 10
nbase min-1 2008 2086
Imax % 200 200
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 14 14
nbase min-1 2090 2371
Imax % 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 2113 2520
Imax % 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 35.8 40 40 40
nbase min-1 2125 2452 2896 3354
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 62.9 80 80
nbase min-1 2016 2209 2484
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 89.1 123 130 130
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 2231 2074 2631 2962

Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 127 165 165
nbase min-1 2078 2225 2622
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 118 178 185
nbase min-1 2272 2069 2544
Imax % 200 200 200

106 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 192 210
nbase min-1 1999 2323
Imax % 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 197 250 250
nbase min-1 2043 2131 2428
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 268 320
nbase min-1 2025 2024
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 252 314
nbase min-1 2149 2034
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 315
nbase min-1 2041
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 3000 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 3.87 5
nbase min-1 3018 2747
Imax % 200 200
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 5.3 7 7
nbase min -1
3170 2945 3309
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10 10
nbase min-1 2979 3460
Imax % 200 200
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 14 14
nbase min-1 3087 3544
Imax % 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 3005 3625
Imax % 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 33.9 40 40 40
nbase min-1 3065 3321 4471 5096
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 67.3 80 80
nbase min-1 2886 3148 3775
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 61.1 83.2 125 130 130
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 3356 3268 3014 3766 4176

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 133 165 165
nbase min-1 2897 3099 3530
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 134 185 185
nbase min-1 2880 2746 3223
Imax % 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 107

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 188 210
nbase min-1 2827 3028
Imax % 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 191 240
nbase min-1 2897 2739
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 183 232
nbase min-1 3091 2906
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 212
nbase min-1 3179
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1200 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 8.5
nbase min-1 272
Imax % 162
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 11.6 14
nbase min-1 517 361
Imax % 200 189
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 13.3 17.3 22.7 25
nbase min -1
658 446 200 102
Imax % 200 200 200 175
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 13.4 17.7 23.9 30
nbase min-1 939 775 587 431
Imax % 200 200 200 198
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25.8 37.7 46
nbase min-1 1010 798 709
Imax % 200 200 197
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 49.2 68.7 85
nbase min-1 951 810 726
Imax % 200 200 198
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 65 88.2 115 150
nbase min-1 1057 949 841 768
Imax % 200 200 200 192
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 79.6 105 164 200
nbase min-1 1252 1174 1008 1035
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 171 233 280
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 1030 933 983

Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 159 219 320 320
nbase min-1 1162 1057 948 1091
Imax % 200 200 200 199
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 171 238 352 380
nbase min-1 1136 1013 872 914
Imax % 200 200 200 194

108 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 246 364 430
nbase min-1 1057 951 994
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 234 359 493 520
nbase min-1 1162 1013 925 994
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 336 467 568
nbase min-1 1101 1004 960
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 339 474 577
nbase min-1 1123 1034 1000
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 469 582
nbase min-1 1103 1048
Imax % 200 200
DRL225MC4 Mpk Nm 429 539
nbase min -1
1212 1144
Imax % 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1700 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 7.44 8.5
nbase min -1
892 763
Imax % 200 180
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 7.88 10.3 13.6 14
nbase min-1 1339 1127 881 856
Imax % 200 200 200 168
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 11.7 15.8 20.4 25
nbase min-1 1280 1022 787 582
Imax % 200 200 200 177
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 16.2 21.3 30
nbase min-1 1327 1127 889
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 26 34.7 46
nbase min-1 1503 1327 1193
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 48.7 65.9 85 85
nbase min-1 1432 1292 1182 1333
Imax % 200 200 200 189
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 59.9 79.2 122 150
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 1624 1497 1301 1298

Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 112 154 200 200
nbase min-1 1703 1566 1640 1859
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 118 164 243 280
nbase min-1 1656 1515 1365 1503
Imax % 200 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 109

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 119 166 248 320 320
nbase min-1 1656 1515 1365 1362 1511
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 165 250 345 380
nbase min-1 1629 1435 1303 1354
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 257 354 430
nbase min-1 1497 1400 1346
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 249 354 436
nbase min-1 1594 1444 1374
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 322 399
nbase min-1 1612 1523
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 324 405
nbase min -1
1623 1534
Imax % 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 402
nbase min-1 1610
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 2100 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5.73 7.4 8.5
nbase min-1 1632 1362 1229
Imax % 200 200 182
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 6.01 7.89 10.6 13.6 14
nbase min-1 2055 1820 1550 1315 1322
Imax % 200 200 200 200 160
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 8.83 12.1 15.8 22.6 25
nbase min-1 2008 1714 1468 1115 1006
Imax % 200 200 200 200 175
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 16.1 23.7 30
nbase min-1 1796 1479 1323
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 26.1 37.6 46
nbase min-1 1996 1738 1710
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 35.8 51.1 66.7 85 85
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 2125 1867 1750 1840 2027

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 62.9 98.7 133 150
nbase min-1 2016 1791 1644 1816
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 89.1 123 183 200
nbase min-1 2231 2074 1879 2218
Imax % 200 200 200 200

110 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 127 191 262 280
nbase min-1 2078 1876 1752 1944
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 118 178 248 303
nbase min-1 2272 2069 1911 1823
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 192 270 331
nbase min-1 1999 1814 1726
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 197 281 342
nbase min-1 2043 1858 1805
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 268 335
nbase min-1 2025 1902
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 252 314
nbase min -1
2149 2034
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 315
nbase min-1 2041
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system – rated motor speed 3000 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 3.87 5.1 6.8 8.5
nbase min-1 3018 2677 2325 2088
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 5.3 7.15 9.35 13.4 14
nbase min-1 3170 2865 2571 2160 2288
Imax % 200 200 200 200 199
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10.6 15.6 20.6 25
nbase min-1 2771 2337 2020 1874
Imax % 200 200 200 199
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 16 21.5 30 30
nbase min-1 2665 2372 2098 2311
Imax % 200 200 200 199
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25.9 36 46 46
nbase min-1 2877 2571 2452 2829
Imax % 200 200 200 197
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 33.9 47 73.4 85 85
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 3065 2748 2501 2757 3332

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 67.3 92.7 136 150
nbase min-1 2886 2681 2476 2788
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 61.1 83.2 125 174 200
nbase min-1 3356 3268 3014 2808 2953
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 111

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 133 186 229
nbase min-1 2897 2677 2571
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 134 188 232
nbase min-1 2880 2668 2554
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 188 234
nbase min-1 2827 2668
Imax % 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 191 240
nbase min-1 2897 2739
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 183 232
nbase min-1 3091 2906
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 212
nbase min -1
Imax % 200

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112 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.5 Technical data of CMP.. motors

Key to the technical data

nN Rated speed
M0 Standstill torque (thermal continuous torque at low speeds)
I0 Standstill current
Mpk Dynamic limit torque
Imax Maximum permitted motor current
M0VR Standstill torque with forced cooling fan
I0VR Standstill current with forced cooling fan
Jmot Mass moment of inertia of the motor
Jbmot Mass moment of inertia of the brakemotor
M1m,100°C Maximum dynamic braking torque in case of emergency off
M1max Minimal averaged dynamic braking torque in case of emergency off at
100 °C
M2, 20 °C Nominal torque for slipping brake disk (relative speed between brake disk
and friction surface: 1 m/s) at 20 °C
M4,100 °C Minimum holding torque at 100 °C
Wmax1 Maximum permitted braking work per braking operation
Wmax2 Maximum permitted braking work per braking operation with optional
braking torque
L1 Inductance between connection phase and star point
R1 Resistance between connection phase and star point
Vp0 cold Internal voltage at 1000 min-1
mmot Mass of the motor
mbmot Mass of the brakemotor
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 113

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

CMP40 to CMP112, 400 V system voltage

nN M0 I0 Mpk Imax M0VR I0VR mmot Jmot L1 R1 Up0 cold
min-1 Nm A Nm A Nm A kg 10-4kgm2 mH Ω V
CMP71S 6.4 3.4 19.2 17 8.7 4.6 7 3.13 33.5 3.48 128
CMP71M 9.4 5 30.8 26 13.7 7.3 8.4 4.17 21.6 1.87 127
CMP71L 13.1 6.3 46.9 39 21 10.1 11.4 6.27 16.2 1.2 142
CMP80S 13.4 6.9 42.1 33 18.5 9.5 12.8 9 15.3 1.1 133
CMP80M 18.7 9.3 62.6 48 27 13.4 16.5 12.1 10.5 0.689 136
CMP80L 27.5 12.5 107 72 44 20 21.4 18.3 7.58 0.438 149
CMP100S 25.5 13.3 68.3 49 36 18.8 19.8 20.3 8.51 0.439 130
CMP100M 31 14.7 108 69 47 22.3 24.8 27.2 6.63 0.302 141
CMP100L 47 21.8 178.8 113 70 32.5 34.6 40.9 4.17 0.169 145
CMP112S 30 14.3 88 51 43 21 38.4 74 8.63 0.38 143
CMP112M 45 21 136 74 68 32 46.2 103 5.82 0.212 147
CMP112L 69 33 225 124 109 52 62.6 163 3.33 0.105 145
CMP112H 83 38 270 148 123 57 70.4 193 2.85 0.0846 149
CMP112E 95 44.5 320 175 150 71 78.2 222 2.34 0.066 146
CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 - - 1.3 0.1 23 11.9 27.5
CMP40M 0.8 0.95 3.8 6 - - 1.6 0.15 45.9 19.9 56.3
CMP50S 1.3 0.96 5.2 5.1 1.7 1.25 2.3 0.42 71.2 22.5 86.3
CMP50M 2.4 1.68 10.3 9.6 3.5 2.45 3.3 0.67 38.3 9.96 90.3
CMP50L 3.3 2.2 15.4 13.6 4.8 3.2 4.1 0.92 30.4 7.42 98.2
CMP63S 2.9 2.15 11.1 12.9 4 3 4 1.15 36.4 6.8 90.1
CMP63M 5.3 3.6 21.4 21.6 7.5 5.1 5.7 1.92 21.8 3.56 100
CMP63L 7.1 4.95 30.4 29.7 10.3 7.2 7.5 2.69 14.2 2.07 99.9
CMP71S 6.4 4.9 19.2 25 8.7 6.7 7 3.13 15.7 1.48 87.5
CMP71M 9.4 7.5 30.8 39 13.7 10.9 8.4 4.17 9.72 0.809 85.3
CMP71L 13.1 9.4 46.9 58 21 15.1 11.4 6.27 7.34 0.559 95.7
CMP80S 13.4 10 42.1 47 18.5 13.8 12.8 9 7.2 0.544 91.1
CMP80M 18.7 13.4 62.6 69 27 19.3 16.5 12.1 5.03 0.344 94.3
CMP80L 27.5 18.7 107 107 44 30 21.4 18.3 3.37 0.21 99.2
CMP100S 25.5 19.6 68.3 73 36 27.5 19.8 20.3 3.91 0.214 88
CMP100M 31 21.8 108 102 47 33 24.8 27.2 3.04 0.142 95.5
CMP100L 47 32.3 178.8 167 70 48 34.6 40.9 1.9 0.0809 98
CMP112S 30 21 88 74 43 30.5 38.4 74 4.04 0.177 97.5
CMP112M 45 32 136 113 68 49 46.2 103 2.49 0.0896 96.1
CMP112L 69 49 225 183 109 77 62.6 163 1.53 0.048 98
CMP112H 83 57 270 220 123 84 70.4 193 1.29 0.0388 100
CMP112E 95 65 320 255 150 104 78.2 222 1.09 0.031 99.8
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114 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
nN M0 I0 Mpk Imax M0VR I0VR mmot Jmot L1 R1 Up0 cold
min-1 Nm A Nm A Nm A kg 10-4kgm2 mH Ω V
CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 - - 1.3 0.1 23 11.9 27.5
CMP40M 0.8 0.95 3.8 6 - - 1.6 0.15 45.9 19.9 56.3 3
CMP50S 1.3 1.32 5.2 7 1.7 1.7 2.3 0.42 37.2 11.6 62.4
CMP50M 2.4 2.3 10.3 13.1 3.5 3.35 3.3 0.67 20.7 5.29 66.3
CMP50L 3.3 3.15 15.4 19.5 4.8 4.6 4.1 0.92 14.6 3.57 68
CMP63S 2.9 3.05 11.1 18.3 4 4.2 4 1.15 18.3 3.35 63.9
CMP63M 5.3 5.4 21.4 32.4 7.5 7.6 5.7 1.92 9.79 1.48 67
CMP63L 7.1 6.9 30.4 41.4 10.3 10 7.5 2.69 7.21 1.07 71.1
CMP71S 6.4 7.3 19.2 38 8.7 9.9 7 3.13 7.07 0.719 58.7
CMP71M 9.4 10.9 30.8 57 13.7 15.9 8.4 4.17 4.54 0.384 58.3
CMP71L 13.1 14.1 46.9 87 21 22.5 11.4 6.27 3.26 0.241 63.8
CMP80S 13.4 15.3 42.1 73 18.5 21 12.8 9 3.06 0.221 59.4
CMP80M 18.7 20.1 62.6 103 27 29 16.5 12.1 2.24 0.148 62.9
CMP80L 27.5 27.8 107 159 44 44.5 21.4 18.3 1.54 0.0855 67
CMP100S 25.5 30 68.3 111 36 42.5 19.8 20.3 1.68 0.0857 57.7
CMP100M 31 33.1 108 154 47 50 24.8 27.2 1.32 0.065 62.9
CMP100L 47 48.4 178.8 251 70 72 34.6 40.9 0.844 0.038 65.3
CMP112S 30 31.5 88 112 43 45.5 38.4 74 1.78 0.0801 64.7
CMP112M 45 47 136 168 68 72 46.2 103 1.14 0.0412 65
CMP112L 69 73 225 275 107 114 62.6 163 0.68 0.0213 65.3
CMP112H 83 86 270 335 123 128 70.4 193 0.557 0.0165 65.9
CMP112E 95 98 320 385 150 156 78.2 222 0.484 0.0134 66.5
CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 - - 1.3 0.1 23 11.9 27.5
CMP40M 0.8 1.1 3.8 6.9 - - 1.6 0.15 34 15 48.5
CMP50S 1.3 1.7 5.2 9 1.7 2.2 2.3 0.42 22.5 7.11 48.5
CMP50M 2.4 3 10.3 17.1 3.5 4.4 3.3 0.67 12 3.21 50.5
CMP50L 3.3 4.2 15.4 26 4.8 6.1 4.1 0.92 8.2 1.91 51
CMP63S 2.9 3.9 11.1 23.4 4 5.4 4 1.15 11.2 2.1 50
CMP63M 5.3 6.9 21.4 41.4 7.5 9.8 5.7 1.92 5.9 0.92 52
CMP63L 7.1 9.3 30.4 55.8 10.3 13.5 7.5 2.69 4 0.62 53
CMP71S 6.4 9.6 19.2 50 8.7 13.1 7 3.13 4.13 0.395 44.9
CMP71M 9.4 14.7 30.8 76 13.7 21.5 8.4 4.17 2.53 0.206 43.5
CMP71L 13.1 18.8 46.9 115 21 30 11.4 6.27 1.84 0.145 47.9
CMP80S 13.4 20 42.1 95 18.5 27.5 12.8 9 1.8 0.136 45.6
CMP80M 18.7 26.4 62.6 135 27 38 16.5 12.1 1.3 0.0873 47.9
CMP80L 27.5 37.6 107 215 44 60 21.4 18.3 0.843 0.0507 49.6
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 115

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

CMP40 – 100, 230 V system voltage

nN M0 I0 Mpk Imax M0VR I0VR mmot Jmot L1 R1 Up0 cold
min-1 Nm A Nm A Nm A kg 10-4kgm2 mH Ω V
CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 - - 1.3 0.1 23 11.9 27.5
CMP40M 0.8 1.5 3.8 9 - - 1.6 0.15 18.4 7.85 35.7
CMP50S 1.3 1.64 5.2 9.8 - - 2.3 0.42 24.3 7.39 50.4
CMP50M 2.4 2.84 10.3 17.05 - - 3.3 0.67 13.5 3.41 53.7
CMP50L 3.3 3.84 15.4 23.1 - - 4.1 0.92 9.79 2.34 55.7
CMP63S 2.9 3.61 11.1 21.65 - - 4 1.15 13 2.56 54
CMP63M 5.3 6.35 21.4 38.1 - - 5.7 1.92 7.09 1.12 57
CMP63L 7.1 8.76 30.4 52.59 - - 7.5 2.69 4.47 0.655 56
CMP71S 6.4 8.7 19.2 44 8.7 11.8 7 3.13 5.03 0.483 49.5
CMP71M 9.4 13.1 30.8 68 13.7 19.1 8.4 4.17 3.17 0.26 48.7
CMP71L 13.1 16.8 46.9 103 21 27 11.4 6.27 2.31 0.163 53.7
CMP80S 13.4 17.7 42.1 83 18.5 24.5 12.8 9 2.3 0.166 51.5
CMP80M 18.7 23.5 62.6 121 27 34 16.5 12.1 1.64 0.113 53.9
CMP80L 27.5 32.5 107 186 44 52 21.4 18.3 1.11 0.0728 57
CMP100S 25.5 34.2 68.3 127 - - 19.8 20.3 1.29 0.0664 50.5
CMP100M 31 40 108 187 - - 24.8 27.2 0.904 0.0445 52.1
CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 - - 1.3 0.1 23 11.9 27.5
CMP40M 0.8 1.5 3.8 9 - - 1.6 0.15 18.4 7.85 35.7
CMP50S 1.3 2.29 5.2 13.75 - - 2.3 0.42 12.3 3.73 35.9
CMP50M 2.4 4.025 10.3 24.2 - - 3.3 0.67 6.75 1.68 37.9
CMP50L 3.3 5.53 15.4 33.2 - - 4.1 0.92 4.73 1.14 38.7
CMP63S 2.9 5.25 11.1 31.5 - - 4 1.15 6.18 1.09 37.1
4500 CMP63M 5.3 9.78 21.4 58.7 - - 5.7 1.92 2.99 0.462 37
CMP63L 7.1 12.01 30.4 72.07 - - 7.5 2.69 2.38 0.339 40.9
CMP71S 6.4 12.8 19.2 67 8.7 17.4 7 3.13 2.29 0.226 33.4
CMP71M 9.4 19.2 30.8 101 13.7 28 8.4 4.17 1.46 0.127 33.1
CMP80S 13.4 27 42.1 129 18.5 37 12.8 9 0.983 0.0698 33.7
CMP80M 18.7 35 62.6 180 27 51 16.5 12.1 0.73 0.051 35.9
CMP100S 25.5 54.5 68.3 200 - - 19.8 20.3 0.509 0.0268 31.7
CMP40S 0.5 1.36 1.9 6.8 - - 1.3 0.1 17.9 9.19 24.3
CMP40M 0.8 1.91 3.8 11.5 - - 1.6 0.15 11.2 4.83 27.8
CMP50S 1.3 3.07 5.2 18.45 - - 2.3 0.42 6.85 2 26.8
CMP50M 2.4 5.25 10.3 31.5 - - 3.3 0.67 3.97 1.03 29
6000 CMP50L 3.3 7.6 15.4 45.4 - - 4.1 0.92 2.53 0.596 28.3
CMP63S 2.9 6.78 11.1 40.7 - - 4 1.15 3.69 0.668 28.7
CMP63M 5.3 12.06 21.4 72.36 7.5 17.04 5.7 1.92 1.96 0.296 30
CMP71S 6.4 17 19.2 89 8.7 23 7 3.13 1.32 0.124 25.3
CMP80S 13.4 35.5 42.1 168 18.5 48.5 12.8 9 0.575 0.0416 25.7
28487486/EN – 02/2019

116 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.6 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 400 V, fPWM = 4 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 2000 min-1, fPWM = 4 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP71S Mpk Nm 7.67 9.34 11.5 13.6 16.5 18.2 19.2
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP71M Mpk Nm 11.8 14.5 19 22.6 26.8 30.1 30.8
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 164
CMP71L Mpk Nm 16.3 22.1 27.4 34.8 41 44.7 46.9
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 161
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.1 26.2 32.9 37.9 41.7 42.1
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 136
CMP80M Mpk Nm 27.8 36.6 45.4 53 62.6
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 197
CMP80L Mpk Nm 40.6 52.3 64.7 87.2 102 107
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 157
CMP100S Mpk Nm 35.9 45.5 54.6 67.5 68.3
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 154
CMP100M Mpk Nm 40 52 65 88.8 104 108
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 150
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69 100 127 161 179
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 182
CMP112S Mpk Nm 39.7 51.4 63.6 85.1 88
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP112M Mpk Nm 55.5 69.9 99.2 123 136
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 200 200 161

CMP112L Mpk Nm 103 133 180 224 225
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 167
CMP112H Mpk Nm 104 137 190 240 270
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 198

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 117

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP112E Mpk Nm 137 193 248 286
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, fPWM = 4 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.48 5.13 5.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 160
CMP50M Mpk Nm 5.42 6.54 7.93 9.26 10.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 174
CMP50L Mpk Nm 5.92 7.25 9 10.8 13.6 15.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 193
CMP63S Mpk Nm 5.16 6.17 7.42 8.62 10.3 11.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP63M Mpk Nm 7.41 9.2 11.1 14.2 16.9 20.1 21.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP63L Mpk Nm 9.26 11.4 15 18.4 23.2 27.8 30.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP71S Mpk Nm 8.33 10.1 13 15.3 17.7 19.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.5 16.7 21.2 25.2 28.2 30.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 163
CMP71L Mpk Nm 19.1 25.4 31.9 37.8 44.8 46.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP80S Mpk Nm 18.5 24.7 30.8 35.8 42.1
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Imax % 200 200 200 200 198
CMP80M Mpk Nm 26.3 33.8 41.5 54.1 61 62.6
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 149
CMP80L Mpk Nm 35.9 45.3 64.7 80.7 99.7 107
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 174

118 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
CMP100S Mpk Nm 32.3 40.4 55.2 64.6 68.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP100M Mpk Nm 45.4 65.8 82.7 103 108
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 164
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69.8 91.3 124 152 169
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.4 65 80.3 88
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 161
CMP112M Mpk Nm 68.7 88.6 118 136
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 182
CMP112L Mpk Nm 93.3 130 168 195
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 133 174 205
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 135 179 212
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, fPWM = 4 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 3.53 4.18 4.91 5.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 177
CMP50M Mpk Nm 4.11 5.03 6.21 7.43 9.32 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 186
CMP50L Mpk Nm 4.19 5.17 6.5 7.94 10.4 12.5 15.2 15.4
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 156
CMP63S Mpk Nm 3.84 4.66 5.71 6.79 8.48 9.79 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 192
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.45 7.88 10.4 12.6 15.8 18.8 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 134

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 119

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.31 11.1 13.8 17.9 22.2 26.2 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.2 58.7 77.8 88
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 180
CMP112M Mpk Nm 62.4 86.5 110 126
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112L Mpk Nm 89.7 118 140
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 118 141
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 121 146
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200

28487486/EN – 02/2019

120 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.7 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 400 V, fPWM = 8 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 2000 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP71S Mpk Nm 7.67 9.34 11.5 13.6 16.5 18.2 19.2
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP71M Mpk Nm 11.8 14.5 19 22.6 26.8 30.1 30.8
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 164
CMP71L Mpk Nm 16.3 22.1 27.4 34.8 41 44.7 46.9
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 161
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.1 26.2 32.9 37.9 41.7 42.1
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 136
CMP80M Mpk Nm 27.8 36.6 45.4 53 62.6
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 197
CMP80L Mpk Nm 40.6 52.3 64.7 87.2 102 107
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 157
CMP100S Mpk Nm 35.9 45.5 54.6 67.5 68.3
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 154
CMP100M Mpk Nm 40 52 65 88.8 104 108
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 150
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69 100 127 161 179
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 182
CMP112S Mpk Nm 39.7 51.4 63.6 85.1 88
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP112M Mpk Nm 55.5 69.9 99.2 123 136
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 200 200 161

CMP112L Mpk Nm 103 133 180 224 225
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 167
CMP112H Mpk Nm 104 137 190 240 270
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 198

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 121

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP112E Mpk Nm 137 193 248 286
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.48 5.13 5.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 160
CMP50M Mpk Nm 5.42 6.54 7.93 9.26 10.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 174
CMP50L Mpk Nm 5.92 7.25 9 10.8 13.6 15.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 193
CMP63S Mpk Nm 5.16 6.17 7.42 8.62 10.3 11.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP63M Mpk Nm 7.41 9.2 11.1 14.2 16.9 20.1 21.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP63L Mpk Nm 9.26 11.4 15 18.4 23.2 27.8 30.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP71S Mpk Nm 8.33 10.1 13 15.3 17.7 19.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.5 16.7 21.2 25.2 28.2 30.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 163
CMP71L Mpk Nm 19.1 25.4 31.9 37.8 44.8 46.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP80S Mpk Nm 18.5 24.7 30.8 35.8 42.1
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Imax % 200 200 200 200 198
CMP80M Mpk Nm 26.3 33.8 41.5 54.1 61 62.6
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 149
CMP80L Mpk Nm 35.9 45.3 64.7 80.7 99.7 107
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 174

122 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
CMP100S Mpk Nm 32.3 40.4 55.2 64.6 68.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP100M Mpk Nm 45.4 65.8 82.7 103 108
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 164
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69.8 91.3 124 152 169
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.4 65 80.3 88
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 161
CMP112M Mpk Nm 68.7 88.6 118 136
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 182
CMP112L Mpk Nm 93.3 130 168 195
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 133 174 205
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 135 179 212
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 3.53 4.18 4.91 5.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 177
CMP50M Mpk Nm 4.11 5.03 6.21 7.43 9.32 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 186
CMP50L Mpk Nm 4.19 5.17 6.5 7.94 10.4 12.5 15.2 15.4
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 156
CMP63S Mpk Nm 3.84 4.66 5.71 6.79 8.48 9.79 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 192
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.45 7.88 10.4 12.6 15.8 18.8 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 134

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 123

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.31 11.1 13.8 17.9 22.2 26.2 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP71S Mpk Nm 9.43 11.5 14.4 16.8 18.5 19.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 155
CMP71M Mpk Nm 11.9 15.6 19.6 23.3 28.5 30.8
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 179
CMP71L Mpk Nm 17.4 22.5 28 37.8 43.3 46.9
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 188
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.4 26.7 35.4 39.8 42.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP80M Mpk Nm 23.2 29.3 41.5 50.7 60 62.6
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 166
CMP80L Mpk Nm 45.8 59.2 79 95.1 104
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP100S Mpk Nm 39.8 50.3 62.9 68.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 179
CMP100M Mpk Nm 44.9 58.7 79.5 96.7 107
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP100L Mpk Nm 62.3 87.8 114 132
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.2 58.7 77.8 88
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 180
CMP112M Mpk Nm 62.4 86.5 110 126
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112L Mpk Nm 89.7 118 140
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 118 141
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 121 146
nN min-1 4500 4500
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200

124 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 6000 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150 3
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.64 3.12 3.64 3.8
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 173
CMP50S Mpk Nm 2.88 3.46 4.16 4.83 5.2
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 166
CMP50M Mpk Nm 3.2 3.94 4.92 5.96 7.7 9.14 10.3
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP50L Mpk Nm 3.94 4.98 6.13 8.16 10 12.7 15.1 15.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 163
CMP63S Mpk Nm 3.77 4.67 5.61 7.17 8.46 10.1 11.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 186
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.27 8.34 10.3 13.1 16 18.7 21.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.5 10.6 13.9 17.6 21.4 28.1 30.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 175
CMP71S Mpk Nm 7.44 9.21 11.9 14.5 16.7 19.1 19.2
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 152
CMP71M Mpk Nm 12 15.4 18.9 24.9 28.5 30.8
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 167
CMP71L Mpk Nm 17.2 21.7 30.9 37.8 44.3 46.9
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP80S Mpk Nm 16.6 21.1 29.8 35.8 41.4 42.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 153
CMP80M Mpk Nm 22.6 33 42 53.3 60.6 62.6
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP80L Mpk Nm 34.5 45.3 62.5 78.9 89.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 125

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5.8 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 230 V, fPWM = 4 kHz

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, non-ventilated

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP50S Mpk Nm 5.2
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 176
CMP50M Mpk Nm 7.43 9.11 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 163
CMP50L Mpk Nm 7.92 10.1 13.7 15.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 161
CMP63S Mpk Nm 6.88 8.39 10.6 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 147
CMP63M Mpk Nm 7.64 9.79 13.6 18.2 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 139
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.35 10.9 15.6 21.8 26.9 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 172

28487486/EN – 02/2019

126 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.9 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 230 V, fPWM = 8 kHz

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, non-ventilated

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 3
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.9
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 110
CMP40M Mpk Nm 3.8
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 171
CMP50S Mpk Nm 5.2
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 159
CMP50M Mpk Nm 8.06 9.49 10.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 173
CMP50L Mpk Nm 8.81 10.7 13.3 15.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 170
CMP63S Mpk Nm 7.57 8.88 10.4 11.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 154
CMP63M Mpk Nm 9.04 11.1 13.9 18.3 21.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 178
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.95 11.2 14.4 20.1 27 30.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 182
CMP71S Mpk Nm 8.12 10 12.6 16.4 19 19.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 152
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.1 18.6 24.9 28.6 30.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 163
CMP71L Mpk Nm 21.3 30.7 38.2 44.6
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP80S Mpk Nm 20.8 29.9 36.2 42.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP80M Mpk Nm 33 42.6 54.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80L Mpk Nm 35.2 47 65
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
28487486/EN – 02/2019

CMP100S Mpk Nm 31.7 41.8 55.3

nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP100M Mpk Nm 44.9 63.2
nN min-1 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 127

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570

IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP100L Mpk Nm 67.9
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 200

28487486/EN – 02/2019

128 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Motor-inverter assignments 3
MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, non-ventilated
Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114 3
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.9
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 110
CMP40M Mpk Nm 3.8
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 171
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.88 5.2
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 176
CMP50M Mpk Nm 6.12 7.43 9.11 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 163
CMP50L Mpk Nm 6.37 7.92 10.1 13.7 15.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 161
CMP63S Mpk Nm 5.71 6.88 8.39 10.6 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 147
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.15 7.64 9.79 13.6 18.2 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 139
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.35 10.9 15.6 21.8 26.9 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 172
CMP71S Mpk Nm 9.12 12.7 16.6 18.6 19.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 156
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.3 19.1 23.7 28.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP71L Mpk Nm 21.9 28.7 37.7
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80S Mpk Nm 20.7 27.3 35.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80M Mpk Nm 22.6 30.2 41.5
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80L Mpk Nm 44.6
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 200
CMP100S Mpk Nm 38.5
28487486/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 4500
Imax % 200
CMP100M Mpk Nm 43.4
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 129

3 Configuration
Motor-inverter assignments

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 6000 min-1, non-ventilated

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.9
nN min-1 6000
Imax % 125
CMP40M Mpk Nm 3.62 3.8
nN min-1 6000 6000
Imax % 200 172
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.01 4.72 5.2
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 177
CMP50M Mpk Nm 4.87 6 7.54 9.96 10.3
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 140
CMP50L Mpk Nm 4.76 5.97 7.72 10.9 14.6 15.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 162
CMP63S Mpk Nm 4.62 5.63 7.02 9.22 11.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 190
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.33 8.16 11.5 15.9 19.2 21.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 171
CMP71S Mpk Nm 10.2 14.1 16.8 19.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP71M Mpk Nm 14.8 19.1 24.7
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.6 29.6
nN min-1 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200
CMP80M Mpk Nm 23.1 32.6
nN min-1 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200
CMP80L Mpk Nm 33.3
nN min-1 6000
Imax % 200
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130 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Selection of an application inverter 3
3.6 Selection of an application inverter
The selection of the application inverter is based on the course of the output current
over time. The required current has to be determined from the required torque charac- 3
teristic of the connected motor.
The application inverters are dimensioned for a nominal output current IN. In many ap-
plications, there is a demand for short-time overload operation. For this purpose, the
application inverters can be operated with up to 200% of the nominal output current for
a short period of time.
For overload operation, make sure that the application inverter is not thermally over-
loaded. For protection of the power components, application inverters have various
monitoring mechanisms.
The following thermal monitoring functions are available:
• Dynamic utilization
The periodic current load of the switching power semiconductors lets them heat
and cool down cyclically. Due to the different thermal time constants, large temper-
ature differences can occur between power semiconductor and heat sink. Dynamic
utilization monitors the permitted temperature of the barrier layer of the power
• Thermal capacity utilization
The power semiconductors are limited by the maximally permitted temperature
during operation. Thermal utilization monitors the heat sink temperature of the
power semiconductors.
• Electromechanical utilization (I2t utilization)
Electromechanical utilization protects the components that have a large thermal
time constant compared to the power semiconductors.
Due to the complexity of the utilization curves, the calculation can only be performed
using software. The SEW-Workbench software offers supports for dimensioning an
application inverter.
For a rough selection of the application inverter without using software, characteristic
load cycles are given in the following section.
The characteristic load cycle consists of a load and a load relief period. In the load re-
lief period, the output current must not exceed the specified value. After this load relief
period, overload is possible again.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 131

3 Configuration
Selection of an application inverter

3.6.1 Overload capacity

Load cycle with base load current – typical for the selection of asynchronous and servomotors
The characteristic load cycle consists of a load and a load relief period. In the load re-
lief period, the output current must not exceed the specified value. After this load relief
period, overload is possible again.

I out1

t1 t2

I out2


Examples of permitted current profiles

Overload capacity at fPWM = 4 kHz, fA ≥ 3 Hz

This table applies to all inverters except for MDX9_A-0750-5_3-..

Overload current Iout 1/IN Overload time t1 Base load current Iout 2/IN Required pause interval t2
200% 3s 50% 7s
200% 3s 100% 17 s
150% 60 s 100% 60 s
150% 60 s 50% 30 s

This table applies to the following inverters:

• MDX9_A-0750-5_3-...

Overload current Iout 1/IN Overload time t1 Base load current Iout 2/IN Required pause interval t2
200% 3s 50% 7s
200% 3s 100% 17 s
150% 60 s 25% 60 s
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132 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Selection of an application inverter 3
3.6.2 Derating
Due to the following operating and ambient conditions, a reduction of the output cur-
rent may be necessary.
Derating due to the rotary field frequency
The specified nominal output current IN of the application inverter is the rms value. The
increased load on the power semiconductors has to be considered especially for slow
rotating fields and rotating fields at standstill. In case of a rotating field at standstill, dir-
ect current that can correspond to the peak value of the sine current depending on the
phase position is flowing.
It is particularly important to consider output frequencies f2 < 3 Hz.

% IN




0 1 2 3 4 5 fA /Hz

[1] Continuous output current at fPWM = 4 kHz

[2] Temporary overload current

Derating due to the installation altitude

SEW‑EURODRIVE frequency inverters are designed for overvoltage category III and
for altitudes up to 2000 m according to EN 61800-5-1. The air pressure and the air
density decrease depending on the installation altitude. This leads to a reduced cool-
ing capacity and to a reduced electrical isolation effect of the air.
Up to h < 1000 m: without restrictions.
The following restrictions apply to heights ≥ 1000 m:
• From 1000 m to max. 3800 m: IN reduction by 1% per 100 m
• From 2000 m to max. 3800 m: To maintain protective separation and the air gaps
and creepage distances according to EN 61800‑5‑1, you have to connect an over-
voltage protection device in order to reduce the overvoltages from category III to
category II.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 133

3 Configuration
Selection of an application inverter

Derating due to line voltage and temperature

Derating depending on the line voltage Vline and the ambient temperature T:
Uline: 3 × 400 V Uline: 3 x 500 V
Inverter fPWM
Continuous current Icont
4 kHz Icont/IN = 125% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.5% Icont/IN = 114% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.3%
MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 94% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.15% Icont/IN = 81% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.85%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 63% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.5% Icont/IN = 50% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.7%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 132% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65% Icont/IN = 128% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.55%
MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 99% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25% Icont/IN = 96% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 66% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6% Icont/IN = 64% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 128% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.55% Icont/IN = 116% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.35%
MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 96% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2% Icont/IN = 83% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.9%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 64% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55% Icont/IN = 51% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.7%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 133% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65% Icont/IN = 121% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.45%
MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 100% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25% Icont/IN = 87% – (T – 40 °C) × 2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 67% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6% Icont/IN = 53% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.8%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 121% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4% Icont/IN = 110% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25%
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 91% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.05% Icont/IN = 79% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.85%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 51% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6% Icont/IN = 41% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 119% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4% Icont/IN = 108% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2%
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.., 8 kHz Icont/IN = 89% – (T – 40 °C) × 2% Icont/IN = 77% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.75%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 59% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.4% Icont/IN = 48% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.65%

Uline: 3 × 230 V
Inverter fPWM
Continuous current Icont
4 kHz Icont/IN = 132% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65%
MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 99% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 66% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 128% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.55%
MDX9_A-0140-...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 96% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 64% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 133% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65%
MDX9_A-0213 – 0290...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 100% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 67% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 121% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4%
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 91% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.05%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 51% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 119% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4%
MDX91A-0840 – 1080...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 89% – (T – 40 °C) × 2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 59% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.4%
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134 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistor selection 3
3.7 Braking resistor selection

3.7.1 Tables of braking resistors

The following braking resistors are intended for use with MOVIDRIVE® system. The
technical data is valid in the temperature range -20 °C to +40 °C.

Information on ambient temperature

For ambient temperatures of more than +40°C, the continuous power must be re-
duced by 4% for every 10 K. The tripping current must be reduced by 2% for every
10 K. Do not exceed a maximum ambient temperature of 80 °C.

Braking resistors
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T
Part number 18176011 08281718 08281653 18204198
Peak braking power kW 6.9
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 0.18 0.15 0.3 1.1
capacity 25% cdf kW 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.9
12% cdf kW 0.54 0.5 1 3.6
6% cdf kW 0.9 0.9 1.8 5.7
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 117 100 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A – 0.8 1 2.4

Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR047-010-T BR147-T BR247-T BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T
Part number 17983207 18201342 18200842 17983215 17983231 19155301
Peak braking power kW 14.6 25.4
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 1 1.2 2 1.6 2.4 4.2
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 1.8 2.20 3.6 2.9 4.3 7.6
capacity 25% cdf kW 3.2 3.80 6.4 5.1 7.7 13.3
12% cdf kW 6 7.20 12.0 9.6 14.4 23.9
6% cdf kW 9.5 11.40 14.6 15.2 22.8 25.4
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 47 ± 10% 27 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 4.6 5.1 6.5 7.7 9.4 12.5
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR015-016 BR015-042-T BR015-075-T BR915-T
Part number 17983258 19155328 19155271 18204139
Peak braking power kW 45.7
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 1.6 4.2 7.5 16
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 2.9 7.6 12.8 27.2
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capacity 25% cdf kW 5.1 13.3 22.5 45.7

12% cdf kW 9.6 23.9 33.8 45.7
6% cdf kW 15.2 41.8 45.7 45.7
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 15 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 10.3 46.7 22.4 32.7

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 135

3 Configuration
Braking resistor selection

Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T

Part number 17983266 17983274 19155298
Peak braking power kW 57.2
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 2.4 5 10.8
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 4.3 8.5 18.4
capacity 25% cdf kW 7.7 15.0 32.4
12% cdf kW 14.4 22.5 48.6
6% cdf kW 22.8 38.0 57.2
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 10 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 15.5 22.4 32.9
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR006-025-01 BR006-050-01 BR106-T BR206-T
Part number 18200117 18200125 18200834 18204120
Peak braking power kW 114.3
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 2.5 5 13.5 18
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 4.3 8.5 23.0 30.6
capacity 25% cdf kW 7.5 15.0 40.5 54.0
12% cdf kW 11.3 22.5 60.8 81.0
6% cdf kW 19.0 38.0 102.6 114.3
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 20.4 28.9 47.4 54.8

Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01

Part number 17983282 17983290 18200133 17967678
Peak braking power kW 146 190.6
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 7 17 5 7
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 11.9 28.9 8.5 11.9
capacity 25% cdf kW 21.0 51.0 15.0 21.0
12% cdf kW 31.5 76.5 22.5 31.5
6% cdf kW 53.2 129.2 38.0 53.2
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 4.7 ± 10% 3.6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 38.6 60.1 32.6 38.6
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR003-420-T BR002-070 BR1.0-170
Part number 13302345 17983304 17985455
Peak braking power kW 274.4 298.3 686
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 42 7 17
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Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 71.4 11.9 28.9

capacity 25% cdf kW 126.0 21.0 51.0
12% cdf kW 189.0 31.5 76.5
6% cdf kW 274.4 53.2 129.2
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter "Technical data of basic device" (→ 2 41): Peak power brake chopper
200% × apparent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 2.5 ± 10% 2.3 ± 10% 1 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 135.1 55.2 130.4

136 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistor selection 3
3.7.2 Selection criteria
The selection of the braking resistor takes place via the SEW-Workbench. The neces-
sary selection parameters for the braking resistor are calculated during the project
planning procedure. Depending on these selection parameters, a braking resistor is 3
selected from the table.
The following selection parameters are the basis for selecting the braking resistor.

Continuous braking power

The minimum required continuous braking power (braking power at 100% cdf) of the
braking resistor for load cycles can be calculated using the relative cyclic duration
factor cdf and the overload factor k.
If the cyclic duration factor cdf is unknown, it can be calculated from the cycle duration
ttot and the braking time tB using the following formula.
ED =
t tot

ED Cyclic duration factor

tB Braking time
ttot Cycle duration

The cycle duration must not exceed 120 s.

The overload factor OF can be determined using the diagrams in the chapter "Over-
load factor OF" (→ 2 138) and the cyclic duration factor cdf.
The value of the average braking power PB is taken from the project planning data of
the application.
P1 × t1 + P2 × t 2 + .... + Pn × tn
PB =
t1 + t 2 + .... + tn

PB Average braking power

Pn Braking power section n
tn Braking time section n
The minimum required braking power at 100% cdf is calculated using the following for-
P100%ED =

P100%cdf Braking power at 100% cdf

PB Average braking power
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k Overload factor
The braking power required by the application at 100% cdf must be smaller than or
equal to the typical braking power at 100% cdf (continuous braking power) of the brak-
ing resistor.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 137

3 Configuration
Braking resistor selection

Overload factor OF

Flatpack resistors



1% 10 % 100 %


..% ED 1 3 6 15 25 40 60 80 100
OF 35 15 9 4.3 3 2 1.4 1.2 1

Wire resistors, frame resistors



1% 6% 10% 25% 40% 60% 100%

28487486/EN – 02/2019


..% ED 1 3 6 15 25 40 60 80 100
OF 30 15 9.5 5 3.2 2.2 1.5 1.12 1

138 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistor selection 3
Grid resistors




1% 6% 10% 20% 40% 60% 100%


..% ED 1 3 6 15 25 40 60 80 100
OF 20 12 7.6 4 3 2.2 1.5 1.12 1
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 139

3 Configuration
Braking resistor selection

Peak braking power

The maximum permitted peak braking power is specified by the resistance value and
the DC link voltage.
The maximum peak braking power required by the application is calculated from the
regenerative parts within a cycle.
The peak braking power required by the application must be lower than the maximum
permitted peak braking power of the braking resistor.
The permitted peak braking power of the braking resistor is calculated as follows:
UZK max
Pmax =
R × 1 .4

Pmax Maximum peak braking power that the braking resistor can absorb
UZK_max Maximum DC link voltage
R Braking resistance value
The peak braking power for each braking resistor is specified in the chapter "Braking

Current-carrying capacity of the brake chopper

The resistance value of the braking resistor RBR must not be lower than the minimum
permitted braking resistance RBRmin, see the chapter "Technical data of basic
device" (→ 2 41). This ensures that the brake chopper is not damaged.
RBR ≥ RBRmin
The continuous braking power toward the braking resistor must not exceed the appar-
ent output power of the application inverter.

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140 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistor selection 3
3.7.3 Calculation example
Given: Peak braking power: 13 kW
Average braking power: 6 kW 3
Braking time: 7 s
Cycle duration: 28 s
Inverter used: MDX90A-0095-5-3-4-S00
Required: Braking resistor BR...

Calculation: 1) Determining the cyclic duration factor

Cyclic duration factor cdf = braking time/cycle duration
Cyclic duration factor cdf = (7 s/28 s) × 100% = 25%
When selecting the braking resistor, observe the assignment of inverter and braking
resistor, see the chapter "Technical data and assignment to an inverter" (→ 2 64).

2) Determining the overload capacity

Determining the overload factor, e.g. for a wire resistor at a cyclic duration factor cdf of
25% from the respective diagram.
Overload factor OF = 3.2

3) Calculating the braking power at 100% cdf

Braking power 100% cdf = average braking power/overload factor
Braking power 100% cdf = 6 kW/3.2 = 1.88 kW
The braking power of the braking resistor at 100% cdf must be ≥ 1.88 kW.

4) Selecting the braking resistor

The minimum permitted braking resistance value is = 47 Ω for the
MDX90A-0095-5-3-4-S00 inverter that is used, see the chapter "Technical data and
assignment to an inverter" (→ 2 64).
Selected braking resistor: BR247-T.
Resistance value RBR = 47 Ω
Peak braking power: 14.3 kW, see the chapter "Tables of braking resist-
ors" (→ 2 135).
Current-carrying capacity at 100% cdf: 2 kW

3.7.4 Supply cable for braking resistor

Use only shielded cables.
The cable cross section depends on the tripping current IF.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

The rated voltage of the cable must amount to at least V0/V = 300 V / 500 V.
The maximum permitted cable length between application inverter and braking resistor
is 100 m.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 141

3 Configuration
Braking resistor selection

3.7.5 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor

To avoid thermal damage of the braking resistor as well as subsequent damage, the
braking resistor has to be thermally monitored. SEW‑EURODRIVE suggests the fol-
lowing options:
• TCB thermal circuit breaker
The TCB thermal circuit breaker is installed in the control cabinet, connected to the
supply cable to the braking resistor and set to the tripping current of the braking re-
sistor. If the measured mean current exceeds the tripping current, an NC contact
switches and reports an overload of the braking resistor. The connection of braking
resistor and inverter is separated simultaneously, thus ending the generator mode.
• Integrated temperature switch –T
Braking resistors with the label –T are equipped with an integrated temperature
switch. The temperature switch is thermally coupled to the braking resistor and
switches an NC contact in case of overtemperature of the braking resistor. The
braking resistor-inverter connection is not interrupted. In case of thermal overload,
the regenerative operation has to be terminated. SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends
shielding the connection cable of the temperature switch.
• Thermal overload relay
A thermal overload relay is installed in the control cabinet, connected to the supply
cable to the braking resistor and set to the tripping current of the braking resistor. If
the measured mean current exceeds the tripping current, an NC contact switches
and reports an overload of the braking resistor. The braking resistor-inverter con-
nection is not interrupted. In case of thermal overload, the regenerative operation
has to be terminated.
For wiring diagrams regarding the matters described above, refer to the chapter "Pro-
tection of the braking resistor against thermal overload".

3.7.6 Parallel connection of braking resistors

It is permitted to connect several identical braking resistors in parallel. The following
• The power connections of the braking resistors must be connected to +R and –R
in parallel.
• Each braking resistor requires a separate protection against thermal overload.
• The signal contacts (NC contacts) of the protection devices must be connected in
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142 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Supply system cable and motor cable 3
3.8 Supply system cable and motor cable
3.8.1 Supply system cable
Dimensioning of the supply system cable generally takes place plant-specifically and 3
depends on the design of the line connection. Line connection is shown in the chapter
"Power connection" (→ 2 271). Observe the country-specific and plant-specific regula-
tions when selecting the cross section of the supply system cable.

Recommended cross section for nominal operation

The cross section of the supply system cables must be dimensioned based on the
nominal line current Iline.
SEW‑EURODRIVE suggests the cable cross sections listed in the table. Cables with
these cross sections can be used if the following conditions are met:
• The single-pole cables are made of copper with PVC insulation.
• The cables are routed in cable ducts according to IEC 60204-1 installation type C
at 40 °C ambient temperature.
MDX9_A-…-5_3 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
Nominal line current 1.9 A 2.3 A 2.9 A 3.6 A 5A 6.3 A 8.6 A 11.3 A 14.4 A 22 A 32 A 42 A 56 A 68 A
AC Iline
Supply system cable 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2 6 mm2 10 16 25
L1/L2/L3 mm2 mm2 mm2
Fuse/miniature circuit 10 A 16 A 25 A 32 A 50 A 63 A 80 A
MDX9_A-…-2_3 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
Nominal line current AC Iline 6.4 A 8.4 A 12.4 A 18.9 A 27.4 A 40.8 A 52 A
Supply system cable L1/L2/L3 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 6 mm2 10 mm2 16 mm2
Fuse/miniature circuit breaker 10 A 16 A 20 A 32 A 50 A 63 A

Recommended cross section
The values are only recommendations. They are no substitute for detailed project
planning of the cables depending on the concrete application and considering the ap-
plicable regulations.

Securing the supply system cable
Secure the supply system cable with appropriate safety elements.
When selecting the supply system cable, make sure that the selected cross section is
in the range of the connectable cross section of the terminals.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 143

3 Configuration
Supply system cable and motor cable

3.8.2 Motor cable

Cable length
For MOVIDRIVE® system application inverters, a maximum motor cable length must
not be exceeded.
The following configuration guidelines must be observed:
• When shielded motor cables are used, a capacitance core/shield of maximum 280
pF/m must not be exceeded.
MDX9_A...-5_3 0020 – 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 – 1770 – 2500 – 3800 –
With Uline = 3 × 0040 1490 2200 3000 5880
AC 400 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Shielded cable
PWM frequency
2.5 kHz – – – – – – – – 400 400
4 kHz 120 200 250 300 300 400 400 400 300 300
8 kHz 80 120 150 250 250 300 300 300 200 –
16 kHz 40 60 100 150 150 200 200 – – –
MDX9_A...-5_3 0020 – 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 – 1770 – 2500 – 3800 –
With Uline = 3 × 0040 1490 2200 3000 5880
AC 400 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Unshielded cable
PWM frequency
2.5 kHz – – – – – – – – 1200 1200
4 kHz 360 600 750 900 900 1200 1200 1200 900 900
8 kHz 240 360 450 750 750 900 900 900 600 –
16 kHz 120 180 300 450 450 600 600 – – –
MDX9_A...-2_3 0070 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 1080
With Uline = 3 × AC 230 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Shielded cable
PWM frequency
4 kHz 120 200 250 300 400
8 kHz 80 120 150 250 300
16 kHz 40 60 100 150 200
MDX9_A...-2_3 0070 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 1080
With Uline = 3 × AC 230 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Unshielded cable
PWM frequency
4 kHz 360 600 750 900 1200
8 kHz 240 360 450 750 900
16 kHz 120 180 300 450 600

If the use of a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards,
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends not using a residual current device. Leakage cur-
rents caused by cable capacitances can lead to false tripping.
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144 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Signal lines 3
Voltage drop
Select the cable cross section of the motor cable so the voltage drop is as small as
possible. An excessively high voltage drop means that the full motor torque is not
achieved. 3
Determine the expected voltage drop based on the following table. With shorter
cables, you can convert the voltage drop proportionally.
Line cross Load with I in A =
section 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 25 30 40 50 63 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400
Copper Voltage drop ΔV in V with length = 100 m and ϑ = 70 °C
1.5 mm2 5.3 8 10.6 13.3 17.3 21.3 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

2.5 mm 2
3.2 4.8 6.4 8.1 10.4 12.8 16 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

4 mm 2
1.9 2.8 3.8 4.7 6.5 8.0 10 12.5 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

6 mm 2
4.4 5.3 6.4 8.3 9.9 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

10 mm 2
3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.2 10.2 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

16 mm 2
3.3 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.9 10.0 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

25 mm2 2.5 3.3 4.1 5.1 6.4 8.0 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

35 mm2 2.9 3.6 4.6 5.7 7.2 8.6 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

50 mm2 4.0 5.0 6.0 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

70 mm 2
5.8 1) 1) 1) 1)

95 mm 2
4.2 5.3 1) 1) 1)

150 mm 2
3.3 4.0 1) 1)

185 mm 2
3.2 3.8 1)

240 mm 2
2.5 2.9 3.3
1) Load not permitted according to IEC 60364-5-52.

3.9 Signal lines

3.9.1 Encoder cables

Connection/Encoder Cable length

HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C 300 m
Standard HTL encoder 200 m
Other encoders 100 m

3.9.2 Digital inputs/outputs and DC 24 V supply

The maximum cable length of connections on the inputs and outputs is 30 m.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 145

3 Configuration
EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3

3.10 EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3

MOVIDRIVE® application inverters are designed as components for installation in ma-
chinery and systems. They comply with the EMC product standard EN 61800-3 "Vari-
able-speed electrical drives".
Provided the EMC-compliant installation is observed, the appropriate requirements for
a CE marking are met on the basis of the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.

3.10.1 Interference emission

The cable length must be as short as possible for EMC-compliant installation.
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends using low-capacity cables.
To comply with limit classes C1 and C2 in accordance with EN 61800‑3, the measures
listed in the tables must be taken.
Limit class C1

On the line On the motor side
Inverter side

NF line fil- HF output filter

Shielded cables
ter HD output choke
MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-..
NF – Yes
MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..

Limit class C2

On the line On the motor side
Inverter side

NF line fil- HF output filter

Shielded cables
ter HD output choke
MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5E3-.. – – Yes
MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2E3-..
MDX9_A-0240 – 1490-503-.. – Yes
MDX9_A-0213 – 1080-203-..
MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-503-.. NF HD No
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-203-.. NF HF No

28487486/EN – 02/2019

No EMC limits are specified for interference emission in voltage supply systems
without a grounded star point (IT systems).

146 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Line components 3
3.11 Line components

3.11.1 Line fuses and miniature circuit breakers

Line fuses and miniature circuit breakers are used for protecting the supply system
cables. For fusing, use fuses and miniature circuit breakers with the following proper-

Type class Prerequisite

Fuses in utilization categor- Fusing voltage ≥ nominal line voltage
ies gL, gG
Miniature circuit breaker with Nominal miniature circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal
characteristics B, C, D line voltage
Nominal currents of the miniature circuit breaker must
be 10% higher than the nominal line current of the ap-
plication inverter
Adhere to the country-specific and system-specific regulations when carrying out the
fusing. If required, observe the notes in the chapter "UL-compliant installation".

3.11.2 Line contactor

A line contactor is used to separate the application inverter from the supply system in
the event of an error and to switch the power supply on and off.
For more information on operation with a line contactor, refer to the chapter "Line con-

If necessary, use a line contactor in utilization category AC-3 (IEC 158-1) or better.
The line contactor must be installed before the line filter and the line choke.

Observe the documentation for electrical installation of a line contactor, see the
chapter "Line contactor" (→ 2 230).
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 147

3 Configuration
Line components

3.11.3 NF line filter

A line filter reduces interference emission via the supply system cable, which is gener-
ated by the application inverter. The line filter mainly serves to meet interference
voltage limit requirements in the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz at the line
connection. In addition, a line filter dampens the interference from the supply system
affecting the application inverter. The selection of the line filter depends on the nom-
inal line current and the line voltage of the frequency inverter.
The line filter has to be selected according to the following table.

Technical data
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
Part number 17984319 17984270 17984300 17983789 17987504 17987865
Nominal line voltage VN 3 × AC 230 V - 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 5.5 A 12 A 22 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal power loss 4W 6W 9W 30 W 51.5 W 89 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 to 45 °C (reduction: x% IN up to max. 60 °C)
Connecting contacts Spring-loaded terminals max. 6 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
Tightening torque — 2 – 4 Nm 6 – 8 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
PE terminal contacts M4 M5 M6 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 6 Nm 12 Nm 23
Degree of protection IP20 according to EN 60529
Mass 1 kg 1 kg 1.4 kg 3 kg 5 kg 9 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 0910 – 1490
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. — 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080

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148 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Line components 3
3.11.4 ND line choke
The main reason for using line chokes is the reduction of grid disturbances that may
occur due to harmonic currents. In addition, line chokes improve the overvoltage pro-
tection. 3
The line choke has to be selected according to the following table.

Technical data
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
Part number 17984173 17984181 17983800 17983819 17987520 17987539
Nominal line voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 7A 16 A 30 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal inductance 0.36 mH 0.2 mH 0.1 mH 0.045 mH 0.035 mH 0.018 mH
Nominal power loss 4W 9W 11 W 13 W 53 W 116 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb -10 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts L1/L2/L3 – L1'/ 0.2 – 4 mm2 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
Tightening torque L1/L2/L3 – L1'/L2'/ 0.5 – 1 Nm 1.2 – 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 – 6 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
PE connection contact M4 M5 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 12 Nm 20 Nm
Degree of protection IPXXB in accordance with EN 60529 IPXXA in accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 0.5 kg 1.3 kg 1.95 kg 1.82 kg 4.6 kg 10 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 910 – 1400
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. - 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 149

3 Configuration
Line components

3.11.5 Residual current device

No protection against electric shock if an incorrect type of residual current device is
Severe or fatal injuries.
• The product can cause direct current in the PE conductor. If a residual current
device (RCD) or a residual current monitoring device (RCM) is used for protec-
tion in the event of a direct or indirect contact, only a type B RCD or RCM is per-
mitted on the supply end of the product.

• If the use of a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards,
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends not to use a residual current device.

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150 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

24 V supply voltage selection 3
3.12 24 V supply voltage selection
The MDX90A-... application inverter requires an external 24 V voltage supply for the
electronics. 3
The MDX91A-... application inverter has an internal 24 V voltage supply (80 W) that
can also be supported externally.

3.12.1 Project planning for 24 V supply power

For dimensioning the 24 V supply voltage, it is necessary to know the power and cur-
rent consumption of the application inverter.

Commercially available switched-mode power supplies can reliably switch on the
maximally occurring capacities.

3.12.2 Power consumption of the 24 V supply

Tables for the power demand of the 24 V supply depending on the used modules and
the installed options.
Power consump- Inverter 3 × AC 400 V Power consumption (without I/O, motor en-
tion coder, motor brake)
MDX90A-0020.. – ..0040-5_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0055.. – ..0095-5_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0125.. – ..0160-5_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0240.. – ..0320-5_3-.. 30
MDX90A-0460.. – ..0750-5_3-.. 15
MDX91A-0910.. – ..1490-5_3-.. 20

Inverter 3 × AC 230 V Power consumption (without I/O, motor en-

coder, motor brake)
MDX90A-0070.. – ..0093-2_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0140-2_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0213.. – ..0290-2_3-.. 30
MDX90A-0420.. – ..0570-2_3-.. 15
MDX91A-0840.. – ..1080-2_3-.. 20

Power consump- Card Power consumption

tion of the cards
28487486/EN – 02/2019

CIO21A 1.2
CID21A 0.4
CES11A 0.8
CSB21A 5.1 W

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 151

3 Configuration
24 V supply voltage selection

Card Power consumption

CSS21A 12.3 W
CSB31A 24.3 W
CSS31A 24.3 W

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152 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

24 V supply voltage selection 3
3.12.3 Project planning example
The following example illustrates project planning of the 24 V voltage supply for the
MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter MDX90B0040-5E3-4-00 with CES11A multi-
encoder card and I/O expansion CID21A. 3
The DI00 digital input (output stage enable) is supplied with voltage by the inverter.
The motor brake is controlled via DB00. The coil of the brake relay requires
DC 100 mA at DC 24 V.
The 4 outputs of the CID21A option are each subject to a load of DC 50 mA.
Power demand of the basic device: 20 W + 1 × motor encoder: 5 W
Power demand of the CES11A option without encoder: 0.8 W
1 × external encoder: 12 W
Power demand of the CID21A option without terminals: 0.4 A
Power demand of the inputs (basic device): 1 × 0.2 W = 0.2 W
Power demand of the brake control at DB00: 24 V × 0.1 A = 2.4 W
Power demand of the digital outputs: 4 × 24 V × 0.050 A = 4.8 W
The total power demand is 45.6 W
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 153

4 Prefabricated cables
Meaning of the symbols

4 Prefabricated cables
The overviews showing the assignment of the cables to the motors apply also to any
motors of the respective motor type that can be used in areas subject to a risk of ex-

4.1 Meaning of the symbols

Icon Meaning
Connection cables: Connector → connector for fixed installation
Connection cable extension: Connector → connector for fixed in-
Connection cables: Connector → encoder connection cover for
fixed installation
Connection cables: Connector → encoder connection cover for
cable carrier installation
Connection cables: Connector → connector for cable carrier install-
Connection cable extension: Connector → connector for cable car-
rier installation
Connection cables: Connector → open end for fixed installation
Connection cables: Connector → open end for cable carrier install-

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154 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.2 Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.1 Overview

CMP(Z)../SM.. 4

--> [2]

--> [2]

--> [1]

--> [1]





S1 S1
S2 S2




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ

--> [3]
--> [5]

--> [3]
--> [5]

--> [4]

--> [4]
--> [4]

--> [4]

CMP../SB.. /BK.. CMP(Z)../SB.. /BY..

CMP../SB.. /BP..

28487486/EN – 02/2019

[1] Motor cable ../SM.. (→ 2 156) [4] Brakemotor extension cable ../SB.. for /BK, /BP
and /BY brake (→ 2 160)
[2] Motor extension cable ../SM.. (→ 2 157) [5] Brakemotor cable ../SB.. for brake /BY (→ 2 159)
[3] Brakemotor cable ../SB.. for brake /BK
and /BP (→ 2 158)

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 155

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.2 Motor cable with connector on motor end

Motor cable illustration


Types of CMP.. motor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM11 4 × 1.5 mm2 05904544 Fixed installation
SM11 4 × 1.5 mm2 05906245 Cable carrier installation
SM12 4 × 2.5 mm 2
05904552 Fixed installation
SM12 4 × 2.5 mm2 05906253 Cable carrier installation
SM14 4 × 4 mm2
05904560 Fixed installation
SM14 4 × 4 mm2 05904803 Cable carrier installation
SMB6 4 × 6 mm2
13350269 Fixed installation
SMB6 4 × 6 mm2 13350293 Cable carrier installation
SMB10 4 × 10 mm2 13350277 Fixed installation
SMB10 4 × 10 mm 2
13350307 Cable carrier installation
SMB16 4 × 16 mm2 13350285 Fixed installation
SMB16 4 × 16 mm 2
13350315 Cable carrier installation
SMC16 4 × 16 mm2 18148476 Fixed installation
SMC16 4 × 16 mm 2
18148484 Cable carrier installation
SMC25 4 × 25 mm2 18148581 Cable carrier installation
SMC35 4 × 35 mm 2
18148697 Cable carrier installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

156 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors 4
Illustration of motor extension cable

4818839179 4

Types of CMP.. motor extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM11 4 × 1.5 mm2 13332457 Cable carrier installation
SM12 4 × 2.5 mm2 13332465 Cable carrier installation
SM14 4 × 4 mm 2
13332473 Cable carrier installation
SMB6 4 × 6 mm2 13350021 Cable carrier installation
SMB10 4 × 10 mm 2
13350048 Cable carrier installation
SMB16 4 × 16 mm2 13350056 Cable carrier installation
SMC16 4 × 16 mm 2
18156819 Cable carrier installation
SMC25 4 x 25 mm 2
18156827 Cable carrier installation
SMC35 4 x 35 mm2 18156835 Cable carrier installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 157

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.3 Brakemotor cables for BP/BK brake with connector at motor end

Figure of CMP.. brakemotor cables

500 ±5


Types of CMP.. brakemotor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354345 Fixed installation
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354388 Cable carrier installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354353 Fixed installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354396 Cable carrier installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354361 Fixed installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13421603 Cable carrier installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350196 Fixed installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350234 Cable carrier installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350218 Fixed installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350242 Cable carrier installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350226 Fixed installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350250 Cable carrier installation

As for the power cables for brakemotors with BP/BK brake only two signal cables are
required, the third signal core is cut off during cable assembly.
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158 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.2.4 Brakemotor cables for BY brake with connector at motor end

Figure of CMP.. brakemotor cables


5 0 0 ±5

Types of CMP.. brakemotor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354272 Fixed installation
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354302 Cable carrier installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354280 Fixed installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354310 Cable carrier installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354299 Fixed installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354329 Cable carrier installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350129 Fixed installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350153 Cable carrier installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350137 Fixed installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350161 Cable carrier installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350145 Fixed installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350188 Cable carrier installation
SBC16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 18148514 Fixed installation
SBC16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
18148522 Cable carrier installation
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 159

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.5 Extension cables BP/BK and BY brakes

Illustration of brakemotor extension cable


Types of CMP.. brakemotor extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354221 Cable carrier installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354248 Cable carrier installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354337 Cable carrier installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350099 Cable carrier installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350102 Cable carrier installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350110 Cable carrier installation
SBC16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
18156843 Cable carrier installation

28487486/EN – 02/2019

160 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.3 Encoder cables for CMP.. motors

4.3.1 Overview

CMP(Z).. /SM.. 4
CMP(Z).. /SB..
CMP(Z).. /KK /RH1M



13356356 13327429

13356364 13327437





S1 S1
S2 S2




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ




CMP(Z).. /KK
/AK1H CMP(Z).. /SM..
CMP(Z).. /SB..
28487486/EN – 02/2019


Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 161

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors

4.3.2 Resolver

Illustration of RH1M resolver cable



Types of RH1M resolver cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13327429 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13327437 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M extension cable


Types of RH1M extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
01995421 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995413 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M resolver cable for terminal box


RH1M resolver cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356356 Fixed installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13356364 Cable carrier installation

162 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.3.3 HIPERFACE® encoders

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable

X 4


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
4 × 2 × 0.25 mm + 2 × 0.5 mm
2 2
13324535 Fixed installation
4 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 + 2 × 0.5 mm2 13324551 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cable


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
01995391 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995405 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable for terminal box


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356291 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356305 Cable carrier installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 163

4 Prefabricated cables
Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors

4.4 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors

4.4.1 Overview


--> [2]





--> [1] S1




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ

--> [1]

CMP../SH.. /BK..
CMP../SH.. /BP..
CMP(Z)../SH.. /BY..
--> [2]


[1] Motor/brakemotor cable [2] Extension cable

4.4.2 Types of motor/brakemotor cable

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
SH11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177018
SH12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm
2 2 2
Cable carrier installa-
SH14 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177034
SHB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177042
SHB10 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177050
28487486/EN – 02/2019

164 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors 4
4.4.3 Types of extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
SH11 4 × 1.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm
2 2 2
SH12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177077 4
Cable carrier installa-
SH14 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177085
SHB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177093
SHB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm
2 2 2
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 165

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5 Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5.1 Overview

CFM.. /SM..

--> [2]

--> [2]

--> [1]

--> [1] X31





S1 S1
S2 S2



+ UZ


X4 X4
- UZ


--> [3]

--> [3]

--> [4]

--> [4]
28487486/EN – 02/2019

CFM.. /SB.. /BR..


[1] Motor cable ../SM.. (→ 2 167) [3] Brakemotor cable ../SB.. /BR (→ 2 169)
[2] Motor extension cable ../ [4] Brakemotor extension cable ../SB.. /BR (→ 2 170)
SM.. (→ 2 168)

166 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.5.2 Motor cable

Motor cable illustration



Motor cable types

The cables are equipped with a connector for motor connection and conductor end
sleeves for inverter connection.

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm2 01991795 Fixed installation
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm2 13331140 Cable carrier installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm 2
01991817 Fixed installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm2 13331159 Cable carrier installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm2 01991833 Fixed installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm 2
01991841 Cable carrier installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm2 0199185X Fixed installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm 2
01991868 Cable carrier installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm2 01991876 Fixed installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm 2
01991884 Cable carrier installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 167

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5.3 Motor extension cable

Illustration of motor extension cable



Types of motor extension cables

The cables are equipped with a connector and adapter for extending the CFM.. motor

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm2 01995499 Fixed installation
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm 2
13331183 Cable carrier installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm2 01995510 Fixed installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm 2
13331191 Cable carrier installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm2 01995537 Fixed installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm2
01995545 Cable carrier installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm2 01995553 Fixed installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm2
01995561 Cable carrier installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm2 0199557X Fixed installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm 2
01995588 Cable carrier installation

28487486/EN – 02/2019

168 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.5.4 Brakemotor cable

Illustration of brakemotor cable


500 ±5

Types of brakemotor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB51/SB61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 01991892 Fixed installation
SB51/SB61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331167 Cable carrier installation
SB52/SB62 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
01991914 Fixed installation
SB52/SB62 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331175 Cable carrier installation
SB54/SB64 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
01991930 Fixed installation
SB54/SB64 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 01991949 Cable carrier installation
SB56/SB66 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01991957 Fixed installation
SB56/SB66 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01991965 Cable carrier installation
SB59/SB69 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01991973 Fixed installation
SB59/SB69 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01991981 Cable carrier installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 169

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5.5 Brakemotor extension cables

Illustration of brakemotor extension cable



Types of brakemotor extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SK51/SK61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 0199199X Fixed installation
SK51/SK61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331205 Cable carrier installation
SK52/SK62 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
01992015 Fixed installation
SK52/SK62 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331213 Cable carrier installation
SK54/SK64 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 01992031 Fixed installation
SK54/SK64 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
0199204X Cable carrier installation
SK56/SK66 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01992058 Fixed installation
SK56/SK66 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01992066 Cable carrier installation
SK59/SK69 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01992074 Fixed installation
SK59/SK69 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01992082 Cable carrier installation

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170 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.6 Encoder cables for CFM.. motors

4.6.1 Overview

CFM.. /SM.. 4
CFM.. /KK CFM.. /SB..
/RH1M CFM.. /KK5
/RH1L CFM.. /KK6


01995898 13327429







X15 S1




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ





CFM.. /SM..
CFM.. /KK CFM.. /SB..
/ES1H CFM.. /KK5
/AS1H CFM.. /KK6
28487486/EN – 02/2019



Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 171

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors

4.6.2 Resolver

Illustration of RH1M/RH1L resolver cable



Types of RH1M/RH1L resolver cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
13327429 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13327437 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M/RH1L extension cable


Types of RH1M/RH1L extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
01995421 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995413 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M/RH1L resolver cable for terminal box


Types of RH1M/RH1L resolver cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13327623 Fixed installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13327631 Cable carrier installation

172 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.6.3 HIPERFACE® encoders

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable

X 4


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing

6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
13324535 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13324551 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cable


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing

6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
01995391 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995405 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable for terminal box


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing

5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356291 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356305 Cable carrier installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 173

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7 Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7.1 Overview







S1 S1
S2 S2



X17 24V

+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ


13623192 13617621 13622021

13621971 13617648 13622048



DR.. DR..
/ES7S /EG7S 13623184 /ES7S /EG7S /AH7Y
/AS7W /AG7W 18140408 /AS7W /AG7W
28487486/EN – 02/2019

174 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
A.7Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A (X17) multi-encoder card.

DR..71 – 315
/EK8C 13621963
/AK8H 18139183



D-Sub --> X..


13622021 18139183

13622048 28111451

DR..71 – 315
/EK8S 13623184
/AK8Y 18140408


D-Sub --> X.. MOVIDRIVE® modular/system/technology

Basic device: X15
CES11A multi-encoder card: X17
AK8Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A multi-encoder card.
[1] Motors with integrated plug connector for encoder signals without connection cover, connec-
tion type A2GB.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
[2] Motors with integrated plug connector for encoder signals with connection cover, connection
28487486/EN – 02/2019

type A1GA.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 175

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

/EK8S DR..71-315
13623184 28111486

18140408 28111494

28111451 28111451

28111478 28111478


13621998 28111435

18195393 28111443

D-Sub --> X..


18195393 28111435

28111443 28111435




[2] [4]
DR..71-315 DR..71-315
28487486/EN – 02/2019


176 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
D-Sub --> X.. MOVIDRIVE® modular/system/technology
Basic device: X15
CES11A multi-encoder card: X17
AK8Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A multi-encoder card.
[1] Motors with terminal strip in the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal monitoring. 4
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
[2] Motors with M23 plug connector at terminal box for encoder signals, connection type AIGB.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
[3] Motors with terminal strip in the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal monitoring.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are located in the encoder cable.
[4] Motors with an M23 plug connector at the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal mon-
itoring, connection type AIGA.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are located in the encoder cable.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 177

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7.2 Encoder cable with connection cover and D-sub

Illustration of encoder cable


Types of encoder cables and encoders

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13617621 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13617648 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S

4.7.3 Encoder cable with conductor end sleeves and D-sub

Illustration of encoder cable


Types of encoder cables and encoders

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13622021 Fixed installation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13622048 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S

178 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
4.7.4 Encoder cable with M23 and D-sub

Illustration of encoder cable

X 4


Types of encoder cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13602659 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13623206 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.315

Sine encoder EH7S

4.7.5 Encoder extension cable with connection cover and M23

Illustration of encoder extension cable


Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13621963 Fixed installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 179

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7.6 Encoder extension cable with conductor end sleeves and M23

Illustration of encoder extension cable


Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13623184 Fixed installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S

4.7.7 Encoder extension cable with two M23

Illustration of encoder extension cable



Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13623192 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
13621971 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S
28487486/EN – 02/2019

180 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
4.7.8 Encoder extension cable with M23 and D-sub

Illustration of encoder extension cable



Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13621998 Fixed installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 181

4 Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable

4.8 System bus and module bus cable

The RJ45 connectors of the system bus and module bus cables and the sockets in the
application inverters have been checked for mechanical stability and contact reliability
by SEW‑EURODRIVE. SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using the system bus and
module bus cables listed below. If other cables and connectors are used,
SEW‑EURODRIVE does not make any statements regarding the quality of the plug-in

Use of wrong cables
Damage to the application inverter
Only 4-pole cables are permitted for use as system bus cables [2]. If an 8-pole cable
is used, malfunctions or failures may occur at the connected devices.

4.8.1 System bus and module bus cabling

Example of a system bus and module bus cabling
[2] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1] [2] [1] [2] [2] [2] [2]

Power Power

10 min 10 min

[4] [4] [6] [6]

[1] Module bus cable: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS and internal signals, 8-pole, color: an-
[2] System bus cable: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS, 4-pole, color: light gray
[4] MOVIDRIVE® modular
[5] MOVIDRIVE® system/technology with DC link connection
[6] MOVIDRIVE® system/technology
[7] Other EtherCAT® stations at the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
28487486/EN – 02/2019

182 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable 4
4.8.2 System bus cable

Figure of the cable

[1] [2]

[1] Connector, red [2] Connector, red

The 4-pole system bus cable [2] for EtherCAT® and SBusPLUS is used between the
automation components; see figure (→ 2 182). Some of these components are listed
here as examples:
• MOVIDRIVE® modular application inverter
• PC with MOVISUITE® engineering software
• MOVI‑PLC® I/O system
• Other EtherCAT® stations at the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
The following lengths of the system bus cable are available for fixed installation.

Cable length Part number Cable assignment for

0.29 m 18179959 MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-..
with devices directly next to
each other
0.75 m 18167039 MDX9_A-0460 – 1130-..
with devices directly next to
each other
1.5 m 18179975 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
3.0 m 18167047 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
5m 18179983 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
10 m 18179991 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
If you use system bus cables from other manufacturers, it is necessary to comply with
the relevant requirements of the "EtherCAT® Technology Group" (ETG). On this sub-
ject, note the "EtherCAT® Installation Guideline" from the ETG

Pin assignment
The prefabricated system bus cables are assigned according to EIA/TIA-568A. Also
use this assignment for prefabrication in the field.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Pin Color coding

1 White/green
2 Green
3 White/orange
4 Reserved

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 183

4 Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable

Pin Color coding

5 Reserved
6 Orange
7 Reserved
8 Reserved

28487486/EN – 02/2019

184 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable 4
4.8.3 Module bus cable


[1] [2]

[1] Connector, black [2] Connector, red

For MOVIDRIVE® modular, the 8-pole module bus cable [1] for EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
and internal signals connects the power supply module to the first axis module and the
axis modules to each other; see figure (→ 2 182).
For MOVIDRIVE® system/technology, the module bus cable is used when 2 applica-
tion inverters are connected in the DC link.
In the case of MOVIDRIVE® modular, in addition to the system bus communication,
the module bus is routed in the cable for information inside the device. The module
bus cable is delivered in the length required as part of the accessories for the axis
A module bus cable for MOVIDRIVE® system/technology in the required length must
be ordered separately.
If the module bus cable for MOVIDRIVE® modular is needed as a spare part, it can be
ordered with the following part numbers.

Cable Part number Replacement cable for Cable assignment for

length MOVIDRIVE® modular MOVIDRIVE® system/
0.23 m 18166989 MDA90A-0020 – 0120-.. –
MDD90A-0020 – 0040-..
0.26 m 18166997 MDA90A-0160 – 0240-.. –
MDD90A-0020 – 0080-..
0.29 m 18167004 MDP90A-0100-...-C00 MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-..
MDA90A-0320 – 0480-.. with devices directly next
to each other
0.35 m 18167012 MDP90A-0500 – 0750-.. –
MDA90A-0640 – 1000-..
0.44 m 18167020 MDA90A-1400 – 1800-.. MDX9_A-0460 – 1130-..
with devices directly next
to each other
1.6 m 18174205 – MDX9_A-..
with devices not directly
next to each other
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 185

5 General information
About this documentation

5 General information
5.1 About this documentation
The current version of the documentation is the original.
This documentation is an integral part of the product. The documentation is intended
for all employees who perform work on the product.
Make sure this documentation is accessible and legible. Ensure that persons respon-
sible for the systems and their operation as well as persons who work on the product
independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood it. If you
are unclear about any of the information in this documentation, or if you require further
information, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.

5.2 Structure of the safety notes

5.2.1 Meaning of signal words
The following table shows the grading and meaning of the signal words for safety

Signal word Meaning Consequences if disregarded

DANGER Imminent hazard Severe or fatal injuries
WARNING Possible dangerous situation Severe or fatal injuries
CAUTION Possible dangerous situation Minor injuries
NOTICE Possible damage to property Damage to the product or its envi-
INFORMATION Useful information or tip: Simplifies
handling of the product.

5.2.2 Structure of section-related safety notes

Section-related safety notes do not apply to a specific action but to several actions
pertaining to one subject. The hazard symbols used either indicate a general hazard
or a specific hazard.
This is the formal structure of a safety note for a specific section:

Type and source of hazard.
Possible consequence(s) if disregarded.
• Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

186 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

General information
Decimal separator in numerical values 5
Meaning of the hazard symbols
The hazard symbols in the safety notes have the following meaning:

Hazard symbol Meaning

General hazard

Warning of dangerous electrical voltage

Warning of hot surfaces

Warning about suspended load

Warning of automatic restart

5.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes

Embedded safety notes are directly integrated into the instructions just before the de-
scription of the dangerous action.
This is the formal structure of an embedded safety note:
SIGNAL WORD Type and source of hazard. Possible consequence(s) if disregar-
ded. Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.

5.3 Decimal separator in numerical values

In this document, a period is used to indicate the decimal separator.
Example: 30.5 kg

5.4 Rights to claim under limited warranty

Read the information in this documentation. This is essential for fault-free operation
and fulfillment of any rights to claim under limited warranty. Read the documentation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

before you start working with the product.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 187

5 General information
Content of the documentation

5.5 Content of the documentation

This documentation contains additional safety-related information and conditions for
operation in safety-related applications.

5.6 Other applicable documentation

Observe the corresponding documentation for all further components.

5.7 Product names and trademarks

The brands and product names in this documentation are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective titleholders.

5.7.1 Trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH

EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff
Automation GmbH, Germany.

5.8 Copyright notice

© 2019 SEW‑EURODRIVE. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, modifica-
tion, distribution or any other use of the whole or any part of this documentation is
strictly prohibited.

28487486/EN – 02/2019

188 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

General information
Device availability 5
5.9 Device availability
This documentation also lists devices that are not yet available at the time of the pub-
lication of this document.
The following table lists the available application inverters. Accessories required for
the inverter operation such as braking resistors, chokes, and filters are available.
Type designation
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 189

6 Safety notes
Preliminary information

6 Safety notes
6.1 Preliminary information
The following general safety notes serve the purpose of preventing injury to persons
and damage to property. They primarily apply to the use of products described in this
documentation. If you use additional components, also observe the relevant warning
and safety notes.

6.2 Duties of the user

As the user, you must ensure that the basic safety notes are observed and complied
with. Make sure that persons responsible for the machinery and its operation as well
as persons who work on the device independently have read through the documenta-
tion carefully and understood it.
As the user, you must ensure that all of the work listed in the following is carried out
only by qualified specialists:
• Setup and installation
• Installation and connection
• Startup
• Maintenance and repairs
• Shutdown
• Disassembly
Ensure that the persons who work on the product pay attention to the following regula-
tions, conditions, documentation, and information:
• National and regional safety and accident prevention regulations
• Warning and safety signs on the product
• All other relevant project planning documents, installation and startup instructions,
and wiring diagrams
• Do not assemble, install or operate damaged products
• All system-specific specifications and conditions
Ensure that systems in which the product is installed are equipped with additional
monitoring and protection devices. Observe the applicable safety regulations and le-
gislation governing technical work equipment and accident prevention regulations.

6.3 Target group

Specialist for me- Any mechanical work may only be performed by adequately qualified specialists. Spe-
chanical work cialists in the context of this documentation are persons familiar with the design, me-
chanical installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the product who possess
28487486/EN – 02/2019

the following qualifications:

• Qualification in the mechanical area in accordance with the national regulations
• Familiarity with this documentation

190 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Safety notes
Designated use 6
Specialist for elec- Any electrotechnical work may only be performed by electrically skilled persons with a
trotechnical work suitable education. Electrically skilled persons in the context of this documentation are
persons familiar with electrical installation, startup, troubleshooting, and maintenance
of the product who possess the following qualifications:
• Qualification in the electrotechnical area in accordance with the national regula-
• Familiarity with this documentation
Additional qualifi- In addition to that, these persons must be familiar with the valid safety regulations and
cation laws, as well as with the requirements of the standards, directives, and laws specified
in this documentation. The persons must have the express authorization of the com-
pany to operate, program, parameterize, label, and ground units, systems, and circuits
in accordance with the standards of safety technology.
Instructed persons All work in the areas of transportation, storage, operation and waste disposal must be
carried out by persons who are trained appropriately. The purpose of the instruction is
that the persons are capable of performing the required tasks and work steps in a safe
and correct manner.

6.4 Designated use

The product is intended for control cabinet installation in electrical plants or machines.
In case of installation in electrical systems or machines, startup of the product is pro-
hibited until it is determined that the machine meets the requirements stipulated in the
local laws and directives. For Europe, Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as well as the
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU apply. Observe EN 60204-1 (Safety of machinery - elec-
trical equipment of machines). The product meets the requirements stipulated in the
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
The standards given in the declaration of conformity apply to the product.
The systems can be mobile or stationary.
The product can be used to operate the following motors in industrial and commercial
• AC asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor
• Permanent-field AC synchronous motors
Technical data and information on the connection conditions are provided on the
nameplate and in the chapter "Technical data" in the documentation. Always comply
with the data and conditions.
Unintended or improper use of the product may result in severe injury to persons and
damage to property.

6.4.1 Hoist applications

To avoid danger of fatal injury due to falling hoists, observe the following points when
using the product in lifting applications:
28487486/EN – 02/2019

• Use mechanical protection devices.

Application in ELSM® control mode

When the inverter is operated in ELSM® control mode, using it in lifting applications is
not permitted. In this control mode only applications of horizontal materials handling
are permitted.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 191

6 Safety notes
Functional safety technology

6.5 Functional safety technology

The product must not perform any safety functions without a higher-level safety sys-
tem, unless explicitly allowed by the documentation.

6.6 Transport
Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship-
ping company immediately about any damage. If the product is damaged, it must not
be assembled, installed or started up.
Observe the following notes when transporting the device:
• Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment.
Observe the information on climatic conditions in the chapter "Technical data" of the

28487486/EN – 02/2019

192 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Safety notes
Installation/assembly 6
6.7 Installation/assembly
Ensure that the product is installed and cooled according to the regulations in this doc-
Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. Ensure that elements are not
deformed or insulation spaces are maintained, particularly during transportation. Elec-
tric components must not be mechanically damaged or destroyed.
Observe the notes in the chapter "Mechanical installation". 6

6.7.1 Restrictions of use

The following applications are prohibited unless the device is explicitly designed for
such use:
• Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
• Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, and radiation
• Operation in applications with impermissibly high mechanical vibration and shock
loads in excess of the regulations stipulated in EN 61800-5-1
• Use at an elevation of more than 3800 m above sea level
The product can be used at altitudes above 1000 m above sea level up to 3800 m
above sea level under the following conditions:
• Taking the reduced continuous rated current into consideration, see the chapter
"Technical data" of the documentation.
• Above 2000 m asl, the air and creeping distances are only sufficient for over-
voltage class II according to EN 60664. If the installation requires overvoltage cat-
egory III according to EN 60664 you have to reduce the overvoltages on the sys-
tem side from category III to II using additional external overvoltage protection.
• If a protective electrical separation is required, then implement this outside the
product at altitudes of more than 2000 m above sea level (protective separation in
accordance with EN 61800‑5‑1 and EN 60204‑1).
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 193

6 Safety notes
Electrical installation

6.8 Electrical installation

Ensure that all of the required covers are correctly attached after carrying out the elec-
trical installation.
Make sure that preventive measures and protection devices comply with the applic-
able regulations (e.g. EN 60204-1 or EN 61800-5-1).

6.8.1 Required preventive measure

Make sure that the product is correctly attached to the ground connection.

6.8.2 Stationary application

Necessary preventive measure for the product is:

Type of energy transfer Preventive measure

Direct power supply • Ground connection

6.8.3 Regenerative operation

The drive is operated as a generator due to the kinetic energy of the system/machine.
Before opening the connection box, secure the output shaft against rotation.

6.9 Protective separation

The product meets all requirements for protective separation of power and electronics
connections in accordance with EN 61800-5-1. To ensure protective separation, all
connected circuits must also meet the requirements for protective separation.

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194 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Safety notes
Startup/operation 6
6.10 Startup/operation
Observe the safety notes in the chapters Startup and Operation in this documentation.
Make sure the connection boxes are closed and screwed before connecting the sup-
ply voltage.
Depending on the degree of protection, products may have live, uninsulated, and
sometimes moving or rotating parts, as well as hot surfaces during operation.
When the device is switched on, dangerous voltages are present at all power connec-
tions as well as at any connected cables and terminals. This also applies even when
the product is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
Risk of burns due to arcing: Do not disconnect power connections during operation.
Do not connect power connections during operation.
If you disconnect the product from the voltage supply, do not touch any live compon-
ents or power connections because capacitors might still be charged. Observe the fol-
lowing minimum switch-off time:
10 minutes.
Observe the corresponding information signs on the product.
The fact that the operation LED and other display elements are no longer illuminated
does not indicate that the product has been disconnected from the supply system and
no longer carries any voltage.
Mechanical blocking or internal protective functions of the product can cause a motor
standstill. Eliminating the cause of the problem or performing a reset may result in the
drive restarting automatically. If, for safety reasons, this is not permitted for the drive-
controlled machine, first disconnect the product from the supply system and then start
Risk of burns: The surface temperature of the product can exceed 60 °C during opera-
tion. Do not touch the product during operation. Let the product cool down before
touching it.

6.10.1 Energy storage unit

Products with a connected energy storage unit are not necessarily de-energized when
they have been disconnected from the supply system. Usually, the energy storage unit
stores sufficient energy to continue operation of the connected motors for a limited
period of time. It is not sufficient to observe a minimum switch-off time.
Perform a shutdown as described in the documentation in the chapter "Service" >
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 195

7 Device structure
Connection variants

7 Device structure
7.1 Connection variants
The MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter can be used in the following connection
• As application inverter in connection with a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power/power
• As application inverter in connection with a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER advanced
• As application inverter in connection with a MOVI-C® CONTROLLER standard

7.1.1 Application inverter with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER power/power eco






[1] Line voltage [3] MOVI-C® CONTROLLER

[2] Industrial communication [4] MOVIDRIVE® system
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196 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
Connection variants 7
MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE® system








S1 S1
S2 S2


24V 24V
X5 X5

+ UZ



X4 X4 X4

- UZ


[4] [5]


[1] Line voltage [4] MOVIDRIVE® modular axis system

[2] Industrial communication [5] MOVIDRIVE® system
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 197

7 Device structure
Connection variants

7.1.2 Application inverter with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER advanced













X85 BF

L5 X40






[1] Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V

[2] Industrial communication
[3] MOVI-C® CONTROLLER advanced
[4] MOVIDRIVE® system

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198 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
Connection variants 7
MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE® system















X85 BF

L5 X40

S1 S1
S2 S2



24V 24V

[3] X5

+ UZ



X4 X4 X4

- UZ



[4] [5] [6]


[1] Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V

[2] Industrial communication
[3] MOVI-C® CONTROLLER advanced
[4] MOVIDRIVE® modular power supply module MDP..
[5] MOVIDRIVE® modular single-axis module MDA.
[6] MOVIDRIVE® modular double-axis module MDD..
[7] MOVIDRIVE® system
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 199

7 Device structure
Connection variants

7.1.3 Application inverter with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER standard













[1] Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V

[2] Industrial communication
[3] MOVI-C® CONTROLLER standard
[4] MOVIDRIVE® system

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200 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
Connection variants 7
MOVIDRIVE® modular and MOVIDRIVE® system











US1 X21

X40 S1 S1
L/A S2 S2





[3] 24V
+ UZ



X4 X4 X4

- UZ



[4] [5] [6]


[1] Line voltage 3 × AC 380 – 500 V

[2] Industrial Communication
[3] MOVI-C® CONTROLLER standard
[4] MOVIDRIVE® modular power supply module MDP..
[5] MOVIDRIVE® modular single-axis module MDA.
[6] MOVIDRIVE® modular double-axis module MDD..
[7] MOVIDRIVE® system
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 201

7 Device structure
MOVIDRIVE® system nameplate

7.2 MOVIDRIVE® system nameplate

® system

7.2.1 System nameplate


[2] [1]

[1] Device status

[2] Serial number

7.2.2 Performance data nameplate


[1] Device status

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202 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
MOVIDRIVE® system type code 7
7.3 MOVIDRIVE® system type code
® system
type code

Example: MDX90A-0125-5E3-X-S00
Product family MD MOVIDRIVE®
Device type X • X = Single-axis inverter
Series 90 • 90 = without DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
• 91 = with DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
Version A • A = Version status of the device series
Performance class 0125 • 0125 = Nominal output current – e.g. 0125 = 12.5 A
Connection voltage 5 • 2 = AC 200 to 240 V
• 5 = AC 380 to 500 V
Power section design E • 0 = Basic interference suppression integrated
EMC • E = EMC filter limit value category C2 acc. to EN 61800-3
Connection type 3 • 3 = 3-phase connection type
Operating mode X • 4 = 4-quadrant operation
• X = Not relevant
Device variant S • 0 = Not relevant
• S = MOVIDRIVE® system: Control via MOVI-C® CONTROLLER
• T = MOVIDRIVE® technology: Control via fieldbus
• E = Inverter with device profile CiA402
Designs 00 • 00 = Standard design
Options • /L = Design with coated printed circuit boards
The following list serves as an example:
• /CES11A = Multi-encoder card
• /CID21A, /CIO21A = Input/output cards
• /CS..A = Safety card MOVISAFE® CS..A
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 203

7 Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter

7.4 Device structure of the application inverter

7.4.1 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-..



[8] [20]
[3] X10

[4] [17]
[5] 3






A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [17] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [18] X10: Brake control and mo-
tor temperature monitoring
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [19] X2: Motor and braking re-
interface sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [20] X16: Connection for digital
"RUN", "ERROR" motor integration
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] 7-segment display
Off (STO)
[11] S3: Switch for module bus oper-
ating mode
[12] X20: Digital inputs
28487486/EN – 02/2019

[13] X21: Digital outputs

[14] Shield plate
[15] 2 × housing PE connection
[16] Card slot

204 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter 7
7.4.2 MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..


[8] [20]
[10] [17]
[5] 4






A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [17] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [18] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [19] X2: Motor and braking re-
interface sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [20] X16: Connection for digital
"RUN", "ERROR" motor integration
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] 7-segment display
Off (STO)
[11] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[12] X20: Digital inputs
[13] X21: Digital outputs
28487486/EN – 02/2019

[14] Shield plate

[15] 2 × housing PE connection
[16] Card slot

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 205

7 Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter

7.4.3 MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0140-2_3-..



[2] [7]
[8] [20]

[10] [17]

1 [11] [19]
[5] 3

[12] [16]



A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [17] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [18] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [19] X2: Motor and braking re-
interface sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [20] X16: Connection for digital
"RUN", "ERROR" motor integration
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] 7-segment display
Off (STO)
[11] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[12] X20: Digital inputs
28487486/EN – 02/2019

[13] X21: Digital outputs

[14] Shield plate
[15] 2 × housing PE connection
[16] Card slot

206 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter 7
7.4.4 MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0210 – 0290-2_3-..


[2] [7]

[8] [20] 7
[10] [17]

1 [11]






A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [17] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [18] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [19] X2: Motor and braking re-
interface sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [20] X16: Connection for di-
"RUN", "ERROR" gital motor integration
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] 7-segment display
Off (STO)
[11] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[12] X20: Digital inputs
[13] X21: Digital outputs
[14] Shield plate
[15] 2 × housing PE connection
[16] Card slot
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 207

7 Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter

7.4.5 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..


[7] [8]


[10] [9]
[3] [19]

[5] 2
5 [11]



[15] [17]


A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [18] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [19] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [20] X16: Connection for di-
interface gital motor integration
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] 7-segment display
Off (STO)
[11] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[12] X20: Digital inputs
[13] X21: Digital outputs
[14] Shield plate
[15] X2: Motor connection
[16] Card slot
[17] X2: Braking resistor connection
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208 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter 7
7.4.6 MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.. MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..


[1] [20]

[2] X10

[3] 7
[4] [11]

[5] 3


[13] [16]


[15] [17]


A: View from top W: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X5: +24 V supply voltage [6] 2 × housing PE connection [18] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X1: Line connection [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [19] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [20] X16: Connection for di-
interface gital motor integration
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] 7-segment display
Off (STO)
[11] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[12] X20: Digital inputs
[13] X21: Digital outputs
[14] Shield plate
[15] X2: Motor connection
[16] Card slot
[17] X2: Braking resistor connection
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 209

7 Device structure
Card slots

7.5 Card slots

The application inverters can have up to 2 cards installed. The following section de-
scribes the assignment of the slots and possible combinations of cards.

Type designation Description Slot

CES11A Multi-encoder card [2]
CS..A MOVISAFE® safety card [2]
CID21A, CIO21A Input/output cards [3]



[1] Connector panel of basic device

[2] Slot for safety card/multi-encoder card
[3] Slot for input/output cards
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210 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Permitted tightening torques 8
8 Installation
MOVIDRIVE® system application inverters are exclusively suitable for control cabinet
installation according to the degree of protection.

8.1 Permitted tightening torques

0020 – 0055 – 0125 – 0240 – 0460 – 0910 – 1770 – 2500 – 3800 –
0040 0095 0160 0320 0750 1490 2200 3000 47009

- 0070 – 0140 0213 – 0420 – 0840 – - - - 8
0093 0290 0570 0950
Screw connection Tightening torque in Nm
Line connection X1 0.5 – 0.8 1.7 – 1.8 8.5 – 9.5 18 – 22
Motor and braking resistor
X2 0.5 – 0.8 1.7 – 1.8 8.5 – 9.5 18 – 22
Terminal screw for TN/IT
EMC 1 – 1.2
PE connections
- M4 1 – 1.2
- M6 3–4
Fastening of the cards 0.6 – 0.8

Non-compliance with the stipulated tightening torques.
Possible damage to the application inverter.
• Always adhere to the stipulated tightening torques. Otherwise, excessive heat
can develop which would damage the application inverter.
• An excessively high tightening torque may cause damage.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 211

8 Installation
Special aspects when transporting the devices

8.2 Special aspects when transporting the devices

The rear wall of the housing of the following devices is designed in such a way that
you can grip them securely by hand to lift and transport the inverters without damaging
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..


Incorrect lifting and transporting of the inverter.
Inverter damage.
• When you lift or transport the inverter, use only the intended handling points for
transportation at the rear wall of the housing to avoid any damage. Do not grip
the inverter at any plastic parts or covers when lifting it.

The following devices must be transported with a lifting eye due to their weight:
• MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..
The lifting eye is attached to the top of the housing; see the following figure.
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The lifting eye can be attached to hoists using suitable slings.

212 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Mechanical installation 8
8.3 Mechanical installation

Risk of injury to persons and damage to property.
Never install defective or damaged products.
• Before installing any products, check them for external damage. Replace any
damaged products.

Risk of damage to property due to mounting surfaces with poor conductivity.
Damage to the application inverter.
• The mounting plate in the control cabinet must be conductive over a large area
for the mounting surface of the application inverter (metallically pure, good con-
ductivity). EMC‑compliant installation of the application inverter can only be ac-
complished with a mounting plate that is conductive over a large area.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 213

8 Installation
Mechanical installation

8.3.1 Bore patterns

Inverter Dimensions of the device base plate in mm

MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. 95 50 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-..
105 50 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..
MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-..
105 80 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-..
135 80 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-..
195 160 471 440 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..
240 200 544 510 12 6 18
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..


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214 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Mechanical installation 8
8.3.2 Minimum clearance and mounting position
When installing the application inverters in the control cabinet, observe the following:
• To ensure unobstructed cooling, leave a minimum clearance of 100 mm above
and below the application inverter housings. Make sure air circulation in the clear-
ance is not impaired by cables or other installation equipment.
• Make sure that the application inverters are not subjected to heated exhaust air
from nearby components.
• Install the application inverters only vertically. You must not install them horizont-
ally, tilted or upside down.
Special bending spaces are required according to EN 61800‑5‑1 for cables with a
cross section of 10 mm2 and larger. This means the clearance must be increased if
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 215

8 Installation

8.4 Covers

8.4.1 Covers
The application inverter is equipped with a safety cover [1].
Removing the
safety cover





1. The safety cover [1] has a latching mechanism at the bottom. Pull the lower part of
the safety cover away from the application inverter to unlatch it.
2. Pivot the safety cover forward and lift it to remove it from the application inverter.
Installing the
safety cover


28487486/EN – 02/2019


3. Place the safety cover [1] into the upper recess and move it towards the applica-
tion inverter until it clicks into place.
4. Always install the safety cover [1] after having worked on the application inverter.

216 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Covers 8
8.4.2 Touch guards
With the following devices, the touch guards must be removed for the line connection
and the connection of the motor and the braking resistor:
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
Line connection



1. Remove the 2 screws [1] on the upper touch guard [2].

2. Remove the touch guard [2].
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 217

8 Installation

Connection motor/
braking resistor

[1] [3]



3. Push the plastic clips of the touch guard [1] to the inside and remove the touch
guard [1] by moving it to the front.
4. Remove the 2 screws [2] and remove the touch guard [3] by moving it to the front.

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218 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Control cabinet installation 8
8.5 Control cabinet installation

8.5.1 Inverter and bottom shield plate

The retaining screws [1] and [2] are screwed into the prepared tapped holes in the
mounting plate in the control cabinet but not tightened.
1. Place the application inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto
the retaining screws [1] from the top.


[1] [1]


28487486/EN – 02/2019

2. Push the application inverter backwards to insert the retaining screws [2] into the
upper holes in the device base plate.
3. Lower the application inverter.
4. Install the shield plate [3] as shown above. This work step applies to the inverters
MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3-.. and MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3-..
5. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 219

8 Installation
Control cabinet installation

8.5.2 Installation with submounting resistor BR120-001

The MDX90A-0020 – 0040-.. inverters can be installed in the control cabinet together
with a braking resistor. The braking resistor is located at the back wall of the inverter
and therefore it has the same mounting hole pattern as the inverter.
Observe that the retaining screws [1] and [2] must be 20 mm longer for installation
with a braking resistor.




1. Place the braking resistor at the desired position in the control cabinet as shown in
the figure and screw in the 4 retaining screws [1] and [2] without tightening them.
2. Place the application inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto
the retaining screws [1] from the top.
3. Push the application inverter backwards to insert the retaining screws [2] into the
upper holes in the device base plate.
4. Lower the application inverter.
5. Install the shield plate; see the chapter "Control cabinet installation" (→ 2 219).
This work step applies to the inverters MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3-.. and
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3-..
28487486/EN – 02/2019

6. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

The submounting resistor can be installed next to an application inverter; see the fol-
lowing figure.

220 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Control cabinet installation 8
The hole distance of the submounting braking resistor must be larger than the hole
distance of the application inverter.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 221

8 Installation
Control cabinet installation

8.5.3 Top shield plate

1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it to the device housing [3] with the
screw [1].









8.5.4 Shield plate at bottom of control unit

1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it with the screw [1] in the position
[3] shown in the figure.

6 5
X1 X1



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222 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
8.6 Electrical installation

Dangerous voltage levels may still be present inside the device and at the terminal
strips up to 10 minutes after the application inverter has been disconnected from the
power supply.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
To prevent electric shocks:
• Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply and wait 10 minutes
before removing the protective covers.

A leakage current > 3.5 mA can occur during operation of the application inverter.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
To avoid dangerous shock currents in accordance with EN 61800-5-1, strictly ob-
serve the following:
• Supply system cable < 10 mm2:
– Route a second PE conductor with the cable cross-section of the supply sys-
tem cable in parallel to the protective earth via separate terminals or use a
copper PE conductor with a cable cross-section of 10 mm2.
• Supply system cable 10 mm2 – 16 mm2:
– Route a copper PE conductor with the cable cross-section of the supply sys-
tem cable.
• Supply system cable 16 mm2 – 35 mm2:
– Route a copper protective earth conductor with a cable cross-section of
16 mm2.
• Supply system cable > 35 mm2:
– Route a copper protective earth conductor with half the cross-section of the
supply system cable.
• If an earth leakage circuit breaker is used for protection against direct and indir-
ect contact in isolated cases, it must be universal current-sensitive (RCD type B).

Installation with protective separation.
The application inverter meets all requirements for protective separation of power
and electronics connections in accordance with EN 61800-5-1. The connected signal
circuits must meet requirements according to SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) or
PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) to ensure protective separation. The installation
must meet the requirements for protective separation.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 223

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.1 General information

• Take suitable measures to prevent the motor starting up inadvertently, for example
by removing the electronics terminal block X20. Take additional safety measures
depending on the application to prevent possible injuries to people and damage to
• Only use closed cable lugs for connection to the screws in order to prevent litz
strands from escaping.

8.6.2 Permitted voltage systems

Information on the voltage systems Information on permissibility

TN and TT systems – voltage systems with Use is possible without restrictions.
directly grounded star point.
IT systems – voltage systems with non-groun- Use is only permitted adhering to
ded star point. specific measures. The measures
are described in the chapter "Use in
IT systems" (→ 2 224).
Voltage systems with grounded outer con- Use only for line voltages up to max.
ductor. 240 V.

8.6.3 Use in IT systems

To ensure IT system capability, the terminal screw shown in the following figures must
be removed from the application inverter.

Application inverter Position of the terminal screw

MDX9_A-0020 – 0095-5_3-.. On the back of the application inverter.

MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..

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224 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
Application inverter Position of the terminal screw
MDX9_A-0125 – 0320-5_3-.. On the right side of the application inverter.

MDX9_A-0140 – 0290-2_3-..

MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..

MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. 8


MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. One screw on the top, another screw on the right
side of the application inverter.

MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 225

8 Installation
Electrical installation

EMC limit values
No EMC limits are specified for interference emission in voltage supply systems
without a grounded star point (IT systems). The effectiveness of line filters is severely

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226 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
8.6.4 Line fuses, fuse types

Type class Prerequisite

Fuses in utilization categor- Fusing voltage ≥ nominal line voltage
ies gL, gG
Miniature circuit breaker with Nominal miniature circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal
characteristics B, C, D line voltage
Nominal currents of the miniature circuit breaker must
be 10% higher than the nominal line current of the ap-
plication inverter 8

8.6.5 Line connection

For the terminal assignment for line connection of the various sizes, refer to the
chapter "Terminal assignment".
Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 s for the application inverter. Do not turn
power on or off more than once per minute.

Non-compliance with the minimum switch-on/switch-off times
Damage to the application inverter
The specified times and intervals must be observed.
• Observe the minimum switch-off time of 10 s before switching the power back on.
• Do not turn the power of the supply system on or off more than once per minute.

• The line contactor must always be located upstream of the line filter.
• Use only line contactors of utilization category AC-3 (EN 60947-4-1) or higher.
• Do not use the line contactor for jog mode, but only for switching the application in-
verter on and off. The FCB 20 "Jog" must be used for jog mode.
• Observe the required dimensioning of the cable cross-section for UL-compliant in-
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 227

8 Installation
Electrical installation

Special aspects for the line connection

Note that the IP20 degree of protection is achieved with the following devices only if
the terminal studs are protected with special plastic covers against contact.
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
These covers must be ordered separately; see the chapter "Installation accessor-
ies" (→ 2 46).
1. Remove any plastic covers that are inserted in the connection block.



2. Connect the cables.

X10 X2

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228 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
3. The plastic covers must be removed in different ways depending on the used
cross section.


4. Attach the plastic covers at the individual connections.

X10 X2


8.6.6 Motor connection

For the terminal assignment for motor connection of the various size, refer to the
chapter "Terminal assignment" (→ 2 266).
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 229

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.7 Line contactor

The following table provides an overview of when a line contactor is required and what
kind of preventive measures must be taken for the used braking resistor, see also the
chapter "Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor" (→ 2 250).

Inverter type Braking resistor type Protective element/preven- Line con-

tive measure tactor re-
No BR – No
BR... flat design – No
MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.. BR... as PTC – No
External bimetallic relay Yes
MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-.. TCB circuit breaker No
External bimetallic relay Yes
TCB circuit breaker No
No BR – No
BR... flat design – No
BR... as PTC – No
As of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.. External bimetallic relay No
TCB circuit breaker No
As of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-.. Temperature contact evalu-
External bimetallic relay No
TCB circuit breaker No
When connecting a braking resistor, an external DC 24 V voltage supply must be
provided for the application inverter with the following inverter types without line con-
• As of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-..
• As of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-..

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230 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
8.6.8 24 V supply voltage
MOVIDRIVE® MDX90A... must be connected to an external 24 V supply voltage.
MOVIDRIVE® MDX91A has an integrated 24 V power supply unit with a power rating
of 80 W. An external power supply unit can be connected as well.
The maximum cable cross section is 2.5 mm2.
Whether an external 24 V supply is required for MDX91A depends on the load e.g. the
encoder supply and the outputs.

24 V



Select the cross section of the supply cable according to the power demand of the
devices to be supplied.
The maximally permitted length of the 24 V supply cable is 30 m.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 231

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.9 Motor output

Connecting capacitive loads to the application inverter.
Destruction of the application inverter.
• Only connect ohmic/inductive loads (motors).
• Never connect capacitive loads.

Special aspects for the motor connection

Note that the IP20 degree of protection is achieved with the following devices only if
the terminal studs are protected with special plastic covers against contact.
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
For information on how to establish the connection and how to install the plastic cov-
ers, refer to the chapter "Special aspects for the line connection" (→ 2 228).

8.6.10 Output brake chopper

Connecting capacitive loads to the output of the brake chopper.
Connecting inductive loads to the output of the brake chopper.
Destruction of the application inverter.
• Only connect ohmic loads (braking resistors) to the output of the brake chopper.
• Never connect capacitive or inductive loads to the output of the brake chopper.

8.6.11 Temperature evaluation of the motor

The temperature evaluation can be connected in 2 ways:
• The encoder cable includes the cables of the temperature evaluation.
• The temperature evaluation is connected at terminal X10.

Dangerous contact voltages at the terminals of the application inverter when con-
necting the wrong temperature sensors.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
• Connect only temperature sensors with protective separation from the motor
winding to the temperature evaluation. Otherwise, the requirements for protective
separation are not met. Dangerous contact voltages may occur at the terminals
28487486/EN – 02/2019

of the application inverter via the signal electronics in the event of a fault.

232 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
8.6.12 Brake output

• If the brake connection and the motor connection are combined in one power
cable, the brake cable must be shielded separately. The shielding of the power
cable and the brake cable must be connected to the motor and application inverter
over a large area.
• SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends to also use a shielded brake cable for separate
brake cable routing.
• Note the different project planning criteria to determine the length of brake cable
and motor cable.

8.6.13 Inputs and outputs

Damage to the digital inputs and digital outputs.
The digital inputs and digital outputs are not electrically isolated. Incorrectly applied
voltages can damage the digital inputs and digital outputs.
• Do not apply external voltages to the digital inputs and digital outputs.
• The digital inputs and outputs are dimensioned according to IEC 61131‑2.

If you route the cables outside the control cabinet, you have to shield them irrespect-
ive of the length.
When connecting the shielding, ensure equipotential bonding.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 233

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.14 System bus EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS

For connecting the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS system bus, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends
using only prefabricated cables from SEW‑EURODRIVE.

Use of wrong cables
Damage to the application inverter
Only 4-pole cables are permitted to be used as system bus cables [2]. If an 8-pole
cable is used, malfunctions or failures may occur at the connected devices.

The mounting plates on which the axis systems are mounted must have a sufficiently
large ground connection, e.g., a ground strap.

System bus and module bus cabling

Example of a system bus and module bus cabling
[2] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1] [2] [1] [2] [2] [2] [2]

Power Power

10 min 10 min

[4] [4] [6] [6]

[1] Module bus cable: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS and internal signals, 8-pole, color: an-
[2] System bus cable: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS, 4-pole, color: light gray
[4] MOVIDRIVE® modular
[5] MOVIDRIVE® system/technology with DC link connection
[6] MOVIDRIVE® system/technology
[7] Other EtherCAT® stations at the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
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234 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Electrical installation 8
Correct cabling
Module bus cable In the case of MOVIDRIVE® modular, the 8-core module bus cable connects the
power supply module to the first axis module and the axis modules to one another;
see figure (→ 2 234).
In the case of MOVIDRIVE® modular, in addition to the system bus communication,
the module bus is routed in the cable for information inside the device. The module
bus cable is delivered in the length required as part of the accessories for the axis
The connectors of the module bus cables are red and black to simplify correct attach-
ment of the cables; see the following figure. 8
• The black connectors must be plugged into the bus input X30 IN.
• The red connectors must be plugged into the bus output X30 OUT.
System bus cable The 4-pole system bus cable is used between automation components; see figure
(→ 2 234). Some of these components are listed here as examples:
• MOVIDRIVE® modular/system application inverter
• PC with MOVISUITE® engineering software
• MOVI‑PLC® I/O system
• Other EtherCAT® stations at the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS

X30 IN


X30 IN



28487486/EN – 02/2019



[1] MOVIDRIVE® modular [2] MOVIDRIVE® system

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 235

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.15 Encoders

Installation notes for encoder connection

Encoder cables
• Use shielded cables with twisted pair cores. Connect the shield over a wide area
at both ends:
– At the encoder in the cable gland or in the encoder plug,
– To the application inverter in the housing of the D-sub connector.


• Route the encoder cable separately from the power cables.

• Connect the shield on the inverter end in the housing of the D-sub connector over
a large area.

On the encoder/resolver
• To ensure a flawless shield connection, an EMC screw fitting must be used for the
cable entry of the signal line.
• For drives with a plug connector, connect the shield on the encoder plug.

Prefabricated cables
SEW‑EURODRIVE offers pre-fabricated cables for connecting encoders.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends to use these prefabricated cables.

Encoder connection/cable lengths

Connection/encoder Cable length

HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C 300 m
Standard HTL encoder 200 m
Other encoders 100 m

The maximum cable length might be reduced depending on the technical data of the
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respective encoder. Observe the manufacturer specifications.

236 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Installing options and accessories 8
8.7 Installing options and accessories
8.7.1 Installing a card
Observe the safety notes in the chapter "Electrical installation" (→ 2 223).
For information on which option card can be installed in which slot, refer to the chapter
"Card slots".
1. Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply. Disconnect the DC 24 V
supply and the line voltage.
2. Ensure electrostatic discharge with suitable measures before starting work. Suit-
able measures for equipotential bonding include, for example, the use of a dis- 8
charge strap or wearing conductive shoes.
3. Remove the safety cover [1] from the front of the application inverter.





4. Remove the plastic cover [1] of the card slot using a screwdriver.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 237

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

Hold the card by its edges only.

5. Take the card [1] and insert it in the slot with slight pressure.



6. Screw in the card with the specified tightening torque (→ 2 211).

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238 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Installing options and accessories 8
7. Install the safety cover [1] at the front of the application inverter.



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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 239

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

8.7.2 CIO21A and CID21A input/output card

Technical data of the cards
For technical data and a detailed description of the encoder interface, refer to the
chapter "Technical data of the cards".

Voltage supply
The I/O cards are supplied by the basic unit via the 24 V voltage supply.

Short-circuit behavior of digital outputs

The digital outputs are short-circuit-proof.
As soon as the short circuit is remedied, the target output voltage is output, meaning
the output does not switch off.

Short circuit behavior of analog outputs

The analog outputs are short-circuit-proof.
In the event of a short circuit, the output current is limited to a maximum value of
30 mA. The short circuit current is not pulsating.
As soon as the short circuit is remedied, the target output voltage is output, meaning
the output does not switch off.

Connecting inductive loads at digital outputs

For inductive loads an external protective element (e.g. freewheeling diode) is re-

Connecting 2 digital outputs in parallel

Connecting digital outputs in parallel is possible. The possible output current is
doubled. Ensure identical parameterization of the digital outputs.

Cable lengths and shielding

The maximum cable length of connections on the inputs and outputs is 30 m.
Cables outside the control cabinet must be shielded.
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240 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Installing options and accessories 8
CIO21A terminal assignment

Terminal Connec- Short description

S50/1 on: Current input active for AI2x

S50/2 on: Current input active for AI3x

S50/1 off1): Voltage input active for AI2x

S50/2 off1): Voltage input active for AI3x
X50:1 REF1 +10 V reference voltage output 8
X50:2 AI21 Analog current and voltage input
X50:3 AI22 Analog current and voltage input, reference for
X50:4 GND Reference potential
X50:5 AI31 Analog current and voltage input
X50:6 AI32 Analog current and voltage input, reference for

X50:7 GND Reference potential
X50:8 REF2 -10 V reference voltage output
X51:1 AOV2 Analog voltage output 1, freely programmable
X51:2 AOC2 Analog current output 1, freely programmable
X51:3 GND Reference potential for the outputs AOV2 and
X51:4 AOV3 Analog voltage output 2, freely programmable
X51:5 AOC3 Analog current output 2, freely programmable
X51:6 GND Reference potential for the outputs AOV3 and
X52:1 DI10 Digital input 1, freely programmable
X52:2 DI11 Digital input 2, freely programmable
X52:3 DI12 Digital input 3, freely programmable
X52:4 DI13 Digital input 4, freely programmable
X52:5 GND Reference potential for the digital inputs DI10 –
X52:6 DO10 Digital output 1, freely programmable
X52:7 DO11 Digital output 2, freely programmable
X52:8 DO12 Digital output 3, freely programmable
X52:9 DO13 Digital output 4, freely programmable
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X52:10 GND Reference potential for the digital outputs DO10 –

1) Delivery state

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 241

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

CID21A terminal assignment

Terminal Connec- Short description

X52:1 DI10 Digital input 1, freely programmable
X52:2 DI11 Digital input 2, freely programmable
X52:3 DI12 Digital input 3, freely programmable
X52:4 DI13 Digital input 4, freely programmable
X52:5 GND Reference potential for the digital inputs DI10 – DI13
X52:6 DO10 Digital output 1, freely programmable
X52:7 DO11 Digital output 2, freely programmable
X52:8 DO12 Digital output 3, freely programmable
X52:9 DO13 Digital output 4, freely programmable
X52:10 GND Reference potential for the digital outputs DO10 –

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242 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Installing options and accessories 8
8.7.3 CES11A multi-encoder card

Technical data of the cards
For technical data and a detailed description of the encoder interface, refer to the
chapter "Technical data of the cards".

Overview of functions
The CES11A multi-encoder card expands the functionality of the application inverter in 8
a way that an additional encoder can be evaluated. The encoder connected to the
CES11A multi-encoder card can be used as motor encoder or external encoder.

Supported encoder types

The following encoder types can be evaluated by the CES11A multi-encoder card:

HTL 12/24 V (differential)

TTL (differential)
sin/cos 1 VSS (differential)
HIPERFACE® with sin/cos signals 1 VSS
SEW encoder (RS485) with sin/cos signals 1 VSS, e.g. AS7W, AG7W
EnDat 2.1 with sin/cos signals 1 VSS
SSI encoder with/without sin/cos signals 1 VSS
CANopen encoder

Encoder connection/cable lengths

Connection/encoder Cable length

HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C 300 m
Standard HTL encoder 200 m
Other encoders 100 m

The maximum cable length might be reduced depending on the technical data of the
respective encoder. Observe the manufacturer specifications.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 243

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

Terminal assignment of TTL, HTL, sin/cos encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X17:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X17:3 C Signal track C (K0)
X17:4 DATA+1) Data cable for electronic nameplate
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X17:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X17:11 C Negated signal track C (K0)
X17:12 DATA- 1)
Data cable for electronic nameplate
X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
1) For encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE with electronic nameplate of type E.7S

Terminal assignment HIPERFACE® and SEW‑EURODRIVE encoder (RS485)

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X17:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X17:3 Reserved –
X17:4 DATA+ Data line
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X17:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X17:11 Reserved –
X17:12 DATA- Data line
28487486/EN – 02/2019

X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V

X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V

244 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Installing options and accessories 8
Terminal assignment EnDat encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) Signal track A (cos+)
X17:2 B (sin+) Signal track B (sin+)
X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal
X17:4 DATA+ Data line
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) Negated signal track A (cos-)

X17:10 B (sin-) Negated signal track B (sin-)
X17:11 PULSE- Clock signal
X17:12 DATA- Data line
X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X17:14 +TEMP_M –
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V

Terminal assignment SSI encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 Reserved –
X17:2 Reserved –
X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal
X17:4 DATA+ Data line RS485
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 Reserved –
X17:10 Reserved –
X17:11 PULSE- Clock signal
X17:12 DATA- Data line
X17:13 VS24VG 24 V encoder supply
28487486/EN – 02/2019

X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation

X17:15 VS12VG 12 V encoder supply

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 245

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

Terminal assignment SSI and sin/cos combination encoders

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) Signal track A (cos+)
X17:2 B (sin+) Signal track B (sin+)
X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal
X17:4 DATA+ Data line
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) Negated signal track A (cos-)

X17:10 B (sin-) Negated signal track B (sin-)
X17:11 PULSE- Clock signal
X17:12 DATA- Data line
X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V

Terminal assignment CANopen encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 Reserved –
X17:2 Reserved –
X17:3 Reserved –
X17:4 CAN_H CAN high data cable
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 Reserved –
X17:10 Reserved –
X17:11 Reserved –
X17:12 CAN_L CAN low data cable
X17:13 VS24VG 24 V encoder supply
28487486/EN – 02/2019

X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation

X17:15 VS12VG 12 V encoder supply

246 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
8.8 Braking resistors
The supply cables to the braking resistors carry a high pulsed DC voltage during nom-
inal operation.

Dangerous pulsed DC voltage of up to 970 V.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
To prevent electric shocks:
• Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply and wait 10 minutes
before working on a braking resistor or its supply cables.
• Never operate the application inverter without touch guards and installed closing

Braking resistors get very hot during operation.

The surfaces of the braking resistors will reach temperatures of up to 250 °C when
the braking resistors are loaded with the nominal power.
Severe burns.
To prevent burns:
• Do not touch any hot braking resistor.
• Select a suitable installation location for the braking resistors such as the control
cabinet roof.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 247

8 Installation
Braking resistors

8.8.1 Permitted installation of braking resistors

The surfaces of the resistors become very hot if loaded with nominal power. Make
sure that you select an installation site that will accommodate these high temperat-
ures. For this reason, braking resistors are usually mounted on the control cabinet

Braking resistors overheat
Non-permissible installation might lead to an accumulation of heat in the braking re-
sistor due to reduced convection. A tripping temperature contact or an overheated
braking resistor can lead to a system standstill.
Adhere to the following minimum clearances:
- 200 mm to adjacent components and walls
- 300 mm to above components/ceilings

Observe the following permitted mounting positions when installing the resistors:
• Grid resistor


The brake resistors BR003-420-T and BR1.0-170 may be used only in position 1.
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248 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
• Wire resistor

4 8


• Flat type resistor


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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 249

8 Installation
Braking resistors

8.8.2 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor

PTC braking resistor.
A PTC braking resistor goes to high resistance in the event of overload.

Flat-type resistor.
Flat-type resistors have internal thermal protection (fuse cannot be replaced) that in-
terrupts the current circuit in the event of overload. The project planning guidelines
and the documented assignments of drive inverter and braking resistor must be ad-
hered to.

Parallel connection of braking resistors

It is permitted to connect several identical braking resistors in parallel. The following
• The power connections of the braking resistors must be connected to +R and -R in
• Each braking resistor requires a separate protection against thermal overload.
• The signal contacts (NC contacts) of the protection devices must be connected in

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250 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
External thermal circuit breaker TCB
If an external TCB thermal circuit breaker is used for this application inverter, the fol-
lowing connection applies.


1 3 5

X20:x DI0x 24
X20:9 GND 8
X21:1 24 VO

X2 +R
X2 -R

23 24 5 2 1 4 3 6 23

2 4 6


[1] TCB thermal circuit breaker

[2] Braking resistor

The polarity of the connections 5 (+R) and 2 (-R) must be strictly adhered to during
connection of the TCB circuit breaker to the inverter.

The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the TCB
thermal circuit breaker must be parameterized to the function "External braking resis-
tor error".
• If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal contact is set (connection 23-24 is
opened) and evaluated in the application inverter.
• The connection between application inverter and braking resistor is disconnected.
• This does not require a response by the PLC.
• It is not required to disconnect the supply system connection with an external
switching device.
• The following applies to application inverters as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3 and
MDX9_A-0213-2_3: If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by
the application inverter, the application inverter interrupts the energy supply by in-
hibiting the rectifier.
• If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to "Output
28487486/EN – 02/2019

stage inhibit".
• Set the control knob of the thermal circuit breaker TCB to the tripping current IF of
the connected braking resistor. Use the scaling 40 °C.
• After all cables are connected, the 3 upper screw holes must be covered with 3
touch guard caps. The touch guard caps are included in the delivery.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 251

8 Installation
Braking resistors

Internal temperature switch -T

Application inverter: MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..

If a BR...-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these appli-
cation inverters, there are 3 possible connections.

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3

[1] [1]


24 V OUT 24 V OUT


X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
Note that the reference potential GND of the digital input control must be the same as
the reference potential of the application inverter when connection 1 is used.
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
internal temperature switch must be parameterized to the function "External brak-
ing resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
verter and the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to "Output
stage inhibit".
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

252 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 253

8 Installation
Braking resistors

Application inverter: as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.., as of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-..

If a BR...-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these appli-
cation inverters, there are 3 possible connections.

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3



24 V OUT

DC 24 V MDX9_A
X5:24 V
- X5:GND
X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 -R

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
internal temperature switch must be parameterized to the function "External brak-
ing resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– It is not required to disconnect the supply system connection with an external
switching device.
– If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by the application in-
verter, the application inverter interrupts the energy supply by inhibiting the rec-
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches all axis
modules to "Output stage inhibit".

28487486/EN – 02/2019

When using connection variant 1 (connection of braking resistor without line con-
tactor), the application inverter must be supplied with external DC 24 V.

• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.

254 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 255

8 Installation
Braking resistors

External bimetallic relay

Application inverter: MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..

If an external bimetallic relay is used with the application inverter, there are 3 possible

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3

[1] [1]


24 V OUT
24 V OUT


X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO
X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
Note that the reference potential GND of the digital inputs on the controller must be
the same as the reference potential of the application inverter when connection 1 is
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
external bimetallic relay must be parameterized to the function "External braking
resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
verter and the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to "Output
stage inhibit".
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

256 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 257

8 Installation
Braking resistors

Application inverter: as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.., as of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-..

If an external bimetallic relay is used with the application inverter, there are 3 possible

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3



24 V OUT


+ X5:24 V
- X5:GND
X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
external bimetallic relay must be parameterized to the function "External braking
resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– It is not required to disconnect the supply system connection with an external
switching device.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to the oper-
ating state "Output stage inhibit".
– If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by the application in-
verter, the application inverter interrupts the energy supply by inhibiting the rec-

28487486/EN – 02/2019

When using connection variant 1 (connection of braking resistor without line con-
tactor), the application inverter must be supplied with external DC 24 V.

• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.

258 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Braking resistors 8
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 259

8 Installation
Line filter

8.9 Line filter

• Install the line filter close to the application inverter but outside the minimum clear-
ance for cooling. The line filter must not be heated by the exhaust air of the appli-
cation inverter.
• Do not wire any other consumers between the line filter and the application in-
• The connection cable between line filter and application inverter does not have to
be shielded.
• Limit the length of the cable between the line filter and the application inverter to
the absolute minimum needed.
• Do not switch between the line filter and application inverter.

28487486/EN – 02/2019

260 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

EMC-compliant installation 8
8.10 EMC-compliant installation




[6] [3]



[11] [9]

[5] [4]

[14] ]8[


[10] [12]
[14] [11]

[1] Galvanized mounting plate [8] Braking resistor
28487486/EN – 02/2019

[2] Line filter [9] Braking resistor cable

[3] Inverter [10] Motor cable
[4] PE busbar [11] Brake cable
[5] HF connection of PE busbar/mounting plate [12] Grounding clamp
[6] Supply system cable [13] Electronics shield plate
[7] Power shield plate [14] HF connection

The information in this chapter will help you to optimize the system with respect to
electromagnetic compatibility, or to eliminate already existing EMC interferences.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 261

8 Installation
EMC-compliant installation

The notes in this chapter are not legal regulations, but rather recommendations for im-
proving the electromagnetic compatibility of your plant.
For further notes on EMC-compliant installation, refer to the publication Drive Techno-
logy – Practical Implementation, edition "EMC in Drive Technology – Basic Theoretical
Principles – EMC-Compliant Installation in Practice".
Compliance with limit classes C1 and C2 has been tested in a CE-typical drive sys-
tem. SEW-EURODRIVE can provide detailed information on request.

8.10.1 Control cabinet

Use control cabinets with electrically conductive (galvanized) mounting plates. If sev-
eral mounting plates are used, connect the plates together conductively over a large
Mount the line filter and inverter on a shared mounting plate if possible. Make sure
they are connected over a large area and with good conductivity.

8.10.2 HF equipotential bonding in the system

Make sure that there is a suitable equipotential bonding between the system, the con-
trol cabinet, the machine structure, the cable ducts, and the drives.
Connect the individual sections together in an HF-capable manner.
From an electrical safety perspective, the PE busbar is the star point. The PE connec-
tion does not replace either the HF grounding or the shielding.
In terms of EMC, it is advantageous if the mounting plate is used as a star point with
respect to HF equipotential bonding.
Perform the following measures for a suitable HF equipotential bonding:
• Connect the PE busbar to the mounting plate in an HF-compatible manner.
• Connect the sheet metal cable ducts to the control cabinet in an HF-compatible
• Connect the cable ducts to the mounting plate in the control cabinet using an HF
• Connect the parts of the sheet metal cable ducts together in an HF-compatible
• Connect the sheet metal cable ducts to the gearmotor in an HF-compatible man-

8.10.3 Cable installation

Route the power cables, such as the motor cable and the brake cable, separately from
the supply system cable and the control cables.
Route all cables as closely to the reference potential as possible, e.g. the mounting
Keep all cables as short as possible. Avoid spare loops.
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262 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

EMC-compliant installation 8
8.10.4 Supply system cable connection
The supply system cable can be connected to the line choke and/or line filter using
twisted unshielded single conductors or using unshielded cables.
If necessary, shielded cables may improve EMC.

8.10.5 Line filter connection

Limit the length of the connection lead between the line filter and the inverter to the
absolute minimum needed.
You must never route filtered and unfiltered cables together. For this reason, route in- 8
coming and outgoing line filter cables separately.

8.10.6 Braking resistor connection

For connecting braking resistors, use two closely twisted cores or a shielded power
cable. In the case of shielded cables, connect the braided shields over the entire cir-
cumference. Use the designated shield plates at the basic device to connect the

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 263

8 Installation
EMC-compliant installation

8.10.7 Motor and brake connection

Use shielded motor cables only. Connect the braided shield of the motor cable at both
ends over its entire circumference to the power shield plate at the inverter.
Provide shielded cables for the brake supply. The shield of the brake cable can be
connected to the power shield plate at the inverter.
If the motor cable and brake cable are combined in a shared cable, the cable must
have an inner shield separating the brake cables from the motor cores. The cables
also possess an overall shield.


SEW-EURODRIVE recommends the use of prefabricated cables.

In the event of especially high EMC requirements, an additional connection point for
the shield is recommended. To limit the emitted interference the motor shield can ad-
ditionally be grounded to the control cabinet outlet using commercial installation ma-
terials (grounding clamps or EMC screw fittings).

8.10.8 Control cable connection

Ensure that the digital inputs are connected with unshielded individual cores. Shielded
cables increase the EMC. Use the designated shield plates to connect the shield.
For routing outside of the control cabinet, you must use shielded cables.

28487486/EN – 02/2019


8.10.9 Encoder connection

SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the use of prefabricated encoder cables.
The shield of prefabricated cables from SEW‑EURODRIVE is connected via the con-

264 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

EMC-compliant installation 8
8.10.10 Shielding connection
Ensure that there is an HF-compatible shield connection, e.g. by using grounding
clamps or EMC cable glands, so that the braided shield has a large connection sur-

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 265

8 Installation
Terminal assignment

8.11 Terminal assignment

Reference potentials inside the device:
The device internal reference potential is designated as GND in the following table.
All reference potentials GND are internally connected to PE.

The assignment "Reserved" means that no cable may be connected to this connec-

The technical data for the connection of power electronics and control electronics are
listed in chapter "Technical data" (→ 2 37).

Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description

X1:L1 L1 Line connection
X1:L2 L2 - MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-..
X1:L3 L3 - MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..
X1:-UZ -UZ
DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE PE connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V - MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-..
X2:W W - MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..
X2:+R +R
Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE PE connection
X1:L1 L1 Line connection
X1:L2 L2 - MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-..
X1:L3 L3 - MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..
X1:-UZ -UZ
DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE PE connection
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266 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Terminal assignment 8
Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V - MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-..
X2:W W - MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..
X2:+R +R
Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE PE connection 8
X1:L1 L1 Line connection
X1:L2 L2 - MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
X1:L3 L3 - MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
X1:-UZ -UZ
L1 L2 L3 -UZ +UZ

DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE PE connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V - MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
U V W -R +R

X2:W W - MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..

X2:+R +R
Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE PE connection
X5:24 V VI24 V DC 24 V supply voltage
X5:GND GND Reference potential
X10:DB0 DB00 Brake control
TF1 X10:GND GND Reference potential
X10:TF1 TF1 Sensor input for temperature evaluation of the motor
X10:GND GND Reference potential
System bus
X30 IN X30 IN

X31 SEW‑EURODRIVE Service interface

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 267

8 Installation
Terminal assignment

Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description

X20:1 DI00 Digital input 1, with fixed assignment "Output stage en-
X20:2 DI01 Digital input 2, fixed setpoints – positive direction of rota-
3 X20:3 DI02 Digital input 3, fixed setpoints – negative direction of rota-
4 tion
5 X20:4 DI03 Digital input 4, fixed speed setpoint bit 0
X20:5 DI04 Digital input 5, fixed speed setpoint bit 1
8 X20:6 DI05 Digital input 6, fault reset
X20:7 Reserved –
X20:8 Reserved –
X20:9 GND Reference potential
X21:1 +24 V DC 24 V voltage output
X21:2 DO00 Digital output 1, operational
3 X21:3 DO01 Digital output 2, output stage enable
X21:4 DO02 Digital output 3, fault
6 X21:5 DO03 Digital output 4, STO active
X21:6 GND Reference potential
X6:1 F_STO_P1 DC +24 V input F_STO_P1
1 X6:2 F_STO_M DC 0 V input F_STO_M
3 X6:3 F_STO_P2 DC +24 V input F_STO_P2
5 X6:4 GND Reference potential
X6:5 24 V STO_OUT Uout = DC 24 V supply of F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2

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268 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Terminal assignment 8
Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description
X15:1 S2 (sin+) Signal track
X15:2 S1 (cos+) Signal track
X15:3 Reserved –
X15:4 Reserved –
X15:5 R1 (REF+) Supply voltage resolver
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation 8
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 Reserved –

9 X15:9 S4 (sin-) Signal track

X15:10 S3 (cos-) Signal track
X15:11 Reserved –
X15:12 Reserved –
X15:13 R2 (REF-) Supply voltage resolver
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 Reserved –
X15:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X15:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X15:3 C (K0) Signal track C (K0)
X15:4 DATA+ 1)
Data cable for electronic nameplate
X15:5 Reserved –
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 GND Reference potential

9 X15:9 A (cos -) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X15:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X15:11 C (K0) Negated signal track C (K0)
X15:12 DATA-2) Data cable for electronic nameplate
X15:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 269

8 Installation
Terminal assignment

Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description

X15:1 A (K1) Signal track A (K1)
X15:2 B (K2) Signal track B (K2)
X15:3 C (K0) Signal track C (K0)
X15:4 Reserved –
X15:5 Reserved –
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 GND Reference potential

9 X15:9 A (K1) Negated signal track A (K1)

X15:10 B (K2) Negated signal track B (K2)
X15:11 C (K0) Negated signal track C (K0)
X15:12 Reserved –
X15:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
X15:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X15:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X15:3 Reserved –
X15:4 DATA+ Data line RS485
X15:5 Reserved –
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 GND Reference potential

9 X15:9 A (cos -) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X15:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X15:11 Reserved –
X15:12 DATA- Data line
X15:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
1) For encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE with electronic nameplate of type E.7S
28487486/EN – 02/2019

270 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
8.12 Wiring diagrams

8.12.1 General information on the wiring diagrams

• For technical data of the power electronics and the control electronics, refer to
chapter "Technical data" (→ 2 37).
• For the terminal assignment and connections, refer to chapter "Terminal assign-
ment" (→ 2 266).

8.12.2 Power connection 8

Wiring of the power connections with line contactor, line choke, line filter, and output choke


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3 -Uz +Uz



U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2
28487486/EN – 02/2019


[1] Line contactor [4] Braking resistor (optional)
[2] Line choke (optional) [5] Output choke
[3] Line filter (optional) [6] Motor

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 271

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

Wiring of the power connections with line choke, line filter, output choke, without line contactor
Refer to the table in the chapter "Line contactor" (→ 2 230) to find out which applica-
tion inverters can be operated without a line contactor.

Operation without line contactor
If the required measures are not taken, operation of an application inverter with con-
nected braking resistor without line contactor may result in severe damage to prop-
Refer to the chapter "Line contactor" (→ 2 230) for the necessary measures.


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3 -Uz +Uz



U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2

28487486/EN – 02/2019

[1] Line choke (optional) [4] Output choke
[2] Line filter (optional) [5] Motor
[3] Braking resistor (optional)

272 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
In the event of a line connection without line contactor, the temperature evaluation of
the braking resistor must be ensured via a digital input on the application inverter.
The connected digital input must be parameterized for monitoring the braking resistor
temperature evaluation.

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 273

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

8.12.3 Brake control


DC Cut-off in the DC and AC circuits

AC (rapid brake application)

Cut-off in the DC circuit

BS = Accelerator coil
TS TS = Coil section

DC brake with one brake coil

3a Auxiliary terminal strip in terminal box

Control cabinet limit

WH White
RD Red
BU Blue

The selection of the brake control and the shown connection diagrams only represent
one of the many possibilities. Observe the catalogs and operating instructions of the
motors for more information and installation notes.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

274 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
BMK. brake control


- + AC

1a 2
BS 3
3a 4
TS 4a
BU 13


BMV brake control – 2 coils


GND DB00 DC 24 V
- + - +

1a 2
BS 3
3a 4
TS 4a
BU 13

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 275

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

BMV brake control – 1 coil


GND DB00 DC 24 V
- + - +

1a 2
2a 3
3a 4
BU 13


BMS, BME brake control



RD 2
BS 3
M 4
TS 4a 13
5a 14

28487486/EN – 02/2019

276 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
BMP brake control



1 BMP 8
RD 2
BS 3
M 4
TS 4a 13
5a 14


BG, BGE brake control




BS 4


28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 277

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

BSG brake control

DC DC 24 V
+ -


BS 4


8.12.4 Electronics connection

Wiring the control electronics

For the terminal assignment and connections, refer to chapter "Terminal assign-
ment" (→ 2 266).

28487486/EN – 02/2019

278 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
The assignment of the digital inputs and outputs shown here is the factory setting.




DI00 1 "Output stage enable" permanently assigned
DI01 2 Fixed setpoints – positive rotation direction
DI02 3 Fixed setpoints – negative rotation direction
DI03 4 Fixed speed setpoint bit 0
DI04 5 Fixed speed setpoint bit 1
DI05 6 Fault reset
- 7
- 8
GND 9 Reference potential for digital inputs

+24 V 1 Brake output
DO00 2 Ready
DO01 3 Output stage enable
DO02 4 Fault
DO03 5 STO active
GND 6 Reference potential for digital outputs


S3 Module bus operating mode

X20 Digital inputs
X21 Digital outputs
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 279

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

DC 24 V X5
+ 24 V

X30 IN
1 F_STO_P1
3 F_STO_P2






DB0/DB00 Brake control

GND Reference potential
TF1 Motor temperature evaluation
GND Reference potential


X5 +24 V supply voltage

X6 Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO).
With installed CS.A card, the cable bridges are removed at the factory.
If no CS.A card is installed upon delivery, the cable bridges are installed at the
X10 Brake control and motor temperature monitoring
X15 Motor encoder connection
X30 System bus
28487486/EN – 02/2019

280 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
8.12.5 Connection diagram CIO21A and CID21A input/output card

Digital inputs and outputs

DI12 3
DI13 4
DO10 6
DO11 7
DO12 8
DO13 9


[1] Higher-level controller

Voltage input
-10 – 0 – +10 V

REF1 1
AI21 2
AI22 3
AI31 5
AI32 6
REF2 8


Connection to the terminals AI31 and AI32 is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals AI21 and AI22 shown in the wiring diagrams.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 281

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

X50 R > 5 kΩ
REF1 1
AI21 2
AI22 3
AI31 5
AI32 6
REF2 8


Connection to the terminals REF2 and AI31 is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals REF1 and AI21 shown in the wiring diagrams.

Current input

0 (4) – 20 mA

REF1 1 +
AI21 2
AI22 3 -
AI31 5
AI32 6
REF2 8


Observe the switch position of "DIP switch S50" (→ 2 241) when activating the current

28487486/EN – 02/2019

282 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Wiring diagrams 8
Voltage output

-10 – 0 – +10 V
AOV2 1 +
AOC2 2 V
GND 3 -
AOV3 4
AOC3 5 8


Connection to the terminals AOV2 and GND is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals AOV1 and GND shown in the wiring diagram.

Current output

0 (4) – 20 mA

AOV2 1 +
AOC2 2
AOV3 4
AOC3 5


Connection to the terminals AOC2 and GND is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals AOC1 and GND shown in the wiring diagram.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 283

8 Installation
Information regarding UL

8.13 Information regarding UL

Due to UL requirements, the following chapter is always printed in English indepen-
dent of the language of the documentation.

The UL-certification does not apply to operation on voltage supply systems with a
non-grounded star point (IT systems).

8.13.1 Field wiring power terminals

• Use 60/75 °C copper wire only.
• Tighten terminals to in-lbs (Nm) as follows:
Tightening torque in-lbs (Nm)
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. Line connection Motor and braking resistor terminals
X1 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8) X2 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8)
0020 - 0160
Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG
0240 - 0320 X1 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8) X2 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. Line connection Motor and braking resistor terminals
X1 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8) X2 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8)
0070 - 0140
Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG
0213 - 0290 X1 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8) X2 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8)
All modules PE connection
M4: 8.85 – 10.62 (1.0 – 1.2)
M6: 26.55 – 35.4 (3.0 – 4.0

8.13.2 Short circuit current rating

Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than
• 5,000 rms symmetrical amperes when protected by fuses and circuit breakers as
described in the tables below.

8.13.3 Branch circuit protection

Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protection.
Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance with the National Electrical
Code and any additional local codes.
• If you use cable cross sections that are dimensioned for a smaller current than the
rated current of the unit, make sure that the fuse is dimensioned for the used cable
cross section.
• For information on selecting cable cross sections, refer to the project planning
• Comply with the country-specific installation regulations in addition to the above
28487486/EN – 02/2019


284 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Information regarding UL 8
AC 380 – 500 V devices
MDX9_A-.. SCCR: 5 kA/ 500 V
Non semiconductor fuses Inverse-time circuit breaker Type E Combination Motor
(currents are maximum val- (currents are maximum val- Controller
ues) ues)
0020 – 0040 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 1) Class: K5 3RV2021-4DA10 (20 – 25 A)
0055 – 0095 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 2) Class: K5 3RV2021-4DA10 (20 – 25 A)
0125 – 0160 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 3) Class: K5 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)
0240 – 0320 60 A/600 V 60 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius 8
(size 4) Class: K5 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)

AC 200 – 240 V devices

MDX9_A-.. SCCR: 5 kA/ 240 V
Non semiconductor fuses Inverse-time circuit breaker Type E Combination Motor
(currents are maximum val- (currents are maximum val- Controller
ues) ues)
0070 – 0093 50 A/250 V – Siemens Sirius
(size 2) 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)
0140 50 A/250 V 50 A/240 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 3) 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)
0213 – 0290 60 A/250 V 60 A/240 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 4) 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)

8.13.4 Motor overload protection

The units are provided with load and speed-sensitive overload protection and thermal
memory retention upon shutdown or power loss.
The trip current is adjusted to 150 % of the rated motor current.

8.13.5 Ambient temperature

The units are suitable for a maximum surrounding air temperature of 40 °C, max.
60 °C with derated output current.
To determine output current rating at higher than 40 °C, the output current should be
derated 2.0 % per °C between 40 °C and 60 °C.

• Use only tested units with a limited output voltage (Vmax = DC 30 V) and limited
output current (Imax = 8 A) as an external DC 24 V voltage source.
• UL certification does not apply to operation in voltage supply systems with a non-
grounded star point (IT systems).

8.13.6 Environmental conditions

The units are for use in pollution degree 2 environments.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 285

9 Startup

9 Startup

9.1 General
9.1.1 Lifting applications

Danger of fatal injury if the hoist falls.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• The application inverter is not designed for use as a safety device in lifting applic-
ations. Use monitoring systems or mechanical protection devices to ensure

9.1.2 Connecting power

Undercutting the minimum switch-off time of the line contactor.
Irreparable damage to the application inverter or unforeseeable malfunctions.
The specified times and intervals must be observed.
• After disconnection from the supply system, observe a minimum switch-off time
of 10 s.
• Do not turn the power of the supply system on or off more than once per

9.1.3 Connecting cables

Cables may only be connected and plugged in a de-energized state.
Irreparable damage to the application inverter or unforeseeable malfunctions.
• De-energize the application inverter.
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286 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Setting the EtherCAT ID 9
9.2 Setting the EtherCAT® ID
Setting the

An EtherCAT® ID can be permanently assigned to the application inverter using the

hexadecimal switches S1 and S2. With these switches, you can set a decimal
EtherCAT® ID between 1 and 255 in hexadecimal notation.
The ID serves as a unique device identification of the respective EtherCAT® slave for
the EtherCAT® master. The EtherCAT® ID is not an EtherCAT® address.
The EtherCAT® ID is always assigned by the EtherCAT® master. In the delivery state
of the application inverter, the ID is set to 0 as standard (S1 = 0 and S2 = 0).
It is not strictly necessary to set one of the EtherCAT® IDs. The slaves are automati-
cally addressed by the master as a standard.
The EtherCAT® ID must only be set at the application inverter if the use of EtherCAT®
IDs was preset in the hardware configuration of the master.

Required ID, decimal ID, hexadecimal Setting S1 Setting S2

(× 10) (× 1)
3 03 0 3
18 12 1 2
25 19 1 9
100 64 6 4
110 6E 6 E
255 FF F F

S1 EtherCAT® ID (×10)
F 0 1
E 2
D 3
C 4
A 6
9 8 7

S2 EtherCAT® ID (×1)
F 0 1
E 2
D 3
C 4
A 6
9 8 7

The EtherCAT® ID "110" is set as an example in the illustration above.

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9 Startup
Startup requirements

9.3 Startup requirements

The following requirements apply to startup:
• You have installed the application inverter correctly, both mechanically and electri-
• You have configured the application inverter and connected drives correctly.
• Safety measures prevent accidental drive startup.
• Safety measures prevent danger to persons or machines.
Required hardware components:
• PC or laptop with Ethernet interface.
• Commercially available Ethernet cable for connection between PC and
• MOVI‑C® CONTROLLER with completed startup.
Required software:
• MOVISUITE® standard engineering software from SEW‑EURODRIVE.

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288 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Startup procedure 9
9.4 Startup procedure
The application inverters are put into operation using the MOVISUITE® engineering
software from SEW‑EURODRIVE.


The startup is functionally divided into segments. The following steps illustrate in ex-
emplary fashion the startup procedure for an application inverter.

Drive train segment

Drive train Configuring drive trains.

Interfaces segment

Inputs/outputs • Basic device

• I/O card

Setpoints • Process data

• PO data
• Setpoint buffer
• Fixed setpoints
• Control word 1 – 3
Actual values • PI data
• Status word 1 – 3
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9 Startup
Startup procedure

Drive functions • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit

• FCB 05 Speed control
• FCB 06 Interpolated speed control
• FCB 08 Interpolated torque control
• FCB 09 Positioning
• FCB 10 Interpolated position control
• FCB 12 Reference travel
• FCB 08 Rotor position identification
• FCB 20 Jog mode
• FCB 21 Brake test
• FCB 26 Stop at user limit
Monitoring functions • Reference signals 1
• Reference signals 2
• Limit values 1
• Limit values 2
• Monitoring functions 1
• Monitoring functions 2
• Output stage
Extended functions • Parameter set
• Auto reset
• Standby mode
• Touchprobe 1
• Touchprobe 2
• Cam switch

Functions segment

Device data • Device identification

• Main component
• Subcomponents
• Production data
Overview of fault responses • Axis module
• Power supply monitoring
• Functions
Setup • Permissions
• Reset device parameters
• Select memory source
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Information on the application inverter

Standard Basic settings of the installed interfaces

• Basic device
• Encoder 1

290 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Startup procedure 9
Optional Basic settings of the options
• Fieldbus
• I/O card
• Encoder 2

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9 Startup
Startup procedure

9.4.1 Check list for startup

The following checklist lists the necessary steps for complete startup.

Step Startup step Done

1 Motor installation
2 Install MOVI‑C® component
4 Start up the drive train
5 Parameterize setpoints and FCBs
6 Configure digital inputs and outputs
7 Configure PD
8 Configure software module (MOVIKIT®)
9 Test drives/application

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292 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Connection to the engineering software 9
9.5 Connection to the engineering software
The following figure shows the connection of the application inverter to the
MOVISUITE® engineering software using a PC.


[1] X20_1


L/ A







S1 S1
S2 S2


L5 X40
L/ A



L/ A


24V 24V
X5 X5
+ UZ



X4 X4 X4

- UZ



[1] Ethernet
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 293

10 Operation
General information

10 Operation
10.1 General information

Dangerous voltages present at cables and motor terminals
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
• Dangerous voltages are present at the output terminals and the cables and motor
terminals connected to them when the device is switched on. This also applies
even when the device is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
• The fact that the operation LED is no longer illuminated does not indicate that the
application inverter has been disconnected from the power supply and no longer
carries any voltage.
• Before you touch the power terminals, check that the application inverter has
been disconnected from the power supply.
• Observe the general safety notes in the chapter "Safety notes" (→ 2 190) and
the notes in the chapter "Electrical installation" (→ 2 223).

Risk of crushing if the motor starts up unintentionally.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Ensure that the motor cannot start inadvertently, for example, by removing the
electronics terminal block X20.
• Additional safety precautions must be taken, depending on the application, to
avoid injury to personnel and damage to machinery.

Switching the motor output at the application inverter with enabled output stage.
Damage to the application inverter.
• The motor output of the application inverter may be switched or disconnected
only when the output stage is inhibited.
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294 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

7-segment display 10
10.2 7-segment display
10.2.1 Operating displays

• The two 7-segment displays indicate the operating state of the application in-

10.2.2 Fault display

The application inverter detects any faults that occur and displays them as fault code.
Each fault is clearly defined by its fault code and corresponding attributes, as shown
below: 10
• Fault response
• Final state after executing the fault response
• Type of reset response.
The fault codes are displayed as flashing numeric values in the application inverter.
The fault code is displayed in the following display sequence:
500 ms 124 ms 1000 ms 124 ms 1000 ms 124 ms


In the example, a 2-digit fault code with subfault is shown, fault 07.01 in this example.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 295

10 Operation
Operating displays

10.3 Operating displays

Display Description State Comment/action
Displays during boot process
b0 Device passes through several • Status: Not ready. • Waiting for boot process to finish.
b1 states when loading the firmware • Output stage is inhibited. • Device stays in this condition: Device is de-
(boot) in order to become ready for • No communication possible. fective.
b3 operation.
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays of different device statuses
• Energy-saving mode Energy-saving mode active
00 DC link voltage missing • Status: Not ready. Check the supply system.
• Output stage is inhibited.
• Communication is possible.
C0 Module bus is not ready Check the module bus connection; see the
Flashing chapter Setting the module bus operating mode.
C2 STO active • Status: Not ready. The function Safe Torque Off is active.
Flashing • Output stage is inhibited.
C3 Synchronization with bus is incor- • Communication is possible. • Check the bus connection.
Flashing rect. Process data processing not • Check synchronization setting at device and
available controller.
• Check process data settings at device and
C4 Encoder evaluation is not ready • Encoders are being initialized.
Flashing • Device stays in this condition:
– No encoder selected.
– "Source actual speed" or "Actual position"
parameter shows an encoder that does not
C5 Motor management is not ready
C6 Internal device supply incomplete
C7 Power section not ready
C8 External device not ready
C9 Data flexibilization layer not ready
Cd Parameter download running
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays during initialization processes (parameters will be reset to default values)
d0 Basic initialization • Status: Not ready. Waiting for initialization to finish.
Flashing • Output stage is inhibited.
d1 Initialization at delivery state • Communication is possible.
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays in normal operation
01 Output stage inhibit • Output stage is inhibited. The drive is not actuated by the output stage.
The brake is applied; without the brake, the mo-
tor coasts to a halt. FCB 01 is permanently se-
lected with terminal DI00. However, it can also
be selected by other sources.
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296 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Operating displays 10
Display Description State Comment/action
02 Default stop For further information, refer to the Drive function (FCB) "Default stop" active if no
FCB description. other FCB is selected and the system is ready.
04 Manual mode Manual mode active.
05 Speed control Speed control with internal ramp generator.
06 Interpolated speed control Speed control with setpoints cyclically via bus.
The ramp generator is located externally, e.g. in
the higher-level controller.
07 Torque control Torque control.
08 Interpolated torque control Torque control with setpoints cyclically via bus.
09 Position control Positioning mode with internal ramp generator.
10 Interpolated position control Positioning mode with setpoints cyclically via
bus. The ramp generator is located externally,
e.g. in the higher-level controller.
12 Reference travel The drive performs reference travel. 10
13 Stop at application limits Deceleration at the application limit. FCB 13 is
active if no other FCB is selected with the de-
fault FCB 02.
14 Emergency stop Deceleration at the emergency stop limit.
18 Rotor position identification Encoder commutation for synchronous motors.
19 Position hold control Position control on current position.
20 Jog Jog mode active.
21 Brake test Brake is tested by applying a torque when the
brake is applied.
25 Motor parameter measurement Motor parameter measurement active.
26 Stop at user limits Serves to stop at user limits.
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10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.4 Fault description on basic device

10.4.1 Fault 1 Output stage monitoring
Subfault: 1.1
Description: Short circuit in motor output terminals
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Overcurrent in output stage or faulty output stage control detec- Possible causes for overcurrent are short circuit at the output,
ted, and output stage inhibited by hardware. excessive motor current, or a defective power output stage.
Subfault: 1.2
Description: Overcurrent in output stage
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor current too high. Connect a smaller motor.
Current supply Check the current supply.
Current transformer Check the current transformer.
Ramp limit deactivated and set ramp time too short. Increase the ramp time.
Phase module defective. Check the phase module.
DC 24 V supply voltage unstable. Check the DC 24 V supply voltage.
Interruption or short circuit on signal lines of phase modules. Check the signal lines.

10.4.2 Fault 3 Ground fault

Subfault: 3.1
Description: Ground fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Ground fault in the motor lead. Eliminate ground fault in motor lead.
Ground fault in the inverter. Eliminate ground fault in inverter.
Ground fault in the motor. Eliminate ground fault in motor.
Ground fault in line components. Eliminate ground fault in line components.

10.4.3 Fault 4 Brake chopper

Subfault: 4.1
Description: Brake chopper overcurrent
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Excessive regenerative power. Extend the deceleration ramps.
Short circuit detected in braking resistor circuit. Check supply cable to braking resistor.
Braking resistance too high. Check the technical data of the braking resistor.
Subfault: 4.2
Description: Brake chopper defective
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Output stage of brake chopper defective. Replace the defective brake chopper.

10.4.4 Fault 6 Line fault

Subfault: 6.1
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Description: Line phase failure

Response: Line phase failure
Cause Measure
Missing line phase detected. Check the supply system cable.
DC link voltage periodically too low. Check the configuration of the supply system.
Inadequate line voltage quality. Check supply (fuses, contactor).

298 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
10.4.5 Fault 7 DC link
Subfault: 7.1
Description: DC link overvoltage
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Maximum permitted DC link voltage limit exceeded and output – Extend deceleration ramps.
stage inhibited by hardware. – Check supply cable to the braking resistor.
– Check the technical data of the braking resistor.
Subfault: 7.2
Description: DC link discharge failed
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
DC link voltage level not dropped below discharge threshold Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
within discharge time.
10.4.6 Fault 8 Speed monitoring
Subfault: 8.1
Description: Speed monitoring – motor mode
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Speed controller operates at setting limit (mechanical overload Increase the delay time set for speed monitoring, or reduce the
or phase failure in supply system or motor). load.
Encoder not connected correctly. Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce acceleration values.
Encoder has incorrect direction of rotation. – Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce acceleration values.
– Check motor lead and motor, check line phases.
Subfault: 8.2
Description: Speed monitoring – generator mode
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Speed controller operates at setting limit (mechanical overload Increase the delay time set for speed monitoring, or reduce the
or phase failure in supply system or motor). regenerative load.
Encoder not connected correctly. Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce deceleration values.
Encoder has incorrect direction of rotation. – Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce deceleration values.
– Check motor cable and motor. Check line phases.
Subfault: 8.3
Description: Maximum speed at motor shaft
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Actual speed exceeded "Maximum speed at motor shaft" limit Reduce the maximum rotational speed.
value (index 8360.9 / 8361.9). This limit value is set at startup
matching the motor and gear unit.

10.4.7 Fault 9 Control mode

Subfault: 9.1
Description: Magnetization of motor not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
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User-defined current limit or output stage monitoring reduced – Reduce output stage utilization, e.g. by reducing the PWM
possible maximum current to such a degree that required mag- frequency or reducing the load.
netizing current cannot be set. – Increase user-defined current limit.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 299

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 9.2
Description: Requested operating mode not possible with active control mode
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current FCB activated an operating mode. The active con- Start up control mode that supports the required operating
trol mode does not support this operating mode, for example mode. Connect encoder if necessary. Select an operating
"position control" or "torque control" with U/f control mode. mode that is supported by the current control mode.
Subfault: 9.3
Description: Absolute rotor position not available
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current control mode requires an absolute rotor position. Use an absolute encoder, or identify the rotor position using
The encoder selected for "Source is actual speed" does not FCB 18.
provide an absolute rotor position.
Subfault: 9.4
Description: Correct current supply of motor not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to set required current during premagnetization. Check the cabling, or disable the function "Current monitoring
during premagnetization".
Subfault: 9.5
Description: Maximum output frequency exceeded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Maximum output frequency exceeded. Reduce the maximum speed.
Subfault: 9.6
Description: Maximum model speed exceeded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Speed of drive calculated in ELSM® control mode too high for If possible, minimize the "Speed/position controller sampling
motor control. cycle", or reduce the speed.
Subfault: 9.8
Description: Flux model error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Rotor flux calculated by motor model not plausible, or calcu- – Check configuration data.
lated internal voltage too small. – Check motor data.
– Check machine: Idle state or speed too low.
– Check the connection cable between inverter and motor
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 9.9
Description: Parameter measurement not possible with active motor type
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Parameter measurement is possible only with "asynchronous" Select the correct motor type.
and "synchronous" motor types. No magnetic reluctance and
LSPM motors.
Subfault: 9.10
Description: Rotor stall monitoring
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current control cannot hold the load torque. The deviation Reduce the load torque (hoist) in the controlled system.
between stationary setpoint voltage and actual voltage is too
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Subfault: 9.11
Description: Standstill current function
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
With the ELSM method, the standstill current function is pos- – Enable rotor position measurement.
sible only in combination with rotor position measurement. – Check motor data.

300 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
10.4.8 Fault 10 Data Flexibility
Subfault: 10.1
Description: Initialization
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Init task error. The init task has issued a return code != 0. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.2
Description: Illegal operation code
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Illegal opcode in Data Flexibility program. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 10.3
Description: Memory access
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Memory area violated while accessing array. For example, an array access results in writing beyond the per-
mitted memory range. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.4
Description: Stack
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Overflow of Data Flexibility stack detected. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.5
Description: Division by 0
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Division by 0. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.6
Description: Runtime
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error/watchdog. Check the program. The program execution time exceeds the
permitted time.
PDI or PDO tasks. Check the program. The execution time of the PDI or PDO task
exceeds the permitted time.
Subfault: 10.7
Description: Calculation result of multiplication/division command too large
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Calculation result of multiplication/division command exceeds Check the program.
32 bits.
Failed to write calculation result of multiplication/division com- Check the program.
mand into result variable.
Subfault: 10.8
Description: Illegal connection
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Index used in connect not allowed. Check the program. The index used either does not exist or is
not permitted for access via process data; see parameter list.
Subfault: 10.9
Description: CRC code
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Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
Wrong CRC checksum of code. Load the program again. The program memory is corrupt. An
unauthorized write access has been carried out on the program

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 301

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 10.10
Description: Setpoint cycle time not supported
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Non-supported setpoint cycle time parameterized. Set the setpoint cycle time to the default value 1 ms.
Subfault: 10.11
Description: No application program loaded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
No Data Flexibility application program loaded. Load the program or disable Data Flexibility.
Subfault: 10.99
Description: Unknown error
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Unknown Data Flexibility error. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.4.9 Fault 11 Temperature monitoring

Subfault: 11.1
Description: Heat sink overtemperature
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Maximum permitted heat sink temperature exceeded. The ca- – Reduce the load.
pacity utilization is possibly too high. – Reduce the rms value of the current.
– Reduce the PWM frequency.
– Ensure sufficient cooling.
– Reduce the ambient temperature.
Subfault: 11.2
Description: Heat sink utilization – prewarning
Response: Heat sink utilization – prewarning
Cause Measure
High thermal load on heat sink of device, and prewarning – Reduce the load.
threshold reached. – Reduce the rms value of the output current.
– Reduce the PWM frequency.
– Ensure sufficient cooling.
– Reduce the ambient temperature.
Subfault: 11.3
Description: Device utilization
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The temperature has reached or exceeded the switch-off Reduce the load.
threshold. Possible causes: Mean output current too high.
PWM frequency too high. Reduce the PWM frequency.
Ambient temperature too high. Ensure sufficient cooling.
Unfavorable air convection. Check air convection.
Fan defective. Check the fan and replace if necessary.
Subfault: 11.5
Description: Electromechanical utilization
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Electromechanical components of device overloaded by ex- Reduce the load. If necessary, reduce the rms value of the cur-
cessive continuous current. rent.
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Subfault: 11.6
Description: Electromechanical utilization – prewarning
Response: Electromechanical utilization – prewarning
Cause Measure
High load on electromechanical components of device due to – Reduce the load.
high continuous current. Prewarning threshold reached. – Reduce the PWM frequency.
– Reduce the rms value of the current.
– Reduce the ambient temperature.

302 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 11.7
Description: Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 11.8
Description: Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.4.10 Fault 13 Encoder 1

Subfault: 13.1
Description: Position comparison check 10
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty comparison between raw position and track counter of – Check the track signal wiring.
absolute encoders. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Replace encoder.
– Replace card.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.2
Description: Unknown encoder type
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder type not known and not supported by inverter. – Check encoder type.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.3
Description: Invalid data
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Invalid encoder nameplate data (measuring steps/pulses per – Check startup parameters.
revolution/multi-turn). – Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.4
Description: Track measurement error
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error during track measurement. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Note: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can move the
drive using the motor encoder even if the external position en-
coder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.5
Description: Internal warning
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Response: Encoder – warning

Cause Measure
Encoder signaled warning. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Clean sensor.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 303

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 13.6
Description: Signal level too low
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.7
Description: Signal level too high
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector exceeds permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the gear ratio of the resolver in use.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.8
Description: Signal level monitoring
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector exceeds permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the resolver mounting position.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.9
Description: Quadrant check
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error checking quadrants (sine encoder). – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Note: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can move the
drive using the motor encoder even if the external position en-
coder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.10
Description: Position tolerance range monitoring
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Position outside tolerance range. – Check startup parameters.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.11
Description: Data timeout
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder process data timeout. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check startup parameters.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
28487486/EN – 02/2019

move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

304 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 13.12
Description: Emergency
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled emergency. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check startup parameters.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.13
Description: Error during initialization
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Communication error during initialization. – Check parameterization.
– Check baud rate.
– Ensure that the CANopen interface on the encoder (Node ID) 10
is correctly adjusted.
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.14
Description: Communication
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Faulty communication with encoder. – Check voltage supply.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.15
Description: System error
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
System error while evaluating encoder. – Ensure that the multi-turn encoder is within the projected path
– Check limits.
– Check correct settings of encoder numerator/denominator
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check startup parameters.
– Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.16
Description: Permanent high level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 13.17
Description: Permanent high level in data line
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 305

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 13.18
Description: Permanent low level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.19
Description: Permanent low level in data line
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.20
Description: SSI error bit – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 13.21
Description: SSI error bit
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 13.22
Description: Internal fault – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.23
Description: Internal fault
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault

Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

306 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 13.24
Description: Travel range exceeded
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Current position mode (index 8381.10) does not allow for larger Check travel range.
travel range. Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.25
Description: Error during encoder startup
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fatal error during encoder startup. Switch the device off and on again.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty. 10

10.4.11 Fault 14 Encoder 2

Subfault: 14.1
Description: Position comparison check
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty comparison between raw position and track counter of – Check the track signal wiring.
absolute encoders. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Replace encoder.
– Replace card.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.2
Description: Unknown encoder type
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder type not known and not supported by inverter. – Check encoder type.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.3
Description: Invalid data
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Invalid encoder nameplate data (measuring steps/pulses per – Check startup parameters.
revolution/multi-turn). – Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.4
Description: Track measurement error
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error during track measurement. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
28487486/EN – 02/2019

– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.

Note: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can move the
drive using the motor encoder even if the external position en-
coder is faulty.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 307

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 14.5
Description: Internal warning
Response: Encoder – warning
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled warning. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Clean sensor.
Subfault: 14.6
Description: Signal level too low
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.7
Description: Signal level too high
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector exceeds permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the gear ratio of the resolver in use.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.8
Description: Signal level monitoring
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the resolver mounting position.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.9
Description: Quadrant check
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error checking quadrants (sine encoder). – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Note: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can move the
drive using the motor encoder even if the external position en-
coder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.10
Description: Position tolerance range monitoring
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Position outside tolerance range. – Check startup parameters.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
28487486/EN – 02/2019

sition encoder is faulty.

308 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 14.11
Description: Data timeout
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder process data timeout. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check startup parameters.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.12
Description: Emergency
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled emergency. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check startup parameters.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can 10
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.13
Description: Error during initialization
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Communication error during initialization. – Check parameterization.
– Check baud rate.
– Ensure that the CANopen interface on the encoder (Node ID)
is correctly adjusted.
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.14
Description: Communication
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Faulty communication with encoder. – Check voltage supply.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.15
Description: System error
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
System error while evaluating encoder. – Make sure that multi-turn encoder is within the configured
track area.
– Check limits.
– Check correct settings of encoder numerator/denominator
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check startup parameters.
– Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 14.16
Description: Permanent high level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 309

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 14.17
Description: Permanent high level in data line
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.18
Description: Permanent low level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.19
Description: Permanent low level in data line
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.20
Description: SSI error bit – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 14.21
Description: SSI error bit
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 14.22
Description: Internal fault – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

310 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 14.23
Description: Internal fault
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.24
Description: Travel range exceeded
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Current position mode (index 8381.10) does not allow for larger Check travel range. 10
travel range. Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.25
Description: Error during encoder startup
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fatal error during encoder startup. Switch the device off and on again.
Information: In "emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

10.4.12 Fault 16 Startup

Subfault: 16.1
Description: Motor not started up
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor not started up or not started up completely. Perform complete motor startup.
Subfault: 16.2
Description: Cannot calculate controller parameters
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Delay of encoder in use too long to calculate required filter Use an encoder with a shorter delay, or contact SEW-
coefficients. EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 16.3
Description: Thermal motor model not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Invalid parameters for thermal motor model or for drive enable Check the parameters of the thermal motor model, and perform
although starting up thermal model not yet completed. startup.
Subfault: 16.5
Description: Current limit smaller than magnetizing current of the motor
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Current limit smaller than magnetizing current of the motor cal- Increase current limit. Required magnetizing current: See dia-
culated by active control mode. gnostics parameters of control mode.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 16.6
Description: Control mode not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong control mode selected for the motor. Choose a control mode that matches the selected motor.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 311

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 16.7
Description: PWM frequency not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Specified PWM frequency not allowed for this power output Select different PWM frequency. Possible PWM frequencies;
stage. see device configuration data.
Subfault: 16.8
Description: Temperature sensor motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty startup of temperature sensor of motor 1. Perform startup again.
Subfault: 16.9
Description: Temperature sensor motor 2
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty startup of temperature sensor of motor 2. Perform startup again.
Subfault: 16.10
Description: Actual position source not assigned
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Active control mode requires an encoder for position mode. – Assign actual position source in encoder assignment of the
active drive train (Index 8565.3 or 8566.3).
– If no encoder is installed, activate the FCBs only using
"torque control" or "speed control" operating mode.
Subfault: 16.11
Description: Motor data calculation error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor startup not possible because of inconsistent motor data Check the motor data for plausibility, or contact SEW-
or wrong device configuration data. EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 16.12
Description: Motor data write sequence
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Subindex 1 not written to zero before writing electrical startup Reset the fault. Set parameters 8360/1 or 8361/1 to "0" before
parameters (index 8357, 8360, 8394, 8420 or 8358, 8361, writing additional parameters.
8395, 8421).
Subfault: 16.20
Description: Nominal speed too high or nominal frequency too low
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: Nominal speed too high Enter plausible motor data (nominal speed and nominal fre-
or nominal frequency too low. The resulting number of pole quency).
pairs is 0.
Subfault: 16.21
Description: Nominal slip negative
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data, the calculated nominal Enter plausible motor data (nominal frequency, nominal speed,
slip is negative: Nominal frequency too low or nominal speed number of pole pairs).
too high or number of pole pairs too high.
Subfault: 16.22
Description: Specify the number of pole pairs
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Response: Output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: It is not possible to calcu- Enter the number of pole pairs.
late the number of pole pairs accurately from nominal fre-
quency and nominal speed.

312 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 16.23
Description: Plausibility check failed
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: the estimated nominal Check entered nameplate data for plausibility.
power does not match the entered nominal power.
Subfault: 16.24
Description: Speed controller sampling cycle not possible with current PWM frequency or current control mode
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
At PWM frequency "2.5 kHz", only the speed controller Increase PWM frequency or increase sampling cycle of speed
sampling cycle of 2 ms is permitted. For the ELSM® control controller to 2 ms. Set the sampling cycle to 1 ms or 2 ms for
mode, the only permitted speed controller sampling cycles are ELSM® control mode.
1 ms and 2 ms.
Subfault: 16.25
Description: User-defined current limit too low for standstill current 10
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
User-defined current limit value too small for minimum standstill Increase the user-defined current limit, or disable the standstill
current. current function.
Subfault: 16.26
Description: Nominal values incomplete or implausible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: Nominal voltage, nominal Enter or check nominal voltage, nominal current, nominal
current, nominal speed or nominal torque are not entered or speed, and nominal torque.
not plausible.
Subfault: 16.27
Description: Maximum current or maximum torque not plausible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: Maximum current or ma- Check the maximum current and maximum torque.
ximum torque not entered, or maximum current and maximum
torque not plausible.
Subfault: 16.30
Description: Faulty EtherCAT® EEPROM configuration state
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Faulty EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS EEPROM configuration status. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
EEPROM not loaded, binary file not loaded.
Faulty EEPROM loading procedure. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Faulty EEPROM checksum. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.4.13 Fault 17 Internal processor fault

Subfault: 17.7
Description: Exception error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Exception trap in CPU. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.4.14 Fault 18 Software error

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 18.1
Description: Motor management
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Error detected at motor management interface. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 313

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 18.3
Description: Task system warning
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
A fault was detected during the processing of the internal task – Acknowledge the warning.
system. This may be a timeout for cyclical tasks, for example. – Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service if the warning occurs
Subfault: 18.4
Description: Task system
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
A fault was detected during the processing of the internal task – Switch the device off and on again.
system. This may be a timeout for cyclical tasks, for example. – Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.7
Description: Fatal error
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Fatal software error. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 18.8
Description: Invalid fault code
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Invalid fault code requested. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.9
Description: Internal software error
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The software reports an unexpected event. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 18.10
Description: Watchdog
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Software no longer operates within intended cycle time. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.12
Description: Configuration data
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Configuration data not plausible or cannot be interpreted by Update the firmware or load valid configuration data.
active firmware version.
Subfault: 18.13
Description: Calibration data
Response: Output stage inhibit
28487486/EN – 02/2019

System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset

Cause Measure
Calibration data not plausible. Load valid calibration data.

314 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
10.4.15 Fault 19 Process data
Subfault: 19.1
Description: Torque setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Implausible values specified as torque setpoints. Adjust torque setpoints.
Subfault: 19.2
Description: Position setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Position setpoint outside software limit switches. Check position setpoint.
Position setpoint outside modulo range. Check position setpoint.
Position in user unit generates number overflow in the system Check position in user unit.
Subfault: 19.3
Description: Speed setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Specified rotational speed setpoints not plausible. Adjust rotational speed setpoints.
Subfault: 19.4
Description: Acceleration setpoint violation
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The specified acceleration setpoints are not plausible. Only a Adjust acceleration setpoints.
value range of >= 0 is permitted.
Subfault: 19.5
Description: Drive function does not exist
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Non-existing drive function (FCB) selected via process data. Specify an existing FCB number for FCB activation via process
Subfault: 19.6
Description: Mass moment of inertia setpoint violation
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Implausible values specified as mass moment of inertia set- Adjust the setpoints for the mass moment of inertia.
points. Only a value range of >= 0 is permitted.
Subfault: 19.7
Description: Referencing missing
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Activated function only permitted with referenced encoder. Reference the encoder first, then activate the function.
Subfault: 19.8
Description: Drive train changeover not allowed
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Drive train changeover requested while output stage is en- Inhibit the output stage before changing to another drive train.
Subfault: 19.9
Description: Jerk setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Jerk values not plausible. Adjust jerk setpoints.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 315

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.4.16 Fault 20 Device monitoring

Subfault: 20.1
Description: Supply voltage fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Internal electronics supply voltage or externally connected Check the voltage level of the external DC 24 V standby supply
DC 24 V standby supply voltage outside permitted voltage voltage and check for correct port. If required, correct.
range. – Acknowledge the fault.
– If fault occurs repeatedly, replace device. For further support,
contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.2
Description: Supply voltage overload
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
For MOVIDRIVE® system, the current load of the current paths Identify consumers which are overloading the internal supply
of the DC 24 V standby supply voltage inside the device is too voltage:
high. The device signal output of the device was de-energized 1 Remove all external consumers:
because of the fault message. – At the digital outputs of the basic device.
- At options that may be present.
- At all encoder connections.
- At other consumers at the DC 24 V output voltage terminals.
2 Acknowledge the fault.
3 Reconnect the consumers with the device, one after the
other, until the fault message appears once again.
4 To eliminate the fault, connect a consumer with a lower cur-
rent consumption or eliminate the short circuit.
Subfault: 20.7
Description: Internal hardware fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error in device hardware. – Acknowledge the fault.
– If fault occurs repeatedly, replace device. For further support,
contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.8
Description: Fan warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Fan function impaired. Check fan for proper functioning.
Subfault: 20.9
Description: Fan fault
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fan defective. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.10
Description: Fan supply voltage fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Supply voltage of fan missing. Check the connection or establish a connection.
Subfault: 20.11
Description: STO – switching delay
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Switching delay between STO signals F-STO_P1 and F- – Check STO wiring.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

STO_P2. – Check the STO wiring before acknowledging the fault, and
make sure that both STO signals are switched to low level.

316 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
10.4.17 Fault 23 Power section
Subfault: 23.1
Description: Warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Power section fault with fault response of the type "warning". See also "Power section subcomponent" fault status.
Subfault: 23.2
Description: Fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section fault with fault response of the type "standard". See also "Power section subcomponent" fault status.
Subfault: 23.3
Description: Critical fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section fault with fault response of the type "Critical See also "Power section subcomponent" fault status.
Subfault: 23.4
Description: Hardware fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
A fault occurred in a hardware component of the power section, – Check current supply.
e.g.: Overcurrent hardware comparator. – Increase ramp time.
– Check for correct motor size (the motor current is too high).
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Switched-mode power supply fault, hardware fault. – Check current supply.
– Check the DC 24 V supply voltage.
Fault at the gate driver of an IGBT. Defect in the power output stage. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE
Invalid process data configuration. Status of control section and Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
power section are not compatible.
Subfault: 23.5
Description: Invalid process data configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Invalid process data configuration. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 23.6
Description: Process data timeout
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section communication interface detected process data If the error occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
timeout. Service.
Subfault: 23.7
Description: Parameter communication timeout
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section communication interface detected timeout in If the error occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
parameter communication. Service.
Subfault: 23.8
Description: Parameter communication error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
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Power section communication interface detected error in para- If the error occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
meter communication. Service.
Subfault: 23.9
Description: Firmware of power section corrupt
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to update firmware on power section. Update the firmware again.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 317

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.4.18 Error 24 Cam switch

Subfault: 24.1
Description: Cam window limits interchanged
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Left cam window limit larger than right limit. Check cam window limits and adjust.
Subfault: 24.2
Description: Cam window limit not within modulo range
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Cam window limits outside modulo range. Check cam window limits and adjust.
Subfault: 24.3
Description: Cam windows of a track overlap
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Cam window limits of a track overlap. Adjust the cam window limits in such a way that they are flush.
Subfault: 24.4
Description: Modulo limits swapped
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
The left limit of the modulo range is larger than the right limit. Check the limits of the modulo range and adjust accordingly.

10.4.19 Fault 25 Parameter memory monitoring

Subfault: 25.2
Description: NV memory – runtime error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error of non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.6
Description: Incompatible device configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The data set in the device was copied from another device, – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
which differs from the current device in the device family, startup, if necessary.
power, or voltage. – Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Replaceable memory module used by another device. Power – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
rating, device family, or voltage differs from the current device. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
The power section was replaced and differs in its power rating – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
or voltage from the original power section. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Subfault: 25.7
Description: NV memory initialization – error
Response: Output stage inhibit
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Error initializing non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-

318 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 25.10
Description: Power section configuration data – version conflict
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong version of configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.12
Description: Power section configuration data – CRC error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.13
Description: Control electronics configuration data – CRC error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty configuration data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.14
Description: Calibration data of power section – version conflict
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong version of calibration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.15
Description: Calibration data of control electronics – version conflict
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong version of calibration data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.16
Description: Power section calibration data – CRC error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty calibration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.17
Description: Control electronics calibration data – CRC error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty calibration data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.18
Description: Power section QA data – CRC error
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Faulty quality assurance data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.19
Description: Control electronics QA data – CRC error
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Faulty quality assurance data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.20
Description: Initialization error – basic device memory
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Initialization error of the basic device memory. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 25.21
Description: Runtime error – basic device memory
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error in memory of basic device. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 319

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 25.30
Description: Initialization error – replaceable memory module
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The formatting of the replaceable memory module does not Restore delivery state. NOTICE: All the data on the replaceable
match. memory module will be reset to the default.
Initialization error of replaceable memory module after delivery Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.31
Description: Runtime error – replaceable memory module
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error of replaceable memory module. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.50
Description: Runtime error – replaceable safety memory module
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Runtime error of the replaceable safety memory module. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.51
Description: Initialization error – replaceable safety memory module
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Initialization error of the replaceable safety memory module. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.61
Description: Error – restore point
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to create restore point. Delete restore point.
Subfault: 25.70
Description: Incompatible card configuration
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current configuration of the cards does not match the state – Restore the original configuration of the cards.
of the stored startup. – Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
For example, a card was removed that was still present during acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
startup. status] parameter "Manual fault reset".

10.4.20 Fault 26 External fault

Subfault: 26.1
Description: Terminal
Response: External fault
Cause Measure
Error message about external error source. Programmable via 8622.5 (Default: Application stop (+ES)).
Subfault: 26.2
Description: Emergency shutdown
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Another module bus station requested external emergency Check other module bus stations for errors.
Subfault: 26.3
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Description: Power section emergency shutdown

Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section requested external emergency shutdown be- Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
cause it detected critical fault.

320 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 26.4
Description: External braking resistor fault
Response: Response to external braking resistor fault
Cause Measure
External braking resistor's temperature switch connected to ter- – Check the resistor mounting position.
minal tripped. – Clean the resistor.
– Check the configuration of the resistor.
– Install a larger resistor.
– Check the trip switch settings.
– Optimize travel cycle so that less regenerative operation en-
ergy arises.

10.4.21 Fault 28 FCB drive functions

Subfault: 28.1
Description: FCB 11/12 – Timeout while searching zero pulse 10
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to find zero pulse of encoder's C track within specified Check the encoder wiring.
search time during reference travel.
Subfault: 28.2
Description: FCB 11/12 – Hardware limit switch upstream of reference cam
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The hardware limit switch was reached during reference travel. Make sure that the reference cam is not installed downstream
The reference cam was not detected. of the hardware limit switch.
Subfault: 28.3
Description: FCB 11/12 – Hardware limit switch and reference cam not flush
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Hardware limit switch and reference cam not mounted flush. Make sure that the reference cam and the hardware limit
switch are mounted flush.
Subfault: 28.4
Description: FCB 11/12 – Reference offset error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error when determining reference offset. – Make sure that the reference offset is not set to a larger value
than the "Modulo maximum" limit value.
When using a single-turn absolute encoder, make sure that the
reference offset is not set to a larger value than one encoder
Subfault: 28.5
Description: FCB 11/12 – Referencing not possible
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
In the active drive train, the "Actual position source" parameter Assign "Actual position source", or do not carry out any refer-
is set to "No encoder". encing.
Subfault: 28.6
Description: FCB 11/12 – Limit switch/reference cam not flush/overlapping with fixed stop
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Hardware limit switch or reference cam that has not been se- Check whether the parameters set for reference travel are cor-
lected was approached during reference travel to fixed stop. rect.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

During reference travel to fixed stop with selected hardware Check whether the parameters set for reference travel are cor-
limit switch or reference cam, the fixed stop was reached rect.
without approaching the hardware limit switch or reference

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 321

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 28.7
Description: FCB 21 – Test torque greater than maximum torque at motor shaft
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The required test torque for the brake test is higher than the Reduce the test torque.
maximum torque. It cannot be generated by the motor/inverter
Subfault: 28.8
Description: FCB 21 – Test torque not reached
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Test torque required for brake test exceeds valid limit values. – Reduce the test torque.
– Check limit values.
Subfault: 28.9
Description: FCB 18 – Rotor position identification not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Rotor position identification started with incremental encoder – Restart the rotor position identification.
but aborted prematurely. – Check whether the encoder is connected correctly.
– Check whether encoder is defective.
Result of rotor position identification cannot be stored in en- Select "inverter" as storage location.
Combination of "Automatic" mode and "Encoder" storage loca- Set the operating mode to "Manual" or the storage location to
tion not permitted. "Inverter".
Subfault: 28.10
Description: FCB 25 – Unbalanced motor phases
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Significantly different values determined in the three phases – Check whether the motor is connected correctly.
while measuring stator resistances. – Check all contact points on the motor and inverter.
– Check the motor and motor cable for damage.
Subfault: 28.11
Description: FCB 25 – At least one phase with high resistance
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
At least one motor phase could not be measured during motor – Check whether the motor is connected correctly.
parameter measurement. – Check all contact points on the motor and inverter.
– Check the motor and motor cable for damage.
Subfault: 28.12
Description: FCB 25 – Timeout during stator resistance measurement
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor parameter measurement activated while motor is turning. – Stop motor.
– Start motor parameter measurement when the motor is at
Subfault: 28.13
Description: FCB 25 – Characteristic curve identification not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor parameter measurement does not allow for unique iden- Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
tification of the characteristic curve.
Subfault: 28.14
Description: Modulo min. and max. swapped
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
In the active data set, the value for "Modulo minimum" is Swap the values for modulo minimum and modulo maximum.
greater than the value for "Modulo maximum"; see Monitoring
functions\Limit values 1 or Monitoring functions\Limit values 2.

322 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 28.15
Description: FCB 25 – Timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Measuring rotor resistance, LSigma, or stator inductance not Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.4.22 Fault 29 HW limit switch

Subfault: 29.1
Description: Positive limit switch approached
Response: HW limit switch – current drive train
Cause Measure
Positive hardware limit switch approached. – Check hardware limit switch wiring.
– Check target position. 10
– Move clear of hardware limit switch with negative speed.
Subfault: 29.2
Description: Negative limit switch approached
Response: HW limit switch – current drive train
Cause Measure
Negative hardware limit switch approached. – Check hardware limit switch wiring.
– Check target position.
– Move clear of hardware limit switch with positive speed.
Subfault: 29.3
Description: Limit switch missing
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Both positive and negative hardware limit switches approached – Check hardware limit switch wiring.
at the same time. – Check the parameter setting of digital inputs.
– Check the parameter setting of process output data.
Subfault: 29.4
Description: Limit switches swapped
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Positive hardware limit switch approached at negative speed, Check whether hardware limit switch connections are
or negative hardware limit switch approached at positive swapped.

10.4.23 Fault 30 Software limit switch

Subfault: 30.1
Description: Positive limit switch approached
Response: SW limit switches – current drive train
Cause Measure
Positive software limit switch approached. – Check software limit switch position.
– Check target position.
– Move clear of software limit switch with negative speed.
Subfault: 30.2
Description: Negative limit switch approached
Response: SW limit switches – current drive train
Cause Measure
Negative software limit switch approached. – Check software limit switch position.
– Check target position.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

– Move clear of software limit switch with positive speed.

Subfault: 30.3
Description: Limit switches swapped
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Position value of negative software limit switch greater than po- Check software limit switch positions.
sition value of positive software limit switch.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 323

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.4.24 Fault 31 Thermal motor protection

Subfault: 31.1
Description: Temperature sensor wire break – motor 1
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Connection to temperature sensor of motor 1 interrupted. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.2
Description: Temperature sensor short circuit – motor 1
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit in connection with temperature sensor of motor 1. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.3
Description: Temperature sensor overtemperature – motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature sensor of motor 1 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).
Subfault: 31.4
Description: Temperature model overtemperature – motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature model of motor 1 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).
Subfault: 31.5
Description: Temperature sensor prewarning – motor 1
Response: Thermal motor protection 1 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 1 ex- Check for motor overload.
ceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.6
Description: Temperature model prewarning – motor 1
Response: Thermal motor protection 1 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 1 ex- Check for motor overload.
ceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.7
Description: UL temperature monitoring
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature model of active motor signals overtemperature. Check for motor overload.
Subfault: 31.8
Description: Communication timeout temperature sensor – motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication with temperature sensor is disrupted, e.g. via Check the cabling.
Subfault: 31.9
Description: Temperature too low – temperature sensor – motor 1
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Response: Warning with self-reset

Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 1 below – Check if a KTY temperature sensor is installed in the motor
-50 °C. but the parameterization has been carried out for a Pt1000
temperature sensor.
– Heat the motor.

324 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 31.11
Description: Temperature sensor wire break – motor 2
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Connection to temperature sensor of motor 2 interrupted. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.12
Description: Temperature sensor short circuit – motor 2
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit in connection with temperature sensor of motor 2. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.13
Description: Temperature sensor overtemperature – motor 2
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature sensor of motor 2 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).
Subfault: 31.14
Description: Temperature model overtemperature – motor 2
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature model of motor 2 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).
Subfault: 31.15
Description: Temperature sensor prewarning – motor 2
Response: Thermal motor protection 2 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 2 ex- Check for motor overload.
ceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.16
Description: Temperature model prewarning – motor 2
Response: Thermal motor protection 2 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 2 ex- Check for motor overload.
ceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.19
Description: Temperature too low – temperature sensor – motor 2
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 2 below – Check if a KTY temperature sensor is installed in the motor
-50 °C. but the parameterization has been carried out for a Pt1000
temperature sensor.
– Heat the motor.

10.4.25 Fault 32 Communication

Subfault: 32.2
Description: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS process data timeout
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Process data timeout during EtherCAT /SBusPLUS communic- – Check the wiring of the system bus and module bus.

ation. – Check that the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS configuration is correctly

set in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
– Check EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS timeout configuration in the

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 325

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 32.3
Description: Faulty synchronization signal
Response: External synchronization
Cause Measure
Faulty synchronization signal period. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS configura-
tion in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
Subfault: 32.4
Description: No synchronization signal
Response: External synchronization
Cause Measure
No synchronization signal present. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS configura-
tion in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
Subfault: 32.5
Description: Synchronization timeout
Response: External synchronization
Cause Measure
Timeout while synchronizing to synchronization signal. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS configura-
tion in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
Subfault: 32.6
Description: Copy parameter set
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error while downloading parameter set to device. – Check the wiring of the system bus and module bus.
– Restart download.
Subfault: 32.7
Description: Application heartbeat timeout
Response: Application heartbeat – timeout response
Cause Measure
Communication interrupted between IEC program in MOVI-C® – Check status of the IEC program.
CONTROLLER and device. – Restart IEC program.
Subfault: 32.8
Description: User-timeout timeout
Response: User timeout timeout response
Cause Measure
The timeout time of the user timeout function elapsed. Write the parameter for triggering the user timeout function cyc-
lically before the timeout time elapses.
Subfault: 32.12
Description: Manual mode timeout
Response: Manual mode – timeout response
Cause Measure
Communication connection to device interrupted in manual – Check whether too many programs are open on the operator
mode. PC.
– Increase the timeout time in manual mode.
New Scope project created. – Reset fault.
– Restart manual operation.
Scope measurement loaded from device. – Reset fault.
– Restart manual operation.

10.4.26 Fault 33 System initialization

Subfault: 33.1
Description: Motor current measurement
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Response: Output stage inhibit

System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Motor current measurement detected an error. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

326 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 33.2
Description: Firmware CRC check
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Error checking firmware. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.6
Description: FPGA configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error checking FPGA configuration. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.7
Description: Function block compatibility error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure 10
Error checking compatibility of function block. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.8
Description: SW function block configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error detected while checking configuration of software function Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.10
Description: Boot timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Timeout during system boot. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.11
Description: Hardware compatibility error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Firmware does not match device. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.12
Description: Memory module plugged in
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
A plugged-in memory module was detected during device start. – Switch off the device. Remove the memory module and re-
The setting for the device parameter source is set to "Internal start the device.
memory". – Change the parameter "Non-volatile memory source" to "Ar-
bitrary" or "Replaceable memory module". Switch the device off
and on again.
Subfault: 33.13
Description: Memory module removed
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The device was started without a memory module. The setting Switch off the device. Insert the memory module and restart the
for the device parameter source is set to "Replaceable memory device.
Replaceable memory module removed during ongoing opera- Change parameter "Non-volatile memory source" to "Internal
tion. memory". Switch the device off and on again.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 33.14
Description: EtherCAT® slave controller cannot be accessed
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
EtherCAT® slave controller cannot be accessed. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 327

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 33.15
Description: Firmware configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The Device Update Manager detected a modified version of the Acknowledge the fault. Doing so will update the configuration
application firmware. data of the Device Update Manager.
The error occurs repeatedly several times. The Device Update Update the Device Update Manager.
Manager is outdated and cannot save the configuration.

10.4.27 Fault 34 Process data configuration

Subfault: 34.1
Description: Changed process data configuration
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Process data configuration changed during active process data – Stop the process data and make your changes. Then start
operation. the process data again.
– Perform a reset. Doing so will stop the process data, apply
the changes, and restart the process data.

10.4.28 Fault 35 Function activation

Subfault: 35.1
Description: Activation key – application level invalid
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The activation key was entered incorrectly. Enter the activation key again.
The activation key was not created for this device. Check the activation key.
When using a double axis, the activation key for the wrong in- Enter the activation key for the allocated instance.
stance was entered in the device.
An activation key for a technology level was entered in the Enter the activation key in the correct parameter.
parameter "Application level – Activation key".
Subfault: 35.2
Description: Application level too low
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The activated software module requires a higher application Enter an activation key for the required application level. You
level. can find the required level in the parameter 8438.3 "Application
level – Required level".
Subfault: 35.3
Description: Technology level too low
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
An activated technology function requires a higher technology Enter an activation key for the required technology level. You
level. can find the required level in the parameter 8438.13 "Techno-
logy level – Required level".
Subfault: 35.4
Description: Activation key – technology level invalid
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The activation key was entered incorrectly. Enter the activation key again.
The activation key was not created for this device. Check the activation key.
28487486/EN – 02/2019

When using a double axis, the activation key for the wrong in- Enter the activation key for the allocated instance.
stance was entered in the device.
An activation key for an application level was entered in the Enter the activation key in the correct parameter.
parameter "Technology level – Activation key".

328 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
10.4.29 Fault 42 Lag error
Subfault: 42.1
Description: Positioning lag error
Response: Positioning lag error
Cause Measure
A lag error occurred during positioning. Check the connection of the encoder.
Incorrect encoder connection.
Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder.
Wiring faulty. Check the wiring of encoder, motor, and line phases.
Acceleration ramps too short. Extend acceleration ramps.
P component of position controller too small. Set P component of position controller to a larger value.
Incorrectly set speed controller parameters. Check controller parameters.
Value of lag error tolerance too small. Increase the lag error tolerance.
Mechanical components cannot move freely or are blocked. Make sure mechanical parts can move freely, and check 10
whether they are blocked.
Subfault: 42.2
Description: Jog mode lag error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
A lag error occurred in jog mode (FCB 20). Check the connection of the encoder.
Incorrect encoder connection.
Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder.
Wiring faulty. Check the wiring of encoder, motor, and line phases.
Acceleration ramps too short. Extend acceleration ramps.
P component of position controller too small. Set P component of position controller to a larger value.
Incorrectly set speed controller parameters. Check controller parameters.
Value of lag error tolerance too small. Increase the lag error tolerance.
Mechanical components cannot move freely or are blocked. Make sure mechanical parts can move freely, and check
whether they are blocked.
Subfault: 42.3
Description: Standard lag error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
A lag error has occurred outside a positioning process. Check the connection of the encoder.
Incorrect encoder connection.
Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder.
Wiring faulty. Check the wiring of encoder, motor, and line phases.
Acceleration ramps too short. Extend acceleration ramps.
P component of position controller too small. Set P component of position controller to a larger value.
Incorrectly set speed controller parameters. Check controller parameters.
Value of lag error tolerance too small. Increase the lag error tolerance.

10.4.30 Fault 46 Safety card

Subfault: 46.1
Description: No response
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to synchronize with subcomponent. – Check device assignment of basic device and option.
– Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
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– Restart the device.

– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 329

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 46.2
Description: Invalid variant
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Plugged safety card design does not match inverter type. – Remove safety card.
– Use the correct safety card design.
For double axes, only designs without encoder interface can be – Remove option.
used. – Use the design without encoder interface.
For double axes, no encoder option must be plugged in. Remove the option.
Subfault: 46.3
Description: Internal communication timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication interrupted between inverter and safety card. Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary. Con-
tact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the error is still present.
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "warning". Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary. Con-
tact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the error is still present.
Subfault: 46.50
Description: Warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "warning". For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 46.51
Description: Fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit with self-reset
Cause Measure
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "standard For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
fault". correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 46.52
Description: Critical fault
Response: Output stage inhibit with self-reset
Cause Measure
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "critical – For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
fault". correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
– If the jumper plug is plugged at terminal "X6", remove the
jumper plug.

10.4.31 Fault 47 Supply unit

Subfault: 47.1
Description: Supply unit – warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
The supply unit signals a fault with response type "warning". For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
The fault is only displayed. correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 47.2
Description: Supply unit – standard fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
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Cause Measure
The supply unit signals a fault with response type "standard". For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
The fault response is determined by the driver implemented on correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the axis. The axis performs the fault response. the subcomponent (index 8365.3).

330 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 47.3
Description: Supply unit – critical fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The supply unit signals a fault with response type "critical For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
error". The fault response is determined by the driver imple- correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
mented on the axis. The axis performs the fault response. the subcomponent (index 8365.3).

10.4.32 Fault 48 Module bus

Subfault: 48.1
Description: Incompatible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Module bus slave and module bus master not compatible. Update the firmware of the module bus at the supply unit or the 10
axis modules to a compatible version.
Subfault: 48.2
Description: Timeout
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Timeout detected by module bus. Check cable connections and voltage supply of module bus
Subfault: 48.3
Description: Number of module bus slaves exceeded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Too many module bus slaves. Reduce the number of module bus slaves to a maximum of one
module bus slave.
Subfault: 48.4
Description: CRC error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
CRC error during module bus communication. – Restart the device.
– Reset the fault.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE service if the fault reoccurs.

10.4.33 Fault 50 I/O card

Subfault: 50.1
Description: Boot synchronization timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Card plugged in device but cannot be accessed. – Check device assignment of basic device and option.
– Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.2
Description: CRC error of FPGA driver
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication between FPGA and option card does not work, – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
or is interrupted. – Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.3
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Description: CRC error of option card

Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Option card signals CRC error on SPI bus. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 331

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 50.4
Description: Option card timeout error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Option card signals timeout error on SPI bus. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.5
Description: Option card watchdog error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Microcontroller of option card signals a watchdog error. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.6
Description: Ready signal timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Card booted but cyclical communication not possible. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.7
Description: Frame error of option card
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty communication between option card and basic device. –

10.4.34 Fault 51 Analog processing

Subfault: 51.1
Description: Analog current input 4 mA limit
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Input current below 4 mA. Check input current.

10.4.35 Fault 52 Explosion protection function category 2

Subfault: 52.1
Description: Startup error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
No valid startup available. Perform startup.
Subfault: 52.2
Description: Impermissible system function
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Impermissible system function activated. Disable impermissible functions when Ex protection function is
active, such as "Activate standstill current" = "On" in the active
control mode.
Subfault: 52.3
Description: Inverter too large
Response: Output stage inhibit
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Ratio of inverter current to nominal motor current too large. Check the assignment of motor and inverter, and check the di-
mensioning of the system.
Subfault: 52.4
Description: Parameterization of current limit characteristic
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error setting parameters for current limit characteristic. – Parameterize the current limit characteristic.
– Perform startup again.

332 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 52.5
Description: Time duration exceeded f < 5 Hz
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Duration of 60 s for f < 5 Hz exceeded. Check the dimensioning of the system: If speed control =
FCB05, increase the speed. If speed = 0, inhibit output stage /
with stop FCBs, activate the brake function if a brake is in-

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 333

10 Operation
Power section fault description

10.5 Power section fault description

10.5.1 Fault 7 DC link
Subfault: 7.1
Description: DC link overvoltage
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Maximum permitted DC link voltage limit exceeded and output – Extend deceleration ramps.
stage inhibited by hardware. – Check supply cable to the braking resistor.
– Check the technical data of the braking resistor.

10.5.2 Fault 11 Temperature monitoring

Subfault: 11.7
Description: Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Remote – warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 11.8
Description: Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Remote – warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.3 Fault 17 Internal processor fault

Subfault: 17.6
Description: Watchdog
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
CPU watchdog responded.
Subfault: 17.7
Description: Exception error
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
Exception trap in CPU. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.4 Fault 18 Software error

Subfault: 18.7
Description: Fatal error
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
Fatal software error. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 18.8
Description: Invalid fault code
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
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Invalid fault code requested. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.

334 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Power section fault description 10
10.5.5 Fault 20 Device monitoring
Subfault: 20.1
Description: Supply voltage fault
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Internal electronics supply voltage or externally connected Check the voltage level of the external DC 24 V standby supply
DC 24 V standby supply voltage outside permitted voltage voltage and check for correct port. If required, correct.
range. – Acknowledge the fault.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device. For further
support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.8
Description: Fan warning
Response: Remote – warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Fan function impaired. Check the fan for proper functioning. 10
Subfault: 20.9
Description: Fan fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Fan defective. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.6 Fault 25 Parameter memory monitoring

Subfault: 25.2
Description: NV memory – runtime error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Runtime error of non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.3
Description: NV data import – error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error importing non-volatile memory data from non-volatile – Reset the device.
memory. – If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.4
Description: NV setup – fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error while performing delivery state or during basic initializa- – Reset the device.
tion of the parameters. – If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.5
Description: NV data fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty data detected in non-volatile memory system. The data on the (mobile) non-volatile memory might have been
formatted for another unit. You can rectify the fault by reformat-
ting the data (basic initialization).
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 335

10 Operation
Power section fault description

Subfault: 25.6
Description: Incompatible device configuration
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
The data set in the device was copied from another device, – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
which differs from the current device in the device family, startup, if necessary.
power, or voltage. – Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Replaceable memory module used by another device. Power – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
rating, device family, or voltage differs from the current device. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
The power section was replaced and differs in its power rating – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
or voltage from the original power section. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Subfault: 25.7
Description: NV memory initialization – error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error initializing non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.9
Description: NV memory hardware – fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty access to non-volatile memory hardware. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace the device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.10
Description: Power section configuration data – version conflict
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Wrong version of configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.12
Description: Power section configuration data – CRC error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.7 Fault 32 Communication

Subfault: 32.6
Description: Copy parameter set
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error while downloading parameter set to device. – Check the wiring of the system bus and module bus.
– Restart download.
Subfault: 32.13
Description: Process data timeout
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Response: Remote – warning with self-reset

Cause Measure
Process data timeout. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the safety card and
send it together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE.
For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

336 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Power section fault description 10
10.5.8 Fault 33 System initialization
Subfault: 33.2
Description: Firmware CRC check
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
Error checking firmware. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.8
Description: SW function block configuration
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error detected while checking configuration of software function Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.9
Description: Power section hardware compatibility fault
Response: Remote – critical fault 10
Cause Measure
Firmware does not match hardware of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.9 Fault 44 Subcomponent power section

Subfault: 44.1
Description: Power section SMPS fault
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
The switched-mode power supply in power section is faulty. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Hardware fault.
Subfault: 44.2
Description: Overcurrent phase U
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Overcurrent phase U. – Rectify the short circuit.
– Connect a smaller motor.
– Increase the ramp time.
– In the event of a defective output stage, contact
Subfault: 44.3
Description: Overcurrent phase V
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Overcurrent phase V. – Rectify the short circuit.
– Connect a smaller motor.
– Increase the ramp time.
– In the event of a defective output stage, contact
Subfault: 44.4
Description: Overcurrent phase W
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Overcurrent phase W. – Rectify the short circuit.
– Connect a smaller motor.
– Increase the ramp time.
– In the event of a defective output stage, contact
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 44.5
Description: Faulty supply voltage for gate drivers
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty supply voltage for gate drivers for phases U, V, W. Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
Phase module not ready for operation. If the fault is still present, replace the device. Contact SEW-

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 337

10 Operation
Power section fault description

Subfault: 44.6
Description: Faulty supply voltage in gate drivers for brake chopper
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty supply voltage in gate drivers for brake chopper. Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
Brake chopper not ready for operation. If the fault is still present, replace the device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 44.7
Description: Hardware error signal
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Power section hardware signals a fault. It is not possible to pin- – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
point the fault. – If the fault is still present, replace the device. Contact SEW-

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338 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Responses to fault acknowledgement 10
10.6 Responses to fault acknowledgement

10.6.1 Fault acknowledgement

During fault acknowledgement, the final fault status determines which reset type will
be executed, see following table.

Final fault status Responses to fault acknowledgement

System blocked System restart
System waiting Warm start: Delete fault code
Only display fault Warm start: Delete fault code

Software reset

Response Effect
Behavior equal to device start
Reference is lost
System restart with Fieldbus interface is restarted
start of the CPU
EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS is restarted
The active "fault message" is reset (digital output = 1, system
status = 0).

Software restart
A software restart is no real reset of the micro controller.

Response Effect
The firmware will be restarted, without the boot loader becom-
ing active (no display "b0"!).
Reference positions of incremental encoder systems will be
Any existing fieldbus interfaces are not affected.
Software restart
The interface between options and firmware system is initialized
again. A new boot synchronization to the fieldbus or control op-
tion takes place.
The active "fault message" is reset (digital output = 1, system
status = 0).
The ready signal is set again depending on the system state after the reset by the sys-
tem state control.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 339

10 Operation
Responses to fault acknowledgement

Warm start
A warm start only resets the fault code.

Response Effect
The firmware system is not rebooted.
All reference positions will be maintained.
Warm start Communication is not interrupted.
The active "fault message" is reset (digital output = 1, system
status = 0).

Fieldbus timeout
After manual reset of a fault, the fault message is deleted. The system changes to the
state "Waiting for data".

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340 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault responses 10
10.7 Fault responses

10.7.1 Default – fault response

Fault response Description
No response The inverter ignores the event.
The inverter sends a warning message with self-reset. The fault is automatically reset after
Warning with self-reset
the cause of fault is eliminated.
Warning The inverter issues a warning message.
Application stop (with output stage in- The inverter stops with the deceleration set for the application limit.
hibit) Parameter set 1 Index 8375.0-13
Application stop (with output stage in- Parameter set 2 Index 8375.8-13
hibit) with self reset For n=0: Brake "applied" and output stage "off".
Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) The inverter stops with the set emergency stop deceleration.
Parameter set 1 Index 8375.0-20 10
Emergency stop (with output stage in- Parameter set 2 Index 8375.8-20
hibit) with self-reset
Inhibit output stage with self reset
The output stage is deactivated and the brake is applied.
Inhibit output stage

Self-reset means: Eliminating the cause of the fault acknowledges the fault. The in-
verter automatically resumes the operation performed before the fault. The drive re-
starts automatically.

10.7.2 Parameterizable faults

Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response
Manual mode – timeout re- This parameter is used to set the response to 8504.3 • Application stop (with output stage in-
sponse a bus timeout during manual mode. hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Heat sink overtemperature – Here, you can set the device response when 8622.2 • No response
prewarning the prewarning threshold for heat sink utiliza- • Warning
tion is exceeded (index 8336.1).
Positioning lag fault This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.3 • No response
sponse to a lag error (lag error window ex- • Warning
ceeded, index 8509.4). • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Line phase failure This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.4 • No response
sponse to a line phase failure (values below • Warning
threshold defined by the user, index 8351.5). • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
External fault This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.5 • No response
sponse to an external fault (e.g. triggered by • Warning
terminal or control word). • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 341

10 Operation
Fault responses

Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response

Fieldbus – timeout This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.6 • Warning
sponse to an EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS timeout • Application stop (with output stage in-
(timeout time, index 8455.3). hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
• Warning with self reset
• Application stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Inhibit output stage with self reset
External synchronization This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.7 • No response
sponse to loss of external synchronization. • Warning
• Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
• Warning with self reset
• Application stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Inhibit output stage with self reset
Motor temperature prewarning – Motor temperature active parameter set – pre- 8622.8 • No response
current parameter set warning. • Warning
• Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Electromechanical utilization – This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.10 • No response
prewarning sponse to an exceeded prewarning threshold • Warning
for electromechanical utilization (index • Application stop (with output stage in-
8336.2). hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
HW limit switches – current 8622.11 • No response
parameter set • Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
SW limit switches – current 8622.12 • No response
parameter set • Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
Encoder – warning This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.13 • Warning
sponse to an encoder warning. • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Encoder – fault This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.14 • Application stop (with output stage in-
sponse to an encoder fault. hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Additional encoder This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.15 • Warning
sponse to a fault of an encoder that is not • Application stop (with output stage in-
used for control (speed or positioning control). hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Encoder 1 – latest fault 8622.16 • No response
Encoder 2 – latest fault 8622.17 • No response

342 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Fault responses 10
Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response
Encoder 1 – latest critical fault 8622.18 • No response
• Inhibit output stage
Encoder 2 – latest critical fault 8622.19 • No response
• Inhibit output stage
Response to external braking re- External braking resistor fault 8622.20 • No response
sistor fault • Warning
• Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Application heartbeat timeout This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.21 • Warning
sponse to a timeout of the application heart- • Application stop (with output stage in-
beat. hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) 10
• Inhibit output stage
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 343

11 Service
Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE

11 Service
11.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE
If you are unable to rectify a fault, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. For the ad-
dresses, refer to‑
When contacting SEW‑EURODRIVE Service, always specify the following information
so that our service personnel can assist you more effectively:
• Information on the device type on the nameplate (e.g. type designation, serial
number, part number, product key, purchase order number)
• Brief description of the application
• Fault message on the status display
• Nature of the fault
• Accompanying circumstances
• Any unusual events preceding the problem

11.2 Extended storage

If the application inverters are stored in a temperature range of 5 °C to 40 °C, no
measures are required.
The following table lists the application inverters, time intervals, and measures that are
required if the application inverters are stored outside the abovementioned tempera-
ture range.
For all application inverters other than the ones listed, no measures are required.

Modules Time interval Measure

- MDX9_A-0020 – 5880-5_3-.. Line connections: Connect the device to the line
- MDX9_A-0070 – 1080-2_3-.. voltage for 5 minutes.
Every 2 years
All application inverters Connect the device to 24 V for 5 minutes.

11.2.1 Procedure in case maintenance has been neglected

If you have not performed maintenance regularly, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends
that you increase the line voltage slowly up to the maximum voltage. This can be
done, for example, by using a variable transformer for which the output voltage has
been set according to the following overview. After you have completed the regenera-
tion process, the device can be used immediately or stored again.
The following graduations are recommended:
AC 400/500 V devices:
• Stage 1: 0 V to AC 350 V within a few seconds
28487486/EN – 02/2019

• Stage 2: AC 350 V for 15 minutes

• Stage 3: AC 420 V for 15 minutes
• Stage 4: AC 500 V for 1 hour

344 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Shutdown 11
11.3 Shutdown
To shut down the application inverter, de-energize the application inverter using ap-
propriate measures.

Electric shock due to incompletely discharged capacitors.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 minutes after disconnecting the power

11.4 Waste disposal
Observe the applicable national regulations.
Dispose of the following materials separately in accordance with the country-specific
regulations in force, such as:
• Electronics scrap (printed circuit boards)
• Plastic
• Sheet metal
• Copper
• Aluminum
This product falls within the scope of the European WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU on
waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Under no circumstances may electrical and electronic equipment be placed in regular
household waste. The product must be disposed of properly in accordance with the
currently applicable statutory regulations of the respective EU Member State, Norway,
Liechtenstein, and Iceland.
The aim of this is to ease the burden on natural resources and to protect the environ-
ment and human health from hazardous substances by bringing them to recycling.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 345

12 Functional safety
General information

12 Functional safety
12.1 General information
12.1.1 Underlying standards
The safety assessment of the device is based on the following standards and safety

Underlying standards
Safety class/ • Performance level (PL) in accordance with
underlying standard ISO 13849‑1:2015
• Safety Integrity Level (SIL) in accordance with
IEC 61800-5-2:2016
• Safety Integrity Level Claim Limit (SILCL) in accord-
ance with IEC 62061 2015

12.2 Integrated safety technology

The described safety technology of the device has been developed and tested in ac-
cordance with the following safety requirements:
• SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2:2016, IEC 61508:2010.
• PL e in accordance with ISO 13849-1:2015.
This was certified by TÜV Rheinland. Copies of the TÜV certificate and the corres-
ponding report are available from SEW-EURODRIVE on request.

12.2.1 Safe condition

For safety-related operation of the device, Safe Torque Off is defined as safe state
(see STO drive safety function). The safety concept is based on this definition.

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346 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Integrated safety technology 12
12.2.2 Safety concept
The device is supposed to be able to perform the drive safety function "Safe Torque
Off" in accordance with IEC 61800‑5‑2:
• Device is characterized by the optional connection of an external safety controller/
safety relay. This external safety controller/safety relay disconnects the safety-re-
lated STO input via a 2-pole 24 V switching signal (sourcing/sinking) when a con-
nected command device (e.g. emergency stop button with latching function) is acti-
vated. This activates the STO function of the device. As an alternative to an ex-
ternal safety controller/safety relay, the STO function can also be implemented
with the optional MOVISAFE® CS..A safety card.
• An internal, dual-channel structure with diagnostics prevents the generation of
pulse trains at the power output stage (IGBT).
• Instead of a galvanic isolation of the drive from the supply system by means of
contactors or switches, the disconnection of the STO input described here safely
prevents the activation of the power semiconductors in the output stage. The
rotary-field generation for the respective motor is deactivated even though the line
voltage is still present.
• When the STO drive safety function is activated, the generated PWM signals from
the device are interrupted by the STO circuit and not transmitted to the IGBTs.
• If the internal diagnostics of the STO circuit detects a discrepancy between the two
channels, the PWM signals are locked, i.e. the STO is activated. This locking re-
quires a reset by switching the DC 24 V supply voltage of the device or the
DC 24 V switching signal at the STO inputs F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2 off and on.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 347

12 Functional safety
Integrated safety technology

12.2.3 Schematic representation of the safety concept



[2] [6]


[3] Uz-



[1] STO function

[2] Drive controller
[3] Internal safety card/safety option (optional)
[4] Diagnostics and inhibiting unit
[5] External safety device (optional)
[6] Motor

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348 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Integrated safety technology 12
12.2.4 Drive safety functions
The following drive-related safety functions can be used:
• STO (Safe Torque Off in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2) by disconnecting the
STO input.
If the STO function is activated, the frequency inverter no longer supplies power to
the motor for generating torque. This drive safety function corresponds to a non-
controlled stop according to EN 60204-1, stop category 0.
The STO input must be disabled by a suitable external safety controller/safety re-
The following figure shows the STO function:




v Speed
t Time
t1 Point of time when STO is triggered
Disconnection range

• SS1(c) (SS1-t) (safe stop 1, function variant c in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2)
by means of suitable external control (e.g. safety relay with delayed disconnec-
The following sequence is mandatory:
– Decelerate the drive using an appropriate brake ramp specified via setpoints.
– Disconnect the STO input (= triggering the STO function) after a specified
safety-related time delay.
This drive safety function corresponds to a controlled stop in accordance with
EN 60204‑1, stop category 1.
The following figure illustrates the SS1(c) (SS1-t) function:
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 349

12 Functional safety
Integrated safety technology

t1 t t2


v Speed
t Time
t1 Point of time when brake ramp is initiated
t2 Point of time when STO is triggered
Δt Delay time until STO is triggered
Safe time delay range
Disconnection range

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350 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Integrated safety technology 12
12.2.5 Restrictions
• Note that if the drive does not have a mechanical brake or if the brake is defective,
the drive may coast to a halt (depending on the friction and mass moment of iner-
tia of the system). In the event of regenerative loads or with axes that are loaded
with gravitational forces or driven externally, the drive can even accelerate. This
must be taken into account in a risk assessment of the system/machine. Additional
safety measures might have to be implemented (e.g. safety brake system).
In the case of application-related drive safety functions that require bringing the
hazardous motion safely to a standstill, an additional safety brake system may be
necessary on an application-specific basis.
• When using the function SS1(c) (SS1-t) as described in the chapter "Drive safety
functions", the brake ramp of the drive is not monitored with respect to safety. In
the event of a fault, deceleration may fail during the delay time or, in the worst-
case scenario, there might be an acceleration. In this case, the STO function (see
the chapter "Safety functions") is only activated after the set time delay elapsed.
The resulting danger must be taken into account in the risk assessment of the sys- 12
tem/machine. Additional safety measures might have to be implemented.
• The STO function cannot prevent a possible jerk or DC braking.

The safety concept is suitable only for performing mechanical work on driven sys-
tem/machine components.
When the STO signal is disconnected, the voltage is still present at the DC link of
the device.
• Before working on the electric part of the drive system, disconnect it from the
supply voltage using an appropriate external disconnecting device and secure it
against unintentional reconnection.

Electric shock due to incompletely discharged capacitors.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 minutes after disconnecting the power

In the event of a safety-related disconnection of the DC 24 V supply voltage at the
STO connection, the brake controller is switched off. The brake control in the device
is not safety-related.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 351

12 Functional safety
Safety conditions

12.3 Safety conditions

The requirement for safe operation is that the drive safety functions of the application
inverter are properly integrated into an application-specific, higher-level drive safety
function. A system/machine-specific risk assessment must be carried out without fail
by the system/machine manufacturer and taken into account for the use of the drive
system with the device.
The system/machine manufacturer and the user are responsible for the compliance of
the system/machine with the applicable safety regulations.
The following requirements are mandatory when installing and operating the device in
safety-related applications:
• Use of the approved devices
• Installation requirements
• Requirements for external safety controllers and safety relays
• Startup requirements
• Operational requirements

12.3.1 Approved devices

The following device versions of MOVIDRIVE® system are permitted for safety-related

Device Size
MOVIDRIVE® system All sizes

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352 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Safety conditions 12
12.3.2 Requirements for the installation
• The components must be protected against conductive dirt, e.g. by installing them
in a control cabinet with degree of protection IP54 in accordance with IEC 60529.
Assuming that the presence of conductive dirt can be excluded at the installation
site, a control cabinet with a correspondingly lower degree of protection is also
permitted if in accordance with the applicable standards (e.g. EN 60204‑1).
• The wiring technology used must comply with the standard EN 60204-1.
• The STO control cables must be routed according to EMC guidelines and as fol-
– Inside an electrical installation space: Single conductors can be routed.
– Outside a closed installation space: Shielded cables must be routed perman-
ently (fixed) and protected against external damage, or equivalent measures
must be taken.
– Adhere to the regulations in force for the application. 12
– The sinking and sourcing cables from the external safety controller/safety relay
to the device must be routed right next to each other with a cable length of
≤ 100 m.
– The sinking and sourcing cables from the external safety device to the device
must have the same cable length. A difference in length ≤ 3% of the two cables
is permitted.
– You must use suitable measures to ensure that STO control cables are routed
separately from the power lines of the drive. This does not apply to cables ap-
proved by SEW‑EURODRIVE specifically for this application case.
• The STO function does not detect short circuits or interference voltage in the sup-
ply line, so you must ensure the following:
– No parasitic voltages can occur in the STO control cables
– The external safety controller can detect a cross fault from an external potential
to the STO control lines
• Observe without fail the values specified for safety components when designing
the safety circuits.
• The STO signal (F_STO_P1, F_STO_P2, and F_STO_M) must not be used for
• For safety controller/safety relays, you must only use grounded voltage sources
with protective electrical separation (PELV) in accordance with EN 61131-2 and
EN 60204-1.
• If several voltage sources are used, each voltage source must be connected to a
PE system.
• When planning the installation, observe the technical data of the devices.
• Do not use the port X6:5 (24 V_Out) of the device for safety-related applications.
The voltage is only permitted to supply the port for the safe disconnection X6 when
a jumper plug is plugged.
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• For safety-related applications with the device, the jumper plug at the STO in-
put X6 must be removed.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 353

12 Functional safety
Safety conditions

12.3.3 Requirements for external safety controllers

A safety relay can be used as an alternative to a safety controller. The following re-
quirements apply analogously.
• The safety controller and all other safety-related subsystems must be approved for
at least that safety class which is required in the overall system for the respective,
application-related drive safety function.
The following table shows an example of the required safety class of the safety

Application Safety controller requirements

Performance level d in accordance Performance level d in accordance with
with ISO 13849-1, SIL 2 in accord- ISO 13849-1
ance with EN 62061 SIL 2 in accordance with IEC 61508
Performance level e in accordance Performance level e in accordance with
with ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accord- ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accordance with
ance with EN 62061 EN 61508
• The wiring of the safety controller must be suitable for the required safety class
(see manufacturer documentation). The STO input of the device can be switched
with 2 poles (sourcing or sourcing/sinking) or with 1 pole (sourcing).
• The values specified for the safety controller must be strictly adhered to when
designing the circuit.
• No electro-sensitive protective equipment (such as a light grid or scanner) in ac-
cordance with EN 61496‑1 or emergency stop buttons may be connected directly
to the STO input. The connection must be made via a safety controller or a safety
• To ensure protection against an unintended startup in accordance with
EN ISO 14118, the safe control system must be designed and connected in such a
way that resetting the command device alone does not lead to a restart. This
means that a restart may be carried out only after a manual reset of the safety cir-
• If no fault exclusion is used for the STO wiring in accordance with ISO 13849‑2 or
IEC 61800‑5‑2, the external safety device must detect the following faults in the
STO wiring within 20 s depending on the connection type:
– 2-pole sourcing output:
Short circuit of 24 V at F_STO_P1 or F_STO_P2 (Stuck-at 1)
Crossfault between F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2
– 2-pole sourcing/sinking:
Short circuit of 24 V at F_STO_P1 (Stuck-at 1)
Short circuit of 0 V at F_STO_M (Stuck-at 0)
– 1-pole sourcing output:
In the case of a single-pole connection, a fault exclusion is necessary for the
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wiring between the safety relay and the STO input.

2-pole sourcing output:
• Test pulses can be present when the device is switched on or off:
– The test pulses on both sourcing channels must be switched with a time delay.
However, additional test pulses may occur simultaneously.
– The test pulses in both sourcing channels must not exceed 1 ms.

354 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Safety conditions 12
– The next test pulse in one sourcing channel must occur only after a 2 ms time
– A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence
at an interval of 2 ms. Wait for at least 500 ms after any package before you
generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
– The test pulses must be monitored in the safety device. If a fault is detected,
the safety device must initiate a suitable fault response.
2-pole sourcing/sinking:
• Test pulses can be present when the device is switched on or off:
– The test pulses in the sourcing and sinking channel must not exceed 1 ms.
– The next test pulse in the sourcing or sinking channel must only occur after a
2 ms time period at the earliest.
– A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence
at an interval of 2 ms. Wait for at least 500 ms after any package before you 12
generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
– The test pulses must be monitored in the safety device. If a fault is detected,
the safety device must initiate a suitable fault response.
1-pole sourcing output:
• In switched-off state, no switch-on test pulses must occur in the sourcing cable.
• In switched-on state:
– The switch-off test pulse in the sourcing channel must not exceed 1 ms.
– The next switch-off test pulse may only occur after a time period of 2 ms at the
– A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence
at an interval of 2 ms. Wait for at least 500 ms after any package before you
generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
– The test pulses must be monitored in the safety device. If a fault is detected,
the safety device must initiate a suitable fault response.

12.3.4 Requirements for startup

• To validate the implemented drive safety functions, they must be checked and
documented after successful startup (functional test).
• Observe the restrictions for drive safety functions in the chapter "Restrictions".
Non-safety-related parts and components that affect the result of the functional
test (e.g. motor brake) must be deactivated, if necessary.
• For using the device in safety-relevant applications, it is essential that you perform
and document startup checks for the disconnecting device and the correct elec-
trical connection.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 355

12 Functional safety
Safety conditions

12.3.5 Requirements for operation

• Operation is permitted only within the limits specified in the corresponding docu-
mentation. This principle applies to the external safety controller as well as to the
device and any approved options.
• The built-in diagnostic function is limited in the case of a permanently enabled or
permanently disabled STO input. Advanced diagnostic functions are performed
only upon a level change of the STO signal. This is why the STO input of the
device must be requested with connected line voltage at least once every 12
months for PL d in accordance with ISO 13849‑1 and SIL 2 IEC 61800-5-2 and at
least once every 3 months for PL e in accordance with ISO 13849‑1 and
SIL 3 IEC 61800‑5‑2 to achieve complete test coverage. Adhere to the following
test procedure.

[1] > 700 ms > 700 ms


[2] [2] [2]



[1] Maximum 12 months with PL d/SIL 2

Maximum 3 months with PL e/SIL 3
[2] Internal diagnostics
[3] High: No STO
[4] Low: STO active

• To achieve complete test coverage after a device reset (e.g. after connecting the
line voltage), the state transition (STO active → not active) can be started only >
700 ms later. The device signals "ready for operation" or "STO – Safe Torque Off"
if it is not in fault state.
• A detected hardware fault in the internal switch-off channels for STO will lead to a
locking fault state in the device. If the fault is reset (e.g. by switching the line
voltage on/off or by a low level at the STO input for at least 30 ms), a complete test
with internal diagnostics according to the abovementioned test procedure must be
performed. If the fault occurs again, replace the device or contact
SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. 28487486/EN – 02/2019

356 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Connection designs 12
12.4 Connection designs

12.4.1 General information

Generally, all the connection designs listed in this documentation are permitted for
safety-relevant applications, insofar as the safety conditions arising from this docu-
mentation are satisfied. This means that you must ensure without fail that the DC 24 V
safety inputs are activated by a safety controller or an external safety relay, so that an
independent restart is not possible.
All the safety conditions stipulated in the chapters "Integrated safety technology",
"Safety conditions", and "Connection variants" must be satisfied on a primary basis for
the basic selection, installation, and application of the safety components, such as
safety relay, emergency stop switch, and the approved connection variants.
The wiring diagrams are block diagrams whose only purpose is to show the drive
safety function(s) with the relevant components. For reasons of clarity, circuit-related
measures that usually always have to be implemented are not shown in the diagram. 12
These measures are e.g.:
• Ensuring the availability of touch guards.
• Handling overvoltages and undervoltages.
• Avoiding installation errors.
• Detecting ground faults or short circuits in externally installed lines.
• Guaranteeing the required interference immunity against electromagnetic interfer-

12.4.2 Requirements

Use of safety relays

The requirements of the manufacturers of safety relays (such as protecting the output
contacts against welding) or of other safety components must be strictly observed.
The basic requirements for cable routing apply as described in this documentation.
For connecting the device to the safety relays, observe the installation requirements in
accordance with the chapter "Installation requirements".
All instructions by the manufacturer of the safety relay used in the particular applica-
tion must be observed.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 357

12 Functional safety
Connection designs

Use of safety controllers

The switch-off test pulse of the used safe digital outputs (F-DO) must be ≤ 1 ms and
another switch-off test pulse must only occur 2 ms later at the earliest.


<1 ms >2 ms



[1] High
[2] Low

If the safety-related control voltage at X6 is switched off (STO activated), you must
observe the chapter "Requirements for the external safety controller" with regard to
the test pulses.

If F_STO_P1, F_STO_P2 are connected to DC 24 V, and F_STO_M is connected to
GND, STO is deactivated.

STO signal for group disconnection

For group drives, the STO signal may be provided for several devices by a single
safety relay. The following requirements must be met:
• The total cable length is limited to max. 100 m. Any other instructions published by
the manufacturer on the use of the safety device (for the respective application)
must also be observed.
• The maximum output current and the maximally permitted contact load of the
safety device must be observed (see the chapter "Technical data" > "Electronic
data – Drive safety functions").
• You must comply with the permitted signal levels at the STO input and all other
technical data of the device. The respective routing of the STO control cables and
the voltage drop must be considered.
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• Other requirements of the safety device manufacturer (such as protecting the out-
put contacts against welding) must be strictly observed. The basic requirements
for cable routing also apply.
• A calculation based on the technical data of the device must be performed separ-
ately for each case of group drive disconnection.
• A maximum of 20 devices may be used in a group disconnection.

358 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Connection designs 12
12.4.3 Wiring diagrams

Delivery state
In the delivery state, the terminals at the port for safe disconnection X6 are jumpered.
1 F_STO_P1 1
2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] STO terminal X6

2-pole sourcing 12
[1] [2]
F-DO_P1 1 F_STO_P1 1
F-DO_P2 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety device

[2] STO terminal X6

2-pole sourcing/sinking
[1] [2]
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1
F-DO_M 2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety device

[2] STO terminal X6

1-pole sourcing
[1] [2]
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1
3 F_STO_P2 3
28487486/EN – 02/2019

4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety device

[2] STO terminal X6

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 359

12 Functional safety
Connection designs

STO group disconnection, 2-pole, sourcing

[1] [2] [2]

X6 X6
F-DO_P1 1 F_STO_P1 1 1 F_STO_P1 1
GND 2 F_STO_M 2 2 F_STO_M 2
F-DO_P2 3 F_STO_P2 3 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4 4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5 5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety controller

[2] STO terminal X6

STO group disconnection, 2-pole, sourcing/sinking

[1] [2] [2]

X6 X6
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1 1 F_STO_P1 1
F-DO_M 2 F_STO_M 2 2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4 4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5 5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety controller

[2] STO terminal X6

STO group disconnection, 1-pole, sourcing

[1] [2] [2]

X6 X6
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1 1 F_STO_P1 1
GND 2 F_STO_M 2 2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4 4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5 5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety controller

[2] STO terminal X6
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360 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Functional safety
Connection designs 12
12.4.4 Port X6 on the device
The following figure shows the X6 port on the top of the device.

[1] 4



[1] X6: Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO)

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 361

12 Functional safety
Safety characteristics

12.5 Safety characteristics

Characteristic values in accordance with
IEC 61800-5-2 ISO 13849-1
Tested safety class/underlying stand- Safety integrity level 3 Performance level e /
ards category 3
Probability of a dangerous failure per 2.5 × 10-9 h-1
hour (PFH value)
Service life 20 years, after which the component must be replaced with a new
Proof test interval > 20 years –
Safe state Safe Torque Off (STO)
Drive safety function STO, SS11) in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2
1) With suitable external control

In the case of 1-pole wiring, the achievable performance level in accordance with
ISO 13849-1 is reduced to PL d, and the achievable Safety Integrity Level in accord-
ance with IEC 61800-5-2 is reduced to SIL 2. A fault exclusion is necessary for the
wiring between the safety relay and the STO input.

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362 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Abbreviation key 13
13 Appendix
13.1 Abbreviation key
The following table lists the abbreviations that are used in this document together with
their unit and meaning.

Abbreviation Information on Unit Meaning

the nameplate
ASM Asynchronous motor
C C μF Capacitance
fmax f Hz Maximum output frequency
fline f Hz Line frequency
fPWM kHz Frequency of the pulse width modulation
h m Installation altitude
Itrip A Tripping current (braking resistor)
Imax Imax A Max. DC link current (specification on the nameplate)
Imax A Maximum output current (encoder cards)
Ipeak A Output peak current (encoder cards)
IA max A Max. output current
IAppl A Total current of the application
IN A Nominal output current/nominal current (filter, choke)
Iline I A Nominal line current
INDCL I A Nominal DC link current
LN mH Inductance
LSPM Line Start Permanent Magnet
Peff kW Effective power (braking resistor)
Pmax kW Maximum power (braking resistor)
PMot P(ASM) kW Motor power of the asynchronous motor
PN kW Nominal motor power (rated power)
PV W Power loss
PWM Pulse width modulation
RBR Ω Value of the braking resistance
RBRmin Ω Minimum value of the braking resistance
SN S kVA Apparent output power
SM Synchronous motor
28487486/EN – 02/2019

UA U V Motor output voltage

UBR V Brake supply voltage
UN V Nominal line voltage (filter, choke)
Uline U V Connection voltage
UNDCL U V Nominal DC link voltage

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 363

13 Appendix
Abbreviation key

Abbreviation Information on Unit Meaning

the nameplate
Uout V DC 24 V to supply STO_P1 and STO_P2
US V Supply voltage of encoders
US12VG V DC 12 V supply voltage of encoders
US24VG V DC 24 V supply voltage of encoders
UI24 V Voltage supply for electronics and brake
ϑamb T °C Ambient temperature
(+ES) ... with output stage inhibit

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364 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system


Icons Supported encoder types ............................. 243
Terminal assignment CANopen encoder ..... 246
+24 V supply voltage ......................................... 231
Terminal assignment EnDat encoder ........... 245
A Terminal assignment HIPERFACE® and SEW
encoder (RS485) .......................................... 244
Abbreviation key ................................................ 363
Terminal assignment of TTL, HTL, sin/cos en-
Ambient conditions .............................................. 40 coder ............................................................ 244
Ambient temperature ........................................... 40 Terminal assignment SSI + sin/cos combination
Approved devices .............................................. 352 encoders....................................................... 246
Assembly Terminal assignment SSI encoder ............... 245
Safety notes ................................................. 193 CFC control mode ............................................... 28
B Checking the disconnection device ................... 355
CIO21A and CID21A input/output card ............. 240
Bore patterns ..................................................... 214
Cable lengths and shielding ......................... 240
Brake control ..................................................... 274
Connecting braking resistors in parallel ............ 250
Brake output ...................................................... 233
Connecting cables, operating switches. ............ 286
Braking resistor selection .................................. 135
Connecting power ............................................. 286
Braking resistors.................................................. 62
Connection diagram of digital inputs and outputs
External bimetallic relay ............................... 256 ..................................................................... 281
Internal temperature switch .......................... 252 Connection to the engineering software ............ 293
Parallel connection of braking resistors........ 250 Connection variants........................................... 357
Permitted installation .................................... 248 Control cabinet installation ................................ 219
Protection of braking resistor against thermal Control mode ....................................................... 26
overload........................................................ 250
CFC ................................................................ 28
C Characteristics................................................ 30
ELSM® ............................................................ 28
U/f................................................................... 26
Encoder cable with conductor end sleeves and
D-sub............................................................ 178 VFCPLUS....................................................... 27
Encoder cable with connection cover and D-sub Copyright notice ................................................ 188
..................................................................... 178 Covers
Encoder cable with M23 and D-sub ............. 179 Covers .......................................................... 216
Encoder extension cable with conductor end Touch guards ............................................... 217
sleeves and M23 .......................................... 180
Encoder extension cable with connection cover
and M23 ....................................................... 179 Decimal separator ............................................. 187
Encoder extension cable with M23 and D-sub Degree of protection ............................................ 40
..................................................................... 181
Derating ............................................................. 193
Encoder extension cable with two M23 ........ 180
Description of the FCBs ...................................... 20
Cables ............................................................... 154
Designated use ................................................. 191
Cabling of the axis system ................................ 235
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Device structure
Card installation................................................. 237
Card slots ..................................................... 210
Card slots .......................................................... 210
Digital inputs and outputs .................................. 233
Cards, combination options ............................... 210
Disconnection of a single device
CES11A multi-encoder card .............................. 243
Requirements ............................................... 357
Encoder connection/cable lengths ....... 236, 243
Drive safety functions – electronics data ............. 48

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 365


Drive selection ..................................................... 84 Extended storage .............................................. 344

E External bimetallic relay .................................... 256
External safety controllers ................................. 354
Electrical installation .................................. 194, 223 Braking resistors
+24 V supply voltage .................................... 231 External thermal circuit breaker TCB ........... 251
Brake output ................................................. 233
Cabling of the axis system ........................... 235
Covers .......................................................... 216 Fault display of the 7-segment display .............. 295
Digital inputs and outputs ..................... 233, 281 Fault responses ................................................. 341
Encoder ........................................................ 236 Default fault response .................................. 341
Encoder connection...................................... 236 Parameterizable faults.................................. 341
Fuse types, line fuses................................... 227 FCB concept........................................................ 19
General information...................................... 224 Description of the FCBs ................................. 20
Installation notes encoder connection .......... 236 FCB description ................................................... 20
Line connection ............................................ 227 FS standards ..................................................... 346
Line contactor............................................... 230 FS validity .......................................................... 346
Line fuses, fuse types................................... 227 Function control block ......................................... 19
Motor connection.......................................... 229 Functional safety technology
Motor output – permitted connection............ 232 Safety note ................................................... 192
Output brake chopper................................... 232 Fuse types, line fuses........................................ 227
Permitted voltage systems ........................... 224 G
Safety notes ................................................. 194
System bus EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS ............. 234 Group drive and multi-motor drive ....................... 86
Temperature evaluation of the motor ........... 232 H
Terminal assignment .................................... 266
Hazard symbols
Use in IT systems......................................... 224
Meaning........................................................ 187
Electronics connection ...................................... 278
Electronics Service ............................................ 344 I
ELSM® control mode ........................................... 28 Identifying drive safety functions ....................... 355
Embedded safety notes..................................... 187 Installation
EMC-compliant installation ................................ 261 Electrical installation..................................... 223
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors...................... 171 EMC-compliant installation........................... 261
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ..................... 161 Line filter....................................................... 260
Encoder cables for DR.. motors ........................ 174 Permitted mounting the braking resistors..... 248
Encoder connection Permitted tightening torques ........................ 211
Installation notes .......................................... 236 Requirements ............................................... 353
Prefabricated cables..................................... 236 Installation accessories ....................................... 46
Energy-saving functions ...................................... 33 Installation altitude............................................... 40
Partial magnetization...................................... 33 Installation instructions
Standby mode ................................................ 33 Derating........................................................ 193
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Engineering software Installation altitude........................................ 193

MOVISUITE® .................................................. 34 Installation notes
EtherCAT® Derating........................................................ 193
Beckhoff trademark ...................................... 188 Installation altitude > 1000 m ....................... 193
Explosion-proof AC motors ................................. 87 Installing a card ................................................. 237

366 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system


Installing options and accessories Operation, requirements.................................... 356

CES11A multi-encoder card......................... 243 P
CID21A terminal assignment........................ 242
CIO21A and CID21A input/output card ........ 240 Partial magnetization ........................................... 33
CIO21A terminal assignment ....................... 241 Permitted tightening torques ............................. 211
Interference immunity, interference emission...... 40 Permitted voltage systems ................................ 224
Internal temperature switch ............................... 252 Power cables for CFM.. motors ......................... 166
IT systems ......................................................... 224 Power cables for CMP.. motors......................... 155
Power components on the line side .................. 147
Prefabricated cables.......................................... 154
Lifting applications ..................................... 191, 286 Encoder cables for CFM.. motors................. 171
Line choke for power supply module ............. 74, 76 Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ................ 161
Line connection ................................................. 227 Encoder cables for DR.. motors ................... 174
Line contactor .................................................... 230 Power cables for CFM.. motors.................... 166
Line fuses, fuse types........................................ 227 Power cables for CMP.. motors.................... 155
Line power components .................................... 147 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors ... 164
M System bus and module bus cable .............. 182
Product description
Minimum clearance and mounting position ....... 215 Control mode.................................................. 26
Module bus and system bus cable .................... 182 Energy-saving functions ................................. 33
Motor connection ............................................... 229 FCB concept................................................... 19
Motor output – permitted connection ................. 232 MOVISUITE® .................................................. 34
Motors that can be connected ............................. 84 Product overview accessories........................ 17
MOVISUITE® ....................................................... 34 Product names .................................................. 188
Multi-motor drive and group drive........................ 86 Product overview accessories ............................. 17
N CES11A multi-encoder card........................... 17
CID21A input/output card ............................... 17
CIO21A input/output card............................... 17
Designation in the documentation ................ 186
Project planning................................................... 82
Meaning of the hazard symbols ................... 187
Braking resistor selection ............................. 135
O Drive selection................................................ 84
Operating displays and faults Encoder cables............................................. 145
Table of displays .......................................... 296 Explosion-proof AC motors ............................ 87
Operating states of the 7-segment display ........ 295 Group drive and multi-motor drive.................. 86
Operation Motors that can be connected ........................ 84
Fault display of the 7-segment display ......... 295 Power components on the line side ............. 147
Fault responses............................................ 341 Requirements for the brake control ................ 88
Fieldbus timeout ........................................... 340 SEW‑Workbench............................................ 82
Operating states of the 7-segment display... 295 Signal lines ................................................... 145
Responses to fault reset............................... 339 Protection of braking resistor against thermal over-
28487486/EN – 02/19

load............................................................... 250
Safety notes ................................................. 195
Protective separation......................................... 194
Software reset .............................................. 339
Software restart ............................................ 339 R
Table of displays .......................................... 296 Repair ................................................................ 344
Warm start.................................................... 340

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 367


Requirements Shutdown .......................................................... 345

External safety controllers ............................ 354 Signal terminals - electronics data ...................... 47
Installation .................................................... 353 Signal words in safety notes.............................. 186
Operation...................................................... 356 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors ........ 164
Startup.......................................................... 355 Standby mode ..................................................... 33
Requirements for the brake control ..................... 88 Startup ............................................................... 286
Responses to fault acknowledgement Checklist....................................................... 292
Fieldbus timeout ........................................... 340 Connecting cables, operating switches ........ 286
Software reset .............................................. 339 Connecting power ........................................ 286
Software restart ............................................ 339 Connection to the engineering software....... 293
Warm start.................................................... 340 Lifting applications........................................ 286
Responses to fault reset.................................... 339 Safety notes ................................................. 195
Restrictions to application ................................. 193 Setting the EtherCAT® ID ............................. 287
Rights to claim under limited warranty .............. 187 Startup procedure......................................... 289
S Startup requirements ......................................... 288
Startup, requirements ........................................ 355
Safe state .......................................................... 346 STO (Safe Torque Off) ...................................... 349
Safe Torque Off (STO) ...................................... 349 System bus and module bus cable ................... 182
Safety concept................................................... 347 System bus EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS .................. 234
Restrictions................................................... 351
Safety controllers, external ................................ 354
Requirements ............................................... 354 Target group ...................................................... 190
Safety controllers, requirements........................ 358 TCB circuit breaker............................................ 251
Safety functions ................................................. 192 Technical data
Safety notes Cards.............................................................. 56
Assembly...................................................... 193 CES11A multi-encoder card........................... 58
Designation in the documentation ................ 186 CIO21A and CID21A input/output cards ........ 56
Installation .................................................... 193 DRL.. servomotors, 4-pole, 50 Hz, 400 V..... 100
Installation altitude > 1000 m ....................... 193 Encoder interfaces ......................................... 61
Meaning of the hazard symbols ................... 187 General technical data ................................... 59
Preliminary information................................. 190 Line choke for power supply module.............. 76
Regenerative operation ................................ 194 Line components for power supply module.... 74
Structure of embedded................................. 187 Safe digital inputs ........................................... 59
Structure of section-related .......................... 186 Safe digital outputs......................................... 60
Transport ...................................................... 192 Sensor supply................................................. 59
Safety relays, requirements............................... 357 TCB thermal circuit breaker............................ 72
Safety technology Technical data of encoder interfaces .................. 61
Safe state ..................................................... 346 Temperature evaluation of the motor ................ 232
Safety-related conditions ................................... 352 Terminal assignment ......................................... 266
Section-related safety notes .............................. 186 CID21A......................................................... 242
28487486/EN – 02/19

Separation, protective ....................................... 194 CIO21A......................................................... 241

Service Tightening torques............................................. 211
Extended storage ......................................... 344 Trademarks ....................................................... 188
Shutdown ..................................................... 345 Transport ........................................................... 192
Setting the EtherCAT® ID .................................. 287 Transport of the inverter .................................... 212
SEW‑Workbench ................................................. 82

368 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system


U/f control mode .................................................. 26 Waste disposal .................................................. 345
Use in IT systems .............................................. 224 Wiring diagram control electronics .................... 278
V Wiring diagrams ................................................ 271
Brake control ................................................ 274
Validation........................................................... 355 Connection diagram of digital inputs ............ 281
VFCPLUS control mode ...................................... 27 General information...................................... 271
Power connection......................................... 271
Workbench .......................................................... 82
28487486/EN – 02/19

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 369

14 Address list

14 Address list
Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84
Sales Ruta Panamericana Km 37.5, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21
(B1619IEA) Centro Industrial Garín
Prov. de Buenos Aires

Assembly Melbourne SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 3 9933-1000
Sales 27 Beverage Drive Fax +61 3 9933-1003
Service Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
Sydney SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 2 9725-9900
9, Sleigh Place, Wetherill Park Fax +61 2 9725-9905
New South Wales, 2164

Assembly Vienna SEW-EURODRIVE Ges.m.b.H. Tel. +43 1 617 55 00-0
Sales Richard-Strauss-Straße 24 Fax +43 1 617 55 00-30
Service 1230 Wien

Sales Bangladesh SEW-EURODRIVE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Tel. +88 01729 097309
345 DIT Road
East Rampura
Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh

Sales Minsk Foreign unitary production enterprise SEW- Tel. +375 17 298 47 56 / 298 47 58
EURODRIVE Fax +375 17 298 47 54
RybalkoStr. 26
220033 Minsk

Assembly Brussels SEW-EURODRIVE n.v./s.a. Tel. +32 16 386-311
Sales Researchpark Haasrode 1060 Fax +32 16 386-336
Service Evenementenlaan 7
3001 Leuven
Service Competence Industrial SEW-EURODRIVE n.v./s.a. Tel. +32 84 219-878
Center Gears Rue du Parc Industriel, 31 Fax +32 84 219-879
6900 Marche-en-Famenne

Production São Paulo SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 19 3835-8000
Sales Estrada Municipal José Rubim, 205 – Rodovia
Service Santos Dumont Km 49
Indaiatuba – 13347-510 – SP
Assembly Rio Claro SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 19 3522-3100
Sales Rodovia Washington Luiz, Km 172 Fax +55 19 3524-6653
Service Condomínio Industrial Conpark
Caixa Postal: 327
13501-600 – Rio Claro / SP
Joinville SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Jvl / Ind Tel. +55 47 3027-6886
Rua Dona Francisca, 12.346 – Pirabeiraba Fax +55 47 3027-6888
89239-270 – Joinville / SC

28487486/EN – 02/2019

Sales Sofia BEVER-DRIVE GmbH Tel. +359 2 9151160

Bogdanovetz Str.1 Fax +359 2 9151166
1606 Sofia

370 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Address list
Sales Douala SEW-EURODRIVE S.A.R.L. Tel. +237 233 39 02 10
Ancienne Route Bonabéri Fax +237 233 39 02 10
P.O. Box sew@sew-eurodrive-cm
B.P 8674

Assembly Toronto SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 905 791-1553
Sales 210 Walker Drive Fax +1 905 791-2999
Service Bramalea, ON L6T 3W1
Vancouver SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 604 946-5535
Tilbury Industrial Park Fax +1 604 946-2513
7188 Honeyman Street
Delta, BC V4G 1G1
Montreal SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 514 367-1124
2001 Ch. de I'Aviation Fax +1 514 367-3677
Quebec H9P 2X6

Assembly Santiago de SEW-EURODRIVE CHILE LTDA Tel. +56 2 2757 7000
Sales Chile Las Encinas 1295 Fax +56 2 2757 7001 14
Service Parque Industrial Valle Grande
Santiago de Chile
P.O. Box
Casilla 23 Correo Quilicura - Santiago - Chile

Production Tianjin SEW-EURODRIVE (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 22 25322612
Assembly No. 78, 13th Avenue, TEDA Fax +86 22 25323273
Sales Tianjin 300457
Assembly Suzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 512 62581781
Sales 333, Suhong Middle Road Fax +86 512 62581783
Service Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu Province, 215021
Guangzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 20 82267890
No. 9, JunDa Road Fax +86 20 82267922
East Section of GETDD
Guangzhou 510530
Shenyang SEW-EURODRIVE (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 24 25382538
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 24 25382580
Shenyang Economic Technological Develop-
ment Area
Shenyang, 110141
Taiyuan SEW-EURODRIVE (Taiyuan) Co,. Ltd. Tel. +86-351-7117520
No.3, HuaZhang Street, Fax +86-351-7117522
TaiYuan Economic & Technical Development
ShanXi, 030032
Wuhan SEW-EURODRIVE (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 27 84478388
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 27 84478389
No. 59, the 4th Quanli Road, WEDA
430056 Wuhan
Xi'An SEW-EURODRIVE (Xi'An) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 29 68686262
No. 12 Jinye 2nd Road Fax +86 29 68686311
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Xi'An High-Technology Industrial Development

Xi'An 710065
Sales Hong Kong SEW-EURODRIVE LTD. Tel. +852 36902200
Service Unit No. 801-806, 8th Floor Fax +852 36902211
Hong Leong Industrial Complex
No. 4, Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 371

14 Address list

Assembly Bogota SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50
Sales Calle 17 No. 132-18 Fax +57 1 54750-44
Service Interior 2 Bodega 6, Manzana B
Santafé de Bogotá

Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel. +385 1 4613-158
Service Zeleni dol 10 Fax +385 1 4613-158
10 000 Zagreb

Czech Republic
Assembly Hostivice SEW-EURODRIVE CZ s.r.o. Tel. +420 255 709 601
Sales Floriánova 2459 Fax +420 235 350 613
Service 253 01 Hostivice
Drive Service +420 800 739 739 (800 SEW SEW) Service
Hotline / 24 Tel. +420 255 709 632
Hour Service Fax +420 235 358 218

Assembly Copenhagen SEW-EURODRIVEA/S Tel. +45 43 95 8500
Sales Geminivej 28-30 Fax +45 43 9585-09
Service 2670 Greve

Sales Cairo Copam Egypt Tel. +202 44812673 / 79 (7 lines)
Service for Engineering & Agencies Fax +202 44812685
Building 10, Block 13005, First Industrial Zone,
Obour City Cairo

Sales Tallin ALAS-KUUL AS Tel. +372 6593230
Reti tee 4 Fax +372 6593231
75301 Peetri küla, Rae vald, Harjumaa

Assembly Hollola SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Sales Vesimäentie 4 Fax +358 3 780-6211
Service 15860 Hollola
Service Hollola SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Keskikankaantie 21 Fax +358 3 780-6211
15860 Hollola
Tornio SEW-EURODRIVE Oy Tel. +358 201 589 300
Lossirannankatu 5 Fax +358 3 780 6211
95420 Tornio
Production Karkkila SEW Industrial Gears Oy Tel. +358 201 589-300
Assembly Santasalonkatu 6, PL 8 Fax +358 201 589-310
03620 Karkkila, 03601 Karkkila

Production Hagenau SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 73 67 00
Sales 48-54 route de Soufflenheim Fax +33 3 88 73 66 00
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Service B. P. 20185

67506 Haguenau Cedex
Production Forbach SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 87 29 38 00
Zone industrielle
Technopôle Forbach Sud
B. P. 30269
57604 Forbach Cedex
Brumath SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 37 48 00
1 Rue de Bruxelles
67670 Mommenheim Cedex

372 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Address list
Assembly Bordeaux SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 5 57 26 39 00
Sales Parc d'activités de Magellan Fax +33 5 57 26 39 09
Service 62 avenue de Magellan – B. P. 182
33607 Pessac Cedex
Lyon SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 4 74 99 60 00
75 rue Antoine Condorcet Fax +33 4 74 99 60 15
38090 Vaulx-Milieu
Nantes SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 2 40 78 42 00
Parc d’activités de la forêt Fax +33 2 40 78 42 20
4 rue des Fontenelles
44140 Le Bignon
Paris SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 1 64 42 40 80
Zone industrielle Fax +33 1 64 42 40 88
2 rue Denis Papin
77390 Verneuil I'Étang

Sales Libreville SEW-EURODRIVE SARL Tel. +241 03 28 81 55
183, Rue 5.033.C, Lalala à droite +241 06 54 81 33
P.O. Box 15682

Germany 14
Headquarters Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Production Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1970
Sales 76646 Bruchsal
Production / Industrial Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Gears Christian-Pähr-Str. 10 Fax +49 7251 75-2970
76646 Bruchsal
Production Graben SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251-2970
76676 Graben-Neudorf
Östringen SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG, Werk Tel. +49 7253 9254-0
Östringen Fax +49 7253 9254-90
Franz-Gurk-Straße 2
76684 Östringen
Service Competence Mechanics / SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1710
Center Mechatronics Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251 75-1711
76676 Graben-Neudorf
Electronics SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1780
Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1769
76646 Bruchsal
Drive Technology North SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 5137 8798-30
Center Alte Ricklinger Straße 40-42 Fax +49 5137 8798-55
30823 Garbsen (Hannover)
East SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 3764 7606-0
Dänkritzer Weg 1 Fax +49 3764 7606-30
08393 Meerane (Zwickau)
South SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 89 909552-10
Domagkstraße 5 Fax +49 89 909552-50
85551 Kirchheim (München)
West SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 2173 8507-30
Siemensstraße 1 Fax +49 2173 8507-55
40764 Langenfeld (Düsseldorf)
Drive Center Berlin SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 306331131-30
Alexander-Meißner-Straße 44 Fax +49 306331131-36
28487486/EN – 02/2019

12526 Berlin

Ludwigshafen SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75 3759
c/o BASF SE Fax +49 7251 75 503759
Gebäude W130 Raum 101
67056 Ludwigshafen
Saarland SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 6831 48946 10
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 4 Fax +49 6831 48946 13
66773 Schwalbach Saar – Hülzweiler

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 373

14 Address list

Ulm SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7348 9885-0
Dieselstraße 18 Fax +49 7348 9885-90
89160 Dornstadt
Würzburg SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 931 27886-60
Nürnbergerstraße 118 Fax +49 931 27886-66
97076 Würzburg-Lengfeld
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service 0 800 SEWHELP
0 800 7394357

Great Britain
Assembly Normanton SEW-EURODRIVE Ltd. Tel. +44 1924 893-855
Sales DeVilliers Way Fax +44 1924 893-702
Service Trident Park
West Yorkshire
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service Tel. 01924 896911

Sales Athens Christ. Boznos & Son S.A. Tel. +30 2 1042 251-34
12, K. Mavromichali Street Fax +30 2 1042 251-59
P.O. Box 80136
18545 Piraeus

Sales Budapest SEW-EURODRIVE Kft. Tel. +36 1 437 06-58
Service Csillaghegyí út 13. Fax +36 1 437 06-50
1037 Budapest

Sales Reykjavik Varma & Vélaverk ehf. Tel. +354 585 1070
Knarrarvogi 4 Fax +354 585)1071
104 Reykjavík

Registered Office Vadodara SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 265 3045200
Assembly Plot No. 4, GIDC Fax +91 265 3045300
Sales POR Ramangamdi • Vadodara - 391 243
Service Gujarat
Assembly Chennai SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 44 37188888
Sales Plot No. K3/1, Sipcot Industrial Park Phase II Fax +91 44 37188811
Service Mambakkam Village
Sriperumbudur - 602105
Kancheepuram Dist, Tamil Nadu
Pune SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 21 35 628700
Plant: Plot No. D236/1, Fax +91 21 35 628715
Chakan Industrial Area Phase- II,
Warale, Tal- Khed,
Pune-410501, Maharashtra
Sales Gurgaon SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 99588 78855
Service Drive Center Gurugram
Plot no 395, Phase-IV, UdyogVihar
Gurugram , 122016 Haryana

Sales Medan PT. Serumpun Indah Lestari Tel. +62 61 687 1221
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Jl.Pulau Solor no. 8, Kawasan Industri Medan Fax +62 61 6871429 / +62 61 6871458 / +62
II 61 30008041
Medan 20252
Jakarta PT. Cahaya Sukses Abadi Tel. +62 21 65310599
Komplek Rukan Puri Mutiara Blok A no 99, Fax +62 21 65310600
Jakarta 14350

374 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Address list
Jakarta PT. Agrindo Putra Lestari Tel. +62 21 2921-8899
JL.Pantai Indah Selatan, Komplek Sentra In- Fax +62 21 2921-8988
dustri Terpadu, Pantai indah Kapuk Tahap III,
Blok E No. 27
Jakarta 14470
Surabaya PT. TRIAGRI JAYA ABADI Tel. +62 31 5990128
Jl. Sukosemolo No. 63, Galaxi Bumi Permai Fax +62 31 5962666
G6 No. 11
Surabaya 60111
Surabaya CV. Multi Mas Tel. +62 31 5458589
Jl. Raden Saleh 43A Kav. 18 Fax +62 31 5317220
Surabaya 60174

Sales Dublin Alperton Engineering Ltd. Tel. +353 1 830-6277
Service 48 Moyle Road Fax +353 1 830-6458
Dublin Industrial Estate
Glasnevin, Dublin 11

Sales Tel Aviv Liraz Handasa Ltd. Tel. +972 3 5599511
Ahofer Str 34B / 228 Fax +972 3 5599512 14
58858 Holon

Assembly Milan SEW-EURODRIVE di R. Blickle & Co.s.a.s. Tel. +39 02 96 980229
Sales Via Bernini,14 Fax +39 02 96 980 999
Service 20020 Solaro (Milano)

Ivory Coast
Sales Abidjan SEW-EURODRIVE SARL Tel. +225 21 21 81 05
Ivory Coast Fax +225 21 25 30 47
Rue des Pêcheurs, Zone 3
26 BP 916 Abidjan 26

Assembly Iwata SEW-EURODRIVE JAPAN CO., LTD Tel. +81 538 373811
Sales 250-1, Shimoman-no, Fax +81 538 373814
Service Iwata
Shizuoka 438-0818

Sales Almaty SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +7 (727) 350 5156
Service 291-291A, Tole bi street Fax +7 (727) 350 5156
050031, Almaty

Tashkent SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +998 71 2359411

Representative office in Uzbekistan Fax +998 71 2359412
96A, Sharaf Rashidov street,
Tashkent, 100084
Ulaanbaatar IM Trading LLC Tel. +976-77109997
Olympic street 28B/3 Fax +976-77109997
Sukhbaatar district,
Ulaanbaatar 14230
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Sales Riga SIA Alas-Kuul Tel. +371 6 7139253
Katlakalna 11C Fax +371 6 7139386
1073 Riga

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 375

14 Address list

Sales (Lebanon) Beirut Gabriel Acar & Fils sarl Tel. +961 1 510 532
B. P. 80484 Fax +961 1 494 971
Bourj Hammoud, Beirut
Sales (Jordan, Kuwait , Beirut Middle East Drives S.A.L. (offshore) Tel. +961 1 494 786
Saudi Arabia, Syria) Sin El Fil. Fax +961 1 494 971
B. P. 55-378

Sales Alytus UAB Irseva Tel. +370 315 79204
Statybininku 106C Fax +370 315 56175
63431 Alytus

Representation: Belgium

Sales Skopje Boznos DOOEL Tel. +389 23256553
Dime Anicin 2A/7A Fax +389 23256554
1000 Skopje

Assembly Johor SEW-EURODRIVE SDN BHD Tel. +60 7 3549409
Sales No. 95, Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya Fax +60 7 3541404
Service 81000 Johor Bahru, Johor
West Malaysia

Assembly Quéretaro SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO S.A. de C.V. Tel. +52 442 1030-300
Sales SEM-981118-M93 Fax +52 442 1030-301
Service Tequisquiapan No. 102
Parque Industrial Quéretaro
C.P. 76220
Querétaro, México
Sales Puebla SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO S.A. de C.V. Tel. +52 (222) 221 248
Service Calzada Zavaleta No. 3922 Piso 2 Local 6
Col. Santa Cruz Buenavista
C.P. 72154
Puebla, México

Technical Office Ulaanbaatar IM Trading LLC Tel. +976-77109997
Olympic street 28B/3 Tel. +976-99070395
Sukhbaatar district, Fax +976-77109997
Ulaanbaatar 14230

Sales Bouskoura SEW-EURODRIVE Morocco Tel. +212 522 88 85 00
Service Parc Industriel CFCIM, Lot 55 and 59 Fax +212 522 88 84 50

Sales Swakopmund DB MINING & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CC Tel. +264 64 462 738
Einstein Street Fax +264 64 462 734
Strauss Industrial Park
28487486/EN – 02/2019


Assembly Rotterdam SEW-EURODRIVE B.V. Tel. +31 10 4463-700
Sales Industrieweg 175 Fax +31 10 4155-552
Service 3044 AS Rotterdam Service: 0800-SEWHELP
Postbus 10085
3004 AB Rotterdam

376 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Address list
New Zealand
Assembly Auckland SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 9 2745627
Sales P.O. Box 58-428 Fax +64 9 2740165
Service 82 Greenmount drive
East Tamaki Auckland
Christchurch SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 3 384-6251
30 Lodestar Avenue, Wigram Fax +64 3 384-6455

Sales Lagos Greenpeg Nig. Ltd Tel. +234-701-821-9200-1
Plot 296A, Adeyemo Akapo Str. Omole GRA
Ikeja Lagos-Nigeria

Assembly Moss SEW-EURODRIVE A/S Tel. +47 69 24 10 20
Sales Solgaard skog 71 Fax +47 69 24 10 40
Service 1599 Moss

Sales Karachi Industrial Power Drives Tel. +92 21 452 9369
Al-Fatah Chamber A/3, 1st Floor Central Com- Fax +92-21-454 7365
mercial Area, 14
Sultan Ahmed Shah Road, Block 7/8,

Sales Fernando de la SEW-EURODRIVE PARAGUAY S.R.L Tel. +595 991 519695
Mora De la Victoria 112, Esquina nueva Asunción Fax +595 21 3285539
Departamento Central
Fernando de la Mora, Barrio Bernardino

Assembly Lima SEW EURODRIVE DEL PERU S.A.C. Tel. +51 1 3495280
Sales Los Calderos, 120-124 Fax +51 1 3493002
Service Urbanizacion Industrial Vulcano, ATE, Lima

Sales Makati P.T. Cerna Corporation Tel. +63 2 519 6214
4137 Ponte St., Brgy. Sta. Cruz Fax +63 2 890 2802
Makati City 1205

Assembly Łódź SEW-EURODRIVE Polska Sp.z.o.o. Tel. +48 42 293 00 00
Sales ul. Techniczna 5 Fax +48 42 293 00 49
Service 92-518 Łódź
Service Tel. +48 42 293 0030 24 Hour Service
Fax +48 42 293 0043 Tel. +48 602 739 739 (+48 602 SEW SEW)

Assembly Coimbra SEW-EURODRIVE, LDA. Tel. +351 231 20 9670
Sales Av. da Fonte Nova, n.º 86 Fax +351 231 20 3685
Service 3050-379 Mealhada
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Sales Bucharest Sialco Trading SRL Tel. +40 21 230-1328
Service str. Brazilia nr. 36 Fax +40 21 230-7170
011783 Bucuresti

Assembly St. Petersburg ЗАО «СЕВ-ЕВРОДРАЙФ» Tel. +7 812 3332522 / +7 812 5357142
Sales а. я. 36 Fax +7 812 3332523
Service 195220 Санкт-Петербург

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 377

14 Address list

Sales Dakar SENEMECA Tel. +221 338 494 770
Mécanique Générale Fax +221 338 494 771
Km 8, Route de Rufisque
B.P. 3251, Dakar

Sales Belgrade DIPAR d.o.o. Tel. +381 11 347 3244 / +381 11 288 0393
Ustanicka 128a Fax +381 11 347 1337
PC Košum, IV floor
11000 Beograd

Assembly Singapore SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. Tel. +65 68621701
Sales No 9, Tuas Drive 2 Fax +65 68612827
Service Jurong Industrial Estate
Singapore 638644

Sales Bratislava SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel.+421 2 33595 202, 217, 201
Rybničná 40 Fax +421 2 33595 200
831 06 Bratislava
Košice SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 55 671 2245
Slovenská ulica 26 Fax +421 55 671 2254
040 01 Košice Mobile +421 907 671 976

Sales Celje Pakman - Pogonska Tehnika d.o.o. Tel. +386 3 490 83-20
Service UI. XIV. divizije 14 Fax +386 3 490 83-21
3000 Celje

South Africa
Assembly Johannesburg SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 11 248-7000
Sales Eurodrive House Fax +27 11 248-7289
Service Cnr. Adcock Ingram and Aerodrome Roads
Aeroton Ext. 2
Johannesburg 2013
P.O.Box 90004
Bertsham 2013
Cape Town SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 21 552-9820
Rainbow Park Fax +27 21 552-9830
Cnr. Racecourse & Omuramba Road Telex 576 062
Montague Gardens
Cape Town
P.O.Box 36556
Chempet 7442
48 Prospecton Road Fax +27 31 902 3826
P.O. Box 10433, Ashwood 3605
Nelspruit SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 13 752-8007
7 Christie Crescent Fax +27 13 752-8008
P.O.Box 1942
Nelspruit 1200

South Korea
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Assembly Ansan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 31 492-8051

Sales 7, Dangjaengi-ro, Fax +82 31 492-8056
Service Danwon-gu,
Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Zip 425-839
Busan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 51 832-0204
28, Noksansandan 262-ro 50beon-gil, Fax +82 51 832-0230
Busan, Zip 618-820

378 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

Address list
Assembly Bilbao SEW-EURODRIVE ESPAÑA, S.L. Tel. +34 94 43184-70
Sales Parque Tecnológico, Edificio, 302
Service 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya)

Sri Lanka
Sales Colombo SM International (Pte) Ltd Tel. +94 1 2584887
254, Galle Raod Fax +94 1 2582981
Colombo 4, Sri Lanka

Sales Manzini C G Trading Co. (Pty) Ltd Tel. +268 7602 0790
Simunye street Fax +268 2 518 5033
Matsapha, Manzini

Assembly Jönköping SEW-EURODRIVE AB Tel. +46 36 34 42 00
Sales Gnejsvägen 6-8 Fax +46 36 34 42 80
Service 553 03 Jönköping
Box 3100 S-550 03 Jönköping

Assembly Basel Alfred lmhof A.G. Tel. +41 61 417 1717 14
Sales Jurastrasse 10 Fax +41 61 417 1700
Service 4142 Münchenstein bei Basel

Sales Taipei Ting Shou Trading Co., Ltd. Tel. +886 2 27383535
6F-3, No. 267, Sec. 2 Fax +886 2 27368268
Tung Huw S. Road Telex 27 245
Nan Tou Ting Shou Trading Co., Ltd. Tel. +886 49 255353
No. 55 Kung Yeh N. Road Fax +886 49 257878
Industrial District
Nan Tou 540

Sales Daressalam SEW-EURODRIVE PTY LIMITED TANZANIA Tel. +255 0 22 277 5780
Plot 52, Regent Estate Fax +255 0 22 277 5788
PO Box 106274
Dar Es Salaam

Assembly Chonburi SEW-EURODRIVE (Thailand) Ltd. Tel. +66 38 454281
Sales 700/456, Moo.7, Donhuaroh Fax +66 38 454288
Service Muang
Chonburi 20000

Sales Tunis T. M.S. Technic Marketing Service Tel. +216 79 40 88 77
Zone Industrielle Mghira 2 Fax +216 79 40 88 66
Lot No. 39
2082 Fouchana

Assembly Kocaeli-Gebze SEW-EURODRİVE Hareket Tel. +90 262 9991000 04
Sales Sistemleri San. Ve TIC. Ltd. Sti Fax +90 262 9991009
28487486/EN – 02/2019

Service Gebze Organize Sanayi Böl. 400 Sok No. 401
41480 Gebze Kocaeli

Assembly Dnipropetrovsk SEW-EURODRIVE, LLC Tel. +380 56 370 3211
Sales Robochya str., bld. 23-B, office 409 Fax +380 56 372 2078
Service 49008 Dnipro

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system 379

14 Address list

United Arab Emirates

Drive Technology Dubai SEW-EURODRIVE FZE Tel. +971 (0)4 8806461
Center PO Box 263835 Fax +971 (0)4 8806464
Jebel Ali Free Zone – South,
P.O. Box
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Assembly Montevideo SEW-EURODRIVE Uruguay, S. A. Tel. +598 2 21181-89
Sales Jose Serrato 3569 Esqina Corumbe Fax +598 2 21181-90
CP 12000 Montevideo

Production Southeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
Assembly Region 1295 Old Spartanburg Highway Fax Sales +1 864 439-7830
Sales P.O. Box 518 Fax Production +1 864 439-9948
Service Lyman, S.C. 29365 Fax Assembly +1 864 439-0566
Fax Confidential/HR +1 864 949-5557
Assembly Northeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 856 467-2277
Sales Region Pureland Ind. Complex Fax +1 856 845-3179
Service 2107 High Hill Road, P.O. Box 481
Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014
Midwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 937 335-0036
Region 2001 West Main Street Fax +1 937 332-0038
Troy, Ohio 45373
Southwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 214 330-4824
Region 3950 Platinum Way Fax +1 214 330-4724
Dallas, Texas 75237
Western SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 510 487-3560
Region 30599 San Antonio St. Fax +1 510 487-6433
Hayward, CA 94544
Wellford SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
148/150 Finch Rd. Fax +1 864 661 1167
Wellford, S.C. 29385

Additional addresses for service provided on request!

Sales Ho Chi Minh SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. RO at Hochim- Tel. +84 937 299 700
City inh City
Floor 8, KV I, Loyal building, 151-151 Bis Vo
Thi Sau street, ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam
Hanoi MICO LTD Tel. +84 4 39386666
Quảng Trị - North Vietnam / All sectors except Fax +84 4 3938 6888
Construction Materials
8th Floor, Ocean Park Building, 01 Dao Duy
Anh St, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Representation: South Africa
28487486/EN – 02/2019

380 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® system

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world


Ernst-Blickle-Str. 42
Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Fax +49 7251 75-1970
Drive Technology \ Drive Automation \ System Integration \ Services *28489470_0219*

Product Manual

Application Inverter
MOVIDRIVE® technology

Edition 02/2019 28489470/EN

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 Product description.................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Device availability ........................................................................................................... 8
1.2 MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance ............................................................................ 9
1.3 MOVIDRIVE® technology product overview ................................................................. 14
1.4 MOVIKIT® software modules ....................................................................................... 17
1.5 Product overview accessories ...................................................................................... 18
1.6 FCB concept ................................................................................................................. 21
1.7 Control mode ................................................................................................................ 27
1.8 Energy-saving functions................................................................................................ 34
1.9 MOVISUITE® engineering software ............................................................................. 36

2 Technical data......................................................................................................................... 39
2.1 Markings ....................................................................................................................... 39
2.2 General technical data .................................................................................................. 42
2.3 Technical data of basic device...................................................................................... 43
2.4 Technical data of accessories....................................................................................... 48
2.5 Electronics data – signal terminals ............................................................................... 49
2.6 Electronics data – drive safety functions....................................................................... 51
2.7 Dimension drawings...................................................................................................... 52
2.8 Keypads ........................................................................................................................ 59
2.9 Technical data of the cards........................................................................................... 60
2.10 Technical data of encoder interfaces ............................................................................ 67
2.11 Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes ................................................ 68
2.12 USM21A interface adapter............................................................................................ 87

3 Project planning...................................................................................................................... 88
3.1 SEW-Workbench .......................................................................................................... 88
3.2 Schematic workflow for project planning....................................................................... 89
3.3 Drive selection .............................................................................................................. 90
3.4 Recommendations for motor and inverter selection ..................................................... 95
3.5 Motor-inverter assignments ........................................................................................ 100
3.6 Selection of an application inverter ............................................................................. 136
3.7 Braking resistor selection............................................................................................ 140
3.8 Supply system cable and motor cable ........................................................................ 148
3.9 Signal lines.................................................................................................................. 150
3.10 EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3................................................. 151
3.11 Line components......................................................................................................... 152
3.12 24 V supply voltage selection ..................................................................................... 156

4 Prefabricated cables ............................................................................................................ 158

28489470/EN – 02/2019

4.1 Meaning of the symbols .............................................................................................. 158

4.2 Power cables for CMP.. motors .................................................................................. 159
4.3 Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ............................................................................... 165
4.4 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors.................................................................. 168
4.5 Power cables for CFM.. motors .................................................................................. 170
4.6 Encoder cables for CFM.. motors ............................................................................... 175

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 3

Table of contents

4.7 Encoder cables for DR.. motors.................................................................................. 178

4.8 System bus and module bus cable ............................................................................. 186

5 General information.............................................................................................................. 190

5.1 About this documentation ........................................................................................... 190
5.2 Structure of the safety notes ....................................................................................... 190
5.3 Decimal separator in numerical values ....................................................................... 192
5.4 Rights to claim under limited warranty ........................................................................ 192
5.5 Content of the documentation..................................................................................... 192
5.6 Other applicable documentation ................................................................................. 192
5.7 Product names and trademarks.................................................................................. 192
5.8 Copyright notice .......................................................................................................... 192
5.9 Device availability ....................................................................................................... 193
5.10 Graphic presentation of the devices ........................................................................... 193

6 Safety notes .......................................................................................................................... 194

6.1 Preliminary information ............................................................................................... 194
6.2 Duties of the user........................................................................................................ 194
6.3 Target group ............................................................................................................... 194
6.4 Designated use ........................................................................................................... 195
6.5 Functional safety technology ...................................................................................... 196
6.6 Transport..................................................................................................................... 196
6.7 Installation/assembly................................................................................................... 197
6.8 Electrical installation ................................................................................................... 198
6.9 Protective separation .................................................................................................. 198
6.10 Startup/operation ........................................................................................................ 199

7 Device structure ................................................................................................................... 200

7.1 Connection variants .................................................................................................... 200
7.2 MOVIDRIVE® technology nameplates ....................................................................... 201
7.3 MOVIDRIVE® technology type code .......................................................................... 202
7.4 Device structure of the application inverter................................................................. 203
7.5 Card slots.................................................................................................................... 209

8 Installation............................................................................................................................. 210
8.1 Permitted tightening torques ....................................................................................... 210
8.2 Special aspects when transporting the devices .......................................................... 211
8.3 Mechanical installation................................................................................................ 212
8.4 Covers......................................................................................................................... 215
8.5 Control cabinet installation.......................................................................................... 218
8.6 Electrical installation ................................................................................................... 222
8.7 Installing options and accessories .............................................................................. 237
28489470/EN – 02/2019

8.8 Braking resistors ......................................................................................................... 250

8.9 Line filter ..................................................................................................................... 262
8.10 EMC-compliant installation ......................................................................................... 263
8.11 Terminal assignment................................................................................................... 268
8.12 Wiring diagrams .......................................................................................................... 273
8.13 Information regarding UL ............................................................................................ 286

4 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Table of contents

9 Startup ................................................................................................................................... 288

9.1 General ....................................................................................................................... 288
9.2 Setting the EtherCAT® ID ........................................................................................... 289
9.3 Startup requirements .................................................................................................. 290
9.4 Startup procedure ....................................................................................................... 291
9.5 Connection to the Service interface ............................................................................ 295
9.6 Startup with the CBG21A keypad ............................................................................... 296
9.7 Startup with the CBG11A keypad ............................................................................... 298

10 Operation............................................................................................................................... 300
10.1 General information .................................................................................................... 300
10.2 Memory module .......................................................................................................... 301
10.3 7-segment display....................................................................................................... 302
10.4 Operating displays ...................................................................................................... 303
10.5 Fault description on basic device................................................................................ 305
10.6 Power section fault description ................................................................................... 344
10.7 Fieldbus interface fault description ............................................................................. 349
10.8 Responses to fault acknowledgement ........................................................................ 351
10.9 Fault responses .......................................................................................................... 353

11 Service ................................................................................................................................... 356

11.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE................................................................. 356
11.2 Extended storage........................................................................................................ 356
11.3 Shutdown .................................................................................................................... 357
11.4 Waste disposal............................................................................................................ 357

12 Functional safety .................................................................................................................. 358

12.1 General information .................................................................................................... 358
12.2 Integrated safety technology....................................................................................... 358
12.3 Safety conditions......................................................................................................... 364
12.4 Connection designs .................................................................................................... 369
12.5 Safety characteristics.................................................................................................. 374

13 Appendix ............................................................................................................................... 375

13.1 Abbreviation key ......................................................................................................... 375

Index ...................................................................................................................................... 377

14 Address list ........................................................................................................................... 382

28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 5

1 Product description

1 Product description
With its brand MOVI-C®, SEW‑EURODRIVE is launching a new generation of drive
and automation technology. MOVI-C® is the modular automation system that enables
the highest level of system and machine automation.
MOVI-C® comprises drive technology, MotionControl, control technology, and visualiz-
MOVIDRIVE® technology is the application inverter for direct line connection, suitable
for various types of applications, ranging from open-loop speed control to the servo
drive with kinematic model. The product series is used for the direct connection to
controllers via industrial communication networks such as PROFINET or EtherNet/
MOVIDRIVE® technology consists of the following:
• Application inverter basic device
• Application level for using MOVIKIT® software modules
• Optional keypads
• Cards for connecting to industrial communication networks
• Cards for functional safety in functionally different versions
• Cards for connecting additional distance encoders
• Cards for upgrading digital and analog inputs and outputs
• Accessories for EMC-compliant installation
• Accessories for connecting and controlling motors and brakes
• Prefabricated motor and encoder cables
For use in harsh environments, the inverters can be supplied with painted PCBs. The
coating of the printed circuit boards increases their resistivity against environmental in-
The core characteristics are as follows:

Consistency: Entire MOVI-C® portfolio

Engineering software: MOVISUITE®
Connection to controllers via: • PROFINET
• EtherNet/IPTM
• Modbus TCP
• EtherCAT®
Data management: Via portable memory module
Nominal line voltage: • 3 × 380 – 500 V
• 3 × 200 – 240 V
Degree of protection: IP20 in accordance with EN 60529
Overload capacity: 200%
28489470/EN – 02/2019

EtherCAT /SBus
: Integrated
Multi-encoder interface: Integrated
Digital motor integration interface: Integrated
STO Pl e safety function: Integrated
Power range: Output current 2 – 588 A (400 V)

6 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Control mode: • U/f for simple applications with asynchronous motors 1
for precise control of asynchronous motors
• CFC for asynchronous and synchronous servomotors
• ELSM® for synchronous motors without encoders
Functions: • Speed control
• Torque control
• Position control
Operable motors: • Rotary and linear asynchronous motors with and without
• Rotary and linear synchronous motors with and without en-
DC 24 V switched-mode power sup- • MDX90A-..: Without DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
ply: • MDX91A-..: With DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
Card slot 1: For connection to PROFINET, EtherNet/IPTM, Modbus TCP
Card slot 2: For safety module and/or additional encoder
Card slot 3: For I/O extension

28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 7

1 Product description
Device availability

1.1 Device availability

This documentation also lists devices that are not yet available at the time of the pub-
lication of this document.
The following table lists the available application inverters. Accessories required for
the inverter operation such as braking resistors, chokes, and filters are also available.
Type designation

28489470/EN – 02/2019

8 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance 1
1.2 MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance 1
at a glance

MOVIDRIVE® technology
Description: (→ 2 14)
Dimension drawings: (→ 2 52)

• Nominal output current: 2 – 588 A


• Voltage ranges: 3 × 380 – 500 V, 3 × 200 – 240 V, 50 – 60 Hz

• Overload capacity: 200% of the nominal output current for 3 s
• System bus: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:

• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application Inverter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application Inverter" product manual
• "MOVI-C® – Automation with MOVI-C® CONTROLLER" manual

CBG21A Technical data: (→ 2 59)

• 2.4" color display

• Language selection
• Startup of motor, brake, encoder
• Diagnostics
• Copying of parameter sets
• Selectable languages: DE, EN, FR, ES, PT, ZH, RU

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:

• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application Inverter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application Inverter" product manual
CBG11A Technical data: (→ 2 59)

• 1.5" black and white display

• Startup of simple applications
• Diagnostics
• Copying of a parameter set
• Language: EN
28489470/EN – 02/2019

For further information on this device, refer to the following documents:

• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application Inverter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application Inverter" product manual

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 9

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance

Input/output card Description: (→ 2 18), (→ 2 243)
CIO21A CID21A Technical data: (→ 2 60)

• 4 digital inputs

• 4 digital outputs
• 2 analog inputs
• 2 analog outputs

• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs

For further information on these cards, refer to

the following documents:
• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application In-
verter" operating instructions
• "MOVIDRIVE® technology Application In-
verter" product manual

CES11A multi-encoder card Description: (→ 2 18), (→ 2 246)

Technical data: (→ 2 62)

The multi-encoder card makes it possible to evaluate additional encoders.

For information on this card, refer to the following document:

• "Multi-encoder card CES11A" manual
28489470/EN – 02/2019

10 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance 1
Cards 1
CSS31A safety card CSS21A safety card Description: (→ 2 20)
Technical data: (→ 2 65)

The basic device already contains the safety

0015 function STO with activation via safe inputs.


DF1F E223
652D 282D
Higher-level functional safety requirements can
be added by plugging in a CS..A safety card.
F-ERR F-ERR Different higher-level functional safety require-
ments are realized via 4 different variants.
15 8

Safety card properties:


• SIL3 in accordance with EN 61800-5-2,
EN 61508
1 2 1 2
• PL e in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1
• Connectible at any time subsequently; no


13 14 13 14 additional external cables are required. In-

ternal connection to motor encoder, safe
communication, and STO
• Safety card parameters are included in the
device data set
• Easy replacement during servicing due to
pluggable safety key on the safety card
• Parameterization and diagnostics using the
MOVISUITE® engineering software
• Process data and safety data in the same
Scope recording
• Safe output for activating functionally safe
braking systems

For information on this card, refer to the follow-

ing document:
• "MOVISAFE® CS..A Safety Card" manual
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 11

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance

Fieldbus interfaces
CFE21A Description: (→ 2 19)
EtherNet/IPTM, Modbus TCP Technical data: (→ 2 63)

The optional CFE21A card acts as the interface to the EtherNet/IPTM and
Modbus TCP communication protocols.

X40 NS

L/ A

L/ A

CFN21A Description: (→ 2 19)

PROFINET Technical data: (→ 2 63)

The optional CFN21A card acts as the interface to the PROFINET bus sys-

X40 BF

L/ A

L/ A

Prefabricated motor and en- "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 158)
coder cables
Braking resistors "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 68)
TCB thermal circuit breaker "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 77)
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Line filter "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 79)

Output filter "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 83)
Line choke "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 81)
Output choke "Description and technical data:" (→ 2 85)
Valid motor encoders (→ 2 94)

12 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology at a glance 1
Accessories 1
• MOVISUITE standard

Software modules
• DRIVE category
– MOVIKIT® Velocity
– MOVIKIT® Positioning
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 13

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology product overview

1.3 MOVIDRIVE® technology product overview


Features • Coverage of a wide range of power ratings with finely graded performance
• Universal use due to a wide voltage range for line connection.
• Suitable for TN/TT and IT voltage supply systems.
• The EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS system bus and the EtherNet/IPTM and Modbus TCP,
PROFINET, and PROFIBUS fieldbus interfaces are available for communications.
• 4-quadrant capable due to integrated brake chopper.
• High overload capacity of up to 200% of the nominal output current for 3 s.
• Optimized control modes with and without encoder feedback for asynchronous and
synchronous motors.
• Integrated flux optimization for partial load operation of asynchronous motors and
standby mode.
• Integrated drive safety function for safe disconnection PLe according to EN 13849,
see the chapter "Functional safety" (→ 2 358).
• Simplified motor startup for unknown asynchronous motors and synchronous mo-
tors by measuring the motor parameters.
• Universal operation in user units.
Device data 3 × AC 400 V

Nominal line voltage 3 × 380 – 500 V

In accordance with EN 50160
Line frequency 50 – 60 Hz ± 10%
Nominal DC link voltage DC 560 V
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s

28489470/EN – 02/2019

14 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology product overview 1
Type designation Nominal output Recommen- Nominal line Size Technical 1
current at ded motor current data
fPWM = 4 kHz power ASM
A kW A
MDX9_A-0020-5E3-4-T.. 2 0.55 1.9
MDX9_A-0025-5E3-4-T.. 2.5 0.75 2.3
MDX9_A-0032-5E3-4-T.. 3.2 1.1 2.9
MDX9_A-0040-5E3-4-T.. 4 1.5 3.6
MDX9_A-0055-5E3-4-T.. 5.5 2.2 5
MDX9_A-0070-5E3-4-T.. 7 3 6.3 2
MDX9_A-0950-5E3-4-T.. 9.5 4 8.6
(→ 2 43)
MDX9_A-0125-5E3-4-T.. 12.5 5.5 11.3
MDX9_A-0160-5E3-4-T.. 16 7.5 14.4
MDX9_A-0240-503-4-T.. 24 11 22
MDX9_A-0320-503-4-T.. 32 15 29
MDX9_A-0460-503-4-T.. 45 22 42
MDX9_A-0620-503-4-T.. 62 30 56 5
MDX9_A-0750-503-4-T.. 75 37 68
MDX91A-0910-503-4-T.. 91 45 82
MDX91A-1130-503-4-T.. 113 55 102 6
MDX91A-1490-503-4-T.. 149 75 135
MDX91A-1770-503-4-T.. 177 90 160
MDX91A-2200-503-4-T.. 220 110 198
7 (→ 2 43)
MDX91A-2500-503-4-T.. 250 132 225
MDX91A-3000-503-4-T.. 300 160 280
MDX91A-3800-503-4-T.. 380 200 340
MDX91A-4700-503-4-T.. 470 250 435 8
MDX91A-5880-503-4-T.. 588 315 545
Device data 3 × AC 230 V

Nominal line voltage 3 × 200 – 240 V

In accordance with EN 50160
Line frequency 50 – 60 Hz ± 10%
Nominal DC link voltage DC 325 V
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 15

1 Product description
MOVIDRIVE® technology product overview

Type designation Nominal output Recommen- Nominal line Size Technical

current at ded motor current data
fPWM = 4 kHz power ASM
A kW A
MDX9_A-0070-2E3-4-T.. 7 1.5 6.4
MDX9_A-0093-2E3-4-T.. 9.3 2.2 8.4
MDX9_A-0140-2E3-4-T.. 14 3.7 12.4 3
MDX9_A-0213-203-4-T.. 21.3 5.5 18.9
MDX9_A-0290-203-4-T.. 29 7.5 27.4 (→ 2 46)
MDX9_A-0420-203-4-T.. 42 11 40.8
MDX9_A-0570-203-4-T.. 57 15 52
MDX91A-0840-203-4-T.. 84 22 76
MDX91A-1080-203-4-T.. 108 30 86

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16 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
MOVIKIT® software modules 1
1.4 MOVIKIT® software modules 1

In delivery state, MOVIDRIVE® technology can be selected with a specific application

level. The use of MOVIKIT® software modules in the Drive category is allocated to
every application level.

Application level MOVIKIT® Drive category software module

0 Standard delivery state:
Activation for MOVIKIT® Velocity
1 Activation for MOVIKIT® Positioning
2 Activation for customer-specific solutions
MOVIKIT software modules are standardized control programs with a defined pro-

cess data interface and a user-friendly configuration and diagnostics interface. The
MOVIKIT® software modules in the Drive category make it much easier to connect to a
higher-level control program.
Features • Wide range of functions.
• User-friendly user interface.
• It is only necessary to enter the parameters needed for the particular application.
• Guided configuration instead of complicated programming.
• No programming experience required.
• No lengthy training or familiarization, which means quick configuration and startup.
• All motions are controlled directly in the application inverter.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 17

1 Product description
Product overview accessories

1.5 Product overview accessories

The functionality and flexibility of MOVI-C® application inverters can be supplemented
by many different cards.

1.5.1 CID21A input/output card

This input/output card is used to increase the number of digital inputs and outputs of
the basic device.
• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs

1.5.2 CIO21A input/output card

This input/output card is used to increase the number of digital and analog inputs and
outputs of the basic device.
• 4 digital inputs
• 4 digital outputs
• 2 analog inputs (current/voltage)
• 2 analog outputs (current/voltage)

1.5.3 CES11A multi-encoder card

The CES11A multi-encoder card enables evaluation of an additional encoder. The ad-
ditional encoder can be used as distance encoder or as motor encoder.
The following encoders are supported:

HTL 12/24 V (differential)

TTL (differential)
SIN/COS 1 VSS (differential)
HIPERFACE® with SIN/COS signals 1 VSS
SEW encoder (RS485) with SIN/COS signals 1 VSS, e.g. AS7W, AG7W
EnDat 2.1 with SIN/COS signals 1 VSS
SSI encoder with/without SIN/COS signals 1 VSS
CANopen encoder
Besides the encoders listed above, further encoders that can be used are described in
the chapter "Valid motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE".
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18 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Product overview accessories 1
1.5.4 CFE21A EtherNet/IP™ and Modbus TCP fieldbus interface 1
The CFE21A fieldbus interface makes it possible to connect the
MOVIDRIVE® technology drive inverter to EtherNet/IPTM- or Modbus TCP-based,
higher-level automation, configuration, and visualization systems. The fieldbus inter-
face has the following characteristics:
• EtherNet/IPTM or Modbus TCP
• Media redundancy
• Integrated switch with cut-through procedure
When using the fieldbus interface, you can communicate directly with the devices via
Ethernet and use the MOVISUITE® engineering software for startup, diagnostics, and
configuration purposes.
An integrated web server also makes it possible to access diagnostic values quickly
and easily using a standard Internet browser. You can access this server at the follow-
ing address: http: //IP address of the device.

1.5.5 CFN21A PROFINET fieldbus interface

The CFN21A fieldbus interface makes it possible to connect the
MOVIDRIVE® technology application inverter to PROFINET-based, higher-level auto-
mation, configuration, and visualization systems. The fieldbus interface has the follow-
ing characteristics:
• Conformance Class C
• Netload Class 3
• Media redundancy
• Topology detection and topology-based naming
• I&M data 0 – 5
When using the fieldbus interface, you can communicate directly with the devices via
Ethernet and use the MOVISUITE® engineering software for startup, diagnostics, and
configuration purposes.
An integrated web server also makes it possible to access diagnostic values quickly
and easily using a standard Internet browser. You can access this web server at the
following address: http: //IP address of the device.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 19

1 Product description
Product overview accessories

1.5.6 Safety cards CS..A

The MOVISAFE® CS..A safety cards provide further functional safety functions to
EN IEC 61800-5-2 in addition to STO. The MOVISAFE® CS..A safety cards and the
CES11A multi-encoder card are intended to be used in the same card slot and thus
cannot be used simultaneously. For this reason, the CS.31A safety cards are available
with an additional multi-encoder input.
For a detailed description, refer to the manual "MOVISAFE® CS..A safety card".


Safe inputs 4 4 4 4
Safe outputs — 2 2 2
Safe stop functions STO, SS1c STO, SS1c, SBC STO, SS1c, STO, SS1c, SBC
Safe movement functions — — SOS, SS1b, SOS, SS1b, SS2,
Safe positioning functions — — SLI, SDI SLI, SDI
Safe communication PROFIsafe PROFIsafe PROFIsafe PROFIsafe
Additional multi-encoder input — yes — yes

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20 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
FCB concept 1
1.6 FCB concept 1
FCB = Function Control Block
The FCB concept describes the modular firmware design of MOVI-C® inverters. This
feature ensures that a wide range of drive functions can be selected or deselected
quickly and easily using control words.
All primary functions, i.e. functions that move or control the motors, are designed as
individual FCBs that only have to be selected to perform a specific task, for example
You can switch between different FCBs any time. Switching to another FCB is per-
formed with a maximum delay of 0.5 ms.
Different priorities are assigned to the FCBs. If a FCB with a higher priority than the
currently active FCB is selected, the FCB with the higher priority is activated.
The FCBs are sorted in descending order of their priority in the following list:
• FCB 01 Output stage inhibit
• FCB 14 Emergency stop
• FCB 13 Stop at application limits
• FCB 18 Rotor position identification
• FCB 25 Motor parameter measurement
• FCB 12 Reference travel
• FCB 04 Manual mode
• FCB 20 Jog mode
• FCB 19 Position hold control
• FCB 21 Brake test
• FCB 10 Interpolated position control
• FCB 09 Position control
• FCB 06 Interpolated speed control
• FCB 05 Speed control
• FCB 08 Interpolated torque control
• FCB 07 Torque control
• FCB 26 Stop at user limits
• FCB 02 Default stop

1.6.1 Description of the FCBs

FCB 01 Output stage inhibit

Activating FCB 01 stops the connected motor via the motor brake. If no brake is in-
stalled, the motor coasts to a stop.
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FCB 02 Default stop

FCB 02 stops the drive with the preset profile value "Maximum deceleration". This
value is limited by the "Application limit – deceleration".
FCB 02 is active (default), when no other FCB is selected.
FCB 02 is selected by the system, not by the operator.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 21

1 Product description
FCB concept

FCB 04 Manual mode

With the MOVISUITE® engineering software or the CBG.. keypad, manual mode can
be selected and activated via the function "manual mode". Manual mode is used for
startup or for teach mode without higher-level controller.
FCB 04 is selected by the system, not by the operator.

FCB 05 Speed control

The application inverter can be operated as speed-controlled axis.
The user can specify profile values for acceleration, deceleration, and jerk as the basic
conditions for speed control. The actual speed setpoint for the drive controller is gen-
erated in the controller cycle by a profile generator integrated in the inverter using the
specified limit values.

FCB 06 Interpolated speed control

FCB 06 is used for cyclical speed setpoint inputs from higher-level controllers.
In multi-axis applications, a controller often calculates a path profile for several drive
axes. The axis is only assigned setpoints (speed/torque and torque limits/precontrol
values/inertia) that it has to follow. The axis limits the setpoints using the application
limits. The course of the path curve profile is controlled by the controller.
The setpoint cycle of the controller usually does not correspond to the setpoint cycle of
the axis. If the axis were to "see" the same setpoint for several cycles, a step-shaped
actual value would result. To prevent this from happening, the axis interpolates inter-
mediate values. To do so, the setpoint cycle of the controller has to be known.

FCB 07 Torque control

The application inverter can be run as a torque-controlled axis.
The user can specify profile values for deceleration and jerk as the basic conditions for
torque control. The actual torque setpoint for the drive controller is generated in the
controller cycle by a profile generator integrated in the inverter using the specified limit
During torque control the maximum speed is restricted by the speed limits so that the
drive cannot permanently accelerate with the preset setpoint torque while the counter-
torque is too low.

FCB 08 Interpolated torque control

FCB 08 is used for cyclical torque setpoint input from a higher-level controller.
This higher-level controller usually calculates a track profile for several drive axes. The
axis is then assigned just one setpoint (torque, torque limits, precontrol values, inertia)
that it has to follow.
The inverter limits the setpoints using the application limits. The course of the path
curve profile is controlled by the controller.
The cycle in which the controller sends the setpoints to the axis does not usually cor-
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respond to the setpoint processing cycle of the inverter. If the inverter were to "see"
the same controller setpoint for several cycles, a step-shaped actual torque value
would result.
To prevent this from happening, the axis can calculate (interpolate) intermediate val-
ues if it knows the controller cycle. The application inverter can be set to different
cycle times of higher-level controllers.

22 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
FCB concept 1
FCB 09 Position control 1
FCB 09 is used to allow travel to the target position by using a position profile para-
meterized by the profile generator during positioning.
In addition, the application inverter has several positioning modes that are described
in the following section:
Absolute positioning:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as an absolute target and is converted
and executed in system units.
The travel range in system units is -231 – 231 -1 (2147483647). If the travel range is ex-
ceeded after calculation, the FCB issues a fault
Relative positioning:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the offset for the last setpoint that
was transferred. After it has been converted into system units, it is added to the last
If the time calculated in system units is outside the travel range of -231 – 231 -1
(2147483647), the FCB issues a fault.
Modulo in positive direction with absolute position specification:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the absolute position. It must be
within the modulo range of the active drive:
Lower limit = "Modulo min."
Upper limit = "Modulo max."
If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued. The drive always turns in
a positive direction to reach the position.
Modulo in negative direction with absolute position specification:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the absolute position. It must be
within the modulo range of the active drive:
Lower limit = "Modulo min."
Upper limit = "Modulo max."
If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued. The drive always turns in
a negative direction to reach the position.
Modulo with shortest distance with absolute position specification:
The position setpoint in user units is interpreted as the absolute position. It must be
within the modulo range of the active drive:
Lower limit = "Modulo min."
Upper limit = "Modulo max."
If the position setpoint is outside this range, a fault is issued.
The direction of the drive is determined using the last setpoint position (= current ac-
tual position after activation without an "In position" message) and the current setpoint
position. This value is used to determine the shortest possible route and, therefore,
the direction of rotation for positioning.
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FCB 10 Interpolated position control

FCB 10 is used for cyclic preselected position setpoints of higher-level controllers.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 23

1 Product description
FCB concept

In multi-axis applications, a higher-level controller usually calculates a track profile for

several drive axes. The axis is only assigned setpoints (position, speed, torque, torque
limits, precontrol values, inertia) that it has to follow. The axis limits the setpoints using
the application limits. The course of the profile of the path curve is controlled by the
The setpoint cycle of the controller does usually not correspond to the setpoint cycle of
the axis. If the axis were to "see" the same setpoint for several cycles, a step-shaped
actual value would result. To prevent this from happening, the axis can interpolate in-
termediate values. To do so, the setpoint cycle of the controller has to be known.

FCB 12 Reference travel

To perform positioning operations, a drive has to be referenced to a defined start or
reference position within the permitted travel distance.
From this reference position, positions such as the machine zero can be specified and
approached. With each restart of the inverter, referencing the position encoders is al-
ways necessary if position encoders do not have an absolute position detection. When
using absolute encoders, the absolute position is immediately known upon the start of
the system. An absolute encoder still has to be referenced to match the displayed pos-
ition with the plant's reference system. Several reference travel types are available for
referencing and for finding the reference point.

FCB 13 Stop at application limits

When FCB 13 is activated, the drive stops with speed control using the preset applica-
tion limit deceleration.

FCB 14 Emergency stop

When FCB 14 is activated, the drive stops with the preset emergency stop decelera-

FCB 18 Rotor position identification

For the operation of permanent magnet synchronous motors, the exact position in-
formation of the rotor is required for closed-loop control.
FCB 18 is required for the encoder calibration of rotary and linear synchronous motors
with encoder. FCB 18 requires an electrical startup of the drive.
The drive must be disconnected from the load, which means also from the gear unit.

FCB 19 Position hold control

When FCB 19 is activated, the drive stops with speed control. After the standstill of the
drive, the position is kept with position control as long as FCB 19 is active.

FCB 20 Jog mode

FCB 20 is used for setup mode when a higher-level controller is used.
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FCB 20 can only be activated in operating modes with encoder feedback.

FCB 20 allows the user to move an axis in positive and negative direction.
Control is performed via control signals that are specified by means of control words,
via digital inputs of a higher-level controller or via input terminals.
For startup or for setup mode without higher-level controller, use the manual mode of
the MOVISUITE® engineering software, see "FCB 04" (→ 2 22).

24 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
FCB concept 1
FCB 21 Brake test 1
FCB 21 is used to check the braking capability of a brake connected to the motor. A
test torque is applied electrically via the motor when the brake is applied.
Even when the brake has passed the brake test, it does not take on any drive safety
functions as far as machine safety is concerned in combination with the application in-
The brake is only tested in accordance with the set brake test torque. The actual
breakaway torque of the brake is not measured. The actual brake breakaway torque is
not measured.
There are 4 test modes:
• A higher-level controller provides the setpoints and monitoring function for the test.
• The application inverter performs a check in both directions compared to the set
limit torques.
• The application inverter performs a check in positive direction compared to the set
limit torques.
• The application inverter performs a check in negative direction compared to the set
limit torques.
The test torque, test time and the direction of rotation of the test can be set. If a test is
not passed, the breakaway torque is documented.
The braking torque is limited by the set "Torque" application limit.
Notice: The application torque must be considered for calculating the test torque, e.g.
hoist test "downward".

FCB 25 Motor parameter measurement

FCB 25 is used for determining the necessary parameters from the electric equivalent
wiring diagram during startup.
The nameplate data of the connected motor is required for the motor parameter meas-
After the motor parameter measurement has been completed, the motor is completely
started up electrically. Values that are not yet final at this stage, such as maximum
speed and maximum torque, are estimated. The values have to be corrected at a later
time to reach the full performance of the motor.
Calling FCB 25 is generally recommended for third-party motors. FCB 18 must be ex-
ecuted afterward for encoder calibration with synchronous motors, if required.

FCB 26 Stop at user limits

FCB 26 is used for stops at user limits. The user limits are either available as local set-
points or initiate the deceleration ramp set via the fieldbus.
You can choose between a speed-controlled ramp and a position-controlled ramp. In
contrast to other stop FCBs (FCB 13/FCB 14), the FCB 26 has a very low priority.
This allows you to select FCB 26 as standard (e.g. bit in the control word that selects
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this FCB is always TRUE). If all other FCBs are deactivated, FCB 26 always becomes
active. This makes it possible to always stop with position control.
FCB 26 has lag fault monitoring in position-controlled mode.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 25

1 Product description
FCB concept

1.6.2 Setpoints and limits in the FCBs

Index FCB
02 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 12 13 14 19 20 26
Setpoint buffer
Position .4 x x
Rotational speed .14 x x x x
Torque .24 x x
Acceleration precontrol 8376 .341) x x
Mass moment of inertia .44 1)
x x x
Torque precontrol .54 1)
x x x
Correcting value of external .64 x
position controllers
Profile value buffer
Maximum positive velocity .4 x x x
Maximum negative velocity .14 x x x
Maximum acceleration .24 x x x
Maximum deceleration .34 x x x x x
Jerk time .44 x x x x x
Maximum torque Q1 – Q4 .54 – x x x x x x
.84 1)

Application limits
Velocity, positive/negative .10, x x x x x x x x x
Acceleration .12 x x x x x x
Deceleration .13 x x x x x x x x x
Jerk time 8357 .14 x x x x x x x x x x x
Torque .15 1)
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Apparent output current .16 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Voltage .17 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Emergency stop deceleration .20 x
Other parameters
Behavior at standstill 8563/8564 x x x
.4 x x
Lag error window 8509
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Setpoint deviation response 8622 .3 x x x
1) These variables are not relevant in the U/f control mode

x = relevant in the FCB

26 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Control mode 1
1.7 Control mode 1
The following control modes are available for MOVIDRIVE® application inverters:
• U/f

1.7.1 Description of the control modes

The characteristics of the motor connected to the application inverter are influenced by
the control modes used.

U/f control is intended for easy controlled operation of asynchronous motors without
encoder feedback. The procedure operates an asynchronous machine on a paramet-
erizable voltage/frequency characteristic. To keep the magnetizing current on a con-
stant level, the voltage (U) is adjusted in proportion to the frequency (f).
The actual slip is estimated and can be compensated.
U/f control is suitable for applications with a limited speed setting range, where no dy-
namic step changes in load occur and where there are small requirements regarding
the control characteristics.
U/f control is suitable for group drives. A group drive is an electrical parallel connection
of several identical or different motors at one inverter. The motors do not have a rigid
mechanical connection.

Speed control
The U/f mode is an encoder-less mode and calculates the actual speed value. The
calculation is always based on the electrical values of the motors. Therefore, informa-
tion from a potentially existing encoder system is not used.
If an encoder is parameterized in the encoder assignment as "Actual speed source",
the speed measured by this encoder is issued as the actual speed by the inverter.
Otherwise, the model speed calculated by the U/f method based on stator frequency
and slip, is issued as the actual speed.
The U/f mode does not have a higher-level speed controller, speed controller parame-
terization is therefore not possible. An acceleration and torque precontrol is also not

VFCPLUS is a high-performance control mode that is able to operate asynchronous mo-
tors with very high torque dynamics with or without rotary encoder.
The control mode can be operated as speed or torque control.
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This control mode calculates all important state variables for controlling the motor by
using a motor model. As a result, optimal magnetic conditions are always achieved for
the motor.
For applications with a large speed setting range (especially for low speeds through to
standstill) and high requirements regarding the control characteristics or for drives with
high dynamic step changes in load, a rotary encoder is absolutely necessary.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 27

1 Product description
Control mode

For applications with low requirements regarding the control characteristics and the
torque dynamics, an encoder is not necessary. Without a rotary encoder, the electric
rotor frequency is calculated in a model. In this case, stable stationary operation of the
mode at < 0.5 Hz is not possible.
Due to the good torque dynamics, the VFCPLUS control mode remains stable even in
the event of load changes and has a high torque accuracy. Typical applications for the
VFCPLUS control mode are speed-controlled asynchronous machines with high de-
mands on the speed and torque stability.

Speed control
A higher-level speed control loop that has to be parameterized accordingly is always
used for speed control.
If the control mode is operated without an encoder, the actual speed of the motor is
calculated by the control mode.
If an encoder is used, the angle information of this encoder is used for the control
mode. The actual speed of the motor is calculated from this encoder. The maximum
dynamics of the control loop are reached with a high-resolution encoder.

Torque control
The torque control operating mode can be selected independently of an encoder and
does not need an encoder. With an encoder, however, stable stationary operation at
stator frequency 0 Hz is also possible.

Position control
Position-controlled operation is only possible with an encoder as the actual position is
calculated from the parameterized encoder. This encoder can either be mounted on
the track or on the motor.
The accuracy of the position control can be increased with a motor encoder.

The CFC control mode is a current-controlled control mode. The CFC control mode al-
lows the operation of asynchronous and synchronous motors with maximum torque
dynamics. For this purpose, the current components for the magnetic flux and for the
torque generation are controlled separately.
The control mode requires information about the rotor angle and the motor speed. For
this reason, an encoder feedback (motor encoder) is always necessary.
For asynchronous motors, only the relative rotor angle is necessary. Thus, an incre-
mental encoder is sufficient.
The control mode requires the absolute position for synchronous motors. In the case
of encoder types that do not provide an absolute value, a commutation must be per-
formed before every first release after booting the system (FCB 18).
The advantage of the CFC control mode is the very high dynamics that can be
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achieved, as a control reserve for reaching the dynamic maximum torque is always
available. For this reason, the CFC control mode is suitable for drives with highly dy-
namic motion control.

The ELSM® control mode allows the operation of permanent-field synchronous servo-
motors without encoder.

28 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Control mode 1
This procedure is exclusively intended for applications in horizontal materials handling 1
technology with one single motor. It is not permitted to use it in vertical drives, inclining
tracks or as a group drive.
Make sure that the inverter provides at least 150% I0 of the motor throughout the align-
ment process.
The maximum motor torque is limited to 1.5 M0 with this procedure.
Switching to a rotating motor is possible (flying start function). Continuous operation is
only permitted above a transition speed of approx. 2% of the nominal motor speed.

Rotor adjustment/rotor position measurement

When the inverter is enabled in ELSM® control mode, the rotor position of the perma-
nent-field synchronous motors is unknown. For this reason, the rotor position has to
be determined first or the rotor has to be adjusted by turning so that its angular posi-
tion is defined.
Measuring the rotor position:
The rotor position of the synchronous motor is measured with test pulses for each en-
able. This occurs at standstill. If a brake is used, this brake remains applied. The
measurement is finished after a maximum of 50 ms. After the measurement is com-
pleted, the synchronous motor accelerates to the setpoint speed. A prerequisite for the
measurement is the one-time determination of the complete motor parameters with
the FCB 25 motor parameter measurement.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends measuring the rotor position.
Adjusting the rotor:
If the complete motor data is not known, the rotor is moved to a defined position at
each enable. A small motor movement depending on the motor pole number takes
place during the adjustment. If a brake is used, this brake is released. The adjustment
is completed after 1 s.

Speed control
The speed control operating mode can be activated in the ELSM® control mode. The
control mode has to be distinguished speed-dependent in two different operating
• Open-loop control
• speed-controlled operation.
Open-loop control takes place when starting from standstill and below a transition
speed. This transition speed is calculated and set depending on the inverter and motor
parameters during motor startup. It is about 2% of the nominal speed.
Above this transition speed, the speed control without encoder works.

Torque control
The ELSM® control mode enables the "Torque control" operating mode; however, only
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above the transition speed.

Practical meaning: The FCB 07 "Torque control" can only be activated when the flying
start function is active and above the transition speed (example: winding drive). If the
speed is too low, the system shuts down with a fault message.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 29

1 Product description
Control mode

Flying start function

If it cannot be ensured that the motor is at standstill during the start, the flying start
function has to be activated. This way, the ELSM® control mode can also be enabled
for a turning motor.
If the speed can be calculated plausibly, the control mode proceeds to speed-con-
trolled operation. If this is not the case, the drive proceeds to the "rotor adjustment" or
"rotor measurement" function and then to controlled operation.

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30 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Control mode 1
1.7.2 Characteristics of the control modes 1
Overview of the control modes


Principle Voltage controlled Field-oriented, Field-oriented, cur- Field-oriented, cur-
according to charac- voltage-controlled, rent controller rent controller
teristic curve stator flux controller,
torque controller
Encoder without without with with with without
Dynamics + +++ ++++ +++++ +++++ ++
Energy efficiency + +++ +++ ++ +++++ ++++++
Speed control yes1) yes yes yes
Torque control no yes yes yes
Positioning no no yes yes no
Flying start no2) yes yes yes
Typical applica- Group drive, multi- General materials Packaging techno- Horizontal materials
tions motor drives handling technology, logy, handling tech- handling technology
horizontal drives, nology, highly-dy-
vertical drives, namic positioning
pumps/fans, winding
Marking Maximum robust- Maximum precision Maximum dynamics Maximum energy ef-
ness ficiency
1) Open-loop speed control
2) DC braking

ASM Asynchronous motors

LSPM Motors with LSPM technology (Line Start Permanent Magnet)
SM Synchronous motors

Characteristic values for dynamics


Torque control time – Approx. 2 ms1) Approx. 150 µs Approx. 150 µs
Time constant speed con- – Approx. 3 – 6 ms Approx. 0.5 ms Approx. 6 ms
Speed ripple Is mainly determined by the total mass moment of inertia, the torque ripple and
the mechanical structure. It is therefore not possible to specify a general value.
1) Valid in voltage control range, in field weakening range < 5 ms.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 31

1 Product description
Control mode

Characteristic values for setpoint resolution


Torque — 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits
0.001% MNMot 0.001% MNMot 0.001% MNMot
Rotational speed 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits 32 bits
0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min 0.0001 1/min
Position — 16 bits 16 bits —
Position — 32 bits 32 bits —
(absolute increment)

Characteristic values for accuracy of torque and speed

VFCPLUS without en- VFCPLUS with en- CFC ELSM®

coder coder
Speed accuracy Depending on motor Is mainly determined Is mainly determined by the total mass mo-
parameters, typic- by the encoder res- ment of inertia, the torque ripple and the
ally: 0.2 × fNominal slip olution, approx. 1% mechanical structure. It is therefore not
of n possible to specify a general value.
Torque accuracy < 10% MN < 5 % MN -
for n > 0.2 × nN

Maximum output frequency


Operation is possible up to an output frequency of:
2.5 kHz 250 Hz 250 Hz 250 Hz 250 Hz
4 kHz 400 Hz 250 Hz 400 Hz 400 Hz
≥ 8 kHz 599 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 500 Hz

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32 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Control mode 1
FCBs that can be activated for selected control mode 1
FCB no. Designation U/f VFCPLUS CFC ELSM®
01 Output stage inhibit + + + +
02 Default stop + + + +
04 Manual mode + + + +
05 Speed control + + + +
06 Interpolated speed control + + + +
07 Torque control - + + +
08 Interpolated torque control - + + +
12 Reference travel + + + +
13 Stop at application limits + + + +
14 Emergency stop + + + +
25 Motor parameter measurement + + + +
26 Stop at user limits + + + +
FCBs requiring a position encoder
09 Position control - + + -
10 Interpolated position control - + + -
19 Position hold control - + + -
20 Jog - + + -
21 Brake test - + + -

18 Rotor position identification - - + +

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 33

1 Product description
Energy-saving functions

1.8 Energy-saving functions

1.8.1 Flux optimization

Flux optimization is a function that allows for operating an asynchronous motor in con-
trol mode VFCPLUS with minimal losses. The magnetic flux is lead depending on the
torque setpoint, so that the motor is operated with minimum current and thus with min-
imized losses. In partial load operation, as well as in case of overload, the total losses
of the motor can be significantly reduced. This function has no influence in the range
of the nominal torque or a bit below, as the motor is usually operated at almost op-
timum conditions.
For system-related reasons, the torque control times are longer with flux optimization
than without flux optimization, due to necessary changes in flux. The flux optimization
is especially suitable for applications with little dynamics, such as fans, pumps, escal-
ators, and conveyor systems with constant speed.
The flux optimization can reduce magnetization losses in the motor by up to 70%.

1.8.2 Standby mode

The standby operation is designed for times in which the operation is paused. The sig-
nificant difference between disconnection of the DC 24 V supply voltage and standby
operation is that switching from standby operation to operation only takes approx.
500 ms, and that the bus communication is maintained. This allows for reducing the
energy consumption even in short pauses.
The following functions are deactivated in standby operation:
• 7-segment display
• STO function
• Digital outputs at the basic device and cards
• Analog outputs at the card
• Power section controller
• Fan in power section
• Optional: Encoder supply and encoder evaluation in the basic device and the card.
Standby operation can be activated via a digital input or via a control word bit.
The bus communication is active without restrictions in standby operation.
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34 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
Energy-saving functions 1
Energy consumption in standby operation 1
MOVIDRIVE® system/technology DC 24 V power consumption in standby
MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3..
3.6 W
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3..
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3..
4.1 W
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3..
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3..
10.6 W
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3..
The energy-saving function "standby operation" can reduce the DC 24 V power con-
sumption by 89%.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 35

1 Product description
MOVISUITE® engineering software

1.9 MOVISUITE® engineering software


MOVISUITE® is the new engineering software from SEW‑EURODRIVE.

The engineering software excels thanks to a new design of the user interface and user
guidance. This new interface concept allows for the users to configure, parameterize,
and start up their applications intuitively.
Using the various views, the users can switch to the suitable display mode depending
on their requirements. In the circle view for example, single components can be edited
in a clear structure.
Circle view


The tree view provides an overview of the entire network.

Tree view


The view can be selected depending on application and personal preferences; the
28489470/EN – 02/2019

functionality is identical in both views.

The interface concept of MOVISUITE® makes it possible to visualize the system struc-
ture using structure nodes that can be named according to user preference. These
structure nodes are displayed with a varying level of detail in the views mentioned
The data management has clearly marked transfer directions, and thus is clearly
structured during data transmission.

36 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Product description
MOVISUITE® engineering software 1
The scan function enables the reading of available devices, and the creation of these 1
devices as projects in MOVISUITE®.
The drive train can be built from motor to gear unit using the product catalog. Further-
more, encoders, brakes, control modes, and user units can be selected and paramet-
The data required for the drive train can typically be read off the nameplates of the
motor and gear unit and entered, or selected via a catalog function in the engineering
Another variant is automatic identification of the gear unit motor data by output of the
electronic nameplate stored in the motor encoder. During startup, the engineering soft-
ware checks whether an electronic nameplate is present in the encoder and suggests
the use of this data.
The recording function Scope is available for diagnostic purposes. This enables a dia-
gnostics overview of connected devices and functions. Long-term data acquisition on
the engineering PC hard disk is also possible.
Manual operation can be intuitively used for each application via the new interface.
The startup is functionally divided into segments. The following steps illustrate in ex-
emplary fashion the startup procedure for an application inverter.

Drive train segment

Drive train Configuring drive trains.

Interfaces segment

Standard Basic settings of the installed interfaces

• Basic device
• Encoder 1
Optional Basic settings of the options
• Fieldbus
• I/O card
• Encoder 2

Functions segment

Inputs/outputs • Basic device

• I/O card

Setpoints • Process data

• PO data
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• Setpoint buffer
• Fixed setpoints
• Control word 1 – 3
Actual values • PI data
• Status word 1 – 3

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 37

1 Product description
MOVISUITE® engineering software

Drive functions • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit

• FCB 05 Speed control
• FCB 06 Interpolated speed control
• FCB 08 Interpolated torque control
• FCB 09 Positioning
• FCB 10 Interpolated position control
• FCB 12 Reference travel
• FCB 08 Rotor position identification
• FCB 20 Jog mode
• FCB 21 Brake test
• FCB 26 Stop at user limit
Monitoring functions • Reference signals 1
• Reference signals 2
• Limit values 1
• Limit values 2
• Monitoring functions 1
• Monitoring functions 2
• Output stage
Extended functions • Parameter set
• Auto reset
• Standby mode
• Touchprobe 1
• Touchprobe 2
• Cam switch

Information on the application inverter

Device data • Device identification

• Main component
• Subcomponents
• Production data
Overview of fault responses • Axis module
• Power supply monitoring
• Functions
Setup • Permissions
• Reset device parameters
• Select memory source
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For further information, refer to the "MOVISUITE® standard Engineering Software"


38 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Markings 2
2 Technical data
The following technical data applies to MOVIDRIVE® system and MOVIDRIVE® tech- 2

2.1 Markings
2.1.1 Basic device
The application inverter complies with the following directives and guidelines:

Mark Definition
The CE mark states the compliance with the following European guidelines:
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
• Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The EAC mark states compliance with the requirements of the technical
regulations of the Customs Union of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

The RCM mark states compliance with the technical regulations of the Aus-
tralian Communications and Media Authority ACMA.

The China RoHS mark states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014
for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic
The UL and cUL mark states the UL approval.1)
cUL is equivalent to CSA approval.

1) The UL and cUL mark for the following devices is still in preparation at the time of publication of this document: MDX9_A-0460 –
1490-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 39

2 Technical data

2.1.2 Accessories

Braking resistors BR..

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.

TCB thermal circuit breaker

Mark Definition
The CE mark states the compliance with the following European guidelines:
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS mark states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014
for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic
The cUR mark states the UL approval for this component.

NF.. line filter

Mark Definition
The CE mark states the compliance with the following European guidelines:
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS mark states compliance with directive SJ/T 11364-2014
for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and electronic
The cUR mark states the UL approval for this component.

ND.. line choke

28489470/EN – 02/2019

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment

40 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Markings 2
Marking Definition
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T 2
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.

Output filter

Marking Definition
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.

Output choke

Marking Definition
The CE marking states the compliance with the following European
• Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
• Directive 2011/65/EU for limiting the use of hazardous substances in
electric and electronic equipment
The China RoHS marking states compliance with directive SJ/T
11364-2014 for limiting the use of hazardous substances in electric and
electronic equipment.
The cUR marking states the UL approval for this component.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 41

2 Technical data
General technical data

2.2 General technical data

The following table lists the technical data for all application inverters independent of
• Type
• Design
• Size
• Performance

General specifications
Interference immunity Meets EN 61800-3; 2. Environment
Interference emission Limit value class C2 to EN 61800‑3 The interference suppression level can be
improved with relevant measures.
Refer to the chapter "EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3" in
the product manual for further information.
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 °C to +40 °C without derating
40 °C to +60 °C with derating1)
For further information, refer to the chapter "Selection of an application in-
verter > Derating" in the product manual.
Type of cooling Increased air cooling due to an installed, temperature-controlled fan.
• Long-term storage (weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-1 class 1K2 temperature -25 °C to +70 °C (in contrast to the
Non-condensing, no moisture condensation
• Transport (weatherproof):
Climatic conditions EN 60721-3-2 class 2K3 temperature -25 °C to +70 °C
Non-condensing, no moisture condensation
• Operation (fixed installation, weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-3 class 3K3 temperature 0 °C to +45 °C (in contrast to the
Non-condensing, no moisture condensation
• Long-term storage (weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-1 class 1C2, no corrosive gases, no salt mist (in contrast to the
• Transport (weatherproof):
Chemically active substances
EN 60721-3-2 class 2C2, no corrosive gases, no salt mist, no sea water (in
contrast to the standard)
• Operation (fixed installation, weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-3 class 3C2, no corrosive gases, no salt mist
• Long-term storage (weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-1 class 1S1, no conductive dust
• Transport (weatherproof):
Mechanically active substances
EN 60721-3-2 class 2S1
• Operation (fixed installation, weatherproof):
EN 60721-3-3 class 3S1, no conductive dust
1) When using a CS.A card the ambient temperature is limited to a maximum of 55 °C.
Degree of protection according to EN 60529
MDX9_A-0020-... – MDX9_A-0320-5_3-...
MDX9_A-0070-... – MDX9_A-0290-2_3-...
as of MDX9_A-0460-...
IP10, optional IP20
as of MDX9_A-0420...
Pollution class 2 in accordance with IEC 60664-1
Overvoltage category III in accordance with IEC 60664-1
Up to h ≤ 1000 m without restrictions.
The following restrictions apply to altitudes > 1000 m:
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• From 1000 m to max. 3800 m: IN reduction by 1% per 100 m

Installation altitude • From 2000 m to max. 3800 m: To maintain protective separation and the air
gaps and to comply with creepage distances according to EN 61800‑5‑1, an
overvoltage protection device must be connected upstream to reduce the
overvoltages from category III to category II.

42 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of basic device 2
2.3 Technical data of basic device
2.3.1 Performance data 3 × AC 400 V 2
Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160
Size 1 2 3
Nominal output current IN
A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160)
3 × 380 – 500 V
AC Uline
Nominal line current AC Iline A 1.8 2.25 2.88 3.6 4.95 6.3 8.55 11.3 14.4
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 10%
Controlled rectifier No
Plug connector
X1 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 0.55 0.75 1.1 1.5 2.2 3 4 5.5 7.5
Nominal output current IN
A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 1.9 2.3 2.9 3.7 5 6.5 8.8 11.6 14.9
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 560
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
X2 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 20
Power section nominal power loss W 16 20 27 34 45 58 83 112 147
Permitted number of times power may be
min-1 1
switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off s 10
EMC variant of power section EMC filter limit value category C2 to EN 61800-3
Mass kg 4.1 4.4 5.7
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value RBRmin Ω 100 47 27
Brake chopper continuous power kW 1.9 2.3 2.9 3.7 5 6.5 8.8 11.6 14.9
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Width mm 95 105 105
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Height with shield plates mm 479 479 494

Depth mm 215 215 260
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 0910 1130 1490
Size 4 5 6
Nominal output current IN
A 24 32 46 62 75 91 113 149
fPWM = 4 kHz

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 43

2 Technical data
Technical data of basic device

Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750 0910 1130 1490
Nominal line voltage (to
3 × 380 – 500 V
EN 50160) AC Uline
Nominal line current AC Iline A 21.6 28.8 41.4 55.8 67.5 81.9 102 134
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 5%
Controlled rectifier Yes
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X1 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 –
6 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 11 15 22 30 37 45 55 75
Nominal output current IN
A 24 32 46 62 75 91 113 149
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
f = 0 Hz
Apparent output power SN kVA 15.3 19.8 28.8 38.7 46.8 56.7 70.2 92.7
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 560
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X2 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 –
6 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 30 15 20
Power section nominal power
W 202 282 419 600 760 931 968 1332
Permitted number of times
min-1 1
power may be switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for
s 10
Power off
EMC variant of power section Basic interference suppression integrated
Mass kg 6.6 12.1 24.1
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance 3.6 at
Ω 15 10 6 4.7
value RBRmin 149 A
Brake chopper continuous kW 15.3 19.8 28.8 38.7 46.8 56.7 70.2 92.7
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
Connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 –
6 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Width mm 135 196 240
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Height with shield plates mm 494 471 544

Depth mm 260 293 328
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve

Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 1770 2200 2500 3000 3800 4700 5880
Size 7 8

44 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of basic device 2
Unit MDX9_A-...-5_3-4-..
Type 1770 2200 2500 3000 3800 4700 5880
Nominal output current IN
A 177 220 250 300 380 470 588
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC
3 × 380 – 500 V
Nominal line current AC Iline A 159 198 225 270 342 423 529
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 5%
Controlled rectifier Yes
X1 connection contacts M12
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 90 110 132 160 200 250 315
Nominal output current IN A 250 300 380 470 588
177 220
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200% at 200% at fPWM = 2.5 kHz 150% at 150% at fPWM = 2.5 kHz
fPWM = fPWM =
4 kHz 2.5 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 2.5 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 110.7 136.8 230 277 350 434 541
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 560
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8 2.5, 4, 8 2.5, 4
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
X2 connection contacts M12
Nominal power loss 24 V
Power section nominal power loss
Permitted number of times power may
be switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off
EMC variant of power section Basic interference suppression integrated
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value Ω 1
Brake chopper continuous power kW 110.7 136.8 230 277 350 434 541
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Connection contacts M12
Width mm
Height mm
Depth mm
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 45

2 Technical data
Technical data of basic device

2.3.2 Performance data 3 × AC 230 V

Unit MDX9_A-...-2_3-4-..
Type 0070 0093 0140
Size 2 3
Nominal output current IN
A 7 9.3 14
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC Uline 3 × 200 – 240 V
Nominal line current AC Iline A 6.3 8.37 12.6
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 10%
Controlled rectifier No
Plug connector
X1 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 1.5 2.2 3.7
Nominal output current IN
A 7 9.3 14
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 3.7 4.9 7.5
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 325
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
X2 connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 20
Power section nominal power loss W 51 72 105
Permitted number of times power may be min-1 1
switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off s 10
EMC variant of power section EMC filter limit value category C2 to EN 61800-3
Mass 4.4 5.7
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value RBRmin Ω 27 15
Brake chopper continuous power kW 3.7 4.9 7.5
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 4 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
Width mm 105 105
Height with shield plates mm 479 494
Depth mm 215 260
28489470/EN – 02/2019

1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve

Unit MDX9_A-...-2_3-4-..
Type 0213 0290 0420 0570 0840 1080
Size 4 5 6
Nominal output current IN
A 21.3 29 42 57 84 108
fPWM = 4 kHz
Nominal line voltage (to EN 50160) AC Uline 3 × 200 – 240 V

46 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of basic device 2
Unit MDX9_A-...-2_3-4-..
Type 0213 0290 0420 0570 0840 1080
Nominal line current AC Iline A 19.2 26.1 37.8 51.3 75.6 97.2
Line frequency fline Hz 50 – 60 ± 10%
Controlled rectifier Yes
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X1 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 6 mm2
(twin AEH)1)
Output voltage Uout V 0 – Uline
Motor power ASM PMot kW 5.5 7.5 11 15 22 30
Nominal output current IN A 21.3 29 42 57 84 108
fPWM = 4 kHz
Overload capacity 200%: 3 s at fPWM = 4 kHz
Continuous output current at f = 0 Hz 100% × IN at fPWM = 4 kHz
Apparent output power SN kVA 11.3 15.4 22.2 30.2 44.6 50.4
Nominal DC link voltage UNDCL V DC 325
Frequency fPWM kHz 4, 8, 16 (adjustable)
U/f: 599
Max. output frequency fmax Hz
CFC: 500
ELSM®: 500
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
X2 connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 6 mm2
(twin AEH)1)
Nominal power loss 24 V W 30 15 20
Power section nominal power loss W 152 218 315 459 729 764
Permitted number of times power may be
min-1 1
switched on/off
Minimum switch-off time for Power off s 10
EMC variant of power section Basic interference suppression integrated
Mass 6.6 12.1 24.1
Brake chopper and braking resistor
Minimum braking resistance value RBRmin Ω 7.5 4.7 2.3
Brake chopper continuous power kW 11.3 15.4 22.2 30.2 44.6 50.4
Brake chopper peak power 200% × apparent output power SN × 0.9
Plug connector
– 1 core: 0.5 – 16 mm2
Connection contacts M8 M10
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 6 mm2
(twin AEH)1)
Width mm 135 196 240
Height with shield plates mm 494 471 544
Depth mm 260 293 328
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 47

2 Technical data
Technical data of accessories

2.4 Technical data of accessories

2.4.1 Installation accessories

Type designation Part number Plastic cover Number Scope of deliv- Description
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-..
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
Not included in
10 (→ 2 228)
scope of delivery
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..

Type designation Part number Lifting eye Number Scope of deliv- Description
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.. Included in the
28106229 1 (→ 2 211)
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. scope of delivery

28489470/EN – 02/2019

48 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Electronics data – signal terminals 2
2.5 Electronics data – signal terminals
Terminal designation Specifications 2
Design In accordance with IEC 61131-2
Supply voltage
Connection X5 External power supply 24 V in accordance with IEC 61131
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Digital inputs
Cycle time input 1 ms
• 6 with MOVIDRIVE® system
• 8 with MOVIDRIVE® technology
Response time 100 μs plus cycle time
DI00: "Output stage enable" permanently assigned.
DI01 – DI07: For the selection option, see the parameter menu.
All inputs are suitable for touchprobe function. Latency period <
X20: 1 – 8
Assignment 100 μs, max. 2 touchprobe inputs can be configured.
DI04, DI05: HTL low-resolution encoder connection
DI05: Primary frequency input
X20: 9 GND
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Digital outputs
Cycle time output 1 ms / 500 μs
Number 4
Response time 175 μs plus cycle time
Output current Imax = 50 mA
Short-circuit protection Yes
+24 V supply voltage
X21: 1
Maximum output current = 50 mA
Assignment DO00 – DO03: For the selection option, see the parameter
X21: 2 – 5
X21: 6 GND
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.5 – 1.5 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Relay output
X22.1:DOR-C Shared relay contact
X22.2:DOR-NO NO contact
X22.3:DOR-NC NC contact
Assignment +24 V supply voltage
X22.4 Current-carrying capacity of relay contacts: Umax DC 30 V, Imax =
DC 2 A
Brake control
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X10:DB0 – Brake control

Assignment – Control braking contactor DC 24 V, max. 150 mA

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 49

2 Technical data
Electronics data – signal terminals

Brake control
Plug connector
MDX90A-0020 – 0320-5_3-.. and
MDX90A-0070 – 0290-2_3-..:
– One core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
Connection contacts
MDX90A-0460-5_3-.. and higher and
MDX90A-0420-2_3-.. and higher:
– One core: 0.25 – 2.5 mm2
– Two cores: 0.5 – 1 mm2 (twin AEH)1)
1) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
Encoder input
X15:13 X15:13 DC 24 V, Imax = 500 mA
X15:15 X15:15 DC 12 V, Imax = 500 mA
Digital motor integration connection

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50 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Electronics data – drive safety functions 2
2.6 Electronics data – drive safety functions
The table below shows the technical data of the application inverter relating to the in-
tegrated safety technology.
The safety-related digital inputs comply with type 3 in accordance with IEC 61131‑2.
Reference potential for the F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2 is STO_M (contact at terminal
Terminal desig- General electronics data
Safety contact STO X6
Electrical data of inputs F_STO_P1, F_STO_P2 Minimum Typical Maximum
Input voltage range X6:1 and X6:3 DC -3 V DC 24 V DC 30 V
Input capacitance against STO_M – 300 pF 500 pF
Input capacitance against GND – 300 pF 500 pF
Power consumption at DC 24 V F_STO_P1 – 150 mW 200 mW
F_STO_P2 – 150 mW 200 mW
Sum1) – 300 mW 400 mW
Input voltage for ON status (STO) DC 11 V – –
Input voltage for OFF status (STO) – – DC 5 V
Permitted leakage current of the external safety controller – – 1 mA
Technical data
Time from disconnecting the safety voltage until the deactiv- – 10 ms
1.5 ms
ation of the rotating field 2 ms2)
Time from connecting the safety voltage until the activation – –
110 ms
of the rotating field
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 1.5 mm2
– 2 cores: 0.25 – 0.5 mm2 (twin AEH)3)
1) Each drive unit always requires a power consumption of 300 mW
2) Only when the STO is used and controlled via a MOVISAFE® CS.A card
3) AEH: Conductor end sleeve
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 51

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7 Dimension drawings

2.7.1 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-..


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52 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7.2 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-.. with braking resistor








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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 53

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7.3 MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..









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54 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7.4 MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0140-2_3-..






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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 55

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7.5 MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..








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56 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Dimension drawings 2
2.7.6 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. , MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
7 2





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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 57

2 Technical data
Dimension drawings

2.7.7 MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.., MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..







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58 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Keypads 2
2.8 Keypads
Operating temperature 0 – 60 °C 2
Degree of protection IP40 in accordance with EN 60529
9-pin D-sub socket (CAN interface)
Mini-USB socket (connection to PC)
H: 110 mm
Dimensions W: 65 mm
D: 20 mm
Screen size W x H 49 mm × 37 mm
Screen diagonal 2.4" (61 mm)
Screen resolution W × H 320 x 240 pixel
Part number 28238133
H: 100 mm
Dimensions W: 45 mm
D: 20 mm
Screen size W x H 28.5 mm × 23 mm
Screen diagonal 1.5" (38 mm)
Screen resolution W × H 78 x 64 pixel
Part number 28233646
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 59

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

2.9 Technical data of the cards

2.9.1 CIO21A and CID21A input/output cards

The CIO21A input/output card provides digital/analog inputs and outputs; the CID21A
cards provide digital inputs and outputs.
Terminal designation/ Specifications
Part number 28229495 28229487
Design In accordance with IEC 61131‑2 (type 3 for digital inputs)
Cycle time 1 ms
Power consumption 1.2 W 0.4 W Base load (exclusively total power at outputs)
Plug connector
Connection contacts – 1 core: 0.25 – 0.5 mm2
Shield terminals for control lines available
Digital inputs
Number 4
Response time 160 μs plus cycle time
X52: 1 – 4 DI10 – DI13: For the selection option, see parameter menu
X52: 5 GND
Digital outputs
Number 4
Response time 175 μs plus cycle time
Output current I ≤ 50 mA
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load Not permitted
Protection device Short-circuit proof, protected against external voltage DC 0 – 30 V
X52: 6 – 9 DO10 – DO13: For the selection option, see parameter menu
X52: 10 GND
Analog inputs
Number 2
Switchable to current input
0 to +10 V, -10 V to +10 V
Range of values
0(4) – 20 mA
X50:2 Analog input AI21
X50:3 Reference of analog input AI21
Assignment GND
X50:5 Analog input AI31
X50:6 Reference of analog input AI31
Voltage input
Resolution 0 to +10 V (11 bit), -10 V to +10 V (12 bit)
Tolerance ± 0.5%
Overvoltage immunity DC -20 V to DC +20 V
Input resistance ≥ 10 kΩ
Current input
Resolution 0(4) – 20 mA (11 bit)
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Tolerance ± 2%
Load impedance (Internal) 250 Ω
Overvoltage immunity DC -10 V to DC +10 V
Analog outputs
Number 2
Short-circuit protection Yes

60 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of the cards 2
Terminal designation/ Specifications
Analog voltage output AOV2/AOV3
Assignment X51:2
Analog current output AOC2/AOC3
X51: 3, 6 GND
Voltage output
Tolerance ± 5%
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load ≤ 500 μH
Load resistance ≥ 1 kΩ
Resolution 12 bit
Reset state 0V
Output value -10 V to +10 V ≤ 10 mA
Current output
Tolerance ±3%
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load None
Load resistance ≤ 500 Ω
Resolution 11 bit
Reset state 0 mA
Measuring range 0(4) – 20 mA
Reference voltage output
Short-circuit protection Yes
Output voltage DC -10 V, DC +10 V
Tolerance ± 0.5 %
Noise ≤ 10 mA
Output current ≤ 3 mA
Capacitive load ≤ 300 nF
Inductive load ≤ 500 μH
X50: 1 REF1 (DC +10 V)
X50: 8 REF2 (DC -10 V)

Connection of inductive loads to digital outputs
Destruction of digital outputs.
If inductive loads are connected to digital outputs, you must install an external pro-
tective element (freewheeling diode).
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 61

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

2.9.2 CES11A multi-encoder card

Voltage supply
The multi-encoder card is supplied by the basic device.

Technical data of encoder supply

Terminal designation Specifications
Part number 28229479
Power consumption
Nominal power loss 24 V 0.8 W
Maximum power consumption 24 V (card including 12.8 W
encoder supply)
Encoder supply
12 V X17:15 DC 12 V ± 10%
24 V X17:13 DC 24 V -10%, +20% in accordance with EN 611311)
Nominal output current 12 V or 24 V 500 mA
Peak current Imax for 150 μs 1000 mA
Capacitive load < 220 μF
Inductive load < 500 μH
Short-circuit protection of 12 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.
Short-circuit protection of 24 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.
Evaluable temperature sensor TF / TH / KTY84-130 / Pt1000
1) Note the restricted tolerance range

Encoder connection
Encoder connection Specification
Connection on encoder card end 15-pin socket
Maximum encoder cable length - HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C: 300 m
- Standard HTL encoder: 200 m
- Other encoders: 100 m

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62 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of the cards 2
2.9.3 CFE21A EtherNet/IPTM and Modbus TCP fieldbus interface
CFE21A EtherNet/IP™ and Modbus TCP fieldbus interface
Part number 28249984
Application protocols EtherNet/IPTM, Modbus TCP, HTTP, SNMP, DHCP, SEW Application Services
Port numbers used 67/68, 80, 161, 310, 502, 2222, 44818
Network protocols ARP, ICMP
Baud rate 100 MBaud/10 MBaud (full duplex/half duplex)
Connection technology RJ45
Manufacturer ID 013Bhex (EtherNet/IPTM)
Application profiles CIP Safety (in preparation)

2.9.4 CFN21A PROFINET fieldbus interface

CFN21A PROFINET fieldbus interface
Part number 28231694
IRT (Isochronous Realtime)
Conformance class C
Netload class 3
Topology detection (LLDP) Yes
Automatic addressing (LLDP, DCP) Yes
Media redundancy (MRP) Yes
I&M data I&M0 – I&M5
Application profiles PROFIsafe, PROFIenergy
Shared device Yes
Manufacturer ID 010Ahex
Baud rate 100 MBaud, full duplex
Connection technology RJ45
Ethernet switch Integrated
Ethernet switch switching technology Cut through
Ethernet switch latency period 5.5 µs
Ethertype 8892hex PROFINET
Ethertype 88B5 SEW MOVI‑C® Address Editor
Port numbers used • 80 (http)
• 161 (SNMP)
• 310 (SEW Data Streaming)
• PROFINET DCE/RPC Ports (dynamic via end point mapper)
GSD file name GSDML-Vx.xy-SEW-MOVI-C-MOVIDRIVE-yyyymmdd-hhmmss
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 63

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

Connections and LEDs on the fieldbus interface






L/ A


L/ A


No. Designation Terminal/LED Function

[1] Status LED US1 Operating state of the fieldbus
[2] Status LED BF Bus error
[3] Status LED L/A Status of the fieldbus connection
[4] Fieldbus interface nameplate – MAC address of the fieldbus interface
[5] Fieldbus interface X40 PROFINET port (port 1)
(RJ45 socket)
[6] Fieldbus interface X41 PROFINET port (port 2)
(RJ45 socket)
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64 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of the cards 2
2.9.5 Safety cards CS..A

General technical data 2

Ambient temperature for storage of the safety ≥ -25 °C – ≤ 85 °C
Ambient temperature of MOVIDRIVE® system/ • 0 °C – 40 °C without derating
technology, all sizes • 40 °C – 55 °C with derating
(For derating, see the "MOVIDRIVE® system" and
"MOVIDRIVE® technology" operating instructions)
Ambient temperature of MOVIDRIVE® modular, 0 °C – 45 °C without derating
all sizes
Installation altitude Maximum 3800 m above sea

Safe digital inputs

F-DI00 – F-DI03 Value/description

Properties DC 24 V input pursuant to EN 61131-2, type 3
Signal level • Logic "0" = LOW input:
≤ 5 V or ≤ 1.5 mA
• Logic "1" = HIGH input:
≥ 11 V and ≥ 2 mA
Reference ground GND
Power demand (typical) 0.21 W at DC 24 V
Input current ≤ 15 mA
Input resistance ≤ 4 kΩ at DC 24 V
Input filter time, parameterizable 4 ms – 250 ms
Permitted cable length 30 m
Error response time with single-pole No greater than the response time without
connection error.
Edge steepness of input signal > 120 V/s
Input capacitance < 500 pF

Sensor supply

F-SS0, F-SS1 Value/description

Properties • DC 24 V output pursuant to EN 61131-2
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• Short circuit and overload protection

• No galvanic isolation
Rated current 150 mA
Inrush current (≤ 10 ms) 300 mA
Short-circuit protection 1.2 A

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 65

2 Technical data
Technical data of the cards

F-SS0, F-SS1 Value/description

Internal voltage drop < DC 1.3 V
Pulsed voltage supply (if activated) • 2 ms open (LOW)
• Period duration, pulsed voltage supply:
8 ms
Permitted cable length 30 m (per sensor)
Leakage current (F-SSx blocked) < 0.1 mA

Safe digital outputs

F-DO00_P/M, F-DO01_P/M Value/description

Features • DC 24 V output in accordance with
EN 61131-2
• Short circuit and overload protection
Rated current 150 mA
Inrush current (≤ 10 ms) 300 mA
Leakage current (F-DOx blocked) < 0.1 mA
Maximum switching frequency • 10 Hz during operation < 1 minute
• 0.5 Hz during operation > 1 minute
Overload protection 210 mA
Minimum current for wire break 15 mA
Permitted cable length 30 m
Load capacitance (max. test pulse ≤ 300 nF
Load capacitance (1 ms test pulse 50 nF
Capacitance to GND/PE (sourcing ≤ 10 nF
output only)
Load capacitance with diode de- ≤ 12 µF
Load inductance ≤ 100 µH
Load inductance with freewheeling ≤ 40 H
Minimum load resistance > 130 Ω

Part numbers of the safety cards

28489470/EN – 02/2019

Safety card Part number

MOVISAFE® CSB21A 28233360
MOVISAFE® CSB31A 28233387

66 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of encoder interfaces 2
2.10 Technical data of encoder interfaces
2.10.1 Basic device
Terminal designation Specification
Supported encoders
Encoder interface X15:1 – 15
Encoders with RS422 signals
Connecting contacts 15-pin socket
Encoder supply
Nominal output voltage US24VG according to DC 24 V
IEC 61131
Nominal output voltage US12VG according to DC 12 V
IEC 61131
Imax 500 mA
Ipeak for 150 μs 1000 mA
Short-circuit protection of 12 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.
Short-circuit protection of 24 V supply Yes, but a permanent short circuit is not permitted.

2.10.2 CES11A multi-encoder card

Terminal designation Specification
Supported encoders
encoder interface X17:1 – 15
EnDat2.1 with sin/cos signals
Encoders with RS422 signals
Connecting contacts 15-pin socket
Encoder supply
Nominal output voltage US24VG according to DC 24 V
IEC 61131
Nominal output voltage US12VG according to DC 12 V
IEC 61131
Imax 500 mA
Ipeak for 150 μs 1000 mA
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 67

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.11 Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

2.11.1 Braking resistors type BR.../BR...-T

The BR.../BR...-T braking resistors are adapted to the technical characteristics of the
application inverter.
Braking resistors with different continuous and peak braking powers are available.
The braking resistors can be protected against overload and overtemperature by the
customer when a thermal overload relay is used. The tripping current is set to the
value IF; for this, see the following tables "Technical data and assignment to an in-
The braking resistors of the series BR...-T are equipped with an integrated tempera-
ture switch that monitors the temperature. If the nominal operating temperature is ex-
ceeded, the temperature switch triggers a signal contact. The temperature switch does
not switch off the braking resistor. This is why the temperature switch must be evalu-
ated to avoid thermal overload of the braking resistor.
Another possibility to protect the braking resistor is the TCB thermal circuit breaker.
The TCB thermal circuit breaker protects the braking resistor against continuous over-
load and against power peaks over short periods.
A PTC resistor protects itself (reversible) against regenerative overload by changing
abruptly to high resistance and no longer consuming any more energy. The inverter
then switches off and signals a "brake chopper" fault.
A flat-type resistor has internal thermal protection (fuse cannot be replaced) that inter-
rupts the current circuit in the event of overload. The project planning guidelines and
the documented assignments of the drive inverter and braking resistor must be ad-
hered to.

Use of protection devices
Use only the protection devices listed in the following section:
• TCB thermal circuit breaker
• Internal temperature switch T
• External bimetallic relay
→ See also the chapter "Protection of the braking resistor against thermal overload"

UL and cUL approval

The listed braking resistors have a cRUus approval independent of the application in-

Parallel connection of braking resistors

Identical braking resistors must be connected in parallel for some inverter/resistor
28489470/EN – 02/2019

In this case, protect each braking resistor against overload and overtemperature using
a thermal overload relay.
The temperature switches must be connected in series for braking resistors of the
BR...-T series.

68 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Technical data and assignment to an inverter
Technical data 2
Braking resistor Unit BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T
Part number 18176011 08281718 08281653 18204198
Current-carrying capacity at 100% kW 0.03 0.1 0.2 0.6
Resistance value RBR Ω 117 100 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 0.8 1 2.4
Design PTC submounting re- Flat-type resistor Wire resistor
Power connections Single conductors Ceramic terminal
2.5 mm2
Tightening torque Nm – 0.5
PE connection – M4
Tightening torque PE Nm – 1.8
Degree of protection in accord- IP20 IP65 IP20
ance with EN 60529
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
(Reduction 4% PN/10 K to +60 °C)
Mass kg 0.95 0.3 0.6 3

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T
0020 0020
0025 0025
0032 0032
0040 0040

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR047-010-T BR147-T BR247-T
Part number 17983207 18201342 18200842
Current-carrying capacity at kW 1 1.2 2
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 47 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 4.6 5.1 6.5
Design Wire resistor
Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque Nm 0.5
PE connection M4
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 4 4.9 6.7

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR47-010-T BR147-T BR247-T
28489470/EN – 02/2019

MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0070

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T
Part number 17983215 17983231 19155301
Current-carrying capacity at kW 1.6 2.4 4.2
100% cdf

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 69

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Braking resistor Unit BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T

Resistance value RBR Ω 27 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 7.7 9.4 12.5
Design Wire resistor Frame resistor
Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque Nm 0.5
PE connection M4 M5
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8 2.5
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 5.8 8 10

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR015-016 BR015-042-T BR015-075-T BR915-T
Part number 17983258 19155328 19155271 18204139
Current-carrying capacity at kW 1.6 4.2 7.5 16
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 15 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 10.3 16.7 22.4 32.7
Design Wire resistor Frame resistor Grid resistor mounting position 1
Power connections Ceramic terminal Ceramic terminal M8 stud
2.5 mm2 4 mm2
Tightening torque Nm 0.5 0.9 6
PE connection M4 M5 M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8 2.5 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 5.8 10 12 32

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR015-016 BR015-042-T BR015-075-T BR915-T
0620 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
0750 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 0213 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
0290 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Braking resistor Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T

Part number 17983266 17983274 19155298
Current-carrying capacity at kW 2.4 5 10.8
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 10 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 15.5 22.4 32.9
Design Wire resistor Grid resistor mounting position 1
Power connections Ceramic terminal 2.5 mm2 M8 stud

70 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Braking resistor Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T
Tightening torque Nm 0.5 6
PE connection M4 stud M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 1.8 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 8 11 17.5

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0910 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
1130 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 0290
0420 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR006-025-01 BR006-050-01 BR106-T BR206-T
Part number 18200117 18200125 18200834 18204120
Current-carrying capacity at 100% kW 2.5 5 13.5 18
Resistance value RBR Ω 6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 20.4 28.9 47.4 54.8
Design Grid resistor
Power connections M8 stud
Tightening torque Nm 6
PE connection M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -25 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 7.5 12 30 40

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR006-025-01 BR006-050-01 BR106-T BR206-T
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0750
1490 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 570 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01
Part number 17983282 17983290 18200133 17967678
Current-carrying capacity at kW 7 17 5 7
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 4.7 ± 10% 3.6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 38.6 60.1 32.6 38.6
Design Grid resistor mounting position 1
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Power connections M8 stud

Tightening torque Nm 6
PE connection M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 13 33 13

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 71

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01
1770 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 1490
2200 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
2500 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
0840 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. ors) 570
1080 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resist-

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR003-420-T BR002-070
Part number 13302345 17983304
Current-carrying capacity at 100% kW 42 7
Resistance value RBR Ω 2.5 2.3 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 135.1 55.2
Design Grid resistor mounting position 2 Grid resistor mounting position 1
Power connections M12 stud M8 stud
Tightening torque Nm 15.5 6
PE connection M10 stud M6 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 10 3
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -20 °C to +40 °C
Mass kg 93 33

Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR003-420-T BR002-070
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 3000 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
3800 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
4700 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)
5880 (Parallel connection of 2 braking resistors)

Technical data
Braking resistor Unit BR1.0-170
Part number 17985455
Current-carrying capacity at kW 17
100% cdf
Resistance value RBR Ω 1 ± 10%
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Tripping current Itrip A 130.4

Design Grid resistor mounting position 2
Power connections M12 stud
Tightening torque Nm 15.5
PE connection M10 stud
Tightening torque PE Nm 10
Degree of protection IP20
Ambient temperature ϑamb -25 °C to +40 °C

72 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Braking resistor Unit BR1.0-170
Mass kg 45
Assignment to an The assignment considers the maximum peak braking power of the inverter.
Braking resistor BR1.0-170

Technical data of BR..-T

Specifications for BR..-T Design
Signal contact connection cross section 1 × 2.5 mm2
Tightening torque signal contact 1 Nm
Switching capacity signal contact DC 2 A / DC 24 V (DC11)
AC 2 A / AC 230 V (AC11)
Switch contact (NC contact) According to EN 60730
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 73

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Dimension drawings and dimensions

Wire resistor

b x a M../PG..

Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR100-006-T 549 92 125 430 80 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR47-010-T 749 92 125 630 80 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR147-T 549 185 125 430 150 6.5 8 PG16 + M12
BR247-T 749 185 125 630 150 6.5 8 PG16 + M12
BR027-016-T 649 185 125 530 150 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR027-024-T 649 275 125 530 240 6.5 8 M25 + M12
BR015-016 649 185 125 530 150 6.5 8 M25
BR010-024 649 275 125 530 240 6.5 8 M25

Grid resistor mounting position 1


d a
b A
Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR015-075-T 415 500 270 395 380 9 — —
BR106-T 795 490 270 770 380 10.5 — —
BR206-T 995 490 270 970 380 10.5 — —
BR915-T 795 490 270 770 380 10.5 — —
BR010-050-T 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —
BR010-108-T 525 500 270 505 380 9 — —
BR004-050-01 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —
28489470/EN – 02/2019

BR005-070 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —

BR002-070 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —
BR005-170-T 490 795 270 380 770 10.5 — —
BR006-025-01 295 490 260 270 380 10.5 — —
BR006-050-01 395 490 260 370 380 10.5 — —

74 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
Grid resistor mounting position 2

d a
Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR003-420-T 995 490 710 970 380 10.5 — —
BR1.0-170 490 795 490 380 770 10.5 — —

Frame resistor

d x a
b M../PG..
Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR027-042-T 570 390 180 380 370 6.5 55 M25 + M12
BR015-042-T 570 390 180 380 370 6.5 55 M25 + M12
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 75

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Flat type resistor




Braking resistor Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Cable gland
A B C a b d x
BR100-001 110 80 15 98 60 — — —
BR100-002 216 80 15 204 60 — — —

Submounting resistor BR120-001



24 27.5 325

7 366

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76 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
2.11.2 TCB thermal circuit breaker option

General 2
The TCB thermal circuit breaker protects the braking resistor from constant overload
and protects in case of a short circuit in the cable or the braking resistor.
The setting range of the thermal circuit breaker has to be selected in such a way that it
corresponds to the tripping current IF of the braking resistor.
The switch reacts to the following events:
• Thermal overload via current monitoring device.
• Short circuit.
In the event of a fault, the thermal circuit breaker switches off the braking resistor. The
present fault is signaled via isolated NO and NC contacts.
After fault elimination, the thermal circuit breaker can be reconnected like a normal
miniature circuit breaker.
The thermal circuit breaker is installed on DIN rails (TS35).

UL and cUL approval

The thermal circuit breaker has the cRUus approval, independent of the application in-

Technical data
Circuit breaker type Unit TCB0040 TCB0063 TCB0100
Part number 19170424 19170432 19170440
Setting range A 2.5 – 4 4 – 6.3 6.3 – 10
Connection cross section main contact mm2 1.5 – 16
Tightening torque Nm 2.5
Signal contact connection cross section mm2 0.5 – 1.5
Tightening torque Nm 0.8
Mechanical service life 20000 switching cycles
Circuit breaker type Unit TCB0160 TCB0200 TCB0250 TCB0320 TCB0400
Part number 19170459 19148658 19170467 19170475 19170483
Setting range A 10 – 16 16 – 20 20 – 25 25 – 32 32 – 40
Connection cross section main contact mm2 2.5 – 16 4 – 16 6 – 16 10 – 16
Tightening torque Nm 2.5
Signal contact connection cross section mm2 0.5 – 1.5
Tightening torque Nm 0.8
Mechanical service life 20000 switching cycles

Technical data of signal contact

Specifications of the signal contacts Design

Connecting contacts 0.5 – 1.5 mm2
Tightening torque 0.8 Nm
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Switching capacity DC 5 A / DC 24 V
AC 10 A / AC 230 V

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 77

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Dimension drawing


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78 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
2.11.3 Line filter
Line filters are used to suppress interference emission on the line side of inverters. 2
• Do not switch between the NF... line filter and inverter.

UL and cUL approval

The listed line filters have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.

Technical data
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
Part number 17984319 17984270 17984300 17983789 17987504 17987865
Nominal line voltage VN 3 × AC 230 V - 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 5.5 A 12 A 22 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal power loss 4W 6W 9W 30 W 51.5 W 89 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 to 45 °C (reduction: x% IN up to max. 60 °C)
Connecting contacts Spring-loaded terminals max. 6 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
Tightening torque — 2 – 4 Nm 6 – 8 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
PE terminal contacts M4 M5 M6 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 6 Nm 12 Nm 23
Degree of protection IP20 according to EN 60529
Mass 1 kg 1 kg 1.4 kg 3 kg 5 kg 9 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 0910 – 1490
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. — 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 79

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Dimension drawings and dimensions



Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
NF0055-503 200 50 97 — 186 25 5.5 M4
NF0120-503 200 50 97 — 186 25 5.5 M4
NF0220-503 230 55 102 — 216 30 5.5 M4


PE a
Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
NF0420-513 250 88 97 255 235 60 5.5 M6
NF0910-523 270 100 152 320 255 65 6.5 M8
NF1800-523 380 132 185 465 365 102 6.5 M10
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80 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
2.11.4 Line choke
Using line chokes is optional: 2
• To support overvoltage protection
• To smoothen the line current, to reduce harmonics
• Protection in the event of distorted line voltage
• To limit the charging current when several inverters are connected together in par-
allel on the input end with shared line contactors (nominal current of line choke =
total of inverter currents).

UL and cUL approval

The listed line chokes have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.

Technical data
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
Part number 17984173 17984181 17983800 17983819 17987520 17987539
Nominal line voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 7A 16 A 30 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal inductance 0.36 mH 0.2 mH 0.1 mH 0.045 mH 0.035 mH 0.018 mH
Nominal power loss 4W 9W 11 W 13 W 53 W 116 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb -10 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts L1/L2/L3 – L1'/ 0.2 – 4 mm2 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
Tightening torque L1/L2/L3 – L1'/L2'/ 0.5 – 1 Nm 1.2 – 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 – 6 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
PE connection contact M4 M5 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 12 Nm 20 Nm
Degree of protection IPXXB in accordance with EN 60529 IPXXA in accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 0.5 kg 1.3 kg 1.95 kg 1.82 kg 4.6 kg 10 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 910 – 1400
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. - 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 81

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Dimension drawings and dimensions


a d b
Line choke Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
ND0070-503 78 57 105 56 65 40 4.8 M4
ND0160-503 96 70 120 65 71 54 4.8 M4
ND0300-503 121 86 145 86 105 70 4.8 M5
ND0420-503 121 86 150 90 105 70 4.8 M5


d b
a B

Line choke Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Port
A B C E a b d PE
ND0910-503 156 96 220 120 135 80 5.8 M8
ND1800-503 187 121 260 153 166 93 6.2 M10 28489470/EN – 02/2019

82 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
2.11.5 Output filter

Description of the output filter 2

HF.. type output filters are sine filters used to smooth the output voltages of inverters.
• Discharge currents in the motor cables are suppressed.
• Motor winding insulations of third-party motors that are not suitable for inverters
are protected.
• For long motor cables (> 100 m), overvoltage peaks are prevented.

UL and cUL approval

The listed output filters have cRUus approvals independent of the application inverter.

Technical data
Output filter HF0055-503 HF0125-503 HF0240-503 HF0460-503 HF0650-503 HF1150-503
Part number 17985110 17985129 17985137 17985145 17991277 17991269
Nominal voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 5.5 A 12.5 A 24 A 46 A 65 A 115 A
Nominal power loss 80 W 120 W 200 W 400 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN/K up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts U1/ 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 16 – 50 mm2 16 – 95 mm2
V1/W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
Tightening torque U1/V1/ 1.2 – 2 Nm 2 – 4 Nm 3 – 6 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
PE connection contacts M6 stud M8 stud M10 stud
Tightening torque PE 6 Nm 12 Nm 23 Nm
Degree of protection in IP20 IPXXA
accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 8 kg 18 kg 25 kg 40 kg 48 kg 70 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Output filter HF0055-503 HF0125-503 HF0240-503 HF0460-503 HF0650-503 HF1150-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 0620 – 0750
0910 (Parallel 1130 – 1490
connection of 2 (Parallel connec-
filters) tion of 2 filters)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. – 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 0570
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 83

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Dimension drawings and dimensions



x a
Output filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Connection
A B C E a b d x PE
HF0055-503 310 105 160 – 290 75 6.5 7 M6
HF0125-503 390 120 215 – 370 90 6.5 7 M6
HF0240-503 450 135 270 – 430 100 6.5 7 M6
HF0460-503 450 160 310 – 430 120 6.5 7 M6
HF0650-503 635 210 285 637 610 174 8.5 10 M8
HF1150-503 725 260 273 751 700 224 8.5 10 M8

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84 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes 2
2.11.6 Output choke

Description of output choke 2

HD.. type output chokes suppress interference emitted from unshielded motor cables.

UL and cUL approval

The listed output chokes have cRUus approvals independent of the application in-

Technical data
Output choke HD0125-503 HD0240-503 HD0460-503 HD1000-503 HD2000-503
Part number 17985153 17985188 17985161 17991307 17991250
Nominal voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 12.5 A 24 A 46 A 100 A 200 A
Nominal power loss 2.9 W 6W 14 W 37 W 83 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN/K up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts U1/ 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 16 – 50 mm2 16 – 150 mm2
V1/W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
Tightening torque U1/V1/ 1.2 – 2 Nm 2 – 4 Nm 6 – 8 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
W1/UDC – U2/V2/W2
PE connection contact M6 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 6 Nm 12 Nm 23 Nm
Degree of protection in IPXXB IPXXA
accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 0.85 kg 1.46 kg 2.35 kg 3 kg 6.5 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Output choke HD0125-503 HD0240-503 HD0460-503 HD1000-503 HD2000-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 0910 – 1490
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0420 0420 – 0840 1080
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 85

2 Technical data
Technical data of braking resistors, filters, and chokes

Dimension drawings and dimensions



PE a
Line filter Main dimensions in mm Mounting dimensions in mm Connection
A B C E a b d PE
HD0125-503 153 65 73 151 138 40 5.5 M6
HD0240-503 173 95 83 178 158 65 5.5 M6
HD0460-503 185 125 113 189 170 90 5.5 M6
HD1000-503 255 116 143.5 265 240 82 6.5 M8
HD2000-503 300 152.5 160.5 330 286 120 6.5 M10

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86 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Technical data
USM21A interface adapter 2
2.12 USM21A interface adapter
USM21A Technical data 2
Part number 28231449
Ambient temperature 0 °C to 40 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C to 70 °C
Degree of protection IP20
Width 42 mm
Height 89 mm
Depth 25 mm
An order using part number 28231449 includes the following parts:
• USM21A interface adapter
• USB connection cable for the USM21A – PC connection
• Serial interface cable with 2 RJ10 connectors

To connect MOVIDRIVE® technology to the USM21A, you need an additional serial
interface cable with an RJ10 connector and a 9-pin D-sub connector, part number
This cable must be ordered separately.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 87

3 Project planning

3 Project planning
3.1 SEW-Workbench
The SEW-Workbench is the central configuration software for inverters from
All necessary configurations can be processed, from entering the application to gear
unit, motor and inverter calculations. Other features are optimization of the various
axis cycles including the selection of accessories and a fault check of the entire drive
system configuration.
Of course, the Workbench can also be used to select and dimension all other products
from SEW‑EURODRIVE (such as decentralized drives and gearmotors). This means
the SEW-Workbench allows for specifying drive solutions from the entire range of
products from SEW‑EURODRIVE. The straightforward operation saves a great deal of
time and minimizes complexity.
The key features of the SEW-Workbench are:
• Selection of the application
• Calculation of gear unit and motor
• Price-optimized configuration
• Comparison of different solutions
• Inverter calculation
• Multi-axis optimization
• Parameterization of cable and accessories selection
• Dimensioning error check
• Parts list generation
• Electronic catalog with all products
The planning and configuration software SEW-Workbench is available for download
from the official SEW‑EURODRIVE website.
To use SEW-Workbench, all you need to do is to register via the Online Support once
you have downloaded and installed the software or received the data DVD. An Inter-
net update service ensures that the products and functions are always up to date.

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88 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Schematic workflow for project planning 3
3.2 Schematic workflow for project planning
The following flow diagram illustrates the drive selection procedure for a positioning
drive. The drive consists of a gearmotor that is supplied by an application inverter. 3
Necessary information regarding the machine to be driven
• Technical data and ambient conditions.
• Positioning accuracy.
• Speed setting range.
• Travel cycle calculation.

Calculation of the relevant application data
• Travel diagram.
• Speeds.
• Static, dynamic torques.
• Regenerative power.

Gear unit selection
• Defining gear unit type, gear unit size, gear unit ratio, and gear unit design.
• Checking the positioning accuracy.
• Checking the gear unit load.
• Checking the input speed.

Motor selection
• Maximum torque.
• With dynamic drives: effective torque at medium speed.
• Maximum speed.
• Observe dynamic and thermal torque curves.
• Motor equipment (brake, plug connector, thermal motor protection, etc.).

Selection of application modules
• Determining the control mode.
• Motor/inverter assignment.
• Checking if the application inverters fulfill the duration and overload requirements.

Braking resistor selection
• Checking if the braking resistor fulfills the duration and overload requirements.
• Observe braking resistor assignment.

Selection of other system components
• Option cards.
• Motor and power supply cables.
• Signal and encoder cables.
• EMC measures.

24 V voltage supply selection
• Determining the current demand of the 24 V voltage supply.
• Observing the requirements for the voltage tolerance.

Make sure that all requirements have been met.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 89

3 Project planning
Drive selection

3.3 Drive selection

For drive selection, in addition to the travel diagram that describes the exact travel
cycle, a large number of additional specifications must be made about the operating
and ambient conditions.
It is first necessary to have data for the machine to be driven such as mass, setting
range, speed, information about the mechanical design and so on in order to select
the drive correctly. The appropriate drive can be determined with the calculated
torques and speeds of the drive while taking other mechanical requirements such as
environmental and operating conditions into account.
For selecting the drive, a decision is to be taken if an asynchronous motor or a syn-
chronous motor is to be used. The extensive product range of SEW‑EURODRIVE is
available for this purpose.

3.3.1 General requirements for motors

Motors that can be connected

• Asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor.
• Permanent-field synchronous motors.
When third-party motors are operated with inverters, SEW‑EURODRIVE cannot en-
sure that the specified performance data is reached.

Dielectric strength of the motor

The operation of an AC motor with a frequency inverter places a much greater load on
the motor winding than in the case of operation on the supply system. All AC motors
by SEW‑EURODRIVE have the required voltage endurance.
At a line voltage of AC 3 x 400 V, the nominal DC link voltage is DC 560 V. In regener-
ative operation, the DC link voltage can rise to 970 V.
For operation of third-party motors at SEW‑EURODRIVE's application inverters, their
suitability has to be checked.

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90 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Drive selection 3
Requirements for third-party motors
The connected third-party motor has to be designed in inverter mode for these DC link
The inverters pulse the DC voltage of the DC link UDC to the supply cables to the mo-
tor. At SEW‑EURODRIVE, the pulsed voltage supply is available with 2.5 kHz, 4 kHz,
8 kHz, or 16 kHz. As a result, the motor is loaded with voltage peaks, high amplitude
and very short rise times.
The technical data of the motors must lie within the following ranges:

Nominal motor speed 0 – 30 000 min-1

Nominal motor current 0 – 500 A
Nominal motor torque 0 – 50 000 Nm
Rated motor frequency 1)
0 – 500 Hz
Number of pole pairs asynchronous/synchronous motor 1 – 64
1) The maximum output frequency depends on the selected control mode

Thermal motor protection

Thermal motor protection avoids overheating and, therefore, prevents irreparable
damage from being caused to the motor. For this purpose, temperature sensors detect
the winding temperature. As standard, the MOVIDRIVE® application inverters can
evaluate the following temperature sensors:

Motor protection Number of SEW-EURODRIVE

sensors: designation
PTC thermistor 3 TF
Bimetallic temperature switch 3 TH
Semiconductor temperature sensor KTY84-130 1 KY/KTY
Platinum temperature sensor Pt1000 1 PK

Motor series Temperature sensor Motor protection

CM.. TF, KTY84-130, Pt1000 Comprehensive protec-
DR.. TF, TH Comprehensive protec-
DR.. KTY84-130 Limited protection1) off
Third-party motors PTC thermistor, Comprehensive protec-
Bimetallic temperature switch
Third-party motors KTY84-130, Pt1000 Limited protection1)
1) If the temperature measured by the temperature sensor exceeds the limit temperature of the set thermal
class of the motor, the application inverter issues an error message
28489470/EN – 02/2019

For additional information on the thermal motor protection, refer to the documentation
of the motors.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 91

3 Project planning
Drive selection

3.3.2 Group drive and multi-motor drive

Group drive of asynchronous motors

A group drive is a group of asynchronous motors of any power rating. The motors do
not have a rigid mechanical connection or only a connection that is subject to slip and
are connected to an electrically parallel inverter.
After a suitable startup, operation in U/f control mode is possible.
If motors with different power ratings are operated at the inverter in parallel, the motor
with the largest power rating has to be set up.
• The total of the motor currents must not exceed the nominal output current of the
• Note the permitted length of all motor leads connected in parallel:
ltot ≤ lmax/n
ltot = Maximum total length of the motor leads connected in parallel
lmax = Permitted motor lead length
n = Number of motors connected in parallel

Temperature evaluation of the motors in group drives

• It is preferable to use TH winding thermostats for group drives on one inverter.
• The series connection of the TH contacts (normally closed) is not subject to any
restriction if joint monitoring is provided.
• If TF temperature sensors are available in motors that are intended for a group
drive, the temperature sensors of a maximum of 3 motors may be connected in

Multi-motor drive of asynchronous motors

Multi-motor drive means the electrical parallel connection of several identical asyn-
chronous motors at 1 inverter, that are rigidly and mechanically coupled and drive a
Parallel operation of several identical asynchronous motors is possible provided the
strict compliance with the following conditions.
• Only use gearmotors of the same type and with the same winding data.
• The rotor position of the individual motors must not differ in more than the following
mechanical angle:
Zp × Δφmech_max < 20°
Zp = Number of motor pole pairs
Δφmech_max = Maximum torsion angle of the shaft connection in regard of the motor
This must be ensured by the mechanics even for maximally different torque loads
of the motor shafts. The motor has to be equipped with an encoder for the encoder
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92 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Drive selection 3
• Note the permitted length of all motor leads connected in parallel:
ltot ≤ lmax/n
ltot = Maximum total length of the motor leads connected in parallel 3
lmax = Permitted motor lead length
n = Number of motors connected in parallel
• Make sure the speed sensor is installed on the gearmotor which has the greatest
clearance or elasticity with respect to the load inertia.

3.3.3 Connecting explosion-proof AC motors

Observe the following instructions when connecting explosion-proof AC motors to ap-
plication inverter:
• The inverter must be installed outside of the potentially explosive atmosphere.
• Observe industry and country-specific regulations.
• Observe the regulations and information of the motor manufacturer with regard to
operation on a frequency inverter, e.g. mandatory sine filter.
• All operating resources used in potentially explosive atmospheres must adhere to
the relevant standards, such as Directive 94/9/EC (ATEX 100a) or IEC 60079.
• The sensor input of the motor's temperature monitoring must not be used in poten-
tially-explosive areas. For thermal monitoring use a monitoring device approved for
potentially explosive atmospheres.
• In case of motors with speed feedback the speed sensor must also be approved
for potentially explosive atmospheres. The speed sensor can be directly connected
to the inverter.

For more information on the operation of explosion-proof AC motors, refer to the "Ex-
plosion-Proof AC Motors, Asynchronous Servomotors" operating instructions. You
can order the operating instructions from SEW‑EURODRIVE.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 93

3 Project planning
Drive selection

3.3.4 General requirements for encoders

Valid motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE

The following overview shows the motor encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE that are
valid for use with MOVIDRIVE®. For information on the respective encoder cables,
refer to the chapter "Prefabricated cables" (→ 2 158).


E.7S, E.7R, E.7C




1) X17 is located on the inserted card

2) X15 is located on the basic device

3.3.5 General requirements for the brake control

Refer to the motor catalogs for extensive information and technical data regarding the

Brake control
Brakes may only be controlled via the digital output X10: (DB0; DB00) at the applica-
tion inverter. It is not permitted to control them via other electronic devices or via con-
The digital output (DB0; DB00) is designed as output for operating a relay with protec-
tion circuit with a DC 24 V control voltage, a maximum current of 150 mA and a power
rating of 3.6 W.
With this, a power contactor with DC 24 V coil voltage or a suitable brake rectifier from
SEW‑EURODRIVE can be controlled. This power contactor is used to switch the
Direct switch of the brake via (DB0; DB00) is not permitted.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Permitted load of brake control and brake

One complete switching sequence (opening and closing) must not be repeated more
often than a maximum of every 2 seconds. SEW‑EURODRIVE brakes must remain
switched off for at least 100 ms before it can be switched on again.

94 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3
3.4 Recommendations for motor and inverter selection
The basis for motor selection are the limit characteristic curves of the motors in in-
verter operation. The limit characteristic curve states the torque characteristic of the 3
motor depending on the speed.
The dynamic and thermal limits must be observed when selecting the motor.

3.4.1 Thermal limit characteristic curve

The mean motor speed and the effective torque are calculated during drive selection
to determine the thermal utilization of the motor. The operating point of the motor must
lie below the thermal limit characteristic curve of the motor; otherwise the motor will be
thermally overloaded.

3.4.2 Dynamic limit characteristic curve

The dynamic limit characteristic curve depicts the maximum torque the motor can gen-
erate at a certain speed. Note that the inverter must supply sufficient current for the
motor to reach its maximum torque.
The base speed is especially important for configuration. The base speed is the avail-
able speed up to the maximum motor torque. In inverter operation, the base speed in-
dicates the beginning of field weakening. The motor torque is limited by the voltage
limit characteristic curve in the field-weakening range, and decreases with increasing
MN is determined by the motor. Mmax and nbase depend on the motor/inverter combina-
tion. For the values for Mmax and nbase in control modes VFCPLUS, CFC, and ELSM®,
refer to the motor selection tables in the chapter "Motor/inverter assignment"
(→ 2 100).

Typical characteristic curve of asynchronous motors



0 nbase n

[1] S1 operation with self-cooling

[2] S1 operation with external cooling
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[3] Mechanical limit for gearmotors

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 95

3 Project planning
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection

Typical characteristic curve of synchronous motors

500 %

400 %

300 %

M / Mn
200 %

100 % [1]

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500

[1] Thermal limit characteristic curve S1 operation

[2] Dynamic limit torque

3.4.3 Motor selection for asynchronous motors

The mechanical resistance of the motor against the overload, which might exceed the
permitted limit values, must be strictly checked.
Mpk and nbase depend on the motor/inverter combination, as well as on the used control
Asynchronous motors are mainly operated in control mode VFCPLUS. The control mode
efficiently adjusts the motor magnetization to the respective operating point. It simul-
taneously allows for dynamic responses to load shocks at the drive train.

3.4.4 Asynchronous motors in control mode VFCPLUS

The control mode VFCPLUS without encoder allows dynamic use of the entire speed
range of the drive. Reversing and moving through the speed 0 are also possible.
However, continuous operation of asynchronous motors without encoder at low
speeds is not possible. The minimum speeds that must not be permanently undercut
during operation without encoder are:
• Motor mode: 1% of the asynchronous motor nominal speed.
• Regenerative operation: 10% of the asynchronous motor nominal speed.

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Lifting application with encoder

The control must be designed in such a way that the direction of rotation of the drive
can only be reversed when it is at a standstill (with the brake applied).
If the direction of rotation should be changed without standstill, a motor encoder must
be used.

96 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3
The described restrictions do not apply in control mode VFCPLUS with encoder. In com-
parison to operation without encoder, higher dynamic properties can be achieved with
an encoder.
When determining the maximum speed, observe that the breakdown torque MK is re- 3
duced in an quadratic relationship in the field weakening range.

3.4.5 Asynchronous motors in control mode CFC

Either standard asynchronous motors (e.g. DRN.. motors) or asynchronous servomo-
tors (e.g. DRL.. motors) can be used in control mode CFC. SEW‑EURODRIVE recom-
mends using asynchronous servomotors to achieve optimum benefit from the advant-
ages of the control mode CFC.

Standard asynchronous motors in control mode CFC

In comparison to control mode VFCPLUS, higher dynamic properties can be achieved
using CFC. The full motor magnetization is maintained in each operating state, so that
the highest requirements for dynamics are met. Due to the voltage reserves required
for this, standard asynchronous motors are operated with a lower base speed in this
operating mode than in operating mode VFCPLUS. Power yield and energy efficiency
are thus lower.
Speed/torque characteristic for VFCPLUS and CFC in comparison.

[1] CFC


0 nN 2 x nN n


[1] Torque [2] Current [3] Power rating

Asynchronous servomotors in control mode CFC

The high-quality mechanic design of the DRL.. series asynchronous AC servomotors
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allows for dynamic overload values that exceed the values of the standard asynchro-
nous motors in line or inverter operation. Due to these characteristics, the values of a
synchronous servomotor are almost reached.
SEW-EURODRIVE provides the DRL.. motors in two dynamics packages:

Package Overload capacity in relation to the nominal torque

Dynamics 1 (D1) 190% – 220%

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 97

3 Project planning
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection

Package Overload capacity in relation to the nominal torque

Dynamics 2 (D2) 300% – 350%
To obtain an optimal adjustment of the motor speed to the required controller output
limit of the application, SEW‑EURODRIVE offers DRL.. servomotors with the following
4 rated speeds:
• 1200 min-1
• 1700 min-1
• 2100 min-1
• 3000 min-1

3.4.6 Synchronous servomotors in control mode CFC

In general, synchronous servomotors and the corresponding inverters are designed
for a high short-time overload capacity. This allows a multiple of the nominal torque.
When using the following CMP.. motors in the higher speed ranges, it is recommen-
ded to only set the PWM frequencies 8 kHz or 16 kHz.
• CMP40 – 63 for speed class 6000 min-1,
• CMP71 – 100 for speed classes 4500 min-1 and 6000 min-1.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the use of the following temperature sensors:
• KTY84 – 130 (SEW‑EURODRIVE designation: KY/KTY)
• Pt1000 (SEW-EURODRIVE designation: PK)

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98 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Recommendations for motor and inverter selection 3
3.4.7 Synchronous servomotors in control mode ELSM®
The control mode ELSM® allows dynamic use of the entire speed range of the drive.
Reversing and moving through the speed 0 are also possible. The speed must not
permanently drop below the minimum speed of approx. 2% of the nominal motor 3
When the control mode ELSM® is operated without encoder, the maximum motor
torque is 150% M0 of the connected motor.
The nominal output current of the inverter must not be lower than 1.5 × I0 of the con-
nected motor.
The maximum speed must not be dimensioned higher than the rated speed of the mo-
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the use of the following temperature sensors:
• KTY84 – 130 (SEW‑EURODRIVE designation: KY/KTY)
• Pt1000 (SEW-EURODRIVE designation: PK)
Using the ELSM® control mode for hoists and inclining tracks is not permitted.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 99

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5 Motor-inverter assignments

The following motor-inverter assignments apply to MOVIDRIVE® system and
MOVIDRIVE® technology.

3.5.1 Technical data DRN.. motors


PN Rated power
MN Rated torque
nN Rated speed
IN Rated current
cosφ Power factor
IE Short for "International Efficiency" (international efficiency classes IE1 –
η50% Efficiency at 50% of the rated power
η75% Efficiency at 75% of the rated power
η100% Efficiency at 100% of the rated power
IA/IN Starting current ratio
MA/MN Starting torque ratio
MH/MN Ramp-up torque ratio
MK/MN Breakdown torque ratio
m Mass of the motor
JMot Mass moment of inertia of the motor
BE.. Brake used
Z0 BG Starting frequency for operation with BG brake control
Z0 BGE Starting frequency for operation with BGE brake control
MB Braking torque
mB Mass of the brakemotor
JMOT_BE Mass moment of inertia of the brakemotor
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100 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
IE3 DRN.. motors, 400 V, 50 Hz, 4-pole

Information on motors
Motor PN MN nN IN cosφ η50% η75% η100% IA/IN MA/MN
kW Nm min-1 A % % %
DRN63MS4 0.12 0.83 1380 0.4 0.64 58.3 63.9 64.8 3.6 2.7
DRN63M4 0.18 1.25 1375 0.57 0.65 65.1 69.4 69.9 3.7 2.6
DRN71MS4 0.25 1.7 1405 0.72 0.66 70.1 73.5 73.5 4.3 2.5
DRN71M4 0.37 2.5 1415 1.02 0.66 74.3 77.3 77.3 4.8 2.8
DRN80MK4 0.55 3.65 1435 1.29 0.75 78.6 81.0 80.8 6.1 3.1
DRN80M4 0.75 4.95 1440 1.75 0.74 80.7 82.9 82.9 6.7 3.4
DRN90S4 1.1 7.2 1455 2.55 0.73 83.5 85.0 84.5 6.9 3.3
DRN90L4 1.5 9.8 1461 3.4 0.74 84.6 86.1 85.6 7.5 3.3
DRN100LS4 2.2 14.5 1450 4.75 0.76 86.4 87.5 86.9 7.1 3.3
DRN100L4 3 19.7 1456 6.4 0.76 87.3 88.3 87.8 8.2 3.7
DRN112M4 4 26 1464 7.9 0.81 88.6 89.4 88.7 8.2 3.6
DRN132S4 5.5 36 1461 10.5 0.84 90.6 90.6 89.6 8.3 3.5
DRN132M4 7.5 49 1468 15.2 0.78 90.8 91.1 90.4 7.8 3.3
DRN132L4 9.2 60 1470 18.7 0.77 90.8 91.6 91.0 8.4 3.7
DRN160M4 11 71 1473 21 0.81 91.1 91.7 91.4 7.3 3.0
DRN160L4 15 97 1474 29 0.80 91.9 92.5 92.1 8.0 3.4
DRN180M4 18.5 120 1478 33.5 0.85 92.8 93.1 92.6 9.5 3.6
DRN180L4 22 142 1477 38.5 0.87 93.4 93.6 93.0 9.6 3.4
DRN200L4 30 194 1480 56 0.82 93.3 93.9 93.6 8.2 3.3
DRN225S4 37 240 1482 64 0.88 94.3 94.4 93.9 8.4 2.7
DRN225M4 45 290 1482 81 0.85 94.1 94.5 94.2 8.8 2.7
DRN250M4 55 355 1482 104 0.80 94.4 94.8 94.6 8.2 2.9
DRN280S4 75 485 1482 143 0.79 94.9 95.3 95.0 7.6 2.9
DRN280M4 90 580 1481 161 0.84 95.4 95.6 95.2 7.7 2.7
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DRN315S4 110 710 1488 189 0.87 95.4 95.7 95.5 6.7 3.1
DRN315M4 132 850 1487 230 0.87 95.6 95.9 95.6 6.5 2.9
DRN315L4 160 1030 1486 275 0.87 95.9 96.1 95.9 6.5 2.8
DRN315H4 200 1280 1489 355 0.84 95.4 96.0 96.0 8.1 3.8

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 101

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Further information on motors and brakemotors

Motor PN MN nN mMot JMot BE.. Z0 MB mBMot JBMot
kW Nm min-1 kg 10-4 kgm2 h-1 Nm kg 10-4 kgm2
DRN63MS4 0.12 0.83 1380 4.9 2.95 BE03 1.7 6.8 3.63
DRN63M4 0.18 1.25 1375 5.8 3.76 BE03 2.7 7.6 4.44
DRN71MS4 0.25 1.7 1405 6.8 5.42 BE03 3.4 8.6 6.11
DRN71M4 0.37 2.5 1415 8 7.14 BE05 5 10 8.44
DRN80MK4 0.55 3.65 1435 11 17.1 BE1 7 14 18.6
DRN80M4 0.75 4.95 1440 14 24.7 BE1 10 18 26.2
DRN90S4 1.1 7.2 1455 20 54 BE2 14 24 58.7
DRN90L4 1.5 9.8 1461 23 67.2 BE2 20 27 71.9

DRN100LS4 2.2 14.5 1450 27 81.4 BE5 28 33 87.4

DRN100L4 3 19.7 1456 34 112 BE5 40 40 118

DRN112M4 4 26 1464 45 178 BE5 55 52 183

DRN132S4 5.5 36 1461 56 241 BE11 80 71 251

DRN132M4 7.5 49 1468 73 381 BE11 110 91 403

DRN132L4 9.2 60 1470 81 439 BE20 150 110 490

DRN160M4 11 71 1473 115 817 BE20 150 145 877

DRN160L4 15 97 1474 130 1040 BE20 200 165 1100

DRN180M4 18.5 120 1478 155 1630 BE30 300 195 1770

DRN180L4 22 142 1477 170 1950 BE30 300 210 2090

DRN200L4 30 194 1480 280 2660 BE32 400 335 2890

DRN225S4 37 240 1482 310 4350 BE32 500 365 4580

DRN225M4 45 290 1482 310 4350 BE32 600 365 4580

DRN250M4 55 355 1482 460 7360 BE62 800 550 7960

DRN280S4 75 485 1482 520 8940 BE62 1000 600 9530

DRN280M4 90 580 1481 630 12000 BE62 1200 720 12600

DRN315S4 110 710 1488 870 23400 BE122 1600 1000 24400
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DRN315M4 132 850 1487 890 24800 BE122 2000 1020 25800

DRN315L4 160 1030 1486 1020 28600 BE122 2000 1150 29600

DRN315H4 200 1280 1489 1140 35200 BE122 2000 1270 36200

102 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.2 Motor-inverter assignments DRN.. motors, fPWM = 4 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, 50 Hz, VFCPLUS

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRN80M4 Mpk Nm 14.1 16.9
nbase min-1 1069 1009
Imax % 200 200
DRN90S4 Mpk Nm 13.5 17.6 23.3 23.8
nbase min-1 1253 1196 1117 1149
Imax % 200 200 200 171
DRN90L4 Mpk Nm 22.4 28.8 32.4
nbase min-1 1214 1150 1152
Imax % 200 200 169
DRN100LS4 Mpk Nm 27.8 39.7 47.8
nbase min-1 1233 1149 1105
Imax % 200 200 190
DRN100L4 Mpk Nm 38.8 50.8 69.3
nbase min-1 1242 1187 1101
Imax % 200 200 197
DRN112M4 Mpk Nm 50.6 70.5 81.3
nbase min-1 1261 1199 1165
Imax % 200 200 174
DRN132S4 Mpk Nm 70.6 94.5 110
nbase min-1 1252 1196 1161
Imax % 200 200 180
DRN132M4 Mpk Nm 87.1 114 120
nbase min-1 1291 1254 1245
Imax % 200 200 141
DRN132L4 Mpk Nm 110 144
nbase min-1 1295 1260
Imax % 200 171
DRN160M4 Mpk Nm 116 177 196
nbase min-1 1316 1270 1256
Imax % 200 200 166
DRN160L4 Mpk Nm 174 235 273
nbase min-1 1313 1283 1264
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Imax % 200 200 161

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 103

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, 50 Hz, VFCPLUS

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
DRN90S4 Mpk Nm 23.8
nbase min-1 1149
Imax % 170
DRN90L4 Mpk Nm 29 32.4
nbase min-1 1148 1152
Imax % 200 174
DRN100LS4 Mpk Nm 28 38.5 47.8
nbase min-1 1232 1157 1105
Imax % 200 200 165
DRN100L4 Mpk Nm 37.5 59.1 69.3
nbase min-1 1248 1149 1101
Imax % 200 200 153
DRN112M4 Mpk Nm 59 81.3
nbase min-1 1235 1165
Imax % 200 178
DRN132S4 Mpk Nm 59 92.5 110
nbase min-1 1279 1201 1161
Imax % 200 200 173
DRN132M4 Mpk Nm 85.2 119 120
nbase min-1 1293 1247 1245
Imax % 200 200 140
DRN132L4 Mpk Nm 115 144
nbase min-1 1290 1260
Imax % 200 170
DRN160M4 Mpk Nm 121 179 196
nbase min-1 1312 1270 1256
Imax % 200 200 162
DRN160L4 Mpk Nm 175 241
nbase min-1 1313 1280
Imax % 200 200
DRN180M4 Mpk Nm 180 245
nbase min-1 1326 1298
Imax % 200 200
DRN180L4 Mpk Nm 249
nbase min-1 1308
Imax % 200
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104 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.3 Technical data of DRL.. motors

Key to the technical data for asynchronous DRL.. servomotors

The following table lists the short symbols used in the "Technical data" tables. 3
nN Rated speed
MN Rated torque
IN Rated current
JMot Mass moment of inertia of the motor
Mpk D1 Maximum limit torque (dynamics package 1)
Mpk D2 Maximum limit torque (dynamics package 2)
m Mass of the motor
BE.. Brake used
mB Mass of the brake motor
JMOT_BE Mass moment of inertia of the brake motor
MB D1 Braking torque (dynamics package 1)
MB D2 Braking torque (dynamics package 2)
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 105

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Asynchronous DRL.. servomotors

4-pole DRL.. servomotors for 400 V, 50 Hz
nN Motor type MN IN Iq_n Id_n cT Mpk Mpk m Jmot
D1 D2
Nm A A A Nm/A Nm Nm kg 10-4 kgm2
1200 DRL71S4 2.7 1.18 1.02 0.62 2.66 5 8.5 8.6 4.9
DRL71M4 4 1.6 1.36 0.80 2.93 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6.5 2.15 1.95 0.88 3.33 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 9.5 2.9 2.64 1.10 3.60 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 15 4.8 4.14 2.21 3.63 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 26 8.5 8.05 2.68 3.23 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 42 12.6 11.9 4.07 3.52 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 56 17.6 15.4 7.50 3.63 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 85 25.5 24.2 8.05 3.51 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 90 28 25.1 10.9 3.58 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 120 34.5 33.2 10.8 3.62 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 135 38 36.1 11.3 3.74 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 165 47 44.9 14.8 3.67 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 175 52 46.8 17.1 3.74 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 200 58.5 56.0 17.8 3.57 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 250 72 68.1 23.4 3.67 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 290 89 78.6 29.2 3.69 770 1100 330 4330
1700 DRL71S4 2.7 1.63 1.40 0.86 1.92 5 8.5 8.6 4.9
DRL71M4 4 2.2 1.90 1.11 2.11 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6.5 2.96 2.71 1.22 2.40 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 9.5 4 3.65 1.52 2.60 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 15 6.6 5.67 3.02 2.65 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 26 11.4 11.00 3.66 2.36 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 42 17.8 16.9 5.75 2.49 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 56 24.9 21.9 10.6 2.56 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 85 35 33.5 11.1 2.54 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 90 36 32.3 14.0 2.78 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 120 47.5 45.6 14.8 2.63 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 135 52 50.1 15.7 2.70 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 165 63 61.3 20.2 2.69 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 175 72 65.7 24.1 2.66 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 200 80.6 78.4 25.0 2.55 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 245 97 92 32.2 2.66 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 280 130 114 43.9 2.45 770 1100 330 4330
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106 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
nN Motor type MN IN Iq_n Id_n cT Mpk Mpk m Jmot
D1 D2
Nm A A A Nm/A Nm Nm kg 10-4 kgm2
2100 DRL71S4 2.6 2 1.70 1.08 1.53 5 8.5 8.6 4.9 3
DRL71M4 3.8 2.7 2.25 1.39 1.69 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6.2 3.59 3.22 1.52 1.92 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 9.5 5 4.60 1.91 2.07 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 15 8.4 7.21 3.84 2.08 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 25 14 13.4 4.63 1.87 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 41 21.4 20.3 7.07 2.02 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 52 28.8 25.0 13.0 2.08 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 85 44 42.1 14.0 2.02 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 88 48 42.8 18.9 2.06 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 110 55.3 52.7 18.7 2.09 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 130 64 60.4 19.6 2.15 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 160 78 75.8 25.8 2.11 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 170 87 79.1 29.8 2.15 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 195 99 94.6 30.9 2.06 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 235 119 111 40.6 2.11 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 265 142 125 50.8 2.12 770 1100 330 4330
3000 DRL71S4 2.5 2.68 2.26 1.49 1.11 5 8.5 8.6 4.9
DRL71M4 3.6 3.55 2.96 1.93 1.21 7 14 10 7.1
DRL80S4 6 4.82 4.32 2.10 1.39 10 25 11.5 14.9
DRL80M4 8.8 6.5 5.86 2.63 1.50 14 30 15.2 21.5
DRL90L4 14 11 9.19 5.25 1.52 25 46 22.5 43.5
DRL100L4 21 16.6 15.4 6.35 1.36 40 85 30 68
DRL132S4 35 25.5 24.4 10.0 1.43 80 150 45.5 190
DRL132MC4 42 34.8 28.4 18.4 1.48 130 200 65 340
DRL160M4 79 57 53.9 19.3 1.47 165 280 93 450
DRL160MC4 83 59 51.8 24.3 1.60 185 320 95 590
DRL180S4 100 70.1 65.9 25.7 1.52 210 380 122 900
DRL180M4 105 73 67.6 27.2 1.55 250 430 143 1110
DRL180L4 130 90 83.8 35.0 1.55 320 520 154 1300
DRL180LC4 140 105 91 41.8 1.53 420 600 163 1680
DRL200L4 165 118 112 43.3 1.47 475 680 260 2360
DRL225S4 195 139 127 56.0 1.53 520 770 295 2930
DRL225MC4 220 188 156 76 1.41 770 1100 330 4330
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 107

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

4-pole DRL.. servomotors/brakemotors for 400 V, 50 Hz

nN Motor type MN IN BE.. MB MB mB JMot_BE
D1 D2
Nm A Nm Nm kg1) 10-4 kgm2
1200 DRL71S4 2.7 1.18 BE05 5 5 11 6.2
DRL71M4 4 1.6 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6.5 2.15 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 9.5 2.9 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 15 4.8 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 26 8.5 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 42 12.6 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 56 17.6 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 85 25.5 BE20 150 200 120 500
DRL160MC4 90 28 BE20 150 200 122 640
DRL180S4 120 34.5 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 135 38 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 165 47 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 175 52 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 200 58.5 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 250 72 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 290 89 BE32 600 600 385 4560
1700 DRL71S4 2.7 1.63 BE05 5 5 11 6.2
DRL71M4 4 2.2 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6.5 2.96 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 9.5 4 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 15 6.6 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 26 11.4 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 42 17.8 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 56 24.9 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 85 35 BE20 150 200 120 500
DRL160MC4 90 36 BE20 150 200 122 640
DRL180S4 120 47.5 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 135 52 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 165 63 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 175 72 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 200 80.6 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 245 97 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 280 130 BE32 600 600 385 4560
2100 DRL71S4 2.6 2 BE05 5 5 11 6.2
DRL71M4 3.8 2.7 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6.2 3.59 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 9.5 5 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 15 8.4 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 25 14 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 41 21.4 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 52 28.8 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 85 44 BE20 150 200 120 500
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DRL160MC4 88 48 BE20 150 200 122 640

DRL180S4 110 55.3 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 130 64 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 160 78 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 170 87 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 195 99 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 235 119 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 265 142 BE32 600 600 385 4560

108 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
nN Motor type MN IN BE.. MB MB mB JMot_BE
D1 D2
Nm A Nm Nm kg1) 10-4 kgm2
3000 DRL71S4 2.5 2.68 BE05 5 5 11 6.2 3
DRL71M4 3.6 3.55 BE1 7 10 12.6 8.4
DRL80S4 6 4.82 BE2 10 20 15.2 19.4
DRL80M4 8.8 6.5 BE2 14 20 18.9 26
DRL90L4 14 11 BE5 20 40 28.5 49.5
DRL100L4 21 16.6 BE5 40 55 36 74
DRL132S4 35 25.5 BE11 80 110 60 200
DRL132MC4 42 34.8 BE11 110 110 79 355
DRL160M4 79 57 BE20 150 200 120 500
DRL160MC4 83 59 BE20 150 200 122 640
DRL180S4 100 70.1 BE30 200 300 162 1030
DRL180M4 105 73 BE30 200 300 183 1250
DRL180L4 130 90 BE30 300 300 194 1440
DRL180LC4 140 105 BE32 400 400 210 1910
DRL200L4 165 118 BE32 400 600 315 2590
DRL225S4 195 139 BE32 500 500 350 3160
DRL225MC4 220 188 BE32 600 600 385 4560
1) Applies for foot-mounted motor with brake (DRL...BE../Fl..)
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 109

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5.4 Motor-inverter assignments DRL.. motors, fPWM = 4 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1200 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5
nbase min-1 737
Imax % 103
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 7
nbase min-1 903
Imax % 142
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10
nbase min-1 876
Imax % 171
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 13.4 14
nbase min -1
939 985
Imax % 200 198
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 1053 1168
Imax % 200 195
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 40 40
nbase min-1 1205 1371
Imax % 200 199
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 65 80
nbase min-1 1057 1065
Imax % 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 79.6 105 130 130
nbase min-1 1252 1174 1299 1443
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 165 165
nbase min-1 1090 1299
Imax % 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 159 185 185
nbase min-1 1162 1274 1467
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 171 210 210
nbase min-1 1136 1169 1294
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 195

DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 246 250
nbase min-1 1057 1336
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 234 320 320
nbase min-1 1162 1160 1334
Imax % 200 200 200

110 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 336 420
nbase min-1 1101 1135
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 339 474 475
nbase min-1 1123 1034 1211
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 469 520
nbase min-1 1103 1204
Imax % 200 200
DRL225MC4 Mpk Nm 429 539
nbase min-1 1212 1144
Imax % 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1700 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5
nbase min-1 1312
Imax % 156
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 7
nbase min-1 1515
Imax % 200
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10
nbase min -1
Imax % 200
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 14
nbase min-1 1557
Imax % 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 1583 1807
Imax % 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 40 40
nbase min-1 1793 2122
Imax % 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 59.9 79.2 80
nbase min-1 1624 1497 1884
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 112 130 130
nbase min-1 1703 1896 2259
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 118 164 165
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 1656 1515 1953

Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 119 166 185 185
nbase min-1 1656 1515 1820 2024
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 165 210 210
nbase min-1 1629 1732 1917
Imax % 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 111

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 250 250
nbase min-1 1559 1926
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 249 320 320
nbase min-1 1594 1628 1838
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 322 399
nbase min-1 1612 1523
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 324 405
nbase min-1 1623 1534
Imax % 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 402
nbase min-1 1610
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 2100 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5
nbase min-1 1874
Imax % 200
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 6.01 7
nbase min -1
2055 2063
Imax % 200 200
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 8.83 10
nbase min-1 2008 2086
Imax % 200 200
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 14 14
nbase min-1 2090 2371
Imax % 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 2113 2520
Imax % 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 35.8 40 40 40
nbase min-1 2125 2452 2896 3354
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 62.9 80 80
nbase min-1 2016 2209 2484
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 89.1 123 130 130
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 2231 2074 2631 2962

Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 127 165 165
nbase min-1 2078 2225 2622
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 118 178 185
nbase min-1 2272 2069 2544
Imax % 200 200 200

112 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 192 210
nbase min-1 1999 2323
Imax % 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 197 250 250
nbase min-1 2043 2131 2428
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 268 320
nbase min-1 2025 2024
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 252 314
nbase min-1 2149 2034
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 315
nbase min-1 2041
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 3000 min-1, dynamics package 1, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 3.87 5
nbase min-1 3018 2747
Imax % 200 200
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 5.3 7 7
nbase min -1
3170 2945 3309
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10 10
nbase min-1 2979 3460
Imax % 200 200
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 14 14
nbase min-1 3087 3544
Imax % 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25 25
nbase min-1 3005 3625
Imax % 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 33.9 40 40 40
nbase min-1 3065 3321 4471 5096
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 67.3 80 80
nbase min-1 2886 3148 3775
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 61.1 83.2 125 130 130
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 3356 3268 3014 3766 4176

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 133 165 165
nbase min-1 2897 3099 3530
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 134 185 185
nbase min-1 2880 2746 3223
Imax % 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 113

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 188 210
nbase min-1 2827 3028
Imax % 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 191 240
nbase min-1 2897 2739
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 183 232
nbase min-1 3091 2906
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 212
nbase min-1 3179
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1200 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 8.5
nbase min-1 272
Imax % 162
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 11.6 14
nbase min-1 517 361
Imax % 200 189
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 13.3 17.3 22.7 25
nbase min -1
658 446 200 102
Imax % 200 200 200 175
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 13.4 17.7 23.9 30
nbase min-1 939 775 587 431
Imax % 200 200 200 198
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25.8 37.7 46
nbase min-1 1010 798 709
Imax % 200 200 197
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 49.2 68.7 85
nbase min-1 951 810 726
Imax % 200 200 198
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 65 88.2 115 150
nbase min-1 1057 949 841 768
Imax % 200 200 200 192
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 79.6 105 164 200
nbase min-1 1252 1174 1008 1035
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 171 233 280
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 1030 933 983

Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 159 219 320 320
nbase min-1 1162 1057 948 1091
Imax % 200 200 200 199
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 171 238 352 380
nbase min-1 1136 1013 872 914
Imax % 200 200 200 194

114 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 246 364 430
nbase min-1 1057 951 994
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 234 359 493 520
nbase min-1 1162 1013 925 994
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 336 467 568
nbase min-1 1101 1004 960
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 339 474 577
nbase min-1 1123 1034 1000
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 469 582
nbase min-1 1103 1048
Imax % 200 200
DRL225MC4 Mpk Nm 429 539
nbase min -1
1212 1144
Imax % 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 1700 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 7.44 8.5
nbase min -1
892 763
Imax % 200 180
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 7.88 10.3 13.6 14
nbase min-1 1339 1127 881 856
Imax % 200 200 200 168
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 11.7 15.8 20.4 25
nbase min-1 1280 1022 787 582
Imax % 200 200 200 177
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 16.2 21.3 30
nbase min-1 1327 1127 889
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 26 34.7 46
nbase min-1 1503 1327 1193
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 48.7 65.9 85 85
nbase min-1 1432 1292 1182 1333
Imax % 200 200 200 189
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 59.9 79.2 122 150
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 1624 1497 1301 1298

Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 112 154 200 200
nbase min-1 1703 1566 1640 1859
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 118 164 243 280
nbase min-1 1656 1515 1365 1503
Imax % 200 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 115

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 119 166 248 320 320
nbase min-1 1656 1515 1365 1362 1511
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 165 250 345 380
nbase min-1 1629 1435 1303 1354
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 257 354 430
nbase min-1 1497 1400 1346
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 249 354 436
nbase min-1 1594 1444 1374
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 322 399
nbase min-1 1612 1523
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 324 405
nbase min -1
1623 1534
Imax % 200 200
DRL225S4 Mpk Nm 402
nbase min-1 1610
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – rated motor speed 2100 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 5.73 7.4 8.5
nbase min-1 1632 1362 1229
Imax % 200 200 182
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 6.01 7.89 10.6 13.6 14
nbase min-1 2055 1820 1550 1315 1322
Imax % 200 200 200 200 160
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 8.83 12.1 15.8 22.6 25
nbase min-1 2008 1714 1468 1115 1006
Imax % 200 200 200 200 175
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 16.1 23.7 30
nbase min-1 1796 1479 1323
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 26.1 37.6 46
nbase min-1 1996 1738 1710
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 35.8 51.1 66.7 85 85
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 2125 1867 1750 1840 2027

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 62.9 98.7 133 150
nbase min-1 2016 1791 1644 1816
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 89.1 123 183 200
nbase min-1 2231 2074 1879 2218
Imax % 200 200 200 200

116 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 127 191 262 280
nbase min-1 2078 1876 1752 1944
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 118 178 248 303
nbase min-1 2272 2069 1911 1823
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 192 270 331
nbase min-1 1999 1814 1726
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 197 281 342
nbase min-1 2043 1858 1805
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 268 335
nbase min-1 2025 1902
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 252 314
nbase min -1
2149 2034
Imax % 200 200
DRL200L4 Mpk Nm 315
nbase min-1 2041
Imax % 200

MOVIDRIVE® system – rated motor speed 3000 min-1, dynamics package 2, CFC
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL71S4 Mpk Nm 3.87 5.1 6.8 8.5
nbase min-1 3018 2677 2325 2088
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL71M4 Mpk Nm 5.3 7.15 9.35 13.4 14
nbase min-1 3170 2865 2571 2160 2288
Imax % 200 200 200 200 199
DRL80S4 Mpk Nm 10.6 15.6 20.6 25
nbase min-1 2771 2337 2020 1874
Imax % 200 200 200 199
DRL80M4 Mpk Nm 16 21.5 30 30
nbase min-1 2665 2372 2098 2311
Imax % 200 200 200 199
DRL90L4 Mpk Nm 25.9 36 46 46
nbase min-1 2877 2571 2452 2829
Imax % 200 200 200 197
DRL100L4 Mpk Nm 33.9 47 73.4 85 85
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nbase min-1 3065 2748 2501 2757 3332

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
DRL132S4 Mpk Nm 67.3 92.7 136 150
nbase min-1 2886 2681 2476 2788
Imax % 200 200 200 200
DRL132MC4 Mpk Nm 61.1 83.2 125 174 200
nbase min-1 3356 3268 3014 2808 2953
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 117

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
DRL160M4 Mpk Nm 133 186 229
nbase min-1 2897 2677 2571
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL160MC4 Mpk Nm 134 188 232
nbase min-1 2880 2668 2554
Imax % 200 200 200
DRL180S4 Mpk Nm 188 234
nbase min-1 2827 2668
Imax % 200 200
DRL180M4 Mpk Nm 191 240
nbase min-1 2897 2739
Imax % 200 200
DRL180L4 Mpk Nm 183 232
nbase min-1 3091 2906
Imax % 200 200
DRL180LC4 Mpk Nm 212
nbase min -1
Imax % 200

28489470/EN – 02/2019

118 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.5 Technical data of CMP.. motors

Key to the technical data

nN Rated speed
M0 Standstill torque (thermal continuous torque at low speeds)
I0 Standstill current
Mpk Dynamic limit torque
Imax Maximum permitted motor current
M0VR Standstill torque with forced cooling fan
I0VR Standstill current with forced cooling fan
Jmot Mass moment of inertia of the motor
Jbmot Mass moment of inertia of the brakemotor
M1m,100°C Maximum dynamic braking torque in case of emergency off
M1max Minimal averaged dynamic braking torque in case of emergency off at
100 °C
M2, 20 °C Nominal torque for slipping brake disk (relative speed between brake disk
and friction surface: 1 m/s) at 20 °C
M4,100 °C Minimum holding torque at 100 °C
Wmax1 Maximum permitted braking work per braking operation
Wmax2 Maximum permitted braking work per braking operation with optional
braking torque
L1 Inductance between connection phase and star point
R1 Resistance between connection phase and star point
Vp0 cold Internal voltage at 1000 min-1
mmot Mass of the motor
mbmot Mass of the brakemotor
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 119

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

CMP40 – CMP112, 400 V system voltage

nN Motor M0 I0 Mpk Imax M0VR I0VR m Jmot
min-1 Nm A Nm A Nm A kg 10-4 kgm2
2000 CMP71S 6.4 3.4 19.2 17 8.7 4.6 7 3.04
CMP71M 9.4 5 30.8 26 13.7 7.3 8.4 4.08
CMP71L 13.1 6.3 46.9 39 21 10.1 11.4 6.18
CMP80S 13.4 6.9 42.1 33 18.7 9.5 12.8 8.78
CMP80M 18.7 9.3 62.6 48 27 13.4 16.5 11.9
CMP80L 27.5 12.5 107 72 44 20 21.4 18.1
CMP100S 25.5 13.3 68.3 49 36 18.8 19.8 19.59
CMP100M 31 14.7 108 69 47 22.3 24.8 26.49
CMP100L 47 21.8 178.8 113 70 32.5 34.6 40.24
CMP112S 30 14.3 88 51 43 21 38.4 74
CMP112M 45 21 136 74 68 32 46.2 103
CMP112L 69 33 225 124 109 52 62.56 163
CMP112H 83 38 270 148 123 57 70.43 193
CMP112E 95 44.5 320 175 150 71 78.2 222
3000 CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 – – 1.3 0.1
CMP40M 0.8 0.95 3.8 6.0 – – 1.6 0.15
CMP50S 1.3 0.96 5.2 5.1 1.7 1.25 2.3 0.42
CMP50M 2.4 1.68 10.3 9.6 3.5 2.45 3.3 0.67
CMP50L 3.3 2.2 15.4 13.6 4.8 3.2 4.1 0.92
CMP63S 2.9 2.15 11.1 12.9 4 3 4.0 1.15
CMP63M 5.3 3.6 21.4 21.6 7.5 5.1 5.7 1.92
CMP63L 7.1 4.95 30.4 29.7 10.3 7.2 7.5 2.69
CMP71S 6.4 4.9 19.2 25 8.7 6.7 7 3.04
CMP71M 9.4 7.5 30.8 39 13.7 10.9 8.4 4.08
CMP71L 13.1 9.4 46.9 58 21 15.1 11.4 6.18
CMP80S 13.4 10 42.1 47 18.5 13.8 12.8 8.78
CMP80M 18.7 13.4 62.6 69 27 19.3 16.5 11.9
CMP80L 27.5 18.7 107 107 44 30 21.4 18.1
CMP100S 25.5 19.6 68.3 73 36 27.5 19.8 19.59
CMP100M 31 21.8 108 102 47 33 24.8 26.49
CMP100L 47 32.3 178.8 167 70 48 34.6 40.24
CMP112S 30 21 88 74 43 30.5 38.4 74
CMP112M 45 32 136 113 68 49 46.2 103
CMP112L 69 49 225 183 105 77 62.56 163
CMP112H 83 57 270 220 123 84 70.43 193
CMP112E 95 65 320 255 150 104 78.2 222
28489470/EN – 02/2019

120 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
nN Motor M0 I0 Mpk Imax M0VR I0VR m Jmot
min-1 Nm A Nm A Nm A kg 10-4 kgm2
4500 CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 – – 1.3 0.1
CMP40M 0.8 0.95 3.8 6.0 – – 1.6 0.15 3
CMP50S 1.3 1.32 5.2 7.0 1.7 1.7 2.3 0.42
CMP50M 2.4 2.3 10.3 13.1 3.5 3.35 3.3 0.67
CMP50L 3.3 3.15 15.4 19.5 4.8 4.6 4.1 0.92
CMP63S 2.9 3.05 11.1 18.3 4 4.2 4.0 1.15
CMP63M 5.3 5.4 21.4 32.4 7.5 7.6 5.7 1.92
CMP63L 7.1 6.9 30.4 41.4 10.3 10 7.5 2.69
CMP71S 6.4 7.3 19.2 38 8.7 9.9 7 3.04
CMP71M 9.4 10.9 30.8 57 13.7 15.9 8.4 4.08
CMP71L 13.1 14.1 46.9 87 21 22.5 11.4 6.18
CMP80S 13.4 15.3 42.1 73 18.5 21 12.8 8.78
CMP80M 18.7 20.1 62.6 103 27 29 16.5 11.9
CMP80L 27.5 27.8 107 159 44 44.5 21.4 18.1
CMP100S 25.5 30 68.3 111 36 42.5 19.8 19.59
CMP100M 31 33.1 108 154 47 50 24.8 26.49
CMP100L 47 48.4 178.8 251 70 72 34.6 40.24
CMP112S 30 31.5 88 112 43 45.5 38.4 74
CMP112M 45 47 136 168 68 72 46.2 103
CMP112L 69 73 225 275 107 114 62.56 163
CMP112H 83 86 270 335 123 128 70.43 193
CMP112E 95 98 320 385 150 156 78.2 222
6000 CMP40S 0.5 1.2 1.9 6.1 – – 1.3 0.1
CMP40M 0.8 1.1 3.8 6.9 – – 1.6 0.15
CMP50S 1.3 1.7 5.2 9.0 1.7 2.2 2.3 0.42
CMP50M 2.4 3 10.3 17.1 3.5 4.4 3.3 0.67
CMP50L 3.3 4.2 15.4 26 4.8 6.1 4.1 0.92
CMP63S 2.9 3.9 11.1 23.4 4 5.4 4.0 1.15
CMP63M 5.3 6.9 21.4 41.4 7.5 9.8 5.7 1.92
CMP63L 7.1 9.3 30.4 55.8 10.3 13.5 7.5 2.69
CMP71S 6.4 9.6 19.2 50 8.7 13.1 7 3.04
CMP71M 9.4 14.7 30.8 76 13.7 21.5 8.4 4.08
CMP71L 13.1 18.8 46.9 115 21 30 11.4 6.18
CMP80S 13.4 20 42.1 95 18.5 27.5 12.8 8.78
CMP80M 18.7 26.4 62.6 135 27 38 16.5 11.9
CMP80L 27.5 37.6 107 215 44 60 21.4 18.1
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 121

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5.6 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 400 V, fPWM = 4 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 2000 min-1, fPWM = 4 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP71S Mpk Nm 7.67 9.34 11.5 13.6 16.5 18.2 19.2
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP71M Mpk Nm 11.8 14.5 19 22.6 26.8 30.1 30.8
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 164
CMP71L Mpk Nm 16.3 22.1 27.4 34.8 41 44.7 46.9
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 161
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.1 26.2 32.9 37.9 41.7 42.1
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 136
CMP80M Mpk Nm 27.8 36.6 45.4 53 62.6
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 197
CMP80L Mpk Nm 40.6 52.3 64.7 87.2 102 107
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 157
CMP100S Mpk Nm 35.9 45.5 54.6 67.5 68.3
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 154
CMP100M Mpk Nm 40 52 65 88.8 104 108
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 150
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69 100 127 161 179
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 182
CMP112S Mpk Nm 39.7 51.4 63.6 85.1 88
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP112M Mpk Nm 55.5 69.9 99.2 123 136
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 200 200 161

CMP112L Mpk Nm 103 133 180 224 225
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 167
CMP112H Mpk Nm 104 137 190 240 270
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 198

122 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
CMP112E Mpk Nm 137 193 248 286
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, fPWM = 4 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.48 5.13 5.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 160
CMP50M Mpk Nm 5.42 6.54 7.93 9.26 10.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 174
CMP50L Mpk Nm 5.92 7.25 9 10.8 13.6 15.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 193
CMP63S Mpk Nm 5.16 6.17 7.42 8.62 10.3 11.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP63M Mpk Nm 7.41 9.2 11.1 14.2 16.9 20.1 21.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP63L Mpk Nm 9.26 11.4 15 18.4 23.2 27.8 30.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP71S Mpk Nm 8.33 10.1 13 15.3 17.7 19.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.5 16.7 21.2 25.2 28.2 30.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 163
CMP71L Mpk Nm 19.1 25.4 31.9 37.8 44.8 46.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP80S Mpk Nm 18.5 24.7 30.8 35.8 42.1
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Imax % 200 200 200 200 198
CMP80M Mpk Nm 26.3 33.8 41.5 54.1 61 62.6
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 149
CMP80L Mpk Nm 35.9 45.3 64.7 80.7 99.7 107
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 174

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 123

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP100S Mpk Nm 32.3 40.4 55.2 64.6 68.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP100M Mpk Nm 45.4 65.8 82.7 103 108
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 164
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69.8 91.3 124 152 169
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.4 65 80.3 88
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 161
CMP112M Mpk Nm 68.7 88.6 118 136
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 182
CMP112L Mpk Nm 93.3 130 168 195
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 133 174 205
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 135 179 212
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, fPWM = 4 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 3.53 4.18 4.91 5.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 177
CMP50M Mpk Nm 4.11 5.03 6.21 7.43 9.32 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 186
CMP50L Mpk Nm 4.19 5.17 6.5 7.94 10.4 12.5 15.2 15.4
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 156
CMP63S Mpk Nm 3.84 4.66 5.71 6.79 8.48 9.79 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 192
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.45 7.88 10.4 12.6 15.8 18.8 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 134

124 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.31 11.1 13.8 17.9 22.2 26.2 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.2 58.7 77.8 88
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 180
CMP112M Mpk Nm 62.4 86.5 110 126
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112L Mpk Nm 89.7 118 140
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 118 141
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 121 146
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 125

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5.7 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 400 V, fPWM = 8 kHz


IN Nominal output current of the inverter

Imax Maximum output current of inverter
Mpk Peak torque of the motor
nbase Base speed of the motor

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 2000 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP71S Mpk Nm 7.67 9.34 11.5 13.6 16.5 18.2 19.2
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP71M Mpk Nm 11.8 14.5 19 22.6 26.8 30.1 30.8
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 164
CMP71L Mpk Nm 16.3 22.1 27.4 34.8 41 44.7 46.9
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 161
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.1 26.2 32.9 37.9 41.7 42.1
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 136
CMP80M Mpk Nm 27.8 36.6 45.4 53 62.6
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 197
CMP80L Mpk Nm 40.6 52.3 64.7 87.2 102 107
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 157
CMP100S Mpk Nm 35.9 45.5 54.6 67.5 68.3
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 154
CMP100M Mpk Nm 40 52 65 88.8 104 108
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 150
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69 100 127 161 179
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 182
CMP112S Mpk Nm 39.7 51.4 63.6 85.1 88
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP112M Mpk Nm 55.5 69.9 99.2 123 136
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200 200 200 161

CMP112L Mpk Nm 103 133 180 224 225
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 167
CMP112H Mpk Nm 104 137 190 240 270
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 198

126 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
CMP112E Mpk Nm 137 193 248 286
nN min-1 2000 2000 2000 2000
Imax % 200 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.48 5.13 5.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 160
CMP50M Mpk Nm 5.42 6.54 7.93 9.26 10.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 174
CMP50L Mpk Nm 5.92 7.25 9 10.8 13.6 15.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 193
CMP63S Mpk Nm 5.16 6.17 7.42 8.62 10.3 11.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP63M Mpk Nm 7.41 9.2 11.1 14.2 16.9 20.1 21.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP63L Mpk Nm 9.26 11.4 15 18.4 23.2 27.8 30.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP71S Mpk Nm 8.33 10.1 13 15.3 17.7 19.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.5 16.7 21.2 25.2 28.2 30.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 163
CMP71L Mpk Nm 19.1 25.4 31.9 37.8 44.8 46.9
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP80S Mpk Nm 18.5 24.7 30.8 35.8 42.1
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Imax % 200 200 200 200 198
CMP80M Mpk Nm 26.3 33.8 41.5 54.1 61 62.6
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 149
CMP80L Mpk Nm 35.9 45.3 64.7 80.7 99.7 107
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 174

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 127

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP100S Mpk Nm 32.3 40.4 55.2 64.6 68.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP100M Mpk Nm 45.4 65.8 82.7 103 108
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 164
CMP100L Mpk Nm 69.8 91.3 124 152 169
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.4 65 80.3 88
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 161
CMP112M Mpk Nm 68.7 88.6 118 136
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 182
CMP112L Mpk Nm 93.3 130 168 195
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 133 174 205
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 135 179 212
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.96 3.44 3.8
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 187
CMP50S Mpk Nm 3.53 4.18 4.91 5.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 177
CMP50M Mpk Nm 4.11 5.03 6.21 7.43 9.32 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 186
CMP50L Mpk Nm 4.19 5.17 6.5 7.94 10.4 12.5 15.2 15.4
28489470/EN – 02/2019

nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500

Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 156
CMP63S Mpk Nm 3.84 4.66 5.71 6.79 8.48 9.79 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 192
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.45 7.88 10.4 12.6 15.8 18.8 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 134

128 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
Motor 3
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.31 11.1 13.8 17.9 22.2 26.2 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP71S Mpk Nm 9.43 11.5 14.4 16.8 18.5 19.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 155
CMP71M Mpk Nm 11.9 15.6 19.6 23.3 28.5 30.8
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 179
CMP71L Mpk Nm 17.4 22.5 28 37.8 43.3 46.9
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 188
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.4 26.7 35.4 39.8 42.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 158
CMP80M Mpk Nm 23.2 29.3 41.5 50.7 60 62.6
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 166
CMP80L Mpk Nm 45.8 59.2 79 95.1 104
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP100S Mpk Nm 39.8 50.3 62.9 68.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 179
CMP100M Mpk Nm 44.9 58.7 79.5 96.7 107
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
CMP100L Mpk Nm 62.3 87.8 114 132
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112S Mpk Nm 45.2 58.7 77.8 88
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 180
CMP112M Mpk Nm 62.4 86.5 110 126
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP112L Mpk Nm 89.7 118 140
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP112H Mpk Nm 118 141
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200
CMP112E Mpk Nm 121 146
nN min-1 4500 4500
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Imax % 200 200

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 129

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 400 V, rated speed 6000 min-1, fPWM = 8 kHz, non-ventilated
Inverter 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
IN A 2 2.5 3.2 4 5.5 7 9.5 12.5 16 24 32 46 62 75
Imax A 4 5 6.4 8 11 14 19 25 32 48 64 92 124 150
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.46 1.7 1.9
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 189
CMP40M Mpk Nm 2.64 3.12 3.64 3.8
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 173
CMP50S Mpk Nm 2.88 3.46 4.16 4.83 5.2
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 166
CMP50M Mpk Nm 3.2 3.94 4.92 5.96 7.7 9.14 10.3
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP50L Mpk Nm 3.94 4.98 6.13 8.16 10 12.7 15.1 15.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 163
CMP63S Mpk Nm 3.77 4.67 5.61 7.17 8.46 10.1 11.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 186
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.27 8.34 10.3 13.1 16 18.7 21.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 173
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.5 10.6 13.9 17.6 21.4 28.1 30.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 175
CMP71S Mpk Nm 7.44 9.21 11.9 14.5 16.7 19.1 19.2
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 152
CMP71M Mpk Nm 12 15.4 18.9 24.9 28.5 30.8
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 167
CMP71L Mpk Nm 17.2 21.7 30.9 37.8 44.3 46.9
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 185
CMP80S Mpk Nm 16.6 21.1 29.8 35.8 41.4 42.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 153
CMP80M Mpk Nm 22.6 33 42 53.3 60.6 62.6
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 180
CMP80L Mpk Nm 34.5 45.3 62.5 78.9 89.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200
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130 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
3.5.8 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 230 V, fPWM = 4 kHz

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, non-ventilated

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570 3
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP50S Mpk Nm 5.2
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 176
CMP50M Mpk Nm 7.43 9.11 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 163
CMP50L Mpk Nm 7.92 10.1 13.7 15.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 161
CMP63S Mpk Nm 6.88 8.39 10.6 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 147
CMP63M Mpk Nm 7.64 9.79 13.6 18.2 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 139
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.35 10.9 15.6 21.8 26.9 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 172
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 131

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

3.5.9 Motor-inverter assignments CMP.. motors, 230 V, fPWM = 8 kHz

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 3000 min-1, non-ventilated

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.9
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 110
CMP40M Mpk Nm 3.8
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 171
CMP50S Mpk Nm 5.2
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 159
CMP50M Mpk Nm 8.06 9.49 10.3
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 173
CMP50L Mpk Nm 8.81 10.7 13.3 15.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 170
CMP63S Mpk Nm 7.57 8.88 10.4 11.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 154
CMP63M Mpk Nm 9.04 11.1 13.9 18.3 21.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 178
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.95 11.2 14.4 20.1 27 30.4
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 182
CMP71S Mpk Nm 8.12 10 12.6 16.4 19 19.2
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 152
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.1 18.6 24.9 28.6 30.8
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 163
CMP71L Mpk Nm 21.3 30.7 38.2 44.6
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP80S Mpk Nm 20.8 29.9 36.2 42.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP80M Mpk Nm 33 42.6 54.1
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80L Mpk Nm 35.2 47 65
nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
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CMP100S Mpk Nm 31.7 41.8 55.3

nN min-1 3000 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP100M Mpk Nm 44.9 63.2
nN min-1 3000 3000
Imax % 200 200

132 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP100L Mpk Nm 67.9 3
nN min-1 3000
Imax % 200
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 133

3 Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments

MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 4500 min-1, non-ventilated

Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.9
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 110
CMP40M Mpk Nm 3.8
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 171
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.88 5.2
nN min-1 4500 4500
Imax % 200 176
CMP50M Mpk Nm 6.12 7.43 9.11 10.3
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 163
CMP50L Mpk Nm 6.37 7.92 10.1 13.7 15.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 161
CMP63S Mpk Nm 5.71 6.88 8.39 10.6 11.1
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 147
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.15 7.64 9.79 13.6 18.2 21.3 21.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 200 139
CMP63L Mpk Nm 8.35 10.9 15.6 21.8 26.9 30.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 172
CMP71S Mpk Nm 9.12 12.7 16.6 18.6 19.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200 156
CMP71M Mpk Nm 13.3 19.1 23.7 28.4
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP71L Mpk Nm 21.9 28.7 37.7
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80S Mpk Nm 20.7 27.3 35.2
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80M Mpk Nm 22.6 30.2 41.5
nN min-1 4500 4500 4500
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80L Mpk Nm 44.6
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 200
CMP100S Mpk Nm 38.5
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nN min-1 4500
Imax % 200
CMP100M Mpk Nm 43.4
nN min-1 4500
Imax % 200

134 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Motor-inverter assignments 3
MOVIDRIVE® system/technology – 230 V, rated speed 6000 min-1, non-ventilated
Motor 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
IN A 7 9.3 14 21.3 29 42 57
Imax A 14 18.6 28 42.3 58 84 114 3
CMP40S Mpk Nm 1.9
nN min-1 6000
Imax % 125
CMP40M Mpk Nm 3.62 3.8
nN min-1 6000 6000
Imax % 200 172
CMP50S Mpk Nm 4.01 4.72 5.2
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 177
CMP50M Mpk Nm 4.87 6 7.54 9.96 10.3
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 140
CMP50L Mpk Nm 4.76 5.97 7.72 10.9 14.6 15.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 162
CMP63S Mpk Nm 4.62 5.63 7.02 9.22 11.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 190
CMP63M Mpk Nm 6.33 8.16 11.5 15.9 19.2 21.4
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200 200 171
CMP71S Mpk Nm 10.2 14.1 16.8 19.1
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200 200
CMP71M Mpk Nm 14.8 19.1 24.7
nN min-1 6000 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200 200
CMP80S Mpk Nm 21.6 29.6
nN min-1 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200
CMP80M Mpk Nm 23.1 32.6
nN min-1 6000 6000
Imax % 200 200
CMP80L Mpk Nm 33.3
nN min-1 6000
Imax % 200
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 135

3 Project planning
Selection of an application inverter

3.6 Selection of an application inverter

The selection of the application inverter is based on the course of the output current
over time. The required current has to be determined from the required torque charac-
teristic of the connected motor.
The application inverters are dimensioned for a nominal output current IN. In many ap-
plications, there is a demand for short-time overload operation. For this purpose, the
application inverters can be operated with up to 200% of the nominal output current for
a short period of time.
For overload operation, make sure that the application inverter is not thermally over-
loaded. For protection of the power components, application inverters have various
monitoring mechanisms.
The following thermal monitoring functions are available:
• Dynamic utilization
The periodic current load of the switching power semiconductors lets them heat
and cool down cyclically. Due to the different thermal time constants, large temper-
ature differences can occur between power semiconductor and heat sink. Dynamic
utilization monitors the permitted temperature of the barrier layer of the power
• Thermal capacity utilization
The power semiconductors are limited by the maximally permitted temperature
during operation. Thermal utilization monitors the heat sink temperature of the
power semiconductors.
• Electromechanical utilization (I2t utilization)
Electromechanical utilization protects the components that have a large thermal
time constant compared to the power semiconductors.
Due to the complexity of the utilization curves, the calculation can only be performed
using software. The SEW-Workbench software offers supports for dimensioning an
application inverter.
For a rough selection of the application inverter without using software, characteristic
load cycles are given in the following section.
The characteristic load cycle consists of a load and a load relief period. In the load re-
lief period, the output current must not exceed the specified value. After this load relief
period, overload is possible again.
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136 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Selection of an application inverter 3
3.6.1 Overload capacity

Load cycle with base load current – typical for the selection of asynchronous and servomotors
The characteristic load cycle consists of a load and a load relief period. In the load re- 3
lief period, the output current must not exceed the specified value. After this load relief
period, overload is possible again.

I out1

t1 t2

I out2


Examples of permitted current profiles

Overload capacity at fPWM = 4 kHz, fA ≥ 3 Hz

This table applies to all inverters except for MDX9_A-0750-5_3-..

Overload current Iout 1/IN Overload time t1 Base load current Iout 2/IN Required pause interval t2
200% 3s 50% 7s
200% 3s 100% 17 s
150% 60 s 100% 60 s
150% 60 s 50% 30 s

This table applies to the following inverters:

• MDX9_A-0750-5_3-...

Overload current Iout 1/IN Overload time t1 Base load current Iout 2/IN Required pause interval t2
200% 3s 50% 7s
200% 3s 100% 17 s
150% 60 s 25% 60 s
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 137

3 Project planning
Selection of an application inverter

3.6.2 Derating
Due to the following operating and ambient conditions, a reduction of the output cur-
rent may be necessary.

Derating due to the rotary field frequency

The specified nominal output current IN of the application inverter is the rms value. The
increased load on the power semiconductors has to be considered especially for slow
rotating fields and rotating fields at standstill. In case of a rotating field at standstill, dir-
ect current that can correspond to the peak value of the sine current depending on the
phase position is flowing.
It is particularly important to consider output frequencies f2 < 3 Hz.

% IN




0 1 2 3 4 5 fA /Hz

[1] Continuous output current at fPWM = 4 kHz

[2] Temporary overload current

Derating due to the installation altitude

SEW‑EURODRIVE frequency inverters are designed for overvoltage category III and
for altitudes up to 2000 m according to EN 61800-5-1. The air pressure and the air
density decrease depending on the installation altitude. This leads to a reduced cool-
ing capacity and to a reduced electrical isolation effect of the air.
Up to h < 1000 m: without restrictions.
The following restrictions apply to heights ≥ 1000 m:
• From 1000 m to max. 3800 m: IN reduction by 1% per 100 m
• From 2000 m to max. 3800 m: To maintain protective separation and the air gaps
and creepage distances according to EN 61800‑5‑1, you have to connect an over-
voltage protection device in order to reduce the overvoltages from category III to
category II.
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138 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Selection of an application inverter 3
Derating due to line voltage and temperature
Derating depending on the line voltage Vline and the ambient temperature T:
Uline: 3 × 400 V Uline: 3 x 500 V
Inverter fPWM 3
Continuous current Icont
4 kHz Icont/IN = 125% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.5% Icont/IN = 114% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.3%
MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 94% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.15% Icont/IN = 81% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.85%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 63% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.5% Icont/IN = 50% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.7%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 132% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65% Icont/IN = 128% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.55%
MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 99% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25% Icont/IN = 96% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 66% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6% Icont/IN = 64% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 128% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.55% Icont/IN = 116% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.35%
MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 96% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2% Icont/IN = 83% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.9%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 64% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55% Icont/IN = 51% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.7%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 133% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65% Icont/IN = 121% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.45%
MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 100% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25% Icont/IN = 87% – (T – 40 °C) × 2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 67% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6% Icont/IN = 53% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.8%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 121% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4% Icont/IN = 110% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25%
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-...-5_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 91% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.05% Icont/IN = 79% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.85%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 51% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6% Icont/IN = 41% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 119% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4% Icont/IN = 108% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2%
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.., 8 kHz Icont/IN = 89% – (T – 40 °C) × 2% Icont/IN = 77% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.75%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 59% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.4% Icont/IN = 48% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.65%

Uline: 3 × 230 V
Inverter fPWM
Continuous current Icont
4 kHz Icont/IN = 132% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65%
MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 99% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 66% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 128% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.55%
MDX9_A-0140-...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 96% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 64% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.55%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 133% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.65%
MDX9_A-0213 – 0290...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 100% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.25%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 67% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 121% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4%
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 91% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.05%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 51% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.6%
4 kHz Icont/IN = 119% – (T – 40 °C) × 2.4%
MDX91A-0840 – 1080...-2_3-.. 8 kHz Icont/IN = 89% – (T – 40 °C) × 2%
16 kHz Icont/IN = 59% – (T – 40 °C) × 1.4%
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 139

3 Project planning
Braking resistor selection

3.7 Braking resistor selection

3.7.1 Tables of braking resistors

The following braking resistors are intended for use with MOVIDRIVE® system. The
technical data is valid in the temperature range -20 °C to +40 °C.

Information on ambient temperature

For ambient temperatures of more than +40°C, the continuous power must be re-
duced by 4% for every 10 K. The tripping current must be reduced by 2% for every
10 K. Do not exceed a maximum ambient temperature of 80 °C.

Braking resistors
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR120-001 BR100-001 BR100-002 BR100-006-T
Part number 18176011 08281718 08281653 18204198
Peak braking power kW 6.9
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.6
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 0.18 0.15 0.3 1.1
capacity 25% cdf kW 0.3 0.3 0.6 1.9
12% cdf kW 0.54 0.5 1 3.6
6% cdf kW 0.9 0.9 1.8 5.7
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 117 100 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A – 0.8 1 2.4

Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR047-010-T BR147-T BR247-T BR027-016-T BR027-024-T BR027-042-T
Part number 17983207 18201342 18200842 17983215 17983231 19155301
Peak braking power kW 14.6 25.4
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 1 1.2 2 1.6 2.4 4.2
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 1.8 2.20 3.6 2.9 4.3 7.6
capacity 25% cdf kW 3.2 3.80 6.4 5.1 7.7 13.3
12% cdf kW 6 7.20 12.0 9.6 14.4 23.9
6% cdf kW 9.5 11.40 14.6 15.2 22.8 25.4
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 47 ± 10% 27 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 4.6 5.1 6.5 7.7 9.4 12.5
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR015-016 BR015-042-T BR015-075-T BR915-T
Part number 17983258 19155328 19155271 18204139
Peak braking power kW 45.7
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 1.6 4.2 7.5 16
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 2.9 7.6 12.8 27.2
28489470/EN – 02/2019

capacity 25% cdf kW 5.1 13.3 22.5 45.7

12% cdf kW 9.6 23.9 33.8 45.7
6% cdf kW 15.2 41.8 45.7 45.7
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 15 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 10.3 46.7 22.4 32.7

140 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Braking resistor selection 3
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR010-024 BR010-050-T BR010-108-T
Part number 17983266 17983274 19155298
Peak braking power kW 57.2 3
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 2.4 5 10.8
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 4.3 8.5 18.4
capacity 25% cdf kW 7.7 15.0 32.4
12% cdf kW 14.4 22.5 48.6
6% cdf kW 22.8 38.0 57.2
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 10 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 15.5 22.4 32.9
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR006-025-01 BR006-050-01 BR106-T BR206-T
Part number 18200117 18200125 18200834 18204120
Peak braking power kW 114.3
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 2.5 5 13.5 18
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 4.3 8.5 23.0 30.6
capacity 25% cdf kW 7.5 15.0 40.5 54.0
12% cdf kW 11.3 22.5 60.8 81.0
6% cdf kW 19.0 38.0 102.6 114.3
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 20.4 28.9 47.4 54.8

Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR005-070 BR005-170-T BR004-050-01 BR004-070-01

Part number 17983282 17983290 18200133 17967678
Peak braking power kW 146 190.6
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 7 17 5 7
Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 11.9 28.9 8.5 11.9
capacity 25% cdf kW 21.0 51.0 15.0 21.0
12% cdf kW 31.5 76.5 22.5 31.5
6% cdf kW 53.2 129.2 38.0 53.2
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 4.7 ± 10% 3.6 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 38.6 60.1 32.6 38.6
Braking resistor type BR.. Unit BR003-420-T BR002-070 BR1.0-170
Part number 13302345 17983304 17985455
Peak braking power kW 274.4 298.3 686
Continuous braking 100% cdf kW 42 7 17
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Current-carrying 50% cdf kW 71.4 11.9 28.9

capacity 25% cdf kW 126.0 21.0 51.0
12% cdf kW 189.0 31.5 76.5
6% cdf kW 274.4 53.2 129.2
Observe the regenerative power limit of the inverter.
(See the chapter Technical data of basic device: Peak power brake chopper 200% × appar-
ent output power × 0.9)
Resistance RBR Ω 2.5 ± 10% 2.3 ± 10% 1 ± 10%
Tripping current Itrip A 135.1 55.2 130.4

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 141

3 Project planning
Braking resistor selection

3.7.2 Selection criteria

The selection of the braking resistor takes place via the SEW-Workbench. The neces-
sary selection parameters for the braking resistor are calculated during the project
planning procedure. Depending on these selection parameters, a braking resistor is
selected from the table.
The following selection parameters are the basis for selecting the braking resistor.

Continuous braking power

The minimum required continuous braking power (braking power at 100% cdf) of the
braking resistor for load cycles can be calculated using the relative cyclic duration
factor cdf and the overload factor k.
If the cyclic duration factor cdf is unknown, it can be calculated from the cycle duration
ttot and the braking time tB using the following formula.
ED =
t tot

ED Cyclic duration factor

tB Braking time
ttot Cycle duration

The cycle duration must not exceed 120 s.

The overload factor OF can be determined using the diagrams in the chapter "Over-
load factor OF" (→ 2 143) and the cyclic duration factor cdf.
The value of the average braking power PB is taken from the project planning data of
the application.
P1 × t1 + P2 × t 2 + .... + Pn × tn
PB =
t1 + t 2 + .... + tn

PB Average braking power

Pn Braking power section n
tn Braking time section n
The minimum required braking power at 100% cdf is calculated using the following for-
P100%ED =

P100%cdf Braking power at 100% cdf

PB Average braking power
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k Overload factor
The braking power required by the application at 100% cdf must be smaller than or
equal to the typical braking power at 100% cdf (continuous braking power) of the brak-
ing resistor.

142 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Braking resistor selection 3
Overload factor OF

Flatpack resistors



1% 10 % 100 %


..% ED 1 3 6 15 25 40 60 80 100
OF 35 15 9 4.3 3 2 1.4 1.2 1

Wire resistors, frame resistors



1% 6% 10% 25% 40% 60% 100%

28489470/EN – 02/2019


..% ED 1 3 6 15 25 40 60 80 100
OF 30 15 9.5 5 3.2 2.2 1.5 1.12 1

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 143

3 Project planning
Braking resistor selection

Grid resistors




1% 6% 10% 20% 40% 60% 100%


..% ED 1 3 6 15 25 40 60 80 100
OF 20 12 7.6 4 3 2.2 1.5 1.12 1

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144 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Braking resistor selection 3
Peak braking power
The maximum permitted peak braking power is specified by the resistance value and
the DC link voltage.
The maximum peak braking power required by the application is calculated from the
regenerative parts within a cycle.
The peak braking power required by the application must be lower than the maximum
permitted peak braking power of the braking resistor.
The permitted peak braking power of the braking resistor is calculated as follows:
UZK max
Pmax =
R × 1 .4

Pmax Maximum peak braking power that the braking resistor can absorb
UZK_max Maximum DC link voltage
R Braking resistance value
The peak braking power for each braking resistor is specified in the chapter "Braking

Current-carrying capacity of the brake chopper

The resistance value of the braking resistor RBR must not be lower than the minimum
permitted braking resistance RBRmin, see the chapter "Technical data of basic
device" (→ 2 43). This ensures that the brake chopper is not damaged.
RBR ≥ RBRmin
The continuous braking power toward the braking resistor must not exceed the appar-
ent output power of the application inverter.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 145

3 Project planning
Braking resistor selection

3.7.3 Calculation example

Given: Peak braking power: 13 kW
Average braking power: 6 kW
Braking time: 7 s
Cycle duration: 28 s
Inverter used: MDX90A-0095-5-3-4-S00
Required: Braking resistor BR...

Calculation: 1) Determining the cyclic duration factor

Cyclic duration factor cdf = braking time/cycle duration
Cyclic duration factor cdf = (7 s/28 s) × 100% = 25%
When selecting the braking resistor, observe the assignment of inverter and braking
resistor, see the chapter "Technical data and assignment to an inverter" (→ 2 69).

2) Determining the overload capacity

Determining the overload factor, e.g. for a wire resistor at a cyclic duration factor cdf of
25% from the respective diagram.
Overload factor OF = 3.2

3) Calculating the braking power at 100% cdf

Braking power 100% cdf = average braking power/overload factor
Braking power 100% cdf = 6 kW/3.2 = 1.88 kW
The braking power of the braking resistor at 100% cdf must be ≥ 1.88 kW.

4) Selecting the braking resistor

The minimum permitted braking resistance value is = 47 Ω for the
MDX90A-0095-5-3-4-S00 inverter that is used, see the chapter "Technical data and
assignment to an inverter" (→ 2 69).
Selected braking resistor: BR247-T.
Resistance value RBR = 47 Ω
Peak braking power: 14.3 kW, see the chapter "Tables of braking resist-
ors" (→ 2 140).
Current-carrying capacity at 100% cdf: 2 kW

3.7.4 Supply cable for braking resistor

Use only shielded cables.
The cable cross section depends on the tripping current IF.
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The rated voltage of the cable must amount to at least V0/V = 300 V / 500 V.
The maximum permitted cable length between application inverter and braking resistor
is 100 m.

146 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Braking resistor selection 3
3.7.5 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor
To avoid thermal damage of the braking resistor as well as subsequent damage, the
braking resistor has to be thermally monitored. SEW‑EURODRIVE suggests the fol-
lowing options: 3
• TCB thermal circuit breaker
The TCB thermal circuit breaker is installed in the control cabinet, connected to the
supply cable to the braking resistor and set to the tripping current of the braking re-
sistor. If the measured mean current exceeds the tripping current, an NC contact
switches and reports an overload of the braking resistor. The connection of braking
resistor and inverter is separated simultaneously, thus ending the generator mode.
• Integrated temperature switch –T
Braking resistors with the label –T are equipped with an integrated temperature
switch. The temperature switch is thermally coupled to the braking resistor and
switches an NC contact in case of overtemperature of the braking resistor. The
braking resistor-inverter connection is not interrupted. In case of thermal overload,
the regenerative operation has to be terminated. SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends
shielding the connection cable of the temperature switch.
• Thermal overload relay
A thermal overload relay is installed in the control cabinet, connected to the supply
cable to the braking resistor and set to the tripping current of the braking resistor. If
the measured mean current exceeds the tripping current, an NC contact switches
and reports an overload of the braking resistor. The braking resistor-inverter con-
nection is not interrupted. In case of thermal overload, the regenerative operation
has to be terminated.
For wiring diagrams regarding the matters described above, refer to the chapter "Pro-
tection of the braking resistor against thermal overload".

3.7.6 Parallel connection of braking resistors

It is permitted to connect several identical braking resistors in parallel. The following
• The power connections of the braking resistors must be connected to +R and –R
in parallel.
• Each braking resistor requires a separate protection against thermal overload.
• The signal contacts (NC contacts) of the protection devices must be connected in
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 147

3 Project planning
Supply system cable and motor cable

3.8 Supply system cable and motor cable

3.8.1 Supply system cable
Dimensioning of the supply system cable generally takes place plant-specifically and
depends on the design of the line connection. Line connection is shown in the chapter
"Power connection" (→ 2 273). Observe the country-specific and plant-specific regula-
tions when selecting the cross section of the supply system cable.

Recommended cross section for nominal operation

The cross section of the supply system cables must be dimensioned based on the
nominal line current Iline.
SEW‑EURODRIVE suggests the cable cross sections listed in the table. Cables with
these cross sections can be used if the following conditions are met:
• The single-pole cables are made of copper with PVC insulation.
• The cables are routed in cable ducts according to IEC 60204-1 installation type C
at 40 °C ambient temperature.
MDX9_A-…-5_3 0020 0025 0032 0040 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 0320 0460 0620 0750
Nominal line current 1.9 A 2.3 A 2.9 A 3.6 A 5A 6.3 A 8.6 A 11.3 A 14.4 A 22 A 32 A 42 A 56 A 68 A
AC Iline
Supply system cable 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 4 mm2 6 mm2 10 16 25
L1/L2/L3 mm2 mm2 mm2
Fuse/miniature circuit 10 A 16 A 25 A 32 A 50 A 63 A 80 A
MDX9_A-…-2_3 0070 0093 0140 0213 0290 0420 0570
Nominal line current AC Iline 6.4 A 8.4 A 12.4 A 18.9 A 27.4 A 40.8 A 52 A
Supply system cable L1/L2/L3 1.5 mm2 2.5 mm2 6 mm2 10 mm2 16 mm2
Fuse/miniature circuit breaker 10 A 16 A 20 A 32 A 50 A 63 A

Recommended cross section
The values are only recommendations. They are no substitute for detailed project
planning of the cables depending on the concrete application and considering the ap-
plicable regulations.

Securing the supply system cable
Secure the supply system cable with appropriate safety elements.
When selecting the supply system cable, make sure that the selected cross section is
in the range of the connectable cross section of the terminals.
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148 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Supply system cable and motor cable 3
3.8.2 Motor cable

Cable length
For MOVIDRIVE® system application inverters, a maximum motor cable length must 3
not be exceeded.
The following configuration guidelines must be observed:
• When shielded motor cables are used, a capacitance core/shield of maximum 280
pF/m must not be exceeded.
MDX9_A...-5_3 0020 – 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 – 1770 – 2500 – 3800 –
With Uline = 3 × 0040 1490 2200 3000 5880
AC 400 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Shielded cable
PWM frequency
2.5 kHz – – – – – – – – 400 400
4 kHz 120 200 250 300 300 400 400 400 300 300
8 kHz 80 120 150 250 250 300 300 300 200 –
16 kHz 40 60 100 150 150 200 200 – – –
MDX9_A...-5_3 0020 – 0055 0070 0095 0125 0160 0240 – 1770 – 2500 – 3800 –
With Uline = 3 × 0040 1490 2200 3000 5880
AC 400 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Unshielded cable
PWM frequency
2.5 kHz – – – – – – – – 1200 1200
4 kHz 360 600 750 900 900 1200 1200 1200 900 900
8 kHz 240 360 450 750 750 900 900 900 600 –
16 kHz 120 180 300 450 450 600 600 – – –
MDX9_A...-2_3 0070 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 1080
With Uline = 3 × AC 230 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Shielded cable
PWM frequency
4 kHz 120 200 250 300 400
8 kHz 80 120 150 250 300
16 kHz 40 60 100 150 200
MDX9_A...-2_3 0070 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 1080
With Uline = 3 × AC 230 V) Maximum motor cable length in m
Unshielded cable
PWM frequency
4 kHz 360 600 750 900 1200
8 kHz 240 360 450 750 900
16 kHz 120 180 300 450 600

If the use of a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards,
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends not using a residual current device. Leakage cur-
rents caused by cable capacitances can lead to false tripping.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 149

3 Project planning
Signal lines

Voltage drop
Select the cable cross section of the motor cable so the voltage drop is as small as
possible. An excessively high voltage drop means that the full motor torque is not
Determine the expected voltage drop based on the following table. With shorter
cables, you can convert the voltage drop proportionally.
Line cross Load with I in A =
section 4 6 8 10 13 16 20 25 30 40 50 63 80 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400
Copper Voltage drop ΔV in V with length = 100 m and ϑ = 70 °C
1.5 mm2 5.3 8 10.6 13.3 17.3 21.3 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

2.5 mm 2
3.2 4.8 6.4 8.1 10.4 12.8 16 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

4 mm 2
1.9 2.8 3.8 4.7 6.5 8.0 10 12.5 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

6 mm 2
4.4 5.3 6.4 8.3 9.9 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

10 mm 2
3.2 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.2 10.2 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

16 mm 2
3.3 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.9 10.0 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

25 mm2 2.5 3.3 4.1 5.1 6.4 8.0 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

35 mm2 2.9 3.6 4.6 5.7 7.2 8.6 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

50 mm2 4.0 5.0 6.0 1) 1) 1) 1) 1)

70 mm 2
5.8 1) 1) 1) 1)

95 mm 2
4.2 5.3 1) 1) 1)

150 mm 2
3.3 4.0 1) 1)

185 mm 2
3.2 3.8 1)

240 mm 2
2.5 2.9 3.3
1) Load not permitted according to IEC 60364-5-52.

3.9 Signal lines

3.9.1 Encoder cables

Connection/Encoder Cable length

HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C 300 m
Standard HTL encoder 200 m
Other encoders 100 m

3.9.2 Digital inputs/outputs and DC 24 V supply

The maximum cable length of connections on the inputs and outputs is 30 m.
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150 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3 3
3.10 EMC-compliant installation according to EN 61800-3
MOVIDRIVE® application inverters are designed as components for installation in ma-
chinery and systems. They comply with the EMC product standard EN 61800-3 "Vari- 3
able-speed electrical drives".
Provided the EMC-compliant installation is observed, the appropriate requirements for
a CE marking are met on the basis of the EMC Directive 2014/30/EU.

3.10.1 Interference emission

The cable length must be as short as possible for EMC-compliant installation.
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends using low-capacity cables.
To comply with limit classes C1 and C2 in accordance with EN 61800‑3, the measures
listed in the tables must be taken.
Limit class C1

On the line On the motor side
Inverter side

NF line fil- HF output filter

Shielded cables
ter HD output choke
MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-..
NF – Yes
MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..

Limit class C2

On the line On the motor side
Inverter side

NF line fil- HF output filter

Shielded cables
ter HD output choke
MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5E3-.. – – Yes
MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2E3-..
MDX9_A-0240 – 1490-503-.. – Yes
MDX9_A-0213 – 1080-203-..
MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-503-.. NF HD No
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-203-.. NF HF No

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No EMC limits are specified for interference emission in voltage supply systems
without a grounded star point (IT systems).

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 151

3 Project planning
Line components

3.11 Line components

3.11.1 Line fuses and miniature circuit breakers

Line fuses and miniature circuit breakers are used for protecting the supply system
cables. For fusing, use fuses and miniature circuit breakers with the following proper-

Type class Prerequisite

Fuses in utilization categor- Fusing voltage ≥ nominal line voltage
ies gL, gG
Miniature circuit breaker with Nominal miniature circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal
characteristics B, C, D line voltage
Nominal currents of the miniature circuit breaker must
be 10% higher than the nominal line current of the ap-
plication inverter
Adhere to the country-specific and system-specific regulations when carrying out the
fusing. If required, observe the notes in the chapter "UL-compliant installation".

3.11.2 Line contactor

A line contactor is used to separate the application inverter from the supply system in
the event of an error and to switch the power supply on and off.
For more information on operation with a line contactor, refer to the chapter "Line con-

If necessary, use a line contactor in utilization category AC-3 (IEC 158-1) or better.
The line contactor must be installed before the line filter and the line choke.

Observe the documentation for electrical installation of a line contactor, see the
chapter "Line contactor" (→ 2 230).

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152 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Line components 3
3.11.3 NF line filter
A line filter reduces interference emission via the supply system cable, which is gener-
ated by the application inverter. The line filter mainly serves to meet interference
voltage limit requirements in the frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz at the line 3
connection. In addition, a line filter dampens the interference from the supply system
affecting the application inverter. The selection of the line filter depends on the nom-
inal line current and the line voltage of the frequency inverter.
The line filter has to be selected according to the following table.

Technical data
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
Part number 17984319 17984270 17984300 17983789 17987504 17987865
Nominal line voltage VN 3 × AC 230 V - 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 5.5 A 12 A 22 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal power loss 4W 6W 9W 30 W 51.5 W 89 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb 0 to 45 °C (reduction: x% IN up to max. 60 °C)
Connecting contacts Spring-loaded terminals max. 6 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
Tightening torque — 2 – 4 Nm 6 – 8 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
L1/L2/L3 - L1'/L2'/L3'
PE terminal contacts M4 M5 M6 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 6 Nm 12 Nm 23
Degree of protection IP20 according to EN 60529
Mass 1 kg 1 kg 1.4 kg 3 kg 5 kg 9 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line filter NF0055-503 NF0120-503 NF0220-503 NF0420-513 NF0910-523 NF1800-523
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 0910 – 1490
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. — 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 153

3 Project planning
Line components

3.11.4 ND line choke

The main reason for using line chokes is the reduction of grid disturbances that may
occur due to harmonic currents. In addition, line chokes improve the overvoltage pro-
The line choke has to be selected according to the following table.

Technical data
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
Part number 17984173 17984181 17983800 17983819 17987520 17987539
Nominal line voltage UN 3 × AC 230 V – 500 V, 50/60 Hz
Nominal current IN 7A 16 A 30 A 42 A 91 A 180 A
Nominal inductance 0.36 mH 0.2 mH 0.1 mH 0.045 mH 0.035 mH 0.018 mH
Nominal power loss 4W 9W 11 W 13 W 53 W 116 W
Ambient temperature ϑamb -10 °C to 45 °C (reduction: 3% IN up to maximum 60 °C)
Connection contacts L1/L2/L3 – L1'/ 0.2 – 4 mm2 0.2 – 10 mm2 2.5 – 16 mm2 25 – 50 mm2 16 – 120 mm2
Tightening torque L1/L2/L3 – L1'/L2'/ 0.5 – 1 Nm 1.2 – 2 Nm 2.5 Nm 3 – 6 Nm 12 – 20 Nm
PE connection contact M4 M5 M8 M10
Tightening torque PE 1.5 Nm 3 Nm 12 Nm 20 Nm
Degree of protection IPXXB in accordance with EN 60529 IPXXA in accordance with
EN 60529
Mass 0.5 kg 1.3 kg 1.95 kg 1.82 kg 4.6 kg 10 kg

Assignment to an inverter
Line choke ND0070-503 ND0160-503 ND0300-503 ND0420-503 ND0910-503 ND1800-503
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. 0020 – 0040 0055 – 0095 0125 – 0160 0240 – 0320 0460 – 0750 910 – 1400
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. - 0070 – 0093 0140 0213 – 0290 0420 – 0570 0840 – 1080

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154 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
Line components 3
3.11.5 Residual current device

No protection against electric shock if an incorrect type of residual current device is
Severe or fatal injuries.
• The product can cause direct current in the PE conductor. If a residual current
device (RCD) or a residual current monitoring device (RCM) is used for protec-
tion in the event of a direct or indirect contact, only a type B RCD or RCM is per-
mitted on the supply end of the product.

• If the use of a residual current device is not mandatory according to the standards,
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends not to use a residual current device.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 155

3 Project planning
24 V supply voltage selection

3.12 24 V supply voltage selection

The MDX90A-... application inverter requires an external 24 V voltage supply for the
The MDX91A-... application inverter has an internal 24 V voltage supply (80 W) that
can also be supported externally.

3.12.1 Project planning for 24 V supply power

For dimensioning the 24 V supply voltage, it is necessary to know the power and cur-
rent consumption of the application inverter.

Commercially available switched-mode power supplies can reliably switch on the
maximally occurring capacities.

3.12.2 Power consumption of the 24 V supply

Tables for the power demand of the 24 V supply depending on the used modules and
the installed options.
Power consump- Inverter 3 × AC 400 V Power consumption (without I/O, motor en-
tion coder, motor brake)
MDX90A-0020.. – ..0040-5_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0055.. – ..0095-5_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0125.. – ..0160-5_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0240.. – ..0320-5_3-.. 30
MDX90A-0460.. – ..0750-5_3-.. 15
MDX91A-0910.. – ..1490-5_3-.. 20

Inverter 3 × AC 230 V Power consumption (without I/O, motor en-

coder, motor brake)
MDX90A-0070.. – ..0093-2_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0140-2_3-.. 20
MDX90A-0213.. – ..0290-2_3-.. 30
MDX90A-0420.. – ..0570-2_3-.. 15
MDX91A-0840.. – ..1080-2_3-.. 20

Power consump- Card Power consumption

tion of the cards
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CIO21A 1.2
CID21A 0.4
CES11A 0.8
CSB21A 5.1 W

156 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Project planning
24 V supply voltage selection 3
Card Power consumption
CSS21A 12.3 W 3
CSB31A 24.3 W
CSS31A 24.3 W

3.12.3 Project planning example

The following example illustrates project planning of the 24 V voltage supply for the
MOVIDRIVE® system application inverter MDX90B0040-5E3-4-00 with CES11A multi-
encoder card and I/O expansion CID21A.
The DI00 digital input (output stage enable) is supplied with voltage by the inverter.
The motor brake is controlled via DB00. The coil of the brake relay requires
DC 100 mA at DC 24 V.
The 4 outputs of the CID21A option are each subject to a load of DC 50 mA.
Power demand of the basic device: 20 W + 1 × motor encoder: 5 W
Power demand of the CES11A option without encoder: 0.8 W
1 × external encoder: 12 W
Power demand of the CID21A option without terminals: 0.4 A
Power demand of the inputs (basic device): 1 × 0.2 W = 0.2 W
Power demand of the brake control at DB00: 24 V × 0.1 A = 2.4 W
Power demand of the digital outputs: 4 × 24 V × 0.050 A = 4.8 W
The total power demand is 45.6 W
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 157

4 Prefabricated cables
Meaning of the symbols

4 Prefabricated cables
The overviews showing the assignment of the cables to the motors apply also to any
motors of the respective motor type that can be used in areas subject to a risk of ex-

4.1 Meaning of the symbols

Icon Meaning
Connection cables: Connector → connector for fixed installation
Connection cable extension: Connector → connector for fixed in-
Connection cables: Connector → encoder connection cover for
fixed installation
Connection cables: Connector → encoder connection cover for
cable carrier installation
Connection cables: Connector → connector for cable carrier install-
Connection cable extension: Connector → connector for cable car-
rier installation
Connection cables: Connector → open end for fixed installation
Connection cables: Connector → open end for cable carrier install-

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158 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.2 Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.1 Overview

CMP(Z)../SM.. 4

--> [2]

--> [2]

--> [1]

--> [1]





S1 S1
S2 S2




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ

--> [3]
--> [5]

--> [3]
--> [5]

--> [4]

--> [4]
--> [4]

--> [4]

CMP../SB.. /BK.. CMP(Z)../SB.. /BY..

CMP../SB.. /BP..

28489470/EN – 02/2019

[1] Motor cable ../SM.. (→ 2 160) [4] Brakemotor extension cable ../SB.. for /BK, /BP
and /BY brake (→ 2 164)
[2] Motor extension cable ../SM.. (→ 2 161) [5] Brakemotor cable ../SB.. for brake /BY (→ 2 163)
[3] Brakemotor cable ../SB.. for brake /BK
and /BP (→ 2 162)

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 159

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.2 Motor cable with connector on motor end

Motor cable illustration


Types of CMP.. motor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM11 4 × 1.5 mm2 05904544 Fixed installation
SM11 4 × 1.5 mm2 05906245 Cable carrier installation
SM12 4 × 2.5 mm 2
05904552 Fixed installation
SM12 4 × 2.5 mm2 05906253 Cable carrier installation
SM14 4 × 4 mm 2
05904560 Fixed installation
SM14 4 × 4 mm2 05904803 Cable carrier installation
SMB6 4 × 6 mm 2
13350269 Fixed installation
SMB6 4 × 6 mm2 13350293 Cable carrier installation
SMB10 4 × 10 mm2 13350277 Fixed installation
SMB10 4 × 10 mm 2
13350307 Cable carrier installation
SMB16 4 × 16 mm2 13350285 Fixed installation
SMB16 4 × 16 mm 2
13350315 Cable carrier installation
SMC16 4 × 16 mm2 18148476 Fixed installation
SMC16 4 × 16 mm 2
18148484 Cable carrier installation
SMC25 4 × 25 mm2 18148581 Cable carrier installation
SMC35 4 × 35 mm 2
18148697 Cable carrier installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

160 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors 4
Illustration of motor extension cable

4818839179 4

Types of CMP.. motor extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM11 4 × 1.5 mm2 13332457 Cable carrier installation
SM12 4 × 2.5 mm2 13332465 Cable carrier installation
SM14 4 × 4 mm 2
13332473 Cable carrier installation
SMB6 4 × 6 mm2 13350021 Cable carrier installation
SMB10 4 × 10 mm 2
13350048 Cable carrier installation
SMB16 4 × 16 mm2 13350056 Cable carrier installation
SMC16 4 × 16 mm 2
18156819 Cable carrier installation
SMC25 4 x 25 mm 2
18156827 Cable carrier installation
SMC35 4 x 35 mm2 18156835 Cable carrier installation
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 161

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.3 Brakemotor cables for BP/BK brake with connector at motor end

Figure of CMP.. brakemotor cables

500 ±5


Types of CMP.. brakemotor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354345 Fixed installation
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354388 Cable carrier installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354353 Fixed installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354396 Cable carrier installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354361 Fixed installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13421603 Cable carrier installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350196 Fixed installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350234 Cable carrier installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350218 Fixed installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350242 Cable carrier installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350226 Fixed installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350250 Cable carrier installation

As for the power cables for brakemotors with BP/BK brake only two signal cables are
required, the third signal core is cut off during cable assembly.
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162 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.2.4 Brakemotor cables for BY brake with connector at motor end

Figure of CMP.. brakemotor cables


5 0 0 ±5

Types of CMP.. brakemotor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354272 Fixed installation
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354302 Cable carrier installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354280 Fixed installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354310 Cable carrier installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354299 Fixed installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354329 Cable carrier installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350129 Fixed installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350153 Cable carrier installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350137 Fixed installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350161 Cable carrier installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350145 Fixed installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350188 Cable carrier installation
SBC16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 18148514 Fixed installation
SBC16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
18148522 Cable carrier installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 163

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CMP.. motors

4.2.5 Extension cables BP/BK and BY brakes

Illustration of brakemotor extension cable


Types of CMP.. brakemotor extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354221 Cable carrier installation
SB12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 13354248 Cable carrier installation
SB14 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1 mm
2 2
13354337 Cable carrier installation
SBB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350099 Cable carrier installation
SBB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
13350102 Cable carrier installation
SBB16 4 × 16 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 13350110 Cable carrier installation
SBC16 4 × 16 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
18156843 Cable carrier installation

28489470/EN – 02/2019

164 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.3 Encoder cables for CMP.. motors

4.3.1 Overview

CMP(Z).. /SM.. 4
CMP(Z).. /SB..
CMP(Z).. /KK /RH1M



13356356 13327429

13356364 13327437





S1 S1
S2 S2




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ




CMP(Z).. /KK
/AK1H CMP(Z).. /SM..
CMP(Z).. /SB..
28489470/EN – 02/2019


Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 165

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors

4.3.2 Resolver

Illustration of RH1M resolver cable



Types of RH1M resolver cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13327429 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13327437 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M extension cable


Types of RH1M extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
01995421 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995413 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M resolver cable for terminal box


RH1M resolver cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356356 Fixed installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13356364 Cable carrier installation

166 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors 4
4.3.3 HIPERFACE® encoders

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable

X 4


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
4 × 2 × 0.25 mm + 2 × 0.5 mm
2 2
13324535 Fixed installation
4 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 + 2 × 0.5 mm2 13324551 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cable


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
01995391 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995405 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable for terminal box


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356291 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356305 Cable carrier installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 167

4 Prefabricated cables
Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors

4.4 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors

4.4.1 Overview


--> [2]





--> [1] S1




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ

--> [1]

CMP../SH.. /BK..
CMP../SH.. /BP..
CMP(Z)../SH.. /BY..
--> [2]


[1] Motor/brakemotor cable [2] Extension cable

4.4.2 Types of motor/brakemotor cable

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
SH11 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177018
SH12 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm
2 2 2
Cable carrier installa-
SH14 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177034
SHB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177042
SHB10 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177050
28489470/EN – 02/2019

168 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors 4
4.4.3 Types of extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
SH11 4 × 1.5 mm + 3 × 1 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm
2 2 2
SH12 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177077 4
Cable carrier installa-
SH14 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177085
SHB6 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 + 4 × 0.34 mm2 18177093
SHB10 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm + 4 × 0.34 mm
2 2 2
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 169

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5 Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5.1 Overview

CFM.. /SM..

--> [2]

--> [2]

--> [1]

--> [1] X31





S1 S1
S2 S2



+ UZ


X4 X4
- UZ


--> [3]

--> [3]

--> [4]

--> [4]
28489470/EN – 02/2019

CFM.. /SB.. /BR..


[1] Motor cable ../SM.. (→ 2 171) [3] Brakemotor cable ../SB.. /BR (→ 2 173)
[2] Motor extension cable ../ [4] Brakemotor extension cable ../SB.. /BR (→ 2 174)
SM.. (→ 2 172)

170 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.5.2 Motor cable

Motor cable illustration



Motor cable types

The cables are equipped with a connector for motor connection and conductor end
sleeves for inverter connection.

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm2 01991795 Fixed installation
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm2 13331140 Cable carrier installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm 2
01991817 Fixed installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm2 13331159 Cable carrier installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm2 01991833 Fixed installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm 2
01991841 Cable carrier installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm2 0199185X Fixed installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm 2
01991868 Cable carrier installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm2 01991876 Fixed installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm 2
01991884 Cable carrier installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 171

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5.3 Motor extension cable

Illustration of motor extension cable



Types of motor extension cables

The cables are equipped with a connector and adapter for extending the CFM.. motor

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm2 01995499 Fixed installation
SM51/SM61 4 × 1.5 mm 2
13331183 Cable carrier installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm2 01995510 Fixed installation
SM52/SM62 4 × 2.5 mm 2
13331191 Cable carrier installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm2 01995537 Fixed installation
SM54/SM64 4 × 4 mm 2
01995545 Cable carrier installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm2 01995553 Fixed installation
SM56/SM66 4 × 6 mm 2
01995561 Cable carrier installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm2 0199557X Fixed installation
SM59/SM69 4 × 10 mm 2
01995588 Cable carrier installation

28489470/EN – 02/2019

172 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.5.4 Brakemotor cable

Illustration of brakemotor cable


500 ±5

Types of brakemotor cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SB51/SB61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 01991892 Fixed installation
SB51/SB61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331167 Cable carrier installation
SB52/SB62 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
01991914 Fixed installation
SB52/SB62 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331175 Cable carrier installation
SB54/SB64 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
01991930 Fixed installation
SB54/SB64 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 01991949 Cable carrier installation
SB56/SB66 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01991957 Fixed installation
SB56/SB66 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01991965 Cable carrier installation
SB59/SB69 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01991973 Fixed installation
SB59/SB69 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01991981 Cable carrier installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 173

4 Prefabricated cables
Power cables for CFM.. motors

4.5.5 Brakemotor extension cables

Illustration of brakemotor extension cable



Types of brakemotor extension cables

Plug connector Number of cores and cable cross Part number Installation type
SK51/SK61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 0199199X Fixed installation
SK51/SK61 4 × 1.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331205 Cable carrier installation
SK52/SK62 4 × 2.5 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
01992015 Fixed installation
SK52/SK62 4 × 2.5 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 13331213 Cable carrier installation
SK54/SK64 4 × 4 mm2 + 3 × 1.0 mm2 01992031 Fixed installation
SK54/SK64 4 × 4 mm + 3 × 1.0 mm
2 2
0199204X Cable carrier installation
SK56/SK66 4 × 6 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01992058 Fixed installation
SK56/SK66 4 × 6 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01992066 Cable carrier installation
SK59/SK69 4 × 10 mm2 + 3 × 1.5 mm2 01992074 Fixed installation
SK59/SK69 4 × 10 mm + 3 × 1.5 mm
2 2
01992082 Cable carrier installation

28489470/EN – 02/2019

174 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.6 Encoder cables for CFM.. motors

4.6.1 Overview

CFM.. /SM.. 4
CFM.. /KK CFM.. /SB..
/RH1M CFM.. /KK5
/RH1L CFM.. /KK6


01995898 13327429







X15 S1




+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ





CFM.. /SM..
CFM.. /KK CFM.. /SB..
/ES1H CFM.. /KK5
/AS1H CFM.. /KK6
28489470/EN – 02/2019



Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 175

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors

4.6.2 Resolver

Illustration of RH1M/RH1L resolver cable



Types of RH1M/RH1L resolver cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
13327429 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13327437 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M/RH1L extension cable


Types of RH1M/RH1L extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
01995421 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995413 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of RH1M/RH1L resolver cable for terminal box


Types of RH1M/RH1L resolver cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13327623 Fixed installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13327631 Cable carrier installation

176 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors 4
4.6.3 HIPERFACE® encoders

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable

X 4


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing

6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
13324535 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13324551 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cable


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing

6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
01995391 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 01995405 Cable carrier installation

Illustration of HIPERFACE® encoder cable for terminal box


Types of HIPERFACE® encoder cables for terminal box

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Routing

5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356291 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13356305 Cable carrier installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 177

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7 Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7.1 Overview







S1 S1
S2 S2



X17 24V

+ UZ

X4 X4

- UZ


13623192 13617621 13622021

13621971 13617648 13622048



DR.. DR..
/ES7S /EG7S 13623184 /ES7S /EG7S /AH7Y
/AS7W /AG7W 18140408 /AS7W /AG7W
28489470/EN – 02/2019

178 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
A.7Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A (X17) multi-encoder card.

DR..71 – 315
/EK8C 13621963
/AK8H 18139183



D-Sub --> X..


13622021 18139183

13622048 28111451

DR..71 – 315
/EK8S 13623184
/AK8Y 18140408


D-Sub --> X.. MOVIDRIVE® modular/system/technology

Basic device: X15
CES11A multi-encoder card: X17
AK8Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A multi-encoder card.
[1] Motors with integrated plug connector for encoder signals without connection cover, connec-
tion type A2GB.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
[2] Motors with integrated plug connector for encoder signals with connection cover, connection
28489470/EN – 02/2019

type A1GA.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 179

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

/EK8S DR..71-315
13623184 28111486

18140408 28111494

28111451 28111451

28111478 28111478


13621998 28111435

18195393 28111443

D-Sub --> X..


18195393 28111435

28111443 28111435




[2] [4]
DR..71-315 DR..71-315
28489470/EN – 02/2019


180 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
D-Sub --> X.. MOVIDRIVE® modular/system/technology
Basic device: X15
CES11A multi-encoder card: X17
AK8Y encoders can be connected only to the CES11A multi-encoder card.
[1] Motors with terminal strip in the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal monitoring. 4
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
[2] Motors with M23 plug connector at terminal box for encoder signals, connection type AIGB.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are not located in the encoder cable.
[3] Motors with terminal strip in the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal monitoring.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are located in the encoder cable.
[4] Motors with an M23 plug connector at the terminal box for encoder signals and thermal mon-
itoring, connection type AIGA.
The signals for thermal monitoring of the motor are located in the encoder cable.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 181

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7.2 Encoder cable with connection cover and D-sub

Illustration of encoder cable


Types of encoder cables and encoders

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13617621 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13617648 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S

4.7.3 Encoder cable with conductor end sleeves and D-sub

Illustration of encoder cable


Types of encoder cables and encoders

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13622021 Fixed installation
28489470/EN – 02/2019

6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13622048 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S

182 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
4.7.4 Encoder cable with M23 and D-sub

Illustration of encoder cable

X 4


Types of encoder cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13602659 Fixed installation
5 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13623206 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.315

Sine encoder EH7S

4.7.5 Encoder extension cable with connection cover and M23

Illustration of encoder extension cable


Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm 2
13621963 Fixed installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 183

4 Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors

4.7.6 Encoder extension cable with conductor end sleeves and M23

Illustration of encoder extension cable


Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13623184 Fixed installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S

4.7.7 Encoder extension cable with two M23

Illustration of encoder extension cable



Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13623192 Fixed installation
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2
13621971 Cable carrier installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S
28489470/EN – 02/2019

184 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
Encoder cables for DR.. motors 4
4.7.8 Encoder extension cable with M23 and D-sub

Illustration of encoder extension cable



Types of encoder extension cables

Number of cores and cable cross section Part number Installation type
6 × 2 × 0.25 mm2 13621998 Fixed installation

Encoder types DR.71 – 132 DR.160 – 280

Sine encoder ES7S EG7S
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 185

4 Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable

4.8 System bus and module bus cable

The RJ45 connectors of the system bus and module bus cables and the sockets in the
application inverters have been checked for mechanical stability and contact reliability
by SEW‑EURODRIVE. SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends using the system bus and
module bus cables listed below. If other cables and connectors are used,
SEW‑EURODRIVE does not make any statements regarding the quality of the plug-in

Use of wrong cables
Damage to the application inverter
Only 4-pole cables are permitted for use as system bus cables [2]. If an 8-pole cable
is used, malfunctions or failures may occur at the connected devices.

4.8.1 System bus and module bus cabling

Example of a system bus and module bus cabling
[2] [1] [1] [2] [1] [1] [2] [1] [2] [2] [2] [2]

Power Power

10 min 10 min

[4] [4] [6] [6]

[1] Module bus cable: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS and internal signals, 8-pole, color: an-
[2] System bus cable: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS, 4-pole, color: light gray
[4] MOVIDRIVE® modular
[5] MOVIDRIVE® system/technology with DC link connection
[6] MOVIDRIVE® system/technology
[7] Other EtherCAT® stations at the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
28489470/EN – 02/2019

186 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable 4
4.8.2 System bus cable

Figure of the cable

[1] [2]

[1] Connector, red [2] Connector, red

The 4-pole system bus cable [2] for EtherCAT® and SBusPLUS is used between the
automation components; see figure (→ 2 186). Some of these components are listed
here as examples:
• MOVIDRIVE® modular application inverter
• PC with MOVISUITE® engineering software
• MOVI‑PLC® I/O system
• Other EtherCAT® stations at the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
The following lengths of the system bus cable are available for fixed installation.

Cable length Part number Cable assignment for

0.29 m 18179959 MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-..
with devices directly next to
each other
0.75 m 18167039 MDX9_A-0460 – 1130-..
with devices directly next to
each other
1.5 m 18179975 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
3.0 m 18167047 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
5m 18179983 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
10 m 18179991 MDX9_A-.. with devices not
directly next to each other
If you use system bus cables from other manufacturers, it is necessary to comply with
the relevant requirements of the "EtherCAT® Technology Group" (ETG). On this sub-
ject, note the "EtherCAT® Installation Guideline" from the ETG

Pin assignment
The prefabricated system bus cables are assigned according to EIA/TIA-568A. Also
use this assignment for prefabrication in the field.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Pin Color coding

1 White/green
2 Green
3 White/orange
4 Reserved

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 187

4 Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable

Pin Color coding

5 Reserved
6 Orange
7 Reserved
8 Reserved

28489470/EN – 02/2019

188 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Prefabricated cables
System bus and module bus cable 4
4.8.3 Module bus cable


[1] [2]

[1] Connector, black [2] Connector, red

For MOVIDRIVE® modular, the 8-pole module bus cable [1] for EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
and internal signals connects the power supply module to the first axis module and the
axis modules to each other; see figure (→ 2 186).
For MOVIDRIVE® system/technology, the module bus cable is used when 2 applica-
tion inverters are connected in the DC link.
In the case of MOVIDRIVE® modular, in addition to the system bus communication,
the module bus is routed in the cable for information inside the device. The module
bus cable is delivered in the length required as part of the accessories for the axis
A module bus cable for MOVIDRIVE® system/technology in the required length must
be ordered separately.
If the module bus cable for MOVIDRIVE® modular is needed as a spare part, it can be
ordered with the following part numbers.

Cable Part number Replacement cable for Cable assignment for

length MOVIDRIVE® modular MOVIDRIVE® system/
0.23 m 18166989 MDA90A-0020 – 0120-.. –
MDD90A-0020 – 0040-..
0.26 m 18166997 MDA90A-0160 – 0240-.. –
MDD90A-0020 – 0080-..
0.29 m 18167004 MDP90A-0100-...-C00 MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-..
MDA90A-0320 – 0480-.. with devices directly next
to each other
0.35 m 18167012 MDP90A-0500 – 0750-.. –
MDA90A-0640 – 1000-..
0.44 m 18167020 MDA90A-1400 – 1800-.. MDX9_A-0460 – 1130-..
with devices directly next
to each other
1.6 m 18174205 – MDX9_A-..
with devices not directly
next to each other
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 189

5 General information
About this documentation

5 General information
5.1 About this documentation
The current version of the documentation is the original.
This documentation is an integral part of the product. The documentation is intended
for all employees who perform work on the product.
Make sure this documentation is accessible and legible. Ensure that persons respon-
sible for the systems and their operation as well as persons who work on the product
independently have read through the documentation carefully and understood it. If you
are unclear about any of the information in this documentation, or if you require further
information, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE.

5.2 Structure of the safety notes

5.2.1 Meaning of signal words
The following table shows the grading and meaning of the signal words for safety

Signal word Meaning Consequences if disregarded

DANGER Imminent hazard Severe or fatal injuries
WARNING Possible dangerous situation Severe or fatal injuries
CAUTION Possible dangerous situation Minor injuries
NOTICE Possible damage to property Damage to the product or its envi-
INFORMATION Useful information or tip: Simplifies
handling of the product.

5.2.2 Structure of section-related safety notes

Section-related safety notes do not apply to a specific action but to several actions
pertaining to one subject. The hazard symbols used either indicate a general hazard
or a specific hazard.
This is the formal structure of a safety note for a specific section:

Type and source of hazard.
Possible consequence(s) if disregarded.
• Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

190 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

General information
Structure of the safety notes 5
Meaning of the hazard symbols
The hazard symbols in the safety notes have the following meaning:

Hazard symbol Meaning

General hazard

Warning of dangerous electrical voltage

Warning of hot surfaces

Warning about suspended load

Warning of automatic restart

5.2.3 Structure of embedded safety notes

Embedded safety notes are directly integrated into the instructions just before the de-
scription of the dangerous action.
This is the formal structure of an embedded safety note:
SIGNAL WORD Type and source of hazard. Possible consequence(s) if disregar-
ded. Measure(s) to prevent the hazard.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 191

5 General information
Decimal separator in numerical values

5.3 Decimal separator in numerical values

In this document, a period is used to indicate the decimal separator.
Example: 30.5 kg

5.4 Rights to claim under limited warranty

Read the information in this documentation. This is essential for fault-free operation
and fulfillment of any rights to claim under limited warranty. Read the documentation
before you start working with the product.

5.5 Content of the documentation

This documentation contains additional safety-related information and conditions for
operation in safety-related applications.

5.6 Other applicable documentation

Observe the corresponding documentation for all further components.

5.7 Product names and trademarks

The brands and product names in this documentation are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective titleholders.

5.7.1 Trademark of Beckhoff Automation GmbH

EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff
Automation GmbH, Germany.

5.8 Copyright notice

© 2019 SEW‑EURODRIVE. All rights reserved. Unauthorized reproduction, modifica-
tion, distribution or any other use of the whole or any part of this documentation is
strictly prohibited.
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192 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

General information
Device availability 5
5.9 Device availability
This documentation also lists devices that are not yet available at the time of the pub-
lication of this document.
The following table lists the available application inverters. Accessories required for
the inverter operation such as braking resistors, chokes, and filters are also available.
Type designation

5.10 Graphic presentation of the devices

In the present documentation, the inverters are shown with a plugged-in keypad only
when that is necessary for explaining a presentation, a function, or an instruction.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 193

6 Safety notes
Preliminary information

6 Safety notes
6.1 Preliminary information
The following general safety notes serve the purpose of preventing injury to persons
and damage to property. They primarily apply to the use of products described in this
documentation. If you use additional components, also observe the relevant warning
and safety notes.

6.2 Duties of the user

As the user, you must ensure that the basic safety notes are observed and complied
with. Make sure that persons responsible for the machinery and its operation as well
as persons who work on the device independently have read through the documenta-
tion carefully and understood it.
As the user, you must ensure that all of the work listed in the following is carried out
only by qualified specialists:
• Setup and installation
• Installation and connection
• Startup
• Maintenance and repairs
• Shutdown
• Disassembly
Ensure that the persons who work on the product pay attention to the following regula-
tions, conditions, documentation, and information:
• National and regional safety and accident prevention regulations
• Warning and safety signs on the product
• All other relevant project planning documents, installation and startup instructions,
and wiring diagrams
• Do not assemble, install or operate damaged products
• All system-specific specifications and conditions
Ensure that systems in which the product is installed are equipped with additional
monitoring and protection devices. Observe the applicable safety regulations and le-
gislation governing technical work equipment and accident prevention regulations.

6.3 Target group

Specialist for me- Any mechanical work may only be performed by adequately qualified specialists. Spe-
chanical work cialists in the context of this documentation are persons familiar with the design, me-
chanical installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance of the product who possess
28489470/EN – 02/2019

the following qualifications:

• Qualification in the mechanical area in accordance with the national regulations
• Familiarity with this documentation

194 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Safety notes
Designated use 6
Specialist for elec- Any electrotechnical work may only be performed by electrically skilled persons with a
trotechnical work suitable education. Electrically skilled persons in the context of this documentation are
persons familiar with electrical installation, startup, troubleshooting, and maintenance
of the product who possess the following qualifications:
• Qualification in the electrotechnical area in accordance with the national regula-
• Familiarity with this documentation
Additional qualifi- In addition to that, these persons must be familiar with the valid safety regulations and
cation laws, as well as with the requirements of the standards, directives, and laws specified
in this documentation. The persons must have the express authorization of the com-
pany to operate, program, parameterize, label, and ground units, systems, and circuits
in accordance with the standards of safety technology.
Instructed persons All work in the areas of transportation, storage, operation and waste disposal must be
carried out by persons who are trained appropriately. The purpose of the instruction is
that the persons are capable of performing the required tasks and work steps in a safe
and correct manner.

6.4 Designated use

The product is intended for control cabinet installation in electrical plants or machines.
In case of installation in electrical systems or machines, startup of the product is pro-
hibited until it is determined that the machine meets the requirements stipulated in the
local laws and directives. For Europe, Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC as well as the
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU apply. Observe EN 60204-1 (Safety of machinery - elec-
trical equipment of machines). The product meets the requirements stipulated in the
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU.
The standards given in the declaration of conformity apply to the product.
The systems can be mobile or stationary.
The product can be used to operate the following motors in industrial and commercial
• AC asynchronous motors with squirrel-cage rotor
• Permanent-field AC synchronous motors
Technical data and information on the connection conditions are provided on the
nameplate and in the chapter "Technical data" in the documentation. Always comply
with the data and conditions.
Unintended or improper use of the product may result in severe injury to persons and
damage to property.

6.4.1 Hoist applications

To avoid danger of fatal injury due to falling hoists, observe the following points when
using the product in lifting applications:
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• Use mechanical protection devices.

Application in ELSM® control mode

When the inverter is operated in ELSM® control mode, using it in lifting applications is
not permitted. In this control mode only applications of horizontal materials handling
are permitted.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 195

6 Safety notes
Functional safety technology

6.5 Functional safety technology

The product must not perform any safety functions without a higher-level safety sys-
tem, unless explicitly allowed by the documentation.

6.6 Transport
Inspect the shipment for damage as soon as you receive the delivery. Inform the ship-
ping company immediately about any damage. If the product is damaged, it must not
be assembled, installed or started up.
Observe the following notes when transporting the device:
• Ensure that the product is not subject to mechanical impact.
If necessary, use suitable, sufficiently dimensioned handling equipment.
Observe the information on climatic conditions in the chapter "Technical data" of the

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196 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Safety notes
Installation/assembly 6
6.7 Installation/assembly
Ensure that the product is installed and cooled according to the regulations in this doc-
Protect the product from excessive mechanical strain. Ensure that elements are not
deformed or insulation spaces are maintained, particularly during transportation. Elec-
tric components must not be mechanically damaged or destroyed.
Observe the notes in the chapter "Mechanical installation". 6

6.7.1 Restrictions of use

The following applications are prohibited unless the device is explicitly designed for
such use:
• Use in potentially explosive atmospheres
• Use in areas exposed to harmful oils, acids, gases, vapors, dust, and radiation
• Operation in applications with impermissibly high mechanical vibration and shock
loads in excess of the regulations stipulated in EN 61800-5-1
• Use at an elevation of more than 3800 m above sea level
The product can be used at altitudes above 1000 m above sea level up to 3800 m
above sea level under the following conditions:
• Taking the reduced continuous rated current into consideration, see the chapter
"Technical data" of the documentation.
• Above 2000 m asl, the air and creeping distances are only sufficient for over-
voltage class II according to EN 60664. If the installation requires overvoltage cat-
egory III according to EN 60664 you have to reduce the overvoltages on the sys-
tem side from category III to II using additional external overvoltage protection.
• If a protective electrical separation is required, then implement this outside the
product at altitudes of more than 2000 m above sea level (protective separation in
accordance with EN 61800‑5‑1 and EN 60204‑1).
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 197

6 Safety notes
Electrical installation

6.8 Electrical installation

Ensure that all of the required covers are correctly attached after carrying out the elec-
trical installation.
Make sure that preventive measures and protection devices comply with the applic-
able regulations (e.g. EN 60204-1 or EN 61800-5-1).

6.8.1 Required preventive measure

Make sure that the product is correctly attached to the ground connection.

6.8.2 Stationary application

Necessary preventive measure for the product is:

Type of energy transfer Preventive measure

Direct power supply • Ground connection

6.8.3 Regenerative operation

The drive is operated as a generator due to the kinetic energy of the system/machine.
Before opening the connection box, secure the output shaft against rotation.

6.9 Protective separation

The product meets all requirements for protective separation of power and electronics
connections in accordance with EN 61800-5-1. To ensure protective separation, all
connected circuits must also meet the requirements for protective separation.

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198 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Safety notes
Startup/operation 6
6.10 Startup/operation
Observe the safety notes in the chapters Startup and Operation in this documentation.
Make sure the connection boxes are closed and screwed before connecting the sup-
ply voltage.
Depending on the degree of protection, products may have live, uninsulated, and
sometimes moving or rotating parts, as well as hot surfaces during operation.
When the device is switched on, dangerous voltages are present at all power connec-
tions as well as at any connected cables and terminals. This also applies even when
the product is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
Risk of burns due to arcing: Do not disconnect power connections during operation.
Do not connect power connections during operation.
If you disconnect the product from the voltage supply, do not touch any live compon-
ents or power connections because capacitors might still be charged. Observe the fol-
lowing minimum switch-off time:
10 minutes.
Observe the corresponding information signs on the product.
The fact that the operation LED and other display elements are no longer illuminated
does not indicate that the product has been disconnected from the supply system and
no longer carries any voltage.
Mechanical blocking or internal protective functions of the product can cause a motor
standstill. Eliminating the cause of the problem or performing a reset may result in the
drive restarting automatically. If, for safety reasons, this is not permitted for the drive-
controlled machine, first disconnect the product from the supply system and then start
Risk of burns: The surface temperature of the product can exceed 60 °C during opera-
tion. Do not touch the product during operation. Let the product cool down before
touching it.

6.10.1 Energy storage unit

Products with a connected energy storage unit are not necessarily de-energized when
they have been disconnected from the supply system. Usually, the energy storage unit
stores sufficient energy to continue operation of the connected motors for a limited
period of time. It is not sufficient to observe a minimum switch-off time.
Perform a shutdown as described in the documentation in the chapter "Service" >
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 199

7 Device structure
Connection variants

7 Device structure

7.1 Connection variants

The MOVIDRIVE® technology application inverter is used for direct control via fieldbus
systems. The communication interfaces are inserted into the basic device using cards.





X40 X40


X41 X41


[3] [3]

[1] Line voltage

[2] Industrial communication
[3] MOVIDRIVE® technology
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200 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Device structure
MOVIDRIVE® technology nameplates 7
7.2 MOVIDRIVE® technology nameplates

7.2.1 System nameplate


[2] [1]

[1] Device status

[2] Serial number

7.2.2 Performance data nameplate


[1] Device status

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 201

7 Device structure
MOVIDRIVE® technology type code

7.3 MOVIDRIVE® technology type code

® technolo
gy type

Example: MDX90A-0125-5E3-X-T00
Product family MD MOVIDRIVE®
Device type X • X = Single-axis inverter
Series 90 • 90 = Without DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
• 91 = With DC 24 V switched-mode power supply
Version A • A = Version status of the device series
Performance class 0125 • 0125 = Nominal output current – e.g. 0125 = 12.5 A
Connection voltage 5 • 2 = AC 200 – 230 V
• 5 = AC 380 – 500 V
Power section design E • 0 = Basic interference suppression integrated
EMC • E = EMC filter limit value category C2 in accordance with EN 61800-3
Connection type 3 • 3 = 3-phase connection type
Operating mode X • 4 = 4-quadrant operation
• X = Not relevant
Device variant T • 0 = Not relevant
• S = MOVIDRIVE® system: Control via MOVI-C® CONTROLLER
• T = MOVIDRIVE® technology: Control via fieldbus
• E = Inverter with device profile CiA402
Technology level 0 • 0 = Standard design
Application level 0 • 0 = Standard/MOVIKIT® velocity drive
• 1 = MOVIKIT® positioning drive
• 2 = Customized solution
Options • /L = Design with coated printed circuit boards
The following list serves as an example:
• /CES11A = Multi-encoder card
• /CID21A, /CIO21A = Input/output cards
• /CFE21A = EtherNet/IPTM and Modbus TCP
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202 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter 7
7.4 Device structure of the application inverter
7.4.1 MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-..








[3] F01



[4] [11] [19]
[5] 3

[12] [21]



[15] 4


A: View from top B: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [19] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [20] X10: Brake control and mo-
tor temperature monitoring
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X32: Operator interface [21] X2: Motor and braking re-
sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [22] X16: Digital motor integra-
"RUN", "ERROR" tion connection
[5] X6: Connection for Safe [10] Memory module
Torque Off (STO)
[11] 7-segment display
[12] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
28489470/EN – 02/2019

[13] X20: Binary inputs

[14] X21: Binary outputs
[15] X22: Isolated relay contact
[16] Shield plate
[17] 2 × housing PE connection
[18] Card slot

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 203

7 Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter

7.4.2 MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..












[11] [19]
[5] 4





[15] 3


A: View from top B: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [19] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [20] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X32: Operator interface [21] X2: Motor and braking re-
sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [22] X16: Digital motor integra-
"RUN", "ERROR" tion connection
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] Memory module
Off (STO)
[11] 7-segment display
[12] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[13] X20: Binary inputs
28489470/EN – 02/2019

[14] X21: Binary outputs

[15] X22: Isolated relay contact
[16] Shield plate
[17] 2 × housing PE connection
[18] Card slot

204 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter 7
7.4.3 MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0140-2_3-..

[8] 7



[2] [7]





[11] [19]

[4] [10]
1 [12] [21]
[5] 3

[13] [18]



[15] 3


A: View from top B: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [19] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [20] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X32: Operator interface [21] X2: Motor and braking re-
sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [22] X16: Digital motor integra-
"RUN", "ERROR" tion connection
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] Memory module
Off (STO)
[11] 7-segment display
[12] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
28489470/EN – 02/2019

[13] X20: Binary inputs

[14] X21: Binary outputs
[15] X22: Isolated relay contact
[16] Shield plate
[17] 2 × housing PE connection
[18] Card slot

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 205

7 Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter

7.4.4 MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0210 – 0290-2_3-..





[2] [7]





[11] [19]

[4] [10]
1 [12]




[15] 3



A: View from top B: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [19] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [20] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X32: Operator interface [21] X2: Motor and braking re-
sistor connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS [22] X16: Digital motor integ-
"RUN", "ERROR" ration connection
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] Memory module
Off (STO)
[11] 7-segment display
[12] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[13] X20: Binary inputs
[14] X21: Binary outputs
[15] X22: Isolated relay contact
[16] Shield plate
28489470/EN – 02/2019

[17] 2 × housing PE connection

[18] Card slot

206 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter 7
7.4.5 MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-5_3-..


[7] [8]


[21] 7

[5] 2
3 [10]
5 [12]


[15] 3


[17] [19]


A: View from top B: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X1: Line connection [6] 2 × housing PE connection [20] X15: Motor encoder con-
[2] X5: +24 V supply voltage [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [21] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [22] X16: Digital motor integ-
interface ration connection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] Memory module
Off (STO)
[11] 7-segment display
[12] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[13] X20: Binary inputs
[14] X21: Binary outputs
[15] X22: Isolated relay contact
[16] Shield plate
[17] X2: Motor connection
[18] Card slot
[19] X2: Braking resistor connection
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 207

7 Device structure
Device structure of the application inverter

7.4.6 MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-.., MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..


[7] [8]


[11] [9]
[3] [21]

[5] 2
3 [10]
5 [12]


[15] 3


[17] [19]


A: View from top B: View from front C: View from bottom

[1] X5: +24 V supply voltage [6] 2 × housing PE connection [20] X16: Digital motor integ-
ration connection
[2] X1: Line connection [7] EtherCAT® ID switch [21] X10: Brake control and
motor temperature monit-
[3] X30 OUT: System bus [8] X31: SEW‑EURODRIVE Service [22] X15: Motor encoder con-
interface nection
[4] X30 IN: System bus [9] Status LEDs EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS
[5] X6: Connection for Safe Torque [10] Memory module
Off (STO)
[11] 7-segment display
[12] S3: Switch for module bus operat-
ing mode
[13] X20: Binary inputs
[14] X21: Binary outputs
[15] X22: Isolated relay contact
[16] Shield plate
[17] X2: Motor connection
[18] Card slot
[19] X2: Braking resistor connection
28489470/EN – 02/2019

208 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Device structure
Card slots 7
7.5 Card slots
The application inverters can have up to 2 cards installed. The following section de-
scribes the assignment of the slots and possible combinations of cards.

Type designation Description Slot

CFE21A, CFN21A Fieldbus interfaces [2]
CES11A Multi-encoder card [3]
CS..A Safety card [3]
CID21A, CIO21A Input/output cards [4]






[1] Connector panel of basic device

[2] Fieldbus interface slot
[3] Slot for safety card/multi-encoder card
28489470/EN – 02/2019

[4] Slot for input/output cards

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 209

8 Installation
Permitted tightening torques

8 Installation
MOVIDRIVE® technology application inverters are design exclusively for control cab-
inet installation according to their degree of protection.

8.1 Permitted tightening torques

0020 – 0055 – 0125 – 0240 – 0460 – 0910 – 1770 – 2500 – 3800 –
0040 0095 0160 0320 0750 1490 2200 3000 47009
- 0070 – 0140 0213 – 0420 – 0840 – - - -
0093 0290 0570 0950
Screw connection Tightening torque in Nm
Line connection X1 0.5 – 0.8 1.7 – 1.8 8.5 – 9.5 18 – 22
Motor and braking resistor
X2 0.5 – 0.8 1.7 – 1.8 8.5 – 9.5 18 – 22
Terminal screw for TN/IT
EMC 1 – 1.2
PE connections
- M4 1 – 1.2
- M6 3–4
Fastening of the cards 0.6 – 0.8

Non-compliance with the stipulated tightening torques.
Possible damage to the application inverter.
• Always adhere to the stipulated tightening torques. Otherwise, excessive heat
can develop which would damage the application inverter.
• An excessively high tightening torque may cause damage.

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210 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Special aspects when transporting the devices 8
8.2 Special aspects when transporting the devices
The rear wall of the housing of the following devices is designed in such a way that
you can grip them securely by hand to lift and transport the inverters without damaging
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..


Incorrect lifting and transporting of the inverter.
Inverter damage.
• When you lift or transport the inverter, use only the intended handling points for
transportation at the rear wall of the housing to avoid any damage. Do not grip
the inverter at any plastic parts or covers when lifting it.

The following devices must be transported with a lifting eye due to their weight:
• MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..
The lifting eye is attached to the top of the housing; see the following figure.
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The lifting eye can be attached to hoists using suitable slings.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 211

8 Installation
Mechanical installation

8.3 Mechanical installation

Risk of injury to persons and damage to property.
Never install defective or damaged products.
• Before installing any products, check them for external damage. Replace any
damaged products.

Risk of damage to property due to mounting surfaces with poor conductivity.
Damage to the application inverter.
• The mounting plate in the control cabinet must be conductive over a large area
for the mounting surface of the application inverter (metallically pure, good con-
ductivity). EMC‑compliant installation of the application inverter can only be ac-
complished with a mounting plate that is conductive over a large area.

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212 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Mechanical installation 8
8.3.1 Bore patterns

Inverter Dimensions of the device base plate in mm

MDX9_A-0020 – 0040-5_3-.. 95 50 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0055 – 0095-5_3-..
105 50 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..
MDX9_A-0125 – 0160-5_3-..
105 80 350 325 12 6 18 8
MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-..
135 80 350 325 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..
MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-..
195 160 471 440 12 6 18
MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..
240 200 544 510 12 6 18
MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-..


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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 213

8 Installation
Mechanical installation

8.3.2 Minimum clearance and mounting position

When installing the application inverters in the control cabinet, observe the following:
• To ensure unobstructed cooling, leave a minimum clearance of 100 mm above
and below the application inverter housings. Make sure air circulation in the clear-
ance is not impaired by cables or other installation equipment.
• Make sure that the application inverters are not subjected to heated exhaust air
from nearby components.
• Install the application inverters only vertically. You must not install them horizont-
ally, tilted or upside down.

Special bending spaces are required according to EN 61800‑5‑1 for cables with a
cross section of 10 mm2 and larger. This means the clearance must be increased if

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214 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Covers 8
8.4 Covers

8.4.1 Covers
The application inverter is equipped with a safety cover [1].
Removing the
safety cover






1. The safety cover [1] has a latching mechanism at the bottom. Pull the lower part of
the safety cover away from the application inverter to unlatch it.
2. Pivot the safety cover forward and lift it to remove it from the application inverter.
Installing the
safety cover


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3. Place the safety cover [1] into the upper recess and move it towards the applica-
tion inverter until it clicks into place.
4. Always install the safety cover [1] after having worked on the application inverter.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 215

8 Installation

8.4.2 Touch guards

With the following devices, the touch guards must be removed for the line connection
and the connection of the motor and the braking resistor:
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
Line connection




1. Remove the 2 screws [1] on the upper touch guard [2].

2. Remove the touch guard [2].

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216 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Covers 8
Connection motor/
braking resistor

[1] [3]



3. Push the plastic clips of the touch guard [1] to the inside and remove the touch
guard [1] by moving it to the front.
4. Remove the 2 screws [2] and remove the touch guard [3] by moving it to the front.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 217

8 Installation
Control cabinet installation

8.5 Control cabinet installation

8.5.1 Inverter and bottom shield plate

The retaining screws [1] and [2] are screwed into the prepared tapped holes in the
mounting plate in the control cabinet but not tightened.
1. Place the application inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto
the retaining screws [1] from the top.


[1] [1]


28489470/EN – 02/2019

2. Push the application inverter backwards to insert the retaining screws [2] into the
upper holes in the device base plate.
3. Lower the application inverter.
4. Install the shield plate [3] as shown above. This work step applies to the inverters
MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3-.. and MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3-..
5. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

218 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Control cabinet installation 8
8.5.2 Installation with submounting resistor BR120-001
The MDX90A-0020 – 0040-.. inverters can be installed in the control cabinet together
with a braking resistor. The braking resistor is located at the back wall of the inverter
and therefore it has the same mounting hole pattern as the inverter.
Observe that the retaining screws [1] and [2] must be 20 mm longer for installation
with a braking resistor.




1. Place the braking resistor at the desired position in the control cabinet as shown in
the figure and screw in the 4 retaining screws [1] and [2] without tightening them.
2. Place the application inverter with the slotted holes in the device base plate onto
the retaining screws [1] from the top.
3. Push the application inverter backwards to insert the retaining screws [2] into the
upper holes in the device base plate.
4. Lower the application inverter.
5. Install the shield plate; see the chapter "Control cabinet installation" (→ 2 218).
This work step applies to the inverters MDX9_A-0020 – 0320-5_3-.. and
MDX9_A-0070 – 0290-2_3-..
28489470/EN – 02/2019

6. Tighten the retaining screws [1] and [2].

The submounting resistor can be installed next to an application inverter; see the fol-
lowing figure.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 219

8 Installation
Control cabinet installation

The hole distance of the submounting braking resistor must be larger than the hole
distance of the application inverter.


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220 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Control cabinet installation 8
8.5.3 Top shield plate
1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it to the device housing [3] with the
screw [1].









8.5.4 Shield plate at bottom of control unit

1. Insert the shield plate [2] so that you can fasten it with the screw [1] in the position
[3] shown in the figure.

6 5
X1 X1



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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 221

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6 Electrical installation

Dangerous voltage levels may still be present inside the device and at the terminal
strips up to 10 minutes after the application inverter has been disconnected from the
power supply.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
To prevent electric shocks:
• Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply and wait 10 minutes
before removing the protective covers.

A leakage current > 3.5 mA can occur during operation of the application inverter.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
To avoid dangerous shock currents in accordance with EN 61800-5-1, strictly ob-
serve the following:
• Supply system cable < 10 mm2:
– Route a second PE conductor with the cable cross-section of the supply sys-
tem cable in parallel to the protective earth via separate terminals or use a
copper PE conductor with a cable cross-section of 10 mm2.
• Supply system cable 10 mm2 – 16 mm2:
– Route a copper PE conductor with the cable cross-section of the supply sys-
tem cable.
• Supply system cable 16 mm2 – 35 mm2:
– Route a copper protective earth conductor with a cable cross-section of
16 mm2.
• Supply system cable > 35 mm2:
– Route a copper protective earth conductor with half the cross-section of the
supply system cable.
• If an earth leakage circuit breaker is used for protection against direct and indir-
ect contact in isolated cases, it must be universal current-sensitive (RCD type B).

Installation with protective separation.
The application inverter meets all requirements for protective separation of power
and electronics connections in accordance with EN 61800-5-1. The connected signal
circuits must meet requirements according to SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage) or
PELV (Protective Extra Low Voltage) to ensure protective separation. The installation
must meet the requirements for protective separation.
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222 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
8.6.1 General information
• Take suitable measures to prevent the motor starting up inadvertently, for example
by removing the electronics terminal block X20. Take additional safety measures
depending on the application to prevent possible injuries to people and damage to
• Only use closed cable lugs for connection to the screws in order to prevent litz
strands from escaping.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 223

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.2 Permitted voltage systems

Information on the voltage systems Information on permissibility

TN and TT systems – voltage systems with Use is possible without restrictions.
directly grounded star point.
IT systems – voltage systems with non-groun- Use is only permitted adhering to
ded star point. specific measures. The measures
are described in the chapter "Use in
IT systems" (→ 2 224).
Voltage systems with grounded outer con- Use only for line voltages up to max.
ductor. 240 V.

8.6.3 Use in IT systems

To ensure IT system capability, the terminal screw shown in the following figures must
be removed from the application inverter.

Application inverter Position of the terminal screw

MDX9_A-0020 – 0095-5_3-.. On the back of the application inverter.

MDX9_A-0070 – 0093-2_3-..

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224 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
Application inverter Position of the terminal screw
MDX9_A-0125 – 0320-5_3-.. On the right side of the application inverter.

MDX9_A-0140 – 0290-2_3-..

MDX91A-0910 – 1490-5_3-..

MDX91A-0840 – 1080-2_3-.. 8


MDX9_A-0460 – 0750-5_3-.. One screw on the top, another screw on the right
side of the application inverter.

MDX9_A-0420 – 0570-2_3-..
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 225

8 Installation
Electrical installation

EMC limit values
No EMC limits are specified for interference emission in voltage supply systems
without a grounded star point (IT systems). The effectiveness of line filters is severely

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226 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
8.6.4 Line fuses, fuse types

Type class Prerequisite

Fuses in utilization categor- Fusing voltage ≥ nominal line voltage
ies gL, gG
Miniature circuit breaker with Nominal miniature circuit breaker voltage ≥ nominal
characteristics B, C, D line voltage
Nominal currents of the miniature circuit breaker must
be 10% higher than the nominal line current of the ap-
plication inverter 8

8.6.5 Line connection

For the terminal assignment for line connection of the various sizes, refer to the
chapter "Terminal assignment".
Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 s for the application inverter. Do not turn
power on or off more than once per minute.

Non-compliance with the minimum switch-on/switch-off times
Damage to the application inverter
The specified times and intervals must be observed.
• Observe the minimum switch-off time of 10 s before switching the power back on.
• Do not turn the power of the supply system on or off more than once per minute.

• The line contactor must always be located upstream of the line filter.
• Use only line contactors of utilization category AC-3 (EN 60947-4-1) or higher.
• Do not use the line contactor for jog mode, but only for switching the application in-
verter on and off. The FCB 20 "Jog" must be used for jog mode.
• Observe the required dimensioning of the cable cross-section for UL-compliant in-
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 227

8 Installation
Electrical installation

Special aspects for the line connection

Note that the IP20 degree of protection is achieved with the following devices only if
the terminal studs are protected with special plastic covers against contact.
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
These covers must be ordered separately; see the chapter "Installation accessor-
ies" (→ 2 48).
1. Remove any plastic covers that are inserted in the connection block.



2. Connect the cables.

X10 X2

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228 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
3. The plastic covers must be removed in different ways depending on the used
cross section.


4. Attach the plastic covers at the individual connections.

X10 X2


8.6.6 Motor connection

For the terminal assignment for motor connection of the various size, refer to the
chapter Terminal assignment.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 229

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.7 Line contactor

The following table provides an overview of when a line contactor is required and what
kind of preventive measures must be taken for the used braking resistor, see also the
chapter "Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor" (→ 2 253).

Inverter type Braking resistor type Protective element/preven- Line con-

tive measure tactor re-
No BR – No
BR... flat design – No
MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.. BR... as PTC – No
External bimetallic relay Yes
MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-.. TCB circuit breaker No
External bimetallic relay Yes
TCB circuit breaker No
No BR – No
BR... flat design – No
BR... as PTC – No
As of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.. External bimetallic relay No
TCB circuit breaker No
As of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-.. Temperature contact evalu-
External bimetallic relay No
TCB circuit breaker No
When connecting a braking resistor, an external DC 24 V voltage supply must be
provided for the application inverter with the following inverter types without line con-
• As of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-..
• As of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-..

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230 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
8.6.8 24 V supply voltage
MOVIDRIVE® MDX90A... must be connected to an external 24 V supply voltage.
MOVIDRIVE® MDX91A has an integrated 24 V power supply unit with a power rating
of 80 W. An external power supply unit can be connected as well.
The maximum cable cross section is 2.5 mm2.
Whether an external 24 V supply is required for MDX91A depends on the load e.g. the
encoder supply and the outputs.

24 V



Select the cross section of the supply cable according to the power demand of the
devices to be supplied.
The maximally permitted length of the 24 V supply cable is 30 m.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 231

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.9 Motor output

Connecting capacitive loads to the application inverter.
Destruction of the application inverter.
• Only connect ohmic/inductive loads (motors).
• Never connect capacitive loads.

Special aspects for the motor connection

Note that the IP20 degree of protection is achieved with the following devices only if
the terminal studs are protected with special plastic covers against contact.
• MDX9_A-0460 – 1490-5_3-..
• MDX9_A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
For information on how to establish the connection and how to install the plastic cov-
ers, refer to the chapter "Special aspects for the line connection" (→ 2 228).

8.6.10 Output brake chopper

Connecting capacitive loads to the output of the brake chopper.
Connecting inductive loads to the output of the brake chopper.
Destruction of the application inverter.
• Only connect ohmic loads (braking resistors) to the output of the brake chopper.
• Never connect capacitive or inductive loads to the output of the brake chopper.

8.6.11 Temperature evaluation of the motor

The temperature evaluation can be connected in 2 ways:
• The encoder cable includes the cables of the temperature evaluation.
• The temperature evaluation is connected at terminal X10.

Dangerous contact voltages at the terminals of the application inverter when con-
necting the wrong temperature sensors.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
• Connect only temperature sensors with protective separation from the motor
winding to the temperature evaluation. Otherwise, the requirements for protective
separation are not met. Dangerous contact voltages may occur at the terminals
28489470/EN – 02/2019

of the application inverter via the signal electronics in the event of a fault.

Temperature evaluation of the motors in group drives

• It is preferable to use TH winding thermostats for group drives on one inverter.

232 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
• The series connection of the TH contacts (normally closed) is not subject to any
restriction if joint monitoring is provided.
• If TF temperature sensors are available in motors that are intended for a group
drive, the temperature sensors of a maximum of 3 motors may be connected in

8.6.12 Brake output

• If the brake connection and the motor connection are combined in one power
cable, the brake cable must be shielded separately. The shielding of the power
cable and the brake cable must be connected to the motor and application inverter
over a large area.
• SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends to also use a shielded brake cable for separate
brake cable routing.
• Note the different project planning criteria to determine the length of brake cable
and motor cable.

8.6.13 Inputs and outputs

Damage to the digital inputs and digital outputs.
The digital inputs and digital outputs are not electrically isolated. Incorrectly applied
voltages can damage the digital inputs and digital outputs.
• Do not apply external voltages to the digital inputs and digital outputs.
• The digital inputs and outputs are dimensioned according to IEC 61131‑2.

If you route the cables outside the control cabinet, you have to shield them irrespect-
ive of the length.
When connecting the shielding, ensure equipotential bonding.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 233

8 Installation
Electrical installation

8.6.14 Encoders

Installation notes for encoder connection

Encoder cables
• Use shielded cables with twisted pair cores. Connect the shield over a wide area
at both ends:
– At the encoder in the cable gland or in the encoder plug,
– To the application inverter in the housing of the D-sub connector.


• Route the encoder cable separately from the power cables.

• Connect the shield on the inverter end in the housing of the D-sub connector over
a large area.

On the encoder/resolver
• To ensure a flawless shield connection, an EMC screw fitting must be used for the
cable entry of the signal line.
• For drives with a plug connector, connect the shield on the encoder plug.

Prefabricated cables
SEW‑EURODRIVE offers pre-fabricated cables for connecting encoders.
SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends to use these prefabricated cables.

Encoder connection/cable lengths

Connection/encoder Cable length

HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C 300 m
Standard HTL encoder 200 m
Other encoders 100 m

The maximum cable length might be reduced depending on the technical data of the
28489470/EN – 02/2019

respective encoder. Observe the manufacturer specifications.

234 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Electrical installation 8
8.6.15 Installation of the fieldbus cables and routing
Proceed as follows to route the fieldbus cables:
1. Remove the safety cover; see the chapter "Covers" (→ 2 215).
2. Connect both the cables to the connections X40 and X41 on the card.




3. Route the cables as shown and press both the cables into the clips.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 235

8 Installation
Electrical installation

4. Attach the safety cover again.




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236 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
8.7 Installing options and accessories
8.7.1 Installing a card
Observe the safety notes in the chapter "Electrical installation" (→ 2 222).
For information on which option card can be installed in which slot, refer to the chapter
"Card slots".
1. Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply. Disconnect the DC 24 V
supply and the line voltage.
2. Ensure electrostatic discharge with suitable measures before starting work. Suit-
able measures for equipotential bonding include, for example, the use of a dis- 8
charge strap or wearing conductive shoes.
3. Remove the safety cover [1] from the front of the application inverter.





4. Remove the plastic cover [1] of the card slot using a screwdriver.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 237

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

Hold the card by its edges only.

5. Take the card [1] and insert it in the slot with slight pressure.



6. Screw in the card with the specified tightening torque (→ 2 210).

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238 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
7. Install the safety cover [1] at the front of the application inverter.



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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 239

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

8.7.2 Installing the fieldbus interface

Observe the safety notes in the chapter "Electrical installation".

Proceed as follows:
1. Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply. Disconnect the DC 24 V
supply and the line voltage.
2. Ensure electrostatic discharge with suitable measures before starting work. Suit-
able measures for equipotential bonding include, for example, the use of a dis-
charge strap or wearing conductive shoes.
3. Remove the safety cover [1] from the front of the application inverter.






4. Remove the plastic cover [1] of the card slot using a screwdriver.

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240 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
Hold the fieldbus interface by its front cover only. Avoid touching the electronic com-
ponents without fail.

5. Take the card [1] and insert it in the slot with slight pressure. Make sure that the
mounting position and the alignment of the fieldbus interface are correct.




6. Screw the fieldbus interface tight with the specified tightening torque of 0.6 –
0.8 Nm.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 241

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

7. Install the safety cover [1] at the front of the application inverter.



8.7.3 Removing the fieldbus interface

Observe the safety notes in the chapter "Electrical installation".

The fieldbus interface is removed in reverse sequence compared to the installation

(see the chapter "Installing the fieldbus interface" (→ 2 240)).

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242 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
8.7.4 CIO21A and CID21A input/output card

Technical data of the cards
For technical data and a detailed description of the encoder interface, refer to the
chapter "Technical data of the cards".

Voltage supply
The I/O cards are supplied by the basic unit via the 24 V voltage supply. 8

Short-circuit behavior of digital outputs

The digital outputs are short-circuit-proof.
As soon as the short circuit is remedied, the target output voltage is output, meaning
the output does not switch off.

Short circuit behavior of analog outputs

The analog outputs are short-circuit-proof.
In the event of a short circuit, the output current is limited to a maximum value of
30 mA. The short circuit current is not pulsating.
As soon as the short circuit is remedied, the target output voltage is output, meaning
the output does not switch off.

Connecting inductive loads at digital outputs

For inductive loads an external protective element (e.g. freewheeling diode) is re-

Connecting 2 digital outputs in parallel

Connecting digital outputs in parallel is possible. The possible output current is
doubled. Ensure identical parameterization of the digital outputs.

Cable lengths and shielding

The maximum cable length of connections on the inputs and outputs is 30 m.
Cables outside the control cabinet must be shielded.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 243

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

CIO21A terminal assignment

Terminal Connec- Short description

S50/1 on: Current input active for AI2x

S50/2 on: Current input active for AI3x

S50/1 off1): Voltage input active for AI2x

S50/2 off1): Voltage input active for AI3x
X50:1 REF1 +10 V reference voltage output
X50:2 AI21 Analog current and voltage input
X50:3 AI22 Analog current and voltage input, reference for
X50:4 GND Reference potential
X50:5 AI31 Analog current and voltage input
X50:6 AI32 Analog current and voltage input, reference for

X50:7 GND Reference potential
X50:8 REF2 -10 V reference voltage output
X51:1 AOV2 Analog voltage output 1, freely programmable
X51:2 AOC2 Analog current output 1, freely programmable
X51:3 GND Reference potential for the outputs AOV2 and
X51:4 AOV3 Analog voltage output 2, freely programmable
X51:5 AOC3 Analog current output 2, freely programmable
X51:6 GND Reference potential for the outputs AOV3 and
X52:1 DI10 Digital input 1, freely programmable
X52:2 DI11 Digital input 2, freely programmable
X52:3 DI12 Digital input 3, freely programmable
X52:4 DI13 Digital input 4, freely programmable
X52:5 GND Reference potential for the digital inputs DI10 –
X52:6 DO10 Digital output 1, freely programmable
X52:7 DO11 Digital output 2, freely programmable
X52:8 DO12 Digital output 3, freely programmable
X52:9 DO13 Digital output 4, freely programmable
28489470/EN – 02/2019

X52:10 GND Reference potential for the digital outputs DO10 –

1) Delivery state

244 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
CID21A terminal assignment

Terminal Connec- Short description

X52:1 DI10 Digital input 1, freely programmable
X52:2 DI11 Digital input 2, freely programmable
X52:3 DI12 Digital input 3, freely programmable
X52:4 DI13 Digital input 4, freely programmable
X52:5 GND Reference potential for the digital inputs DI10 – DI13 8
X52:6 DO10 Digital output 1, freely programmable
X52:7 DO11 Digital output 2, freely programmable
X52:8 DO12 Digital output 3, freely programmable
X52:9 DO13 Digital output 4, freely programmable
X52:10 GND Reference potential for the digital outputs DO10 –
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 245

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

8.7.5 CES11A multi-encoder card

Technical data of the cards
For technical data and a detailed description of the encoder interface, refer to the
chapter "Technical data of the cards".

Overview of functions
The CES11A multi-encoder card expands the functionality of the application inverter in
a way that an additional encoder can be evaluated. The encoder connected to the
CES11A multi-encoder card can be used as motor encoder or external encoder.

Supported encoder types

The following encoder types can be evaluated by the CES11A multi-encoder card:

HTL 12/24 V (differential)

TTL (differential)
sin/cos 1 VSS (differential)
HIPERFACE® with sin/cos signals 1 VSS
SEW encoder (RS485) with sin/cos signals 1 VSS, e.g. AS7W, AG7W
EnDat 2.1 with sin/cos signals 1 VSS
SSI encoder with/without sin/cos signals 1 VSS
CANopen encoder

Encoder connection/cable lengths

Connection/encoder Cable length

HTL encoder ES7C and EG7C 300 m
Standard HTL encoder 200 m
Other encoders 100 m

The maximum cable length might be reduced depending on the technical data of the
respective encoder. Observe the manufacturer specifications.
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246 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
Terminal assignment of TTL, HTL, sin/cos encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X17:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X17:3 C Signal track C (K0)
X17:4 DATA+1) Data cable for electronic nameplate
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X17:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X17:11 C Negated signal track C (K0)
X17:12 DATA- 1)
Data cable for electronic nameplate
X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
1) For encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE with electronic nameplate of type E.7S

Terminal assignment HIPERFACE® and SEW‑EURODRIVE encoder (RS485)

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X17:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X17:3 Reserved –
X17:4 DATA+ Data line
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X17:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X17:11 Reserved –
X17:12 DATA- Data line
28489470/EN – 02/2019

X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V

X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 247

8 Installation
Installing options and accessories

Terminal assignment EnDat encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) Signal track A (cos+)
X17:2 B (sin+) Signal track B (sin+)
X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal
X17:4 DATA+ Data line
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) Negated signal track A (cos-)

X17:10 B (sin-) Negated signal track B (sin-)
X17:11 PULSE- Clock signal
X17:12 DATA- Data line
X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X17:14 +TEMP_M –
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V

Terminal assignment SSI encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 Reserved –
X17:2 Reserved –
X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal
X17:4 DATA+ Data line RS485
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 Reserved –
X17:10 Reserved –
X17:11 PULSE- Clock signal
X17:12 DATA- Data line
X17:13 VS24VG 24 V encoder supply
28489470/EN – 02/2019

X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation

X17:15 VS12VG 12 V encoder supply

248 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Installing options and accessories 8
Terminal assignment SSI and sin/cos combination encoders

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 A (cos+) Signal track A (cos+)
X17:2 B (sin+) Signal track B (sin+)
X17:3 PULSE+ Clock signal
X17:4 DATA+ Data line
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 A (cos-) Negated signal track A (cos-)

X17:10 B (sin-) Negated signal track B (sin-)
X17:11 PULSE- Clock signal
X17:12 DATA- Data line
X17:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X17:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V

Terminal assignment CANopen encoder

Card Terminal Connection Brief description

X17:1 Reserved –
X17:2 Reserved –
X17:3 Reserved –
X17:4 CAN_H CAN high data cable
X17:5 Reserved –
X17:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X17:7 Reserved –
X17:8 GND Reference potential

9 X17:9 Reserved –
X17:10 Reserved –
X17:11 Reserved –
X17:12 CAN_L CAN low data cable
X17:13 VS24VG 24 V encoder supply
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X17:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation

X17:15 VS12VG 12 V encoder supply

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 249

8 Installation
Braking resistors

8.8 Braking resistors

The supply cables to the braking resistors carry a high pulsed DC voltage during nom-
inal operation.

Dangerous pulsed DC voltage of up to 970 V.
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
To prevent electric shocks:
• Disconnect the application inverter from the power supply and wait 10 minutes
before working on a braking resistor or its supply cables.
• Never operate the application inverter without touch guards and installed closing

Braking resistors become very hot during operation.

The surfaces of the braking resistors will reach temperatures of up to 250 °C when
the braking resistors are loaded with the nominal power.
Severe burns.
To prevent burns:
• Do not touch any braking resistor.
• Select a suitable installation location for the braking resistors such as the control
cabinet roof.

8.8.1 Permitted installation of braking resistors

The surfaces of the resistors become very hot if loaded with nominal power. Make
sure that you select an installation site that will accommodate these high temperat-
ures. For this reason, braking resistors are usually mounted on the control cabinet

Braking resistors overheat.
Non-permissible installation might lead to an accumulation of heat in the braking re-
sistor due to reduced convection. A tripping temperature contact or an overheated
braking resistor can lead to a system standstill.
Adhere to the following minimum clearances:
• About 200 mm to adjacent components and walls.
• About 300 mm to components/ceilings above.
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250 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Braking resistors 8
Observe the following permitted mounting positions when installing the resistors:
• Grid resistor, frame resistor

3 8


The brake resistors BR003-420-T and BR1.0-170 may be used only in position 1.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 251

8 Installation
Braking resistors

• Wire resistor



• Flat type resistor


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252 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Braking resistors 8
8.8.2 Protection against thermal overload of the braking resistor

PTC braking resistor.
A PTC braking resistor goes to high resistance in the event of overload.

Flat-type resistor.
Flat-type resistors have internal thermal protection (fuse cannot be replaced) that in-
terrupts the current circuit in the event of overload. The project planning guidelines
and the documented assignments of drive inverter and braking resistor must be ad-
hered to.

Parallel connection of braking resistors

It is permitted to connect several identical braking resistors in parallel. The following
• The power connections of the braking resistors must be connected to +R and -R in
• Each braking resistor requires a separate protection against thermal overload.
• The signal contacts (NC contacts) of the protection devices must be connected in
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 253

8 Installation
Braking resistors

External thermal circuit breaker TCB

If an external TCB thermal circuit breaker is used for this application inverter, the fol-
lowing connection applies.


1 3 5

X20:x DI0x 24
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 +R
X2 -R

23 24 5 2 1 4 3 6 23

2 4 6


[1] TCB thermal circuit breaker

[2] Braking resistor

The polarity of the connections 5 (+R) and 2 (-R) must be strictly adhered to during
connection of the TCB circuit breaker to the inverter.

The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the TCB
thermal circuit breaker must be parameterized to the function "External braking resis-
tor error".
• If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal contact is set (connection 23-24 is
opened) and evaluated in the application inverter.
• The connection between application inverter and braking resistor is disconnected.
• This does not require a response by the PLC.
• It is not required to disconnect the supply system connection with an external
switching device.
• The following applies to application inverters as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3 and
MDX9_A-0213-2_3: If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by
the application inverter, the application inverter interrupts the energy supply by in-
hibiting the rectifier.
• If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to "Output
28489470/EN – 02/2019

stage inhibit".
• Set the control knob of the thermal circuit breaker TCB to the tripping current IF of
the connected braking resistor. Use the scaling 40 °C.
• After all cables are connected, the 3 upper screw holes must be covered with 3
touch guard caps. The touch guard caps are included in the delivery.

254 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Braking resistors 8
Internal temperature switch -T

Application inverter: MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..

If a BR...-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these appli-
cation inverters, there are 3 possible connections.

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3

[1] [1]


24 V OUT 24 V OUT


X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
Note that the reference potential GND of the digital input control must be the same as
the reference potential of the application inverter when connection 1 is used.
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
internal temperature switch must be parameterized to the function "External brak-
ing resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
verter and the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to "Output
stage inhibit".
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 255

8 Installation
Braking resistors

– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

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256 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Braking resistors 8
Application inverter: as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.., as of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-..
If a BR...-T braking resistor with internal temperature switch is used with these appli-
cation inverters, there are 3 possible connections.

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3



24 V OUT
[1] 8
DC 24 V MDX9_A
X5:24 V
- X5:GND
X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 -R

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
internal temperature switch must be parameterized to the function "External brak-
ing resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– It is not required to disconnect the supply system connection with an external
switching device.
– If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by the application in-
verter, the application inverter interrupts the energy supply by inhibiting the rec-
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches all axis
modules to "Output stage inhibit".

28489470/EN – 02/2019

When using connection variant 1 (connection of braking resistor without line con-
tactor), the application inverter must be supplied with external DC 24 V.

• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 257

8 Installation
Braking resistors

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

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258 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Braking resistors 8
External bimetallic relay

Application inverter: MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-.., MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..

If an external bimetallic relay is used with the application inverter, there are 3 possible

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3

[1] [1]


24 V OUT
24 V OUT


X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO
X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
Note that the reference potential GND of the digital inputs on the controller must be
the same as the reference potential of the application inverter when connection 1 is
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
external bimetallic relay must be parameterized to the function "External braking
resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
verter and the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to "Output
stage inhibit".
• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
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– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 259

8 Installation
Braking resistors

– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

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260 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Braking resistors 8
Application inverter: as of MDX9_A-0240-5_3-.., as of MDX9_A-0213-2_3-..
If an external bimetallic relay is used with the application inverter, there are 3 possible

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3



24 V OUT
+ X5:24 V
- X5:GND
X20:x DI0x
X20:9 GND
X21:1 24 VO

X2 -R
X2 +R

X2 -R
X2 +R
X2 +R

X2 -R

[2] [2] [2]

[1] Line contactor

[2] Braking resistor
• Connection 1
The digital input of the application inverter connected to the signal contact of the
external bimetallic relay must be parameterized to the function "External braking
resistor error".
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated in the application in-
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– It is not required to disconnect the supply system connection with an external
switching device.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the application inverter switches to the oper-
ating state "Output stage inhibit".
– If an internal short circuit in the brake chopper is detected by the application in-
verter, the application inverter interrupts the energy supply by inhibiting the rec-

28489470/EN – 02/2019

When using connection variant 1 (connection of braking resistor without line con-
tactor), the application inverter must be supplied with external DC 24 V.

• Connection 2
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal is evaluated only in the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the PLC must interrupt the power supply.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 261

8 Installation
Line filter

– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application
– With connection 2, it is possible that the PLC finishes the current travel cycle al-
though the thermal circuit breaker has tripped. Only then is the power supply
disconnected. In this case, the residual braking energy WRest = PBRnom × 20 s
must not be exceeded.
• Connection 3
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, the signal directly affects the line contactor.
– This does not require a response by the PLC.
– If the thermal circuit breaker trips, there is no direct response in the application

8.9 Line filter

• Install the line filter close to the application inverter but outside the minimum clear-
ance for cooling. The line filter must not be heated by the exhaust air of the appli-
cation inverter.
• Do not wire any other consumers between the line filter and the application in-
• The connection cable between line filter and application inverter does not have to
be shielded.
• Limit the length of the cable between the line filter and the application inverter to
the absolute minimum needed.
• Do not switch between the line filter and application inverter.

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262 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

EMC-compliant installation 8
8.10 EMC-compliant installation




[6] [3]



[11] [9]

[5] [4]

[14] ]8[


[10] [12]
[14] [11]

[1] Galvanized mounting plate [8] Braking resistor
28489470/EN – 02/2019

[2] Line filter [9] Braking resistor cable

[3] Inverter [10] Motor cable
[4] PE busbar [11] Brake cable
[5] HF connection of PE busbar/mounting plate [12] Grounding clamp
[6] Supply system cable [13] Electronics shield plate
[7] Power shield plate [14] HF connection

The information in this chapter will help you to optimize the system with respect to
electromagnetic compatibility, or to eliminate already existing EMC interferences.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 263

8 Installation
EMC-compliant installation

The notes in this chapter are not legal regulations, but rather recommendations for im-
proving the electromagnetic compatibility of your plant.
For further notes on EMC-compliant installation, refer to the publication Drive Techno-
logy – Practical Implementation, edition "EMC in Drive Technology – Basic Theoretical
Principles – EMC-Compliant Installation in Practice".
Compliance with limit classes C1 and C2 has been tested in a CE-typical drive sys-
tem. SEW-EURODRIVE can provide detailed information on request.

8.10.1 Control cabinet

Use control cabinets with electrically conductive (galvanized) mounting plates. If sev-
eral mounting plates are used, connect the plates together conductively over a large
Mount the line filter and inverter on a shared mounting plate if possible. Make sure
they are connected over a large area and with good conductivity.

8.10.2 HF equipotential bonding in the system

Make sure that there is a suitable equipotential bonding between the system, the con-
trol cabinet, the machine structure, the cable ducts, and the drives.
Connect the individual sections together in an HF-capable manner.
From an electrical safety perspective, the PE busbar is the star point. The PE connec-
tion does not replace either the HF grounding or the shielding.
In terms of EMC, it is advantageous if the mounting plate is used as a star point with
respect to HF equipotential bonding.
Perform the following measures for a suitable HF equipotential bonding:
• Connect the PE busbar to the mounting plate in an HF-compatible manner.
• Connect the sheet metal cable ducts to the control cabinet in an HF-compatible
• Connect the cable ducts to the mounting plate in the control cabinet using an HF
• Connect the parts of the sheet metal cable ducts together in an HF-compatible
• Connect the sheet metal cable ducts to the gearmotor in an HF-compatible man-

8.10.3 Cable installation

Route the power cables, such as the motor cable and the brake cable, separately from
the supply system cable and the control cables.
Route all cables as closely to the reference potential as possible, e.g. the mounting
Keep all cables as short as possible. Avoid spare loops.
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264 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

EMC-compliant installation 8
8.10.4 Supply system cable connection
The supply system cable can be connected to the line choke and/or line filter using
twisted unshielded single conductors or using unshielded cables.
If necessary, shielded cables may improve EMC.

8.10.5 Line filter connection

Limit the length of the connection lead between the line filter and the inverter to the
absolute minimum needed.
You must never route filtered and unfiltered cables together. For this reason, route in- 8
coming and outgoing line filter cables separately.

8.10.6 Braking resistor connection

For connecting braking resistors, use two closely twisted cores or a shielded power
cable. In the case of shielded cables, connect the braided shields over the entire cir-
cumference. Use the designated shield plates at the basic device to connect the

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 265

8 Installation
EMC-compliant installation

8.10.7 Motor and brake connection

Use shielded motor cables only. Connect the braided shield of the motor cable at both
ends over its entire circumference to the power shield plate at the inverter.
Provide shielded cables for the brake supply. The shield of the brake cable can be
connected to the power shield plate at the inverter.
If the motor cable and brake cable are combined in a shared cable, the cable must
have an inner shield separating the brake cables from the motor cores. The cables
also possess an overall shield.


SEW-EURODRIVE recommends the use of prefabricated cables.

In the event of especially high EMC requirements, an additional connection point for
the shield is recommended. To limit the emitted interference the motor shield can ad-
ditionally be grounded to the control cabinet outlet using commercial installation ma-
terials (grounding clamps or EMC screw fittings).

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266 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

EMC-compliant installation 8
8.10.8 Control cable connection
Ensure that the digital inputs are connected with unshielded individual cores. Shielded
cables increase the EMC. Use the designated shield plates to connect the shield.
For routing outside of the control cabinet, you must use shielded cables.


8.10.9 Encoder connection

SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends the use of prefabricated encoder cables.
The shield of prefabricated cables from SEW‑EURODRIVE is connected via the con-

8.10.10 Shielding connection

Ensure that there is an HF-compatible shield connection, e.g. by using grounding
clamps or EMC cable glands, so that the braided shield has a large connection sur-
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 267

8 Installation
Terminal assignment

8.11 Terminal assignment

Reference potentials inside the device:
The device internal reference potential is designated as GND in the following table.
All reference potentials GND are internally connected to PE.

The assignment "Reserved" means that no cable may be connected to this connec-

The technical data for the connection of power electronics and control electronics are
listed in the chapter "Technical data" (→ 2 39).

Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description

X1:L1 L1 Line connection
X1:L2 L2 - MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-..
X1:L3 L3 - MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..
X1:-UZ -UZ
DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE PE connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V - MDX9_A-0020 – 0160-5_3-..
X2:W W - MDX9_A-0070 – 0140-2_3-..
X2:+R +R
Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE PE connection
X1:L1 L1 Line connection
X1:L2 L2 - MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-..
X1:L3 L3 - MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..
X1:-UZ -UZ
DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE PE connection
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268 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Terminal assignment 8
Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V - MDX9_A-0240 – 0320-5_3-..
X2:W W - MDX9_A-0213 – 0290-2_3-..
X2:+R +R
Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE PE connection 8
X1:L1 L1 Line connection
X1:L2 L2 - MDX90A-0460 – 5880-5_3-..
X1:L3 L3 - MDX90A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..
X1:-UZ -UZ
L1 L2 L3 -UZ +UZ

DC link connection
X1:+UZ +UZ
PE PE connection
X2:U U Motor connection
X2:V V - MDX90A-0460 – 5880-5_3-..
U V W -R +R

X2:W W - MDX90A-0420 – 1080-2_3-..

X2:+R +R
Braking resistor connection
X2:-R -R
PE PE connection
X5:24V VI24 V DC 24 V supply voltage
X5:GND GND Reference potential
X10:DB0 DB00 Brake control
TF1 X10:GND GND Reference potential
X10:TF1 TF1 Sensor input for temperature evaluation of the motor
X10:GND GND Reference potential
System bus
X30 IN X30 IN

9 SEW‑EURODRIVE Service interface
6 1 Interface for keypad
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 269

8 Installation
Terminal assignment

Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description

X20:1 DI00 Digital input 1, with fixed assignment "Output stage en-
X20:2 DI01 Digital input 2, fixed setpoints – positive direction of
3 X20:3 DI02 Digital input 3, fixed setpoints – negative direction of
4 rotation1)
5 X20:4 DI03 Digital input 4, fixed setpoint – speed, bit 01)
X20:5 DI04 Digital input 5, fixed setpoint – speed, bit 11)
8 X20:6 DI05 Digital input 6, fault reset1)
X20:7 DI06 Digital input 7, no function1)
X20:8 DI07 Digital input 8, no function1)
X20:9 GND Reference potential
X21:1 +24 V DC 24 V voltage output1)
X21:2 DO00 Digital output 1, operational1)
3 X21:3 DO01 Digital output 2, output stage enable1)
X21:4 DO02 Digital output 3, error1)
6 X21:5 DO03 Digital output 4, STO active1)
X21:6 GND Reference potential
1 X22:1 DOR-C Shared relay contact
X22:2 DOR-NO NO contact
4 X22:3 DOR-NC NC contact
5 X22:4 24 V DC 24 V supply voltage
X6:1 F_STO_P1 DC +24 V input F_STO_P1
1 X6:2 F_STO_M DC 0 V input F_STO_M
3 X6:3 F_STO_P2 DC +24 V input F_STO_P2
5 X6:4 GND Reference potential
X6:5 24 V STO_OUT Uout = DC 24 V supply of F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2
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270 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Terminal assignment 8
Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description
X15:1 S2 (sin+) Signal track
X15:2 S1 (cos+) Signal track
X15:3 Reserved –
X15:4 Reserved –
X15:5 R1 (REF+) Supply voltage resolver
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation 8
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 Reserved –

9 X15:9 S4 (sin-) Signal track

X15:10 S3 (cos-) Signal track
X15:11 Reserved –
X15:12 Reserved –
X15:13 R2 (REF-) Supply voltage resolver
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 Reserved –
X15:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X15:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X15:3 C (K0) Signal track C (K0)
X15:4 DATA+ 2)
Data cable for electronic nameplate
X15:5 Reserved –
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 GND Reference potential

9 X15:9 A (cos -) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X15:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X15:11 C (K0) Negated signal track C (K0)
X15:12 DATA-2) Data cable for electronic nameplate
X15:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 271

8 Installation
Terminal assignment

Representa- Terminal Connection Brief description

X15:1 A (K1) Signal track A (K1)
X15:2 B (K2) Signal track B (K2)
X15:3 C (K0) Signal track C (K0)
X15:4 Reserved –
X15:5 Reserved –
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 GND Reference potential

9 X15:9 A (K1) Negated signal track A (K1)

X15:10 B (K2) Negated signal track B (K2)
X15:11 C (K0) Negated signal track C (K0)
X15:12 Reserved –
X15:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
X15:1 A (cos+) (K1) Signal track A (cos+) (K1)
X15:2 B (sin+) (K2) Signal track B (sin+) (K2)
X15:3 Reserved –
X15:4 DATA+ Data line RS485
X15:5 Reserved –
X15:6 -TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
15 X15:7 Reserved –
X15:8 GND Reference potential

9 X15:9 A (cos -) (K1) Negated signal track A (cos-) (K1)

X15:10 B (sin-) (K2) Negated signal track B (sin-) (K2)
X15:11 Reserved –
X15:12 DATA- Data line
X15:13 US24VG Encoder supply 24 V
X15:14 +TEMP_M Motor temperature evaluation
X15:15 US12VG Encoder supply 12 V
X16 Coaxial connection Digital motor integration
28489470/EN – 02/2019

1) Factory setting
2) For encoders from SEW‑EURODRIVE with electronic nameplate of type E.7S

272 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
8.12 Wiring diagrams

8.12.1 General information on the wiring diagrams

• For technical data of the power electronics and the control electronics, refer to the
chapter "Technical data" (→ 2 39).
• For the terminal assignment and connections, refer to the chapter "Terminal as-
signment" (→ 2 268).

8.12.2 Power connection 8

Wiring of the power connections with line contactor, line choke, line filter, and output choke


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3 -Uz +Uz



U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2
28489470/EN – 02/2019


[1] Line contactor [4] Braking resistor (optional)
[2] Line choke (optional) [5] Output choke
[3] Line filter (optional) [6] Motor

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 273

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

Wiring of the power connections with line choke, line filter, output choke, without line contactor
Refer to the table in the chapter "Line contactor" (→ 2 230) to find out which applica-
tion inverters can be operated without a line contactor.

Operation without line contactor
If the required measures are not taken, operation of an application inverter with con-
nected braking resistor without line contactor may result in severe damage to prop-
Refer to the chapter "Line contactor" (→ 2 230) for the necessary measures.


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2

L1 L2 L3
L1´ L2´ L3´

L1 L2 L3 -Uz +Uz



U V W +R -R


U1 V1 W1
U2 V2 W2

28489470/EN – 02/2019

[1] Line choke (optional) [4] Output choke
[2] Line filter (optional) [5] Motor
[3] Braking resistor (optional)

274 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
In the event of a line connection without line contactor, the temperature evaluation of
the braking resistor must be ensured via a digital input on the application inverter.
The connected digital input must be parameterized for monitoring the braking resistor
temperature evaluation.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 275

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

8.12.3 Brake control


DC Cut-off in the DC and AC circuits

AC (rapid brake application)

Cut-off in the DC circuit

BS = Accelerator coil
TS TS = Coil section

DC brake with one brake coil

3a Auxiliary terminal strip in terminal box

Control cabinet limit

WH White
RD Red
BU Blue

The selection of the brake control and the shown connection diagrams only represent
one of the many possibilities. Observe the catalogs and operating instructions of the
motors for more information and installation notes.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

276 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
BMK. brake control


- + AC

1a 2
BS 3
3a 4
TS 4a
BU 13


BMV brake control – 2 coils


GND DB00 DC 24 V
- + - +

1a 2
BS 3
3a 4
TS 4a
BU 13

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 277

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

BMV brake control – 1 coil


GND DB00 DC 24 V
- + - +

1a 2
2a 3
3a 4
BU 13


BMS, BME brake control



RD 2
BS 3
M 4
TS 4a 13
5a 14

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278 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
BMP brake control



1 BMP 8
RD 2
BS 3
M 4
TS 4a 13
5a 14


BG, BGE brake control




BS 4


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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 279

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

BSG brake control

DC DC 24 V
+ -


BS 4


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280 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
8.12.4 Electronics connection

Wiring the control electronics

For the terminal assignment and connections, refer to the chapter "Terminal assign-
ment" (→ 2 268).
The assignment of the digital inputs and outputs shown here is the factory setting.


S1 F0 1







DI00 1 "Output stage enable" permanently assigned
DI01 2 Fixed setpoints – positive rotation direction
DI02 3 Fixed setpoints – negative rotation direction
DI03 4 Fixed speed setpoint bit 0
DI04 5 Fixed speed setpoint bit 1
DI05 6 Fault reset
DI06 7 No function
DI07 8 No function
GND 9 Reference potential for digital inputs
+24 V 1 DC 24 V voltage output
DO00 2 Ready
DO01 3 Output stage enable
DO02 4 Fault
DO03 5 STO active
GND 6 Reference potential for digital outputs
DOR-C 1 Shared relay contact
DOR-NO 2 NO contact
DOR-NC 3 NC contact
DC 24 V 4 DC 24 V voltage output
GND 5 Reference potential


S3 Module bus operating mode

X20 Digital inputs
X21 Digital outputs
X22 Isolated relay contact
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 281

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

DC 24 V X5
+ 24 V

X30 IN
1 F_STO_P1
3 F_STO_P2







DB0/DB00 Brake control

GND Reference potential
TF1 Motor temperature evaluation
GND Reference potential


X5 +24 V supply voltage

X6 Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO)
With installed CS.A card, the cable bridges are removed at the factory.
If no CS.A card is installed upon delivery, the cable bridges are installed at the
X10 Brake control and motor temperature monitoring
X15 Motor encoder connection
X16 Digital motor integration connection
X30 System bus
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282 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
8.12.5 Connection diagram CIO21A and CID21A input/output card

Digital inputs and outputs

DI12 3
DI13 4
DO10 6
DO11 7
DO12 8
DO13 9


[1] Higher-level controller

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 283

8 Installation
Wiring diagrams

Voltage input

-10 – 0 – +10 V
REF1 1
AI21 2
AI22 3
AI31 5
AI32 6
REF2 8


Connection to the terminals AI31 and AI32 is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals AI21 and AI22 shown in the wiring diagrams.

X50 R > 5 kΩ
REF1 1
AI21 2
AI22 3
AI31 5
AI32 6
REF2 8


Connection to the terminals REF2 and AI31 is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals REF1 and AI21 shown in the wiring diagrams.

Current input

0 (4) – 20 mA

REF1 1 +
AI21 2
AI22 3 -
28489470/EN – 02/2019

AI31 5
AI32 6
REF2 8


Observe the switch position of "DIP switch S50" (→ 2 244) when activating the current

284 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Wiring diagrams 8
Voltage output

-10 – 0 – +10 V
AOV2 1 +
AOC2 2 V
GND 3 -
AOV3 4
AOC3 5 8


Connection to the terminals AOV2 and GND is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals AOV1 and GND shown in the wiring diagram.

Current output

0 (4) – 20 mA

AOV2 1 +
AOC2 2
AOV3 4
AOC3 5


Connection to the terminals AOC2 and GND is carried out analogously to the connec-
tion to the terminals AOC1 and GND shown in the wiring diagram.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 285

8 Installation
Information regarding UL

8.13 Information regarding UL

Due to UL requirements, the following chapter is always printed in English indepen-
dent of the language of the documentation.

The UL-certification does not apply to operation on voltage supply systems with a
non-grounded star point (IT systems).

8.13.1 Field wiring power terminals

• Use 60/75 °C copper wire only.
• Tighten terminals to in-lbs (Nm) as follows:
Tightening torque in-lbs (Nm)
MDX9_A-...-5_3-.. Line connection Motor and braking resistor terminals
X1 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8) X2 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8)
0020 - 0160
Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG
0240 - 0320 X1 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8) X2 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8)
MDX9_A-...-2_3-.. Line connection Motor and braking resistor terminals
X1 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8) X2 4.43 – 7.08 (0.5 – 0.8)
0070 - 0140
Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG Wire sizes 14 – 12 AWG
0213 - 0290 X1 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8) X2 15.05 – 15.93 (1.7 – 1.8)
All modules PE connection
M4: 8.85 – 10.62 (1.0 – 1.2)
M6: 26.55 – 35.4 (3.0 – 4.0

8.13.2 Short circuit current rating

Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than
• 5,000 rms symmetrical amperes when protected by fuses and circuit breakers as
described in the tables below.

8.13.3 Branch circuit protection

Integral solid state short circuit protection does not provide branch circuit protection.
Branch circuit protection must be provided in accordance with the National Electrical
Code and any additional local codes.
• If you use cable cross sections that are dimensioned for a smaller current than the
rated current of the unit, make sure that the fuse is dimensioned for the used cable
cross section.
• For information on selecting cable cross sections, refer to the project planning
• Comply with the country-specific installation regulations in addition to the above
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286 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Information regarding UL 8
AC 380 – 500 V devices
MDX9_A-.. SCCR: 5 kA/ 500 V
Non semiconductor fuses Inverse-time circuit breaker Type E Combination Motor
(currents are maximum val- (currents are maximum val- Controller
ues) ues)
0020 – 0040 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 1) Class: K5 3RV2021-4DA10 (20 – 25 A)
0055 – 0095 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 2) Class: K5 3RV2021-4DA10 (20 – 25 A)
0125 – 0160 50 A/600 V 50 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 3) Class: K5 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)
0240 – 0320 60 A/600 V 60 A/500 V min. Siemens Sirius 8
(size 4) Class: K5 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)

AC 200 – 240 V devices

MDX9_A-.. SCCR: 5 kA/ 240 V
Non semiconductor fuses Inverse-time circuit breaker Type E Combination Motor
(currents are maximum val- (currents are maximum val- Controller
ues) ues)
0070 – 0093 50 A/250 V – Siemens Sirius
(size 2) 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)
0140 50 A/250 V 50 A/240 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 3) 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)
0213 – 0290 60 A/250 V 60 A/240 V min. Siemens Sirius
(size 4) 3RV1031-4HA10 (40 – 50 A)

8.13.4 Motor overload protection

The units are provided with load and speed-sensitive overload protection and thermal
memory retention upon shutdown or power loss.
The trip current is adjusted to 150 % of the rated motor current.

8.13.5 Ambient temperature

The units are suitable for a maximum surrounding air temperature of 40 °C, max.
60 °C with derated output current.
To determine output current rating at higher than 40 °C, the output current should be
derated 2.0 % per °C between 40 °C and 60 °C.

• Use only tested units with a limited output voltage (Vmax = DC 30 V) and limited
output current (Imax = 8 A) as an external DC 24 V voltage source.
• UL certification does not apply to operation in voltage supply systems with a non-
grounded star point (IT systems).

8.13.6 Environmental conditions

The units are for use in pollution degree 2 environments.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 287

9 Startup

9 Startup
9.1 General
9.1.1 Lifting applications

Danger of fatal injury if the hoist falls.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• The application inverter is not designed for use as a safety device in lifting applic-
ations. Use monitoring systems or mechanical protection devices to ensure

9.1.2 Connecting power

Undercutting the minimum switch-off time of the line contactor.
Irreparable damage to the application inverter or unforeseeable malfunctions.
The specified times and intervals must be observed.
• After disconnection from the supply system, observe a minimum switch-off time
of 10 s.
• Do not turn the power of the supply system on or off more than once per

9.1.3 Connecting cables

Cables may only be connected and plugged in a de-energized state.
Irreparable damage to the application inverter or unforeseeable malfunctions.
• De-energize the application inverter.
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288 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Setting the EtherCAT ID 9
9.2 Setting the EtherCAT® ID
Setting the

An EtherCAT® ID can be permanently assigned to the application inverter using the

hexadecimal switches S1 and S2. With these switches, you can set a decimal
EtherCAT® ID between 1 and 255 in hexadecimal notation.
The ID serves as a unique device identification of the respective EtherCAT® slave for
the EtherCAT® master. The EtherCAT® ID is not an EtherCAT® address.
The EtherCAT® ID is always assigned by the EtherCAT® master. In the delivery state
of the application inverter, the ID is set to 0 as standard (S1 = 0 and S2 = 0).
It is not strictly necessary to set one of the EtherCAT® IDs. The slaves are automati-
cally addressed by the master as a standard.
The EtherCAT® ID must only be set at the application inverter if the use of EtherCAT®
IDs was preset in the hardware configuration of the master.

Required ID, decimal ID, hexadecimal Setting S1 Setting S2

(× 10) (× 1)
3 03 0 3
18 12 1 2
25 19 1 9
100 64 6 4
110 6E 6 E
255 FF F F

S1 EtherCAT® ID (×10)
F 0 1
E 2
D 3
C 4
A 6
9 8 7

S2 EtherCAT® ID (×1)
F 0 1
E 2
D 3
C 4
A 6
9 8 7

The EtherCAT® ID "110" is set as an example in the illustration above.

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 289

9 Startup
Startup requirements

9.3 Startup requirements

The following requirements apply to startup:
• You have installed the application inverter correctly, both mechanically and electri-
• You have configured the application inverter and connected drives correctly.
• Safety measures prevent accidental drive startup.
• Safety measures prevent danger to persons or machines.
Required hardware components:
• PC or laptop with interface adapter USM21A
• CBG21A or CBG11A keypad and cable with USB connector (Mini-B)
Required software:
• MOVISUITE® standard engineering software from SEW‑EURODRIVE

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290 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Startup procedure 9
9.4 Startup procedure
The application inverters are put into operation using the MOVISUITE® engineering
software from SEW‑EURODRIVE.


The startup is functionally divided into segments. The following steps illustrate in ex-
emplary fashion the startup procedure for an application inverter.

Drive train segment

Drive train Configuring drive trains.

Interfaces segment

Inputs/outputs • Basic device

• I/O card

Setpoints • Process data

• PO data
• Setpoint buffer
• Fixed setpoints
• Control word 1 – 3
Actual values • PI data
• Status word 1 – 3
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 291

9 Startup
Startup procedure

Drive functions • FCB 01 Output stage inhibit

• FCB 05 Speed control
• FCB 06 Interpolated speed control
• FCB 08 Interpolated torque control
• FCB 09 Positioning
• FCB 10 Interpolated position control
• FCB 12 Reference travel
• FCB 08 Rotor position identification
• FCB 20 Jog mode
• FCB 21 Brake test
• FCB 26 Stop at user limit
Monitoring functions • Reference signals 1
• Reference signals 2
• Limit values 1
• Limit values 2
• Monitoring functions 1
• Monitoring functions 2
• Output stage
Extended functions • Parameter set
• Auto reset
• Standby mode
• Touchprobe 1
• Touchprobe 2
• Cam switch

Functions segment

Device data • Device identification

• Main component
• Subcomponents
• Production data
Overview of fault responses • Axis module
• Power supply monitoring
• Functions
Setup • Permissions
• Reset device parameters
• Select memory source
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Information on the application inverter

Standard Basic settings of the installed interfaces

• Basic device
• Encoder 1

292 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Startup procedure 9
Optional Basic settings of the options
• Fieldbus
• I/O card
• Encoder 2

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 293

9 Startup
Startup procedure

9.4.1 Check list for startup

The following checklist lists the necessary steps for complete startup.

Step Startup step Done

1 Motor installation
2 Install MOVI‑C® component
4 Start up the drive train
5 Parameterize setpoints and FCBs
6 Configure digital inputs and outputs
7 Configure PD
8 Configure software module (MOVIKIT®)
9 Test drives/application

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294 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Connection to the Service interface
9.5 Connection to the Service interface
There are 2 possibilities for connecting the inverter to a PC:
1. With the interface adapter USM21A

[3] [2]




45 6




45 6



[1] Interface adapter USM21A, part number: 28231449

[2] Serial interface cable with an RJ10 connector and a 9-pin D-sub connector, part
number 18123864.
This cable is necessary for the connection of the interface adapter to
MOVIDRIVE® technology, and must be ordered separately.
[3] Commercially available USB connection cable, type USB A-B. The cable is in-
cluded in the scope of delivery of the interface adapter.
With the interface adapter USM21A, it is possible to connect an engineering PC with a
USB interface to the X32 Service interface of the inverter.
The data is transferred according to the USB 2.0 standard. It is also possible to work
with a USB 3.0 unit.
2. With the CBG21A or CBG11A keypad with USB interface


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[1] USB cable, type USB A-Mini-B, [2] Keypad, here the CBG21A as an ex-
25643517 ample

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 295

9 Startup
Startup with the CBG21A keypad

9.6 Startup with the CBG21A keypad

You can perform the startup intuitively with a CBG21A keypad using the symbols and
functions shown in the display.

9.6.1 CBG21A keypad



b [5]

[6] [7] [8]


[1] Color display

[2] 4 function keys that are assigned according to the context. The assigned func-
tions are shown in the display above the keys

a = Permanently assigned with Back/Next

b = Navigate in the menu
[3] Up/down arrow keys
[4] Confirm entry
[5] Right/left arrow keys

c = Manual mode operating range

[6] STOP key
[7] Information key
[8] RUN key
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Choice boxes are activated with "OK", and the selection is then made with the <up/
down> arrow keys. Confirm the selection with "OK".
When entering numbers, you must confirm the proposed or entered number with the
<OK> key. The digit of the number that is currently editable is then shown with a
colored background. You can use the <up/down> arrow keys to change the value of
the digit. Use the <right/left> arrow keys to switch the digit to be edited within the num-

296 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Startup with the CBG21A keypad 9
Symbols used


Manual mode

Optimization of the control mode

Application 9



Data management


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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 297

9 Startup
Startup with the CBG11A keypad

9.7 Startup with the CBG11A keypad

You can perform the startup intuitively with a CBG11A keypad using the symbols and
functions shown in the display.

You cannot start up a motor with encoder using the CBG11A keypad. You can carry
out this particular startup with a CBG21A keypad or with the MOVISUITE® engineer-
ing software.

9.7.1 CBG11A keypad



Esc [3]

OK [5]


[6] [7]

[1] Display
[2] Up/down arrow keys

a = Navigate in the menu

[3] Esc key
[4] Right/left arrow keys
[5] Confirm entry

b = Manual mode operating range

[6] STOP key
[7] RUN key
28489470/EN – 02/2019

To open the main menu, press the <Esc> key. Press the <right/left> arrow keys to se-
lect functions in the main menu. Confirm your selection with the [OK] key.
When entering numbers, you must confirm the proposed or entered number with the
<OK> key. The digit of the number that is currently editable is then shown underlined.
You can use the <up/down> arrow keys to change the value of the digit. Use the
<right/left> arrow keys to switch the digit to be edited within the number.
All terms are displayed exclusively in English.

298 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Startup with the CBG11A keypad 9
Symbols used
The available functions are shown with pictograms in the keypad display.


Data management

Manual mode

Parameter tree

Keypad settings
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 299

10 Operation
General information

10 Operation
10.1 General information

Dangerous voltages present at cables and motor terminals
Severe or fatal injuries from electric shock.
• Dangerous voltages are present at the output terminals and the cables and motor
terminals connected to them when the device is switched on. This also applies
even when the device is inhibited and the motor is at standstill.
• The fact that the operation LED is no longer illuminated does not indicate that the
application inverter has been disconnected from the power supply and no longer
carries any voltage.
• Before you touch the power terminals, check that the application inverter has
been disconnected from the power supply.
• Observe the general safety notes in the chapter "Safety notes" (→ 2 194) and
the notes in the chapter "Electrical installation" (→ 2 222).

Risk of crushing if the motor starts up unintentionally.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Ensure that the motor cannot start inadvertently, for example, by removing the
electronics terminal block X20.
• Additional safety precautions must be taken, depending on the application, to
avoid injury to personnel and damage to machinery.

Switching the motor output at the application inverter with enabled output stage.
Damage to the application inverter.
• The motor output of the application inverter may be switched or disconnected
only when the output stage is inhibited.
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300 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Memory module 10
10.2 Memory module


The plug-in memory module is included in the scope of delivery and installed in the
basic device.









[1] Memory module

All device data is always stored up-to-date on the memory module. If a device needs
to be replaced, the system can be started up again quickly without additional tools by
simply replugging the memory module.
The memory module can be simply unplugged or plugged in.

10.2.1 Instructions on the use of the memory module when exchanging a device
The prerequisite for the error-free exchange of an inverter is that the same options
must be installed in the new device as in the original one.
If this is not the case, the error message "25.70 NV memory initialization" is displayed.
You can acknowledge the error by opening the "Error reset with parameter accept-
ance" menu item in the context menu, and you must ensure that the information that
was provided via the previous options (e.g. encoder signals via encoder option) reach
the application inverter through different means or are deselected.
Alternatively, the device can also be reset to the delivery state. A new startup is then
If a memory module is removed during operation, the following error message is dis-
played: "33.13 System initialization: Memory module removed".
This fault status can be acknowledged with a fault reset.
SEW-EURODRIVE recommends operating the inverter only with an inserted memory
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 301

10 Operation
7-segment display

10.3 7-segment display

10.3.1 Operating displays

• The two 7-segment displays indicate the operating state of the application in-

10.3.2 Fault display

The application inverter detects any faults that occur and displays them as fault code.
Each fault is clearly defined by its fault code and corresponding attributes, as shown
• Fault response
• Final state after executing the fault response
• Type of reset response.
The fault codes are displayed as flashing numeric values in the application inverter.
The fault code is displayed in the following display sequence:
500 ms 124 ms 1000 ms 124 ms 1000 ms 124 ms


In the example, a 2-digit fault code with subfault is shown, fault 07.01 in this example.

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302 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Operating displays 10
10.4 Operating displays
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays during boot process
b0 Device passes through several • Status: Not ready. • Waiting for boot process to finish.
b1 states when loading the firmware • Output stage is inhibited. • Device stays in this condition: Device is de-
(boot) in order to become ready for • No communication possible. fective.
b3 operation.
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays of different device statuses
• Energy-saving mode Energy-saving mode active
00 DC link voltage missing • Status: Not ready. Check the supply system.
• Output stage is inhibited.
• Communication is possible.
C0 Module bus is not ready Check the module bus connection; see the
Flashing chapter Setting the module bus operating mode.
C2 STO active • Status: Not ready. The function Safe Torque Off is active.
Flashing • Output stage is inhibited.
C3 Synchronization with bus is incor- • Communication is possible. • Check the bus connection.
Flashing rect. Process data processing not • Check synchronization setting at device and
available controller.
• Check process data settings at device and
C4 Encoder evaluation is not ready • Encoders are being initialized.
Flashing • Device stays in this condition:
– No encoder selected.
– "Source actual speed" or "Actual position"
parameter shows an encoder that does not
C5 Motor management is not ready
C6 Internal device supply incomplete
C7 Power section not ready
C8 External device not ready
C9 Data flexibilization layer not ready
Cd Parameter download running
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays during initialization processes (parameters will be reset to default values)
d0 Basic initialization • Status: Not ready. Waiting for initialization to finish.
Flashing • Output stage is inhibited.
d1 Initialization at delivery state • Communication is possible.
Display Description State Comment/action
Displays in normal operation
01 Output stage inhibit • Output stage is inhibited. The drive is not actuated by the output stage.
The brake is applied; without the brake, the mo-
tor coasts to a halt. FCB 01 is permanently se-
lected with terminal DI00. However, it can also
be selected by other sources.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 303

10 Operation
Operating displays

Display Description State Comment/action

02 Default stop For further information, refer to the Drive function (FCB) "Default stop" active if no
FCB description. other FCB is selected and the system is ready.
04 Manual mode Manual mode active.
05 Speed control Speed control with internal ramp generator.
06 Interpolated speed control Speed control with setpoints cyclically via bus.
The ramp generator is located externally, e.g. in
the higher-level controller.
07 Torque control Torque control.
08 Interpolated torque control Torque control with setpoints cyclically via bus.
09 Position control Positioning mode with internal ramp generator.
10 Interpolated position control Positioning mode with setpoints cyclically via
bus. The ramp generator is located externally,
e.g. in the higher-level controller.
12 Reference travel The drive performs reference travel.
13 Stop at application limits Deceleration at the application limit. FCB 13 is
active if no other FCB is selected with the de-
fault FCB 02.
14 Emergency stop Deceleration at the emergency stop limit.
18 Rotor position identification Encoder commutation for synchronous motors.
19 Position hold control Position control on current position.
20 Jog Jog mode active.
21 Brake test Brake is tested by applying a torque when the
brake is applied.
25 Motor parameter measurement Motor parameter measurement active.
26 Stop at user limits Serves to stop at user limits.

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304 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
10.5 Fault description on basic device

10.5.1 Fault 1 Output stage monitoring

Subfault: 1.1
Description: Short circuit in motor output terminals
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Overcurrent in output stage or faulty output stage control detec- Possible causes for overcurrent are short circuit at the output,
ted, and output stage inhibited by hardware. excessive motor current, or a defective power output stage.
Subfault: 1.2
Description: Overcurrent in output stage
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor current too high. Connect a smaller motor. 10
Current supply. Check the current supply.
Current transformer. Check the current transformer.
Ramp limit deactivated and set ramp time too short. Increase the ramp time.
Phase module defective. Check the phase module.
DC 24 V supply voltage unstable. Check the DC 24 V supply voltage.
Interruption or short circuit on signal lines of phase modules. Check the signal lines.

10.5.2 Fault 3 Ground fault

Subfault: 3.1
Description: Ground fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Ground fault in the motor lead. Eliminate ground fault in motor lead.
Ground fault in the inverter. Eliminate ground fault in inverter.
Ground fault in the motor. Eliminate ground fault in motor.
Ground fault in line components. Eliminate ground fault in line components.

10.5.3 Fault 4 Brake chopper

Subfault: 4.1
Description: Brake chopper overcurrent
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Excessive regenerative power. Extend the deceleration ramps.
Short circuit detected in braking resistor circuit. Check the supply cable to the braking resistor.
Braking resistance too high. Check the technical data of the braking resistor.
Subfault: 4.2
Description: Brake chopper defective
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Output stage of brake chopper defective. Replace the defective brake chopper.

10.5.4 Fault 6 Line fault

28489470/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 6.1
Description: Line phase failure
Response: Line phase failure
Cause Measure
Missing line phase detected. Check the supply system cable.
DC link voltage periodically too low. Check the configuration of the supply system.
Inadequate line voltage quality. Check supply (fuses, contactor).

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 305

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.5.5 Fault 7 DC link

Subfault: 7.1
Description: DC link overvoltage
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Maximum permitted DC link voltage limit exceeded and output – Extend deceleration ramps.
stage inhibited by hardware. – Check supply cable to the braking resistor.
– Check the technical data of the braking resistor.
Subfault: 7.2
Description: DC link discharge failed
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
DC link voltage level not dropped below discharge threshold Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
within discharge time.

10.5.6 Fault 8 Speed monitoring

Subfault: 8.1
Description: Speed monitoring – motor mode
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Speed controller operates at setting limit (mechanical overload Increase the delay time set for speed monitoring, or reduce the
or phase failure in supply system or motor). load.
Encoder not connected correctly. Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce acceleration values.
Encoder has incorrect direction of rotation. – Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce acceleration values.
– Check motor lead and motor, check line phases.
Subfault: 8.2
Description: Speed monitoring – generator mode
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Speed controller operates at setting limit (mechanical overload Increase the delay time set for speed monitoring, or reduce the
or phase failure in supply system or motor). regenerative load.
Encoder not connected correctly. Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase current limiting or reduce deceleration values.
Encoder has incorrect direction of rotation. – Check encoder connection and direction of rotation. If neces-
sary, increase the current limiting or reduce the deceleration
– Check motor cable and motor. Check line phases.
Subfault: 8.3
Description: Maximum speed at motor shaft
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Actual speed exceeded "Maximum speed at motor shaft" limit Reduce the maximum rotational speed.
value (index 8360.9 / 8361.9). This limit value is set at startup
matching the motor and gear unit.

10.5.7 Fault 9 Control mode

Subfault: 9.1
Description: Magnetization of motor not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
User-defined current limit or output stage monitoring reduced – Reduce output stage utilization, e.g. by reducing the PWM
possible maximum current to such a degree that required mag- frequency or reducing the load.
netizing current cannot be set. – Increase user-defined current limit.

306 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 9.2
Description: Requested operating mode not possible with active control mode
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current FCB activated an operating mode. The active con- Start up control mode that supports the required operating
trol mode does not support this operating mode, for example mode. Connect encoder if necessary. Select an operating
"position control" or "torque control" with U/f control mode. mode that is supported by the current control mode.
Subfault: 9.3
Description: Absolute rotor position not available
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current control mode requires an absolute rotor position. Use an absolute encoder, or identify the rotor position using
The encoder selected for "Source of actual speed" does not FCB 18.
provide an absolute rotor position.
Subfault: 9.4
Description: Correct current supply of motor not possible 10
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to set required current during premagnetization. Check the cabling, or disable the function "Current monitoring
during premagnetization".
Subfault: 9.5
Description: Maximum output frequency exceeded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Maximum output frequency exceeded. Reduce the maximum speed.
Subfault: 9.6
Description: Maximum model speed exceeded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Speed of drive calculated in ELSM® control mode too high for If possible, minimize the "Speed/position controller sampling
motor control. cycle", or reduce the speed.
Subfault: 9.8
Description: Flux model error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Rotor flux calculated by motor model not plausible, or calcu- – Check configuration data.
lated internal voltage too small. – Check motor data.
– Check machine: Idle state or speed too low.
– Check the connection cable between inverter and motor
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 9.9
Description: Parameter measurement not possible with active motor type
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Parameter measurement is possible only with "asynchronous" Select the correct motor type.
and "synchronous" motor types. No magnetic reluctance and
LSPM motors.
Subfault: 9.10
Description: Rotor stall monitoring
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current control cannot hold the load torque. The deviation Reduce the load torque (hoist) in the controlled system.
between stationary setpoint voltage and actual voltage is too
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 9.11
Description: Standstill current function
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
With the ELSM method, the standstill current function is pos- – Enable rotor position measurement.
sible only in combination with rotor position measurement. – Check motor data.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 307

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.5.8 Fault 10 Data Flexibility

Subfault: 10.1
Description: Initialization
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Init task error. The init task has issued a return code != 0. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.2
Description: Illegal operation code
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Illegal opcode in Data Flexibility program. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 10.3
Description: Memory access
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Memory area violated while accessing array. For example, an array access results in writing beyond the per-
mitted memory range. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.4
Description: Stack
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Overflow of Data Flexibility stack detected. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.5
Description: Division by 0
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Division by 0. Check the program.
Subfault: 10.6
Description: Runtime
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error/watchdog. Check the program. The program execution time exceeds the
permitted time.
PDI or PDO tasks. Check the program. The execution time of the PDI or PDO task
exceeds the permitted time.
Subfault: 10.7
Description: Calculation result of multiplication/division command too large
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Calculation result of multiplication/division command exceeds Check the program.
32 bits.
Failed to write calculation result of multiplication/division com- Check the program.
mand into result variable.
Subfault: 10.8
Description: Illegal connection
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Index used in connect not allowed. Check the program. The index used either does not exist or is
not permitted for access via process data; see parameter list.
Subfault: 10.9
Description: CRC code
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
Wrong CRC checksum of code. Load the program again. The program memory is corrupt. An
unauthorized write access has been carried out on the program

308 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 10.10
Description: Setpoint cycle time not supported
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Non-supported setpoint cycle time parameterized. Set the setpoint cycle time to the default value 1 ms.
Subfault: 10.11
Description: No application program loaded
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
No Data Flexibility application program loaded. Load the program or disable Data Flexibility.
Subfault: 10.99
Description: Unknown error
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Unknown Data Flexibility error. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.9 Fault 11 Temperature monitoring

Subfault: 11.1
Description: Heat sink overtemperature
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Maximum permitted heat sink temperature exceeded. The ca- – Reduce the load.
pacity utilization is possibly too high. – Reduce the rms value of the current.
– Reduce the PWM frequency.
– Ensure sufficient cooling.
– Reduce the ambient temperature.
Subfault: 11.2
Description: Heat sink utilization – prewarning
Response: Heat sink utilization – prewarning
Cause Measure
High thermal load on heat sink of device, and prewarning – Reduce the load.
threshold reached. – Reduce the rms value of the output current.
– Reduce the PWM frequency.
– Ensure sufficient cooling.
– Reduce the ambient temperature.
Subfault: 11.3
Description: Device utilization
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The temperature has reached or exceeded the switch-off Reduce the load.
threshold. Possible causes: Mean output current too high.
PWM frequency too high. Reduce the PWM frequency.
Ambient temperature too high. Ensure sufficient cooling.
Unfavorable air convection. Check air convection.
Fan defective. Check the fan and replace if necessary.
Subfault: 11.5
Description: Electromechanical utilization
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Electromechanical components of device overloaded by ex- Reduce the load. If necessary, reduce the rms value of the cur-
cessive continuous current. rent.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 11.6
Description: Electromechanical utilization – prewarning
Response: Electromechanical utilization – prewarning
Cause Measure
High load on electromechanical components of device due to – Reduce the load.
high continuous current. Prewarning threshold reached. – Reduce the PWM frequency.
– Reduce the rms value of the current.
– Reduce the ambient temperature.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 309

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 11.7
Description: Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 11.8
Description: Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.10 Fault 13 Encoder 1

Subfault: 13.1
Description: Position comparison check
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty comparison between raw position and track counter of – Check the track signal wiring.
absolute encoders. – Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Replace encoder.
– Replace card.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.2
Description: Unknown encoder type
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder type not known and not supported by inverter. – Check encoder type.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.3
Description: Invalid data
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Invalid encoder nameplate data (measuring steps/pulses per – Check startup parameters.
revolution/multi-turn). – Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.4
Description: Track measurement error
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error during track measurement. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from EMC).
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.5
Description: Internal warning
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Response: Encoder – warning

Cause Measure
Encoder signaled warning. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Clean sensor.

310 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 13.6
Description: Signal level too low
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.7
Description: Signal level too high
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector exceeds permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the gear ratio of the resolver in use.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can 10
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.8
Description: Signal level monitoring
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector exceeds permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the resolver mounting position.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.9
Description: Quadrant check
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error checking quadrants (sine encoder). – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.10
Description: Position tolerance range monitoring
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Position outside tolerance range. – Check the startup parameters.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.11
Description: Data timeout
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder process data timeout. – Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the startup parameters.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
28489470/EN – 02/2019

move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 311

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 13.12
Description: Emergency
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled emergency. – Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the startup parameters.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.13
Description: Error during initialization
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Communication error during initialization. – Check parameterization.
– Check baud rate.
– Ensure that the CANopen interface on the encoder (Node ID)
is correctly adjusted.
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.14
Description: Communication
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Faulty communication with encoder. – Check the voltage supply.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.15
Description: System error
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
System error while evaluating encoder. – Ensure that the multi-turn encoder is within the configured
path range.
– Check limits.
– Check correct settings of encoder numerator/denominator
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the startup parameters.
– Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.16
Description: Permanent high level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 13.17
Description: Permanent high level in data line
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

312 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 13.18
Description: Permanent low level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.19
Description: Permanent low level in data line
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can 10
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.20
Description: SSI error bit – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check the startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 13.21
Description: SSI error bit
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check the startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 13.22
Description: Internal fault – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.23
Description: Internal fault
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault

Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 313

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 13.24
Description: Travel range exceeded
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Current position mode (index 8381.10) does not allow for larger Check travel range.
travel range. Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.25
Description: Error during encoder startup
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fatal error during encoder startup. Switch the device off and on again.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 13.26
Description: Digital motor integration fault – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder of "Digital motor integration" signaled a component – Check interference sources.
fault. – Replace encoder.
Subfault: 13.27
Description: Digital motor integration fault
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Encoder of "Digital motor integration" signaled a component – Check interference sources.
fault. – Replace encoder.
Subfault: 13.28
Description: Digital motor integration warning
Response: Encoder – warning
Cause Measure
Encoder of "Digital motor integration" signaled a warning. – Check interference sources.

10.5.11 Fault 14 Encoder 2

Subfault: 14.1
Description: Position comparison check
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty comparison between raw position and track counter of – Check the track signal wiring.
absolute encoders. – Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Replace encoder.
– Replace the card.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.2
Description: Unknown encoder type
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder type not known and not supported by inverter. – Check the encoder type.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
28489470/EN – 02/2019

move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

314 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 14.3
Description: Invalid data
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Invalid encoder nameplate data (measuring steps/pulses per – Check the startup parameters.
revolution/multi-turn). – Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.4
Description: Track measurement error
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error during track measurement. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC). 10
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.5
Description: Internal warning
Response: Encoder – warning
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled warning. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Clean the sensor.
Subfault: 14.6
Description: Signal level too low
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.7
Description: Signal level too high
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector exceeds permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the gear ratio of the resolver in use.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.8
Description: Signal level monitoring
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Vector below permitted limit during signal level monitoring. Check the resolver mounting position.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.9
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Description: Quadrant check

Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Error checking quadrants (sine encoder). – Switch the device off and on again.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the encoder. Replace if necessary.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 315

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 14.10
Description: Position tolerance range monitoring
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Position outside tolerance range. – Check the startup parameters.
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.11
Description: Data timeout
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder process data timeout. – Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the startup parameters.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.12
Description: Emergency
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled emergency. – Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the startup parameters.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.13
Description: Error during initialization
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Communication error during initialization. – Check parameterization.
– Check baud rate.
– Ensure that the CANopen interface on the encoder (Node ID)
is correctly adjusted.
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.14
Description: Communication
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Faulty communication with encoder. – Check the voltage supply.
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the wiring.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
28489470/EN – 02/2019

316 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 14.15
Description: System error
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
System error while evaluating encoder. – Make sure that the multi-turn encoder is within the configured
track area.
– Check the limits.
– Check for correct settings of encoder numerator/denominator
– Check interference sources (e.g. from the area of EMC).
– Check the startup parameters.
– Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty. 10
Subfault: 14.16
Description: Permanent high level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.17
Description: Permanent high level in data line
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent high level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.18
Description: Permanent low level in data line – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.19
Description: Permanent low level in data line
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Permanent low level of data signal. – Check the wiring.
– Check the encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.20
Description: SSI error bit – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check the startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 317

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 14.21
Description: SSI error bit
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Error bit set in SSI protocol. – Check the startup parameters.
– Check the settings at the SSI encoder (fault bit).
– Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive even with a fault in an external position en-
Subfault: 14.22
Description: Internal fault – critical
Response: Encoder 2 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.23
Description: Internal fault
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Encoder signaled internal fault. – Check the wiring.
– Check interference sources (light beam interrupted, reflector,
data cables, etc.).
– Replace encoder.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.24
Description: Travel range exceeded
Response: Encoder 2 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Current position mode (index 8381.10) does not allow for larger Check travel range.
travel range. Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.25
Description: Error during encoder startup
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fatal error during encoder startup. Switch the device off and on again.
Information: In "Emergency mode" manual mode, you can
move the drive using the motor encoder even if the external po-
sition encoder is faulty.
Subfault: 14.26
Description: Digital motor integration fault – critical
Response: Encoder 1 – latest critical fault
Cause Measure
Encoder of "Digital motor integration" signaled a component – Check interference sources.
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fault. – Replace encoder.

Subfault: 14.27
Description: Digital motor integration fault
Response: Encoder 1 – latest fault
Cause Measure
Encoder of "Digital motor integration" signaled a component – Check interference sources.
fault. – Replace encoder.

318 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 14.28
Description: Digital motor integration warning
Response: Encoder – warning
Cause Measure
Encoder of "Digital motor integration" signaled a warning. – Check interference sources.

10.5.12 Fault 16 Startup

Subfault: 16.1
Description: Motor not started up
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor not started up or not started up completely. Perform complete motor startup.
Subfault: 16.2
Description: Cannot calculate controller parameters 10
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Delay of encoder in use too long to calculate required filter Use an encoder with a shorter delay, or contact SEW-
coefficients. EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 16.3
Description: Thermal motor model not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Invalid parameters for thermal motor model or for drive enable Check the parameters of the thermal motor model, and perform
although starting up thermal model not yet completed. startup.
Subfault: 16.5
Description: Current limit smaller than magnetizing current of the motor
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Current limit smaller than magnetizing current of the motor cal- Increase the current limit. Required magnetizing current: See
culated by active control mode. diagnostics parameters of control mode.
Subfault: 16.6
Description: Control mode not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong control mode selected for the motor. Choose a control mode that matches the selected motor.
Subfault: 16.7
Description: PWM frequency not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Specified PWM frequency not allowed for this power output Choose another PWM frequency. For possible PWM frequen-
stage. cies, refer to the device configuration data.
Subfault: 16.8
Description: Temperature sensor motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty startup of temperature sensor of motor 1. Perform startup again.
Subfault: 16.9
Description: Temperature sensor motor 2
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
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Faulty startup of temperature sensor of motor 2. Perform startup again.

Subfault: 16.10
Description: Actual position source not assigned
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Active control mode requires an encoder for position mode. – Assign actual position source in encoder assignment of the
active drive train (Index 8565.3 or 8566.3).
– If no encoder is installed, activate the FCBs only using
"torque control" or "speed control" operating mode.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 319

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 16.11
Description: Motor data calculation error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor startup not possible because of inconsistent motor data Check the motor data for plausibility, or contact SEW-
or wrong device configuration data. EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 16.12
Description: Motor data write sequence
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Subindex 1 not written to zero before writing electrical startup Reset the fault. Set parameters 8360/1 or 8361/1 to "0" before
parameters (index 8357, 8360, 8394, 8420 or 8358, 8361, writing additional parameters.
8395, 8421).
Subfault: 16.20
Description: Nominal speed too high or nominal frequency too low
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: Nominal speed too high Enter plausible motor data (nominal speed and nominal fre-
or nominal frequency too low. The resulting number of pole quency).
pairs is 0.
Subfault: 16.21
Description: Nominal slip negative
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data, the calculated nominal Enter plausible motor data (nominal frequency, nominal speed,
slip is negative: Nominal frequency too low or nominal speed number of pole pairs).
too high or number of pole pairs too high.
Subfault: 16.22
Description: Specify the number of pole pairs
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: It is not possible to calcu- Enter the number of pole pairs.
late the number of pole pairs accurately from nominal fre-
quency and nominal speed.
Subfault: 16.23
Description: Plausibility check failed
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: The estimated nominal Check entered nameplate data for plausibility.
power does not match the entered nominal power.
Subfault: 16.24
Description: Speed controller sampling cycle not possible with current PWM frequency or current control mode
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
At PWM frequency "2.5 kHz", only the speed controller Increase PWM frequency or increase sampling cycle of speed
sampling cycle of 2 ms is permitted. For the ELSM® control controller to 2 ms. Set the sampling cycle to 1 ms or 2 ms for
mode, the only permitted speed controller sampling cycles are ELSM® control mode.
1 ms and 2 ms.
Subfault: 16.25
Description: User-defined current limit too low for standstill current
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
User-defined current limit value too small for minimum standstill Increase the user-defined current limit, or disable the standstill
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current. current function.

Subfault: 16.26
Description: Nominal values incomplete or implausible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: Nominal voltage, nominal Enter or check nominal voltage, nominal current, nominal
current, nominal speed or nominal torque are not entered or speed, and nominal torque.
not plausible.

320 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 16.27
Description: Maximum current or maximum torque not plausible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
During startup using nameplate data: Maximum current or ma- Check the maximum current and maximum torque.
ximum torque not entered, or maximum current and maximum
torque not plausible.
Subfault: 16.30
Description: Faulty EtherCAT® EEPROM configuration state
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Faulty EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS EEPROM configuration status. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
EEPROM not loaded; binary file not loaded.
Faulty EEPROM loading procedure. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Faulty EEPROM checksum. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service. 10

10.5.13 Fault 17 Internal processor fault

Subfault: 17.7
Description: Exception error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Exception trap in CPU. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.14 Fault 18 Software error

Subfault: 18.1
Description: Motor management
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Error detected at motor management interface. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.3
Description: Task system warning
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
A fault was detected during the processing of the internal task – Acknowledge the warning.
system. This may be a timeout for cyclical tasks, for example. – Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service if the warning occurs
Subfault: 18.4
Description: Task system
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
A fault was detected during the processing of the internal task – Switch the device off and on again.
system. This may be a timeout for cyclical tasks, for example. – Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.7
Description: Fatal error
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Fatal software error. – Switch the device off and on again.

– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 321

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 18.8
Description: Invalid fault code
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Invalid fault code requested. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.9
Description: Internal software error
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The software reports an unexpected event. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 18.10
Description: Watchdog
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Software no longer operates within intended cycle time. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.12
Description: Configuration data
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Configuration data not plausible or cannot be interpreted by Update the firmware or load valid configuration data.
active firmware version.
Subfault: 18.13
Description: Calibration data
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Calibration data not plausible. Load valid calibration data.

10.5.15 Fault 19 Process data

Subfault: 19.1
Description: Torque setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Implausible values specified as torque setpoints. Adjust torque setpoints.
Subfault: 19.2
Description: Position setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Position setpoint outside software limit switches. Check position setpoint.
Position setpoint outside modulo range. Check position setpoint.
Position in user unit generates number overflow in the system Check position in user unit.
Subfault: 19.3
Description: Speed setpoint violation
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Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
Specified rotational speed setpoints not plausible. Adjust rotational speed setpoints.
Subfault: 19.4
Description: Acceleration setpoint violation
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The specified acceleration setpoints are not plausible. Only a Adjust acceleration setpoints.
value range of >= 0 is permitted.

322 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 19.5
Description: Drive function does not exist
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Non-existing drive function (FCB) selected via process data. Specify an existing FCB number for FCB activation via process
Subfault: 19.6
Description: Mass moment of inertia setpoint violation
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Implausible values specified as mass moment of inertia set- Adjust the setpoints for the mass moment of inertia.
points. Only a value range of >= 0 is permitted.
Subfault: 19.7
Description: Referencing missing
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit 10
Cause Measure
Activated function permitted only with referenced encoder. Reference the encoder first, then activate the function.
Subfault: 19.8
Description: Drive train changeover not allowed
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Drive train changeover requested while output stage is en- Inhibit the output stage before changing to another drive train.
Subfault: 19.9
Description: Jerk setpoint violation
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Jerk values not plausible. Adjust jerk setpoints.

10.5.16 Fault 20 Device monitoring

Subfault: 20.1
Description: Supply voltage fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Internal electronics supply voltage or externally connected Check the voltage level of the external DC 24 V standby supply
DC 24 V standby supply voltage outside permitted voltage voltage and check for correct port. If required, correct.
range. – Acknowledge the fault.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device. For further
support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.2
Description: Supply voltage overload
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
For MOVIDRIVE® system, the current load of the current paths Identify the consumer that is overloading the internal supply
of the DC 24 V standby supply voltage inside the device is too voltage:
high. The device signal output of the device was de-energized 1. Remove all external consumers:
because of the fault message. – At the digital outputs of the basic device.
– At options that may be present.
– At all encoder connections.
– At other consumers at the DC 24 V output voltage terminals.
2. Acknowledge the fault.
3. Reconnect the consumers with the device, one after the
28489470/EN – 02/2019

other, until the fault message appears once again.

4. To eliminate the fault, connect a consumer with a lower cur-
rent consumption or eliminate the short circuit.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 323

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 20.7
Description: Internal hardware fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fault in the device hardware. – Acknowledge the fault.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device. For further
support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.8
Description: Fan warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Fan function impaired. Check the fan for proper functioning.
Subfault: 20.9
Description: Fan fault
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Fan defective. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.10
Description: Fan supply voltage fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Supply voltage of fan missing. Check the connection or establish a connection.
Subfault: 20.11
Description: STO – switching delay
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Switching delay between STO signals F-STO_P1 and F- – Check the STO wiring.
STO_P2. – Check the STO wiring before acknowledging the fault, and
make sure that both STO signals are switched to low level.

10.5.17 Fault 21 Digital motor integration 1

Subfault: 21.1
Description: Communication fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication error detected on the interface of "Digital motor Check the cabling.
Subfault: 21.2
Description: Slave required
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Device started up with a drive with "Digital motor integration" Connect a drive with "Digital motor integration" matching start-
but no drive with "Digital motor integration" is connected. up, or perform a new startup.
Subfault: 21.3
Description: Incompatible drive motor
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Connected drive not compatible with started-up drive. Connect a drive that matches startup, or perform a new startup.
Subfault: 21.4
Description: Invalid label
Response: Output stage inhibit
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Cause Measure
The connected drive contains invalid data. Replace the drive.
Subfault: 21.5
Description: Incompatible slave
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The connected slave of "Digital motor integration" cannot be Update inverter or slave.
used with this inverter firmware.

324 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 21.6
Description: Overload/short circuit on the interface
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit in the cabling of components of "Digital motor in- Check the cabling of the component of "Digital motor integra-
tegration". tion".
Voltage of "Digital motor integration" component too low. Check the voltage supply of the component.

10.5.18 Fault 22 Digital motor integration 2

Subfault: 22.1
Description: Communication fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication error detected on the interface of the "Digital Check the cabling. 10
motor integration".
Subfault: 22.2
Description: Slave required
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Device started up with a drive with "Digital motor integration" Connect a drive with "Digital motor integration" matching start-
but no drive with "Digital motor integration" is connected. up, or perform a new startup.
Subfault: 22.3
Description: Incompatible drive motor
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Connected drive not compatible with started-up drive. Connect a drive that matches startup, or perform a new startup.
Subfault: 22.4
Description: Invalid label
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The connected drive contains invalid data. Replace the drive.
Subfault: 22.5
Description: Incompatible slave
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The connected slave of "Digital motor integration" cannot be Update inverter or slave.
used with this inverter firmware.
Subfault: 22.6
Description: Overload/short circuit on the interface
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit in the cabling of components of "Digital motor in- Check the cabling of the "Digital motor integration" component.
Voltage of "Digital motor integration" component too low. Check the voltage supply of the component.

10.5.19 Fault 23 Power section

Subfault: 23.1
Description: Warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
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Cause Measure
Power section fault with fault response of the type "Warning". See also "Power section subcomponent" fault status.
Subfault: 23.2
Description: Fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section fault with fault response of the type "Standard". See also "Power section subcomponent" fault status.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 325

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 23.3
Description: Critical fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section fault with fault response of the type "Critical See also "Power section subcomponent" fault status.
Subfault: 23.4
Description: Hardware fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
A fault occurred in a hardware component of the power section, – Check the current supply.
e.g.: Overcurrent hardware comparator. – Increase the ramp time.
– Check for correct motor size (the motor current is too high).
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Switched-mode power supply fault, hardware fault. – Check the current supply.
– Check the DC 24 V supply voltage.
Fault at the gate driver of an IGBT. Defect in the power output stage. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE
Invalid process data configuration. Status of control section and Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
power section are not compatible.
Subfault: 23.5
Description: Invalid process data configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Invalid process data configuration. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 23.6
Description: Process data timeout
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section communication interface detected process data If the error occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
timeout. Service.
Subfault: 23.7
Description: Parameter communication timeout
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section communication interface detected timeout in If the error occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
parameter communication. Service.
Subfault: 23.8
Description: Parameter communication error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section communication interface detected error in para- If the error occurs repeatedly, contact SEW-EURODRIVE
meter communication. Service.

10.5.20 Error 24 Cam switch

Subfault: 24.1
Description: Cam window limits interchanged
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Left cam window limit larger than right limit. Check cam window limits and adjust.
Subfault: 24.2
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Description: Cam window limit not within modulo range

Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Cam window limits outside modulo range. Check cam window limits and adjust.

326 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 24.3
Description: Cam windows of a track overlap
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Cam window limits of a track overlap. Adjust the cam window limits in such a way that they are flush.
Subfault: 24.4
Description: Modulo limits swapped
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
The left limit of the modulo range is larger than the right limit. Check the limits of the modulo range and adjust accordingly.

10.5.21 Fault 25 Parameter memory monitoring

Subfault: 25.2
Description: NV memory – runtime error 10
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error of non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.6
Description: Incompatible device configuration
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The data set in the device was copied from another device, – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
which differs from the current device in the device family, startup, if necessary.
power, or voltage. – Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Replaceable memory module used by another device. Power – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
rating, device family, or voltage differs from the current device. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
The power section was replaced and differs in its power rating – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
or voltage from the original power section. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Subfault: 25.7
Description: NV memory initialization – error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error initializing non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.10
Description: Power section configuration data – version conflict
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong version of configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.12
Description: Power section configuration data – CRC error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Faulty configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.13
Description: Control electronics configuration data – CRC error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty configuration data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 327

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 25.14
Description: Calibration data of power section – version conflict
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong version of calibration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.15
Description: Calibration data of control electronics – version conflict
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Wrong version of calibration data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.16
Description: Power section calibration data – CRC error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty calibration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.17
Description: Control electronics calibration data – CRC error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty calibration data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.18
Description: Power section QA data – CRC error
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Faulty quality assurance data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.19
Description: Control electronics QA data – CRC error
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Faulty quality assurance data of control electronics. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.20
Description: Initialization error – basic device memory
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Initialization error of the basic device memory. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.21
Description: Runtime error – basic device memory
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Runtime error in memory of basic device. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.30
Description: Initialization error – replaceable memory module
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The formatting of the replaceable memory module does not Restore delivery state. NOTICE: All the data on the replaceable
match. memory module will be reset to default.
Initialization error of replaceable memory module after delivery Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.31
Description: Runtime error – replaceable memory module
Response: Output stage inhibit
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
Runtime error of replaceable memory module. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.32
Description: Replaceable memory module not compatible
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The inserted replaceable memory module cannot be used. Replace the memory module.

328 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 25.50
Description: Runtime error – replaceable safety memory module
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Runtime error of the replaceable safety memory module. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.51
Description: Initialization error – replaceable safety memory module
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Initialization error of the replaceable safety memory module. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.61
Description: Error – restore point
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure 10
Failed to create restore point. Delete restore point.
Subfault: 25.70
Description: Incompatible card configuration
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The current configuration of the cards does not match the state – Restore the original configuration of the cards.
of the stored startup. – Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
For example, a card was removed that was still present during acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
startup. status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Subfault: 25.81
Description: Import error – Digital motor integration label
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error importing label of digital motor integration. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.5.22 Fault 26 External fault

Subfault: 26.1
Description: Terminal
Response: External fault
Cause Measure
Error message about external error source. Programmable via 8622.5 (default: Application stop (+ES)).
Subfault: 26.2
Description: Emergency shutdown
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Another module bus station requested external emergency Check other module bus stations for errors.
Subfault: 26.3
Description: Power section emergency shutdown
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Power section requested external emergency shutdown be- Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service.
cause it detected critical fault.
Subfault: 26.4
Description: External braking resistor fault
Response: Response to external braking resistor fault
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Cause Measure
External braking resistor's temperature switch connected to ter- – Check the resistor mounting position.
minal tripped. – Clean the resistor.
– Check the configuration of the resistor.
– Install a larger resistor.
– Check the trip switch settings.
– Optimize the travel cycle so that less regenerative operation
energy arises.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 329

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

10.5.23 Fault 28 FCB drive functions

Subfault: 28.1
Description: FCB 11/12 – Timeout while searching zero pulse
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to find zero pulse of encoder's C track within specified Check the encoder wiring.
search time during reference travel.
Subfault: 28.2
Description: FCB 11/12 – Hardware limit switch upstream of reference cam
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The hardware limit switch was reached during reference travel. Make sure that the reference cam is not installed downstream
The reference cam was not detected. of the hardware limit switch.
Subfault: 28.3
Description: FCB 11/12 – Hardware limit switch and reference cam not flush
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Hardware limit switch and reference cam not mounted flush. Make sure that the reference cam and the hardware limit
switch are mounted flush.
Subfault: 28.4
Description: FCB 11/12 – Reference offset error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error when determining reference offset. – Make sure that the reference offset is not set to a larger value
than the "Modulo maximum" limit value.
When using a single-turn absolute encoder, make sure that the
reference offset is not set to a larger value than one encoder
Subfault: 28.5
Description: FCB 11/12 – Referencing not possible
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
In the active drive train, the "Actual position source" parameter Assign "Actual position source", or do not perform any referen-
is set to "No encoder". cing.
Subfault: 28.6
Description: FCB 11/12 – Limit switch/reference cam not flush/overlapping with fixed stop
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Hardware limit switch or reference cam that has not been se- Check whether the parameters set for reference travel are cor-
lected was approached during reference travel to fixed stop. rect.
During reference travel to fixed stop with selected hardware Check whether the parameters set for reference travel are cor-
limit switch or reference cam, the fixed stop was reached rect.
without approaching the hardware limit switch or reference
Subfault: 28.7
Description: FCB 21 – Test torque greater than maximum torque at motor shaft
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The required test torque for the brake test is higher than the Reduce the test torque.
maximum torque. It cannot be generated by the motor/inverter
Subfault: 28.8
Description: FCB 21 – Test torque not reached
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Response: Output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
Test torque required for brake test exceeds valid limit values. – Reduce the test torque.
– Check limit values.

330 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 28.9
Description: FCB 18 – Rotor position identification not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Rotor position identification started with incremental encoder – Restart the rotor position identification.
but aborted prematurely. – Check whether the encoder is connected correctly.
– Check whether encoder is defective.
Result of rotor position identification cannot be stored in en- Select "Inverter" as storage location.
Combination of "Automatic" mode and "Encoder" storage loca- Set the operating mode to "Manual" or the storage location to
tion not permitted. "Inverter".
Subfault: 28.10
Description: FCB 25 – Unbalanced motor phases
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Significantly different values determined in the three phases – Check whether the motor is connected correctly.
while measuring stator resistances. – Check all contact points on the motor and inverter.
– Check the motor and motor cable for damage.
Subfault: 28.11
Description: FCB 25 – At least one phase with high resistance
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
At least one motor phase could not be measured during motor – Check whether the motor is connected correctly.
parameter measurement. – Check all contact points on the motor and inverter.
– Check the motor and motor cable for damage.
Subfault: 28.12
Description: FCB 25 – Timeout during stator resistance measurement
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor parameter measurement activated while motor is turning. – Stop motor.
– Start motor parameter measurement when the motor is at
Subfault: 28.13
Description: FCB 25 – Characteristic curve identification not possible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Motor parameter measurement does not allow for unique iden- Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
tification of the characteristic curve.
Subfault: 28.14
Description: Modulo min. and max. swapped
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
In the active data set, the value for "Modulo minimum" is Swap the values for modulo minimum and modulo maximum.
greater than the value for "Modulo maximum"; see Monitoring
functions\Limit values 1 or Monitoring functions\Limit values 2.
Subfault: 28.15
Description: FCB 25 – Timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Measuring rotor resistance, LSigma, or stator inductance not Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
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10.5.24 Fault 29 HW limit switch

Subfault: 29.1
Description: Positive limit switch approached
Response: HW limit switch – current drive train
Cause Measure
Positive hardware limit switch approached. – Check hardware limit switch wiring.
– Check target position.
– Move clear of the hardware limit switch at negative speed.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 331

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 29.2
Description: Negative limit switch approached
Response: HW limit switch – current drive train
Cause Measure
Negative hardware limit switch approached. – Check hardware limit switch wiring.
– Check target position.
– Move clear of the hardware limit switch at positive speed.
Subfault: 29.3
Description: Limit switch missing
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Both positive and negative hardware limit switches approached – Check hardware limit switch wiring.
at the same time. – Check the parameter setting of digital inputs.
– Check the parameter setting of process output data.
Subfault: 29.4
Description: Limit switches swapped
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Positive hardware limit switch approached at negative speed, Check whether hardware limit switch connections are
or negative hardware limit switch approached at positive swapped.

10.5.25 Fault 30 Software limit switch

Subfault: 30.1
Description: Positive limit switch approached
Response: SW limit switches – current drive train
Cause Measure
Positive software limit switch approached. – Check software limit switch position.
– Check target position.
– Move clear of software limit switch with negative speed.
Subfault: 30.2
Description: Negative limit switch approached
Response: SW limit switches – current drive train
Cause Measure
Negative software limit switch approached. – Check software limit switch position.
– Check target position.
– Move clear of software limit switch with positive speed.
Subfault: 30.3
Description: Limit switches swapped
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Position value of negative software limit switch greater than po- Check software limit switch positions.
sition value of positive software limit switch.

10.5.26 Fault 31 Thermal motor protection

Subfault: 31.1
Description: Temperature sensor wire break – motor 1
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Connection to temperature sensor of motor 1 interrupted. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.2
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Description: Temperature sensor short circuit – motor 1

Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit in connection with temperature sensor of motor 1. Check the temperature sensor wiring.

332 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 31.3
Description: Temperature sensor overtemperature – motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature sensor of motor 1 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).
Subfault: 31.4
Description: Temperature model overtemperature – motor 1
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature model of motor 1 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000). 10
Subfault: 31.5
Description: Temperature sensor prewarning – motor 1
Response: Thermal motor protection 1 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by the temperature sensor of motor 1 Check for motor overload.
exceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.6
Description: Temperature model prewarning – motor 1
Response: Thermal motor protection 1 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 1 ex- Check for motor overload.
ceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.7
Description: UL temperature monitoring
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature model of active motor signals overtemperature. Check for motor overload.
Subfault: 31.9
Description: Temperature too low – temperature sensor – motor 1
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 1 below – Check if a KTY temperature sensor is installed in the motor
-50 °C. but the parameterization has been carried out for a Pt1000
temperature sensor.
– Heat the motor.
Subfault: 31.11
Description: Temperature sensor wire break – motor 2
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Connection to temperature sensor of motor 2 interrupted. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.12
Description: Temperature sensor short circuit – motor 2
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Short circuit in connection with temperature sensor of motor 2. Check the temperature sensor wiring.
Subfault: 31.13
Description: Temperature sensor overtemperature – motor 2
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Response: Output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
Temperature sensor of motor 2 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 333

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 31.14
Description: Temperature model overtemperature – motor 2
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Temperature model of motor 2 signals overtemperature. – Allow motor to cool down.
– Check for motor overload.
– Check whether the correct temperature sensor KY (KTY) was
parameterized instead of PK (Pt1000).
Subfault: 31.15
Description: Temperature sensor prewarning – motor 2
Response: Thermal motor protection 2 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by the temperature sensor of motor 2 Check for motor overload.
exceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.16
Description: Temperature model prewarning – motor 2
Response: Thermal motor protection 2 – prewarning threshold
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 2 ex- Check for motor overload.
ceeds prewarning threshold.
Subfault: 31.19
Description: Temperature too low – temperature sensor – motor 2
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Temperature signaled by temperature sensor of motor 2 below – Check if a KTY temperature sensor is installed in the motor
-50 °C. but the parameterization has been carried out for a Pt1000
temperature sensor.
– Heat the motor.

10.5.27 Fault 32 Communication

Subfault: 32.2
Description: EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS process data timeout
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
Process data timeout during EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS commu- – Check the wiring of the system bus and module bus.
nication. – Check that the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS configuration is cor-
rectly set in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
– Check EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS timeout configuration in the
Subfault: 32.3
Description: Faulty synchronization signal
Response: External synchronization
Cause Measure
Faulty synchronization signal period. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS config-
uration in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
Subfault: 32.4
Description: No synchronization signal
Response: External synchronization
Cause Measure
No synchronization signal present. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS config-
uration in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.
Subfault: 32.5
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Description: Synchronization timeout

Response: External synchronization
Cause Measure
Timeout while synchronizing to synchronization signal. Check for correct setting of the EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS config-
uration in the MOVI-C® CONTROLLER.

334 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 32.6
Description: Copy parameter set
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error while downloading parameter set to device. – Check the wiring of the system bus and module bus.
– Restart download.
Subfault: 32.7
Description: Application heartbeat timeout
Response: Application heartbeat – timeout response
Cause Measure
Communication interrupted between IEC program in MOVI-C® – Check the status of the IEC program.
CONTROLLER and device. – Restart the IEC program.
Subfault: 32.8
Description: User-timeout timeout
Response: User timeout timeout response 10
Cause Measure
The timeout time of the user timeout function elapsed. Write the parameter for triggering the user timeout function cyc-
lically before the timeout time elapses.
Subfault: 32.12
Description: Manual mode timeout
Response: Manual mode – timeout response
Cause Measure
Communication connection to device interrupted in manual – Check whether too many programs are open on the operator
mode. PC.
– Increase the timeout time in manual mode.
New Scope project created. – Reset fault.
– Restart manual operation.
Scope measurement loaded from device. – Reset fault.
– Restart manual operation.

10.5.28 Fault 33 System initialization

Subfault: 33.1
Description: Motor current measurement
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Motor current measurement detected an error. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.2
Description: Firmware CRC check
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Error checking firmware. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.6
Description: FPGA configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error checking FPGA configuration. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.7
Description: Function block compatibility error
Response: Output stage inhibit
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Cause Measure
Error checking compatibility of function block. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.8
Description: SW function block configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Error detected while checking configuration of software function Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 335

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 33.10
Description: Run-up timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
Timeout during system run-up. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.11
Description: Hardware compatibility error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Firmware does not match device. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.12
Description: Memory module plugged in
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
A plugged-in memory module was detected during device start. – Switch off the device. Remove the memory module and re-
The setting for the device parameter source is set to "Internal start the device.
memory". – Change the parameter "Non-volatile memory source" to "Ar-
bitrary" or "Replaceable memory module". Switch the device off
and on again.
Subfault: 33.13
Description: Memory module removed
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The device was started without a memory module. The setting Switch off the device. Insert the memory module and restart the
for the device parameter source is set to "Replaceable memory device.
Replaceable memory module removed during ongoing opera- Change the parameter "Non-volatile memory source" to "In-
tion. ternal memory". Switch the device off and on again.
Subfault: 33.14
Description: EtherCAT® slave controller cannot be accessed
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
EtherCAT® slave controller cannot be accessed. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.15
Description: Firmware configuration
Response: Output stage inhibit
System state: Fault acknowledgment with CPU reset
Cause Measure
The Device Update Manager detected a modified version of the Acknowledge the fault. Doing so will update the configuration
application firmware. data of the Device Update Manager.
The error occurs repeatedly several times. The Device Update Update the Device Update Manager.
Manager is outdated and cannot save the configuration.

10.5.29 Fault 34 Process data configuration

Subfault: 34.1
Description: Changed process data configuration
Response: Application stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
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Process data configuration changed during active process data – Stop the process data and make your changes. Then start
operation. the process data again.
– Perform a reset. Doing so will stop the process data, apply
the changes, and restart the process data.

336 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
10.5.30 Fault 35 Function activation
Subfault: 35.1
Description: Activation key – application level invalid
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The activation key was entered incorrectly. Enter the activation key again.
The activation key was not created for this device. Check the activation key.
When using a double axis, the activation key for the wrong in- Enter the activation key for the allocated instance.
stance was entered in the device.
An activation key for a technology level was entered in the Enter the activation key in the correct parameter.
parameter "Application level – Activation key".
Subfault: 35.2
Description: Application level too low
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure 10
The activated software module requires a higher application Enter an activation key for the required application level. You
level. can find the required level in the parameter 8438.3 "Application
level – Required level".
Subfault: 35.3
Description: Technology level too low
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
An activated technology function requires a higher technology Enter an activation key for the required technology level. You
level. can find the required level in the parameter 8438.13 "Techno-
logy level – Required level".
Subfault: 35.4
Description: Activation key – technology level invalid
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The activation key was entered incorrectly. Enter the activation key again.
The activation key was not created for this device. Check the activation key.
When using a double axis, the activation key for the wrong in- Enter the activation key for the allocated instance.
stance was entered in the device.
An activation key for an application level was entered in the Enter the activation key in the correct parameter.
parameter "Technology level – Activation key".

10.5.31 Fault 42 Lag error

Subfault: 42.1
Description: Positioning lag error
Response: Positioning lag error
Cause Measure
A lag error occurred during positioning. Check the connection of the encoder.
Incorrect encoder connection.
Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder.
Wiring faulty. Check the wiring of encoder, motor, and line phases.
Acceleration ramps too short. Extend the acceleration ramps.
P component of position controller too small. Set P component of position controller to a larger value.
Incorrectly set speed controller parameters. Check controller parameters.
Value of lag error tolerance too small. Increase the lag error tolerance.
Mechanical components cannot move freely or are blocked. Make sure mechanical parts can move freely, and check
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whether they are blocked.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 337

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 42.2
Description: Jog mode lag error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
A lag error occurred in jog mode (FCB 20). Check the connection of the encoder.
Incorrect encoder connection.
Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder.
Wiring faulty. Check the wiring of encoder, motor, and line phases.
Acceleration ramps too short. Extend the acceleration ramps.
P component of the position controller too small. Set P component of the position controller to a larger value.
Speed controller parameters set incorrectly. Check controller parameters.
Value of lag error tolerance too small. Increase the lag error tolerance.
Mechanical components cannot move freely or are blocked. Make sure mechanical parts can move freely, and check
whether they are blocked.
Subfault: 42.3
Description: Standard lag error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
A lag error has occurred outside a positioning process. Check the connection of the encoder.
Incorrect encoder connection.
Position encoder inverted or not installed correctly at the track. Check the installation and connection of the position encoder.
Wiring faulty. Check the wiring of encoder, motor, and line phases.
Acceleration ramps too short. Extend the acceleration ramps.
P component of the position controller too small. Set P component of the position controller to a larger value.
Speed controller parameters set incorrectly. Check controller parameters.
Value of lag error tolerance too small. Increase the lag error tolerance.

10.5.32 Fault 45 Fieldbus interface

Subfault: 45.1
Description: No response
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Basic device detects a plugged fieldbus interface. However, it – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
is not starting properly and so cannot be addressed. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 45.2
Description: Option interface
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
Basic device detects fault on internal interface for fieldbus con- – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
nection. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 45.3
Description: Process output data timeout
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
Fieldbus interface detected timeout of process output data on – Check master communication routine.
fieldbus interface. – Check the communication connection between process data
producer (master) and fieldbus interface. The data line might
28489470/EN – 02/2019

be interrupted.
– Extend the fieldbus timeout time.
– Switch off monitoring.

338 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 45.5
Description: Engineering interface
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Engineering interface no longer works, or works only to a lim- – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
ited extent. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 45.7
Description: Invalid process output data
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
– The producer of the process output data reports that the data – Check whether the PLC is in "Stop" state.
is invalid. – Restart the PLC.
– Process data is exchanged via the fieldbus but the data is in-
valid. 10
Subfault: 45.9
Description: Fieldbus interface – warning
Response: Warning
Cause Measure
Basic device detects non-critical fault on internal interface for – Reset the fault.
fieldbus connection. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 45.50
Description: Fieldbus interface – warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Fieldbus interface signals subcomponent fault of the type Refer to the subcomponent fault of the fieldbus interface and
"Warning". perform the action required for eliminating the fault.
Subfault: 45.51
Description: Fieldbus interface – fault
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
Fieldbus interface signals subcomponent fault of the type Refer to the subcomponent fault of the fieldbus interface and
"Standard". perform the action required for eliminating the fault.
Subfault: 45.52
Description: Fieldbus interface – critical fault
Response: Fieldbus – timeout response
Cause Measure
Fieldbus interface signals subcomponent fault of the type "Crit- Refer to the subcomponent fault of the fieldbus interface and
ical fault". perform the action required for eliminating the fault.

10.5.33 Fault 46 Safety card

Subfault: 46.1
Description: No response
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Failed to synchronize with subcomponent. – Check device assignment of basic device and option.
– Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Restart the device.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
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Subfault: 46.2
Description: Invalid variant
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Plugged safety card design does not match inverter type. – Remove the safety card.
– Use the correct safety card design.
For double axes, only designs without encoder interface can be – Remove option.
used. – Use the design without encoder interface.
For double axes, no encoder option must be plugged in. Remove the option.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 339

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 46.3
Description: Internal communication timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication interrupted between inverter and safety card. Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary. Con-
tact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the error is still present.
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "Warning". Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary. Con-
tact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the error is still present.
Subfault: 46.50
Description: Warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "Warning". For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 46.51
Description: Fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit with self-reset
Cause Measure
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "Standard For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
fault". correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 46.52
Description: Critical fault
Response: Output stage inhibit with self-reset
Cause Measure
Safety card signals subcomponent fault of the type "Critical – For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
fault". correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
– If the jumper plug is plugged at terminal "X6", remove the
jumper plug.

10.5.34 Fault 47 Supply unit

Subfault: 47.1
Description: Supply unit – warning
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
The supply unit signals a fault with response type "warning". For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
The fault is only displayed. correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 47.2
Description: Supply unit – standard fault
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The supply unit signals a fault with response type "standard". For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
The fault response is determined by the driver implemented on correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
the axis. The axis performs the fault response. the subcomponent (index 8365.3).
Subfault: 47.3
Description: Supply unit – critical fault
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
The supply unit signals a fault with response type "critical For the exact cause of the fault and for information on how to
28489470/EN – 02/2019

error". The fault response is determined by the driver imple- correct the cause of the problem, refer to the fault reported by
mented on the axis. The axis performs the fault response. the subcomponent (index 8365.3).

340 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
10.5.35 Fault 48 Module bus
Subfault: 48.1
Description: Incompatible
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Module bus slave and module bus master not compatible. Update the firmware of the module bus at the supply unit or the
axis modules to a compatible version.
Subfault: 48.2
Description: Timeout
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Timeout detected via module bus. Check cable connections and voltage supply of module bus
Subfault: 48.3
Description: Number of module bus slaves exceeded 10
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Too many module bus slaves. Reduce the number of module bus slaves to a maximum of one
module bus slave.
Subfault: 48.4
Description: CRC error
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
CRC error during module bus communication. – Restart the device.
– Reset the fault.
– Contact SEW-EURODRIVE service if the fault reoccurs.

10.5.36 Fault 50 I/O card

Subfault: 50.1
Description: Boot synchronization timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Card plugged in device but cannot be accessed. – Check device assignment of basic device and option.
– Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.2
Description: CRC error of FPGA driver
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Communication between FPGA and option card does not work, – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
or is interrupted. – Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.3
Description: CRC error of option card
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Option card signals CRC error on SPI bus. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.4
Description: Option card timeout error
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Response: Output stage inhibit

Cause Measure
Option card signals timeout error on SPI bus. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 341

10 Operation
Fault description on basic device

Subfault: 50.5
Description: Option card watchdog error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Microcontroller of option card signals a watchdog error. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.6
Description: Ready signal timeout
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Card booted but cyclical communication not possible. – Check card slot and installation and correct if necessary.
– Check for EMC-compliant installation.
– Restart device.
Subfault: 50.7
Description: Frame error of option card
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Faulty communication between option card and basic device. –

10.5.37 Fault 51 Analog processing

Subfault: 51.1
Description: Analog current input 4 mA limit
Response: Warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Input current below 4 mA. Check the input current.

10.5.38 Fault 52 Explosion protection function category 2

Subfault: 52.1
Description: Startup error
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
No valid startup available. Perform startup.
Subfault: 52.2
Description: Impermissible system function
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Impermissible system function activated. Disable impermissible functions when Ex protection function is
active, such as "Activate standstill current" = "On" in the active
control mode.
Subfault: 52.3
Description: Inverter too large
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Ratio of inverter current to nominal motor current too large. Check the assignment of motor and inverter, and check the di-
mensioning of the system.
Subfault: 52.4
Description: Parameterization of current limit characteristic
Response: Output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
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Error while setting parameters for current limit characteristic. – Parameterize the current limit characteristic.
– Perform startup again.

342 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault description on basic device 10
Subfault: 52.5
Description: Time duration exceeded f < 5 Hz
Response: Emergency stop + output stage inhibit
Cause Measure
Duration of 60 s for f < 5 Hz exceeded. Check the dimensioning of the system: If speed control =
FCB 05, increase the speed. If speed = 0, inhibit output stage /
with stop FCBs, activate the brake function if a brake is in-

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 343

10 Operation
Power section fault description

10.6 Power section fault description

10.6.1 Fault 7 DC link
Subfault: 7.1
Description: DC link overvoltage
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Maximum permitted DC link voltage limit exceeded and output – Extend deceleration ramps.
stage inhibited by hardware. – Check supply cable to the braking resistor.
– Check the technical data of the braking resistor.

10.6.2 Fault 11 Temperature monitoring

Subfault: 11.7
Description: Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Remote – warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Wire break at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 11.8
Description: Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink
Response: Remote – warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Short circuit at temperature sensor of heat sink. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.6.3 Fault 17 Internal processor fault

Subfault: 17.6
Description: Watchdog
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
CPU watchdog responded.
Subfault: 17.7
Description: Exception error
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
Exception trap in CPU. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.6.4 Fault 18 Software error

Subfault: 18.7
Description: Fatal error
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
Fatal software error. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 18.8
Description: Invalid fault code
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
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Invalid fault code requested. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.

344 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Power section fault description 10
10.6.5 Fault 20 Device monitoring
Subfault: 20.1
Description: Supply voltage fault
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Internal electronics supply voltage or externally connected Check the voltage level of the external DC 24 V standby supply
DC 24 V standby supply voltage outside permitted voltage voltage and check for correct port. If required, correct.
range. – Acknowledge the fault.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device. For further
support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 20.8
Description: Fan warning
Response: Remote – warning with self-reset
Cause Measure
Fan function impaired. Check the fan for proper functioning. 10
Subfault: 20.9
Description: Fan fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Fan defective. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.6.6 Fault 25 Parameter memory monitoring

Subfault: 25.2
Description: NV memory – runtime error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Runtime error of non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.3
Description: NV data import – error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error importing non-volatile memory data from non-volatile – Reset the device.
memory. – If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.4
Description: NV setup – fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error while performing delivery state or during basic initializa- – Reset the device.
tion of the parameters. – If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.5
Description: NV data fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty data detected in non-volatile memory system. The data on the (mobile) non-volatile memory might have been
formatted for another unit. You can rectify the fault by reformat-
ting the data (basic initialization).
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 345

10 Operation
Power section fault description

Subfault: 25.6
Description: Incompatible device configuration
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
The data set in the device was copied from another device, – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
which differs from the current device in the device family, startup, if necessary.
power, or voltage. – Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Replaceable memory module used by another device. Power – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
rating, device family, or voltage differs from the current device. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
The power section was replaced and differs in its power rating – Check whether the configuration is correct and repeat the
or voltage from the original power section. startup, if necessary.
– Acknowledge the fault by manual reset with parameter set
acceptance. Setting under [Diagnostics] > [Status] > [Fault
status] parameter "Manual fault reset".
Subfault: 25.7
Description: NV memory initialization – error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error initializing non-volatile memory system. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.9
Description: NV memory hardware – fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty access to non-volatile memory hardware. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace the device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 25.10
Description: Power section configuration data – version conflict
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Wrong version of configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 25.12
Description: Power section configuration data – CRC error
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty configuration data of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.6.7 Fault 32 Communication

Subfault: 32.6
Description: Copy parameter set
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error while downloading parameter set to device. – Check the wiring of the system bus and module bus.
– Restart download.
Subfault: 32.13
Description: Process data timeout
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Response: Remote – warning with self-reset

Cause Measure
Process data timeout. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the safety card and
send it together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE.
For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

346 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Power section fault description 10
10.6.8 Fault 33 System initialization
Subfault: 33.2
Description: Firmware CRC check
Response: Disable rectifier
Cause Measure
Error checking firmware. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.8
Description: SW function block configuration
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Error detected while checking configuration of software function Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 33.9
Description: Power section hardware compatibility fault
Response: Remote – critical fault 10
Cause Measure
Firmware does not match hardware of power section. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.6.9 Fault 44 Subcomponent power section

Subfault: 44.1
Description: Power section SMPS fault
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
The switched-mode power supply in power section is faulty. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Hardware fault.
Subfault: 44.2
Description: Overcurrent phase U
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Overcurrent phase U. – Rectify the short circuit.
– Connect a smaller motor.
– Increase the ramp time.
– In the event of a defective output stage, contact
Subfault: 44.3
Description: Overcurrent phase V
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Overcurrent phase V. – Rectify the short circuit.
– Connect a smaller motor.
– Increase the ramp time.
– In the event of a defective output stage, contact
Subfault: 44.4
Description: Overcurrent phase W
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Overcurrent phase W. – Rectify the short circuit.
– Connect a smaller motor.
– Increase the ramp time.
– In the event of a defective output stage, contact
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Subfault: 44.5
Description: Faulty supply voltage for gate drivers
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty supply voltage for gate drivers for phases U, V, W. Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
Phase module not ready for operation. If the fault is still present, replace the device. Contact SEW-

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 347

10 Operation
Power section fault description

Subfault: 44.6
Description: Faulty supply voltage in gate drivers for brake chopper
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Faulty supply voltage in gate drivers for brake chopper. Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
Brake chopper not ready for operation. If the fault is still present, replace the device. Contact SEW-
Subfault: 44.7
Description: Hardware error signal
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Power section hardware signals a fault. It is not possible to pin- – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
point the fault. – If the fault is still present, replace the device. Contact SEW-

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348 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fieldbus interface fault description 10
10.7 Fieldbus interface fault description
10.7.1 Fault 17 Internal processor fault
Subfault: 17.7
Description: Exception error
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
Exception trap in CPU. Contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

10.7.2 Fault 18 Software error

Subfault: 18.4
Description: Task system
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
A fault was detected during the processing of the internal task – Switch the device off and on again.
system. This may be a timeout for cyclical tasks, for example. – Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.
Subfault: 18.7
Description: Fatal error
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Fatal software error. – Switch the device off and on again.
– If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the device and send it
together with the fault number to SEW-EURODRIVE. For fur-
ther support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 18.8
Description: Invalid fault code
Response: Remote – critical fault
Cause Measure
Invalid fault code requested. – Switch the device off and on again.
– Contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service if the fault persists.

10.7.3 Fault 25 Parameter memory monitoring

Subfault: 25.9
Description: NV memory hardware – fault
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Faulty access to non-volatile memory hardware. – Reset the device.
– If this occurs repeatedly, replace the device. Contact SEW-

10.7.4 Fault 45 Fieldbus interface

Subfault: 45.2
Description: Option interface
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Basic device detects fault on internal interface for fieldbus con- – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
nection. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
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Subfault: 45.5
Description: Engineering interface
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
Engineering interface no longer works, or works only to a lim- – Switch the power off and on again/perform a reset.
ited extent. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 349

10 Operation
Fieldbus interface fault description

Subfault: 45.6
Description: Process data exchange interrupted
Response: Remote – standard fault
Cause Measure
Fieldbus interface detected interrupted data exchange. Re-establish the connection with the fieldbus master.
Subfault: 45.8
Description: Invalid parameters
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
Invalid parameters detected for the fieldbus interface. The in- Check the following settings:
valid parameters were replaced with standard parameters. – IP address parameters.
– MAC ID parameters.
– Customer-specific device designation.
Subfault: 45.9
Description: Fieldbus interface – warning
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
Basic device detects non-critical fault on internal interface for – Reset the fault.
fieldbus connection. – If the fault occurs repeatedly, replace the fieldbus interface
and send it to SEW-EURODRIVE together with the fault num-
ber. For further support, contact SEW-EURODRIVE Service.
Subfault: 45.10
Description: Port statistics – Rx threshold exceeded
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
Port statistics check detected that the number of faulty frames Check the network.
exceeded Rx threshold.
Subfault: 45.11
Description: Port statistics – Tx threshold exceeded
Response: Remote – warning
Cause Measure
Port statistics check detected that the number of faulty frames Check the network.
exceeded Tx threshold.

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350 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Responses to fault acknowledgement 10
10.8 Responses to fault acknowledgement

10.8.1 Fault acknowledgement

During fault acknowledgement, the final fault status determines which reset type will
be executed, see following table.

Final fault status Responses to fault acknowledgement

System blocked System restart
System waiting Warm start: Delete fault code
Only display fault Warm start: Delete fault code

Software reset

Response Effect
Behavior equal to device start
Reference is lost
System restart with Fieldbus interface is restarted
start of the CPU
EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS is restarted
The active "fault message" is reset (digital output = 1, system
status = 0).

Software restart
A software restart is no real reset of the micro controller.

Response Effect
The firmware will be restarted, without the boot loader becom-
ing active (no display "b0"!).
Reference positions of incremental encoder systems will be
Any existing fieldbus interfaces are not affected.
Software restart
The interface between options and firmware system is initialized
again. A new boot synchronization to the fieldbus or control op-
tion takes place.
The active "fault message" is reset (digital output = 1, system
status = 0).
The ready signal is set again depending on the system state after the reset by the sys-
tem state control.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 351

10 Operation
Responses to fault acknowledgement

Warm start
A warm start only resets the fault code.

Response Effect
The firmware system is not rebooted.
All reference positions will be maintained.
Warm start Communication is not interrupted.
The active "fault message" is reset (digital output = 1, system
status = 0).

Fieldbus timeout
After manual reset of a fault, the fault message is deleted. The system changes to the
state "Waiting for data".

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352 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault responses 10
10.9 Fault responses

10.9.1 Default – fault response

Fault response Description
No response The inverter ignores the event.
The inverter sends a warning message with self-reset. The fault is automatically reset after
Warning with self-reset
the cause of fault is eliminated.
Warning The inverter issues a warning message.
Application stop (with output stage in- The inverter stops with the deceleration set for the application limit.
hibit) Parameter set 1 Index 8375.0-13
Application stop (with output stage in- Parameter set 2 Index 8375.8-13
hibit) with self reset For n=0: Brake "applied" and output stage "off".
Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) The inverter stops with the set emergency stop deceleration.
Parameter set 1 Index 8375.0-20 10
Emergency stop (with output stage in- Parameter set 2 Index 8375.8-20
hibit) with self-reset
Inhibit output stage with self reset
The output stage is deactivated and the brake is applied.
Inhibit output stage

Self-reset means: Eliminating the cause of the fault acknowledges the fault. The in-
verter automatically resumes the operation performed before the fault. The drive re-
starts automatically.

10.9.2 Parameterizable faults

Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response
Manual mode – timeout re- This parameter is used to set the response to 8504.3 • Application stop (with output stage in-
sponse a bus timeout during manual mode. hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Heat sink overtemperature – Here, you can set the device response when 8622.2 • No response
prewarning the prewarning threshold for heat sink utiliza- • Warning
tion is exceeded (index 8336.1).
Positioning lag fault This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.3 • No response
sponse to a lag error (lag error window ex- • Warning
ceeded, index 8509.4). • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Line phase failure This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.4 • No response
sponse to a line phase failure (values below • Warning
threshold defined by the user, index 8351.5). • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
External fault This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.5 • No response
sponse to an external fault (e.g. triggered by • Warning
terminal or control word). • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 353

10 Operation
Fault responses

Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response

Fieldbus – timeout This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.6 • Warning
sponse to an EtherCAT®/SBusPLUS timeout • Application stop (with output stage in-
(timeout time, index 8455.3). hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
• Warning with self reset
• Application stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Inhibit output stage with self reset
External synchronization This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.7 • No response
sponse to loss of external synchronization. • Warning
• Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
• Warning with self reset
• Application stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
• Inhibit output stage with self reset
Motor temperature prewarning – Motor temperature active parameter set – pre- 8622.8 • No response
current parameter set warning. • Warning
• Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Electromechanical utilization – This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.10 • No response
prewarning sponse to an exceeded prewarning threshold • Warning
for electromechanical utilization (index • Application stop (with output stage in-
8336.2). hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
HW limit switches – current 8622.11 • No response
parameter set • Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
SW limit switches – current 8622.12 • No response
parameter set • Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) with self reset
Encoder – warning This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.13 • Warning
sponse to an encoder warning. • Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Encoder – fault This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.14 • Application stop (with output stage in-
sponse to an encoder fault. hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Additional encoder This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.15 • Warning
sponse to a fault of an encoder that is not • Application stop (with output stage in-
used for control (speed or positioning control). hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Encoder 1 – latest fault 8622.16 • No response
Encoder 2 – latest fault 8622.17 • No response

354 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Fault responses 10
Parameterizable faults Description Index no. Possible fault response
Encoder 1 – latest critical fault 8622.18 • No response
• Inhibit output stage
Encoder 2 – latest critical fault 8622.19 • No response
• Inhibit output stage
Response to external braking re- External braking resistor fault 8622.20 • No response
sistor fault • Warning
• Application stop (with output stage in-
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
• Inhibit output stage
Application heartbeat timeout This parameter is used to set the device re- 8622.21 • Warning
sponse to a timeout of the application heart- • Application stop (with output stage in-
beat. hibit)
• Emergency stop (with output stage in-
hibit) 10
• Inhibit output stage
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 355

11 Service
Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE

11 Service
11.1 Electronics Service by SEW‑EURODRIVE
If you are unable to rectify a fault, contact SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. For the ad-
dresses, refer to‑
When contacting SEW‑EURODRIVE Service, always specify the following information
so that our service personnel can assist you more effectively:
• Information on the device type on the nameplate (e.g. type designation, serial
number, part number, product key, purchase order number)
• Brief description of the application
• Fault message on the status display
• Nature of the fault
• Accompanying circumstances
• Any unusual events preceding the problem

11.2 Extended storage

If the application inverters are stored in a temperature range of 5 °C to 40 °C, no
measures are required.
The following table lists the application inverters, time intervals, and measures that are
required if the application inverters are stored outside the abovementioned tempera-
ture range.
For all application inverters other than the ones listed, no measures are required.

Modules Time interval Measure

- MDX9_A-0020 – 5880-5_3-.. Line connections: Connect the device to the line
- MDX9_A-0070 – 1080-2_3-.. voltage for 5 minutes.
Every 2 years
All application inverters Connect the device to 24 V for 5 minutes.

11.2.1 Procedure in case maintenance has been neglected

If you have not performed maintenance regularly, SEW‑EURODRIVE recommends
that you increase the line voltage slowly up to the maximum voltage. This can be
done, for example, by using a variable transformer for which the output voltage has
been set according to the following overview. After you have completed the regenera-
tion process, the device can be used immediately or stored again.
The following graduations are recommended:
AC 400/500 V devices:
• Stage 1: 0 V to AC 350 V within a few seconds
28489470/EN – 02/2019

• Stage 2: AC 350 V for 15 minutes

• Stage 3: AC 420 V for 15 minutes
• Stage 4: AC 500 V for 1 hour

356 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Shutdown 11
11.3 Shutdown
To shut down the application inverter, de-energize the application inverter using ap-
propriate measures.

Electric shock due to incompletely discharged capacitors.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 minutes after disconnecting the power

11.4 Waste disposal
Observe the applicable national regulations.
Dispose of the following materials separately in accordance with the country-specific
regulations in force, such as:
• Electronics scrap (printed circuit boards)
• Plastic
• Sheet metal
• Copper
• Aluminum
This product falls within the scope of the European WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU on
waste electrical and electronic equipment.
Under no circumstances may electrical and electronic equipment be placed in regular
household waste. The product must be disposed of properly in accordance with the
currently applicable statutory regulations of the respective EU Member State, Norway,
Liechtenstein, and Iceland.
The aim of this is to ease the burden on natural resources and to protect the environ-
ment and human health from hazardous substances by bringing them to recycling.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 357

12 Functional safety
General information

12 Functional safety
12.1 General information
12.1.1 Underlying standards
The safety assessment of the device is based on the following standards and safety

Underlying standards
Safety class/ • Performance level (PL) in accordance with
underlying standard ISO 13849‑1:2015
• Safety Integrity Level (SIL) in accordance with
IEC 61800-5-2:2016
• Safety Integrity Level Claim Limit (SILCL) in accord-
ance with IEC 62061 2015

12.2 Integrated safety technology

The described safety technology of the device has been developed and tested in ac-
cordance with the following safety requirements:
• SIL 3 in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2:2016, IEC 61508:2010.
• PL e in accordance with ISO 13849-1:2015.
This was certified by TÜV Rheinland. Copies of the TÜV certificate and the corres-
ponding report are available from SEW-EURODRIVE on request.

12.2.1 Safe condition

For safety-related operation of the device, Safe Torque Off is defined as safe state
(see STO drive safety function). The safety concept is based on this definition.

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358 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Integrated safety technology 12
12.2.2 Safety concept
The device is supposed to be able to perform the drive safety function "Safe Torque
Off" in accordance with IEC 61800‑5‑2:
• Device is characterized by the optional connection of an external safety controller/
safety relay. This external safety controller/safety relay disconnects the safety-re-
lated STO input via a 2-pole 24 V switching signal (sourcing/sinking) when a con-
nected command device (e.g. emergency stop button with latching function) is acti-
vated. This activates the STO function of the device. As an alternative to an ex-
ternal safety controller/safety relay, the STO function can also be implemented
with the optional MOVISAFE® CS..A safety card.
• An internal, dual-channel structure with diagnostics prevents the generation of
pulse trains at the power output stage (IGBT).
• Instead of a galvanic isolation of the drive from the supply system by means of
contactors or switches, the disconnection of the STO input described here safely
prevents the activation of the power semiconductors in the output stage. The
rotary-field generation for the respective motor is deactivated even though the line
voltage is still present.
• When the STO drive safety function is activated, the generated PWM signals from
the device are interrupted by the STO circuit and not transmitted to the IGBTs.
• If the internal diagnostics of the STO circuit detects a discrepancy between the two
channels, the PWM signals are locked, i.e. the STO is activated. This locking re-
quires a reset by switching the DC 24 V supply voltage of the device or the
DC 24 V switching signal at the STO inputs F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2 off and on.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 359

12 Functional safety
Integrated safety technology

12.2.3 Schematic representation of the safety concept



[2] [6]


[3] Uz-



[1] STO function

[2] Drive controller
[3] Internal safety card/safety option (optional)
[4] Diagnostics and inhibiting unit
[5] External safety device (optional)
[6] Motor

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360 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Integrated safety technology 12
12.2.4 Drive safety functions
The following drive-related safety functions can be used:
• STO (Safe Torque Off in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2) by disconnecting the
STO input.
If the STO function is activated, the frequency inverter no longer supplies power to
the motor for generating torque. This drive safety function corresponds to a non-
controlled stop according to EN 60204-1, stop category 0.
The STO input must be disabled by a suitable external safety controller/safety re-
The following figure shows the STO function:




v Speed
t Time
t1 Point of time when STO is triggered
Disconnection range

• SS1(c) (SS1-t) (safe stop 1, function variant c in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2)
by means of suitable external control (e.g. safety relay with delayed disconnec-
The following sequence is mandatory:
– Decelerate the drive using an appropriate brake ramp specified via setpoints.
– Disconnect the STO input (= triggering the STO function) after a specified
safety-related time delay.
This drive safety function corresponds to a controlled stop in accordance with
EN 60204‑1, stop category 1.
The following figure illustrates the SS1(c) (SS1-t) function:
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 361

12 Functional safety
Integrated safety technology

t1 t t2


v Speed
t Time
t1 Point of time when brake ramp is initiated
t2 Point of time when STO is triggered
Δt Delay time until STO is triggered
Safe time delay range
Disconnection range

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362 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Integrated safety technology 12
12.2.5 Restrictions
• Note that if the drive does not have a mechanical brake or if the brake is defective,
the drive may coast to a halt (depending on the friction and mass moment of iner-
tia of the system). In the event of regenerative loads or with axes that are loaded
with gravitational forces or driven externally, the drive can even accelerate. This
must be taken into account in a risk assessment of the system/machine. Additional
safety measures might have to be implemented (e.g. safety brake system).
In the case of application-related drive safety functions that require bringing the
hazardous motion safely to a standstill, an additional safety brake system may be
necessary on an application-specific basis.
• When using the function SS1(c) (SS1-t) as described in the chapter "Drive safety
functions", the brake ramp of the drive is not monitored with respect to safety. In
the event of a fault, deceleration may fail during the delay time or, in the worst-
case scenario, there might be an acceleration. In this case, the STO function (see
the chapter "Safety functions") is only activated after the set time delay elapsed.
The resulting danger must be taken into account in the risk assessment of the sys- 12
tem/machine. Additional safety measures might have to be implemented.
• The STO function cannot prevent a possible jerk or DC braking.

The safety concept is suitable only for performing mechanical work on driven sys-
tem/machine components.
When the STO signal is disconnected, the voltage is still present at the DC link of
the device.
• Before working on the electric part of the drive system, disconnect it from the
supply voltage using an appropriate external disconnecting device and secure it
against unintentional reconnection.

Electric shock due to incompletely discharged capacitors.
Severe or fatal injuries.
• Observe a minimum switch-off time of 10 minutes after disconnecting the power

In the event of a safety-related disconnection of the DC 24 V supply voltage at the
STO connection, the brake controller is switched off. The brake control in the device
is not safety-related.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 363

12 Functional safety
Safety conditions

12.3 Safety conditions

The requirement for safe operation is that the drive safety functions of the application
inverter are properly integrated into an application-specific, higher-level drive safety
function. A system/machine-specific risk assessment must be carried out without fail
by the system/machine manufacturer and taken into account for the use of the drive
system with the device.
The system/machine manufacturer and the user are responsible for the compliance of
the system/machine with the applicable safety regulations.
The following requirements are mandatory when installing and operating the device in
safety-related applications:
• Use of the approved devices
• Installation requirements
• Requirements for external safety controllers and safety relays
• Startup requirements
• Operational requirements

12.3.1 Approved devices

The following device versions of MOVIDRIVE® technology are permitted for safety-re-
lated applications:

Device Size
MOVIDRIVE® technology All sizes

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364 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Safety conditions 12
12.3.2 Requirements for the installation
• The components must be protected against conductive dirt, e.g. by installing them
in a control cabinet with degree of protection IP54 in accordance with IEC 60529.
Assuming that the presence of conductive dirt can be excluded at the installation
site, a control cabinet with a correspondingly lower degree of protection is also
permitted if in accordance with the applicable standards (e.g. EN 60204‑1).
• The wiring technology used must comply with the standard EN 60204-1.
• The STO control cables must be routed according to EMC guidelines and as fol-
– Inside an electrical installation space: Single conductors can be routed.
– Outside a closed installation space: Shielded cables must be routed perman-
ently (fixed) and protected against external damage, or equivalent measures
must be taken.
– Adhere to the regulations in force for the application. 12
– The sinking and sourcing cables from the external safety controller/safety relay
to the device must be routed right next to each other with a cable length of
≤ 100 m.
– The sinking and sourcing cables from the external safety device to the device
must have the same cable length. A difference in length ≤ 3% of the two cables
is permitted.
– You must use suitable measures to ensure that STO control cables are routed
separately from the power lines of the drive. This does not apply to cables ap-
proved by SEW‑EURODRIVE specifically for this application case.
• The STO function does not detect short circuits or interference voltage in the sup-
ply line, so you must ensure the following:
– No parasitic voltages can occur in the STO control cables
– The external safety controller can detect a cross fault from an external potential
to the STO control lines
• Observe without fail the values specified for safety components when designing
the safety circuits.
• The STO signal (F_STO_P1, F_STO_P2, and F_STO_M) must not be used for
• For safety controller/safety relays, you must only use grounded voltage sources
with protective electrical separation (PELV) in accordance with EN 61131-2 and
EN 60204-1.
• If several voltage sources are used, each voltage source must be connected to a
PE system.
• When planning the installation, observe the technical data of the devices.
• Do not use the port X6:5 (24 V_Out) of the device for safety-related applications.
The voltage is only permitted to supply the port for the safe disconnection X6 when
a jumper plug is plugged.
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• For safety-related applications with the device, the jumper plug at the STO in-
put X6 must be removed.

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 365

12 Functional safety
Safety conditions

12.3.3 Requirements for external safety controllers

A safety relay can be used as an alternative to a safety controller. The following re-
quirements apply analogously.
• The safety controller and all other safety-related subsystems must be approved for
at least that safety class which is required in the overall system for the respective,
application-related drive safety function.
The following table shows an example of the required safety class of the safety

Application Safety controller requirements

Performance level d in accordance Performance level d in accordance with
with ISO 13849-1, SIL 2 in accord- ISO 13849-1
ance with EN 62061 SIL 2 in accordance with IEC 61508
Performance level e in accordance Performance level e in accordance with
with ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accord- ISO 13849-1, SIL 3 in accordance with
ance with EN 62061 EN 61508
• The wiring of the safety controller must be suitable for the required safety class
(see manufacturer documentation). The STO input of the device can be switched
with 2 poles (sourcing or sourcing/sinking) or with 1 pole (sourcing).
• The values specified for the safety controller must be strictly adhered to when
designing the circuit.
• No electro-sensitive protective equipment (such as a light grid or scanner) in ac-
cordance with EN 61496‑1 or emergency stop buttons may be connected directly
to the STO input. The connection must be made via a safety controller or a safety
• To ensure protection against an unintended startup in accordance with
EN ISO 14118, the safe control system must be designed and connected in such a
way that resetting the command device alone does not lead to a restart. This
means that a restart may be carried out only after a manual reset of the safety cir-
• If no fault exclusion is used for the STO wiring in accordance with ISO 13849‑2 or
IEC 61800‑5‑2, the external safety device must detect the following faults in the
STO wiring within 20 s depending on the connection type:
– 2-pole sourcing output:
Short circuit of 24 V at F_STO_P1 or F_STO_P2 (Stuck-at 1)
Crossfault between F_STO_P1 and F_STO_P2
– 2-pole sourcing/sinking:
Short circuit of 24 V at F_STO_P1 (Stuck-at 1)
Short circuit of 0 V at F_STO_M (Stuck-at 0)
– 1-pole sourcing output:
In the case of a single-pole connection, a fault exclusion is necessary for the
28489470/EN – 02/2019

wiring between the safety relay and the STO input.

2-pole sourcing output:
• Test pulses can be present when the device is switched on or off:
– The test pulses on both sourcing channels must be switched with a time delay.
However, additional test pulses may occur simultaneously.
– The test pulses in both sourcing channels must not exceed 1 ms.

366 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Safety conditions 12
– The next test pulse in one sourcing channel must occur only after a 2 ms time
– A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence
at an interval of 2 ms. Wait for at least 500 ms after any package before you
generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
– The test pulses must be monitored in the safety device. If a fault is detected,
the safety device must initiate a suitable fault response.
2-pole sourcing/sinking:
• Test pulses can be present when the device is switched on or off:
– The test pulses in the sourcing and sinking channel must not exceed 1 ms.
– The next test pulse in the sourcing or sinking channel must only occur after a
2 ms time period at the earliest.
– A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence
at an interval of 2 ms. Wait for at least 500 ms after any package before you 12
generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
– The test pulses must be monitored in the safety device. If a fault is detected,
the safety device must initiate a suitable fault response.
1-pole sourcing output:
• In switched-off state, no switch-on test pulses must occur in the sourcing cable.
• In switched-on state:
– The switch-off test pulse in the sourcing channel must not exceed 1 ms.
– The next switch-off test pulse may only occur after a time period of 2 ms at the
– A maximum package of 3 switch-on test pulses may be generated in sequence
at an interval of 2 ms. Wait for at least 500 ms after any package before you
generate another switch-on test pulse or another switch-on test pulse package.
– The test pulses must be monitored in the safety device. If a fault is detected,
the safety device must initiate a suitable fault response.

12.3.4 Requirements for startup

• To validate the implemented drive safety functions, they must be checked and
documented after successful startup (functional test).
• Observe the restrictions for drive safety functions in the chapter "Restrictions".
Non-safety-related parts and components that affect the result of the functional
test (e.g. motor brake) must be deactivated, if necessary.
• For using the device in safety-relevant applications, it is essential that you perform
and document startup checks for the disconnecting device and the correct elec-
trical connection.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 367

12 Functional safety
Safety conditions

12.3.5 Requirements for operation

• Operation is permitted only within the limits specified in the corresponding docu-
mentation. This principle applies to the external safety controller as well as to the
device and any approved options.
• The built-in diagnostic function is limited in the case of a permanently enabled or
permanently disabled STO input. Advanced diagnostic functions are performed
only upon a level change of the STO signal. This is why the STO input of the
device must be requested with connected line voltage at least once every 12
months for PL d in accordance with ISO 13849‑1 and SIL 2 IEC 61800-5-2 and at
least once every 3 months for PL e in accordance with ISO 13849‑1 and
SIL 3 IEC 61800‑5‑2 to achieve complete test coverage. Adhere to the following
test procedure.

[1] > 700 ms > 700 ms


[2] [2] [2]



[1] Maximum 12 months with PL d/SIL 2

Maximum 3 months with PL e/SIL 3
[2] Internal diagnostics
[3] High: No STO
[4] Low: STO active

• To achieve complete test coverage after a device reset (e.g. after connecting the
line voltage), the state transition (STO active → not active) can be started only >
700 ms later. The device signals "ready for operation" or "STO – Safe Torque Off"
if it is not in fault state.
• A detected hardware fault in the internal switch-off channels for STO will lead to a
locking fault state in the device. If the fault is reset (e.g. by switching the line
voltage on/off or by a low level at the STO input for at least 30 ms), a complete test
with internal diagnostics according to the abovementioned test procedure must be
performed. If the fault occurs again, replace the device or contact
SEW‑EURODRIVE Service. 28489470/EN – 02/2019

368 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Connection designs 12
12.4 Connection designs

12.4.1 General information

Generally, all the connection designs listed in this documentation are permitted for
safety-relevant applications, insofar as the safety conditions arising from this docu-
mentation are satisfied. This means that you must ensure without fail that the DC 24 V
safety inputs are activated by a safety controller or an external safety relay, so that an
independent restart is not possible.
All the safety conditions stipulated in the chapters "Integrated safety technology",
"Safety conditions", and "Connection variants" must be satisfied on a primary basis for
the basic selection, installation, and application of the safety components, such as
safety relay, emergency stop switch, and the approved connection variants.
The wiring diagrams are block diagrams whose only purpose is to show the drive
safety function(s) with the relevant components. For reasons of clarity, circuit-related
measures that usually always have to be implemented are not shown in the diagram. 12
These measures are e.g.:
• Ensuring the availability of touch guards.
• Handling overvoltages and undervoltages.
• Avoiding installation errors.
• Detecting ground faults or short circuits in externally installed lines.
• Guaranteeing the required interference immunity against electromagnetic interfer-

12.4.2 Requirements

Use of safety relays

The requirements of the manufacturers of safety relays (such as protecting the output
contacts against welding) or of other safety components must be strictly observed.
The basic requirements for cable routing apply as described in this documentation.
For connecting the device to the safety relays, observe the installation requirements in
accordance with the chapter "Installation requirements".
All instructions by the manufacturer of the safety relay used in the particular applica-
tion must be observed.
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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 369

12 Functional safety
Connection designs

Use of safety controllers

The switch-off test pulse of the used safe digital outputs (F-DO) must be ≤ 1 ms and
another switch-off test pulse must only occur 2 ms later at the earliest.


<1 ms >2 ms



[1] High
[2] Low

If the safety-related control voltage at X6 is switched off (STO activated), you must
observe the chapter "Requirements for the external safety controller" with regard to
the test pulses.

If F_STO_P1, F_STO_P2 are connected to DC 24 V, and F_STO_M is connected to
GND, STO is deactivated.

STO signal for group disconnection

For group drives, the STO signal may be provided for several devices by a single
safety relay. The following requirements must be met:
• The total cable length is limited to max. 100 m. Any other instructions published by
the manufacturer on the use of the safety device (for the respective application)
must also be observed.
• The maximum output current and the maximally permitted contact load of the
safety device must be observed (see the chapter "Technical data" > "Electronic
data – Drive safety functions").
• You must comply with the permitted signal levels at the STO input and all other
technical data of the device. The respective routing of the STO control cables and
the voltage drop must be considered.
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• Other requirements of the safety device manufacturer (such as protecting the out-
put contacts against welding) must be strictly observed. The basic requirements
for cable routing also apply.
• A calculation based on the technical data of the device must be performed separ-
ately for each case of group drive disconnection.
• A maximum of 20 devices may be used in a group disconnection.

370 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Connection designs 12
12.4.3 Wiring diagrams

Delivery state
In the delivery state, the terminals at the port for safe disconnection X6 are jumpered.
1 F_STO_P1 1
2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] STO terminal X6

2-pole sourcing 12
[1] [2]
F-DO_P1 1 F_STO_P1 1
F-DO_P2 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety device

[2] STO terminal X6

2-pole sourcing/sinking
[1] [2]
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1
F-DO_M 2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety device

[2] STO terminal X6

1-pole sourcing
[1] [2]
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1
3 F_STO_P2 3
28489470/EN – 02/2019

4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety device

[2] STO terminal X6

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 371

12 Functional safety
Connection designs

STO group disconnection, 2-pole, sourcing

[1] [2] [2]

X6 X6
F-DO_P1 1 F_STO_P1 1 1 F_STO_P1 1
GND 2 F_STO_M 2 2 F_STO_M 2
F-DO_P2 3 F_STO_P2 3 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4 4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5 5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety controller

[2] STO terminal X6

STO group disconnection, 2-pole, sourcing/sinking

[1] [2] [2]

X6 X6
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1 1 F_STO_P1 1
F-DO_M 2 F_STO_M 2 2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4 4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5 5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety controller

[2] STO terminal X6

STO group disconnection, 1-pole, sourcing

[1] [2] [2]

X6 X6
F-DO_P 1 F_STO_P1 1 1 F_STO_P1 1
GND 2 F_STO_M 2 2 F_STO_M 2
3 F_STO_P2 3 3 F_STO_P2 3
4 0V24_OUT 4 4 0V24_OUT 4
5 24 V_OUT 5 5 24 V_OUT 5


[1] External safety controller

[2] STO terminal X6
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372 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Functional safety
Connection designs 12
12.4.4 Port X6 on the device
The following figure shows the X6 port on the top of the device.

[1] 4



[1] X6: Connection for Safe Torque Off (STO)

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Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 373

12 Functional safety
Safety characteristics

12.5 Safety characteristics

Characteristic values in accordance with
IEC 61800-5-2 ISO 13849-1
Tested safety class/underlying stand- Safety integrity level 3 Performance level e /
ards category 3
Probability of a dangerous failure per 2.5 × 10-9 h-1
hour (PFH value)
Service life 20 years, after which the component must be replaced with a new
Proof test interval > 20 years –
Safe state Safe Torque Off (STO)
Drive safety function STO, SS11) in accordance with IEC 61800-5-2
1) With suitable external control

In the case of 1-pole wiring, the achievable performance level in accordance with
ISO 13849-1 is reduced to PL d, and the achievable Safety Integrity Level in accord-
ance with IEC 61800-5-2 is reduced to SIL 2. A fault exclusion is necessary for the
wiring between the safety relay and the STO input.

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374 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Abbreviation key 13
13 Appendix
13.1 Abbreviation key
The following table lists the abbreviations that are used in this document together with
their unit and meaning.

Abbreviation Information on Unit Meaning

the nameplate
ASM Asynchronous motor
C C μF Capacitance
fmax f Hz Maximum output frequency
fline f Hz Line frequency
fPWM kHz Frequency of the pulse width modulation
h m Installation altitude
Itrip A Tripping current (braking resistor)
Imax Imax A Max. DC link current (specification on the nameplate)
Imax A Maximum output current (encoder cards)
Ipeak A Output peak current (encoder cards)
IA max A Max. output current
IAppl A Total current of the application
IN A Nominal output current/nominal current (filter, choke)
Iline I A Nominal line current
INDCL I A Nominal DC link current
LN mH Inductance
LSPM Line Start Permanent Magnet
Peff kW Effective power (braking resistor)
Pmax kW Maximum power (braking resistor)
PMot P(ASM) kW Motor power of the asynchronous motor
PN kW Nominal motor power (rated power)
PV W Power loss
PWM Pulse width modulation
RBR Ω Value of the braking resistance
RBRmin Ω Minimum value of the braking resistance
SN S kVA Apparent output power
SM Synchronous motor
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UA U V Motor output voltage

UBR V Brake supply voltage
UN V Nominal line voltage (filter, choke)
Uline U V Connection voltage
UNDCL U V Nominal DC link voltage

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 375

13 Appendix
Abbreviation key

Abbreviation Information on Unit Meaning

the nameplate
Uout V DC 24 V to supply STO_P1 and STO_P2
US V Supply voltage of encoders
US12VG V DC 12 V supply voltage of encoders
US24VG V DC 24 V supply voltage of encoders
UI24 V Voltage supply for electronics and brake
ϑamb T °C Ambient temperature
(+ES) ... with output stage inhibit

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376 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology


Icons Terminal assignment EnDat encoder ........... 248
Terminal assignment HIPERFACE® and SEW
+24 V supply voltage ......................................... 231 encoder (RS485) .......................................... 247
A Terminal assignment of TTL, HTL, sin/cos en-
coder ............................................................ 247
Abbreviation key ................................................ 375 Terminal assignment SSI + sin/cos combination
Ambient conditions .............................................. 42 encoders....................................................... 249
Ambient temperature ........................................... 42 Terminal assignment SSI encoder ............... 248
Approved devices .............................................. 364 CFC control mode ............................................... 28
Assembly Checking the disconnection device ................... 367
Safety notes ................................................. 197 CIO21A and CID21A input/output card ............. 243
B Cable lengths and shielding ......................... 243
Connecting braking resistors in parallel ............ 253
Bore patterns ..................................................... 213
Connecting cables, operating switches. ............ 288
Brake control ..................................................... 276
Connecting power ............................................. 288
Brake output ...................................................... 233
Connection diagram of digital inputs and outputs
Braking resistor selection .................................. 140 ..................................................................... 283
Braking resistors.......................................... 68, 250 Connection to Service interface ........................ 295
External bimetallic relay ............................... 259 Connection variants........................................... 369
Internal temperature switch .......................... 255 Connections ........................................................ 64
Parallel connection of braking resistors........ 253 Control cabinet installation ................................ 218
Permitted installation .................................... 250 Control mode ....................................................... 27
Protection of braking resistor against thermal CFC ................................................................ 28
overload........................................................ 253
Characteristics................................................ 31
C ELSM® ............................................................ 28
U/f................................................................... 27
VFCPLUS....................................................... 27
Encoder cable with conductor end sleeves and
D-sub............................................................ 182 Copyright notice ................................................ 192
Encoder cable with connection cover and D-sub Covers
..................................................................... 182 Covers .......................................................... 215
Encoder cable with M23 and D-sub ............. 183 Touch guards ............................................... 216
Encoder extension cable with conductor end D
sleeves and M23 .......................................... 184
Encoder extension cable with connection cover Decimal separator ............................................. 192
and M23 ....................................................... 183 Degree of protection ............................................ 42
Encoder extension cable with M23 and D-sub Derating ............................................................. 197
..................................................................... 185
Description of the FCBs ...................................... 21
Encoder extension cable with two M23 ........ 184
Designated use ................................................. 195
Cables ............................................................... 158
Device structure ................................................ 200
Card installation................................................. 237
28489470/EN – 02/19

Connection variants...................................... 200

Cards, combination options ............................... 209
Type code..................................................... 202
CES11A multi-encoder card .............................. 246
Use of cards ................................................. 209
Encoder connection/cable lengths ....... 234, 246
Digital inputs and outputs .................................. 233
Supported encoder types ............................. 246
Disconnection of a single device
Terminal assignment CANopen encoder ..... 249
Requirements ............................................... 369

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 377


Drive safety functions – electronics data ............. 51 External safety controllers ................................. 366
Drive selection ..................................................... 90 Braking resistors
E External thermal circuit breaker TCB ........... 254
Electrical installation .................................. 198, 222
+24 V supply voltage .................................... 231 Fault description ................................................ 305
Brake output ................................................. 233 Fault display of the 7-segment display .............. 302
Covers .......................................................... 215 Fault responses ................................................. 353
Digital inputs and outputs ..................... 233, 283 Default fault response .................................. 353
Encoder ........................................................ 234 Parameterizable faults.................................. 353
Encoder connection...................................... 234 FCB concept........................................................ 21
Fuse types, line fuses................................... 227 Description of the FCBs ................................. 21
General information...................................... 223 FCB description ................................................... 21
Installation notes encoder connection .......... 234 Fieldbus interface
Line connection ............................................ 227 Connections ................................................... 64
Line contactor............................................... 230 Installing ....................................................... 240
Line fuses, fuse types................................... 227 LEDs............................................................... 64
Motor connection.......................................... 229 Removing ..................................................... 242
Motor output – permitted connection............ 232 FS standards ..................................................... 358
Output brake chopper................................... 232 FS validity .......................................................... 358
Permitted voltage systems ........................... 224 Function control block ......................................... 21
Safety notes ................................................. 198 Functional safety technology
Temperature evaluation of the motor ........... 232 Safety note ................................................... 196
Terminal assignment .................................... 268 Fuse types, line fuses........................................ 227
Use in IT systems......................................... 224 G
Electronics Service ............................................ 356
ELSM® control mode ........................................... 28 Group drive and multi-motor drive ....................... 92
Embedded safety notes..................................... 191 H
EMC-compliant installation ................................ 263
Hazard symbols
Encoder cables for CFM.. motors...................... 175
Meaning........................................................ 191
Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ..................... 165
Encoder cables for DR.. motors ........................ 178 I
Encoder connection Identifying drive safety functions ....................... 367
Installation notes .......................................... 234 Installation
Prefabricated cables..................................... 234 Electrical installation..................................... 222
Energy-saving functions ...................................... 34 EMC-compliant installation........................... 263
Partial magnetization...................................... 34 Line filter....................................................... 262
Standby mode ................................................ 34 Permitted installation of braking resistors..... 250
Engineering software Permitted tightening torques ........................ 210
MOVISUITE® .................................................. 36 Requirements ............................................... 365
28489470/EN – 02/19

EtherCAT® Installation accessories ....................................... 48

Beckhoff trademark ...................................... 192 Installation altitude............................................... 42
Explosion-proof AC motors ................................. 93 Installation instructions
Extended storage .............................................. 356 Derating........................................................ 197
External bimetallic relay .................................... 259 Installation altitude........................................ 197

378 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology


Installation notes Operating states of the 7-segment display ........ 302

Derating........................................................ 197 Operation
Installation altitude > 1000 m ....................... 197 Fault description ........................................... 305
Installing a card ................................................. 237 Fault display of the 7-segment display ......... 302
Installing options and accessories Fault responses............................................ 353
CES11A multi-encoder card......................... 246 Fieldbus timeout ........................................... 352
CID21A terminal assignment........................ 245 Memory module............................................ 301
CIO21A and CID21A input/output card ........ 243 Operating states of the 7-segment display... 302
CIO21A terminal assignment ....................... 244 Responses to fault reset............................... 351
Interference immunity, interference emission...... 42 Safety notes ................................................. 199
Internal temperature switch ............................... 255 Software reset .............................................. 351
IT systems ......................................................... 224 Software restart ............................................ 351
L Table of displays .......................................... 303
Warm start.................................................... 352
LEDs.................................................................... 64 Operation, requirements.................................... 368
Lifting applications ..................................... 195, 288
Line choke for power supply module ............. 79, 81
Line connection ................................................. 227 Partial magnetization ........................................... 34
Line contactor .................................................... 230 Permitted tightening torques ............................. 210
Line fuses, fuse types........................................ 227 Permitted voltage systems ................................ 224
Line power components .................................... 152 Power cables for CFM.. motors ......................... 170
M Power cables for CMP.. motors......................... 159
Power components on the line side .................. 152
Mechanical installation Prefabricated cables.......................................... 158
Installing the fieldbus interface ..................... 240 Encoder cables for CFM.. motors................. 175
Removing the fieldbus interface ................... 242 Encoder cables for CMP.. motors ................ 165
Memory module................................................. 301 Encoder cables for DR.. motors ................... 178
Minimum clearance and mounting position ....... 214 Power cables for CFM.. motors.................... 170
Module bus and system bus cable .................... 186 Power cables for CMP.. motors.................... 159
Motor connection ............................................... 229 Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors ... 168
Motor output – permitted connection ................. 232 System bus and module bus cable .............. 186
Motors that can be connected ............................. 90 Product description
MOVISUITE® ....................................................... 36 Control mode.................................................. 27
Multi-motor drive and group drive........................ 92 Energy-saving functions ................................. 34
N FCB concept................................................... 21
MOVISUITE® .................................................. 36
Product overview accessories........................ 18
Performance data nameplate ....................... 201
Product names .................................................. 192
System nameplate........................................ 201
Product overview accessories ............................. 18
CES11A multi-encoder card........................... 18
Designation in the documentation ................ 190
28489470/EN – 02/19

CID21A input/output card ............................... 18

Meaning of the hazard symbols ................... 191
CIO21A input/output card............................... 18
O Project planning
Operating displays and faults Braking resistor selection ............................. 140
Table of displays .......................................... 303 Drive selection................................................ 90
Encoder cables............................................. 150

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 379


Explosion-proof AC motors ............................ 93 Structure of embedded................................. 191

Group drive and multi-motor drive.................. 92 Structure of section-related .......................... 190
Motors that can be connected ........................ 90 Transport ...................................................... 196
Power components on the line side ............. 152 Safety relays, requirements............................... 369
Requirements for the brake control ................ 94 Safety technology
SEW‑Workbench............................................ 88 Safe state ..................................................... 358
Signal lines ................................................... 150 Safety-related conditions ................................... 364
Protection of braking resistor against thermal over- Section-related safety notes .............................. 190
load............................................................... 253 Separation, protective ....................................... 198
Protective separation......................................... 198 Service
R Extended storage ......................................... 356
Shutdown ..................................................... 357
Repair ................................................................ 356
Service interface................................................ 295
Setting the EtherCAT® ID .................................. 289
External safety controllers ............................ 366
SEW‑Workbench ................................................. 88
Installation .................................................... 365
Shutdown .......................................................... 357
Operation...................................................... 368
Signal terminals – electronics data...................... 49
Startup.......................................................... 367
Signal words in safety notes.............................. 190
Requirements for startup ................................... 290
Single-cable technology for CMP.. motors ........ 168
Requirements for the brake control ..................... 94
Standby mode ..................................................... 34
Responses to fault acknowledgement
Fieldbus timeout ........................................... 352
Checklist....................................................... 294
Software reset .............................................. 351
Connecting cables, operating switches ........ 288
Software restart ............................................ 351
Connecting power ........................................ 288
Warm start.................................................... 352
Lifting applications........................................ 288
Responses to fault reset.................................... 351
Safety notes ................................................. 199
Restrictions to application ................................. 197
Setting the EtherCAT® ID ............................. 289
Rights to claim under limited warranty .............. 192
Startup procedure......................................... 291
S Startup requirements ......................................... 290
Safe state .......................................................... 358 Startup with the CBG11A keypad...................... 298
Safe Torque Off (STO) ...................................... 361 Startup with the CBG21A keypad...................... 296
Safety concept................................................... 359 Startup, requirements ........................................ 367
Restrictions................................................... 363 Status LEDs ........................................................ 64
Safety controllers, external ................................ 366 STO (Safe Torque Off) ...................................... 361
Requirements ............................................... 366 System bus and module bus cable ................... 186
Safety controllers, requirements........................ 370 T
Safety functions ................................................. 196
Target group ...................................................... 194
Safety notes
TCB circuit breaker............................................ 254
Assembly...................................................... 197
Technical data
28489470/EN – 02/19

Designation in the documentation ................ 190

Cards.............................................................. 60
Installation .................................................... 197
CES11A multi-encoder card........................... 62
Installation altitude > 1000 m ....................... 197
CIO21A and CID21A input/output cards ........ 60
Meaning of the hazard symbols ................... 191
DRL.. servomotors, 4-pole, 50 Hz, 400 V..... 106
Preliminary information................................. 194
Encoder interfaces ......................................... 67
Regenerative operation ................................ 198
General technical data ................................... 65

380 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology


Line choke for power supply module.............. 81 U

Line components for power supply module.... 79
U/f control mode .................................................. 27
Safe digital inputs ........................................... 65
Use in IT systems .............................................. 224
Safe digital outputs......................................... 66
Use of cards ...................................................... 209
Sensor supply................................................. 65
TCB thermal circuit breaker............................ 77 V
Technical data of CMP and CMPZ servomotors Validation........................................................... 367
CMP motors ................................................. 120 VFCPLUS control mode ...................................... 27
Technical data of encoder interfaces .................. 67
Temperature evaluation of the motor ................ 232
Terminal assignment ......................................... 268 Waste disposal .................................................. 357
CID21A......................................................... 245 Wiring diagrams ................................................ 273
CIO21A......................................................... 244 Brake control ................................................ 276
Tightening torques............................................. 210 Connection diagram of digital inputs ............ 283
Trademarks ....................................................... 192 General information...................................... 273
Transport ........................................................... 196 Power connection......................................... 273
Transport of the inverter .................................... 211 Workbench .......................................................... 88
Type code.......................................................... 202
28489470/EN – 02/19

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 381

14 Address list

14 Address list
Assembly Buenos Aires SEW EURODRIVE ARGENTINA S.A. Tel. +54 3327 4572-84
Sales Ruta Panamericana Km 37.5, Lote 35 Fax +54 3327 4572-21
(B1619IEA) Centro Industrial Garín
Prov. de Buenos Aires

Assembly Melbourne SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 3 9933-1000
Sales 27 Beverage Drive Fax +61 3 9933-1003
Service Tullamarine, Victoria 3043
Sydney SEW-EURODRIVE PTY. LTD. Tel. +61 2 9725-9900
9, Sleigh Place, Wetherill Park Fax +61 2 9725-9905
New South Wales, 2164

Assembly Vienna SEW-EURODRIVE Ges.m.b.H. Tel. +43 1 617 55 00-0
Sales Richard-Strauss-Straße 24 Fax +43 1 617 55 00-30
Service 1230 Wien

Sales Bangladesh SEW-EURODRIVE INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED Tel. +88 01729 097309
345 DIT Road
East Rampura
Dhaka-1219, Bangladesh

Sales Minsk Foreign unitary production enterprise SEW- Tel. +375 17 298 47 56 / 298 47 58
EURODRIVE Fax +375 17 298 47 54
RybalkoStr. 26
220033 Minsk

Assembly Brussels SEW-EURODRIVE n.v./s.a. Tel. +32 16 386-311
Sales Researchpark Haasrode 1060 Fax +32 16 386-336
Service Evenementenlaan 7
3001 Leuven
Service Competence Industrial SEW-EURODRIVE n.v./s.a. Tel. +32 84 219-878
Center Gears Rue du Parc Industriel, 31 Fax +32 84 219-879
6900 Marche-en-Famenne

Production São Paulo SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 19 3835-8000
Sales Estrada Municipal José Rubim, 205 – Rodovia
Service Santos Dumont Km 49
Indaiatuba – 13347-510 – SP
Assembly Rio Claro SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Tel. +55 19 3522-3100
Sales Rodovia Washington Luiz, Km 172 Fax +55 19 3524-6653
Service Condomínio Industrial Conpark
Caixa Postal: 327
13501-600 – Rio Claro / SP
Joinville SEW-EURODRIVE Brasil Ltda. Jvl / Ind Tel. +55 47 3027-6886
Rua Dona Francisca, 12.346 – Pirabeiraba Fax +55 47 3027-6888
89239-270 – Joinville / SC

28489470/EN – 02/2019

Sales Sofia BEVER-DRIVE GmbH Tel. +359 2 9151160

Bogdanovetz Str.1 Fax +359 2 9151166
1606 Sofia

382 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Address list
Sales Douala SEW-EURODRIVE S.A.R.L. Tel. +237 233 39 02 10
Ancienne Route Bonabéri Fax +237 233 39 02 10
P.O. Box sew@sew-eurodrive-cm
B.P 8674

Assembly Toronto SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 905 791-1553
Sales 210 Walker Drive Fax +1 905 791-2999
Service Bramalea, ON L6T 3W1
Vancouver SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 604 946-5535
Tilbury Industrial Park Fax +1 604 946-2513
7188 Honeyman Street
Delta, BC V4G 1G1
Montreal SEW-EURODRIVE CO. OF CANADA LTD. Tel. +1 514 367-1124
2001 Ch. de I'Aviation Fax +1 514 367-3677
Quebec H9P 2X6

Assembly Santiago de SEW-EURODRIVE CHILE LTDA Tel. +56 2 2757 7000
Sales Chile Las Encinas 1295 Fax +56 2 2757 7001 14
Service Parque Industrial Valle Grande
Santiago de Chile
P.O. Box
Casilla 23 Correo Quilicura - Santiago - Chile

Production Tianjin SEW-EURODRIVE (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 22 25322612
Assembly No. 78, 13th Avenue, TEDA Fax +86 22 25323273
Sales Tianjin 300457
Assembly Suzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 512 62581781
Sales 333, Suhong Middle Road Fax +86 512 62581783
Service Suzhou Industrial Park
Jiangsu Province, 215021
Guangzhou SEW-EURODRIVE (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 20 82267890
No. 9, JunDa Road Fax +86 20 82267922
East Section of GETDD
Guangzhou 510530
Shenyang SEW-EURODRIVE (Shenyang) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 24 25382538
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 24 25382580
Shenyang Economic Technological Develop-
ment Area
Shenyang, 110141
Taiyuan SEW-EURODRIVE (Taiyuan) Co,. Ltd. Tel. +86-351-7117520
No.3, HuaZhang Street, Fax +86-351-7117522
TaiYuan Economic & Technical Development
ShanXi, 030032
Wuhan SEW-EURODRIVE (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 27 84478388
10A-2, 6th Road Fax +86 27 84478389
No. 59, the 4th Quanli Road, WEDA
430056 Wuhan
Xi'An SEW-EURODRIVE (Xi'An) Co., Ltd. Tel. +86 29 68686262
No. 12 Jinye 2nd Road Fax +86 29 68686311
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Xi'An High-Technology Industrial Development

Xi'An 710065
Sales Hong Kong SEW-EURODRIVE LTD. Tel. +852 36902200
Service Unit No. 801-806, 8th Floor Fax +852 36902211
Hong Leong Industrial Complex
No. 4, Wang Kwong Road
Kowloon, Hong Kong

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 383

14 Address list

Assembly Bogota SEW-EURODRIVE COLOMBIA LTDA. Tel. +57 1 54750-50
Sales Calle 17 No. 132-18 Fax +57 1 54750-44
Service Interior 2 Bodega 6, Manzana B
Santafé de Bogotá

Sales Zagreb KOMPEKS d. o. o. Tel. +385 1 4613-158
Service Zeleni dol 10 Fax +385 1 4613-158
10 000 Zagreb

Czech Republic
Assembly Hostivice SEW-EURODRIVE CZ s.r.o. Tel. +420 255 709 601
Sales Floriánova 2459 Fax +420 235 350 613
Service 253 01 Hostivice
Drive Service +420 800 739 739 (800 SEW SEW) Service
Hotline / 24 Tel. +420 255 709 632
Hour Service Fax +420 235 358 218

Assembly Copenhagen SEW-EURODRIVEA/S Tel. +45 43 95 8500
Sales Geminivej 28-30 Fax +45 43 9585-09
Service 2670 Greve

Sales Cairo Copam Egypt Tel. +202 44812673 / 79 (7 lines)
Service for Engineering & Agencies Fax +202 44812685
Building 10, Block 13005, First Industrial Zone,
Obour City Cairo

Sales Tallin ALAS-KUUL AS Tel. +372 6593230
Reti tee 4 Fax +372 6593231
75301 Peetri küla, Rae vald, Harjumaa

Assembly Hollola SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Sales Vesimäentie 4 Fax +358 3 780-6211
Service 15860 Hollola
Service Hollola SEW-EURODRIVE OY Tel. +358 201 589-300
Keskikankaantie 21 Fax +358 3 780-6211
15860 Hollola
Tornio SEW-EURODRIVE Oy Tel. +358 201 589 300
Lossirannankatu 5 Fax +358 3 780 6211
95420 Tornio
Production Karkkila SEW Industrial Gears Oy Tel. +358 201 589-300
Assembly Santasalonkatu 6, PL 8 Fax +358 201 589-310
03620 Karkkila, 03601 Karkkila

Production Hagenau SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 73 67 00
Sales 48-54 route de Soufflenheim Fax +33 3 88 73 66 00
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Service B. P. 20185

67506 Haguenau Cedex
Production Forbach SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 87 29 38 00
Zone industrielle
Technopôle Forbach Sud
B. P. 30269
57604 Forbach Cedex
Brumath SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 3 88 37 48 00
1 Rue de Bruxelles
67670 Mommenheim Cedex

384 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Address list
Assembly Bordeaux SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 5 57 26 39 00
Sales Parc d'activités de Magellan Fax +33 5 57 26 39 09
Service 62 avenue de Magellan – B. P. 182
33607 Pessac Cedex
Lyon SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 4 74 99 60 00
75 rue Antoine Condorcet Fax +33 4 74 99 60 15
38090 Vaulx-Milieu
Nantes SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 2 40 78 42 00
Parc d’activités de la forêt Fax +33 2 40 78 42 20
4 rue des Fontenelles
44140 Le Bignon
Paris SEW-USOCOME Tel. +33 1 64 42 40 80
Zone industrielle Fax +33 1 64 42 40 88
2 rue Denis Papin
77390 Verneuil I'Étang

Sales Libreville SEW-EURODRIVE SARL Tel. +241 03 28 81 55
183, Rue 5.033.C, Lalala à droite +241 06 54 81 33
P.O. Box 15682

Germany 14
Headquarters Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Production Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1970
Sales 76646 Bruchsal
Production / Industrial Bruchsal SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Gears Christian-Pähr-Str. 10 Fax +49 7251 75-2970
76646 Bruchsal
Production Graben SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251-2970
76676 Graben-Neudorf
Östringen SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG, Werk Tel. +49 7253 9254-0
Östringen Fax +49 7253 9254-90
Franz-Gurk-Straße 2
76684 Östringen
Service Competence Mechanics / SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1710
Center Mechatronics Ernst-Blickle-Straße 1 Fax +49 7251 75-1711
76676 Graben-Neudorf
Electronics SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75-1780
Ernst-Blickle-Straße 42 Fax +49 7251 75-1769
76646 Bruchsal
Drive Technology North SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 5137 8798-30
Center Alte Ricklinger Straße 40-42 Fax +49 5137 8798-55
30823 Garbsen (Hannover)
East SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 3764 7606-0
Dänkritzer Weg 1 Fax +49 3764 7606-30
08393 Meerane (Zwickau)
South SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 89 909552-10
Domagkstraße 5 Fax +49 89 909552-50
85551 Kirchheim (München)
West SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 2173 8507-30
Siemensstraße 1 Fax +49 2173 8507-55
40764 Langenfeld (Düsseldorf)
Drive Center Berlin SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 306331131-30
Alexander-Meißner-Straße 44 Fax +49 306331131-36
28489470/EN – 02/2019

12526 Berlin

Ludwigshafen SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7251 75 3759
c/o BASF SE Fax +49 7251 75 503759
Gebäude W130 Raum 101
67056 Ludwigshafen
Saarland SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 6831 48946 10
Gottlieb-Daimler-Straße 4 Fax +49 6831 48946 13
66773 Schwalbach Saar – Hülzweiler

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 385

14 Address list

Ulm SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 7348 9885-0
Dieselstraße 18 Fax +49 7348 9885-90
89160 Dornstadt
Würzburg SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG Tel. +49 931 27886-60
Nürnbergerstraße 118 Fax +49 931 27886-66
97076 Würzburg-Lengfeld
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service 0 800 SEWHELP
0 800 7394357

Great Britain
Assembly Normanton SEW-EURODRIVE Ltd. Tel. +44 1924 893-855
Sales DeVilliers Way Fax +44 1924 893-702
Service Trident Park
West Yorkshire
Drive Service Hotline / 24 Hour Service Tel. 01924 896911

Sales Athens Christ. Boznos & Son S.A. Tel. +30 2 1042 251-34
12, K. Mavromichali Street Fax +30 2 1042 251-59
P.O. Box 80136
18545 Piraeus

Sales Budapest SEW-EURODRIVE Kft. Tel. +36 1 437 06-58
Service Csillaghegyí út 13. Fax +36 1 437 06-50
1037 Budapest

Sales Reykjavik Varma & Vélaverk ehf. Tel. +354 585 1070
Knarrarvogi 4 Fax +354 585)1071
104 Reykjavík

Registered Office Vadodara SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 265 3045200
Assembly Plot No. 4, GIDC Fax +91 265 3045300
Sales POR Ramangamdi • Vadodara - 391 243
Service Gujarat
Assembly Chennai SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 44 37188888
Sales Plot No. K3/1, Sipcot Industrial Park Phase II Fax +91 44 37188811
Service Mambakkam Village
Sriperumbudur - 602105
Kancheepuram Dist, Tamil Nadu
Pune SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 21 35 628700
Plant: Plot No. D236/1, Fax +91 21 35 628715
Chakan Industrial Area Phase- II,
Warale, Tal- Khed,
Pune-410501, Maharashtra
Sales Gurgaon SEW-EURODRIVE India Private Limited Tel. +91 99588 78855
Service Drive Center Gurugram
Plot no 395, Phase-IV, UdyogVihar
Gurugram , 122016 Haryana

Sales Medan PT. Serumpun Indah Lestari Tel. +62 61 687 1221
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Jl.Pulau Solor no. 8, Kawasan Industri Medan Fax +62 61 6871429 / +62 61 6871458 / +62
II 61 30008041
Medan 20252
Jakarta PT. Cahaya Sukses Abadi Tel. +62 21 65310599
Komplek Rukan Puri Mutiara Blok A no 99, Fax +62 21 65310600
Jakarta 14350

386 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Address list
Jakarta PT. Agrindo Putra Lestari Tel. +62 21 2921-8899
JL.Pantai Indah Selatan, Komplek Sentra In- Fax +62 21 2921-8988
dustri Terpadu, Pantai indah Kapuk Tahap III,
Blok E No. 27
Jakarta 14470
Surabaya PT. TRIAGRI JAYA ABADI Tel. +62 31 5990128
Jl. Sukosemolo No. 63, Galaxi Bumi Permai Fax +62 31 5962666
G6 No. 11
Surabaya 60111
Surabaya CV. Multi Mas Tel. +62 31 5458589
Jl. Raden Saleh 43A Kav. 18 Fax +62 31 5317220
Surabaya 60174

Sales Dublin Alperton Engineering Ltd. Tel. +353 1 830-6277
Service 48 Moyle Road Fax +353 1 830-6458
Dublin Industrial Estate
Glasnevin, Dublin 11

Sales Tel Aviv Liraz Handasa Ltd. Tel. +972 3 5599511
Ahofer Str 34B / 228 Fax +972 3 5599512 14
58858 Holon

Assembly Milan SEW-EURODRIVE di R. Blickle & Co.s.a.s. Tel. +39 02 96 980229
Sales Via Bernini,14 Fax +39 02 96 980 999
Service 20020 Solaro (Milano)

Ivory Coast
Sales Abidjan SEW-EURODRIVE SARL Tel. +225 21 21 81 05
Ivory Coast Fax +225 21 25 30 47
Rue des Pêcheurs, Zone 3
26 BP 916 Abidjan 26

Assembly Iwata SEW-EURODRIVE JAPAN CO., LTD Tel. +81 538 373811
Sales 250-1, Shimoman-no, Fax +81 538 373814
Service Iwata
Shizuoka 438-0818

Sales Almaty SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +7 (727) 350 5156
Service 291-291A, Tole bi street Fax +7 (727) 350 5156
050031, Almaty

Tashkent SEW-EURODRIVE LLP Tel. +998 71 2359411

Representative office in Uzbekistan Fax +998 71 2359412
96A, Sharaf Rashidov street,
Tashkent, 100084
Ulaanbaatar IM Trading LLC Tel. +976-77109997
Olympic street 28B/3 Fax +976-77109997
Sukhbaatar district,
Ulaanbaatar 14230
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Sales Riga SIA Alas-Kuul Tel. +371 6 7139253
Katlakalna 11C Fax +371 6 7139386
1073 Riga

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 387

14 Address list

Sales (Lebanon) Beirut Gabriel Acar & Fils sarl Tel. +961 1 510 532
B. P. 80484 Fax +961 1 494 971
Bourj Hammoud, Beirut
Sales (Jordan, Kuwait , Beirut Middle East Drives S.A.L. (offshore) Tel. +961 1 494 786
Saudi Arabia, Syria) Sin El Fil. Fax +961 1 494 971
B. P. 55-378

Sales Alytus UAB Irseva Tel. +370 315 79204
Statybininku 106C Fax +370 315 56175
63431 Alytus

Representation: Belgium

Sales Skopje Boznos DOOEL Tel. +389 23256553
Dime Anicin 2A/7A Fax +389 23256554
1000 Skopje

Assembly Johor SEW-EURODRIVE SDN BHD Tel. +60 7 3549409
Sales No. 95, Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya Fax +60 7 3541404
Service 81000 Johor Bahru, Johor
West Malaysia

Assembly Quéretaro SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO S.A. de C.V. Tel. +52 442 1030-300
Sales SEM-981118-M93 Fax +52 442 1030-301
Service Tequisquiapan No. 102
Parque Industrial Quéretaro
C.P. 76220
Querétaro, México
Sales Puebla SEW-EURODRIVE MEXICO S.A. de C.V. Tel. +52 (222) 221 248
Service Calzada Zavaleta No. 3922 Piso 2 Local 6
Col. Santa Cruz Buenavista
C.P. 72154
Puebla, México

Technical Office Ulaanbaatar IM Trading LLC Tel. +976-77109997
Olympic street 28B/3 Tel. +976-99070395
Sukhbaatar district, Fax +976-77109997
Ulaanbaatar 14230

Sales Bouskoura SEW-EURODRIVE Morocco Tel. +212 522 88 85 00
Service Parc Industriel CFCIM, Lot 55 and 59 Fax +212 522 88 84 50

Sales Swakopmund DB MINING & INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES CC Tel. +264 64 462 738
Einstein Street Fax +264 64 462 734
Strauss Industrial Park
28489470/EN – 02/2019


Assembly Rotterdam SEW-EURODRIVE B.V. Tel. +31 10 4463-700
Sales Industrieweg 175 Fax +31 10 4155-552
Service 3044 AS Rotterdam Service: 0800-SEWHELP
Postbus 10085
3004 AB Rotterdam

388 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Address list
New Zealand
Assembly Auckland SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 9 2745627
Sales P.O. Box 58-428 Fax +64 9 2740165
Service 82 Greenmount drive
East Tamaki Auckland
Christchurch SEW-EURODRIVE NEW ZEALAND LTD. Tel. +64 3 384-6251
30 Lodestar Avenue, Wigram Fax +64 3 384-6455

Sales Lagos Greenpeg Nig. Ltd Tel. +234-701-821-9200-1
Plot 296A, Adeyemo Akapo Str. Omole GRA
Ikeja Lagos-Nigeria

Assembly Moss SEW-EURODRIVE A/S Tel. +47 69 24 10 20
Sales Solgaard skog 71 Fax +47 69 24 10 40
Service 1599 Moss

Sales Karachi Industrial Power Drives Tel. +92 21 452 9369
Al-Fatah Chamber A/3, 1st Floor Central Com- Fax +92-21-454 7365
mercial Area, 14
Sultan Ahmed Shah Road, Block 7/8,

Sales Fernando de la SEW-EURODRIVE PARAGUAY S.R.L Tel. +595 991 519695
Mora De la Victoria 112, Esquina nueva Asunción Fax +595 21 3285539
Departamento Central
Fernando de la Mora, Barrio Bernardino

Assembly Lima SEW EURODRIVE DEL PERU S.A.C. Tel. +51 1 3495280
Sales Los Calderos, 120-124 Fax +51 1 3493002
Service Urbanizacion Industrial Vulcano, ATE, Lima

Sales Makati P.T. Cerna Corporation Tel. +63 2 519 6214
4137 Ponte St., Brgy. Sta. Cruz Fax +63 2 890 2802
Makati City 1205

Assembly Łódź SEW-EURODRIVE Polska Sp.z.o.o. Tel. +48 42 293 00 00
Sales ul. Techniczna 5 Fax +48 42 293 00 49
Service 92-518 Łódź
Service Tel. +48 42 293 0030 24 Hour Service
Fax +48 42 293 0043 Tel. +48 602 739 739 (+48 602 SEW SEW)

Assembly Coimbra SEW-EURODRIVE, LDA. Tel. +351 231 20 9670
Sales Av. da Fonte Nova, n.º 86 Fax +351 231 20 3685
Service 3050-379 Mealhada
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Sales Bucharest Sialco Trading SRL Tel. +40 21 230-1328
Service str. Brazilia nr. 36 Fax +40 21 230-7170
011783 Bucuresti

Assembly St. Petersburg ЗАО «СЕВ-ЕВРОДРАЙФ» Tel. +7 812 3332522 / +7 812 5357142
Sales а. я. 36 Fax +7 812 3332523
Service 195220 Санкт-Петербург

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 389

14 Address list

Sales Dakar SENEMECA Tel. +221 338 494 770
Mécanique Générale Fax +221 338 494 771
Km 8, Route de Rufisque
B.P. 3251, Dakar

Sales Belgrade DIPAR d.o.o. Tel. +381 11 347 3244 / +381 11 288 0393
Ustanicka 128a Fax +381 11 347 1337
PC Košum, IV floor
11000 Beograd

Assembly Singapore SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. Tel. +65 68621701
Sales No 9, Tuas Drive 2 Fax +65 68612827
Service Jurong Industrial Estate
Singapore 638644

Sales Bratislava SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel.+421 2 33595 202, 217, 201
Rybničná 40 Fax +421 2 33595 200
831 06 Bratislava
Košice SEW-Eurodrive SK s.r.o. Tel. +421 55 671 2245
Slovenská ulica 26 Fax +421 55 671 2254
040 01 Košice Mobile +421 907 671 976

Sales Celje Pakman - Pogonska Tehnika d.o.o. Tel. +386 3 490 83-20
Service UI. XIV. divizije 14 Fax +386 3 490 83-21
3000 Celje

South Africa
Assembly Johannesburg SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 11 248-7000
Sales Eurodrive House Fax +27 11 248-7289
Service Cnr. Adcock Ingram and Aerodrome Roads
Aeroton Ext. 2
Johannesburg 2013
P.O.Box 90004
Bertsham 2013
Cape Town SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 21 552-9820
Rainbow Park Fax +27 21 552-9830
Cnr. Racecourse & Omuramba Road Telex 576 062
Montague Gardens
Cape Town
P.O.Box 36556
Chempet 7442
48 Prospecton Road Fax +27 31 902 3826
P.O. Box 10433, Ashwood 3605
Nelspruit SEW-EURODRIVE (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED Tel. +27 13 752-8007
7 Christie Crescent Fax +27 13 752-8008
P.O.Box 1942
Nelspruit 1200

South Korea
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Assembly Ansan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 31 492-8051

Sales 7, Dangjaengi-ro, Fax +82 31 492-8056
Service Danwon-gu,
Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Zip 425-839
Busan SEW-EURODRIVE KOREA CO., LTD. Tel. +82 51 832-0204
28, Noksansandan 262-ro 50beon-gil, Fax +82 51 832-0230
Busan, Zip 618-820

390 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

Address list
Assembly Bilbao SEW-EURODRIVE ESPAÑA, S.L. Tel. +34 94 43184-70
Sales Parque Tecnológico, Edificio, 302
Service 48170 Zamudio (Vizcaya)

Sri Lanka
Sales Colombo SM International (Pte) Ltd Tel. +94 1 2584887
254, Galle Raod Fax +94 1 2582981
Colombo 4, Sri Lanka

Sales Manzini C G Trading Co. (Pty) Ltd Tel. +268 7602 0790
Simunye street Fax +268 2 518 5033
Matsapha, Manzini

Assembly Jönköping SEW-EURODRIVE AB Tel. +46 36 34 42 00
Sales Gnejsvägen 6-8 Fax +46 36 34 42 80
Service 553 03 Jönköping
Box 3100 S-550 03 Jönköping

Assembly Basel Alfred lmhof A.G. Tel. +41 61 417 1717 14
Sales Jurastrasse 10 Fax +41 61 417 1700
Service 4142 Münchenstein bei Basel

Sales Taipei Ting Shou Trading Co., Ltd. Tel. +886 2 27383535
6F-3, No. 267, Sec. 2 Fax +886 2 27368268
Tung Huw S. Road Telex 27 245
Nan Tou Ting Shou Trading Co., Ltd. Tel. +886 49 255353
No. 55 Kung Yeh N. Road Fax +886 49 257878
Industrial District
Nan Tou 540

Sales Daressalam SEW-EURODRIVE PTY LIMITED TANZANIA Tel. +255 0 22 277 5780
Plot 52, Regent Estate Fax +255 0 22 277 5788
PO Box 106274
Dar Es Salaam

Assembly Chonburi SEW-EURODRIVE (Thailand) Ltd. Tel. +66 38 454281
Sales 700/456, Moo.7, Donhuaroh Fax +66 38 454288
Service Muang
Chonburi 20000

Sales Tunis T. M.S. Technic Marketing Service Tel. +216 79 40 88 77
Zone Industrielle Mghira 2 Fax +216 79 40 88 66
Lot No. 39
2082 Fouchana

Assembly Kocaeli-Gebze SEW-EURODRİVE Hareket Tel. +90 262 9991000 04
Sales Sistemleri San. Ve TIC. Ltd. Sti Fax +90 262 9991009
28489470/EN – 02/2019

Service Gebze Organize Sanayi Böl. 400 Sok No. 401
41480 Gebze Kocaeli

Assembly Dnipropetrovsk SEW-EURODRIVE, LLC Tel. +380 56 370 3211
Sales Robochya str., bld. 23-B, office 409 Fax +380 56 372 2078
Service 49008 Dnipro

Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology 391

14 Address list

United Arab Emirates

Drive Technology Dubai SEW-EURODRIVE FZE Tel. +971 (0)4 8806461
Center PO Box 263835 Fax +971 (0)4 8806464
Jebel Ali Free Zone – South,
P.O. Box
Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Assembly Montevideo SEW-EURODRIVE Uruguay, S. A. Tel. +598 2 21181-89
Sales Jose Serrato 3569 Esqina Corumbe Fax +598 2 21181-90
CP 12000 Montevideo

Production Southeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
Assembly Region 1295 Old Spartanburg Highway Fax Sales +1 864 439-7830
Sales P.O. Box 518 Fax Production +1 864 439-9948
Service Lyman, S.C. 29365 Fax Assembly +1 864 439-0566
Fax Confidential/HR +1 864 949-5557
Assembly Northeast SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 856 467-2277
Sales Region Pureland Ind. Complex Fax +1 856 845-3179
Service 2107 High Hill Road, P.O. Box 481
Bridgeport, New Jersey 08014
Midwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 937 335-0036
Region 2001 West Main Street Fax +1 937 332-0038
Troy, Ohio 45373
Southwest SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 214 330-4824
Region 3950 Platinum Way Fax +1 214 330-4724
Dallas, Texas 75237
Western SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 510 487-3560
Region 30599 San Antonio St. Fax +1 510 487-6433
Hayward, CA 94544
Wellford SEW-EURODRIVE INC. Tel. +1 864 439-7537
148/150 Finch Rd. Fax +1 864 661 1167
Wellford, S.C. 29385

Additional addresses for service provided on request!

Sales Ho Chi Minh SEW-EURODRIVE PTE. LTD. RO at Hochim- Tel. +84 937 299 700
City inh City
Floor 8, KV I, Loyal building, 151-151 Bis Vo
Thi Sau street, ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam
Hanoi MICO LTD Tel. +84 4 39386666
Quảng Trị - North Vietnam / All sectors except Fax +84 4 3938 6888
Construction Materials
8th Floor, Ocean Park Building, 01 Dao Duy
Anh St, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Representation: South Africa
28489470/EN – 02/2019

392 Product Manual – MOVIDRIVE® technology

SEW-EURODRIVE—Driving the world


Ernst-Blickle-Str. 42
Tel. +49 7251 75-0
Fax +49 7251 75-1970

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