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Philosophy (HUQP16)

Philosophy (HUQP16)

Philosophy (HUQP16)

i. The Question Paper which will have 75 questions.
ii. All questions will be based on Subject-Specific Knowledge.
iii. All questions are compulsory.
iv. The Questions will be Bilingual (English/Hindi).

Philosophy (HUQP16)

Section: I
1. Proofs for Existence of God
2. Free Will and Determinism
3. Self and No-self
4. Consciousness
5. Personal Identity
6. Substance and Qualities
7. Being and Becoming
8. Actuality and Potentiality
9. Appearance and Reality
10. Mind and Body Problem
11. Universals
12. Realism and Idealism
13. Essence and existence

Section: II
1. Theories of Truth
2. Theories of Error
3. Gettier Problem
4. Definitions of Knowledge

Philosophy (HUQP16)

5. Knowledge by acquaintance and Knowledge by Description

7. Sources of Knowledge
8. Skepticism
9. Justification of Knowledge: Foundationalism, Anti-foundationalism, and Coherentism
10. Knowledge that and knowledge How
11. Problem of Induction
12. Apriori Knowledge

Questions will be from both Indian and Western philosophical perspective.

1. Theories of Normative Ethics: Utilitarianism, Kantian Deontology, Virtue ethics, Social contract theory,
care ethics.
2. Theories of Metaethics: Relativism, Non-naturalism, Emotivism, Universal Prescriptivism,
3. Themes of Applied Ethics: Abortion, Euthanasia, Surrogacy, Capital punishment, Animal and
4. Environment ethics
5. Thoughts of Indian ethical tradition: Nature of Dharma, Morksa, Purusharthas, Rina, and themes from
Buddhist and Jaina ethics

Section: IV
Symbolic Logic
1. Inductive Logic
a. Analogical Reasoning
b. Causal Reasoning
c. Probability

2. Deductive Logic
a. Categorical proposition
b. Categorical syllogisms
c. Symbolic Logic
d. Methods of Deduction
e. Quantification Logic
3. Informal Fallacies: Indian and Western

Philosophy (HUQP16)

4. Types of Arguments

Section: V
Social and Political Philosophy
1. Theories of Justice
2. Liberty and Equality
3. Democracy
4. Feminism
5. Global justice
6. Marginalization and Discrimination
7. Gandhi: Non-violence, Satyagraha, Swaraj, Nationalism, State
8. Ambedkar: Genesis of Caste and Annihilation of Castes
9. Tagore: Nationalism, Education and Religion of Man
10. Amartya Sen: Justice (Niti and Nyaya)

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