Event Management
Event Management
Event Management
A target market can be translated into a profile of the consumer to whom a product is most likely to
appeal. The profile considers four main characteristics of that person: demographic, geographic,
psychographic, and behavioral. (OR)
The first advertising agency, Volney B. Palmer, was opened in Philadelphia in 1841. By 1861 there
were 20 advertising agencies in New York City alone. Among them was J. Walter Thompson, today
the oldest American advertising agency in continuous existence. Radio became a commercial medium
in the 1920s.
For the first time, advertising could be heard, not just seen. Soap operas, music, and serial adventures
populated the new medium, and as radios appeared in virtually every home in America, sales of
products advertised on the air soared. Advertisers rushed to write infectious advertising jingles, an art
form that still has its place in the advertising repertoire of today.
Then television changed everything. Although TV was invented in the 1920s, it didn't become a mass
commercial medium until the 1950s when the prices of television sets began to approach affordability.
Print and radio had to take a back seat because, for the first time, commercials were broadcast with
sight, sound and motion.
Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions taken (both on and offline) by consumers before
buying a product or service. This process may include consulting search engines, engaging with social
media posts, or a variety of other actions. (OR)
B) Explain the innovation diffusion model of advertising and DAGMAR with suitable examples.
1. Innovator. They are a small group of people exploring new ideas and technologies. It includes
"gadget fetishists!" In an online marketing context there are a lot of specialist blogs and media sites to
engage them, Engadget and Gizmodo for examples.
2. Early Adopters. Considered to be Opinion Leaders who may share positive testimonials about new
products and services, seeking improvements and efficiency. Engagement requires little persuasion as
they're receptive to change. Provide guides on how to use the product/service.
3. Early Majority. These are Followers who will read reviews by earlier adopters about new products
before purchasing. They can be engaged with reviews and via YouTube, where they will look for your
4. Late Majority. To generalise, these are sceptics who are not keen on change and will only adopt a
new product or service if there is a strong feeling of being left behind or missing out. They can be
engaged with providing marketing material, evidence, reviews from Opinion Leaders and case studies
to show how it works.
5. Laggards. The descriptor says it all! Typically they prefer traditional communications and will
adopt new products when there are no alternatives. Laggards will come on board when 'others' have
written about your products/services, they have research evidence, statistics or felt pressure from
DAGMAR (defining advertising goals for measured advertising results) is a marketing model used to
establish clear objectives for an advertising campaign and measure its success.
13. A) Write an essay on the relevance of Big Idea and appeals in advertising.
Big Idea in marketing and advertising is a term used to symbolize the foundation for a major
undertaking in these areas - an attempt to communicate a brand, product, or concept to the general
public, by creating a strong message that pushes brand boundaries and resonates with the consumers.
The various types of advertising appeals are rational appeal, musical appeal, sexual appeal, humor
appeal, emotional appeal, scarcity appeal, and fear appeal. (OR)
B) Design a print ad for any Mobile brand by using any one of the appeals.
Media planning is the process of identifying the appropriate marketing mediums and channels to reach
the target audience, targeting the right messages, at the right time, in the right place.
It involves understanding the target audience, defining the message, and selecting the right channel to
reach them. A media planner, also referred to as a brand planner or brand strategist, is a professional
working at an advertising agency, responsible for planning, buying, and placement of advertising.
They work with advertisers, advertising agencies, and media outlets to orchestrate their clients’ most
effective marketing campaigns. (OR)
Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) is one of the several organisations of the same name operating in
different parts of world.
The ABC founded in 1948 is a not for profit, voluntary organisation consisting of Publishers,
Advertisers and Advertising Agencies. It has done pioneering work in developing audit procedures to
verify the circulation data published by those newspapers and periodicals which have earned the right
to display its emblem.
IRS is the single source survey for media and product ownership/usage. The prime objective of the
study is to collect readership information from a cross-section of individuals, in great detail, so as to
present a true and unbiased picture of their readership habits.
B) With the advent of internet and mobile technologies, advertising has become personalized. It tends
to alter the basic definition of advertising from non-personal to personal. Discuss.
Digital marketing is a means of advertising and selling products through the internet, mobile devices,
social media, search engines, display advertising, and other channels.