BBP 1002 D
BBP 1002 D
BBP 1002 D
A pes
O f N ature , M yth , &
T he I magination
D emo
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition Core Books, or d20 Modern
Roleplaying Game, both published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Carmen Butcher
Sean Butcher, U.S. Geological Survey, and a bunch of
dead people.
Kate (Diva) Betabunny, John the Meat-Eater, Skinny
Betabunny Publishing
Visit us on the web at
This demo provides you with a sample chapter of Apes of
Nature, Myth, & the Imagination. It has stats and descriptions
for a giant ape and a colossal ape, two city stomping beasts
straight out of a cult B-movie! In Apes of Nature, Myth,
& the Imagination, there are 65 pages of information and
statistics covering 22 types of apes from the realms of nature,
cryptozoology, mythology, fiction, and fantasy (see the list
on page 14), along with stats and a description for Nzumi the
Ape God and his ape religion, a new domain, 2 new spells,
and 6 new character races.
now at RPGNow ( Also check out
our website at,where we provide
additional materials including bonus animals, supplementary
rules, tables, and clarifications.
Happy Gaming,
Sean Butcher
Giant Ape
Over the years, the legend would continue to grow, with
Hit Dice: 18d8+126 (207 hp)
the theatrical re-release of King Kong in 1938, and Kong
Initiative: +1
went on to star in sequels, re-makes, animations, comics,
novels, and a number of Japanese monster movies. Speed: 50 ft. (10 squares)
Armor Class: 14 (+1 Dex, +5 natural, -2 Siz), touch 9, flat-footed
The following stats would be suitable for a Kong-like
ape. Base Attack/Grapple: +13/+33
Attack: Slam +23 melee (1d6 +12) or rock +8 ranged (1d8 +12)1
Giant Ape Full Attack: 2 slam +23 melee (1d6 +12) and bite +18 melee (1d8
Huge Animal +6) and 2 stamp +18 melee (2d6 +6); or rock +8 ranged (1d8 +12)1
Latin Name: Gorilla giganteus. Space/Reach: 15 feet/15 feet
Other Names: Giant prehistoric ape, King Kong. Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Rend (1d6 +18), Trample (1d6
Subspecies: None. +18)
Climates: Tropical. Special Qualities: Scent
Habitats: Forest, Mountain, Ruins. Saves: Fort +18, Ref +14, Will +9
Location: Lives on small, uncharted, tropical islands, or Abilities: Str 35, Dex 13, Con 24, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
deep within the jungles of central Africa, usually close to the Skills: Balance +5, Climb +14, Hide +4, Jump +20, Listen +6, Spot
ruins of some ancient civilization. +7, Survival +152
Frequency: Unique (M), Unique (F). Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will,
Organization: Solitary. Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Track Scent
Description: In appearance, the giant ape is much like a Challenge Rating: 15
western lowland gorilla, except significantly larger. Its fur is Advancement: –
also comparatively short for a gorilla, and is brownish black 1
Giant apes are not proficient with simple weapons and receive a -4
in color. The giant ape has long powerful arms and relatively penalty to their rock attack.
short legs. Its chest is broad and its head is large. Fur covers 2
The giant ape gains a +2 bonus to Survival from both its Track
the giant ape’s entire body except for its face, ears, toes, Scent and Alertness feats and a +2 bonus from its Scent special
King Kong
quality. It may only use its Survival skill in its native habitats.
fingers, and the palms of its hands and feet. Its exposed skin
is jet black.
Height: 20 feet Combat: Giant apes are highly aggressive and will
Weight: 14 tons. immediately attack anything they perceive as a threat. They
Lifespan: Unknown. Gorillas can live for 50+ years. will typically hurl large rocks at their opponent, and then
Behavior: The giant ape is highly aggressive and territorial. quickly move in and grapple.
It typically makes its home in a cave near the peak of a Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the giant ape must
mountain. hit an opponent with a slam attack. It can then attempt to
Reproduction: Unknown. start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of
Diet: The giant ape’s diet consists of fruit, leaves, shoots, opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold
stems, bark, fungi, and termites. It also chews on the and can Rend (see below). The giant ape can use Improved
occasional human, but it is unclear whether meat is part of Grab against opponents of Huge size or smaller.
its diet. Rend (Ex): If the giant ape manages to grapple its opponent
(see Improved Grab above) it can use its Rend special
attack. This attack automatically deals damage each round
equivalent to its slam attack plus 1½ times its Strength
modifier (1d6 +18).
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the giant ape can
move up to twice its speed and Trample an opponent by
moving into that opponents space. The opponent must be of
Large size or smaller. The opponent may make an attack of
opportunity at a -4 penalty, or alternatively attempt a Reflex
save (DC 31) to take only half damage. The trample attack
10 feet
100 feet
Teeth: 50 gold pieces (set), Feet and Paws: 50 gold pieces
(each). All attempts to capture and place giant apes on
display have all ended in disaster.
Food Value: Giant ape meat is excellent in quality. The
average carcass weighs 14,000 pounds. If a buyer for Statue of Liberty Colossal Ape Human
such a large quantity of meat could be found, it would be
Colossal Ape Size Comparison
worth about 1,400 gold pieces. Many cultures consider the
consumption of meat from a primate as being taboo. While such a creature would be impossible in nature, having
Hunting Tips: Stake out a blond woman! such a monster in an adventure would definitely be fun.
Comments: “Kong” is the Malaysian word for “gorilla.” Also, with a little touch of magic, anything is possible, even
Giant apes typically live alone. They may be the last of some the ability to shoot lightning from his hands (an attribute that
giant species of ape. Alternatively, they may be normal apes Kong gains in the various Japanese monster movies). So,
who have grown to enormous size through magic or some without further ado, here are the stats for a colossal ape.
other means (miracle berries for instance, see page 50)
Colossal Ape
Colossal Ape Colossal Magical Beast
While Kong of the novel King Kong stands around 20 feet Subspecies: None.
tall, in later movies he appears to have grown much larger. Climates: Tropical.
King Kong
In King Kong vs. Godzilla, for instance, he stands around Habitats: Forest, Mountain.
150 feet tall. For an ape to achieve such dimensions is of Location: Isolated tropical islands, or deep jungles.
course physically impossible. Since body weight increases Frequency: Unique (M), Unique (F).
exponentially with height, no animal could achieve the bone Organization: Solitary.
and muscle strength required to support such a large frame. Description: The colossal ape is much like a gorilla in
Additionally, the pressures of pumping blood around such appearance, except that it is much larger. Colossal apes are
a large body would place impossible strains on an animal’s thought to be normal apes that have gained their massive
vascular system. size through eating the miracle berries (see sidebar on page
Height: 150 feet.
Weight: 300 tons.
Lifespan: Unknown.
Behavior: Little has been revealed of the colossal ape’s
typical behavior except that he is aggressive and appears
to enjoy destroying cities. The colossal ape will attack
anything he views as a threat, whether it be a giant lizard
or a skyscraper. They are particularly attracted to sources of
electrical power, since they gain Strength from electricity.
Reproduction: NA.
Diet: Mainly plant matter and miracle berries, though they
are not averse to chomping on the occasional human
or vehicle that gets in their way.
Combat: In combat, colossal apes like to pick up and
hurl objects around. If faced with an opponent of similar
size, they will typically attempt to close and grapple. They
also have the ability to shoot electric bolts from their hands.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the colossal ape
must hit an opponent with a slam attack. It can then attempt
to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack
Giant Prehistoric Ape of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes
Colossal Ape
a hold and can Rend (see below). The colossal ape can
Hit Dice: 40d8+340 (560 hp)
use Improved Grab against opponents of Colossal size or
Initiative: +4
Lightning Bolt (Su): Once per round, as a Full Action, the Speed: 80 feet (16 squares)
colossal ape can launch a bolt of lightning. The bolt begins Armor Class: 10 (+0 Dex, +8 Nat, -8 Siz), touch 2, flat-footed 10
at the colossal ape’s fingertips, and has a range of 120 feet. Base Attack/Grapple: +40/+72
This is not a magical attack and may not be resisted. The Attack: Slam +50 melee (2d6 +16) or rock +30 ranged (2d8 +16)1
bolt can hit a single target. The bolt deals 10d6 damage. A Full Attack: 2 slam +50 melee (2d6 +16) and bite +45 melee (4d6
successful Reflex saving throw (DC30) halves the damage. +8) and 2 stamp +45 melee (4d6 +8); or rock +30 ranged (2d8 +16)1
The lightning bolt sets fire to combustibles and damages Space/Reach: 20 feet/15 feet
objects in its path. It can melt metals with a low melting Special Attacks: Improved Grab, Lethal Shock (10d6, Reflex
point, such as lead, gold, copper, silver, or bronze. If the DC30), Rend (2d6 +24), Trample (2d6 +24).
damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks Special Qualities: Absorb Electricity, Electricity Sense, Scent
through it, the bolt may continue beyond the barrier if range Saves: Fort +34, Ref +26, Will +15
permits; otherwise, it stops at the barrier.
Abilities: Str 42, Dex 11, Con 26, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 6
Rend (Ex): If the colossal ape manages to grapple its
Skills: Balance +12, Climb +16, Jump +36, Listen +13, Move
opponent (see Improved Grab above), it can use its Rend Silently +10, Spot +12, Survival +142
special attack. This attack automatically deals damage each
Feats: Alertness, Awesome Blow, Damage Reduction, Energy
round equivalent to its slam attack plus 1½ times its Strength Resistance: Electricity, Epic Fortitude, Epic Prowess, Epic Reflexes,
Epic Toughness, Fast Healing, Improved Bull Rush, Improved
Miracle Berries Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack, Track Scent
Description: Miracle berries are much like a blueberry is shape, Challenge Rating: 20
but much larger, growing to about the size of a plum. They are green
Advancement: 41–50 HD (Colossal)
when unripe, and red when ripe. The bush on which they grow is
a large, thorny vine. Its thorns, like its berries, are very large and 1
Colossal apes are not proficient with simple weapons and receive a
sharp. Miracle berries are non-seasonal. Different vines produce -4 penalty to their rock attack.
berries at various times during the year. A miracle berry bush will 2
The colossal ape gains a +2 bonus to Survival from both its Track
King Kong
grow one year, produce berries the next, and then die back. Miracle Scent and Alertness feats and a +2 bonus from its Scent special
berries can be eaten as fruit, or can be squeezed for their red juices. quality. It may only use its Survival skill in its native habitats.
The juice can also be fermented to produce wine, although the
fermentation reduces the berries’ potency. 1 pound of berries will
produce one cup of juice or wine. modifier (2d6 +24).
Materials & Costs: 1 pound of miracle berries costs 10 gold pieces.
Trample (Ex): As a full-round action, the colossal ape can
A cup of miracle berry juice or wine will also cost 10 gold pieces. 1
pound of berries, 1 cup of juice, or 2 cups of miracle berry wine are move up to twice its speed and Trample an opponent by
required per dose. moving into that opponents space. The opponent must be
Availability: Miracle berry bushes will only grow in tropical of Gargantuan size or smaller. The opponent may make an
climates. Miracle berries and juice spoil quickly, so they will typically
attack of opportunity at a -4 penalty, or alternatively attempt
only be available in local markets. Miracle berry wine can be kept
indefinitely and is more widely available. a Reflex save (DC 46) to take only half damage. The trample
Taste & Smell: Miracle berries and juice have a sweet, grape like attack deals 2d6 +24 damage.
taste. The wine is sweet, fruity, and highly intoxicating. Skills & Abilities: Apes do not have Low-light Vision like
Identification: It takes a Knowledge (nature) check DC12 to identify
many other animal species.
miracle berries in raw form, and an Alchemy check DC 15 to identify
miracle berries in juice or wine form. For some strange reason, yet unknown to science, the
Preparation: Miracle berries and juice require little or no time colossal ape gains Strength from electricity.
or skill to prepare. Preparation of miracle berry wine requires a Aborb Electricity (Su): The colossal ape can store electrical
Profession (Vintner) check DC5, or an Alchemy check DC10. It takes
charges in its body. It can use these charges to fuel its
1 hour of preparation per 1-10 doses of miracle berry wine, and the
wine requires 8-10 days of fermentation. Lightning Bolt attack, to heal itself, or to increase its Strength.
Primary Effects: 1 dose of miracle berries, juice, or wine provides a The colossal ape also acts as a lightning rod in a storm, and
+5 bonus to saving throws against disease. Increasing the dosage has will be hit by 1d6–6d6 bolts of lightning per hour (depending
no cumulative effect.
on the intensity of the storm). If hit by a lightning bolt, the
Secondary Effect: 1 dose taken daily may cause an increase in size.
It will only have an effect if taken while the target is still growing colossal ape can store one charge of electricity in its body.
(ages 0-18 for humans). For each 4 years the berries are consumed It can also store 1 charge for each round that it is in contact
on a daily (or almost daily) basis, the target will grow by one size. with any other source of electricity carrying at least 100kV
So for instance a human who consumes the berries from age 10
(note that typical transmission lines on a transmission tower
to 13 would grow from Medium size to Large. This change in size
will have an effect on the targets other stats including Strength, carry 110kV). The colossal ape can store up to 10 charges. It
Dexterity, Constitution, natural armor, AC/attack, and damage (see can store 2 charges indefinitely, but additional stored charges
MM v. 3.5, Introduction: Reading the Entries: Secondary Statistics dissipate at the rate of 1 per hour if not replenished.
Block: Advancement: Size Increases). Miracle berry wine is also
For each stored charge, the colossal ape can as a Full Action
intoxicating, and as addictive as other forms of alcohol.
either a) launch 1 lightning bolt, b) heal 1d20 hp, or c) boost
Appendix D: Reading the Entries descriptive, giving some physical aspect(s) of the species.
Each creature description is organized in the same general For instance, Lycaon pictus, the Latin name for the African
format, as outlined below: wild dog, means “painted wolf” and refers to the animal’s
wolf-like appearance and paint-like splotches of color
Name on its fur. A Latin name may also include the name of the
This is the common name by which the creature is generally discoverer of the species, the region in which the species is
known. The descriptive text may provide other names. found, or a common name given to the species by natives in
the region where it exists. The meaning of the Latin name
Size and Type is often provided in the comments section of the creature
This entry describes the creature’s size. A creature falls into description.
one of nine size categories. A size modifier applies to the
creature’s Armor Class (AC) and attack bonus, as well as to Other Names
certain skills. A creature’s size also determines how far it can If the species is referred to by other names, these are listed
reach to make a melee attack and how much space it occupies here.
in a fight (see Space/Reach, below). These modifiers have
been figured into the statistics for the creatures described Subspecies
here. This section lists the number of subspecies existing for
a particular species. A species is a biological grouping of
The size and type line continues with the creature’s type. animals whose members can interbreed. A species may,
An creature’s type determines many of its characteristics and however, contain several subspecies genetically distinct
abilities: Physical ability scores, Hit Dice, base attack bonus, from the rest of the species, and these subspecies may have
saving throw bonuses, skill points, feats, how magic affects distinct physical characteristics. Subspecies normally arise
the creature, and other special qualities. due to geographical separation from other members of the
same species. If a subspecies diverges to the point that it
Latin Name loses the ability to interbreed with the rest of the species,
Appendix D
Every recognized species on earth is given a unique two- it becomes a new species. Each subspecies shares the same
part scientific name. This is often referred to as its Latin two-part scientific name as the rest of the species, but also
name. These names are used by zoologists around the world receives a third subspecies name.
to communicate unambiguously about species. Each Latin
name is made up of a generic name and a specific name. Climates and Habitats
The generic name is the name of the genus (singular of Climate and habitat describe the environment in which
genera) to which the species belongs. Latin names are often the creature is normally encountered. For each species, a
list of one or more climates
Table: Climates and CLIMATES and habitats is provided.
Habitats Tropical Subtropical Temperate Subpolar Polar
Creatures will typically
only be encountered in the
Semi-desert X X
wild within an environment
Grassland X X
matching their natural
Forest X
climates and habitats. The
H Scrub X X
Climates and Habitats Table
B Lakes & Rivers below lists world climates,
I Mangrove X X X and the habitats that exist
T within those climates.
Coral Reef X X X
T Ice Floes X X X
S Permanent Ice X X X X Location
Tundra X X X X Location provides details of
Mountain the countries or geographical
Caverns regions in which (or through
Coastal which) the creatures range.
Inshore Ocean In some cases where the
Pelagic Ocean creature’s range has changed,
Farmland X information on the creature’s
Ruins historical ranges will be
Crypts given.
“X” indicates that a habitat does not exist in a particular climate.
This line describes how the creature typically organizes itself Tail
in the wild. For group organizations, a range of numbers is This section gives the typical range of lengths for the
given to indicate how many creatures will be in the group. creature’s tail in feet and inches. If no measurement is
This number includes adults and young. A number may also provided, the creature has no tail.
be provided in brackets to indicate what number of creatures
will typically be encountered. Height
This section gives the height (in feet and inches) for an adult
The types of organization are as follows: member of the species.
Appendix D
character is licensed to own them. A character also cannot legally
sell objects that have been reported as stolen. Selling objects illegally
Diet usually requires that the character have contacts in the black market,
A description of the creature’s typical diet. and reduces the sale value by an additional 3. Selling takes a number
of hours equal to the normal purchase DC of the item.
Main Stat Block
This section includes the main d20 stats for the creature, creature may also have a value. In some markets, some parts
including Hit Dice, initiative, speed, Armor Class, base of the creature’s anatomy may be valued for their supposed
attack/grapple, attack, space/reach, special attacks, and medicinal qualities.
special qualities, saves, abilities, skills, feats, Challenge
Rating, and Advancement. The treasure section provides details of the type of treasure
a creature is carrying (if any). It also provides information on
Combat the value of live members of the species or the value that can
This section provides information on how creatures of a be extracted from the body of such a creature. The values
particular species usually behave in combat. Additional given are those that may be obtained in the markets that are
information about the creature’s capabilities in combat is local or close to where the creature resides in the wild.
also provided.
The categories used for Treasures are as follows:
Skills and Abilities
This section gives more information about the creature’s - Adult Untrained: This is the value of a wild, healthy, adult
skills and abilities. specimen.
- Trained: This is the value of a trained, healthy, adult
Treasure specimen.
Intelligent creatures may be carrying treasure such as items - Young: This is the value for a healthy cub, kitten, etc.
and coins. Animals and other unintelligent creatures typically - Pelt or Feathers: This is the value of the creature’s skin,
carry no treasure. Even so, the creature may still be valuable. fur, or feathers.
Live adults of some species may be valuable to collectors, - Trophy: For some creatures there is a market for trophies
and trained adult creatures or the young of a species may made from some part of their body. For instance, the
be valuable as pets, for performance, or for other tasks. The creature’s head can be stuffed and mounted on a display.
fur of many species is valued for use in garments or other - Teeth: Some creature’s teeth are valued for use as jewelry
textiles. The heads of some creatures are sometimes stuffed or as collectibles. The value given is for the entire set of the
and displayed as trophies. Claws, teeth, or other parts of the creature’s teeth.
i) Excellent: Meat is of highest quality and is generally The price given in the table above is an average value if
highly valued. Examples of excellent meats include beef, the carcass is sold as a whole. Some cuts of meat from the
pork, and chicken. Some excellent meats may still not be carcass may be more valuable than the average cost, others
valued by some populations for reasons extraneous to the less valuable. For instance, prime cuts of excellent meat are
actual quality of the meat. For example, eating snake meat typically valued at around 3 silver pieces per pound.
or insects is considered distasteful by many, and eating pork,
beef, and the meat of primates is considered taboo by many The food value section provides an average carcass value
for that species. This value is based on the quality of the Tracks
meat and the average weight of the carcass of a creature of A hunter must learn to recognize and interpret many types of creature
signs, in particular the tracks creatures leave behind. A skilled hunter
that species. The weight of the carcass is typically 50% of will be able to learn a great deal from a creature’s tracks, including:
the creature’s live body weight. The rest of the creature’s
weight is taken up by bones and other inedibles. If the exact - The type of creature that left the track,
- The age of the track,
weight of a creature is known, a more exact value for the - The creature’s daily patterns of behavior, and
creature’s carcass can be calculated. To do this, divide the - Whether the creature was running, walking, or ambling.
creature’s live body weight in half and multiply this value by
The easiest surfaces on which to find and identify tracks are
the value per pound based on the meat quality. snow, wet sand, or damp soil. Damp soil provides the best surface for
capturing imprints of the creature’s feet, and frequently fine details
Hunting Tips such as toes, heels, and claws will be clearly visible, allowing easy
identification of the creature that left them. This detail will often be lost
The hunting tips section provides information on best in snow or sand. Snow, however, provides the best surface for tracking
practices and techniques to track and kill or capture the a creature, since the tracks are more likely to be uninterrupted, and it
creature. A few common techniques are as follows: is often possible to track the creature over long distances. In snow, it
may sometimes be possible to catch up with the creature by following
its tracks, and take it.
Stand hunting: Involves building a structure that If catching up with the creature is not possible, a skilled hunter
provides the hunter with concealment and often greater will still be able to use a creature’s tracks to plan the next day’s hunt.
Creatures frequently follow regular daily patterns of movement, and
elevation along a recently used trail between the creature’s by following the creature’s tracks, it is possible to learn where a
bedding and feeding area. creature typically rests, or feeds. For instance, in snow, hunters will
frequently go out in the early morning and follow a creature’s fresh
tracks backwards to find where the creature slept. The hunter can then
Still-hunting: Involves moving short distances and set up an ambush at a suitable location.
then stopping with your back to a tree and watching for 15 Individual tracks can also provide information on not just the
minutes to one hour. creature’s identity, but on its behavior, too. For instance, the shape of
a print will vary depending on the speed the creature was moving at,
with deeper, larger prints being left by a creature that is running. Also,
Driving: This technique involves driving or rousing wild a running creature will often slide on mud or sand.
Appendix D
creatures from thick patches of cover towards the hunter. It is not just the individual prints that provide clues about a
creature’s identity and behavior. From the pattern and spacing of prints,
The creatures are normally driven out by making a lot of it is possible to tell if the creature was hopping, running, or walking.
noise, and the people doing the driving are referred to as A hunter must be able to distinguish fresh tracks from old,
beaters since they frequently beat on some object to make and must be able to approximate the age of a track. Depending on
the surface, and on weather conditions, a fresh track will usually
noise. This technique was used, for example, to drive tigers have distinct edges, whereas these will become more rounded and
or wild boar from forest cover or game birds from reed beds. obscured with age due to weathering.
To drive creatures from large patches of cover, many beaters
need to be employed. Comments
The comments section contains a variety of information
Glass-and-stalk method: Climb to high elevation in the about the species that is not captured adequately in the other
early morning, spot the creature, and then stalk to within sections of the description. If the creature is venomous, more
shooting range. Use ravines, boulders, or brush to conceal information about the effects of the poison may be provided
your approach. Ideally approach from above because many in the comments section.
creatures typically look for danger from below.
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supplementary rules, tables, and clarifications.
Requires the use of the Dungeons & Dragons, Third Edition Core Books, or d20 Modern
Roleplaying Game, both published by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.