Modul 2
Modul 2
Modul 2
Kompetensi Dasar
3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, strukrur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beherapa teks naratif
lisan dan rulis dengan memberi dan meminta inforusi terkait legenda rakya, sederlana,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanunya
4.8 Menangkap makua secara konuekstual terkait fungsi susial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat.
B. Generic Structure
Snow White
1. Orientation: Once upon a time, there was a little girl
Giving background information about the named Snow White.
participants, the time and the place of the
2. Evaluation: The characters of the participant
She was the most beautiful girl in the
3. Complication: Her step mother hates her beauty and
Describing the obstacles which the killed her by poisonous apple.
participants have to deal with.
4. Resolution: The dwarf looked after Snow White.
Showing the way of the participants solve A prince came and kissed Snow White
the problems
Once a man sold his well to a farmer. Next day when a farmer went to draw the water
from that well, the man did not allow him to draw the water from it. He said, “I have sold
you the well, not the water, so you cannot draw the water from the well.”
The farmer became very sad and came to the Emperor’s court. He described everything to
the Emperor and asked for the justice. The Emperor called Birbal and handed over this
case to him. Birbal called the man who sold the well to the farmer. Birbal asked, “Why
don’t you let him use the water of the well. You have sold the well to the farmer.” The man
replied, “Birbal, I have sold the well to the farmer, not the water. He has no right to draw
the water from the well.”
Then Birbal smiled and said to him, “Good, but look, since you have sold the well to this
farmer, and you claim that water is yours, then you have no right to keep your water in
the farmer’s well. Either you pay rent to the farmer to keep your water in his well, or you
take that out of his well immediately.”
The man understood, that his trick has failed. Birbal has outwitted him.
4. Why didn’t the man let the farmer use the water from the well?
A. Because the man needed the water for himself
B. Because there was no water in the well
C. Because the man obeyed what the emperor said
D. Because the man thought that he had sold the well but the water was not involved
C. One who desires more, loses all. One should remain satisfied with what one gets
D. There is no substitute for hard work because dreams cannot be fulfilled without hard
Read the following text to answer questions number 6 to 10.
Once upon a time there was a traveler who went to a distant town. It almost midnight
when he got the town. He came to an inn but the inn was locked. He tried to knock at the
“Who are you? What do you want?” asked a voice from inside the inn. “The door cannot
be unlocked at such an odd hour.”
The traveler needed a rest, food and shelter. He begged, “ Please, unlock the door. How
cold it is outside.”
The innkeeper replied,” it’s strange lock and can be opened only with a silver key.”
Because of his needs and the terrible condition outside, the traveler finally obeyed about
what innkeeper said and passed a silver coin through a slit in the door. Then he got the
door unlocked and entered into the inn.
“I have left one of my bags outside”said the traveler.” Will you please bring it in?”
No sooner the inkeeper had gone out and the traveler locked the door from inside. The
greedy inkeeper was outside and shut on. He requested to unlock the door to the traveler.
The traveler replied, “ I’m helpless, it’s a strange lock and can be opened only with a silver
The inkeeper was required to push a silver coin though the slit. The traveler got back his
silver coin and unlock the door.
10. The traveler finally obeyed about what innkeeper said and passed a silver coin through
a slit in the door.... his needs and the terrible condition outside.
A. Because C. Due to
B. Since D. For
3.9 menafsirkan fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja
4.9 menangkap makna terkait fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan secara kontekstual
lirik lagu terkait kehidupan remaja SMA/MA/SMK/MAK
A. What is Song?
A song is a short piece of music, usually combines with words, melody, and vocals. A song
consists of words called lyrics, verses which tell the story, and a refrain, a short phrase
repeated at the end of every verse.
Song title
❖ Song Title
❖ Verse
: a series of lyrics that tell the main story of the
song and keep the action or
thoughts moving forward
❖ Chorus/refrain
: meant to be the most memorable part, containing the ultimate message of
the piece
❖ Bridge
: a passage of music that contrasts the verse and the chorus, and is generally
used to take the listener from one section to the next.
C. Parts of Son
@2020, Direktorat SMA, Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN 6
Modul Bahasa Inggris Umum. Kelas X KD 3.9/4.9
Read the lyrics In the song above , there are several verses and choruses.
So in a song, we have :
1. Lyrics (the words of a song)
2. Verses ( writing arranged in lines which have rhythm)
3. Chorus ( a part of a song hat is repeated after each verse)
4. Refrain ( shorter than chorus)
5. Bridge ( to connect section of a song)
Example :
Don’t give up
By Bruno Mars
[Verse 1]
When you want to do something that is new
And it seems really, really hard to do
You feel like quitting, you feel you’re through
Well I have some advice for you
Do not give up, keep on trying
You all going to make it (ah yeah) do not give up
Do not ever quit, try and try and you can do it, do not give up (yeah)
[Verse 2]
If you want to catch a ball, but you are having no luck at all
The ball hits your head, it hits your nose
It hits your belly, your chin and toes
Well try and try and try again, keep on trying and soon
You will put your hands out in the air
You will catch that ball, yes this I swear
Do not give up, keep on going
You are on a boat, so keep on rowing
Do not give up, don’t ever stop
Try and try and you will come out on top, do not give up
Source :
1. Do not ever quit, try and try and you can do it, do not give up (yeah What does the
sentence mean?
answer : If you fail, dont lose hope. Keep on trying
2. You are going to get there just keep on grooving. The word grooving is closest in
meaning to…
3. Which phrases repeated a lot in the song?
Song by: Jason Mraz
All day I’ve been inside
And I’ve got the feeling
I’m trapped between the walls
And underneath the ceiling
I feel a bit off track
And I’m trying to get back
It cannot wait
Let’s go out doors
2. What does the writer feel when he’s inside the house?
A. Trapped C. Happy
B. Angry D. Excited
Let her go
By Passenger
Well you only need the light when it’s burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
By Demis Roussos
10. “Rain and tears both for shown. For in my heart there’ll never be a sun”.
The phrase “my heart there’ll never be a sun” means that the writer….
A. will always feel sad
B. will have his heart be with bright lif
C. will feel so faithless all the time
D. will get very tired all his life
12. . “And gets paid to lie”. The word “gets paid” means….
A. Receive money for work completed
B. Pay someone
C. buy with money
D. sell with low prices
E. promote completely
14. Which of the following words below is the term used to describe all the words of a
A. Refrain
B. Verse
C. Lyrics
D. Bridge