ID 258 Gorli M, Ripamonti S, Giuseppe S
ID 258 Gorli M, Ripamonti S, Giuseppe S
ID 258 Gorli M, Ripamonti S, Giuseppe S
The paper discusses the challenge to sustain managerial development by moving from
the hypothesis that this should involve opportunities, for managers, to experience
reflexive processes and the creation of “communities of researching practitioners”.
An Action Learning process is presented, with a specific methodological choice. The
paper analyzes the proposal of research, narrative and ethnographic methods to sustain
managers to the incoming organizational challenges. It does so through an
organizational case, entering the details of the phases and the use of tools proposed.
More specifically, the use of an ethno-narrative tool is discussed, as well as its
effectiveness for managerial development.
Key words:
Mara Gorli,; Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milan, Italy. Phone: +39 02 72343974
those processes and practices, by handling and mediating among different and
sometimes conflicting cultures and interests.
Moreover, organizations less than before require people to develop individual courses of
action. The new challenge is instead to act collectively, to create networks where every
stakeholder may have a role and an appreciation.
These aspects require not only the exercise of reflexive competences, but also
competences in developing authorship and networking that are more than ever crucial.
Moving from these premises, our hypothesis is that sustaining managerial development
means creating opportunities where managers can be involved in reflexive processes
and can also build and experience “communities practitioners”. These communities,
constituted by colleagues, would help them search around the working practices and
their cultural foundations, and permit an exchange of events‟ interpretations and
practical solutions (problem setting and problem solving). We can therefore call them
“communities of researching practitioners”.
This is the idea that guided the authors of this paper, who are going to present a
theoretical and also practical reflection stemming from a specific organizational
intervention in which they have been involved as researcher-consultants2.
The paper discusses the challenge to sustain managerial development through specific
methodological attentions. Within the framework of an Action Learning process,
traditionally centered on reflection and change, the paper reports and analyzes the
proposal of research setting and tools, coming from narrative and ethnographic
traditions, to sustain managers to the incoming organizational challenges.
We do not intend entering the debate about the differences between being “academic researchers” or
being “academic consultants”. Although we are aware that there is a strong debate in literature, for the
purposes of this paper we will here refer to our role in the organizational case by using the short term
on people‟s everyday experience. Rather, professional development has to do with the
relationship between the subject and his or her organizational context. Such a
relationship is chiefly of a symbolic and cultural kind and it is displayed through people
daily working practices.
People orient their professional practices in communication with the local (and often
fragmented) cultural systems, which they contribute to create and re-create over the
In the next part of the paper a case study is presented for the purpose to show the
potential of Action Learning combined with the ethno-narrative approach in managerial
We are now going to present the different phases that constituted our process proposal,
exploring in detail the methodological choices and their impact on the learning process
For each of the three main phases, the paper reports on:
Which hypothesis and aims have guided the consultants along the process?
What setting has been proposed?
What kind of methods and specific tools have been introduced?
What have been the participants‟ reactions?
What have been the obtained results?
What can the consultants comment on that specific work phase?
1) Initial phase (the first three meetings): “The fatigue of reflexively re-discovering
our managerial mandate”
The hypothesis that guided the Action Learning proposal came after an agreement with
the Federation‟s board. The conviction was that it was necessary to activate a reflexive
pathway for the
pilot group of 7 managers, the new Unique Coordinators (UC). For the process to begin,
an initial request for the managers was to recall some situations and critical incidents
happened in real work life that they could share with colleagues.
Ten monthly meetings were organized and articulated in different work sessions, each
of it would collect stories and episodes for activating practitioners‟ sharing and mutual
understanding, before passing on to actions (change). Following one of the principle of
Action Learning, reflection would provoke ideas for changing, and every participants
would be invited to put in action the agreed direction of change inspired by the group.
Role of the external consultants, in this process, was to facilitate the critical reflection
among people and to nurture feedback and suggestions on the situations/incidents
reported. In this way, the inquiry process activated by participants would favor the on-
the-field exploration of critical knots of the new UC function and the emersion of new
actions and new management practices.
In this firth phase, round table free discussion among participants and the deepening of
everybody‟s specific work situation was the method used.
Although the possibility to share problems was perceived important by the managers,
the first meetings were difficult because UCs found them hard to use. It was not clear to
them what kind of material was more proper for such meetings, and how to elaborate on
it effectively. The UCs had a constant flow of experience to report in that educational
development initiative, and they did not know how to depict it or make it accessible to
others. On-the-field experiences were reported in a confuse manner: it was not possible
to stop the thinking on some of the most relevant junctions. Discussing problems
seemed a too delicate process for jeopardizing it with confusion of tongues and
references. Managers were irritated by this added fatigue.
“I cannot see how we can work together. Each of us has its own
specific context to work in. We do not share much of it: we have
specific daily problems related to the local cultures in which we have
traditionally operated. Everyone has to survive in his context, with his
referring partners, with his routines. Are we sure that sharing our
problems would be of any help?”
The themes raised in the three meetings concerned representations on the managerial
mandate, tasks perceived as strategic in the new role, role change and its impact on
schools and local partnership. These topics regard people‟s involvement and
representation of the mandate, the influence of one‟s own history and cultural
background, the networks activated along the professional life, personal needs and
values in place.
The outcomes of the first three meetings therefore consisted in the “opening of the
boiling pot”: lots of confused situations emerged, where the former and the new
functions fought in absence of any recipe or top down direction. Participants profited by
sharing experiences but were not able to offer or receive applicable feedback to/from
colleagues, because of the complexities of the situations brought.
From the beginning, the consultants understood that they had underestimated the
different contexts and cultural aspects raised by the events reported. In the Federation
there were territorial distances and cultural specificities that made the local educative
services very different. Traditions, routines, local practices modify the way the local
communities interpret the service and its management. UCs were challenged to be
sensitive knower of the context and of the different relations instituted among the
Federation and its schools.
UCs can in fact be consider local knowledge managers. Necessarily, the ways to
interpret their mandate are different, reflecting the territorial differences in place. If this
is a positive trait for a complex organization, it also requires to balance potential
conflicting or not coherent interpretations. The challenge in such a context was to value
the local practices as well as to allow not too fragmented positions and responses.
2) The intermediate phase (from the fourth to the seventh meeting): The
“research” turn. Searching practices through ethno-narrative writings.
The first proposal created a too highly de-structured and free setting. Because the new
mandate strongly challenged the UCs and caused intense emotional responses, setting
where everyone was free to bring any thoughts and fears might not be functional for
mediating between thinking and action.
Consultants decided to change method: the complexity should have been put inside a
frame for focusing attention and producing data analyzable by managers in their
multifold aspects.
The setting remained similar to the first three meetings and aligned to the Action
Learning principles, i.e. the 7 managers of the pilot group met once a month in Action
Learning set and, when alone at their workplace in the time from one meeting to the
following, they tried to put in action what they gained thanks to the colleagues‟
contributions. What did change were the tools to support their reflection and inquiry
attitude around the role‟s challenges.
Two new tools were introduced, named the ethno-narrative writing and the heuristic
The ethno-narrative writing was aimed to orient the practitioners attention towards the
daily work practices. As said before in the paper, the ethnographic method allows to
detect data that have been observed, traced, sustained by researcher‟s documents and
notes. Writing is instead a method for capturing personal data on which it is possible to
orient reflexive thinking.
The turning point in the process was represented by the introduction of these two
qualities combined. In table 1. the tool is described in its part.
Table 1 - The ethno- narrative writing
For exercising on ethno- narrative writing, we created a frame composed by four columns that
requested different attentions by the managers.
In the first column, the “Critical events column” the participants are invited to describe in
details a situation or an event (related to the new role) that requested all their energies and
Writing the first column should consider “fresh events”, recently happened and narrated as
freely as possible without any brain mediation. Participants should write down the details of
what happened and the specific aspects or condition of the context. It is important that the event
is also described in terms of the place where it happened, the actors involved, the organizational
feature at that time and the contextual characteristics that will be later useful to explain what
happened and why.
The second column is the “On the spot column”/ “Immediate column”. In this column
participants can express their emotional state influenced by the situation. What were the feelings
activated by the event? What was the personal reaction upon the critical event?
The third column, on the contrary, asks participants to express a sort of cold-press. The “Cold-
press column” / “Ex post column” is the place where participants may report their
interpretation and thoughts after a certain time from the event. This exercise aims to develop
reflexive thinking based on the knowledge possessed and revised as related to the event.
The fourth column is the “Group comments column”, a specific space where participants
registered comments, feedback, interpretation and considerations emerged from the Action
Learning group meetings. The fourth column has been compiled only after the discussion of the
critical event with colleagues.
During the third meeting, consultants invited participants to consider the above ethno-
narrative writing proposal, and suggested to compile one writing every week per one
month. From the third to the fourth meeting the seven UCs produced four ethno-
narrative writings per person. Before the following (fourth) meeting they were asked to
select the most significant writing out of four, to send it to the other colleagues and
consultant and to present its content during the Action Learning meeting. Reading the
others‟ writings permitted to open an individual space of reflection before joining the
group. Presenting and discussing the contents in front of the colleagues, instead,
permitted to open up a group space for reflection.
The heuristic map is an artifact that consultants proposed at the fourth and following
Action Learning meetings. Due to the managers‟ confusion in the first phase of the
process, the idea was to orient the reading of the rich and complex incoming data.
Referred situations and critical events, keywords utilized, questions and crucial themes
reported by participants were positioned on a map which was named heuristic for its
potential in developing new connections and interpretations. (see table 2)
Management CU Teaching
restructuring area challenges area training
payroll innovation
Institutional client
communications communications
community to
This represented a new work phase that accompanied the rest of the process (from the
fourth meeting to the seventh). From a methodological point of view, every group
meeting focused on 4 ethno-narrative writings and permitted their analysis. The new
phase entailed a more active role of consultants in feeding back the collected data and
the calling of participants‟ engagement towards those data for further analysis.
The map had a relevant function in the process. It put in words recurrent problems and
issues that characterized the work practices. It made visible that the complexity and
apparent diversity of those problems were actually experienced in the same way by
other colleagues –although with a few different contextual elements. It made also
visible, on the contrary, that similar situations were managed differently by colleagues,
thus suggesting new coping strategies.
Map caused intense emotional responses by the managers, because it was seen as a
synthesis of the challenges they have had to cope with.
Reading the ethno-narrative writings, discussing the heuristic maps, building new social
discourses derived by sharing the findings, caused a major implication and clearness of
topics. The author of the writing could thus receive feedback from colleagues in the
group and from consultants. At the same time every author pulled colleagues to
implication on his/her own context characteristics and specific problems.
Round table discussion favored the exchange among participants in terms of
similarities, subjectivities and cultural differences in role representation and in the
perceived challenges, strategies to cope with local critical events. It was a way to make
local knowledges emerge, and to canalize them into a new feeling of being a community
in research within the same organizational work-frame and vision.
For better representing the general obtained results for this phase of the process, we
attach an ethno-narrative writing filled in by participants after individual reading and
group discussion.
list when we see there is enrollment of their
nothing we can do. I call pupils?
the President (with A door to door
anger!). function, for
And if it was you to
post up some other
necessary information
at the school door? Or
in the local newspaper?
Phoning the families!
That could also be an
In this example it is quite evident that the first column is radically different from the
positions emerged in the fourth. A progressive level of action is conceived thanks to the
exchange with colleagues. Being able to invent alternative ways in being manager does
not happen naturally or spontaneously by reflecting on problems. Making these
alternatives “good practices” to be implemented, and pushing them into the Federation‟s
code of action or philosophy, is a precious process that can emerge only when
individuals have a community of reference behind them as support and as steering
committee for the most fundamental things to sponsor.
Given the overall good appreciation of the use of ethno-narrative writings, the
consultants decided to propose their utilization for the entire central phase of the
process. Starting with the fifth meeting, every month the UCs were asked to compile
one writing for continue discussing. The emerging issues served to define the cultural
anchorage of the Federation, and to include them into progressive definition of the new
repertoire of managerial practices.
3) The third and final phase: Recognizing and managing critical challenges. New
practices for new managers.
Consultants staff recognized that UCs were ready to a step forward in their elaboration.
Once they became strong enough to cope with their new practices and challenges,
thanks to the support of colleagues in Action Learning, they were ready to define the
centrality of the new mandate for the Federation‟s purposes and reorganization. The
organizational challenge was to use the support to the pilot group of first 7 new UCs, for
a cascading effect to the rest of the coordinators. For obtaining this, the seven managers
had to explicit in which direction their practices were in line with the Federation‟s
service philosophy and values, and what were their efficiency and effectiveness.
If in the first and second phase the aim was to provide support to individuals‟ situations
or perceived problems, in the third one the process should have aimed to the overall
managerial functions needed by the organization.
The new map was named “Mandate dimensions Map”. Aim of it was to highlight the
critical areas of the service that the Federation had to provide, and the characteristics of
the former coordinator mandate compared to the new ones.
Participants reacted to the new group functioning and to the new product (the Mandate
dimensions Map) with enthusiasm. The Action Learning group became the collective
subject able to evaluate, integrate or change the managerial practices highlighted in the
Organizational change was interpreted as well as managerial change.
The obtained results
Group was used not only for sharing ideas and solutions, but also for validating and
proposing new repertoires of practices to be implemented in the new managerial
function. Main first result was the possibility to act as authors of the new mandate.
Second result was that this was possible only because a network of colleagues (a
community in research) had been activated and trusted.
The third phase ended up with an evaluation of the overall process, and with new ideas
to be exported in the Federation. The seven UCs had the duty to inform the organization
and the rest of their colleagues about the managerial development investment and its
effects. Cascading effect had to be built in the future, with the support of the Federation.
The group also suggested a few ways to continue their learning in the distance and
along the time. These are the challenges that the Federation is still investing on
Introduc tion of New maps for
the ethno- new manag erial
narrative writing mandate
S etting Action learning Introduction of both group and individual spaces New leadership functions
for analysing the managerial practices
through more structured research tools
Methods and Analysis of managerial practices E thno-narrative writings “R ole dimensions map”
tools through a free discussion
Heuristic map
P articipants ’ L ow commitment More commitment in exploring each other’s E nthusiasm in trying to modify the
reactions writings managerial practices
R esults “O pening of the boiling pot” Deep exchange of experiences and Validating and implementing new
interpretations repertoires
C omments T he emerging etherogeneity F or the vauable results obtained, the use of the P lanning “cascading” pathways
requires to balance conflicting ethno-narrative writing is maintained along the
interpretations, in order to identify a whole Action L earning process
common repertoire of practices
The Action Learning was set up to help managers face the challenges of a new mandate,
that required to integrate pedagogical and administrative functions within their
organization. The analysis presented above has highlighted, from the beginning to the
end of the process, the setting and multiple tools that were proposed to sustain the
managerial development toward such a direction.
Main outcomes were:
the possibility, for the managers involved, to better focus and set the common
problems and the critical issues related to the new mandate
the foundation of a community of managers able to co-research around their
problems and their practices reflexively, by sharing not only interpretations and
suggestions but also a renewed repertoire of knowledge and professional
practices that they could have in common.
the concrete put in action of such a new and shared repertoire of managerial
knowledge and practices.
We reckon that the proposal of a research setting and research methods and tools -more
specifically, the ethno-narrative writings- within the Action Learning path, has played a
meaningful role in achieving these outcomes. The use of ethno-narrative method, in
effect, seemed to increase and better sustain the effectiveness of the Action Learning
process in three ways:
1. In helping managers better explore and focus on their problems
2. In facilitating the foundation of a community of researching practitioners
3. In orienting and sustaining managers‟ actions
The ethno-narrative writings let the managers research around their practices from a
new and valuable standpoint. As a matter of fact, it gave them the possibility to better
focus the critical aspects of their new mandate, by helping them highlight both the
cultural and the psycho-social dimensions of their daily practices.
More specifically, the writings allowed to collect and to display a repertoire of critical
incidents related to the managers‟ interpretation of their new mandate. They also
allowed to order such criticalities and to start up a process of systematic and progressive
construction of a map of the most important and critical practices related to their
The joint production and analysis of the writings, together with the consultants‟
presentation of a report summarizing the most significant and common themes,
provided managers with data and interpretations suitable for seeing more clearly the
“theories in use” embedded in their practices. It also offered them the opportunity to
deal with and to discuss their differences, as well as to re-structure interpretations and
new orientations to action. Such an effort had a great impact, for it allowed to explicitly
prioritize both the challenges and the new requirements provided by the reorganization.
Furthermore, the ethno-narrative writings, in integrating the ethno and the narrative
aspects, allowed managers to research both on the cultural and on the psycho-social side
of the “theories” embedded in their professional practices. Such a tool therefore
sustained the emergence of important information around the cultural and local contexts
where managers operated, as well as around their personal interpretation of the
managerial mandate. This allowed the group not to lose neither the cultural nor the
subjective nature of the problems and practices described by each manager. It finally
helped them produce more complex and articulated pictures of their situation. Moving
from it, managers developed a deeper awareness and clearer stance of the organizational
The ethno-narrative writings facilitated managers‟ team working, and helped them build
a community of practitioners, active and committed in co-researching around their
practices and in elaborating more shared and renewed repertoires.
More specifically, the proposal of writing not only the critical episodes (first column),
but also the emotional reactions as well as the individual and group interpretations of
the incidents (second-third and fourth column), allowed the generation of comments and
reflections which were visible, shareable and dialectically usable by the group.
Given the heterogeneity and the richness of managers‟ professional stories, as well as of
the local sub-cultures and contexts within the Federation, the ethno-narrative tool
allowed to disclose such a variety and make it visible to the managers‟ eyes and to the
rest of the organization‟s, thus generating a deeper understanding of the different values
and representations. This was an important milestone that originated a higher
confrontation around the managerial practices, within a climate of progressive
reciprocal legitimation.
From such a work, therefore, managers could trace, systematize and validate their
interpretations about the critical incidents, as well as their new agreements towards a
more shared set of beliefs, values, practices. Each of them could trace and benefit from
the group‟s suggestions and comments, in order to re-orient their practice within their
specific context. They also traced the agreements related to the foundation of a new and
more integrated system of languages, knowledge and practices shared by the emerging
The dialogical and recursive use of the writings, the joint analyses and the presentation
of summaries, reports and maps, helped managers, as co-researchers, commit
themselves in a cooperative process where they recognized each others as sources of
knowledge and support. In this sense the writings sustained the reflexive process, based
on a joint analysis of the common problems and on the generation of new shared
understandings and possibilities of actions.
Finally, the ethno-narrative writings, within the Action Learning setting, facilitated a
process where managers built new agreements and could re-position themselves with
regard to their mandate and their professional practices. They found opportunities to
support each other towards the implementation of such agreements and new stances.
The fourth column, written after the group discussion of the writings, was in particular
recognized as the most valuable leverage which facilitated the possibility to put in
action the knowledge and the indication generated. As a matter of fact, the written
artefact traced reflections and orientations arising from the group and gave more
emphasis and validity to the new managers‟ positions towards their mandate.
Furthermore, the ethno-narrative writing revealed itself not only as a tool for collecting
data and interpretations related to the “there and then” of the organizational and
managerial field. It was also used as a tool for generating data around the “here and
now” of the discussions and the agreements within the Action Learning process. It
therefore allowed to collect and integrate information around the managers‟ daily
practices “within their contexts”, as well as information around the managers‟ research
practices within the Action Learning context. It finally provided non-ambiguous
orientations, and was recognized as an useful set of evidences from which the process of
researching and reflecting together as a community of practitioners could start and was
sustained, even after the end of the intervention.
Within a long-term perspective, the writings could be also used as evidence that
periodically reminded managers‟ need of confrontation and legitimated the maintenance
of settings where they could re-discuss and offer reciprocal support around the shared
repertoire of practices. They finally provided a basis for further dissemination of such a
repertoire within the organization, in order to promote awareness and involvement
among the other managers towards their new mandate.
While the proposal of ethno-narrative tools provided the Action Learning process with
the advantages and opportunities described above, we are well aware of some
limitations and criticalities concerning its application.
The first criticality is related to the time and the efforts required for sustaining the
research work. Editing an ethno-narrative writing takes at least one hour, and a great
commitment in breaking up the work-flow, in reflecting around meaningful episodes, in
focusing and writing down descriptions, reactions and reflections.
We reckon that in our case such an effort was made possible thanks to several
conditions: the Action Learning was set up in an educational organization, whose
managers were familiar with constant “training on the job” approach; they trusted the
consultants that had been introduced to the Federation long time before the intervention;
and had, for their professional humanistic culture, a good attitude and passion for
writing. In other contexts and with other participants these facilitating conditions should
not be taken for granted; nevertheless they can be considered and carefully evaluated.
Furthermore, from an organizational and logistic perspective, the proposal of an Action
Learning setting focused on ethno-narrative writings and, more generally, on a
cooperative research process, requires time (a great number of days and hours, even for
the back office work of reading all the participants‟ writings products) and resources
(economic, technological, etc). This availability must be negotiated in every single
Finally, working with the ethno-narrative tools requires participants to trust each others,
the organization and the consultants. A minimum trust is necessary, in effect, to avoid
the risk that managers commit themselves only superficially in writing and dealing with
their real problems, as in the case of suspicion or worry in being evaluated or in losing
competitiveness. In competitive organizations, or where the organizational change is
perceived as too threatening for managers‟ survival, it seems necessary to build a higher
degree of trust and psychological security before proposing the described setting and
tools. Consultants are therefore required to evaluate and to eventually discuss with their
clients and their participants such conditions, in order to stipulate a psychological
agreement and to safeguard the consultancy process from mystifications and perverse
The paper discussed the challenge to sustain managerial development by moving from
the hypothesis that this should involve opportunities, for managers, to experience
reflexive processes and the creation of “communities of researching practitioners”.
An Action Learning process is presented, described in line with its traditional principles
but with a new methodological attention. The paper explored and analyzed specifically
the proposal of research, narrative and ethnographic methods to sustain managers to the
incoming organizational challenges. It did so through an organizational case, entering
the details of the phases and the use of tools proposed. More specifically, the use of an
ethno-narrative tool is discussed, as well as its effectiveness in sustaining managerial
development. We can here briefly summarize some aspects:
1. The ethno-narrative writing oriented the group work. It allowed an ordered emersion
of local knowledge arranged for discussion.
2. The process therefore provided a new individual and group reflexive space, necessary
for long-life learning. Thinking activity became oriented and everyone could profit,
lightening the burden of everyday managerial difficulties.
3. The ethno-narrative writing constituted a precious research tool and methodology for
a new managerial feature: the role of co-researcher of the managers, accompanied by
colleagues and consultants. Managers became protagonist of their own inquiry. They
not any more waited for somebody to propose a solution, by engage themselves in its
The new process was that participants focused together on specific issues, and became a
work team in defining their new role and the partners they could consider for their tasks.
4. The “researching managers” became authors of their own work practices: they gained
responsibility and appreciation about the innovative responses that they could find to
recurrent or unexpected problems. They also learnt to build new partnership and
network activities for not responding only individually to their challenges.
The paper ends up with the analysis of the advantages and limitations of these uses and
the conditions for making the best out of this method.
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