Timeline League of Nations
Timeline League of Nations
Timeline League of Nations
The League of The LON condemns
Nations is established Germany is Italy’s invasion of
with the signing of admitted to the Albania but fails to
Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations. take significant
ending WW1. action.
The United Nations 1946
Sustainable Development The first meeting of the 1941
Summit adopts the 2030 United Nations General The term "United Nations"
Agenda for Sustainable Assembly convenes in is coined by 26 nations
Development, combatting London, signaling global during World War II,
climate change, poverty, 1956 pledging to fight together.
cooperation and diplomacy.
and support of human The Suez Crisis triggers against the Axis Powers.
rights. the first deployment of the
The United Nations is officially
United Nations
established, and its Charter
Emergency Force,
ratified, marking its formal
showcasing its role in
inception with major powers
international peacekeeping
like China, France, and UK.