GC Partition Coeff
GC Partition Coeff
GC Partition Coeff
Divisin de Qumica Analtica, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, 47 esq. 115, 1900 La Plata, Argentina b CIDEPINT, La Plata, Argentina
Abstract This review covers theoretical principles and experimental procedures for the determination of gasliquid partition coefcients, KL , by gas chromatography. In order to precisely dene the relationship between KL , retention time and experimental parameters, the retention theory, both for ideal and for imperfect gas phase, is expounded. The most important sources of systematic error, as peak asymmetry, mixed retention mechanisms, column hold-up time and stationary phase mass determination, are discussed. Although the review is focussed on packed columns, comparison to capillary columns is discussed in those aspects in which these last show advantages. 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Reviews; Partition coefcients; Gas chromatography
Contents 1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Retention theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1. Basic retention theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Retention theory taking into account vapor phase non-idealities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Retention by mixed mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. Column hold-up determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. Determination of the stationary phase volume, VL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. Packed or capillary columns? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7. IUPAC recommendations on chromatographic parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8. Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 224 224 226 227 228 229 229 230 230 231 231
1. Introduction The gasliquid partition coefcient for the equilibrium distribution of a volatile solute between a vapor and a liquid phase is dened by the relationship: KL = CL CM (1)
where CL and CM represent the equilibrium solute concentration in the liquid and in the vapor phase, respectively. KL
is of paramount importance in solution thermodynamics and an essential term in the retention equations of gasliquid chromatography (GLC). It can be calculated from retention measurements, a fact that was soon perceived and exploited by chromatographers: Bradford et al. [1] were the rst authors to report a gas chromatographically measured KL as early as in 1955. The theoretical foundations and the experimental procedures for the accurate measurement of partition coefcients were set up during the 1960s and 1970s by a relatively small number of distinguished chromatographers. Hundreds of papers reporting KL values for a great diversity of solutes and solvents have been published since then. It is a matter of
0021-9673/$ see front matter 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2003.12.019
concern that correct measuring procedures have not always been followed and, even more, that the number of papers rejected by referees in this area has increased in recent years. In order to remedy this state of things the Editor of the present special issue considered that a review article covering theoretical and practical aspects of the accurate measurement of gasliquid partition coefcients would be pertinent and of value. A comprehensive treatment can be consulted in two recognized monographies [2,3] that, notwithstanding the time passed since their publication, remain as works of reference. Plots of CL against CM may be concave or convex at moderate concentrations; however all isotherms become linear at sufciently low concentrations. The linear region, characterized by a constant KL , is known as the Henrys law or innite dilution region. Both theoretically and experimentally GLC is simpler at innite dilution. Conder and Purnell [4] have extended the theory to nite solute concentration; however, measurements at nite concentration have not been so popular as those at innite dilution, probably because under those conditions GLC loses much of the instrumental simplicity that constitutes its principal appeal. Consequently, the present review shall be restricted to innite dilution measurements. Another restriction of this review is referred to type of column. Capillary columns have been scarcely employed for the measurement of gasliquid partition coefcients, mainly because the solvents that the people wish to study cannot be immobilized on the capillary walls. Thus, although almost all contemporary separations are performed in capillary columns, a signicant amount of work with thermodynamic objectives is still done on packed columns. It is to packed columns that this review is devoted, with only minor references to work on capillaries. However, an important increase in the use of capillary columns for thermodynamical measurements is predictable for the next years due to the reasons given in Section 6; this subject is covered in detail in a separate paper of this review issue [5].
2. Retention theory We shall start by considering a column cross section at a distance x from the column inlet and a time t after solute injection. Both because of packing irregularities and of parabolic ow proles within the channels the ow rate is not homogeneous; with u we represent the surface-average linear rate of the carrier gas molecules at the cross section. The migration of solute molecules along the column consists in a sequence of phase transfers; as movement occurs only when the molecules are in the mobile phase, their surface-average linear rate of travel shall be equal to u times the fraction of the molecules in the mobile phase: dx F C M aM = =u dt CM aM + C L aL aM + K L aL (2)
where aL and aM are the stationary phase and the mobile phase cross sectional areas and F = uaM is the carrier gas volumetric ow rate at x. Zone migration, thus, is controlled by KL , an equilibrium parameter. Of course, not all the zone migrates at equilibrium conditions: some of the molecules advance at a velocity higher than the equilibrium velocity, while others advance at lower velocities, this constituting the molecular origin of zone spreading; in the words of Giddings, . . . equilibrium occurs at the zone center and nowhere else [6]. At innite dilution this process originates a symmetrical peak, with Eq. (2) giving the velocity of the peak maximum and, since KL is independent of solute concentration, the velocity of the peak maximum is sample size independent. Therefore, symmetrical peaks and sample size independent retention times are characteristic of innite dilution. When solute concentration exceeds the innite dilution region KL becomes a function of concentration. When the isotherm is concave to the CM axis KL shall be a minimum at the peak maximum; in accordance with Eq. (2) molecules at the maximum shall be faster than those at lower concentrations, and consequently the zone shall advance along the column as a fronting peak that, on elution, produces a tailing chromatogram; the peak maximum retention time decreases as the sample size increases. Opposite effects (chromatograms with fronting peaks, with the retention times of their maxima increasing with sample size) are observed for isotherms that are convex to the CM axis. Unlike innite dilution peaks, asymmetrical peaks are not related to a single value of KL ; values of KL corresponding to different concentrations of solute in the mobile phase (i.e. an isotherm) can be obtained, after correcting for zone spreading, by analyzing the retention times at the diffuse side of the peak by methods developed for nite concentration chromatography [4]. A pressure gradient must be applied in order to overcome the ow resistance of the column. Since the mobile phase is a compressible uid, the volumetric ow rate shall increase from a value Fi at the column inlet to a value Fo at the outlet. Integration of Eq. (2) in gas chromatography must take this into consideration. 2.1. Basic retention theory Two assumptions are made by the simplest model: (a) the gas phase behaves ideally and (b) KL is pressure independent. We are tempted to think that (b) is a consequence of (a); however, rigorous thermodynamic treatments indicate that it is not strictly so. At constant mass ow rate, in accordance with assumption (a), Fo po = Fi pi = Fp or, since aM is constant along the column, uo po = ui pi = up (4) (3)
The relation between u and pressure gradient is given by Darcys law [7]: u= Bo dp dx (5)
where Bo is the column specic permeability, the bed porosity and represents the gas viscosity. Integrating Eq. (5) between inlet and outlet conditions leads to the result: dx 2p = 2 dp (6) L pi p 2 o F and dx in Eq. (2) can be substituted by means of Eqs. (3) and (6), respectively, to give: Fo dt = 2(VM + KL VL ) 2 p dp po (p2 p2 ) o i (7)
It is important to stress at this point that within the context o of the basic retention theory VR , VN and VM are pressure independent; as such they do not represent volumes reduced to any determined pressure. The same corresponds to KL . The carrier gas ow rate is most usually measured with a 50 ml or 100 ml soap bubble owmeter, connected to the column outlet by means of a tube with negligible pressure drop. The ow rate measured at the owmeter, F(Tfm ), at the temperature Tfm and carrier partial pressure pfm pw = po pw , where pw represents the water saturation pressure at Tfm , must be corrected to the conditions prevailing at the column outlet, temperature T and pressure po : Fo (T) = F(Tfm ) T Tfm po p w po (14)
with VM = LaM and VL = Lal representing the interstitial (void) and liquid phase volumes in the column. Eq. (2) can now be integrated between the limits {t = 0, p = pi } (corresponding to solute injection) and {t = tR , p = po }, where tR is the time elapsed between solute injection and the elution of the peak maximum, i.e. the retention time. The result is: VM + KL VL (8) VR = Fo tR = 2 j3
2 where j3 is a compressibility correction factor, given by 2 j3 =
Outlet pressure po is usually atmospheric pressure; Tfm can be room temperature, but it is more convenient to employ a water jacketed owmeter connected to a water circulating thermostat. The expression to calculate KL , from Eq. (12), is:
2 KL = j3 Fo (T)(tR tM )
L wL
wL is the mass of stationary phase and L is its density at the 2 column temperature; j3 and Fo (T) are calculated by means of Eqs. (9) and (14), respectively. KL is closely related to the activity coefcient of the solute at innite dilution in the molar fraction scale and using the symmetrical convention, 1 [8]. The solute partial pressure over the solution within Henrys law region, p1 , is given by:
p1 = 1 x1 po 1
VR is the uncorrected retention volume; since VM , VL and KL are pressure independent, it is obvious that VR depends on pressure. In order to suppress this dependence a corrected o retention volume, VR , is dened by:
o 2 2 VR = j3 VR = j3 Fo tR = VM + KL VL
where po is the solute saturation pressure and x1 its molar 1 fraction in the solution that, at innite dilution, can be written: x1 =
L o L n1 = n1 v3 = L VL nL + n L n3 1 3
nL 1
tM , known as column hold-up time, represents also the time that all solutes spend in the mobile phase during their travel between column inlet and outlet. It is one of the more important parameters of retention calculations. Another important retention parameter is the net retention volume, VN , obtained by subtracting Eq. (11) from Eq. (10):
o 2 VN = VR VM = j3 Fo (tR tM ) = KL VL
where nL and nL are moles of solute and of stationary phase, 1 3 respectively, and vo is stationary phase molar volume. On 3 the other side, for an ideal vapor phase, p1 VM = nM RT 1 (18)
where nM represents moles of solute in the vapor phase. 1 Using Eqs. (16)(18) the following expression is obtained: KL = RT 1 po vo 1 3 (19)
By combining Eqs. (10) and (11) the following very important result is obtained: tR = tM 1 + KL VL VM = tM (1 + k) (13)
where k = KL (VL /VM ) = KL / is known as retention factor and = VM /VL is the column phase ratio.
Eq. (16) denes 1 in terms of pressures; basic reten tion theory considers KL as well as 1 as pressure inde , intended to gauge deviations pendent. Consequently 1 of the condensed phase from the ideal solution behavior, includes also deviations of the vapor phase from the ideal gas. A more rigorous approach that discriminates between these two effects is sketched in the following section.
2.2. Retention theory taking into account vapor phase non-idealities Several authors have studied the means to relax the assumptions of the basic retention theory. This review shall be restricted to the work of Cruickshank et al. at the University of Bristol [911], who made use of Everetts treatment of the effects of gas imperfections on the gasliquid partition coefcient [12]. Everett considered the state of equilibrium between a binary solution (components 1 and 3) in the presence of a gas (component 2) which is insoluble in the condensed phase, with component 1 distributing between both phases while 3 is very scarcely volatile. For pressures usual in GLC the volumetric behavior of the gas can be described with negligible error by means of the virial equation explicit in pressure and truncated to the second coefcient [13]: v= RT +B p (20)
Note that even for an ideal gas mixture (i.e. B12 = 0) differs from zero, making KL pressure dependent.1 According to Eq. (20), the effect of pressure drop on the carrier gas volumetric ow rate is now given by Eq. (24): F o po Fp = 1 + bp 1 + bpo (24)
with b = B22 /RT. At pressures below 50 atm the viscosity of real gases is adequately described with the ChapmanEnskog equation [14], = o (1 + ap) (25)
where v represents the molar volume of the gas and B is the second virial coefcient, dependent on temperature and composition. For a binary mixture with components at molar fractions y1 and y2 the expression is:
2 2 B = y1 B11 + 2y1 y2 B12 + y2 B22
with a = 0.175 B22 /RT. When Eqs. (22), (24) and (25) are introduced in Eq. (2), an extremely complex expression is obtained, containing two integrals that do not admit analytical evaluation. Cruickshank et al. carried out their evaluation by an expansion in series, obtaining expressions that, although extremely unwieldy, permit numerical calculations on experimental data. Their conclusion was that in packed columns, at pressures lower than 20 atm and pressure drops below 2 atm, the effects of carrier gas imperfections are not detectable experimentally. Under the assumption of an ideal carrier gas and a solute that interacts non-ideally with it (i.e. B12 = 0) integration is feasible and leads to the following result:
o 4 ln VN = ln VN + po j3
where B11 and B22 are the second virial coefcients for the components in their pure state and B12 characterizes interactions in their mixtures. The equation deduced by Everett for the partition coefcient at innite dilution, with Eq. (20) as the only assumption, is: ln KL = ln (B11 vo )po RT 1 1 1 (T, 0)vo po RT 3 1 (2B12 v )p 1 + RT
o o where VN is dened as in Eq. (12), VN = KL VL is the value of VN measured under the conditions pi = po = 0, and: 4 j3 =
vo and vo are the molar volumes of solute 1 and solvent 3, 1 3 respectively, v is the solute partial molar volume at innite 1 dilution in 3, and 1 (T, 0) is the solute activity coefcient at innite dilution and zero pressure. The difference between 1 and 1 (T, 0) resides in that this last measures only deviations from the ideal solution behavior, while also gas imperfections are included in 1 . Since its rst two terms are pressure independent, Eq. (21) can be written as:
o ln KL = ln KL + p
o with KL representing the solute gasliquid partition coefcient at innite dilution and zero pressure and:
o Since KL is free from gas imperfections effects, its determination is the ultimate objective in meticulous thermodynamic measurements. The recommended procedure is to plot ln VN , measured at several pressures and calculated aco 4 cording to Eq. (12), against po j3 ; ln VN is taken from the intercept and from the slope. Methods to estimate B12 from have been proposed by several authors and a detailed review can be read in Laub and Pecsoks book [2]; all of them demand the approximation v vo . When values of 1 = 1 VN at several pressures are not available an estimation of gas imperfection effects can be made by using B12 values predicted by one of several proposed methods [13] together with the mentioned approximation. Thus obtained results are of questionable validity and not always the information they demand is available; however they give an estimation of the effects and, in case the author considers them as important in relation with other sources of error, measurements at several pressures are advisable. Corrections are in general low (0.25%) when hydrogen, helium or nitrogen are used as carrier gases at usual
1 Unfortunately, is also used to represent the column phase ratio in the chromatographic literature.
2B12 v 1 RT
chromatographic pressures. The solubility of the carrier gas at high pressures can introduce an additional error.
3. Retention by mixed mechanisms The assumption that gasliquid partition is the only mechanism responsible for solute retention is implicit in the models described in the former points; however, as has been demonstrated in several occasions, other retention mechanisms can take place simultaneously with partition. Although several processes have been proposed, rather articially in some instances, realistic and practical considerations indicate that only the following need be taken into consideration: (a) Strong interactions between some solutes and active sites on the solid support (silanol groups, metallic impurities, etc.) result in solute adsorption on the solid-stationary phase interface (SLI) or on uncoated portions of the solid (GSI). These distribution processes, specially important for polar solutes, are characterized by highly curved isotherms whose linear regions are not even reached at the lower solute concentrations compatible with high sensitivity detectors. In other words, if present they usually result in asymmetrical peaks. (b) Mixtures displaying strong positive deviations from the ideal solution behavior result in solute adsorption at the gasliquid interface (GLI); therefore the occurrence of this mechanism has to be suspected for systems displaying large innite dilution activity coefcients. The linear ranges of the adsorption isotherms are larger than those for adsorption on the GSI or on the SLI, but non-linearity starts at solute gas phase concentrations at which partition still behaves linearly. Adsorption on the GLI can be more insidious than adsorption on the solid: while this last is generally revealed by asymmetrical peaks, the former can pass unnoticed, and the literature abounds in papers reporting very high activity coefcients with no test for adsorption carried out; KL can in these cases be affected by important systematic error. Retention in the presence of these concurrent distribution processes has been described by equations of the type [15,16]: VN = KL VL + KA AL + K AI + KS AS I (28)
where AL , AI and AS represent the surface areas of the GLI, SLI and GSI, respectively, and KA , K and KS are I the slopes of the adsorption isotherms on the three mentioned surfaces; primes denote nite concentrations, i.e. a non linear region of the isotherm. As mentioned, basic chromatographic theory tells that if innite dilution is not attained by any of the distribution processes, resulting peaks shall be asymmetric, their maxima displaying sample size-dependent retention times. Several methods to measure KL in the presence of asymmetry have been discussed by
Zhang et al. [17], who concluded that accurate measurement of partition coefcients demand that adsorption effects be minimized. Symmetric peaks are therefore a prerequisite for the measurement of any thermodynamic quantity. Classical diatomaceous supports pose in this sense serious difculties for the study of even moderately polar solutes, specially with non polar stationary phases. Considerable improvement is attained by using silane-treated supports, specially when used with moderate to high polarity stationary phases. However highly polar solutes, as alcohols and amines, elute as asymmetric peaks from columns packed with low polarity stationary phases coated on silane-treated supports. High purity fused silica capillary columns are promissory tools in the study of different families of solutes, even with low polarity phases; Zhang et al. [17] obtained sample size independent retention times for a numerous and diverse group of solutes in silica capillary columns coated with hexadecane. More recently, Castells et al. [18] obtained sample size independent retention times for alcohols in columns packed with squalane coated on Chromosorb W deactivated by an ultrathin lm of Carbowax 20M, prepared according with the procedure of Aue et al. [19]. Deactivation by Aues method, however, seems to be specic for alcohols; other functionalized polymers may be efcient deactivators for other families of highly polar solutes, this being a subject worthy of investigation. Due to its high incidence on the accuracy of the results, it is necessary to make quite sure that measurements are being performed under innite dilution conditions. Visual observation and measurement of peak symmetry is a rst test. Cruickshank and Everett [20] suggested measurement of the skew factor , dened as the ratio of the absolute value of the rear to front tangent slopes; peaks with larger than 1.2 or smaller than 0.8 should not be used. A better indication is obtained by injecting samples of different size and then plotting the retention time of the peak maximum against peak area [17,18]; this method is free of subjectivities, is more sensitive, and gives direct information about the range of sample size within which Henrys law is obeyed. It must be stressed that sample size independent retention times means that all the retention mechanisms are operating under innite dilution conditions, but not the absence of adsorption contributions to retention. Peak symmetry usually means that solid support effects are absent; under these conditions Eq. (28) can be written as: VN = KL VL + KA AL (29)
In order to detect adsorption contributions VN is measured in several columns containing different weight fraction of stationary phase; these usually range between 0.02 and 0.15 for white diatomite supports and between 0.02 and 0.25 for the pink ones. Then VN /VL is plotted against 1/VL and the
R.C. Castells / J. Chromatogr. A 1037 (2004) 223231 Table 1 Ratios tR (C1 )/tM calculated by means of Eq. (35) for two packed and one capillary column at several values of KL (C1 ) KL (C1 ) 0.1 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 = 10 1.010 1.050 1.100 1.150 1.200 1.250 = 40 1.003 1.013 1.025 1.038 1.050 1.063 = 150 1.001 1.003 1.007 1.010 1.013 1.017
resulting plot is analyzed in terms of Eq. (29). Two behaviors are possible: (a) The plot is an horizontal line when adsorption does not contribute to retention; in this case the height of the line is VN /VL = KL . (b) A parabola convex to the abscissa axis is obtained when adsorption effects are present; in this case extrapolation to 1/VL = 0 gives KL . On the condition that peaks are symmetrical, KL can be obtained in case (b) independently that adsorption occurs by one or more mechanisms. It is quite obvious that partition coefcients obtained through extrapolations as those mentioned under (b) are considerably less accurate than those measured in systems where no type of adsorption contribution is present.
Ne is the least retained solute; furthermore, Ne elutes after methane from some columns. The authors tested 25 empirical equations with three to ve parameters, and selected the following two on the basis of quality of the t and differences between predicted tM and retention time of Ne: tR (n) = A + exp (B + Cn + Dn2 ) (32) (33)
4. Column hold-up determination The retention time of a non sorbed solute or column hold-up time, tM , is a fundamental parameter for the determination of any thermodynamic function; an incorrectly measured tM is source of a systematic error whose magnitude must be evaluated. The retention time of the air peak has been taken as tM in the work with katharometers; the use of neon has also been suggested since it has shown smaller retention times in most chromatographic systems [21]. The retention time of the methane peak has been the most usual choice in the work with ame ionization detectors (FID); this gave rise to many discussions and alternative proposals. Since methane shows some retention (specially in non polar stationary phases), alternative methods to estimate tM on different basis were developed. They make use of Eq. (13), that can be written as: tR (n) = tM [1 + k(n)] (30)
tM is estimated as the retention time of an n-alkane with n = 0 (i.e. tM = A + exp B); the results obtained by means of both equations are coincident or very close. An equation based on a retention model for n-alkanes deduced from basic concepts of statistical thermodynamics was more recently proposed by Gonzalez [25]: tR (n) = tM + exp [A + B(n 2) + ln (1 Cn2 )] (34)
where tR (n) represents the retention time of a normal alkane with n carbon atoms and k(n) is its retention factor. A linear relationship between ln k(n) and n was initially assumed, this leading to equations like: ln [tR (n) a] = b + cn (31)
Multiparametric non linear regression of experimental retention times of n-alkanes with n 5 is performed by means of commercial software that applies Marquardt algorithm [26]; estimations made with Eq. (34) are slightly smaller than those obtained with Eq. (32) or Eq. (33). On account of the widespread use of ame ionization detection with methane as hold-up marker, it is interesting to estimate what the consequences of this practice can be. In the rst place we must consider that, according to Eq. (30), tM and methane retention time, tR (C1 ), are related by the expression: tR (C1 ) + KL (C1 ) = tM (35)
Several methods have been used to t the retention times of a group of n-alkanes (measured on the same chromatogram) to Eq. (31); they were reviewed by Smith et al. [21,22]. The value of a that produces the best t is taken as tM in these methods; thus calculated tM have been called mathematical hold-up times. The linear relationship has been questioned by many authors. Garca-Domnguez and co-workers [23,24], for instance, detected statistically signicant deviations from linearity for the retention times of normal alkanes on six packed and three capillary columns. They observed that mass-spectroscopically measured retention times of Ne, Ar, N2 , O2 and methane are very close, and that not always
where KL (C1 ) is methane gasliquid partition coefcient. The ratios tR (C1 )/tM calculated by means of Eq. (35) for different values of and KL (C1 ) have been gathered in Table 1. The values of KL (C1 ) cover the range of results reported by several authors in parafnic and non polar silicone solvents at ambient and higher temperatures. = 10 is the phase ratio grossly calculated [27] for a packed column whose stationary phase weight fraction is 0.20, with Chromosorb W as solid support, while = 40 is the result obtained by the same calculation for a stationary phase weight fraction of 0.05; = 150 is the nominal phase ratio for a capillary column, 0.2 mm inner diameter and 0.33 m lm thickness. The results demonstrate that tR (C1 ) and tM can be very different, specially for packed columns with high stationary
R.C. Castells / J. Chromatogr. A 1037 (2004) 223231 Table 2 Retention factors calculated by using different hold-up times and relative error in KL resulting from the use of methane as tM marker n 1 5 6 7 8 9 tR (n)/s 158.6 321.0 465.3 725.0 1191.9 2025.7 ka 0 1.024 1.934 3.571 6.515 11.772 kb 0.092 1.211 2.205 3.993 7.209 12.951 c 0.076 0.042 0.023 0.013 0.007
5. Determination of the stationary phase volume, V L The liquid density must be measured at several temperatures covering the experimental range; the results are then tted to an adequate equation. Once the density is known as a function of temperature the problem is reduced to the determination of the weight wL of stationary phase. Laub et al. [30] demonstrated that this is the largest source of systematic error in KL measurement by means of packed columns. The weight fraction of stationary phase in the packing could in principle be calculated from the carefully measured weights of thoroughly dried support and stationary phase; however a not negligible fraction of this last can be lost on the walls of the vessel used for the evaporation of the solvent employed in the coating operation. In order to minimize this error Laub et al. [30] determined the mass fraction of stationary phase from the mass loss on ashing (7001000 C) in porcelain crucibles of tared amounts of packing; a correction for bare support losses is determined by the same method. Percentage standard deviations calculated from replicate measurements carried out on packings containing about 10% (w/w) squalane or dinonyl phthalate on Chromosorb G AW DMCS ranged between 0.3 and 1.0%. A different approach was applied by Wicarova et al. [31]: they extracted their packings in a Soxhlet apparatus, evaporated the solvent and weighed the residue, a procedure said to be accurate to about half a milligram. Finally, the weight of packing in the column must be determined; Laub et al. [30] removed the injection-end glass wool plug and displaced the column contents into a tared ltering ask with a coarse glass frit in its side arm.
Consult the text for details on the experimental tR of n-alkanes. a k = [t (n) t (C )]/t (C ). R R 1 R 1 b k = [t (n) (t )]/t , with t = 145.2 s [27]. R M M M c Calculated with Eq. (37).
phase weight fraction. In order to obtain a more physical insight it can be illustrative to mention that statically measured KL (C1 ) in n-hexadecane near room temperature reported by several authors are in the range 0.450.51 [28], and that calculations carried out by Gonzalez [27] on retention data of n-alkanes in poly(dimethylsiloxane) capillary and packed columns indicate that KL (C1 ) drops from 2.6 to below 1.0 in the range 40120 C. According to Eq. (15) the relative error, , of the partition coefcient KL calculated by assuming tM = tR (C1 ) for a solute whose retention time is tR is given by the expression: =
KL KL tM tR (C1 ) = KL tR t M
that on using Eqs. (13) and (35) can be written = tM tM [1 + k(C1 )] k(C1 ) KL (C1 ) = = ktM k KL (37)
where k is the solute retention factor. Results calculated with the retention times measured at 120 C on a packed column (stationary phase weight fraction 0.194, PS-255 on Chromosorb W AW DMCS, 4 m 2.2 mm) [24] can be read in Table 2. Retention factors listed in the third column were calculated by assuming tM = tR (C1 ) and those in fourth column by using tM = 145.2 s, as calculated in [27]. Relative errors are listed in the fth column. Relative errors drop to about one half if the value of tM estimated by Garca-Domnguez et al. [24] (151.1 s) is used in the calculations and to about one third if Ne retention time (152.7 s) is used as tM . With independence of the criterion applied to estimate tM these results indicate that the systematic errors introduced by using methane as hold-up time marker are larger than those resulting from neglecting vapor phase imperfections. Although there is at the present no widely accepted criterion to determine tM and the subject demands more investigation, Gonzalezs proposal, based on theoretical retention model, seems to be the most appropriate choice. It must be pointed out that Eq. (34) assumes that partition is the only retention mechanism, and a modication to deal with systems in which adsorption contributions are not negligible has been described in a later paper [29].
6. Packed or capillary columns? Several reasons, besides the already mentioned difculty in immobilizing some liquids on the capillary walls, determine the scarce use of capillary columns in the measurement of KL . One of the reasons is that retention volume has been the variable currently used by chromatographers. Some of the parameters required to transform retention times into retention volumes and then into partition coefcients are of difcult accurate measurement in the work with capillary columns; this is the case of ow rate and weight of stationary phase. However, in spite of tradition, it must be recognized that time, and not volume, is the natural, directly measured retention variable. Partition coefcients and retention times are related by: KL = tR 1 tM (38)
This equation restricts the problem to that of measuring tR , tM and . Due to a series of reasons capillary columns are notoriously superior to packed ones for the measurement of these three quantities:
(a) A larger number of n-alkanes can be accommodated in a capillary chromatogram, thus improving the measurement of tM . (b) Since peaks eluting from capillary columns are narrower, their maxima are better dened. (c) Peaks of perfect symmetry are not possible due to extra column effects; as a consequence, the retention time of the peak maximum does not coincide with the residence time of peak center of gravity (which denes peak position in Eq. (2)). The difference between these two times is proportional to the skew ratio and to the peak width at half height; since peak width increases with retention time, the difference is not constant for all the alkanes. Because of their wider peaks, these effects are more important in packed columns and can introduce large errors in the determination of tM . (d) The phase ratio of packed columns is calculated by means of the equation:
2 (T) = j3 Fo (T)L (T)
7. IUPAC recommendations on chromatographic parameters The two latest publications of IUPAC on chromatographic nomenclature and symbols [33,34] cover aspects directly related to the subject of the present review. (a) The name distribution constant and the symbol KC is recommended for what generations of chromatographers have called partition coefcient and symbolized with KL . The gasliquid partition coefcient is a special case, not specically mentioned in IUPAC publication. Since there is no possible conceptual confusion about its meaning, the traditional name and symbol were retained in the present paper. (b) The use of the specic retention volume at 0 C, dened as: VN Vg = 273.15 (41) wL T is discouraged by IUPAC. (c) The term dead time, traditionally use as synonymous of hold-up time, has also been discouraged by IUPAC. (d) For the determination of the hold-up time IUPAC recommends the non-linear tting of the retention times of a minimum of ve n-alkanes including methane to Eq. (33). Eq. (34), deduced from an elementary statistical mechanics model, appeared in a paper [25] published almost simultaneously with the latest IUPAC recommendation. Because of its theoretical foundations we understand that Eq. (34) surpasses Eq. (33), proposed only on empirical basis 8. Conclusions GLC is a powerful and attractive tool for the measurement of KL ; it is instrumentally simple, requires very small quantities of the test substances in not too high degrees of purity, the temperature is easily modied and a large quantity of data can be collected in relatively short times. However, its apparent simplicity can be misleading and the information it brings can be erroneous if some of its complex aspects are not correctly perceived and taken into consideration. The number of experimental parameters to be controlled is not small, not always the commercial instruments are apt for this task and the sources of systematic error listed in this review must be under control. Symmetrical peaks constitute the rst requisite to be fullled; results calculated from asymmetrical peaks are valueless; the authors should demonstrate with experimental evidence that their measurements were carried out at innite dilution. The second requisite is to make quite sure that partition is the only retention mechanism operating in his chromatographic system. This can be checked by comparing results obtained on two columns with considerably different stationary phase weight fraction; if adsorption effects
tM wL
that involves highly uncertain parameters, such as tM and wL . Phase ratio of capillary columns has been grossly calculated from the tube internal diameter dc and lm thickness df as dc /4df . For columns prepared by the static method = can be calculated at any temperature, assuming a constant thermal expansion coefcient for the silica wall SiO , by means of the expression [32]: (T) = L (T) exp [SiO (T To )] 1 Co (40)
Co is the concentration of the stationary phase solution employed for lling the capillary at the temperature To . can be calculated with four signicant digits if an adequate amount of coating solution is prepared. The justied belief in that construction of capillary columns is a very difcult task, with numerous secrets and of uncertain result, in contrast with the apparent easiness of constructing packed columns, has probably been the principal obstacle to the diffusion of the employment of capillary columns for thermodynamic studies. However, although packed columns are easily constructed, the accurate measurement of their characteristic parameters (tM , ) is not simple. An additional and not negligible advantage of fused silica capillary columns is a more inert solid surface. On the other side important progresses have been done in the methods used for lling capillary tubes. The static method, that in previous versions demanded days to vacuum evaporate the solvent, has been modied and a new column can be prepared in hours. A high temperature evaporation method was developed [32], using an special oven for this purpose. It can be envisaged that the possibility of an accurate measurement of and tM shall promote the employment of capillary columns for the measurement of KL and of other thermodynamic functions.
are detected, additional columns covering a range of weight fractions should be used to correct for them. Column hold-up time must be correctly measured. Replicates are indispensable, since KL data are of little value if their error limits are not specied. Corrections for gas phase imperfections are pertinent only in those cases in which the mentioned systematic errors are absent or fully minimized. Finally, it is to be expected that the characteristics of capillary columns pointed out in the present review shall serve to persuade about their advantages in the measurement of partition coefcients.
Acknowledgements This work was sponsored by CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cientcas y Tcnicas de la Repblica Argentina) and by CICPBA (Comisin de Investigaciones Cientcas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires).
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