Iams 2011
Iams 2011
Iams 2011
The rate of cervical change and the phenotype
of spontaneous preterm birth
Jay D. Iams, MD; Deborah Cebrik, MS, MPH; Courtney Lynch, MPH, PhD; Nicholas Behrendt, MD; Anita Das, MPH, PhD
OBJECTIVE: Preterm birth is classified by the presence of uterine con- RESULTS: Of 2521 eligible women, 128 were delivered after preterm labor
tractions and/or amniorrhexis at clinical presentation. This classifica- and 106 after preterm membrane rupture; 89 delivered preterm for a med-
tion does not include prior cervical change. We hypothesized that the ical or obstetrical indication; 2198 delivered at term. The rate of change was
rate of cervical shortening before preterm birth would not differ accord- similar in women who presented with preterm labor (⫺0.96 mm/week) and
ing to clinical presentation. preterm ruptured membranes (⫺0.82 mm/week).
STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed data from a completed study of paired cer- CONCLUSION: Cervical shortening occurs at the same rate before
vical ultrasound measurements to test our hypothesis. Cervical ultrasound spontaneous preterm birth, regardless of presentation.
measurements obtained 4 weeks apart in the second trimester were related
to gestational age and clinical presentation at birth. Key words: cervix, phenotype, preterm birth, ultrasound
Cite this article as: Iams JD, Cebrik D, Lynch C, et al. The rate of cervical change and the phenotype of spontaneous preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol
tween 260/7th and 286/7th weeks’ gestation Black 93 (72.7) 76 (71.7) 62 (69.7) 1336 (60.8)
at visit 3. White 35 (27.3) 28 (26.4) 25 (28.1) 816 (37.1)
The primary outcome of the Preterm Hispanic 0 (0.0) 2 (1.9) 1 (1.1) 17 (0.8)
Prediction Study was a birth that fol- .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Asian 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 0 (0.0) 10 (0.5)
lowed spontaneous preterm labor (PTL) .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
inal protocol as progressive cervical dila- Multiparous 90 (70.3) 69 (65.1) 56 (62.9) 1252 (57.0)
tion and effacement. Any prior preterm deliveries, n (%) 39 (30.5) 37 (34.9) 33 (37.1) 282 (12.8)
Preterm labor was defined as 6 or Prior preterm deliveries
more documented uterine contractions .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
n 39 37 33 282
per hour during the admission and 1 or .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
more of the following: (1) ruptured Mean (SD) 1.2 (0.57) 1.3 (0.52) 1.6 (0.71) 1.2 (0.51)
membranes within 1 hour of onset of Any prior spontaneous preterm 3 (2.3) 3 (2.8) 1 (1.1) 56 (2.6)
contractions; (2) documented cervical deliveries, n (%)
change; (3) cervical dilation 2 cm or PPROM, preterm premature rupture of membranes; PTL, preterm labor.
greater internal os; and (4) cervical Iams. Rate of cervical change and phenotype of preterm birth. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2011.
length of 1 cm or less or 50% or greater
effacement, before 37 weeks’ gestation.
Women who delivered before 37 weeks
after presenting with spontaneous pre-
term labor or PPROM were classified as
having a spontaneous preterm birth, in- TABLE 2
cluding those with PPROM in whom la- Change in cervical length between visit 1 (220/7th to
bor was induced. Preterm births that fol- 246/7th weeks) and visit 3 (260/7th to 286/7th weeks)
lowed the induction of labor for other
reasons or cesarean section without la- PTL PPROM Indicated Term
Variable (n ⴝ 128) (n ⴝ 106) (n ⴝ 89) (n ⴝ 2198)
bor that were performed for maternal or
fetal benefit were recorded as indicated Cervical length
slope, mm/wk
preterm births. .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
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