Ans Sol JEEMain 2023 PH 2-10-04 2023 Morning Chemistry
Ans Sol JEEMain 2023 PH 2-10-04 2023 Morning Chemistry
Ans Sol JEEMain 2023 PH 2-10-04 2023 Morning Chemistry
SECTION - A Sol. The secondary and tertiary protein are stabilised by
hydrogen bonds, disulphide linkages, Van Der
Multiple Choice Questions: This section contains 20
Waal’s and electrostatic forces of attraction.
multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices
4. Which of the following is diamagnetic with low spin?
(1), (2), (3) and (4), out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
(1) [Co(NH3)6]3+ (2) [CoF6]3–
Choose the correct answer:
(3) [CoCl6]3- (4) [Fe(H2O)6]3+
1. Select the correct option Answer (1)
2CO ( g) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯
→ 2CO2 ( g ) H = – x kJ/mol Sol. Co3+ with NH3 will form low spin complex
n = 0 for [Co(NH3)6]3+
C ( graphite ) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯→ CO2 ( g) H = –y kJ/mol
5. The compound which does not exist
Then H for (1) BeH2 (2) NaO2
y x–2y Sol. Lithium forms oxide, sodium forms peroxide and the
(1) x– (2) K, Rb, Cs forms superoxide.
2 2
6. Number of molecules & moles in 2.8375 litre of O2
x + 2y x–y
(3) (4) in STP
2 2
(1) 1.505 × 1023 & 0.250
Answer (2)
(2) 7.625 × 1023 and 0.250
Sol. H for C(graphite) + O2 ( g) ⎯⎯
→ CO ( g) will be (3) 7.625 × 1022 and 0.126
(4) 7.527 × 1022 and 0.125
1 x –2y Answer (4)
–y + x or kJ/mol
2 2 2.8375
Sol. No. of moles =
2. Stabiliser used for concentration of sulphide ore is
= 0.125 moles
(1) Fatty acids (2) Pine oil
No. of molecules = 0.125 × 6.023 × 1023
(3) Cresol (4) Xanthates
= 0.7527 × 1023
Answer (3) 7. Enthalpy of adsorption and enthalpy of micelle
Sol. • Cresol and aniline is used as stabiliser. formation is respectively
(1) + + (2) + –
• Pine oils, fatty acids, xanthates are used as
(3) – + (4) – –
Answer (3)
3. That one which does not stabilise secondary and
Sol. Enthalpy of adsorption is (–ve) and Enthalpy of
tertiary protein?
micelle formation is (+ve)
(1) H–H linkage 8. Prolonged heating of Ferrous ammonium sulphate
(2) S–S linkage is avoided to prevent?
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning
Select the correct option
(1) Statement 1 and 2, both are correct
(2) Statement 1 and 2, both are incorrect
Value of Eo4 is close to
(3) Statement 1 is correct but statement 2 is
(1) 1.00 V (2) 2.00 V
(3) 2.50 V (4) 0.50 V
(4) Statement 1 is incorrect but statement 2 is
Answer (2) correct
( 2.20 3 ) + ( 0.77 1) Answer (2)
Sol. Eo4 =
4 Sol. EMn3+ /Mn2+ = 1.57 V
1.84 2.0 V
EFe3+ /Fe2+ = 0.77 V
14. Mixture of A, B and C is added to column containing
Therefore statement 1 is incorrect
adsorbent for separation. Using solvent, A is eluted
first and B eluted last, then B has V2+ = d3 𝜇 = √3(3 + 2) 𝐵. 𝑀.
15. Solution of 0.1 Molal Weak Acid HA is present. (ii) Paper mills (b) Gypsum
(iii) Fertilizer (c) Non biodegradable
T1 : Freezing point of solution assuming no
dissociation of acid.
(iv) Thermal power (d) Fly ash
T2 : Freezing point of solution assuming degree
of dissociation () = 0.3
(1) i → c; ii → a, b; iii → c, iv → b
Find out |T1 – T2| if KF of water = 1.86 K kg/mole.
(2) i → a; ii → a; iii → b; iv → d
(1) 0.0324 (2) 0.0558
(3) i → a, c; ii → b; iii → b, iv → a
(3) 0.0257 (4) 0.8742
(4) i → c; ii → b, c; iii → b, c; iv → a
Answer (2) Answer (2)
Sol. T1 = (1) (1.86) (01) = 0.186 Sol. Cotton mills → Biodegradable waste
T2 = (1.3) (1.86) (01) = 0.2418 Paper mills → Biodegradable waste
(T1 – T2) = 0.0558 Fertilizer → Gypsum
16. Statement-1: Reduction potential M3+/M2+ is more Thermal power plants → Fly ash
for Fe than Mn 18.
JEE (Main)-2023 : Phase-2 (10-04-2023)-Morning
( t ) = 20 minutes
1 1
( )
t 20 2 C
2 C
- 10 -