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Submitted To:

J.C. Bose University of Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad

Department of Management Studies


OF DEGREE OF Master in Business Administration (MBA)


Happy Dudeja
Roll No: 21035701019


Mrs. Akanksha Kathuria




I Happy Dudeja, do hereby declare that this project is submitted by me for partial fulfilment of
the Master of Business Administration from YMCA. College, Faridabad. The project report
is exclusively prepared by me and has not been submitted to any other Institution or published
anywhere before.

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this project report entitled “Study on Comparative
of Mutual Fund and Investor Perception.” Submitted to, the Department of Business and
industrial management is a record of an original work under the guidance of Ms. Akansha
Katyal (Assistant Professor) and this research project work is submitted in partial fulfillment
of the requirement of the award of the degree of Master and Business Administration.
I neither any part of this project report nor the whole of the project report has been submitted for
a degree to any other University or Institution.
I declare that this is a true copy of my project report, including any final revisions, as approved
by my committee.

Happy Dudeja


This is to certify that Happy Dudeja, Registration Number 21-NGF-701019, has completed the
Research Project Report titled “Customer Welfare Measures in Tata Motors Service and Spare
Parts.” under my supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of MASTER

Ms. Akansha Kathuria

Assistant Professor

This project has been a great learning experience for me & I would like to express my sincere
gratitude to all the people who guide me through the project without the valuable guidance and
suggestions of these people this project would not have been completely achieved.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my Project guide, for their continuous support &
guidance towards making this project achievement.

I would also like to thank faculty members for their kind guidance in analyzing the requirements of
the project to be developed.

I would also like to show my greatest appreciation to all those who have directly & indirectly
supported me with their encouragement & guidance. Without their encouragement & guidance, this
project would not have been an achievement.













1.1 O





(1) Origin of Indian Stock Market

The origin of the stock market in India goes back to the end of the eighteenth
century when long- term negotiable securities were first issued. However, for all
practical purposes, the real beginning occurred in the middle of the nineteenth
century after the enactment of the companies Act in 1850,which introduced the
features of limited liability and generated investor interest in corporate securities.
An important early event in the development of the stock market in India was the
formation of the native share and stock brokers 'Association at Bombay in1875,
the precursor of the present day Bombay Stock Exchange. This was followed by
the formation of associations/exchanges in Ahmedabad (1894), Calcutta (1908),
and Madras (1937). In addition, a large number of ephemeral exchanges emerged
mainly in buoyant periods to recede into oblivion during depressing times
Stock exchanges are intricacy inter-woven in the fabric of a nation's economic
life. Without a stock exchange, the saving of the community- the sinews of
economic progress and productive efficiency-would remain underutilized. The
task of mobilization and allocation of savings could be attempted in the old days
by a much less specialized institution than the stock exchanges. But as business
and industry expanded and the economy assumed more complex nature, the need
for 'permanent finance' arose. Entrepreneurs needed money for long term
whereas investors demanded liquidity – the facility to convert their investment
into cash at any given time. The answer was a ready market for investments and
this was how the stock exchange came into being.

Stock exchange means anybody of individuals, whether incorporated or not,

constituted for the purpose of regulating or controlling the business of buying,
selling or dealing in securities.
These securities include:
(i) Shares, scrip, stocks, bonds, debentures stock or other marketable
securities of a like nature in or of any incorporated company or
other body corporate;
(ii) Government securities; and

(iii) Rights or interest insecurities.

The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange of India
Ltd (NSE) are the two primary exchanges in India. In addition, there are 22
Regional Stock Exchanges.
However, the BSE and NSE have established themselves as the two leading
exchanges and account for about 80 per cent of the equity volume traded in India.
The NSE and BSE are equal in size in terms of daily traded volume. The BSE has
over 6000 stocks listed. Most key stocks are traded on both the exchanges and
hence the investor could buy them on either exchange. Both exchanges have a
different settlement cycle, which allows investors to shift their positions on the
bourses. The primary index of BSE is BSE Sensex comprising 30 stocks.
NSE has the S&P NSE50 Index (Nifty) which consists of fifty stocks. The BSE
Sensex is the older and more widely followed index.

Both these indices are calculated on the basis of market capitalization and
contain the heavily traded shares from key sectors. The markets are closed on
Saturdays and Sundays .Both the exchanges have switched over from the open
outcry trading system to a fully automated computerized mode of trading known
as BOLT (BSE on Line Trading) and NEAT(National Exchange Automated
Trading) System.
It facilitates more efficient processing, automatic order matching, faster
execution of trades and transparency; the scrip's traded on the BSE have been
classified into 'A', 'B1', 'B2', 'C', 'F' and 'Z' groups. The 'A' group shares
represent those, which are in the carry forward system (Badla). The 'F' group
represents the debt market (fixed income securities) segment. The 'Z' group
scrip's are the blacklisted companies. The 'C' group covers the odd lot securities
in 'A', 'B1' & 'B2' groups and Rights renunciations. The key regulator governing
Stock Exchanges, Brokers, Depositories, Depository participants, Mutual
Funds, FIIs and other participants in Indian secondary and primary market is the
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Ltd.

(2) Structure of Indian Financial Market

Following diagram gives the structure of Indian Financial System:

In general, the financial market divided into two parts, Money market and capital
market. Securities market is an important, organized capital market where
transaction of capital is facilitated by means of direct financing using securities
as a commodity. Securities market can be divided into a primary market and
secondary market.


The primary market is an intermittent and discrete market where the initially
listed shares are traded first time, changing hands from the listed company to the
investors. It refers to the process through which the companies, the issuers of
stocks, acquire capital by offering their stocks to investors who supply the
capital. In other words, primary market is that part of the capital markets that
deals with the issuance of new securities. Companies, governments or public
sector institutions can obtain funding through the sale of a new stock or bond
issue. This is typically done through a syndicate of securities dealers. The process
of selling new issues to investors is called underwriting. In the case of a new
stock issue, this sale is called an initial public offering (IPO). Dealers earn a
commission that is built into the price of the security offering, though it can be
found in the prospectus.

The secondary market is an on-going market, which is equipped and organized

with a place, facilities and other resources required for trading securities after
their initial offering. It refers to a specific place where securities transaction
among many and unspecified persons is carried out through intermediation of the
securities firms, i.e., a licensed broker, and the exchanges, a specialized trading
organization, in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the

A bit about history of stock exchange they say it was under a tree that it all
started in 1875. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) was the major exchange in India
till 1994. National Stock Exchange (NSE) started operations in 1994.

NSE was floated by major banks and financial institutions. It came as a result of
Harshad Mehta scam of 1992. Contrary to popular belief the scam was more of a
banking scam than a stock market scam. The old methods of trading in BSE were
people assembling on what is called a ring in the BSE building. They had a
unique sign language to communicate apart from all the shouting. Investors
weren't allowed access and the system was opaque and misused by brokers. The
shares were in physical form and prone to duplication and fraud.
NSE was the first to introduce electronic screen based trading. BSE was forced to
follow suit. The present day trading platform is transparent and gives investors
prices on a real time basis. With the introduction of depository and mandatory
dematerialization of shares chances of fraud reduced further. The trading screen
gives you top 5 buy and sell quotes on every scrip.
A typical trading day starts at 9.00 am ending at 3.30 pm. Monday to Friday.
BSE has30 stocks which makeup the Sensex. NSE has 50 stocks in its index
called Nifty. FII s Banks, financial institutions mutual funds are biggest players
in the market. Then there is the retail investors and speculators. The last ones are
the ones who follow the market morning to evening; Market can be very
addictive like blogging though stakes are higher in the former.


• Electronic Trading:

Electronic trading eliminates the need for physical trading floors. Brokers can
trade from their offices, using fully automated screen-based processes. Their
workstations are connected to a Stock Exchange's central computer via satellite
using Very Small Aperture Terminus (VSATs). The orders placed by brokers
reach the Exchange's central computer and are matched electronically.

• Exchanges in India:

The Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE)
are the country's two leading Exchanges. There are 20 other regional Exchanges,
connected via the Inter- Connected Stock Exchange (ICSE). The BSE and NSE
allow nationwide trading via their VSAT systems.

(i) Index:

An Index is a comprehensive measure of market trends, intended for investors

who are concerned with general stock market price movements. An Index
comprises stocks that have large liquidity and market capitalization. Each stock is
given a weight age in the Index equivalent to its market capitalization. At the
NSE, the capitalization of NIFTY (fifty selected stocks) is taken as a base
capitalization, with the value set at 1000. Similarly, BSE Sensitive Index or
Sensex comprises 30selected stocks. The Index value compares the day's market
capitalization vis-à-vis base capitalization and indicates how prices in general
have moved over a period of time.

• Execute an Order:

Select a broker of your choice and enter into a broker-client agreement and fill in
the client registration form. Place your order with your broker preferably in
writing. Geta trade confirmation slip on the day the trade is executed and ask for
the contract note at the end of the trade date.

• Need a Broker:

As per SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India.) regulations, only

registered members can operate in the stock market. One can trade by executing a
deal only through a registered broker of a recognized Stock Exchange or through
a SEBI-registered sub-broker.

Contract Note:

A contract note describes the rate, date, time at which the trade was transacted
and the brokerage rate. A contract note issued in the prescribed format
establishes a legally enforceable relationship between the client and the member
in respect of trades stated in the contract note. These are made in duplicate and
the member and the client both keep a copy each. A client should receive the
contract note within 24 hours of the executed trade.

• Split:

A Split is book entry where in the face value of the share is altered to create a
greater number of shares outstanding without calling for fresh capital or altering
the share capital account. For example, if a company announces a two-way split,
it means that a share of the face value of Rs 10 is split into two shares of face
value of Rs 5 each and a person holding one share now holds two shares.

• Buy Back:

As the name suggests, it is a process by which a company can buy back its shares
from shareholders. A company may buy back its shares in various ways: from
existing shareholders on a proportionate basis; through a tender offer from open
market; through a book-building process; from the Stock Exchange; or from odd
lot holders. A company cannot buy back through negotiated deals on or off the
Stock Exchange, through spot transactions or through any private arrangement.

• Settlement Cycle:

The accounting period for the securities traded on the Exchange. On the NSE, the
cycle begins on Wednesday and ends on the following Tuesday, and on the BSE
the cycle commences on Monday and ends on Friday. At the end of this period,
the obligations of each broker are calculated and the brokers settle their
respective obligations as per the rules, bye-laws and regulations of the Clearing
Corporation. If a transaction is entered on the first day of the settlement, the same
will be settled on the eighth working day excluding the day of transaction.
However, if the same is done on the last day of the settlement, it will be settled
on the fourth working day excluding the day of transaction.
• Rolling Settlement:

The rolling settlement ensures that each day's trade is settled by keeping a fixed
gap of a specified number of working days between a trade and its settlement. At
present, this gap is five working days after the trading day. The waiting period is
uniform for all trades. In a Rolling Settlement, all trades outstanding at end of the
day have to be settled, which means that the buyer has to make payments for
securities purchased and seller has to deliver the securities sold. In I n d i a , we
have adopted the T+5 settlements cycle, whichmea
n s t h a t a t r a n s a c t i o n e n t e r e d i n t o o n D a y 1 h a s to be
settled on the Day 1 + 5 working days, when funds pay in or securities pay out
takes place.

Advantages of Rolling Settlements

As mentioned earlier, this is the system practiced in developed countries. Pay

outs are quicker than in weekly settlements, and investors will benefit from
increased liquidity. The other benefit of the modified system is that it keeps cash
and forward markets separate. In the current system, the trader has five days to
square off his transaction which leads to a high level of speculation as people
even without funds tend to "play" the market. During volatile markets, especially
in a bearish market, this often leads to a payment problem which has dogged the
Indian stock exchanges for a long time .It provides for a higher degree of safety,
and once mechanisms such as futures and stock-lending become popular, it
would result in quality speculation and genuine investor interest.

Short Selling:

Short selling is a legitimate trading strategy. It is a sale of a security that the seller
does not own, or any sale that is completed by the delivery of a security borrowed
by the seller. Short sellers take the risk that they will be able to buy the stock at a
more favorable price than the price at which they "sold short. "The selling of a
security that the seller does not own, or any sale that is completed by the delivery
of a security borrowed by the seller, Short sellers assume that they will be able to
buy the stock at a lower amount than the price at which they sold short.

• Separate Market for Auctions:

The buy/sell auction for a capital market security is managed through the auction
market. As opposed to the normal market where trade matching is an on-going
process, the trade matching process for auction starts after the auction period is
over. If the shares are not bought at the auction, i.e., if the shares are not offered
for sale, the Exchange squares up the transaction as per SEBI guidelines. The
transaction is squared up at the highest price from the relevant trading period till
the auction day or at 20 per cent above the last available Closing price whichever
is higher. The pay-in and pay-out of funds for auction square up is held along
with the pay-out for the relevant auction.

• Bad Delivery:

SEBI has formulated uniform guidelines for good and bad delivery of documents.
Bad delivery may pertain to a transfer deed being torn, mutilated, overwritten,
defaced, or if there are spelling mistakes in the name of the company or the
transfer. Bad delivery exists only when shares are transferred physically. In
"Demat" bad delivery does not exist.

• Dematerialization:
Dematerialization in short called as 'demat' is the process by which an investor
can get physical certificates converted into electronic form maintained in an
account with the Depository Participant. The investors can dematerialize only
those share certificates that are already registered in their name and belong to the
list of securities admitted for dematerialization at the depositories.

• Depository:

The organization responsible to maintain investor's securities in the electronic

form is called the depository. In other words, a depository can therefore be
conceived of as a "Bank" for securities. In India there are two such organizations
viz. NSDL and CDSL. The depository concept is similar to the Banking system
with the exception that banks handle funds whereas a depository handles
securities of the investors. An investor wishing to utilize the services offered by a
depository has to open an account with the depository through Depository

• Depository Participant:

The market intermediary through whom the depository services can be availed
by the investors is called a Depository Participant (DP). As per SEBI regulations,
DP could be organizations involved in the business of providing financial
services like banks, brokers, custodians and financial institutions. This system of
using the existing distribution channel (mainly constituting DPs) helps the
depository to reach a wide cross section of investors spread across a large
geographical area at a minimum cost. The admission of the DPs involves a
detailed evaluation by the depository of their capability to meet with the strict
service standards and a further evaluation and approval from SEBI. Realizing the
potential, all the custodians in India and anumber of banks, financial institutions
and major brokers have already joined as DPs to provide services in a number of

Offline trading got on the track in India in 1875 after the establishment of
Bombay Stock Exchange. Traditionally stock trading is done through stock
brokers, personally or through telephones.
As number of people trading in stock market increase enormously in last few
years, some issues–

 Location constrains

 busy phone lines

 miscommunication etc.

started growing in stock broker offices. Information technology (Stock Market

Software) helped stock brokers in solving these problems with Online Stock

Online Stock Market Trading is an internet based stock trading facility. Investor
can trade shares through a website without any manual intervention from Stock

Online trading arrived in India around Year 2000. Somewhere in the nineties
there was a whole move to make shares electronic and fungible (like currency
notes, a share is a share) and move them to the dematerialized (demat) form.
Slowly, from the physical world, shares moved into the digital world at the
NSDL. Then, trading became electronic.

First it was a few of the blue chips, then it was most of the blue chips and slowly
it has taken over most of the market. New issues are today, exclusively
electronic. If digitization took care of the back end, it has also made life easy at
the front end. The act of placing buy/sell orders for financial securities and/or
currencies with the use of a brokerage's internet-based proprietary trading
platforms. The use of online trading increased dramatically in the mid to late-'90s
with the introduction of affordable high-speed computers and internet


With introduction of online trading, the growth has been exceptionally good for
the stock markets in India.
 In the back of wide ranging reforms in regulation and market practice as also the
growing participation of foreign institutional investment, stock markets in India
have showed phenomenal growth since the early1990s.
 Investor base continued to grow from domestic and international markets. The
value of share trading witnessed a sharp jump too.
 Stock markets became intensely technology and process driven, giving little
scope for manual intervention that has been the source of market abuse in
the past.
 Electronic trading, digital certification, straight through processing, electronic
contract notes, online broking have emerged as major trends in technology.
 Risk management became robust reducing the recurrence of payment defaults.

 Product expansion took place in a speedy manner. Indian equity markets now
offer, in addition to trading in equities, opportunities in trading of derivatives in
futures and options in index and stocks.
 Stock exchange reforms brought in professional management separating
conflicts of interest between brokers as owners of the exchanges.
Essential component-The essential component of Internet-based trading is
the interface between broker, bank and depository participant, and as Net-based
trading becomes a reality this interface will develop.
Process of Online Trading

(7) Why trade online?

 Access to Information, Research & statistics on the website

 Transparency

 Hassle Free

 Less Time consuming

 Control in the hands of Investor

 After Market Orders

 Trade any time anywhere

 Completely Safe & Secured T r a n s a c t i o n s

(8) Advantages of online trading

 Internet trading facilitates clients to trade as and when they want, provided
they have a Net connection.
 Clients who trade through the Net will be able to do it with a lower transaction
cost compared to traditional brokers.
 This trading system helps the broker to expand his business.

 Without much capital investment, the broker will be able to enlarge his client base.

 With just one office in the metro, the broker will be able to do business with
many times the number of existing clients.

(9) Major issues

 Internet-based trading, to become really popular, should have both seamless

trading and seamless settlement; whereas now only the former is possible this
prevents the Internet broking community from announcing large-scale reductions
in brokerage.
 Ease of trading and settlement along with reduction in transaction costs is what
investors look for in the new system. Hence, bankers and DPs will have to
change their systems to enable seamless settlements.
 At present, when the client pays an advance deposit, the broker fixes the
exposure limit, and if there is a sudden fluctuation in the share price, the client is
not able to trade unless funds move to the broker physically. This process takes a
minimum of two days, by which time the price would have changed. The ideal
situation is where the client is able to trade on the basis of his deposit in the bank,
which will be accessible to the broker through networking.
 Another serious issue is the efficiency of the Internet infrastructure in the country,
which affects the speed of execution. During the day, traffic is so great that either
the line is not available or it is frustratingly slow, defeating the very purpose of
Net-based trading.
 In short, seamless settlement of Net transactions and improvement of the Internet
infrastructure are of vital importance for exponential growth of Internet-based
About the company

Gurugram (Haryana) [India], June 1 (ANI/BusinessWire India): Founded in 2020

by IIM alumnus Dipankar Biswas and technocrats Diptanil Das and Bharat
Bhushan, Gurugram-based fintech start-up FlipItNews is all set to revolutionise
the way Indians perceive finance, business and capital
This unique start-up is on a mission to reinvent financial literacy for Indians
where financial awareness is driven by smart information discovery and
engagement with peers. Recently,raised
Rs 18 crore in the form of equity and OCDS in its seed investment round, which
will be used to revamp tech infrastructure, build new product features
and acquire more users.

While researching the behaviour of Indians regarding their participation in the

capital market activities, FlipItNews founders were startled by the fact that barely
3% of citizens invest in stock markets. However, if we compare this data with
that of the United States, then it becomes evident
that more than 50% of Americans regularly invest in stocks.

Indians lack confidence when it comes to investment in the capital market. The
wealth in this country is primarily dominated by investment in properties, gold,
and bank deposits. This is where FlipItNews comes in. The motto of this start-up
is driving financial literacy and investment through contextual information and
engagement with smart investors.

1.2.1 History
 Founded in 2020

 Founders – Dipankar Biswas, Diptanil Das and Bharat Bhushan

 Founders are well qualified with more than 10 years of experience in capital

1.2.1 Founders &Promoters

Mr. Dipankar Biswas, Diptanil Das and Bharat Bhushan

Mr. Dipankar Biswas, Diptanil Das and Bharat Bhushan are the founders and
promoters of FlipltNews. All three are well qualified. They are an embodiment of
professional excellence. They are the visionaries who planted the sapling of the
giant tree called FlipltNews vision to reality. They have a rich experience of
more than 10 years in the capital market. Their exceptional leadership skills and
outstanding commitment has made FlipltNews as one of the leading investment
solutions and services provider. They assign top priority to the principles of
transparency,honesty and integrity in all our dealings.

Core Purpose &Values


At Pee Aar Securities Limited, they remain committed to be the most trusted &
globally reputed Stock Broker House by offering Best Knowledge, Maximum
Returns, Lasting Client Satisfaction and Nothing Else by working collectively as
a Team along with their esteemed Sub- Brokers. They aim to be a global major in
providing complete investment solutions, with relentless focus on investor care,
through superior efficiency and complete transparency.

1. Customer-centric Approach

At Pee Aar Securities Limited, customers come first. And their satisfaction is not
just their top priority but also the driving force for them, every single day.
2. Transparency

Honesty is their forte. They believe in dealing on thoroughly ethical grounds,

being fair and transparent with their customers.
3. Meritocracy

They recognize and appreciate efforts put in by their employees. And they, as a
matter of fact, reward and distinguish each one of them ceaselessly.
4. Solidarity

They believe in sharing a forthright and respectful relationship with their

business partners and employees. They consider them both as their team
associates, who work together, succeed together.


Dipankar : CEO &

Bharat : CEO &
(B.E &
Diptin : Co-founder
and CTO

Many landmarks have been achieved and are awaiting more others…………

 Year2020-2021
Mr. Dipankar Biswas and Mr. Bharat Bhusan would lay foundation of Primary market and
became Sub-broker of Delhi Stock Exchange. The venture stands out from the rest due to
their approach of Research-based broking even when Sub-brokers.

 End of year2021

 Commanding the faith of more than 50000 trading clients & overall 1,00,000 investors.

 More than 20000 DP clients

 More than 1000 trading terminals of NSE, BSE, NCDEX & MCX installed

 Clearing member for 52 Trading Members MCX/DGCX/NSE/BSE

 Dedicated Proprietary Arbitrage Desk with 300+Arbitragers

 Handles 50,000+ trades/day, achieved US$ 500+ Mn volume for the period Apr-Dec,‟11

 Providing advisory services to HNIs &Corporates.

Still counting, various memberships awaited as well as applied for membership of

National Multi Commodity Exchange for the other divisions.


FlipltNews was incorporated in 2020 under the Companies Act,1956, by the trio of its
visionary Directors Mr. Dipankar Biswas, Mr. Bharat Bhusan and Mr. Diptinal Das.

While researching the behaviour of Indians regarding their participation in the capital
market activities, FlipItNews founders were startled by the fact that barely 3% of citizens
invest in stock markets. However, if we compare this data with that of the United States,
then it becomes evident that more than 50% of Americans regularly invest in stocks.
Indians lack confidence when it comes to investment in the capital market. The wealth in
this country is primarily dominated by investment in properties, gold, and bank deposits.
This is where FlipItNews comes in. The motto of this start-up is driving financial literacy
and investment through contextual information and engagement with smart investors.

The app started as a smart news discovery platform summarized in 50 words, one click research of
any stock, smart advisory from top brokers of India and a real-time engagement feed where users
can discuss and debate with other app users and learn on the go! Now FlipItNews is going to
launch the much awaited feature ‘Circle’, which will translate it into a social trading platform.

Talking about this its CEO and co-founder Mr. Dipankar Biswas said, “We are living in a time
where we are witnessing a global financial revolution! We have seen the power of community and
social media for DogeCoin and even in the case of GameStop. Social trading is the future and we
are making it simplified and engaging for the modern tech savvy users with extremely simplified
user experience."

When asked about more features of Circle, its COO and co-founder Mr. Bharat Bhushan said, “We
are not only building a community, but also building a smart platform where any fin-tech company
can build its own community. Building a financial literate country is a huge task and we all need to
come forward together to make it happen."

According to the latest update, more than 125,000 users have already installed the FlipItNews app
on their smartphone and they hope that this number will reach million very soon. To conclude its
CTO and co- founder Diptanil Das said, “Covid lockdown has worked as an inflection point for
Indians to be more interested in investment and finances. We are simplifying it with new-age
(10) Products and Services Offered

 Equity trading

 Derivative Trading.

 Commodities Trading.

 Mutual fund & IPO distribution.

 Depository services (ISO 9001:2000) for Shares &Commodities.

 Real time internet trading.

 Web based accounting.

 Research support to the client through SMS and E-mails.

 Clearing services for trading members in NSE and Future &Options.

1. Equity

Equity investments generally refers to the buying and holding of share of

stock on a stock market by individuals and firms in anticipation of income
from dividends and capital gain as the value of the stock rises. It also
sometimes refers to the acquisition of equity (ownership) participation in a
private (unlisted) company or a start-up (a company being created or
newly created). When the investment is in infant companies, it is referred
to as venture capital investing and is generally understood to be higher
risk than investment in listed going-concern situations.
The equities held by private individuals are often held via mutual funds or
other forms of pooled investment vehicle, many of which have quoted
prices that are listed in financial newspapers or magazines; the mutual
funds are typically managed by prominent fund management firms. Such
holdings allow individual investors to obtain the diversification of the
fund(s) and to obtain the skill of the professional fund managers in charge
of the fund(s).

2. Derivatives

Since derivatives instrument provide good leverage opportunity, it is a

great tool for speculation. Leverage is a double edge sword for which one
requires an equity advisor. Their advisors will also help them with various
strategies like Bull Spread, Bear Spread, cover call writing, hedging
strategies etc. This is to help them to make better trading returns. The
Equity Advisor doesn’t stop at just that, he goes a step further to ensure
that client’s trades are settled and traded with propermargin in their
account in a timely manner. This allows them to give them a convenient
single window service and their advisor becomes the single point contact
for all their equity related matters.

3. Insurance

Added Life Insurance during April 2008 to their Wealth Management

Portfolio thereby filling the gap in their basket of the products and thus
providing comprehensive financial planning to their clients covering not
all wealth creation solutions, but also wealth protection through proper risk
management process. With complete emphasis on the solution providing,
they approach their clients, not merely with insurance product per se, but
with module (life profiler) to help their clients with objective based
planning for life, identify and understand the various risk attached to
his/her life and later advising them with appropriate customized solution.
MOSL through their insurance partners offers insurance coverage and
wealth creation opportunities to meet client’s different financial goals
during the various stages of clients life. The plans offer them the control to
manage their protection and investment in one account. It is designed to
remove their worries and making them secure in the knowledge that they
and their loved ones are protected against any untoward events.

4. Mutual Fund

A mutual fund is just the connecting bridge or a financial intermediary that

allows a group of investors to pool their money together with a
predetermined investment objective. The mutual fund will have a fund
manager who is responsible for investing the gathered money into specific
securities (stocks or bonds). When they invest in a mutual fund, they are
buying units or portions of the mutual fund and thus on investing becomes
a shareholder or unit holder of the fund.
Mutual funds are considered as one of the best available investments as
compare to others they are very cost efficient and also easy to invest in,
thus by pooling money together in a mutual fund, investors can purchase
stocks or bonds with much lower trading costs than if they tried to do it on
their own. But the biggest advantage to mutual funds is diversification, by
minimizing risk & maximizing returns.
5. IPO

IPO or 'New Issues' is it is better known, are a source of great enthusiasm

and excitement among investors across the country. At PRS IPO Desk,
they carefully analyze, prepare research notes and recommend IPO for
their clients to invest in. Their IPO Team does rigorous analysis on the
quality of new issue, the company's track record and its business plans.
More importantly, it critically evaluates the pricing of the issue and its
friendliness. Given the background and experience of PRS RESEARCH
TEAM they are able to identify the Quality issues outof a series of new
issues that hit the market.
6. Depository Services

A depository can be compared to a bank. A depository holds securities

(like shares, debentures, bonds, Government Securities, units etc.) of
investors in electronic form. Besides holding securities, a depository also
provides services related to transactions in securities. A depository
interfaces with the investors through its agents called Depository
Participant (DPs). If an investor wants to avail the services offered by the
depository, the investor has to open an account with a DP. This is similar
to opening an account with any branch of a bank in order to utilize the
bank's services.
7. Commodity

Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) is an independent commodity

exchange based in India. It was established in 2003 and is based in
Mumbai. The turnover of the exchange for the period Apr-Dec 2011 was
INR 32 Trillion. MCX offers futures trading in Agricultural Commodities,
Bullion, Ferrous & Non-ferrous metals, Pulses, Oils & Oilseeds, Energy,
Plantations, Spices and other soft commodities.

8. Corporate Fixed Deposits

Corporate fixed deposits are similar to banking FD's, except that the
money invested is with a company and not a bank. Deposits under
corporate FD's are governed by the Companies Act under Section 58A.
However, these deposits are unsecured, On the other hand, companies
FD's apart from giving a superior interest rate than banks, also provide
investors with a short-term deposits option with only a six-month lock in
period as well as the benefit of having no income text deducted at source if
the interest income is up to Rs 5,000 in one financial year. Investments can
also be spread in more than one company, so that interest from one
company does not exceed Rs 5,000.
Corporate FD' s however do not change their rates during a six month to
one year period, which provides stability to the investment, These
deposits, while are not very large from a big company's point of view end
up running more on a constant addition and exclusion of investors. The
interest paid by the companies is usually on a half yearly basis. Majority
of the companies who raise money via fixed deposits have quarterly
interest payouts and the interest vary from 9-13% based on the option one
chooses. With such large fixed deposit issues available in the market,
mutual funds may lose out in investors who invest in their fixed income
products, and give to competition within the fixed income market space.

9. NSE Currency Derivatives

PEEAAR has currently permitted futures only on the USD-INR rates.

PEEAAR Securities Direct Pvt. Ltd. offers trading facilities to investors
on the Currency derivatives segment of the NSE. The contract
Specification of the futures shall be as under:

1.2 Competition Information






India bulls has emerged as one of the leading and fastest growing financial
company in less than two year,since its initial public offering in September
2004. It is India’s leading Financial Services and Real Estate Company
having over 640 branches all over India. India bulls serves the financial
needs of more than 4,50,000 customers with its wide range of financial
services and products from securities, derivatives trading, depositary
services, research & advisory services, consumer secured & unsecured
credit, loan against shares and mortgage & housing finance. With around
4000 Relationship Managers, India bulls helps its clients to satisfy their
customized financial goals.

HDFC Securities, a trusted financial service provider promoted by HDFC

Bank and JP Morgan Partners and their associates, is a leading stock
broking company in the country, serving a diverse customer base of
institutional and retail investors. HDFCsec.com provides investors a
robust platform to trade in Equities in NSE and BSE, and derivatives in
NSE. With HDFCsec.com, an investor gets Speed, Convenience, Timely
and Relevant Information, and Expertise. count and their online trading
Reliance Money is part of the Reliance Anil Dhirubai Ambani Group
and is promoted by Reliance Capital, the fastest growing private sector
financial services company in India, ranked amongst the top 3 private
sector financial companies in terms of net worth. Through its state of art of
online trading platform Reliance Money is making its active foray into
equity, commodity and forex broking. For the first time in India R trade
will provide the Indian investors the facility of trading in Equity,
Commodity, Forex, Derivatives, Mutual Funds, IPO‟s, Insurance and
Credit Cards on a single platform.

ICICI Direct is the sister concern of ICICI Bank. It is an online broking

firm which provides the investors to trade in equity, IPO‟s, mutual funds
and derivatives online. ICICI direct provides a 3 in 1 account that gives an
investor: Convenience, Speed, Control, Independence, and Trust.
Presently, it is the most preferred stock broker in the market as compared
to other stockbrokers.
Kotak Securities, a strategic joint venture between Kotak Mahindra Bank
and Goldman Sachs (one of the world’s leading investment banks and
brokerage firms, holding 25%stake in the company)is India’s leading
stock broking house with market share close to 9%. Set up in 1994, Kotak
Securities is a leader in Institutional Stock Broking, Portfolio
Management, Retail Broking &Distribution and Depository Services.
Kotak Securities has 835 outlets servicing over 3,35,000 customers and a
coverage of 295cities.

1.3 SWOT Analysis of Pee Aar SecuritiesLtd.


 One of the largest broking house of India

 Low charges on its products as compared to most of its competitors.

 Advanced products given

 After sale services are very good. Investors need is taken care off
 Clearing & Trading member of F&O segment of NSE.

 Trading terminals of two Commodity Exchanges MCX/NCDEX

 Market leader in IPO in Delhi

 Comprehensive approach towards investments advice for MFs

 Intensive equity research (technical as well as fundamental) by investment

 Commanding the faith of over 1,00,000 satisfied investors

 More than 1000 trading terminals of NSE, BSE, F&O, NCDEX and MCX
 Highly dedicated workforce of employees and financial advisors in PASL

 Strong presence in the business with a rich experience of over 20years

 Equipped with hi-tech in-house Research wing and technological

resources providing complete research solutions
 Fast, Transparent and easy to use Online Internet Trading Platform.

 Lacks awareness amongst most of the people.

 Dual portal system of trading which causes problems sometimes.

 India has one of the world's lowest transaction cost based on screen based
transaction, paperless trading and T+2 settlement cycle
 Growing retail investor participation, growing internet usage, faster
telecom connectivity and increasing comfortable levels with internet
 Great enthusiasm about our membership and business dealings with commodity
 Great opportunities also lie in the field of portfolio management services.

 Very sensitive

 Effect of political environment, government policies, global economy,physical


 Competition from other top brokerage firms specially kotak securities and
2.1 OBJECTIVES of the Study

The objective of my project is divided into various parts:

 To get an overview of Indian Financial Market

 To understand the working of Indian Stock Market

 To study about the evolution of the Indian Stock Market

 To perform a competitive analysis of FliptlNews on the basis of various factors

2.2 SCOPE of the Study

The scope of the project is to study and know about Indian Stock Market
and Indian Financial System. By studying the Online Trading, a clear
option of dealing in stock exchange is been understood. Unlike olden days
the concept of trading manually is been replaced for fast interaction of
shares of shareholder. By this one can access anywhere and know the
present dealings in shares.
In outcry, the broker has to buy or sell securities for which he has received
the orders. For this, the broker or his authorized representatives goes to
the stock exchange. Basically the broker shouts while buying or selling
the securities. The floor of the stock exchange is divided into a number of
market also „post pit‟ or wing based on particular securities dealt there. In
the post pit or wing, the broker using „open outcry‟ method makes an
offer or bid price. For making then necessary bargain, he codes his
purchase or sales price, also known as offer or bid price. The dealer, to
whom the price is quoted, quotes his own price quotation of the dealer
suits the broker, he may lose the bargain. If he is not satisfied with the
quote price he may turns to some other dealer. On the close of the bargain,
the dealer sells as well as the broker makes a brief note of the particulars
of the deal. Such notes are made on some pad and on it the number of
shares, the price agreed upon, the name of the party, what membership
number etc., are noted. The disadvantages of outcry system are it
lack transparency, the scope of manipulation, Inaudibility and also
speculation and malpractice is more, in order to overcome the above
problems, online trading came in to existence. Hence the need to study the
advantages of online trading system and its importance in making the
market operations and smooth while retaining the flexibility of
conventional trading practices.
Since the year 2000 a big boom has been witnessed in the Indian Stock
Market when the market showed the coming up of Online Trading System.
Many online stock trading companies came but initially due to lack of
online trading some companies vanished and some survived. The
companies which survived are getting the handsome returns also attracting
the foreign Investment Companies. Nowadays this sector is facing cut-
throat competition and also provides huge growth prospects. The study
then goes to evaluate and analyze the findings so as to present a clear
picture of the trends in the online trading sector.

2.3 Managerial Usefulness of the Study

 This study can assist the management in decision making process.

 This study gives information about the competitors in the industry to the

 This study can help the management to innovate new ideas regarding
products and services which can further fulfill the need of the existing as
well as the potential investors.
 This study provides a comparative analysis of major brokerage houses
in the market to the management.
 This study gives a SWOT analysis of the organization to the management.

2.4 Research Design


The non-probability respondents have been researched by selecting the

persons who does the stock trading. Those persons who do not trade in
stocks have not been interviewed.


The research is primarily both exploratory and descriptive in nature. The

sources of information are both primary and secondary.
The objective of the exploratory research is to gain insights and ideas.

The objective of the descriptive research study is typically concerned with

determining the frequency with which something occurs.
A well-structured questionnaire was prepared for the primary research and
personal interviews were conducted to collect the responses of the target
1. Sample Size

The sample size taken for the purpose of questionnaire is 30 clients of

FliptlNews and 50 clients of other corporate brokers. On the basis of their
responses, the conclusions have beendrawn.

2. Data Collection

To determine the appropriate data for research mainly two kinds of data
was collected namely primary & secondary data as explained below:


Primary data are those, which were collected afresh & for the first time
and thus happen to be original in character. However, there are many
methods of collecting theprimary data; all have not been used for the
purpose of this project. The ones that have been used are:

 Questionnaire

 Informal Interviews

 Observation


Secondary data is collected from previous researches and literature to

fill in the respective project. The secondary data was collected through:

 Text Books
 E-Books

 Websites


The main statistical tools used for the collection and analyses of data in this
project are:

 Pie Charts and other Charts

 Tables
(1) View Point of a general investor through Questionnaire1

The analysis questionnaire is done on the basis of information gathered

through 50 clients who do not invest with Pee Aar Securities, i.e., 50
clients of other corporate stock brokers.

1. What are your avenues of investment?

10% 20%


It can be noted that most favorite avenue of investment for investors is

Equity, followed by IPO, then Mutual Funds, Derivatives and least being
investment in Commodities. This may be due to the fact that Equity
trading is the most profitable source of investment due to involvement of
(b) How often do you invest?


40% TRADERS-40%


It can be observed that investors invest in financial markets more often

than the traders. This can be due to the fact that traders are low risk taking
2. Your mode of investing?



The above diagram and analysis of questionnaire tells that investors

investing through online mode are quite less than those through offline
3. Do you know about Pee Aar Securities?

Awareness among investors about Pee

40% Aar



It can be observed that around 45% of the investors are aware about
PASL in today’s world. This shows the growing reputation of the PASL
through its investor friendly policies.
 The following Corporate Stock Brokers on a scale of 1 to8.
(i) (1 being the best and 8 being the worst)

o ICICI Direct

o HDFC Securities

o India Bulls

o Kotak Securities

o Reliance Money

o Pee Aar Securities

o Angel Broking

o SMC Global Sec.

The ranking done below is on the basis of rank given by investors. The
total points are determined by multiplying the rank with its frequency and
then added to give a final sum. The corporate stock broker who has got
the lowest sum is top ranked and so on.



It can be seen that investors are attracted towards India bulls since it has been
raked top by the investors. After that investors prefer Kotak Securities, Reliance
money and then ICICI Direct.
3.1.2 View Point of a FlipltNews investor through Questionnaire2

The analysis questionnaire is done on the basis of information gathered

through 30 clients who invest with FliptlNews

1. For how long you have been investing with PEEAAR?


It can be interpreted from the information given by the investor that most
people investing with Pee Aar Securities are short term investors rather
than retaining the securities for a longer period of time.
2. What are your avenues of investment?

Avenues of Investment






It can be observed that a PEEAAR investor likes to invest mostly in

Equity of the company. The next most preferred investment avenue is
Derivatives, IPO and then Mutual Funds. The least preferred is investment
in Commodity of PEEAAR.
3. Your

mode of




60% 40%






It can be interpreted that most of the PEEAAR investors prefer to invest

through online mode rather than offline mode, which is exactly opposite to
others investors than PEEAAR investors.
. You prefer in exchange?


1st Qtr 2nd Qtr

65% 35%


It can be observed that the most preferred Stock exchange through which PEEAAR investors
prefer to trade is NSE rather than BSE. In fact, almost 65% of the investors trade through NSE
in today’sworld
4. Are you satisfied with your RM‟s services?



It can be observed that out of the investors who take the services of
Relationship Manager, 90% of those investors are satisfied with the
services of the regional manager.
5. Rate the services provided by

PEEAAR Securities.




It can be interpreted from the questionnaire results that out of all the
investors who invest in Pee Aar Securities Ltd., 45% say that the services
provided by PEEAAR are good, 30% say that the services are satisfactory,
20% say it to be excellent, while 5% rate the services to be poor.

3. Comparative Analysis of Major Corporate Stock


(1) Top corporate stock brokers of India are being

compared on the following parameters:


3.2Products offered

3.3Brokerage charged

3.4Services offered

3.5Account opening and other charges


1. Tie up with banks

2. Additional Services Offered

3. Customer base




u al

Name of the

broking firm
KOTAK     
INDIA     
RELIANCE    
ICICI    
HDFC   
PEEAAR     

Name of the






broking firm

KOTAK 0.45 0.05 0.06 0.06


INDIA 0.50 0.05 0.05 0.05


RELIANCE Flat Flat Flat Flat


ICICI 0.75 0.05 0.05 0.05


HDFC 0.50 0.05 0.05 0.05


PEE AAR 0.25 0.03 0.03 0.03


City or Town Point Point Point Point Point

Point A —
Point B 8 —
Point C 6 56 —
Point D 3 32 91 —
Point E 9 35 54 43 —

Rever sal of
unt maint
unt openi
Name of

Stam p




KOTAK 750 36 25 Nil 10

SECUR 0 0 0

INDIA 900 Nil 90 Nil 10

BULLS * 0 0

RELIANCE 750 50 N Nil 12


ICICI 750 50 N Nil 10


HDFC 799 Nil N Yes Nil

PEE 500 25 50 N 75
0 0 I


*Rs 900 charged as account opening fee by India bulls is reversed back at the time of
closure of the account.

Competitive positioning of corporate stock brokers is studied on the following



Name of the Bank Tie ups

broking firm

Kotak Securities ICICI, UTI, CITI, HDFC, Kotak Mahindra

India bulls ICICI, UTI, HDFC

Reliance Money UTI, HDFC,IDBI, ICICI


HDFC Securities HDFC


Additional Services offered


KOTAK   
ICICI   
HDFC   
PEE AAR   

 PMS-Portfolio Management Service

 AMO-After Market Order


Name of the broking firm Customer Base

Kotak Securities 800000
India bulls 5000000
Reliance money 1500000
ICICI Direct 5000000
HDFC Securities 100000
PEE AAR Securities 100000


From the above analysis, we can conclude that PEE AAR Securities is
growing day by day. Its performance is much satisfactory and is giving a
very tough competition to the other corporate stock brokers in the market.
Thus, we can conclude that PASL Network has a very bright future if it
goes on improving its performance like before.
The findings from the study of the project and above analysis can be listed as
below: -

 It is a market leader in IPO in Delhi.

 The Company is growing at a very rapid rate. Its performance is much

satisfactory and is giving a very tough competition to the other corporate
stock brokers in the market. It has
witnessed a growth not only the financial revenue but also in the number
of clients and the employee strength. It has low charges on its products as
compared to most of its competitors and advanced products are given by
the company.
 It provides 24x7 customer support Centre. At FlipltNews, customers come
first. And their satisfaction is not just their top priority but also the driving
force for them, every single day. The after sale services are very good.
Investors need is taken care off.
 It has a highly dedicated workforce of employees and financial advisors. It
has a team of experienced professionals dedicated to serving the firm’s
corporate finance clients.
 It has a diversified business model. The Company offer various financial
services and products ranging from equity, F & O and wholesale debt,
insurance and IPO distribution, depository services to cater to the specific
needs of the retail and institutional investors
Thus providing all these services in a single platform. It has a
comprehensive approach towards investments advice for MFs.
 It provides the facility of Relationship manager. This is one of the unique
services that FlipltNews offers to its customers. Every customer is provided
with a relationship manager, where in the customers can contact these
managers at any time ofthe dayto get
information on the market or get their queries clarified.

 It is equipped with hi-tech in-house Research wing and technological

resources providing complete research solutions. Since the launch of their
websites and them
online trading platform, they have invested in building a technology
platform. Their trader terminal is an application which allows customers to
trade on both the BSE and the NSE. It has a fast, transparent and easy to
use Online Internet Trading Platform.


The online trading is growing with a rapid pace with the rising level of
education among the customers. The other factors being that the Indian
Investor nowadays wants to deal himself in trading rather than depending
upon other middlemen. They also consider the factors like timesaving in
doing the online transactions, convenience etc. Although some people feel
that online trading is not secure but the people doing the trading online is
happy about the increasing security concerns among the companies. The
year 2010 has not been so good for the stock market and the SENSEX and
NIFTY has been dipping and affecting the business negatively for these
companies. This is due to the fact that at these times people do not prefer
to open the DMAT and Trading accounts. So the companies have to
reduce their account opening fees to attract more and more customers.
Also people trade very less in the bearish market and the company’s
profits against brokerage fees soars downwards. It is also a found fact that
during the bearish market the ratio of online trading becomes very less.
Also there is an intense competition among the companies and the
companies come up with new and new promotion schemes such as
discounted and negotiable brokerages, zero balance accounts, waiving a/c
opening fee and AMC etc. As the internet penetration is growing in India
this business holds a huge potential for growth.

New ideas is to be implemented to catch the customers. The strategy of

giving more benefits to the high end customers is very useful. Because
stock market is a volatile market, anything can happen to this market. But
then again if anyone study the market well he can earn a lot. Again like
every coin has its two sides, similarly every financial instrument has its
own features, its advantage & disadvantage. So finally investor
himself/herself has to decide where to invest.
The mantra for success in the current situation will be educating the
customers about the benefits of online trading and the amount of ROI
that can be generated through it.

The total trading volume of brokerage companies has increased from

US$1239.1 billion in 2008 to US$ 1492.1 billion in 2011, and is expected
to reach US$ 6535.7 billion by 2015.


 HDFC should start online mutual funds and commodities trading as soon
as possible in order to compete. It should also work on its browser so that
trading can be done swiftly. ODIN facility should also be started in order
to make trading more convenient. Facilities such as PMS, AMO and
margin funding should also be looked upon.

 ICICI have huge number of investors therefore in order to retain them it

should minimize its charges. Should provide software so that rates change
automatically. Should start giving online commodities trading.

 Reliance Money in order to retain its position in the market should work
upon its after sales service. Should also introduce online recharge facility
of accounts. ODIN software should also be given to all its investors.

 KOTAK securities should allow 100% sale of shares on BTST. Should

also reconsider their broking charges and make them more economical.
They have high margin money which can be cut down to an extent to
attract more investors.

 PASL should take proper steps to build up its brand image.

 It should resolve the dual portal system of trading.

 It should start the portfolio management services, margin funding.

 Offer more attractive services in order to remain competitive.

 Make Odin software easy to operate.

 Improvement in the time delay of account opening is required.

 There should be a specific number of clients under each relationship

manger, so that each client can be attended properly and can be imparted
desired time.
1. Limitations of the Study

1. There is lack of awareness among people about investing in stock

market. So the people who are aware of such things were found in
specific areas for survey purposes.

2. Most people are comfortable with traditional system in small towns and
like to trade from their respective brokers, hence not providing a true
opinion of theirs.

3. Most of the people they are not techno savvy. Though Internet
penetration is growing still itis not at the required level.

4. Some of the respondents who did not do online trading were able to
respond to only some questions.

5. Due to wide spread information of the data, the scope of project becomes very wide.

6. Given the time constraints, all the information could not be gathered.

7. The study is confined to online trading procedure only.

8. Problemsoflistingarenotc overedduetolimitedt imeandtokeepthes tudyi

nmanageable limits.
9. The data is collected from the primary and secondary sources and
thus is subject to slight variation than what the study includes in reality.
10. The observations drawn are of past and present years only.

11. Detailed study on the topic was not possible due to limited size of the project.
(a) The following sources have been sought for the preparation of
this report:


1. Nassar, David S., 2001, “How to Get Started in Electronic Day Trading”,
McGraw-Hill, London
2. Khan, M.Y., 2006, “Indian Financial System 5E”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education,

3. Kothari.C.R,“ResearchMethodology”,NewAgeInternational(P)Ltd.,
NewDelhi (2008E d i t i o n ) .
4. Harper W. Boyd, Jr. Ralph Westfall, Stanley F.Stasch,” Marketing
Research”,2007 Edition.

 kotaksecurities.com/home/index.html

 hdfcsec.com

 nseindia.com

 nseindia.com/content/indices/ind_niftylist.csv

 tradersedgeindia.com/bse_sensex.htm

 indiahowto.com/what-is-sensex-nifty.html

 indiabulls.com/default.htm

 icicidirect.com/news ite content/Home/Home.asp

 Wikipedia.org
Are you happy with the company
Recruitment process? Yes No

How do you feel about

the interview panel?

Did the Internal

meet your
expectations? Yes

Are you happy with the salary what you offered

from the company? Yes No

How do you come to know about

openings in this company? Yes No

Do you want to refer more

friends to this company? Yes


Did you have the right

Designations to this company?
Yes No
What should be the company’s main
source of this company? Yes No

Do you think this company spends too much in term of time and cost for
the recruitment process?
Yes No

How do you think about Recruitment and selection

procedure in your company? Yes No

Does the selection process at this company bring in the right

candidate for the right job? Yes No

What should be the best recruitment sources according

to your preference? Yes No

Did you fully know about the company policies before

joined this company? Yes No

How do you know

about this
company Yes

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