Group 2 - Activity #3 - Science of Human Movement
Group 2 - Activity #3 - Science of Human Movement
Group 2 - Activity #3 - Science of Human Movement
Activity #3
3. What are the different body regions and body planes? Identify and give its parts.
Occipital (Base of the Scapular (shoulder Perineal (area between anus and
Skull) blade) external genitalia)
The Appendicular (upper and lower extremities) body’s main regions are:
• Sagittal (longitudinal) plane: separates the left and right sides of the body.
➢ Your body's front to back is divided into left and right halves by a vertical
➢ The median sagittal plane is a sagittal plane that divides the body into equal
halves along its middle.
• Transverse (axial) plane: separates the upper (superior) and lower (inferior)
halves of the body
➢ Your body is divided into an upper and lower half by a horizontal sheet
called the axial (transverse) plane that passes through your torso.