Mgt400 Group Assignment 2 - Leading
Mgt400 Group Assignment 2 - Leading
Mgt400 Group Assignment 2 - Leading
achieve the team’s goals. Leading a company as big as Nestlé truly will have its challenges
that may threaten a leader’s ability to successfully guide their team. One of the challenges
faced by the organization in leading is inspiring others. Keeping team members motivated
and engaged is an essential task for leaders. This is because inspired and motivated team
members will lead to increased productivity and even allow the organization to achieve
greater levels of output in the company (R, 2022). However, it is hard to motivate people
even if there is a clear vision of the things that need to be done since getting employees to be
on board can be challenging. A lack of employee motivation and engagement leads to lower
productivity and inefficiency in overcoming challenges that come their way while working
(Leonard, 2019).
Lastly, handling different perspectives can be very challenging, especially for managers in an
organization. The emergence of the global pandemic in 2020 made the importance of a
leader’s ability to guide through changes, unpredictability, and disruptions very clear. It
shows that one certain thing is that increasing complexity cannot ever be avoided and it can
come from the workplace itself. Conflicts between team members or between yourself and an
employee are also important for leaders to manage and solve before it disrupts the team. The
challenge for leaders is to create a space for their employees to share ideas and ensure that
contradictory ideas are being conveyed in a discussion that allows for the development and
shared understanding (Wooll, 2022). This is because when a leader identifies strongly and is
highly dedicated to their team, considering others’ perspectives can negatively affect those
who are not in the fold.
How it affects
Why is it difficult