GPPS-TC-2021 Paper 310
GPPS-TC-2021 Paper 310
GPPS-TC-2021 Paper 310
ISSNNr: 25044400
GPPS Xi’an21
18th –20th October, 2021
This paper attempts to reduce the gap, when it comes to future aircraft concepts noise and aeroacoustics, and at the
same time introduce basic noise aspects for people unfamiliar to it. This is performed by taking into account the following
four stages: Identification of conventional aircraft noise sources, overview of the aeroacoustics of future aircraft config
urations, derivation of conceptual design considerations for noise issues, and finally, insight on the impact of technology
advancements on certification. More specifically, a holistic overview of the aeroacoustics of aircraft was performed. The
noise sources were described and made available for those unacquainted with the subject. Aeroacoustic behavior of Contra
Rotating Open Rotors, Boundary Layer Ingestion and Distributed Propulsion concepts was studied trough the most recent
and relevant literature. The phenomena causing noise were highlighted, and the differences between conventional and fu
ture designs detected. It was found that generally noise sources are similar, but the intensity of some can be significantly
altered. Early design phase guidelines were extracted for each of the concepts. The design considerations are grouped into
a matrix showing the relative effect of each on noise emissions. With these guidelines, it is possible to perform design
choices in the conceptual level of fidelity for future aircraft concepts. Furthermore, certification aspects and observations
considering its future development are presented. Noise emissions are expected to change, and thus certification must be
adapted to it. Furthermore, in this quick advancing technology field, virtual certification is advised to be used.
The Advisory Council for Aviation Research in Europe (ACARE) has set targets in its “Flightpath 2050” aviation report
(Darecki et al., 2011), with the longterm objective to reduce CO2 , NOX and noise emissions. Multiple stakeholders from
the aviation industry work towards climate neutral aviation. An example, amongst many, is the Clean Aviation Partnership,
discussing electric, hybridelectric and hydrogen possibilities for the future of aviation (CleanAviation, 2020). To date,
many concepts, based on the aforementioned technologies, are under assessment and expected to bring many new features
and differences in operation, with the main objective to reach the environmental and socioeconomic goals. Consequently,
it is considered useful to account for noise emissions as a criterion early in the design process.
In this work, attention is given mainly changes that propulsion electrification may bring to noise emissions. An interest
ing review of different concepts and ongoing research for commuter, short and longhaul aircraft employing electrification
can be found in (Gkoutzamanis et al., 2021) and (Graham et al., 2014), respectively. In literature there are many works de
scribing aeroacoustics and noise for conventional aircraft (Filippone, 2014; Casalino et al., 2008). Information on noise for
future design is very limited. Noise sources relative importance and intensities are expected to be modified. The motivation
of this work is to close the gap of knowledge in that field, by reviewing the new landscape of noise emissions and providing
design considerations for new concepts. Consequently, a literature review on aircraft noise sources is presented. Further
deepening in Boundary Layer Ingestion (BLI), Distributed Propulsion (DP) and ContraRotating Open Rotors (CROR) is
performed. Both sections are highlighting important phenomena causing noise, and the differences between conventional
and future designs. Finally, reflections on design considerations and noise certification are presented.
Airframe noise
For the first time in late 60’s, the airframe noise came into light (Hubbard, 1991). It is mostly significant during
the approach phase of the flight(Hileman et al., 2007), since the engine is operating at a lower power setting, reducing the
emitted noise, and all landing gears are extended. Noise produced by landing gear and highlift devices are mainly produced
due to aerodynamic interactions.
All generating mechanisms for airframe are identified in one of the first reviews by NASA on aeroacoustics of flight
vehicles in early 90’s (Hubbard, 1991). A more recent review by Casalino et al. (2008), has also defined the most consider
able airframe sources. Namely there is the trailingedge, flap sideedge, undercarriage gear noises, cavity noise, turbulent
boundary layer, panel vibration and powered lift configuration noises. Both works agree on the noise emitting methods,
leading to the conclusion that few things have changed in that period of approximately 20 years.
Trailingedge noise is produced by three phenomena. The first of which takes place when unsteady, turbulent, flow
interacts with the trailing edge of the airfoil. There is also noise caused by vortex shedding and finally aeroacoustic feedback
loop (Doolan et al., 2012). However, more research is needed to fully understand the feedback loop mechanism (Doolan
et al., 2012). Broadband noise is generated by the first mechanism, while the other two produce tonal noise.
Flap sideedge noise is generated by fluctuations that are induced by the freeshear layer at the flap bottom edge but
also vortices generated on the tip of the airfoil and merge downstream to produce acoustic disturbances (Filippone, 2014;
Kolb et al., 2020).
As all highlift devices, vortex shedding and cavity noise are some of the slat noise sources (Filippone, 2014). Accord
ing to Knacke and Thiele (2013), who did a numerical investigation, the noise principally occurs from the interaction of
turbulence with the upper slat trailing edge. The impingement of the shear layer on the pressure side surface is, according
to Terracol et al. (2016), the main noise generation mechanisms in slat cavities.
The complex geometry of landing gear impedes the evaluation of noise. The broadband noise is caused by turbulent
flow separation and the interactions of the turbulent wake with other components downstream. Tonal noise is mainly
generated by open ended pin holes and flowexcited cavities on the landing gear (Molin, 2019).
Figure 1 Aircraft noise sources
having a helical spinning configuration (Dahl, 2012). Tones, as for compressor and fans, issue for harmonics of blade
passage frequencies (Barbosa and Dezan, 2013). The broadband noise on the other hand, is caused by the oscillating load
on the rotors and stators. This noise is related with random unsteady disturbance and turbulence within the flow (Barbosa
and Dezan, 2013). Such fluctuations can be the blade vortices and wakes, the boundary layer scattering but also geometric
asymmetry and perturbations. Someone can correlate this kind of noise with the airframe noise generation. Furthermore, the
broadband noise is dominated by a phenomenon so called haystacking. Haystacking is a noise generated by flow turbulence
causing lift fluctuations and scattering of the turbine tones into sideband noise in the external exhaust shear layers (Dahl,
2012). In other means, it is the redistribution of acoustic power caused by tonal noise into broadband noise. Other sources
can be present, such as instabilities in the shroud exit cavity, which mostly affect low frequencies (Rebholz et al., 2016).
For compressor rotors the loading and thickness noise are recognized as major noise sources (Tyler and Sofrin, 1962).
Other sources emerging from vortex shedding, unsteady loading and blade vibrations are present but less important. As
for the rotorstator interaction, three sources are present: cutting of stator wake by the rotors, impingement of rotor wakes
dowstream and distortion of rotating pressure fields due caused by the proximity of reflecting objects. However, noise
is also caused by fan / propeller wake arriving at core inlet guide vanes (Agarwal et al., 2004). Nonetheless, part of the
aforementioned sources are expected to decay or to be cutoff from compressor design, and thus not propagating towards
the farfield (Tyler and Sofrin, 1962; Agarwal et al., 2004).
Jet noise is generated when part of the flow energy is converted to random velocity fluctuations and/or dissipated to
heat due to viscous effects (Dahl, 2012). Jet noise of a turbofan engine contributes nearly half of the overall acoustic energy
during takeoff. Mixing, shock and screech noises are produced in the nozzle due to the jet, as reported in (Dahl, 2012).
Screech noises, according to the same literature, are not existent anymore in recently developed engines. Shock noise,
which is a broadband type noise, is present at supersonic nozzles and caused by the interaction of turbulent boundary layer
and the shock waves (Barbosa and Dezan, 2013). Sometimes it can be present to subsonic nozzles when the jet is not fully
expanded. Finally, mixing noise, also a broadband type, is generated by smallscale turbulence and largescale eddies. More
dominant is the sound originating from the smallscale turbulence, but with the eddies having a role in turbulence mixing and
jet spreading. Mixing noise has three subcategories, Large, Small and Transitional scale mixing noise. Large scale noise
is the product of largescale turbulent structures, low frequency noise, while smallscale is due to small turbulent mixing
in the initial shear layer, high frequency noise. Transitional noise, is middletohigh frequency noise and very difficult to
characterize. More information about jet noise can be found in (Smith, 1989).
Up to date, engines were usually positioned under the wing such that they have freestream, uniform, intake flow. This
greatly reduced the turbulence at the intake, and thus turbulence related noise and aerodynamic behaviour deterioration.
However, novel technologies are in the horizon, with the aim to increase propulsive efficiency, and at the same time obtain
a reduction in noise emissions. The future preserves a more integrated airframeengine configuration in order to take
advantage of some phenomena, such as boundary layer ingestion, and shielding. That is further discussed in more details
in the following section, focusing on the propulsion system, and more specifically, the thrust generating fan/propeller.
the other propulsion noise sources. More specifically, motors of 1 MW and 13.8 MW can be 8 to 20 and 17 to 29 dB SPL
equivalently quieter than the fan they drive, respectively. The same trend is identified also by Riboldi et al. (2020), who
proposed a sourceblending method making use of existing noise models.
Of course, with the technological state of batteries, electric aircraft have increased Operating Empty Weight (OEW),
and thus, necessitate larger propellers or fans to produce the increased amount of thrust needed. This implies also higher
noise emissions, since a bigger propulsion system is needed. In addition, larger highlift devices will be necessary for
a heavier aircraft. Overall, this induces larger noise issuance (Riboldi et al., 2020). However, electrification gives more
freedom in designing concepts that make use of innovative technologies for increasing propulsive efficiency and reducing
carbon footprint. Fan and propeller are usually the dominant noise sources, and thus the following section concentrates
in fan/propeller related concepts (Bertsch et al., 2019). Such are BLI, DP, while CROR could be also of interest for an
implementation with electric motors.
by Petrosino et al. in their work. The results showed generally lower noise emitted due to BLI. However, higher frequencies
are more pronounced in the BLI compared to freefield. Furthermore, it is shown that scattering effect mainly affects the
higher frequencies, and thus more dominant for BLI. Overall, BLI is quieter but due to scattering losses some of the benefits.
It is important to highlight the fact that the fan tested was initially designed for BLI.
In another paper of Spakovszky (2019), the BLI effect on a Hybridwing body is studied. This concept is a lot different
compared to the others, since the fuselage is a hybridwing body with integrated engines at the back. Similar to the problem
of Defoe presented previously, a RANS informed body force, in an unsteady fulldomain Euler solver was used for near
field. For farfield the integral FWH method is used with permeable surfaces. According to the Spakovszky (2019),
Presence of turbulence at the inlet has a more pronounced effect on shock strength, compared to stagger angle, rising the
amplitude of shaftorder components. High frequencies, more than 11 times the shaft rpm, are probably cut off frequencies
since they are not present at the serpentine inlet, as mentioned also by Defoe and Spakovszky (2013). Lower frequencies
are more elevated though, leading to a 7 dB increase in average linear OASPL and to a 3 dB increase of the Aweighted
OASPL. Note that the hybridwing body configuration permits more noise shielding that should be studied.
Finally, Romani et al. (2020) studied the effect of boundary layer ingestion. Lattice Boltzmann and Very Large Eddy
Simulation approach was used to assess nearfield noise and FWH for farfield. It is another different concept, with the
engine mounted on the side of the fuselage, towards the tail. This work covers the aerodynamics and noise sources into
great extent for this configuration. Increased turbulence and nonaxisymmetric inlet flow caused by the ingestion of the
boundary layer cause a dominating rotorstator noise. This occurs by the unsteady loading of the stator, due to periodic
fluctuations of the wake of the rotor provoked by the boundary layer. Furthermore, broadband dominates the BLI noise and
tones are masked, results show. Overall, the BLI is 4 EPNdB (front side) to 18 EPNdB (aft side) noisier than the isolated
engine. A peak of 108 EPNdB compared to 98 EPNdB for the isolated is observed at takeoff flight path.
In table 1 one can find works that recently tried to assess boundary layer ingestion fan noise. From the aforementioned,
although the magnitude cannot be quantified since it can vary from application to application, it can be concluded that the
BLI is increasing the noise generated by a given engine. This is expected, considering that turbulence generally leads to an
Figure 2 BLI main noise sources
increase of a propeller or fan broadband noise (Sharpf and Mueller, 1995). The shock related noise is significant, while the
RotorStator interaction is the dominating noise for subsonic fans. The main noise sources of BLI can be seen also in Figure
2. However, if a fan is specially designed for BLI, when it is exposed to free stream it can produce more noise (Petrosino
et al., 2021). Even when the fan is specially designed for BLI, special attention has to be given to the integration, either for
intake geometry or position for scattering effect.
Distributed Propulsion
Electric engines require less maintenance and have better scaling capabilities than jet engines. Therefore, it is easier to
distribute the propulsion to multiple small engines. They can be installed as underwing propellers, embedded in the wing,
or installed for BLI at the trailing edge etc. (Wick et al., 2015). Wick et al. (2015) reported a 8% efficiency improvement
in transonic conditions, compared to conventional under wing engines with an equivalent propulsive area. However, the
fundamental benefit of distributed propulsion, is the possibility to increase the equivalent bypass ratio. This allows a higher
mass flow, leading to a reduced flow acceleration required, and thus lower tip speeds. According to Berton and Nark (2019),
electric engines provide maximum power to a wider range of rotating speeds, and coupled with variable pitch, it will allow
for lower tip speeds, and thus, quieter takeoff conditions. Overall, a diminution of emitted noise by the propulsion system
is expected (Synodinos et al., 2018a).
Synodinos et al. (2018a) studied the noise emissions for an A320 aircraft configured with multiple electrically driven
fans. The noise assessment was done following a previous work, implementing Heidmann’s work for the fan, Fink’s for
the airframe and Lighthill acoustic analogy for the jet (Synodinos et al., 2018a,b). The drag difference occurring from the
number and size of the engines was considered negligible and was ignored. The weight of the aircraft, depending on the
propulsion system was taken into account. It was concluded that increasing the size of propulsor array, and thus the number
of propulsors, reduces the total weight of aircraft. Weight is important since it affects the flap deflection needed, and thus, the
approach noise. The same tendency can be observed in figure 6. Νoise power level was calculated approximately 2dB lower
at the source when distributed propulsion was implemented, according to Synodinos et al. (2018a). Noisepowerdistance
(NPD) curves show significant changes with the number, and thus size, of propulsors. Smaller fans will spin at higher rpm,
and the tonal noises will be in different spectral range. Note that higher frequencies dissipate faster in the atmosphere. Thus,
Increasing the number of propulsors to 6 seems to reduce up to 2km the range of the 90 dB sound exposure level contours
(or NPD) aft to the takeoff region runway for the turboelectric configuration compared to the conventional A320. Note that
higher fidelity simulations could be used to verify these results.
Moore and Ning (2019) addressed differently the distributed propulsion concept. The main question they tried to
answer is how the takeoff distance and noise are associated with the number of propellers and some of their geometric
characteristics such as blade twist, chord, radius and number of blades. The propeller aerodynamics were studied with
a blade element momentum theory method code CCBlade (Ning, 2014), with airfoil data given from XFOIL. The stall
delay was computed with Airfoilpreppy (Ning, 2013). The assessment was validated with experimental data, showing good
agreement. The noise was computed using the semiempirical BPM equations (Brooks and Marcolini, 1986). The coupling
of the propeller to the wing and the aerodynamics were computed with vortex lattice method. The design parameters of
the propellers are the number of blades, radius, twist, blade chord. The airfoil profile is kept constant. The 16 propeller
configuration showed the best result, reducing to half the takeoff distance. However, when the noise was constrained, the 8
propeller configuration showed the optimum takeoff distance with a reduction of 43% compared to conventional two prop
case. Furthermore, according to the results presented in the work of Moore and Ning (2019), the following conclusion can
be drawn: the 2 propeller configuration will always be noisier than the 4 or 8 propeller for a given thrust to weight ratio.
However, results are questionable since the work focused more on aerodynamics for takeoff distance reduction and only a
low fidelity semiempirical model was used for noise assessment.
Bernardini et al. (2020) have studied the effect of interaction between rotors of a distributed propulsion array. Par
ticularly, the distance between consecutive rotors, with specific geometry and a radius of 1.48 meters, was considered.
Boundary element method was used for the aerodynamic assessment of the propeller providing input to a Farassat 1A
boundary integral formulation of the FWH. Results show significant aerodynamic interaction up to a distance (tiptotip)
of one diameter, however, noise is affected only for tip distance below a quarter of a diameter. The loading and thickness
noise components were considered for this work. For two adjacent propellers, a new loading noise component emerge, with
a frequency of 1/rev. Furthermore, the rotating direction determines the directivity of noise in the plane perpendicular (ver
tical) to propellers; larger noise values are present in the forward direction. Finally, higher harmonics are mostly affected,
with an increase of up to 20dB for the 3*BPF.
Rizzi et al. (2017) did an experimental research on annoyance of distributed propulsion for community noise. A
series of 5blade propellers, having the same size and not overlapping, is considered. The number of propellers is a design
parameter (6, 12, 18) and determines the diameter (0.678, 0.339, 0.226 meters) of the propeller for a given wingspan. All
propellers, for all diameters, are designed for lowtip speed of 137 m/s for noise reduction purposes, leading to a given
rotational speed (1931, 3863,5794 RPM). Another parameter considered, is frequency difference between propellers, with
a range of 5 Hz in BPF. The propellers were aerodynamically assessed with XROTOR, surface pressures extracted from
PAS and the results were then used for noise calculation with ANOPP with a Farassat 1A FWH solver (Lopes and Burley,
2016; Farassat, 2007). Note than no interaction noises were taken into account, only multiple “single” propellers were
considered. The results are given in hemispheres and show that a change of 1Hz in frequency between adjacent propellers
can give a significantly different sound pressure radiation pattern. A 10 dB decrease of SPL along the centerline is observed,
however other regions experience higher SPLs. For both cases, the total value of sound power is the same when integrated
spatially. For the spread frequency design, a fixed frequency difference of 1 Hz is selected. An experiment took place
with the auralization of the previous results, considering the number of propellers and the frequency difference. The motor
controller error and turbulence was take also into account for the auralization. NASA personnel served as test subjects
and had to rate from “Not At All” annoyed to “Extremely” annoyed. The results of the experiment showed an annoyance
increases with the number of propellers, as the total radiated sound power and BPF increase. Something expected, according
to Rizzi et al. (2017), since the tip speed is held constant and is independent from the number of propulsors. Finally, the
outcome of the experiments shows that there is no change in annoyance from spreading the frequency.
Zhou et al. did an experimental research on rotorrotor interactions for two abutting counter rotating propellers (Zhou
et al., 2017). More specifically, small propellers of 0.24 meters of diameter (D), 3 Newton thrust and 4860 RPM were tested
in laboratory for various tiptotip gaps. Noise was measured in an anechoic chamber with five microphones placed every
30°, starting from the front, at a distance equal to 6D. For the single propeller, the results showed maximum SPL at front
and aft directions and minimum noise at 90°. Furthermore, results of 120°and 60°were very close, a behavior similar to
dipole distribution, expected for propellers (Zhou et al., 2017). Once the two propellers were positioned within 0.2D an
increase in noise was observed. For a distance equal to 0.05D an average increase of 3 dB SPL (in the range of 68 to 75
dB) is measured across the azimuthal angle (0<β <120°). The spectrum analysis indicates an augmentation in all spectrum
and especially in BPF harmonics. However, dynamic load measurements also took place, showing only 2% reduction in
normalized thrust coefficient. There were also thrust fluctuation leading to a normalized thrust standard deviation 2.5 times
larger at a distance of 0.05D, compared to single rotor. In addition, freerun PIV and Stereoscopic PIV revealed higher
turbulent kinetic energy which implies also an increase of broadband noise. Overall, as mentioned in previous paragraphs,
reducing the distance provokes disturbances and interactions that lead to reduced efficiency and higher noise emissions.
Alvarez et al. studied the tip distance, downstream spacing and tip loading for two adjacent propellers (Alvarez et al.,
2020). The propeller itself consist of two blades of approximately 10 inches diameter and a tip Mach number of 0.2. URANS
and Vortex Particle Method (VPM) were coupled with FWH solver and BPM equations for broadband noise. The URANS
setup had coarse discretization in both space and time, with 14 millions cells and 3°of rotation per time step with a total of
10 revolutions. VPM is a meshless solver, and its time discretization was 5°per time step and a total of five revolutions.
Results of the two methods were tested and showed similar behavior, with VPM having the potential to capture some higher
frequency interactions. Although, the results maybe caused by numerical noise according to Alvarez et al. (Alvarez et al.,
2020). In terms of acoustics results, as mentioned in previous paragraphs, bringing closer the tips of the propellers increases
the noise, especially in upstream and downstream of the rotors. The same response is perceived for downstream distance.
However, the gap must be carefully selected to be in the stream tube contraction region. Further downstream, the flow
will start to expand due to leapfrogging and tipvortices breakdown, increasing the interaction between the rotors. A 12 dB
Aweighted SPL increase was calculated when taking into account the interactions, compared to interactionfree studies,
indicating the importance of interaction noise.
In table 2 one can find the list of the aforementioned works. The majority state that multiple small propulsors generally
reduces noise compared to bigger engines. However, propeller interaction must be carefully studied. Installation spacing
was found to be important, nonetheless aspects such as frequency differences etc., that were not extensively covered in this
work, should be considered. If spacing is correctly selected, tiptotip distance and downstream gap as shown in figure
3, a noise reduction can be achieved. As an extra comment from the authors: the ducted efans could help reduce noise,
by reducing interaction and increasing shielding, however the trade off with potential weight and drag increase should be
further studied.
(a) (b)
Figure 3 Distributed propulsion additional source and important parameters: (a) Front face (b) Side face
Delayandsum beamforming in the frequency domain (Mueller, 2002). The interaction and BPF tones at Mach radius are
the coherent rotating noises identified, while bladewake interaction is considered a stationary coherent noise. Shaft order,
or oneperrevolution, and rotating broadband are the incoherent rotating noises. Comparing uninstalled and installed en
gines, major differences were distinguished. More specifically, for the uninstalled, all first five BPF are dictated by coherent
rotating noise (interaction and BPF tones), while for the installed, four out of five are dominated by the bladewake inter
action coherent stationary noise. As for the broadband noise, only small effects are detected when the pylon is considered.
Overall, the wakeblade interaction of the first rotor is more pronounced than aft rotor wakeblade interaction, since the
turbulence of the wake from the pylon decays with distance.
In continuation to the previous paragraph, the typical noise sources considered for broadband noise are described.
Horváth (2015) cited three major mechanisms. First is the trailingedge, that can be found also as rotor or boundary layer
selfnoise. Trailingedge noise is generated by turbulent boundary layer passing through the trailingedge and causing
loading fluctuations. Another source is tip noise, or vortex selfnoise, occurring by the interaction of the tip vortex with the
trailing edge. Last, the leadingedge noise produced by the inflow turbulence interacting with the blade.
Kennedy et al. (2018) did an experimental parametric study of CROR noise . The integration was the main subject,
and the parameters included were: the different kind of tails, engine pylon elongation, engine pylon installation angle,
and variable wing to engine distance. Tractor and pusher configurations were considered, for different angle of attack and
velocities. The CROR itself consisted of 12 blades for both front and aft rotor, spinning at the same rotating speed. A
series of microphones is used for nearfield, around the front blade, and farfield measurements, at top, lateral and front
positions. For the pusher configuration, the approach is dominated by the 2*BPF noise. Increasing velocity makes the
BPF more pronounced, and sometimes stronger than 2*BPF. On the other hand, for takeoff, BPF is clearly more distinct
compared to approach, with implies that the interaction with pylon wake is more energetic. This trend is not reproduced for
the tractor configuration, which according to the author, the results are closer to isolated engines but also further confirms
the connection of strong BPF tone with pylon wake at the pusher configuration. A tonal noise reduction is possible with
elongated and with larger pylon angle (with respect to wings) leading a significant decrease in 2*BPF but a small increase
in BPF for approach. Exactly the opposite applies for takeoff. Note that at the majority of directivities, the 2*BPF is the
dominating noise. The same applies for tractor configurations, elongated pylons and at higher angles, lead to a reduction
of the dominant tones of 2*BPF, while there is a negligible increase in the BPF tones. For takeoff it is different, since
4*BPF is also important, and there is no clear indication for overall noise reduction. Finally, there is broadband noise also,
which was isolated by removing the tones with a peakfinding algorithm. For pusher, the broadband levels are lower for the
takeoff than for approach, with the exception of elongated pylon with low angles. For tractor, there is no significant impact
either on noise emission of the CROR, with effects less than 1 dB across almost all configurations and emission angles. The
conclusion is that the pusher configuration with elongated and higher angle pylon, gives the best overall noise reduction.
In terms of numerical parametric works, Kopiev et al. (2017) studied the community noise of CROR engines. The
methodology followed was high fidelity simulations. More specifically, hybrid RANS – DDES (Delayed Detached Eddy
Simulations) simulations were used to compute near field noise and FWH for far field propagation (Shur et al., 2015).
The design parameters considered for this comparison study were the number of blades, the aft rotor diameter, the distance
between the rotors and blade chord width. The initial configuration was an 8 front and 7 aft blades of the same diameter.
Results show that the most effective way to reduce EPNdB noise for flyovers is increasing the number of aft rotor from
7 to 9 blades, keeping thrust constant. Reducing aft rotor diameter also showed a reduction in noise, while rotor distance
issues a reduced noise in both directions. According to Kopiev et al., although not optimized, this configuration is better
compared to the initial turbofan configuration, stating however that airframe interaction is not taken into account.
Kritikos et al. (2012) also investigated numerically an isolated CROR. Specifically a nonlinear harmonic approach
for unsteady solution was used (Vilmin et al., 2006). Then FWH approach was used for calculation of noise at specific
points for approach, takeoff and sideline, by computing the EPNL. For approach, the pitch angle was variated for achieving
the thrust requirements keeping constant the RPMs of the CROR. The parameters under investigation were the Front Rotor
diameter, Front Rotor tip speed, Clipping, Spacing, RPM ratio, Front Rotor blades, Rear Rotor blades and incidence. A
design of experiment took place including the eight parameters, constrained with an upper and lower limit. In total 102
cases were computed, 51 for takeoff and 51 for approach and response surfaces were created using the Kriging interpolation
method. According to the author, Front Rotor Tip Speed, Speed Ratio and the Number of Blades have a direct and relative
effect on noise emissions, while Front Rotor Diameter and incidence do not give a clear response. Finally, with increase in
Clipping and Spacing, a relaxation in interaction occurs, and thus, a reduction in noise generation.
Dürrwächter et al. (2019) studied the installation of a CROR pusher engine and the impact of the tail type to the overall
tonal noise emissions. 3D URANS simulations are driven to extract the flow characteristics at the integration surfaces.
The acoustic extrapolation take place with ACCO, a tool that includes both FWH and Mohring analogies, showing similar
results. A boundary element method was implemented for scattering and the effect of a background mean flow is taken
into account by applying a Lorentz transform. A study on including the pylon in the integration surface or using a the
BEM technique, showed similar results indicating that the pylon only introduce scattering effects and no new source noises.
However, an increased noise caused by unsteady loading provoked by the pylon wake is found, and agrees with literature
Figure 4 CROR additional noise sources
according to the author. Three tail configurations were examined, a Ttail, a Utail and a Ltail. The two latter configurations
showed a decrease in noise of about 7 dB noise level in the downward aera, due to shielding, compared to Ttail and notail.
However, an increase in the upward aera due to scattering is present. Again results agree with literature according to the
author. In the lateral direction, shielding and scattering neutralize each other, giving the same noise as a notail configuration.
Overall shielding benefits seems to peak for the Utail at2.4EPNdB with respect to the case without a tail. Final remarks
were that these results are case specific and that new noise sources could be emerging from the effect of the engine on flow
characteristics of the fuselage and the tail.
Smith et al. (2020) studied CROR with a locked row. The three following configurations were compared: a conven
tional CROR, the front rotor locked and the aft rotor locked. The CROR consist of a two rotors with 4 blades of 3 meters of
diameter each, rotating at the same speed and with a thrust output of 6 kN at takeoff conditions (M=0.2 for free stream and
M=0.46 at the tip). URANS is used for the flow field and the acoustic pressure is computed on the blade with a FWH code
based on Farassat 1A formulation. The aerodynamic analysis shows an efficiency reduction of 5.5% and 6.9% for locked
front and aft blade row accordingly. However a reduction in both maximum Aweighted SPL and EPNL is of 3.5 dBA and
7 EPNLdB for the front locked, 7.9 dBA and 12 EPNLdB for aft locked blade row, compared to baseline. Note that for
some directivity angles, the front locked can produce more noise than baseline, while for aft locked all directivity angles
are below baseline. This trend is mainly due to the fact that interaction noises are reduced when the aft is locked, compared
to the other two configurations, since it is the blade row that sees the most disturbed flow. However, the blade rows were
not optimized, and changes such as tip clipping could further improve or change the results.
Grasso et al. (2018) did a multidisciplinary optimization of a CROR considering wakeinteraction noise and trailing
edge noise. The approached for the computation of the noise sources is the following: A RANS simulation is performed,
then the mean velocity disturbance is extrapolated using the proposed method by Jaron et al. (2014), and the description of
noise modelling tools based on analytical formulations is given by Grasso (2017). The optimization framework was CADO
(Verstraete, 2010). The outcome of the optimization was a pareto front, and some design considerations. More specifically,
for most cases an increase of tip distance by applying lean and sweep lead to dephasing and noise reduction. However, a
drop in efficiency was also perceived for many cases leading to the conclusion that aerodynamic efficiency and noise are
two antagonistic objectives.
Falissard et al. (2018) discussed the effect of deformation during the different operating conditions of the blade with
respect to the designed one. Aerodynamics and acoustics are assessed and compared to quantify the difference that can occur
by not considering in terms of thrust and acoustic emissions. Strain Pattern Analysis is used for assessing the deformation
through experiments for takeoff, cruise and approach condition (Geeraert and Stephan, 2015). Changes in sweep and twist
can be observed for all phases, but more pronounced especially for cruise but also for takeoff. Generally, the front blade
sees more geometrical changes. CFD simulations are performed with a phase/lag chorochronic approach. Porous surface
is used for FWH that takes into account all sources and nonuniform propagation. A sensitivity analysis was conducted
to determine the appropriate location of that surface. The results overall considering the deformation, give aerodynamic
results closer to the experimental, while acoustics are also enhanced for cruise condition and at the same level for the other
two working conditions. As a final comment, at takeoff flow separation takes place at the leading edge near the tip of both
rotors, and the deformation of the blades can lead to very different results.
Colin et al. (2014) studied three configurations, an isolated, with pylon and with airframe. The numerical investigation
was performed using CFD and FWH. The first case, which is axisymmetric, both passage and full 360 degrees were
evaluated. Results where quite identical, with small differences for interaction noise. For the configuration with the pylon,
there is an increase of BPF tone in the upstream direction and emergence of third tones for the front and aft rotor. This
occurs because of the incidence variation provoked by the pylon wake (pusher configuration). Furthermore, for the airframe
configuration, a 360 degree CFD and Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT) for noise assessment was compared with the typical
CFD and FWH. The CFD with FFT although takes into account more physical phenomena of the flow, it shows high
dissipation when the grid is not fine enough. The opposite is true for the CFD and FWH configuration. Results were
validated with measurements, exhibiting good agreement according to the author. As a last comment, the author propose a
CFD – Unsteady Euler for wave propagation for potentially better results.
Throughout this section, various works on CROR were presented. Since the engines studied do not have a geometric
or power consistency, a quantified comparison is not possible. However, the research outcomes and findings agree in a great
extent. New significant noise sources are tip vortex and rotorrotor interaction. Finally, it can be deduced that rotorrotor
interaction is often the major source for isolated engines, and wakerotor interaction for installed pusher configurations. A
summary of noise sources for CROR, additional to that of a typical fan, is depicted in Figure 4.
Νoise modelling comprises two parts: (1) aerodynamic modelling (wake and blade response) and (2) aeroacoustic mod
elling. Depending on the methods used in (1), interactions and/or unsteady effects can be represented. Step (2) comprises
two substeps: (2a) sourcenoise modelling, and (2b) farfield propagation. The majority of works included here, used un
steady fluid dynamic for aerodynamics and FWH for aeroacoustics modelling. This demonstrates that for the assessment
of future integrated concepts, computationally expensive, higher fidelity methods are most often used. A representative
example is the work of Romani et al., of an integrated BLI via Lattice Boltzmann method and permeable FWH, which
required 6 hours per fan revolution solved on a cluster of 1000 cores (Romani et al., 2020). However, in a conceptual level
of design, this kind of assessments are almost prohibitive. Therefore, the following section is dedicated in giving some
design considerations, to help decision making for new concepts, reducing the necessity for high fidelity assessment at that
stage. Table 3 consists of the concise information provided in the section.
AR → 1
BLI Sshaped inlet ↓ No vortex liftoff
OR → 0
no scoop configuration is better compared to low wing or high wing with scoop (Schwartz et al., 2019).
When using a Sshaped inlet for BLI implementations, it is very essential to design the duct such that the duct outlet
(before fan) to inlet area ratio (AR = D( out)/D( in)) and offset ratio (OR = OF/D( out)) are minimized as much as possible,
see figure 2. This will reduce the chance of vortex lift off. Fan shock noise is only little altered by vortex liftoff, however,
the decay rate is reduced and the upstream propagation is changed (Defoe and Spakovszky, 2013; Spakovszky, 2019).
For the case that the BLI or the engines are positioned near the rear tale, special intention must be given to the prop
agation effects. The geometry of the tail must be carefully selected to improve shielding and reduce scattering. That is
because engine bellow tale can increase scattering towards the ground (Clark et al., 2018). Furthermore, when positioned at
the back, it should be avoided to have tail support geometry in front of the inlet of BLI engines, since it produces unsteady
loading due to non axisymmetric flow (Petrosino et al., 2021) .
Distributed propulsion:
When noise constraints are imposed, multiple smaller propellers allow for smaller tip speeds, still being able to comply
with thrust requirements (Moore and Ning, 2019). Reducing tip speed has a beneficial effect on noise, as already mentioned.
However, thrust–to–weight ratio must be taken into consideration when choosing the number of propellers, because a large
amount of propellers rotating at lower speeds will have a significant amount of weight penalty. Moore and Ning (2019) in
their study, found that the optimum propeller number is 8, for an aircraft of the size similar to Tecnam p2006t. Another ben
efit of multiple small propellers, is that they have higher BPF, which have larger sound power dissipation in the atmosphere
(Synodinos et al., 2018a). A lower impact at the far field is expected, and community noise level reduced.
However, the positioning of the propellers must be carefully designed. A tiptotip distance, L, smaller than the quarter
of the propeller diameter, (0.25D), may produces more aerodynamic interactions and thus noise (Bernardini et al., 2020).
The directivity of noise will also be affected, emitting stronger towards the front direction. Furthermore, dowstream spacing
can help reduce interactions (Zhou et al., 2017). Specifically, Alvarez et al. (2020) found that the optimum downstream
distance is half the diameter (0.5D) for their test case, noting that for larger distance, the streamtube is no longer contracting.
Downstream and tiptotip distance, will also define the maximum number of propellers that can be fitted in a given wing.
Finally, higher tip loading increases aerodynamic interactions, but seems not to affect noise results (Alvarez et al., 2020).
A way to reduce potential noise emissions for distributed propulsion, is varying the propellers speeds, such that the
emit in different frequencies. Although operating in different rpms showed lower noise in numerical investigation, no effect
on annoyance was detected by the subjects at the experiment produced with the auralization of numerical results (Rizzi
et al., 2017). In conclusion, it seems that there are no aeroacoustic benefit, that would suggest frequency spreading.
The overall effect of noise generated by an aircraft is measured as a function of its impact on the community. The term
“community” describes both the passengers flying during an aircraft’s mission, as well as residential areas in the vicinity
of airports. In an attempt to constrain the emitted external noise levels, specific standards and recommended practices are
Figure 5 Single landing and takeoff 80 dB noise contours for four hypothetical aircraft that just meet the noise
limits of the various ICAO Annex 16 Volume 1 Chapters (EASA, 2019)
adopted. In particular, the noise levels are established in compliance with the applicable noise certification standards as
defined in the first volume of ICAO, in Annex 16 (ICAO, 2014). It is out of the scope of this work to analyze in detail
this document. In brief, there are two major axes upon which it is built. The first defines the type of aircraft based on
its maximum takeoff mass and cruise velocity, ranging from subsonic jet airplanes and propeller driven airplanes, up to
helicopters and novel rotorcraft concepts. In order to gain a better understanding of the different levels of noise for each
category, Figure 6 summarises the noise levels for certified aircraft configurations, based on EASA’s publicly available
databases. The second classification considers the increasingly stringent standards, with type certificates submitted before
1977, between 1977 and 2006, between 2006 and 2017, as well as 2017 and beyond. A representative illustration can be
observed in Figure 5 , showing the change in the emitted noise levels for the aforementioned time periods, for a variety of
aircraft classes.
To date, when it comes to certification of aircraft noise, specific points are used to evaluate the emitted noise levels,
based on distances which are aircrafttype specific (ICAO, 2014). The metric used for noise in certification is Perceived
Noise Level (PNL) – based; a full description of the metric can be found in appendix 2 of Annex 16 volume 1 of ICAO
(2014). For environmental assessments, Sound Pressure Level (SPL) is often used. SPL is the logarithmic perception of
sound, defined as the logarithmic fraction of the measured noise with respect to the reference pressure threshold of human
hearing. More metrics exist, able to consider parameters such as the distance, the duration of exposure, the sound intensity
etc. but all having as base measurement the pressure fluctuations.
The forecast growth in air traffic, along with the increasingly stringent environmental legislation, suggest the intro
duction of radical propulsion architectures in the future civil aircraft fleet. Νovel configurations may have different aircraft
shapes, such as hybridwing bodies, or propulsion system position and type, which may bring unusual noise sources or
directivity angles. For example, DP is expected to have a larger number of sources, emitting with a lower power. Another
example, is the change of emitting frequencies due to different propulsor sizes. Engine position will affect the directivity
of sound, making some community regions quieter, and some other noisier. Further research is necessary in the orientation
of noise source identification for the new types of aircraft for even better understanding. The above elements depicts the
need to invest in research and transformation of noise certification landscape, in order to satisfy noise reduction targets.
Furthermore, for the envisaged designs, under the set timeframes, all the product development stages shall be acceler
ated. In this context, the impact of conceptual design changes on aircraft certification capability shall be brought up earlier
in the development process. Snider et al. (2013) developed a method for rotorcraft broadband noise prediction related to
civil noise certification. Vouros et al. (2021) discussed the impact of morphing rotor optimization on ground noise levels of
rotorcraft following the EASA descent certification trajectory (ICAO, 2008). A numerical procedure for the prediction of
certification noise generated by aircraft landing gear was presented by Casalino et al. (2012). As depicted by Nöding and
Bertsch (2021), inclusion of fullaircraft virtual certification in the conceptual design stage of future aircraft will enable the
holistic design space exploration and evaluation of concept proofs.
Throughout this work, an overview of the aeroacoustics of aircraft was performed. The noise sources were exam
ined and made available to the reader. Aeroacoustic behavior of Boundary Layer Ingestion, Distributed Propulsion and
ContraRotating Open Rotors concepts was studied and presented through various works in the literature. Furthermore,
conceptual design phase guidelines were provided for each of the concepts. Finally, certification aspects and observations
were discussed, considering future changes.
Noise sources for BLI, DP and CROR do not differ from that of a typical propeller or fan in terms of physical phenom
ena. However, they can be more pronounced due to different operating conditions. It was derived that BLI tends to increase
noise compared to the conventional underwing engine positioning. Special attention must be paid in reducing the AR and
OR parameters in case of Sshaped inlet. The main reason for noise augmentation is the nonuniform and turbulent inlet
flow usually encountered by the fan, and possible vortex lift off. On the other hand, distributed propulsion showed a leaning
towards noise reduction. The main reason is the possibility for tip speed reduction and larger atmospheric dissipation for
higher frequencies. However, if positioned improperly, the interaction noise can be significant. Tiptotip and downstream
distances must be at least 0.25D to reduce to a maximum noise. Tip loading and frequency spreading did not seem to have
any effect in noise emissions for distributed propulsion. For CROR, it was concluded that increasing the bladetoblade
distance, tip clipping, number of rear rotor blades reduces the noise. Sweep and lean can be used to reduce noise, while
aft rotor lockage can reduce noise for takeoff. Finally, integration plays a major role, since positioning with respect to
wing and tale can enhance noise caused turbulent intake, but scattering effects as well. The majority of works included here
were based on the relatively common aerodynamics assessment coupled with acoustic analogy setup. Something expected
since noise emerging from interactions is very difficult to be evaluated. Finally, the landscape of certification is expected
to change, in order to comply with noise source changes but also the requirement to be virtually applied in an early design
An overview for conceptual design noise sources, design considerations and certification for novel aircraft engine
architecture has been proposed. In the future, emerging works could be included to make the design considerations even
more complete, and the certification aspects more clear.
Part of the work described in this article was done within the project HECARRUS, which has received funding from
the Clean Sky 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
under Grant Agreement number 865089.
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