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Healthy Aging—Nutrition Matters: Start Early and

Screen Often
Susan B Roberts,1 Rachel E Silver,1 Sai Krupa Das,1 Roger A Fielding,1 Cheryl H Gilhooly,1 Paul F Jacques,1 Jennifer M Kelly,1
Joel B Mason,1 Nicola M McKeown,1 Meaghan A Reardon,1 Sheldon Rowan,1 Edward Saltzman,2 Barbara Shukitt-Hale,1
Caren E Smith,1 Allen A Taylor,1 Dayong Wu,1 Fang Fang Zhang,2 Karen Panetta,3 and Sarah Booth1
1 JeanMayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA; 2 Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts
University, Boston, MA, USA; and 3 School of Engineering, Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA

The amount of time spent in poor health at the end of life is increasing. This narrative review summarizes consistent evidence indicating that healthy
dietary patterns and maintenance of a healthy weight in the years leading to old age are associated with broad prevention of all the archetypal
diseases and impairments associated with aging including: noncommunicable diseases, sarcopenia, cognitive decline and dementia, osteoporosis,
age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, hearing loss, obstructive sleep apnea, urinary incontinence, and constipation. In addition,
randomized clinical trials show that disease-specific nutrition interventions can attenuate progression—and in some cases effectively treat—
many established aging-associated conditions. However, middle-aged and older adults are vulnerable to unhealthy dietary patterns, and typically
consume diets with inadequate servings of healthy food groups and essential nutrients, along with an abundance of energy-dense but nutrient-
weak foods that contribute to obesity. However, based on menu examples, diets that are nutrient-dense, plant-based, and with a moderately low
glycemic load are better equipped to meet the nutritional needs of many older adults than current recommendations in US Dietary Guidelines. These
summary findings indicate that healthy nutrition is more important for healthy aging than generally recognized. Improved public health messaging
about nutrition and aging, combined with routine screening and medical referrals for age-related conditions that can be treated with a nutrition
prescription, should form core components of a national nutrition roadmap to reduce the epidemic of unhealthy aging. Adv Nutr 2021;12:1438–

Keywords: aging, nutrition, noncommunicable diseases, sarcopenia, cognition, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy,
obstructive sleep apnea, urinary incontinence, constipation

Background: Living Longer Compared with evident during the current coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-
Living Healthier 19) pandemic, because the association of COVID-19 severity
Leading a long and healthy life is a goal that is embraced and age is substantially weakened when comorbidities are
worldwide (1), and fear of death has long been proposed taken into account (8), and highlights the need to identify
to be a defining characteristic of humans (2, 3). From these ways to support healthy aging (9). This review summarizes
perspectives, the 30-y increase in life expectancy during the current knowledge of the underrecognized role of diet in
20th century is a transformational advance. Furthermore, life prevention and treatment of diseases and functional losses
expectancy continues to increase for adults aged >65 y (4), that become increasingly prevalent during aging, with a focus
and adults >85 y are the fastest growing demographic (5). on data available from research conducted in North America
However, a little-recognized corollary of the recent trends and Europe.
is that older adults are now living in an ill and disabled There is no single definition of “healthy aging” or the
state for longer: the mean duration of disability at the end related term “healthspan” (1, 10, 11), but it is generally
of life was just 5.3 y in the 1960s (6), whereas more recent taken to mean the absence of the archetypal diseases and
calculations indicate that the duration of poor health and functional impairments associated with old age. The specific
functional impairments has increased from 8.9 to 10.2 y diseases and functional losses associated with aging have
between 1990 and 2017 (7). This extension of unhealthy been defined as those conditions where there is a quadratic
life is unprecedented in human history, and presents major relation between disease prevalence and chronological age
personal and public health burdens. This is particularly (12). These include: sarcopenia [loss of skeletal muscle (13)],

C The Author(s) 2021. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Society for Nutrition. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

journals.permissions@oup.com. Adv Nutr 2021;12:1438–1448; doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmab032.

wasting, and osteoporosis (14, 15), which are linked to frailty
and falls (16); impaired cognitive function and increased
risk of dementia (17, 18); impaired vision via age-related
macular degeneration, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy
(19); hearing loss (20); noncommunicable diseases (NCDs)
such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer
(12); obstructive sleep apnea (21, 22) and poor sleep quality
(22, 23); and urinary incontinence (24) and chronic consti-
pation (25, 26). The prevalence of these problems is often
>50% in adults aged >85 y, especially in racial and ethnic
minorities (26–28). The proposed underlying mechanisms
of the aging-associated pathologies include inflammation,
oxidative stress, and limited capacity for removal of damaged
proteins and DNA repair (29–34). Because these changes
affect all organ systems, aging with multiple comorbidities is
the norm (35, 36).

Current Status of Knowledge

Unhealthy nutrition throughout life, but especially in
old age
American adults of all ages typically eat a broadly unhealthy
FIGURE 1 Dietary adequacy in different age-groups. (A)
diet relative to national recommendations (37). Figure 1A Percentage of adults consuming below the estimated average
illustrates the percentage of adults in different age groups requirement (EAR), or at or below the adequate intake (AI) when
who consume less than the estimated average requirements EAR values are not available, based on reported usual intakes in the
(EARs) of micronutrients (38). Mean intakes of choline, NHANES 2009–2012. Includes nonconsumers of supplements
vitamin B-6, zinc, magnesium, and calcium are increasingly examined in NHANES 2009–2012. Figure adapted from published
inadequate as adults age. In addition, 21% of women and 13% information (39, 43). (B) Percentage of adults consuming above,
of men aged >70 y consume less than the RDA for protein below, or at the recommended intakes for food groups in the
(39), which is an important concern because emerging evi- 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines (44) by sex and age group, based on
dence suggests that protein levels higher than the RDA (1.0– dietary data obtained from the 2007–2010 NHANES. A: Whole
grains, B: Dairy, C: Seafood, D: Vegetables, E: Fruit, F: Oils, G: Nuts,
1.2 g/kg) can be optimal for older adults to prevent muscle
seeds, soy, H: Protein, I: Meat, poultry, eggs, J: Refined grains, K:
wasting (40) due to factors such as decreased muscle uptake
SoFAS. Note: Total vegetables includes beans and peas. Protein
of dietary amino acids and reduced anabolic signaling for excludes beans and peas (45). SoFAS, solid fats and added sugars.
protein synthesis (41). These findings of broadly low intakes
of essential nutrients throughout adult life and especially in
older adults are based on self-reported diet, but are consistent
(46), indicating this is likely a global, rather than a specifically
with nationally representative biochemical data showing
US, phenomenon.
that 30–36% of older adults have ≥1 micronutrients in the
The dietary patterns of older adults are also broadly
deficient range (42). Low micronutrient intakes have also
inadequate compared with food-based recommendations.
been documented in older adults living in other countries
Figure 1B shows that adults of all ages typically consume
less than the 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines recommended
Supported by the AARP Foundation, and the USDA, Agricultural Research Service under
Cooperative Agreement No. 58-8050-7-005. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or
portions of most healthy food groups including whole grains,
recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily dairy, seafood, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes
reflect the views of the USDA. (44). The figure also shows consumption of excess amounts
Author disclosures: SBR receives grant support from Danone, serves on the advisory board of
Integrative Phenomics, and founded www.theidiet.com. RAF serves on advisory boards for
of meats, saturated fats, and added sugars compared with
Amazentis, Segterra, Acella Health, Juvicell, and Biophytis, has consulted for Pfizer, GSK, Nestlé, the recommendations. Using currently available nutritional
and Rejuvenate Biomed, and has equity in Axcella Health, Juvicell, and Segterra. PFJ receives benchmarks, the majority of adults aged >50 y consume
grant support from Danone and serves on the Danone North America Essential Dairy and
Plant-Based Advisory Board. JBM serves on the advisory board of Care/of; NMM receives grant
diets that fall far short of recommendations (37, 39, 43).
support from Danone, Proctor & Gamble, ILSI North America, and the General Mills Bell Some groups are especially vulnerable, including low-income
Institute of Health & Nutrition, serves on the advisory board of the Whole Grains Council, and and minority populations (37), those participating in the
has consulted for General Mills, Canned Manufacturers Association, Nestlé Nutrition Fund, and
Alliance for Potato Research & Education. All other authors report no conflicts of interest.
national supplemental nutrition assistance program (47),
Supplemental Tables 1 and 2 and Supplemental Information on Menu Calculations are and older adults with obesity (41% of adults >60 y)
available from the “Supplementary data” link in the online posting of the article and from the (48, 49).
same link in the online table of contents at https://academic.oup.com/advances/.
Address correspondence to SBR (e-mail: susan.roberts@tufts.edu).
In relation to these observations, it should be noted that
Abbreviations used: COVID-19, coronavirus disease-19; DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop current dietary recommendations for older adults are largely
Hypertension Trial; EAR, Estimated Average Requirement; NCD, noncommunicable disease. based on requirements measured in young adults. Thus,

Nutrition for broadly healthy aging 1439

US Dietary Guidelines for 2020–2025 (44) give examples
of healthy dietary patterns designed for all Americans, and
include portion guidelines for adults with requirements
of ≥1600 kcal/d (lower-calorie menus are illustrated for
children, who have different nutritional needs). However, as
illustrated in Figure 2, many older individuals, particularly
women, require <1600 kcal/d to maintain a healthy weight,
and some frail older adults will need as little as 1000 kcal/d
to maintain a healthy weight depending on their age,
weight, and height and health status. Thus, current Dietary
Guidelines do not provide adequate guidance on healthful
dietary patterns for the increasing population of older

FIGURE 2 Energy requirements for individuals in the healthy Functional losses are contributors to unhealthy
weight range at different ages. Data are based on the Institute of nutrition in older adults
Medicine’s equations for predicting energy requirements of There is a negative cycle between functional losses and in-
individuals with typical heights (for men: 1.58–1.9 m; for women: adequate nutrition in older adults that accelerates unhealthy
1.45–1.78 m), a BMI in the healthy range of 18.5–25 kg/m2 , and aging. Sarcopenia, the age-associated loss in skeletal muscle
sedentary or light activity levels (38). The dotted line represents the
mass and function, is a key underlying cause of decreases
lowest energy menu examples in the US Dietary Guidelines.
in movement, physiological capacity, and functional perfor-
mance, and increased disability and mortality observed with
further research is needed to refine essential nutrient and advancing age (55, 56). The causes of sarcopenia are multifac-
food group recommendations for healthy aging (50). Never- torial but include inadequate nutrition, low physical activity,
theless, empirical considerations suggest that mean require- inflammation, and multiple NCDs and other comorbidities
ments for protein and several micronutrients can increase (57, 58). Sarcopenia also has a profoundly negative impact on
during aging, with only a few energy-related vitamins (such nutritional status in older adults, because decreased muscle
as thiamin) decreasing (51–53). mass contributes to reduced energy requirements, and can
also limit the ability to shop for food and prepare meals (58).
Low energy requirements contribute to unhealthy As summarized below, poor vision in old age also limits
nutrition in older adults the capability to purchase, prepare, and consume healthy
An important yet underrecognized factor in unhealthy food. For example, many older adults cannot see clearly
dietary patterns in old age is that there is a large decrease the food on their plate. Similarly, reduced dental health,
in typical energy requirements as individuals age (54). taste, smell, and hunger are associated with aging and also
Figure 2 shows the Institute of Medicine’s estimated energy reduce the drive to eat (54, 59–62). Older adults are also
requirements of men and women of different ages and heights more likely to take medications that impact food intake
for the healthy weight range (BMI = 18.5–25.0 kg/m2 ), (63) and have digestive problems including gastric atrophy,
which were based on measurements of energy expenditure chronic constipation, and/or malabsorption (64, 65) that
using the gold-standard doubly labeled water method (38). negatively impact appetite and nutrient absorption. Older
The equations used to generate the figure are given in adults additionally have changes in homeostatic mechanisms
Supplemental Table 1. As shown, the decrease in energy regulating thirst sensation and renal water absorption,
requirements to maintain healthy weight during adult life resulting in a higher risk of dehydration, (66, 67), which can
is substantial, with a typical reduction of ≥500–700 kcal/d be exacerbated by the use of common diuretics and fear of
between early adulthood and late life in healthy women and incontinence due to limited mobility (68).
men. This creates the challenge that to meet the same or
increased absolute intakes of protein and micronutrients in a Socioeconomic factors are contributors to unhealthy
diet containing a diminishing level of energy, the proportion nutrition in older adults
of nutrient-dense foods in the diet has to keep increasing over In addition to physiological and genetic factors influencing
time, with a parallel decrease of greater magnitude in the nutritional status during aging, there are widely recognized
quantity of low-nutrient foods. In other words, a healthier demographic and social factors that increase the risk of
diet is needed in older age to counterbalance decreasing consuming an unhealthy diet as adults grow older. These
energy requirements. Supplemental Table 2 shows EARs for include poverty and food insecurity, which make it harder
protein and micronutrients as a percentage of 1000 kcal of to purchase the nutrient-rich foods that are both more
typical energy requirements, illustrating that the density of necessary and more expensive (69, 70). Older adults are also
most micronutrients needs to increase in older adults by 50%, more likely to live alone and be socially isolated, factors that
and by nearly 100% for nutrients that are required in greater limit food preparation and predict unhealthy dietary intake
absolute amounts. (61, 62).

1440 Roberts et al.

TABLE 1 Consistent evidence for nutrition parameters and prevention and treatment of common aging-associated diseases and
functional losses1

Prevention(derived from expert consensus Reduced disease progression and or

reports, or umbrella/systematic reviews, or remission(derived from expert consensus
meta analyses) reports, or powered randomized trials)
Frailty/sarcopenia, risk falls • Healthy BMI (18.5–25 kg/m2 ) (71) • Specific nutrients: High protein: 1.3–1.5 g/kg
• Dietary patterns: “Prudent” (72), protein alone or combined with exercise
Mediterranean (73) (74–76)
• Specific nutrients: Recommended protein • For sarcopenic obesity: high-protein and
(77), high total antioxidants (40, 78) weight loss with or without exercise (79)
Osteoarthritis • Healthy BMI (80) • Weight loss (81)
Osteoporosis • Specific nutrients: Adequate intakes of • Specific nutrients: 1200 mg Ca + 800 IU
calcium (82), protein (83), vitamin D (84) vitamin D + weight-bearing exercise (85, 86)
Cognitive decline • Healthy BMI (87) • Weight loss (88)
• Dietary patterns: Mediterranean diet (89, 90),
HEI, WHO’s Healthy Diet Indicator (91)
Dementia/Alzheimer disease • Healthy BMI (87)
• Dietary patterns: Mediterranean diet (90, 92)
• Specific nutrients: Low saturated fat (92, 93)
Sense-organ diseases
Age-related macular degeneration • Healthy BMI (7, 94) • Nutrients: High vitamins C + E, lutein,
• Dietary patterns: Mediterranean diet, oriental zeaxanthin, zinc, copper (96)
diet, low-glycemic-index diet (95)
Cataracts • Healthy BMI (97), healthy glycemic control in
type 2 diabetes (98)
• Specific nutrients: Multivitamin-mineral
supplement (99, 100)
Hearing loss • Healthy BMI (101) • Nutrients: Folic acid in individuals with high
• Dietary patterns: HEI, low-glycemic-index homocysteine (104)
carbohydrates (102, 103)
Noncommunicable diseases
Type 2 diabetes • Healthy BMI (105, 106) • Lifestyle intervention with weight loss,
• Dietary patterns: Mediterranean (107, 108), healthy diet, and exercise (105, 112, 113)
DASH, and HEI (109), plant-based (110), low • Dietary patterns: Mediterranean, plant based
glycemic index, and low glycemic load (111) (114, 115), low-carbohydrate (116, 117)
Cardiovascular disease • Healthy BMI, weight loss if obesity (105, • Weight loss with healthy diet, exercise (105,
106) 118)
• Dietary patterns: Mediterranean (107, 119, • Dietary patterns: Mediterranean (123), DASH
120), DASH, and HEI (121, 119, 109), (124)
plant-based (119) [not low-carbohydrate
Cancers • Healthy BMI (125, 126)
• Dietary patterns: Mediterranean (107,
127–129, 120), DASH/HEI (109), plant-based
diet (130, 131)
Obstructive sleep apnea • Healthy BMI (21) • Weight loss (132)
Chronic constipation • Specific nutrients: Recommended fiber • Specific nutrients: Coarse wheat bran fiber,
intake, including coarse wheat bran fiber adequate fluid (133)
Urinary incontinence • Healthy BMI (136) • Weight loss (24)
DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension Trial; HEI, Healthy Eating Index.

Dietary patterns, nutrients, and weight management BMI with prevention of age-related diseases and functional
for prevention and treatment of aging-associated impairments. Table 1 also summarizes data from random-
diseases and conditions ized controlled trials of nutritional treatments for specific
Dietary patterns and nutrients. conditions.
Table 1 summarizes the evidence from recent consensus A variety of dietary patterns and indices have been
reports, umbrella and systematic reviews, and meta-analyses evaluated for their association with age-associated diseases
for the associations of specific dietary patterns, nutrients, and and conditions, including Mediterranean-style diets (137),

Nutrition for broadly healthy aging 1441

US Dietary Guidelines and the related Healthy Eating Index of deficiency due to chronic atrophic gastritis [present in
(138, 139), the WHO’s Healthy Diet Indicator (140), Dietary 30–50% of older adults (152)] and the widespread use of
Inflammatory Index (29), the MIND diet (141), and low gastric acid–blocking drugs that inhibit digestion of food-
glycemic index carbohydrate and high-fiber diets (142). based vitamin B-12 to an absorbable form (153).
These dietary profiles are associated with prevention of
a broad range of age-associated diseases and conditions Weight management.
including: frailty and risk of falls, osteoporosis, cogni- BMI values above the healthy range (>25.0) are strongly
tive decline, dementia, age-related macular degeneration, associated with increased risk of a wide range of age-
cataracts, hearing loss, NCDs (including type 2 diabetes, associated diseases (Table 1). Older adults with obesity
cardiovascular disease, and many cancers), and chronic [41% of adults >60 y (154)] are at higher risk of frailty
constipation (72, 73, 89–92, 95, 102, 103, 107, 108, 121, and osteoarthritis, and consequently have more functional
119, 109, 127–129, 120, 130, 131). In some cases, these limitations than those who are not obese (155). Obesity also
associations are confirmed with randomized trials (143, 123). increases the risk of all the major NCDs, cognitive decline
In addition Table 1 highlights specific nutrients associated and dementia, obstructive sleep apnea, sensory impair-
with preventing unhealthy aging including: dietary protein ments (age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetic
at least equal to current RDAs for preventing sarcopenia, retinopathy, and hearing loss), and urinary incontinence (7,
frailty, and falls in combination with exercise (77); adequate 21, 156, 105, 106, 136, 71, 80, 87, 94). It should also be noted
calcium and vitamin D intake with recommended protein that unhealthy dietary patterns with high intakes of sugar-
for preventing osteoporosis (82–84); and whole grains sweetened beverages, processed snack foods, and red meat,
and dietary fiber (in particular, coarse wheat bran fiber) and low intakes of vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and nuts
for preventing type 2 diabetes and chronic constipation are associated with weight gain (157), which emphasizes the
(133, 134). key link between diet, BMI, and health. As observed with
There is also evidence that healthy aging is fostered by dietary patterns, the risks of obesity for unhealthy aging
the cumulative effects of healthy nutrition earlier in life. For increase over time, and there is a progressive increase in the
example, for prevention of osteoporosis late in life, attaining risks of type 2 diabetes (158), cardiovascular disease (159),
a high peak bone mineral density by age 30 is required (after and cancer (160) with every year that obesity is maintained.
which bone mineral density falls) and this requires consum- Conversely, reduced energy intake promotes healthy aging,
ing recommended levels of calcium throughout childhood with data from studies of nonhuman primates (161) and a
and young adulthood (144). Similarly, high dietary flavanol 2-y trial of calorie restriction in nonobese humans (162, 163)
intakes over 2 decades are associated with a reduced risk of indicating that low energy intake promotes favorable changes
Alzheimer disease and related dementias (145), and greater in a broad range of age-related biomarkers of healthspan
adherence to a Mediterranean diet for >5 y is associated (162, 164).
with a 1–3-fold reduction in risk of frailty (146, 147), a 30% Weight loss is also an effective first-line therapy for
reduction in risk of a major cardiovascular event (123), and treatment of several age-related diseases and conditions in
a 41% reduced risk of incident advanced age-related macular individuals with obesity, including urinary incontinence and
degeneration (148). sleep apnea (24, 132). Furthermore, a mean weight loss of
In addition there are a number of age-related diseases 10% has been reported to achieve remission of type 2 diabetes
and conditions that randomized trials indicate can be in 50% of cases when implemented within 7 y of onset,
treated to attenuate progression (and in some cases support providing a remarkable example of the potential for nutrition
remission) with a nutrition regimen (Table 1). These include to impact age-related disease more effectively than current
sarcopenia, osteoporosis and fractures, age-related macular medication regimens (112).
degeneration, type 2 diabetes, and chronic constipation (133, It is also important to note that recommendations for
74–76, 85, 86, 96). However, not all age-related diseases and maintaining physical activity into old age can play a valuable
conditions that are apparently prevented by healthy nutrition role in supporting nutritional health in old age, not only
can also be treated after their diagnosis. For example, by preserving musculoskeletal health (165, 166) but also by
randomized trials have indicated no significant effect of attenuating the decline in energy requirements with aging.
omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, vitamin D, or soy protein on These findings are consistent with a recent federal report
recurrence of various cancers (149, 150). noting the lack of specificity in nutrition assistance programs
Although food-based nutrition is the focus of this report, to support healthy aging in current government programs
a strong case can be made for targeted supplementation with (50).
specific nutrients that are hard to achieve in old age through
a healthy diet. In particular, the mean intake of vitamin D in Are All Generally Healthy Dietary Patterns
US women aged 51–70 is only about one-fourth of the RDA, Equivalent for Achieving Nutritional Health in
and lower intakes are reported for ages ≥71 y (151). Similarly, Old Age?
mean calcium intake is less than one-third of the RDA in There is currently insufficient information to categorically
older adults (151). Some older adults can also benefit from differentiate the effects of consuming the different broadly
supplemental vitamin B-12 because they are at increased risk healthy dietary patterns discussed above. This is because they

1442 Roberts et al.

energy ≥1600 kcal/d, all of the healthy dietary patterns could
provide recommended portions of different recommended
food groups, and also provide a calorie allowance for
other “discretionary” foods of 32 (Mediterranean-style) to
246 (Vegetarian) kcal/d. However, for the lower dietary
energy requirements observed in many older adults, the
menus increasingly did not provide recommended portions
of all healthy foods without exceeding total energy re-
quirements, even when discretionary calories were reduced
to zero (which is unrealistic). The Vegetarian menu was
the one that best met portion recommendations for all
food groups and protein at lower energy levels (including
possibly higher protein needs than current US RDAs), and
is consistent with the United Nations’ calls for greater
reliance on plant-based foods (167). Among MyPlate and
Mediterranean menus, reducing dairy and grain servings
(selectively removing refined grains to preserve whole grain
intake) resulted in moderately low carbohydrate options that
did allow proteins, fruits, and vegetable servings to be as
recommended at the lower calorie levels. These calculations
FIGURE 3 Illustration of the adequacy of healthy food group suggest that lower-carbohydrate Dietary Guidelines menus
servings that can be achieved with different dietary patterns at provide another practical approach to meeting healthy
lower levels of energy requirements in older adults. Typical menu nutrition guidelines for older adults at lower levels of energy
examples were used to calculate the number of servings per day of intake.
foods in key healthy food groups (fruit, vegetables, proteins, dairy,
grains, and oils) for 3 healthy dietary patterns (US Dietary Opportunities for a National Nutrition Strategy
Guidelines, Mediterranean, and Vegetarian) implemented at 4 to Reduce Unhealthy Aging
energy levels (1600, 1400, 1200, and 1000 kcal/d). Suggested The United States currently ranks only #55 in a global
servings reflect a mean of 3 different menus that adhere to the
assessment of years of age-related disease burden at the
respective dietary pattern and are shown relative to the serving
size recommendations outlined in the Dietary Guidelines for
end of life (#1 being best-ranked) (12) despite health
Americans for each dietary pattern at 1600 kcal/d intakes. The care expenditures that are approximately twice those of
vertical black line represents 100% of the recommended servings other affluent nations (168). This striking public health
for the specified dietary patterns, and for discretionary calories ∗ (all failure has occurred despite acknowledgement of the general
calories not included in healthy food group servings) represents importance of nutrition across the lifespan (11, 169–171).
200 kcal/d. Note: Legumes are included in the protein category not The breadth of healthy aging benefits achievable with healthy
vegetables, and oils do not reflect oils included in food items (e.g., nutrition described herein clarifies the broad and important
avocado, nuts). Discretionary calories reflect calories that remain for role that nutrition can play to keep older adults healthy, and
other uses after meeting recommended servings of fruit, supports the development of a national nutrition strategy
vegetables, protein, dairy, and grains. with clinical involvement for healthy aging.
One important element of a successful nutrition strat-
egy for healthy aging would be increasing investment in
share multiple common features including an emphasis on federal nutrition research directed to this goal (172), with
regular consumption of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, coordination among stakeholders to maximize research
legumes, nuts and seeds, seafood, and liquid oils such as olive efficiency. This would recognize a strong role for nutrition
and canola, and with low intakes of saturated fat and nutrient- in supporting healthy aging (as summarized here), the
weak foods such as sugar-sweetened beverages. However, relative shortage of data from conventional randomized
different dietary patterns can differ in the extent to which ad- trials of specific interventions, and the need for fresh
equate portion sizes of healthy foods can be achieved despite approaches to conduct rapid, rigorous testing of different
the decreased energy requirements associated with aging. We dietary interventions in diverse populations. Stakeholders in
therefore created typical example menus for 3 healthy dietary a national nutrition strategy for healthy aging would include
patterns (Dietary Guidelines MyPlate, a Mediterranean-style consumers, government agencies, food producers, the food
diet, and a Vegetarian diet) and analyzed them for their ability industry, health professionals, and community organizations.
to support nutritional sufficiency for older adults at different Health professionals would play a pivotal role by lead-
levels of energy requirements. ing the development of consensus recommendations (e.g.,
A summary of the results is provided in Figure 3, with within societies for nutrition, geriatric medicine, primary
descriptions of the menu items given in the Supplemental care, nursing, physician assistant, occupational therapy) that
Information on Menu Calculations. As shown, for dietary would aid diagnosis and evidence-based treatments based

Nutrition for broadly healthy aging 1443

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