MCC Training Manual - Ver3
MCC Training Manual - Ver3
MCC Training Manual - Ver3
Revision 5.0 (27/04/2020)
Approved by:
György TÓTH
Head of Training
Simnest Pilot Academy Kft. (HU.ATO.0085) Date: 27/04/2020 0-2
The purpose of the Multi Crew Cooperation Course with our ATO is to develop the skills a student will
require for working in a multi pilot aircraft in the commercial air transport environment and become
proficient in MCC in order that they can safely operate multi-pilot multi-engine aeroplanes under IFR.
Students undertaking the course must hold at least an ICAO English Level 4 certificate.
The holder of a certificate of completion of MCC training on helicopters shall be exempted from the
requirement to complete the theoretical knowledge syllabus as set out in AMC FCL 1.261(d) but only when
obtained from the authority before training begins.
Phase 1 will encompass administration matters and the theoretical knowledge training, according to the
schedule laid down in Part Two of this manual.
Phase 2 will encompass the exercises, detailed in Part Three of this manual, and the associated briefs and
debriefs. Phase 2 requires 20 hours simulator flight time. It runs for approximately 5 days. Each simulator
sortie will be approximately 4 hours in duration with a short break at the halfway point.
The course will be conducted on the A32 type FNPT II MCC certified Flight Simulator Training Device.
A typical day for a Student will last up to 9 hours duration. This includes lunch and rest breaks. Every effort
will be made to ensure that the student has at least 60 minutes break for lunch together with 3 short rest
breaks throughout the day. A typical day will start at 0900 hours and will finish at approximately 1730-
1800 hours.
The duty period may start earlier or later than these times with the agreement of the student, but the
general pattern should remain unchanged.
Students are to be given a minimum of 20 minutes rest between simulator flights of 2 hours duration or
more. The rest period starts at the time the post-flight debrief is completed and ends when the next flight
briefings starts.
Sector block time (regardless of the sectors flown) Normal: 2 Max: 2.5
Any special leave of absence from training, including sickness or injury is to be cleared beforehand with
the Head of Training. To successfully complete the course, students must attend all lectures (or pass the
progress checks and home exam) and simulator sessions.
Any sessions missed due to absence will need to be attended at a later date, prior to the student being
issued a certificate of training. If extra-curricular training would not be feasible to make up the time or
instruction missed, or if too great a part of the course element has been missed, the trainee can be re-
scheduled on to another course.
On completion of each briefing/exercise flown the instructor will complete the course record sheets for
Practical Training and Theoretical Knowledge instruction based on the Annex of the ATO OM.
These training records are to be kept on the electronic ATO system or in a lockable cabinet when not in
use. Should training records be kept on a computer a password system is to be used and access is
restricted on a 'need-to-know’ basis.
No person, except the student and those authorised by the Head of Training, will have access to these
records at any time.
All training records will be retained for a period of 3 years.
Each student must have a 'Student Folder' with all relevant information regarding the training (including
application matters) as detailed in OM A.11.4.
It is the responsibility of the designated instructor to ensure that the flight is recorded in the students
training record and that the student has completed his personal flying logbook. The instructor will check
that the student's logbook has been completed correctly before stamping it at the end of the course.
The Compliance Monitoring Manager will make periodic checks (according to CMS of the ATO OM) to
ensure that training records are being completed fully and correctly.
Each instructor must check his student training records are filled out and the syllabus adhered to.
Instructors must ensure flight times have been entered after each flight. Should it become apparent that
records are not being completed, the Compliance Monitor Manager will inform the Head of Training.
Simnest Pilot Academy Kft. (HU.ATO.0085) Date: 27/04/2020 1-4
Each flight must be recorded on a Course Record Form either on paper or on the electronic ATO system.
Attendance is mandatory on every lecture and simulator session, therefore every occasion is recorded on
either an Attendance Record Form for classroom instruction training or a Course Record Form for
simulator sessions. The part which was not attended by a student should be considered incomplete.
For self-study training, progress should be monitored by mandatory Progress Check tests for every 15
hours of studying. The MCC theoretical course normally takes 25 hours classroom training, and the ATO
requires 2 progress checks of the Trainees to present their progress.
Log books must be kept up to date on a daily basis by every student and instructor. The student must
complete his log book times from either his Course Record Form or from the time given to him/her by
their Instructor. After the training module has been completed the student log book should be signed by
the instructor.
All aspects of flight safety (whilst in the simulator room) are the responsibility of the course instructor. It
is ultimately the Head of Training's responsibility to ensure the training has been completed safely and
this will be carried out at the end of the course assessment.
Each student will be required to fill in a Health & Safety Training Form. This gives emergency procedure
details whilst in the simulator room / building. Their instructor / simulator technician will go through the
points on the form before the student signs to confirm that they understand. It is the responsibility of
each Student and worker to take personal responsibility for their safety and the safety of others.
Full procedures and details regarding the the ATO Safety Management System can be found in the Safety
Management System Manual.
Safety points to be briefed prior to the first practical session include:
In case of self-study theoretical instruction, 2 Progress checks (CRM and MCC) and a Home Exam (Full
course material) must be passed on the electronic ATO system before the Trainee may start the practical
training. The tests may be taken twice. Should the Trainee fail the Home exam both times, the Head of
Training will act as detailed in 1.10.5.
If the theoretical training is classroom instruction, there are no tests as the presence of the Trainees are
evident and assessment is continuous by the Instructors.
Students will receive a Course Completion certificate from their instructor at the end of the course. For
the Certificate to be issued, the Trainees must demonstrate that they are able to reach the required
performance standard on each exercise. The Certificate will only be issued if the Trainee presents all
documents necessary to the training including valid pre-entry requirement credentials.
In order for the course to provide the maximum training effectiveness, all MCCI’s must adhere to the
standard content and sequence of the course syllabi, conduct full and comprehensive briefings and de-
briefings and report fully on both classroom and practical training.
Each student will be fully de-briefed on their progress throughout the course.
The Head of Training is ultimately responsible for the running of the ATO, the instruction standard and
the monitoring of student progress. Any problems that are being experienced will be reported to the Head
of Training in order that he can ensure that the training system in operation is effective.
The Head of Training is responsible for monitoring the progress of individual students during their course.
By using the following methods their progress will be assessed:
The Head of Training or a nominated MCCI will conduct an assessment flight on a student whose progress
is giving serious cause for concern. This is defined as a situation where an overall average score less than
2,2 is awarded on consecutive flight lessons. In such cases a review meeting with the Head of Training will
be held to consider further action. A written summary of this meeting will be made and signed by the
student and Head of Training to indicate its accuracy.
If the unsatisfactory progress persists, the HT will suspend the course. Should this happen, the HT will
discuss with both the student and the student's instructor as to the best course of action to be taken.
Should a student's course be unsatisfactory the Head of Training may consider it necessary to change the
student's instructor if he feels that it would benefit the student.
Should a student request an instructor change this will only be made at the Head of Training's discretion.
There must be no more than two instructor changes per student.
By reviewing feedback of the customers, and trends in student performance, the Compliance Monitoring
Manager and the Head of Training will identify any Instructor training deficiencies. Once these have been
raised the Head of Training will take the necessary action required to ensure that the deficiencies are
dealt with promptly.
Student progress through the course must not be hampered by unacceptable standards of behaviour or
by bringing discredit to the ATO. It is the responsibility of each individual student to ensure that he is
available for duty on time as required by the training programme. If a student fails to attend the
programmed sortie on-time they will be reported by the instructor to the Head of Training.
Simnest Pilot Academy Kft. (HU.ATO.0085) Date: 27/04/2020 1-7
Post Sortie: it is the responsibility of each instructor to complete the course record form in the student
training record as soon as possible. Each form must contain grading information.
The overall standard of training is the responsibility of the Head of Training. Staff standards and
performance will be monitored at all times. In order that standardisation of training and application of
test criteria are met he will liaise with Licensing Standards of the Civil Aviation Authority.
1. The training standards and the assessment of individual students’ performance is the
responsibility of the Head of Training. He will also ensure that all Instructors meet the criteria for
training. Instructors must also be standardised during their training.
2. The Head of Training is responsible for the students training. He must ensure that appropriate
standards are met by all instructors and that they are suitably standardized in all aspects of
theoretical and simulator flight training.
3. The syllabus must be adhered to as closely as possible by all instructors.
4. For MCC training courses the staff to student ratio is normally 1:2 for Simulator training.
Simnest Pilot Academy Kft. (HU.ATO.0085) Date: 27/04/2020 2-1
1. The human element
2. Communication
3. Decision making Day 1
4. Situational awareness
5. Teamwork, leadership, followership
6. Threat and Error Management (TEM)
Training materials received 10 days
before Practical Training starts
1. The operation of multi crew aircraft E-mail consultation with Instructors
Day 2
2. Checklists available throughout the course
3. System related procedures
MCC (continued)
4. Briefing
Day 3
5. On-board documents
6. Other
Progress check 1 (CRM) Not applicable 8 days before Practical Training starts
Progress check 2 (MCC 1-3) Not applicable 5 days before Practical Training starts
Video conference with an Instructor Not applicable 3 days before Practical Training starts
Home Exam (Full course) Not applicable 2 days before Practical Training starts
*Day counts mean “no later then” deadlines and are valid if Practical Training is immediately started after
Theoretical Training. Upon request of a Trainee, more time may be approved between the training phases.
In this case, a passed Home Exam has a 1-month validity after which it needs to be retaken to start
Practical training. The whole course must be finished within 6 months after application.
The course is intended to cover the requirements of EASA Part ORA and all its associated appendices. This
training assumes that you have completed a course of study which, in addition to including Human
Factors, has provided sufficient technical knowledge of engines, systems and aircraft performance to
ensure that you can understand the "type specific" technical content. This is essential if the maximum
value is to be gained from the subsequent program of simulator details.
Simnest Pilot Academy Kft. (HU.ATO.0085) Date: 27/04/2020 2-2
The intent of the course is to introduce operations conducted in a multi crew environment. The need for
a team approach to such an operation is obvious. It therefore is essential to the success of the course that
you, and the rest of the trainees take an active role in proceedings.
By the end of the course you will have learned what is required of a member of a multi-crew flight deck
team. You will have been provided with the tools which will enable effective participation and continued
development of these skills.
The main emphasis of the course is on the non-technical aspects and skills that are necessary for the safe
and effective operation of a multi crew aircraft. These are:
− Cooperation
− Leadership and Managerial Skills
− Situational Awareness
− Decision Making
The structure of the MCC simulator session for 2 trainees are as follows:
∑ 20 hours of flying
FAM: Familiarization
LOFT: Line-Oriented Flight Training
OFP: Operational Flight Plan
Simnest Pilot Academy Kft. (HU.ATO.0085) Date: 27/04/2020 3-2
The structure of the MCC simulator session for 3 trainees are as follows:
∑ 30 hours of flying