Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver
Jamie Oliver
QUICK REVIEW Meeting new people Look at the photos. Why is Jamie Oliver famous, do you think?
Introduce yourself to four other
students. Find out two things about b Before you read, check these words with your teacher
each person. Tell the class about two
a celebrity a chef a recipe a TV series a campaign the
people you spoke to.
government fresh ingredients the drums
c CD1 Read and listen to the profile of Jamie Oliver. Then match
Vocabulary and Speaking a-e to paragraphs 1-5.
Common phrases a Jamie’s early life
П Work in pairs. Are these phrases about b Campaigning for healthy food
family (F), work (W), free time (FT) or study c A world-famous chef 1
(S)? d Family and home life
e A restaurant with a difference
be married F
have children
go to school/college/university
have an interesting job
go to the cinema a lot
be unemployed
have brothers and/or sisters play
video games
work for a big/small company amie Oliver
chat to friends online
have a degree go to concerts
work at the weekends study Jamie Oliver is one of the world's most famous chefs. You can watch him on
another language TV in over 100 countries and read his recipe books in 29 languages. In fact,
Jamie is the UK's second-biggest selling author of all time, after JK Rowling.
There are also Jamie Oliver DVDs, food products, restaurants, magazines and
apps for your phone.
Q a Tick (/) the phrases in 1 that are Jamie was born in Essex, England, on 27th May 1975. When he was only eight
true for you now or in the past.
he started helping in the kitchen in his parents' pub. After Jamie left college,
he worked at the famous River Cafe in London for three years. He made his
b Work in groups. Tell other students
first TV series, The Naked Chef, in 1999. Jamie quickly became a celebrity and
about yourself. Use the phrases from 1
in the same year he cooked lunch for the British Prime Minister.
and your own ideas.
5. Read the profile again. Find the answers to these : HELP WITH GRAMMAR
questions. Review of verb forms and questions
1 How does Jamie travel around London?
6. Match the words/phrases in bold in Jamie’s profile to these
By scooter. verb forms.
2 When did he make his first TV series? Present Simple lives Past Simple
3 What is he writing at the moment? * Present Continuous be going to
4 Which instrument can he play?
5 How often was Jamie’s Kitchen on TV? b Look at the table. Notice how we usually make questions. Then
6 How many children has he got? write questions 2-4 from 5a in the table.
7 Where is he going to open his new restaurants?
8 How long did he work at the River Cafe?
9 How old was Jamie when he got married?
Ю Who did he make lunch for in 1999?
11 Why did he make Jamie’s School Dinners'?
12 How much did the British government agree