DWC Security Guide
DWC Security Guide
DWC Security Guide
Security Guide
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Security Guide
2 PUBLIC Content
1 SAP Datasphere Security Guide
The SAP Datasphere Security Guide is the entry point for all information relating to the secure operation and
configuration of SAP Datasphere.
Security has always been an important element for the complete product life cycle of all SAP products,
including product development, planning, and quality assurance. Like the other SAP products, SAP Datasphere
was designed to fulfill the highest security standards which guarantee the safety of your data both from web
attacks and from attacks in the cloud.
Some of the most important security focus areas are listed in the following interactive image:
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SAP provides capabilities to support you in implementing your requirements and concepts of security and data
protection within the SAP Datasphere system landscape. On your side, you need to make sure to:
• Create and assign appropriate roles to your users. See Managing Roles and Privileges.
• Set up a secure data integration to the systems to which you connect to access data. See Integrating Data
via Connections.
We recommend using encrypted channels in all cases where your network isn't protected by other security
measures against attacks such as eavesdropping, for example, when your network is accessed from public
One identity provider for both SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud.
SAP Datasphere and SAP Analytics Cloud share the same authentication mechanism. In your tenant, choose
My Products , go to Analytics and then change the identity provider settings there. Once changed, you can
use that identity provider to logon to SAP Datasphere as well.
Any tasks (for instance, remote table replication or view persistency tasks) scheduled before you change
the IdP configuration might fail to start. For more information about the issue and how to solve it, refer to
the SAP Note 3089828
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For more information on the identity provider settings, please see Enabling a Custom SAML Identity Provider in
the SAP Analytics Cloud Help documentation.
For further information on using your SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication service tenant as an identity
provider or a proxy to your own identity provider to host your business users take a look at Manually Establish
Trust and Federation Between UAA and SAP Cloud Platform Identity Authentication Service in the SAP Cloud
Platform documentation.
The passwords of database users are subject to certain rules. These rules are defined in the password policy.
The password policy is configured in the Configuration page under Security and applied to your database user
by either editing an exiting user or when creating a new user.
Password Expiration The number of days for which the initial password or any
password set by a user administrator for a user is valid.
It is often necessary to specify different security policies for different types of users.
In SAP Datasphere, we differentiate between an application users that can access the SAP Datasphere web
user interface (UI) and database users that can access the underlying SAP HANA database.
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1.4.1 Application Users
The application user represents an actual user in SAP Datasphere and can be assigned as a member to a
Application User Role required to create the user: DW • Managing SAP Datasphere Users
Administrator • Managing Roles and Privileges
The database user is a technical user in SAP Datasphere that can access the underlying SAP HANA database.
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Database User on Space-Level
Database User Required role to create: DW Space Ad- • For more information on the pub-
ministrator lic role, see Predefined Database
(Catalog) Roles.
Created and edited through the user
interface under Space Management →
• Create a Database User
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Database User on Tentant-Level (Extended Capabillities)
Database Analysis User Required role to create: DW Administra- Create a Database Analysis User to De-
bug Database Issues
Read access on the underlying SAP
HANA database Created and edited through the user in-
terface under Configuration→ Database
Access → Database Analysis User.
Database User Group Administrator Required role to create: DW Administra- Creating a Database User Group
Read and write access on the underly-
ing SAP HANA database Created and edited through the user in-
terface under Configuration→ Database
Access → Database User Group.
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1.4.3 SAP BW Bridge Users
For SAP BW bridge, application users for SAP BW bridge and for SAP Datasphere.
SAP Datasphere Application User Role required to create the user: DW • Managing SAP Datasphere Users
Administrator • Managing Roles and Privileges
SAP BW bridge Application User Role required to create the user: Creating Users
Authorizations on Data-Level
Authorization is managed through the space concept meaning artifacts such as tables, views or stories as well
as data in a particular space are only visible for users assigned to that space. On the other side, users assigned
to a particular space have access to all artifacts and data of that space.
Spaces partition data into areas of responsibility and authority. This combined nature of data residence and
data responsibility needs to be taken into account when creating an authorization concept.
Application-level authorizations for business users and administrators are maintained in Security Roles
and assigned to users in Security Users . The roles determine which parts of the UI the assigned users
are allowed to access and what the users are allowed to do in SAP Datasphere.
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Related Information
Data access controls allow you to apply row-level security to your objects. When a data access control is
applied to a data layer view or a business layer object, the rows of data contained in the object are filtered
based on the specified criteria.
Your criteria are defined in a table or view that lists SAP Datasphere user IDs (in the form required by your
identity provider) and assigns them to one or more criteria.
For more information on creating and applying Data Access Controls see Securing Data with Data Access
Audit logs are records of read or change actions performed in the database. They allow you to see who did what
and when.
Space Administrators can enable audit logs for read or change actions in their space. For more information, see
Enable Audit Logging.
Administrators can then get an overview of space audit logs and delete them if needed (for example to free up
disk space). You analyze audit logs by assigning the audit views to a space and then work with them in a view in
the Data Builder. For more information, see Monitor Database Operations with Audit Logs.
Data protection is associated with numerous legal requirements and privacy concerns. In addition to
compliance with general data protection and privacy acts, it is necessary to consider compliance with industry-
specific legislation in different countries.
SAP provides specific features and functions to support compliance with regard to relevant legal requirements,
including data protection. SAP does not give any advice on whether these features and functions are the
best method to support company, industry, regional, or country-specific requirements. Furthermore, this
information should not be taken as advice or a recommendation regarding additional features that would be
required in specific IT environments. Decisions related to data protection must be made on a case-by-case
basis, taking into consideration the given system landscape and the applicable legal requirements.
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SAP does not provide legal advice in any form. SAP software supports data protection compliance by
providing security features and specific data protection-relevant functions, such as simplified blocking and
deletion of personal data. In many cases, compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws will
not be covered by a product feature. Definitions and other terms used in this document are not taken from
a particular legal source.
The extent to which data protection is supported by technical means depends on secure system operation.
Network security, security note implementation, adequate logging of system changes, and appropriate
usage of the system are the basic technical requirements for compliance with data privacy legislation and
other legislation.
Currently, Data Marketplace does not provide the technical features to compliantly include personal data
into your data products. For the moment, SAP requires you to not use personal data in your products or to
anonymize personal data before transferring it to third parties.
Personal data covers any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”). An
identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an
identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors
specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural, or social identity of that natural
person. Natural persons can be identified directly based on, for example, names, phone numbers, e-mail
addresses, postal addresses, user IDs, tax and social insurance numbers or indirectly through a combination of
any other information.
Use of Customer Specific Encryption Keys (CSEK) - Data stored in SAP Datasphere is encrypted with CSEK.
Be aware that if consumers download your data products into their own SAP Datasphere tenant, they will use
the data that is replicated and encrypted with the consumers' own CSEK.
1.7.1 Glossary
The following terms are general to SAP products. Not all terms may be relevant for this SAP product.
Term Definition
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Term Definition
Business purpose The legal, contractual, or in other form justified reason for
the processing of personal data to complete an end-to-end
business process. The personal data used to complete the
process is predefined in a purpose, which is defined by the
data controller. The process must be defined before the per-
sonal data required to fulfill the purpose can be determined.
Consent The action of the data subject confirming that the usage
of his or her personal data shall be allowed for a given pur-
pose. A consent functionality allows the storage of a consent
record in relation to a specific purpose and shows if a data
subject has granted, withdrawn, or denied consent.
End of business Defines the end of active business and the start of residence
time and retention period.
End of purpose (EoP) The point in time when the processing of a set of personal
data is no longer required for the primary business purpose,
for example, when a contract is fulfilled. After the EoP has
been reached, the data is blocked and can only be accessed
by users with special authorizations (for example, tax audi-
End of purpose (EoP) check A method of identifying the point in time for a data set when
the processing of personal data is no longer required for the
primary business purpose. After the EoP has been reached,
the data is blocked and can only be accessed by users with
special authorization, for example, tax auditors.
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Term Definition
Purpose The information that specifies the reason and the goal for
the processing of a specific set of personal data. As a rule,
the purpose references the relevant legal basis for the proc-
essing of personal data.
Residence period The period of time between the end of business and the
end of purpose (EoP) for a data set during which the data
remains in the database and can be used in case of sub-
sequent processes related to the original purpose. At the
end of the longest configured residence period, the data is
blocked or deleted. The residence period is part of the over-
all retention period.
Retention period The period of time between the end of the last business
activity involving a specific object (for example, a business
partner) and the deletion of the corresponding data, subject
to applicable laws. The retention period is a combination of
the residence period and the blocking period.
Sensitive personal data A category of personal data that usually includes the follow-
ing type of information:
Technical and organizational measures (TOM) Some basic requirements that support data protection and
privacy are often referred to as technical and organizational
measures (TOM). The following topics are related to data
protection and privacy and require appropriate TOMs, for
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1.7.2 Personal Data Record
Data subjects have the right to receive information regarding their personal data undergoing processing.
There are different kinds of data which might contain personal information about a dedicated person or user.
The handling of personal data is subject to applicable laws related to the deletion of such data at the end of
If there is no longer a legitimate purpose that requires the use of personal data, it must be deleted. When
deleting data in a data set, all referenced objects related to that data set must be deleted as well. It is also
necessary to consider industry-specific legislation in different countries in addition to general data protection
laws. After the expiration of the longest retention period, the data must be deleted.
Note that reporting on an aggregated layer can ease the handling of personal data with respect to deletion.
Aggregated storage of historical data without any references to persons allows you to more easily delete
data in upstream layers.
Being a data warehouse, SAP Datasphere is a secondary persistence receiving data from a leading system.
Consequently, all deletions done for data protection and privacy reasons are also done in the source system
and the deletion can be propagated to SAP Datasphere using a delete-and-reload pattern: First do the required
deletion in the source system, then delete all data in the corresponding SAP Datasphere tables and replicate
from the source system again.
Deleting data is explained in the SAP Datasphere Modeling Guide at Creating a Table (step 10).
1.7.4 Cookies
Cookies management
When log on to SAP Datasphere, session cookies are stored for authentication purpose and are deleted when
the session is closed. Additional persistent cookies might be used to store the most recent choices for content
language and user interface language.
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1.8 Data Encryption at Rest
When using SAP Datasphere, customers’ data, metadata, logs and backups are all encrypted at rest.
Your data are encrypted using Customer Specific Encryption Keys (CSEK). Each of these databases storing
customers’ data is encrypted with one single CSEK:
All customers’ metadata and configuration information are stored in a shared database instance which is
managed by SAP. Each of these components is encrypted with one single encryption key:
• SAP Datasphere repository (such as design-time artifacts of modeled objects, users, list of favorite files
and catalog metadata)
• Tenant configuration parameters
• Schedules of recurring tasks
• Users, roles and activities
• Data Marketplace (data product descriptions and other metadata, published samples and logos)
If you need to control the access to your SAP Datasphere database, you can create a Customer-Controlled
Encryption Key (CCEK) in SAP Data Custodian Key Management Service (KMS) and ask SAP to encrypt the
database with the new key.
Your database can be encrypted either by an SAP generated key (using a CSEK) or by a customer provided
key (using a CCEK). Once you’ve decided to use a CCEK to control your database, you cannot go back to
using a CSEK. Also, once you’ve created a CCEK, you cannot change its key ID.
First check the key requirements and the region availability for Customer-Controlled Encryption Keys (CCEK),
see SAP HANA Database Key Management System in the SAP HANA Cloud Administration Guide. Once you've
created the encryption key, an S-user must ask SAP to encrypt the SAP Datasphere database with the key by
creating a ticket, as described in SAP Note 3368616 .
You'll be able to enable, disable (temporarily) or delete (permanently) the key. If you disable the key, the SAP
HANA Cloud database is stopped and unavailable to users. When users log into SAP Datasphere, they can see
this message in the top banner: "The run-time database is overloaded or unavailable and certain features are
disabled. If the connection isn't automatically restored shortly, open a support ticket."
For further details about Customer-Controlled Encryption Keys (CCEK), see Customer-Controlled Encryption
Keys (CCEK) in the SAP HANA Cloud Administration Guide.
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1.9 System Backup and Recovery
SAP Datasphere's backup and recovery uses the SAP HANA Cloud service resiliency layer in the case of a
disaster caused by factors within SAP's control. SAP is not responsible for recovery of customer data lost as a
result of the customer’s actions, including accidental deletion of a space or data resulting from inattentiveness
or a failure to follow instructions to safeguard their data.
SAP Datasphere has safeguards in place to guard against the accidental deletion of data, including pop-ups
and windows to confirm the customer’s instructions to delete data. We encourage the customer to train
their administrators accordingly and to ensure other good practices to prevent the accidental or inadvertent
deletion of data.
SAP Datasphere is ISO 27001 certified, see SAP Business Technology Platform Statement of Applicability and
ISO 27001 Certification .
For information about SAP Datasphere Service Level Agreement, see Service Level Agreement for SAP Cloud
Services .
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Bias-Free Language
SAP supports a culture of diversity and inclusion. Whenever possible, we use unbiased language in our documentation to refer to people of all cultures, ethnicities,
genders, and abilities.
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