Lesson 2

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Some Intellectuals and their

Revolutionary Ideas
Lesson 2
At the end of this lesson, the students
should be able to:
1. discuss the ideas postulated by Copernicus,
Darwin and Freud which contributed to the
spark of scientific revolution; and

2. analyze how scientific revolution is done in

various parts of the world like in Latin
America, East Asia, Middle East and Africa.
From the genesis of time, Science has existed. It
is interwoven with the society. So how can we
define Science?
1. Science as an idea. It includes theories and all systematic
explanations and observations about natural phenomena.

2. Science as an intellectual activity. It encompasses systematic

and practical study of the natural and physical world

3. Science as a body of knowledge. It is a discipline, a field of

study that deals with the process of learning about the natural
and physical world. This is what we refer to as school science

4. Science as a personal and social activity. This explains that

science is both knowledge and activities done by human beings
to develop better understanding of the world around them. It is a
mean to improve life and to survive in life. It is interwoven with
people’s lives.
Scientific Revolution
• Period of enlightenment when development in the
different fields of science transformed the views of
society about nature.

• It explained the emergence or birth of modern

science. It ignited vast human interests to rethink
how they do science and view scientific processes.

• Golden Age for people committed to scholarly life

in science.

• Led to the death of some intellectuals.




Figure 1. Influences to Scientific Revolution

• Scientific revolution is very significant in the
development of human beings, transformation
of the society, and in the formulation of
scientific ideas.

• In many ways, scientific revolution transformed

the natural world and the world of ideas.
Some Intellectuals and their Revolutionary Ideas
• To further understand what exactly happened
during the scientific revolution, it is important to
examine the different individuals whose ideas
have shaken and contested the dominant

• The following scientists are driven by their

characteristics to explore the natural world

Curiosity Passion to


Critical Passion to
Thinking Discover

Figure 1. Variables that Influence the Development of Science Ideas, Science Discoveries
and Technology.
Nicolaus Copernicus
• Knowledge about the nature of universe is
unchanged until Copernicus came on the

• He did not do anything extensive such as

observing heavenly bodies or inviting people to
test his ideas.
Nicolaus Copernicus
• His works were strongly influenced by a book
entitled Epitome published in 1496 by a
German author, Johannes Mueller. This book is
about Mueller observations of the heavens.

• Published his works on his book entitled “On

the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres”. This
often cited as the start of scientific revolution.
Nicolaus Coppernicus
• The sun is at rest at the center of the universe
and all other heavenly bodies revolve around it
in circular paths.
Charles Darwin
• Explore Galapagos
Islands through HMS

• Formulate his own

theory “Origin of
Species by Means of
Natural Selection”
Charles Darwin
• “The Descent of Man”

• Replaced the
dominant views of a
religious or biblical
design that places
human beings in a
privileged position of
having been created
by God.
Charles Darwin
• Darwin’s accomplishments were so diverse
that it is useful to distinguish two fields to
which he made major contributions:

• 1. evolutionary biology;

• 2. philosophy of science
Sigmund Freud
• Psychoanalysis

• A scientific way to study

the human mind and
neurotic illnesses.

• Gave huge impact on the

scientific way of
understanding human
Sigmund Freud
• His method of Psychoanalysis is proven to be
effective in understanding some neurological
conditions that were not understood by
medicine that time.
Cradles of Early Science
Development of Science in
• Mesoamerica
• Central America from
Southern Mexico up
to the border of
South America.
Development of Science in
• Maya Civilization
• Last for approx. 2000

• Astronomy
• Can be seen on their
temple and religious

• Example: Pyramid of
Chichèn Itzá which is
situated on the location of
the Sun during Spring and
Fall Equinoxes.
Development of Science in
• Maya Civilization and Astronomy

• Knowledge in predicting eclipse and using

astrological cycles in planting and harvesting.
Development of Science in
• Maya Civilization
and Astronomy

• Time was measured

using two
complicated calendar
systems which is
very important in
planning their
Development of Science in
• Maya Civilization

• Able to grow different crops and build

elaborate cities using ordinary machineries
and tools.

• Built hydraulics system with sophisticated

waterways to supply water to different
Development of Science in
• Maya Civilization and

• Able to weave cloths and

devised a glittery paints
made from a mineral
called mica.

• Believed to produce the

first rubber 3,000 years
before Goodyear
received its patent in
Development of Science in
• Maya Civilization

• World’s first
civilizations to use
writing system known
as the Mayan
Development of Science in
• Inca Civilization

1. Road paved with stones.

2. stone buildings.

3. irrigation system and

technique for storing water.

4. calendar with 12 months

to mark their religious
festivals and prepare them
for planting season.
Development of Science in
• Inca Civilization

5. first suspension

6. quipu, a system of
knotted ropes to keep
records that only expert
can interpret.

7. Inca textiles.
Development of Science in
• Aztec Civilization

1. Mandatory Education
– early form of universal or
inclusive education

2. Chocolates – serves
as currency. They also
valued cacao beans
Development of Science in
• Aztec Civilization

3.Antispasmodic medication
– prevent muscle spasms and
relax muscles.

4. Chinampa – agricultural
farming technology in which
land are divided into
rectangular areas with canals.
Development of Science in
• Aztec Civilization

5. Aztec Calendar

6. Canoe – a light narrow

boat used for travelling in
water systems.
Development of Science in
Development of Science in
• Known for manufacturing
iron and metallurgical

• Famous in Medicine
A. Ayurveda, a form of
traditional medicine
• Discovered some plants
with medicinal properties.
Development of Science in
• Famous in Astronomy.

• Also known for their

• Earliest traces of
knowledge in this field
was found on Indus
Valley Civilization Bisht
• They tried to standardize
measurement of length
to a high degree of
accuracy and designed
a ruler named,
Mohenjodaro Ruler.
Development of Science in
• Clifford (2008) and Bose
• Mathematician Aryabhata
(476-550) formulated
Aryabhatiya introduced a
number of trigonometric
functions and algorithms in

• Hindu-Arabic numeral
system is now used
universally throughout the
Development of Science in
• Greatly influenced many
of its neighbour countries
like Korea, Japan,
Philippines, Vietnam,
Thailand, Cambodia and

• Known for Traditional

Medicine e.g.
Development of Science in
• Chinese tools:
• Compass, papermaking, gunpowder and
printing tools.

• Iron plough, wheelbarrow and propeller.

• Different models of bridges, first

seismological detector and dry dock facility.
Development of Science in
• Astronomy:
• Made significant records on supernovas, lunar
and solar eclipses, comet to understand the
heavenly bodies better and what are their
effects on the world.

• Also known for their seismology making them

prepared for times of natural calamity.
Development of Science in
Middle East Countries

• Dominantly occupied by Muslims.

• Place a greater value on science


• Muhammad ibn Musa al Kwharizimi

• Al-jabr or algebra.
Development of Science in
Middle East Countries
• Jabir ibn Hayyan
• Considered “Father of Chemistry”

• Ibn Sina
• Pioneered the science of experimental
• First physician to conduct clinical trials.
• “Book of Healing” and “The Canon of
• Discover contagious nature of infectious
diseases and clinical pharmacology.
Development of Science in
• Geometry are use to
preserve layout and
ownership of farmlands of
the Egyptians living along
Nile River.

• Geometry are use to

improve the lives of
Egyptians e.g. Great
Egyptian Pyramid and early
dams along the Nile River.
Development of Science in

• Egypt was known to be a center of alchemy.

• They tried to study human anatomy and


• Applied important component such as

examination, diagnosis and treatment of
Development of Science in

• Astronomy is famous in Africa.

• They use three types of calendar: lunar, solar

and stellar.

• African was also known for their use of iron

technology (metallurgy).

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