International Student Financial Guarantee 2024

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Oklahoma Panhandle State University International Student Financial Guarantee 2024 PO Box 430 Goodwell, OK 73939 United States Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) regulations require documentation of sufficient financial resources are available to meet a students prospective educational and living expenses while in the U.S. Therefore, Oklahoma Panhandle State University requires a guarantee of financial resources from each applicant who expects to obtain or maintain Student (F-1) status Applicants are required to submit financial documentation that equals or exceeds one full academic year of expenses, for the program of study they are interested in pursuing. Adjustments in the financial cetffcation cannot be made based on a student's individual circumstances. This estimate is based upon 15 semester hours each semester for undergraduate studies, a semi-private dorm, 10 meals per-week meal plan, books and supplies, and travel and personal expenses. ‘This completed form, as well as a bank statement, should be uploaded when applying for admission to the university. Students will not be admitted to Oklahoma Panhandle State University or receive an OPSU Cortificato of Eligibility (|-20) until this information is provided and verified. Scholarships are available to interational students who meet OPSU scholarship criteria, but students should ‘ot rely on scholarship funds to finance their educational costs, The amounts listed below are estimates that are determined by using the cost figures for the 2024-25 academic year. The costs are subject to change without notice. Historically, total costs have increased by an average of 5-10% each year. Students can expect adjustments in the amounts listed on the Certificates of Eligibility (-20), which will reflect estimates of the possible increases in the Upcoming year. “The cost is an estimate and may increase depending on classes taken and chosen field of study. Estimated Cost of Attendance for Undergraduate Study at Oklahoma Panhandle State University: Tuition & Fees: $9,889.50 Housing & Meals $6,032 Books & Supplies $1,000 Personal Expenses $3,200 Total ($20,121.50 . Applicant's Certification Habibur Rahman Please Print (Family or Last) (Given or First) (Miidte) Applicant Nam Expocted Enrtimont date: SUITIMEL spring 2028 January) Fall 2024 (August) | understand the expenses listed above are average cost estimates. The actual costs may vary based on changes in tution and fees, books and supplies, room and board, medical insurance premiums, and personal lifestyles. | guarantee that | wall have sufficient funds avaliable to meet the estimated educational expenses listed above for each year that | study at Okiahoma Panhandle State University. | entity hat I can make the necessary arrangements to have al funds transferred to the United States and that | wil have adequate funds for my travel to ard from the United States. | understand that tition is payable at the beginning of each semester. These funds by my family from my owm savings other (specity)_ I yOu are married and your spouse and/or children will accompany you to the U.S., please provide the following information for each individual and submit passport copies along with this form. Additional funds must be available to support your dependents amounting to $10,000 for a spouse and $6,000 for each chi TastName, Fret Name Date of Sih Country of Birth Relationship sunoumn sie ttoiene ND cae, 01/02/2024 Guarantor’s Certification Unless you are supported by your own savings, immigration documents cannot be issued without the guarantor (bank account holder) completing and signing this section. Gunrento’s name: Rahman Shaidur Relationship to appicant_Father (Please print) (Family or Last) (Given or First) Is the Guarantor curenty resin inthe United States? Yes ifyes, isthe Guarantor aU. Cizen? Yes Ino, is the Guarantor a Permanent Resident Alien? Yes ys Ifthe Guarantor is residing in the US and is not a US Citizen or Permanent Resident Alien, what s their classification? *Guarantors who are in the U.S. and are citizens or permanent residents must also complete and submit the I134 form (np www uscis govi-134) ‘As the applicant's guarantor, | understand the expenses Iisted on page one are estimates of the average cost, The actual costs may vary based on changes in tuition apd fees, books and supplies, room and board, medical insurance premiums, and personal lifestyles. | ‘guarantee that | wil provide _ 958000 with sufficient funds to meet the actual expenses incurred, as estimated above, for each year the applicant is enrolled at OPSU. | cetily if there are dependents who plan to accompany the applicant, | will provide the additional funds necessary to meet the needs of the applicant's dependents. | certify that | can make the necessary arrangements to have all funds transferred to the United States and that | will provide adequate funds for the applicant's travel to and from the United States. | understand tuition is payable atthe beginning of each semester. MAPRSIOB'Syihee Bsngtsdesn © gq a Date: 01/02/2024 Bank's Certification HANDWRITTEN Signature of Guarantor ‘Along with this Financial Guarantee form, please submit a separate bank statementfetter from your Guarantor. Requirements for the Bank Certification are listed below. ‘The offical bank letter must be: written in English on official bank letterhead (with valid address and phone number) stamped with the oficial bank seal signed by bank official with official title sted ‘The letter must specifically verify the following: Name of account holder © Account number + Type of account (must have readily available funds such as savings and checking accounts or deposits; therefore, ‘accounts such as retirement, Solvency Certificates, investments, property value, stocks, or bonds are NOT acceptable) + Date letter was issued (must be within the last 6 months) Current account balance + Monetary values should be converted to the U.S. dallar Copies and scans of bank statemenisletters can be used to full this requirement. Multiple accounts are admissible; however, if you have more than one person submiting a statement on your behalf, each person must complete the Guarantor Certification, Al Financial Guarantee requirements must be fulfiled before admission can be determined. Failure to complete the Bank Certiication requirements listed above wil result in a processing delay of your application for admission. If your financial documents are not approved or if there are additional questions, you will be notified by email

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