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Issue 27

CONTENTS Sunan Abī Dāwūd





35 Why Their Tables Have Become so Narrowed?


08 The Zionist Plague

14 The Betrayal of the Rafidah against

the Religion of Allah and It's People

38 Who Are Sufis? Part 2

44 Be Mindful About The Trust Telegram ID

49 Light of Darkness

60 Do Not Consider Our Silence as An

Opportunity to Reassure Your Infidel Masters


With success from Allah Ta'ala, the Islamic doing over the past few years, Alhamdulillah
Khilafah is proving itself also in the vast lands "Ala Kulli Haal.
of Africa. From north to south, east to west,
How hopeless can the munafiqun govern-
the mujahidin have been recording victories
ments in the region be? ey have tried
upon victories against the murtaddin armies
everything so far to halt the advance of the
of the local Tawgheet regimes, marking a turn-
mujahidin, but to no avail. First, they ap-
ing point in the Jihad fi Sabilillah across the
pealed to the military help of the stupid
continent. After years of decay and defeat
French kuffar, supported by other Crusader
caused by Al-Qaida’s misguidance, our
toy soldiers from the European Dar al-Kufr
Khilafah came into existence with the blessing
of the Almighty to show the Islamic soldiers of and the UN global Taghut. What was the
African descent the way back to the Straight result? A total debacle, as demonstrated by the
Path (Sirat al-Mustakim) in fighting the cases of Mali and Burkina Faso.On the battle-
enemies of Islam upon the prophetic method. field, there was no match. e “harvest” in
e terrific gains achieved since then are all terms of kuffar and murtaddin being slayed by
out there to be seen, more especially as far as the mujahidin was extremely rich and abun-
the Sahil Wilayah is concerned.Indeed, if one dant for the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala.
still needs to seek the evidence of the righ- Unsurprisingly, the fight of the Islamic soldiers
teousness of the rules of the Islamic law of was eased by the majority of the Muslim popu-
combat (Qital), particularly to “cast terror into lation, who sided with them against the in-
the hearts of the unbelievers” [al-’Anfal, 8:12] volvement of the previous colonial masters
and “kill them wherever you find them” [al- and enslavers to guarantee the survival of the
Baqara, 2:191], should take a closer look at Taghuti regimes. Despite years and years of
what the Sahil Wilayah has been capable of shirk being imposed on them, our brothers


and sisters were able to recognize the “sign” At the same time, the mujahidin are adminis-
sent by the Almighty, tilting immediately in tering heavy defeats and humiliations to Al
favor of the muwahiddun brandishing the flag Qaida’s militiamen, pushing them on the run
(ar-Rayah) of the Islamic Khilafah. as well, although some brothers, instead of
escaping, recognized their past mistakes and
en, the civilian and “democratic” authori-
repented. Allah Ta’ala guided them back to
ties were ousted by military dictatorships,
Himself [Ash-Shura, 42:13], more especially
which justified their coups with the presump-
the youth, and they paid allegiance to the
tion that they would have been more effective
Islamic Khilafah, along with many Muslim
in counteracting the mujahidin. Yet, they have
brothers and sisters from local villages and
utterly failed, for since their takeover the Sahil towns, which are now enjoying the safety,
Wilayah managed to consolidate and further services, and good governance that only the
expanding its territorial foothold in both coun- rule of the real law (Shari'ah) is able to ensure.
A similar process is occurring in Burkina Faso,
In Mali, not even changing kafir as an ally by where the military putchists have not learned
replacing the French with the Russian Wagner the lesson coming from Mali. Bleeding under
Group brought about different results. After the blows of the mujahidin, they also opted for
having scared away the European and the UN kicking out the French army to make way for
ones, it is just a matter of time before the Is- the Wagner Group as a last resort to hang on to
lamic soldiers also force those filthy mercenar- power. Nevertheless, this desperate move did
ies to flee, leaving a long trail of blood and nothing but shifting the hostility of the Mus-
dead behind them even more than the French lim population from France to Russia, while
did. the Islamic Khilafah is regarded as the only


solution to free the country from traitor ty- of the French. erefore, it is not surprising
rants and invaders. that the latter were kicked out of Niger as well
following a new military coup, and the same is
e debacle is extending to neighboring Chad
expected to happen in Chad. e Wagner
and Niger. In Chad, the French kuffar decided
Group is said to be ready to step in soon in
to orchestrate a coup directly in order to pre-
both countries, although this will not bring
vent to be dislodged one more time, and thus
any change in the battlefield against the
empowered the incumbent military dictator-
mujahidin and will further strengthen the
ship, whose lifeline rests on the thousands of
drive of local Muslims toward the Islamic
French soldiers stationing in the country. For
Khilafah, exactly as it has already happened in
the same reason, France tightened its ties to
Mali and Burkina Faso.
the murtadd Nigerien army, which imposed
its authority on the puppets of the civilian As the usual script goes on everywhere in the
government. Sahil Wilayah, the Taghuti regimes, disguised
in either civilian or military clothing, keep on
Jihad-wise, however, the French combo with
wronging themselves if they believe that even-
the Chadian and Nigerien murtaddin armies
tually the kuffar will succeed in rescuing them.
proved to be a gigantic fiasco, as the mujahidin
If only they could see the actual reality unfold-
inflicted upon them a severe retribution, with
ing before their eyes, presidents and colonels
daily casualties, wounded, and destruction.
would lay down weapons immediately and
Sources among the Islamic soldiers on the transfer power peacefully to the mujahidin,
ground referred about the disappointment of becoming humble and happy citizens of the
the Chadian and Nigerien military echelons at Islamic Khilafah at the service of the will of
the underperformance and unprofessionalism Allah Ta’ala. e Almighty Himself knows


very well the true nature of these shayatin, as one” [Sunan Ibn Majah, 4116]. However,
perfectly described in the Holy Qur’an. Muslims in Africa yearn for salvation and want
the Islamic Khilafah to sound the Word of
{I will turn away from My signs those who are
Allah across the Saheli and all the Wilayat of
arrogant on earth unjustly. Even if they saw
the continent. is goal is closer to be achieved
every sign, they would not believe in it, and
than it may seem, if the mujahidin continue to
even if they saw the path of righteousness,
apply in combat the Islamic formula for suc-
they would not take it. If they saw the path of
cess, “a Book that guides and a sword that
perdition, they would choose it as their own.
helps,” and obey to the most sacred Quranic
at is because they deny Our signs and have
commandment: {Hold fast to the rope of
been heedless of them} [al-A’rāf, 7:146].
Allah all together, and do not be divided}
Along these lines, our beloved Prophet Muham- [Āal-i-'Imrān, 3:103]. May the Almighty grant
mad ‫ ﷺ‬told us about “the people of Hell”, being them to remain united as a single Ummah and
a “every harsh, haughty, and arrogant to stay always true to the Jihad fi Sabilillah.

The Zionist Plague

ِ ْ َ ‫ﺑﻦ‬
‫ﻋﺒﺪ‬ ُ ِ َ ِ َ‫ﺧﱪ‬
ُ ْ ‫ﺳﺎﻟﻢ‬ َ ْ َ‫ﻗﺎَل أ‬ َ ،‫ﺮي‬
‫اﻟﺰﻫ ِ ﱢ‬
ْ ‫ﻋﻦ ﱡ‬ َ ْ َ‫ أ‬،‫َﺎﻓﻊ‬
ٌ ْ َ ُ ‫ﺧﱪ َﻧَﺎ‬
ِ َ ،‫ﺷﻌﻴﺐ‬ ٍ ِ ‫ﺑﻦ ﻧ‬
ُ ْ ‫َﻢ‬
ُ ‫اﻟﺤﻜ‬ ََ ‫َ ﱠ‬
َ ْ ‫ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ‬
‫رﺳﻮَل اﻟﻠ ِﱠﻪ ﺻﲆ اﻟﻠﻪ‬ ُ َ ‫ﺖ‬ ُ ‫ﺳﻤﻌ‬ْ ِ َ ‫ﻗﺎَل‬ َ ‫ﻋﻤﺮ ـ رﴇ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻬ ـ‬ َ َ ُ ‫ﺑﻦ‬
َ ْ ‫اﻟﻠﻪ‬ َ ْ َ ‫ أَﱠن‬،‫اﻟﻠﻪ‬
ِ ‫ﻋﺒﺪ ﱠ‬ ِ‫ﱠ‬
‫ﻬﻢ ُ ﱠ‬
ُ َ َ ‫ﺛﻢ ﻳَُﻘﻮُل اﻟ‬
‫ْﺤﺠﺮ َﻳﺎ‬ ْ ِ ‫ﱠﻄﻮَن َﻋﻠ َْﻴ‬ُ ‫ﻓﺘﺴﻠ‬َ ُ َ ‫ْﻴﻬﻮد‬
ُ ُ َ ‫ُﻢ اﻟ‬ ِ َ ُ‫ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ ﻳَُﻘﻮُل " ﺗ‬
ُ ‫ﻘﺎﺗﻠُﻜ‬
ُ ْ َ ِ ‫ورا‬
." ‫ﻓﺎﻗﺘﻠ ُْﻪ‬ ‫ﻫﺬا َ ُ ِ ﱞ‬
َ َ ‫ﻳﻬﻮدي‬ ُ ِ ْ ُ
َ َ ،‫ﻣﺴﻠﻢ‬

Narrated `Abdullah bin `Umar: I heard Allah's Messenger (‫)ﷺ‬

saying, "e Jews will fight with you, and you will be given
victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! ere is a
Jew behind me; kill him!' "[Sahih al-Bukhari: 3593]

Since the Balfour Declaration of 1917 by the us, and while the murtadd so-called Muslim
British giving the Jews a National home in nations and leaders sit back and condemn the
Palestine, it has become the catalyst of Zionists actions and the Ummah calls for
NAKBA, the ethnic cleansing of Palestine dialogue, what really is needed is a full and
since 1948, and the Arab world has idly sat complete invasion into Tel-Aviv by the
back and has watched as spectators while Is- mujahidin and supporting forces, to dethrone
lam's 3rd holiest sight is being snatched from the leadership, to slay the dragon per say.

The Zionist Plague

ere has been weak leadership in Palestine, Ÿ Present day cease fires or cease on build-
complete fools and the so-called Islamic fight- ing new settlements, all have been broken
ing groups who fight for nationalism and are within 48hrs.
funded by Iran, and they do nothing other than
Ÿ e continued push for illegal settle-
filling their bellies and making videos of their
ments despite world outrage.
groups being dressed up in the best of military
gear and vowing to rain down fire upon the Ÿ e continued demolition of Muslim
Zionists heads, and such videos are aimed at homes
nothing but making good ratings; all talk no
How the so-called Arab League be so moronic
action, but it is time for action!!! Not video
in not seeing the grand plan of the Zionists
production and drama Believe it or not the
and their long term goals, it was by no mistake
Zionists are getting stronger and need to be
that the Zionists, with the aid of US, ap-
stopped!!! e latest Abraham Accords is
proached certain, not all Arab nations; this
another Zionist inspired take over in the guise
was to fulfill the long term goal of the Zionist
of intra-religion faith and improving relations
plan, some may say its just Palestine, this
and peace.
couldn't be further from the truth. If you
If history has taught us anything about the Jews, look at the YINON PLAN, it outlines the
they cant keep to their word or agreements, long term goals of the Zionist filth, they are
even from the time of the Prophet g, they were dealing with other Arab nations in the same
the ones backstabbing, and in present day we way they dealt with Palestine; so there is no
can recap just a few of the broken promise in point of making mistake, if it worked once it
the last 6 months let alone the last 20 years!! will work again.

The Zionist Plague

A brief outline of the YINON PLAN e reader can do more research on the topic,
is as follows: but it becomes very clear they are looking at
the whole picture, piece by piece to eliminate
In order to help the reader to understand the
Islam, wars are sometimes fought without
hidden facet of turmoil in the Middle East
weapons given the saying “the pen is mightier
and the Muslim world, yet an other Zionist
than the sword” . ese treaties being signed
Plan for the establishment of greater Israel by
by the nations are just another Trojan horse,
dividing the Middle East known as "Oded
the treaties are well thought out by the Jews for
Yinon Plan", is to be kept in view. e
their benefit, not ours.With long term goals of
document being reproduced here pertaining
the Zionist movement and the complacency
to the formation of "Greater Israel" consti-
of the Taghuti rulers, it has become apparent
tutes the cornerstone of powerful Zionist
that the jihad in Palestine needs to be taken
political parties, as well as within the Israeli
over by the mujahidin bearing that black flag
military and intelligence establishment. Ac-
of Tawheed, to fight for Allah Subhana wa
cording to the founding father of Zionism
Ta'ala to implement Shari'ah once again in
eodore Herzl, "the area of the Jewish State
this land.
stretches from the Brook of Egypt to the Eu-
phrates." According to Rabbi Fischmann, If we look at the strategy and how much land
"the Promised Land extends from the River of was taken in Syria and Iraq and overlap it to
Egypt up to the Euphrates, including parts of Tel Aviv, we find the Zionist campaign in
Syria and Lebanon.” Palestine nothing more than a remotely fought

The Zionist Plague

battle by comfort loving cowards. e Zionist always will be about ISLAM, not FREE PAL-
army and police have no adequate ground ESTINE.
fighting skills in urban warfare, and air warfare
e true mujahidin don't care about suits,
is their stronghold along with their Iron
photo-shoots with kafir politicians or any treaty
Dome, but in any real ground attack, they which doesn't benefit the Muslims first, the
would surely be defeated bi'idhnillah. Now leaders of the groups in these areas are self
thebfair share of obligatory jihad done by the soothing, only concerned about the filling of
Inghimasi knights of the Islamic State in Pales- their pockets, and they produce nothing!!!! ey
tine can't be denied. So, this jihad be turned lost in the 6 day battle. Its time for real war, its
over to those who can do the job!!! Not to time to start strategically picking targets of the
those who fight for flags or have democratic Zio-Crusadarist governments one by one to
values in their mandate just as Hamas and weaken them, this is more aligned with today's
other puppet groups like them, this is and warfare instead of shock and awe campaigns.

‫ﺳﻌﻴﺪ ـ رﴇ‬ ٍ ِ َ ِ َ‫ﻋﻦ أ‬ ْ َ ،‫ﻋﻦ َﺟﺎِﺑٍﺮ‬ْ َ ،‫ﻋﻤٍﺮو‬ ْ َ ‫ﻋﻦ‬

ْ َ ،‫ﻔﻴﺎُن‬َْ ‫ﺳ‬
ُ ‫ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ‬ ٍ ِ َ ‫ﺑﻦ‬
َ َ ‫ َ ﱠ‬،‫ﺳﻌﻴﺪ‬ ُ َ ْ َ ُ ‫ﺣﺪﺛﻨﺎ‬
ُ ْ ‫ﻗﺘﻴﺒﺔ‬ ََ ‫َ ﱠ‬
‫س ز ََﻣﺎٌن‬ِ ‫اﻟﻨﺎ‬
‫ﲆ ﱠ‬ َ ‫ﻗﺎَل " َﻳﺄ ْ ِ َﻋ‬ َ ‫ﺒﻲ ﺻﲆ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬ ‫اﻟﻨ ِ ﱢ‬
‫ﻋﻦ ﱠ‬ ِ َ ‫اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ ـ‬
.‫ﻢ‬ َ َ ‫اﻟﺮﺳﻮل ﺻﲆ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬
ْ ‫ﻓﻴُﻘﻮﻟُﻮَن ﻧ ََﻌ‬ َ ُ ‫ﺻﺤﺐ ﱠ‬ َ ِ َ ‫ﻣﻦ‬ ْ َ ‫ُﻢ‬ ْ ‫ﻓﻴﻜ‬ ِ ‫ﻓﻴﻘﺎل‬
ُ َ ُ َ ،‫ﻐﺰوَن‬ ُ ْ َ‫ﻳ‬
‫اﻟﺮﺳﻮَل‬ُ ‫ﺻﺤﺐ ﱠ‬ َ ِ َ ‫ﻣﻦ‬ْ َ ‫ﺻﺤﺐ‬ َ ِ َ ‫ﻣﻦ‬ ْ َ ‫ُﻢ‬ْ ‫ﻓﻴﻜ‬ ِ ‫ﻫْﻞ‬ َ ‫َﻬﻢ‬ ُ َ ‫ﻐﺰوَن‬
ْ ُ ‫ﻓﻴَﻘﺎُل ﻟ‬ ‫ ُ ﱠ‬،‫ﻬﻢ‬
ُ ْ َ‫ﺛﻢ ﻳ‬ َُْ َُ
ْ َ َ ‫ﻓﻴﻔﺘﺢ‬
ْ ِ ‫ﻋﻠﻴ‬
ْ ُ ‫ﻔﺘﺢ ﻟ‬
." ‫َﻬﻢ‬ ُ َ .‫ﻢ‬
ُ َ ْ ‫ﻓﻴ‬ ُ ُ َ َ ‫ﺻﲆ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ‬
ْ ‫ﻓﻴﻘﻮﻟﻮَن ﻧ ََﻌ‬

Narrated Abu Sa`id al-Khudri: e Prophet g said, "A time

will come when the people will wage holy war, and it will be
asked, 'Is there any amongst you who has enjoyed the company
of Allah's Messenger g?' ey will say: 'Yes.' And then victory
will be bestowed upon them. ey will wage holy war again, and
it will be asked: 'Is there any among you who has enjoyed the
company of the Companions of Allah's Messenger g ?' ey
will say: 'Yes.' And then victory will be bestowed on

The Zionist Plague

In closing my dear Brothers, there has never and grown men running around like chickens
been a time in Islamic history where there has in a cage out of fear of getting hurt or death,
been so many attacks on Islam, it has become but there is those upon Haqq who run towards
the battle, upholding the Black banner of
the norm to kill Muslims, while boot-licking
Tawheed We cannot let the Zionists to ex-
Muslims around the world cry to the UN and
pand any-further, this is in line with the true
other nations for help, we cry to Allah
teachings and actions our beloved Prophet g,
Subhana wa Ta'ala to aid us and give us victory and for those who deny, Islam was spread with
and take to the battlefield, while we see the the sword, I ask Allah the Exalted to open your
Zionist police using stun grenades at al-Aqsa eyes and join the ranks to fight them!!!!!

َ ِ ‫ﺷﺪ‬
‫ﻣﻦ‬ ُ َ ْ ِ ‫ُﻢ ۚ◌ َوٱﻟ‬
‫ْﻔﺘﻨﺔ َأ َ ﱡ‬ ُ َ ْ َ‫ﺣﻴﺚ أ‬
ْ ‫ﺧﺮﺟﻮﻛ‬ ُ ْ َ ‫ﻣﻦ‬ ْ ‫ِﺟﻮﻫﻢ ﱢ‬ ُ ُ ‫ﻔﺘﻤﻮﻫﻢ َوأَْﺧﺮ‬ ِ َ ‫ﺣﻴﺚ‬
ْ ُ ُ ُ ْ ‫ﺛﻘ‬ ُ ْ َ ‫ُﻮﻫﻢ‬ ُْ َ
ْ ُ ‫وٱﻗﺘﻠ‬
‫ُﻢ‬ ِ َ ◌ۖ ‫ﻓﻴﻪ‬
َ ٰ َ ‫ﻓﺈن‬
ْ ‫ﻗـﺘﻠُﻮﻛ‬ ِ ِ ‫ُﻢ‬ ُ ِ ٰ َ ُ ‫ﺣﺘﻰ‬
ْ ‫ﻳﻘـﺘﻠﻮﻛ‬ ٰ ‫ٱﻟﺤﺮام َ ﱠ‬ِ َ َ ْ ‫ﺠﺪ‬ ِ ِ ‫ٱﻟﻤﺴ‬ َ ِ ‫ُﻘـﺘﻠﻮﻫﻢ‬
ْ َ ْ ‫ﻋﻨﺪ‬ َ َ ◌ۚ ‫ٱﻟﻘﺘﻞ‬
ْ ُ ُ ِ ٰ َ ‫وﻻ ﺗ‬ ِ َْ ْ
١٩١ ‫ﺮﻳﻦ‬َ ِ ‫َـﻔ‬ َ ِ َٰ ‫ُﻮﻫﻢ ۗ◌ ﻛ‬
ِ ٰ ‫َﺬﻟﻚ َﺟﺰَا ُٓء ٱﻟْﻜ‬ ُْ َ
ْ ُ ‫ﻓﭑﻗﺘﻠ‬

{Kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from
where they drove you out, as Fitnah (to create disorder) is more
severe than killing. However, do not fight them near Al-Masjid-
ul-Harām (the Sacred Mosque in Makkah) unless they fight you
there. However, if they fight you (there) you may kill them. Such
is the reward of the disbelievers} [Surah al-Baqarah: 191]

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

All perfect praise be to Allah, e Lord banished him to Median. After Alī’s
of the Worlds. I testify that there is assassination ibn Saba' is said to have
none worthy of worship except Allah, taught that Alī was not dead but alive,
and that Muhammad sallāllāhu alayhī and had never been killed; that a part
wasālām is His slave and Messenger. of the Deity was hidden in him (we
seek refuge in Allah from this); and
e Rafidite religion was founded by
that after a certain time he would re-
the accursed 'Abdullah ibn Saba' also turn to fill the earth with justice. Till
known as Ibn as-Sawda [e Black then the divine character of Alī was to
One]. He was a Jew of Yemen, Arabia, remain hidden in the imāms, who
of the seventh century, who settled in temporarily filled his place.
Medina and embraced Islam. Having
adversely criticised Khalifah Uthmān’s *Statements from Ahl al-Sunnah on
administration, he was banished from Abdullāh bin Saba*
the town. en he went to Egypt, At-Tabarī (d.310 AH) said, “Ibn Saba
where he founded an anti-Uthmānian was a Jew from Sana, Yemen.” [at-
sect, to promote the interests of Alī h. Tabarī, Abū Ja’far Muhammad ibn
On account of his learning, he ob- Jarīr. TāSaba’ ar-Rusūl wa al-Mulūk.
tained great influence there, and Beirut, Lebanon: Dār Şādir (1965-
formulated the doctrine that, just as 1967) vol.4, pp.340]
every prophet had an assistant who
Ibn Asākīr (d.255 AH) said, “His
afterward succeeded him, Muham-
origin is from the people of Yemen and
mad’s vizier was Alī, who had therefore
he was a Jew who dressed in Islam.”
been kept out of the Khilafah by de-
[Ibn Asākir, Alī ibn al-Hasan, Tārīkh
ceit. Tradition relates that when Alī
Madīna-Damishq. Beirut, Lebanon.
had assumed power, Abdullāh bin
Dār al Fikr (1987) vol.29, p.408]
Saba ascribed divine honours to him
by addressing him with the words, Ibn al-Athīr said, “‘Abdullāh bin Saba
“ou art ou!” ereupon Alī was a Jew from the people of Sana,

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

Yemen and his mother was black.” Abdullāh bin Saba; for he manifested
[Ibn al-Athīr, Abū al-Hasan Alī Izz al- Islam and while he hid his Judaism and
Dīn, al-Kāmil fī al-Tārīkh. Beirut, he sought to cause corruption in Islam
Lebanon Dar Şādir – (1965-1967) just like Paul the Christian, who was a
vol.3 p.77] Jew, caused corruption in the religion of
the Christians.” [Ibn Taymiyah, Taqī al-
at-Tabarī, Abū Ja’far Muhammad ibn
Dīn Abū al-Abbās, Majmū’ al-Fatāwà.
Jarīr (d. 310 AH) said, “‘Abdullāh bin
Riyadh, KSA: Markaz al-Turāth lil-
Saba embarked upon [the Compan-
Barmajīyāt (2012) vol. 28 pp.483]
ion] Abū Dardāh who said to him,
“Who are you? By Allāh, I suspected Ibn al-Izz al-Hanafī (d. 731 AH) said,
you to be a Jew.” [al-Tabarī, Abū Ja’far “e foundations of Rafidah began
Muhammad ibn Jarīr, Tārīkh al-Rusūl from a heretic and hypocrite who in-
wa al-Mulūk. Beirut, Lebanon: Dār tended to bring falsehood into Islam
Şādir (1965-1967) vol.4, pp.456] and to bring insult to the Messenger g
as the scholars have mentioned. When
Ibn Kathīr (d.729 AH) said, “…and
Abdullah bin Saba manifested Islam, he
from them was Ibn as-Sawdá [the
sought to cause corruption in the reli-
black one] and he was from those
gion of Islam by plotting and vileness
disbelievers who had a covenant with
just as what Paul did with the Chris-
the muslims, so he appeared as a mus-
tians' religion. First he manifested piety
lim and introduced statements and
and then manifested enjoining the
actions of innovations. May Allāh
good and forbidding the evil, until he
destroy him.” [Ibn Kathīr, Ismāīl ibn
was involved in the chaos during the
Umar, al-Bidāyah wa an-Nihāyah.
reign of Uthmān h and his killing.
Beirut, Lebanon: Maktabat al-Ma’ārif
(1966) vol. 7 pp.181]Ibn Taymiyah en when he entered Kūfa he mani-
(d. 728 AH) said, “And the people of fested extremism for Alī h and sup-
knowledge have mentioned that the porting him to gain from it necessities
head of the Rāfīdah is from the Heretic and this was made clear to Alī so

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

he sought his killing and fought him to Abdullāh ibn Wahb al-Rāsibī al-
qarqīs and the narrations of that are Hamadānī… He was the first to
known in History.” us from this openly slander Abū Bakr, Umar,
man whom the people of sunnah have Uthmān and the companions.” [al-
criticized; and from this group stem- Qūmī, Sa’d ibn Abdullah, al-Muqālat
med the Rawāfi Shīa. [Ibn al-Izz, Alī wa al-Firq. Tehran, Iran: Dār al-
ibn Alī, Shar’ al-Tahāwīyah fī al- Ma’rifah, (1963) pp.20]
Aqīdah as-Salafīyah. Damascus, Syria:
al-Maktab al-Islāmī (1984) pp.490] Al-Māmaqānī (d. 310 AH) said,
“Abdullāh bin Saba’ is the one who
Abd al-Qāhir al-Baghdādī said, “and returned to disbelief and showed signs
Ibn al-Sawdá – meaning Abdullāh bin of extremism. He was an accursed
Saba’, was a Jew.” [al-Baghdādī, Abd- extremist who was burnt with the fire
al-Qāhir Ibn-Şāhir, al-Farq Baynā al- by Alī ibn Abī Tālib. It was he who
Firaq. Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al- used to claim that Alī was Allāh and he
Ma’rifah, 1977) pp.235] was a Prophet.” [Tanqīh al-Maqāl fi
*Statements of the People of the Shī’a Ilm al-Rijīl 2/183,184]
on Abdullah bin Saba’:* e efforts of Ibn Saba’ against the
An-Nawbakhtī (d. 300 AH) said, Khilafah of Sayyidina Uthman h
“Some of the people of knowledge One of the schemes which Ibn Saba’
from the companions of Alī h nar- adopted was that through his agents in
rated that Abdullah bin Saba’ was a Madinah he sent false correspon-
Jew who embraced Islam.” [al-
dences, in Sayyidina ‘Ali’s name, to his
Nawbakhtī, Hasan ibn Mūsá, Firqa al-
followers in Basrah, Kufah and Egypt.
Shī’ah. Beirut, Lebanon: Dār al-
In doing this, he portrayed himself to
Ma’rifah, (1977) pp.22]
be a trusted confidant of Sayyidina ‘Ali
Al-Qūmī (d. 301 AH) said, “He is h, which made him even more suc-
Abdullah bin Saba’, whose names was cessful in achieving his aims. He was

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

willing to perpetrate the most shame- A very amusing story is well-known to

ful of acts in order to achieve his objec- people. Youngsters love to hear it and
tive. One should not begin to doubt believe every word of it is true, because
the intentions of Sayyidina ‘Ali h, as of it appearing in a Farsi book. en
he was completely unaware of what again which true story has had more
was transpiring in his name and his appeal than a fairy-tale. One day a
noble rank is far above such devious man was walking, with a lamb under
actions. his arm. ree youngsters saw him
with the lamb and their mouths began
Propaganda is like black magic. A
person well versed with the politics of watering with the thought of the Ke-
the west has said that invent a tale, babs they could make from the lamb.
present it as the truth and continue However, they had no way of purchas-
repeating it. At first you will be the ing the lamb. (ere is a saying that
only one talking about it, then others necessity is the creator of ideas.) An
will quote you and after a few days it idea came to them that each of them
will be accepted as an actual event. should stand at different places and
One can see for himself, how a fabri- when the man passes they should say
cated story is slowly accepted as reality. to him in a serious voice that the lamb
is a dog. When the man passed the first
For decades now, the Hindus have boy, he said: “Good day! How are you?
been teaching such books of history Why are you carrying that dog under
which assert that Aurangzeb and the
your arm?” e man gazed at him
other Mughal emperors were oppres-
angrily and the boy immediately
sive and racist, merely to create ani-
apologised for offending him.
mosity towards the Muslims, whereas
this is a false accusation but the propa- e man continued walking and after
ganda continues and it is working. some time passed the second boy who
Animosity towards the Muslims con- said to him: “Good day! How are you?
tinues to increase. Why are you carrying that dog under

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

your arm?” e man ignored the boy Saba’ were present in all these cities
and continued walking but began to and were constantly at work in this
have doubts. After a little while he regard. is propaganda began to take
passed the third boy, who said to him: effect in the minds of people.
“Good day! How are you? Why in the
When these letters reached the people
world are you carrying that dog under
of Madinah, they would urge Say-
your arm?” is time the man was
yidina ‘Uthman h to dismiss these
convinced that it must be a dog and
governors. Sayyidina ‘Uthman h
threw the lamb down. You might call
would investigate the matter and dis-
the man foolish but you will have to cover that the allegations had no basis.
admit that the lamb was perceived to ere was no oppression taking place
be a dog because of the words of these anywhere in these provinces but each
three boys. is was the purpose and province was under the impression
this is the very principle of propa- that oppression was occurring in the
ganda. other provinces and Sayyidina ‘Uth-
‘Abdullah ibn Saba’s propaganda was man h was supporting the actions of
simple yet effective. e gist of it was his governors, not meeting out any
to use the complaints about the vari- punishment nor dismissing them,
ous governors as a means of creating thus condoning this oppression. is
was the deep effects of the Ibn Saba’s
unrest in all the provinces. e people
of Kufah, Basrah, and Egypt sent let-
ters of complaints regarding the gover- When Sayyidina ‘Uthman h learnt of
nors to the people of Madinah. e the allegations against his governors,
people of Basrah wrote to the people of he sent reliable and respected individ-
Kufah and Egypt and the people of uals to all of the provinces to investi-
Egypt wrote to the people of Kufah gate the reality of these allegations.
and Basrah, and Kufah to the people of ey found that the allegations had no
Basrah and Egypt. e agents of Ibn basis and nowhere in the Islamic State

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

were the people being oppressed. How- ‘were actually munafiqin, knew this
ever, there seemed to be rising unrest hidden secret.
in all of the provinces, with people
Abdullah ibn Saba’ had convinced the
voicing their disapproval openly, de-
people to either depose or kill
faming Sayyidina ‘Uthman h and his
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h but they still
governors. e situation had gotten so
disagreed as to who they would ap-
grave that people had begun calling for
point as the next Khalifah. e three
the deposition of the Khalifah. When
individuals looked upon as most likely
those who had been sent to investigate
to assume the post of Khalifah after
the allegations returned and informed
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h were Sayyidina
the people of Madinah that the allega-
‘Ali h, Sayyidina Zubair h and
tions were false, they were contented.
Sayyidina Talhah h.
e agents of ‘Abdullah ibn Saba’ had
e agents of Ibn Saba’ who resided in
created great resentment to the
Madinah wrote false letters in the
Khilafah of Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya
names of Sayyidina ‘Ali h, Sayyidina
Llahu ‘anhu throughout the lands of
Zubair h, and Sayyidina Talhah h as
Islam, such that many Arabs too were
well as the Ummuhat al Mu’minin, to
caught in this web. Some senior people
those people who held them in esteem
too were swept away in the torrents of
in the provinces of Kufah, Basrah and
this mischief. ese seniors were
human after all and Ibn Saba’ insti-
gated them and they were easily insti- e contents of the letter basically
gated. e propaganda of love for stated that Sayyidina ‘Uthman h is
Sayyidina ‘Ali h and for the Ahlul no longer worthy of the post of
Bayt was having its effects but its Khalifah and it is essential for the suc-
actual purpose continued to remain cess of the Muslims that they act in this
hidden. Only a few select Jews, who month of Dhu al Hijjah to rectify the
portrayed themselves as Muslims but situation. e letters that had been

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

sent in the names of these illustrious Khalifah. ey even sought the
Sahabah had worked according to assistance of Sayyidina ‘Ali h in this
plan and armies numbering a thou- regard but Sayyidina ‘Ali angrily re-
sand each made their way towards torted: “How can I assist you in such a
Madinah under the pretext of Hajj. thing.” ey replied: “en why did
However, their actual intention was you write to us for assistance?” When
war and bloodshed, and with this in Sayyidina ‘Ali h replied that he never
mind they all reached at the same time wrote to them, they were astonished
and camped at various places outside and stared at each other in doubt as it
Madinah. was upon these false letters that they
had set out in the first place. ey
However, on the third of Dhu al surrounded the house of Sayyidina
Hijjah, all three rebel groups entered ‘Uthman h for over a month and
Madinah, chanting the takbir, and even shut off the water supply to his
surrounded the house of Sayyidina house. e letter which the rebels
‘Uthman h. intercepted has been said to be the
When they were asked why they had handiwork of Marwan and Sayyidina
returned after leaving? ey replied: ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu had abso-
lutely no knowledge of it. In order to
“e Khalifah sent another letter with
remove the doubts of the rebels, he
his slave to his governor- ‘Abdullah ibn
even asserted that he was ready to take
Sa‘d, which we intercepted. e letter
an oath that he had no knowledge of
contained instructions to kill us as
the letter but still they refused to listen.
soon as we return. Here is the letter.”
Sayyidina ‘Ali h was astonished and e Quraysh and Ansar were fully
enquired: “How is this possible? is is aware of the piety and good intentions
most definitely a scheme which you of Sayyidina ‘Uthman h and sided
have devised.” ey replied that with him in trying to defuse the situa-
whatever it might be, now they will tion but the alleged actions of Marwan
not return until they have killed the did not allow this to happen. e

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

people of Madinah were also angry at house of Sayyidina ‘Uthman h.

Marwan but they bared no hatred for
Where was the creator of this turmoil
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h. is is why the
at that time? One will not have to
people of Madinah along with the
travel far to find him. Ibn Saba’ was
rebels demanded that Marwan be
with the rebels in Madinah spurring
handed over to them but Sayyidina
‘Uthman h did not consent to this as them on to murder Sayyidina ‘Uth-
he feared that the rebels would kill manh.
Marwan and he did not want to be the Sayyidina ‘Uthman h did not desire
cause of his death. bloodshed, to the extent that he even
When fear arose that the rebels might addressed those who had set out to
break into the home of Sayyidina murder him in a calm manner and did
‘Uthman h and kill him, Sayyidina not fight against them. He would say:
‘Ali h sent both his sons- Sayyidina “Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa
Hassan h and Sayyidina Hussain h sallam took a vow from me and I in-
to guard the house of Sayyidina tend to fulfil that vow.
‘Uthman h. Sayyidina Talhah h and None will confront the rebels and
Sayyidina Zubair h also ordered their
none will fight them.” Ahadith relat-
sons to do the same. e sons of these
ing to the martyrdom of Sayyidina
illustrious Sahabah continued to de-
‘Uthman h: One day Rasulullah g
fend the home of Sayyidina ‘Uthman
said: “e time of fitnah (turmoil) is
close.” And then gesturing to
e rebels became impatient and Sayyidina ‘Uthman h he said: “On
feared that if they delay in this matter that day this man will be on the right
then armies are likely to be sent by the path and on that day this oppressed
governors to aid the Khalifah. ere- one will be martyred.” Rasulullah g
fore, they entered the adjacent house referred to this fitnah as the great
and through it gained entry into the turmoil and when one studies the

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

repercussions of this then one has to except from the well of Rumah.
conclude that it was a great turmoil Rasulullah g then asked if there was
indeed. is created great division anybody who would purchase the well
amongst the Muslims and divided and donate it for the general use of all
them into many sects. Muslims. is well belonged to a Jew,
who use to sell its water at an exorbi-
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h addresses the
tant price. I purchased this well and
donated it. Do you not know this?
One day while the rebels had Today you deny me the water of this
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h surrounded, he very well.”
came out and addressed them: “One
All the rebels replied that they were
day Rasulullah g set out to the well of
aware of this, but still their hearts did
abir and Sayyidina Abu Bakr h,
not soften.
Sayyidina ‘Umar h and myself ac-
companied him. On route the moun- Sayyidina ‘Uthman h then said to
tain began to tremble, such that rocks them: “I ask that person who was pres-
began to fall and Rasulullah g ent on the occasion of Bay’ah ar-
stamped his foot upon it and said: Ridwan, did not Rasulullah g say
“Calm down! For there is no one upon that his hand represents my hand?” A
you but a Nabi, a Siddiq and two mar- few of those present replied that this is
tyrs.” e rebels testified to this and indeed true.
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h exclaimed:
is final statement had some effect
“Allah Akbar! I take an oath by the
on the rebels and the majority of them
Rabb of the Ka‘bah, they have testified
began saying that they should leave
to the truth of my martyrdom.”
Sayyidina ‘Uthman h alone. How-
He also said to them: “When ever, Malik al Ashtar leaped forward
Rasulullah g first came to Madinah and told the people not to be fooled.
there was no sweet water available He continued to exhort them until

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

finally they turned against Sayyidina Sayyidina ‘Uthman h pleaded with

‘Uthman h again. Even today the Sayyidina Hassan h to return to his
Shia regard Malik al Ashtar as one of father but he refused and continued to
their greatest supporters and well- fight the rebels.
Martyrdom of Sayyidina ‘Uthman h
Sayyidina ‘Ali h had left Madinah,
A few rebels later gained entry into the
and Sayyidina Talhah h, Sayyidina
house. It has been said that they were
Zubair h as well as other Sahabah
from the Egyptian rebels. One of them
remained in their homes, to safeguard
attempted to strike Sayyidina ‘Uth-
themselves from getting involved in
man h with his sword but Sayyidina
this fitnah. Sayyidina Ibn ‘Abbas h
‘Uthman’s h wife- Na’ilah i reached
fought the rebels back from Sayyidina
out for the sword and as a result two of
‘Uthman’s h door but Sayyidina her fingers were cut off. is wretched
‘Uthman h bade him not to do so individual struck for the second time
and instead appointed him the leader and martyred Sayyidina ‘Uthman h.
of hajj and set him off to Makkah. Sayyidina ‘Uthman h was reciting
Sayyidina Hassan ibn ‘Ali h, Qur’an at that time and his blood fell
Sayyidina ‘Abdullah ibn Zubair h, onto the Qu’ran. A second rebel leaped
Sayyidina Muhammad ibn Talhah h forward and stabbed Sayyidina
and Sayyidina Sa‘id ibn al ‘As h ‘Uthman h nine times with his spear.
fought the rebels and drove them back. A third rebel beat Sayyidina ‘Uthman
However, Sayyidina ‘Uthman h h so savagely that many of his ribs
made each of them vow that they will were broken. e rebels then looted
not fight and called them into his the house of Sayyidina h. Sayyidina
house. e rebels then set fire to the ‘Uthman h was martyred on Friday
door of Sayyidina ‘Uthman’s house 18 Dhu al Hijjah 35 A.H. It was the
and gained entry into the house but habit of Sayyidina ‘Uthman h that he
they fought them and drove them out. would fast regularly, besides those days

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

on which it is prohibited to fast. He awoke he said: “Had I not been afraid

was fasting on this day as well and in that people would say that ‘Uthman
this very condition he was martyred. desired this fitnah, I would have
His body remained untouched in his informed you of something.” ey
house for three days and then only was enquired: “Inform us, we will not say
he finally buried in Jannat al Baqi. what others will say.” Sayyidina
‘Uthman h then went on to say: “I
To Allah do we belong and unto Him
just dreamt of Rasulullah g and he
shall we return
said to me: “O ‘Uthman! You will
O Ibn Saba’! May your soul be shat- come to us on this Friday.”Na’ilah i–
tered! You murdered such an esteemed the wife of Sayyidina ‘h, narrates that
Sahabi, who shared the same grandfa- after he awoke he said to her, “Today
ther as Rasulullah g, whose foster my people will murder me.” She re-
mother was the same as Rasulullah g, plied: “Allah Willing! ey will not do
and who was called Dhu al Nurayn so.” He then stated: “No! ey will, I
(Possessor of two lights) because he just saw Rasulullah g in a dream,
had the good fortune of having mar- accompanied by Abu Bakr h and
ried two of Rasulullah’s g daughters. ‘Umar h, and he said to me: “O
is is an honour which no other had ‘Uthman! Today you will break your
been bestowed with. After both his fast with us.” Sayyidina ‘Uthman h
daughters had passed away, Rasulullah was then martyred on that very same
g said: “If I had another daughter day while fasting.
then I would have given her in mar-
e Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama'ah
riage also to ‘Uthman h.”
(People of the Prophetic tradition and
Imam Ahmed r has reported a narra- Community) prefer not to talk about
tion from Kathir ibn Silt that on the the events that transpired between the
day that Sayyidina ‘Uthman h was Companions of the Prophet. ey do
martyred, he slept for a while. After he not criticize any of them because they

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

believe that all of them were seeking killed a man of whom the Prophet
the truth. us, those who were right said: "Shouldn't I be shy of a man
got two rewards while those who were before whom even the angels are
wrong got only one reward. ashamed?" and while 'Uthmaan is
murdered and is still lying on the
However, since history books are full
ground and has not yet been buried.'
of incorrect and false information that
At this, they left until after the
degrade these honored Companions
burial.ey came to me again and
and describe what happened between
asked me to accept their allegiance. I
them as a personal and worldly con-
said, 'O Allaah! Indeed I am anxious
flict, we find it necessary to give an
and afraid of what I am about to un-
accurate account with sound informa-
dertake. en a group came and
tion about the Battle of the Camel and
pledged allegiance. When they said,
what pushed the noble Companions
'O Leader of the Believers!' it was as if
to fight internally.
my heart was stricken. en I said, 'O
First, allegiance was pledged to 'Ali Allaah! Take from me and give to
just after the murder of 'Uthmaan . 'Uthmaan until you are pleased". [Nar-
'Ali did not like to be the successor of rated by Al-Haakim, who said it was
'Uthmaan . us, he refused this sound and that it fits the conditions of
responsibility, but he was pressured soundness set by Al-Bukhari and Mus-
and urged by the Companions to lim, seconded by ath-ahabi]
accept it. He said,
'Ali was not able to carry out retribu-
I nearly lost my senses when I heard of tive punishment against those who
the murder of 'Uthmaan and I denied killed 'Uthmaan because he did not
myself. When they came to me to know exactly who they were. Another
pledge allegiance, I said, 'By Allaah! I reason is that the Khawaarij (Dissent-
feel ashamed in front of Allaah to ac- ers) were intermixed in his army. ey
cept the allegiance of people who were numerous, fierce, and ready to

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

fight. Some narrations say that their night, she heard some dogs barking.
number reached 2000 men and some She asked, 'Which water is this?' ey
of them left Madinah for other places replied, 'e water of Hawab'. She
just after 'Ali was appointed as said, 'I think I had better return, the
Khalifah. Prophet g said to us once: "How will
one of you be when the dogs of Hawab
Many Companions were outside
will be barking at her?" Az-Zubayr
Madinah at that time, among them
thereupon said to her, 'How can you
the wives (Mothers of the Believers) of
return! Perhaps Allaah might make
the Prophet g as everybody was busy
people reach an agreement through
during the Hajj season. 'Uthmaan was
you'". Al-Albaani said the chain of this
killed on 18th ul Hijjah, (the
Hadeeth is authentic and five other
month of Hajj) in the year 35 A.H.
scholars of Hadeeth grade it as sound.
ird, when 'Ali spent four months as
Fourth, 'Ali h considered their going
Khalifah without inflicting retribution
to Basrah and their occupation of it as
on the killers of 'Uthmaan, Talhah and
a form of disloyalty. He feared for the
az-Zubayr went to Makkah and met
unity of the Muslim nation and de-
with 'Aa'ishah there all. ey decided
cided to go to them.Fifth, 'Ali then
to go to Basrah to meet with the sol-
sent Al-Qa'qaa' ibn 'Amr to Az-
diers there. eir ultimate goal was to
Zubayr and Talhah all, to call them to
pave the way for arresting those who
the unity of Muslims and the integrity
had killed 'Uthmaan and punish them
of their nation. He started with
according to the Sharee'ah (Islamic
'Aa'ishah and said, "O Mother, why
did you come to this country?" She
e evidence for this is the sound said, "O son, it is only for the purpose
Hadeeth reported by Ahmad and al- of reconciling people." Ibn Katheer
Haakim which says, "When 'Aa'ishah says in his book Al-Bidaayah wan
reached the waters of Bani Amr at Nihaayah: 'en he (Qa'qaa') re

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

turned to ''Ali and informed him. 'Ali were working towards the detriment
became convinced by this and so, the of Islam. However, Allah e Al-
people moved very close to reconcilia- mighty does what He wishes.
tion regardless of their personal opin-
en he ('Ali ) added, "I am leaving
ions about it.’
tomorrow. So you should leave with
ereafter, 'Aa'ishah sent a messenger me except those of you who had any-
to 'Ali to inform him that she had thing to do with the murder of
come only for reconciliation. 'Ali then 'Uthmaan". When 'Ali said this, a
stood up and spoke about the pre- group of the Khawaarij leaders met
Islamic era and the hardship and per- together. Al-Ashtar An-Nak'hai,
secution the early Muslims had faced. Shurayh ibn 'Awfah and Abdullaah
en he mentioned Islam and the ibn Saba' (also known as Ibn as-
comfort and happiness in which Mus- Sawda) – all leaders of the Khawaarij –
lims were living, thanks to their unity met together and gathered 2,500 men,
and integrity. none of whom was a Companion of
the Prophet g. en they said, 'What
en he reminded them that Allah an opinion! (referring to those who
e Almighty had united them under wanted to punish the murderers of
the leadership of the Prophet sallāllāhu 'Uthmaan ). We know, by Allah, that
alayhī wasālām then that of Abu Bakr, 'Ali knows the Quran better than
then that of Umar, then that of those who want to punish the murder-
'Uthmaan. ereafter, he said, some- ers of 'Uthmaan and he is more enti-
thing strange had happened to the tled to do so. And he had said what
Ummah because some people devel- you heard. He will surely gather peo-
oped a desire for worldly matters and ple against you tomorrow and all the
became vexed by the favors Allah e people would seek you out only. So
Almighty bestowed on some other you would not be able to do anything
people. when they outnumber you'.

He pointed out that in doing so, they Al-Ashtar said, 'We have come to

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

know the opinion of Az-Zubayr and own soldiers. us, the people woke
Talhah about us and today 'Ali has up and took up their weapons. ey
expressed his. So if he has reconciled said, 'e people of Kufah invaded us
and reached a consensus with them, it at night. ey attacked us at night,
is only upon shedding our blood.' deceiving us.' ey thought that this
en Ibn Saba' said, 'O people, when was from a group of 'Ali's army. en
the two groups meet, start the battle to 'Ali was told about what happened he
get them to fight each other and do said, 'What happened to the people?'
not let them get together'. ey said, 'e people of Basrah have
attacked us at night'. en each party
Ibn Katheer also mentioned that 'Ali
got prepared for the battle. So, the
spent three days after reaching Basrah,
fighting started and no party was
sending and receiving messages from
aware of the plan of the Khawaarij.
Talhah and Az-Zubayr both. Some
ere were 20,000 men with 'Ali h
people suggested to Talhah to take the
and 30,000 with 'Aa'ishah i. e
opportunity and kill the killers of
companions of Ibn Saba' did not stop
'Uthmaan . However, he said, ' 'Ali
killing, although the caller of 'Ali kept
suggested that we temporize this mat-
repeating: 'O people, stop this! Stop
ter and we sent him our agree-
this!' But nobody listened'.
ment'.Ibn Katheer added, 'People
spent a good night while the killers of Six, one should know that the Com-
'Uthmaan spent a bad night. ey panions of the Prophet g were known
spent the night consulting each other. for their honesty, devotion and their
en, they agreed to start the war at great love of Allah e Almighty
dawn and woke up before dawn. ey despite the fighting that took place
were about 2000 in number. Each between them.
group of them attacked the people
Here are some examples:
closest to them. en the two parties
started to fight in order to protect their Ibn Abi Shaibah narrated from Al-

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

Hasan ibn 'Ali both, that he said, 'I their breasts any sense of injury (that
saw him ('Ali) when the fighting they may have), (So they will be like)
became fierce move around me and brothers facing each other on thrones.}
say: 'O Hasan, if only I died 20 years [Quran15: 47]'*
before this!' Az-Zubayr left the fight-
Someone said to 'Ali that two men
ing and went to a valley. en 'Amr
were cursing 'Aa'ishah at which he
ibn Jurmuz followed him and killed
ordered Al-Qa'qaa' to give each of
him while he was sleeping. When the
news came to 'Ali he said, 'Say to the them 100 lashes. 'Aa'ishah was asked
one who killed Ibn Safiyyah (i.e., az- about the Muslims who died during
Zubayr ): 'You will be a dweller of this battle from the side of 'Ali and she
Hell-fire.'' en Ibn Jurmuz came asked Allah's forgiveness for all those
carrying the sword of Az-Zubayr 'Ali who were mentioned to her. When
said, 'is sword has many times 'Aa'ishah decided to leave Basrah, 'Ali
protected the face of the Prophet g....’ sent her all she needed for her trip. He
chose for her 40 of the eminent
As for Talhah, he was killed by an women from Basrah and he sent her
arrow wound to his ankle. 'Ali stood in brother Muhammad – who was in his
front of his dead body and said, 'May army – with her. 'Ali also saw her off
Allah bless you O Aba Muhammad. It and left his children with her all day.
is disheartening for me to see you
'Aa'ishah presented her farewells to the
twisted dead under the stars of the
people, saying, 'My children, none of
sky!' en he said, 'I complain to
us should have any grief towards the
Allah! I wish I had died twenty years
other. By Allah, there was nothing
between me and 'Ali in the past, except
It is also reported that 'Ali said, 'I hope that which is usually between a
that Talhah, Az-Zubayr and I will be woman and her son-in-law. He is one
among those Allaah described as (what of the good people. 'Ali then said, 'It is
means): *{"And We shall remove from true that there was nothing between

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

me and her except what she men- on the Muslims. You are also responsi-
tioned and she is the wife of our ble for the division that crept into the
Prophet g in this life and the Hereaf- Muslim Ummah, as well the deviant
ter.' 'Ali told someone to call out to sects that arose as a result of this tur-
people saying, 'Do not kill anybody moil. Also a result of this turmoil,
who is fleeing, do not harm any which is no less in its harm, is that
wounded person. Anybody who has Islamic conquest came to a halt. e
closed his door; he is safe and anyone effort of propagating and teaching
who gives up his weapon is safe'. en Islam also stopped but ‘Abdullah ibn
'Ali ordered his people to gather all the Saba’ continued to rejoice that he had
belongings of the followers of 'Aa'ish- sowed division amongst the Muslims.
ah in the mosque and ordered that He instilled within them the beliefs of
anybody who recognizes his belong- shirk and kufr and thereby led thou-
ings should be given back to its owner. sands astray. ose acts which Islam
All this is sound evidence of the nobil- had removed were revived by Ibn
ity, honesty and frankness of the Com- Saba’. He revived the old tribal rivalries
panions of the Prophet g. It is also and made tribes war with each in a
clear evidence that they were not manner that they never did before.
driven by individual desires, may Allah e sects that arose continued to
be pleased with them all. multiply and the hatred between them
increases each day. People have forgot-
Rasulullah g referred to the fitnah in
ten the true din and are plagued with
which Sayyidina ‘Uthman h was
various customs and traditions, which
going to be martyred as a great tur-
they now regard as part of their din.
moil.‘Abdullah ibn Saba’! You are the
initiator of this great turmoil. Before As we can see from our history leading
this the swords of the Muslims were back to the best generations of Mus-
used only on the kuffar but you were lims, these Rafidah Munafiqeen has
the one who turned those very swords been causing corruption within the

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

ummah for centuries which has only Baghdad, more than 170 Sunni men
worsen over time. abducted.More than 30 were taken
from or near their homes in a single day
Within history and leading up to now
before being shot dead. eir bodies
these Rafidah Munafiqeen has tortu-
were dumped nearby.
red and massacred the people of Ahlul
Sunnah and within the last few years Members of Shia militias, who the Iraqi
alone there has been massacre upon government has included among its
massacre revealing their renewed ha- state forces, abducted and killed scores
tred for the people of Ahlul Sunnah of Sunni residents in a central Iraqi
with headlines reading; One of Bagh- town and demolished Sunni homes,
dad's recent attacks, saw at least 40 stores, and mosques.
people, all Sunnis, killed by Shia mili-
ese are only a few news headlines of
tants in a rampage in a Baghdad sub-
recent years, their crimes and treachery
urb. Witnesses said gunmen, some
has no limit as history proves.O
masked, set up roadblocks and
Rawafidh, your predecessors have tried
stopped motorists in the mainly Sunni
and you are constantly trying to destroy
suburb of Jihad, near Baghdad airport,
the religion of Allah, *"ey [the
demanding to see identity cards.
disbelievers] want to extinguish the
ose with Sunni names were shot
light of Allah with their mouths, but
dead; Shias were released.
Allah will perfect His light, even though
8 Sunni civilians were killed by Shia the disbelievers hate it." (Qur'an 61:8)*
gunmen in an attack in Iraq’s eastern
Allah has already exposed you and
Dayala, Hundreds of gunmen from
warned the believers about you saying,
the Bani Tamim [Shia] tribe attacked
*Indeed the faithless from among the
the Sunni village of Al-Imam
People of the Book and the polytheists
Shia militias in Iraq have kidnapped will be in the fire of hell, to remain in it
and killed scores of Sunni civilians, in [forever]. It is they who are the worst of
Samarra, a mainly Sunni city north of creatures. (Qur'an 98:6)*

The Betrayal of the Rafidah against the Religion of Allah and It's People

Allah has mentioned your traits say- upon the prophetic method and has
ing, *When you see them, their ap- gifted this ummah with men as firm as
pearance impresses you. And when mountains who loves Allah and whom
they speak, you listen to their ‘impres- Allah loves, they have fulfilled the com-
sive’ speech. But they are ‘just’ like mandments of Allah and have healed the
‘worthless’ planks of wood leaned hearts of the believers by slaughtering
‘against a wall’. ey think every cry is these Rawafidh and their allies.
against them. ey are the enemy, so
*He is Allah , other than whom there is
beware of them. May Allah condemn
no deity, the Sovereign, the Pure, the
them! How can they be deluded ‘from
Perfection, the Bestower of Faith, the
the truth’? (Qur'an 63:4)*
Overseer, the Exalted in Might, the
Alhamdulillah we praise Allah the Compeller, the Superior. Exalted is Allah
Almighty who has bestowed once above whatever they associate with Him.
again upon this ummah Khilafah (Qur'an 59:23)*

Why Their Tables Have Become so Narrowed?

As they heartedly getting close to each other, the

physical distance is becoming shorter amongst
them and the size of their tables is decreasing
too.Because now they have very sweet feelings,
now they are seeking to feel each other’s breath-
ing and heartbeats.

And that time might come when the Talib leaders

will hug these women, but their youngsters (fol-
lowers) will not feel it as shame and unlawful,
because everything is possible with passage of
time; they are very slowly and technically going
ahead. At first, they wanted to prepare the mindset
of the people so that their unlawful actions seem

is is why the size of their tables is also decreas-

ing, so now they can look at each other very well.
ey can touch each others feet, their foreign
guests can smell their Tobacco dio, and they can
also smell the fragrances of their per-
fumes….Sadly, this is the modern US intro-
duced Islam and the Taliban murtaddin's ver-
sion of Shari'ah!

Taliban militia has reached to such levels of

downfall, but strangely all these all actions are
being done under the sacred name of Islam by
these polytheistic militiamen. eir young-
sters (followers) trust their fatwas more than
Quran and Sunnah- fatwas that have come out
of the big bellies of their leaders.

Why Their Tables Have Become so Narrowed?

ey are those hens of garbage that eat wastes,

while those wastes are still stuck in their faces.

It is very strange! In the wave of their surrender

to the Crusaders, the US handed them whole
Afghanistan in less than a month with billions of
dollars and military equipment; yet, they boasts
that they are the "conquerors" and the Crusad-
ers are the defeated one.

Despite such defeat, America pour packages of 40

million US dollars several times in a month, and
now such aid packages have become directly pro-
portional to their sincerity in their war against
Islam, and the timing between of such deliveries
are becoming, and they are expecting such aid
from the infidels almost every day.

America claims that we are helping and funding

Talib, but Taliban claim that these are mere
humanitarian aid given by their peers.

On the other hand, they have meetings, friend-

ship, agreement, trades and laughs with com-
munists of China who are the rapists of millions
of Uyghur Muslim sisters, and tomorrow they
will justify it as cooperation and sympathy to-
wards neighbors.
So oh hypocritical Taliban! You are busy in
amazement due to the meetings with kuffar,
tours, restaurants, and meals in the Gulf and
the West, but you can never mask your real
faces; you have gone to such levels (doors) of
infidelity that you never bring yourself back.



Who Are Sufis? -Part 2

In the previous issue of Voice of Khurasan

magazine, we started exposing the reality of
the heretical Sufi sect. We discussed how they
are deviated from the Siratul Mustakim. We
also elaborated how they introduced various
forms of shirk and bid'ah to Islam. Since such
heresy evolved due to the conspiracy of the
disbelievers, in the same way this polytheistic
sect is also preferred by the enemies of Islam above his mat, nor make wudoo with his pot,
for eliminating the light of Allah now for con- nor lean upon his stick.”
fronting the people upon Haq. Before digging
Mustafa al-Bakri wrote about these manners
into the conspiracy of putting murtadd fac-
in poetical form in Bulghatul Mureed, in his
tions having Sufi origin into power through-
saying: "Submit the affair to him and do not
out the Muslim countries, let us elaborate the
question. Even if he comes with something
history of Sufi sect more.
sinful if that be possible. Be in his presence like
Veneration of Shaykhs Among the Sufise a dead person, since I am with the one washing
lightest of this deviant sect is monkery me to remove filth from me. Do not step upon
(rabbaniyah) which is forbidden in Islam, and his mat, nor sleep upon his pillow." [attributed
the most abominable is the belief that Allah by al-Wakeel to Bulghatul Mureed]
dwells and incarcerates within His creation,
e polytheistic Sufis have made it obligatory
and the saying that every being in existence is
upon their followers to be a slave in body and
in reality Allah (wahdatul wojood). en it is a
well established fact that all Sufis crossed the mind to his Shaykh, being deprived of all will
limit in veneration of their Shuyukh, while like a deceased person with the one whom they
their complete submission is not to Allah think to be washing them for removing their
Azzawajjal, but to their Shuyukh whom they sins, while Allah is the One who removes sins.
believed to be the owner of such and such Even if the Mureed sees his Shaykh commiting
miracles (karamat), which are far beyond the sins or something that has not justification in
reality. Muhammad 'Uthman as-Sufi, the Shari'ah, he is not allowed to question him. In
author of al-Habaatul Muqtabisah wrote in the same way, you can see the murtadd fight-
his book about the manners for the followers ing faction Taliban following the fatwas and
(mureed): "For them is that he sits in his pres- commands of their Mullahs, even if such
ence as he is sits in the prayer, and he loses fatwas come out of their stomachs and are far
himself in his presence, and that he doesn't sit away from the teaching of the Quran and the

Who Are Sufis? -Part 2

Sunnah. However, in Islam, there is no obedi- between greed and avarice of the Jews and
ence in something sinful acts, as Messenger of their love for the worldly life and between the
Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said: "ere is obedience to the monks amongst the Christians who totally
creation in disobedience to the Creator." avoid seeking the correct means of subsistence
[Sahih reported by Ahmad] and refrain from working and earning a living.
If avoidance with the preoccupation with this
Even in regards to the parents, who possess a
life is done within the limits of what was pre-
right greater than other people, yet it is not
scribed by the Messenger of Allah ‫ﷺ‬, then it is
permissible to obey them in disobedience to
Allah, as Allah the Most High says: {But of something praiseworthy in Islam, as the
they (both) strive to make you join in wor- Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬was the first and
ship with Me others that of which you have foremost one who refrain from preoccupation
no knowledge, then obey them not, but with this world, and Abu Bakr and 'Umar k
behave with them in the world kindly} and others Companions. However, their re-
[Luqman: 15] fraining from preoccupation with this world
didn't entail abandoning earning and sitting
e Difference between Zuhd (abstemi- in a hermit's refuge awaiting whatever people
ousness) and Su sm bring for them. Rather the world used to come
e religion of Islam orders justly balanced to them, and they would spend it in charity.
and moderate behavior in all affairs, so there is Nor would they abandon good and pure
no going to excess, nor falling short of what is things unless they were difficult to obtain, but
required. Likewise, in regards to avoidance of when they found these things, they benefitted
worldly life, Islam takes a middle course from them. Indeed, the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to love

Who Are Sufis? -Part 2

women and perfume, and would eat meat. He a tree, or an animal, or a person, or a star, or an
‫ ﷺ‬would fast sometimes and other time re- angel." [Al-Fusoos 1/195, Al-Wakeel: Hadhihi
frain from fasting. He ‫ ﷺ‬would stand in prayer Hiyas Soofiyyah p.38]Now, if the Sabians
for some part of the night and would sleep were unbelievers since they worshipped stars,
also. He ‫ ﷺ‬would work, fight, judge between the Jews were unbelievers since they wor-
people, and teach them the Quran and what is shipped the calf, and the Christians were unbe-
good. lievers since they worshipped 'Issa ('Alayhis
Salam), and the Quraysh were unbelievers
Unity of Religion according to Su Scholar
because they worshipped idols, then how can
Ibn 'ArabeeIbn‘
someone who calls to the worship of all these
Arabee held the view that all pagans and idol creations not be an unbeliever? And this is the
worshipers were upon truth, since Allah is in scholar who is venerated by the Sufis, includ-
his view everything. erefore whoever ing the Sufi fighting factions like Taliban
worshipped an idol, a tree, or a stone, or a militia.
human, has actually worshipped Allah. We
Ibn 'Arabee even admits that all religion are
seek refuge in Allah from such heresy. Ibn
one, and his heart is ready to accept every reli-
'Arabee says about this:"So the person with
gion and sect. He says in Al-Fusoos:
complete understanding is he who sees every
object of worship to be manifestation of the "Beware of restricting yourself to one particu-
truth contained therein, for which it is wor- lar creed and disbelieving in everything else, so
shipped. erefore, they all call it god, along that great good would be missed by you."
with a particular name, whether it is a rock, or [Hadhihi Hiyas Soofiyyah p.94]

Who Are Sufis? -Part 2

Su sm- a Creed Preferred by the Enemies of


US and other infidels of the West and the East

prefer Sufism, as it is in their words "religious
soft power" and "positive branding", and they
consider Sufism as ideological bulwark against
so called extremism. To them, this evocative
signifier of Sufism has been filled with
idealized content (love, peace, tolerance, mod-
eration), even towards them (disbelievers),
while if we look at the life of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬
and that of Companions, we shall find that
they continuously kept terrorizing kuffar for
the sake of eliminating fitnah (shirk and kufr),
and the establishment of the divine religion is preferred by the Taghuti government for
Islam. Even notorious Indian Taghut countering jihad and the people of Tawheed.
Narendra Modi, whose hands are yet soaked And the same is the case in other countries of
with the blood of numerous innocent Mus- the Muslims also. In Chechnya, the notorious
lims, said: “e entire world, East and West, Taghut Ramadan Kafirov (Kadirov) and his
needs to rethink and reform its existing strat- terror gang are also Sufis, who are mainly
egy on countering jihadist terror. Sufism is an backed by Taghut Putin of Russia. And if some-
inspiring antidote which awakens the human one ponder over the case of the rise of Taliban
capacity for love, service, compassion and militia, it will be understood clearly how the
peace.” erefore, if such an Islamophobic tawagheet of the West ended up in choosing a
tyrant of the time (Narendra Modi) praises a fighting faction, who takes the mere name of
particular sect who attribute themselves to jihad, as their boots on the ground for prevent-
Islam, then you will understand that such a ing the emergence of the true Islam and
version of Islam has actually nothing to do this Khilafah. Unquestionably, Sufism is a creed
pure religion. And such elements of Sufism preferred by the tawagheet of the East and the
have also been included in the domestic and East, when it comes to question of preventing
foreign policies of various murtadd states such the establishment of prohetic form of Islam,
as Pakistan, Indonesia, North African govern- not their so called moderate version of Islam.
ments, and even the Gulf states with a view to Accordingly, the enemies of Islam are promot-
crafting and promoting a “good, moderate ing Sufi scholars both in the Muslim countries
Islam.” And in Pakistan, the Sufi sect Barelawi and in the West.

Who Are Sufis? -Part 2

"Sufism is the heart of Islam" says Sheika

Fariha, a leading Sufi teacher in New York
City. "It is the diamond essence of Islam.
Without Sufism, Islam is really only partial. It
would be like a dry shell." Sheika Fariha says
Sufism is filling a spiritual need for Ameri-
cans. "We see Sufism taking root here in this
country in a very powerful and open way.
is country has espoused a freedom of
worship. America is a natural ground for it is
a country with mystical beliefs." But Allah
the Exalted has chosen Islam as the only reli-
gion accepted by Him, in His saying: {And
whoever seeks a way other than this way a
submission (Islam), will nd that it will
not be accepted from him and in the Life to
come he will be among the losers} [Aal-i-
'Imran: 85]

In the end, Islam can never be loved and pro-

moted by the Jews, the Christians, and other
disvelevers, since Allah the Almighty has
already mentioned about their hatred toward
Islam in many verses of Quran, and warned
us about any form of friendship with the

Be Mindful About The Trust

{O you who have believed, do not betray Allah and the Messenger
or betray your trusts while you know [the consequence]}

e Amanah that Allah the Most High, orders does not charge a soul except [with that
us to take care of is a very heavy trust. It carries within] its capacity. It will have [the conse-
a very vast meaning as the noble scholars have quence of] what [good] it has gained, and it
mentioned. e blessing of Islam is a very will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it
heavy burden that each and every muwahhid has earned} [Al-Baqarah: 286]
carries, and it is a trust from Allah, the exalted
{So fear Allah as much as you are able} [At-
and not something to be taken for granted.
Each one of us will be asked about this
Amanah and we will be held accountable for As Muslims we are commanded by Allah the
it. Along with this heavy trust, Allah the Ex- Almighty to live our lives in obedience to him
alted has also entrusted us with many bless- and not be heedless. Heedlessness results from
ings. e blessing of intellect, the blessing of taking the blessings of Allah for granted and
an able body, the blessing of strength. For betraying the trusts of Allah. e muwahhid is
indeed Allah has blessed most us in the most entrusted by Allah to obey him and to uplift
complete ways and all praise is due to Allah. the religion of Allah. e muwahhid is
Each one of us is accountable according to our entrusted with waging war against those who
ability. For Allah the Most High says; {Allah disbelieve in Allah and his Messenger ‫ﷺ‬. Allah
the Almighty did not create us except to wor-
ship Him, and Allah entrusted us with minds
and bodies and worldly things to aid the reli-
gion of Allah.

{And We sent down iron, wherein is great

military might and bene ts for the
people, and so that Allah may make
evident those who support Him and
His messengers unseen} [Al-Hadid:

And none betrays the trust of Allah

except a munafiq, for the Messenger

Be Mindful About The Trust

of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said:Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr: you will be among the losers. Your body, your
e Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, "Whoever has the hearing, your sight, your speech is a blessing
following four (characteristics) will be a pure from Allah and a trust, so strive to use it in the
hypocrite and whoever has one of the follow- path of Allah.
ing four characteristics will have one character-
{O you who have believed, upon you is [re-
istic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up.
sponsibility for] yourselves. ose who
1. Whenever he is entrusted, he betrays. have gone astray will not harm you when
you have been guided. To Allah is you return
2. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
all together; then He will inform you of
3. Whenever he makes a covenant, he proves what you used to do}{Al-Ma'idah:105}
Since, the establishment of the Khilafah, the
4. Whenever he quarrels, he behaves in a very world has split into two camps. e over-
imprudent, evil and insulting manner." whelming majority has joined forces to eradi-
[Sahih al-Bukhari: 34] cate Islam and its people. A brutal war has
been unleashed upon Islam and its people.
So, take heed O muwahhid! Strive hard in the
Allah, the Most High caused many people to
path of Allah. Strive to learn about your reli-
be exposed, the masks from their faces fell off
gion. Work hard to know about your creator. and they stood firm to defend the tawagheet.
Spend your time and wealth to protect the e scholars of misguidance doubled down on
Amanah that Allah has entrusted you with. their efforts to corrupt the aqeedah of the
For by Allah you will be asked about it. Your Muslims. e war on Islam has many fronts,
abilities, your talents are an Amanah from the ideological front being the most vicious.
Allah. Use them for the sake of Allah or else e minds of Muslims are being being
corrupted, the very essence of families is being
eradicated. Muslim women and children are
being preyed upon. e humiliation and
disgrace that have befallen the Muslims seems
to be a never ending dark tunnel. We are fast
approaching the end. e
prophecies of our beloved
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬are being
fulfilled. It is
upon every mu-
wahhid and mu-
wahiddah to protect

Be Mindful About The Trust

themselves and their families. It is incumbent them. ey may be strong in their bodies but
upon them to protect the trusts of Allah and to their minds are covered with the filth of paci-
prepare themselves for the final showdown. fism and modernist values. Jihad in the path of
e war has not ended, by Allah, the war has Allah has been criminalized to an extent that
only begun. Allah has commanded us to pre- the Muslims are repulsed by the mere mention
pare strength and to utilise all our abilities to of jihad or the mujahidin.
assist the religion of Allah.
{Indeed, the best one you can hire is the
{And prepare against them whatever you are strong and the trustworthy} [Al-Qasas:26]
able of power and of steeds of war by which
e battlefields are many and the road is long
you may terrify the enemy of Allah and your
and tough. It can only be crossed by the
enemy and others besides them whom you
do not know [but] whom Allah knows. And strong. And there is no might or power except
whatever you spend in the cause of Allah with Allah. Islam is not in need of protection
will be fully repaid to you, and you will not from men. It is the religion of Allah and Allah
be wronged} [Al-Anfal: 60] will protect it. e light of Allah can never be
extinguished. But the slaves of Allah are in
e weakness that has plagued the Ummah need of their Lord. e muwahhidin are in
has its roots in the abandonment of jihad and need of Allah to protect them and to guide
strength. Kuffar through their media and them. Allah will change the condition of the
sorcerers deluded the Muslims into abandon- sincere muwahidin and grant them the best of
ing a direct command of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. both worlds. Abu Hurairah h reported: e
It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Verily, no one will
Amir who said: enter Paradise but a soul submissive to Allah,
yet Allah may support this religion by the
I heard the Messenger of Allah ‫ ﷺ‬say l and he
hands of a wicked man.” [Sahih al-Bukhari:
was delivering a sermon from the pulpit: Pre-
2897, Muslim:111]
pare to meet them with as much strength as
you can afford. Beware, strength consists in My dear brothers and sisters, we are at the cusp
archery. Beware, strength consists in archery. of a great change. A mighty battle that will
Beware, strength consists in archery. [Sahih al- unfold. So take care of your religion. Act ac-
Muslim: 1917] cording to your abilities.

A strong believer is beloved to Allah and is Strive against kuffar and mushrikeen. e war
despised by kuffar who see him as a threat to is multifaceted. e kuffar attack Islam and
their kufr. ey strive day and night to turn the Muslims through their media, they indoc-
Muslim men into imbeciles by brainwashing trinate the gullible Muslims with their filthy

Be Mindful About The Trust

ideologies. ey seek to weaken them through noble companion Hassan bin abit h used
their pyramid economic schemes. to defend the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and the believers.
Al-Bara' bin `Azib said (through another
ey seek to strip the Muslims off honour and
chain of sub-narrators):
pride. It is upon you to rise and up and fulfill
your trusts. Let each one of you combine your "On the day of Quraiza's (siege), Allah's Mes-
day and night and take care or your religion. senger ‫ ﷺ‬said to Hassan bin abit, 'Abuse
Help the mujahidin with the best of your them (with your poems), and Jibril is with
ability. Play your part in propagation of Islam. you.'" [Sahih al-Bukhari: 4124]e Prophet
Spread the message of Quran and Sunnah to ‫ ﷺ‬prayed for Hassan;
the masses. Learn about the modern warfare Narrated Hassan bin abit al-Ansari: I asked
tactics. Gain knowledge of the media tools and Abu Hurairah, "By Allah! Tell me the truth
make your intentions sincerely for Allah. Take whether you heard the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬saying, 'O
the Quran as your ally and strive with it Hassan! Reply on behalf of Allah's Apostle. O
against kuffar. Allah! Help him with the Holy Spirit.'" Abu
{So do not obey the disbelievers, and strive Hurairah h said, "Yes."Know, O muwahhid
against them with the Qur'an a great striv- that the religion belongs to Allah in its entirety
and it is Allah who will protect it. You are en-
ing} [Al-Furqan: 52]
trusted by Allah to take care of yourself as
Strive against them with the Quran, refute much as you are able. So seek the pleasure of
their falsehood with truth. e media front is Allah and attain closeness to him by giving
in need of you. e lies and the distortions of victory to his religion. Support mujahidin
kuffar and the murtaddin need to be refuted. with all your abilities. Spend yourself and your
O muwahhidin, support your religion like the wealth in the path of Allah.

{So ght, [O Muhammad], in the cause of Allah ; you are not held responsible
except for yourself. And encourage the believers [to join you] that perhaps
Allah will restrain the [military] might of those who disbelieve. And Allah is
Greater in might and Stronger in [exemplary] punishment} [An-Nisa: 84]

{And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives And
that his effort is going to be seen} [An-Najm: 39]

Light of Darkness

Technology. Designed to make human life easier. But when the bird leaves, it leaves be-
hind its feathers, the use of technology leaves its mark. erefore, technology is a terrible
name in the life of mujahidin. But don't be afraid of technology. Technology has to cope
with. Keep aside the difficulties and try to take its advantages. Had the Messenger of
Allah ‫ ﷺ‬lived, he ‫ ﷺ‬might have encouraged the Companions to use technology. Muslims
can master computers, operating systems, browsers, Cyber security systems, missile sys-
tem, anti aircraft system, and so on. So countless of our brothers are being arrested by
Tawagheet. e main reason for this is the unconsciousness about using Cyber systems.
But there are ways to overcome this fear. is article will discuss about those ways.

Light of Darkness

Before writing I want to clear some things,

neither I am an expert nor a writer. I have been
thinking about the issues of our mujahidin
brothers and sisters for some time. at is,
many of our brothers & sisters suggest me not
to use internet or any social media account.
ey think that Cyber world is not right place
for our work, and also dangerous for us. Ty-
rants will definitely get hold of us, if we use or
share anything over the internet, and nothing
of our personal data is secure over the internet
because of Tawagheet monitor everything.
Also, on many occasions, offline activities are
emphasized. I also appreciate this kind of
thoughts because definitely we need to be
more concerned about our personal security.
But my point is why we need to avoid internet
because of the Tawagheet, while internet is
must in everywhere. Yes! I admit that nothing
is 100% safe over the internet, but this is not
for only us also for everyone including all the
people. If it is unsafe for us then it is also un-
safe for the enemies and the common people.
Internet is for everyone; here all the things are
open where anyone can learn anything and do
anything, and also it is the fastest media for
communication at this moment. If others can
use this things against us then why we are not
using this against them. Are we not capable for
this? Should we need to fear others without

History says Muslims never fear others for

good deeds; they were afraid of others.

Light of Darkness

We have to know how we can use internet

most safely, we have to know the safe and
sound way of using internet. We have to know
the best way to protect our personal online
data and digital footprint, and this is the rea-
son I am writing this article. I have already said
that I am not an expert but I want to share this
tiny knowledge of mine with my brothers &
sisters In Sha Allah.

In this article we will discuss two major things

firstly we will be trying to know about the
most possible Cyber threats after that we will
be trying to find out most possible solution to
protect the Cyber threats & our online per-
sonal profile, In Shaa Allah. For doing this I
am dividing the article into a number of ques-


1 What is Cyber Security & its Threats?

2 Current Threat of Cyber Security?

3 Should we Trust Social Media?

4 How Secure our Personal Online Data is?

5 How can we Ensure Safety for our Personal Online

Data & Social Media Profile?

Light of Darkness

1 What is Cyber Security & its Threats?

In an era marked by ubiquitous connectiv- required to protect our digital infrastruc-

ity and digital dependence, the need for ture.
robust Cybersecurity has become more
e consequences of inadequate Cyber--
critical than ever before. e proliferation
security can be severe, affecting individu-
of technology has brought numerous bene-
fits and opportunities, but it has also als, businesses, and entire nations. More-
exposed individuals, organizations, and over, Cyber threats can undermine na-
nations to unprecedented Cyber threats. tional security, as state-sponsored attacks
is article explores the importance of target governments, military installations,
Cybersecurity and the proactive measures and intelligence agencies.

2 Current Threat of Cyber Security?

It's always important to stay updated on trick individuals into revealing sensitive
the latest Cybersecurity threats and information, such as login credentials or
trends. financial details. Social engineering tech-
niques are also employed to manipulate
1. Ransomware Attacks: Ransomware
human psychology and exploit trust.
continues to pose a significant threat to
individuals, businesses, and even critical 3. Data Breaches: Data breaches involve
infrastructure. Attackers encrypt victims' unauthorized access to sensitive informa-
data and demand ransom payments in tion, such as personal data, financial
exchange for the decryption key. ese records, or intellectual property. Breached
attacks can cause severe disruption and data is often sold or used for identity theft,
financial losses. fraud, or other malicious activities.

2. Phishing and Social Engineering: 4. Advanced Persistent reats (APTs):

Phishing attacks remain a widespread APTs are long-term, targeted attacks typi-
threat. Cyber criminals use deceptive cally orchestrated by skilled and well-
emails, text messages, or phone calls to resourced adversaries, such as nation-state

Light of Darkness

actors. ey aim to gain persistent access result in widespread infections or

to networks, ex filtrate data, or monitor backdoor access to organizations' net-
activities for espionage or sabotage pur- works.
8. Zero-day Exploits: Zero-day exploits
5. Internet of ings (IoT) Vulnerabilities: take advantage of vulnerabilities that are
e increasing adoption of IoT devices has unknown to software vendors or have no
expanded the attack surface, with vulnera- available patch. Cyber criminals can ex-
bilities in connected devices being ex- ploit these vulnerabilities to launch tar-
ploited. Insecurely configured or poorly geted attacks before a fix is developed and
protected IoT devices can be targeted to
gain unauthorized access to networks or
launch broader attacks. 9. Cloud Security Risks: As organizations
increasingly migrate their data and appli-
6. Insider reats: Insider threats involve
cations to the cloud, securing cloud envi-
individuals within an organization misus-
ronments becomes crucial. Miscon-
ing their access privileges for malicious
figurations, inadequate access controls, or
purposes or unintentionally causing secu-
rity breaches. ese threats can range from vulnerabilities in cloud services can lead to
intentional data theft to accidental expo- data breaches or unauthorized access.
sure of sensitive information. 10. Mobile Device reats: With the
7. Supply Chain Attacks: Supply chain widespread use of mobile devices, threats
attacks target the software supply chain, targeting smartphones and tablets have
compromising trusted software or hard- increased. Malicious apps, network
ware vendors to gain unauthorized access spoofing, and mobile phishing attacks are
to systems further downstream. is can some of the risks faced by mobile users.

3 Should we Trust Social Media?

Trust in social media platforms is a com- mindset. Here are some points to consider
plex topic that requires careful consider- regarding trust and social media:
ation. While social media can provide 1. Platform Policies and Practices:
numerous benefits, it is important to Evaluate the policies and practices of social
approach these platforms with a critical media platforms. Understand how they

Light of Darkness

handle user data, privacy concerns, and 5. Security Measures:

content moderation. Review their terms of
Implement strong security measures to
service and privacy policies to gain insight
protect your social media accounts. Use
into their approach to user trust and data
unique and complex passwords, enable
two-factor authentication (2FA), and be
2. Veri cation of Information: cautious of phishing attempts or suspi-
cious links. Regularly monitor your ac-
Exercise caution when consuming infor-
counts for any unauthorized activity.
mation on social media. Due to the ease of
content creation and sharing, misinforma- 6. User-generated Content:
tion and fake news can spread rapidly.
Recognize that social media platforms are
Verify the accuracy of information by
primarily driven by user-generated con-
cross-referencing with credible sources tent. While this can lead to diverse and
before accepting it as fact. Look for verified engaging discussions, it also means that
accounts or trusted sources for reliable not all content is reliable or trustworthy.
information. Be mindful of the biases, opinions, and
3. Privacy Settings and Control: potential misinformation that can exist
within user-generated content.
Take advantage of the privacy settings
offered by social media platforms. Adjust 7. Critical Evaluation:
your privacy settings to control the visibil- Develop a critical mindset when consum-
ity of your personal information and the ing content on social media. Question the
audience who can access your posts. Regu- source, credibility, and intention behind
larly review and update these settings to the information shared. Look for multiple
align with your preferences and comfort perspectives, fact-check information, and
level. engage in critical thinking to ensure a well-
rounded understanding of the topics dis-
4. ird-Party Apps and Permissions:
Be cautious when granting permissions to
8. Emotional Well-being:
third-party apps that are integrated with
social media platforms. ese apps may Consider the impact of social media on
request access to your personal information your emotional well-being. Excessive use
or the ability to post on your behalf. Care- of social media, comparison to others'
fully consider the necessity and trustwor- curated lives, and exposure to negative or
thiness of these apps before granting access. toxic content can affect mental health. Be

Light of Darkness

mindful of your social media usage and social media experience and critically eval-
prioritize self-care. uating the content you encounter, you can
navigate these platforms with greater con-
Ultimately, the trustworthiness of social
fidence and minimize potential risks. And
media platforms and the content shared hiding location while propagating dawah
on them varies. It is important to approach over social media is another important
social media with a discerning eye, verify- factor. Forget not to use vpn, and also use
ing information, and prioritizing privacy make anonymous social media accounts
and security. By actively managing your for such activities.

4 How Secure our Personal Online Data is?

How secure our personal online data depends on how we are using internet. Are we aware
to share our personal data? Are we using maximum awareness? Are we aware of our data
safety? Let’s discuss some safety?

How can we Ensure Safety for our Personal Online Data

& Social Media Profile?

Ensuring the safety of personal online data ally, use a unique password for each online
is crucial in today's digital age where cyber account to prevent a single breach from
threats are prevalent. By implementing the compromising multiple accounts.
following practices, we can enhance the
2. Enable Two-Factor Authentication
security of our personal information and
reduce the risk of data breaches.
2FA adds an extra layer of security by re-
1. Use Strong and Unique Passwords:
Creating strong passwords is the first line quiring a second form of verification,
of defense for protecting your personal typically a unique code sent to your mobile
data. Use a combination of upper and device, in addition to your password. En-
lower-case letters, numbers, and special able 2FA wherever available, especially for
characters. Avoid using common phrases sensitive accounts like email, banking, and
or easily guessable information. Addition social media.

Light of Darkness

3. Keep Software and Devices Updated: the URL, which indicates a secure connec-
tion. Use encrypted messaging apps and
Regularly update your operating system,
email services that offer end-to-end en-
web browsers, and applications to ensure
cryption to protect the privacy of your
you have the latest security patches. Enable
automatic updates whenever possible.
Outdated software and devices can have 7. Be Selective with Sharing Personal
vulnerabilities that can be exploited by Information:
Cyber attackers.
Be cautious about sharing personal infor-
4. Be Cautious of Phishing Attempts: mation online, especially on public plat-
Phishing emails and messages are common forms. Consider the necessity of providing
methods used by Cyber criminals to trick certain details and avoid oversharing. Re-
individuals into revealing personal infor- view and adjust privacy settings on social
mation. Be cautious of unsolicited emails media platforms to limit the visibility of
or messages that ask for sensitive data or personal information.
contain suspicious links. Verify the au- 8. Regularly Back Up Your Data:
thenticity of such requests through alter-
native means, such as contacting the orga- Regularly back up your important files and
nization directly. data to an external hard drive, a cloud
storage service, or both. In case of a
5. Secure Your Wi-Fi Network: ransomware attack or data loss, having
Secure your home Wi-Fi network with a backups ensures you can recover your
strong password and encryption, prefera- valuable information.
bly using WPA2 or WPA3. Change the
9. Educate Yourself About Online
default login credentials of your Wi-Fi
router to prevent unauthorized access.
Avoid using public Wi-Fi networks for Stay informed about the latest Cyber-
sensitive activities, as they may be insecure security threats and best practices. Educate
and prone to eavesdropping. yourself about common attack methods,
such as phishing, malware, and social
6. Utilize Encryption:
engineering, to recognize and avoid poten-
Encryption scrambles your data and tial risks. Regularly read Cybersecurity
makes it unreadable to unauthorized par- news and follow reputable sources for
ties. Look for websites with "https://" in updates.

Light of Darkness

10. Use Security Software: Review and adjust the privacy settings on
your social media accounts. Limit the
Install reputable antivirus and anti-
visibility of your posts, personal informa-
malware software on your devices to pro-
tion, and contact details to the desired
vide an additional layer of protection
audience. Be cautious about sharing per-
against malicious software. Keep the secu-
sonal information publicly and consider
rity software up to date and run regular
restricting access to your profile to trusted
scans to detect and remove any potential
15. Account Recovery Options:
11. Limit ird-Party Access:
Ensure that your social media accounts
Be cautious when granting permissions to
have up-to-date account recovery options,
third-party applications or services that such as a verified email address or phone
request access to your personal data. Re- number. is will help you regain access to
view and regularly audit the permissions your account if you forget your password
granted to ensure they are necessary and or encounter any security issues.
16. Be Wary of Publicly Sharing Loca-
12. Practice Safe Online Shopping: tion and Travel Plans:
When making online purchases, only use Avoid publicly sharing detailed informa-
trusted websites and ensure they have tion about your whereabouts or travel
secure payment options. Look for the plans, as it can be exploited by criminals or
padlock symbol in the browser address bar law enforcing agencies might trace you.
and verify that the website URL starts with Consider adjusting privacy settings on
"https://" before entering any payment social media platforms to restrict access to
details. this information.

13. Monitor Your Accounts: Remember, maintaining the safety of your

personal online data requires ongoing
Regularly review your online accounts for
vigilance and adherence to security best
any suspicious activity. Monitor your bank
practices. By implementing these mea-
statements, credit reports, and account
sures and staying informed about evolving
activity to detect any unauthorized trans-
threats, you can significantly reduce the
actions or signs of identity theft.
risk of falling victim to Cyber-attacks and
14. Privacy Settings: safeguard your personal information.

Light of Darkness

Finally, I want to say there is nothing to fear technology, as only lack of proper knowledge
causes fear about something. Allah is All-knower. We have Quran, which is the Book of
signs. e one whom Allah has called Furqan, i.e. knowledgeable, Allah says: {(O
Prophet!) Say, "Are the foolish and the learned equal?" Only people of understanding
accept advice} [Az-Jumar: 9] So, don't be afraid. eir pages must come out of the Cyber
security trap. In addition, they themselves have to be trapped. A mujahid in one corner of
the world will communicate with a mujahid in another corner using Cyber systems.
Cyber communication for Khilafah will be established.


1 Are we being Monitored on Online?

2 Does Anyone Tracing or Using our Digital Foot-printing Data?

3 How can we Control or Remove our Digital Foot-print Data?

Do Not Consider Our Silence as An Opportunity to Reassure Your Infidel Masters

When the murtadd Taliban militia an- armed with Iranian and Russian weapons.
nounced the end of jihad from the Khurasan e mushrikeen, murtaddin, and impure
as a result of their false ideology based on Rafidah pagans launched attacks on the
their surrender agreement to the United strongholds of the Islamic State, while the
States, they assured peace to the infidels of the American warplanes openly supported them,
world, including the United States. It hap- and on the other hand, the Afghan comman-
pened that the interests of the United States dos and the army attacked the Islamic State in
and its allies would be protected and nur- coordination with them. Firstly, the Islamic
tured by Pakistan through its mediation, so State's trenches were bombed by American
this secret agreement was forged in the foot- jets, drones, and cruise missiles, and then the
hills of Spin Ghar and the mountains of Taliban militias were ordered to conduct
Kunar. At the behest of the Islamic State, ground attacks on these bombed trenches,
thousands of Rafidah mushrikeen and Paki- while the ISI generals came to the ranks of the
stani troops were sent to the training camps murtadd Taliban militia. ey used to give
by Pakistan, many of them were trained in the American pilots a map of the war, and
the training centers in Iran, when they were the Taliban murtaddin used to give the

Do Not Consider Our Silence as An Opportunity to Reassure Your Infidel Masters

coordinates of the mujahidin's trenches from State in Khurasan, once again accelerated their
below. And then sometime later, the American efforts to develop the project of the Shiasm in
military personnel also revealed these secrets Khurasan, while Uzbekistan and Tajikistan
and shared stories of their air force’s support rest assured thinking that lions of the Islamic
for Taliban murtaddin, to the extent that re- State ended. ey felt no threat from Afghani-
cently they even named their air force as the stan, as the Taliban murtaddin even brought
Taliban's air force. the muhajirin, who migrated from these coun-
In the joy of leaving a few limited areas from tries, under their iron-fist control, and the
the power of the mujahidin of the Islamic Taliban gave them a guarantee that there
State, the Taliban murtaddin and their mas- would not be any trouble for any of their
ters, the United States and Russia, including neighbors. Besides, the Chinese Communists
Afghanistan's neighboring Tawagheet, Iran, also entertained security from Afghanistan
Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, China, and considering that there is no one left who might
others, whom Taliban militia has always kept become sympathetic to the Uyghur Muslims
in its axis by serving their interests, celebrated whom they have been oppressing for decades.
the overpowering of the Islamic State's ey thought that there was no one left to
Khurasan Wilayah with great joy.Pakistan reckon with them for the atrocities they com-
thought that they had crushed the Islamic mitted on the Uyghur Muslims. Because of
State in Khurasan and extinguished the flames this, they intensified their political, economic,
of war in their peaceful citites, and the Iranian and other secret and open intelligence efforts
Mullahs, thinking of suppressing the Islamic with the Taliban Emirate.

Do Not Consider Our Silence as An Opportunity to Reassure Your Infidel Masters



Yes! in Afghanistan. ere were heavy and deadly

attacks on the government facilities, training
In the Khurasan Wilayah, once again the lead-
centers, transports, and the places of gathering
ers of the Islamic State have come to the move-
of Rafidah mushrikeen, and so on. An Iranian
ments in an unprecedented, regular, and coor-
Rafidah delegation also came to condole with
dinated manner.
the victims of the Mazar attack and provided
at is, the rapid wave of bloody attacks by the all-round assistance to their fellow mushrikeen
Islamic State in the tribal and city areas of here. And at this time as the Taliban spokesman
Pakistan have passed with great force. is once again put his shameless lying tongue into
short silence is a sign of another strong wave of motion, saying: "We have destroyed 98 percent
insurgency, that is, the idolatrous members of of the Islamic State." However, with all those
Iran's Shia project in Khurasan were burned in attacks, Iran is now in a state of fear and terror,
the flames of heavy and deadly explosions in and bi'idhnillah, this wave of killings will con-
almost every city and everywhere in Khurasan.
tinue. e season of war did not yet end in
e later days were very painful for them, Khurasan, as hundreds of Rafidah mushrikeen
especially for the reign of the Taliban were killed in an istishhadi attack in a place of
murtaddin, as the attacks by the lions of the committing shirk (Taqiya Khana) in Peshawar,
Islamic State increased in Kandahar and and this was followed by another similar car-
Kunduz, and the flames due to the detona- nage in the Shah Cherag shrine in Shiraz of
tions of sticky mines burned their vehicles in Iran, where the flames of justice burned num-
Kabul, Mazar, Herat, Kunduz, and other areas bers of Rafidah mushrikeen as well.

Do Not Consider Our Silence as An Opportunity to Reassure Your Infidel Masters

Uzbekistan and Tajikistan were also forced to saving them from the attacks of the lions of
conduct military exercises on their borders as a the Islamic State, since these cheap rated
result of the launching of Katyusha missiles Taliban mercenaries cannot even protect
from the territory of Afghanistan by the lions their own heads from the attacks of the lions
of the Islamic State. And they are afraid that of Khilafah, so how will they ensure security
today or tomorrow the waves of this war, and peace for others?!
which has reached their land today, will engulf
So, we say to the murtadd Taliban militia
their cities in flames tomorrow. e attack of
and their masters that Alhamdulillah, we
the mujahidin of the Islamic State on
can carry out any kind of attack on them
Tajikistan has caused the neighboring com-
with the help of Almighty Allah. A brief
munist and polytheistic China to become
example was the killing of your high rank-
worried about the ongoing situation in Af-
ing official's car in the crowded city of Herat
ghanistan. e attack on Chinese commu-
in revenge for the murder of a muhajir sister
nists' place of prostitution in Kabul (hotel),
and the killing of the governor of Mazar at
whose security was entrusted upon Taliban
the contemporary time. No matter how
militia, shocked both local and international
much you attempt to assure the security of
your leaders and masters in every assembly
e later attack on Uzbekistan warned all the and every meeting, once again, with the
international infidels and their allies that help of Almighty Allah, we will grind your
Taliban mercenaries are never capable of noses to dust.

Do Not Consider Our Silence as An Opportunity to Reassure Your Infidel Masters

So wait, these imaginary geographical lines drawn on the

occupied Islamic lands based on the shirki concepts of
patriotism and nationalism cannot prevent our attacks,
bi'idhnillah. It will keep going on, bi'idhnillah, until the
darkness of disbelief, polytheism, tyranny, democracy, and
secularism is dispelled and light of the Islamic Khilafah and
Tawheed is spread throughout the earth which belongs to Allah,
the Lord of worlds, and He Azzawajjal has promised to give it to
His righteous slaves, and Allah the Exalted never fails in His prom-
ise. And soon, in Shaa Allah, in all the corners of the world, the
black banner of Tawheed, which is adorned with the prophetic
seal, will be raised, and under the shadow of this flag, the entire
Islamic nation will gather. erefore, it will be a wise decision for
you to consider this short silence of ours as a warning of another
bitter, bloody, and deadly wave before the upcoming storm. And
Allah hath full power and control over His affairs; but most
among mankind know it not.


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