21 Day EBook - Festive Recipes Sample Workouts

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21 Day Countdown Challenge

Do you struggle to find a balance

between your health and fitness
goals and holiday festivities?

Designed to help you balance holiday festivities, our 21 Day

Countdown Challenge is here to take the guesswork out of
training and nutrition, so that you focus on doing more of the
things you love.

Coaches Rachel, Emma and Lisa have come together to

provide you with 21 Days of short, effective home and gym
workouts to increase your overall fitness level and get you
through the end-of-year rush.

You’ll receive access to customisable Meal Guides created by

accredited Dietitians so you’re able to establish healthy eating
habits, even when social events pop up.

We’ve created this eBook to share all there is to know, and

give you an opportunity to see exactly what we have in store.
Keep scrolling to try out some workouts from each of the
Coaches and access some incredible festive recipes!

Team MWU xx

21 Day Countdown Challenge
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Training Splits

Join our 21 Day Countdown Challenge

and you’ll have the ability to choose
from 4, 5 or 6 training days!

You can check out what to expect below.

M O N DAY Lower Body EMOM

(Focus: Quads & Hamstrings) with Rach

T U E S DAY Upper Body Circuit

(Focus: Shoulders, Triceps & Core) &
Core Circuit with Emma

W E D N E S DAY Full Body Mobility

(Focus: Full Body) & LISS Cardio
with Rach

T H U R S DAY Glutes Weighted AMRAP

(Focus: Glutes) with Rach

F R I DAY Full Body Sculpt

(Focus: Full Body) with Lisa

S AT U R DAY HIIT Cardio & Core Circuit

with Emma

6 Day
S U N DAY Rest & Recovery

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Training Splits

M O N DAY Lower Body EMOM

(Focus: Quads & Hamstrings) with Rach

T U E S DAY Upper Body Circuit

(Focus: Shoulders, Triceps & Core) &
Core Circuit with Emma

W E D N E S DAY Rest & Recovery

T H U R S DAY Glutes Weighted AMRAP

(Focus: Glutes) with Rach

F R I DAY Full Body Sculpt

(Focus: Full Body) with Lisa

S AT U R DAY HIIT Cardio & Core Circuit

with Emma
5 Day
S U N DAY Rest & Recovery Workout

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Training Splits

M O N DAY Lower Body EMOM

(Focus: Quads & Hamstrings) with Rach

T U E S DAY Upper Body Circuit

(Focus: Shoulders, Triceps & Core) &
Core Circuit with Emma

W E D N E S DAY Rest & Recovery

T H U R S DAY Glutes Weighted AMRAP

(Focus: Glutes) with Rach

F R I DAY Full Body Sculpt

(Focus: Full Body) with Lisa

S AT U R DAY Rest & Recovery

4 Day
S U N DAY Rest & Recovery Workout

Meet your
21 Day Countdown
Challenge Coaches
Programmed by our 3 MWU Coaches, Rachel Dillon,
Emma Dillon and L isa Nicolaisen, this Challenge will
see you mix up your training regime with 21 days of
effective home and gym workouts


Will having you moving Will have you moving Will having you moving
with a focus on Upper with a focus on Lower with a focus on sculpting
Body and Core. Body and Glutes. with Full Body Pilates.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Workout With Rachel

Lower Body EMOM A1 Lung to Kneeling Hamstring Stretch

with Rachel 30 secs, E/L

WA R M U P A2 Thoracic Lung Rotations

30 secs, E/L
30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition
time to move between exercises. A3 Down Dog Hip Extensions
30 seconds rest between sets. 30 secs

A1 Barbell Romanian Deadlifts
Focus: Hamstrings & glutes 6 reps

EMOM (Every Minute on the Minute) A2 Dumbbell Curtsy Lunge Pulses

is the chosen workout protocol we 8 reps, E/L
will be using today. The goal is to
complete each exercise (A1, A2 etc)
within 1 minute repeating for
B1 Banded Barbell Hip Thrusts 1 1/4
4 consecutive minutes.
6 reps

The quicker you finish each minute

of the EMOM, the longer rest you will B2 Banded Hip Thrust Flyes
receive. For example, if you completed 12 reps
your given reps in 45 seconds, you will
have 15 seconds remaining as rest time
within that minute. C1 Barbell Squats (High Bar)
6 reps
The goal is to finish your reps as quickly
as you can to allow for more rest time. C2 Dumbbell Goblet Squats 1 1/4
Have no longer than 90 seconds rest 8 reps
between each EMOM.

A1 Bent Knee Copenhagen Adductions
45 seconds on, 15 seconds transition 45 secs, E/L
time to move between exercises.
A2 Banded Lying Abductors
45 secs

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Workout With Emma

For Time Full Body A1 Steady State Walk

HIIT with Emma

WA R M U P B1 Walking Leg Swings

30 secs
30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition
time to move between exercises. B2 Resistance Band Pull Aparts
30 seconds rest between sets. 30 secs
A1: Complete a 5 minute warm up.
C1: Intervals - 20 seconds on/10
B3 Downward Dog to Plank
seconds off.
30 secs

C1 Skipping Sprints
20 secs

A1 Dumbbell Snatches
The goal of a ‘For Time’ workout is to 10 reps, E/A
complete all rounds within the given
time limit, in the fastest time possible. A2 Push Ups
You have 25 minutes to get through all 8 reps
of today’s workout. You’ve got this!
A3 Shoulder Taps
20 reps

A4 Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Standing)

10 reps

A5 Burpees
8 reps

A6 Jump Squats
20 reps

A7 Dumbbell Toe Touches

10 reps

A8 Step Up Hops
8 reps, E/L

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Workout With Lisa

Full Body Sculpt A1 Roll Downs

with Lisa 30 secs

WA R M U P A2 Plank Walk Outs

30 secs
30 seconds on, 10 seconds transition
time to move between exercises. A3 Downward Dog Pedal
30 seconds rest between sets. 30 secs

A1 Ab Curl Toe Taps
45 seconds on, 15 seconds transition 45 secs, 2 rounds
time to move between exercises.
No longer than 30 seconds rest A2 Criss Cross
between sets. 45 secs, 2 rounds

Note: To increase the difficulty, add

A3 100’s
ankle weights.
45 secs, 2 rounds

B1 4PK Leg Lifts With Pulse

45 secs, E/L, 3 rounds

B2 4PK Bird Dogs

45 secs, 3 rounds

C1 4PK Leg Lift Tricep Dip

45 secs, E/L, 2 rounds

C2 Push Up Chest Lift

45 secs, 2 rounds

C3 Forearm Side Plank Hip Dip

45 secs, E/S, 2 rounds

Festive Recipes

We’re big believers that while food can fuel

you along your fitness journey, it is so much more
than just calories and macros. Food is memories, time
shared with loved ones, family, our culture and so
much more. To get into the festive spirit, we’re giving
you 12 drool-worthy holiday recipes to try!
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Salmon Wreath Serves 6

Per serving: Cals 150 | Protein 6.5g | Fats 13.5g | Carbs 0.5g


120g Smoked Salmon 1. Prepare vegetables: thinly slice radish and

400g Avocado fennel, slice cucumber into ribbons, break
60g Cucumber apart dill and roughly chop chives.
40g Radish 2. In a bowl add avocado, lemon juice and
50g Light Cream Cheese season to taste with salt and pepper. Mix
40g Fennel to combine well.
½ tbsp Dill
3. Prepare wreath: on a large circular plate
½ tbsp Chives
add avocado around perimeter. Top with
½ tbsp Lemon Juice
cucumber, radish, fennel, smoked salmon
5g Olive Oil
and cream cheese dollops. Top wreath
with cracked pepper, dill and chives.
*We recommend making this meal at time Drizzle with olive oil.
of consumption.

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Prawn Cucumber Bites Serves 4

Per serving: Cals 109 | Protein 9g | Fats 8g | Carbs 1g


150g Cucumber 1. Slice cucumbers horizontally.

150g Prawns (Raw) 2. In a bowl combine prawns, olive oil,
200g Avocado cayenne pepper and half of lime juice.
3g Olive Oil
3. Heat a pan over medium heat and add
1tsp Chilli Flakes
prawns. Cook for 1-2 minutes each side.
2tsp Lime Juice
Coriander, to taste 4. In a small bowl add avocado, chilli
½ tsp Cayenne Pepper flakes and remaining lime juice. Mix to
combine well.
5. Top each cucumber slice with avocado
*This meal can be stored in an air-tight
container and kept in the fridge for 2-3 days.
and prawn.

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Turkey Parcels 8 Parcels

Per serving: Cals 305 | Protein 14g | Fats 17g | Carbs 23g


2 Puff Pastry Sheets 1. Preheat oven to 180°C and line a baking

400g Turkey Mince (Raw) sheet with parchment paper.
60g Cranberry Sauce 2. Prepare ingredients: mince garlic and
40g Cranberries (Dried) roughly chop chives and sage. Cut brie
100g Brie Cheese into small cubes.
1 Egg (Raw)
3. In a bowl combine turkey mince,
1tbsp Sage (fresh, chopped)
cranberry sauce, dried cranberries, sage,
1tbsp Chives (fresh, chopped)
chives and garlic.
1 Garlic clove, minced
4. Crack egg in bowl and whisk.

*This meal can be stored in an air-tight 5. Slice puff pastry into quarters. Place one
container and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. piece of brie in centre of pastry. Add one
tablespoon of turkey mix around brie.
Brush corners of pastry with egg wash
and fold edges up to form a pouch.
6. Add parcels on baking sheet and brush
with remaining egg wash. Cook in oven
for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Spinach & Ricotta Parcels 8 Parcels

Per serving: Cals 234 | Protein 9g | Fats 14g | Carbs 19g


2 Puff Pastry Sheets 1. Preheat oven to 180°C and line a baking

50g Spinach sheet with parchment paper.
500g Ricotta 2. In a bowl combine ricotta, nutmeg and
1 Egg spinach. Season to taste with salt and
1tsp Nutmeg pepper.
3. Cut puff pastry into quarters.

*This meal can be stored in an air-tight 4. Crack egg in bowl and whisk.
container and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days.
5. Slice puff pastry into quarters. Add one
tablespoon of mixture to centre of pastry.
Brush corner with egg wash and fold
edges up to form a pouch.
6. Add parcels on baking sheet and brush
with remaining egg wash. Cook in oven
for 20-25 minutes, until golden brown.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Christmas Couscous Serves 8

Per serving: Cals 101 | Protein 3g | Fats 2g | Carbs 18g


300g Pearl Couscous (Raw) 1. Prepare vegetables: thaw peas, finely

150g Green Peas (Frozen) dice red onion and cut tomatoes in half.
250g Cherry Tomatoes 2. Cook couscous as per packet instructions.
10g Olive Oil
3. In a large bowl combine couscous, peas,
1 Red Onion
tomatoes, onion and parsley. Drizzle
¼ cup Fresh Parsley
olive oil, lemon and season to taste with
1 tbsp Lemon Juice
salt and pepper. Gently toss to combine.

*This meal can be stored in an air-tight

container and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Friends Left Overs Sandwich Serves 1

Per serving: Cals 531 | Protein 48g | Fats 7g | Carbs 68g


3 Slices Sourdough 1. To bottom layer of sandwich add mash

60g Ham (Leg) potato and sliced turkey.
70g Turkey Breast (Cooked) 2. In a shallow plate or bowl add gravy.
55g Gravy (Traditional) Add the second slice of bread to gravy
50g Mash Potato and sit for 1 minute each side to allow
30g Stuffing bread to soak.
3. Top turkey with gravy soaked bread.
On top of this slice, add cranberry sauce,
*We recommend making this meal at time
of consumption. stuffing and ham.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Rocky Road Serves 14

Per serving: Cals 290 | Protein 5g | Fats 13g | Carbs 38g


500g Milk Chocolate 1. Line a slice tray with parchment paper.

150g Marshmallows 2. Prepare ingredients: roughly chop
60g Peanuts marshmallows, peanuts and lollies.
150g Raspberry Lollies
3. Place chocolate in a small microwave
safe bowl and microwave on high for
10-20 seconds. Stir chocolate and return
*Rocky road can be stored in an air-tight
container and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. to microwave for 10 second bursts if
required, stirring until melted.
4. Place marshmallows, peanuts and lollies
into bowl with melted chocolate and mix
to evenly combine.
5. Transfer rocky road mixture into slice tray
and press firmly with a spatula.
6. Place in fridge for 1 hour or until set,
then cut.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Popcorn Rocky Road Serves 10

Per serving: Cals 101 | Protein 3g | Fats 2g | Carbs 18g


100g Popcorn 1. Line a slice tray with parchment paper.

200g Dark Chocolate 2. Prepare ingredients: roughly chop
120g Raspberry Lollies marshmallows and lollies.
100g Marshmallows
3. Place chocolate in a small microwave
safe bowl and microwave on high for
10-20 seconds. Stir chocolate and return
*Rocky road can be stored in an air-tight
container and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. to microwave for 10 second bursts if
required, stirring until melted.
4. Place marshmallows, popcorn and lollies
into bowl with melted chocolate and mix
to evenly combine.
5. Transfer rocky road mixture into slice tray
and press down with a spatula.
6. Place in fridge for 1 hour or until set,
then break apart.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Reindeer Cookies Serves 10

Per serving: Cals 241 | Protein 4g | Fats 13g | Carbs 28g


Microwave at 30 second intervals and
115g Dark Chocolate mix until melted. Set aside.
55g Butter (Unsalted) 3. To a second bowl add brown sugar, egg
1 Egg and a pinch of salt. Beat with an electric
100g Brown Sugar egg mixer for 3-4 minutes on high speed
120g Plain Flour until light and fluffy.
10g Cocoa Powder
4. Gently fold through melted chocolate.
16 Pretzels
8 Red Smarties 5. Sift through flour, cocoa and baking
16 Candy Eyes powder to mixture. Mix with whisk until
½ tsp Baking Powder combined.

6. Scoop mixture onto baking tray and bake

for 12-14 min. Let cool for 20 minutes.

METHOD 7. Melt remaining dark chocolate. Gently

dip one half of pretzel in dark chocolate
1. Preheat oven to 180°C and line a
and stick to cookie to create two ears.
baking sheet with parchment paper.
Repeat this process for eyes and nose.
2. To a microwave safe bowl add
105g of dark chocolate and butter. *Cookies can be stored in an air-tight
container and kept for 3-4 days.
21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Chocolate Coconut Bliss Balls Makes 8

Per serving (2 Balls): Cals 191 | Protein 11g | Fats 10g | Carbs 15g

1. Add all ingredients to a food processor
40g Rolled Oats (Raw)
or blender with 1.5 tablespoons of water.
24g Peanut Butter
Blend until smooth. Additional water can
30g Shredded Coconut
be added, if required.
40g Whey Protein Powder
30ml Maple Syrup 2. Use your hands to roll mixture into balls.
10g Cacao Powder 3. Chill balls for at least 30 minutes prior
to eating.
We recommend chocolate flavoured protein
powder for this recipe.

Gingerbread Protein Balls Makes 8

Per serving (2 Balls): Cals 117 | Protein 9g | Fats 2g | Carbs 17g

1. Combine all ingredients in a food
40g 40g Rolled Oats (Raw)
processor and pulse until evenly mixed.
30g Whey Protein Powder
Add a dash of water if required.
20ml Almond Milk
15g Almond Butter 2. Scrape around sides and bottom of food
½ tsp Ground Ginger processor and pulse again to ensure all
1 tsp Ground Cinnamon ingredients are evenly combined.
¼ tsp Ground Nutmeg 3. Remove mixture from processor and
break into small chunks. Roll in your
palms to make evenly sized balls.
*These can be stored in an air-tight container
and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. 4. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes prior
to eating.

21 Day Countdown Challenge| Festive Recipes

Cranberry Protein Balls Makes 8

Per serving (2 Balls): Cals 115 | Protein 8g | Fats 2g | Carbs 17g

1. Add all ingredients to bowl and mix
40g Rolled Oats (Raw)
to combine. Water can be added if
20g Cranberries
required to reach desired consistency.
40g Whey Protein Powder
30ml Maple Syrup 2. Roll in your palms to make evenly
sized balls.
3. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes prior
*These can be stored in an air-tight container
and kept in the fridge for 3-4 days. to eating.
21 Day Countdown Challenge

You’ve got to be in it to WIN IT!

Tis the season of giving, and this festive season we’re giving
you more ways to win when you join our 21 Day Countdown
Challenge starting November 28th.

We know everyone celebrates progress differently, so we’re

selecting 3 lucky winners to each receive a $500 cash prize.


Selected based on who has

completed the highest number of
workouts, and consistently achieves
their nutrition goals.


Selected based on continuous

engagement with the Challenge
hashtag #countdownwithus.


Selected based on submitting

outstanding progress and commitment
to a goal. This can be submitted via our
client survey form found in your emails.
21 Day Countdown Challenge

With the end of the year only a few

weeks away, we are here to help you
find balance this festive season.

The 21 Day Countdown

Challenge officially begins
on November 28th.

All you need to do is commit to 21 Days and

get ready to move with us into the New Year.

If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate

to reach us at info@movewithus.com


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