Financial Goal Calc

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Financial Goal Calculator Enter values in the yellow cells

First, enter the target amount of money that you'd like to reach. This
could be tied to a specific goal, such as buying a house. $1,000,000

When would you like to reach this goal?

If you already have some money saved up for this goal, enter it here $200,000

How much money are you willing to contribute towards this goal every
month? $4,000

To reach this goal, you should put your money in an

investment that has an average annual return of Starting amount Total con

Starting amount
Total contributions
Total interest
Month Monthly Contribution
Total contribution
Monthly interest Total interest

1 £4,000 £204,000 £2,050 £2,050

2 £4,000 £208,000 £2,112 £4,163
3 £4,000 £212,000 £2,175 £6,338
4 £4,000 £216,000 £2,238 £8,576
5 £4,000 £220,000 £2,302 £10,878
6 £4,000 £224,000 £2,367 £13,245
7 £4,000 £228,000 £2,432 £15,678
8 £4,000 £232,000 £2,498 £18,176
9 £4,000 £236,000 £2,565 £20,740
10 £4,000 £240,000 £2,632 £23,372
11 £4,000 £244,000 £2,700 £26,072
12 £4,000 £248,000 £2,769 £28,841
13 £4,000 £252,000 £2,838 £31,679
14 £4,000 £256,000 £2,908 £34,588
15 £4,000 £260,000 £2,979 £37,567
16 £4,000 £264,000 £3,051 £40,617
17 £4,000 £268,000 £3,123 £43,740
18 £4,000 £272,000 £3,196 £46,936
19 £4,000 £276,000 £3,270 £50,206
20 £4,000 £280,000 £3,344 £53,550
21 £4,000 £284,000 £3,419 £56,969
22 £4,000 £288,000 £3,496 £60,465
23 £4,000 £292,000 £3,572 £64,037
24 £4,000 £296,000 £3,650 £67,687
25 £4,000 £300,000 £3,728 £71,416
26 £4,000 £304,000 £3,808 £75,223
27 £4,000 £308,000 £3,888 £79,111
28 £4,000 £312,000 £3,969 £83,079
29 £4,000 £316,000 £4,050 £87,130
30 £4,000 £320,000 £4,133 £91,263
31 £4,000 £324,000 £4,216 £95,479
32 £4,000 £328,000 £4,300 £99,779
33 £4,000 £332,000 £4,385 £104,165
34 £4,000 £336,000 £4,471 £108,636
35 £4,000 £340,000 £4,558 £113,194
36 £4,000 £344,000 £4,646 £117,840
37 £4,000 £348,000 £4,735 £122,575
38 £4,000 £352,000 £4,824 £127,399
39 £4,000 £356,000 £4,915 £132,314
40 £4,000 £360,000 £5,006 £137,320
41 £4,000 £364,000 £5,098 £142,419
42 £4,000 £368,000 £5,192 £147,610
43 £4,000 £372,000 £5,286 £152,896
44 £4,000 £376,000 £5,381 £158,277
45 £4,000 £380,000 £5,477 £163,755
46 £4,000 £384,000 £5,574 £169,329
47 £4,000 £388,000 £5,673 £175,002
48 £4,000 £392,000 £5,772 £180,773
49 £4,000 £396,000 £5,872 £186,645
50 £4,000 £400,000 £5,973 £192,618
51 £4,000 £404,000 £6,075 £198,694
52 £4,000 £408,000 £6,179 £204,872
53 £4,000 £412,000 £6,283 £211,155
54 £4,000 £416,000 £6,388 £217,544
55 £4,000 £420,000 £6,495 £224,039
56 £4,000 £424,000 £6,603 £230,641
57 £4,000 £428,000 £6,711 £237,353
58 £4,000 £432,000 £6,821 £244,174
59 £4,000 £436,000 £6,932 £251,106
60 £4,000 £440,000 £7,044 £258,150
61 £4,000 £444,000 £7,157 £265,307
62 £4,000 £448,000 £7,272 £272,579
63 £4,000 £452,000 £7,387 £279,966
64 £4,000 £456,000 £7,504 £287,470
65 £4,000 £460,000 £7,622 £295,092
66 £4,000 £464,000 £7,741 £302,833
67 £4,000 £468,000 £7,861 £310,694
68 £4,000 £472,000 £7,983 £318,677
69 £4,000 £476,000 £8,106 £326,783
70 £4,000 £480,000 £8,230 £335,013
71 £4,000 £484,000 £8,355 £343,368
72 £4,000 £488,000 £8,482 £351,850
73 £4,000 £492,000 £8,610 £360,460
74 £4,000 £496,000 £8,739 £369,199
75 £4,000 £500,000 £8,870 £378,069
76 £4,000 £504,000 £9,002 £387,071
77 £4,000 £508,000 £9,135 £396,206
78 £4,000 £512,000 £9,270 £405,476
79 £4,000 £516,000 £9,406 £414,881
80 £4,000 £520,000 £9,543 £424,425
81 £4,000 £524,000 £9,682 £434,107
82 £4,000 £528,000 £9,822 £443,929
83 £4,000 £532,000 £9,964 £453,893
84 £4,000 £536,000 £10,107 £464,000
Starting amount Total contributions Total interest

‫أدخل األرقام في األجزاء الصفراء‬ ‫حاسبة األهداف المالية‬

‫في البداية قم بتحديد مبلغ من المال ترغب في الوصول إليه‪ ،‬قد يكون هذا مربوطًا‬
‫‪$1,000,000‬‬ ‫‪.‬بهدف معين‪ ،‬مثل امتالك منزل جديد‬

‫متى تريد تحقيق هذا الهدف؟‬

‫‪$200,000‬‬ ‫اذا كنت بالفعل قد ادخرت بعض المال لبلوغ هذا الهدف‪ ،‬اكتبه هنا‬

‫‪$2,000‬‬ ‫انت على استعداد الستقطاعه كم من أموالك شهريًا للوصول لهذا الهدف؟‬

‫إجمالي المساه‬ ‫اجمالي الفوائد‬ ‫من أجل تحقيق هذا الهدف عليك وضع أموالك في استثمار بمتوسط عائد سنوي‬

‫مبلغ البدء‬
‫إجمالي المساهمة‬
‫اجمالي الفوائد‬
Total interest Monthly interest Total contribution
Monthly Contribution Month

£2,050 £2,050 £202,000 £2,000 1

£4,163 £2,112 £204,000 £2,000 2
£6,338 £2,175 £206,000 £2,000 3
£8,576 £2,238 £208,000 £2,000 4
£10,878 £2,302 £210,000 £2,000 5
£13,245 £2,367 £212,000 £2,000 6
£15,678 £2,432 £214,000 £2,000 7
£18,176 £2,498 £216,000 £2,000 8
£20,740 £2,565 £218,000 £2,000 9
£23,372 £2,632 £220,000 £2,000 10
£26,072 £2,700 £222,000 £2,000 11
£28,841 £2,769 £224,000 £2,000 12
£31,679 £2,838 £226,000 £2,000 13
£34,588 £2,908 £228,000 £2,000 14
£37,567 £2,979 £230,000 £2,000 15
£40,617 £3,051 £232,000 £2,000 16
£43,740 £3,123 £234,000 £2,000 17
£46,936 £3,196 £236,000 £2,000 18
£50,206 £3,270 £238,000 £2,000 19
£53,550 £3,344 £240,000 £2,000 20
£56,969 £3,419 £242,000 £2,000 21
£60,465 £3,496 £244,000 £2,000 22
£64,037 £3,572 £246,000 £2,000 23
£67,687 £3,650 £248,000 £2,000 24
£71,416 £3,728 £250,000 £2,000 25
£75,223 £3,808 £252,000 £2,000 26
£79,111 £3,888 £254,000 £2,000 27
£83,079 £3,969 £256,000 £2,000 28
£87,130 £4,050 £258,000 £2,000 29
£91,263 £4,133 £260,000 £2,000 30
£95,479 £4,216 £262,000 £2,000 31
£99,779 £4,300 £264,000 £2,000 32
£104,165 £4,385 £266,000 £2,000 33
£108,636 £4,471 £268,000 £2,000 34
£113,194 £4,558 £270,000 £2,000 35
£117,840 £4,646 £272,000 £2,000 36
£122,575 £4,735 £274,000 £2,000 37
£127,399 £4,824 £276,000 £2,000 38
£132,314 £4,915 £278,000 £2,000 39
£137,320 £5,006 £280,000 £2,000 40
£142,419 £5,098 £282,000 £2,000 41
£147,610 £5,192 £284,000 £2,000 42
£152,896 £5,286 £286,000 £2,000 43
£158,277 £5,381 £288,000 £2,000 44
£163,755 £5,477 £290,000 £2,000 45
£169,329 £5,574 £292,000 £2,000 46
£175,002 £5,673 £294,000 £2,000 47
£180,773 £5,772 £296,000 £2,000 48
£186,645 £5,872 £298,000 £2,000 49
£192,618 £5,973 £300,000 £2,000 50
£198,694 £6,075 £302,000 £2,000 51
£204,872 £6,179 £304,000 £2,000 52
£211,155 £6,283 £306,000 £2,000 53
£217,544 £6,388 £308,000 £2,000 54
£224,039 £6,495 £310,000 £2,000 55
£230,641 £6,603 £312,000 £2,000 56
£237,353 £6,711 £314,000 £2,000 57
£244,174 £6,821 £316,000 £2,000 58
£251,106 £6,932 £318,000 £2,000 59
£258,150 £7,044 £320,000 £2,000 60
£265,307 £7,157 £322,000 £2,000 61
£272,579 £7,272 £324,000 £2,000 62
£279,966 £7,387 £326,000 £2,000 63
£287,470 £7,504 £328,000 £2,000 64
£295,092 £7,622 £330,000 £2,000 65
£302,833 £7,741 £332,000 £2,000 66
£310,694 £7,861 £334,000 £2,000 67
£318,677 £7,983 £336,000 £2,000 68
£326,783 £8,106 £338,000 £2,000 69
£335,013 £8,230 £340,000 £2,000 70
£343,368 £8,355 £342,000 £2,000 71
£351,850 £8,482 £344,000 £2,000 72
£360,460 £8,610 £346,000 £2,000 73
£369,199 £8,739 £348,000 £2,000 74
£378,069 £8,870 £350,000 £2,000 75
£387,071 £9,002 £352,000 £2,000 76
£396,206 £9,135 £354,000 £2,000 77
£405,476 £9,270 £356,000 £2,000 78
£414,881 £9,406 £358,000 £2,000 79
£424,425 £9,543 £360,000 £2,000 80
£434,107 £9,682 £362,000 £2,000 81
£443,929 £9,822 £364,000 £2,000 82
£453,893 £9,964 £366,000 £2,000 83
£464,000 £10,107 £368,000 £2,000 84
‫مبلغ البدء‬ ‫إجمالي المساهمة‬ ‫اجمالي الفوائد‬


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