TGS - 3 - Khofifah Indir Nurwulan Sari - TI-2020-A-P

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DOSEN : Martanto, M.Kom

DisusunOleh :

Khofifah Indir Nurwulan Sari (41200128)

3.5.5 Packet Tracer - Investigate the TCP/IP and OSI Models in Action


Part 1: Examine HTTP Web Traffic

Part 2: Display Elements of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite


This simulation activity is intended to provide a foundation for understanding the TCP/IP

protocol suite and the relationship to the OSI model. Simulation mode allows you to view the

data contents being sent across the network at each layer.

As data moves through the network, it is broken down into smaller pieces and identified so

that the pieces can be put back together when they arrive at the destination. Each piece is

assigned a specific name (protocol data unit [PDU]) and associated with a specific layer of

the TCP/IP and OSI models. Packet Tracer simulation mode enables you to view each of the

layers and the associated PDU. The following steps lead the user through the process of

requesting a web page from a web server by using the web browser application available on a

client PC.

Even though much of the information displayed will be discussed in more detail later, this is

an opportunity to explore the functionality of Packet Tracer and be able to visualize the

encapsulation process.


Part 1: Examine HTTP Web Traffic

In Part 1 of this activity, you will use Packet Tracer (PT) Simulation mode to generate web

traffic and examine HTTP.

Step 1: Switch from Realtime to Simulation mode.

In the lower right corner of the Packet Tracer interface are buttons that toggle

between Realtime and Simulation mode. PT always starts in Realtime mode, in which

networking protocols operate with realistic timings. However, a powerful feature of Packet

Tracer allows the user to “stop time” by switching to Simulation mode. In Simulation mode,

packets are displayed as animated envelopes, time is event driven, and the user can step

through networking events.

a. Click the Simulation mode icon to switch from Realtime mode to Simulation mode.

b. Select HTTP from the Event List Filters.

1) HTTP may already be the only visible event. If necessary, click the Edit

Filters button at the bottom of the simulation panel to display the available visible

events. Toggle the Show All/None check box and notice how the check boxes switch

from unchecked to checked or checked to unchecked, depending on the current state.

2) Click the Show All/None check box until all boxes are cleared and then

select HTTP from the Misc tab of the Edit Filters window. Click the X in the upper

right hand corner of the window to close the Edit Filters window. The Visible Events

should now only display HTTP.

Step 2: Generate web (HTTP) traffic.

Currently the Simulation Panel is empty. There are five columns listed across the top of the

Event List within the Simulation Panel. As traffic is generated and stepped through, events

appear in the list.

Note: The Web Server and Web Client are displayed in the left pane. The panels can be

adjusted in size by hovering next to the scroll bar and dragging left or right when the double-

headed arrow appears.

a. Click Web Client in the far left pane.

b. Click the Desktop tab and click the Web Browser icon to open it.

c. In the URL field, enter www.osi.local and click Go.

Because time in Simulation mode is event-driven, you must use

the Capture/Forward button to display network events. The capture forward button is

located at the left hand side of the blue band that is below the topology window. Of the

three buttons there, it is the one on the right.

d. Click Capture/Forward four times. There should be four events in the Event List.


Look at the Web Client web browser page. Did anything change?

Answer : The web page was returned from the web server.

e. Click the first colored square box under the Event List > Type column. It may be

necessary to expand the Simulation Panel or use the scrollbar directly below the Event

The PDU Information at Device: Web Client window displays. In this window, there

are only two tabs (OSI Model and Outbound PDU Details) because this is the start of

the transmission. As more events are examined, there will be three tabs displayed, adding

a tab for Inbound PDU Details. When an event is the last event in the stream of traffic,

only the OSI Model and Inbound PDU Details tabs are displayed.

f. Ensure that the OSI Model tab is selected.

Under the Out Layers column, click Layer 7.


What information is listed in the numbered steps directly below the In Layers and Out

Layers boxes for Layer 7?

Answer : 1. The HTTP client sends a HTTP request to the server.

What is the Dst Port value for Layer 4 under the Out Layers column?

Answer : 80
What is the Dest. IP value for Layer 3 under the Out Layers column?

Answer :
What information is displayed at Layer 2 under the Out Layers column?

Answer : Layer 2 Ethernet II Header and inbound and

outbound MAC addresses.
g. Click the Outbound PDU Details tab.

Information listed under the PDU Formats is reflective of the layers within the TCP/IP


Note: The information listed under the Ethernet II section of the Outbound PDU Details

tab provides even more detailed information than is listed under Layer 2 on the OSI

Model tab. The Outbound PDU Details provides more descriptive and detailed
information. The values under DEST MAC and SRC MAC within the Ethernet

II section of the PDU Details appear on the OSI Model tab under Layer 2, but are not

identified as such.Questions:

What is the common information listed under the IP section of PDU Details as compared

to the information listed under the OSI Model tab? With which layer is it associated?

Answer : SRC IP and DST IP at Layer 3

What is the common information listed under the TCP section of PDU Details, as

compared to the information listed under the OSI Model tab, and with which layer is it


Answer : SRC PORT and DEST PORT at Layer 4

What is the Host listed under the HTTP section of the PDU Details? What layer would

this information be associated with under the OSI Model tab?

Answer : www.osi.local, Layer 7

h. Click the next colored square box under the Event List > Type column. Only Layer 1 is

active (not grayed out). The device is moving the frame from the buffer and placing it on

to the network.

i. Advance to the next HTTP Type box within the Event List and click the colored square

box. This window contains both In Layers and Out Layers. Notice the direction of the

arrow directly under the In Layers column; it is pointing upward, indicating the direction

the data is travelling. Scroll through these layers making note of the items previously

viewed. At the top of the column the arrow points to the right. This denotes that the

server is now sending the information back to the client.


Comparing the information displayed in the In Layers column with that of the Out

Layers column, what are the major differences?

Answer : The Src and Dst Ports, Src and Dst IPs and MAC addresses have been


j. Click the Inbound and Outbound PDU Details tab. Review the PDU details.

k. Click the last colored square box under the Info column.


How many tabs are displayed with this event? Explain.

Answer : Just 2, one for the OSI Model and one for Inbound PDU Details because

this is the receiving device.

Part 2: Display Elements of the TCP/IP Protocol Suite

In Part 2 of this activity, you will use the Packet Tracer Simulation mode to view and

examine some of the other protocols comprising of TCP/IP suite.

Step 1: View Additional Events

a. Close any open PDU information windows.

b. In the Event List Filters > Visible Events section, click Show All/None.


What additional Event Types are displayed?

Answer : Depending on whether any communications has occurred prior to starting

the original simulation, there should now be entries for ARP, DNS, TCP and HTTP.
It is possible that the ARP entries may not show, depending on what a student may

have done prior to going to Simulation mode. If the activity is started from scratch

all of those will be listed.

These extra entries play various roles within the TCP/IP suite. Address Resolution

Protocol (ARP) requests MAC addresses for destination hosts. DNS is responsible for

converting a name (for example, www.osi.local) to an IP address. The additional TCP

events are responsible for connecting, agreeing on communication parameters, and

disconnecting the communications sessions between the devices. These protocols have

been mentioned previously and will be further discussed as the course progresses.

Currently there are over 35 possible protocols (event types) available for capture within

Packet Tracer.

c. Click the first DNS event in the Type column. Explore the OSI Model and PDU

Detail tabs and note the encapsulation process. As you look at the OSI Model tab

with Layer 7 highlighted, a description of what is occurring is listed directly below

the In Layers and Out Layers (“1. The DNS client sends a DNS query to the DNS

server.”). This is very useful information to help understand what is occurring during the

communication process.

d. Click the Outbound PDU Details tab.


What information is listed in the NAME field: in the DNS QUERY section?

Answer : www.osi.local

e. Click the last DNS Info colored square box in the event list.

At which device was the PDU captured?

Answer : The Web Client

What is the value listed next to ADDRESS: in the DNS ANSWER section of

the Inbound PDU Details?

Answer : – the address of the Web Server

f. Find the first HTTP event in the list and click the colored square box of the TCP event

immediately following this event. Highlight Layer 4 in the OSI Model tab.


In the numbered list directly below the In Layers and Out Layers, what is the

information displayed under items 4 and 5?

Answer : 4. The TCP connection is successful. 5. The device sets the connection state


TCP manages the connecting and disconnecting of the communications channel along

with other responsibilities. This particular event shows that the communication channel


g. Click the last TCP event. Highlight Layer 4 in the OSI Model tab. Examine the steps

listed directly below In Layers and Out Layers.


What is the purpose of this event, based on the information provided in the last item in

the list (should be item 4)?

Answer : CLOSING the connection.
Challenge Questions

This simulation provided an example of a web session between a client and a server on a

local area network (LAN). The client makes requests to specific services running on the

server. The server must be set up to listen on specific ports for a client request. (Hint: Look at

Layer 4 in the OSI Model tab for port information.)

Based on the information that was inspected during the Packet Tracer capture, what port

number is the Web Server listening on for the web request?

Answer : The first HTTP PDU being requested by the Web Client shows port 80 under

the layer 4 DST port.

What port is the Web Server listening on for a DNS request?

Answer : The first DNS PDU being requested by the Web Client shows a layer 4

destination of port 53.

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